Inocybe (Fr.) Fr. 1863

- Inocybe adaequata
- Inocybe aequalis
- Inocybe aequalis
- Inocybe albovestita
- Inocybe amygdalina
- Inocybe asterospora
- Inocybe austrofilbrillosa
- Inocybe avellanea
- Inocybe bella
- Inocybe bongardii
- Inocybe brevicula
- Inocybe brunnea
- Inocybe brunneidisca
- Inocybe brunneolutea
- Inocybe bulbinella
- Inocybe caerulata
- Inocybe calamistrata
- Inocybe calamistratoides
- Inocybe callichroa
- Inocybe calocephala
- Inocybe cerea
- Inocybe corydalina
- Inocybe curvipes
- Inocybe cystidiocatenata
- Inocybe densipruinosa
- Inocybe destruens
- Inocybe dewrangia
- Inocybe dissimilis
- Inocybe diversa
- Inocybe dulcamara
- Inocybe erubescens
- Inocybe eutheles
- Inocybe eutheles
- Inocybe fastigiata
- Inocybe fibrillosibrunnea
- Inocybe flocculosa
- Inocybe fragilis
- Inocybe fulvilubrica
- Inocybe fuscosquarrosa
- Inocybe geniculata
- Inocybe geophylla
- Inocybe gilibertoi
- Inocybe godeyi
- Inocybe gracilior
- Inocybe grammata
- Inocybe graveolens
- Inocybe halophila
- Inocybe helobia
- Inocybe horakomyces
- Inocybe ignobilis
- Inocybe infirma
- Inocybe intermedia
- Inocybe invadens
- Inocybe irregularis
- Inocybe jacobi
- Inocybe jurana
- Inocybe kuehneri
- Inocybe lacera
- Inocybe lanuginella
- Inocybe lanuginosa
- Inocybe latericia
- Inocybe leptospermi
- Inocybe lucifera
- Inocybe luteobulbosa
- Inocybe maculata
- Inocybe magnibulbosa
- Inocybe manukanea
- Inocybe marangania
- Inocybe mendica
- Inocybe microsperma
- Inocybe minima
- Inocybe misera
- Inocybe mixtilis
- Inocybe occulta
- Inocybe ovispora
- Inocybe paracerasphora
- Inocybe patouillardii
- Inocybe phaeosquarrosa
- Inocybe poculata
- Inocybe posterula
- Inocybe pseudorubens
- Inocybe pudica
- Inocybe pyriodora
- Inocybe rainierensis
- Inocybe renispora
- Inocybe rimosa
- Inocybe sambucina
- Inocybe scabella
- Inocybe scabella
- Inocybe scabriuscula
- Inocybe scissa
- Inocybe scobifera
- Inocybe semifulva
- Inocybe serrata
- Inocybe serratoides
- Inocybe sindonia
- Inocybe sororia
- Inocybe sp. 'Ahuriri (PDD 105585)'
- Inocybe sp. 'elegantior (PDD 97875)'
- Inocybe sp. 'Howick (PDD 112927)'
- Inocybe sp. 'Petersen Road (PDD 106098)'
- Inocybe sp. 'subelegantior (PDD 97905)'
- Inocybe spinulifera
- Inocybe straminea
- Inocybe strigiceps
- Inocybe strobilacea
- Inocybe strobilomyces
- Inocybe subclavata
- Inocybe subferruginea
- Inocybe subgen. Inosperma
- Inocybe subgen. Mallocybe
- Inocybe subpulverulenta
- Inocybe sylvicola
- Inocybe tauensis
- Inocybe tenax
- Inocybe turbata
- Inocybe umbrosa
- Inocybe vagata
- Inocybe vicina
- Inocybe viscata
- Inocybe whitei
Ectomycorrhizal species in beech forest and under tea-tree. Small, brown mushrooms with distinctively shaggy caps, distinguished from Inocybe by spore shape.
Twelve species have been reported from New Zealand, only those listed below have descriptions or images available from NZFungi.
Inocybe (Fr.) Fr. 1863
Small, dull brown mushrooms, found only on soil, most species with a dry, hairy or fibrillose cap, gills covered by cobweb-like veil when young, spore print dull brown in colour.
There are at least 12 species in New Zealand, including some exotic species (under pine and oak). In addition there are 12 species of the closely related genus Astrosporina, distinguished from Inocybe only by spore shape. The species are difficult to identify without examining microscopic features.
Ectomycorhizal. The native species are found only under tea-tree or Nothofagus, although there are also exotic species found under introduced trees, one pale species especially common under pine.
Small Cortinarius species have a similar stature, but usually with a smooth cap, and with rusty-brown or orange-brown spores compared the dull brown of Inocybe. Panaeolus and Psilocybe have very dark, purple-brown spores, Agrocybe usually on fallen wood and litter rather than soil.
Small, ectomycorrhizal mushrooms common on ground under Nothofagus and tea-tree. Characterised by a cortina-like veil on the stalk, shaggy cap, and rough-walled spores with no germ pore. Most New Zealand species are brown.
Many authors consider Astrosporina, with smooth-walled, nodulose spores, congeneric.
More than 20 species have been reported from New Zealand, only those listed below have descriptions or images available from NZFungi.