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Perichaena Fr. 1817

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New Zealand
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Perichaena Fr. 1817

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Perichaena Fr. 1817

Fruiting body a sessile or stalked sporangium, or tubular network across surface of substrate. Stalk dark when present. Opening by a preformed operculum. Sterile filaments amongst the spores almost smooth. Spore mass yellow. Two species in New Zealand.

Note that only those species listed below have images or descriptions available through the Virtual Mycota.

Perichaena Fr. 1817

Fruiting body a stalked or sessile sporangium or a plasmodiocarp. Stalk (when present) short, thick, dark. Hypothallus membranous, irregular to contiguous to a group of fruiting bodies, often not evident. Peridium usually double, the outer layer granular, rarely calcareous, sometimes poorly developed, the inner membranous, closely attached. Capillitium of simple or branched tubular threads, slightly roughened to warted or spiny or minutely annulate, but not bearing spirals. Spores yellow, minutely warted or spiny.
This genus contains about 20 species worldwide. A key to many of the more common and widely distributed of these is provided by Keller & Eliasson (1992). Only five species are known to occur in New Zealand.

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Perichaena Fr. 1817
New Zealand

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scientific name
1 January 2001
10 September 2020
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