Chlorovibrissea L.M. Kohn 1989

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Chlorovibrissea L.M. Kohn 1989
Chlorovibrissea L.M. Kohn 1989
L.M. Kohn
L.M. Kohn
Chlorovibrissea L.M. Kohn 1989
Chlorovibrissea L.M. Kohn 1989
See Manaaki Whenua datastore https://doi.org/10.7931/KEZ8-4342, Chlorovibrissea sensu Sandoval-Leiva et al. 2014 is polyphyletic
Chlorovibrissea L.M. Kohn 1989
HOLOTYPE SPECIMENS EXAMINED. Vibrissea bicolor: AUSTRALIA. VICTORIA: Melba Gully nr. Laver's Hill, on underside of unidentified log with ascomata partially immersed in stream, 22 Jul 1976, G. Beaton 389 (MELU) Vibrissea tasmanica: AUSTRALIA. TASMANIA: NW of Tyenna R., Marriotts Falls, [substrate unknown], Jun 1924, Rodway (Ho 325 370). Vibrissea melanochlora: AUSTRALIA. VICTORIA: Dandenogs, Hardy's Gully, [substrate and collector unknown], 21 Jul 1951 (MELU 930F).
OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED. Chlorovibrissea cf. melanochlora: NEW ZEALAND. NORTH ISLAND. BAY OF PLENTY: Urewera National Park, ca. 15 km SE of Ruatahuna, on decorticated wood, 3 Nov 1982, Samuels, Buchanan & Johnston (PDD 47222). SOUTH ISLAND. BULLER: S end of Paparoa Range, Croesius Track, Garden Gully, on wood (?Nothofagus), 2 May 1985, Samuels, Johnston & Kohn (LMK85-123) (herb. L. M. Kohn). Chlorovibrissea tasmanica: NEW ZEALAND. NORTH ISLAND. BAY OF PLENTY: Urewera Nail. Park, ca. 15 km SE of Ruatahuna, on decorticated wood, 24 May 1982, Samuels (immature, PDD 47223) Chlorovibrissea cf. bicolor: NEW ZEALAND. SOUTH ISLAND. FIORDLAND: Fiordland Nat. Park, W. arm of Lake Manapouri, Wilmot Pass, on twigs of Nothofagus menziesii, 26 Apr 1985, Samuels & Kohn (LMK 85-67) (herb. L. M. Kohn). WESTLAND: Mt. Aspiring Nail. Park, Haast Pass, Robinson's Creek, on wood, 12 Apr 1983, Samuels, Beever, Johnston & Petersen (PDD 50207). Chlorovibrissea tasmanica: AUSTRALIA. Apollo Bay, [substrate unknown], May 1935, M. Fawcett (MELU 5929F, 5931F). Chlorovibrissea sp.: NEW ZEALAND. NORTH ISLAND. TARANAKI: Mt. Egmont Nat. Park, track from Stratford to Dawson Falls, on decorticated wood, 24 Apr 1983, Samuels, Johnston & Petersen (PDD 50204, possibly a new species). Vibrissea truncorum: U.S.A. PENNSYLVANIA: Valley Forge, on rotten twig under water, 23 May 1964, R. F. & W. C Denison (CUP 48094 ex herb. Sanchez). VERMONT: Stratton Township, Black Brook, on wet wood, 20 Jul 196l, R. P. Korf (herb. R. P. Korf 3113). ENGLAND. Hebden Bridge, Needham, on decaying wood, 14 May 1898, [collector unknown] (CUP-Durand 4-320).
OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED. Chlorovibrissea cf. melanochlora: NEW ZEALAND. NORTH ISLAND. BAY OF PLENTY: Urewera National Park, ca. 15 km SE of Ruatahuna, on decorticated wood, 3 Nov 1982, Samuels, Buchanan & Johnston (PDD 47222). SOUTH ISLAND. BULLER: S end of Paparoa Range, Croesius Track, Garden Gully, on wood (?Nothofagus), 2 May 1985, Samuels, Johnston & Kohn (LMK85-123) (herb. L. M. Kohn). Chlorovibrissea tasmanica: NEW ZEALAND. NORTH ISLAND. BAY OF PLENTY: Urewera Nail. Park, ca. 15 km SE of Ruatahuna, on decorticated wood, 24 May 1982, Samuels (immature, PDD 47223) Chlorovibrissea cf. bicolor: NEW ZEALAND. SOUTH ISLAND. FIORDLAND: Fiordland Nat. Park, W. arm of Lake Manapouri, Wilmot Pass, on twigs of Nothofagus menziesii, 26 Apr 1985, Samuels & Kohn (LMK 85-67) (herb. L. M. Kohn). WESTLAND: Mt. Aspiring Nail. Park, Haast Pass, Robinson's Creek, on wood, 12 Apr 1983, Samuels, Beever, Johnston & Petersen (PDD 50207). Chlorovibrissea tasmanica: AUSTRALIA. Apollo Bay, [substrate unknown], May 1935, M. Fawcett (MELU 5929F, 5931F). Chlorovibrissea sp.: NEW ZEALAND. NORTH ISLAND. TARANAKI: Mt. Egmont Nat. Park, track from Stratford to Dawson Falls, on decorticated wood, 24 Apr 1983, Samuels, Johnston & Petersen (PDD 50204, possibly a new species). Vibrissea truncorum: U.S.A. PENNSYLVANIA: Valley Forge, on rotten twig under water, 23 May 1964, R. F. & W. C Denison (CUP 48094 ex herb. Sanchez). VERMONT: Stratton Township, Black Brook, on wet wood, 20 Jul 196l, R. P. Korf (herb. R. P. Korf 3113). ENGLAND. Hebden Bridge, Needham, on decaying wood, 14 May 1898, [collector unknown] (CUP-Durand 4-320).
Ascomata stipitate-capitate, olivaceous to backish green, with pigment leaching in a 2-10% KOH solution; excipular tissues not bluing in Melzer's reagent or IKI. Asci inoperculate, elongate, 8-spored, with an indistinct apical ring staining deeply blue in Melzer's reagent or IKI, and an apical crown staining intensely in methyl blue or phloxine. Ascospores filiform, hyaline.
Ascomata stipitata, capitata, olivacea vel melanochlora, pigmento in solutione 2-10% KOH disperso; texturae excipuli iodo non caerulescentes. Asci inoperculati, elongati, octospori, in summe parte apicali annulo indistincto iodo profunde caerulescenti et apicali corona 'ethyl blue'et 'phloxine'valde tincta praediti. Ascosporae filiformes, hyalinae.
Species typica: Vibrissea bicolor Beaton & Weste.
Species typica: Vibrissea bicolor Beaton & Weste.
OTHER INCLUDED SPECIES. Chlorovibrissea tasmanica (Rodway) Kohn, comb. nov. [basionym: Vibrissea tasmanica Rodway (ut 'Vibrissea'), Proc. R. Soc. Tasmania 1924:119. 1925]; Chlorovibrissea melanochlora (Beaton & Weste) Kohn, comb. nov. [basionym: Vibrissea melanochlora Beaton & Weste (ut `melanchlora'), Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 67: 129. 1976].
NOTES. In attempting to identify nine specimens from New Zealand, no specimen matched, in all permutations of characters, any of the existing species in Chlorovibrissea, yet there were only two specimens which were convincingly different enough to be described as a new species. Characters considered to be important in delimiting C. tasmanica, C. melanochlora, and C. bicolor, such as the width of paraphyses tips, length of tomentum hyphae, and ascospore length may be variable; the current delimitation of species is based on study of one or two specimens which may fail to account for a range of variation in characters. Ten ascospores averaging 54.8 µm long were observed outside of the asci in the type specimen of V. melanochlora, although 100-115 µm is the range given in the literature (Beaton & Weste, 1976; Rodway, 1925). Specimens of C. tasmanica other than the type produced soluble green pigment. It is possible that C. melanochlora is a synonym of C. tasmanica. Further study of more material and studies of cultures are needed to revise these species concepts. Of note in specimens examined of C. tasmanica and C. bicolor are the stroma-like stipe bases composed of very compact textura oblita with a rind-like surface of dark-walled hyphae; such apparently melanized stipe bases are not uncommon in the Helotiales and are not, in themselves, indicative of affinities in the Sclerotiniaceae. Two specimens examined from New Zealand were remarkable in producing ascoconidia from phialides on the apices of ascospores and they are described here as a new species.
NOTES. In attempting to identify nine specimens from New Zealand, no specimen matched, in all permutations of characters, any of the existing species in Chlorovibrissea, yet there were only two specimens which were convincingly different enough to be described as a new species. Characters considered to be important in delimiting C. tasmanica, C. melanochlora, and C. bicolor, such as the width of paraphyses tips, length of tomentum hyphae, and ascospore length may be variable; the current delimitation of species is based on study of one or two specimens which may fail to account for a range of variation in characters. Ten ascospores averaging 54.8 µm long were observed outside of the asci in the type specimen of V. melanochlora, although 100-115 µm is the range given in the literature (Beaton & Weste, 1976; Rodway, 1925). Specimens of C. tasmanica other than the type produced soluble green pigment. It is possible that C. melanochlora is a synonym of C. tasmanica. Further study of more material and studies of cultures are needed to revise these species concepts. Of note in specimens examined of C. tasmanica and C. bicolor are the stroma-like stipe bases composed of very compact textura oblita with a rind-like surface of dark-walled hyphae; such apparently melanized stipe bases are not uncommon in the Helotiales and are not, in themselves, indicative of affinities in the Sclerotiniaceae. Two specimens examined from New Zealand were remarkable in producing ascoconidia from phialides on the apices of ascospores and they are described here as a new species.
TYPE. Chlorovibrissea bicolor (Beaton & Weste) Kohn, comb. nov. (basionym: Vibrissea bicolor Beaton & Weste, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 69: 323. 1977).
Taxonomic concepts
Chlorovibrissea L.M. Kohn 1989
Chlorovibrissea L.M. Kohn 1989
Chlorovibrissea L.M. Kohn 1989
Chlorovibrissea L.M. Kohn
Chlorovibrissea L.M. Kohn 1989
Chlorovibrissea L.M. Kohn
Chlorovibrissea L.M. Kohn 1989
Chlorovibrissea L.M. Kohn (1989)
Chlorovibrissea L.M. Kohn 1989
Chlorovibrissea L.M. Kohn (1989)
Chlorovibrissea L.M. Kohn 1989
Chlorovibrissea L.M. Kohn
Global name resources
taxonomic status
Annotated by Kohn as 'possibly a new species'.
scientific name
7 October 1998
14 June 2019