Hymenogaster Vittad. 1831

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Hymenogaster Vittad., Monogr. Tuberac. 20 (1831)
Hymenogaster Vittad. 1831
Hymenogaster Vittad. 1831
- Hymenogaster albellus
- Hymenogaster albus
- Hymenogaster alnicola
- Hymenogaster atratus
- Hymenogaster aureus
- Hymenogaster boozeri
- Hymenogaster effodiendus
- Hymenogaster fulvus
- Hymenogaster fusisporus
- Hymenogaster gilkeyae
- Hymenogaster levisporus
- Hymenogaster luteus
- Hymenogaster macrosporus
- Hymenogaster monosporus
- Hymenogaster mucosus
- Hymenogaster nanus
- Hymenogaster oblongisporus
- Hymenogaster pachydermis
- Hymenogaster parksii
- Hymenogaster reticulatus
- Hymenogaster ruber
- Hymenogaster sp.
- Hymenogaster subalpinus
- Hymenogaster sublilacinus
- Hymenogaster tasmanicus
- Hymenogaster utriculatus
- Hymenogaster violaceus
- Hymenogaster viscidus
- Hymenogaster zeylanicus
has host
Hymenogaster Vittad. 1831
Truffle-like, ectomycorrhizal fungi. Hymenogaster in its traditional sense is polyphyletic, and characterised by lacking a columella and by having basal rhizomorphs. In its strict sense, Hymenogaster is characterised by its large, thick-walled, broad-ellipsoid to fusiform spores with a large, cupped hilar appendix.
Represented by a single species in New Zealand, reported by Cunningham, but with apparently no specimens in PDD.
Hymenogaster Vittad. 1831
Gasterocarp mostly over 1 cm diam., globose, ellipsoid, lobed or irregularly tuberous, frequently depressed at the base, sessile, indehiscent. Peridium thin to very thick, whitish, yellow, brownish, or with purplish to violaceous tints, often mottled, viscid or dry, smooth to finely velutinate, often becoming wrinkled, not separable from gleba. Gleba soft-fleshy to cartilaginous, labyrinthoid, mostly white when young becoming yellowish, lilaceous, violaceous, rusty brown, finally darker, of small chambers, round or elongate, empty or partially filled, more or less radially arranged from a small sterile base. Tramal plates thin. Hyphal system monomitic, with thin-walled, inflated generative hyphae; clamp-connexions more often present, occasionally absent. Columella absent; sterile base usually present but small in young gasterocarps.
Spores statismosporic, orthotropic, 10-20 µm or more long, ovoid-ellipsoid, amygdaliform or fusoid, at times apically mucronate, with a thickened wall, yellow, ochraceous brown or rusty brown, either smooth or bearing a verrucose to ridged ornamentation, and often a gelatinized myxosporium; hilar appendix small with a terminal hilar pore, sometimes retaining a sterigmal appendage. Basidia cylindrico clavate bearing 1-4 well-developed sterigmata, evanescent. Cystidia none. Hymenophoral trama regular, hyaline. Subhymenial layer pseudoparenchymatous. Peridiopellis a repent epicutis. Development angiocarpic. Hypogeal
Spores statismosporic, orthotropic, 10-20 µm or more long, ovoid-ellipsoid, amygdaliform or fusoid, at times apically mucronate, with a thickened wall, yellow, ochraceous brown or rusty brown, either smooth or bearing a verrucose to ridged ornamentation, and often a gelatinized myxosporium; hilar appendix small with a terminal hilar pore, sometimes retaining a sterigmal appendage. Basidia cylindrico clavate bearing 1-4 well-developed sterigmata, evanescent. Cystidia none. Hymenophoral trama regular, hyaline. Subhymenial layer pseudoparenchymatous. Peridiopellis a repent epicutis. Development angiocarpic. Hypogeal
Lectotype species (Dodge & Zeller, 1934: 629): H. bulliardii Vittad.
Taxonomic concepts
Hymenogaster Vittad. 1831
Hymenogaster Vittad. (1831)
Hymenogaster Vittad. 1831
Hymenogaster Vittad. (1831)
Hymenogaster Vittad. 1831
Hymenogaster Vittad. 1831
Hymenogaster Vittad. (1831)
Hymenogaster Vittad. 1831
Hymenogaster Vittad. (1831)
Hymenogaster Vittad. 1831
Hymenogaster Vittad.
Hymenogaster Vittad. 1831
Hymenogaster Vittad. 1831
Hymenogaster Vittad. 1831
Hymenogaster Vittad. (1831)
Global name resources
scientific name
1 January 2001
22 December 2013