Endomeliola S. Hughes & Piroz. 1994

Endomeliola S. Hughes & Piroz., New Zealand J. Bot. 32 53 (1994)
Endomeliola S. Hughes & Piroz. 1994
S. Hughes & Piroz.
S. Hughes & Piroz.
Endomeliola S. Hughes & Piroz. 1994
Endomeliola S. Hughes & Piroz. 1994
Superficial hyphae, arising from ascospores, enter leaf via stomates: immersed hyphae intercellular, branched, brown, broad and hyphopodiate. Here and there immersed hyphae emerge from the leaf via stomates and produce crustose stromata, which may coalesce. Phialides short, erect, ampulliform, superficial. Phialoconidia ellipsoidal, minute, hyaline. Ascomata superficial, subglobose, black, discrete or 2-4(-5) and coalescent in a pulvinate stroma, waited with protuberant external cells: distal wall of external cells brown, thickened and lamellate. Ostiole periphysate. Asci unitunicate 4-spored with simple paraphyses. Ascospores ellipsoidal to subcylindrical, comprised, 4-septate, constricted at the septa.
Hyphae germinales ex ascosporis exorientes per stomata ingredientes: hyphae immersae intercellulares, ramosae, brunneae, latae, hyphopodiis praeditae. Hic illic hyphae immersae per stomata egredientes et stromatas crustosa atra saepe confluentia formantes. Phialides breves, erectae, ampulliformes, superficiales. Phialoconidia ellipsoidea, parva, hyalina. Ascomata superficialia, subglobosa, atra, discreta vel 2-4(-5), coalescentia in stromate pulvinato, verruculosa, cellulis externis protuberantibus; panes distalis cellularum externarum crassus, brunneus lamellosusque. Ostiola periphysibus praedita. Asci unitunicati, 4-spori, paraphysibus simplicibus praediti. Ascosporae ellipsoideae vel subcylindricae, compressae, 4-septatae, ad septa constrictae.
Species typica, Endomeliola dingleyae.
Taxonomic concepts
Endomeliola S. Hughes & Piroz. 1994
Endomeliola S. Hughes & Piroz. (1994)
Endomeliola S. Hughes & Piroz. 1994
Endomeliola S. Hughes & Piroz. (1994)
Endomeliola S. Hughes & Piroz. 1994
Endomeliola S. Hughes & Piroz. (1994)
Endomeliola S. Hughes & Piroz. 1994
Endomeliola S. Hughes & Piroz.
Global name resources
scientific name
1 January 2001
1 June 2012