Pleurotus (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Pleurotus abalonus
- Pleurotus abieticola
- Pleurotus affixus
- Pleurotus affixus
- Pleurotus agaves
- Pleurotus algidus
- Pleurotus algidus
- Pleurotus applicatus
- Pleurotus applicatus
- Pleurotus applicatus
- Pleurotus atrocaeruleus
- Pleurotus atrocaeruleus
- Pleurotus australis
- Pleurotus bursiformis
- Pleurotus candidissimus
- Pleurotus chioneus
- Pleurotus chioneus
- Pleurotus cinerascens
- Pleurotus clitocyboides
- Pleurotus cocciformis
- Pleurotus colensoi
- Pleurotus cornucopiae
- Pleurotus crawfordiae
- Pleurotus crawfordiae
- Pleurotus cystidiosus
- Pleurotus decorus
- Pleurotus diversipes
- Pleurotus diversipes
- Pleurotus djamor
- Pleurotus dryinus
- Pleurotus dubius
- Pleurotus eryngii
- Pleurotus euphyllus
- Pleurotus flabellatus
- Pleurotus flabellatus
- Pleurotus floridanus
- Pleurotus geogenius
- Pleurotus guilfoylei
- Pleurotus hepatotrichus
- Pleurotus hepatotrichus
- Pleurotus japonicus
- Pleurotus kavinii
- Pleurotus lagotis
- Pleurotus mitis
- Pleurotus mitis
- Pleurotus nidiformis
- Pleurotus novae-zelandiae
- Pleurotus opuntiae
- Pleurotus ostreatus
- Pleurotus ostreatus
- Pleurotus ostreatus
- Pleurotus ostreatus
- Pleurotus palmatus
- Pleurotus parsonsiae
- Pleurotus porrigens
- Pleurotus porrigens
- Pleurotus pulmonarius
- Pleurotus purpureo-olivaceus
- Pleurotus pusillimus
- Pleurotus rattenburyi
- Pleurotus sajor-caju
- Pleurotus salignus
- Pleurotus salignus
- Pleurotus scabriusculus
- Pleurotus scabriusculus
- Pleurotus serotinus
- Pleurotus serotinus
- Pleurotus sordulentus
- Pleurotus subapplicatus
- Pleurotus tasmanicus
- Pleurotus tasmanicus
- Pleurotus tenuissimus
- Pleurotus tuber-regium
- Pleurotus ulmarius
- Pleurotus velatus
- Pleurotus viscidulus
- Pleurotus viscidulus
Pleurotus (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
Fleshy fungi attached to the substrate directly from the side of the cap, or through a short stalk at one side of the cap, cap smooth, spore print white. Saprobic
There are at least 6 species of Pleurotus in New Zealand, P. purpureoolivaceus being particularly common in Nothofagus forests.
Three common superficially similar New Zealand genera share these features. Pleurotus has a soft cap with easily broken flesh. Pleurotopsis and Hohenbuehelia have a gelatinous layer beneath the surface of the cap, making the flesh difficult to break. All are saprobic. Conchomyces has a similar habit, but no images are available for this genus. It is distinguished by the spores having rough walls.
Sparobes on dead wood. Medium to large, fleshy mushrooms with a short lateral stipe or no stipe.
About 6 species occur in New Zealand, only those listed below have descriptions or images available from NZFungi. Several early records of this genus were based on misidentifications.
Pleurotus (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
Pileus fleshy, egcentric, membranaceous and often resupinate in the minute species; gills decurrent, often anastomosing behind, edge entire and sharp; stem gradually widening into the pileus, egcentric or lateral, sometimes absent ; spores elongated.
Soon decaying, soft and fleshy, features which separate the present genus from others with an egcentric or lateral stem. Growing on decaying wood.