Rhizopogon Fr. 1817

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Rhizopogon Fr. 1817
Rhizopogon Fr. 1817
- Rhizopogon alexsmithii
- Rhizopogon clelandii
- Rhizopogon colossus
- Rhizopogon diplophloeus
- Rhizopogon induratus
- Rhizopogon niger
- Rhizopogon provincialis
- Rhizopogon pseudovillosulus
- Rhizopogon rogersii
- Rhizopogon subareolatus
- Rhizopogon subgen. Amylopogon
- Rhizopogon subgen. Rhizopogon
- Rhizopogon subgen. Roseoli
- Rhizopogon subgen. Versicolores
- Rhizopogon subgen. Villosuli
- Rhizopogon violaceus
- Rhizopogon virens
- Rhizopogon virescens
- Rhizopogon wilsonii
Rhizopogon Fr. 1817
Truffle-like fungi, in the traditional sense of Cunningham. Distinguished by having lateral rhizomorphs, no columella, with spores smooth-walled, hyaline or barely coloured, elliptical. Flesh tough and rubbery.
All species reported for New Zealand are under exotic plants.
Poorly understood taxonomically, eight species have been reported from New Zealand, only those listed below have descriptions or images available from NZFungi.
Rhizopogon Fr. 1817
Gasterocarp 1-6 cm diam., globose to tuberiform or irregular, often with a mycelial covering, attached by rhizomorphs but without a distinctly basal attachment. Peridium white to brownish or yellowish, at times bruising red, indehiscent. Gleba soft-fleshy, pale coloured becoming brownish, loculate, consisting of small and irregular, empty to partially filled chambers. Tramal plates gelatinized or partially so; clamp-connexions absent. Spores statismosporic, symmetric, narrowly ellipsoid to cylindric, often with a subtruncated base, hyaline to pale brown, with a slightly thickened smooth wall, lacking a conspicuous myxosporium. Basidia lageniform with a ventricose base, soon collapsing, typically bearing 6-8 sterigmata, sometimes less. Basidioles thick-walled, at times conspicuous. Hymenophoral trama subregular, subgelatinised, of narrow hyphae. Subhymenial layer pseudoparenchymatous. Peridiopellis a repent epicutis of narrow hyphae, and frequently with an encrusting pigment. Hypogeal or subepigeal, forming ectomycorrhizal associations, especially with Coniferae. World-wide. Type species: R. luteolus Fr.
Taxonomic concepts
Hymenangium Klotzsch (1839)
Hymenangium Klotzsch (1839)
Hymenangium Klotzsch (1839)
Hymenangium Klotzsch
Hysteromyces Vittad. (1844)
Hysteromyces Vittad. (1844)
Hysteromyces Vittad.
Rhizopogon Fr. 1817
Rhizopogon Fr. (1817)
Rhizopogon Fr. 1817
Rhizopogon Fr. (1817)
Rhizopogon Fr. 1817
Rhizopogon Fr.
Splanchnomyces Corda (1831) [1837]
Splanchnomyces Corda (1831) [1837]
Global name resources
scientific name
1 January 2001
1 June 2012