Morchella Dill. ex Pers. 1794

Morchella Dill. ex Pers. 1794
Morels. In New Zealand these fungi have been found only in human habitats and are assumed to all be introduced. Saprobic (or possibly mycorrhizal) on soil. Spring fruiting, these fungi often appear at the same site year after year.
Four species have been reported from New Zealand; however they have not been investigated for the region taxonomically.
Edible and choice, but can be confused with the macroscopically similar Gyromitra, which is highly poisonous. Gyromtira occurs in New Zealand in native forests and in pine plantations, whereas Morchella has been found only in urban areas.
Morels. In New Zealand these fungi have been found only in human habitats and are assumed to all be introduced. Taxonomically they have not been investigated for New Zealand.
Four species have been reported from New Zealand, only those listed below have descriptions or images available from NZFungi.