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Fuligo Haller 1768

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Fuligo Haller 1768

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Fruiting body forming a tubular, branches, anastomosing three-dimensional network on surface of substrate, wall yellow, often encrusted with lime. Spore mass dark. One species in New Zealand.

Note that only those species listed below have images or descriptions available through the Virtual Mycota.

Fuligo Haller 1768

Fruiting body irregular in shape, large, a mass of tangled, calcarious tubes surrounded by lime-encrusted wall. Spore mass dark. Two species in New Zealand.

Note that only those species listed below have images or descriptions available through the Virtual Mycota.

Fruiting body a plasmodiocarp, usually pendent on a slender stalk, sometimes sessile, simple to branched or anastomosing to form a three-dimensional network and then aethaliate. Capillitium elastic, consisting of numerous colourless tubules with mostly limeless junctions and a small number of lime nodes. Spores dark.

Fuligo Haller 1768

Fruiting body an aethalium, often solitary to closely gregarious, irregularly shaped and sometimes very large, consisting of a mass of interwoven, irregular calcareous tubules surrounded by a sterile cortex. Hypothallus often spongy, consisting of several membranous layers, usually forming a distinct margin around the aethalium, colourless to white and then calcareous. Cortex usually well developed but occasionally absent, fragile, usually strongly calcareous. Columella absent. Capillitium consisting of a system of lime nodes and hyaline, tubular connecting threads, often rather scanty. Spores dark in mass.
The genus Fuligo contains 10 species (Lado 2001), two of which have been recorded from New Zealand.

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Fuligo Haller 1768
Fuligo Haller (1768)
Fuligo Haller 1768
Fuligo Haller (1768)
Fuligo Haller 1768
Fuligo Haller (1768)

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Fuligo Haller 1768
New Zealand
Fuligo Haller 1768
New Zealand
Kermadec Islands

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scientific name
1 January 2001
10 September 2020
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