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Badhamia Berk. 1853

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Badhamia Berk. 1853

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Badhamia Berk. 1853

Fruiting body stalked or sessile sporangium, sometimes forming a tubular network on surface of substrate. Wall with lime granules. Spore mass dark, sterile elements surrounding spores with lime, uniform in dameter. Seven species in New Zealand.

Note that only those species listed below have images or descriptions available through the Virtual Mycota.

Badhamia Berk. 1853

Fruiting body a sessile or stalked sporangium or more rarely a plasmodiocarp. Stalk, if present, ranging from membranous and weak to sturdy and cylindrical, often containing lime, rarely branched. Peridium usually consisting of a single layer but in some species made up of two layers, containing globular lime granules. Columella present or absent. Capillitium a network of tubules completely filled with lime or more rarely interrupted by very short limeless portions. Spores free or in clusters, in the latter case often pyriform, smooth on the inside and warted on the outside, dark brown to black in mass. Approximately 30 species of Badhamia have been described (Lado 2001), seven of which are known from New Zealand. In general, fruitings of many of the more common species of Badhamia tend to be associated with bark. The distinction between this genus and Physarum is not always absolute.

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Badhamia Berk. 1853
Badhamia Berk. (1853)
Badhamia Berk. 1853
Badhamia Berk. (1853)
Badhamia Berk. 1853
Badhamia Berk. 1853
Badhamia Berk. 1853
Badhamia Berk. (1853)
Badhamia Berk. 1853
Badhamia Berk. (1853)

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Badhamia Berk. 1853
New Zealand
Badhamia Berk. 1853
New Zealand
Badhamia Berk. 1853
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury

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scientific name
1 January 2001
10 September 2020
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