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Alternaria Nees, Syst. Pilze 72 (1816-17)
Alternaria Nees 1816-17

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Alternaria Nees 1816-17

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Alternaria Nees 1816-17

Molecular phylogenetic studies have challenged the reliability of using morphological characteristics to differentiate Alternaria species but have also suggested that commonly used molecular markers for fungal phylogenetics may not be sufficiently informative at this taxonomic level. To allow the assessment of molecular variation and evolutionary history at a genome-wide scale, we present an overview and analysis of phylogenomic resources for Alternaria section Alternaria. We review the currently available genomic resources and report five newly sequenced genomes. We then perform multiple comparative genomic analyses, including macrosynteny assessment and inference of phylogenetic relationships using a variety of data sets and analysis methods. Fine-scale, genome-wide phylogenetic reconstruction revealed incomplete lineage sorting and the genomic distribution of gene/species tree discordance. Based on these patterns, we propose a list of candidate genes that may be developed into informative markers that are diagnostic for the main lineages.

Alternaria Nees 1816-17

Species in Alternaria sections Infectoriae and Pseudoalternaria are commonly isolated from agri-cultural crops and a variety of other plant hosts. With the increasing appreciation that species from these two sections are often the dominant taxa recovered from important cereal crops, the need for improved understanding of their biodiversity and taxonomy has grown. Given that morphological characteristics and existing molecular markers are not sufficient for distinguishing among species, we expanded the genomic resources for these sections to support research in biosystematics and species diagnostics. Whole genome assemblies for 22 strains were generated, including the first genomes from section Infectoriae or Pseudoalternaria strains sampled from Canada, which significantly increases the number of publicly released genomes, particularly for section Pseudoalternaria. We performed comprehensive phylogenomic analyses of all available genomes (n = 39) and present the first robust phylogeny for these taxa. The segregation of the two sections was strongly supported by genome wide data, and multiple lineages were detected within each section. We then provide an overview of the biosystematics of these groups by analyzing two standard molecular markers from the largest sample of section Infectoriae and Pseudoalternaria strains studied to date. The patterns of relative diversity suggest that, in many cases, multiple species described based on minor morphological differences may actually represent different strains of the same species. A list of candidate loci for development into new informative molecular markers, which are diagnostic for sections and lineages, was created from analyses of phylogenetic signals from individual genes across the entire genome.

Fourth, our analyses revealed that diversity among strains is similar to that for diversity among species that have been described based on minor morphological differences. This result suggests that, in many cases, the previously erected morphospecies may represent different strains from the same species.

Alternaria Nees 1816-17

Based on results of extensive molecular phylogenetic analyses of five phylogenetically informative loci and previous morphological data, this work proposes to elevate all currently and newly described asexual species-groups of Alternaria to the taxonomic status of section. The infectoria species-group is not supported phylogenetically as Alternaria; therefore we do not propose to formalize this species-group as a section within Alternaria but instead suggest that further taxonomic revision of this group is necessary to eliminate the current polyphyly of the genus Alternaria.

Alternaria Nees 1816-17

According to Hong et al. (2005), the major allergen Alt a 1 facilitates identification to the species level, but later studies showed that it is not sufficient within some sections like the small-spored section Alternaria (Dettman & Eggertson, 2021; Hong et al., 2005; Woudenberg et al., 2015). When using molecular barcode markers, a combination of several loci is necessary. The most commonly used markers are ITS, GAPDH, RPB2, TEF1 and Alt a 1 (e.g., Kokaeva et al., 2022; Woudenberg et al., 2014), and most studies with a multilocus phylogeny employ these five or subset of them, with or without additional, less common loci like endoPG, histone H3, calmodulin and OPA 10–2 (e.g., Adhikari et al., 2020; Bessadat et al., 2021; Ding et al., 2019; Landschoot, Vandecasteele, Carrette, et al., 2017; Woudenberg et al., 2015). Recently, Dettman et al. developed (Dettman & Eggertson, 2021, 2022) and tested (Dettman et al., 2023) new markers to achieve better identification of small-spored Alternaria.

Nishikawa and Nakashima claim that morphological and molecular phylogenetic data should be complemented by experimental host ranges to achieve an integrated species recognition (Nishikawa & Nakashima, 2020). Genes for host-specific toxins are subject to horizontal gene transfer and some A. alternata pathotypes spontaneously lose their pathogenicity as a consequence of losing their capability to produce the host-specific toxin, so pathotype should not be employed as a character in the taxonomy of small-spored Alternaria (Andrew et al., 2009; Pinto & Patriarca, 2017). Chemotaxonomy, using secondary metabolite profiling for species identification, showed promising results for some species groups like A. infectoria (Andersen et al., 2008; Andersen & Thrane, 1996; Kelman et al., 2020; Zwickel et al., 2018) but not for all sections of Alternaria (Andersen et al., 2015; Zwickel et al., 2018). Secondary metabolite profiles can be combined with morphological and molecular analyses for polyphasic taxonomy (Pinto & Patriarca, 2017). The study by Woudenberg et al. (2015) is also an example for the combination of methodological approaches, as it employed a multilocus phylogeny, whole genome data and transcriptomics (Woudenberg et al., 2015).

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Alternaria Nees 1816-17
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
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Alternaria Nees 1816-17

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Alternaria Nees 1816-17
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Alternaria Nees 1816-17
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
Chatham Islands
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
New Zealand
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
Papua New Guinea
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
Solomon Islands
Alternaria Nees 1816-17
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
New Zealand
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26 March 1993
27 March 2014
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