Austropezia Spooner 1987

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Austropezia Spooner 1987
Austropezia Spooner 1987
Austropezia Spooner 1987
Austropezia Spooner 1987
Austropezia is amongst a macroscopically enigmatic group of specimens that belong genetically in the Han et al. (2014) clade 3. Baral (in Jaklitsch et al., 2016) accepts this clade 3 in Pezizellaceae. Such a link is strongly supported if Calycina sensu Baral is added to the Han et al. (2014) analyses (based on ITS, LSU, mtSSU, RPB2), and also strong genetic support for the family in this sense in more extensive multigene analyses (unpubl. data). Baral notes some micro-morphological characters that support his concept of the family but these have not been examined for the New Zealand taxa. These taxa are macro-morphologically diverse:
- several of the New Zealand taxa have their immature apothecia covered with a clypeus-like layer, the apothecia erumpent through several irregular splits. These include D1327 'Leotiaceae crazy paving', D2488 'gen nov Chionochloa' and D 2518 'on Phormium with clypeus'.
- Several other New Zealand species are superficially Arachnopeziza-like in that they are associated with well-developed subicular hyphae (but they are genetically distinct from Arachnopeziza). These include Austropezia samuelsii, the only one of these species with a name. Note that Spooner in his discussion on Austropezia/Eriopezia, compared the subiculum of some species with a loosely constructed stroma - perhaps a similar explanation could apply here? - Other taxa such as the Han specimens Mollisina uncinata and Phialina lachnobrachyoides and D1137 have little or no subiculum, and are simple, pale coloured discs, usually with poorly developed hair-like elements.
- several of the New Zealand taxa have their immature apothecia covered with a clypeus-like layer, the apothecia erumpent through several irregular splits. These include D1327 'Leotiaceae crazy paving', D2488 'gen nov Chionochloa' and D 2518 'on Phormium with clypeus'.
- Several other New Zealand species are superficially Arachnopeziza-like in that they are associated with well-developed subicular hyphae (but they are genetically distinct from Arachnopeziza). These include Austropezia samuelsii, the only one of these species with a name. Note that Spooner in his discussion on Austropezia/Eriopezia, compared the subiculum of some species with a loosely constructed stroma - perhaps a similar explanation could apply here? - Other taxa such as the Han specimens Mollisina uncinata and Phialina lachnobrachyoides and D1137 have little or no subiculum, and are simple, pale coloured discs, usually with poorly developed hair-like elements.
Austropezia Spooner 1987
See Manaaki Whenua datastore https://doi.org/10.7931/wea2-kj98, Austropezia in Pezizellaceae s.l.
Austropezia Spooner 1987
APOTHECIA minute, gregarious, coloured, basally immersed in a white subiculum, loosely attached to the substrate by a very short, central stipe. RECEPTACLE patellate, typically darker than disc, clothed with fine white hairs in the upper part and with subicular hyphae near the base. ASCI typically 8-spored, clavate-cylindric, the pore blue in Melzer's reagent. ASCOSPORES hyaline, typically ellipsoid or ellipso-fusoid, 1(-2)-septate, surrounded by a thick, gelatinous sheath. PARAPHYSES subcylindric, hyaline, obtuse, or sometimes pale brown near the base, septate, surrounded by a gelatinous sheath, coherent, typically exceeding the asci. MEDULLARY EXCIPULUM composed of interwoven, thin-walled, septate hyphae and small cells. ECTAL EXCIPULUM brown, composed in the lower receptacle of small, thin-walled, subglobose or angular cells lying in irregular rows at a moderate angle to the surface, becoming more elongated towards the margin and there forming parallel, septate hyphae lying parallel to the surface. HAIRS arising from superficial hyphae, hyaline, unbranched, cylindric or tapered, obtuse, straight or flexuous, thin-walled, smooth. SUBICULAR HYPHAE much branched, hyaline, with slightly thickened walls roughened with superficial granules which are soluble in Melzer's reagent. ANAMORPH unknown.
Apothecia minuta, gregaria, pigmentata, basi in subiculo albo immersa, substrata stipite brevissimo centrali laxe affixa. Receptaculum patellatum, typice disco intensius, parte superiors pilis albis delicatis prope basin hyphis subicularibus indutum. Asci clavato-cylindrici, typice 8-spori, poro in Melzero caerulescente. Ascosporae hyalinae, ellipsoideae vel ellipso-fusoideae, 1(-2)-septatae, vagina crassa gelatinosa cinctae. Paraphyses subcylindrici, obtusi, hyalini vel prope basin pallide brunnei, septati, vagina gelatinosa circumdati, cohaerentes. Excipulum ectale brunneum, in receptaculo inferiors e cellulis parvis subglobosis vel angularibus muris tenuibus scriebus irregularibus superficiei modice inclinatis marginem versus magis elongatis hyphis parallelis septatis sic formatis. Pili hyalini eramosi, cylindrici vel acuminati, obtusi, parietibus tenuibus, laeves. Hyphae subiculares valde ramosae, hyalinae, muris leviter incrassatis granulos superficiales Melzero solubiles gerentibus.
DERIVATION: From Latin australis, southern, and peziza, a stalkless fungus, referring to the distribution of the genus and form of the apothecia.
TYPE: Eriopezia samuelsii Korf.
Taxonomic concepts
Austropezia Spooner 1987
Austropezia Spooner
Austropezia Spooner 1987
Austropezia Spooner
Austropezia Spooner 1987
Austropezia Spooner (1987)
Austropezia Spooner 1987
Austropezia Spooner (1987)
Austropezia Spooner 1987
Austropezia Spooner
Austropezia Spooner 1987
Austropezia Spooner (1987)
Austropezia Spooner 1987
Austropezia Spooner
Global name resources
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scientific name
1 January 2001
14 June 2019