Entoloma (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871

- Entoloma acuminatum
- Entoloma acuminatum
- Entoloma acuticystidiosum
- Entoloma asprellum
- Entoloma botanicum
- Entoloma brunneolilacinum
- Entoloma caesiomarginatum
- Entoloma canum
- Entoloma cavipes
- Entoloma cerifactum
- Entoloma cerinum
- Entoloma cinerascens
- Entoloma citreostipitatum
- Entoloma conferendum
- Entoloma corneum
- Entoloma crinitum
- Entoloma croceum
- Entoloma decolorans
- Entoloma deprensum
- Entoloma distinguens
- Entoloma egonii
- Entoloma eulividum
- Entoloma flavum
- Entoloma fragile
- Entoloma fuscomarginatum
- Entoloma fuscum
- Entoloma gasteromycetoides
- Entoloma griseorubellum
- Entoloma haeuslerianum
- Entoloma hesleri
- Entoloma imbecille
- Entoloma improvisum
- Entoloma incanum
- Entoloma inconspicuum
- Entoloma lanceolatum
- Entoloma lividum
- Entoloma mariae
- Entoloma nitidum
- Entoloma nubigenum
- Entoloma obrusseum
- Entoloma occultum
- Entoloma orichalceum
- Entoloma panniculus
- Entoloma parsonsiae
- Entoloma peralbidum
- Entoloma perconfusum
- Entoloma perplexum
- Entoloma phaeocyathum
- Entoloma placidum
- Entoloma pluteimorphum
- Entoloma pluteoides
- Entoloma pteridicola
- Entoloma rubescentipes
- Entoloma rubromarginatum
- Entoloma scabripes
- Entoloma serratomarginatum
- Entoloma sp. 'Moana (PDD 114792)'
- Entoloma sp. 'Monowai (PDD 113277)'
- Entoloma sp. 'Omahu Bush (PDD 95723)'
- Entoloma squamiferum
- Entoloma staurosporum
- Entoloma staurosporum
- Entoloma stevensoniae
- Entoloma stramineum
- Entoloma subgen. Alboleptonia
- Entoloma subgen. Claudopus
- Entoloma subgen. Cuboeccilia
- Entoloma subgen. Cubospora
- Entoloma subgen. Cyanula
- Entoloma subgen. Entoloma
- Entoloma subgen. Inocephala
- Entoloma subgen. Leptonia
- Entoloma subgen. Nolanea
- Entoloma subgen. Omphaliopsis
- Entoloma subgen. Pouzarella
- Entoloma subgen. Prunuloides
- Entoloma subgen. Rhodopolia
- Entoloma subgen. Trichopilus
- Entoloma tenuissimum
- Entoloma tristificum
- Entoloma virescens
Entoloma (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
Small to medium sized, always on soil, cap smooth, gills attached to stalk, stalk central, without ring, spore print pink (gills typically with pinkish bloom when mature).
More than 60 species have been reported for New Zealand. Often difficult to identify to species level. Colour is an important character, but the differences in colour are often subtle, and colour is influenced by age of the mushroom, and its exposure to rain and sun. A few of the common species are illustratated below to give a feel for the variety within the genus.
There are other common pink-spored mushrooms on soil which can sometimes be distinguished with certainty only by using microscopic characters, and these include Rhodocybe (most species large, and most with the cap sunken in the centre), Volvariella (see Large Mushrooms on Soil), and Lepista (larger, in New Zealand known only from urban situations).
A large genus of mostly small mushrooms, common on soil throughout New Zealand's forests. Characterised by pink, angular spores. Although the genus is easy to recognise, individual species are often difficult to identify, with subtle differences in colour of the cap and stalk.
About 60 species have been reported from New Zealand, only those listed below have descriptions or images available from NZFungi.
A genus with a single species known from New Zealand, Entoloma-like, but with rugulose rather than angular spores. Differs from Rhodocybe by having a hairy rather than smooth cap.
A truffle-like fungus with pink, angular spores. Phylogenetically related to Entoloma.