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Claustula K.M. Curtis 1926

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Claustula K.M. Curtis, Ann. Bot. (London) 40 476 (1926)
Claustula K.M. Curtis 1926

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New Zealand
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K.M. Curtis
K.M. Curtis
Claustula K.M. Curtis 1926

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Claustula K.M. Curtis 1926

Although related to the stinkhorns, the fruiting body of this fungus appears to be truffle-like. Initially a reddish brown, globose ball, it splits at maturity to reveal the white, spore-containing ‘egg’. About 5 cm diameter.

This is the only species of the genus Claustula, and is known from only two locations in New Zealand, as well as in Tasmania. In both countries it is listed as threatened, in New Zealand as Nationally Critical by Department of Conservation. It is probably ectomycorrhizal on beech and/or tea-tree.

The fruiting body of this species remains closed, more or less globose, although this is revealed following the splitting of the outer 'egg' layer. Internally the fruiting body has the appearance of an unopened fruiting body of a 'typical' stinkhorn.

Claustula K.M. Curtis 1926

DIAGNOSIS. Claustula, gen. nov. Volva ovate, up to 2 in. in diameter, white at first, finally coloured, of two layers, outer thin, inner gelatinous, rupturing above at maturity into several pointed segments; receptaculum globose, permanently closed, partly ejected from volva at maturity, with large central cavity and wall of meshwork; gleba in small chambers on inner surface of receptaculum ; spores brown, smooth, cylindrical with persistent basal papilla.
[see Claustula fischeri]

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Claustula K.M. Curtis 1926
Claustula K.M. Curtis (1926)
Claustula K.M. Curtis 1926
Claustula K.M. Curtis (1926)

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1 January 2001
1 June 2012
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