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Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927

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Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin in Lagerberg et al., Svenska Skogsvårdsföreningens Tidskrift 25 263 (1927)
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927

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New Zealand
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Lagerb. & Melin
Lagerb. & Melin
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927

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Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927

ITS gene tree of the 50 or so New Zealand Mollisia and Mollisia-like species for which there are cultures, comparing them with Joey Tanney (2016) Phialocephala specimens, Brian Douglas (2013, PhD thesis), and Genbank BLAST matches to accessions from type specimens. UNITE Species Hypothesis matches are noted. Morphology has barely been compared, but in the case of NZ Species 31 morphology does not support the ITS-based genetic match. Any matches need confirming with a more discriminatory gene; RPB1 has been used by Tanney and others. Generic limits remain poorly resolved.

Data in Geneious Dan Discos\28 Sept 2017\Mollisia

'Mollisia' in the sense discussed here includes most of the New Zealand specimens having a sexual fruiting body with a Dermateaceae morphology in the sense of Korf (excipulum of more or less globose cells, usually with dark walls) that have an ITS sequence available, in morphologically defined genera such as Mollisia, Pyrenopeziza, Niptera, and Tapesia. Also included are the (as yet unpublished) sequences from the Mollisia PhD thesis of Brian Douglas, the Phialocephala sequences from Joey Tanney (Mycologia, 2016), and sequences that represent type specimens from Genbank BLAST search results based on the New Zealand sequences.

New Zealand specimens match Cadophora luteoolivacea and C. dextrinospora. The other approximately 8 species appear to be distinct from all Genbank data.

Included in the phylogeny on the basis of genetic similarity are a range of Leotiomycetes with reduced ascomata (e.g. Loramyces), several genera based on asexual morphologies (e.g. Barrenia, Acephala, Fuscosclera and Phialocephala, in addition to the genus Vibrissea. Genetically robust generic limits amongst these fungi remain to be resolved.

Some specimens with a more or less Mollisia-like morphology are genetically distinct. For example, D1091, D818, D770, in UNITE Species Hypothesis SH021623.07FU and genetically close to fungi with an aquatic hyphomycete like morphology such as Helicodendron, Filosporella, Tricladium, etc.

Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927

As shown by Maciá-Vicente et al. 2020 ( Cadophora is polyphyletic. Incorporating data from Maciá-Vicente et al. 2020 and Walsh et al. 2019 ( into the 15 gene dataset of Johnston 2021 (, Cadophora sensu stricto probably needs its own family, sister to Drepanopezizaceae and Pyrenopezizaceae. The root-inhabiting 'Cadophora' species belong in Pyrenopezizaceae in a clade sister to the vascular staining 'C'. malorum. The mostly saprobic or endophytic wood-inhabiting Cadophora sensu stricto in black, other species in Pyrenopezizaceae (as Ploettnerularceae).

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Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin (1927)
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin (1927)
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin (1927)
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin (1927)
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin (1927)
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin

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Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
New Zealand
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
New Zealand
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
New Zealand
Hawkes Bay
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
New Zealand
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
New Zealand
New Zealand
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
New Zealand
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
New Zealand
Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
Polyphyletic; type = Cadophora fastigiata

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1 January 2001
31 January 2023
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