Diaporthe Nitschke 1870

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Diaporthe Nitschke (1870)
Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
- Diaporthe abdita
- Diaporthe acaciigena
- Diaporthe acerina
- Diaporthe actinidiae
- Diaporthe aculeans
- Diaporthe adunca
- Diaporthe alleghaniensis
- Diaporthe americana
- Diaporthe ampelina
- Diaporthe amygdali
- Diaporthe arctii
- Diaporthe arecae
- Diaporthe arezzoensis
- Diaporthe aseana
- Diaporthe australafricana
- Diaporthe batatas
- Diaporthe betuli
- Diaporthe biconispora
- Diaporthe biguttulata
- Diaporthe biguttulata
- Diaporthe carpini
- Diaporthe carpinigera
- Diaporthe castanea
- Diaporthe celeris
- Diaporthe citri
- Diaporthe columnaris
- Diaporthe cotoneastri
- Diaporthe crassicollis
- Diaporthe crousii
- Diaporthe cynaroidis
- Diaporthe decorticans
- Diaporthe detrusa
- Diaporthe discoidispora
- Diaporthe dubia
- Diaporthe dulcamarae
- Diaporthe epimicta
- Diaporthe eres
- Diaporthe eucommiae
- Diaporthe extensa
- Diaporthe fibrosa
- Diaporthe foeniculacea
- Diaporthe foeniculina
- Diaporthe forabilis
- Diaporthe fukushii
- Diaporthe fusicola
- Diaporthe galligena
- Diaporthe helianthi
- Diaporthe hongkongensis
- Diaporthe hyperopta
- Diaporthe idaeicola
- Diaporthe inconspicua
- Diaporthe infecunda
- Diaporthe juglandina
- Diaporthe juglandis
- Diaporthe juniperivora
- Diaporthe leiphaemia
- Diaporthe leucospermi
- Diaporthe linearis
- Diaporthe lirella
- Diaporthe ludwigiana
- Diaporthe lupini
- Diaporthe lusitanicae
- Diaporthe medusaea
- Diaporthe megalospora
- Diaporthe multigutullata
- Diaporthe multipunctata
- Diaporthe neoraonikayaporum
- Diaporthe neotheicola
- Diaporthe neoviticola
- Diaporthe nobilis
- Diaporthe nothofagi
- Diaporthe novem
- Diaporthe oncostoma
- Diaporthe ovalispora
- Diaporthe pardalota
- Diaporthe passiflorae
- Diaporthe patria
- Diaporthe peckii
- Diaporthe perniciosa
- Diaporthe phaseolorum
- Diaporthe phoenicicola
- Diaporthe pimeleae
- Diaporthe pithya
- Diaporthe populea
- Diaporthe prominula
- Diaporthe pruni
- Diaporthe pseudophoenicicola
- Diaporthe pterocarpi
- Diaporthe pyracanthae
- Diaporthe raonikayaporum
- Diaporthe resecans
- Diaporthe revellens
- Diaporthe rudis
- Diaporthe salicicola
- Diaporthe sarmenticia
- Diaporthe sclerotioides
- Diaporthe scobina
- Diaporthe sojae
- Diaporthe sophorae
- Diaporthe sp.
- Diaporthe sp. 1 PRJ-2013
- Diaporthe sp. 10 PRJ-2013
- Diaporthe sp. 11 PRJ-2013
- Diaporthe sp. 12 PRJ-2013
- Diaporthe sp. 13 PRJ-2013
- Diaporthe sp. 14 PRJ-2013
- Diaporthe sp. 15 PRJ-2013
- Diaporthe sp. 2 PRJ-2013
- Diaporthe sp. 3 PRJ-2013
- Diaporthe sp. 4 PRJ-2013
- Diaporthe sp. 5 PRJ-2013
- Diaporthe sp. 6 PRJ-2013
- Diaporthe sp. 7 PRJ-2013
- Diaporthe sp. 8 PRJ-2013
- Diaporthe sp. 9 PRJ-2013
- Diaporthe sp.1
- Diaporthe sp.2
- Diaporthe spiculosa
- Diaporthe spina
- Diaporthe striiformis
- Diaporthe strumella
- Diaporthe subclavata
- Diaporthe subcylindrospora
- Diaporthe subordinaria
- Diaporthe syngenesia
- Diaporthe tectonae
- Diaporthe tectonendophytica
- Diaporthe tectonigena
- Diaporthe tessella
- Diaporthe tiliacea
- Diaporthe trinucleata
- Diaporthe tuberculosa
- Diaporthe vaccinii
- Diaporthe valida
- Diaporthe viticola
- Diaporthe wibbei
- Diaporthe woodii
has host
has host
isolated from
is host of
Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
Species in Diaporthe are largely reported as important plant pathogens. Identification of species in this genus has been complemented by morphological and molecular features. However, one important factor delaying this process is the struggle to formulate robust species concepts to create adequate international phytosanitary measures. Regardless of the wide use of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA region, established as the primary DNA barcode for fungi, the tendency for intraspecific variation has been reported, misleading interpretation of phylogenetic analyses. Therefore, the present study aimed to illustrate, using specific examples, how the ITS region may be problematic for species delimitation. We showed that the ITS region is highly variable, with strains ofDiaporthe malorum and Diaporthe novem falling into more than one clade, which if analyzed on their own, would be likely recognized as distinct taxa. Divergent ITS paralogs were also proven to coexist within the genome of D. novem. We also suggest that ITS may have escaped from concerted evolution or has undergone a duplication event. Furthermore,this study reports for the first time the existence of a putative hybrid in the genus Diaporthe. Our findings offer new clues towards the intraspecific and intragenomic variation in the ITS region, raising questions about its value for barcoding, i.e., identifying species in the genus Diaporthe. Therefore, we recommend that the ITS region be analyzed cautiously and always compared for congruence prior to description of novel taxa.
Taxonomic concepts
Allantoporthe Petr.
Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe Nitschke (1870)
Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe Nitschke (1870)
Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe Nitschke (1870)
Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe Nitschke
Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe Nitschke (1870)
Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
Diaporthopsis Fabre
Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
Diaporthopsis Fabre (1883)
Diaporthopsis Fabre (1883)
Diaporthopsis Fabre
Phomopsis (Sacc.) Bubák (1905)
Phomopsis (Sacc.) Bubák (1905)
Phomopsis (Sacc.) Bubák (1905)
Phomopsis (Sacc.) Bubák
Phomopsis (Sacc.) Bubák (1905)
Phomopsis (Sacc.) Bubák (1905)
Phomopsis (Sacc.) Bubák 1905
Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
Phomopsis (Sacc.) Bubák (1905)
Phomopsis (Sacc.) Bubák 1905
Global name resources
taxonomic status
One fungus one name. Use Diaporthe rather than Phomopsis
scientific name
1 January 2001
1 June 2012