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Farysporium Vánky 1999

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Farysporium Vánky, Mycotaxon 71 208 (1999)
Farysporium Vánky 1999

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New Zealand
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Farysporium Vánky 1999

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Farysporium Vánky 1999

Sori surrounding the pedicels, peduncles and main axes of the inflorescence of Cyperaceae forming black, agglutinated to granular or granular-powdery masses of spore balls intermixed with capillitium-like fascicles of sterile hyphae ("elaters"). Spores in loose spore balls, pigmented. Spores and fascicles of sterile hyphae differentiate from a fungal stroma on the surface of the host tissues. No columellae in the sori. Sterile cells between or within the spore balls are lacking. Spore germination results in either septate basidia or in long filaments. Parasitic hyphae are intracellular. Mature septa are poreless.
Sori pedicellos, pedunculos et axes principales inflorescentiae. Cyperacearum circumdantes, massas agglutinatas usque granulares vel granuari-pulvereas glomerulorum sporarum formantes intermixtas cum fasciculis hypharum sterilium capillifum-formibus ("elaterae"). Sporae in glomerulis laxis, pigmentiferae. Sporae et fasciculi hypharum sterilium e stromate fungali in superficie telarum matricis disposito sese evolventes. Sori sine columellis. Cellulae steriles nullae inter glomerulos et in glomerulis sporarum. Germinatio sporarum cum basidiis septatis vel filaments longis. Hyphae parasiticae intracellulares. Septa matura sine pons.
Typus generis: Farysporium endotrichum (Berkeley) K. Vánky, comb. nov.

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Farysporium Vánky 1999
Farysporium Vánky (1999)
Farysporium Vánky 1999
Farysporium Vánky (1999)
Farysporium Vánky 1999

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1 January 2001
8 April 2014
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