Hysterangium Vittad. 1831

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Hysterangium Vittad., Monogr. Tuberac. 13 (1831)
Hysterangium Vittad. 1831
Hysterangium Vittad. 1831
- Hysterangium affine
- Hysterangium aggregatum
- Hysterangium atratum
- Hysterangium aureum
- Hysterangium coriaceum
- Hysterangium crassirhachis
- Hysterangium epiroticum
- Hysterangium fischeri
- Hysterangium fusisporum
- Hysterangium gardneri
- Hysterangium gelatinosporum
- Hysterangium hautu
- Hysterangium inflatum
- Hysterangium lobatum
- Hysterangium neglectum
- Hysterangium neotunicatum
- Hysterangium niger
- Hysterangium occidentale
- Hysterangium pumilum
- Hysterangium rubescens
- Hysterangium rugisporum
- Hysterangium rupticutis
- Hysterangium salmonaceum
- Hysterangium sclerodermum
- Hysterangium sclerodermum
- Hysterangium separabile
- Hysterangium sp.
- Hysterangium sp. 1
- Hysterangium sp. 2
- Hysterangium sp. 3
- Hysterangium sp. 4
- Hysterangium sp. 5
- Hysterangium sp. 6
- Hysterangium sp. 'Piha (PDD 106238)'
- Hysterangium strobilus
- Hysterangium tunicatum
- Hysterangium viscidum
- Hysterangium youngii
Hysterangium Vittad. 1831
Truffle-like fungus with fruiting body with columella, spores smooth, elliptical. Gallacea is similar, but the spores lack a utricle (outer, loose covering) and the fruiting bodies have a tendency to develop large schizogenous cavities in the gleba.
Probably ectomycorrhizal with beech and tea-tree.
Five species have been reported from New Zealand, only those listed below have descriptions or images available from NZFungi.
Hysterangium Vittad. 1831
Basidiomata globose to subglobose or irregular. Peridium to 1 mm thick, white to salmon µmk, pale yellow, or pale brown, often staining pink to brown where bruised, sometimes readily separable from gleba, bearing hyphae and rhizomorphs at base and sides or overall. Gleba grey, greyish green or olive, with small labyrinthine locules and a poorly to strongly developed, dendroid, gelatinous to cartilaginous, white or grey columella. Basidia in a euhymenium, hyaline to occasionally pale brown, thin-walled, 2-6-spored. Subhymenial layer poorly developed. Spores statismosporic, orthotropic, smooth to moderately verrucose, with a wrinkled to loose utricle, narrowly ellipsoid to fusoid, sterigmal attachment straight, inconspicuous to truncatecupped, hyaline, pale green or pale olive singly, slightly dextrinoid in Melzer's reagent. Development angiocarpic, hypogeous to subepigeous.
ETYMOLOGY: From Greek hystera, womb, and angeion, vessel (a term used by 19th century mycologists for a sporocarp), referring to the angiocarpic basidioma.
REMARKS: Hysterangium is a large genus, widely distributed in both Northern and Southern Hemispheres, forming ectomycorrhizae particularly with µmaceae, Fagaceae, and Myrtaceae. In the following descriptions, the ornamentation of the spore wall is described as it appears by light microscopy, although in some species the utricle is appressed regularly to the spore wall, preventing precise elucidation of the wall details.
REMARKS: Hysterangium is a large genus, widely distributed in both Northern and Southern Hemispheres, forming ectomycorrhizae particularly with µmaceae, Fagaceae, and Myrtaceae. In the following descriptions, the ornamentation of the spore wall is described as it appears by light microscopy, although in some species the utricle is appressed regularly to the spore wall, preventing precise elucidation of the wall details.
TYPE SPECIES: Hysterangium clathroides Vittadini, designated by Zeller & Dodge (1929).
Taxonomic concepts
Hysterangium Vittad. 1831
Hysterangium Vittad. (1831)
Hysterangium Vittad. 1831
Hysterangium Vittad. (1831)
Hysterangium Vittad. 1831
Hysterangium Vittad.
Hysterangium Vittad. 1831
Hysterangium Vittad. 1831
Hysterangium Vittad. 1831
Hysterangium Vittad. (1831)
Global name resources
scientific name
1 January 2001
22 December 2013