Webb, C.J.; Sykes, W.R.; Garnock-Jones, P.J. 1988: Flora of New Zealand. Vol. IV. Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons. Botany Division DSIR, Christchurch.

Webb, C.J.; Sykes, W.R.; Garnock-Jones, P.J. 1988: Flora of New Zealand. Vol. IV. Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons. Botany Division DSIR, Christchurch.
Taxonomic concepts
Abutilon grandifolium (Willd.) Sweet
Acaena ovina subsp. nanella Bitter
Acaena anserinifolia (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Druce
Acaena buchananii var. inermis Bitter
Acaena caesiglauca var. pilosa (Kirk) Allan
Acaena microphylla var. pallideolivacea Bitter
Acaena minor (Hook.f.) Allan var. minor
Acaena minor var. antarctica (Cockayne) Allan
Acaena pusilla (Bitter) Allan
Acaena pusilla var. suprasericascens Bitter
Acaena sanguisorbae subsp. pusilla Bitter
Acaena sanguisorbae var. pilosa Kirk
Acaena sanguisorbae var. viridor Cockayne
Acaena viridior (Cockayne) Allan
Acetosa sagittata (Thunb.) L.A.S.Johnson & B.G.Briggs
Achillea distans Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd.
Achyranthes aspera L. var. aspera
Achyranthes aspera var. velutina (Hook. & Arn.) C.C.Towns.
Aeonium undulatum Webb & Berthel.
Ageratina riparia (Regel) R.M.King & H.Rob.
Alchemilla filicaulis sensu some New Zealand collectors
Amaranthus blitum sensu New Zealand Botanists
Amsinckia hispida (Ruiz & Pav.) I.M.Johnst.
Anemone japonica sensu New Zealand Botanists
Anthemis mixta sensu New Zealand Botanists
Anthriscus neglecta Boiss. & Reut. ex Lange
Apium leptophyllum (Pers.) F. Muell. ex Benth.
Apium tenuifolium (Moench) Thell.
Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. subsp. minus
Arctium minus subsp. pubens (Bab.) Aren.
Argemone mexicana var. ochroleuca (Sweet) Lindl.
Argyranthemum foeniculaceum (Willd.) Webb ex Sch.Bip.
Arthrolobium pinnatum Rendle & Britten
Asarina erubescens (D. Don) Pennell
Atriplex australasica sensu early New Zealand Botanists
Atriplex buchananii var. tenuicaulis Petrie
Atriplex hastata New Zealand Botanists
Begonia Semperflorens-Cultorum hybrids
Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima (L.) Arcang.
Bilderdykia convolvulus (L.) Dumort.
Bowlesia tropaeolifolia Gillies & Hook.
Brachyscome perpusilla (Steetz) J.M.Black
Brachyscome perpusilla var. tenella (Turcz.) G.L.Davis
Brachyscome radicata Hook.f. var. radicata
Brachyscome radicata var. dubia (Kirk) Allan
Brachyscome radicata var. membranifolia (Kirk) Allan
Brachyscome radicata var. polita (Kirk) Allan
Brachyscome radicata var. thomsonii (Kirk) Allan
Brachyscome radicata var. β Hook.f.
Brachyscome sinclairii Hook.f. var. sinclairii
Brachyscome sinclairii var. γ Hook.f.
Brachyscome thomsonii var. dubia Kirk
Brachyscome thomsonii var. membranifolia Kirk
Brachyscome thomsonii var. polita (Kirk) Cheeseman
Brassica barrelieri subsp. oxyrrhina (Coss.) Regel
Bryophyllum delagoense (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Schinz
Buddleja dysophylla (Benth.) Radlk.
Cakile edentula (Bigelow) Hook. var. edentula
Calandrinia caulescens Kunth
Calandrinia caulescens var. menziesii
Calandrinia ciliata var. menziesii (Hook.) J.F. Macbr.
Calceolaria tripartita Ruiz & Pav.
Calystegia sepium subsp. roseata Brummitt
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik.
Cardamine depressa var. acaulis Hook.f.
Cardamine stellata Hook.f.
Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.E.Br. (1926) × Disphyma australe (W.T.Aiton) N.E.Br.
Carumbium polyandrum Hook.f.
Carumbium polyandrum Müll.Arg.
Casuarina littoralis Salisb.
Caucalis anthriscus sensu New Zealand Botanists
Centaurium australe sensu New Zealand Botanists
Centaurium exaltatum sensu New Zealand Botanists
Cerastium amblyodontum Colenso
Cerastium fontanum subsp. triviale (Link) Jalas
Cerastium holosteoides Fr.
Cerastium triviale Link
Cerastium truncatulum Colenso
Cerastium vulgatum L.
Cestrum fasciculatum var. newellii Bailey
Chamaecytisus proliferus var. palmensis H.Christ
Chenopodium ambiguum R.Br.
Chenopodium glaucum subsp. ambiguum (R.Br.) Murr & Thell.
Chenopodium stellulatum (Benth.) Aellen
Chilianthus dysophyllus (Benth.) Benth.
Chrysanthemoides monilifera (L.) Norl. subsp. monilifera
Chrysanthemum anethifolium Brouss. ex Willd.
Chrysanthemum foeniculaceum (Willd.) Steud.
Clematis maximowicziana Franch. & P.A.L.Savat.
Clematis orientalis sensu New Zealand Botanist
Collomia biflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Brand
Collomia coccinea Lehm. ex Benth.
Collomia grandiflora Douglas ex Lindl.
Convolvulus mauritanicus Boiss.
Convolvulus sabatius subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murb.
Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist
Conyza canadensis var. pusilla (Nutt.) Cronquist
Cotoneaster franchetii var. sternianus
Cotoneaster glaucophyllus f. serotinus (Hutch.) Stapf
Cotula vulgaris var. australasica J.H.Willis
Crassula decumbens Thunb. var. decumbens
Crassula multicava Lem. subsp. multicava
Crassula purpurata (Hook.f.) Domin
Cryptostemma calendulacea R.Br.
Cucubalus latifolius Mill.
Cuscuta hassaica sensu New Zealand Botanists
Cytisus palmensis (H.Christ) Hutch.
Cytisus proliferus sensu New Zealand Botanists
Cytisus scoparius f. andreanus (Puiss.) Zabel
Cytisus scoparius var. andreanus (Puiss.) Dippel
Damnamenia vernicosa (Hook.f.) Given
Datura stramonium var. tatula (L.) Torr.
Datura suaveolens Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
Einadia trigonos subsp. stellulata (Benth.) Paul G.Wilson
Elaeagnus ×reflexa C.Morren & Decne.
Epilobium billardiereanum DC. subsp. billardiereanum
Epilobium findlayi Allan var. findlayi
Epilobium pedunculare var. viride Cockayne
Erechtites kermadecensis (Belcher) Allan
Erechtites minima var. angustata Allan
Erechtites minima var. heterophylla (Colenso) Allan
Erechtites prenanthoides var. β minor Hook.f.
Erechtites quadridentata (Labill.) DC.
Erechtites quadridentata var. lanceola Kirk
Erechtites quadridentata var. traversii Allan
Erechtites scaberula var. chathamica Allan
Erechtites wairauensis (Belcher) Allan
Erechtites wairauensis var. robusta Allan
Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa (Mill.) Thell.
Erythrina ×sykesii Barneby & Krukoff
Erythrina indica sensu New Zealand Botanists
Escallonia montevidensis (Cham. & Schltdl.) DC.
Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng.
Euphorbia characias L. subsp. characias
Euphorbia wulfenii Hoppe ex W.D.J.Koch
Fragaria ×ananassa Duchesne
Galinsoga bicolorata H.St.John & D.White
Galium perpusillum (Hook.f.) Allan
Gaultheria rupestris (L.f.) D.Don var. rupestris
Gaultheria rupestris var. subcorymbosa (Colenso) B.L.Burtt & A.W.Hill
Geranium anemonifolium sensu New Zealand Botanists
Geranium microphyllum var. discolor G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Geranium microphyllum var. obtusatum G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Geranium traversii var. elegans Cockayne
Gilia squarrosa (Eschsch.) Hook. & Arn.
Gnaphalium luteoalbum L.
Gnaphalium luteoalbum var. compactum Kirk
Gnaphalium luteoalbum var. incanum A.Rich.
Gomphocarpus fruticosus (L.) W.T.Aiton
Gunnera monoica var. strigosa (Colenso) Kirk
Hakea acicularis (Sm. ex Vent.) Knight
Helichrysum ×selago (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kirk
Helichrysum glomeratum (Raoul) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kirk
Helichrysum glomeratum (Raoul) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kirk var. glomeratum
Helichrysum glomeratum var. lanceolatum (Buchanan) Allan
Helichrysum glomeratum var. majus Allan
Helichrysum selago var. intermedium (G.Simpson) Allan
Helminthia echioides (L.) Gaertn.
Heterocentron elegans (Schltdl.) Kuntze
Hieracium praecox sensu New Zealand Botanists
Hutchinsia procumbens (L.) Desv.
Hydrocotyle americana var. heteromeria (A.Rich.) Kirk
Hydrocotyle tripartita var. hydrophila (Petrie) Cheeseman
Hymenolobus procumbens (L.) Schinz & Thell.
Hypericum henryi H.Lév. & Vaniot subsp. henryi
Hypericum hookerianum sensu New Zealand Botanists
Impatiens oliveri C.H Wright ex W.Watson
Indigofera gerardiana Wall. ex Baker
Indigofera heterantha Wall. ex Brandis
Indigofera viscosa sensu New Zealand Botanists
Juglans ailantifolia var. cordiformis (Maxim.) Rehder
Juglans sieboldiana Maxim.
Jussiaea diffusa sensu New Zealand Botanists
Jussiaea repens sensu New Zealand Botanists
Kalanchoe delagoensis Eckl. & Zeyh.
Kalanchoe tubiflora (Harv.) Raym.-Hamet
Kickxia elatine (L.) Dumort. subsp. elatine
Kickxia elatine subsp. crinita (Mabille) Greuter
Kohlrauschia prolifera (L.) P.Ball and Heyw.
Lagenifera gunnii (Hook.f.) J.M.Black
Lampranthus sp. sensu New Zealand Botanists
Laurentia gasparrinii (Tineo) Strobl
Lavatera plebeia sensu New Zealand Authors
Leptospermum scoparium J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. var. scoparium
Leptospermum scoparium var. incanum Cockayne
Linaria cymbalaria (L.) Mill.
Linum marginale sensu New Zealand Botanists
Lonicera hildebrandiana Collett & Hemsl.
Ludwigia peploides subsp. montevidensis (Spreng.) P.H.Raven
Lychnis vespertina Sibth.
Lycium chinense sensu New Zealand authors
Lycium horridum sensu New Zealand Botanists
Lythrum flexuosum sensu New Zealand Botanists
Lythrum graefferi sensu New Zealand Botanists
Madia sativa var. congesta Torr. & A.Gray
Mahonia bealei (Fortune) Carriére
Malus pumila sensu New Zealand authors
Matricaria matricarioides sensu
Matricaria suaveolens (Pursh) Buchenau
Maurandya erubescens (D. Don) A. Gray
Medicago sativa subsp. falcata (L.) Arcang.
Medicago sativa subsp. glomerata (Balb.) Tutin
Melandrium album (Mill.) Garcke
Melilotus altissimus sensu New Zealand botanists
Melilotus petitpierrianus Willd. ex Ces. , Pass. & Gibelli
Mentha ×niliaca sensu New Zealand authors
Mentha cordifolia sensu New Zealand authors
Mentha rotundifolia sensu many New Zealand authors
Mentha spicata subsp. tomentosa (Briq.) Harley
Minuartia hybrida (Vill.) Schischk.
Montia perfoliata (Donn ex Willd.) Howell
Myoporum serratum sensu New Zealand authors
Myosotis caespitosa Schultz
Myosotis glauca (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) de Lange & Barkla
Myosotis laxa subsp. caespitosa (Schultz) Hyl. ex Nordh.
Myosotis lyallii var. townsonii (Cheeseman) L.B.Moore
Myosotis petiolata var. petiolata
Myosotis petiolata var. pansa L.B.Moore
Myosotis petiolata var. pottsiana L.B.Moore
Myosotis pygmaea var. drucei L.B.Moore
Myosotis pygmaea var. glauca G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Myosotis pygmaea var. minutiflora G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Myosotis scorpioides var. palustris Hill
Myosotis scorpioides var. strigulosa (Reichb.) Mert. & Koch
Myosotis spathulata var. spathulata
Myosotis spathulata var. radicata L.B.Moore
Myosotis subvernicosa Colenso
Myosotis sylvatica subsp. sylvatica
Myosotis traversii var. traversii
Myosotis traversii var. cantabrica L.B.Moore
Myosotis traversii var. cinerascens (Petrie) L.B.Moore
Nymphoides geminata (R.Br.) Kuntze
Oenothera grandiflora sensu New Zealand botanists
Oenothera longiflora sensu New Zealand botanists
Oenothera odorata sensu New Zealand Botanists
Ononis procurrens sensu New Zealand Botanists
Oreoporanthera alpina (Cheeseman ex Hook.f.) Hutch.
Ornithopus pinnatus (Mill.) Druce
Oxalis corniculata L. subsp. corniculata var. corniculata
Oxalis corniculata var. ciliifera (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
Oxalis corniculata var. crassifolia (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
Oxalis corniculata var. microphylla Hook.f.
Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa (DC.) Lourteig
Oxalis preissiana sensu New Zealand botanists
Oxalis variabilis sensu New Zealand Botanists
Papaver somniferum L. subsp. somniferum
Papaver somniferum subsp. setigerum (DC.) Corb.
Parentucellia latifolia (L.) Caruel
Pelargonium quercifolium (L.f.) L’Hér.
Pelargonium ribifolium sensu New Zealand Botanists
Pelargonium vitifolium (L.) L'Hér.
Petasites fragrans (Vill.) C.Presl
Phlomis russeliana (Sims) Benth.
Picris hieracioides var. glabrata Hook.f.
Pilosella praealta (Vill. ex Cochn.) F.Schultz & Sch.Bip.
Pinus scopulorum (Engelm.) Lemmon
Plantago spathulata subsp. picta (Colenso) Sykes
Plantago varia sensu New Zealand Botanists
Polygonum aviculare subsp. depressum (Meisn.) Arcang.
Poranthera alpina Cheeseman ex Hook.f.
Poterium muricatum Spach
Poterium polygamum Waldst. & Kit.
Pratia angulata (G.Forst.) Hook.f.
Pratia purpurascens (R.Br.) E.Wimm.
Prunus ×domestica subsp. domestica L.
Prunus ×domestica subsp. institicia (L.) C.Schneider
Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum (L.) Hilliard & B.L.Burtt
Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum (L.) Hilliard & B.L.Burtt subsp. luteoalbum
Psychrophila (DC.) Bercht. & J.Presl
Psychrophila novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) W.A.Weber
Ranunculus aquatilis sensu New Zealand Botanists
Ranunculus fluitans sensu New Zealand Botanist
Ranunculus rivularis Banks & Solander ex DC.
Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. maritimus (Sm.) Thell.
Rhagodia triandra (Forst.f.) Aellen
Rubus illecebrosus sensu New Zealand Botanists
Salix ×sepulcralis var. chrysocoma (Dode) Meikle
Salix cinerea subsp. oleifolia (Sm.) Macreight
Salpichroa rhomboidea (Gillies & Hook.) Miers
Salvia microphylla var. neurepia (Fernald) Epling
Salvia splendens Sellow ex Wied-Neuw.
Sanguisorba minor subsp. muricata (Spach) Briq.
Sarothamnus scoparius (L.) Wimm. ex W.D.J.Koch
Scabiosa anthemifolia Eckl. & Zeyh.
Scrophularia aquatica L.
Senecio colensoi Hook.f. var. colensoi
Senecio colensoi var. obtusifolius Allan
Senecio cruentus (Masson ex L’Hér.) DC.
Senecio glaucophyllus Cheeseman subsp. glaucophyllus
Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. basinudus Ornduff
Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. discoideus (Cheeseman) Ornduff
Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. raoulii (Hook.f.) Ornduff
Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. toa C.J.Webb
Senecio hispidulus A.Rich. var. hispidulus
Senecio hispidulus var. scaberulus (Hook.f) Belcher
Senecio latifolius Banks & Sol. ex Hook.f.
Senecio latifolius var. sinuatifolius Kirk
Senecio lautus var. discoideus Cheeseman
Senecio lautus var. esperensis Sykes
Senecio lautus var. radiolatus (F.Muell.) Kirk
Senecio lautus var. β raoulii Hook.f.
Senecio lautus var. γ macrocephalus Hook.f.
Senecio radiolatus F.Muell. subsp. radiolatus
Senecio radiolatus subsp. antipodus (Kirk) C.J.Webb
Senecio rufiglandulosus var. sinuatifolius (Kirk) Allan
Senecio rufiglandulosus var. solandri (Allan) Allan
Senecio valerianifolius Link ex Spreng.
Silene alba (Mill.) E.H.L.Krause
Silene dichotoma New Zealalnd Botanists
Silene gallica var. quinquevulnera (L.) W.D.J.Koch
Silene gallica var. silvestris (Schott) Asch.
Silene latifolia subsp. alba (Mill.) Greuter & Burdet
Silene macrocarpa (Boiss. & Reut.) E.H.L.Krause
Silene pratensis (Rafn) Godr.
Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke subsp. vulgaris
Solanum aviculare G.Forst. var. aviculare
Solanum aviculare var. albiflorum Cheeseman
Solanum aviculare var. latifolium G.T.S.Baylis
Solanum capsicastrum sensu New Zealand Botanists
Solanum nigrum f. chlorocarpum (Spenn.) Lindm.
Solanum nigrum f. humile (Willd.) Lindm.
Solanum physalifolium var. nitidibaccatum (Bitter) Edmonds
Solanum sarrachoides sensu New Zealand authors
Solanum villosum subsp. miniatum (Bernh. ex Willd.) J.M.Edmonds
Solenogyne mikadoi (Koidz.) Koidz.
Solenopsis laurentia (L.) C.Presl
Stellaria decipiens var. angustata Kirk
Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Sch.Bip.
Taraxacum officinale var. glabratus Kirk
Taraxacum officinale var. pygmaea Hook.f.
Teline stenopetala var. spachiana (Webb) del Arco
Tibouchina semidecandra (Mart. & Schrank ex DC.) Cogn.
Tibouchina semidecandra sensu New Zealand Botanists
Tibouchina urvilleana (DC.) Cogn.
Tillaea trichotoma (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Walp.
Toronia toru (A.Cunn.) L.A.S.Johnson & B.G.Briggs
Tripleurospermum maritimum (L.) W.D.J.Koch
Tunica prolifera (L.) Scop.
Vaccaria hispanica (Mill.) Rauschert
Valerianella olitoria (L.) Pollich
Vicia sativa subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh.
Vicia sativa var. angustifolia L.
Viola hederacea subsp. hederaceae Labill.
Viola tricolor var. hortensis sensu New Zealand authors
Vittadinia australis var. dissecta Benth.
Vittadinia australis var. erecta
Vittadinia australis var. linearis Domin
Vittadinia dissecta (Benth.) N.T.Burb.
Vittadinia triloba (Gaudich.) DC.
Vittadinia triloba var. lanuginosa J.M.Black
Cited vernacular names
Evergreen, resinous, conic or pyramidal trees, usually with smooth bark and whorled branches. Short shoots 0. Buds very variable in shape, generally resinous. Lvs solitary, spirally arranged, linear or linear-oblong, usually ± 2-ranked and often arranged pectinately (except on young erect shoots), leaving a flat circular scar (hence older shoots ± smooth), flattened, generally dark green above and with broad white to glaucous-grey stomatal bands below, less often both sides stomatiferous and glaucous-grey; resin ducts 2, marginal (just below surface) or median. ♂ strobili (cones) situated in upper lf axils on underside of shoots, catkin-like, yellow to red. ♀ cones terminal, erect, usually purple, ripening in first year; ovuliferous scales rather thin; ovules 2 to each scale. Mature cone often dark purple, with bract scales included or exserted, disintegrating; axis persistent. Seed with large wing.
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Perennial shrub to c. 3 m high, sometimes suckering to form thickets. Stems sparsely hairy with short stellate hairs and scattered short simple hairs, becoming ± glabrous. Lvs densely clothed in fine stellate hairs below, ± glabrous to moderately hairy with simple and stellate hairs above, lighter green below, broadly ovate to suborbicular, cordate at base, usually 3-(5)-lobed to 1/4-1/2 radius, crenate or serrate, 6-15-(18) cm long; petioles 2-20 cm long; stipules narrow-oblong to lanceolate, 6-12 mm long, deciduous. Fls axillary, usually solitary or sometimes 2-3 in fascicles; fruiting pedicels up to 20 cm long; calyx shallowly campanulate; calyx teeth much > tube, triangular, acuminate, densely clothed in stellate hairs, ± erect at fruiting; petals yellow to orange or scarlet, often with darker veins, 30-60 mm long. Cells c. 10 per fr., covered in stellate hairs, and with longer stellate hairs along the ridged back; dorsal apical angle awnless. Seeds brown, hairy, particularly on back, c. 3 mm diam.
Perennial shrub to 1-(2) m high. Stems densely clothed in stellate hairs and with long erect simple hairs at least above. Lvs densely clothed in fine stellate hairs, velvety to touch, lighter green below, broadly ovate, acute to acuminate, cordate to almost sagittate at base, not lobed, irregularly serrate, 4-15 cm long; petioles 2-12 cm long; stipules oblong, 5-15 mm long, often deciduous. Fls axillary and solitary or 2-4 (rarely more) in irregular axillary infls; fruiting peduncles 2-7 cm long; calyx shallowly campanulate; calyx teeth much > tube, ovate-triangular, acute to acuminate, densely clothed in stellate hairs, somewhat recurved at fruiting; petals orange-yellow, 15-20 mm long. Cells c. 10 per fr., covered in fine stellate hairs and with long stellate hairs particularly along the ridged back; dorsal apical angle shortly awned. Seeds brown, hairy, particularly on back, 2-3 mm diam.
Annual to perennial herbs, shrubs, or trees. Lvs entire or toothed, lobed or not. Fls usually solitary and axillary or in axillary infls, rarely terminal; epicalyx 0; calyx evenly 5-(6)-toothed; petals spreading or tubular, usually obtuse. Style branches as many as loculi, filiform to clavate. Fr. of usually numerous, 3-9-seeded, often awned cells, arranged in a single flat whorl and dehiscing usually without separating from the central axis.
Erect annual herb, 0.3-1-(1.5) m high. Stems densely hairy with short erect simple hairs and stellate hairs of equal length above, but mostly fine stellate hairs below, becoming somewhat woody at base. Lvs densely clothed in fine stellate hairs, velvety to touch, slightly lighter green below, broadly ovate to suborbicular, acuminate, cordate to almost sagittate at base, not lobed, serrate, 3-15 cm long; petioles 2-15 cm long; stipules linear, c. 10 mm long, deciduous. Fls axillary and solitary or in irregular axillary infls; fruiting pedicels 1-15 cm long; calyx shallowly campanulate; calyx teeth much > tube, ovate-triangular, acute to acuminate, densely clothed in stellate hairs, ± unchanged at fruiting; petals yellow, 7-13 mm long. Cells c. 13 per fr., covered in fine stellate hairs and with long stellate hairs particularly along the ridged back; dorsal apical angle with a long slender awn. Seeds brown, hairy, c. 3 mm diam.
Herbaceous perennial, forming clonal clumps, glabrate to pilose throughout; stems erect, 15-80 cm high. Lvs narrowly obovate to oblanceolate, (3.5)-8-15-(22) cm long, imparipinnate; leaflets in 8-13 pairs, ± sessile, ovate to oblong, up to 15-(25) mm long, pilose to glabrate above and densely pilose below; teeth serrate, up to 15-(18), 1/2-3/4 to midrib. Infl. spicate, branched or not, interrupted at fruiting. Sepals 5, 1-2.5 mm long, sparsely pilose. Stamens 3-7; anthers purple. Styles 1-(2), white. Fr. 20-70, ovoid, c. 3 × 2 mm, scarcely ridged, glabrous or pilose; spines 12-55, over whole surface, ± equal and lacking a thickened conic base, 1-2-(3) mm long, red, barbed at tip.
Stems 15-35-(60) cm high, 1.5-3 mm diam. Infl. not branched. Stamens 4-5. Fr. glabrous, with 12-55 spines.
Stems 20-60-(80) cm high, 2-4 mm diam. Infl. either branched near base or bearing fascicles of fls in axils of upper lvs. Stamens 5-7. Fr. glabrous, with 25-35 spines.
Stems 15-50-(60) cm high, 1.5-3 mm diam. Infl. not branched. Stamens 3-5. Fr. densely clothed in spreading pilose hairs, with 15-50 spines.
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Perennial herbs or dwarf shrubs, often prostrate and forming large mats. Lvs imparipinnate; leaflets toothed; stipules adnate to petiole, persistent. Infl. terminal or axillary, capitate or spicate. Fls 3-5-merous, small, ☿ or ♀. Hypanthium deeply concave, contracted at mouth. Epicalyx 0. Calyx of 3-5 sepals. Petals 0. Stamens 1-10. Ovary superior, surrounded by the hypanthium. Styles 1-2. Ovules 1-2. Fr. of 1-2 achenes enclosed in dry hypanthium bearing 4 or more, often barbed, spines, or without spines.
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Mainly herbs, sometimes shrubs or vines. Lvs opposite, simple, exstipulate, often with cystoliths. Fls mostly in spikes, racemes, or dense heads (glomerules), occasionally solitary. Bracts often conspicuous and coloured. Calyx 4-5-lobed; lobes imbricate or valvate, occasionally much reduced. Corolla gamopetalous, zygomorphic, (1)-2-lipped; lobes convolute or imbricate in bud. Stamens 4 and didynamous, or 2, inserted on corolla. Ovary superior, sessile on a disc, 2-locular; ovules 2 or more per loculus. Fr. a capsule, mainly dehiscing from apex downwards; valves recurved and parting from central axis. Seeds mostly with indurated funicles which forcibly eject the seeds, usually non-endospermic.
Perennial herbs or shrubs. Stems simple, erect. Lvs mostly radical, pinnatifid to pinnatisect; margins sometimes spiny. Fls strongly zygomorphic, arranged in dense spike-like infls. Bracts large, spinose-dentate; bracteoles entire. Calyx 4-lobed; upper and lower lobes larger, sometimes spine-tipped; lateral lobes very small. Corolla 1-lipped (only lower lip present); lip 3-5-lobed; tube short. Stamens 4, included; filaments thick and prominent; anthers fused in pairs, 1-celled, often white-villous. Ovules 2 per cell. Style shortly 2-lobed. Capsule oblong or ovoid, 4-seeded.
Perennial herb with thick roots. Stems to c. 120 cm high, stout. Petiole usually 10-50 cm long in radical lvs, 2-5 cm long in cauline lvs. Lamina oblong to ovate-oblong or broadly ovate, to c. 50 × 30 cm, pinnatifid to pinnatisect, sometimes with 1-2 distinct basal leaflets; lobes or leaflets dentate (spinose-dentate in cauline lvs), glabrous or puberulent beneath on the veins, dark glossy green above. Bracts 3-4 cm long, ovate or broad-ovate, spinose-dentate; main veins raised, purplish. Calyx 3.5-5 cm long (uppermost and lowermost lobes); lobes entire, purplish towards apex. Corolla 4-5.5 cm long, whitish or pale pink with purple or brownish veins; lobes broad and rounded. Filaments stout, c. 2.5 cm × 2.5 mm, often curved; anthers villous on ventral side. Capsule 3-4 cm long, oblong-ovoid, shining, beaked. Seed 1-1.3 cm wide, flattened.
Lvs palmately lobed or toothed, or if pinnate not more than 7-foliolate; samaras with wing always confined to upper side.
Dioecious tree to c. 17 m high, deciduous, very widespreading; trunk becoming stout and gnarled. Shoots glaucous, glabrous. Lvs compound; leaflets 3-5-(7); petioles to 12 cm long. Leaflets very variable in shape and size, petiolulate or sessile; terminal leaflet usually to 15 × 8 cm, ovate; lateral leaflets often lanceolate-ovate, remaining hairy on veins below and sometimes on midrib above, coarsely crenate-serrate, sometimes lobulate; apex acute to acuminate. Fls appearing before lvs. ♂ infl. corymbose; pedicels long, filamentous, hairy, pendulous, pinkish. Sepals and petals 0.5-1 mm long, hairy or nearly glabrous. Stamens prominently exserted; filaments very short; anthers 2-4 mm long. ♀ infl. a pendulous raceme; pedicels very slender. Samara wings c. 2.5 cm long, broad, ± incurved, diverging at an acute angle. Seed c. 1.5 cm long, narrow.
Monoecious, deciduous tree to 20 m high with smooth grey bark. Shoots green, glabrous. Buds large; inner scales to 5 cm long, pinkish. Petiole slender, to c. 15 cm long, usually reddish. Lamina simple, 5-lobed to c. 1/2 way on mature trees, mostly 8-14 × 10-20 cm, glaucescent or sometimes green below, becoming glabrous or with hairs confined to main vein axils below; lobes ovate, coarsely and irregularly crenate-serrate or lobulate; lf base subcordate or cordate. Panicles 5-15 cm long (including main stem), pendulous, appearing with the lvs; pedicels glabrous or hairy. Fls dense, numerous; sepals and petals 2-4 mm long, oblong, green. Stamens (6)-8-(10), exserted; filaments hairy towards base; anthers c. 1 mm long. Ovary white-villous. Samara wings 2-4 cm long, often reddish, usually spreading at a broadly obtuse angle, sometimes slightly incurved. Seed 0.5-1 cm long.
Monoecious or more rarely dioecious, usually deciduous trees or shrubs. Lvs opposite, exstipulate, simple, usually palmately toothed or lobed, less commonly pinnately compound with up to 15 leaflets. Fls actinomorphic, small, hypogynous or perigynous, arranged in fascicles, corymbs, racemes or panicles. Sepals 4-5. Petals usually 4-5, sometimes 0. Stamens (4)-8-(10), inserted on or inside the usually well-developed disc. Ovary superior, 2-celled, compressed, with septum along the short axis; ovules 2 in each cell; styles 2, free or united below. Fr. schizocarpic, splitting into 2 samaras; wing on upper side or occasionally extending round the seed. Seed non-endospermic; cotyledons flat or plicate, often green.
Perennial herbs, often with stout woody rootstock. Lvs simple and entire to 3-4-pinnate or pinnatisect, alternate. Capitula in corymbs, or rarely solitary, terminal, usually pedunculate, rarely shortly so; involucral bracts in several rows, with membranous margins. Receptacle flat or convex; scales present. Outer florets ♀, ligulate, yellow, white or pink; inner florets ☿; corolla tube compressed. Achenes all similar, compressed, glabrous, smooth, not or slightly winged at edges; pappus 0.
Strongly scented, rhizomatous herb, with short non-flowering rosettes often forming dense mats. Stems usually erect, sometimes ascending, up to c. 80 cm tall, ribbed and striate, hairy especially above, usually not branched except above to form infl. Basal lvs petiolate, lanceolate, moderately hairy, 2-pinnate with segments again 1-2-pinnatisect, 6-15-(44) × 1-2-(4) cm; primary leaflets in 18-30-(37) pairs; ultimate segments subulate, not all in one plane giving a feathery appearance to lf; rachis c. 1-2 mm diam., flattened, sometimes slightly winged, not toothed. Cauline lvs similar to basal, but above becoming apetiolate, less divided, smaller, and with fewer leaflet pairs. Corymbs usually ± flat-topped or slightly convex, to c. 15 cm across, with numerous, closely packed capitula. Involucral bracts glabrous to sparsely hairy, 1.5-4-(5) mm long; margin brown, hairy. Capitula (3.5)-5-10 mm diam.; ray florets 4-7; ligule and disc florets usually white, sometimes pink to deep red or purple. Achenes grey-brown, c. 2 mm long; wings narrow, pale brown.
Scented, rhizomatous herb. Stems erect, up to c. 1 m tall, angled and hairy above, slightly ribbed and ± glabrous toward base, usually not branched except above to form infl. Basal lvs 0 at anthesis. Cauline lvs apetiolate, linear, glabrous, sometimes sparsely hairy when young, simple, finely and evenly serrate and serrations again with very fine cartilaginous teeth, up to 80 × 3-5 mm, becoming smaller and more lanceolate toward infl. Corymbs convex, to c. 10 cm across, with few to numerous, loosely-packed capitula. Involucral bracts sparsely hairy, 2-4 mm long; margin brown, hairy. Capitula c. 10-15 mm diam.; ray florets 8-numerous; ligule and disc florets white. Achenes grey-brown, c. 2 mm long; wings narrow, pale brown.
Herb to c. 1 m high. Stems lax, woody at base and ribbed, densely hairy with hairs somewhat appressed. Petioles 5-20 mm long, silky, often pink. Lamina 3-9 × 2-6 cm, broadly ovate, slightly rhomboid, clothed in appressed hairs above and below, silky canescent on young parts, crenulate or crenate, attenuate at base, acute or shortly acuminate. Infl. to 15 cm long; peduncle white-villous. Fls becoming retrorse, often tinged red. Bract c. 3 mm long, ovate, long-acuminate; bracteoles slightly > bract, with broadly scarious base and a long, subulate spine above. Tepals 3-5 mm long, shining, acute, becoming pungent in fr. Fr. 2-2.5 mm long.
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Glabrous trees. Lvs opposite or nearly so, usually with many glandular dots. Infl. a terminal, much-branched, many-flowered panicle. Fls usually 2-3 in axes of each peduncle. Hypanthium produced beyond ovary; calyx lobes very short. Petals 4-5, very small, usually united to form lid or operculum, sometimes free, caducous. Stamens numerous, in more than 1 whorl, free, irregular in length, the outer short and not greatly incurved in bud, at least the inner > petals; anthers apically dehiscent (poricidal or by a short slit), versatile; lobes divergent. Ovary 2-3-celled, with few ovules; style very short. Fr. baccate, globose or nearly so; seed 1.
Tree (6-15 m high in cultivation). Lvs very aromatic when crushed; petiole usually c. 5 mm long. Lamina 4-12-(15) × 2-5-(8) cm, ovate or elliptic-ovate, coriaceous, glossy above, dotted with glands below; veins parallel and prominent below; base cuneate or narrow-cuneate; apex obtusely cuspidate or acuminate. Fls shortly pedicellate. Hypanthium (including pseudopedicel) 3-5 mm long; calyx lobes 4, deciduous. Petals 4, c. 2 mm long, forming a small calyptrum, whitish. Stamens to c. 3 mm long, whitish. Fr. subglobose to broad-oblong or obovoid, often slightly flattened, usually 1-1.7-(3) cm diam., pinkish mauve or white, with apical cavity. Seed large.
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Dioecious or gynodioecious, deciduous lianes, with twining stems. Pith solid or lamellate. Lvs usually serrate, rarely entire. Fls usually in axillary cymes, sometimes solitary, cup-shaped. Petals convolute, delicate, usually white. Stamens numerous. Ovary with numerous locules. Styles numerous. Fr. a fleshy berry. Seeds numerous, embedded in pulp.
Trees or shrubs, often climbing, dioecious or gynodioecious. Lvs alternate, exstipulate, simple. Fls usually in axillary cymes or fascicles, actinomorphic. Sepals (4)-5, imbricate. Petals (4)-5, imbricate, or somewhat contorted, deciduous. Stamens nearly always numerous, versatile, inflexed in bud. Ovary superior, 3-many-locular; carpel walls sometimes reaching the central axis. Ovules 1-numerous; styles 5-many, usually persistent. Fr. a berry or hard capsule. Seeds small, numerous, endospermic.
Rhizomes creeping, producing runners, scaly. Stipes and rachises glabrous except at very base. Laminae ovate, 10-30 × 6-15 cm, (2)-3-pinnate at base. Primary pinnae alternate, 8-12 on each side of rachis. Ultimate pinnules generally broader than long, either very broadly obovate, orbicular, or broadly ovate, 3-10 × 4-15 mm, cuneate at base, with stalk attached ± centrally, entire or shallowly lobed, glabrous, yellow green. Indusia ± reniform with prominent sinuses, glabrous, 1-4 per pinnule on outer margin only.
Rhizomes creeping, scaly. Stipes and rachises glabrous except at very base. Laminae ovate, 4-25 × 2-8 cm, 2-3-pinnate at base. Primary pinnae alternate, 4-8 on each side of rachis. Ultimate pinnules broadly obovate, rhombic, or flabellate, 5-20 × 6-20 mm, cuneate at base, with stalk attached ± centrally, usually deeply divided into 2-6 lobes, glabrous, yellow green. Indusia ± oblong, lacking sinuses, extending up to 5 mm along margin, glabrous, 1-8 per pinnule on outer margin only.
Rhizomes far-creeping, scaly. Stipes and rachises glabrous except at very base. Laminae ovate or elliptic, 10-35 × 5-24 cm, (2)-3-pinnate. Primary pinnae alternate, (1)-2-4-(5) on each side of rachis bearing secondary pinnae, and a terminal portion with 10-12 undivided primary pinnae on each side. Ultimate pinnules ± oblong or parallelogrammoid, tending to curve acroscopically at the apices, 8-25 × 4-12 mm; stalk attached at proximal corner; upper and outer margins irregularly toothed, lower and inner margins entire; both surfaces glabrous, upper surface dark green, lower glaucous. Indusia ± reniform with prominent sinuses, glabrous, to 14 per pinnule on upper and outer margins.
Rhizomes short, erect, scaly; rootlets bearing small tubers. Stipes and rachises glabrous except at very base. Laminae either 1-pinnate with 5-16 undivided pinnae on each side of rachis, or 2-pinnate with 1-(2) pairs of primary pinnae bearing secondary pinnae and a terminal portion with 12-25 undivided primary pinnae on each side; 1-pinnate fronds 5-10 × 1.5-3 cm, narrowly triangular; 2-pinnate fronds 8-20 × 4-18 cm, 3-fid. Ultimate pinnules ± oblong or parallelogrammoid, tending to curve basiscopically, 5-20 × 4-10 mm; stalk attached at proximal corner; upper and outer margins regularly lobed, inner and lower margins entire; upper surface glabrous, lower hairy or glabrous, both dark green. Indusia ± reniform with prominent sinuses, hairy or glabrous, up to 8 per pinnule on upper and outer margins.
Rhizomes far-creeping, scaly. Stipes and rachises rough; midribs of pinnae hairy. Laminae broadly ovate, 35-80 × 20-50 cm, (3)-4-pinnate. Primary pinnae alternate, 8-12 on each side of rachis bearing secondary pinnae, and a terminal portion bearing undivided primary pinnae. Ultimate pinnules ± oblong or parallelogrammoid, 4-13 × 3-6 mm; stalk attached at proximal corner; upper and outer margins regularly lobed, lower and inner margins entire; upper surface glabrous, lower glabrous or hairy, both surfaces dark green. Indusia crescent-shaped with shallow sinuses, glabrous, up to 10 per pinnule on upper and outer margins.
Rhizomes far-creeping, scaly. Stipes and rachises stiffly hairy. Laminae ovate or broadly ovate, 15-35 × 10-25 cm, (2)-3-pinnate. Primary pinnae alternate, 2-5 on each side of rachis bearing secondary pinnae, and a terminal portion with 10-18 undivided primary pinnae on each side. Ultimate pinnules ± oblong or parallelogrammoid, often curved acroscopically at the apices, 6-25 × 3-8 mm; stalk attached at proximal corner; upper and outer margins irregularly lobed, lower and inner margins entire; upper surface glabrous, lower stiffly hairy, both surfaces dark green. Indusia ± reniform with prominent sinuses, glabrous, up to 14 per pinnule on upper and outer margins, sometimes extending to apical part of lower margin.
Rhizomes short-creeping or ± erect, scaly. Stipes and rachises stiffly hairy. Laminae broadly ovate to ± orbicular, 12-30 × 10-25 cm, usually pedate, sometimes (2)-3-pinnate, divided into 5-15 branches to 20 cm long and bearing up to 40 pinnules on each side. Ultimate pinnules ± oblong or parallelogrammoid, 5-15 × 3-6 mm; stalk attached at proximal corner; upper and outer margins finely toothed, lower and inner margins entire; upper surface glabrous, lower hairy, both surfaces dark green at maturity but red-tinged when young. Indusia ± reniform with shallow sinuses, hairy, up to 22 per pinnule on upper and outer margins, often extending to inner margin.
Terrestrial ferns with erect to long-creeping scaly rhizomes. Stipes scaly at base only, often dark brown and polished. Fronds entire or 1-4-(6)-pinnate; ultimate segments stalked, usually ovate, flabellate, oblong, or parallelogrammoid; margins incised, lobed, or crenate; veins usually free. Sori borne on elongate, orbicular, reniform, or crescent-shaped, strongly recurved modified marginal lobes (usually called indusia). Spores trilete.
Rhizomes creeping, scaly. Stipes and rachises glabrous except at very base. Laminae ovate or elliptic, 12-30 × 6-18 cm, 3-4-pinnate at base. Primary pinnae alternate, 9-12 on each side of rachis. Ultimate pinnules very variable in size and shape, generally longer than broad, narrowly obovate, obovate, broadly obovate, or rhombic, 5-17 × 3-16 mm, cuneate at base, with stalk attached ± centrally, most divided into 2 or more distinct lobes, glabrous, bright green. Indusia ± reniform with prominent sinuses, glabrous, 1-8 per pinnule on outer margin only.
Rhizomes far-creeping, scaly. Stipes and rachises stiffly hairy. Laminae ovate or broadly ovate, 15-35 × 10-25 cm, (2)-3-pinnate. Primary pinnae alternate, 2-5 on each side of rachis bearing secondary pinnae, and a terminal portion with 10-18 undivided primary pinnae on each side. Ultimate pinnules ± oblong or parallelogrammoid, often curved acroscopically at the apices, 6-25 × 3-8 mm; stalk attached at proximal corner; upper and outer margins deeply lobed, lower and inner margins entire; both surfaces glabrous, dark green. Indusia ± reniform with prominent sinuses, glabrous, up to 14 per pinnule on upper and outer margins, sometimes extending to apical part of lower margin.
Glabrous rhizomatous perennial herbs. Lvs 1-2-ternate; segments broad, serrate. Umbels compound, pedunculate; bracts and bracteoles 0. Petals white or tinged pink, somewhat irregular, with apex deeply notched and inflexed; calyx teeth small or 0. Fr. ovoid, slightly flattened laterally, not beaked, spineless; commissure narrow; ribs 5 per mericarp, equal, slender; vittae 0 in ripe mericarps.
Stout, erect herb with long slender rhizomes. Stems hollow, grooved, up to 100 cm high. Basal lvs (1)-2-ternate, long-petiolate; ultimate segments ovate, acuminate, irregularly serrate, sometimes lobed, 3-8-(10) cm long, sessile or shortly petiolate; stem lvs similar to basal but usually smaller, 1-ternate and shortly petiolate. Umbels 2-8 cm diam.; rays few to numerous, 1.5-4 cm long. Fls numerous, white, 2-3 mm diam. Fr. dark brown with lighter ribs, 3-5 mm long.
Herb; stems short and prostrate, rather thin, rooting freely, hidden at or just below the ground and with lf rosettes at or close to the ground. Rosettes to c. 17 cm diam., flat, often clustered; smaller rosettes around the main or terminal one. Outer rosette lvs to c. 14 × 4 cm, 4-6 mm thick near middle, obovate or spathulate, tapering gradually towards base, green with dark greenish, rather faint dashes on lower surface, puberulent and flat on both surfaces except for slightly rounded keel on lower; margins ciliate, often slightly reddish in upper part, otherwise green; apex mucronulate to mucronate. Flowering shoots arising from below main rosette lvs; axis rather slender and spreading, puberulent, with numerous leaflike bracts decreasing in size towards infl. Infl. a rather small, broad, ovoid-pyramidal panicle, ± rounded at the top, to c. 9 cm long; fls secund along branches. Calyx lobes 2.5-4 mm long, puberulent, triangular-ovate or lanceolate-ovate. Petals 8-9, 5-7.5 × c. 2 mm, elliptic-lanceolate, yellow. Stamens yellow, the inner whorl 5-6 mm long, the outer whorl slightly shorter. Carpels white or very pale green. Scales c. 0.3 mm long, ± broad-obovate, rounded to emarginate. Fr. and seeds not seen.
Perennial or monocarpic; stems trunk-like, 20- c. 70 cm high, 1-2-(5) cm diam., not branched or with few to many lateral branches towards base, with numerous narrow, brown, elongated lf scars. Rosettes terminal, usually 7-20 cm diam. on main shoots, smaller on lateral branches, flattened except in summer. Outer rosette lvs to 8-(11) × 3-(4) cm, 2-3 mm thick, oblanceolate to obovate or obovate-spathulate, green or occasionally purple, glabrous and ± flat on both surfaces; margins ciliate or ciliolate, mostly green, sometimes red towards the mucronate apex. Flowering shoots terminal, either the whole plant or the stem bearing the infl. dying after flowering; axis stout, tall and erect, usually finely covered with very short glandular hairs, very rarely glabrate, with leaflike bracts usually deciduous by peak flowering. Infl. a broadly ovoid-pyramidal panicle, rounded at the top, usually 10-18 × 6-13 cm; fls densely arranged, not obviously secund on branches. Calyx lobes 1.5-3 mm long, puberulent with very short glandular hairs, lanceolate, narrow- to broad-triangular. Petals (7)-8-11, 6-9 × 1.5-2.5 mm, linear or linear-oblong to ± lanceolate-ovate, usually golden, rarely medium yellow. Stamens ± golden, the inner whorl 5-8.5 mm long, the outer whorl usually slightly shorter. Carpels greenish yellow. Scales (0.5)-0.8-1.2 mm long, ± square to rectangular or cuneate, truncate, erose or emarginate at apex. Seeds c. 0.5 mm long, narrowly ellipsoid, longitudinally ridged.
Small, bushy, much-branched shrub to c. 60 cm high, often forming a dense spreading clump; stems to c. 1.5 cm diam.; lf scars indistinct. Rosettes terminal, mostly 5-11-(14) cm diam., rather flattened. Outer rosette lvs to c. 7-(9) × 3-(3.5) cm, (3)-5-7 mm thick, obovate to broadly obovate- spathulate, usually glaucous, occasionally ± glaucescent (especially if shaded), glabrous on both surfaces, ± concave above and slightly keeled and convex on lower surface; margins ciliolate, red at least towards the mucronate apex. Flowering shoots terminal but vegetative growth often continued from lateral branches beneath; axis moderately stout, spreading, red, glabrous, with leaflike bracts numerous and somewhat decreasing towards infl. Infl. a broadly pyramidal panicle, rounded at the top, usually 10-24 cm long and nearly as wide; fls ± densely secund along branches. Calyx lobes 3-6 mm long, glabrous, narrowly triangular, triangular or triangular-ovate. Petals (6)-8-10, 8-12 × 2-4 mm, linear-elliptic, lanceolate-elliptic, or ± elliptic, whitish or cream, often with a pink flush and a green keel outside, sometimes pale yellow. Stamens white or pink, the inner whorl 5.5-9.5 mm long, the outer whorl usually slightly shorter or sometimes slightly longer. Carpels white or pinkish. Scales 0.5-1 mm long, square or ± rectangular, often emarginate. Seeds 0.6-0.7 mm long, obovoid-oblong, minutely longitudinally streaked.
Perennial or monocarpic; stems trunk-like, 20- c. 80 cm high, c. 1-2 cm diam., not branched or with few branches, with numerous narrow lf scars. Rosettes terminal, usually 10-18 cm diam., flattened except in summer. Outer rosette lvs to 9-(12) × 3.5 cm, 2-4-(5) mm thick, green, obovate or obovate- spathulate, glabrous on both surfaces, slightly concave on upper, flat on lower; margins ciliate, mostly green, sometimes slightly red towards the mucronate apex. Flowering shoots terminal, either the whole plant or the stem bearing the infl. dying after flowering; axis ± stout, usually tall and erect, glabrous, occasionally glabrate, with leaflike bracts usually present at peak flowering. Infl. a broadly pyramidal panicle, obtuse or rounded to flat at top, on main stem usually 12-20 cm long and almost as wide; fls fairly densely arranged, somewhat secund on branches. Calyx lobes 2.5-4 mm long, glabrous, triangular or triangular-lanceolate. Petals (8)-9-10, 8-11 × c. 2-3 mm, linear, linear-elliptic or linear-lanceolate, greenish white, cream, greenish yellow or pale yellow. Stamens of inner whorl 5.5-9 mm long, the outer whorl usually slightly shorter; stamens and carpels whitish, cream, pale green, greenish yellow, or pale yellow. Scales 0.6-1.5 mm long, almost rectangular or rectangular-cuneate, ± truncate or retuse. Seeds 0.6-0.9 mm long, narrowly obovoid-oblong, minutely longitudinally streaked.
Monocarpic or rarely perennial; stem trunk-like, not branched or with few short branches below infl., to c. 1.5 m high and usually 2-3 cm diam., sometimes smaller in exposed positions, with prominent, brown, lozenge-shaped scars. Rosettes terminal, 15-30 cm diam. on main stem, flattened except in summer. Outer rosette lvs to 24 × 6 cm, 2-4 mm thick, spathulate or obovate-spathulate, green, glabrous and ± flat on both surfaces; margins ciliate, ± red or reddish brown especially towards the mucronulate or mucronate apex. Flowering shoots terminal, the plant usually dying after flowering; axis very stout, tall, erect, glabrous or very rarely with minute glandular hairs, with numerous small leafy bracts up to flowering. Infl. a massive, broadly pyramidal panicle, ± acutely pointed at the top, usually 25-40 × 18-25 cm, sometimes smaller in exposed positions; fls ± secund along branches. Calyx lobes 1.2-3 mm long, usually glabrous, very rarely with minute glandular hairs, elliptic-lanceolate to triangular. Petals 8-11-(12), 6.5-10 × 2-3 mm, linear, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate-elliptic or narrowly oblong-elliptic, golden. Stamens yellow, the inner whorl 6-8.5 mm long, the outer whorl almost = inner. Carpels yellow or greenish yellow. Scales 0.4-0.7 mm long, ± square to rectangular-cuneate, sometimes slightly emarginate. Seeds 0.6-0.8 mm long, ± obovoid, minutely longitudinally streaked.
Monocarpic or rarely perennial; stems trunk-like, to c. 1 m high and c. 4 cm diam., not forming clumps but with a few much thinner lateral branches near the base only, with prominent very broadly rhombic scars. Rosettes terminal, mostly 10-20 cm diam., rather flattened. Outer rosette lvs to c. 21 × 4 cm, 4-5 mm thick, oblanceolate or narrowly obovate-spathulate and narrowed greatly towards base, glaucous, glabrous and flat with a rounded keel on both surfaces; margins ciliolate, purple especially in upper part; apex ± mucronulate. Flowering shoots terminal, the plants probably usually dying after flowering; axis very stout, tall, erect, glabrous, with many leaflike bracts. Infl. a large, broadly pyramidal panicle, 28-37 × 25-38 cm; fls densely arranged, somewhat secund along branches. Calyx lobes 2-2.5 mm long, glabrous, broadly triangular. Petals 6-7-(8), 8-8.5 × 1.8-2.5 mm, lanceolate or triangular-lanceolate, greenish white. Stamens white, the inner whorl 4.7-5.8 mm long, the outer whorl longer. Carpels white. Scales c. 0.5 mm long, rectangular and much wider than long, ± truncate at apex. Seeds not seen.
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Tree 10-15-(c. 25) m tall. Twigs stout, glabrous with prominent lf scars and large reddish brown, very viscid buds. Leaflets 5-7, sessile; central leaflets mostly 15-35 × 6-14 cm (basal leaflets smaller), obovate, somewhat brown-floccose below when young, later almost glabrous except for axillary tufts of hair beneath, irregularly crenate-serrate; base attenuate; apex cuspidate. Panicles to c. 30 cm high, broad-cylindric; peduncles and pedicels glabrous or hairy. Calyx 4-6 mm long, puberulent inside, scarious. Petals 1-1.7 cm long including narrow claw; limb ± broad-oblong, white with yellow to red spot near base, very undulate and recurved. Filaments slender, curving downwards, hairy. Capsule to 6 cm diam., subglobose, echinate. Seeds 1-2, 3-5 cm diam., usually ± subglobose, often somewhat asymmetric, dark shining brown with prominent, elongated, white hilum.
Deciduous trees or, less commonly, large shrubs, usually with large buds. Leaflets 5-7-(11). Infl. erect. Calyx always connate, tubular or campanulate, 5-toothed. Disc annular.
Erect perennial herb to subshrub, 1-3 m tall. Stems densely clothed in stalked glandular hairs at least above, sometimes also with eglandular hairs, sometimes tinged purple, much-branched. Lvs opposite; petiole glandular, 15-35-(50) mm long; lamina glabrescent to minutely glandular especially on veins of lower surface, ovate-rhombate to deltate, acute to acuminate, coarsely crenate-serrate except near base, 55-80-(120) × 35-70-(90) mm; uppermost lvs smaller, often ± elliptic and entire. Capitula 5-7 mm diam., numerous in terminal corymbs; peduncles densely glandular. Involucral bracts in 2 ± equal rows, with shorter, narrower supplementary bracts outside, narrow-elliptic to lanceolate, glandular, 4.5-5.5 mm long. Florets white. Achenes black, 5-angled, glabrous, 1.3-1.8 mm long.
Erect or sprawling perennial herb to subshrub, 0.3-1-(2) m tall. Stems moderately to densely clothed in purple-striped eglandular hairs at least above, often tinged purple, much-branched. Lvs opposite; petiole hairy, 12-20 mm long; lamina glabrescent to sparsely hairy especially on veins of lower surface, narrow-elliptic to lanceolate, acuminate, coarsely serrate except near base, (30)-60-100-(130) × (8)-15-25-(40) mm; uppermost lvs smaller, sometimes entire. Capitula 4-5 mm diam., many in terminal corymbs; peduncle clothed in eglandular hairs. Involucral bracts in 2 ± equal rows, usually with shorter, narrower supplementary bracts outside, narrow-elliptic to lanceolate, hairy, 4-5 mm long. Florets white. Achenes black, 5-angled, hairy especially on angles, 1.5-2 mm long.
Perennial herbs, subshrubs or shrubs. Lvs usually opposite, rarely alternate, petiolate, simple, entire to serrate or lobed. Infl. a lax or dense corymb. Involucral bracts in 1-2-(3) rows, usually subequal, with membranous margins. Receptacle convex; scales 0, but sometimes minute hairs present. Corolla tubular. Style usually with a distinctly swollen basal node. Achenes ellipsoid-cylindric, usually 5-angled, glabrous, hairy, or glandular; pappus of scabrid hairs, easily deciduous, with acute apical cells.
Erect or ascending annual herb, up to c. 1 m tall. Stems densely clothed in long eglandular and short glandular hairs above, becoming almost glabrous and sometimes somewhat woody toward base. Petiole hairy and glandular, 5-20-(50) mm long; lamina hairy and glandular especially on lower surface, ovate to ovate-triangular, acute, truncate to cordate, crenate-serrate, (12)-25-60-(100) × (12)-15-50-(70) mm; uppermost lvs smaller, sometimes with few teeth. Capitula c. 3-7 mm diam., in dense clusters; peduncles hairy and glandular. Involucral bracts ± equal, sometimes with supplementary bracts outside, oblong-triangular to lanceolate, acuminate, hairy and glandular, 4-5-(6) mm long. Florets usually blue and with conspicuous blue stigmas, rarely corolla and stigmas white. Achenes black, sparsely hairy, 1.4-1.8 mm long, with 5-(6), aristate, fimbriate scales.
Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs. Lvs opposite, petiolate, simple, usually toothed. Infl. a corymb, usually dense. Involucral bracts in 2-(3) rows, usually subequal, mostly chartaceous. Receptacle conic; scales usually 0. Corolla tubular. Style base not swollen. Achenes ellipsoid-cylindric to obpyramidal, 5-angled, hairy; pappus usually of few free or united scales, sometimes reduced to a corona or 0.
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Trees, usually deciduous. Lvs imparipinnate; leaflets somewhat oblique at base, with a ± conspicuous gland on each side beneath towards the base. Fls in large terminal panicles, ☿ or unisexual. Calyx 5-lobed. Petals 5, valvate, oblong. Stamens 10, inserted at base of 10-lobed disc. Carpels 2-5, connate or free below; styles connate with elongated, divergent stigmas. Fr. a samara, the compressed seed in the middle. Cotyledons suborbicular or broadly ovate.
Prostrate to erect or stemless annual to perennial usually succulent herbs or shrubs. Lvs usually opposite, rarely alternate, stipulate or exstipulate, fleshy, terete to trigonous or flat, usually smooth or papillate, rarely pubescent or lepidote; papillae sometimes glittering. Fls solitary or in loose cymes. Sepals (3)-4-6-(8), unequal, rarely equal. Petals many or rarely 0, brightly coloured, in 1-several series, free or very shortly fused at base. Staminodes present or 0. Stamens usually many, rarely 1 or few. Ovary usually inferior, rarely 1/2-inferior to superior, 2-5-(16)-locular; placentation axile to parietal; ovules numerous. Stigmas free, as many as locules. Fr. usually a multicelled capsule opening when wet by as many winged or unwinged valves as the styles, by the action of 2 expanding keels on the inner surface of each; locules with or without a lid; each placenta with or without a distal tubercle, or tubercle 2-lobed; rarely the fr. indehiscent, mucilaginous, or a berry or nut or circumscissile capsule. Seeds numerous, ovoid, sometimes compressed, variously sculptured or smooth; embryo large, curved around mealy endosperm.
Annual or perennial herbs, sometimes stoloniferous. Lvs simple, entire to deeply lobed. Verticels axillary or aggregated into terminal spikes. Bracts leaflike or reduced. Calyx ± actinomorphic, 5-toothed, 10- or more-nerved, tubular-campanulate, not gibbous at base. Corolla with upper lip often very short, usually 2-lobed; lower lip deeply 3-lobed; tube ± exserted, with ring of hairs inside. Stamens usually exserted. Style not gynobasic, equally 2-branched. Nutlets reticulately veined or transversely rugose.
Perennial; vegetative shoots ± procumbent and forming long, glabrous, aerial stolons. Lvs with winged petioles 1-2 cm long. Lamina 1.5-5 × 0.7-3 cm, broad-elliptic to elliptic-obovate or oblong, glabrous or becoming so, undulate or shallowly and broadly crenate; apex obtuse or rounded. Flowering stems to c. 25 cm tall, erect, densely hairy on 2 sides. Lower bracts similar to lvs but sessile and entire, tinged blue. Verticels crowded towards apex, c. 6-flowered. Calyx 4-5 mm long; teeth exceeding tube, lanceolate to elliptic, purplish, acute, with long white cilia. Corolla 13-17 mm long, blue with darker veins; tube > calyx, hairy outside; upper lip emarginate. Filaments glandular-puberulent, blue. Style blue. Nutlets not seen.
Glabrous, deciduous or almost evergreen, monoecious lianes. Buds with many imbricate scales. Lvs long-petiolate, digitately 3- or 5-foliolate. Leaflets petiolulate; apices ± emarginate. Fls in pendent axillary racemes, the ♀ larger and toward the base, the ♂ smaller and at apex. ♂ fls: sepals 3; petals 0; stamens 6, free; anthers subsessile; ovary rudimentary. ♀ fls: sepals 3; staminodes 6; carpels 3-(12); ovules in longitudinal rows; style 0. Frs berry-like but dehiscent, usually 3 to each fl., large, oblong, with numerous black seeds embedded in translucent gelatinous pulp.
High-climbing liane, deciduous, or ± evergreen in mild climates. Petioles to c. 12 cm long. Leaflets 5, entire; petiolules to 2 cm long on larger leaflets. Lamina of largest leaflet 3-6 × 2-4 cm, elliptic to obovate; base cuneate to rounded; basal pair of leaflets considerably smaller. Racemes 5-9 cm long, usually with 2 ♀ and 4-6 ♂ fls; fls fragrant. Peduncles slender; bracts of ♀ fls 3-5 mm long, lanceolate, acuminate; bracts of ♂ fls smaller. Pedicels filiform, much > bracts. Sepals of ♂ fls c. 6 mm long, broad-elliptic to suborbicular, valvate, pinkish purple. Stamens 3-4 mm long, incurved. Sepals of ♀ fls 11-15 mm long, suborbicular, concave, scarcely valvate, purple. Ovary of 3-6 carpels, each 4-6 mm long; stigma with prominent glistening mucilage. Fr. 8-9 cm long, sausage-shaped, mauve or purple.
Perennial herbs with tall stems. Lvs toothed or lobed. Fls solitary and axillary or in axillary clusters, shortly pedicellate or sessile; epicalyx segments 6-(9), united at least in part; calyx evenly 5-toothed; petals spreading, obtuse to emarginate. Style branches as many as loculi, filiform. Fr. of numerous, 1-seeded, indehiscent, awnless mericarps arranged in a single flat whorl round short conic apex of receptacle, separating at maturity.
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Somewhat robust, low-growing herb up to 40 cm high at flowering; rhizomes branching to form leafy clumps. Lvs mostly in rosettes; petioles 150-250 mm long, all with spreading hairs; blade reniform, (50)-70-100 mm diam., divided into 9-(10), shallow, rounded lobes, pale green and with soft, somewhat appressed hairs on both surfaces, somewhat pleated; teeth of lobes even, ovate, ciliate, acute to short-acuminate, red-tipped, 7-9 on each side of terminal lobe; stipules membranous, brownish purple, adnate to petiole for most of length. Infl. of numerous, small cymes subtended by leafy bracts; peduncle densely covered in spreading hairs; all except ultimate infl. branches moderately to sparsely covered in spreading hairs; fls shortly pedicellate, c. 3 mm diam., 4-(5)-merous. Pedicels and hypanthium usually glabrous, very rarely with a few hairs. Epicalyx segments oblong-triangular, c. 0.5 mm long, acute, greenish. Sepals connate at base, triangular, acute, usually greenish, sometimes slightly reddish, > epicalyx segments. Stamens 4-(5). Achene enclosed in obconic hypanthium.
Short-stemmed, perennial herbs; branches short; rhizomes woody. Lvs mostly basal, palmate or palmately lobed, usually dentate; stipules large and persistent. Infl. a compound cyme with fls aggregated into glomerules. Fls 4-(5)-merous, small, yellowish or greenish, shortly pedicellate, ☿. Hypanthium campanulate or urceolate. Epicalyx present, the lobes sometimes > calyx lobes. Calyx with ± triangular sepals. Petals 0. Stamens 4-(5), inserted on outer margin of hypanthium disc. Ovary superior, surrounded by the hypanthium; carpel 1; style 1; ovule 1. Fr. a single achene, wholly or partly enclosed in the thin, dry hypanthium.
Monoecious trees; sap milky. Lvs stipulate, alternate, entire or palmately lobed but not serrate. ♂ and ♀ fls mixed in terminal panicles; ♀ fls at ends of branches surrounded by several ♂. ♂ fls: calyx dividing into 2-3 segments, united in bud; petals 5; anthers 8-20; filaments sometimes branched. ♀ fls: calyx dividing into 2-3 segments; petals 5, much smaller than in ♂; ovary 2-5-celled, with 1 ovule in each cell; styles 2, deeply 2-fid. Fr. fleshy, spherical, with cells not separating at maturity.
Tree, up to 20 m high. Twigs densely clothed in stellate hairs when young, becoming rounded, ± smooth and glabrous when older. Lvs densely clothed in stellate hairs when young, glabrous when mature, ovate or broadly ovate and 3-5-lobed, sometimes entire and ovate near infl., obtuse to cordate at base, c. 6-13 cm long; apex and lobes usually acute (lateral lobes rarely rounded); lf hairs giving a frosted appearance to the tree; petiole usually = or > blade; stipules soon deciduous. Panicles erect; bracts deciduous; fls white. Fr. glabrous, shallowly grooved between cells, ± smooth or irregularly bullate, c. 2.5 cm diam., becoming very hard; beak short or 0.
Annual or biennial taprooted herbs. Hairs simple. Stems erect, leafy. Lvs simple, cordate to truncate, petiolate. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals erect, not saccate. Petals white. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 4, joined around bases of lateral stamens; median nectaries 2. Style short; stigma capitate. Silique linear, dehiscent; valves with prominent midrib and 2 weaker lateral veins; beak 0. Seeds narrow-ovoid to cylindric, not winged, in 1 row per locule.
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Tree to c. 15 m high (to c. 20 m in cultivation). Bark dark brown, strongly fissured. Young shoots glabrous but glandular-viscid. Winter buds short-stalked, purplish. Petiole 7-15 mm long, often purplish. Lamina 4-10 × 2.5-10 cm (to 14 × 13 cm on vigorous vegetative shoots), broadly oblong to obovate, plicate in bud, hairy on veins beneath at first, soon glabrous except for tufts of axillary hairs, serrulate to coarsely serrate, lobulate on basal vegetative shoots; veins in 6-7 pairs, prominently raised beneath; base usually cuneate; apex rounded to retuse. Buds stipitate, not enclosing ♀ catkins in winter. ♂ catkins 3-8 together behind shoot apices, 2.5-7 cm long (to 12 cm in cultivation), cylindric, opening in spring before lvs; peduncles to c. 5 cm long; bracts peltate, purplish; anthers yellow. ♀ catkins 3-7 together behind shoot apices, c. 5 mm long, glandular. Cone (1)-1.3-1.7-(2) cm long, ellipsoid; scales becoming horizontal after dehiscence and persistent on tree. Nutlet c. 3 mm long, broadly ovoid; wing narrower than nut.
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Shrub 0.75-2 m high, multi-stemmed and tending to layer. Shoots and lvs ± glandular-viscid when young. Winter buds sessile, dark. Petiole 1-2 cm long. Lamina to c. 7 × 6 cm, broadly ovate, broadly elliptic, or suborbicular, hairy beneath on veins, at least when young, irregularly serrate; veins in 5-6 pairs; base broadly cuneate to rounded; apex acute. Buds sessile, enclosing ♀ catkins in winter. ♂ catkins few at shoot apices, 3-6 cm long, pendulous, opening at lf flush; bracts c. 1.5 mm long, broadly ovate or suborbicular, often reddish where exposed. ♀ catkins all pedunculate, to 6 in loose racemes, 7-10 mm long at anthesis, narrow-cylindric, glandular-scaly. Cones 6-10 mm long, broadly ellipsoid when open, with horizontal bracts. Nutlet c. 2 mm long, broadly ellipsoid; wing as wide as nut.
Annual or perennial herbs; stems erect, creeping, procumbent or decumbent, sometimes floating. Lvs opposite, entire, sessile or petiolate. Infls sessile or pedunculate, capitate or spicate, usually axillary; fls usually ☿, sometimes ♀, each with a scarious bract and 2 scarious bracteoles. Tepals 5-merous, often dorsally compressed, equal or unequal, free, glabrous or hairy. Stamens 2-5; filaments connate in a short tube at the base; staminodes sometimes present; anthers small, 1-celled. Ovary compressed or terete; ovule 1, pendulous on long funicle. Style short; stigma capitate. Fr. an utricle, indehiscent, often compressed, with persistent perianth, falling with or without bracteoles. Seed vertical.
Perennial herb; stems creeping or floating, ascending towards apex, rooting at the lower nodes, branched, hollow, with a longitudinal hairy groove on 2 opposite sides. Lvs subsessile or with petiole to 5 mm long, with a ring of white hairs between the 2 opposite lf bases. Lamina 3-13 × 1-3.5 cm, elliptic to oblanceolate or obovate, glabrous or slightly hairy near the attenuate base; apex obtuse or acute. Infls in upper axils, mostly 1-2 cm diam., capitate, white; peduncles to 9 cm long with 2 opposite longitudinal hairy grooves, occasionally heads shortly pedunculate and terminal. Bracts 2.5-3.5 mm long, ovate-acuminate; bracteoles similar to bracts, somewhat smaller, persistent. Tepals 5-7 mm long, oblong to ovate, acute or obtuse. Fertile stamens 5; staminodes = stamens. Style short, thick; stigma capitate. Fr. not seen.
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Annual herb; stems erect, leafy, branched below, (5)-10-18-(45) cm tall. Lvs entire, stellate-hairy, (2)-5-10 × (1)-2-4 mm; basal lvs oblanceolate to obovate; stem lvs narrower. Infl. a raceme, (5)-10-15 cm long; pedicels spreading, hairy, 2-3-(4) mm long. Sepals stellate-hairy, persistent at fruiting, 3 × 1 mm. Petals hairy beneath, obtuse to shallowly emarginate, 4-6 × 1-1.5 mm. Outer filaments with slender paired appendages. Silicle almost circular, shortly emarginate, inflated in centre, 3-4 × 3-(4) mm; valves stellate-hairy; veins faint or 0; style 0.3-0.4 mm long. Seeds brown, ovoid, flattened, narrowly winged, 1.5 × 1 mm, usually 2 per locule.
Annual to perennial, taprooted herbs. Hairs branched or stellate, rarely mixed with unbranched hairs, rarely scaly. Stems decumbent to erect, leafy. Lvs simple; margin entire. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals erecto-patent, not saccate. Petals yellow, entire, emarginate or 2-fid. Stamens 6, usually appendaged. Lateral nectaries 4, rounded to filiform on both sides of short stamens; median nectaries 0. Style short; stigma capitate or emarginate. Silicle orbicular or obovate, usually emarginate, inflated or flat, latiseptate, dehiscent; valves usually not veined or with faint median vein. Seeds flattened, usually winged, 1-2-(6) per locule, loosely arranged.
Perennial herb; stems decumbent to erect, leafy, branched above, 15-50 cm tall. Lvs entire, stellate-hairy; rosette and lower cauline lvs oblanceolate to obovate, 3-10-(15) × 1-3 cm; upper cauline lvs linear to lanceolate, 1-2 cm long. Infl. a diffuse panicle 15-30 cm long; pedicels erecto-patent, hairy, 0.3-0.6 mm long. Sepals deciduous, 1-2 × 0.5-1 mm, with tangled stellate hairs. Petals glabrous, emarginate, 3-4 × 2-3 mm. Outer filaments with small suborbicular appendage at base. Silicle almost circular, obtuse, flattened, 4-5 × 4-5 mm; valves glabrous; veins faint; style 0.7-1 mm long. Seeds brown, elliptic to circular, flattened, 2-3 × 2-2.5 mm, 2 per locule.
Annual or perennial herbs, rarely shrubs, lianes or trees. Lvs alternate or opposite, simple, exstipulate. Fls small, ☿, arranged in spikes, heads or racemes, usually conspicuously bracteate; bracts and bracteoles often scarious. Tepals (corresponding to sepals) (2)-3-5, free or nearly so, imbricate, nearly always scarious. Petals O. Stamens (1)-5, opposite the tepals; filaments united basally; staminodes present or 0. Ovary superior, 1-locular; ovules usually solitary; stigma capitate or 2-3-lobed. Fr. (utricle) indehiscent or with circumscissile dehiscence; pericarp usually dry and membranous, less commonly fr. baccate. Seeds globose, ellipsoid or compressed, smooth or verrucose, endospermic.
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Annual herb; stem erect, to c. 1 m high, simple, rather angular, red-tinged, somewhat hairy. Petioles to c. 6 cm long, red-tinged. Lamina 3.5-11 × 1.5-5 cm (to 20 × 10 cm in cultivation), lanceolate-ovate or rhombic-ovate, glabrous above, ± puberulent on main veins beneath; base usually narrow-cuneate; apex obtuse and often mucronate. Infl. a dense spike-like panicle, usually interrupted near base, to c. 18 cm high, crimson, often with shorter lateral branches near base, the whole panicle pendulous from base. Rhachis hairy. Longer bracteoles 3-3.5 mm long, ovate with subulate tip; shorter bracteoles similar. Tepals 5, (1.2)-1.5-2.2 mm long, strongly imbricate, ± obovate, keeled; apex usually mucronate. Stigmas 3, crimson, > perianth. Frs slightly > perianth, circumscissile near the centre, ± urceolate. Seed 1-1.5 mm diam., orbicular, dark brown or black, shining.
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Annual or short-lived perennial with green or brownish procumbent or decumbent branched stems often forming large mats. Petioles to c. 2.5 cm long, ± puberulent. Lamina 0.5-4-(6) × 0.3-2.25-(3) cm, sometimes larger on vegetative shoots, ovate, triangular-ovate, to rhombic, glabrous above except for midrib, sometimes puberulent on veins below, sometimes glabrate; base cuneate; apex obtuse to acute. Infl. a terminal spike, often interrupted; lateral branches below with short lateral spikes in upper lf-axils. Bracteoles 1-1.5-(2) mm long, ovate, keeled, green, glabrous. Tepals 2-3, scarcely > bracteoles, oblong, linear-oblong, or oblong-spathulate, keeled, mucronate. Fr. ellipsoid, compressed, smooth, indehiscent, with 3 longitudinal lines, 1.5-2× perianth when mature. Seed 0.8-1-(1.1) mm diam., broadly obovoid, dark brown, only occupying part of lower 1/2 of capsule.
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Annual to c. 1 m high, erect, branched, often red-tinged, with stout ribbed hairy stems, sometimes slender if in impoverished dry soil. Petioles of lower lvs to 10 cm long, hairy or glabrous. Lamina 6-15 × 2-7.5 cm (smaller lvs subtending infl.), ovate, lanceolate-ovate to elliptic-ovate, becoming glabrous apart from puberulent nerves below; base cuneate; apex obtuse or acute. Panicle crimson-red or green, much-branched; main axis erect, to c. 20 cm high; branches spreading, further divided or not. Spikes densely arranged, c. 5 mm wide, short or slender and up to 5-(10) cm long. Bracteoles 2-4 mm long, ovate with subulate tip; keel greenish or red. Perianth 5-merous. Tepals 5, unequal, mostly 1-2 mm long (the longest c. 3 mm long), elliptic-oblong, acute or shortly acuminate, green or reddish with darker keel; tepals of ♂ fls slightly > ♀ at anthesis. Stigmas 3-(4), usually > tepals. Fr. = or > perianth, circumscissile, obovoid, with very short neck. Seed 1-1.2-(5) mm diam., ± orbicular, shining dark brown or black; margin keeled.
Infl. erect, green. Lateral spikes densely arranged, to c. 3 cm × 4 mm. Bracteoles and perianth green.
Infl. erect, crimson, to c. 20 cm high. Lateral spikes densely arranged, to c. 5 cm × 5 mm. Bracteoles and perianth usually crimson; keel often darker.
Annual, rarely perennial, usually monoecious, sometimes dioecious, prostrate to erect herbs. Lvs alternate, entire. Infl. cymose, composed of axillary or terminal spikes; spikes sessile or pedunculate, solitary or clustered (paniculate). Fls densely arranged and each subtended by a bract and 2 bracteoles; bracts and bracteoles occasionally spiny, often varying in length in each cymose cluster. Tepals (2)-3 or (4)-5, membranous, green, brown, red, or hyaline, persistent. Stamens as many as tepals, free; staminodes 0. Stylar branches 2-3-(4), with stigmatic surface to near base; ovule 1, sessile. Fr. dry, membranous, indehiscent, or dehiscent and circumscissile; pericarp usually smooth, enclosed in persistent perianth. Seed usually glossy, smooth and black or dark brown.
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Erect, ± hairy annual herb to c. 80 cm high, but plants often only a few cm high in impoverished conditions. Stem angular, ± hairy when young, red, especially towards base. Petiole to c. 7 cm long, often reddish, usually hairy. Lamina extremely variable according to habitat, 2-11 × 1-7 cm (smaller in infl. and very depauperate plants), ovate or rhombic-ovate, usually glabrate beneath and becoming glabrous above; base narrow-cuneate to attenuate; apex obtuse, sometimes mucronate. Panicles green, with elongated main spike to c. 25 cm long at fruiting, with shorter spikes in axils of uppermost lvs, the lvs sometimes very reduced. Longer bracteoles 4-8 mm long, ovate, with long subulate green tip; shorter bracteoles similar. Fls 4-5-merous; tepals very unequal, especially in ♀ fls; ♀ fls with 1-2 longer and 3 shorter tepals, the longer 2.5-3-(4) mm, ± oblong, keeled, gradually tapering to the sharply acute or short-acuminate apex. Fr. subglobose, circumscissile, usually with prominent neck, not exceeding tepals except for the 3 persistent stigmas. Seed 1-1.5 mm diam., lenticular, dark brown or black.
Hairy, erect, annual herb to c. 1 m high, but very variable in size; stems reddish towards base, densely hairy above. Petioles c. 5 cm long. Lamina 2-10 × 1-4.5 cm, ovate-lanceolate, becoming glabrous above; veins persistently hairy below; margin undulate, usually ciliate; base cuneate; apex obtuse. Infl. dense, spike-like, to c. 20 cm high, with numerous short lateral branches. Longer bracteoles 4-5 mm long, lanceolate-subulate with green keel; shorter bracteoles similar. Tepals 4-5, 2-2.7-(3) mm long, oblong; keel green; apex ± truncate to rounded and cuspidate. Fr. broadly ellipsoid, circumscissile, with rounded apex, included within persistent perianth except for stigma apices. Seed 1-1.3 mm diam., suborbicular or broadly ovoid, dark brown.
Glabrous erect, annual herb with stout, angular stems to c. 1 m high. Petioles slender, to c. 5 cm long. Lamina of infl.-lvs to c. 5 × 1.5 cm, ovate-lanceolate to oblong; veins prominently elevated below; base cuneate to attenuate; apex obtuse, usually with prominent mucro. Infl. to c. 10 cm long, green; terminal spikes slender; main branch much > lateral branches. Lower fl. clusters compact, all ♀, at least some with a pair of spines 6-12 mm long. Longer bracteoles 2.5-3 mm long, ovate with subulate tip and green keel; shorter bracteoles 2-2.5 mm long. Tepals 4-5, 1.5-2 mm long, oblong-obovate, green; keel narrow; apex acute or mucronate. Fr. ovoid-ellipsoid, circumscissile, not exceeding tepals. Seed 0.7-1 mm diam., orbicular, dark brown.
Sprawling or suberect annual herb, to c. 40 cm high, sparingly hairy except for young stems. Petioles of lvs of non-flowering shoots and lower part of flowering shoots to c. 6 cm long, those of infl.-lvs often much shorter. Lamina 1.7-6.5 × 8-5.5 cm, ovate or triangular-ovate, becoming glabrous above, usually remaining puberulent on the prominent pale nerves below, undulate or ± crenulate; base cuneate; apex obtuse to emarginate. Infl. a dense, elongated, terminal, puberulent spike, and branches below, usually also with short axillary spikes in upper lf axils, usually greenish brown or brown. Bracteoles 0.8-1.3 mm long, broadly ovate, mucronate, with green keel. Tepals 3, 1-1.4 mm long, oblong-spathulate, > bracteoles; keel green, ± mucronate. Fr. subglobose, = or slightly > perianth, prominently rugose, indehiscent. Seed 0.9-1.1 mm diam., subglobose, black or dark brown, occupying nearly all fr. cavity.
Erect annual, 30-100 cm tall. Stems moderately clothed in short patent hairs and long erect hairs above, becoming glabrous below, much-branched. Lvs petiolate, moderately to densely clothed in short patent hairs below, less hairy above, often with long marginal hairs at base of petiole, deeply 2-3-pinnatisect, ovate, up to 15 cm long; ultimate segments (1)-2-7 mm wide; upper cauline lvs smaller, ± apetiolate and finally 1-pinnatisect. ♂ capitula pedunculate, 3-5 mm diam.; involucre saucer-shaped, shallowly lobed and usually ciliate. ♀ capitula solitary or clustered. Fruiting involucre glabrous or sparsely hairy, distinctly veined, 3-5 mm long, with a single series of 1-6 short spines around the flattened top; terminal beak 1-1.5 mm long.
Annual or perennial herbs, rarely shrubs. Lvs opposite below, often alternate above, simple, lobed to 2-3-pinnatisect. Capitula unisexual, inconspicuous; all florets tubular. ♂ capitula sessile or pedunculate, in ebracteate spikes or racemes; involucre herbaceous, 5-12-lobed; receptacle flat; scales present. ♀ capitula each with a single floret, solitary or clustered, in axils of uppermost lvs; involucre enclosing achene, beaked at fruiting and often bearing 1-2 rows of spines or tubercules. Achenes all similar, ovoid, not winged; pappus 0.
Annual or biennial herbs, usually glabrous. Lvs 1-3-pinnate or ternate; segments narrow. Umbels compound, pedunculate; bracts several, long, simple or pinnate; bracteoles numerous. Petals white or yellowish, irregular, with apex deeply notched and inflexed; calyx teeth small or 0. Fr. ovoid or ovoid-oblong, slightly flattened laterally, not beaked, spineless; commissure narrow; ribs 5 per mericarp, equal, slender; vittae solitary in furrows.
Glabrous, glaucous, erect annual. Stems ± solid, grooved, striate, up to 150 cm high. Basal lvs (1)-2-pinnate, long-petiolate; ultimate segments narrowly elliptic or ovate, coarsely and irregularly serrate, sometimes lobed, 2-10 cm long, sessile or shortly petiolate; stem lvs reduced, (1)-2-3-pinnate, shortly petiolate, with lanceolate to linear or pinnatisect, acuminate segments. Umbels 2-11 cm diam.; rays numerous, fine and incurved at fruiting; bracts numerous, 3-fid or pinnate with filiform to lanceolate segments; bracteoles numerous, linear-lanceolate. Fls numerous, white, 2-3 mm diam. Fr. brown with pale ribs, c. 2 mm long; vittae prominent.
Annual herb. Stems up to 1 m high, branched, often with long straight and short curly hairs. Basal and lower cauline lvs to c. 20 × 3 cm, linear-lanceolate to linear-oblong, hispid with hairs pulvinate at base; base attenuate; apex ± obtuse and mucronate; upper lvs similar but smaller. Infl. with basal bracts; pedicels very short. Calyx (1)-2-4-(4.5) mm long at flowering, to 5 mm long at fruiting; lobes linear-lanceolate, hispid. Corolla 4-8 mm long, yellow; tube ampliate, glabrous within; limb 2-3 mm diam., suborbicular. Nutlets c. 2.5 mm long, with longitudinal muricate ridges and transversely rugose furrows.
Annual herbs, usually very bristly. Infl. terminal, ebracteate or less commonly with basal bracts. Calyx 5-lobed nearly to base, sometimes some lobes connate, often clothed in brownish hairs. Corolla with cylindric tube without scales; limb funnelform or salverform. Stamens included. Stigma capitate. Nutlets ovoid-trigonous, smooth or rugose, attached to receptacle along lower end of ventral keel.
Trees or shrubs, often with resinous bark and sap turning black upon exposure. Lvs usually alternate, rarely opposite, simple or compound, nearly always exstipulate. Fls small, in axillary or terminal panicles, ☿ or unisexual, usually regular. Calyx 3-7-lobed, sometimes deeply so. Petals 3-7 or 0, usually free, occasionally connate. Disc ± annular. Stamens usually twice as many as petals, inserted on disc margin. Ovary superior, 1-(5)-locular; placentation basal or apical; ovule 1, pendulous; styles free and often widely separated. Fr. usually a drupe, sometimes an achene. Seed non-endospermic or with a very thin endosperm.
Annual; stems trailing or prostrate, (2)-5-40 cm long, sometimes mat-forming. Lvs sessile, (2)-5-25 × (1.5)-3-18 mm, ovate, elliptic, or elliptic-ovate, sometimes very broad-ovate, often indistinctly dotted with sessile black glands beneath; base rounded or subcordate; apex ± obtuse. Fls solitary; pedicels (0.5)-1-2 cm long. Calyx (3)-3.5-4.5 mm long; lobes lanceolate, acuminate; margins scarious. Corolla (2)-6-15 mm diam., orange, orange-red or deep blue, conspicuous; lobes c. 3-7 mm long, elliptic or obovate, entire or slightly crenulate with numerous minute red to black-tipped glandular hairs on margin. Stamens c. (1)-2 mm long; filaments much > anthers, ± purple except for white-hairy dilated base. Capsule (2.5)-3-5 mm diam., ± = calyx; style persistent. Seed 0.7- c. 1.4 mm long, reticulate, flattened on 1 side, convex and keeled on the other.
Stems nearly always 5-40 cm long, usually many-branched, rarely simple or with few branches. Lvs (5)-7-25 × (3)-5-18 mm, usually ovate, elliptic or elliptic-ovate. Corolla 3-7 × 6-15 mm, orange, orange-red or blue. Stamens 1-2 mm long. Capsule 3-5 mm diam. Seeds usually 1-1.4 mm long.
Stems 2-10-(15) cm long, simple or 1-3-branched. Lvs 2-10 × 1.5-8 mm, usually broad-elliptic to very broad-ovate. Corolla c. 2-3 × 4-6 mm, deep blue. Stamens c. 1 mm long. Capsule c. 2.5 mm diam. Seeds 0.7-0.9 mm long.
Erect or creeping, annual or perennial herbs, glabrous except for corolla and stamens, not heterostylous. Lvs opposite, alternate or verticillate, entire. Fls axillary, mostly solitary; pedicels often slender, rarely almost 0. Calyx deeply 5-lobed; lobes narrow. Corolla deeply 5-lobed, rotate or funnelform; tube very short. Stamens inserted at or near base of corolla tube, free or connate at base, reticulate or papillose. Capsule globose, circumscissile. Seeds numerous.
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Annual, biennial or perennial herbs. Lvs alternate, usually hispid, less commonly villous. Infl. an axillary or terminal cyme, bracteate. Calyx 5-lobed, usually deeply so. Corolla tube straight or curved; limb rotate or campanulate, usually purple or blue, uncommonly white or yellow; throat with 5 ovate or oblong, papillose or hairy scales. Stamens included or slightly exserted. Style included; stigma capitate. Nutlets variously shaped, erect or oblique, reticulate, rugose or tuberculate, with thickened collar at base.
Perennial herb 50-150 cm tall, with creeping rhizomes. Basal lvs few, 3-foliolate; petioles sparsely appressed-tomentose, sulcate, (10)-15-40 cm long; leaflets 3-5-lobed up to 1/2 way, petiolulate, 2-serrate, bristly or sparsely hispid, green above, pale beneath, cordate at base, unevenly so on lateral leaflets, acute at apex, 5-12-(20) × 3-9-(15) cm. Subfloral lvs similar, smaller, becoming simple, 3-lobed, cuneate at base. Fls erect, 4-8 cm diam., (1)-3-8 in umbels; pedicels tomentose, 5-25 cm long. Perianth segments 7-14-(20), pink or rarely white, tomentose beneath, usually glabrous above. Achenes not maturing.
Perennial herbs, with a creeping or tuberous rhizome or descending rootstock. Lvs mostly basal, 3-foliolate or palmate. Stems with a subfloral whorl of (2)-3-(4) lvs. Fls ☿, solitary or in umbels. Perianth segments all petaloid, 5-15-(20), without spurs or nectaries. Stamens many, the outer sometimes reduced to nectariferous staminodes. Carpels many, with a single ovule. Achenes many, style neither elongated nor feathery.
Perennial herb 15-30 cm tall, with creeping rhizome. Basal lvs few, 3-foliolate; petioles glabrous or very sparsely hairy, shallowly sulcate, 10-20 cm long; leaflets lobed up to 1/2 way, sometimes more deeply, petiolulate, serrate, glabrous or very sparsely hairy on surfaces, bristly on margins, light green above, paler beneath, cuneate at base, acute at apex, 3-6 × 3-6 cm. Subfloral lvs similar, smaller. Fls erect, 2-3 cm diam., solitary; peduncles tomentose, 4-10 cm long. Perianth segments (5)-6-7-(9), white, flushed with pink or purple beneath, glabrous. Achenes downy, in nodding heads.
Perennial herb (5)-15-50 cm tall, with erect or creeping rhizome. Basal lvs few, 3-foliolate; petioles with a few appressed bristles, shallowly sulcate, 2-10-(15) cm long; leaflets divided to 1/2 way into 3 entire or 3-fid segments, sessile or shortly petiolulate, sparsely bristly above, light green above, paler beneath, cuneate at base, acute at apex, 1-3 × 1-2 cm. Subfloral lvs 3-fid, cuneate. Fls nodding, 1-1.5 cm diam., solitary; peduncle 1-10-(15) cm long, with sparse appressed bristly hairs. Perianth segments 5-(7), pinkish to reddish brown, glabrous except for minute papillae above. Achenes glabrous, in erect heads.
Glabrous or tomentose biennial to perennial herbs, with stout taproots. Lvs 2-3-pinnate or ternate; segments usually broad. Umbels compound, pedunculate; bracts usually 0, sometimes present, linear; bracteoles usually numerous, entire, rarely pinnate or 0. Petals usually white or green, sometimes pink, purple or violet, regular, with entire, acuminate, inflexed apex; calyx teeth evident, minute or 0. Fr. ovate, oblong or globose, strongly flattened dorsally, not beaked, spineless, but sometimes tomentose; commissure broad; ribs 5 per mericarp; dorsal ribs slender or slightly winged; lateral ribs with a broad, thin, or corky wing; lateral wings of opposing mericarps not appressed; vittae few to numerous in furrows.
Stout, fleshy biennial or short-lived perennial with faint aniseed odour. Stems sparsely puberulent, hollow, grooved, striate, up to 60-(100) cm high. Basal lvs glabrous, 2-3-pinnate, petiolate; ultimate segments ovate to elliptic or lanceolate, serrate, sometimes lobed or pinnatisect, c. 2-7-(15) cm long, ± sessile, dark glossy green and recurved when fresh; stem lvs similar to basal, but 1-3-pinnate and shortly petiolate. Umbels (5)-10-20 cm diam., flat-topped; rays puberulent, numerous, stout; bracts 5-8, usually linear, sometimes fewer and broader; bracteoles numerous, lanceolate. Fls numerous, greenish white, 1-3 mm diam. Fr. glabrous, ovate-oblong, 8-12 mm long, brown with lighter, spongy lateral wings.
Evergreen or semi-deciduous, hairy shrub to c. 4 m high, forming large thickets by suckering. Bark tough and fibrous. Shoots tomentose. Petiole 5-15 mm long. Lamina (3)-6-21-(26) × (1.5)-3-12-(18) cm, ovate-elliptic, elliptic, or obovate, glaucous and densely hairy beneath, becoming sparingly so above; base broadly cuneate; apex rounded to obtuse. Fls usually solitary, sometimes 2 together, opposite upper lf axils. Pedicels 6-10 mm long, brown-tomentose. Calyx 2-3 mm long; lobes brown-tomentose. Outer 3 petals c. 2.5 × 0.8 cm, thick, fleshy, green, tomentulose outside; inner 3 petals minute. Filaments very short; connectives densely silky hairy. Carpels brown-tomentose. Fr. ± segmented, broadly ovate-cordate, c. 8 cm diam.
Evergreen or sometimes deciduous shrubs or trees, with simple or stellate hairs. Lvs ± coriaceous. Fls solitary or few together, terminal, or lateral and lf-opposed, sometimes cauliflorous. Sepals 3, valvate, small, connate at base. Petals 6, in 2 whorls, sometimes inner whorl reduced to scales or 0; outer petals fleshy, valvate, greenish or yellowish, ± concave. Stamens numerous; filaments fleshy, connective produced above and concealing anthers, forming a truncate disc apically. Carpels numerous, 1-seeded, soon becoming united; ovule basal. Fr. a fleshy syncarp, often large, sometimes the fleshy carpels only loosely cohering.
Trees, shrubs or lianes, usually aromatic. Lvs alternate, entire, exstipulate. Fls in fascicles, panicles or sometimes solitary, usually ☿, actinomorphic; receptacle flat to conic. Sepals (2)-3, free or united, deciduous or persistent, ± valvate, green, yellow or purplish. Petals usually 6, rarely 3-4, in 2 rows, valvate or imbricate in each whorl, sometimes outer valvate and inner somewhat imbricate, of similar colour to sepals. Stamens usually numerous, rarely few, spirally arranged; filaments very short and thick, or 0; anthers 2-locular, adnate to connective and often hidden by it, nearly always extrorse. Ovary superior; carpels few to numerous, usually free. Ovules 1-numerous; placentation basal or parietal; styles thick, short, usually free. Fr. of stalked, free carpels, or more rarely carpels united and fr. with 1-many locules, dry or succulent, usually indehiscent. Seeds with abundant ruminate endosperm, often arillate; embryo minute.
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Glabrous vines with annual shoots arising from a fleshy rhizome. Lvs ± succulent, sessile or petiolate. Fls ☿ or unisexual, in simple or branched racemes or spikes. Bracts persistent or caducous. Bracteoles 4, in 2 decussate pairs appressed to perianth; lower pair small and free or connate; upper pair tepaloid and keeled. Tepals connate at base, enclosing ovary; segments patent at anthesis. Style usually 1 and splitting to varying degrees, sometimes 3; stigmas 1-2 to each arm, linear to globose. Fr. globose, enclosed by perianth; pericarp fleshy or parchment-like. Seeds lens-shaped.
Almost scentless, annual herb. Stems prostrate, ascending, or erect, 10-20-(40) cm long, striate, moderately to densely hairy, at least above, usually much-branched from base. Basal and lower cauline lvs apetiolate, obovate to oblong, sparsely to moderately hairy and glandular, 1-pinnate with segments again 1-2-pinnatisect, up to 5 cm long; ultimate segments ovate-oblong to subulate, entire, all in one plane; cauline lvs similar to basal, small and less divided near capitula, usually oblong. Involucral bracts sparsely hairy, 2-6 mm long; margins and apex of at least inner bracts membranous. Capitula solitary, c. 2-3 cm diam.; ray florets c. 12-20; ligules white; disc florets numerous, yellow. Scales present to base of receptacle, elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate. Achenes c. 2 mm long, obpyramidal, broadest at apex, square in section, pale brown, with c. 10 thickened smooth ribs; pappus 0.
Strongly foetid annual herb. Stems erect or ascending, (5)-30-40-(60) cm tall, striate, almost glabrous to moderately hairy especially above, usually much-branched from base, rooting in lower part. Basal and lower cauline lvs apetiolate, ovate to obovate-oblong, glabrous to sparsely hairy and glandular, 3-pinnatisect, up to 8 cm long; ultimate segments subulate to linear, entire, not all in one plane giving a somewhat feathery appearance to the lf; cauline lvs similar to basal, smaller and less divided near capitula, usually ovate-oblong. Involucral bracts glabrous to moderately hairy, 2-6 mm long; margins and apex of at least inner bracts membranous. Capitula solitary, c. 15-30-(35) mm diam.; ray florets 8-21, very rarely 0; ligules white, becoming reflexed; disc florets numerous, yellow. Scales usually confined to inner ⅔ of receptacle, linear, acute. Achenes 1.3-1.7 mm long, obconic, narrowed slightly at apex, circular in section, brown, obscurely ribbed; ribs usually prominently tuberculate, rarely whole achene almost smooth; pappus 0.
Annual, biennial, or perennial herbs or sometimes subshrubs, sometimes creeping but not rhizomatous. Lvs usually 1-3-pinnatisect or pinnate and then pinnatisect, rarely not divided, alternate. Capitula usually solitary, terminal, pedunculate; involucral bracts usually in 3 rows, usually at least the inner with membranous margins. Receptacle convex or conic; scales usually present, at least on upper part of receptacle. Outer florets usually ♀, rarely sterile, usually ligulate, rarely tubular, usually white or yellow, rarely purplish; inner florets ☿, tubular. Achenes all similar, usually obconic, terete or square in section, sometimes compressed, smooth, ribbed or tuberculate, eglandular; pappus 0, or a small corona or auricle.
Erect annual. Stems ± glabrous, hollow, striate, 15-70 cm high, sometimes tinged purple toward base. Basal lvs moderately to densely hairy below and on petiole, glabrous above, 2-3-pinnate; ultimate segments ovate, pinnatisect, 5-20 mm long, sessile or shortly petiolate; stem lvs similar to basal but reduced, 1-3-pinnate and shortly petiolate. Umbels 2-5 cm diam.; rays 2-5, c. 1-2 cm long; bracts 0-1, linear to triangular; bracteoles 3-5, ovate-acuminate. Fls 2-6, white, 1-2 mm diam. Fr. ovoid, c. 3 mm long, covered with curved spines and tapering to a smooth beak c. 1/4-⅓ length of ovuliferous part; base of fr. at pedicel apex with a ring of hairs.
Glabrous or hairy, annual, biennial or perennial herbs, with taproots. Lvs 2-4-pinnate; segments broad to narrow. Umbels compound, pedunculate; bracts few or 0, simple; bracteoles several, simple. Petals white or pink, regular or irregular, with apex notched and inflexed; calyx teeth small or 0. Fr. ovoid to linear, terete, usually tapering to beaked apex, usually spinous; commissure narrow; ribs inconspicuous, confined to beak; vittae solitary.
Herbs or small subshrubs, erect or suberect. Lvs usually opposite above and alternate below, simple, entire, pinnately veined. Infl. a terminal bracteate raceme, or fls solitary and axillary. Calyx deeply and ± equally 5-lobed. Corolla strongly zygomorphic; tube gibbous at base abaxially (appearing oblique), otherwise ± cylindric; limb 2-lipped; upper lip 2-lobed; lower lip 3-lobed with a pouch closing the throat. Stamens 4, included. Capsule asymmetric with 2 unequal loculi, the longer adaxial loculus opening by 1 apical pore. Seeds numerous, reticulate-rugose, not winged.
Short-lived perennial; stems to c. 60 cm tall, becoming woody at base, simple or branched. Lvs shortly petiolate. Lamina 20-50 × 3-15 mm, usually linear to lanceolate, occasionally broader, glabrous; base narrowly cuneate. Fls in long, terminal, densely glandular-hairy, rather compact racemes; peduncle long, often = flowering part. Bracts 5-9 mm long, ovate. Calyx 5-8 mm long, deeply lobed, glandular-hairy; lobes elliptic to suborbicular or broad-ovate, equal. Corolla 30-40 mm long to apex of erect upper lip, usually purple or rose, sometimes yellow, whitish or bicoloured, glandular-hairy outside; tube 3-4× calyx, c. 1 cm wide; lobes large and rounded, with recurved margins, the middle lobe of lower lip not concealed; upper lip emarginate. Capsule (8)-12-15 mm long, ovoid or ovoid-oblong, densely glandular-hairy. Seeds c. 1 mm long, oblong, dark, strongly rugose with irregular ridges.
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Small but often stout, pilose, greyish green to yellowish green herb, much branched near base, 20-60-(250) mm high, sometimes decumbent and forming loose mats; stems slender, long-pilose; internodes often hidden by overlapping stipules and lvs. Lvs cauline; petiole 1.5-3 mm long and winged; blade (3)-4-8-(10) × 4-10-(12) mm, 3-partite with each segment ± flabellate and deeply divided into (2)-3-6, oblong to clavate, blunt to subacute lobes, silky pilose on both surfaces; stipules 1.5-3-(4) mm long, adnate to petiole, divided into several ± triangular or sometimes lanceolate-triangular or subulate lobes. Infl. axillary, of small cymes, sessile or with a very short peduncle, usually with upper part of sepals showing above investing stipules; fls sessile or shortly pedicellate. Fr. 2-2.5-(2.8) mm long; hypanthium ellipsoid, flattened, distinctly narrowed below teeth, pale yellow to brown, ribbed, with long hairs on ribs at least above and generally shorter hairs between ribs, sometimes densely hairy; calyx teeth 0.5-0.7 mm long, triangular, ± erect, glabrous except for long hairs on margin and rib; epicalyx minute or 0.
Very small, pilose, yellowish green herb, branched near base, 8-20-(30) mm high, ± decumbent to erect, sometimes almost stemless; stems slender, sparsely pilose; internodes visible or sometimes compacted and hidden by stipules and lvs. Lvs cauline, often much-reduced above; petiole 1-2 mm long and winged; blade up to 5 × 2-5 mm, 3-partite with each segment narrowly flabellate and deeply divided into 1-3, oblong, subacute lobes, with scattered hairs on both surfaces; stipules prominent, 3-4 mm long, adnate to petiole, divided into several triangular to lanceolate lobes. Infl. axillary, of small cymes, ± sessile, just projecting above investing stipules; fls usually ± sessile. Fr. 1.6-2 mm long; hypanthium ± cylindric, slightly flattened, usually not narrowed, rarely slightly narrowed below lobes, reddish brown, ribbed, with very short hairs; calyx teeth 0.5-0.7 mm long, triangular, ± spreading, glabrous or almost glabrous except for long marginal hairs; epicalyx usually minute, sometimes 0.
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Herbs, rarely shrubs or climbers. Lvs alternate, simple and entire to palmately or pinnately compound or lobed; stipules usually 0, sometimes present. Fls ☿ or unisexual, actinomorphic or sometimes outer fls irregular with enlarged outer petals, arranged in axillary or terminal, simple or compound umbels, these sometimes reduced to capitate heads. Calyx adnate to the ovary, with 5 teeth, conspicuous, minute or 0. Petals 5, free, variously inflexed or notched, rarely 0. Stamens usually 5, very rarely 2-4; filaments free; anthers 2-locular. Ovary inferior, usually 2-, very rarely 1-locular; styles 2, free, thickened at the base to form the nectary (stylopodium) over the ovary; ovules solitary, pendulous. Fr. dry, usually splitting down a septum (commissure) to form 2 mericarps, these often suspended from a central axis (carpophore); mericarps usually with 5 primary ribs and 4 secondary (often undeveloped) ribs between, oil canals (vittae) usually positioned in the furrows between the ribs; ribs variously hairy, winged or spinous.
Erect terrestrial biennial, not rooting at nodes. Stems hollow, grooved, striate, up to 80-(100) cm high. Basal lvs 1-2-pinnate, petiolate; ultimate segments deltate or rhombic, lobed and crenate or dentate near apex, 2-4 cm long, ± sessile; stem lvs similar to basal but often apetiolate and becoming 1-pinnate or 3-foliolate with elliptic-obovate, entire or lobed segments. Umbels 2-5 cm diam., compound, ± sessile and lf-opposed, and so appearing bracteate; rays 4-15; bracts and bracteoles 0. Fls numerous, greenish white, c. 1 mm diam. Fr. broadly ovoid, dark brown, 1.5-2 mm long; ribs light brown, filiform.
Glabrous annual, biennial or perennial herbs, usually with taproots, sometimes rooting at nodes. Lvs 1-3-pinnate; segments broad or narrow. Umbels usually compound, often ± sessile and lf-opposed, sometimes shortly pedunculate; bracts few and simple or 0; bracteoles several or 0. Petals white or greenish, regular, with entire, obtuse to acute, usually inflexed apex; calyx teeth minute or 0. Fr. ovoid-oblong to subglobose, slightly flattened laterally, not beaked, spinless; commissure narrow; ribs 5 per mericarp, equal, stout or slender; vittae solitary in furrows.
Procumbent to ascending, aquatic or amphibious perennial, rooting at lower nodes. Stems hollow, grooved, striate, up to 180 cm long. Basal lvs 1-pinnate, petiolate; leaflets in 2-8 pairs, ovate to lanceolate, serrate, sometimes lobed, particularly the terminal leaflet, 1-8-(12) cm long, sessile; stem lvs similar to basal, but uppermost often reduced to 3-5 leaflets. Umbel 2-4 cm diam., compound, subsessile or shortly pedunculate, lf-opposed; rays 4-14; bracts 0-2, linear to lanceolate; bracteoles 4-8, ovate-triangular. Fls numerous, white, 1-2 mm diam. Fr. ovoid, dark brown, 1.5-2.5 mm long; ribs light brown, slender or slightly thickened.
Procumbent to ascending, terrestrial perennial, not rooting at nodes. Lvs pinnately 3-foliolate to 1-2-pinnate; ultimate segments broadly or narrowly ovate to deltate, usually lobed and crenate, c. 5-30 mm long; upper stem lvs similar to lower and basal lvs, but often reduced and 3-foliolate or simple. Umbels compound, usually sessile or subsessile, lf-opposed; rays 2-10-(15); bracts and bracteoles 0. Fls numerous, white. Fr. broadly ovoid, 1.5-2.5 mm long; ribs broad and spongy.
Shrubs, lianes or trees, rarely herbs, usually with milky latex, often poisonous. Lvs opposite or verticillate, rarely alternate, exstipulate, simple, entire. Infl. various, usually cymose, sometimes fls solitary. Fls actinomorphic, ☿, 5-merous. Calyx deeply lobed, often glandular inside; lobes imbricate. Corolla gamopetalous; lobes convolute and twisted in bud, oblique. Stamens (4)-5, inserted in tube or at mouth; filaments usually free, rarely united; anthers free or united round stigma, often sagittate. Pollen grains not adherent. Disc usually present. Ovary superior; carpels 2, often free and united by single style, 1-locular with 2 parietal placentas or 2-locular with a septum and placentas adnate to it. Ovules 2 or more. Fr. entire or composed of 2 separate carpels, baccate, drupaceous or follicular. Seeds mostly winged or with a coma, endospermic.
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Shrubs or trees, usually evergreen. Lvs alternate, rarely opposite, simple, usually green, leathery; stipules very small. Fls ☿ or unisexual, actinomorphic, usually in axillary cymes or fascicles, rarely solitary or racemose. Calyx usually 4-toothed. Petals usually 4, free or connate at base. Stamens 4; filaments free, or united at base; anthers 2-locular; disc 0. Ovary superior, 3- or more locular; style terminal or 0; ovules 1-(2) per loculus, pendulous. Fr. a berry of 3 or more, 1-seeded pyrenes. Seeds with copious endosperm.
Perennial herbs, dying back to a woody rootstock. Lvs basal and usually cauline also, 1-2-ternate; segments ovate to flabellate, crenate. Fls ☿, solitary or in cymose panicles; involucre 0. Sepals 5, > petals, blue, violet, yellow, or red, sometimes white. Petals 5, all spurred; spurs protruding between bases of sepals. Stamens and staminodes many. Carpels free, each with several ovules; styles long. Follicles several, free.
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Annual to perennial, usually taprooted, herbs. Hairs simple to 2-fid or branched. Stems erect, leafy. Lvs entire to pinnatifid; margins entire. Racemes bracteate or ebracteate. Sepals suberect, not saccate. Petals white, lilac or yellow, sometimes 0. Stamens 6, rarely 4, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 4, paired at bases of single stamens or joined in a ring; median nectaries 2, often 2-lobed, joined to lateral nectaries. Style short; stigma capitate or very shortly 2-lobed. Silique linear, dehiscent, not beaked; valves convex, 1-veined. Seeds ovoid, not winged, usually in 1 row per locule.
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Shrubs, trees or climbers, rarely herbs. Lvs usually alternate, rarely opposite, simple and entire to palmately or pinnately compound or lobed; stipules present or 0. Fls ☿ or unisexual, actinomorphic, usually in terminal, rarely axillary umbels, less often in heads, spikes, or racemes, rarely solitary; umbels often in racemes or panicles. Calyx usually not toothed, rarely shallowly 5-toothed. Petals usually 5, sometimes 3-numerous, usually free. Stamens usually as many as petals, rarely more; filaments free; anthers 2-locular. Ovary inferior, rarely 1/2-inferior or superior, 1-many-locular; styles as many as loculi, free or partly connate; ovules usually 1 per loculus, rarely 2, pendulous. Fr. baccate or drupaceous, indehiscent.
Large tree; bark dark grey-brown, peeling in thin flakes, deep pink beneath. Semi-juvenile lvs (on lowest branches of mature trees) somewhat flattened, 3-11 mm long, linear-subulate, acute, incurved. Adult lvs (from coning branches) ± flattened, 5-9 mm long, ovate or ovate-elliptic, ± obtuse, slightly keeled, strongly imbricate, incurved. ♂ strobili 3-5 cm long, narrow-cylindric. ♀ cones towards top of tree, 9-13 cm diam., broadly oblong-ellipsoid or subglobose, green at maturity; emergent part of scale (prickle) 6-10 mm long and c. 2 mm wide at 1/2 way to apex, pungent, directed forward.
Pyramidal, columnar or umbrella-shaped trees with regularly whorled branches, often becoming flat-headed with age, mostly monoecious, sometimes dioecious. Bark resinous, the surface peeling. Lvs persistent for many years, sometimes pungent-tipped, large and subulate to ovate, or small and scale-like, often closely set and imbricate. ♂ strobili (cones) large, solitary or fascicled. ♀ cones globose to nearly ovoid, ripening in 2-3 years; scales becoming woody, sometimes winged; ovule adherent to scale by ligule (outgrowth of scale). Mature cone often massive; seed ± immersed in ligular outgrowth.
Evergreen, resinous trees, mostly monoecious, sometimes dioecious. Buds lacking scales, but protected by lvs. Lvs generally broad and flattened, sometimes narrow or subulate, spirally arranged; veins parallel. ♂ strobili (cones) axillary or terminal, cylindric; stamens (microsporophylls) numerous, spirally arranged; filaments expanded; anthers (microsporangia) many to each stamen, borne on lower surface. ♀ cones (strobili) terminal, globular to broad-ovoid; bracts 0; ovuliferous scales (megasporophylls) spirally arranged, imbricate, with a single ovule on the upper surface. Fr. woody and sometimes massive, disintegrating when mature. Seed winged or not; cotyledons 2 or 4.
Glabrous or mealy lianes with milky latex. Lvs opposite, entire. Fls few, in pedunculate axillary cymes. Calyx large and foliose, divided to near base, eglandular. Corolla slightly contorted in bud, usually campanulate, sometimes salverform, 5-lobed; tube inflated at base; lobes somewhat erect at first. Corona attached to corolla tube, of 5 ovate or ligulate scales appressed to the staminal tube. Filaments united in a short tube; anthers terminated by a small incurved membrane. Follicles leathery, smooth, sometimes inflated.
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Evergreen trees and shrubs. Lvs alternate, petiolate, serrate or entire. Infl. a terminal bracteate panicle; bracteoles 0. Calyx deeply 5-lobed, persistent. Corolla urceolate, the 5 lobes short and revolute. Stamens 10, included; anthers with 2 slender apical awns. Disc usually 10-lobed. Ovary (4)-5-celled. Fr. a subglobose or globose berry, reddish, granular or warty outside; flesh mealy with the numerous seeds embedded.
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Fruticose biennials, not spiny. Hairs both glandular, subsessile, and eglandular, cottony, cobwebby, or felted. Lvs alternate, petiolate, simple. Capitula homogamous, globose or broadly ovoid, in racemes or corymbs. Involucral bracts in several series, linear, imbricate, glabrous or with cobwebby hairs, the outer recurved at fruiting; margins denticulate or glabrous; apex spinous, inwardly hooked. Receptacle flat, with stiff, linear-subulate scales. Florets ☿, all tubular. Corolla glabrous or glandular, 5-lobed, purplish or white. Anthers acuminate at apex, sagittate at base; filaments glabrous. Style branches linear, cuneate, erect, not appressed. Achenes oblong to obovoid, compressed, rugose; achene insertion basal; pappus hairs in several unequal rows, stiff, pale, scabrid, free to base.
Plants openly branched, 1-1.5 m tall. Stems grooved, glabrous or with cobwebby eglandular and subsessile glandular hairs. Basal lvs broadly deltoid to ovate, green and sparsely hairy above, whitish and densely felted beneath, (15)-20-40 × (15)-20-35 cm; base truncate to cordate; apex subacute to obtuse; margin dentate with apiculate vein endings; petioles solid. Upper lvs similar to basal, becoming smaller. Infl. corymbose; peduncles (3)-4-9 cm long. Capitula (15)-20-25 × (20)-30-40 mm. Involucral bracts straw yellow or yellow-green, glabrous or with sparse cobwebby hairs; margins smooth. Florets c. = involucral bracts; corolla reddish purple. Achenes 6-7 mm long; pappus 1.5-3.5 mm long.
Plants openly branched, 1-1.5 m tall. Stems grooved, with sparse to dense cobwebby eglandular and subsessile glandular hairs, rarely glabrous or farinose. Basal lvs deltoid to broadly deltoid, green and sparsely hairy above, whitish and densely felted beneath, (15)-25-40-(55) × (10)-13-30-(35) cm; base cordate; apex subacute to obtuse; margin crenate to bluntly dentate with apiculate vein endings; petioles hollow. Upper lvs similar to basal, becoming smaller. Infl. racemose; peduncles 0-1-(3) cm long. Capitula (12)-15-20 × (14)-20-30 mm. Involucral bracts straw yellow, greenish or purplish, glabrous or with sparse to dense cobwebby hairs; margins with short, stiff, tapered, forwardly directed denticles, at least on the innermost bracts. Florets = or > involucral bracts; corolla reddish purple. Achenes 5-7 mm long; pappus 1.5-3.5 mm long.
Annual rosette herb. Stems sprawling, ascending, up to 30 cm long, rarely 0, with subappressed felty or woolly tomentum and sparse coarse dark multicellular hairs above. Lvs lyrate-pinnatifid to 2-pinnatisect, petiolate, (3)-5-30 × 1-5-(10) cm, with broadly ovate to deltoid terminal lobe and 3-5 pairs of lanceolate, oblong, or oblanceolate lateral lobes, green with scattered short hairs above, silvery with appressed felted tomentum beneath; margins toothed; stem lvs amplexicaul. Capitula solitary on erect scapes. Involucre 1-1.5 cm diam. Involucral bracts in 4-5 series, glabrous or sparsely tomentose, greenish; outermost bracts narrowed into a linear terminal appendage; inner bracts oblong, obtuse, usually scarious or dark on margins. Ligules 1.5-2.5 cm long, pale yellow, tinged greenish or purplish beneath. Disc florets dark. Achenes obovoid, weakly flattened with narrow lateral ridges and a weak dorsal ridge, finely wrinkled, dark brown, 2-2.5 mm long, densely covered with long, buff to mauve woolly hairs. Pappus scales brown or purple, scarious, c. 1 mm long.
Annual to perennial herbs; stems trailing or erect; latex 0. Lvs in basal rosettes and alternate on stems, lyrate-pinnatifid to 2-pinnatisect, toothed. Capitula axillary, solitary, on long peduncles. Involucral bracts free, in several series; outermost row small, narrowed to a linear appendage; inner rows progressively longer, oblong, without appendages. Receptacle flat or weakly convex, alveolate, glabrous; scales 0. Outer florets ligulate, sterile. Disc florets ☿. Achenes obovoid to obconic, without furrows on the dorsal side. Pappus of 1 row of usually 4-8 short oblong scarious scales.
Annual to perennial herbs; stems trailing or erect; latex 0. Lvs in rosettes and alternate on stems, lyrate-pinnatifid, toothed, or entire. Capitula axillary, solitary, on long peduncles. Involucral bracts free, in several series; outermost row small, narrowed to a linear to spathulate appendage; inner rows progressively longer, oblong, without appendages. Receptacle flat, alveolate, ciliate; scales 0. Outer florets ligulate, ♀. Disc florets ☿ or the inner ♂. Achenes obovoid to obconic, with 2 furrows on the dorsal side. Pappus of 2 rows of oblong scarious scales, the outer very short, the inner longer.
Perennial. Stems trailing or decumbent, up to 1 m long, with dense appressed white tomentum. Lvs entire and toothed or lyrate-pinnatifid, densely silvery white-tomentose, petiolate, (3)-6-15 × 1-3.5 cm; terminal lobe ovate; lateral lobes oblong, alternate. Capitula solitary on long erect peduncles. Involucre 2-3 cm diam. Involucral bracts in 5 series, brownish, scarious, woody at base; outermost bracts narrowed into a tomentose linear appendage (1)-3-7 mm long; inner bracts oblong or obovate, tomentose in centre, scarious on margins. Ligules c. 3 cm long, cream, yellow, orange, brick-red or purple. Disc florets dark purplish. Achenes broadly obconic, with 2 furrows on 1 side, 2.5-4 mm long, densely villous with white to yellowish hairs. Pappus scales brown, scarious, oblong, up to 6 × 1.5 mm.
Annual to perennial herbs. Hairs glandular and/or eglandular or 0. Lvs opposite, exstipulate, linear-subulate to orbicular. Infl. cymose, few- to many-flowered; bracts and sepals herbaceous or with scarious margins; epicalyx 0. Sepals (4)-5, free. Petals (4)-5, white, rarely pink, entire; coronal scales 0. Stamens 10 or fewer. Styles (2)-3-(5). Fr. an ovoid to cylindric capsule, dehiscing by twice as many acute teeth as the styles, sessile. Seeds many, reniform, smooth or tuberculate, not winged.
Annual. Stems erect to ascending, 2-15-(30) cm tall; hairs eglandular, very short, backwardly curved. Lvs distant, lanceolate to ovate, acute, (1)-3-5-veined, with scabrid hairs, (2)-3-5 × (1)-2-3 mm. Infl. compact at flowering, elongating at fruiting. Bracts leaflike, herbaceous. Sepals 5, ovate-acuminate, 2-4 mm long, with scabrid hairs, 3-5-veined; midvein prominent; margin scarious. Petals 5, 1/2-⅔ length of sepals, narrow-elliptic, white, entire. Styles 3. Capsule flask-shaped, swollen at base, dehiscing by 6 short teeth, = or slightly > sepals. Seeds dark brown, tuberculate, 0.5 mm long; strophiole 0.
Annual herbs with yellow latex. Lvs pinnatifid, spiny, usually glaucous, toothed. Fls solitary or in lax leafy cymes, with 2-3 bracts. Sepals 2-3, entire, free, falling as fl. opens, horned. Petals 4-6, crumpled in bud, usually white, cream or yellow. Stigma 4-lobed; style usually short, rarely almost 0. Capsule ovoid, spiny, opening from above by usually 4 valves. Seeds globose, with thin arillar crest.
Annual herb. Stems ± stout, decumbent to erect, sparsely spiny or sometimes without spines, 20-60 cm tall. Rosette lvs few, withering and falling early; cauline lvs persistent. All lvs sessile, glaucous, pale near veins, tapering gradually to base; lamina ovate to obovate, pinnatifid, 7-15 × 2-5 cm, coarsely toothed; each tooth tipped with a long yellowish spine. Fls solitary or in lax leafy cymes, closely subtended by 2-3 leaflike bracts. Sepals entire, spiny, but without lateral spines, glaucous, with a spine-tipped horn near apex. Petals 2-3 cm long, narrow-ovate, cream. Style 2-3 mm long; stigma magenta. Capsule ellipsoid, spiny, 1.5-3 × 0.7-1.5 cm, dehiscing by 4-(6) valves in distal ⅓. Seeds globose, reticulate, very dark brown, c. 1.5 mm long.
Aromatic, much-branched, glabrous shrub up to c. 1 m tall, becoming distinctly woody toward base. Stems striate. Lvs glaucous to green, ovate, cuneately narrowed to winged petiole, 2-3-pinnatisect, up to c. 12 × 5 cm; segments all in one plane, very variable in width, from all similar and linear or subulate, to primary segments broad and pinnatisect to c. 1/2 way with narrow ultimate segments; uppermost cauline lvs smaller and sometimes 1-pinnatisect. Involucral bracts 5-15 mm long; margins membranous; at least the inner bracts with large apical flap. Capitula few to many in corymbs, or sometimes solitary, 20-50-(80) mm diam.; ray florets (8)-12-28; ligules usually white, rarely pink; disc florets numerous, yellow. Achenes pale brown, eglandular; achenes of ray florets 3-5 mm long, 3-(4)-angled, with 2-3 angles broadly winged and others narrowly winged, faces smooth or shallowly ribbed, and an irregularly lobed corona 1-1.5 mm long; achenes of disc florets 2-3 mm long, obconic, laterally flattened, mostly ± 4-angled with inner angle winged, surfaces smooth or ribbed, and an irregularly lobed corona up to 0.5 mm long; innermost achenes often ± terete, 10-ribbed, not winged.
Perennials, woody at base. Lvs entire to 1-3-pinnatisect, alternate. Capitula few to many in corymbs, or sometimes solitary, terminal, pedunculate; involucral bracts in 3-4 rows, with membranous margins. Receptacle convex or conic; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, ligulate, yellow, white or pink; inner florets ☿, tubular. Achenes dimorphic: those of ray florets 3-angled, with 0-3 wings, sometimes coalesced into groups of 2-9; those of disc florets obconic, terete, 4-angled, or somewhat flattened, with 0-2 wings. Pappus a small corona or 0.
Glabrous perennial herbs; roots fusiform. Stems erect, leafy. Lvs simple, crenate, serrate, or pinnatifid, usually variable on one plant. Infl. a terminal ebracteate panicle; lateral axillary racemes often present. Sepals erecto-patent, not saccate. Petals white. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 4, beside bases of single stamens; median nectaries 2, between bases of paired stamens. Style short; stigma large, capitate or shallowly 2-lobed. Silicle ellipsoid or spherical, septate, dehiscent; valves convex with indistinct network of veins. Seeds ovoid, compressed, not winged, in 2 rows per locule.
Perennial arising from stout white fusiform roots. Stems stout, erect, grooved, branched above, to 130 cm tall. Rosette lvs elliptic to ovate to oblong, crenate or serrate; lamina (5)-10-30-(50) × 4-10-(15) cm; petiole 5-20-(50) cm long. Lower stem lvs similar in size and outline, but often deeply pinnatifid; upper stem lvs sessile, linear-lanceolate, toothed or entire, 4-12-(20) × 0.5-1-(3) cm. Panicle to 35 cm long; lateral axillary racemes to 20 cm long. Sepals 2-3 × 1-1.5 mm. Petals 4-5 ×2 mm. Silicle abortive, narrow-cylindric, 2-3 mm long.
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Annual, biennial or perennial herbs or shrubs, taprooted or rhizomatous. Lvs usually pinnately divided, alternate. Capitula in terminal, pedunculate panicles, racemes or corymbs; involucral bracts in few rows, with membranous margins. Receptacle flat to hemispheric; scales 0, but pilose hairs sometimes present. Outer florets ♀ or ☿, tubular, brown, red, or yellow; inner florets ☿ or ♂, tubular. Achenes all similar, obovoid, subterete or flattened, smooth, faintly striate, or 2-ribbed; pappus 0 or a small scarious ring.
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Herbs, shrubs or climbers, rarely trees or dwarf succulents, usually with milky latex. Lvs usually opposite, less commonly verticillate, simple, exstipulate, sometimes reduced to scales. Fls in axillary or terminal cymes or cymose umbels, ☿, actinomorphic, 5-merous. Calyx deeply lobed; lobes imbricate or valvate. Corolla gamopetalous; lobes contorted or valvate in bud. Corona usually present, simple or of separate scales, in a single or double row. Anthers united in a ring and usually adnate to stigma, forming a gynostegium. Pollen usually aggregated in pollinia, sometimes in tetrads, attached to translators (organs for transferring pollen, usually arm-like processes). Disc 0. Ovary superior. Carpels 2, free below, united at the disc-like stigma. Fr. a pair of follicles, often only one developing. Seeds with apical coma of long silky hairs.
Rhizomes erect to long-creeping, bearing clathrate scales. Fronds entire to 1-5-pinnate. Sporangia borne on abaxial surface of frond, in elongated sori along veins, protected by elongated indusia. Annulus vertical. Homosporous; spores lacking chlorophyll.
Perennial herbs, rarely annuals or shrubs. Lvs alternate or all basal, simple, entire to toothed, rarely more deeply incised. Capitula 1-numerous, mostly in cymes or panicles. Involucral bracts in 2-several rows, equal or imbricate, usually herbaceous toward apices, sometimes wholly herbaceous or chartaceous. Receptacle flat or convex; scales 0. Outer florets usually ♀, rarely sterile, usually ligulate, very rarely filiform, few to numerous in 1-2 rows; ligules white to red, purple or blue. Inner florets ☿, tubular, few to numerous. Achenes all similar, obovoid to cylindric, compressed, glabrous or hairy and sometimes glandular, often 4-5-ribbed; pappus of scabrid hairs in 1 row, sometimes with an outer row of short hairs or scales.
Perennial herb with long rhizomes; stems erect, terete to slightly ribbed, with short, simple hairs in lines or stripes above, at least in infl., becoming glabrous below, branched only above, 50-150 cm tall. Mid cauline lvs narrow-lanceolate, apetiolate and cuneate, acute to acuminate, entire or serrulate to remotely serrate, glabrous or sparsely hairy about margins 70-150-(200) × 6-12-(15) mm; uppermost lvs smaller. Infl. a many-headed, narrow panicle. Capitula c. 15-25 mm diam.; peduncles with lines or stripes of simple hairs. Involucral bracts somewhat unequal; inner bracts linear-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, glabrous, with a diamond-shaped green patch near apex and extending down midrib, also sometimes tinged or spotted purple, 5-6 mm long; outer bracts not wholly herbaceous, c. 3-4 mm long. Ray florets numerous; ligules usually white, sometimes flushed pink or violet, 8-12 mm long. Achenes subcylindric to obovoid, slightly compressed, 4-5-ribbed, 2-2.5 mm long, with sparse antrorse hairs.
Perennial herb with short stout rhizomes; stems erect, terete, with sparse long simple and short glandular hairs all around above, becoming eglandular below, branched only above, up to c. 80 cm tall. Mid cauline lvs lanceolate, apetiolate and auriculate, acute, entire, sparsely to moderately hispidulous, 40-120 × 5-10 mm; uppermost lvs smaller. Infl. a few-headed, ± flat-topped corymb. Capitula 25-50 mm diam.; peduncles densely clothed in stalked glandular hairs. Involucral bracts ± equal; inner bracts linear-lanceolate, attenuate, glandular, tinged purple particularly toward apex, 9-12 mm long; outer bracts more herbaceous. Ray florets numerous; ligules pink to purple or reddish, c. 12-15 mm long. Ovary densely covered in antrorse hairs; mature achenes not seen.
Perennial herbs with short to long rhizomes; stems erect, terete to slightly ribbed, usually with short simple hairs in lines or stripes above and glabrous below, sometimes completely glabrous, branched only above, (15)-40-150 cm tall. Mid cauline lvs elliptic, oblong, or ovate- to narrow-lanceolate, narrowed or broad at base and slightly auriculate to amplexicaul, entire, or serrulate to coarsely serrate, usually glabrous, sometimes sparsely hairy about margins, 50-100-(170) × 10-30 mm; uppermost lvs smaller, sometimes cuneate, sometimes ± triangular and broad-based. Infl. a few- to many-headed narrow panicle or ± flat-topped cyme. Capitula 25-50 mm diam.; peduncles usually with lines or stripes of simple hairs, sometimes glabrous. Involucral bracts ± equal to very unequal; inner bracts oblong- to linear-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, glabrous, with a diamond-shaped to diffuse green patch near apex and extending down midrib, also sometimes tinged purple, 5-8 mm long; outer bracts green at tip to wholly herbaceous, erect to spreading, and from 2 mm long to = inner bracts. Ray florets numerous; ligules usually violet to blue, rarely white, 7-14 mm long. Ovary with scattered antrorse hairs; mature achenes not seen.
Tap-rooted annual or short-lived perennial herb, glabrous or rarely with a few hairs on upper stem; stems erect, terete, sparingly branched below, 20-200 -(300) cm tall, rarely stems resprouting and somewhat woody after flowering. Mid cauline lvs lanceolate to linear, apetiolate and cuneate, acute, crenulate or remotely serrulate, 35-150 × 3-10-(20) mm; lowermost lvs mostly petiolate, elliptic, cuneate, obtuse; uppermost lvs linear. Infl. a many-headed diffuse panicle. Capitula 2-5 mm diam. Involucral bracts very unequal; inner bracts narrow-oblong to subulate, acute to slightly acuminate, green toward apex and along midrib, purplish at apex and margins, 5-8 mm long; outer bracts not wholly herbaceous, c. 2 mm long. Ray florets numerous; ligules white to pale purple, c. 1-2 mm long. Achenes subcylindric to ellipsoid, compressed, 4-5-ribbed, 1.5-2.2 mm long, with sparse antrorse hairs.
Annual to perennial herbs, sometimes shrubs or trees, rarely epiphytes or climbers. Lvs usually opposite or alternate, sometimes whorled, often all basal, simple and entire to variously dissected, rarely compound; stipules 0. Fls (florets) commonly 5-merous, ☿, neuter or unisexual, sessile, nearly always in compact heads (capitula) on a common receptacle, sometimes individually subtended by bracts (scales), the whole capitulum surrounded by few to many bracts, very rarely florets solitary in panicles or capitula reduced to 1 floret. Capitula solitary or few to numerous in dense or diffuse cymes, panicles or less often spikes, racemes or other infl. types. Calyx epigynous, modified as pappus of scales, awns or hairs, sometimes reduced to a small corona or 0. Corolla epigynous, actinomorphic and filiform or tubular, or zygomorphic with an extended limb (ligule), often the outer florets ligulate (ray florets) and the inner tubular (disc florets) or all florets either ligulate or tubular. Stamens as many as corolla lobes and alternate with them; filaments free; anthers 2-locular, usually connate into a tube, very rarely scarcely connate, dehiscing introrsely. Ovary inferior, 1-locular; style 2-fid, often undivided in ♂ florets; ovules solitary, anatropous. Fr. usually an achene, often crowned by a persistent pappus, rarely a drupe.
Rhizomes short, erect, stout, densely clothed with brown scales. Stipes 10-20 cm long, scaly especially at base, green or purplish red. Laminae elliptic or narrowly elliptic, 2-3-pinnate at base, 45-100 × 18-40 cm. Primary pinnae in up to 30 pairs, narrowly ovate, the longest about middle of lamina, to 25 × 4 cm. Secondary pinnae narrowly ovate, to 2 cm long. Sori 1-2 mm long, ± oblong, the lower ones hooked, the upper straight, in rows either side of midrib of secondary pinnae, nearer midrib than margin, protected by persistent flap-like indusia.
Terrestrial ferns. Rhizomes erect to long-creeping, scaly. Fronds 1-3-pinnate, scaly at least on stipes; veins free. Sori round or usually elongate, on one side of a vein, sometimes also developed distally on the second side. Indusia reniform, elongate or hook-shaped, attached laterally, opening towards midrib. Spores monolete.
Prostrate to procumbent, much-branched, densely white or greyish farinose, short-lived perennial herb, sometimes mat-forming. Stems slightly woody at base, terete, slender but wiry. Petioles 0-1.5-(3) mm long; lamina 1-10 × 0.8-6 mm, orbicular to broad-elliptic, broad-ovate or obovate, entire; base subcordate to rounded or broad-cuneate. Fls axillary, solitary or in glomerules of 2-10. ♂ fls: mostly near branch apices; perianth 1-1.5 mm long, whitish or greyish; segments c. 1/2 length of tube. ♀ fls: c. 1 mm long. Fruiting bracteoles rhombic-triangular, dentate. Fr. c. 1 mm diam., circular or nearly so; pericarp easily removed. Testa brownish green.
Low, spreading, dense, much-branched, dioecious subshrub, densely covered with silvery grey scales, with main stems often slightly horizontal and rather slender. Shoots strongly angular, with scattered glandular hairs. Lvs subsessile, 1-2.7 × 2-4 mm, linear or oblong-linear, entire; base attenuate; apex obtuse or nearly so. ♂ fls in continuous or interrupted terminal spikes or panicles. ♀ fls solitary or few in axillary clusters, monomorphic; bracteoles united for c. ⅓ length, to 3.5 × 3.5 mm at fruiting, often smaller, broad-ovate to rhombic, entire; united part becoming indurate; free parts becoming ± swollen, spongy; apex obtuse. Seed c. 2 mm diam., circular, with radicles protruding.
Erect, monoecious annual, sparingly branched, farinose at least when young, sometimes brownish purple or reddish purple. Stems to 2.5 m high, much less in impoverished soil, stout, angular. Lvs below infl. (excluding those at base of plant) with petioles to 5 cm long; lamina 5-30 × 3-20 cm, triangular-hastate, ovate, or sagittate-ovate, narrower in infl., irregularly dentate, sinuate, to almost entire; base deeply or shallowly cordate to truncate; apex rounded to acute. Infl. terminal, narrow-paniculate, to 40 cm long; branches slender. ♂ fls: perianth c. 0.5 mm long, green with hyaline margin. ♀ fls: dimorphic, most with 2 bracteoles and perianth 0, otherwise with 5-lobed perianth and bracteoles 0. Bracteoles free, orbicular or suborbicular, very shortly stalked, entire, without appendages or tubercles, strongly accrescent, 6-12-(15) mm diam. at fruiting. Fr. circular to broad-elliptic, flattened, dimorphic: in perianth fls 1.5-2.5 mm diam. and horizontal, in bracteolate fls 2.5-4.3 mm diam. and vertical; pericarp removed fairly easily. Testa shining black, almost smooth.
Monoecious or dioecious, annual herbs or small shrubs, glabrous or farinose. Stems green, often striped reddish or white. Lvs generally alternate, flat, toothed or lobed, often hastate, sometimes entire; upper lvs much smaller. Fls in glomerules; glomerules aggregated in panicles, dense spikes or sometimes solitary. ♂ fls: bracteoles 0; perianth segments (3)-5; stamens (3)-5. ♀ fls: bracteoles 2, accrescent and enclosing fr., free or somewhat fused, entire or dentate, often lobed near base, often tuberculate or with appendages on bracts, sometimes spongy inside; perianth usually 0, if present then segments 5. Ovary superior; stigmas 2. Fr. pericarp membranous, often easily detached. Seeds sometimes dimorphic, usually vertical, rarely horizontal; testa usually smooth; radicle often protruding.
Much-branched, prostrate or widespreading to suberect, farinose, monoecious annual, often with erect main stem and stiff horizontal branches, sometimes mat-forming. Stems ribbed, ± slender. Petiole to 1.5 cm long; lamina 2-7 × 0.3-4 cm, mostly linear-lanceolate, lanceolate or elliptic, sometimes ovate and then often hastate, rarely lobed on 1 side only, otherwise lamina nearly always entire, green or grey-green; base narrow-cuneate to cuneate; apex acute to obtuse. Infl. lvs (even down to base of branches) smaller, narrower, with shorter petioles. Infl. long, spicate; fls in glomerules; upper glomerules sometimes subtended by small bract-like lvs. ♂ fls: perianth c. 0.5 mm long; segments green with hyaline margin. ♀ fls: bracteoles 1-1.5 mm long at anthesis, sessile, triangular or rhombic-triangular, often triangular-hastate, otherwise entire or with a few marginal or sometimes central dorsal teeth, sometimes with appendages. Fruiting bracteoles (1.5)-2.5-8.5- (11) × 1-5-(6) mm, sometimes unequal, thin, green or grey-farinose, the lower part united; apex acute or acuminate. Fr. enclosed or apex exserted from bracteoles, 1.4-2.2-(3.2) mm diam., circular, laterally flattened; pericarp easily removed. Testa shining black, almost smooth.
Much-branched, prostrate, spreading to suberect, ± farinose annual monoecious herb. Stems ± slender; ribs and nodes often purplish or dark red. Petiole of lower lvs usually 1-2.5 cm long, slender; lamina of lower lvs 1-9 × 0.75-8 cm, mostly narrowly to broadly triangular-hastate, sometimes ± ovate or rhombic-ovate, green, glaucous or sometimes reddish, sparsely to prominently and deeply dentate above basal lobes; base usually truncate, sometimes broad- cuneate or sagittate; apex acute or subacute. Infl. lvs smaller and more often ovate to lanceolate. Infl. of long reddish or brownish spikes; fls in glomerules. ♂ fls: perianth 0.5-0.8 mm long with margins hyaline. ♀ fls: bracteoles 1-2 mm long at anthesis, sessile, triangular-hastate, broad-ovate or rhombic-ovate, usually dentate, less commonly entire, generally with appendages. Fruiting bracteoles to 9 × 6.5 mm, sometimes unequal, almost free or shortly united. Fr. enclosed by bracteoles, 1-2.5 mm long, ± circular, laterally flattened; pericarp easily removed; larger-fruited plants with bracteoles often larger and lacking appendages. Testa shining black or deep brown, smooth.
Monoecious, erect, bushy, ± grey or whitish farinose annual to c. 1 m tall. Stems terete or nearly so, pale yellowish, stout, woody towards base. Petioles to c. 1 cm long; lamina 2.5 × 1.5-4 cm, rhombic-triangular or rhombic-ovate, to lanceolate towards stem apices, deeply and irregularly dentate; base narrow- to broad-cuneate; apex acute; infl. lvs similar but smaller. Fls in axillary glomerules and short terminal spikes; spikes leafy almost to the apex. ♂ fls maturing well before ♀; perianth c. 1 mm long, pale with indistinct margin; segments incurved. ♀ fls: bracteoles c. 1.5 mm long at anthesis, rhombic-triangular or rhombic, united below middle, dentate (teeth 1 or few on each side), strongly accrescent. Fruiting bracteoles 3-4 × 3-4 mm, conspicuously veined, indurate towards base, with several tubercle appendages around middle. Fr. 1.5-2 mm diam., circular or nearly so, laterally flattened; pericarp easily removed. Testa brown.
Herb 1-1.5 m tall. Petiole to c. 7 cm long on lower lvs, much shorter on upper. Lamina 6-25 × 3-11 cm, elliptic-ovate, with short glandular hairs mainly on veins; base decurrent (lower lvs) or cuneate (upper lvs); apex acute to short-acuminate. Fls pendulous on recurved pedicels c. 2 cm long. Calyx 1.3-2 cm long, lobed to c. 1/2 way; lobes ± triangular, acute to acuminate. Corolla 2.3-3 cm long, campanulate, brownish purple or mauvish, tinged green; lobes c. 5 mm long, acute. Berry broad-ovoid and slightly flattened, 1.2-1.8 cm diam., glossy black with purple juice.
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Evergreen, ☿ or andromonoecious shrubs or small trees with thin, twiggy branches. Lvs rather small, apparently in opposite, unequal pairs, but the smaller really a leaflike stipule; petiole short; lamina usually toothed. Fls small, in axillary racemes or fascicles; bracts small. Sepals 4-5-(6), valvate, persistent. Petals 0. Stamens numerous or as few as 5 or 10; filaments glabrous; 5 glands present between sepals and stamens. Ovary superior, 1-locular; placentae 2-4, bearing many ovules. Style simple. Fr. a berry, reddish, sometimes dehiscent at apex. Seeds few.
Plants free-floating, forming extensive red-coloured mats, up to 3 × 3 cm, broadly ovate to elliptic in outline or broader than long, irregularly branched, with secondary branchlets decreasing in length only slightly towards the distal end of primary branches. Lvs 2-lobed; upper lobe ovate, 1-2 mm long. Roots to 7 cm long, entire.
Floating aquatic ferns with short stems bearing long roots. Lvs monomorphic, c. 0.5-2 mm long, imbricate, lacking veins, 2-lobed; upper lobe green and usually papillate; lower lobe hyaline. Mega- and microsporangia borne separately in stalked sporocarps on the lower lobes of the lvs. Spores trilete.
Plants free-floating, forming extensive red-coloured mats, to 2.5 × 2 cm, broadly triangular or 5-angled in outline, regularly 2-pinnately divided, with secondary branchlets which decrease markedly in length towards proximal end of primary branches. Lvs 2-lobed; upper lobe ovate, 1-2 mm long. Roots to 5 cm long, bearing fine lateral rootlets.
Glabrous, much-branched shrub up to c. 4 m tall. Stems ribbed, mealy when young, becoming glabrous. Lvs obovate-oblong to oblong-elliptic, apetiolate and cuneate, obtuse to subacute, coriaceous, remotely serrate or crenate, mealy when young, becoming glabrous, puncticulate, (10)-15-30-(40) × (5)-7-10-(15) mm; lvs subtending glomerules smaller, often elliptic and entire. Capitula 3-5 mm diam. at anthesis, ± sessile in axillary and terminal glomerules of 2-20, fewer and sometimes solitary in ♀ plants. Inner involucral bracts elliptic-oblong, glabrous, green with pale membranous margin, glabrous, 3-4.5 mm long; outer bracts ± orbicular, mealy, c. 2 mm long. Corolla of ♂ florets cream, of ♀ florets inconspicuous and exceeded by pappus. Achenes obovoid, terete, 10-ribbed, glabrous; pappus minutely denticulate.
Dioecious shrubs or perennial herbs. Lvs alternate, simple, entire, serrate or lobed. Capitula in small terminal or axillary glomerules. Involucral bracts in 3-many rows, imbricate, ± membranous. Receptacle flat or convex; scales 0. ♀ florets filiform, numerous. ♂ florets tubular, numerous. Achenes all similar, ellipsoid or obovoid, compressed or terete, ribbed; pappus of hairs in 1 row, that of sterile ♂ florets shorter.
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Monoecious or dioecious trees or shrubs. Lvs stipulate, opposite or alternate. ♂ and ♀ fls mixed or separate in short terminal racemes. ♂ fls: calyx with 4-5 segments imbricate in bud; petals 4-5; stamens variable in number; filaments shortly connate at base. ♀ fls: calyx and petals as for ♂; ovary 3-celled with a single ovule in each cell; styles 3, deeply 2-fid. Fr. spherical, separating from the persistent axis at maturity, fleshy, becoming hard; seeds oblong.
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Succulent-stemmed herbs, occasionally small shrubs. Lvs simple, alternate or opposite, sometimes whorled, exstipulate. Fls solitary or in cymes, very irregular, ☿. Sepals usually 3, sometimes 5, the posterior (lowermost because of pedicel twisting) sepal spurred, enlarged and petaloid. Petals 5 (nearly always appearing as 3 because of union), very often unequal. Stamens 5; filaments short and flattened; anthers connate around ovary. Ovary superior, 5-celled; placentation axile; ovules numerous; stigmas sessile or nearly so, 5-lobed. Fr. usually a succulent capsule opening violently with the 5 valves twisting and coiling, rarely a berry. Seeds non-endospermic.
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Biennial, sometimes short-lived perennial. Stems branched above, (20)-40-60-(90) cm tall. Rosette lvs deeply lyrate-pinnatifid, sparsely hairy, especially on petiole and margins, or glabrous, (3)-7-25 × (1)-2-6 cm; terminal lobe ovate to oblong; lateral lobes in (4)-5-8 or more pairs, the distal pair usually > width of terminal lobe; margins entire, sinuate, toothed or lobed. Upper stem lvs deeply pinnatifid with deflexed lobes at base; terminal lobe narrow-oblong or cuneiform, usually 3-lobed or 3-fid; lateral lobes in (1)-2 pairs, linear. Racemes to 30 cm tall; pedicels erecto-patent at fruiting, c. 5 mm long. Sepals glabrous, 3-4 × 0.8-1.5 mm. Petals 6-8 × 2-3 mm. Silique erecto-patent, (30)-40-70 × 1.5-2.5 mm; style 1-1.5 mm long.
Glabrous biennial to perennial. Stems branched above, 30-60-(100) cm tall. Rosette lvs lyrate-pinnate, (5)-10-20-(25) × 1-3-(4) mm; terminal lobe rounded-oblong; lateral lobes in (0)-1-3-(5) pairs, the distal pair > width of terminal lobe; margins toothed or sinuate. Upper stem lvs becoming simple, obovate or ovate, coarsely toothed. Racemes to 30 cm tall; pedicels erecto-patent to ± patent, 4-7 mm long. Sepals glabrous, 3-4 × 1-1.5 mm. Petals 5-6 × 1.5-2 mm. Silique erect, (15)-20-(30) × 1-1.5 mm; style 2-3 mm long.
Biennial, sometimes perennial, herbs with stout taproot and many lesser roots. Hairs simple, or 0. Stems erect, leafy. Lvs often glossy, glabrous or sparsely hairy; margins usually bluntly toothed; lower lvs lyrate-pinnate or pinnatifid; upper lvs becoming ± sessile, amplexicaul, either deeply pinnatifid or shallowly lobed to toothed. Racemes ebracteate, rarely bracteate. Sepals suberect, the inner saccate. Petals yellow. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 2, crescent-shaped at base of single stamens; median nectaries 2, rod-shaped between paired stamens. Style short; stigma slightly 2-lobed. Silique linear, dehiscent; valves with strong median and weaker reticulate lateral veins; beak 0. Seeds ellipsoid, not winged, in 1 row per locule.
Perennial herbs woody toward base, or shrubs. Lvs opposite, petiolate, simple, entire to serrate. Infl. a lax corymb. Involucral bracts in 3-4 rows, unequal, mostly chartaceous. Receptacle convex or short-conic; scales 0, but short hairs present. Corolla tubular. Style base not swollen. Achenes ellipsoid-cylindric or obpyramidal, 5-angled, usually glabrous or hairy, rarely glandular; pappus of persistent scabrid hairs, with acute apical cells.
Erect shrub up to c. 2 m tall. Stems covered in a tomentum of reddish purple-striped eglandular hairs at least above. Petiole tomentose, c. 5-10 cm long; lamina tomentose on veins on lower surface, otherwise with short hairs and sessile glands, ovate, acute to acuminate, denticulate to serrate, 11-25 × 8-25 cm; uppermost lvs smaller. Capitula c. 10 mm diam., many to numerous; peduncles tomentose. Inner involucral bracts ovate- to oblong-lanceolate, hairy near apex, c. 7-8 mm long; outer bracts from c. 3 mm long. Florets yellow tinged purplish, obscured by long filiform reddish purple stigmas. Achenes cylindric, slightly wider toward apex, dark brown, glabrous, 1.5-2 mm long.
Perennial climbers with slender stems and often tuberous roots or rhizomes. Lvs ± succulent, alternate, entire, exstipulate. Fls usually ☿, actinomorphic, in spikes, racemes or panicles; each fl. subtended by a small bract and 2 or 4, sometimes petaloid bracteoles. Perianth segments (tepals) 5, almost free to connate and forming a tube, persistent in fr., imbricate. Petals 0. Stamens 5, inserted opposite to tepals and on or near their bases; filaments free, short; anthers dehiscing lengthwise or by apical pores or slits. Ovary superior, 1-locular, with 1 basal ovule; style usually simple or 3-branched, sometimes 3. Fr. indehiscent, surrounded by the persistent, sometimes fleshy perianth or winged bracteoles. Seed globular or nearly so; endosperm copious.
Fibrous-rooted, bushy herbs to c. 30 cm high; stems succulent and much-branched. Lvs with large scarious stipules; petiole reddish, to c. 3 cm long; lamina to c. 8 × 6 cm (larger in cultivation), broadly ovate, usually partly folded lengthways, semi-succulent, glossy above, glabrous except for the sparsely ciliate, reddish, undulate margin; base almost symmetric to somewhat oblique. Fls in small axillary clusters toward stem apices. ♂ fls: sepals 2, 1.5-c. 2.5 cm diam., almost orbicular, white, pink or rose; petals 2, c. 1.0 × 0.5 cm, narrowly elliptic-obovate, coloured similiarly. ♀ fls smaller; sepals 3; petals 2. Ovary with 3, broad, pink to red wings. Stigmas spirally twisted.
♂ and ♀ fls often showy; sepals and petals free, combined number 10. Stamens usually forming a yellow globose mass. Ovary completely inferior. Fr. nearly always a loculicidal capsule.
Monoecious herbs or subshrubs, usually with succulent, jointed stems. Lvs alternate, simple, usually oblique towards base, often strongly asymmetric. Fls actinomorphic or zygomorphic, mostly in axillary cymes. ♂ fls with 2-(5), opposite, valvate sepals; petals usually 2-5, imbricate, sometimes 0; stamens numerous; filaments free or connate; anthers opening lengthwise. ♀ fls with perianth similar to ♂; staminodes very small or 0; ovary inferior, occasionally free at apex, (1)-2-5-locular, usually angled or winged; styles 2-5, free or connate; stigmas often twisted and appearing similar to stamens; ovules very numerous on axile placentae. Fr. usually a capsule, rarely a berry. Seeds very numerous, minute, almost non-endospermic; testa reticulate; embryo straight.
Annual or perennial herbs. Lvs mostly basal, simple, entire to serrate or crenate, reduced and alternate when present on peduncles. Capitula solitary and terminal, but appearing axillary from basal rosettes. Involucral bracts in 1-2 rows, herbaceous. Receptacle flat to conic; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, ligulate, in 1 row (more ligulate rows in cvs); ligules white, tinged pink, or purple. Inner florets ☿, tubular, numerous. Achenes all similar, obovoid, compressed, with 2 narrow ribs; pappus usually 0, rarely of a ring of short bristles.
Stoloniferous rosette perennial. Basal lvs cuneately narrowed to a petiole ± = lamina, mostly spathulate, obovate or elliptic-oblong, crenate-serrate with 2-6 pairs of teeth or remote denticles, almost glabrous to moderately hairy on both surfaces, often more hairy on lower, with 1 main vein, (10)-20-60-(80) × (4)-8-20-(25) mm. Peduncle moderately to densely hairy, leafless, 3-15-(25) cm long. Capitula 15-25 mm diam. at anthesis; receptacle conic. Involucral bracts ovate- to elliptic-oblong, usually obtuse, rarely subacute, sparsely to moderately hairy. Ray florets in 1-(5) rows; ligules linear, white, often tinged pink to reddish purple on lower surface or at apex, rarely wholly pink to reddish purple, 5-8-(11) mm long. Disc florets yellow. Achenes hairy, brown with pale ribs, 1-1.3-(1.6) mm long; pappus 0.
Shrubs or subshrubs, often spiny. Lvs alternate, simple or compound, exstipulate or stipules minute. Fls ☿, nearly always 3-merous, solitary or in fascicles, racemes or panicles. Perianth of similar sepals and petals in 2-several whorls, free, 3 per whorl, yellow to orange, caducous. Stamens 6, antipetalous; anthers 2-locular, dehiscing by apically-hinged valves. Ovary superior; carpel 1; ovules few. Fr. a 1-few-seeded berry.
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Evergreen or deciduous shrubs, sometimes small subshrubs, usually glabrous or nearly so; wood yellow. Lvs on short or spur shoots simple, often with spiny margins; lvs on long shoots usually modified to form (1)-3-(5)-partite spines. Fls solitary, or in fascicles, racemes (sometimes pseudo-umbellate) or panicles, bracteate, axillary. Perianth segments 12 or 15, consisting of 6 or 9 sepals and 6 petals, imbricate, pale yellow to orange; innermost petals with nectariferous glands at base. Stamens 6, usually sensitive to touch; stigma sessile or on short style. Berry red or black, often with glaucous bloom, (1)-2-(several)-seeded.
Glabrous evergreen shrub to c. 2 m high. Shoots pale yellowish, angled. Spines 3-partite, the main axis to 5 cm long. Lvs sessile or subsessile, 5-9 × 0.7-1.4 cm on flowering branches, narrowly lanceolate, rigidly coriaceous, shining above; margins spiny serrate and revolute; base attenuate to cuneate; apex spiny. Fls to 17 in fascicles, occasionally more. Bracts 2-3 mm long, ovate, mucronate. Pedicels c. 10 mm long at anthesis, becoming dark crimson. Perianth segments to 6 mm long, yellow, those of outermost whorl 1-2 mm long. Nectaries prominent. Stamens c. 3 mm long. Ovules 4. Style short. Stigma very large. Berry 5-7 mm diam., globose or subglobose, black and pruinose; fruiting style 0.5-1 mm long.
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Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, glabrous or nearly so. Stems green, yellowish or red. Lvs alternate, flat or rugose, entire or nearly so; basal lvs long-petiolate, often large. Fls ☿, 1-few in cymes; cymes in spicate infls. Bracteoles 2. Perianth segments 5, usually green, incurved, thickening and hardening towards base at fruiting. Stamens 5. Ovary semi-inferior. Stigmas 2-3. Frs often adhering together by the enlarged perianth, the whole fruiting mass or glomerule forming a hard mass. Seed 1, horizontal, tightly enclosed in covering mainly formed by perianth.
Glabrous or almost glabrous annual, biennial, or short-lived perennial herb. Taproot stout, but not usually strongly thickened. Basal lvs usually forming rosette at first. Petiole to c. 20 cm long; lamina very variable according to habitat, usually to 20 × 15 cm, ovate or oblong-ovate, glossy, puckered or bullate; margin undulate; base generally cordate. Flowering stems 30-100 cm high, with few to many branches; cymes 1-4-flowered, dense above, more interrupted towards base of stem; lvs and leaflike bracts smaller and more linear toward top of stem, often scarcely > glomerules. Perianth segments 1.7-2.5 mm long, oblong, green with hyaline margin, incurved, scarcely accrescent. Stamens included. Fruiting ovary 2-4 mm across top, flat, orbicular. Seed deep glossy brown.
Trees or shrubs. Buds sessile, with several imbricate scales. Lvs toothed, few- to many-veined. ♂ catkins formed in autumn, opening in spring often before the lvs; fls with a bract and 2 bracteoles; fls 3 in the axil of each bract; perianth minute, 4-lobed; stamens 2, divided below the anthers. ♀ catkins shorter; fls in groups of 3 each with a bract and 2 bracteoles. Fruiting catkins cylindric to oblong or narrow-ovoid; scales 3-lobed, ± membranous, falling at fr. maturity. Fr. small; wing broad or narrow.
Tree to c. 25 m high; branchlets slender, often semi-drooping. Bark smooth at first, silvery-white and papery, usually becoming dark grey and rough at least on lower trunk. Shoots glabrous, ± glandular-resinous, prominently lenticellate and appearing warty. Petiole slender, mostly 7-25 mm long. Lamina 3-6 × 1.5-5.5 cm, deltoid, ovate or rhombic-ovate, glabrous, with 5-7 pairs of veins, glandular-resinous when young, coarsely and doubly serrate; base subcordate, truncate or broadly cuneate; apex acuminate. ♂ catkins 2-9 cm long; bract 2-3 mm long, shield-like, both bract and bracteoles ciliolate. ♀ catkins 1.5-2.5 cm long, scarcely elongating at fruiting but becoming broadly cyclindric and c. 0.7 cm wide. Stigmas rose. Scales 3.5-4.5 × 4-5 mm, puberulent; lateral lobes broader and rounder than middle lobe, widespreading and often ± downward curving. Fr. 1.5-2.5 mm long; wing much > fr.
Deciduous, monoecious trees or shrubs with scaly buds. Lvs alternate, simple; stipules usually caducous. Fls wind-pollinated, the sexes in different infls, often produced before the lvs; ♂ fls in pendulous catkins; fls 2-3 in axil of each bract; each group of fls with 2-4 bracteoles; perianth minute, 4-lobed; stamens 2 or 4. ♀ fls in erect catkins; bracts and bracteoles as in male fls; fls 2-3 in axil of each bract; perianth 0. Ovary superior, 2-celled. Styles 2, free. Ovules 1 per cell, pendulous. Fr. a compressed nutlet, usually winged, 1-3 in the axis of scales formed from the fusion of bracts and bracteoles, the whole forming a cylindric, ellipsoid or ovoid cone-like structure. Seed non-endospermic, with straight embryo.
Erect, glabrous or almost glabrous annual, 20-200 cm tall. Stems angled, branched above to form infl., and sometimes from base. Lvs petiolate, 1-pinnate, with 1-2 pairs of leaflets and a slightly larger terminal leaflet; leaflets sessile or shortly petiolulate, narrow-ovate to lanceolate, coarsely or unevenly serrate, acuminate, (1)-2-13 cm long. Upper cauline lvs becoming smaller, shortly petiolate, and often simple and not lobed or 3-lobed. Capitula 10-20 mm diam. Outer involucral bracts 4-9, foliaceous, usually ciliate at least at base, sometimes glabrous, linear to narrowly oblong-obovate, (10)-15-30 mm long; inner bracts many, membranous, triangular to subulate, 6-10 mm long, with dark lined centre and pale margins. Receptacular scales similar to inner bracts but narrower. Florets usually all ☿, tubular, yellow-orange, rarely a few orange ray florets present. Achenes flattened, ovate-cuneate with 1 slender rib on each face, dark brown, ciliate, and otherwise glabrous to sparsely hairy, 6-10 mm long; awns 2, 2.5-4.5 mm long.
Annual or perennial herbs. Lvs opposite, simple and entire to pinnately or ternately dissected or compound. Capitula pedunculate, solitary or in loose cymes. Involucral bracts in 2 rows; outer row usually foliaceous; inner row membranous. Receptacle flat or slightly convex; scales present. Either outer florets ligulate, female or sterile, and white, yellow or pink, or all florets tubular and ☿. Achenes all similar, square or flattened in section but not winged; pappus of (0)-2-5 awns usually with retrorse barbs.
Erect annual or short-lived perennial, 10-100 cm tall. Stems glabrous or sparsely hairy, ribbed, much-branched. Lvs glabrous to moderately hairy especially below, ciliate, petiolate, usually 3-foliolate with terminal leaflet larger, sometimes simple and not lobed to 3-lobed; leaflets sessile or shortly petiolulate, ovate to lanceolate, evenly serrate, acute to acuminate, (1)-2-10-(25) cm long. Upper cauline lvs becoming smaller, shortly petiolate, and more often simple and not lobed or 3-lobed. Capitula c. 6-10 mm diam. Outer involucral bracts 7-9, foliaceous, ciliate, linear to narrowly oblong-obovate, 3-6 mm long; inner bracts many, membranous, triangular to subulate, 4-6 mm long, with dark lined centre and pale margins. Receptacular scales similar to inner bracts but narrower. Florets usually all ☿, tubular, yellow-orange, sometimes c. 5 white ray florets present. Achenes flattened or 3-(4)-angled, ± linear, ribbed, dark brown, usually glabrous except for ribs ciliate near apex, sometimes with scattered hairs elsewhere, 5-9 mm long; awns mostly 3, sometimes 2, rarely 4, sometimes unequal, (0.5)-1.5-2.5 mm long.
Erect, glabrous or almost glabrous annual, 10-80 cm tall. Stems angled, branched above to form infl. Lvs petiolate, usually simple and not lobed, sometimes deeply 1-pinnatisect with 3-5 segments, 3-10-(20) cm long; lamina or segments narrowly ovate-elliptic to lanceolate, coarsely and often unevenly serrate, acuminate. Upper cauline lvs becoming smaller, shortly petiolate or apetiolate, not lobed and less distinctly serrate. Capitula 4-10 mm diam. Outer involucral bracts 3-4, foliaceous, glabrous, linear, 6-12 mm long; inner bracts many, membranous, ovate-elliptic to ovate-triangular, 5-8 mm long, with dark lined centre and pale margins. Receptacular scales similar to inner bracts but narrower. Florets all ☿, tubular, yellow-orange. Achenes flattened, ovate-cuneate to obtriangular, with 1 slender to prominent rib on each face, dark brown, ciliate and otherwise glabrous to sparsely hairy, 5-8 mm long; awns 2-4, often unequal, 0.5-2.7 mm long.
Trees, shrubs, often climbing, occasionally herbaceous. Branches often glandular near nodes, twining in some lianes. Lvs usually opposite, rarely alternate, exstipulate (outer bud scales may simulate stipules), sometimes simple, more commonly pinnate or digitate, often the terminal leaflet forming a tendril. Infl. terminal or axillary, racemose or paniculate, sometimes cauliflorous, occasionally fls solitary; bracts and bracteoles caducous. Fls ☿, zygomorphic to varying degrees, often large and showy. Calyx campanulate, 3-5-lobed or toothed, sometimes truncate. Corolla with 5 imbricate lobes, slightly to strongly 2-lipped; tube cylindric to campanulate. Stamens often 4 and didynamous, less commonly 2, the fifth stamen represented by a short staminode or 0, sometimes 3 staminodes present and only 2 stamens fertile; anthers connivent in pairs, rarely free, 2-locular. Hypogynous disc usually present around ovary. Ovary superior, generally 2-locular and 2-carpellate, sometimes 1-locular with 2 parietal placentae. Ovules numerous. Style 2-lobed. Fr. usually a 2-valved capsule, less commonly indehiscent and fleshy. Seeds often compressed and winged, non-endospermic; embryo straight.
Glabrous, erect, annual herbs. Lvs sessile; lf pairs distant along stem. Cymes terminal, several-flowered, occasionally fls solitary. Calyx deeply divided into 6-12 linear lobes. Corolla rotate; lobes 6-12, > tube, yellow. Anthers basifixed, oblong to linear, not or slightly twisted spirally after dehiscence. Style filiform, caducous; stigma deeply 2-lobed. Capsule ovoid to ellipsoid; valve margins not intrusive. Seeds numerous, minute.
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Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, less commonly shrubs. Stems and lvs commonly hispid, rarely glabrous. Lvs alternate, exstipulate, simple. Infl. often a scorpioid cyme; fls usually actinomorphic, sometimes somewhat zygomorphic. Calyx 5-toothed or 5-lobed; lobes usually imbricate. Corolla 5-lobed, rotate, cylindric, funnel-shaped or campanulate, commonly blue at anthesis (in introduced spp.); throat (apex of tube) often with 5 scales or invaginations, sometimes with only a rim or tuft of hairs. Stamens 5, inserted on corolla and alternating with lobes. Ovary superior, 2-, or 4-celled by false septa. Style usually gynobasic, occasionally terminal. Stigma simple or 2-lobed. Fr. usually of 2 or 4 nutlets, rarely a drupe. Seed usually non-endospermic, less often endospermic.
Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, hispid. Infl. paniculate; cymes lax, bracteate. Calyx lobed nearly to base, accrescent. Corolla tube very short; limb rotate or campanulate, usually blue, rarely pink or white; lobes acute; scales emarginate, exserted. Filaments with long appendage at apex; anthers coherent, usually well exserted, forming a cone. Style included. Nutlets ± obovoid, erect, rugose, with thickened collar and strongly concave at base.
Annual, sometimes biennial. Stems and lvs strigosely hispid. Basal rosette lvs to c. 30 × 20 cm, lanceolate, ovate or broadly ovate, petiolate; base usually rounded or cuneate; apex acute; stem lvs much smaller, becoming sessile and slightly amplexicaul in upper stem. Pedicels to c. 3 cm long, becoming deflexed. Calyx c. 10 mm long at anthesis, elongating at fruiting; lobes linear or linear-lanceolate. Corolla limb c. 2.5 cm diam.; lobes slightly directed backwards, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, acute, blue, occasionally white. Staminal cone erect, c. 10 mm long, acute, black or nearly so. Nutlets 5-8 mm long, with irregular longitudinal ridges.
Climbing or scrambling shrubs, sometimes with axillary stem spines, less commonly arborescent; stems not swollen at nodes. Lvs alternate, petiolate. Fls ☿, rather small, usually in clusters of 3, each subtended by a large variously coloured bract. Pedicels adnate to midrib of bract. Perianth tubular, constricted at c. middle of tube, widened below, 5-ridged; limb short, usually 5-lobed with ridges of tube terminating at the apex of the lobes, cream, yellow or pink, persistent. Stamens (4)-8-(10), unequal, free, or connate at base, not filiform, included. Ovary stipitate; style short; stigma often irregularly lobed. Anthocarp 5-ribbed, not viscid, falling with the attached bract and not invested by it.
Scrambling or climbing shrub with fairly stout, rather curved spines; shoots and spines with curly hairs. Lvs with densely hairy petioles, brownish when young. Lamina 4-11 × 1.75-8 cm, lanceolate-ovate to broad-ovate, puberulent when young, becoming glabrate above except on veins; base cuneate; apex cuspidate or short-acuminate. Fls on long branches, leafy at the base, in clusters of (1)-3. Bracts 3.5-5.5 × 3-4 cm, broadly oblong-ovate, magenta, papery, ± bullate; apex acute or mucronate. Perianth 2-2.5 cm long, densely hairy and dark purple outside, cream inside; limb 7-10 mm diam., shrinking when dried, undulate, cream above. Stamens unequal; anthers suborbicular. Fr. not seen.
Annual or perennial herbs, rarely subshrubs. Lvs alternate, basal or cauline, simple, entire to pinnatifid. Capitula solitary or numerous. Involucral bracts in 2-3 rows, imbricate, herbaceous with membranous margins. Receptacle slightly convex to hemispheric; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, ligulate, in 1 row; ligules white, to pink, blue or purple. Inner florets ☿, tubular, few to numerous. Achenes dimorphic or all similar, terete or compressed, mostly obovoid or oblong, hairy, glandular or glabrous, sometimes with ribs or wings; pappus usually of a ring of small to large free or united simple bristles, sometimes 0.
Perennial rosette herb, often forming loose mats. Lvs apetiolate, narrow- spathulate, mostly entire, rarely with 1-(2) pairs of shallow teeth near apex, obtuse, glabrous, 5-10 × 1-1.5 mm. Peduncle naked, glabrous except for few glandular hairs below capitulum, 3-4.5 cm long and 0.3-0.6 mm diam. at flowering, elongating to up to 7 cm at fruiting. Involucral bracts elliptic to narrow-oblong, obtuse and fimbriate to apex, glabrous except for few glandular hairs at base, 2.5-3 mm long. Rays 12-22, white, c. 3-5 mm long. Disc yellow. Achenes obovoid-oblong, compressed, eglandular, c. 1.5 mm long; pappus of bristles c. 0.3 mm long.
Glabrous annual rosette herb. Lvs apetiolate, linear to very narrowly linear-spathulate, mostly entire, very rarely with 1-2 teeth near apex, obtuse to acute, 10-25 × 0.5-2 mm. Peduncle naked, 1-3 cm long and 0.2-0.5 mm diam. at flowering, elongating to 2.5-4.5 cm at fruiting. Involucral bracts ovate to oblong, obtuse and fimbriate at apex, 1-1.5 mm long. Rays c. 8-12, white, 0.5-2 mm long. Disc yellowish green. Achenes obovoid-oblong, compressed, eglandular, 1-1.5 mm long; pappus usually of few bristles c. 0.1 mm long, sometimes 0 in mature achenes.
Perennial rosette herb. Lvs spathulate, or cuneately narrowed to winged petiole, and ovate to obovate, mostly entire, sometimes with 1-(6) pairs of shallow lobes, obtuse to subacute, usually glabrous, sometimes with few hairs on upper surface and with many stalked glandular hairs on lower surface and margin, (12)-30-60 × (3)-7-15 mm. Peduncle usually naked, sometimes with 1 scale-like lf, usually sparsely to moderately clothed in glandular hairs at least near capitulum, rarely glabrous, (5)-12-20 cm long and 0.5-1.2 mm diam. at flowering, up to 30 cm long at fruiting. Involucral bracts lanceolate to elliptic-oblong, obtuse to acute and fimbriate at apex, glandular, (3)-4-6 mm long. Rays numerous, usually white, sometimes tinged pink on reverse, 5-8 mm long. Disc greenish yellow. Achenes obovoid, compressed, eglandular, 1.5-2 mm long; pappus of few bristles 0.1-0.3 mm long.
Perennial rosette or sparingly branched herb. Lvs spathulate or cuneately narrowed to winged petiole and obovate to oblong, with (1)-3-4-(6) pairs of rounded or sharp teeth or lobes (seldom lyrate-pinnatifid), glabrous or sparsely to densely clothed in short- or long-stalked glandular hairs on both surfaces and margins, 12-60-(120) × 3-20 mm. Peduncle often with up to 3 lvs becoming reduced and scale-like above, sometimes naked, sparsely to densely clothed in glandular hairs especially near capitulum, (2.5)-5-12-(15) cm long and 0.6-2 mm diam. at flowering, up to 15-(23) cm long at fruiting. Involucral bracts elliptic-oblong, obtuse to subacute and often fimbriate at apex, usually glandular at least near base, rarely glabrous, 2.5-4 mm long. Rays numerous, usually white, rarely flushed pink or lilac, c. 5-8 mm long. Disc yellow. Achenes obovoid-oblong, compressed or subterete, glandular, 2.5-4 mm long; pappus of few bristles 0.1-0.5 mm long.
Perennial rosette herb. Lvs spathulate or cuneately narrowed to winged petiole and elliptic-oblong to obovate, usually with (3)-5-9 pairs of round teeth or lobes (often lyrate-pinnatifid), sometimes a few lvs entire, obtuse, usually glabrous, sometimes sparsely to moderately clothed in short-stalked glandular hairs on both surfaces or just on margin, 10-30-(45) × 4-10-(15) mm. Peduncle usually naked, sometimes with 1 scale-like lf, sparsely to moderately clothed in glandular hairs at least near capitulum, 3-11 cm long and 0.8-1.2 mm diam. at flowering, up to 15-(18) cm long at fruiting. Involucral bracts elliptic-oblong to spathulate, obtuse and fimbriate at apex, glandular at least at base, 3.5-6 mm long. Rays numerous, white, 6-10-(12) mm long. Disc yellow. Achenes obovoid, compressed, eglandular, 2-3 mm long; pappus of few bristles 0.1-0.3 mm long.
Biennial to perennial with lax rosette. Stems erect, glabrous or sparsely hairy below, to 1 m tall; older stems woody. Lvs glaucous, glabrous or sparsely bristly, petiolate. Rosette and lower stem lvs lyrate-pinnatifid to lyrate-pinnate, (4)-8-20 × (2)-3-8 cm; margins crenate to dentate; terminal lobe large, often 3-lobed; lateral lobes subacute or obtuse, in 2-4 pairs, the proximal deflexed. Stem lvs becoming simple, linear, entire, c. 30 × 2 mm. Racemes 12-35 cm long; open fls slightly overtopping buds. Sepals narrow-oblong, 4-5 × c. 1 mm. Petals yellow, 7-9 × 4-5 mm. Lateral stamens spreading. Silique terete, glabrous, linear-oblong, constricted between seeds, (15)-20-35 × 2-3 mm; gynophore 1-2 mm long; valves with prominent median and 4 weaker lateral veins; beak conic, 0-2-seeded, 3-5 mm long. Seeds red-brown, c. 1 mm diam.
Annual herb with lax rosette. Stems erect, glabrous, to 1-(2) m tall. Lvs glaucous, glabrous or sparsely hairy, all petiolate. Lower lvs lyrate-pinnatifid to lyrate-pinnate, with large terminal and 1-2 pairs of lateral lobes, 8-15-(20) × 5-8 cm; margins dentate. Upper lvs simple, becoming linear, toothed to entire, 20-50 × 3-10 mm. Racemes to 45 cm long; open fls about level with buds, or lower. Sepals erecto-patent, narrow-oblong, 4-6 × c. 1 mm. Petals yellow, 6-8 × 2-3 mm. Lateral stamens spreading. Silique terete, glabrous, linear, constricted between seeds, 15-25-(40) × 1.5-2.5 mm; gynophore 0; valves with prominent median and weaker lateral veins; beak tapering, seedless, 5-10 mm long. Seeds yellow to brown, 1-2 mm diam.
Annual to perennial taprooted herbs, rarely shrubs. Hairs simple, usually bristly, sometimes 0. Stems erect or ascending, usually leafy. Lvs lyrate-pinnate, pinnate, lyrate-pinnatifid, pinnatifid, or not lobed; margin crenate or serrate. Racemes usually ebracteate. Sepals erect to patent; inner pair ± saccate at base. Petals yellow or white. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 2, behind bases of lateral stamens; median nectaries 2, in front of paired stamens. Style short; stigma capitate or slightly 2-lobed. Silique linear to narrow-oblong, dehiscent; valves with strong median and weaker lateral veins; beak tapering or elongated, 0-3-seeded. Seeds almost spherical, not winged, finely reticulate, in 1 row per locule.
Annual or biennial herb with lax rosette. Stems erect or ascending, becoming subwoody below, glabrous, to 1.5 m tall. Lower lvs petiolate, lyrate-pinnatifid with 1-3 pairs of lateral lobes, glaucous, bristly, especially on veins, often ciliate, 10-30 × 5-15 cm. Upper lvs glaucous, becoming entire, sessile, amplexicaul, glabrous, narrow-triangular, entire or toothed, 2-10 × 1-2 cm. Racemes to 40 cm long; open fls slightly below level of buds. Sepals erecto-patent, (4)-5-7 × 1-2 mm. Petals bright to pale yellow, 10-12 × (4)-5-6 mm. Lateral stamens spreading. Silique terete, glabrous, narrowly oblong, slightly constricted between seeds, (50)-60-80 × 2-5 mm; gynophore 0; valves with pronounced median and weak lateral veins; beak tapering, seedless, 8-15 mm long. Seeds dark brown to blue-black, 1.5-2.5 mm diam.
Annual herb with lax rosette. Stems erect, glabrous above, bristly below, ribbed, 0.6-1-(2) m tall. Lvs green, petiolate, sparsely bristly. Lower lvs lyrate-pinnatifid, to 16 cm long; margins dentate; terminal lobe large, 3-lobed to ovate; lateral lobes subacute, in 1-2 pairs. Upper stem lvs not lobed, becoming entire, lanceolate, 3-5 × 0.5-1 cm. Racemes to 40 cm long; buds overtopping or level with open fls. Sepals narrow-oblong, 3-4 × c. 1 mm. Petals bright yellow, 7-8 × 2-3 mm. All stamens erect. Silique quadrangular, glabrous, oblong, appressed to rachis, somewhat constricted between seeds, (6)-12-25 × 2 mm; gynophore 0; valves strongly keeled, with prominent median and weak lateral veins; beak slender, seedless, (1.5)-2-4 mm long. Seeds red-brown, c. 1 mm diam.
Biennial to perennial herb usually with lax rosette. Stems erect or ascending, glabrous, 1-2-(3) m tall, becoming woody below with prominent lf base scars. Lvs all glabrous and glaucous. Lower lvs petiolate, obovate or elliptic, 10-30 × 5-15 cm, not lobed or lyrate-pinnatifid with large terminal and 1-(2) pairs of small lateral lobes; margins sinuate, toothed. Upper lvs less divided, sessile, amplexicaul, elliptic-oblong or narrowly triangular, entire or toothed, 2-10 × 0.7-2 cm. Racemes to 60 cm long; open fls well below level of buds. Sepals narrow-oblong, (7)-8-11 × (1.5)-2-3 mm. Petals pale yellow or white, 15-25 × 5-8 mm. All stamens erect. Silique terete, glabrous, linear-lanceolate, slightly constricted between seeds, 50-60-(80) × 3-4 mm; gynophore 0; valves with prominent median and weaker lateral network of veins; beak conic, usually seedless, 5-10-(15) mm long. Seeds dark brown with greyish bloom, c. 2 mm diam.
Annual herb with densely caespitose rosette. Stems erect, glabrous, to 50 cm tall. Lvs green, hairy on midrib, petiolate. Rosette lvs many, pinnatifid to pinnate, 5-15-(30) × 1.5-4-(5) cm; margins dentate; terminal lobe small; lateral lobes acute to acuminate, in (7)-10-15 pairs. Stem lvs few, all simple, linear, entire, c. 1 cm long. Racemes to 50 cm long; open fls below level of buds, nodding after anthesis. Sepals narrow-oblong, 3-4 × c. 1 mm. Petals cream with purple veins, c. 8 × 2 mm. Lateral stamens slightly spreading. Silique terete, glabrous, linear, constricted between seeds, 40-60 × c. 2 mm; gynophore 0; valves with prominent median and 4-6 slightly weaker lateral veins; beak linear, 1-(2)-seeded, (7)-10-18 mm long, = valves. Seeds red-brown, c. 1.5 mm diam.
Annual with lax rosette. Stems erect or ascending, glabrous, to 1.5 m tall, sometimes becoming subwoody below. Lower lvs petiolate, lyrate-pinnatifid with large terminal and 1-3 pairs of lateral lobes, bright green, bristly, 15-25-(30) × 5-10 cm; margins sinuate, toothed. Upper lvs becoming amplexicaul, glaucous, not lobed, sessile, glabrous, narrowly triangular, entire, 2-10 × 1-2 cm. Racemes to 40 cm long; open fls overtopping buds. Sepals narrow-oblong, (4)-5-7 × 1-1.5 mm. Petals bright yellow, 6-10 × 3-4 mm. Lateral stamens spreading. Silique terete, glabrous, linear-lanceolate, slightly constricted between seeds, (30)-40-60 × 2-5 mm; gynophore 0; valves with prominent median and weaker lateral veins; beak tapering, seedless, 6-10 mm long. Seeds reddish brown, 1-1.5 mm diam.
Annual herb with laxly caespitose rosette. Stems erect, hairy below, to 1 m tall. Rosette and lower stem lvs pinnate to lyrate pinnatifid, rarely simple in weak plants or seedlings, hairy or bristly especially on midrib beneath, (5)-10-15-(30) × (1)-3-5-(9) cm; margins toothed; terminal lobe small, usually ternate; lateral lobes in (4)-5-8 pairs, subacute. Upper stem lvs sessile, becoming simple, toothed to entire, lanceolate to linear, bristly especially on margins, 10-20 × 2-6 mm. Racemes to 40 cm long; open fls overtopping or about level with buds. Sepals oblong, 2-3 × 0.5-1 mm. Petals pale yellow, becoming whitish, veined with yellow or sometimes violet, 4-5-(7) × 1-1.5-(2) mm. All stamens erect. Silique terete, glabrous, linear, constricted between seeds, (30)-40-50-(70) × 1.5-2.5 mm; gynophore 0; valves with prominent median vein; beak linear, usually 1-seeded, 8-14-(20) mm long, (⅓)-1/2× length of valves. Seeds dark brown, 1-1.5 mm diam.
Considerable variation is found in the fr. (Fig. 44). The typical fr. of the Brassicaceae is a 2-valved capsule. When more than 3× as long as broad, this is termed a silique and when less than 3× as long as broad it is termed a silicle. The fr. is divided into 2 locules by a false septum, which is formed as an outgrowth from the 2 placentae, and within each locule the seeds may be in 1, 2 or rarely more rows. In some of the genera in which the fr. is a silique, the base of the style may be conic or expanded above the valved part of the fr. and is then called a beak. Such beaks often contain 1-several seeds (e.g., in spp., Hirschfeldia), but in a few genera (e.g., ) all the seeds are contained in the greatly enlarged beak and the valved part of the fr. Is reduced to a seedless rudiment at the base of the silique. Beaks are not usually present on silicles and are therefore not mentioned in descriptions of genera with silicles. The configuration of the embryo within the seed is often a useful character in the family.
Unarmed soft-wooded shrubs or small trees. Lvs simple, ± hairy, large, entire, petiolate. Fls solitary in axils of upper lvs, pendulous or at least inclined downwards. Calyx 5-toothed, nearly regular or strongly irregular and spathaceous, never circumscissile. Corolla very large, ± broad-cylindric to funnelform, white, yellow, or red; lobes 5, usually reflexing, usually ± subulate. Stamens 5, included, adnate to tube in lower part. Stigma 2-lobed. Fr. dry and very tardily and irregularly dehiscent, pendulous, smooth. Seeds large, c. 7-12 × 5-8 mm, many.
Hairy shrub 1-2-(4) m high. Petiole to c. 10 cm long, with dense, short, curly hairs. Lamina to c. 25 × 18 cm, usually much smaller on flowering shoots, ovate or narrow-ovate, sinuate to shallowly lobed, with dense short curly hairs, ± tomentose when young; lobes in 2-3 pairs, ovate with broad rounded sinuses; base cuneate, sometimes asymmetric; apex obtuse or acute. Fls pendent, not fragrant; pedicels tomentose. Calyx 7-10 cm long, 2-lobed and ± spathaceous, splitting down 1 side, puberulent; larger lobe with 2-3 acute teeth. Corolla single, either all yellow or partly so with upper tube and lobes orange-red, puberulent outside; tube 16-20 cm long, broad-cylindric, c. 1.5 cm wide at base; lobes 1.5-2.5 cm long, very narrowly triangular to subulate, reflexing, with broad sinus. Filaments tomentose in lower adnate part; anthers 1.2-1.4 cm long. Capsule to c. 9 cm long, ellipsoid, pendent, puberulent. Seed 8-12 mm long, rugose.
Large puberulent, soft-wooded shrub to 2.5 m high. Petiole to c. 15 cm long. Lamina 5-20-(25) × 3-12 cm on adult shoots, larger on some vegetative shoots, ovate-oblong, entire, not sinuate, becoming glabrate; base often asymmetric; apex acute or mucronate. Fls pendent or inclined obliquely downwards, very fragrant at night; pedicels glabrate or glabrous. Calyx 8-12 cm long; lobes 5, subequal and not spathaceous, not splitting, acute. Corolla 27-33 cm long (excluding attenuate lobe apices 1-3 cm long), single, white; tube cylindric and scarcely widening in lower ?-1/2, otherwise funnelform. Filaments hairy in lower part; anthers 2.5-3 cm long. Fr. not seen.
Perennial herb. Radical to lower cauline lvs with sparsely hairy petiole to c. 30 cm long; lamina to c. 21 × 18 cm, broadly ovate, with coarse, ± appressed hairs on both surfaces, entire; base cordate with deep rounded sinus; apex rounded or obtuse. Upper cauline lvs similar but petiole short; lamina 3-4 × 2-2.5 cm. Infl. to c. 50 cm long; branches clothed in appressed hairs. Calyx 1.5-2 mm long, clothed in appressed hairs or nearly glabrous; lobes lanceolate, obtuse, strongly ciliate. Corolla tube c. 1 mm long, white; limb 6 × 9 mm diam., bright blue above, pale beneath; lobes obovate; scales white, grooved down centre, nearly closing corolla throat. Anthers dark. Nutlets glabrous, not seen at maturity.
Perennial, rhizomatous herbs with large lvs clothed in appressed hairs; basal lvs long-petiolate; cauline lvs short-petiolate to sessile. Infl. usually a terminal panicle of ebracteate cymes, more rarely reduced to a single cyme. Calyx lobed nearly to base, accrescent. Corolla rotate, small, blue or violet; tube campanulate; lobes ovate-orbicular; scales 5, ciliate, ± closing throat. Stamens inserted at middle of tube, included. Style included. Nutlets oblong-obovoid, erect, rugose or ribbed with thickened collar at base.
Glabrous herb, not forming dense stands; stems simple, mottled, to c. 50 cm high, prostrate and rooting towards base, otherwise erect. Lvs simple, sessile, alternate, opposite, or occasionally in whorls of 3, 6-7 cm long, 4-5 mm thick, cylindric and subterete, pale green to whitish, brownish white, or pale brown, with irregular dark green, snakeskin-like patches along sides, uniformly pale beneath, with a narrow pale band on a darker background above, usually with several plantlets around the tapering apex. Infl. a rather dense, terminal, corymbose cyme, to c. 8 cm diam.; main axis to c. 5 cm long. Fls pendulous. Calyx c. 12 mm long, ± campanulate, not inflated in middle, brownish with whitish bloom; lobes 7-10 mm long, ± triangular. Corolla wine-red, becoming orange-red, especially lobes; tube c. 2.5 cm long, far exserted from calyx; lobes c. 10 mm long, ± broadly obovate to suborbicular, rounded or slightly mucronate. Stamens c. 3 cm long, pale pink. Styles c. 2.5 cm long, yellow. Follicles not seen.
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Evergreen shrub, often semi-scrambling. Shoots angular, tomentose when young. Lvs opposite; petioles 1-2.5 cm long, tomentose. Lamina 4-10 × 2.5-6 cm, ovate, hairy above, densely greyish or pale brown stellate-tomentose below, coarsely and irregularly dentate; base broadly subcordate or cordate, forming a narrow petiolar wing; apex obtuse. Panicles broad-pyramidal, loose, composed of many small, densely tomentose cymes. Fls shortly pedicellate. Calyx densely tomentose; lobes broad-ovate, obtuse, ± imbricate, c. 1 mm long. Corolla c. 4 mm long, pale mauve or whitish; tube sparsely or moderately hairy outside, orange within; lobes = or slightly > tube, from ± oblong to suborbicular, reflexed. Stamens inserted near top of tube; filaments slender, 3-4 mm long; anthers small, well-exserted. Style c. 2 mm long; stigma ± capitate. Ovary tomentose. Fr. not seen.
Large shrub to 6-7 m high, mostly evergreen, deciduous in colder areas. Shoots ± quadrangular, creamy or yellowish tomentose. Lvs sessile or nearly so, 9-23 × 2-6 cm, lanceolate or narrow-ovate, rugose and glabrous above, cream or yellowish tomentose below, crenulate; base cuneate or subamplexicaul; apex acute to acuminate. Panicles of up to 10, globose, pedunculate heads; upper bracts linear or lanceolate. Peduncles tomentose, 2-30 mm long; heads 13-20 mm diam., composed of densely packed, sessile, fragrant orange fls. Calyx c. 2 mm long, tomentose; lobes shallow, ± triangular. Corolla tube c. 4 mm long, hairy outside; lobes 1-1.7 mm long, suborbicular to somewhat reniform, glabrous except near base outside, slightly imbricate. Stamens included, inserted c. 1/2 way along tube; anthers sessile. Style 2-3 mm long. Ovary tomentose. Capsule c. 5 mm long, obovoid or subglobose, hairy.
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Shrubs, or small trees, occasionally ± herbaceous. Indumentum usually present; hairs glandular, stellate or lepidote. Lvs usually opposite or verticillate, very rarely alternate, simple, often bullate. Infl. cymose, racemose, paniculate, or rarely fls solitary. Fls actinomorphic or slightly zygomorphic, ☿, 4-merous. Calyx 4-lobed. Corolla 4-lobed, imbricate, tubular. Stamens 4, inserted on corolla tube; filaments free or 0; anthers included or exserted. Ovary 2-locular, superior or semi-inferior; ovules numerous, on axile placentas. Style 1; stigma entire or 2-lobed. Fr. usually a septicidal capsule, rarely a drupe or berry. Seeds often winged; endosperm scanty.
Glabrous, annual or perennial herbs, or rarely shrubs. Lvs simple, entire or rarely serrulate. Umbels simple or compound, usually pedunculate; bracts present or 0, simple; bracteoles usually present, simple. Petals usually yellow, rarely white to purplish, with entire, acute, inflexed apex; calyx teeth 0. Fr. usually ovoid or oblong, terete, not beaked, spineless, but often papillose or tuberculate; commissure narrow; ribs 5 per mericarp, equal, slender or winged; vittae 1-5 in furrows, sometimes 0 in ripe fr.
Erect annual herb. Stems solid, striate, smooth, up to 75 cm high. Lvs ovate, entire, shortly mucronate, usually perfoliate; upper stem lvs broader; veins numerous, radiating and anastomosing toward margin. Umbels 3-5 cm diam.; rays (1)-2-3-(4), ± equal; bracts 0-1, similar to reduced lvs; bracteoles 3-6, suborbicular, mucronate, overlapping, many-veined. Fls (10)-13-20-(22), yellow, c. 2 mm diam. Fr. ovoid-oblong, brown, conspicuously papillose, 3-5 mm long; ribs slender.
Erect annual herb. Stems solid, slightly grooved, striate, up to 50 cm high. Basal lvs linear to linear-lanceolate or spathulate, entire, acuminate, cuneate; stem lvs much reduced toward apex, linear; veins 3, ± parallel. Umbels 2-5 mm diam.; rays 1-3, unequal; bracts usually 4, lanceolate; bracteoles c. 5, lanceolate, not overlapping, 3-veined. Fls 1-5, c. 1 mm diam.; petals yellow, tinged red. Fr. subglobose, brown, conspicuously papillose, 1-2 mm long; ribs slender.
Shrubs or trees, rarely herbs. Lvs alternate or opposite, simple, exstipulate. Fls usually unisexual, rarely ☿, actinomorphic, usually in bracteate spikes, racemes or axillary clusters, rarely solitary. Calyx segments 4-(6), usually united at base. Petals 0. Stamens usually 4 or 6, rarely numerous; filament long or ± 0; anthers 2-locular. Ovary superior, usually 3-locular; styles usually 3, united or free; ovules 1-2 per loculus, pendulous. Fr. a loculicidal capsule or a drupe. Embryo straight; endosperm present.
Much-branched shrubs or rarely trees. Lvs opposite. Fls unisexual, in small dense, shortly pedunculate or sessile, axillary racemes; bracts similar to sepals but smaller. ♂ fls with 4-(6) calyx segments, and vestigial 3-lobed ovary or ovary 0. ♀ fls terminal within racemes, lacking a distinct calyx; ovary 3-locular; styles 3, united at base or free. Capsule ovoid, 3-horned; seeds oblong, 3-sided.
Evergreen, much-branched, monoecious shrub or small tree up to 3-(8) m high. Shoots puberulent when young, becoming glabrous, 4-ridged. Lvs puberulent when young, becoming glabrous except near mid-vein, ovate or elliptic, retuse, obtuse at base and subsessile or very shortly petiolate, dark glossy green above, paler below, 15-30 mm long; lf margin entire, somewhat revolute. Racemes congested in lf axils, many-flowered, c. 5 mm diam.; ♂ fls with 4 stamens and 4 calyx segments; ♂ and ♀ fls bracteate. Capsule glabrous, ovoid-oblong, often veined, 6-10 mm long with 3 slightly divergent horns (remnants of styles); seeds ovoid-oblong, glossy black, 5-6 mm long.
Succulent perennial herbs or shrubs; stems columnar, cylindric or flattened, often jointed and spiny. Lvs usually 0 or very reduced and caducous. Branches often furnished with areoles (± circular, cushion- like patches). Fls solitary, ☿, usually actinomorphic. Calyx often petaloid and grading into petals. Petals numerous, in several series, the innermost largest, sometimes coherent at base. Stamens numerous, free or adnate to base of petals. Ovary inferior, 1-locular, with 3 or more parietal placentas. Ovules numerous; style 1; stigmas 2-many. Fr. a berry, often spiny or bristly. Seeds usually numerous, immersed in pulp.
Spinous scrambling shrub to c. 15 m tall; twigs moderately to densely puberulent, finely ribbed, rounded. Lvs 2-paripinnate; pinnae in (3)-5-10 pairs; leaflets with fine, usually appressed hairs, oblong, obtuse, entire, shortly petiolulate, 8-20 mm long, in 6-12 pairs; stipules ovate-lanceolate, deciduous; spines broad-based, recurved, present on stem and lf-rachis. Infl. axillary or terminal, racemose, many-flowered, > lvs; bracts and bracteoles deciduous. Calyx teeth unequal, rounded. Corolla pale yellow, c. 15 mm long. Pod broad, oblong, tardily dehiscent, few-seeded, 7-10 × 2-3 cm; seeds smooth, mottled brown, 8-10 mm long.
Trees, shrubs or lianes, spinous or not armed. Lvs 2-imparipinnate or 2-paripinnate; petiolar glands 0; stipules various. Infl. axillary or terminal, racemose or paniculate; bracts and bracteoles usually deciduous. Calyx with a very short tube and 5, often unequal, segments imbricate in bud. Corolla yellow, orange, or red; petals subequal. Stamens free, 10; anthers uniform, versatile, opening marginally. Style filiform; stigma terminal. Pod flattened, ovate to lanceolate or falcate, 2-valved or indehiscent.
Stems 30-60 cm tall, much-branched from base, stout, glabrous, sprawling to suberect, forking; main stem often flexuous. Rosette lvs fleshy, obovate to oblanceolate, shallowly pinnatifid, petiolate, 4-6 × 1.5-3 cm; margins serrate; stem lvs narrower and shorter, oblanceolate, obtuse, bluntly serrate. Infl. rachis flexuous, thickening and elongating at fruiting. Pedicels suberect to spreading, 1-3 mm long. Fls 6-8 mm diam., clustered. Petals 4-6 × 1-1.5 mm. Silique erect, (12)-15-22 × 4-7 mm; upper segment ovate, acuminate, tapering to a narrow winged beak, emarginate, 4-angled or 8-ribbed, somewhat flattened, frequently persistent if lower segment seedless, 8-13 mm long; lower segment terete, barrel-shaped, often obconic, (4)-6-9 mm long, without lateral horns.
Stems 10-30 cm tall, much-branched from base, stout, glabrous, sprawling to suberect, forking, not flexuous. Rosette lvs fleshy, narrow-oblong to ovate, shallowly crenate to pinnatifid, petiolate, 4-6 × 1-2 cm; margins entire, rarely crenate or sinuate; stem lvs smaller, crenate to pinnatifid, oblong to linear to linear-spathulate. Infl. rachis straight, thickening and elongating at fruiting. Pedicels suberect to spreading, 1-3 mm long. Fls c. 1 cm diam., clustered. Petals 7-9 × 1-2 mm. Silique erect, (11)-13-16-(18) × 4-7 mm; upper segment mitre-shaped, tapering to a conic beak, acute, 4-angled, (8)-10-15 mm long; lower segment obconic, terete, 3-6 mm long, with 2 spreading to deflexed lateral horns at distal end.
Annual taprooted herbs. Glabrous. Stems ascending, leafy. Lvs not lobed to pinnatifid; margin entire, crenate or bluntly toothed. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals erect, the inner saccate. Petals white to pink to purple. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 2, crescent-shaped behind single stamens; median 2, variously shaped, in front of paired stamens. Style short; stigma capitate. Silique indehiscent, dry and corky, composed of 2 falsely 1-celled, jointed, indehiscent segments: upper segment beaked, terete or angled, detaching at joint; lower segment narrower, cylindric, or obconic, sometimes weakly angled, stalk-like when seedless. Seeds ellipsoid, not winged, (0)-1 per segment.
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Taprooted annual herb. Stems 1-many, suberect or ascending, glabrous, often reddish, 10-40 cm tall. Rosette lvs linear-obovate, obtuse, ciliate, 30-50-(100) × 1.5-2-(5) mm, tapering gradually to subsheathing base; stem lvs similar, the uppermost becoming sessile, acute. Infl. terminal, racemose; bracts leaflike; pedicels erect, sparsely hairy, 3-15 mm long. Sepals broadly triangular, acute, keeled at apex, truncate to hastate and connate at base, ciliate and hairy near base, (4)-6-8-(10) × (4)-6-8-(10) mm. Petals 5, purple, 7-10 mm long. Stamens (5)-10; anthers yellow; filaments magenta. Stigmas 3, purple. Capsule ovoid, c. = sepals, dehiscing by 3 valves. Seeds ovoid-flattened, black, smooth, shiny, 1-1.5 mm long.
Glabrous or hairy, taprooted or rhizomatous, annual or perennial rosette herbs. Stems usually many, branched or not, vegetative and reproductive. Lvs many, alternate on stems. Infl. a terminal raceme or cyme, bracteate, sometimes fls solitary. Sepals persistent or deciduous. Petals 5-(7). Stamens 5-many. Ovary superior, of (2)-3-(4) fused carpels; style branches (2)-3-(4). Ovules (2)-many. Capsule 1-locular, dehiscing by (2)-3-(4) valves. Seeds (2)-many.
Taprooted annual herb. Stems (1)-many, ascending, glabrous, often reddish, 10-40 cm tall. Rosette lvs obovate-spathulate, acute, ciliate, 30-70-(100) × 3-6 mm, tapering to subsheathing base; stem lvs similar, smaller, not becoming sessile, acute. Infl. terminal, racemose; bracts leaflike; pedicels erect, glabrous or sparsely hairy, 3-15-(25) mm long. Sepals lanceolate-ovate, acute, keeled at apex, cuneate and free at base, ciliate on margins and keel, (5)-7-10 × (3)-4-6 mm. Petals 5, purple, (8)-10-13 mm long. Stamens c. 10; anthers yellow; filaments white or purple. Stigmas 3, white. Capsule ellipsoid, c. = sepals, dehiscing by 3 valves. Seeds lenticular, black, smooth, shiny, 1.5-2 mm long.
Annual or perennial herbs, or small shrubs; stems erect to prostrate or 0, rarely lianoid. Lvs usually opposite, sometimes whorled, entire, toothed to pinnate, pinnately or palmately veined. Fls usually in terminal or, less often, lateral cymes, sometimes in dichasia, or solitary and axillary. Calyx deeply 4-lobed, sometimes lobes only fused near base. Corolla very irregular, usually yellow; upper lip small, ± ascending, pouched; lower lip > upper; pouch very inflated, ± slipper-like and consisting of the whole lip (really composed of 3 lobes). Stamens 2, included; anther cells contiguous and both fertile, or cells separated by a connective and either both fertile or one sterile or 0. Capsule septicidal, splitting at apex. Seeds numerous, ± tuberculate, not winged.
Annual herb; stems erect or lax, usually not branched, dark reddish, to c. 25 cm tall, glandular-hairy and viscid in upper part. Lvs petiolate, usually pinnate or ternate, sometimes simple. Lamina with large terminal lobe to 3.5 cm long, lanceolate to ovate, hairy or glandular-hairy, serrate; base often with 1-4 small irregular lobes or pinnae. Bracts similar to lvs. Fls pedicellate, few in terminal cymes. Calyx 6-8 mm long, deeply lobed, strongly veined; lobes ovate, usually serrate, glandular-ciliate. Corolla golden yellow; lower lip 10-15 mm long, suborbicular; upper lip 3-4 mm long. Stamen connective 1-1.2 mm long, > filaments; posterior (upper) anthers fertile, oblique, situated within upper lip; anterior (lower) anthers sterile, rudimentary, within lower lip. Capsule 6-9 mm long, ovoid. Seeds reddish brown, longitudinally furrowed.
Erect or sprawling annual herb, up to c. 30 cm tall. Stems densely clothed in short, erect, eglandular and glandular hairs, less hairy below, much- branched. Basal and lower cauline lvs moderately to densely clothed in simple and glandular hairs, ciliate, obovate to obovate-oblong, with few scattered marginal teeth, acute and mucronate, apetiolate and slightly cuneate, 2-8 × 0.5-1.5 cm; upper cauline lvs similar to lower but becoming smaller, oblong, lanceolate, or narrowly ovate-triangular, broad-based and often ± amplexicaul. Capitula solitary, 10-15 mm diam. Involucral bracts in 2 rows, hairy, glandular and ciliate, narrowly ovate- to oblong-triangular, acuminate, 6-9 mm long, the inner with more conspicuous membranous margins. Ray florets c. 11-22, in 1-2 rows; ligules yellow or orange, ± = or not greatly exceeding bracts, c. 5-10 mm long. Disc florets few, yellow or orange. Achenes glabrous to moderately hairy, usually of 3 types; outermost achenes incurved, short-beaked, 7-10 mm long, with small stout spines on back; some outer achenes slightly shorter, scarcely beaked, broadly 2-3-winged and usually tuberculate on back; inner achenes enclosed by outer, ridged or tuberculate on back, 2-4 mm diam.
Annual or perennial herbs, sometimes woody at base, not armed. Lvs alternate, simple, entire or toothed. Capitula solitary or in loose corymbs. Involucral bracts in 1-2 rows, with membranous margins. Receptacle flat; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, ligulate; ligules yellow or orange. Inner florets tubular, with innermost functionally ♂ (some disc florets transformed into ligulate florets in cvs). Achenes heteromorphic, incurved, ridged, tuberculate or spiny on back; outer achenes narrowly beaked, or not beaked and 2-3-winged; inner achenes curled in ± 1 complete turn, usually without well-formed beaks or wings.
Erect or ascending, annual or short-lived perennial herb, sometimes somewhat woody toward base, (10)-15-50 cm tall. Stems densely clothed in short, erect, glandular hairs, usually becoming glabrous below, much-branched. Basal and lower cauline lvs sparsely to moderately clothed in simple and glandular hairs, ciliate, usually narrow-obovate, sometimes elliptic or ± orbicular, entire, with few minute scattered marginal teeth, or rarely remotely dentate, obtuse to acute and mucronate, apetiolate and long-cuneate, 6-20 × 1.5-5 cm; upper cauline lvs similar to lower but becoming smaller, oblong to lanceolate, broad-based and often ± amplexicaul. Capitula solitary, 35-85 mm diam. Involucral bracts in 2 rows, glandular and ciliate, lanceolate, acuminate, 10-15 mm long, the inner with more conspicuous membranous margins. Ray florets (20)-40-60, in 1-several rows; ligules usually orange, sometimes pale orange or yellow, clearly exceeding bracts, (8)-12-30 mm long; disc florets numerous, usually orange, sometimes pale orange or yellow, rarely brownish black. Achenes glabrous or sparsely hairy, usually of 3 types; outermost achenes strongly incurved, long-beaked, 12-18 mm diam., with small stout spines on back, usually alternating with shorter, short-beaked, broadly 3-winged, tuberculate or smooth-backed achenes; inner achenes enclosed by outer, tuberculate on back, 4-7 mm diam.
Spiny shrubs. Lvs 3-foliolate, petiolate; leaflets entire; lateral veins indistinct; stipules inconspicuous. Fls axillary and solitary, or in fascicles or ebracteate racemes; bracteoles usually 3-fid. Calyx tubular, with 5 short teeth; upper portion soon breaking away leaving a cup-like remnant. Corolla yellow. Stamens connate into a closed tube; alternate anthers long and basifixed or short and versatile. Style incurved, glabrous; stigma capitate or oblique. Pod flattened, ± straight or slightly curved, dehiscent, with upper suture somewhat thickened and usually winged, several-seeded; seeds estrophiolate.
Shrub up to 3 m high; twigs sparsely to moderately clothed in appressed hairs when young, becoming ± glabrous, furrowed; spines stout, simple, scattered, 10-40 mm long. Lvs glabrous above, sericeous below, petiolate, usually 3-foliolate; leaflets obovate, cuneate, mucronate or obtuse, 4-10-(12) mm long; petiolules ± equal. Fls mostly solitary, axillary, sometimes few in fascicles; pedicels 4-8 mm long; bracteoles subtending calyx usually 3-fid. Calyx remnant sparsely to moderately clothed in appressed hairs. Corolla yellow, 10-15 mm long. Pod usually glabrous or sometimes sparsely hairy along suture, narrowly oblong, 3-8-seeded, 30-40 mm long; sutures somewhat thickened and sometimes winged; seeds yellowish brown, smooth, flattened.
Shrubs or small trees. Lvs alternate, dotted with glands. Infl. a dense regular elongated spike of contiguous fls, the axis growing through it after flowering. Hypanthium continued above ovary, ovoid or campanulate; calyx of 5 distinct sepals, membranous, deciduous. Petals 5, ± orbicular, free, > sepals, deciduous. Stamens numerous, much > petals, usually free, very rarely united at base, commonly in two whorls, strongly incurved in bud; anthers versatile. Ovary 3-4-celled, each with many ovules; style long and coloured. Capsule woody, loculicidal, included in receptacle tube, often persistent for several years. Seeds numerous.
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Annual herb. Lvs alternate, entire to coarsely serrate. Capitula 1-numerous, solitary. Involucral bracts dimorphic, the outer in 1-2 rows, imbricate and herbaceous, the inner in 1-2 rows and completely membranous. Receptacle slightly convex; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, ligulate, many to numerous in 1 row (more in cvs); ligules white to red, blue or purple. Inner florets ☿, tubular (ligulate in double cvs), numerous. Achenes all similar, obovoid, compressed, hairy, with 2-4 narrow ribs; pappus of 1 row of long scabrid hairs and an outer row of very short hairs.
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Small, monoecious or very rarely dioecious annual or perennial herbs, aquatic or terrestrial, glabrous or sometimes with peltate cauline hairs. Stems slender. Lvs opposite, petiolate, almost always entire, exstipulate. Fls minute, axillary, solitary or rarely 1 ♂ and 1 ♀ together, sessile or pedicellate. Bracteoles 2 or 0, ± horn-like. Calyx and corolla 0. ♂ fls with 1 stamen; filament slender; anthers 2-celled. ♀ fls with subsessile 4-lobed ovary; ovary 4-celled by secondary septa. Styles 2, free, elongated, papillose. Ovules 1 per cell, pendulous from apex. Fr. 4-lobed; lobes ± keeled or winged, schizocarpic and separating at maturity into 4 mericarps. Seeds with fleshy endosperm; embryo straight.
Monoecious herb, palustral or ± terrestrial on wet ground. Stems thick, creeping below with ascending branches to 10 cm high. Lvs spathulate, thick, 2.5-10 × 1.5-4.8 mm, entire, 3-nerved, sometimes with free veins; base scarious and connate. Fls solitary, ♂ in upper axils, ♀ in lower, ebracteate or bracts falling early. Filaments to 1.3 cm long, tapering from broad base. Style 1.4-3.2 mm long, persistent. Fr. 0.8-1.1 × 1.1-1.5 mm, not keeled or winged; faces slightly convex; commissural groove open and shallow.
Monoecious terrestrial herb. Stems creeping with lax, ± sprawling branches 2-10 cm long, to 20 cm when submerged. Lvs on broad membranous connate petioles; lamina thick, 3.7-8 × 1.2-4 mm, spathulate, 3-nerved, entire; base broad, membranous and connate. Fls solitary or sometimes 2 together, ebracteate. Filaments to 9 mm long, tapering from broad base. Styles 2-2.5 mm long, persistent. Fr. 1.1 × 1.2-1.3 mm, with narrow membranous wing; faces rounded; commissural groove fairly wide, deep and sharp.
Amphibious monoecious herb. Aquatic form with long branched stems bearing floating rosettes and submerged lvs; terrestrial form with creeping stems and ascending branches. Submerged lvs 6-30 × 0.5-2.5 mm, linear, 1-nerved; apex 2-toothed; rosette lvs 0.4-1 cm long, spathulate, 3-nerved, occasionally with a small extra vein outside; lvs of terrestrial form linear-elliptic to elliptic, 1-(3)-nerved. ♂ and ♀ fls solitary in axils of rosette lvs; bracteoles usually 0. Stamens c. 1 mm long; anthers c. 0.5 mm long. Fr. usually sessile, occasionally pedicellate, 1.2-1.4 mm diam., suborbicular; mericarp-faces flat; wing very narrow, often white, usually running right round mericarp; commissural groove wide and shallow.
Monoecious aquatic herb with long ascending stems, little branched, often with floating rosettes. Lvs very variable but submerged lvs often linear-elliptic, 1-nerved, shallowly 2-toothed; aerial lvs usually obovate, 3-7-nerved; free veins 0; lvs of plants on mud oblong. Fls 1 ♂ and 1 ♀ together in each axil. Bracteoles white, conspicuous, persistent. Filaments to 4 mm long; anthers c. 0.2 × c. 0.3 mm. Styles 1-6 mm long, persistent or caducous. Fr. sessile, (0.6)-0.7-0.8-(1) mm long, suborbicular; mericarp faces convex; wing narrow, usually only at top of mericarp, sometimes 0; commissural groove very shallow and narrow.
Submerged lvs usually linear; floating lvs and those of terrestrial plants narrow-spathulate to ovate, often forming a terminal rosette.
Monoecious, prostrate, branching, terrestrial herb. Lvs 2.5-7.5 × 1.5-4.8 mm; lamina thin, typically rhomboid, broader than long, with a single small tooth on either side and with a free vein running to it, otherwise 3-5-nerved; earlier-formed lvs simpler in outline. Fls usually 1 ♂ and 1 ♀ together in an axil, ebracteolate. Filaments c. 0.2-0.3 mm long. Styles c. 0.05 mm long, lengthening to 0.15 mm in young fr. but falling before maturity. Fr. 1.1-(1.2) × (1.2)-1.3-(1.4) mm, broadly obcordate or oblong, ferrugineous; wing broad and conspicuous, membranous, crispate, pale brown or whitish; faces shallowly grooved; commissural groove deep.
Monoecious or dioecious herb of wet ground with creeping unbranched stems ascending 3-7 cm, less often aquatic with submerged stems to 20 cm or more long, without definite rosettes. Terrestrial lvs (1)-2.2-(8) mm long, thin, spathulate or obovoid to suborbicular, entire, 3-5-nerved; submerged lvs slightly longer and linear or linear-spathulate, 1-nerved. Fls usually solitary in 1 lf axil of each pair, ebracteolate. Filaments 2-4 mm long; Style 1.7-2.2 mm long, ± persistent. Fr. 0.6-0.9 × 0.7-1.1 mm, suborbicular and broader than long; wing 0; faces strongly convex; commissural groove shallow and narrow.
Amphibious monoecious herb. Aquatic stems to c. 1 m long, often forming dense mats in water or on mud. Submerged lvs not markedly different from rosette or floating lvs, 4-10-(25) × 2-4-(6) mm, linear-spathulate, spathulate or obovate, but never linear, 3-, 5-, or 7-nerved; free veins 0; apex rounded or slightly emarginate; rosette lvs to 10 × 6 mm, broad-elliptic to suborbicular, entire; terrestrial lvs usually smaller and rarely > 5 × 3 mm. Fls in axils of rosette lvs, solitary or 1 ♂ and 1 ♀ together. Bracteoles white, falcate, persistent. Filaments c. 2 mm long; anthers c. 0.2 mm long. Styles 2-3.5 mm long, persistent and recurving at fruiting. Fr. subsessile, 1.2-1.7 mm diam., orbicular, pale; mericarp faces ± flat; wing rather narrow, usually extending round the mericarp; commissural groove wide, deep, tapering towards the top.
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Monoecious trees or shrubs. Branchlets not obviously flattened, in several planes, with ultimate shoots angular. Juvenile lvs needle-like or subulate, in whorls of 4. Adult lvs scale-like, in whorls of 3-(4), lacking prominent dorsal gland. ♂ strobili (cones) solitary and terminal on short ultimate shoots, or several towards shoot apex, cylindric to oblong, usually yellow, with numerous stamens in whorls of 3. ♀ cones solitary or several on short lateral shoots, globose to ovoid, ripening in 1-2 years. Scales 6 or 8, in 2 whorls attached round central column, their bases uniting after fertilisation to appear as 1 whorl, the alternate scales (corresponding to outer whorl) shorter and narrower, with a subapical mucronate boss or umbo on each scale, smooth or verrucose; ovules 6-c. 55 to each scale. Mature cone persistent, sometimes enlarging after maturity. Fertile seeds 1-2-(3) on each scale, winged; cotyledons 2.
Small evergreen shrub. Lvs opposite, sessile, scale-like, 4-ranked. Fls in bracteate, terminal spikes or sometimes panicles, 4-merous. Calyx of free petaloid sepals, > corolla, persistent. Corolla deeply lobed, campanulate, persistent, scarious. Stamens 8, included; anthers acuminate, with 2 reflexed dorsal appendages, opening by elongated slits. Fr. a septifragal capsule, invested in the persistent perianth. Seeds few.
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Much-branched, erect or spreading perennial herb, 10-40 cm tall. Stems ridged, almost glabrous to moderately hairy, becoming glabrous and woody toward base. Lvs all cauline in mature plants, mostly linear-oblong and entire, acute with cartilaginous apex, apetiolate and obtuse at base, sometimes narrow-triangular or spathulate, or shallowly pinnatifid with (1)-2-4 lobes, sparsely hairy, 3-12-(20) × 0.5-2-(3); basal lvs long-cuneate and usually pinnatifid; uppermost lvs smaller, entire. Capitula 5-8 mm diam., solitary on long peduncles. Involucral bracts oblong to triangular, sparsely hairy, 2-2.5 mm long. Ligules yellow, 1.5-3 mm long. Disc yellow. Achenes obpyramidal, ribbed on 2 angles, tuberculate on faces, glabrous, 2.5-3.5 mm long including awns, forming a globose bur-like head 7-10 mm diam.; pappus of 2, long, ± erect, barbed awns with 2 groups of 1-6 short, horizontal, barbed awns between.
Usually annual or perennial herbs, occasionally subshrubs. Lvs alternate, simple, entire to deeply pinnatifid. Capitula solitary or in cymose or racemose panicles. Involucral bracts in 2-3-(4) rows, imbricate, herbaceous to chartaceous. Receptacle hemispheric; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, ligulate, few to numerous in 1-several rows; ligules yellow, white, pink, mauve or blue. Inner florets usually ♂, sometimes ☿, tubular, many. Achenes all similar, narrowed to base, compressed, glabrous or hairy, smooth or tuberculate; pappus usually of rigid, barbed awns, occasionally with scales alternating with awns, occasionally of hairs or 0.
Annual or perennial herbs. Lvs alternate or radical, entire, serrate or pinnately lobed; stipules 0. Fls in a capitulum on a common receptacle surrounded by 1-2 series of bracts, 4-6-merous, actinomorphic, usually ☿, rarely unisexual. Calyx tubular, adnate to ovary, angled and dentate. Corolla lobes valvate, terminating a corolla tube. Stamens as many as and alternating with corolla lobes, inserted towards top of tube; filaments ± connate; anthers 2-locular, dehiscing longitudinally, ± connate around style. Ovary 1-locular, inferior; style undivided; ovule solitary, pendulous. Fr. an achene, the achenes sometimes connate; seed solitary.
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Perennial rhizomatous herbs with twining, creeping or rambling, usually glabrous stems. Latex present. Lvs petiolate, entire or basally lobed and often sagittate. Fls solitary, axillary, subtended by 2 large bracts partly or entirely concealing calyx. Sepals 5, subequal. Corolla of 5 shallow lobes, usually funnelform, sometimes campanulate, nearly always white or pink with white mid-petaline bands. Stamens 5, adnate to lower part of corolla tube, included. Ovary 1-locular or imperfectly 2-locular; ovules 4. Style included; stigma 2-lobed, included. Capsule 4-celled, ovoid to globose. Seeds usually smooth and glabrous.
Rhizomes extensive. Stems glabrous or puberulent at first. Petioles 1.5-8 cm long, generally puberulent. Lamina 3-14-(17) × 2.5-9-(11) cm, usually triangular- or ovate-sagittate, glabrous or puberulent near base; sinus deep and rounded, usually with diverging sides; basal lobes usually rounded or obtuse, rarely acute, sometimes with small subsidiary lobule; apex acute to short-acuminate. Fls solitary; peduncles 3-12 cm long, puberulent or glabrous, ridged or very narrowly winged. Bracts 1.25-3 × 1-1.5 cm, broad-ovate, not imbricate or only slightly so; base rounded or cordate; apex usually obtuse and mucronate. Sepals 12-15 mm long, lanceolate-ovate. Corolla (3)-5-6-(7) cm long; limb 4-6 cm diam., usually pink with white mid-petaline bands, rarely all white. Stamens 2-2.5 cm long; filaments hairy in lower 1/2. Ovary 1-locular. Style > stamens. Capsules c. 1 cm long, subglobose. Seed ± triangular-ovoid with rounded outer surface and ± flat on inner faces, dark brown to almost black.
Rhizomes extensive and far-creeping. Stems glabrous, vigorously twining, often tinged purple where exposed to sunlight. Petioles 3-11 cm long, usually glabrous, sometimes hairy. Lamina 5-18 × 3.5-15 cm, triangular-ovate, sagittate-ovate or hastate, usually glabrous; base deeply cordate with rounded sinus and 1-2 small lobes on each side; apex acute to acuminate. Fls solitary; peduncles 8-20-(30) cm long, usually narrowly winged. Bracts at anthesis imbricate, 2-3.4 × 1.8-3.6 cm, broad-ovate, slightly > calyx; base cordate; apex acute to mucronate. Sepals 1.5-1.8 cm long, ± ovate-lanceolate. Corolla 5.2-8 cm long and 5.5-8 cm diam. across limb, usually white, very rarely pale pink; lobes very shallow and inconspicuous; mid-petaline area of tube shining outside. Stamens c. 3 cm long; filaments with glandular hairs in lower 1/2. Ovary 1-locular. Style glabrous, = or slightly > stamens. Capsule 1-1.5 cm long, subglobose. Seeds 4-5 mm diam., ± triangular-ovoid with rounded outer surface and slightly concave inner faces, smooth, black.
Perennial herb with creeping rhizome and prostrate branching stems, glabrous or occasionally puberulent, sometimes forming large dense patches. Petioles to 8 cm long, slender. Lamina (1)-1.5-5-(8) × (1)-2-5-(7.5) cm, reniform, usually semi-succulent, glossy, entire; sinus shallow and rounded with base often broad-cuneate; apex emarginate to rounded or acute. Fls solitary; peduncles ribbed, to 10 cm long. Bracts ovate, cordate, obtuse, 12-18 mm long. Sepals nearly = bracts, obtuse. Corolla 2-4 × 2.5-5 cm, campanulate, pink, often with white mid-petaline bands, occasionally all white. Ovary 1-locular. Capsule 1.5-2 cm long, broad-ovoid, apiculate. Seeds dark brown, smooth.
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Annual or biennial taprooted herbs. Hairs branched and simple. Stems erect, leafy. Lvs toothed to sinuate to pinnatifid. Racemes embracteate. Sepals erect, non-saccate. Petals yellow. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 4, paired at bases of single stamens; median nectaries 0. Style short to long; stigma capitate. Silicle obovoid, latiseptate, dehiscent; valves with 1 median and a network of secondary veins. Seeds ellipsoid to orbicular, not winged, in 2 rows per locule.
Annual or biennial, but mostly perennial herbs, often tufted, sometimes rhizomatous, commonly with basal rosette lvs differing from the alternate cauline lvs. Fls solitary or in spikes, racemes or loose panicles, usually 5-merous. Calyx tube ovoid to globose; lobes flat or folded, sometimes with appendages at sinus. Corolla usually campanulate, sometimes tubular or rotate, mostly blue, toothed or lobed but not split near base. Filaments usually dilated towards base; anthers free. Ovary 3-5-celled; style clavate, without disc at base; stigmas 3-5, filiform, often blue or mauve. Capsule ovoid to turbinate, dehiscing by lateral or basal pores or valves, ± ribbed, pendent or erect.
Erect, taprooted biennial with stems to c. 1 m tall. Basal or rosette lvs to c. 30 cm long, with petiole to c. 1/2 length of lamina; lamina oblanceolate or oblong, gradually attenuate to base, crenate, hairy above and below or nearly glabrous above; cauline lvs becoming smaller towards infl.; middle cauline lvs 8-20 × 1-3 cm, oblong or lanceolate-oblong, crenate, sessile and amplexicaul. Infl. a long, terminal, racemose panicle; peduncles long, foliose, bracteate, hispid; pedicels short, densely hispid; bracteoles foliose, to c. 2.5 cm long. Calyx 1.5-2.8 cm long, deeply lobed, hispid, mainly on margins; lobes lanceolate; appendages 7-11 mm long, broad-ovate, deeply cordate at base, reflexed. Corolla 4-5 × 2-3.5 cm (larger in cultivated plants), tubular-campanulate, ventricose below, usually violet or purplish; lobes 5-10 mm long, ± triangular, reflexed. Stigmas 5. Capsule c. 2 cm long, 5-celled, ± broadly obovoid, dehiscing at base.
Perennial, with numerous, long, trailing stems, often forming a loose mat. Basal lvs with petiole to c. 20 cm long. Lamina 3-6 × 2.5-5 cm, broad-ovate, almost glabrous, 2-serrate and ciliate; base cordate; uppermost lvs smaller, with short petioles. Fls declined, horizontal, or suberect, many in a ± secund, narrow, racemose infl.; pedicels to 20 mm long, glabrous or glabrate; bracts and bracteoles ciliate. Calyx 6-8 mm long; lobes narrow-lanceolate, ± purple, with 2-4, glandular, ciliate teeth. Corolla c. 1.5 cm long, very broadly funnelform; lobes deep, lanceolate-elliptic, soon reflexed, bluish mauve. Stigmas 3. Mature capsule not seen, turbinate.
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c. 40 cm long. Basal lvs and those on short vegetative shoots with long slender petioles. Lamina 1-2.7 × 1-3 cm, broad-ovate, suborbicular to reniform, usually hairy towards base, crenate; base subcordate to prominently widely cordate; apex obtuse or nearly so; main cauline lvs 2-4 cm × 1-5 mm, linear or linear-lanceolate, glabrous, entire, sessile or shortly petiolate. Fls nodding, in open, sparingly branched racemes. Pedicels glabrous, slender, > setaceous bracts. Calyx lobes subulate or setaceous, 3-8 mm long. Corolla 1.5-2 cm long, campanulate, deep blue; lobes short and broad. Stigmas 3. Capsule pendent, 3-celled, 5-7 mm diam., ± turbinate or subglobose, dehiscing at base.
Herbs, rarely small shrubs or arborescent, nearly always with milky latex. Lvs usually alternate, simple, exstipulate. Fls in spikes, racemes, panicles or often solitary, actinomorphic, ☿. Calyx 3-5-(10)-lobed; lobes imbricate or valvate; tube adnate to ovary. Corolla gamopetalous, tubular to campanulate, generally blue or white; lobes usually 5, valvate. Stamens as many as corolla lobes, inserted near to corolla base or on disc, free or connate. Ovary usually inferior, very rarely superior, 2-5-(10)-celled; placentation axile or parietal, rarely basal or apical; ovules mostly numerous; style 1; stigmas 1-several. Fr. usually capsular and variously dehiscent, rarely baccate. Seeds numerous.
Herbs, erect or scandent, annual or perennial; latex 0. Lvs opposite or alternate, simple or palmately divided, stipulate, petiolate. Fls unisexual, apetalous, in axillary infls; ♂ infls paniculate; ♀ infls sessile, crowded or strobilate with large persistent imbricate bracts. ♂ fls with perianth 5-merous; segments imbricate; stamens 5, erect in bud; filament short; anthers 2-celled; rudimentary ovary 0. ♀ fls with perianth entire, membranous, closely enfolding ovary. Ovary sessile, 1-locular; style central, 2-partite; ovule solitary, pendulous from the apex of the loculus, anatropous. Fr. an achene. Seeds with fleshy endosperm; embryo curved or spirally involuted.
Erect annual. Lvs alternate or the lower opposite, palmately compound; leaflets narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, serrate. Infls erect; ♀ infl. racemose with fls crowded in the axils of foliaceous bracts. Achene ± enclosed by membranous perianth; embryo curved; cotyledons thick, fleshy.
Hemp seed was until recently a common constituent of bird seed and the plant often occurred as a casual from discarded seed. The sp. does not appear to have truly established in the wild but continues to occur as an occasional escape from cultivation.
Herbs, shrubs, climbers or trees, glabrous or hairy, sometimes glandular. Lvs alternate, petiolate, simple to digitate-compound; stipules spiny or 0. Infl. a bracteate or ebracteate raceme, rarely fls solitary. Fls hypogynous, usually ☿, actinomorphic or sometimes weakly zygomorphic. Sepals (2)-4-(8), free or connate, in 2 equal or unequal whorls. Petals (2)-4, rarely more, free, sessile or clawed. Stamens (1)-4-6-(many), free, sometimes connate and adnate to the gynophore. Nectar glands sometimes present on receptacle. Ovary superior, 1-3-locular, usually raised on a gynophore; placentation parietal; ovules 1-many. Stigma simple. Fr. a berry, or a capsule dehiscing by 2 valves to leave a replum. Seeds 1-many, arillate or not; embryo curved; endosperm 0.
Shrubs or small trees, sometimes lianoid. Stems with prominent pith. Lvs opposite, usually simple, sometimes pinnate, usually exstipulate. Infl. usually cymose. Fls usually ☿, very rarely unisexual, regular or irregular. Calyx adnate to ovary; lobes 4-5, small. Corolla gamopetalous; lobes 4-5, imbricate, regular or bilabiate, tubular, or rotate with prominent lobes. Stamens 4-5, epipetalous, free, alternating with corolla lobes. Ovary inferior, 2-5-(8)-celled. Ovules 1-many per cell; placentation axile. Style usually 1, sometimes 0. Fr. usually indehiscent, sometimes dehiscent, either a fleshy berry or drupe, or dry and capsular or achenial. Endosperm fleshy.
Annual herb. Stem erect, little- to much-branched above, (2)-15-30-(80) cm tall. Lvs and stems with spreading simple hairs and sparse to dense appressed stellate hairs. Lvs not lobed to runcinate-pinnatifid, very variable in shape, shallowly dentate or rarely subentire; lower lvs petiolate, (0.4)-5-15 × (0.2)-2-5 cm; upper lvs with sagittate or amplexicaul lobes at base, smaller, becoming entire. Racemes (2)-5-20-(45) cm long; pedicels erecto-patent at flowering, spreading at fruiting. Sepals glabrous or sparsely hairy, green or pinkish, 1-1.5 × 0.6-0.8 mm. Petals white, 2-2.5 × 0.7-1 mm, sometimes reduced or 0. Silicle narrowly to broadly obtriangular, emarginate, 5-10 × 4-7 mm; valves sharply keeled, reticulately veined, greenish brown; style c. 0.5 mm long. Seeds pale brown, c. 1 × 0.5 mm.
Annual or biennial taprooted herbs. Hairs simple and stellate, rarely 0. Stems erect, leafy. Lvs usually deeply pinnatifid, sometimes entire. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals erecto-patent, not saccate. Petals white or reddish, rarely 0. Stamens usually 6, sometimes fewer, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 4, paired at bases of single stamens; median nectaries 0. Style short; stigma small, capitate. Silicle obtriangular, angustiseptate; valves keeled, reticulately veined. Seeds oblong, not winged, up to 12 per locule.
Perennial herb with short stout rootstock. Stems erect, glabrous, straight, purplish or green, to 30 cm tall. Lvs glabrous, rarely ciliate on petiole, purplish to dull green, ± coriaceous. Basal lvs long-petiolate, entire or with 1-2 pairs of subsessile or stalked pinnae; terminal leaflet > laterals, entire, broadly ovate, obtuse, subcordate to abruptly cuneate at base; lateral leaflets elliptic, entire. Cauline lvs few or 0, similar to basal but with narrower leaflets and cuneate terminal leaflet. Infl. racemose, glabrous, straight, (3)-10-18 cm long. Pedicels glabrous, erecto-patent, 15-25-(40) mm long at fruiting. Sepals glabrous, usually purplish, 2-4 × 1-1.5 mm. Petals white, spreading, spathulate, 6-10 × 2.5-5.5 mm. Stamens 6. Silique greenish brown to purplish, erecto-patent, (10)-20-35-(40) × 1-1.5 mm; valves glabrous; style 2-3.5 mm long. Seeds oblong, pale brown, c. 1 mm long.
Rhizomatous perennial herb. Stems ascending or decumbent, glabrous, purplish or green, bearing persistent crowded lf bases below, (2)-5-10-(20) cm tall. Lvs not dying back after fruiting, in compact rosettes, often whorled on older stems, glabrous, or hairy on upper surface, green, thin or rarely sub-fleshy. Basal lvs pinnate or entire; petiole long; terminal leaflet > laterals, not lobed, rarely sinuate, reniform to triangular-ovate; lateral leaflets in 0-2-(4) pairs, obovate or elliptic, entire; petiolules short or 0. Cauline lvs few or 0, similar to basal, usually smaller and entire. Infl. corymbose or whorled, sometimes forking; peduncle glabrous, (0)-2-15 cm long, often suppressed giving the appearance of many solitary pedicels. Pedicels glabrous, slender, ascending, 5-20-(100) mm long at fruiting. Sepals glabrous or hairy, purplish or green, 1-1.8 × 0.4-1 mm. Petals white, erect or spreading, spathulate (narrow in subantarctic plants), (2)-3-4.5-(6) × (1)-1.5-(3) mm, rarely 0. Stamens 4 or 6. Cleistogamous fls produced in late summer and autumn, borne among petioles: sepals c. 0.5 mm long; petals 0-0.5 mm long; stamens 4; ovary very small. Silique brown or purplish, erect or erecto-patent, 10-20-(30) × 0.5-1-(2) mm; valves glabrous or hairy; style (0)-1 mm long. Seeds oblong, yellow to pale brown, 1-(1.5) mm long.
(5) "Slender var." of Allan (1961). Branches trailing; basal lvs small, short-lived, glabrous or with occasional marginal hairs; marginal hydathodes very prominent; petiole glabrous. Cauline lvs small, pinnate; terminal leaflet bluntly 3-toothed; lateral leaflets in 1-3 pairs, entire or rarely 2-3-lobed. Infl. with 3-5 fls on main stem. Fls 3-4 mm diam. Sepals brownish, glabrous. Petals narrow-obovate, not clawed. Silique 10-20 × 1 mm; style c. 2 mm long. Seeds brown, c. 1 mm long.
(2) South Id plants. Lvs glabrous, rarely sparsely ciliate, coriaceous, simple and entire, sometimes lobed at base; cauline lvs usually 0. Infl. loosely corymbose to racemose, rarely sessile. Sepals glabrous; pedicel (15)-30-40 mm long; silique (10)-15-30 mm long.
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Annual to perennial rhizomatous or taprooted herbs. Hairs simple or 0. Stems ascending to erect, sparsely leafy. Lvs simple and entire to pinnatifid or pinnate; lobes entire or bluntly to sharply lobed or toothed. Racemes ebracteate, sometimes contracted to a loose umbel or corymb, sometimes whole infl. sessile. Sepals erecto-patent, the inner slightly saccate. Petals white, rarely pink or mauve, or 0. Stamens (4)-6. Lateral nectaries 2, in a circle or semicircle around single stamens; median nectaries 2, variously shaped, outside paired stamens. Style long or short; stigma capitate or 2-lobed. Silique linear, dehiscent; valves veinless or with a weak median vein, flat, coiling suddenly and tightly from base at dehiscence, glabrous or hairy; beak 0. Seeds ellipsoid, not or barely winged, in 1 row per locule.
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(2) Leafy herb with ascending stems and more open habit than (1). Leaflets larger (up to 2 cm long), thin, not overlapping except the uppermost pair and the terminal. Infl. elongating at fruiting, (2)-5-10-(15) cm tall. Siliques erecto-patent to spreading, c. 1 mm wide; seeds oblong, c. 1 mm long.
Perennial rhizomatous deeply taprooted herbs. Stems erect, leafy. Hairs simple. Lvs simple, entire or distantly toothed. Infl. an ebracteate corymbose panicle. Sepals erecto-patent, not saccate. Petals white. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 4, semi-lunate at bases of single stamens; median nectaries 2, triangular between bases of paired stamens. Style distinct; stigma capitate. Silicle broadly ovate to cordate, angustiseptate, indehiscent; valves keeled. Seeds (1)-2, ovoid, not winged.
Rhizomatous perennial, forming large patches; rootstock branching. Stems erect, (10)-25-60 cm tall, bearing short arching simple hairs. Lvs dull green to glaucous, covered with fine short hairs. Lower lvs oblanceolate to obovate, cuneately narrowed to long petiole, entire or distantly dentate, withering before flowering; lamina (2)-3-6-(9) × (1)-2-3 cm. Upper lvs sessile, ovate to narrowly triangular, amplexicaul, entire or toothed, (1)-3-6-(10) × (0.5)-1-2-(3) cm. Panicle 6-10-(15) cm long at fruiting; pedicels erecto-patent at flowering, spreading at fruiting, 6-12 mm long. Sepals glabrous, 1.5-2 mm long. Petals white, narrow, 3-4 × 0.5-1 mm. Silicle broadly ovate or cordate, not strongly flattened, (2)-3-4-(6) × (3)-4-6 mm, smaller when seedless; valves usually reticulate-veined. Seeds brown, c. 2 mm long.
Taprooted biennial. Stems branched above, 1-2 m tall, with usually sparse multicellular or cobwebby hairs, strongly ribbed; wing narrow or interrupted between the deltoid or palmatifid clusters of teeth; spines 5-10 mm long. Lvs narrow to oblong-lanceolate, deeply 1-2-pinnatifid, 5-20-(40) × 1.5-10-(18) cm, glabrous except for sparse multicellular cobwebby hairs on midrib; basal lvs with 5-9 pairs of lobes; lobes palmatifid-dentate; teeth spine-tipped; spines pale, 3-5-(8) mm long. Capitula erect, persistent, (1)-1.5-(2) × 1.5-2 cm, solitary and pedunculate or in sessile or subsessile clusters of 2-4; peduncle 1-1.5-(2) mm diam. Involucre globose, ovoid or hemispheric. Outer and middle involucral bracts linear-acuminate, evenly tapered to erecto- patent spinous tip, without distinct claw and limb, with sparse cobwebby hairs; midvein raised almost to base. Inner involucral bracts linear, puberulent; midvein barely raised in distal 1/2of bract; apex acute, scarious, often pink. Corolla red-purple, pinkish, or white, (12)-14-18 mm long; lobes 5-6 mm long; swelling at throat of tube oblong, > 2 mm long. Achenes pale, ellipsoid, 3-4 × 1.5-2 mm; pappus 11-14 mm long.
Annual to perennial herbs. Stems winged. Hairs soft and multicellular, or cobwebby, sometimes papillate. Lvs alternate, sessile or cuneate at base, simple, dentate to pinnatisect; lobes and teeth spine-tipped. Capitula homogamous, cylindric to ovoid, globose, obconic or hemispheric, solitary or in clusters. Involucral bracts in several series, lanceolate to linear, evenly tapered or with a narrow claw and broader limb; hairs papillate, cobwebby, or 0; outer bracts usually spine-tipped. Receptacle flat; scales numerous, setaceous. Florets ☿, all tubular. Corolla glabrous, 5-lobed, usually purple, rarely pink to white. Anthers acute at apex, with basal appendages 0.5-1.5 mm long; filaments ciliate or papillate. Style branches linear, erect, appressed. Achenes obovoid, weakly flattened, glabrous, smooth; achene insertion basal; pappus hairs in several rows, soft or ± stiff, silvery or sordid, scabrid, united at base into a ring.
Annual or biennial. Stems branched above, (15)-45-75-(250) cm tall, with sparse cobwebby and multicellular hairs below, becoming more densely cobwebby above, ribbed; wing narrow between the deltoid to palmatifid clusters of teeth; spines 2-6 mm long. Lvs narrow-oblong, deeply pinnatifid, (5)-8-18-(40) × 2.5-10 cm, glabrescent or with scattered multicellular hairs especially on midrib and veins; basal lvs with 5-9 pairs of lobes; lobes pinnatifid to palmatifid-dentate; teeth spine-tipped; spines pale, 5-8 mm long. Capitula nodding, persistent, 3-4-(5) × 3-4-(5) cm, solitary; peduncle (0.5)-3-8-(12) cm long, (1)-2-3-(4) mm diam., leafless, not winged, with dense woolly tomentum. Involucre broadly ovoid to depressed-globose. Outer and middle involucral bracts geniculate; claw narrow-oblong, erect; limb lanceolate, usually broader than base, narrowly lanceolate-acuminate, deflexed to spreading, spine-tipped, ciliolate, the outer bracts sparsely cobwebby as well; midvein raised almost to base of limb. Inner involucral bracts linear, puberulent at base and apex; midvein not raised; apex acute, scarious, often purplish. Corolla usually red-purple, rarely white, 18-24 mm long; lobes 6-7-(8.5) mm long; swelling at throat of tube oblong, > 2 mm long. Achenes pale, ellipsoid, 3-4 × 1.5-(2) mm; pappus (12)-15-22 mm long.
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Small trees, occasionally vine-like, usually dioecious or monoecious, rarely ☿. Lvs in terminal clusters, large, variously lobed, usually palmate. Calyx very small, 5-lobed; teeth narrow. Corolla tubular or funnelform; lobes linear to lanceolate; petals ± free in ♀ fls. Stamens inserted at corolla throat; connective usually prominent and elongated. Ovary 1- or 5-locular; stigmas variously lobed, sessile or style very short. Fr. usually large, often 5-(10)-ribbed. Seed usually knobbly or warty, with membranous to ± fleshy aril.
Small monoecious tree to c. 5 m high. Trunk stout, pale. Petiole to 50 cm long, to c. 75 cm long on young vegetative shoots, densely hairy at first, becoming glabrate, terete. Lamina deeply 5-lobed, to c. 40 cm long, ± horizontal, hairy beneath, particularly on the veins, glabrous above, ± glaucescent beneath; base deeply cordate with 2 lobules of basal lobes often overlapping to form a deep rounded sinus; lobes ± ovate-oblong, 1-5-lobulate. ♂ fls in hairy axillary corymbs or panicles, pale green, fragrant; calyx lobes c. 1.5 mm long, oblong-elliptic; corolla tube 1.5-2 cm long, hairy outside with lobes c. 1 cm long, linear and revolute. ♀ fls similar but peduncles short. Fr. c. 8-10 × 4-5 cm, oblong-obovoid, strongly 5-ribbed, yellow; flesh sweet and aromatic. Seed c. 5 mm long, surrounded by transparent aril.
Small soft-wooded trees or shrubs, occasionally herbs, mostly dioecious, sometimes monoecious, andromonoecious, or ☿; sap milky. Lvs alternate, usually in terminal clusters, often palmately lobed or compound, exstipulate. Fls axillary, regular, in racemes or cymose corymbs, sometimes solitary. ♂ fls: calyx 5-lobed or toothed, small; corolla gamopetalous, forming a tube; lobes contorted or valvate; stamens 5-10, epipetalous, sessile, in 2 rows; pistil rudimentary or 0. ♀ fls: solitary or few together; calyx as in ♂; corolla at first connivent at base, later free; staminodes 0; ovary superior, sessile, 1-locular or appearing 5-locular by invagination; placentas parietal; ovules numerous; stigmas 5, sessile or nearly so, fimbriate or flabellate, sometimes appearing petaloid. ☿ fls (if present): corolla tube very short; stamens 5, attached to ovary base by long filaments. Fr. a fleshy berry, sometimes very large. Seed numerous, endospermic.
Stem weakly 2-angled; lvs succulent, 3-angled, 2-6 cm long; keel weakly denticulate at apex or entire. Fls 4.5-6 cm diam.; longest sepals 15-21 mm long; petals either orange-pink or yellow to whitish, pink with yellow base on ageing. Pollen mostly sterile. Fr. not formed.
Mat-forming trailing perennial herb. Stems to 6 m long, glabrous, 2-angled, subwoody at base. Lvs smooth, sharply 3-angled, linear, acute, scarcely tapered to connate base, 35-90 × 5-12 mm, 5-12× as long as wide; keel denticulate near apex. Fls 6.5-8 cm diam. Calyx glabrous; longest sepals 25-45 mm long. Petals spreading, purple, paler near base, 10-35 mm long. Stamens 4-10 mm long; filaments yellow or pinkish, hairy at base; anthers pale yellow. Stigmas 8-11. Seeds brown, often asymmetrically obovoid, 1-1.3 mm long.
Mat-forming trailing perennial herb. Stems to 6 m long, glabrous, 2-angled, subwoody at base. Lvs smooth, sharply 3-angled, linear, acute, scarcely tapered to connate base, 70-120 × 12-17 mm, 4-7× as long as wide; keel denticulate, at least near apex. Fls 8-10 cm diam. Calyx glabrous; longest sepals 40-55 mm long. Petals spreading, pale yellow, turning pinkish orange with age, 30-40 mm long. Stamens c. 10 mm long; filaments yellow, hairy at base; anthers yellow. Stigmas (8)-10-12. Seeds brown, obovoid, 1-1.3 mm long.
Prostrate perennial succulent herbs; stems trailing. Lvs opposite, sessile, united at base, sharply 3-angled, smooth, bitter-tasting. Fls solitary, terminal, ebracteate. Sepals 5, sharply 3-angled: 2 large, denticulate on keels, 3 smaller with expanded membranous margins. Petals numerous, > sepals, free; stamens numerous; staminodes 0. Placentation parietal. Stigmas 8-16, plumose. Fr. indehiscent, fleshy, mucilaginous; locules as many as stigmas. Seeds slightly compressed, obovoid, smooth.
Taprooted annual herb. Stems erect or ascending, branching, 10-30 cm tall, bearing short stiff reflexed hairs. Lvs glabrous above, hairy along veins beneath, 1-2-pinnatifid with linear obtuse segments. Racemes erect, up to 15 cm long, with deflexed hairs especially below. Pedicels erect at flowering, recurved at fruiting, 1-4 mm long. Sepals linear-oblong, glabrous, 3-4 × 0.5-0.8 mm. Petals spathulate, erect, 6-8 × 1-1.5 mm. Silicle 6-seeded, 6-7 × 3-4 mm; fertile portion globose to elliptic; valves 3-veined, with hairs along veins; beak flattened, elliptic, = or > valves.
Annual herbs. Hairs simple. Stems erect or ascending, leafy. Lvs 1-2-pinnatifid; lobes linear. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals erect, the inner weakly saccate. Petals pale yellow, with purple veins. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 2, dumbell-shaped, behind single stamens; median nectaries 2, triangular, between bases of paired stamens. Style short; stigma capitate. Silicle oblong, dehiscent; valves distinctly 3-veined; beak flattened, tongue-like, seedless. Seeds flattened, ovoid to triangular, ridged on margin, 3 per locule.
Annual to perennial herbs. Stems not winged. Hairs long and multicellular, short and glandular, and cobwebby. Lvs alternate, sessile, simple, dentate to 2-pinnatifid, the teeth spinose. Capitula homogamous, ovoid, solitary. Involucral bracts in several series, the outer leaflike, the inner sometimes with scarious apical appendages; hairs long and multicellular, short and glandular, and cobwebby. Receptacle convex; scales numerous, linear. Florets ☿, all tubular. Corolla glabrous, 5-lobed, yellow to red or violet. Anthers tapered to a rounded apex, with short basal appendages; filaments bearded. Style branches linear, erect, appressed. Achenes oblong to subpyramidal, glabrous, rugose or smooth; achene insertion oblique; pappus scales 0 in outer achenes, in several rows or 0 on inner achenes, the inner rows much > the outer; scales stiff, sordid or brown, ciliolate, free to base.
Annual. Stems rigid, erect, with sparse long multicellular hairs, fine cobwebby hairs, and short, stalked glandular hairs, ribbed, 25-40-(70) cm tall. Lvs 1-2-pinnatifid, glossy green, with sparse short stalked glandular hairs and very sparse multicellular and fine cobwebby hairs, rigidly spinose-dentate, 2-7-(12) × 1.5-3-(5) cm; veins prominent; lobes and spines at ± 90° to margin. Capitula terminal, solitary, ovoid. Outer involucral bracts spreading to deflexed, leaflike; middle bracts similar, but suberect; inner bracts c. 1/2length of outer, sparsely cobwebby, with an erect, lanceolate, fimbriate, scarious apex. Corolla yellow with purplish veins, 25-30 mm long; lobes 6-7 mm long; tube swollen at throat, convoluted below. Anthers pale; filaments bearded. Achenes obpyramidal, 4-ribbed, 5-8 × 3-5 mm, the outer rugulose, the inner ± smooth. Pappus scales linear, flattened, ciliate, sordid to brown, 1-10 mm long.
Annual to perennial herbs, rarely small shrubs. Hairs simple, glandular or eglandular. Lvs opposite, rarely alternate or whorled, stipulate or exstipulate, simple, entire. Infl. usually terminal, typically a bracteate dichasium, sometimes a panicle or reduced to a monochasium or fls solitary. Fls hypogynous, very rarely perigynous, usually ☿, actinomorphic. Sepals (4)-5, free or united; commissures when present green or scarious, veined or not veined. Petals (4)-5 or 0, free, clawed or not clawed, either entire, toothed, emarginate or 2-fid. Stamens 0-10, usually twice as many as sepals. Ovary of 2-5 fused carpels, 1-celled at least above; placentation free-central or basal. Stigmas (1)-2-5, free. Fr. a capsule, usually many-seeded and dehiscing by as many or twice as many teeth as the styles, rarely indehiscent, rarely 1-seeded or a berry. Seeds variously shaped, usually sculptured, often papillate; embryo curved around perisperm, rarely straight.
Shrub or small tree up to 4 m tall. Stems densely tomentose and glandular, with longer straight hairs. Lvs scabrid on upper surface, with dense white tomentum on lower, apetiolate, linear, with revolute margins obscuring most of lower surface, 7-20 × 0.5-1 mm. Corymbs aggregated into ± flat-topped or rounded infls. Outer involucral bracts glabrous or sparsely hairy outside, ± orbicular, transparent, but with milky white lamina, 0.8-1.5 mm long; inner bracts glabrous, elliptic-ovate, erect and usually with milky white lamina, sometimes pink in bud, 2.5-3.5 mm long. Florets c. 4-7 per capitulum; receptacular scales few, narrower than inner bracts, transparent or white only in the erect lamina, ± = corolla. Achenes sparsely hairy, cylindric-obovoid, 0.5-0.8 mm long; pappus barbellate, narrow at apex.
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Shrubs or small trees, rarely herbs. Lvs alternate, simple, entire. Capitula in small corymbs; corymbs aggregated into rounded, flat, or pyramidal, dense or diffuse panicles. Involucral bracts in 3-5 rows, imbricate, membranous; innermost bracts often with white, erect or rarely slightly radiating lamina. Receptacle convex; scales usually present, sometimes O, often with white, erect or rarely radiating apices. Florets usually all ☿, tubular, sometimes a few outer florets ♀ and filiform. Achenes all similar, angled, terete or slightly compressed; pappus hairs in 1 row, narrow or thickened at apex.
Parasitic plants attached to the host by small haustoria; stems twining, ± wiry, green to orange, chlorophyllous. Lvs 0 or reduced to minute scales. Fls small, in sessile or pedunculate heads, spikes or racemes, ☿, actinomorphic, perigynous initially but perianth tube developing and enclosing fr.; bracts minute. Perianth segments 6, in 2 whorls, outer smaller than inner, persistent. Stamens 9, in 3 whorls; outer 2 whorls with introrse anthers and eglandular filaments; inner whorl with extrorse anthers and glandular filaments. Staminodes usually 3, comprising 4th whorl. Style short. Fr. a berry, enclosed by succulent perianth tube, with 2-layered skin, the outer layer thin, the inner hard.
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Dioecious, small to large tree up to 20 m high, with branches ± erect to somewhat drooping. Young branchlets glabrous or sparsely hairy, fine (c. 0.66 mm diam.), with as many ± flat faces as lf-teeth, the sides faintly ribbed. Lf-teeth of adult branchlets usually 8, sometimes 7 or 9, or up to 11 in immature plants, narrow-triangular, yellowish toward base with a brown band at or above middle, 0.75-1 mm long; tip pale white, later withering. ♂ fls in terminal spikes 5-25-(30) mm long; whorls of bracts overlapping when fls mature. Cone globose to cylindric, rounded to flattened at apex, (5)-8-12 mm long; margins of valves obtuse or acute; seeds dull, pale whitish brown, 4-5 mm long, with pale membranous wing.
Dioecious, small to large tree up to 15 m high, with branches ± erect. Young branchlets glabrous, relatively stout (1-1.5 mm diam.), rounded with as many flat ribs as lf-teeth. Lf-teeth of adult branchlets in whorls of (12)-14-16-(17), lanceolate, brown at base, 0.66-1 mm long; tip pale white or grey, usually withering. ♂ fls in terminal spikes (10)-15-30 mm long; whorls of bracts overlapping when fls mature. Cone ellipsoid or subglobose and flattened at apex, 10-15 mm long; margins of valves acute or with a short blunt point; seeds dull, light whitish brown, 4-6 mm long, with pale membranous wing.
Small to large trees. Lf-teeth in whorls of 5 or more; stomata borne within grooves of branchlets. Bracteoles of fruiting cones thin and without any dorsal protuberances. Samaras grey to tawny, dull.
Shrubs or trees with long or short, slender often weeping branches jointed at nodes. Lvs reduced to many-toothed sheaths surrounding nodes. Fls unisexual; ♂ fls usually in terminal spikes with shortened internodes and bracts fused into a cup, each with 1 stamen, 2 perianth segments and 2 bracts; anther exserted from bracts, 2-locular. ♀ fls in dense, globose to cylindric, sessile or shortly pedunculate heads usually terminal on lateral branches, with each fl. subtended by 2 bracts; ovary superior, 1-locular; style short, the 2 stigmatic branches long-extended; ovules 2-(4), ascending. Fr. in a cone of woody persistent bracts opening at maturity; each fr. a 1-seeded, flattened, indehiscent, terminally winged samara.
Erect annual or perennial herbs. Lvs opposite, with milky latex. Fls axillary, solitary or in pairs, 5-merous. Calyx small, deeply lobed, without basal glands. Corolla salverform; tube narrow, throat closed by hairs; limb patent, twisted anticlockwise in bud. Filaments very short; anthers oblong, connivent into cone around stigma, the base shortly sagittate and connective not spreading. Disc consisting of 2 glands alternating with ovary. Carpels 2; ovules many; style uniformly slender; stigma with thin transparent collar at base. Follicle cylindric, erect or partly so. Seeds 15-30 per follicle, tuberculate; coma 0.
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Stems to 2 m tall, branched, glabrous. Lvs petiolate; terminal leaflet largest, petiolulate. Lamina of terminal leaflet mostly 4-7 × 1-2.3 cm, lanceolate or narrow-ovate, gland-dotted beneath, sparingly hairy at first, especially below, finally almost glabrous, crenate or crenate-serrate; base rounded or oblique; apex acute or acuminate. Bracts 5-6 mm long, linear. Calyx 12-14 mm long, gland-dotted and hairy on upper lip outside; teeth c. 3 mm long, triangular and acuminate. Corolla 15-18-(20) mm long, pinkish mauve or whitish, hairy on upper lip outside. Nutlets c. 1.8 mm long, broad-ellipsoid, with 7-10 dorsal striations.
Perennial herb, woody at base; stems upright. Lvs compound with 3-(4) leaflets. Infl. dense, terminal, racemose, with lower verticels often remote. Bracts simple, small. Calyx tubular to campanulate, accrescent, not gibbous at base, 13-15-nerved, with 5 equal teeth. Corolla narrow-funnelform; tube > calyx; limb 2-lipped, partly hairy; upper lip 2-lobed; lower lip 3-lobed. Stamens almost = upper lip, curved beneath it. Style gynobasic, its branches unequal. Nutlets broad-ellipsoid.
Shrubs, trees or woody climbers. Lvs alternate or opposite, simple; stipules small or 0. Infl. usually cymose. Fls ☿ or unisexual, actinomorphic, 4-5-merous, with a well marked fleshy disc. Petals usually small and greenish, rarely 0. Calyx and petals usually imbricate, rarely valvate. Stamens usually 4-5, very rarely 10, opposite calyx lobes. Ovary superior, 1-5-locular; ovules 1-2-(many) in each loculus. Stigma capitate or 2-5-lobed. Fr. a loculicidal or indehiscent capsule, samara, drupe or berry. Seeds often surrounded by an aril; embryo straight, surrounded by endosperm.
Evergreen or deciduous, usually scandent shrubs, often twining. Lvs alternate, petiolate, usually glabrous. Fls 5-merous, in axillary cymes or terminal panicles. Fr. a 3-celled capsule. Seeds 1-2 per cell, covered by a brightly coloured, fleshy aril.
Deciduous, ± glabrous climber up to 12 m high, usually dioecious or gynodioecious. Twigs green; the outermost scales of the winter buds often transformed into sharp spines 1-2 mm long. Branches terete, greyish brown. Lvs suborbicular, obovate or elliptic, obtuse to acuminate at apex, crenate, (3)-5-10 cm long. Petiole (0.5)-1-2 cm long. Cymes 1-many-flowered, shortly pedunculate, axillary. Fls c. 4-10 mm diam. Petals pale green, narrowly oblong, separated, often reduced in ♀. Capsule globose, yellow to yellow-orange, 6-8 mm diam., exposing the scarlet aril after opening.
Biennial. Stems erect, weakly ribbed, branched, (15)-30-60 cm tall, with sparse to dense multicellular hairs. Lvs not decurrent on stems, with sparse to dense multicellular hairs; lower lvs deeply pinnatifid, 5-10 × 1.5-4 cm, with oblong to lanceolate or linear, toothed or lobed segments; upper lvs becoming smaller, sometimes simple. Capitula shortly stalked, not clustered. Involucre ovoid to cylindric, 5-8 mm diam.; outer and middle bracts elliptic to oblong, not veined, glabrous; appendages spreading, not covering bracts, spinous, slightly narrowed at junction with bract, not decurrent on bract; terminal spine 15-20 mm long, yellowish; lateral spines 2-3 on each side, 2-3 mm long, all at base of terminal spine. Florets pink to purple, the outer slightly radiate. Corolla with glandular papillae. Achenes c. 3 mm long, glabrous; pappus 0.
Perennial. Stems erect, ribbed, branched above, 50-75 cm tall, with dense silvery felted tomentum. Lvs not decurrent on stems, with silvery or greyish felted tomentum dense beneath and dense to sparse above; lower lvs petiolate, deeply (1)-2-pinnatisect, 8-20 × 3-6 cm, with oblong to linear segments; upper lvs sessile, smaller, 1-(2)-pinnatisect. Capitula not clustered. Involucre ovoid to campanulate, 13-16 mm diam.; outer and middle bracts ovate to lanceolate, 3-(5)-veined, with sparse flattened cobwebby hairs; appendages erect, fimbriate, not covering bracts, membranous, not narrowed at junction with bract, decurrent c. 1/2way to base of bract; fimbriae 7-10 on each side, pale to dark brown, c. 1 mm long. Florets purple, the outer weakly radiate. Corolla glandular. Achenes 4-5 mm long, pubescent; pappus c. 0.5 mm long.
Annual. Stems erect, ribbed, branched above, 35-100 cm tall, with sparse to dense cobwebby tomentum. Lvs not decurrent on stems, with sparse to dense cobwebby tomentum especially beneath; lower lvs linear-oblanceolate, 8-15 × 0.5-1 cm, entire or minutely and distantly dentate, or with 1-(2) pairs of short narrowly triangular lateral lobes; lamina tapering to long petiole; upper lvs simple, becoming linear, smaller. Capitula not clustered. Involucre globose to campanulate, (9)-10-15 mm diam.; outer and middle bracts ovate to lanceolate, weakly 3-(5)-veined, pubescent or with sparse cobwebby hairs; appendages erect, fimbriate, not covering bracts, membranous, not narrowed at junction with bract, decurrent to base of the bract; fimbriae 7-10-(12) each side, the distal ones black or dark brown, c. 1 mm long, the proximal ones silvery. Florets usually blue, sometimes purple, pink or white, the outer radiate. Corolla eglandular. Achenes 3-3.5 mm long, sparsely pubescent; pappus up to 2.5 mm long.
Annual to perennial herbs, rarely shrubby. Stems winged or not. Hairs long and multicellular, short and glandular, and cobwebby to lanate. Lvs alternate, sessile, decurrent on stems or not, simple, entire to 1-2-pinnatisect, not spinous, often with minute glandular depressions or pits on surface. Capitula ovoid or cylindric or globose, solitary or clustered. Involucral bracts in several series, hairy or glabrous, usually with an apical appendage; appendages spinous or membranous, pectinate, fimbriate, or lacerate, decurrent on the bract margins or narrowed at junction with bract. Receptacle ± flat; scales bristly. Inner florets ☿, tubular; outer florets neuter, usually radiate. Corolla glabrous or with glandular papillae, 5-lobed, purple, pink, blue, yellow, or white. Anthers tapered to a rounded apex, with short, tapering basal appendages; filaments bearded. Style branches linear, erect, appressed or diverging slightly at apex. Achenes cylindric to clavate, glabrous or finely pubescent, smooth; achene insertion oblique; pappus sometimes 0, usually of (2)-several rows, scale-like to bristly, scabrid to plumose; outer rows (1)-many, all similar, increasing in length towards the centre; innermost row single, usually short, connate or free to base.
Perennial or possibly biennial. Stems erect, ribbed, branched above, 45-80-(100) cm tall, glabrescent or with cobwebby hairs. Lvs not decurrent on stems, with mixed cobwebby and scabrid hairs; lower lvs 2-pinnatisect, 8-15 × 3-5 cm, with narrowly lanceolate segments; upper lvs pinnatifid to simple and linear, becoming smaller. Capitula not clustered. Involucre ovoid, 6-8-(10) mm diam.; outer and middle bracts ovate to oblong, 3-(5)-veined, with cobwebby and very short glandular hairs; appendages erect, fimbriate, not covering bracts, membranous, not narrowed at junction with bract, decurrent on upper 1/2of bract; fimbriae 6-9 on each side, the distal ones brown, 1-1.5 mm long, the proximal ones scarious, united into an auricle. Florets purplish pink, the outer radiate. Corolla sparsely clothed in glandular papillae. Achenes c. 3 mm long, sparsely pubescent; pappus up to 1.5 mm long.
Annual or biennial. Stems erect, ribbed, branched above, (10)-25-60 cm tall, with sparse to dense multicellular and cobwebby hairs. Lvs decurrent on stems, with both short curved and sparse cobwebby hairs; lower lvs oblanceolate to spathulate, toothed to lyrate-pinnatifid, 5-8 × 0.5-1.5 cm; upper lvs linear-spathulate to linear-lanceolate, becoming smaller. Capitula shortly stalked or subsessile, often clustered. Involucre broadly ovoid to globose, (6)-8-12 mm diam.; outer and middle bracts ovate, not veined, glabrescent or with sparse to dense cobwebby hairs; appendages recurved to spreading, not covering bracts, spinous, not narrowed at junction with bract, not decurrent on bract; terminal spine 6-10 mm long, pale or red-brown; lateral spines (2)-3-(4) on each side, 1-3 mm long, in (1)-2-(3) pairs at base of terminal spine, the other pair in basal ⅓ of terminal spine. Florets yellow, the outer slightly radiate. Corolla densely clothed in glandular papillae. Achenes c. 3 mm long, pubescent; pappus c. 2 mm long.
Perennial. Stems erect, ribbed, simple or branched above, 30-75-(120) cm tall, glabrescent or sparsely hairy with scabrid, multicellular or appressed cobwebby hairs. Lvs not decurrent on stems, with short scabrid hairs; lower lvs narrowly oblanceolate, simple, dentate to pinnatifid, 10-30 × 1.5-3.5 cm, with triangular-oblong, apiculate lateral lobes; upper lvs pinnatifid or entire, becoming sessile, smaller. Capitula not clustered. Involucre globose, (9)-12-18 mm diam.; outer and middle bracts ovate to broadly elliptic or triangular, not or weakly veined, with cobwebby hairs; appendages erect to recurved, pectinate-fimbriate, covering bracts, membranous, conspicuously narrowed at junction of bract, not decurrent on bract; fimbriae 8-16 on each side, brown, 2.5-4 mm long. Florets pink to purple, the outer ± radiate. Corolla eglandular. Achenes c. 2.5-3.5 mm long, sparsely pubescent; pappus 0-0.5 mm long.
Perennial. Stems erect, ribbed, branched, 40-70-(150) cm tall, with sparse multicellular and cobwebby hairs. Lvs not decurrent on stems, with scabrid hairs; lower lvs deeply 1-(2)-pinnatifid, 12-20-(30) × 3-8-(10) cm, with oblong, obtuse to subacute lateral lobes; upper lvs pinnatifid, becoming sessile, smaller. Capitula not clustered. Involucre globose, (7)-15-20 mm diam.; outer and middle bracts ovate to elliptic, not veined or obscurely 3-7-veined, glabrescent or puberulent or with cobwebby hairs; appendages erect to recurved, pectinate-fimbriate, not covering bracts, membranous, not narrowed at junction with bract, decurrent on upper 1/2of bract; fimbriae 8-14 on each side, brown, 2-3 mm long. Florets purple, the outer radiate. Corolla eglandular. Achenes 4-5.5 mm long, puberulent; pappus 4-5 mm long.
Biennial. Stems suberect to erect, weakly ribbed, branched, (10)-25-80 cm tall, with lanate to floccose tomentum. Lvs decurrent to form wings on stems, lanate; lower lvs pinnatifid, 6-12 × 1-3 cm, with triangular, oblong or linear, sinuate or lobed segments; upper lvs linear-lanceolate to narrowly triangular, entire or sinuate or toothed. Capitula not clustered. Involucre ovoid, (5)-7-12 mm diam.; outer and middle bracts ovate, not veined, with cobwebby hairs; appendages spreading to reflexed, not covering bracts, spinous, not narrowed at junction with bract, not decurrent on bract; terminal spine 15-25 mm long, shorter on outermost bracts, yellowish; lateral spines 2-(3) on each side, (1)-2-4 mm long, all at base of terminal spine. Florets yellow, all tubular. Corolla eglandular. Achenes 2.5-3 mm long, glabrous; pappus 3-4 mm long.
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Annual or occasionally perennial, usually glabrous herbs, erect, spreading or cushion-like. Lvs opposite, sessile, sometimes amplexicaul. Fls in terminal dichasial cymes, arranged in corymbiform, capitate or spicate infls, (4)-5-merous. Calyx deeply lobed; lobes keeled, usually linear. Corolla salverform or ± funnelform, usually pink to purplish rose. Stamens usually inserted near apex or upper part of corolla tube; anthers linear or nearly so, twisting spirally after dehiscence. Style filiform, caducous; stigmas 2. Capsule fusiform to oblong-ovoid or ellipsoid; valve margins often intrusive. Seeds numerous, minute.
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Ascending to erect, stout, aromatic, glabrous or very rarely sparsely hairy perennial. Stems terete, much-branched from base and above, (3)-10-60 cm long. Lvs glandular, oblong to oblong-spathulate, acute, narrowed to base but petiole usually indistinct, often slightly amplexicaul, coarsely toothed, (3)-8-18-(25) mm long. Capitula sessile, usually solitary but sometimes appearing paired, (3)-4-8 mm diam.; florets numerous; ♀ florets in (4)-5-9 rows. Achenes (1)-1.3-2 mm long, with faces dark brown and pale brown ribs not extending to apex.
Annual or perennial herbs, taprooted and sometimes rooting at nodes. Lvs simple, entire or toothed, alternate. Capitula axillary or terminal, sessile or shortly pedunculate; involucral bracts in 2 rows, with membranous margins. Receptacle hemispheric; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, in several rows, tubular, yellowish; inner florets ☿, tubular. Achenes all similar, obpyramidal, square in section, distinctly 4-ribbed, with scattered glandular hairs on faces; ribs blunt, hairy; pappus 0.
Procumbent, slender, aromatic, glabrous or sparsely hairy annual. Stems terete, much-branched from base and above, (3)-5-25 cm long. Lvs glandular, oblong, elliptic-oblong to spathulate, acute to obtuse, narrowed to base but petiole usually indistinct, sometimes slightly amplexicaul, entire or with few coarse teeth, 3-15-(20) mm long. Capitula usually sessile, sometimes shortly pedunculate, usually solitary, rarely appearing paired, 2-4-(5) mm diam.; florets 30-numerous; ♀ florets in 2-4 rows. Achenes 0.8-1.4 mm long, with faces dark brown and pale brown ribs extending ± to apex.
Annual, or rhizomatous perennial herbs woody at base. Lvs simple and entire to irregularly toothed or divided. Cyme flat-topped or pyramidal. Fls conspicuous and overtopping bracts. Calyx with numerous linear segments inrolled at flowering but developing into a plumose pappus at fruiting. Corolla ± zygomorphic with 1- and 4-lobed lips, or actinomorphic; tube spurred at base or gibbous near middle. Stamen 1. Fr. dorsiventrally flattened with 1- and 3-veined faces, usually glabrous.
Glabrous perennial herb; stems 30-80 cm tall, ascending, robust, usually glaucous, branching from base. Lvs opposite, cauline, variable on one plant; lower lvs of main stem lanceolate, 3-10-(17) × 1-3-(5) cm, entire, petiolate; upper lvs of main stem deltate-acuminate to ovate, smaller than lower lvs, often irregularly toothed, amplexicaul; lvs of side shoots smaller, ovate-lanceolate, usually amplexicaul. Cyme up to 25 × 10 cm, of many, pedicellate fls. Fls usually deep pink to magenta, sometimes white. Corolla tube 5-10 mm long, somewhat > spur. Fr. narrow-ovoid, flattened, 3-4 mm long.
Rhizomatous perennial, with caespitose rosettes of short non-flowering axillary branches. Flowering stems decumbent, (5)-10-30-(45) cm tall, with reflexed, eglandular hairs. Lvs narrowly oblanceolate to lanceolate, to linear- lanceolate, ± sessile, (5)-10-20-(30) × 2-5 mm, with eglandular hairs. Infl. lax; pedicels > sepals, with dense glandular and eglandular hairs. Bracts ovate, with scarious margins and short glandular and long eglandular hairs beneath. Sepals with scarious margin, hairy as for bracts but glabrous at apex, 5-7 mm long. Petals almost twice as long as sepals. Styles 2.5-3 mm long. Capsule cylindric, c. 11/2× length of calyx. Seeds c. 1 mm long, tuberculate.
Perennial, often with short tufted non-flowering axillary branches. Flowering stems ascending to erect, (5)-15-45-(60) cm tall, with dense spreading eglandular hairs. Lvs ovate, lanceolate, elliptic or oblanceolate, (5)-10-25-(50) × 3-10-(20) mm, the lower petiolate, the upper sessile, with eglandular hairs. Infl. crowded; infructescence lax; fruiting pedicels usually > sepals, with dense eglandular hairs. Bracts ovate, the lower without scarious margins, eglandular hairy on both surfaces, the upper with scarious margins, glabrous above. Sepals scarious on margins, 4-6 mm long, glabrous above, with eglandular hairs on green part beneath; hairs not overtopping apex. Petals c. = sepals. Styles 1.5-2 mm long. Capsule cylindric, 2× length of calyx. Seeds c. 0.6 mm long, tuberculate.
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Annual or perennial herbs, sometimes subshrubs. Hairs usually dense, glandular and/or eglandular, rarely 0. Lvs opposite, exstipulate. Infl. cymose, sometimes reduced to solitary fl.; bracts and sepals herbaceous or with narrow to wide scarious margins; epicalyx 0. Sepals 5, free. Petals 5, white, emarginate or 2-fid up to ⅓ way, rarely 0; coronal scales 0. Stamens usually 10, sometimes 8, 5 or fewer. Styles (3)-5-(6). Fr. a cylindric capsule, often curved, dehiscing by twice as many short apical teeth as the styles, sessile. Seeds many, obovoid, spherical or reniform, tuberculate, not winged.
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Perennial, with caespitose rosette and prostrate non-flowering axillary branches, densely white-tomentose in all aerial vegetative parts. Flowering stems erect, 10-40 cm tall. Lvs lanceolate to linear, narrowed to base, 20-40-(50) × (2)-5-10 mm. Infl. lax; pedicels > sepals, densely tomentose. Bracts broad-oblong, with scarious margins, tomentose beneath and on margin. Sepals broad-oblong, with scarious margins, tomentose beneath, 4-7-(8) mm long. Petals c. 2× length of sepals. Styles (2.5)-3-4 mm long. Capsule cylindric, 2× length of calyx. Seeds c. 2 mm long, tuberculate.
Rootless, monoecious, submerged aquatic herbs, anchored by specialised branchlets. Stems long, slender, branched. Lvs in whorls of 3-10, dichotomously forked 1-4 times; segments denticulate, bristle-tipped. Fls small, solitary in lf axils. Perianth a single whorl of 8-12 linear segments. Stamens numerous; anthers sessile or subsessile, extrorse. Ovary superior, of 1 carpel with 1 pendulous ovule. Fr. a 1-seeded nut, often with 1-2 spines present at base; style persistent, spinous.
Delicate submerged or floating aquatic herb; stems 30-150 cm long. Lvs whorled, dark green, stiff, 1-2× forked, 10-30 mm long; segments filiform to linear, denticulate, bristle-tipped. Nut black, 4-5 mm long; face smooth; basal spines 2, reflexed; terminal spine (style) 4-6 mm long.
Lvs in whorls of 3-10, finely dichotomously forked. Fls unisexual, solitary in lf axils. Perianth a single whorl; segments 8-12. Stamens numerous. Carpel solitary; ovule 1.
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Shrub to c. 2 m high. Lvs glabrous. Petiole 1-5 cm long. Lamina 4-15 × 2-7 cm, oblong-ovate; base cuneate to truncate; apex shortly acuminate. Infl. paniculate; branches puberulent or glabrate; fls sessile or shortly pedicellate, scentless. Calyx tube 6-8 mm long; lobes subulate-acuminate, 0.7-2 mm long, ciliate in sinuses. Corolla 2-2.5 cm long, orange; tube ± cylindric-funnelform; lobes c. 3 mm long, puberulent inside, becoming strongly reflexed, acuminate. Fr. c. 1.5 × 2 cm, ± broadly ellipsoid, white; apex truncate.
Shrub 2-4 m high; shoots and petioles densely covered in purplish hairs. Petiole to 2 cm long. Lamina 4-10 × 1.5-5 cm (to at least 16 × 7 cm on vegetative shoots), ovate, elliptic or lanceolate, hairy, densely so beneath; base cuneate to rounded; apex acute or short-acuminate. Infl. paniculate, dense; branches purple, hairy; fls subsessile to shortly pedicellate, scentless. Calyx c. 7 mm long, purple, usually glabrous outside; teeth 1-4 mm long, triangular, acute or short-acuminate, ± ciliate. Corolla 1.8-2.5 cm long, rosy magenta to deep crimson; tube funnelform with narrow-cylindric base and constricted apex, glabrous, shining; lobes 1-3 mm long, ± hairy outside, glabrous inside, short-acuminate. Fr. apparently uncommon, to 2 × 1.5 cm, obovoid, glossy crimson.
Shrub 2-4 m high. Shoots and petioles densely covered in purplish hairs. Petiole to 4 cm long. Lamina 4-15 × 2.5-7.5 cm, narrow- to broad-ovate or ovate-elliptic, hairy; base cuneate to rounded; apex acute or shortly acuminate. Panicle dense; peduncles purple, hairy; fls sessile or subsessile, scentless. Calyx 0.7-1 cm long, hairy outside; lobes c. 2 mm long, ± triangular, acute. Corolla (1.2)-1.5-2-(2.5) cm long, scarlet; tube funnelform with cylindric base, constricted at apex, densely hairy outside; lobes, 2-3-(6) mm long, short-acuminate, densely hairy outside, glabrous inside. Fr. uncommon, 0.7-1.4 cm diam., ± subglobose to broad-obovoid, dark red.
Corolla rosy purple; lobes narrow-triangular, 4-6 mm long. Fr. purple, shining, 7-8 mm diam.
Corolla scarlet; lobes ± broad-triangular, 2-3 mm long. Fr. dark red, shining, probably c. 8 mm diam.
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Shrub, generally 1.5-2.5 m high, almost glabrous. Petiole c. 1 cm long. Lamina 5-15 × 1.5-6 cm, elliptic to elliptic-ovate, glabrous or with minute puberulence when young; base cuneate to rounded, sometimes asymmetric; apex abruptly acuminate. Panicle open, large; fls usually shortly pedicellate, sometimes subsessile, fragrant nocturnally. Calyx 2-3 mm long; lobes > 1 mm long, ± triangular, densely ciliolate, acute. Corolla 1.5-2 cm long, pale green or greenish white; tube cylindric to narrow-funnelform, widening slightly above; lobes 3 mm long, eventually spreading, glabrous except for shortly villous margins. Fr. c. 0.5-1 cm diam., globose to ellipsoid, white, glossy.
Shrub, generally 1-3 m high. Petiole to 1 cm long. Lamina 2-12-(14) × 0.5-3 cm, lanceolate to narrow-ovate, minutely puberulent when young, otherwise glabrous; base attenuate or cuneate; apex acute to short-acuminate. Infl. paniculate, dense; branches ± puberulent; fls subsessile or with pedicels to 7 mm long, fragrant nocturnally. Calyx 3-6 mm long; lobes 1 mm long, ± triangular, obtuse to subacute; margins shortly villous. Corolla 1.5-2.3 cm long, greenish yellow or pale brownish yellow; tube narrow-salverform, widening slightly above; lobes 3.5-6 mm long, narrow-triangular, patent, shortly villous inside and on margins, acute or short-acuminate. Fr. 7-10 × 6-8 mm, broad-ovoid to broad-ellipsoid, glossy, black or purplish black.
Deciduous or semi-evergreen shrubs or small trees, usually armed with spines; stems erect to spreading, sometimes hairy when young. Lvs distributed along young main stems, often in fascicles on short shoots along older stems, shortly petiolate, simple, serrate or crenate; stipules reniform and sometimes large and conspicuous on young shoots, persistent, but caducous on lvs of older wood. Fls solitary or fascicled, distributed along stems, those on older wood appearing before lvs and those on younger wood usually appearing with or after lvs, 5-merous, usually ☿ sometimes ♂, sessile or subsessile, showy. Hypanthium tubular, closed at apex. Epicalyx 0. Calyx 5-merous. Petals 5, moderately large, spreading, usually pink to red, sometimes white. Stamens 40-60. Ovary inferior, sunken in the hypanthium; carpels 5; styles 5, fused only at base or up to 1/2 of length; ovules many. Fr. an ovoid to subglobose or pyriform pome with leathery carpel walls and some stone cells in flesh near ovary; seeds many in each locule.
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Hairy, biennial or perennial herbs, often with stout tuberous roots. Lvs 1-5-pinnate or ternate; segments broad to narrow. Umbels compound, pedunculate; bracts few or 0, simple; bracteoles several, simple. Petals white, pink or yellow, regular or irregular, with apex notched and inflexed; calyx teeth 0. Fr. narrowly oblong or ovoid, slightly flattened laterally, tapering toward the scarcely beaked apex, spineless, but sometimes pubescent; commissure narrow; ribs 5 per mericarp, equal, broad and rounded; vittae solitary in furrows.
Erect biennial. Stems solid, slightly grooved, purple spotted, up to 100 cm high, clothed with stiff, rarely stellate, hairs. Basal lvs 2-3-pinnate, moderately to densely hispid above and below, petiolate; ultimate segments pinnatisect and crenate, 15-35 mm long, sessile or petiolulate; stem lvs similar to basal but reduced and often 1-pinnate. Umbels 2-8 cm diam.; rays 5-11; bracts 0-2, narrowly ovate-triangular, 2-4 mm long; bracteoles 5-8, ovate-oblong, acuminate, hairy and ciliate. Fls numerous, white, irregular, 2-3 mm diam. Fr. glabrous, narrowly ovoid, dark brown with lighter ribs, 4-6 mm long.
Large, narrow-pyramidal tree; branches usually present to near ground and ± drooping towards the apex. Bark thick, fibrous, reddish brown, fissured. Branchlets in horizontal sprays, green or, less commonly ± glaucous (mostly glaucous in cultivation), aromatic when bruised. Sapling quickly passing into adult condition. Scale lvs appressed; facial pairs on lateral shoot systems (excluding 1-3 year terminal brown shoots) mostly 1-2 mm long, broad-ovate, subacute, with gland on back elongated and appearing as a translucent dot in transmitted light; lateral pairs similar but mostly 1.5-2.5 mm long, with whitish stomatal lines on lower side ± evident when fresh. ♂ strobili 2-5 mm long; pollen sacs deep pink to crimson. ♀ cones blue when young, brownish with bluish bloom and 6-9 mm diam. when mature; scales 8; umbo a small ridge. Seeds 2-4 on each scale, with conspicuous resin tubercles; wing narrower than or = to seed.
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Shrubs or small trees, usually not armed, rarely spinous. Lvs 3-foliolate, petiolate; stipules inconspicuous. Fls usually yellow, rarely white or purple, in leafy axillary racemes or fascicles, or terminal heads; bracts and bracteoles caducous. Calyx tubular, bilabiate, usually > 5 mm long; upper lip shortly 2-toothed; lower lip shortly 3-toothed. Stamens connate into a closed tube; alternate anthers long and basifixed or short and versatile. Style glabrous; stigma terminal. Pod 2-valved, ± straight, explosively dehiscent, few- to many-seeded; seeds strophiolate, smooth.
Branched evergreen shrub or small tree up to 5 m high; twigs ± glabrous but downy when young, green, rounded and only slightly angled. Lvs finely downy when young, becoming ± glabrous above and below at full size, sometimes remaining finely puberulent especially near midrib below, petiolate, 3-foliolate; leaflets elliptic, apiculate, 20-40 mm long; terminal leaflet slightly > laterals; petiolules 2-3 mm long. Fls in axillary fascicles or racemes of (1)-3-8-(12); pedicels 7-13 mm long. Calyx densely hairy, c. 1/2 length of corolla; upper lip shallowly 2-toothed, the lower ± entire. Corolla white, c. 15-18 mm long. Pod tomentose but ± glabrous when fully mature, grey to black, oblong, many-seeded, 30-60 mm long; seeds shiny black, ellipsoid, compressed, c. 5 mm long.
Annual or perennial herbs, sometimes creeping but not rhizomatous. Lvs 1-3-pinnatisect, alternate. Capitula in corymbs, or often solitary, terminal, pedunculate; involucral bracts in few rows, with membranous margins. Receptacle hemispheric to conic; scales present. Outer florets ♀ or sterile, usually ligulate, white; inner florets ☿, tubular, not compressed, saccate at base to enclose apex of achene. Achenes all similar, laterally compressed, weakly ribbed on inner surface, eglandular; pappus 0.
Sweetly aromatic, creeping, perennial herb. Stems decumbent to ascending, to c. 20 cm tall, striate, moderately to densely hairy, much-branched from base. Basal and lower cauline lvs apetiolate, obovate, sparsely to moderately hairy, 3-pinnatisect, 15-50 × 5-15 mm; ultimate segments narrow-linear to subulate, entire, not all in one plane giving a feathery appearance; cauline lvs few, smaller than basal, oblong and becoming 1-pinnatisect. Involucral bracts sparsely hairy, 2-5 mm long; margins pale, membranous, often with an extended membranous flap at apex. Capitula solitary, c. 8-20-(30) mm diam.; ray florets 13-20, ♀; ligules white; disc florets numerous, yellow. Receptacle scales elliptic-oblong, obtuse and often irregular at apex. Achenes 1.1-1.2 mm long, narrow-obovoid, narrowed to apex, brown, with 1-4 narrow ribs on inner surface.
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Herb to 1 m tall. Stems woody below, with prominent lf-base scars, densely covered with parallel medifixed appressed hairs. Lvs lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, tapering to base, entire or minutely and distantly toothed, acute to acuminate, (2)-5-10 × (0.5)-1-3 cm, densely hairy with parallel medifixed hairs; stem lvs crowded. Racemes 10-30 cm long. Sepals hairy, 8-12 × 1-3 mm. Petals usually yellow to orange, sometimes red or brownish, (12)-18-25 × 8-12-(15) mm. Pedicels 10-15 mm long. Silique slightly flattened, linear, (30)-40-80 × 3-6 mm; valves distinctly 1-veined. Seeds pale brown, shortly winged at apex, c. 3 mm long, in 1 row or 2 irregular rows per locule.
Perennial taprooted herbs, sometimes woody below. Hairs appressed, medifixed or branched. Stems erect, leafy. Lvs simple, entire or distantly toothed. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals erect, the inner saccate. Petals usually yellow or red, brown or purple. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 4, paired at bases of single stamens; median nectaries 0. Style short; stigma 2-lobed, with lobes spreading. Silique linear, dehiscent; valves 1-veined; beak 0. Seeds oblong, sometimes winged, in 1-2 rows per locule.
Perennial herbs with orange latex. Lvs pinnate, glabrous, green above, glaucous beneath; leaflets crenate. Fls few, in terminal or axillary umbels. Sepals 2, entire, free, falling as fl. opens, not horned. Petals 4, not crumpled in bud, yellow. Stigma 2-lobed; style short. Capsule 1-locular, dehiscing by 2 valves from below. Seeds irregularly obovate, with crested aril.
Perennial herb. Stems slender, erect, sparsely hairy at nodes, brittle, 30-90 cm tall, arising from a branched woody stock with persistent lf bases. Lvs pinnate; lamina 5-15 × 5-12 cm; lateral leaflets in 3-(5) pairs, ovate to elliptic, obtuse, bicrenately lobed, each usually with a basal proximal ± deflexed pinnule or lobe; midrib and petiolules narrowly winged; wing expanded at bases of petiolules; terminal leaflet ternate; petiole 1/4-1/2 length of, or rarely =, lamina. Peduncles 2-10 cm long; umbels 2-6-flowered; pedicels 1-5 cm long. Sepals c. 8 × 5 mm, obovate. Petals yellow, obovate, up to 1 cm long. Capsule linear, somewhat constricted between seeds, 20-50 × 1.5-2 mm.
Monoecious, ☿, or dioecious herbs or shrubs, rarely small trees, often succulent, glabrous or with vesicular hairs giving a farinose appearance. Lvs generally alternate, sometimes opposite, simple, exstipulate. Fls solitary or in dense cymes aggregated in a spike or panicle, bracteolate, often very small, usually actinomorphic, greenish. Calyx 3-5-lobed, rarely 0, often accrescent at fruiting; lobes usually imbricate. Petals 0. Stamens usually as many as perianth lobes and opposite to them, usually free. Ovary superior, sometimes immersed, 1-locular. Ovule solitary, basal, erect or pendent. Stigmas (1)-2-3. Fr. usually an achene, rarely a berry, occasionally with circumscissile dehiscence. Seed often erect, compressed in 1 plane, non-endospermic, or with endosperm and then embryo curved or coiled round it.
Erect or spreading, simple or branched, green or grey-farinose, sometimes reddish tinged, eglandular, non-aromatic, annual herb. Stems (2)-5-200 cm tall. Petiole usually 1-1.5× lamina; lamina extremely variable, usually 1.5-7 × 1-4 cm, lanceolate to ovate, rhombic or triangular, entire to coarsely serrate-dentate, rarely slightly 3-lobed; base usually cuneate, sometimes rounded or truncate; farina when present denser beneath, sometimes purple-tinged on young lvs, very rarely lamina bright green. Infls paniculate, sometimes very narrow, terminal and axillary, to c. 30 cm long, lacking subtending lvs in upper part, simple in depauperate plants, otherwise spicately branched; glomerules c. 8-flowered, dense or interrupted, ± farinose. Fls usually in dense panicles, sessile or subsessile. Perianth segments 0.5-2.5-(3) × 0.6-1 mm, broad and imbricate, accrescent; keel obtuse, green; margins broadly hyaline. Fr. completely invested by perianth; pericarp easily removed. Seed horizontal, (1.0)-1.1-1.4-(1.6) mm diam., flattened, circular, glossy black, generally smooth except for faint striations; keel obtuse.
Annual aromatic herb to c. 1 m tall; stems branched, glandular-scaly, puberulent (hairs septate), occasionally all glabrous. Petiole c. 3-25 mm long; lamina 2.5-13 × 1-5 cm, lanceolate, narrow-ovate or elliptic, usually deeply serrate-dentate, glabrous or puberulent, dotted with sessile glands below; base cuneate; apex acute or subacute. Infls long-paniculate, axillary or terminal, efarinose; cymes (glomerules) in sessile clusters along branches; infl. lvs subtending cymes small, linear to oblanceolate, entire or sinuate. Perianth segments 0.5-1 mm long, valvate or slightly imbricate, glabrous or puberulent, green with narrow hyaline margin, not keeled on back. Fr. incompletely invested by perianth; pericarp easily removed. Seed horizontal or vertical, 0.6-0.9-(1.2) mm diam., subglobose to subreniform; margins rounded; testa glossy dark brown, smooth.
Perennial herb, non-aromatic, with stout creeping rootstock, sometimes forming clumps, farinose, at least when young, eglandular. Stems erect, to c. 40 cm tall, puberulent. Petioles sparsely puberulent, on lower lvs to c. 15 cm long, on upper lvs mostly 0.5-6 cm long; lamina of basal and lower cauline lvs 4-12 × 3.5-11 cm, broad-triangular, or triangular-hastate, entire but sinuate, often with a basal lobe on either side, deep green, farinose at first, puberulent on midrib and main veins beneath; base cuneate, truncate or broadly and shallowly cordate; apex acute to acuminate; upper cauline lvs rhombic; lvs at base of infl. smaller. Infls mostly terminal, 8-15 cm long, dense, narrow-pyramidal or cylindric, farinose; glomerules many-flowered, discrete below. Perianth segments united at base, 0.7-1 mm long, ± valvate, not keeled but with dark green central band outside. Fr. exserted from perianth segments; pericarp fairly easily removed. Seed vertical, 1.2-2 mm diam., subglobose to reniform; margin obtuse; testa dark brown, rather rough, dull.
Erect, glabrous, non-aromatic, eglandular and scarcely farinose annual, 20-50 cm tall. Stems simple or branched. Petiole 1-6 cm long. Lamina 1.5-8 × 0.8-5.5 cm, narrow-triangular with 2 narrow-acute lobes at base, purple beneath, at least when young, sinuate and occasionally toothed above; base cuneate; apex acute. Infls terminal and axillary, of discrete, sessile, subglobose, many-flowered glomerules; lvs subtending lower and middle glomerules decreasing in size upwards. Perianth segments 0.5-1.0 mm long, reddish, accrescent, rather narrow and scarcely touching at anthesis. Fruiting heads 1-1.5 cm diam., scarlet; perianth succulent; pericarp very thin, transparent, strongly persistent. Seed vertical, 0.8-1 × 0.6-0.7 mm, broadly oblong-ellipsoid or subreniform; margin acute; testa dark brown, minutely pitted.
Very foetid, prostrate herb, probably annual, often reddish on exposed parts, with at least young parts and infl. strongly grey-farinose. Stems branched, decumbent or prostrate, stiff, slender, pale, to c. 30 cm long. Petioles 2-5 mm long, slender. Lamina to 1 cm long, rhombic or rhombic-ovate, entire or with 1 pair of teeth; base cuneate; apex acute. Fls in dense axillary glomerules, largest mostly towards shoot apices. Perianth segments 4-5, 0.5-1 mm long, divided almost to base, obtuse, scarcely accrescent, incompletely investing fr. Stamens 1-2, not united at base. Seed horizontal, c. 1.2 mm diam., circular, flattened; margin obtuse; testa minutely punctate, shining.
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Erect annual herb to c. 1 m tall, non-aromatic, eglandular; young parts farinose with the vesicular hairs light violet-purple, becoming efarinose. Petiole to 9 cm long, often purple; lamina 1-3× petiole, 4-11-(16) × 4-11-(12) cm, broadly triangular, sometimes almost rhombic, coarsely and irregularly dentate; teeth acute; base broad-cuneate to truncate; apex obtuse, mucronate, or ± acute; infl. lvs smaller, ± oblong-ovate. Infls paniculate, with terminal and axillary branches; glomerules rather small, globular, few-flowered, strongly farinose. Perianth segments 0.5-1.1 mm long, broad and imbricate, green or purplish on back with broad dorsal hyaline margin, keeled, fused for nearly 1/2 length. Fr. invested by perianth; pericarp easily removed. Seed horizontal, mostly 1.2-1.4 mm diam., circular, compressed; margin obtuse; testa glossy black, very faintly striated.
Prostrate or semi-prostrate annual herb, with young parts farinose, often reddish or purplish, sometimes green. Stems to 20-(30) cm long, slender, branched. Petioles 5-15-(18) mm long. Lamina 3-20-(55) × 2-18-(60) mm (including basal lobes), rhombic-ovate, narrow-elliptic, ± succulent, becoming efarinose and green or reddish above, nearly always glaucous-white-farinose beneath, entire, with few dentate teeth or sometimes basally lobed on each side; base cuneate. Glomerules few-flowered, axillary and terminal, sometimes spike-like, otherwise leafy to apex. Perianth segments 3-4-(5), broadly ovate, generally reddish except for margin, green or brownish at fruiting, membranous, not very accrescent, scarcely investing fr. Seed mostly horizontal, (0.8)-1-1.3-(1.6) mm diam., circular, compressed; margin obtuse; pericarp easily removed; testa glossy black, finely striated.
Annual or perennial herbs, occasionally shrubby, glabrous, farinose, or with very short glandular hairs. Stems usually green, often whitish farinose when young, sometimes striped yellow, red or purple. Lvs mostly alternate, sometimes opposite near base, flat, extremely variable in shape, usually membranous. Fls usually in glomerules, sessile, ☿ or ♀; glomerules aggregated in dense spikes or panicles; bracteoles 0. Perianth segments 2-5, usually herbaceous, incurved, connate at base, scarcely accrescent, rarely becoming fleshy. Stamens (1)-2-5. Ovary superior; stigmas 2-(5). Fr. indehiscent with a membranous pericarp, often surrounded by persistent perianth. Seed generally horizontal, sometimes vertical; testa variously sculptured.
Annual, sometimes bushy herb to c. 75 cm tall, glabrous except for farina, non-aromatic, often tinged dark red. Stems strongly ascending to erect, rarely decumbent, branched, ridged. Lvs very variable in size, generally with petiole 1-2× lamina; lamina mostly 1-7-(12.5) × 0.5-6-(8) cm, rhombic-ovate, broad-triangular, sometimes farinose, usually dark green, but often distinctly reddish purple where exposed, never glaucous, coarsely and irregularly dentate-serrate; base narrow- to broad-cuneate; apex usually acute, sometimes obtuse; upper infl. lvs smaller and narrower, less deeply toothed. Infls paniculate, much-branched, terminal and axillary; branches to nearly 5 cm long, leafy nearly to apex, ± farinose; fls in rather densely crowded glomerules, farinose. Perianth segments c. 1 mm long, imbricate, bluntly keeled on back, green or reddish purple; margins hyaline. Fr. surrounded by perianth except near apex; pericarp tightly adherent. Seed horizontal, 1.1-1.5 mm diam., flattened vertically, orbicular; margin acute; testa black, minutely pitted.
Erect, branched annual 0.5-3 m tall, farinose, at least when young and on lower surface of lvs, non-aromatic. Petiole 1-2× lamina, slender; lamina on flowering branches to 3 × 2 cm, broad-ovate, rhombic-ovate, slightly 3-lobed at base, green above, grey-farinose below, irregularly serrate-dentate; base ± cuneate; apex often obtuse; upper lvs narrower, entire. Infls narrow-paniculate, terminal and axillary, grey-farinose, leafless in uppermost part; glomerules small, c. 3 mm diam., very numerous and densely arranged. Perianth segments 0.5-1 mm long at anthesis, accrescent, somewhat imbricate; keel ± obtuse, green; margin broadly hyaline. Fr. almost completely invested by perianth; pericarp easily removed. Seed horizontal, 1.1-1.3 mm diam., circular, flattened; margin obtuse; testa glossy black, with rather faint longitudinal striations.
Glandular-scaly, aromatic, annual herb puberulent with septate hairs. Stems prostrate, decumbent, occasionally erect and to c. 40 cm tall, ribbed. Petiole 0.1-1.5-(2.2) cm long, slender; lamina (0.3)-0.5-2.7-(3.5) × 0.15-1.3-(2) cm, ovate to elliptic or oblong, ± pinnatifid, sometimes purple below, puberulent, especially below; glandular scales few to many, yellow; lobes unequal; base narrow-cuneate; apex rounded to acute. Fls axillary, few to many in sessile glomerules, glandular-puberulent. Perianth segments 0.5-0.9 mm long, narrow and not touching, not keeled, mostly green, becoming white in fr. Stamen 1. Fr. incompletely invested by perianth; pericarp easily removed. Seed vertical, 0.5-0.7 mm diam., from ± globose to ± broad-elliptic; margin acute; testa shining dark brown, smooth.
Annual, puberulent and glandular-scaly herb. Stems branching, decumbent, 3-10-(20) cm long, often forming a small flat cushion. Petioles usually 1-3-(5) mm long, slender. Lamina 2-4-(10) × 2-4-(10) mm, suborbicular, broadly ovate or ovate-oblong, glandular-puberulent on both sides, usually entire or slightly sinuate, occasionally shallowly lobed; base broad-cuneate to rounded; apex obtuse. Fls minute, in axillary, sessile glomerules. Perianth segments (3)-4-(5), narrow-oblong, membranous at least on margins, glandular- puberulent and farinose, scarcely accrescent, not completely investing fr. Stamen usually 1. Seed vertical, 0.5-0.8 mm long, laterally compressed, broadly ellipsoid or subglobose, flattened; pericarp easily detached; testa glossy, minutely punctate or almost smooth.
Very foetid annual, ± farinose, especially young parts and infl., eglandular. Roots as thick as stems. Stems to c. 50 cm long, pale, prostrate or decumbent, branched. Petioles to 1 cm long, slender; lamina to 2 × 1.5 cm, rhombic to ovate, usually becoming efarinose above, entire or with 1 pair of teeth; base cuneate or broad-cuneate; apex obtuse or acute. Glomerules dense, axillary, concentrated towards shoot apices and infl. dense and narrow, at least lower glomerules subtended by lvs. Perianth segments 0.5-1 mm long, valvate, with a green obtuse or rounded keel, united in lower part. Fr. completely invested by perianth; pericarp easily removed. Seed horizontal, c. 1 mm diam., lenticular, the flattened edge acute; testa shining black, minutely punctulate.
Biennial to perennial rosette herb. Stem erect, openly branching above, finely ribbed, with felted tomentum and spreading stiff hairs at the base, glabrous above, 50-80 cm tall. Lvs with scattered fine crisped hairs. Rosette lvs petiolate, oblanceolate to linear, runcinate-pinnatifid, 5-10 × 0.5-2 cm; lobes triangular, acute, distantly finely toothed. Stem lvs sessile, linear, ± entire, c. 3-6 × c. 0.2 cm. Capitula sessile, solitary or in clusters of 2-3. Involucre 9-11 mm long; bracts pubescent to tomentose, erect at flowering, erecto-patent to spreading at fruiting. Florets few. Corolla yellow, c. 11/2× length of involucre. Achenes beaked, glabrous, whitish; body terete or weakly flattened on 1 side, narrowly obconic, 3-3.5 mm long, with spreading flattened scales on ribs, the distal scales forming a corona; beak slender, c. 5 mm long; pappus white, c. 7 mm long.
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Shrubs or small trees, armed or not. Lvs alternate, simple, entire or toothed. Capitula in terminal corymbs. Involucral bracts in 2-3 rows, with membranous margins. Receptacle slightly convex; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, ligulate; ligules yellow. Inner florets tubular, functionally ♂. Fr. a drupe, with a hard, smooth, globose stone and a thin fleshy covering; pappus 0.
Bushy, much-branched shrub or small tree, up to c. 2-(3) m tall, not armed. Stems ribbed, lanate when young but soon almost glabrous. Lvs lanate when young, soon glabrous, coriaceous, obovate to elliptic, acute or obtuse, mucronate, irregularly serrate with (1)-3-9 teeth on each side, 35-70-(90) × 10-35 mm; lvs subtending infl. smaller, narrower and with fewer teeth. Capitula (15)-25-30-(35) mm diam., in loose bracteate corymbs. Involucral bracts in 3 rows, sparsely hairy and glandular; outer bracts linear-lanceolate to narrow-triangular, 2-3 mm long; inner bracts ovate to ovate-triangular, 4-6 mm long, with more conspicuous membranous margins. Ray florets (3)-5-6-(7); ligules bright yellow, 8-13-(15) mm long; disc florets numerous, yellow. Drupes subglobose, black when ripe, 6-9 mm diam., very hard with a thin fleshy covering.
Glabrous or sparsely hairy herb. Stems erect, 15-120 cm tall, striate, branched above. Basal and lower cauline lvs green, ovate-oblong to obovate, (1)-2-3-pinnatisect, up to c. 10 cm long; base cuneate with reduced leaflets along lf sheath; ultimate segments subulate, entire or with a few teeth, all in one plane; cauline lvs similar to basal, smaller and less divided near capitula. Involucral bracts 5-15 mm long; margins and apex membranous; inner bracts with broad apical flap. Capitula few in corymbs, or solitary, c. 3-5 cm diam.; ray florets 10-numerous (capitula sometimes double); ligules usually pale to bright yellow, rarely white; disc florets numerous, yellow. Achenes 2.5-3 mm long, with small glandular hairs; achenes of ray florets usually 3-angled, with angles often winged and faces faintly ribbed or smooth; achenes of disc florets mostly with (1)-2-winged angles and 3 narrow ribs on each surface, innermost achenes sometimes not winged.
Annual herbs. Lvs simple, entire to 1-3-pinnatisect, alternate. Capitula few in corymbs, or often solitary, terminal, pedunculate; involucral bracts in 2-4 rows, with membranous margins. Receptacle convex; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, ligulate, yellow, cream, or white, sometimes reddish toward base; inner florets ☿, tubular and 2-winged. Achenes dimorphic: those of ray florets 2-3-angled with angles often winged; those of disc florets terete in section or somewhat angled, ribbed, sometimes with inner and outer ribs slightly winged, sometimes with small glandular hairs; pappus 0.
Glabrous herb. Stems erect, (10)-20-75 cm tall, striate, simple or branched. Basal and lower cauline lvs usually glaucous, very rarely green, obovate to oblong, simple, coarsely dentate to 2-pinnatisect, up to 6 cm long; base cuneate to the smooth or shortly toothed, winged petiole; ultimate segments ovate to subulate, entire or with a few teeth, all in one plane; cauline lvs similar to basal, but smaller near capitula, apetiolate, oblong to narrow-elliptic, often amplexicaul, usually toothed, sometimes entire. Involucral bracts 5-12 mm long; margins and apex membranous; inner bracts with broad apical flap. Capitula solitary or few in corymbs, 3-6-(7) cm diam.; ray florets (9)-12-21; ligules bright to golden yellow; disc florets numerous, yellow. Achenes 1.8-3 mm long, eglandular; achenes of ray florets with 2 lateral wings, 3-5 ribs on inner surface, and 2-3 ribs on outer surface; achenes of disc florets terete, with 10 equal ribs.
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Annual to perennial taprooted herbs. Hairs glandular and eglandular. Stems branching. Lvs basal and cauline, simple and toothed to runcinate-pinnatifid. Capitula terminal and in axillary clusters, sessile or pedunculate. Involucral bracts with long glandular hairs or glabrous, in 2 rows; outer row shorter. Receptacle areolate, with simple to fimbriate scales. Corolla ligulate, blue, rarely white or pink. Style branches filiform, blue. Achenes numerous, pale or mottled, obovoid to obconic, ± angled, flat at apex, not beaked, compressed together in the capitulum at fruiting; pappus of 1-2 rows of free, short, dirty white, obtuse scales.
Rhizomatous perennial often forming large patches. Stems branched above, with multicellular eglandular and fine cobwebby hairs below, becoming glabrous above, (20)-40-100-(150) cm tall, ribbed, not winged or sometimes with a spiny wing 0-1-(2) cm long decurrent from lf bases. Lvs lanceolate, pinnatifid, green above, pale beneath, (2)-4-15 × 1-5 cm, glabrous or with cobwebby hairs; lobes deltoid to lanceolate; prickles pale, 5-10 mm long. Capitula narrowly ovoid to cylindric at flowering, erect, 1.5-2-(2.5) × 0.7-1.5-(2) cm, in cymes or cymose panicles; peduncles 5-40 mm long. Outer involucral bracts lanceolate, cobwebby-ciliate; apex acuminate, with weak spine 1-(2) mm long, suberect. Inner involucral bracts linear, ciliate; apex acute, not spinous, erect. Corolla usually pale purple or mauve, sometimes white, 12-18 mm long; lobes c. 3 mm long. Style slightly exserted beyond corolla lobes. Achenes pale, cylindric, 3-4 × 1-1.5 mm; pappus 20-25 mm long, shorter in ♂; cilia on pappus bristles 2-3 mm long.
Taprooted perennial. Stems branched above, with coarse cobwebby hairs especially below, (25)-60-130-(200) cm tall, strongly ribbed, not winged. Lvs lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, shallowly pinnatifid, green above, whitish beneath, (6)-10-25-(30) × (2)-3-7-(10) cm, with sparse soft multicellular hairs above and dense cobwebby tomentum beneath; lobes deltoid; prickles pale, 5-10 mm long. Capitula ovoid, waisted at flowering, erect, 2.5-3.5 × 2.5-3 cm, subsessile, in clusters of 3-4 or rarely solitary. Outer involucral bracts deltoid to lanceolate, with cobwebby hairs; apex acuminate, with strong spine 3-4-(6) mm long, suberect or erecto-patent. Inner involucral bracts linear, with short fine bristly hairs at least on margins; apex acute, not spinous, erect. Corolla purplish red, 18-25 mm long; lobes c. 3 mm long. Style not or barely exserted beyond corolla lobes. Achenes pale, narrowly obovoid, 3-4 × c. 1.5 mm; pappus 15-25 mm long; cilia on pappus bristles 3-5 mm long.
Biennial or perennial herbs, rarely annual. Stems winged or not. Hairs bristly, or soft and multicellular, or cobwebby. Lvs alternate, sessile, entire or pinnatifid or pinnatisect, dentate; lobes and teeth spine-tipped. Capitula homogamous, cylindric, ovoid or globose, solitary or in corymbs or clusters. Involucral bracts in several series, deltoid, lanceolate or linear; hairs cobwebby or 0; outer bracts usually spine-tipped, often spreading. Receptacle flat; scales numerous, setaceous. Florets ☿ or unisexual, all tubular. Corolla glabrous, 5-lobed, usually purple, sometimes white or yellow. Anthers acute at apex, with basal appendages 0.5-1.5 mm long; filaments ciliate. Style branches linear, erect, appressed. Achenes obovoid, weakly flattened, glabrous, smooth; achene insertion basal; pappus hairs in several rows, soft, silvery, plumose, united at base into a ring.
Fibrous-rooted biennial. Stems not branched, or branched above, with soft scattered multicellular and fine cobwebby hairs, (20)-80-150-(200) cm tall, ribbed, with coarsely spiny wings between lf bases; branches slender. Lvs oblanceolate to narrowly elliptic, shallowly to deeply pinnatifid, green above, paler beneath, (5)-10-25-(35) × (1.5)-3-8-(15) cm, with sparse soft multicellular hairs above and beneath, often also with sparse to dense cobwebby tomentum beneath; lf lobes narrowly deltoid to linear; prickles pale, 2-10 mm long; uppermost lvs becoming smaller. Capitula cylindric to narrowly ovoid at flowering, erect, 1.2-1.5 × 1 cm, in clusters of up to 10; peduncles 0-1 cm long. Outer involucral bracts deltoid to ovate, with cob webby hairs; apex acuminate, with weak spine 1-(2) mm long, suberect. Inner involucral bracts linear, ciliate; apex acute, not spinous, suberect. Corolla magenta, 11-12 mm long; lobes 3.5-4-(5) mm long. Style slightly exserted beyond corolla lobes. Achenes pale, narrowly obovoid, 3-3.5 × c. 1 mm; pappus 8-12 mm long; cilia on pappus bristles 1-2 mm long.
Taprooted biennial. Stems branched, with soft multicellular and fine cobwebby hairs, (20)-50-150-(200) cm tall, ribbed, with broad, dentate, spiny wings between lf bases. Lvs oblanceolate or narrowly oblanceolate, deeply pinnatifid (subentire to shallowly pinnatifid in seedlings), dark green above, paler beneath, (7)-10-30-(40) × 4-10-(20) cm, with short, stiff, pale, spinous bristles above and dense cobwebby tomentum beneath; lf lobes deltoid to lanceolate to linear; prickles pale, 4-10 mm long. Subfloral lvs linear, short to long, sometimes investing capitula. Capitula ovoid, waisted at flowering, erect, 2.5-6 × 2.5-5 cm, solitary or in clusters of 2-3; peduncles 0-2 cm long. Outer involucral bracts linear, with cobwebby margins; apex acuminate, with strong spine 3-4-(6) mm long, recurved to patent. Inner involucral bracts linear, becoming ciliate; apex acute, not spinous, erect. Corolla purple, 28-33 mm long; lobes 5-6 mm long. Style exserted c. 3 mm beyond corolla lobes. Achenes pale, narrowly obovoid, c. 4 × 1.5 mm; pappus 20-25 mm long; cilia on pappus bristles 5-6 mm long.
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Bushy, aromatic shrub to c. 1.5 m tall, with stellate, and sparse glandular hairs. Shoots whitish when young, not viscid. Petioles subsessile to 8 mm long, ± winged. Lamina 1.5-5 × 0.8-2.5 cm, ovate to elliptic, sometimes ± obovate or suborbicular, rugose, moderately hairy on both surfaces and appearing green or somewhat greyish; venation pinnate, impressed above; margins strongly undulate; base cuneate; apex subacute; lf pairs not connate. Cymes up to 6-flowered. Peduncles 1-5.5 cm long, densely covered in stellate hairs and ± pilose; pedicels to 2.5 cm long, more densely pilose than peduncles. Bracts foliose. Sepals 5; outer sepals 1.3-1.7 cm long, broad-ovate, with stellate hairs and pilose, sometimes densely so, cordate at base, acuminate or subulate at apex; inner sepals similar to outer but narrower. Petals (1.5)-2.5-3 cm long, broad-obovate, deep rose with yellow base. Style c. 4 mm long; stigma capitate, of moderate size. Capsule 7-11 mm long, broad-ovoid, silky. Seed angular, puberulent.
Aromatic, evergreen shrubs. Lvs opposite, exstipulate; petioles often connate at base. Fls mostly in simple or compound terminal cymes. Bracts often large, sometimes foliose. Petals 5, mostly > 1 cm long, crumpled in bud, white or pink to purplish, often with dark blotch at base. Ovary appearing 5-(10)-locular and placentation appearing axile because of well-developed septae; style short to long; stigma large, 5-10-lobed; ovules on filiform funicles. Capsule usually 5-valved, closely invested by calyx, woody. Embryo circinate.
Glandular-viscid, aromatic shrub, 1-2 m high, often forming a large bush. Shoots dark reddish brown, extremely viscid when young, glabrous. Lvs sessile or subsessile, 3.5-9.5 × 0.5-1.5 cm, linear-lanceolate or narrow-elliptic, whitish grey, appressed stellate-tomentulose beneath, glabrous above and shining with very viscid gum when young, usually 3-nerved, revolute, attenuate at apex and base; lf pairs not connate. Fls solitary on short lateral branches which elongate at fruiting. Bracts large and foliose, yellowish brown, very viscid, fringed with long white hairs; lowermost bracts foliose. Pedicels short, extremely viscid. Sepals 3, c. 1.5 cm diam., orbicular, scaly and ciliate. Petals 5-6 cm long, broad-ovate, white with yellow base, with or without a purple or crimson blotch near base. Stigma almost sessile, large, capitate. Capsule 1-1.3 mm diam., globose, stellate-tomentose. Seed angular, glabrous.
Spreading, somewhat viscid, shrub to 1 m high. Shoots green, with dense glandular and sparse pilose hairs. Lvs sessile, 1.7-4 × 0.4-1.5 cm, oblong to narrow-elliptic or elliptic, ± 3-nerved, with hairs stellate beneath and sometimes almost confined to veins, white-pilose above; simple hairs bulbous-based; lf pairs often ± connate at base; apex ± subacute; margin somewhat revolute. Cymes to 10-flowered. Peduncles to c. 5 cm long, with glandular hairs and pilose; pedicels shorter and more densely pilose than peduncles. Bracts large and foliose. Sepals 5; outer sepals 1-1.5 cm long, broad-ovate, white-pilose, often purplish, cordate at base, acuminate or subulate at apex; inner sepals similar but narrower. Petals 1.3-1.6 cm long, obovate, white with yellow base, strongly crumpled until full anthesis. Stigma almost sessile, large and capitate. Capsule c. 7 mm long, hairy. Seed angular, glabrous.
Annual with long, procumbent, densely softly hairy stems. Petioles to c. 8 cm long, with dense, soft hairs. Lamina pinnatisect, often almost divided to midrib, to c. 15 × 13 cm, broad-ovate; lobes irregularly subdivided or toothed, hairy, blunt. Peduncles 1-3 cm long, densely hairy. Calyx lobed to 1/2 way or more, usually densely hairy; lobes narrow-lanceolate to linear. Corolla lobed nearly to base; lobes 12-16 × 8-12 mm, often unequal, ± elliptic, yellow with green raised veins, obtuse or mucronate. Ovary woolly at first, soon glabrate. Fr. subglobose to ± ellipsoid, becoming very large (to > 40 cm long in cultivation); rind green, hard; pulp red, sweet and very succulent. Seeds dark, shining.
Annual or perennial, monoecious herbs with running or climbing, hairy stems. Rootstock not tuberous. Tendrils simple or branched. Lvs deeply pinnatifid, hairy. Fls axillary, solitary, yellow. Calyx deeply 5-lobed. Corolla deeply 5-lobed, rotate. Stamens 3; filaments and anthers free; connective not prolonged beyond loculi. ♀ fls with 3 small staminodes. Ovary with 3 placentae and many ovules; stigmas 3. Fr. fleshy, indehiscent, smooth, globose to oblong-ellipsoid; peduncle accrescent. Seeds numerous, flat and smooth, dark; margin not raised.
Glabrous tree to c. 10 m high with rather rounded crown and angular shoots. Spines confined to trunk, main branches and strong young vegetative shoots. Lvs strongly orange-scented. Petiole 1-2.5 cm long, narrowly winged, articulate at apex. Lamina 7-15 × 3.5-7 cm, elliptic or elliptic-ovate, entire or slightly crenulate; apex usually short-acuminate. Fls 1-few in the axils, fragrant. Calyx 3-4 mm long; lobes broad-ovate. Petals c. 2.3 cm long, elliptic, white. Stamens > 20. Fr. 5-7 cm diam., ± globose, 10-13-celled; exocarp (peel) bright orange, dotted with oil glands, c. 1 cm thick; pulp very sweet, orange; core of axis solid.
Evergreen shrubs or trees, usually thorny, especially on vegetative shoots. Lvs alternate, apparently simple, really reduced to 1 leaflet, very aromatic; petiole often articulated at apex, often winged; lamina dotted with glands. Fls axillary, solitary or clustered in cymes or panicles, usually ☿, usually (4)-5-merous, occasionally with petals more numerous. Calyx cup-shaped; lobes minute to prominent. Petals white, sometimes flushed pink on reverse. Stamens 15-many (to 10× as many as petals), arranged in bundles. Ovary (8)-10-14-(15)-celled. Ovules in 2 rows each of 4-8 per cell. Styles deciduous. Fr. a fleshy berry (hesperidium), usually large, ± globose, green, yellow, or orange; cells with pulpy vesicles surrounding the large polyembryonic seeds. Embryo green or white.
Annual herb; stems to c. 50 cm high, suberect, puberulent, becoming woody towards base, branching freely. Lvs puberulent; petiole to 1 cm long, often indistinct. Lamina 1.5-4 × 0.3-1.2 cm, narrow-linear to lanceolate, entire; base attenuate; apex acute. Fls in short terminal racemes, densely puberulent. Pedicels short at anthesis, erect. Buds erect; floral tube usually 1-3 cm long, with a ring of hairs below middle within. Sepals 1-2.3 cm long, lightly cohering, mucronate. Petals (1.5)-2-3 cm long, broad-obovate, pink to crimson, with central area usually more deeply coloured; margin often somewhat erose; claw well developed. Anthers long, linear, usually mauve. Stigmatic lobes linear. Capsule to 3 cm long, narrow-fusiform, terete, densely puberulent. Seeds brown, minutely scaly.
Annual herbs, sometimes with thick erect stems. Lvs alternate, simple, entire or denticulate. Fls in spikes, racemes, or sometimes solitary in the upper lf axils, actinomorphic. Buds erect to pendulous. Floral tube obconic, campanulate or funnelform, short or long and slender, usually with ring of hairs within. Sepals 4, often coloured, reflexing at anthesis. Petals 4, sometimes clawed, often lobed, white, cream, pink to crimson, mauve or purple. Stamens 8 or 4; anthers erect and basifixed. Stigma 4-lobed. Capsule 4-celled, cylindric to clavate, terete to quadrangular; beak present or 0. Seeds numerous, brown or grey, scaly or minutely tuberculate.
Glabrous taprooted rhizomatous or cormose annual or perennial herbs, often fleshy. Rosette solitary; rosette lvs late-deciduous. Stems not branched, all reproductive, erect. Stem lvs 2, opposite, free or connate. Infl. terminal, usually a raceme, bracteate at least below. Sepals persistent. Petals 5, shortly united at base. Stamens 3 or 5. Ovary superior, of 3 fused carpels; style branches 3. Ovules 3 or 6. Capsule 1-locular, dehiscing by 3 valves. Seeds 1-3-(6).
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Evergreen woody climber, often forming tangled mounds of leafless stems over rocks and shrubs. Lvs reduced to petioles and petiolules, twining, glabrous, (3)-5-8-(10) cm long; leaflets 0 except in shaded and young plants, small, entire, ovate, acute. Fls unisexual, solitary or 2-3 clustered in lf axils. Bracts paired, united, pilose, inserted about middle of peduncle. ♂ fls: sepals 4-(5), imbricate, greenish yellow, hairy at least beneath, ovate-lanceolate, (10)-15-25-(35) × 5-10 mm; anthers 2-4 mm long; filaments glabrous. ♀ fls: sepals similar to ♂, 8-15 × 3-7 mm; staminodes few. Achenes reddish brown, hairy, 2-4 mm long. Style 1.5-2-(3) cm long at fruiting.
Leaflets coriaceous, glabrous, pinnate below, pinnatisect to pinnatifid above. Infl. a solitary fl. or few-flowered cyme. Sepals white or very pale yellow, ovate-oblong, ± silky hairy.
Evergreen woody climber. Lvs with fulvous hairs especially beneath, 3-foliolate, 3-8-(16) × 2-7-(16) cm; leaflets thin, ovate, acute to obtuse; margins entire to serrate, sometimes deeply lobed to dissected; petiole pilose, 2-5-(8) cm long. Fls unisexual, in axillary dichasial cymes. Bracts paired, united, inserted about middle of peduncle, with fulvous hairs. ♂ fls: sepals (5)-6-(8), imbricate, yellowish, glabrous above, hairy beneath, narrow-oblong to elliptic-oblong, 9-12-(22) × 2-5 mm; anthers 0.7-1 mm long; filaments glabrous. ♀ fls: sepals 5-8, imbricate, yellowish, glabrous above, hairy beneath, elliptic-ovate, 8-13-(15) × 2-3-(6) mm; staminodes few. Achenes hairy, (2)-3-4 mm long. Style 1.5-2.5-(3) cm long at fruiting.
Deciduous woody climber; stem terete, weakly ribbed. Lvs very sparsely hairy, green, 2-pinnate, (5)-8-15 × 3-12 cm; leaflets quite thick, ovate to lanceolate, cuneate to truncate at base, acute to obtuse; margin entire or rarely 2-3-lobed; petiole glabrous, (1)-4-5 cm long. Fls erect, ☿, in large compound dichasial cymes. Bracts paired, spathulate to subulate, free, inserted about middle of pedicel. Sepals 4, valvate, white, glabrous above, hairy beneath especially near margins, oblong, obtuse, 8-12-(14) × 3-4 mm. Anthers 2.5-4 mm long; filaments glabrous, linear. Achenes compressed, hairy, 5-6 mm long; style 3-4 cm long at fruiting.
Evergreen woody climber. Lvs glabrous or sparsely hairy, 3-foliolate, (2.3)-5.5-9 × (1.8)-4.5-8-(12) cm; leaflets thinly coriaceous, ovate, obtuse to acute; margins entire to sinuate, rarely crenately lobed or serrate; petiole hairy, 1.5-5-(9) cm long. Fls unisexual, in axillary dichasial cymes, strongly scented. Bracts paired, united, inserted about middle of pedicel. ♂ fls: sepals (5)-6-(8), imbricate, yellow, glabrous above, pilose beneath, ovate-oblong, 6-12-(23) × 2-5-(7) mm; anthers 0.8-1.5 mm long; filaments glabrous. ♀ fls: sepals 5-8, imbricate, yellow, glabrous above, pilose beneath, ovate, 6-11 × 3-5 mm; staminodes few. Achenes hairy, 2-4 mm long. Style 1.4-3 cm long at fruiting.
Leaflets thinly coriaceous, glabrous, crenate or crenately lobed. Infl. usually ample. Sepals white, narrow-ovate to narrow-oblong, glabrate to ± pubescent beneath.
Evergreen woody climber. Lvs glabrous or sparsely hairy beneath, or rarely the youngest sparsely hairy, 3-foliolate, 3-10-(16) × (3)-4-8-(14) cm; leaflets coriaceous, very variable in shape and lobing, from lanceolate to broadly ovate, entire to crenate to deeply pinnatifid to 2-pinnatisect to pinnate; petiole (1)-2-5-(7) cm long. Fls unisexual, solitary or 2-4-(6) clustered in lf axils or in dichasial cymes of up to 6. Bracts paired, connate, usually inserted about or below middle of pedicel. ♂ fls: sepals (5)-6-(8), imbricate, pale yellow, greenish yellow or rarely greenish white, glabrous or sparsely silky hairy above, silky hairy to hairy beneath, lanceolate to ovate to narrow-oblong, 10-20-(30) × 2-8 mm; anthers 2-3 mm long; filaments glabrous. ♀ fls: sepals similar to ♂, 10-20-(25) × 3-6-(10) mm; staminodes few. Achenes hairy or glabrous, (2)-3-4-(5) mm long. Style (1)-2-3.5 cm long at fruiting.
Leaflets coriaceous, glabrous, crenately to crenate-serrately lobed or toothed. Infl. a solitary fl. or a few-flowered axillary cluster. Sepals greenish to pale yellow, ovate-oblong, ± hairy.
Perennial woody climbers or rarely terrestrial herbs. Lvs cauline, opposite, simple to ternate to 1-2-pinnate; leaflets entire or lobed. Fls ☿ or unisexual, solitary or in axillary fascicles or simple to compound dichasial cymes; involucre 0 but bracts sometimes connate in pairs. Perianth of 1 petaloid whorl of sepals; sepals 4-6-(8), white, yellow, pink, blue or violet, without nectaries or spurs. Stamens many, spiralled; staminodes present or 0, sometimes petaloid or nectariferous. Carpels with 1 functional ovule. Achenes many, lanceolate to ovate; style elongated and feathery. Receptacle glabrous or hairy.
Slender low-climbing evergreen woody climber. Lvs hairy on both sides, 3-foliolate, dull green, 1.5-4-(7) × 1-3-(4) cm; leaflets coriaceous, variable in shape, divided into 3 or more spathulate lobes, occasionally pinnatifid; petiole 1-4-(4.5) cm long. Fls unisexual, solitary or 2-4 clustered in lf axils. Bracts in 1-2 pairs, ± connate, spathulate, hairy. ♂ fls: sepals 4-(5), imbricate, yellowish green, glabrous above, hairy beneath, ovate-oblong, 8-15 × 3-6 mm; anthers 1-2 mm long; filaments glabrous. ♀ fls: sepals 4-(5), imbricate, slightly greener than ♂, glabrous above, ± silky hairy beneath, ovate-oblong, 8-12 × 3-6 mm; staminodes few. Achenes glabrous, 3-5 mm long. Style 1.5-2.5 cm long at fruiting.
Small suckering evergreen woody subshrub. Lvs ± glabrous, multifid-multipartite to deeply 3-lobed to 3-foliolate, (1)-1.5-3 × 1-3 cm; leaflets thick, quite stiff, deeply incised 2-3 times; segments concave adaxially, obtuse to subacute, oblique at base; petiole 0.7-1 cm long. Fls unisexual, solitary in lf axils. Bracts in 1-2 pairs; upper pair usually inserted below middle of peduncle. ♂ fls: sepals (5)-6-(8), imbricate, white (slightly green-tinged when young), glabrous above, hairy beneath, obovate-elliptic, (6)-10-14-(18) × (3)-4-6-(10.5) mm; anthers 1-1.8 mm long; filaments glabrous. ♀ fls: sepals similar to ♂, c. 8 × 6 mm; staminodes few. Achenes pubescent, 3-4 mm long. Style 1.5-3 cm long at fruiting.
Deciduous woody climber; stem terete, weakly ribbed. Lvs glabrous or with a few scattered very fine hairs especially beneath, green, 1-pinnate, 15-25 × 7-20 cm; leaflets subcoriaceous, ovate to lanceolate, abruptly cuneate to shallowly cordate at base, acute to apiculate; margin entire; petiole glabrous, 4-7 cm long. Fls erect, ☿, 3-10-(15) in axillary compound dichasial cymes. Bracts paired, free; lower bracts ovate to elliptic to spathulate, apiculate; upper bracts subulate, inserted near base of pedicel. Sepals 4, valvate, white, glabrous or glabrescent above, with dense hairs near margins beneath, oblong, obtuse, 15-20-(24) × 3-4 mm. Anthers 2-4 mm long; filaments glabrous, linear. Achenes compressed, hairy, 5-6 mm long; style c. 3 cm long at fruiting.
Deciduous woody climber; stem terete, weakly ribbed. Lvs sparsely hairy, green, 3-foliolate, (3)-6-10-(12) × (2)-4-8 cm; leaflets thin, lanceolate, cuneate at base, acuminate; margin coarsely serrate; petiole (2)-4-8-(10) cm long, with sparse silky hairs. Fls erect, ☿, solitary or 2-3 clustered in lf axils. Bracts ovate to triangular, clustered at base of peduncle. Sepals 4, valvate, white to pink, glabrous above, hairy beneath, elliptic-oblong, obtuse, 29-32-(37) × 13-18-(22) mm. Anthers 2.5-3.5 mm long; filaments glabrous, linear. Achenes compressed, glabrous, 4-5 mm long. Styles 4-5 cm long at fruiting.
Robust high-climbing evergreen woody climber. Lvs glabrous above, sparsely hairy beneath, 3-foliolate, (5)-7-13-(18) × 6-12-(19) cm; leaflets coriaceous, broadly ovate to broad-oblong, cordate to truncate at base; margin entire to crenately toothed or lobed near apex, rarely deeply lobed to almost dissected; petiole (2)-3-6-(7) cm long. Fls unisexual, in compound axillary dichasial cymes. Bracts paired; lower pair often leaflike, united, usually inserted below middle of pedicel. ♂ fls: sepals 6, imbricate, white, glabrous above, hairy beneath, spathulate to obovate or oblong, 25-35-(45) × 8-15-(20) mm; anthers 1.5-2-(2.5) mm long; filaments sparsely hairy or glabrous. ♀ fls: sepals 6, similar to ♂, (16)-20-25-(35) × 7-10-(13) mm; staminodes few. Achenes hairy, 2-4 mm long. Style (2.5)-3.5-6.5 cm long at fruiting.
Leaflets subcoriaceous, glabrous, entire or with 1-2, rarely more, blunt lateral lobes. Infl. an axillary solitary fl or few-flowered cyme. Sepals greenish yellow, ovate-oblong, pubescent.
Slender low-climbing evergreen woody climber. Lvs sparsely hairy, usually 3-foliolate, rarely 1-foliolate, brownish green, 1.5-3-(4.5) × 0.5-2-(3) cm; leaflets thin, variable in shape, usually entire, broadly spathulate, occasionally with a small lobe at the base or ternate; petiole 1-2.5-(3.5) cm long. Fls unisexual, solitary or 2-(3) clustered in lf axils. Bracts in 2-3 pairs, connate, elliptic, hairy. ♂ fls: sepals 4, imbricate, purple-brown or brown, glabrous above, ± silky hairy beneath, linear-lanceolate, 5-15 × 1-2 mm; anthers 0.5-1.5 mm long; filaments glabrous. ♀ fls: sepals 4, generally darker and more hairy than in ♂, otherwise similar. Staminodes few. Achenes hairy or glabrous, 2-5 mm long. Style 2.0-3.5 cm long at fruiting.
Deciduous woody climber; stems terete, weakly ribbed. Lvs glabrous or sparsely hairy, ± glaucous, 2-pinnate, (3)-8-15-(20) × (2)-7-12 cm; leaflets thin, lanceolate, cuneate to truncate at base, acute; margin sharply toothed, rarely 1-2-lobed at base; petiole (2)-4-8 cm long, glabrous or with fine silky hairs. Fls pendent, ☿, solitary in lf axils. Bracts paired, leaflike, 1-pinnate or simple, not united, inserted below middle of peduncle. Sepals 4, valvate, greenish yellow, glabrous outside, silky hairy inside, with dense hairs near margins, lanceolate, acute, mucronate, 13-19-(27) × 5-8-(15) mm. Anthers 3-4 mm long; filaments ciliate, dilated at base. Achenes compressed, hairy, c. 4 mm long. Style 3-4.5 cm long at fruiting.
Deciduous woody climber; stems 6-angled, strongly ribbed. Lvs sparsely hairy, green, 1-pinnate, 12-20 × 8-16 cm; leaflets usually 5, rarely 3, thin, ovate, rarely lanceolate, truncate or cordate at base, acuminate; margin entire or toothed; lvs of young growth narrower, thinner, hairier, and more deeply toothed; petiole (3)-4-8 cm long, with sparse to dense fine silky hairs. Fls erect, ☿, in compound axillary dichasial cymes. Bracts paired, spathulate to subulate, not united, inserted below middle of pedicel. Sepals 4-(5), valvate, greenish, densely hairy above and beneath, especially near margins, narrowly oblong to oblong-obovate, obtuse, 6-11-(15) × 2-4 mm. Anthers 1.5-2 mm long; filaments glabrous, linear. Achenes compressed, hairy, 2-2.5 mm long. Style 3-4 cm long at fruiting.
Erect bushy annual herb. Stems stout, ribbed, pubescent, 0.5-2 m tall. Petioles pubescent, sometimes sparsely spiny, 3-10-(15) cm long, with a pair of short stipular spines at base. Lamina digitate-compound; leaflets 5-7, lanceolate, pubescent especially on margins and veins with short, sometimes glandular, hairs, sometimes sparsely spiny on midrib below. Infl. a terminal raceme. Bracts ovate, acute, 1-2 cm long, the lower stalked, the upper sessile, all with a pair of stipular spines at base. Pedicels 2-3-(5) cm long, with glandular hairs. Sepals linear, free, persistent, with glandular hairs. Petals 4; claw 7-10 mm long; limb elliptic, pink, c. 10 mm long. Stamens 6, not exserted in bud, on short androgynophore; filaments 3-4 cm long; anthers curved, c. 1 cm long. Gynophore 3 cm long, elongating to 7 cm at fruiting; ovary c. 7 mm long; stigma sessile. Capsule glabrous, 4-7 × 0.5 cm.
Erect or climbing, unarmed shrubs, hairy or glabrous, often foetid, sometimes with underground suckers or rhizomes. Lvs usually opposite, rarely whorled, simple. Fls in axillary cymes or terminal corymbs or panicles, pedicellate, fairly large. Calyx campanulate, usually turbinate, sometimes tubular, 5-toothed to deeply 5-lobed, often strongly accrescent. Corolla usually strongly zygomorphic, salverform with tube narrow for most of length; limb 5-lobed. Stamens 4, didynamous, inrolled in bud, long-exserted and usually curved at anthesis. Style exserted, 2-fid. Ovary incompletely 4-celled, each cell with 1 ovule. Fr. a drupe, often enclosed in calyx, often 4-lobed; exocarp succulent or nearly dry; pyrenes 1-4.
Spreading shrub or small tree to c. 6 m high; sucker shoots sometimes frequent; stems hairy when young. Lvs long-petiolate. Lamina 9-18 × 7-12 cm, smaller on flowering shoots, usually ovate or oblong-ovate, entire to crenulate, tomentose beneath when young, later the hairs mainly confined to veins, becoming glabrate above; base cuneate on flowering shoots, cordate on vegetative shoots; apex abruptly short-acuminate. Infl. a large terminal panicle of fragrant fls; peduncles and pedicels hairy, reddish. Calyx 1-1.5 cm long at anthesis, slightly hairy at base, ± red, lobed to c. ⅓; segments ovate, sharply keeled, acute. Corolla white; tube c. 1.5 cm long; lobes 8-12 mm long, patent, linear-oblong to oblong. Stamens exserted by 1-2 cm. Frs globose or subglobose, 5-9 mm diam., bright blue, glossy, surrounded by the shining crimson calyx lobes. Seed flattened on 1 side.
Perennial herbs with erect to rather straggling stems. Lvs simple, usually toothed. Verticels in dense, many-flowered, terminal and axillary whorls. Bracts resembling foliage lvs; bracteoles subulate, prominent. Calyx tubular, curved, not gibbous at base, 13-nerved, 2-lipped. Corolla 2-lipped, hairy outside; upper lip emarginate; lower lip 3-lobed with the middle lobe largest; tube straight. Stamens included, convergent below upper lip. Style gynobasic, its branches unequal, the upper subulate, the lower longer and wider. Nutlets subglobose, smooth.
Scarcely aromatic herb. Stems lax or straggling, white-pilose. Lvs petiolate. Lamina 1.5-4 × 0.7-2.5 cm, ovate, hairy, often densely hairy below, entire to shallowly and remotely crenate or crenate-serrate; base broad-cuneate to rounded; apex obtuse. Bracteoles numerous, nearly = calyx, white-plumose. Calyx 7-9 mm long, white-plumose; teeth subulate, purplish; lower lip with longer teeth. Corolla 10-15 mm long, pink, densely hairy outside; lower lip almost 2× upper lip. Nutlets 9-10 mm diam., subglobose or broad-oblong, slightly angular ventrally.
Trees, shrubs or herbs, often with resinous sap and translucent, black or red glands. Lvs opposite, rarely alternate or whorled, simple, exstipulate. Fls mostly in terminal cymose panicles (dichasia, monochasia, thyrses) or solitary, actinomorphic, unisexual or ☿, occasionally distylous. Sepals 2-6, rarely more, imbricate. Petals 2-6, rarely more, imbricate or nearly so, sometimes contorted in bud. Stamens usually numerous, free or united, often in antipetalous bundles; staminodes often present in ♀ fls. Ovary superior, 1-many-locular. Placentae axile, basal or parietal. Ovules 1-numerous per loculus. Styles free, connate, or 0. Fr. a capsule, berry or drupe. Seeds with or without an aril, non-endospermic.
Lianes, climbing by much-branched tendrils and hook-like branch tips. Fl. buds erect on erect stalks, becoming pendent by anthesis. Fls protandrous, green and foetid at first, becoming purple and sweetly scented. Fr. stalk contorted.
Glabrous or almost glabrous, vigorous, perennial liane. Leaflets usually in 3 pairs, including basal pair, petiolulate; tendrils branched and becoming woody towards base, purplish when young. Lamina 4-12 × 2-5.5 cm, elliptic to obovate, entire; base cuneate to rounded, sometimes asymmetric; apex acute or mucronate. Calyx accrescent, 3-4 × 1.7-2.7 cm; lobes broadly oblong or oblong-ovate to almost orbicular, glaucous, often purple-tinged where exposed to sunlight, mucronate; margins strongly undulate. Corolla 6-7 cm long, deeply campanulate, green, becoming purple after anthesis; tube c. 3 cm wide; lobes 1.5-2 cm long, broad and rounded. Filaments slender, with basal woolly tuft; anthers 10-12 mm long, linear. Capsule (3)-5.5-8.5 cm long, ± ellipsoid; valves 2-3 cm wide. Seed 1-1.5 cm long including narrow wing, broad- or oblong-ovoid.
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Annual, branched or not, to c. 50 cm tall; stems often purplish, with short downward curled, white hairs, these dense towards the apex. Lvs apetiolate, 300-100 × 3-12 mm, usually entire, occasionally remotely toothed, linear or linear-lanceolate, glandular-hairy and viscid, later glabrous except for ciliolate margins. Infl. terminal, capitate, with subsessile fls, also with solitary axillary fls beneath on pedicels to c. 3 cm long. Bracts lanceolate to ovate, acuminate, often > infl., with very viscid glandular hairs. Calyx 9-12 mm long, lobed to c. 1/2 way, glandular-hairy and viscid; tube membranous; lobes lanceolate or narrow-lanceolate, almost = tube. Corolla c. 2-2.5 cm long, mostly creamy yellow at first, soon becoming pale salmon pink, rarely becoming mauve-pink; tube > calyx; lobes c. 8 mm long, elliptic, ± acute. Stamens exserted from tube; anthers blue. Capsule c. 5 mm long. Seed 2.5-3.5 mm long, obovoid, finely pitted, glabrous or puberulent.
Annual or perennial herbs, erect to prostrate. Lvs alternate, entire to pinnately dissected. Fls usually in cymes, sometimes in a dense head, sometimes solitary and axillary, sessile or pedicellate. Calyx herbaceous or occasionally with chartaceous marginal membrane below sinuses forming a projecting fold beneath each sinus at fruiting. Corolla narrow-funnelform or trumpet-shaped; tube slender; lobes spathulate to lanceolate. Stamens equally or unequally inserted on corolla throat, exserted or included. Style exserted or included. Capsule ellipsoid or obovoid, 2-locular, 2-lobed. Seeds 1-2 in each loculus, oblong, ± mucilaginous when wet.
Glabrous, annual or biennial herb. Lvs 2-4-pinnate; segments broad. Umbels compound, pedunculate; bracts and bracteoles few, entire. Petals white, regular, with entire, obtuse, shortly inflexed apex; calyx teeth 0. Fr. ovoid to subglobose, flattened laterally, not beaked, spineless; commissure narrow; ribs 5 per mericarp, equal, prominent and usually undulate; vittae 0.
Erect annual or biennial, with foetid odour when crushed. Stems hollow, striate, up to 2-(3) m high, usually light green and purple spotted or blotched, sometimes tinged purplish or pink, particularly toward base. Lvs 2-4-pinnate; ultimate segments narrowly or broadly ovate to deltoid, pinnatisect or serrate, 5-40 mm long; petioles light green and purple blotched when mature; stem lvs similar to basal, but shortly petiolate and 1-3-pinnate. Umbels 1-8 cm diam.; rays 4-16; bracts c. 4-8, narrow-triangular, acuminate, reflexed; bracteoles 3-6, triangular, confined to outer side of umbellets. Fls numerous, white, c. 2 mm diam. Fr. dark brown, 2.5-3 mm long; ribs slender, light brown, often crenulate.
Stem (15)-35-100 cm tall, single or branching above. Lvs 2-pinnatisect; basal lvs with oblong segments; cauline lvs with linear segments. Pedicels stout, downy, bearing 1-2 short bracteoles about middle. Fls usually blue, sometimes red, purple, pink or white, 2.5-3.5 cm diam. Sepal spur 14-18 mm long. Follicle pubescent, 15-20 mm long, tapered at apex. Seeds black, c. 2 mm long, with transverse membranous wavy ridges.
Annual herbs. Lvs basal and cauline, deeply 1-2-pinnatisect, the lower petiolate, the upper sessile; segments oblong to linear. Infl. a terminal, simple or branched raceme; involucre 0. Fls ☿. Sepals 5, blue, purple or violet, the upper 1 spurred at base. Petals 2, united, paler than sepals, forming a single spur contained within the sepal spur. Stamens in 5 spiral series; filaments expanded. Carpel 1; ovules in 2 rows; style short; fr. a single, many-seeded follicle.
Herbs or shrubs, generally with climbing or trailing stems containing a milky sap. Lvs alternate, exstipulate, usually simple. Fls actinomorphic, ☿, solitary or few to many in terminal or axillary dichasia. Bracts present, often forming an involucre. Sepals 5, usually free, imbricate, persistent. Corolla 5-lobed or 5-angled, usually plicate-contorted, usually funnelform, salverform or tubular, sometimes campanulate. Stamens 5, usually inserted towards base of corolla lobes and alternate with them. Ovary superior, 1-4-locular; ovules 1-2 in each loculus. Style terminal. Fr. usually capsular, very rarely indehiscent.
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Perennial hairy herb with creeping branched stems arising from a stout, usually multicipital and rhizomatous stock. Petioles slender, usually 1-2.5 cm long, ± silky hairy. Lamina heterophyllous, 5-50 × 1-10 mm, ± silky hairy, of 4 main intergrading types, sometimes more than 1 on same plant: a) broad-ovate, oblong or suborbicular, usually not lobed, b) almost hastate with terminal sinuate or toothed lobe, and linear to narrow-oblong, entire or toothed, much smaller basal lobes at right angles, c) filiform to linear, with basal lobes entire or toothed, d) almost filiform to broadly linear and entire or nearly so. Fls axillary, solitary; peduncles ± filiform. Bracts paired, narrow-linear. Sepals unequal, 5-7 mm long, broad-ovate, ± appressed-hairy; apex rounded. Corolla c. 2 × 2 cm, white. Capsule c. 7 mm diam., globose. Seeds with network of short, narrow ridges.
Annual or perennial herbs, sometimes small shrubs, usually with twining or trailing stems but occasionally erect. Latex present, usually white. Lvs petiolate, entire or lobed, often sagittate. Fls solitary or in axillary or terminal cymes, occasionally in dense involucrate heads. Bracts minute or subequal to calyx but not concealing it. Sepals 5, equal or unequal. Corolla 5-lobed, funnelform, variously coloured, the mid-petaline bands often differently coloured and hairy. Stamens 5, included, inserted at base of corolla tube. Ovary surrounded by an annular disc, 2-locular; each loculus with 2-ovules. Style included. Stigma 2-lobed. Capsule usually 2-celled and 4-seeded, usually globose or subglobose. Seeds usually glabrous but sometimes verrucose.
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Perennial hairy herb; rootstock rather stout. Stems with many branches, prostrate or semiprostrate, often nearly all subterranean when in loose shingle or sand; aerial stems 0-20 cm long, silky hairy or nearly glabrous. Petioles slender, 0.3-4 cm long, silky hairy or nearly glabrous. Lamina (2)-5- 20 × (2)-4-20 mm, usually broad-ovate to oblong or suborbicular, less commonly triangular, glabrous or densely hairy above, glabrate to moderately hairy below, sinuate or crenate; base truncate to cordate; apex generally emarginate, sometimes rounded or obtuse, especially when lamina triangular. Fls axillary, usually solitary; peduncles 0.5-2.5-(4) cm long, ± filiform. Bracts paired, linear. Sepals subequal, 3-7 mm long, obovate-oblong, with ± appressed hairs, mucronate or rounded. Corolla 0.8-2.2 × 0.9-2.3 cm, white. Capsule 5-7 mm diam., globose. Seeds moderately to densely covered with tuberculate ridges.
Erect annual or biennial herb, up to 2-(2.5) m tall. Stems ridged, moderately to densely softly hairy, often becoming sparsely hairy below. Cauline lvs usually obovate to narrow-oblanceolate, rarely linear, ± flat, apetiolate and cuneate, acute, often shallowly 1-pinnatifid or remotely serrate, sometimes entire especially above, sparsely to densely scaberulous, ciliate, (20)-35-120-(250) × 4-20-(45) mm; uppermost lvs smaller, usually narrow-oblanceolate or narrow-elliptic. Infl. a leafy pyramidal panicle with dominant main axis. Capitula 1.5-2 mm diam.; receptacle usually with distinct flanges between pits, sometimes with short flanges or ± smooth. Inner involucral bracts lanceolate, green, usually hairy at least toward apex, 4-5.5-(6) mm long; outer bracts moderately to densely hairy. Outer florets filiform, cream, usually becoming reddish. Achenes obovoid, sparsely hairy, 1-1.2-(1.4) mm long; pappus hairs fawn or dirty white.
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Erect annual to biennial herb, up to 1.2 m tall. Stems ridged, moderately to densely hairy, often becoming sparsely hairy below. Cauline lvs oblanceolate to linear, undulate and usually twisted, apetiolate and cuneate, acute, mostly entire, sometimes remotely serrate to shallowly 1-pinnatifid, densely scaberulous, ciliate, (20)-40-100 × 2-8-(12) mm; uppermost lvs smaller, usually linear. Infl. a diffuse leafy panicle with lateral branches often exceeding main axis. Capitula 2-3 mm diam.; receptacle usually smooth, rarely with very short flanges between pits. Inner involucral bracts lanceolate to linear, green, distinctly tinged purple at apex, usually hairy at least near apex, 4-5.5 mm long; outer bracts moderately to densely hairy. Outer florets filiform, cream, usually becoming reddish. Achenes obovoid-cylindric, sparsely hairy, 1.5-1.8 mm long; pappus hairs cream to orange-yellow, usually later tinged reddish at tips.
Erect annual to biennial herb, up to c. 1 m tall. Stems ridged, sparsely to moderately hispid, becoming less hairy below. Cauline lvs oblanceolate, flat, apetiolate and cuneate, acute, mostly remotely serrate, rarely entire, sparsely to moderately hispid on both surfaces, usually prominently and densely ciliate, 30-70 × 3-8 mm; uppermost lvs smaller, often linear. Infl. a leafy panicle with dominant main axis. Capitula 1-3 mm diam.; receptacle usually smooth, rarely with short flanges between pits. Inner involucral bracts linear, green, glabrous or with 1-2 hairs on midrib, 2.5-4 mm long; outer bracts glabrous, or with a few hairs on midrib. Outer florets with evident ligules 0.5-1 mm long, white. Achenes obovoid-cylindric, sparsely hairy, 1-1.3 mm long; pappus hairs cream to fawn.
Usually annual to perennial herbs, rarely shrubs. Lvs alternate, simple, entire, serrate or pinnatifid. Capitula few to numerous in panicles. Involucral bracts in 2-many rows, imbricate, the outer somewhat herbaceous, the inner mostly chartaceous. Receptacle ± flat; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, filiform or shortly ligulate, numerous, in 2-several rows; ligules white to purple. Inner florets ☿, tubular, fewer than ♀. Achenes all similar, obovoid to cylindric, compressed, hairy, with 0-2 narrow ribs; pappus of scabrid hairs in 1 row, sometimes with a short outer row.
Erect annual or biennial herb, up to 70 cm tall. Stems ridged, with scattered hispid hairs or almost glabrous. Cauline lvs oblanceolate to linear, flat, apetiolate and cuneate, acute, entire, glabrous on lower surface, usually sparsely scaberulous or rarely glabrous on upper, with scaberulous margins or ciliate near base, 15-40-(60) × 1-4 mm; uppermost lvs smaller, usually linear. Infl. a leafy panicle with dominant main axis. Capitula 1-3 mm diam.; receptacle smooth or with short flanges between pits. Inner involucral bracts linear, green and mostly with a distinct purple spot at apex, glabrous, 3-3.5-(4) mm long; outer bracts usually glabrous, sometimes with 1-3 marginal hairs. Outer florets with evident ligules 0.5-1.5 mm long, white, sometimes becoming purplish. Achenes ± obovoid, sparsely hairy or almost glabrous, 1-1.2 mm long; pappus cream to fawn.
Annual or perennial herbs, sometimes somewhat woody. Lvs usually opposite, rarely alternate, simple and entire to dentate or lobed, or 1-3-ternate or pinnate. Capitula pedunculate, solitary or in loose cymes. Involucral bracts in 2-(4) rows; outer row usually foliaceous; inner rows membranous. Receptacle flat or slightly convex; scales present. Outer florets ♀ or sterile, ligulate, usually yellow, sometimes mauve, rose, pink, white or marked with red toward base. Inner florets ☿, tubular. Achenes all similar, orbicular, oblong to linear, compressed; lateral angles usually with entire or dentate wings, sometimes not winged; pappus 0, reduced to a small corona, or of 2 antrorsely barbed or smooth awns.
Erect, clump-forming perennial, up to c. 1 m tall. Stems glabrous or with a few scattered hairs, not branched or sparingly branched to form infl. Basal and lower cauline lvs present at flowering, opposite, long-petiolate, almost glabrous and ciliate to moderately hairy, mostly simple and entire, sometimes with 2 smaller basal lobes, rarely some lvs 1-pinnate with 2 pairs of broad leaflets, elliptic to oblanceolate, 5-15-(30) × 1-2-(5) cm; upper cauline lvs 0 or few, becoming smaller, apetiolate, and narrower. Capitula 5-7.5 cm diam., solitary or in loose cymes, long-pedunculate. Outer involucral bracts green, usually ciliate near apex, narrow- to ovate-triangular, 8-15 mm long, > 1/2 to ± = inner bracts; inner bracts with dark lined centre and membranous margins, glabrous, ovate-triangular. Receptacular scales narrow-oblong with long linear apex. Ray florets usually 7-8; ligules yellow to golden yellow. Disc florets numerous; corolla golden, 5-toothed. Achenes ± orbicular, black, with few scattered hairs on inner surface, 2.5-3.5 mm long; wings broad, pale brown, entire; awns 2, 0.5 mm long, with antrorse hairs.
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Glabrous annual herbs. Lvs 1-3-pinnate or ternate; segments broad or narrow. Umbels compound, pedunculate; bracts 0-1, simple; bracteoles few, simple. Petals white or pink, irregular with outer larger and deeply 2-lobed; apex inflexed; calyx teeth evident, unequal, acute. Fr. ovoid or globose, hard, terete, not beaked, spineless; commissure broad; ribs 9 per mericarp, low, somewhat unequal, secondary broader than primary; vittae solitary, inconspicuous in mature fr.
Erect annual. Stems solid, finely grooved, striate, up to 40 cm high. Basal lvs 1-pinnate, petiolate; leaflets pinnatifid or irregularly lobed, serrate, sessile, c. 10-30 mm long. Stem lvs dissimilar to basal, 2-4-pinnate, shortly petiolate; segments linear. Umbels 1-3 cm diam.; rays 3-6; bracts 0-1, linear; bracteoles usually 3-4, linear. Fls few to numerous, white or pink, the outer irregular, up to 6 mm diam. Fr. globose, reddish brown, c. 4-5 mm long; mericarps not separating at maturity.
Shrubs, trees or rarely herbs. Lvs alternate or opposite, entire or serrate, exstipulate. Fls ☿ or unisexual, actinomorphic, usually in axillary or terminal cymes, fascicles, racemes, or panicles, rarely solitary, or capitate with involucrate of petaloid bracts. Calyx tube with 4-5 small or minute teeth. Petals usually 4-5, free, rarely 0. Stamens as many as petals; filaments free; anthers 2-locular. Ovary inferior, 1-4-locular; style short with capitate or 2-4-fid stigma; ovules 1 per loculus, pendulous. Fr. a drupe or berry.
Shrubs or herbs. Lvs imparipinnate, stipulate; leaflets usually numerous, rarely reduced to 3, entire. Infl. axillary, capitate or umbellate, long-pedunculate; bracts and bracteoles small or 0. Calyx campanulate, slightly bilabiate with the upper 2 teeth somewhat connate. Corolla usually yellow, rarely purple-pink variegated with white. Vexillary stamen free, remainder connate; anthers uniform. Style inflexed; stigma small, terminal. Pod lomentaceous, terete, tetragonous or slightly compressed, straight or curved, indehiscent, usually smooth, not or slightly constricted between segments; seeds oblong, estrophiolate.
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Foetid annual or biennial with short-lived rosette and procumbent glabrous or papillate stems to 40 cm long. Lvs 1-2-pinnatifid, narrow-oblong to ovate, glabrous or papillate, (1.5)-3-8 × (0.5)-1.5-3 cm. Racemes 1-2-(3) cm long; rachis glabrous or papillate; pedicels spreading, 1-1.5 mm long. Sepals c. 1 mm long. Petals white, slightly > sepals. Stamens usually 6. Silicle broader than long, apiculate, subacute, cordate at base, 2-3 × 3-4 mm; valves coarsely warty, not separating at maturity, corky; stigma small; style conic, 0.25 mm long. Seed comma-shaped, light brown, c. 1.5 mm long.
Annual to perennial taprooted herbs. Hairs simple or 0. Stems procumbent to ascending. Lvs entire or 1-2-pinnatifid. Racemes ebracteate, lf-opposed. Sepals ± spreading, not saccate. Petals either white and inconspicuous, or 0. Stamens 2, 4, or 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 0-4, at bases of lateral stamens; median nectaries 2, one outside each median pair of stamens. Silicle small and broad, emarginate or not, angustiseptate, indehiscent or breaking into two 1-seeded segments; valves warty or prominently veined. Seeds ovoid, not winged.
Glabrous perennial herb. Stems erect or suberect, to 30 cm tall. Lvs 2-3-pinnate, glaucescent above, glaucous beneath, submembranous, (6)-10-20 × (3)-6-15 cm; leaflets 3-lobed or 3-fid; petiole not winged except at sheathing base, = or > lamina. Raceme 6-16-flowered; peduncle 1-6 cm long; fls crowded but rachis elongating at fruiting. Bracts membranous, entire, c. 1 × 0.5 mm. Pedicels slender, recurved at fruiting, c. 1 mm long. Sepals membranous, c. 1.5 × 1 mm. Corolla yellow, 8-12 mm long; spur 3-4 mm long. Capsule pale, papery, c. 1 cm long. Seeds black, shiny, rugulose, 1.5-2 mm diam.
Glabrous herbs. Lvs 2-3-pinnate, very rarely simple, usually ± glaucous. Only the upper petal spurred; fls yellow, white, reddish, pink, greenish or purplish. Ovules numerous. Fr. a 2-valved pod-like capsule with 2-many seeds.
Erect annual, (15)-30-110 cm tall. Stems moderately to densely clothed in short hairs, becoming glabrous below, striate, much-branched above to form infl. Lvs shortly petiolate or subsessile, ovate-triangular, (1)-2-pinnate, (2)-3-12 cm long; leaflets glabrous or sparsely clothed in short hairs and ciliolate, usually linear, rarely narrow-lanceolate, 5-30 mm long. Upper cauline lvs becoming smaller and apetiolate. Capitula (25)-45-90 mm diam., in loose cymes; peduncles glabrous or sparsely hairy. Outer involucral bracts foliaceous, glabrous, green with darker lines, ovate-oblong with extended acuminate apex; inner bracts membranous, pale green to brown with dark lined centre and pale margins, ovate-triangular, obtuse to acute. Receptacular scales membranous, acuminate. Ray florets (4)-7-9; ligules pale to deep mauve-pink, pink or white. Disc florets numerous, yellow. Achenes (3)-4-angled, fusiform with attenuated beak, brown, glabrous except for short antrorse hairs toward apex, 5-12 mm long; pappus 0.
Annual or perennial herbs, rarely somewhat woody. Lvs opposite, simple and entire to lobed or pinnatisect, or 1-3-pinnate. Capitula pedunculate, solitary or in loose cymes. Involucral bracts in 2 rows; outer row usually foliaceous; inner row membranous. Receptacle flat; scales present. Outer florets sterile, ligulate, usually rose or violet to purple, rarely orange, yellow or white. Inner florets ☿, tubular. Achenes all similar, usually fusiform, sometimes linear, ± square in section, sometimes compressed, not winged, attenuated into beak at apex; pappus 0, or of 2-8 awns, usually with retrorse barbs, sometimes with antrorse barbs or hispid.
Evergreen shrub up to c. 3 m high; stems spreading and often somewhat arching; young shoots pale buff-tomentose, later becoming dark reddish brown. Lvs distributed along stems or in fascicles; petiole 2-4 mm long; blade elliptic to ovate, (15)-20-35-(45) × 7-18-(25) mm, subcoriaceous, acute and often short-mucronate, cuneate at base, ± shining and finely pilose with impressed veins above, usually with white to grey woolly tomentum (rarely pale buff) below, the tomentum persistent; margins slightly recurved and sometimes slightly sinuate; stipules ± linear-subulate, pilose. Fls (4)-7-15, in corymbs scattered along branches; peduncles short, tomentose. Sepals 1.5-2 mm long, ± triangular, buff-tomentose; apex sharply acute. Petals ± erect, 2.5-5 mm long, obovate, pinkish. Fr. ± ellipsoid, oblong-obovoid, obovoid, or subglobose, 5-9 mm long, scarlet or orange-scarlet.
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Deciduous to evergreen shrubs or small trees, not armed; stems erect, arching, prostrate or decumbent, often tomentose when young. Lvs distributed along stems and often 2-ranked and distichous, or clustered on short shoots, simple, entire or serrulate, usually coriaceous; stipules small, persistent. Fls in small cymes, corymbs or fascicles, rarely solitary, 2-5-merous, pedicellate, moderately small but often showy, ☿. Hypanthium tubular, closed at apex. Epicalyx 0. Calyx 2-5-merous; sepals short. Petals usually 5, suborbicular to obovate, spreading or erect, white to red. Stamens c. 20. Ovary semi-inferior or inferior, sunken in the hypanthium; carpels 2-5, ventrally free, the walls becoming woody; styles 2-5; ovules 2 per locule. Fr. small and pome-like, globose to turbinate, red, orange, yellow or black, with mealy flesh and 2-5 bony nutlets, with persistent sepals at apex; seeds 1 per nutlet.
Dense evergreen shrub up to c. 1 m high; stems prostrate or decumbent and often quite stout near base; young shoots with scattered deciduous hairs, becoming rigid, dark and reddish. Lvs in fascicles or on short shoots scattered along branches; petiole 0-3 mm long; blade ± obovate to elliptic, 5-10-(14) × 2-4-(6) mm, somewhat thick and coriaceous, obtuse to shallowly emarginate, cuneate, glabrous, dark green, and glossy above but becoming ± wrinkled when dry, very finely tomentose below and appearing glaucous-white; margins slightly recurved; stipules linear-lanceolate, glabrous or glabrate except on margins. Fls scattered along branches, solitary or occasionally paired, almost sessile. Sepals 1.3-2 mm long, triangular, with scattered, fine, white hairs; apex acute. Petals patent, 3-5 mm diam., orbicular or suborbicular, white. Fr. broadly oblong-obovate or depressed globose, 6-11 mm diam., deep rose or crimson, sometimes drying ± orange-red.
Deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub up to 4 m high; stems erect or slightly arching; young shoots densely brown-tomentose or villous but later becoming brownish grey and glabrate. Lvs crowded along stems or in fascicles, sometimes 2-ranked; petiole 2-3 mm long; blade ovate to rhombic, 13-25-(40) × 7-15-(25) mm, cuneate at base and mucronate at apex, thinly pilose above when young, later glabrous and ± shining, with veins sometimes somewhat impressed above, paler green to greyish green with indumentum of numerous long and ± appressed hairs below, often becoming sparse at maturity; margins slightly recurved and sometimes reddish; stipules lanceolate or triangular-lanceolate, densely pilose, acuminate. Fls 1-4-(5), in corymbs scattered along branches or on short shoots; peduncles brown-pilose, up to 5 mm long. Sepals c. 1-1.5 mm long, ± triangular, somewhat pilose, acuminate. Petals erect, c. 2-3 mm long, ± obovate, whitish to pale pink. Fr. obovoid to oblong-obovoid, 5-10 mm long, shining orange-red or scarlet.
Ascending to erect, slender annual up to 10-(15) cm tall. Stems terete, much-branched from base and above, sparsely to densely clothed in long hairs, up to 20-(40) cm long, not rooting at nodes. Lvs membranous, sparsely to moderately hairy, spathulate, deeply 1-2-pinnatisect, (5)-10-35-(50) mm long; lowermost lvs opposite, petiolate, amplexicaul; lvs above becoming alternate, smaller, apetiolate, and 1-pinnatisect. Involucral bracts in 2 rows, glabrous or with a few scattered hairs, 2-3 mm long. Capitula solitary, pale yellow, 3-5-(6) mm diam.; peduncle sparsely to densely clothed in antrorse hairs, very slightly expanded at apex but solid, (1)-3-6 cm long, 0.5-1 mm diam.; ♀ florets in 2-3 rows, pedicellate, lacking any corolla; ☿ florets (15)-30-40-(50), subsessile, with tubular corolla. Achenes of ♀ florets flattened, 1.2-1.5 × 0.7-1 mm, hairy on both surfaces; lateral angles with thin, glabrous, entire, marginal wings. Achenes of ☿ florets flattened on inner surface, c. 0.9-1.1 × 0.4-0.5 mm, glabrous; lateral angles thinly ribbed.
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Succulent subshrub with short, thick stem, often branched and forming clumps. Lvs opposite, sometimes subrosulate, ± vertical, sessile, to 11 × 9 cm, 5-12-(15) mm thick near middle, broadly obovate, very rarely narrow- oblong, ± concave above and convex beneath, entire, green with dense covering of white bloom; margin usually reddish purple; apex rounded and often ± mucronate. Flowering stems to c. 50 cm high, purplish and covered with white bloom. Cymes of few to many pendent fls; bracts 0.5-2 cm long. Sepals 3-5 mm long, triangular, green or ± red, covered with white bloom. Corolla 3-4-(4.7) cm long, orange or orange-red; tube c. ⅔ length of corolla, broadly cylindric and shallowly ribbed, with some bloom outside; lobes becoming reflexed, acute. Stamens 2-2.5 cm long, yellow. Styles 1.5-2 cm long, green. Scales 2-2.5 mm long, oblong, triangular-ovate to almost square. Follicles 2-3 cm long. Seeds 0.5-0.8 mm long, oblong, longitudinally ribbed.
Erect, almost glabrous subshrub 15- c. 50 cm high; stems to c. 1.3 cm thick, becoming woody. Lvs sessile, connate at base, strictly decussate and in 4 ranks, strongly imbricate, scarcely aggregated towards apex of shoots, 20-30 × 13-17 mm, elliptic or ovate-oblong, flat, green, without hydathodes; apex obtuse. Infl. thyrsoid and corymbose, to c. 8 cm across; main axis short and leafy. Fls 5-merous, 20-24 mm diam., few- c. 25, subsessile or on pedicels to 10 mm long. Calyx 1.8-2.5 cm long; lobes lanceolate, with ciliolate margins. Corolla 40-47 mm long, not star-like; tube 3-3.5 cm long, white at base, pink above; lobes 5, 1-1.2 cm long, ovate-oblong or elliptic-oblong, crimson, becoming recurved. Stamens and carpels (including styles) c. 3 cm long. Scales c. 0.8 mm long, ± oblong. Seeds not seen but fls not replaced by plantlets in infl.
Small annual herb, not forming mats or clumps; stems simple, to 3 cm long, slender, ± erect, not rooting at nodes; branches few and mainly from the base. Lvs connate at base, 2.5-4 × 0.8-1.5 mm, lanceolate, elliptic- lanceolate, or ovate-lanceolate, flattened above, ± convex beneath; apex acuminate or apiculate. Fls in small cymose clusters in lf axils, 5-merous, apparently not star-like, 2-3 mm diam., sessile or subsessile at anthesis; pedicel to 2 mm long at fruiting. Calyx lobes c. 1.5 × 0.5 mm, lanceolate to ovate, long-acuminate. Petals c. 1.5 × 0.2 mm, lanceolate, probably reddish green with a red tip, aristate, ± = calyx. Scales not seen. Follicles with tuberculate appendages on outer surface towards base. Seed c. 0.4 mm long.
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Perennial herb forming small to large and extensive, loose to fairly dense mats; stems decumbent, rooting at nodes, ascending at tips, much-branched. Lvs connate at base, 2.3-7 × 0.7-1.6 mm, 0.5-0.8 mm thick, narrowly lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, flattened above, strongly convex below; apex rounded to ± acute. Fls solitary in lf axils, star-like, 4-merous, 3-3.5 mm diam.; pedicels 2-5-(7) mm long, not elongating at fruiting. Calyx lobes 1-1.5 × 0.5-0.6 mm, triangular-ovate, acute or subacute. Petals 1.2-1.8 × 0.8-1 mm, broadly elliptic-ovate, white with pink flush, subacute, somewhat > calyx. Scales c. 0.7 mm long, oblanceolate. Follicles smooth. Seed c. 0.5 mm long.
Small perennial herb forming small to large and extensive moss-like mats; stems prostrate, rooting at nodes, scarcely ascending at tips, much-branched. Lvs connate at base, 0.7-2.8 × 0.3-0.6 mm, c. 0.3 mm thick, linear-oblong or linear-lanceolate, flattened above, convex beneath; apex acute. Fls solitary in lf axils, star-like, 4-merous, 2.2-3 mm diam.; pedicels c. 0.5-1.3 mm long, elongating to c. 2 mm at fruiting. Calyx lobes 0.5-0.7 × c. 0.5 mm, broadly triangular-ovate, ± obtuse or apiculate. Petals 1-1.4 × c. 0.6 mm, narrowly elliptic-ovate, white with pink flush, subacute, > calyx. Scales 0.3-0.5 mm long, narrowly to broadly cuneate. Follicles smooth. Seed 0.4-0.5 mm long.
Small, very slender, perennial herb forming small to large and extensive, loose mats; stems decumbent, creeping, rooting at nodes, ascending to c. 2 cm high, much-branched. Lvs connate at base, 1.5-5.5 × 0.8-1.7 mm, 0.4-0.7 mm thick, linear-elliptic, narrowly oblong-elliptic, elliptic or obovate-elliptic, flattened above, convex beneath; apex obtuse, subacute, or ± apiculate. Fls solitary in lf axils, star-like, 4-merous, 2.8-3 mm diam.; pedicels usually 0.5-0.8 mm long, elongating little at fruiting. Calyx lobes 0.6-0.9 × c. 0.5 mm, triangular-ovate, obtuse to acute. Petals 1.4-2 × 0.8-1 mm, broadly ovate or elliptic-ovate, white, sometimes greenish or pinkish tipped, subacute, much > calyx. Scales c. 0.6 mm long, linear-spathulate. Follicles smooth. Seed 0.5-0.7 mm long.
Annual or perennial herbs, subshrubs or shrubs. Lvs opposite, simple, entire or sometimes crenately toothed, usually spaced along stems, often decussate, sometimes subrosulate, connate at base or free, sometimes small and scale-like. Infl. terminal or axillary, of loose or compact cymes forming a corymb or thyrse, sometimes 1-few-flowered. Fls 4-5-(12)-merous, erect or spreading in bud. Sepals free or slightly connate at base, equal. Petals free or slightly connate at base, sometimes lower part fused to form a tube, fleshy, often spreading and corolla star-like, usually white, pink or red, rarely yellow. Stamens as many as petals, in 1 whorl, free or almost so, included or exserted. Scales free, very variable in shape. Carpels free, (4)-5-(12). Seeds usually numerous, occasionally 1-few.
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Perennial herb forming small to very large and extensive loose or dense mats, sometimes to many m diam.; stems decumbent, rooting at nodes, ascending at tips, much-branched. Lvs connate at base, very variable, 2-12 × 1.2-3.4 mm, c. 0.7 mm thick, narrowly oblong-spathulate or narrowly oblong-elliptic, sometimes elliptic, flattened above, weakly convex beneath; apex obtuse. Fls solitary in lf axils, star-like, 4-merous, 4-6 mm diam.; pedicels 1-3 mm long at anthesis, not elongating at fruiting. Calyx lobes 1-1.8 × 0.5-0.6 mm, ovate or triangular-ovate, obtuse. Petals 2-3.5 × 1.2-1.7 mm, broadly obovate-elliptic to suborbicular, white or white with pink flush towards base, obtuse, much > calyx. Scales 0.8-0.9 mm long, oblong-cuneate to almost linear and only slightly wider towards apex. Follicles smooth. Seeds 0.5-0.7 mm long.
Small annual or sometimes perennial herb forming small to large moss-like mats; stems ± decumbent, rooting at nodes, freely branching from base, ascending to c. 3 cm towards tips. Lvs connate at base, 1-2.4 × 0.6-0.7 mm, 0.3-0.35 mm thick, ± triangular-lanceolate, flattened above, strongly convex and somewhat keeled below; apex acute or apiculate. Fls solitary in upper lf axils, star-like, 4-merous, 3.5-4 mm diam.; pedicels to c. 2 mm long, elongating to 3-(4) mm at fruiting. Calyx lobes 0.5-0.8 × 0.5-0.6 mm, triangular, acute to apiculate. Petals 1.6-1.8 × c. 1.2 mm, broadly elliptic-ovate, white, sometimes pink in centre, rounded, much > calyx. Scales c. 0.7 mm long, oblanceolate. Follicles smooth. Seed c. 0.5 mm long.
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Small perennial herb forming small to large and extensive loose mats; stems prostrate, rooting at nodes, with very slightly ascending tips, much-branched. Lvs connate at base, 1.3-5 × 0.4-1 mm, 0.2-0.4 mm thick, lanceolate, linear- lanceolate, or elliptic-lanceolate, flattened or slightly concave above, convex beneath; apex sharply acute, shortly acuminate or apiculate. Fls solitary in lf axils, star-like, 4-merous, 1.8-2.5 mm diam.; pedicels 0.5-1 mm long, scarcely elongating at fruiting. Calyx lobes 0.8-1 × 0.4-0.6 mm, triangular or triangular-ovate, acute. Petals 1-1.3 × 0.5-0.7 mm, ovate or triangular-ovate, white or pink-flushed, acute or sharply acute, slightly > calyx. Scales c. 0.5 mm long, ± cuneate. Follicles smooth. Seed c. 0.5 mm long.
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Perennial herb forming small to large and extensive moss-like mats; stems almost prostrate except for slightly ascending tips, freely rooting at nodes, much-branched. Lvs connate at base, 0.5-2 × 0.2-0.5 mm, c. 0.2 mm thick, lanceolate-oblong, lanceolate-elliptic or oblanceolate, flattened above, strongly convex below; apex acute. Fls solitary in lf axils, star-like, 4-merous, 2.5-3.5 mm diam.; pedicels 0.5-3 mm long, elongating little at fruiting. Calyx lobes 0.4-0.6 × c. 4 mm, broadly ovate, obtuse or subacute. Petals 1-1.8 × 0.5-0.9 mm, broadly ovate or triangular-ovate, white, often flushed pink, obtuse, much > calyx. Scales c. 0.5 mm long, oblong-cuneate or oblanceolate. Follicles smooth. Seed 0.3-0.45 mm long.
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Erect, glabrous subshrub 15-40-(50) cm high; stems 5-10 mm thick, becoming woody. Lvs sessile, decussate and ± imbricate but internodes clearly visible, not forming terminal rosettes, 13-33 × 6-8 mm, 4-6 mm thick, subterete with upper surface flattened and lower surface ± rounded, slightly angular, deep green, lacking hydathodes, ± upturned and falcate; apex acute. Infl. a ±rounded thyrse, somewhat corymbose, 2-5 cm across; main axis with small bracts. Fls 5-merous, 3-5 mm diam., usually numerous, subsessile or on pedicels to 3 mm long. Calyx 0.7-1 mm long; lobes broadly ovate or oblong-ovate. Corolla not star-like; petals free, spreading, 2-3 × 1-1.3 mm, elliptic-ovate or oblong-ovate, white, reflexed. Stamens and carpels (including styles) c. 2.5 mm long. Scales very small, semi-lunate. Seeds not seen and fls not replaced by plantlets in infl.
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Annual or perennial herbs, sometimes small shrubs, with vegetative organs and often floral parts ± succulent, often reproducing by offsets or rhizomes. Stems prostrate to erect, sometimes with bulbils formed on them. Lvs opposite or alternate, usually simple, occasionally pinnate; stipules 0. Infl. usually variously cymose, often with many branches, sometimes paniculate; bracts usually ± persistent, sometimes caducous; fls actinomorphic, usually ☿, rarely unisexual (spp. dioecious), (3)-4-20-(32)-merous, often secund. Sepals equal or unequal, free or connate, sometimes forming a tube. Petals free or connate, occasionally forming a tube. Stamens somewhat perigynous, as many as or twice as many as the petals, if twice petals then outer whorl antipetalous; anthers 2-locular, dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary superior; carpels free, as many as petals, 1-locular; ovules usually many, rarely few; styles free, usually prominent. Nectary scales usually present at base of carpels, sometimes 0. Fr. usually a group of follicles, sometimes a capsule, membranous or coriaceous, often surrounded by the persistent corolla. Seeds very small; endosperm usually present, sometimes 0.
Deciduous shrubs or small trees, usually armed with spines; stems erect to spreading, sometimes with well developed trunk; young stems glabrous or pilose. Lvs either distributed along stems or in fascicles, simple, lobed to pinnatifid with margins serrate or entire, usually petiolate; lvs of non-flowering first-year shoots usually larger and broader at base than those of flowering shoots; stipules larger, persistent and somewhat leafy on long vegetative shoots, smaller and deciduous on older and shorter shoots. Infl. usually a flattened or rounded corymb of many small but showy fls terminating a leafy short shoot, rarely fls 1-3 in fascicles. Fls 5-merous, ☿, pedicellate. Hypanthium tubular, closed at apex. Epicalyx 0. Calyx of 5 sepals; sepals short, fused at base, generally persistent, sometimes deciduous. Petals 5, often suborbicular and spreading, usually white, occasionally pink, cream or red. Stamens 5-25. Ovary semi-inferior or inferior, sunken in hypanthium; carpels 1-5, connate on inner margin at least near base; styles 1-5; ovules 2 in each locule. Fr. pome-like, usually rather small, red, yellow, blue-black or black, globose to ovoid or ovoid-ellipsoid, with ± mealy flesh and 1-5 (rarely more), woody carpels each containing 1 seed.
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Annual or biennial. Stems erect, branching, ribbed or grooved, (5)-15-45- (100) cm tall; hairs white, slender, crinkly; stouter pale crinkly hairs usually present also, at least below. Rosette and lower stem lvs thin, petiolate, oblanceolate to linear-oblanceolate, dentate to runcinate-pinnatifid, (2)-5-20-(30) × (0.3)-1-3-(6) cm, often glabrous or with pale hairs c. 0.5 mm long confined to middle of lf beneath or rarely distributed on both lf surfaces. Upper stem lvs similar, becoming sessile and not lobed, narrowly triangular to linear, usually with narrowly triangular teeth especially at subauriculate base. Capitula campanulate; buds erect. Involucral bracts with sparse to dense short white tangled hairs and usually sparse dark glandular hairs on outer surface, glabrous on inner surface; outer bracts 6-10, linear, ?-1/2length of inner bracts; inner bracts linear, not keeled, 5-8 mm long, with pale to scarious ± glabrous margins. Receptacle areoles with flat or depressed, glabrous margins. Corolla yellow, often with pink or red stripe on outer face of ligule. Achenes brown, 10-ribbed, fusiform, smooth or ± scabrid, not beaked, 2-2.5 mm long. Pappus bristles in 2 rows, fine, white.
Annual. Stems erect, divaricately branched above, ribbed to grooved, c. 40-60 cm tall; hairs both white, slender, subappressed, and pale, spreading, coarser, glandular. Rosette and lower stem lvs thin, petiolate, linear-oblanceolate, runcinately pinnatifid, 5-15 × 2-4 cm, with pale hairs 1-2 mm long; lobes patent, entire or toothed. Upper stem lvs similar, becoming sessile and simple, narrowly oblanceolate to linear, with narrowly triangular teeth especially at subauriculate base. Capitula turbinate; buds nodding or drooping. Involucral bracts with dense glandular and finer eglandular hairs on outer surface and fine appressed eglandular hairs on inner surface; outer bracts 12-15, linear, c. ⅓ length of inner bracts; inner bracts linear-oblanceolate, keeled, 9-12 mm long, with pale to scarious, ± glabrous margins. Receptacle areoles with raised ciliate margins. Corolla yellow, with red stripe on outer face of ligule. Achenes brown, 10-ribbed, fusiform, scabrid, 8-13 mm long, the outer not beaked, the inner beaked. Pappus bristles in 2 rows, fine, dull white.
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Annual. Stems erect, branching, ribbed to grooved, 40-100 cm tall; hairs pale, stiff and bristly, also sparse to dense and filamentous above. Rosette and lower stem lvs thin, petiolate, oblong to oblanceolate, rarely linear- oblanceolate, usually deeply pinnatifid, rarely simple and shallowly pinnatifid or toothed, 6-20-(40) × (0.8)-1.5-6-(10) cm; hairs pale, bristly, 0.5-1 mm long, sparse beneath; lobes slightly recurved, lobed again especially acroscopically. Upper stem lvs sessile, triangular to linear, toothed or divided up to 1/2way into slender lobes at least at auriculate base; hairs pale, bristly. Capitula turbinate to campanulate; buds erect. Involucral bracts with pale coarse bristly hairs and often sparse filamentous hairs on midrib of outer surface, and fine appressed straight hairs on inner surface especially distally; outer bracts 10-15, linear, c. 1/2 length of inner bracts; inner bracts lanceolate, not keeled, 7-10 mm long, with pale to scarious glabrous margins. Receptacle areoles with low finely ciliolate margins. Corolla yellow, sometimes with red stripe on outer face of ligule. Achenes brown, 10-ribbed, fusiform, scabrid, beaked or shortly beaked, 4-7 mm long. Pappus bristles in 1 row, fine, white.
Annual or biennial. Stems erect or ascending, branching, ribbed to grooved, 15-75-(100) cm tall; hairs both white, slender, crinkly, subappressed, and red-based, stout, straight, spreading. Rosette and lower stem lvs thick, petiolate, oblong to oblanceolate, usually deeply runcinately 1-2-pinnatifid, rarely simple and shallowly pinnatifid or toothed, (7)-10-20-(35) × (2)-4-8-(12) cm; hairs pale, 0.2-0.5 mm long, on both surfaces and margins; lobes slightly recurved, toothed or divided. Stem lvs similar, deeply pinnatisect to not lobed, toothed, sessile, subauriculate or lobed at base. Capitula campanulate; buds erect. Involucral bracts with pale subappressed cobwebby hairs and often dark, spreading glandular hairs on outer surface, and fine appressed straight hairs on inner surface; outer bracts 6-12, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, ?-1/2 length of inner bracts; inner bracts lanceolate, not keeled, (6)-9-12 mm long, with pale to scarious glabrous margins. Receptacle areoles with raised ciliate margins. Corolla yellow, sometimes with red stripe on outer face of ligule. Achenes brown, 10-ribbed, fusiform, scabrid, all long-beaked, 6-9 mm long. Pappus bristles in 1-(2) rows, fine, white.
Woody subshrub, 1-2 m high; twigs glabrous, rounded. Lvs glabrous, 3-foliolate; petiole c. 30-120 mm long; stipules inconspicuous; leaflets broadly elliptic, mucronate or obtuse, 20-70 mm long; petiolules ± equal, c. 2 mm long. Infl. terminal, on a stout peduncle; racemose with numerous fls; pedicels 10-15 mm long; bracts foliaceous, deciduous; bracteoles attached to pedicel, filiform, persistent, 4-6 mm long. Calyx glabrous, the upper and lateral teeth on each side connate to tip or nearly so, and so calyx appearing 3-toothed; calyx teeth much > tube. Standard strongly reflexed, yellowish green, ovate; wings 1/2 as long as keel; keel rounded into a short darkened straight beak, 35-60 mm long. Pod glabrous, cylindric, stipitate, many-seeded, 7-10 cm long; seeds pale brown, 6-7 mm long.
Herbs or shrubs. Lvs usually simple or 3-(7)-foliolate, petiolate or subsessile; leaflets entire; stipules filiform to foliaceous or 0. Infl. usually racemose and terminal or lf-opposed; fls sometimes solitary or in axillary clusters; bracts small or 0, rarely foliaceous; bracteoles small, rarely 0. Calyx teeth 5, free or connate with calyx appearing 3-4-toothed. Corolla usually yellow or yellow-green. Stamens connate into a split tube; alternate anthers long and basifixed or short and versatile. Style incurved, bearded above; stigma small. Pod globose or oblong, usually inflated, dehiscent, 1-many-seeded; seeds estrophiolate.
Medium-sized to large evergreen tree (smaller in many cvs); branches irregularly whorled; bark moderately thick, fibrous, rather hard. Winter buds minute, hidden by immature lvs. Lvs monomorphic, subulate (juvenile lvs) or linear-subulate, laterally compressed and 4-angled, incurved and usually falcate, with stomata on all 4 sides; base adnate and decurrent on shoot. ♂ strobili (cones) axillary from just behind terminal bud, oblong, the many stamens imbricate. ♀ cones terminal, solitary, subglobose, ripening in first year, but persistent after dehiscence. Scales 20-30, woody, enlarged distally; terminal part of bract scale free, broad-triangular; ovuliferous scales with several prominent, spiny processes on upper margin. Seeds 2-5 to each scale, narrowly winged, irregularly shaped, somewhat flattened.
Medium to large tree. Trunk ridged or somewhat buttressed towards base. Bark reddish brown, peeling in long strips. Crown dense. Juvenile lvs 0.8-1.8-(2.2) cm long, subulate, often red in winter. Adult lvs (from coning branches) 5-15 mm long (excluding adnate, decurrent base), subulate with broad base, directed forwards, shining green; apex acute. ♂ strobili densely clustered at apices of small shoots, 2.5-5 mm long. ♀ cones 1-1.7 cm diam. when open. Bract scale apex pungent. Ovuliferous scales with c. 6 spiny processes 2-3 mm long. Seed 4-5 mm long.
Annual or short-lived hairy perennial, with long-running or trailing ± scabrid stems bearing branched tendrils. Petioles scabrid, hollow, to c. 20 cm long. Lamina to c. 18 × 20 cm (larger in cultivation), broad-ovate, 5-7-lobed, densely puberulent especially beneath, with longer scabrid hairs on both sides; sinuses between lobes narrow and deep, rounded at the bottom; margins ± denticulate; base very broadly cordate with wide sinus. Peduncles of ? fls puberulent, to at least 25 cm long; peduncles of ? fls ± expanded at apex at fruiting. Calyx 17-25 mm long, lobed 1/2-⅔; lobes linear- subulate, puberulent and with scattered longer hairs. Corolla 7-10 cm long, hairy on both sides; lobes 3-5 cm long, involute, with apical green mucro. Anther mass c. 1.5-2 cm long. Perianth of ♀ fls similar to ♂, but somewhat larger. Fr. usually 15-25-(30) × 13-22 cm, broadly oblong-ellipsoid; rind mottled green and white, hard and shell-like, smooth; pulp white; stalks thick but not expanded at apex. Seed ellipsoid, very dark brown or black; margin obtuse, not raised.
Annual or perennial herbs, usually monoecious, with scabrid, scandent or prostrate, running, ± succulent stems. Rootstock not tuberous. Tendrils usually branched. Lvs simple, mostly lobed, scabrid or hairy. Fls solitary, usually axillary, large. Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla yellow; lobes 5, extending to c. 1/2 way. Stamens 3; filaments free; anthers united, contorted. ♀ fls similar to ♂ but usually larger and fewer; staminodes 3, rudimentary. Ovary 3-locular, less commonly 5-locular; placentae 3-5; ovules numerous; stigmas 3-(5), 2-lobed. Fr. (pepo) large, variously shaped, indehiscent, consisting of an outer rind and soft ± pulpy interior, with central mass often breaking away from outer wall at maturity and forming a loose fibrous internal ball, with the rind then very hard and shell-like; peduncle persistent, sometimes strongly accrescent. Seeds numerous, flattened, usually white or pale brown, more rarely black; margin often raised.
Annual herb, with long-running, trailing or ± scrambling stems bearing branched tendrils, finely puberulent and with scattered long hairs. Petioles long, hollow, with indumentum as on stems. Lamina variable in size and shape, to c. 30 × 30 cm (sometimes more in cultivation), sinuate or shallowly lobed, very broad-ovate, scabridulous above and on veins beneath, otherwise ± densely hairy below; margins denticulate; base broad-cuneate, situated in the deep, rather rounded sinus. ♂ fls on long, hispid peduncles. Calyx mostly 2-2.5 cm long, lobed to > 1/2 way; lobes ± subulate, densely pilose. Corolla 5-7-(8) cm long, with prominent veins, hairy on both sides, especially the veins outside; lobes ovate, acute or short-acuminate, ± apiculate. ♀ fls larger than ♂; peduncle short and stout, at fruiting becoming very thick, spongy, and corky on the outside, nearly terete, expanded along whole length. Fr. very variable in size and shape but never scalloped, always developing a fairly hard rind (although never shell-like), usually wider than long and of circular and flattened form; rind grey, dark green, orange or red, usually smooth except for grooves, sometimes rather rough; pulp yellow to orange. Seed whitish, ellipsoid; margin raised and obtuse.
Annual herb; stems long-running or trailing, scabrid, bearing branched tendrils, finely puberulent with more scattered long hairs. Petioles long, hollow, with indumentum as on stems. Lamina very variable in size and shape, usually variously lobed and triangular or broad-ovate, to c. 40 × 30 cm, more rarely not lobed and merely angular or undulate, ± hispid or scabrid; margin denticulate; base broad-cuneate, situated in a deep obtuse sinus. ♂ fls: peduncles to c. 30 cm long, ± hispid or scabrid; calyx 1.5-3.5 cm long, hairy, lobed to c. 1/2 way; lobes linear to subulate. Corolla 5-8 cm long, with prominent veins, hairy on both sides; lobes ovate, ± apiculate. ♀ fls: peduncle short, stout, becoming hard, corky, angular and sometimes expanded at apex at fruiting; calyx and corolla similar to ♂ but often larger. Fr. extremely variable, developing a fairly to very hard rind, smooth or knobbly, large (to > 50 cm long in cultivation), commonly cylindric to oblong and green or greenish white, occasionally globose or subglobose and orange, white, or greenish; pulp white or pale green; margin sometimes scalloped. Seed whitish, ellipsoid; margin raised, obtuse.
Monoecious or dioecious herbs; stems scandent or prostrate, creeping, mostly scabrid. Tendrils commonly present, lateral, simple or branched, spirally coiled. Fls generally solitary, actinomorphic, 5-merous. ♂ fls: calyx united, the lobes imbricate or not touching; petals gamopetalous or free; stamens (1)-3-(5), free or variously united; one anther always 1-locular, the others 2-locular, mostly syngenesious and contorted; connective often produced. ♀ fls: calyx adnate to ovary and often produced above; petals similar to those of ♂ fls; staminodes often present; ovary nearly always inferior; placentas (2)-3-(5), parietal but usually projecting into ovary cavity; ovules mostly numerous; styles usually simple; stigmas thick, usually divided. Fr. nearly always fleshy, mostly indehiscent, often large, with a thick skin or rind and a pulpy interior with embedded seeds. Seeds non-endospermic, generally flattened.
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Herbs or shrubs. Lvs usually opposite, decussate, rarely alternate or whorled, entire or nearly so. Fls 6-merous, zygomorphic, monomorphic, solitary or in racemes, sometimes in verticels; pedicels usually interpetiolar rather than axillary; bracteoles 2 or 0. Calyx tube ± curved, ribbed, usually pouched or spurred at base, often coloured, oblique, usually with an epicalyx tooth between each lobe. Petals 6, rarely fewer or 0, unequal, shortly clawed, inserted near rim of calyx tube. Stamens 6-14, rarely fewer, inserted on upper 1/2 of calyx tube, included or exserted. Disc at base of ovary glandular, asymmetric. Ovary sessile, 2-celled but septum often disappearing early. Ovules 2-many in each cell. Stigma 2-lobed. Capsule enclosed by calyx, dehiscing longitudinally.
Evergreen, ± resinous, trees and shrubs, monoecious or dioecious. Winter buds naked. Lvs usually opposite or whorled, rarely alternate, usually scale-like, decurrent and hiding the stem, needle-like when young, sometimes this juvenile form persisting. Cones of opposite or whorled scales, terminal or axillary. ♂ strobili (cones) with 3-5 pollen sacs (microsporangia) on lower surface of each scale. ♀ cones with 2-numerous, erect ovules on upper surface of the ovuliferous scales (megasporophylls). Bract completely united with scale. Fr. usually a woody cone, more rarely the scales becoming fleshy and coalescent. Seeds winged or not; cotyledons 2-6.
Monoecious trees, occasionally shrubs. Branchlets usually not flattened (arranged in several planes); ultimate shoots terete or 4-angled. Juvenile lvs needle-like, subulate, similar lvs often on main axes (terminal shoots). Adult lvs scale-like, opposite, decussate, often with a prominent, whitish resinous gland in middle of dorsal side. Cones solitary, terminal on short shoots towards branchlet ends. ♂ strobili (cones) oblong or ovoid, yellow; stamens numerous. Mature ♀ cones usually ± globose, usually > 10 mm diam., ripening in second year, generally persistent. Scales 6-14, not whorled, peltate with mucronate boss or umbo in middle, separating to release seeds; ovules and seeds 6-c. 20 on each scale. Seeds narrowly winged; cotyledons 3-4.
Medium-sized tree (sometimes very large in cultivation), pyramidal at first, with broad crown when mature. Bark thick, reddish brown beneath, often becoming whitish on surface. Adult foliage in dense, dark green masses, aromatic when bruised; branchlets systems not flattened. 1-3-year shoots terete, reddish brown, with lvs appressed except for the cuspidate, pungent, c. 1 mm long apex. Lvs on ultimate twigs uniform, 1-2 mm long, broadly rhombic-ovate, tightly appressed, obtuse or subacute. ♂ strobili 1.5-3 mm long, broad-oblong to subglobose. Mature ♀ cones very shortly stalked or sometimes subsessile, (1.5)-2-3.5 × (1.2)-1.5 × 3.2 cm, subglobose or broadly oblong-ellipsoid, shining brown; scales 8-14; umbo with small, obtuse, crescent-shaped process; seeds usually 10-20 per scale, of irregular shape, with small resinous tubercles.
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Annual or perennial herbaceous rootless parasites with thread-like twining stems bearing haustoria and lacking chlorophyll or latex, often forming a dense mass on the host plant. Lvs reduced to minute scales. Infl. cymose, umbellate, capitate or spike-like. Fls small, white to pink or yellowish. Calyx (3)-4-5-lobed, occasionally with free sepals. Corolla (3)-4-5-lobed, usually urceolate, campanulate or ± globose; lobes imbricate. Stamens inserted in throat of corolla, with lobed or fimbriate scales between the stamens; anthers very short. Ovary 2-locular, sometimes incompletely so; each loculus with 2 ovules. Styles 2, free or connate. Fr. a globose or ovoid capsule, dry or ± fleshy, dehiscing transversely or by an irregular split, 1-4-seeded. Seeds glabrous, with filiform embryo surrounding the endosperm. Cotyledons rudimentary or 0.
Glabrous, annual herbs. Lvs 1-4-pinnate; segments narrow. Umbels simple or compound, sessile, lf-opposed; bracts and bracteoles 0. Petals white, regular, with entire, acute, inflexed apex; calyx teeth 0. Fr. ovoid-oblong, slightly flattened laterally, not beaked, spineless but sometimes setose; commissure narrow; ribs 5 per mericarp, equal, stout; vittae solitary in furrows.
Erect terrestrial herb. Stems hollow, slightly grooved, striate, up to 50 cm high. Basal lvs 3-4-pinnate or ternate, petiolate; ultimate segments linear to filiform, entire, 2-15 mm long; stem lvs similar to basal but 2-3-ternate, shortly petiolate. Umbels 1-3 cm diam., simple or compound; rays 1-3-(4). Fls 3-10, white, c. 1 mm diam. Fr. broadly ovoid, 1.5-3 mm long, dark brown; ribs broad, thickened, pale brown.
Large, deciduous shrubs or small trees, not armed or rarely sub-spinescent; stems spreading or semi-erect. Lvs towards end of main stems, especially clustered on short shoots, simple, entire; stipules large, glandular at margin, free for most of length, confined to long shoots. Fls solitary and terminal on short, lateral, leafy shoots, 5-merous, ☿, pedicellate, moderately large and showy. Hypanthium tubular, closed at apex. Epicalyx 0. Sepals reflexed, persistent, connate in bud, glandular at margin. Petals ± contorted in bud, suberect at anthesis, white to pink. Stamens 15-25. Ovary inferior, sunken in hypanthium; carpels 5; styles 5, free; ovules many. Fr. a fleshy pome with leathery carpel wall and abundant stone cells in flesh; seeds many in each locule.
Large shrub or small tree up to 5-(8) m high and several m diam. when mature; trunk short or 0 and plants sometimes forming small suckering thickets; upper branches often arching; stems dark brownish red and felted when young. Petiole (4)-6-14 mm long; blade ovate to broad-elliptic, oblong or suborbicular, 30-80 × 25-50 mm, rounded to subacute at apex, obtuse at base, white-tomentose at first on upper surface, becoming glabrate and dull, white- to grey-tomentose below; margin entire; stipules lanceolate. Fls 30-50 mm diam. Sepals densely tomentose, persistent; lobes oblong, acute, glandular, sharply reflexed. Petals oblong, 12-25 mm long, rounded or slightly emarginate. Fr. pyriform or subglobose, usually 80-150 mm long, yellow, ± finely tomentose, fragrant, with apical cavity.
Perennial herbs, usually short-lived, with creeping or trailing stems. Lvs alternate above, opposite below, reniform to suborbicular, palmately veined, entire or palmately lobed. Fls solitary in lf axils. Calyx deeply 5-lobed; lobes unequal. Corolla tube cylindric, spurred at base; limb 2-lipped; upper lip 2-lobed; lower lip 3-lobed and with a pouch closing the throat or mouth of tube. Stamens 4, included. Capsule ± globose, with loculi similar, opening by 2 lateral pores. Seeds ridged, tuberculate or alveolate, not winged.
Glabrous herb; stems often purplish. Petioles slender, to 4 cm long. Lamina 1-2.7 × 1-3.5 cm, 5-lobed, often with 2 subsidiary lobes on basal pair, ± reniform, ± purplish on lower surface; base cordate; lobes usually mucronate. Pedicels slender, 1-3 cm long at anthesis. Calyx 2-3 mm long; lobes lanceolate, extending nearly to base. Corolla 10-12 mm long from obtuse apex of spur to rounded apices of lower lobes, pale mauve with yellow or whitish pouch and dark lines on the upper lip. Capsule slightly > calyx. Seeds 0.7-0.9 mm diam., broad-ovoid or subglobose, with prominent sinuate ridges.
Perennial herb to 2 m tall. Stems stout, ridged, with cobwebby hairs. Rosettes tufted, withering at fruiting. Basal lvs deeply 1-2-pinnatifid, 30-60 × 15-35 cm; lobes narrow-lanceolate, becoming smaller towards the base, with sparse cobwebby hairs above and dense cobwebby hairs beneath, slightly viscid; midrib stout, ridged; spines borne on apices and clustered at bases of lobes, rigid, yellowish, 10-18 mm long. Stem lvs similar to basal, the upper becoming smaller and less divided. Capitula solitary or up to 7 in lax cymes, 5-10 cm diam. Involucre ovoid; outer bracts coriaceous, triangular, acute, recurved; middle bracts ovate, with a rigid, inrolled, narrow-triangular, erecto-patent, spinous appendage; inner bracts oblong to linear, with a scarious, triangular or ovate, cuspidate or mucronate, suberect appendage. Corolla 50-65 mm long; lobes blue, lilac or whitish. Style long-exserted, usually with a ring of short hairs at base of stigma branches. Achenes 6-9 × 3-5 mm, obovoid, pale, often with dark spots and streaks. Pappus 25-40 mm long.
Large perennial herbs, usually spiny. Hairs cobwebby. Lvs in a basal rosette and alternate on stems, sessile or with winged petiole, deeply 1-2-pinnatifid. Capitula large, homogamous, globose or broadly ovoid, solitary or in lax cymes. Involucral bracts in several series, linear to ovate, imbricate, glabrous, the outer and middle with a suberect to recurved, ovate to triangular to spinous appendage. Receptacle convex, very fleshy, with setaceous scales. Florets ☿, all tubular. Corolla glabrous, 5-lobed, lilac, blue or white. Anthers subacute at apex, caudate at base; filaments papillate. Style branches linear, erect, appressed. Achenes obovoid, smooth or winged; achene insertion basal; pappus hairs in several rows, stiff, yellowish, plumose, united at base into a ring.
Perennial herb 1-(2) m tall. Stems stout, ridged, with cobwebby hairs. Rosettes tufted, withering at fruiting. Basal lvs deeply pinnatifid, 30-60 × 15-40 cm; lobes lanceolate, becoming smaller towards base, glabrescent above, with cobwebby hairs beneath, viscid; midrib stout, ridged; spines usually 0 or sometimes fine, marginal, 2-3 mm long. Stem lvs similar to basal, the upper becoming smaller and less deeply divided. Capitula usually solitary, (7)-8-12 cm diam. Involucre globose to hemispheric; outer and middle bracts fleshy, ovate, with a suberect, emarginate-mucronate or cuspidate appendage; inner bracts oblong, with a scarious, ovate to lanceolate, mucronate appendage. Corolla 50-65 mm long; lobes lilac or blue. Style long-exserted, with base of stigma branches glabrous. Achenes 6-9 × 3-5 mm, obovoid, pale, usually spotted. Pappus 30-50 mm long.
Annual or biennial herb to c. 60 cm high. Stems and lvs densely clothed in fine grey hairs (appearing greenish in shade); hairs minutely bulbous-based, sometimes ± appressed. Basal lvs to c. 25 cm long; petiole to 10 cm long; lamina elliptic-lanceolate or elliptic-oblong; base attenuate or winged; apex obtuse, mucronate; cauline lvs smaller and sessile towards infl. Cymes tomentose; pedicels downward curving at fruiting. Calyx 2-3 mm long, to c. 5 mm long at fruiting, tomentose, broadly ovate or oblong-ovate. Corolla tube 2-3 mm long; limb 7-12 mm diam., bright blue (occasionally pink or white in cultivation); lobes suborbicular; scales deep blue, 2-lobed, slightly cucullate (more evident in dried material). Stamens inserted below scales; filaments very short; anthers c. 1 mm long. Nutlets obliquely attached to gynobasic style, 3-5 mm long, broadly ovate to sub-orbicular, with glochidia covering back and confluent at the base around margin to form a crest.
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Large shrub or small tree with pale bark, to c. 3 m high, with short glandular hairs, especially on young parts. Petiole to c. 10 cm long, sometimes to c. 25 cm on large juvenile lvs. Lamina mostly 8-20 × 5-11 cm but larger on some young plants, ovate-oblong to broad-ovate, densely clothed in short glandular hairs to glabrous beneath, entire, foetid, purple-tinged when young; base deeply cordate; apex acute to shortly acuminate. Cymes with up to 15, ± pendent fls. Calyx 4-5 mm long; teeth shallow. Corolla 1.3-1.6 cm long, pale pink, darker in bud; lobes narrow-lanceolate or narrow-triangular, much > tube, densely ciliolate. Stamens included; anthers opening by pores. Stigma small. Fr. (4)-5-7 cm long, ovoid or broad-ovoid, pendulous, edible; skin and pulp usually dark red, rarely yellow.
Unarmed, soft-wooded shrubs or small trees, sometimes herbs. Lvs alternate, entire or pinnately lobed, often large; base often cordate. Infl. racemose or cymose; cymes scorpioid. Calyx 5-toothed, sometimes deeply so, campanulate. Corolla regular, campanulate or rotate, yellowish to dull purplish, 5-lobed. Stamens 4-5, erect or bent, ± included; connective thickened conspicuously between anther lobes; anthers opening by apical pores or longitudinal slits. Stigma ± capitate, either little enlarged or large and forming a concave disc. Fr. a 2-celled berry, sometimes large. Seeds numerous, of moderate size.
Terrestrial ferns. Rhizomes short, ± erect, very scaly. Fronds usually 1-pinnate, scaly at least on stipes; veins free or anastomosing. Sori round, borne on veins, in 2 or more rows either side of midrib, usually protected by peltate indusia. Spores monolete.
Rhizomes short, erect, densely clothed in broad dark brown scales. Stipes 15-35 cm long, densely scaly especially at base. Laminae narrowly ovate or elliptic, 1-pinnate, to 45-80 × 15-20 cm. Primary pinnae in up to 15 alternate pairs, unequally ovate to almost parallelogrammoid, acuminate at apex, often with a lobe on one side at the base, serrate, stalked, coriaceous, to 12 × 4 cm. Sori round, numerous, in several rows either side of midrib. Indusia peltate.
Terrestrial ferns. Rhizomes slender, blackish, decumbent or creeping, scaly. Fronds 2-3-pinnate, sparsely scaly, delicate, often dying down in winter; veins free. Sori round, borne on veins. Indusia ovate or hood-like, attached across the veins on basiscopic side of sori, arching over the sporangia. Spores monolete.
Rhizomes short, horizontal, scaly. Stipes 5-15 cm long, dark brown and scaly at base, straw-coloured and ± glabrous above. Laminae narrowly ovate, ovate or narrowly triangular, 10-30 × 6-14 cm, 2-3-pinnate at base, glabrous. Primary pinnae in 15-25 pairs, ovate to ± triangular, tapering at apices, the longest 3-8 × 1.5-4 cm. Secondary pinnae in 5-12 pairs, ovate to ± oblong, acute, to 2 × 1 cm, those on upper primary pinnae bluntly toothed, those on basal primary pinnae deeply incised or divided into tertiary pinnae. Sori rounded, protected by ovate indusia arching over sporangia.
Rhizomes short-creeping, scaly. Stipes 2-18 cm long, dark brown and scaly at base, straw-coloured and ± glabrous above. Laminae narrowly ovate or narrowly oblong, (2)-5-25 × 1.5-6-(7.5) cm, 1-2-pinnate at base, glabrous. Primary pinnae in 5-15 pairs, ovate to ± oblong, obtuse at apices, the longest 0.5-3-(4) × 0.4-1.5 cm; pinnae of smaller fronds divided into ± rounded, entire, or bluntly-toothed lobes; pinnae of larger fronds divided into secondary pinnae. Secondary pinnae elliptic, entire or bluntly toothed, obtuse, to 10 × 6 mm. Sori round, protected by ovate indusia arching over sporangia.
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Much-branched, deciduous shrub up to 3 m high; twigs glabrous, but sericeous when young, green, rounded and ribbed. Lvs sericeous above and below when young, sessile and usually 1-foliolate on young twigs, but 1-3-foliolate, petiolate and ± glabrous on older twigs; leaflets apetiolulate, narrowly elliptic, acute, (1)-2-12 mm long; terminal leaflet > lateral leaflets. Fls in fascicles of 1-3, axillary; pedicels 3-7 mm long. Calyx moderately hairy, bilabiate, c. 1/4 length of corolla; upper and lower lips ± entire or shallowly toothed. Corolla white, 8-12 mm long. Pod moderately to densely hairy, dark grey, oblong, 1-6-seeded, 15-35 mm long; seeds greyish brown, ellipsoid, compressed, c. 2.5-3 mm long.
Much-branched deciduous shrub up to 2-(2.5) m high; twigs glabrous, but sericeous when young, green, ± 5-angled. Lvs variable, usually ± glabrous above and sericeous below, and 3-foliolate and petiolate when mature or on older twigs; lvs of younger twigs often 1-2-foliolate and subsessile; young lvs often sericeous above and below but sometimes glabrous; leaflets apetiolulate, elliptic to obovate, usually acute, sometimes emarginate, 4-16-(20) mm long; terminal leaflet > lateral leaflets. Fls usually solitary, rarely paired, axillary; pedicels (3)-5-13 mm long. Calyx glabrous, bilabiate, c. 1/4 length of corolla; upper and lower lips ± entire or shallowly toothed. Corolla usually golden yellow, rarely partly red or tinged mauve, 16-25 mm long. Pod black, oblong, many-seeded, 15-60 mm long, with hairy margins; seeds brown or greenish brown, ellipsoid, compressed, c. 3 mm long.
Small mat-forming shrub to c. 30 cm high. Shoots with long, glandular hairs and short, eglandular, crisped hairs. Petiole c. 1 mm long. Lamina 5-12 × 1.5-4 mm, lanceolate to narrowly ovate-oblong, sparsely hairy above, with white felty indumentum below but partly obscured by revolute margin; base narrowly cuneate; apex mucronate. Racemes loose, to c. 10 cm long; rachis and pedicels with glandular hairs. Bracts leaflike, mostly 3-6 mm long, linear to narrow-lanceolate, sparsely hairy above, with white felty indumentum below. Fls pendent. Calyx c. 3 mm long; lobes triangular-ovate, densely covered in glandular hairs, often purplish. Corolla c. 1 cm long, purplish or magenta, with sparse glandular hairs outside. Anthers c. 5 mm long, linear, > filaments. Style ± or > stamens.
Small evergreen shrubs or shrublets. Lvs alternate, shortly petiolate, whitish tomentose below, entire. Fls pedicellate in terminal, bracteate, glandular racemes. Calyx 4-lobed almost to base, persistent. Corolla urceolate, deciduous, with 4 very short revolute lobes. Stamens usually 8, included; anthers awnless, dehiscing by apical pores. Capsule 4-valved, septicidal. Seeds numerous, rather warty.
Herbaceous perennials often woody toward base, or scrambling epiphytes. Lvs opposite or whorled, simple and entire or lobed, to 1-3-pinnate. Capitula pedunculate, solitary. Involucral bracts in 2 rows; outer row foliaceous; inner row membranous. Receptacle flat or nearly so; scales present. Outer florets ♀ or sterile, ligulate, white, pale lavender to deep purple, or yellow to orange to deep scarlet. Inner florets ☿, tubular (or replaced by ligulate florets in many cvs). Achenes all similar, linear-oblong or spathulate, compressed but not winged, often constricted below a disc at apex; pappus usually 0, sometimes of 2 rudimentary awns.
Erect perennial herb, 2-6 m tall, with tuberous roots. Stems sparsely hairy, especially about nodes, branched above at flowering, dying back to woody bases in winter. Lower cauline lvs shortly petiolate, sparsely clothed in short hairs, ovate-triangular, 2-pinnate with 6-9 primary pairs and each of lowest pair with 7-9 leaflets; petiole with 2 lateral angles on upper surface; leaflets mostly not lobed, sometimes 2-3-lobed, subsessile, ovate to elliptic, acuminate, serrate, 5-15 cm long. Upper cauline lvs 1-pinnate or simple. Capitula 9-18 cm diam., usually slightly nodding. Outer involucral bracts 5, sparsely hairy, ovate to spathulate or pandurate, 10-15 mm long, recurved at anthesis; inner bracts 8, ovate-triangular to elliptic, with broad membranous margin, 20-25 mm long. Receptacular scales ovate-triangular, acute. Ray florets c. 8; ligules pink, lavender to pinkish purple. Disc florets numerous, golden. Achenes linear, 7-17 mm long.
Prostrate to medium-sized, deciduous or evergreen shrubs with very tough fibrous bark. Lvs usually alternate, rarely opposite, entire, often clustered at branch ends; petiole short. Fls usually in small heads or clusters, sometimes subtended by an involucre, ☿, usually fragrant. Calyx petaloid, 4-lobed; tube often swollen at base. Petals 0. Stamens 8, in 2 rows, included or slightly exserted, inserted on calyx tube. Style short or almost 0; stigma capitate. Ovary 1-locular. Fr. a drupe, usually fleshy, rarely coriaceous.
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Somewhat foetid annual herb to c. 1 m tall, ± puberulent, at least when young. Stems light green. Petiole to 8 cm long. Lamina 5-18-(25) × 4-16-(20) cm, broadly ovate, shallowly lobed; veins somewhat puberulent, especially above; apex of lobes obtuse or subacute. Calyx 2.5-3.5 cm long, ribbed, reflexing at fruiting; teeth 3-5 mm long, subequal. Corolla c. 5 cm long, funnelform, white; lobes 1-2 mm long, aristate. Fr. to 5-(6) × 3-(4) cm (excluding spines), narrowly elliptic-ovoid, erect; spines moderate in number, to 2.5-(3) cm long, stout, the uppermost > lower. Seed c. 4 mm wide, subreniform, black, rugose.
Unarmed, annual or perennial herbs, or low subshrubs. Lvs alternate, simple, rather large, membranous, often hairy, at least when young, entire, toothed or lobed, petiolate. Fls tending to form leafy cymose infls, ± erect. Calyx 5-toothed but teeth often small, circumscissile. Corolla large, usually narrow- to broad-funnelform, plicate, white to purple, 5-toothed. Stamens 5, inserted near base of corolla tube, included to slightly exserted. Stigma 2-lobed. Capsule dehiscing by 4 valves, ± spinose, erect or pendent. Seeds many, of moderate to fairly large size, to 6 × 4.5 mm.
Foetid annual herb to c. 1 m tall, puberulent, especially when young. Stems usually green or rarely purple. Petiole to c. 7 cm long. Lamina 5-30-(40) × 3-20-(25) cm, narrow- to broad-ovate, lobed; veins remaining puberulent, otherwise lamina becoming glabrous; apex of lobes acute or short-acuminate. Calyx 4-5 cm long, ribbed, reflexing at fruiting; teeth 5-8 mm long, unequal. Corolla 6-8-(9.5) cm long (excluding lobes), usually white or rarely light purple, funnelform; lobes 4-8 mm long, aristate. Fr. 3-5 × 2-3 cm (excluding spines), ovoid, erect, largest towards base of cyme; spines numerous, to 1 cm long, slender, the largest concentrated in upper 1/2. Seeds 2-3 mm wide, reniform, eventually black, irregularly rugose.
Erect branching annual or biennial, with a slender white taproot. Stems hispid, ± solid, ribbed, sometimes purple tinged, up to 120 cm high. Basal lvs sparsely to moderately hairy, 2-3-pinnate, petiolate; ultimate segments ovate to linear, pinnatisect or serrate, c. 15-40 mm long; stem lvs similar to basal but reduced and segments more often linear. Umbels compound, 2-12 cm diam., usually strongly concave at fruiting; rays numerous; bracts numerous, 1-pinnate, with linear segments; bracteoles 5-9, usually simple and linear to triangular, those of outer umbellets sometimes pinnatisect. Fls numerous, white or tinged pink, 1-7 mm diam., a few central fls sometimes red or purple. Fr. ovoid, dark brown, 2.5-3 mm long; primary ribs sparsely ciliate, secondary ribs spinous; spines pale brown, rarely reflexed at tips.
Erect, usually hispid, annual or biennial up to 30-(60) cm high. Basal lvs 2-3-pinnate; ultimate segments ovate, pinnatisect into linear lobes; stem lvs similar but reduced. Umbels simple or compound, irregular; rays 1-7-(9); bracts (0)-2-5, linear or pinnatisect; bracteoles 0-5, simple, linear. Fls 1-8-(10), white or tinged red, c. 1 mm diam. Fr. ellipsoid, dark brown, 3-5 mm long; primary ribs sparsely to moderately ciliate; secondary ribs spinous; spines capped at tips.
Annual or biennial herbs, usually hairy. Lvs (1)-2-3-pinnate; segments usually narrow. Umbels usually compound, rarely simple, pedunculate; bracts and bracteoles numerous or 0, entire, pinnate or pinnatisect. Petals white, pink, yellow or purplish, usually irregular, with apex notched and inflexed; calyx teeth small or 0. Fr. ellipsoid to ovoid, terete or somewhat flattened dorsally, not beaked, commissure narrow; ribs 9 per mericarp, primary filiform and usually ciliate, secondary stouter and spinous; vittae solitary.
Rhizomes erect to long-creeping, scaly. Fronds entire to 1-3-pinnate. Sporangia borne on abaxial surface of frond, in round to elongate sori, at vein endings, near lamina margin, or on an intramarginal commissure. Sori normally protected by round, reniform, crescent-shaped, or linear indusia attached basally, sometimes with round or elongate indusia attached at base and on 2 sides, occasionally without indusia. Annulus vertical. Homosporous; spores lacking chlorophyll.
Small trees. Lvs opposite. Fls ☿, sessile in capitate heads with 4-(6), large, petaloid bracts; calyces connate into a mass; petals 4; stamens 4; ovary 2-locular. Drupes 2-seeded, united into a fleshy areolate-tuberculate syncarp.
Small, evergreen tree up to 6-(12) m high. Stems densely clothed in fine appressed hairs when young, becoming glabrous. Lvs densely clothed in fine appressed hairs above and below, glaucous below, elliptic, entire, acuminate, attenuate at base and usually shortly petiolate, (3)-4-10-(12) cm long. Fls numerous, in capitula; bracts subtending head usually 4, with appressed hairs, elliptic to obovate, acuminate, pale yellow, deciduous, 20-35 mm long; calyx shallowly 4-lobed, densely hairy; petals greenish cream, 2-4 mm long. Fr. suborbicular, red, 2-4 cm diam.
Annual herb. Rosette short-lived or 0. Stem sometimes purplish, erect, stellate-hairy, to 1 m tall. All lvs ± densely stellate-hairy, 2-3-pinnatisect, glaucous, 2-7 × 1-3 cm; lobes linear or narrowly oblong. Racemes erect or suberect, sparsely hairy or glabrous, 10-30-(40) cm tall. Pedicels slender, c. 5 mm long at flowering, lengthening to 1-(2) cm and spreading at fruiting. Sepals c. 2 mm long, clothed in stellate hairs. Petals pale yellow, 1-1.5 mm long. Anthers 0.2-0.3 mm long; filaments slightly > sepals. Silique ± erect, glabrous, often curved upwards making an angle with the pedicel, (10)-15-20 × c. 1 mm, slightly torulose; median vein distinct. Seeds oblong, brown, c. 1 mm long, in 1 row per locule.
Annual, sometimes biennial or perennial taprooted herbs. Hairs simple or branched or stellate, often glandular. Stems erect, leafy. Lvs finely pinnatisect to dissected. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals erect or spreading, not saccate. Petals usually pale yellow. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 4, median 2, between stamen bases. Style very short; stigma capitate. Silique linear, dehiscent; valves convex with prominent median vein; beak 0. Seeds oblong or ovoid, not winged, in 1 or 2 rows per locule.
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Perennial or sometimes annual herbs. Hairs eglandular or glandular, or 0. Lvs opposite, exstipulate, usually linear or linear-lanceolate, often glaucous; cauline lvs connate in pairs. Fls solitary or in lax to compact cymes; bracts leaflike; base of calyx tightly enclosed in an epicalyx of 2-6 awned scales. Calyx tubular, usually at least 35-ribbed, 5-toothed, with green commissures. Petals 5, white, pink or red, clawed, usually toothed or fringed, often bearded; coronal scales 0. Stamens 10, in 2 equal or unequal whorls. Styles 2. Fr. a cylindric capsule dehiscing by 4 teeth; carpophore usually present. Seeds flattened, scutate, finely grooved, not winged.
Tufted perennial. Flowering stems erect, glabrous, 10-30 cm tall; non- flowering stems present at flowering. Basal lvs stiff, patent to suberect, linear, sharply acute, glaucous, slightly scabrid on margins only or glabrous, (20)-40-80-(150) × 1-3 mm; cauline lvs similar, suberect to erect, becoming smaller above. Fls solitary or 2-3 per stem; pedicels usually > calyx. Epicalyx scales (2)-4-(6), broadly ovate, awned, 1/4-1/2 length of calyx. Calyx cylindric, glabrous, 2-2.5 cm long; teeth ovate to triangular, obtuse to acute, 4-6 mm long; margins scarious, ciliate. Petals white to pink, fringed, usually bearded. Carpophore 2-3 mm long; capsule c. 20 mm long. Seeds black, flattened, orbicular, c. 3 mm long.
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Small, creeping, glabrous or hairy perennial herbs; stems rooting at nodes. Latex 0. Lvs entire or nearly so; petioles usually long and slender. Fls solitary, axillary, small and inconspicuous; bracts minute. Sepals 5, subequal, accrescent. Corolla campanulate, deeply 5-lobed, greenish or yellowish; lobes valvate with infolded margins. Stamens included. Ovary of 2 distinct carpels, each with (1)-2 ovules. Styles 2, filiform, inserted between carpels. Capsule membranous, usually 1-seeded, 2-lobed, indehiscent or dehiscing irregularly. Seeds smooth and glabrous.
Perennial herb, with most parts densely hairy; hairs white, ± appressed, forked. Stems stoloniferous, freely branching, purplish, forming extensive mats or low cushions to 5 cm high. Lf internodes 1-2 cm long; petioles erect or nearly so, to 6 cm long, short on very exposed stolons. Lamina (5)-10-30 mm diam., suborbicular to reniform, membranous, glabrous or nearly so and dull above, with appressed hairs below; veins raised beneath, not impressed above; base broad-cordate; apex rounded or slightly emarginate. Peduncles 5-15 mm long, bract very small and inconspicuous. Calyx c. 2 mm long, densely hairy outside; lobes alternately linear-oblong and ovate-oblong, obtuse to subacute. Corolla 4-5 mm diam., greenish white, lobed to c. 1/2 way; lobes narrow-oblong to lanceolate, = calyx lobes at anthesis, becoming > calyx lobes. Anthers violet or violet-margined. Ovary densely hairy. Capsule usually deeply 2-lobed, with 1-(2) seeds per loculus, 2-2.5 × 4-5 mm, more rarely only 1 locule developed, indehiscent, slightly to strongly hispid, > calyx. Fruiting calyx to 3 mm long, fruiting peduncle recurved. Seeds c. 1.5 mm long, yellow to dark brown.
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Biennial or short-lived perennial. Basal rosette giving rise to densely hairy simple stems to c. 2.5 m high. Petiole long and winged; upper stem lvs with much shorter petioles. Lamina 10-25 × 3.5-12 cm, lanceolate to elliptic or ovate, hairy to glabrate above, ± grey-tomentulose with crisped hairs beneath, crenate or crenulate; base cuneate to attenuate. Racemes to c. 60 cm long, with many nodding fls. Bracts lanceolate, shortly glandular-hairy, decreasing in size upwards, > pedicels; pedicels tomentulose, 5-15 mm long. Calyx 8-17 mm long, shortly glandular-hairy, deeply lobed; lobes imbricate, ovate, obtuse or acute. Corolla mostly 3.5-5 cm long; tube campanulate and inflated above constricted base, usually pinkish purple with dark purple white-ringed spots in lower part, sometimes pure white, glabrous; lobes short and rounded. Stamens included. Capsule 10-15 mm long, ovoid. Seeds oblong, alveolate, truncate.
Annual to perennial taprooted herbs. Hairs simple, stiff, or 0. Stems erect, leafy. Lvs shallowly to deeply pinnatifid, lobed, or toothed. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals somewhat spreading, inner pair not or slightly saccate. Petals yellow, rarely white or lilac. Stamens 6, without appendages, the outer pair sometimes sterile. Lateral nectaries 2, reniform at bases of lateral stamens; median nectaries 2, ligulate outside each pair of median stamens. Style short; stigma very shortly 2-lobed. Silique linear to narrow-oblong, dehiscent; valves distinctly 1-veined; beak narrowly conic, with or without seeds. Seeds ovoid, not winged, in 2 rows per locule.
Foetid annual or biennial; stems ascending to erect, branching, leafy or not, (10)-30-40-(60) cm tall, glabrous or hairy with sparse stiff reflexed hairs. Lvs mostly basal, glaucescent, very variable, long-petiolate, glabrous to sparsely hairy; lower lvs obovate with sinuate margins to pinnatifid with entire or shallowly toothed margins, (3)-5-15 × 1-4 cm; upper lvs similar in shape, usually smaller. Racemes glabrous or sparsely hairy, 10-30-(60) cm tall. Pedicels 0.5-2 cm long. Sepals narrow-triangular, glabrous or sparsely hairy, 3.5-4 × 1-2 mm. Petals yellow, spathulate, shortly clawed, 3-7 × 2-4.5 mm. Silique 20-40-(45) × 1.5-2.5-(3) mm, without gynophore; beak seedless. Seeds oblong, brown, 1-1.5 mm long.
Perennial, not foetid; stems erect, stout, branching, leafy, glabrous, 30-100 cm tall. Lvs mostly cauline, variable, petiolate, glabrous, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate and toothed, to broadly triangular in outline and deeply pinnatifid, 4-20 × 1-4-(10) cm; upper lvs becoming smaller. Racemes glabrous, (10)-30-60 cm tall. Pedicels 1.5-4 cm long. Sepals triangular, glabrous or rarely sparsely hairy, 4.5-6 × 2-3.5 mm. Petals yellow, spathulate, shortly clawed, 7-12 × 3-5 mm. Silique 20-30-(45) × 1.5-2 mm, on short gynophore (0.5)-1-2 mm long; beak seedless. Seeds oblong, brown, 1-1.5 mm long.
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Annual to perennial herbs. Lvs opposite or verticillate, sometimes in basal rosettes, often lobed or toothed; stipules 0. Fls bracteate, usually small (florets) and borne in dense, many-flowered cymose capitula, ☿ or ♀, each with a basal epicalyx (involucel) of connate bracteoles which is often expanded distally into a corona, often subtended by a receptacular scale; marginal florets often radiate. Calyx epigynous, small, cupuliform, toothed or setose, pappus-like. Corolla epigynous, tubular, 4-5-lobed, subequal or 2-lipped, usually zygomorphic. Stamens (2)-4, epipetalous; filaments free or united in pairs; anthers 2-locular, dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary inferior, 1-locular, mostly adnate to the receptacle; styles slender; ovules solitary, pendulous. Fr. dry, enclosed in epicalyx and often surmounted by a persistent calyx.
Biennial herbs; stems prickly and often grooved, ± erect and branched above. Lvs opposite, crenate-serrate to entire, often prickly. Infl. a globose to cylindric capitulum; involucral bracts linear to lanceolate, each with a prominent apical spine; receptacular scales subtending each fl., spine-tipped. Involucel ± 4-angled, ending in a short ± 4-lobed cup. Calyx ciliate, persistent at fruiting. Corolla usually 4-merous, long-tubular, zygomorphic. Stamens 4. Fr. 4-angled, with appressed hairs.
Erect biennial; stems glabrescent, grooved, with prickles on ridges especially above, becoming hollow, up to c. 2 m tall. Basal lvs glabrescent, elliptic-oblong, crenate but not lobed, narrowed to winged petiole, up to 40 cm long; prickles mostly on veins, especially on midvein of lower surface. Cauline lvs similar to basal but smaller, becoming sessile, lanceolate-triangular, the opposite pairs connate at base; uppermost lvs usually entire. Heads terminal, ovoid-cylindric at flowering, elongating to up to 9 cm long and becoming cylindric at fruiting; corolla pale purple to pinkish purple. Involucral bracts unequal, linear, curved upwards, the longest often > head at least at flowering, armed with prickles. Receptacular scale with straight or slightly recurved, flexible spine > floret. Achene brown, 4-angled and sulcate, 4-5 × 1-1.5 mm.
Trailing herb. Stem terete, glabrous. Lvs 3-angled, acute, often mucronate, tapering to connate base, (6)-20-30-(40) × 4-6-(9) mm; margins usually smooth, rarely papillate. Fls 2-4 cm diam. Petals uniformly white to deep pink, in 3-5 rows, 1-3 cm long. Stamens 4-6 mm long; inner filaments hairy at base. Stigmas (5)-6-8-(10). Capsule valves with parallel or ± divergent expanding keels; placental tubercle rounded or 0. Seeds brown, obovoid, rugose, c. 1 mm long.
Trailing herb. Stem prostrate, terete, glabrous. Lvs terete or weakly 3-angled, obtuse and mucronate at apex, clavate, tapering to shortly connate base, (5)-20-30-(50) × (4)-5-6-(10) mm; margins papillate. Fls 2-4 cm diam. Calyx glabrous; sepal keels smooth. Petals purple with white base, in 2 rows, 10-30 mm long. Stamens 5-7 mm long; filaments hairy at base; anthers whitish yellow. Capsule 5-12 mm diam., valves with widely divergent expanding keels; placental tubercle 2-lobed. Seeds pale brown to brown, weakly rugose or smooth, c. 1 mm long.
Prostrate or trailing perennial succulent herbs. Lvs opposite, sessile, terete or weakly 3-angled, entire, smooth or papillate, mildly salty-tasting; papillae not glittering. Fls solitary, terminal on short lateral branchlets. Sepals 5, unequal: 2 large, leaflike, 3 smaller with expanded membranous margins. Petals numerous, > sepals, free; stamens numerous; staminodes 0. Placentation parietal. Stigmas 5-(10), plumose. Capsule 5-(10)-locular; expanding keels parallel to divergent; wings present; locules with lids; placental tubercle usually 2-fid, sometimes 0. Seeds obovoid, compressed, smooth to rugose.
Trailing herb. Stem flattened, 2-angled, glabrous. Lvs 3-angled, acute, tapering to connate base, (4)-10-15-(30) × 5-6 mm; margins papillate. Fls 2-4 cm diam. Petals uniformly white to purple, in 3-5 rows, 1-3 cm long. Stamens 5-6 mm long; inner filaments hairy at base. Stigmas 5-(6). Capsule valves with widely divergent expanding keels; placental tubercle present, 2-lobed or reduced to a ridge. Seeds yellowish brown to brown, obovoid, distinctly papillate, c. 1 mm long.
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Evergreen lianes. Lvs with 3 leaflets, or 2 leaflets and a terminal branched tendril; leaflets entire. Fls in terminal racemes or panicles. Calyx 5-lobed, 5-toothed, or truncate at apex. Corolla funnelform or tubular-funnelform, slightly 2-lipped, purple, crimson, pink or white. Stamens 4. Ovary 2-locular, white-villous. Capsule ellipsoid; septum flat. Seeds thin, with hyaline wing.
Erect, strongly scented annual, up to c. 1 m tall. Stems moderately hairy and glandular, much-branched from base and above. Lower lvs moderately clothed in simple hairs and short glandular hairs, oblanceolate to narrowly elliptic-oblong, apetiolate and cuneate, acute to acuminate, entire or remotely denticulate, 20-80 × 2-10 mm; uppermost lvs smaller, broader based and becoming ± linear and entire. Capitula solitary, 4-10 mm diam. Outer involucral bracts mostly herbaceous, 3-4 mm long; inner bracts mostly membranous, 5-7 mm long. Ray florets c. 8-10; ligules yellow, 1-3 mm long, not exceeding involucre. Disc yellow, often turning red on drying. Achenes hairy, glandular toward apex, obovoid and slightly angled, c. 2 mm long; pappus minutely barbellate.
Annual or perennial herbs. Lvs alternate, simple, entire or toothed. Capitula solitary. Involucral bracts in 3-5 rows, imbricate, with erect lamina, the outer usually herbaceous, the inner membranous. Receptacle flat or slightly convex; scales O. Outer florets ♀, ligulate; ligules yellow. Inner florets ☿, tubular. Achenes all similar, slightly 4-angled, abruptly constricted below apex; pappus hairs in 1 row, narrow at apex.
Mat-forming trailing or cushion-forming subshrub. Stems much-branched, hispid, 30-100-(300) cm long. Lvs opposite or fascicled, terete, clavate, curved, obtuse, (5)-7-12 × 1.5-2.5 mm; papillae dense, rounded, glittering. Fls 1.5-2 cm diam. Calyx densely papillate; sepals 3-4 mm long. Petals spreading, purplish pink, 6-10 mm long. Stamens 3-4 mm long; filaments pink, hairy; anthers white. Stigmas 5, lanceolate, spreading, 3-4 mm long. Capsule small, 5-locular; expanding keels diverging; placental tubercles 0.
Erect to trailing perennial succulent shrublets. Lvs opposite, sessile, 3-angled to terete, papillate; papillae glittering. Fls solitary or in cymes on short lateral branchlets, pedicellate, ebracteate. Sepals 5: 3 triangular with expanded membranous margins, 2 clavate. Petals numerous, > sepals, free; stamens numerous; staminodes often present. Placentation parietal. Stigmas 4-6, filiform to lanceolate or plumose. Capsule 4-6-locular; expanding keels contiguous, parallel or diverging; wings present; locules with lids; placental tubercle reduced or 0. Seeds small, ribbed and tuberculate.
Rhizomes erect to long-creeping, scaly. Fronds entire to 1-5-pinnate. Sporangia borne on abaxial surface of frond, usually in sori on veins or at vein endings, occasionally scattered. Sori round to elongate. Indusia 0, or variously shaped, most commonly peltate, reniform, or elongate. Annulus vertical. Homosporous; spores usually lacking chlorophyll.
Terrestrial ferns. Rhizomes erect, very scaly. Fronds (1)-2-3-(6)-pinnate, scaly at least on stipes, often dying down in winter; veins free. Sori round, borne on veins, usually protected by reniform indusia attached centrally. Spores monolete.
Rhizomes stout, erect, often covered in dead stipe bases. Stipes 10-40 cm long, pale brown. Stipes and rachises densely covered in orange-brown scales. Laminae elliptic or narrowly elliptic, 2-pinnate, 30-125 × 15-30 cm, glossy when fresh, yellowish green. Primary pinnae in 25-50 (or more) pairs, narrowly triangular or ± oblong, tapering at apices, sessile, 8-15 × 2-3 cm, with a darkish patch near junction with rachis when fresh. Secondary pinnae in 15-30 pairs, oblong, adnate or decurrent on pinna midrib, obliquely truncate at apices, ± entire or toothed only at apices, to 15 × 7 mm; secondary pinnae on the basal pair of primary pinnae ± equal in length either side of midrib. Sori round, 1-5 pairs on each secondary pinna, often confined to upper pinnae, covered by reniform indusia which are rolled under sporangia when young.
Rhizomes stout, erect, often covered with dead stipe bases. Stipes 10-35 cm long, pale brown. Stipes and rachises sparsely covered in scales with dark brown centres and pale margins. Laminae ovate to 5-angled, 3-pinnate at base, 20-50 × 10-35 cm, dark green above, paler below. Primary pinnae in 15-25 pairs, ± oblong at apex to ovate at base, shortly stalked, the longest 7-18 cm long, the broadest 4-12 cm wide. Secondary pinnae in 10-20 pairs, ± oblong or ovate, the longest 2.5-7 × 1-3 cm; lowest basiscopic secondary pinnae on basal pair of primary pinnae markedly > corresponding acroscopic secondary pinnae. Tertiary pinnae in up to 10 pairs, ovate or elliptic, to 15 × 7 mm, serrate with toothed apices. Sori round, present on all pinnae, protected by reniform indusia.
Rhizomes stout, erect, often covered in dead stipe bases. Stipes 10-40 cm long, pale brown. Stipes and rachises sparsely covered with pale brown scales. Laminae elliptic or narrowly elliptic, 2-pinnate, 30-125 × 15-30 cm, dark green above, paler below. Primary pinnae in 25-50 (or more) pairs, narrowly triangular or ± oblong, tapering at apices, sessile, 8-15 × 2-3 cm. Secondary pinnae in 15-30 pairs, oblong, adnate or decurrent on pinna midrib, rounded at apices, serrate all round, to 15 × 7 mm, the secondary pinnae on the basal pair of primary pinnae ± equal in length either side of midrib. Sori round, 1-5 pairs on each secondary pinna, often confined to upper pinnae, covered by flat reniform indusia.
Herb with short stock, somewhat flaccid, up to 10-(15) cm high at flowering; runners greenish, slender, pilose, up to c. 50 cm long and rooting at nodes and tips to form new rosettes. Basal lvs several in rosette; petiole 30-80-(160) mm long, densely pilose; leaflets obovate to narrowly ovate, subacute, obtuse to cuneate at base, bright green above, paler below, usually sparsely to moderately pilose on both surfaces especially along veins, sometimes with only scattered hairs on upper, with margins crenate to obscurely lobed; terminal leaflet 15-55 × 12-30 mm; lateral leaflets = terminal or slightly smaller; petiolules 1-5 mm long, pilose. Scape often only slightly exceeding lvs, pilose. Epicalyx segments broadly obovate, pilose, deflexed at fruiting, with 3-5 purple-tipped teeth. Sepals ovate-triangular, c. 6-10 mm long, acuminate, purple-tipped, pilose. Petals narrowly obovate, 4-8 mm long, ± = epicalyx segments and sepals, shallowly emarginate to rounded, spreading, bright yellow. Achenes uniformly scattered over and projecting from receptacle; receptacle red, swollen, up to 12 mm long, often slightly constricted near base.
Short-stemmed, perennial, mat-forming herbs, with long, ± leafy runners rooting at nodes, not armed. Lvs in basal rosettes, in clusters (sometimes singly) scattered along runners and cauline, long-petiolate, pinnately 3-foliolate, dentate or crenate; stipules adnate below, conspicuous, persistent. Fls solitary, ☿, small- to medium-sized, borne on long, slender scapes arising from basal rosettes or in axils of runner lvs. Hypanthium with a central convex, somewhat spongy receptacle (carpophore). Epicalyx segments leafy and toothed. Calyx usually with 5, ± triangular, toothed sepals about = epicalyx segments. Petals 5, ± obovate, yellow. Stamens 20-30. Ovary superior; carpels numerous; styles numerous, surrounded by hypanthium rim; ovules 1 per carpel. Fr. a head of many achenes on surface of dryish, semi-fleshy, coloured receptacle, the styles deciduous at fruiting.
Monoecious herb with prostrate, hispid stems. Rootstock stout and ± tuberous. Tendrils 0. Lvs lobed. Fls axillary, 5-merous, pale yellow; ♂ in racemes; ♀ solitary. Calyx tube very short. Petals united towards base. Stamens 3, free, with broad connectives. ♀ fls with 5 staminodes. Ovary hispid, minutely tuberculate; placentae 3; ovules numerous; stigmas 3-(4), each forked. Fr. oblong-ellipsoid, scabrid and densely hairy at maturity, becoming detached from peduncle and violently ejecting the seeds from the resulting aperture. Seeds numerous, ovate-ellipsoid, dark brown; margin obscure.
Annual or short-lived perennial herb with stout rootstock. Stems running, ± succulent, hispid and with dense short soft hairs. Petiole to c. 7 cm long. Lamina to 10 × 8 cm (to 18 × 18 cm in cultivation), ± triangular with a pair of basal lobes and a pair of short lateral lobes, with scattered scabrid hairs above, densely hairy and hispid below especially on the prominent nerve reticulum; margins strongly sinuate and undulate; base deeply cordate; apex obtuse. Racemes few-flowered; pedicels short, densely hairy. Calyx c. 10 mm long, densely hairy. Petals 10-17-(20) × 6-7 mm, pale yellow, elliptic-oblong, densely hairy outside, apiculate. Filaments c. 3 mm long; anthers irregularly lobed; pollen orange. ♀ fls often in same axil as ♂ fls but somewhat smaller. Fr. ± pendent on a recurved pedicel, 3-5 cm long; pulp almost transparent. Seed c. 5 mm long, dark brown.
Evergreen or deciduous climbing subshrubs with angular stems. Lvs 2-3-pinnate, terminated by much-branched tendrils. Leaflets membranous, sometimes deciduous. Infl. racemose. Fls slightly zygomorphic. Calyx 5-toothed, persistent. Corolla tube cylindric at base, ventricose above; apex constricted; limb small and slightly 2-lipped, 5-lobed. Stamens 4, included. Disc annular. Ovary 1-locular with 2 parietal placentae, glabrous or glandular-scaly. Fr. a loculicidal capsule. Seed orbicular with a ± circular wing.
Stem much-branched, woody towards base, evergreen or deciduous with aerial shoots dying back in winter in colder climates. Lvs alternate, membranous, 2-pinnate, the second order branches with 3-7 leaflets. Leaflets usually 2 cm long but very variable, ± ovate, glabrous or minutely puberulent, entire, dentate or lobulate; base often strongly oblique; apex ± obtuse. Fls numerous; pedicels glandular. Calyx to 1 cm long; teeth acute or mucronate, purplish, glandular-puberulent. Corolla c. 2.5 cm long, orange-red outside, orange within, the rounded lobes slightly reflexed. Capsule pedicellate, to 4.5 × 2 cm, ovoid-ellipsoid, somewhat rugose, lustrous; base attenuate. Seeds black with prominent wing.
Perennial, acaulous or short-stemmed herbs, sometimes small, branched subshrubs. Lvs alternate, simple, entire, free, in loose or dense rosettes. Infl. axillary, a simple or branched cyme, often elongated and racemose and then fls secund, sometimes cymes paniculate and thyrsoid. Fls 5-merous, ± erect to horizontal, often pendent in bud. Sepals free or connate towards base, subequal to very unequal. Petals united at base, forming a tube except at spreading tips, thick and fleshy, usually orange to red, sometimes pale yellow to white; tube often angled towards base. Stamens 10, included, in 2 unequal or somewhat unequal whorls; inner whorl epipetalous. Carpels 5, united at base. Scales free, lunate or reniform, often truncate. Seeds numerous.
Glabrous, perennial herb, either acaulous or with a very short thick stem. Rosettes of lvs (2)-3-7-(13) cm across, with lvs ascending to same level. Lvs to 6.5 × c. 2.3 cm, 2-3 mm thick, ± broadly obovate-spathulate, strongly glaucous, slightly concave above and slightly keeled beneath; apex apiculate, red to pink. Flowering stems lateral, arising from between basal lvs, usually 7-18 cm high, consisting of a single racemose cyme of secund fls, curving downwards at first, becoming erect later, with glaucous bloom. Fls with ovate- lanceolate bracts nearly 1 cm long; pedicels c. 5 mm long at anthesis. Sepals free, unequal, 4-8 mm long, triangular or triangular-lanceolate, pinkish or greenish, with glaucous bloom, acute. Petals 11-13 × c. 3 mm, lightly cohering below and forming a flask-shaped corolla, free and recurved towards apex, narrowly oblong-elliptic or linear-oblong, the lower part red, the upper yellow. Stamens 5-8 mm long, pale yellow or whitish. Carpels (including styles) 5-7 mm long; styles green. Scales c. 1.5 mm wide, lunate or semi-lunate, thick. Capsules narrowly triangular-ovoid. Mature seeds not seen.
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Annual, biennial or perennial, sometimes monocarpic, herbs or shrubs, ± hispid with bulbous-based hairs. Infl. usually paniculate, composed of bracteate cymes, sometimes up to several m high. Calyx 5-lobed, divided nearly to base, usually accrescent. Corolla narrowly to broadly funnelform, usually blue to purple, sometimes white or pink; limb oblique and ± zygomorphic; base of tube with minute scales, tufts of hair or with a membrane; throat lacking scales. Stamens unequal, exserted or partly included, inserted below middle of corolla tube. Style exserted; stigma capitate or 2-fid. Nutlets ovoid, slightly 3-angled, erect, rugose; base flat.
Giant, monocarpic, hispid herb to c. 5 m high. Stem elongating before flowering and forming a trunk of 1-2 m below fls which becomes leafless and woody. Lvs at first in basal rosette, to 80 × 10 cm, ± oblong; base attenuate to short petiole; apex very long-acuminate; midrib prominently raised below. Panicle eventually 2-3 m high, with many densely arranged lateral branches each bearing a number of pedunculate, bracteate cymes. Calyx 4-6 mm long at anthesis, irregular with 4 lanceolate or lanceolate-ovate sepals and 1 larger, ovate, anterior sepal. Corolla 1.2-1.5 cm long, pink in bud, opening to light blue; upper lobes slightly larger. Stamens long-exserted, filiform, usually pink in upper part. Nutlets 2-3 mm long, prominently lobed and tuberculate towards base.
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Procumbent, decumbent or ascending and straggling perennial herb, farinose at least when young; stems slender, becoming rather thick and woody at base. Petiole c. 5-(20) mm long, filiform. Lamina 2-12-(25) × 2-10-(15) mm, usually broad-elliptic to orbicular, less often oblong-ovate, thin, entire, rounded; apex often mucronulate, sometimes emarginate, occasionally acute. Fls in very slender axillary and terminal spikes; spikes 0.3-6-(10) cm long; glomerules few-flowered, distant, sometimes 0 in lower part of spike. Perianth segments connate at base, triangular to broad-ovate, investing fr.; margin membranous. Stamens 2-3. Seed usually horizontal, rarely vertical, 1-1.5 mm diam., lenticular, flattened; pericarp fairly easily removed, thin and not succulent or red. Testa glossy black, faintly striated.
Sprawling or low scrambling herb, often forming dense mounds; young parts farinose. Stems wiry, angled, often intertwining, sometimes to c. 1 m long. Lvs with petioles to 10 mm long, slender, alternate or opposite. Lamina 8-30 × 3-20-(25) mm, mostly hastate or narrow-triangular, but otherwise entire, green or somewhat glaucescent; apex ± acute; upper lvs becoming lanceolate with cuneate base. Fls in short terminal and axillary spikes; each glomerule subtended by a small linear-subulate bract. Perianth segments c. 0.5 mm long, broad-elliptic, green with narrow membranous margin, becoming c. 1-1.5 mm long, crimson, and ± succulent at fruiting. Stamens 1-3. Fr. 2.5-3 mm diam.; pericarp globular or nearly so, crimson, fleshy. Seed c. 1.2 mm diam., circular, flattened, shining, black, striated.
Herb, often slightly woody towards base, ± grey-farinose at least when young. Stems prostrate and creeping, or tending to scramble on other vegetation, to c. 70 cm or more long, eventually becoming glabrous. Branchlets slender, sulcate. Lvs alternate or opposite; petiole 1-7 mm long, slender. Lamina 2-13-(15) × 1.5-11-(13) mm (occasionally more in shaded situations), usually hastate, subhastate, or ovate, less often lanceolate, rather thin, densely grey-farinose when young, often becoming red, entire except sometimes for basal lobe; base usually hastate or sagittate and truncate or subcordate; apex obtuse or subacute, sometimes mucronulate. Fls in small terminal or axillary glomerules, these sometimes forming spike-like infls. Perianth segments c. 0.5 mm long, accrescent, broadly ovate, becoming crimson and succulent at fruiting; keel green or reddish. Stamens (2)-3. Fr. 3-5 mm diam., globular; pericarp succulent, crimson. Seed 1-1.5 mm diam., circular, flattened, shining black, reticulate.
Prostrate or semi-prostrate perennial herb, often mat-forming. Stems trailing or decumbent, often purple, farinose especially when young. Lvs mainly alternate, ± fleshy. Petiole to 1.5-(2) cm long, slender. Lamina 4-20-(33) × 2-10-(23) mm (lvs smallest at base or amongst glomerules), ovate-hastate, triangular-hastate, ovate or elliptic, entire except for a basal lobe on each side, ± grey or glaucous; margins sometimes purplish; base truncate to broad-cuneate; apex rounded to acute. Infl. farinose; fls terminal and forming ± spike-like clusters, or axillary and in fascicles of few-flowered glomerules. Perianth segments (0.3)-0.5-0.6 mm long at anthesis, linear, spathulate, ovate-oblong, with keel green and margin membranous, becoming c. 1 mm long at fruiting, loosely investing and not meeting laterally or in centre of fr. Stamens usually 2. Pericarp thin, not succulent or red, inconspicuous, easily detached. Seed horizontal, c. 0.8-1-(1.5) mm diam., circular and flattened; testa black, shining, finely granular.
Stems prostrate or semi-prostrate, trailing, often purple; rootstock slender to fairly thick. Petiole 2-15-(20) mm long but usually much less. Lamina ovate-hastate or triangular-hastate. Perianth segments c. 5 mm long, ovate to obovate, slightly valvate, loosely investing but not enclosing fr. Pericarp easily removed. Testa nearly smooth.
Stems prostrate or decumbent, often dark purple; rootstock stout. Petiole usually 3-10 mm long. Lamina ± hastate, broadly ovate, or elliptic. Perianth segments 0.3-0.6 mm long, linear to spathulate, not touching, usually slightly investing fr. Pericarp easily removed. Testa finely granular or furrowed.
Trees or shrubs, often dioecious, with peltate or stellate scales. Lvs alternate, rarely opposite, entire, exstipulate. Fls in fascicles, racemes, spikes or more rarely solitary, ☿ or unisexual. Calyx ± 2-4-lobed, valvate, constricted and persistent round ovary; calyx tube extending beyond ovary to form a hypanthium. Corolla 0. Stamens as many as and alternating with or twice as many as calyx segments; filaments free; ♀ fls lacking staminodes. Ovary superior, sessile, 1-locular; ovule 1, basal; style terminal. Fr. superficially drupe-like, but really an achene enclosed by the fleshy hypanthium. Endosperm 0 or scanty.
Vigorous, often ± scrambling, dense shrub; stems to c. 20 m long, covered in peltate or stellate scales. Young shoots, petioles and lf midrib beneath with brown scales; older branches often spiny. Petiole 5-13 mm long. Lamina 4.5-9 × 1.5-4 cm, elliptic, soon becoming glabrous above, with silvery scales beneath, usually dotted with brown scales, sometimes densely covered in brown scales; margins undulate to almost flat; base rounded; apex obtuse, acute or shortly acuminate. Fascicles few-flowered; fls fragrant, ± pendulous. Pedicels 3-7 mm long, densely covered in brown scales. Calyx 10-13 mm long, abruptly constricted above ovary, covered with mostly silvery and few brown scales outside; lobes 2-4 mm long, triangular, acutely ribbed at base in bud. Stamens inserted at apex of tube; filaments very short, hidden behind anthers. Style slightly > calyx tube. Fr. 1.5-1.8 × 0.8-1 cm, oblong, pale reddish orange, with silver and brown scales. Seed 8-ribbed.
Hermaphroditic or andromonoecious, deciduous or evergreen shrubs, sometimes spiny, prominently furnished with silvery or brown scales. Fls usually in fascicles, sometimes solitary, often fragrant. Calyx tube extending well beyond ovary; lobes 4, deciduous, white or yellow. Stamens 4; filaments very short. Fr. scaly, often edible; achene ellipsoid, striate.
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Glabrous, monoecious annuals with lax or prostrate stems. Lvs cauline, ± oblong with broad bases; ochreae soon lacerate. ♂ fls in terminal or axillary, pedunculate clusters; pedicels filiform; perianth segments (5)-6, free, green; stamens 4-6. ♀ fls in sessile axillary fascicles; perianth segments (5)-6, connate below to form a triangular tube; styles 3; stigmas penicillate. Fr. a trigonous nut included in the hard accrescent perianth, the 3 outer segments of which are spine-tipped.
Prostrate or erect evergreen shrubs or shrublets, more rarely small trees. Lvs alternate, very rarely opposite, often ericoid, sometimes densely crowded, usually entire, often rigid and coriaceous, exstipulate. Fls small, solitary, in spikes or racemes, axillary or terminal, usually ☿; bracts usually prominent. Calyx 4-5-lobed or of free sepals, persistent. Corolla 4-5-lobed, rarely of free petals; lobes imbricate or valvate, occasionally the lobes coherent and tube opening transversely. Stamens 4-5, generally epipetalous but sometimes inserted on receptacle; anthers 1-locular, opening by longitudinal slits; staminodes sometimes present or reduced to hair tufts or glands. Pollen often shed in tetrads. Ovary superior, nearly always surrounded by hypogynous nectariferous disc of scales; carpels (1)-5-10; style single; ovules 1-many on axile or apical placentae. Fr. a loculicidal capsule (subfam. Epacrideae) or a drupe with 1-5-seeded stone (subfam. Styphelieae). Seeds small, endospermic; embryo straight.
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Slender erect shrub to 2 m tall, sometimes very small; branches often fascicled, erect, ± virgate; branchlets puberulous when young. Lvs ascending at first, becoming ± patent, close-set, 4-8-(10) × 1-4 mm, coriaceous, glabrous, often tinted red, on very short petioles. Lamina concave above, not keeled on back, lanceolate-oblong, oblong, ovate, rhombic-ovate to oblong-ovate; veins obscure; apex ± apiculate to narrow-acuminate. Fls solitary, axillary, aggregated towards tips of branchlets; peduncles c. 1.5 mm long. Bracts usually 10-20, strongly imbricate, ovate, conspicuously striate. Corolla white, c. 4-5 mm diam.; lobes patent, broad-oblong, obtuse to subacute, > tube. Capsule ± 1.5 mm long, subglobose, lobed.
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Low herb 1-36 cm tall, usually much-branched, with numerous basal leafy stolons. Stems usually strigillose, rarely with erect hairs, the hairs confined in some populations to the lines decurrent from the margins of petioles. Lamina of lf linear to ovate, 0.5-2 × 0.1-1.5 cm. Floral tube 0.5-1.5 mm deep, glabrous or somewhat strigillose outside. Petals white, sometimes flushed pink after pollination, 2.8-6 × 1.8-4.5 mm. Capsule glabrous to densely strigillose, 1.4-4 cm long; fruiting pedicel 1-10 cm long.
Creeping herb, forming small mats up to 25 cm diam., sometimes forming dense turf; indumentum of glandular, ascending or, more commonly, spreading hairs (sometimes mixed), occasionally also with scattered appressed hairs, very sparse on stems and generally in lines decurrent from petiole margins, usually confined to new growth. Lamina of lf usually oblong to ovate or obovate, occasionally suborbicular, 0.15-1.2 × 0.1-0.5 cm, rugose above. Floral tube 0.6-3 mm deep, sparsely to densely hairy. Petals white, 2.9-8 × 1.4-5.8 mm. Capsules often finely torulose, sparsely to densely hairy, 0.7-1.3-(1.6) cm long; fruiting pedicels 0.7-5.0-(8) cm long.
Erect, much-branched, clump-forming herb 9-25-(30) cm tall, the entire plant densely glandular-hairy and with erect eglandular hairs. Stems with glandular hairs all round. Lamina of lf narrowly obovate, 1.2-3.3 × 0.7-1.4 cm. Floral tube 1.8-2.8 mm deep, with a conspicuous ring of long hairs inside. Petals white, flushed with pink after pollination, 7.3-13 × 7-8 mm. Capsule with glandular and eglandular hairs, 2.9-4.2 cm long; fruiting pedicel 0.3-0.9 cm long.
Erect herb 15-95 cm tall, with numerous leafy stolons from base, strigillose; the infl. often densely strigillose, and often also with erect glandular or eglandular hairs. Stems hairy all round or only along elevated lines running down from the subsessile lvs. Lamina of lf linear to ovate, 0.5-4 × 0.15-1.8 cm. Floral tube 0.6-1.8 mm deep, usually with a conspicuous ring of long hairs inside. Petals rose-purple or white, 3.5-13.5 × 2-7 mm. Capsule moderately to densely strigillose, often also glandular, 3-7.5 cm long; fruiting pedicel 0.6-2 cm long.
Slightly woody herb up to 40 cm tall, much-branched, forming clumps. Stems glabrous, or with few small strigillose hairs at junction of petiole margins. Lamina of lf narrowly-elliptic to elliptic, 1.3-2.6 × 0.4-0.8 cm. Floral tube 0.8-1.2 mm deep, glabrous. Petals white, flushed pink after pollination, 6.7-7.4 × 3.8-4.6 mm. Capsule glabrous, 2-3.8 cm long; fruiting pedicel 0.2-1 cm long.
Matted, creeping herb forming patches up to 2 m across. Stems with well-marked lines of strigillose hairs running down from margins of petioles, very rarely glabrous. Lamina of lf narrowly ovate to broadly ovate or broadly elliptic, 0.15-1.3 × 0.15-1.2 cm. Floral tube 0.6-1.6 mm deep, glabrate or hairy. Petals white, (2.3)-3.2-7 × 1.8-5 mm. Capsule glabrate or sparsely hairy along lines of dehiscence, 1.5-6.1 cm long; fruiting pedicel (1)-3.5-8-(12) cm long.
Loosely tufted herb up to 75 cm tall, with numerous leafy stolons. Stems mostly glabrous, but strigillose along lines decurrent from margins of petioles. Lamina of lf elliptic to ovate, 1.2-4 × 0.7-1.5 cm, subsessile. Floral tube 1-1.7 mm deep, strigillose and glandular. Petals white, often flushed pink later, 6-11 × 4.5-6 mm. Capsule moderately to densely strigillose and glandular, 4-6 cm long; fruiting pedicels 1.2-2.8 cm long.
Herb 7-45 cm tall, very sparsely branched from the base and sometimes also above. Stems with strigillose lines running down from margins of petioles, hairy all round above. Lamina of lf narrowly to broadly ovate, 1-3 × 1.2-2 cm. Floral tube 0.9-1.4 mm deep, glandular-hairy. Petals white, 7-11 × 5-8 mm. Capsule with glandular hairs, and sometimes with a few strigillose hairs, 3.9-5.2 cm long; fruiting pedicels 1.5-2.5 cm long.
Erect herb 15-200 cm tall, increasing by leafy rosettes near the base of the thick, hollow stem; stems strigillose only along the elevated lines decurrent from the margins of the petioles. Lvs mostly opposite (the uppermost alternate), deep green, glabrous, (1)-2-9 × 0.7-3 cm, lanceolate, serrulate with 20-30 teeth each side; base rounded or obtuse, apex acuminate; petiole 1-2 mm long. Infl. nodding, strigillose and with glandular hairs. Fls erect. Ovary 0.8-2.5 cm long, hairy, sometimes densely so. Floral tube 0.5-1.4 mm deep, with a conspicuous ring of long hairs inside. Sepals keeled, 2-4 × 1-1.2 mm. Petals rose-purple, 3.5-5.5 × 2.2-3.2 mm. Filaments of the longer stamens 1.4-3 mm long. Style white, 1.5-3 mm long, glabrous; stigma clavate, 1.2-2 mm high. Capsules hairy, 4.5-8.5 cm long; fruiting pedicel 0.3-1 cm long. Seeds 0.8-1.2 × 0.3-0.45 mm, narrowly obovoid; abaxial surface with conspicuous lines of papillae; terminal end with an evident pellucid beak formed from the coalesced bases of the coma.
Densely to loosely matted herb. Stems creeping and rooting at nodes or erect, 2-18 cm long, mostly glabrous but with lines of fine appressed or erect hairs decurrent from margins of petioles. Lamina of lf elliptic, 4-16 × 2-7 mm. Floral tube 0.4-1 mm deep, glabrous. Petals bright rose-purple, 2-5.5 × 1.2-2.6 mm. Capsule glabrous, 1.3-4 cm long; fruiting pedicel 0-6 cm long.
Robust, creeping, glabrous herb with stems to 10 cm long, occasionally branching and forming long, underground whitish rhizomes after flowering. Petioles winged. Lamina of lf oblanceolate to narrowly obovate, 1.2-4 × 0.5-1.4 cm. Floral tube 1.4-2.2 mm deep, glabrous. Petals white with pinkish veins, flushed pink after pollination, 5.1-7.5 × 2.7-5.2 mm. Capsule glabrous, 3.6-7.5 cm long; fruiting pedicel 3-8 cm long.
Thick-leaved herb, 4-15 cm tall, branched at base, with deep taproot. Stems densely clothed in glandular hairs mixed with shorter eglandular hairs all round. Lamina of lf narrowly to broadly obovate, 0.6-3.2 × 0.3-1.3 cm. Floral tube c. 2 mm deep, densely clothed in glandular hairs outside. Petals white, 7-9 × 3.6-4.4 mm. Capsules eventually glabrous, 1-1.8 cm long.
Bushy or sometimes matted herb, much-branched, from a stout taproot; branches sometimes straggling and rooting near base, 5-40 cm long. Stems with lines of strigillose, erect eglandular or glandular hairs decurrent from margins of petioles. Lamina of lf elliptic to lanceolate or narrowly ovate, 0.5-2 × 0.2-0.7 cm. Floral tube 0.6-1.5-(3.2) mm deep, glabrous. Petals white or rose-purple, often flushed pink after pollination, 3-8-(18) × 2-5-(12) mm. Capsule glabrous, 2-4-(6.5) cm long; fruiting pedicel 0-0.4-(0.6) cm long.
Tufted herb, with numerous, decumbent, leafy stems to 20 cm long. Stems with lines of erect or appressed eglandular hairs decurrent from margins of petioles. Lamina of lf narrowly to broadly ovate or ovate-elliptic, 0.5-1.8 × 0.3-1 cm. Floral tube 0.5-1.5 mm deep, glabrous. Petals white, 3.5-6.4 × 2.5-4.5 mm. Capsule glabrous, 2.8-5 cm long; fruiting pedicel (1.7)-2.5-6 cm long.
Erect herb, 7.5-80 cm tall, often much-branched, with numerous leafy stolons. Stems strigillose all round, with elevated lines decurrent from margins of petioles, more densely strigillose in infl. Lamina of lf usually narrowly elliptic or elliptic, rarely lanceolate or narrowly ovate, 1-6 × 0.2-2 cm. Floral tube 1-1.5 mm deep, subglabrous to sparsely strigillose outside, with a conspicuous fringe of erect white hairs inside. Petals bright rose-purple to lilac, sometimes paler or very rarely white, 5.5-17 × 5-10 mm. Capsule densely strigillose and with glandular hairs, 3.5-7.5 cm long; fruiting pedicel 0.3-1.5 cm long. Seeds with conspicuous pale rim.
Tufted slender herb 5-25 cm tall, often much-branched, perennating from buds near base, with short, crisp, erect or appressed hairs mostly confined to lines decurrent from margins of petioles, especially on upper part of stem. Lamina of lf narrowly elliptic, 0.3-2 cm × 0.1-0.4 cm. Floral tube 0.6-1.3 mm deep, strigillose outside. Petals white or pinkish, often flushed with pink after pollination, 2.5-8.6 × 1.8-5.5 mm. Capsule strigillose, sometimes very sparsely so, with denser lines of hairs conspicuous along the edges of valves and sometimes with a green suture line, 1.8-2.8 cm long; fruiting pedicel 1.3-2-(2.7) cm long.
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Loosely matted flaccid herb 3-40 cm tall, often much-branched, creeping and rooting near base. Stems strigillose all round at least in upper portions, also with glandular hairs in infl. Lamina of lf narrowly to very broadly ovate, 0.4-2.6 × 0.4-1.4 cm. Floral tube 0.9-1.2 mm deep, glandular and strigillose. Petals white, 3.3-6.2 × 1.6-3.5 mm. Capsule sparsely strigillose and with glandular hairs, 2.5-5.5 cm long; fruiting pedicel 0.5-6.5 cm long.
Creeping herb forming mats up to 0.5 m diam. Stems with sparse, round-tipped, appressed, antrorse, eglandular hairs (occasionally also with non-appressed, antrorse hairs) in decurrent lines; hairs also on ovaries, capsules, pedicels, sepals and sometimes lvs. Lamina of lf usually suborbicular, rugose, sometimes oblong or ovate, sometimes with several forms on the same plant, 0.2-1.2 × 0.15-0.9 cm. Floral tube 0.4-1 mm deep, glabrate. Petals white, 2-4-(5) × 0.9-2.5-(3) mm. Capsule glabrate, 0.4-3 cm long; fruiting pedicel 0.3-9.3-(13.5) cm long.
Erect or creeping herbs, usually perennial, very rarely annual, sometimes woody near base, overwintering and multiplying by leafy rosettes, subterranean or surface runners and stolons, turions or gemmae. Lvs opposite, at least below infl., often lower opposite and upper alternate, occasionally all alternate, rarely verticillate, simple. Fls solitary in lf axils, but sometimes forming a ± definite, terminal, racemose infl., usually actinomorphic, occasionally somewhat zygomorphic; pollen and stigmas ripening together, occasionally markedly protogynous or protandrous. Buds erect to pendulous. Floral tube present or 0, cylindric. Sepals 4, caducous. Petals 4, nearly always white or cream to pink, rose or purple, usually emarginate, sometimes entire, not clawed. Stamens 8, the outer whorl longer; anthers basifixed or dorsifixed. Stigma capitate, clavate, or deeply 4-lobed. Capsule 4-celled, loculicidal, slender. Seeds usually numerous, ± brown, nearly always with terminal, caducous or persistent coma of silky hairs.
Creeping herb forming thick loose mats, either in very wet ground or floating. Stems 2-20 cm long, creeping and rooting below, with short bristly hairs all round. Lamina of lf elliptic to narrowly-ovate, 6-15 × 3-8 mm. Floral tube 1.3-2 mm deep, glabrous or somewhat hairy. Petals usually white, very rarely pink at first, but flushed pink after pollination, 6.5-12 × 4-8 mm. Capsule glabrous, (3)-4-6.5 cm long; fruiting pedicel (1)-2.5-12 cm long.
Creeping glabrous herb. Stems reddish, 2-15 cm long, branching and rooting at nodes. Lamina of lf oblanceolate, (3)-8-16 × 2-5 mm. Floral tube 3-5 mm deep, glabrous. Petals white, 7-9 × 3.5-4.6 mm. Capsules glabrous, 1-2 cm long; fruiting pedicel 0.2-1 cm long.
Tufted herb, with graceful arcuate branches spreading from a central system of rhizomes, with leafy overwintering rosettes. Stems 4-30 cm tall, with lines of short erect hairs on the elevated ridges running down from margins of petioles. Lamina of lf elliptic, 12-30 × 5-15 mm. Floral tube 1-2 mm deep, glabrous or with a few short hairs. Petals white, 5-8 × 4-5.5 mm. Capsules glabrate, 2.5-5 cm long; fruiting pedicel 0.8-2 cm long.
Crisp herb, branched at the base and sometimes also above, 10-30 cm tall, from a stout taproot. Stems usually purplish black, sometimes green, with dense strigillose hairs in lines. Lamina of lf narrow-elliptic to elliptic, 3-12-(20) × 1-4-(6) mm. Floral tube 0.2-0.6 mm deep, glabrous. Petals white, flushed pink after pollination, 5-6.5 × 2.3-3 mm. Capsules glabrous, 1.8-3.8 cm long; fruiting pedicel 0-0.9 cm long.
Tufted herb with wiry stems, branched. Stems black to pale brown, 8-25 cm long, sometimes sprawling, with lines of ± appressed short hairs. Lamina of lf usually broadly elliptic to rotund, rarely elliptic, 2-8 × 1-3 mm. Floral tube 0.4-0.6 mm deep, strigillose outside. Petals white, 2-2.9 × 0.8-1.9 mm. Capsules with conspicuous bands of strigillose hairs along the lines of dehiscence, thus appearing striped light and dark, rarely strigillose all over, 0.9-2.2 cm long; fruiting pedicel 0.2-1.6 cm long.
Perennial herb (5)-20-100 cm tall, often much-branched, in autumn producing short ± horizontal stolons from base of plant; stolons terminating in fleshy or leafy buds below or above ground; flowering stems erect; plants covered with erect or appressed eglandular hairs. Lvs opposite below, alternate in the infl., dark green, strigillose, especially along the veins and margins, 3-8 × 1.5-3.4 cm, irregularly serrate, narrowly-ovate or ovate; apex acuminate or acute; base broadly cuneate to truncate; petiole 1-6 mm long. Infl. nodding, with glandular hairs and strigillose. Fls erect. Ovary 2-3 cm long. Floral tube 1.2-2 mm deep, with a conspicuous ring of long hairs inside. Sepals keeled, 5-6.5 × 1.2-1.7 mm. Petals rose-purple, 7.5-10 × 4-5.5 mm. Filaments of the longer stamens 3.5-5.5 mm long. Style 3.5-5.5 mm long, rosy purple or white, glabrous or nearly so; stigma deeply 4-lobed, the lobes 1.2-1.8 mm long. Capsule 4-8 cm long; fruiting pedicel 0.8-1.5 cm long. Seeds 1-1.2 × 0.45-0.55 mm, obovoid, coarsely papillose.
Loosely matted, creeping, stem-rooting herb forming patches up to 0.4 m across, glabrous or rarely the stems with a very few strigillose hairs in lines decurrent from margins of petioles. Lamina of lf broadly elliptic to ovate, (3)-4-11 × (2)-3-8 mm. Floral tube 0.5-1.1 mm deep, sparsely strigillose outside. Petals usually white, rarely pale pink, 2.5-5.3 × 1.5-4 mm. Capsule glabrous, (1.5)-2-4.2 cm long; fruiting pedicel (2.7)-3.5-9-(15) cm long.
Loosely matted, creeping, stem-rooting herb forming patches up to 1 m across. Stems a distinctive pale purplish blue, with strigillose hairs running down the lines decurrent from petiole margins. Lamina of lf broadly ovate to suborbicular, 3-13 × 3-11 mm. Floral tube 0.4-1.1 mm deep, sparsely strigillose outside. Petals white, 1.9-3.4 × 1.7-2.1 mm. Capsule densely grey-strigillose, (1)-1.5-4 cm long; fruiting pedicel 2.3-12.5 cm long.
Erect perennial herb 20-80 cm tall, in late summer producing elongated leafy stolons above or on surface of ground, these not terminating in distinct rosettes; stems strigillose above, glabrous below, with the hairs concentrated on raised lines running down from petiole margins. Lvs mostly opposite, alternate in the infl., subsessile and often somewhat decurrent, 1.5-10 × 0.4-1.8 cm, lanceolate to narrowly ovate, green or bluish green, strigillose on midrib and veins below, otherwise glabrous, denticulate; base rounded to amplexicaul; apex obtuse. Infl. erect, with mainly strigillose hairs. Fls erect. Ovary 1.2-3.8 mm long, strigillose. Floral tube 0.8-1 mm deep, with a conspicuous rim of dense long hairs inside, strigillose with a few glandular hairs outside. Sepals 2.5-4.5 × 1-1.3 mm, strigillose, somewhat keeled. Petals rose-purple, 3.5-6 × 1.8-3 mm. Filaments of the longer stamens 2-2.2 mm long. Style white, 2.5-3.5 mm long, glabrous; stigma clavate, 1.5-2 mm high. Capsule strigillose, 4-7 cm long; fruiting pedicel 0.4-1.6 cm long. Seeds 0.8-1.0 × 0.35-0.4 mm, obovoid, coarsely papillose.
Robust rhizomatous herb, often well-branched near base and above, ascending 25-140 cm, sometimes forming leafy stolons, strigillose, densely so in the infl. Stems strigillose all round or rarely only on the elevated lines decurrent from margins of petioles. Lamina of lf narrowly lanceolate to lanceolate, 30-80 × 5-13 mm. Floral tube 1.3-2 mm deep, with a conspicuous ring of long hairs inside. Petals white, often flushed pink or rose-purple, 7.5-14 × 5-10 mm. Capsule grey-strigillose, (4.5)-6.5-9.5 cm long; fruiting pedicel 1-2 cm long.
Robust perennial herb 20-140 cm tall, in autumn producing short-stalked leafy rosettes near base of plant; stems densely pilose with raised lines decurrent from margins of petioles. Lvs opposite below, alternate in upper 1/2, subsessile, dark green, densely covered with long, erect hairs above and below, 3-12 × 1-3.5 cm, narrowly lanceolate to narrowly ovate, denticulate; base rounded or truncate; apex acute. Infl. erect, the hairs mainly glandular. Fls erect. Ovary 1.2-4 cm long, with dense bands of long hairs and erect and shorter glandular hairs, rarely glabrate. Floral tube 1-1.9 mm deep, with a conspicuous ring of long hairs inside. Sepals (2)-3-6 × 1-2 mm, with glandular hairs, keeled. Petals usually rose-purple, rarely white, 3-9 × 2.7-4.8 mm. Filaments of the longer stamens 1.8-3.9 mm long. Style 2.2-4.7 mm long, glabrous, white, sometimes rose-purple towards base; stigma deeply 4-lobed, the lobes 1-1.8 mm long. Capsule with mixed long erect and shorter glandular hairs, rarely subglabrous, 3.5-7 cm long; fruiting pedicel 0.8-1.7 cm long. Seeds 0.9-1 × 0.4-0.5 mm, obovoid, coarsely papillose.
Creeping herb, rooting at nodes and forming loose mats up to 0.5 m diam. Stems strigillose or with short erect hairs on lines decurrent from margins of petioles. Lamina of lf very broadly ovate to orbicular, 2.5-14 × 2.5-15 mm. Floral tube 0.7-0.9 mm deep. Petals white, occasionally pink, 3-5 × 1.9-2.6 mm. Capsule glabrous, 2-5 cm long; fruiting pedicel 4.5-10 cm long.
Compact, creeping herb forming dense patches up to 0.5 m across. Stems light brown, glabrous or very sparsely strigillose near margins of petioles, rooting at nodes. Lamina of lf with a conspicuous median depression, broadly elliptic to orbicular, 1.5-6 × 1.5-5 mm. Floral tube (1.4)-1.6-2.5 mm deep, glabrous. Petals white, (4)-5-10.7 × 3-7.5 mm. Capsule glabrous or nearly so, 1.5-3.8 cm long; fruiting pedicel (2)-3-6.8 cm long.
Slender herb with numerous stems arising from the loosely rhizomatous rootcrown. Stems 7-30 cm tall, densely covered with ± appressed hairs. Lamina of lf narrowly elliptic, 8-22 × 2.5-6 mm. Infl. nodding in bud. Floral tube 0.6-0.9 mm deep, densely strigillose. Petals white, 2.8-4.5 × 1.5-3.4 mm. Capsule 2-2.5 cm long, densely grey-strigillose; fruiting pedicel 0.2-0.7 cm long.
Tufted herb, sometimes rooting near the base, 4-20 cm tall. Stems erect, often reddish, with fine lines of strigillose or erect eglandular hairs decurrent from margins of petioles. Lamina of lf elliptic, 6-15 × 3-7 mm. Floral tube 0.4-0.8 mm deep, glabrous. Petals white, later flushed pink, 3.2-5 × 2.2-2.6 mm. Capsule glabrous, 1.5-2.3 cm long, usually subsessile, rarely pedicellate.
Erect, sparsely to well-branched, tufted, perennial herb 15-70 cm tall, densely covered with erect glandular and eglandular hairs. Stems hairy all round. Lamina of lf narrowly obovate to broadly ovate, 7-43 × 4-24 mm. Floral tube 0.7-1 mm deep, glabrous or nearly so. Petals white, 3.5-7 × 2.9-4 mm. Capsule 2.9-5.3 cm long, densely clothed in glandular and eglandular hairs; fruiting pedicel 0.5-1.5 cm long.
Sprawling herb. Stems 4-20 cm long, conspicuously purplish black, glabrous, or with rather sparse, minute, semi-erect hairs extending down from angle formed at point of fusion of petiole margins. Lamina of lf broadly elliptic to orbicular, 4-16 × 3-8 mm. Floral tube 1-1.2 mm deep, glabrous. Petals white with pink veins, flushed pink after pollination, 4.5-9 × 3-4 mm. Capsule purple, 1.2-4 cm long, glabrous; fruiting pedicel 1-6.5 cm long.
Herb with very deep taproot. Stems 4-18 cm tall, branched at base, and sometimes also above, purplish black or green, with dense strigillose hairs in lines running down from margins of petioles. Lamina of lf narrowly oblanceolate or oblanceolate, 6-15 × 2-5 mm. Floral tube 0.7-1.6 mm deep, glabrous. Petals white, 4.2-8 × 2.2-3.5 mm. Capsules 1-2.4 cm long, glabrous, subsessile.
Low, tufted herb 4-12 cm tall, well-branched from the base and sometimes also above. Stems grey-green or reddish, ± densely covered with short erect or appressed eglandular hairs. Lamina of lf narrowly elliptic, 4-9 × 1-3 mm. Floral tube 0.5-1 mm deep, ± densely strigillose outside. Petals white or rose-purple, becoming flushed rose after pollination, 2.8-9 × 1.1-5.1 mm. Capsules ± densely covered with erect or appressed eglandular hairs, 1-1.9 cm long, prominently beaked, subsessile.
Herb, often sprawling and branching at base. Stems ± erect, 10-40 cm tall, strigillose all round, densely so in lines decurrent from margins of petioles, often also with a few glandular hairs. Lamina of lf broadly ovate, 3-25 × 3-20 mm. Floral tube 0.5-1.5 mm deep, sparsely glandular-hairy. Petals white, 2-2.5 × 1.5-3.5 mm. Capsule subglabrous to strigillose, 2-5 cm long; fruiting pedicel 1.5-4.2 cm long.
Herb, creeping and rooting at nodes, often densely matted with crowded lvs, or with erect reddish stems to 15 cm tall. Stems glabrous or with lines of fine strigillose hairs decurrent from margins of petioles. Lamina of lf narrowly elliptic or elliptic, 6-20 × 2-5.5 mm. Floral tube 0.5-1.1 mm deep, glabrous. Petals white, 3.3-5 × 3.6 mm. Capsule glabrous, 0.8-2.2 cm long; fruiting pedicel (0.2)-1-4 cm long.
Rank, clump-forming perennial herb 10-130 cm tall; stems branched from base, producing leafy basal rosettes in autumn; stems strigillose all round above, and with raised lines running down from bases of petioles. Lvs mostly opposite, alternate in infl., sessile and decurrent into the raised lines on stem, dark bluish green, often tinged with red, 1.5-7.5 × 0.3-1.5 cm, evenly serrate or serrulate, narrow-lanceolate to narrow-elliptic, strigillose on midrib and margins; base attenuate to truncate; apex acute or acuminate. Infl. erect, densely strigillose. Fls erect. Ovary 3-5 cm long, strigillose. Floral tube 0.8-1.1 mm deep, strigillose outside, with a conspicuous rim of dense, long hairs inside. Sepals 2.8-4.5 × 0.8-1.8 mm, strigillose, somewhat keeled. Petals pale mauve to rose-purple, 2.5-5.5-(7) × 2-3.5-(4.5) mm. Filaments of the longer stamens 1.3-3 mm long. Style 1.5-3.2 mm long, glabrous or nearly so, white, sometimes rosy purple near base; stigma clavate, 1.8-3 mm high. Capsule strigillose, (3.5)-5-11.5 cm long; fruiting pedicel 1-3 cm long. Seeds 0.8-1.3 × 0.4-0.5 mm, obovoid, coarsely papillose.
Tufted herb. Stems 6-30 cm tall, usually purplish, rarely green, wiry, with broad lines of eglandular appressed or erect hairs running down below the petioles, hairy all round above. Lamina of lf ovate to broadly ovate, 10-40 × 6-20 mm. Floral tube 1.8-2.5 mm deep, ± glandular-hairy. Petals white or pink, 10-18 × 6-15 mm. Capsule usually with sparse glandular or erect eglandular hairs, rarely glabrous, 1.9-5.5 cm long; fruiting pedicel 0.7-1.5 cm long.
Stems siliceous, longitudinally grooved, jointed. Lvs each with 1 unbranched vein, united into whorls, sheathing the stems at nodes. Sporangia borne on stalked, peltate sporangiophores arranged in whorls to form distinct strobili. Homosporous; spores with chlorophyll and 4 elaters. Gametophytes green and surface-living.
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Underground stems creeping, freely branching; aerial stems upright, often bearing whorls of branches, usually with a central hollow surrounded by 2 rings of alternating smaller cavities. Lvs in sheathing whorls at the nodes, small and brownish, toothed at the apices. Several sporangia borne on adaxial surface of heads of sporangiophores. Strobili usually terminal on main aerial stems.
Erect annual herb, up to c. 2 m tall. Stems sparsely hairy to glabrous, branched above. Lvs glabrous or sparsely hairy on veins below, apetiolate, lanceolate, oblanceolate or narrow-elliptic, cuneate and sometimes amplexicaul, or broad at base, irregularly serrate or with triangular lobes and again serrate, 6-20 × 1-8 cm; uppermost lvs smaller, often lanceolate or linear. Capitula in dense or open panicles. Supplementary bracts 5-14, linear, 3-5 mm long. Involucral bracts 12-15, linear, (8)-11-13 mm long. Disc pale yellow, 5-8 mm diam. Achenes subcylindric, narrowed to apex, 2.5-3.5 mm long, sparsely hairy between ribs; pappus white, 12-15 mm long.
Annual or perennial herbs. Lvs simple, subentire to 1-pinnatifid, alternate. Capitula in panicles; involucral bracts in 1 row, with supplementary bracts subtending involucre. Receptacle ± flat; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, not ligulate, filiform; inner florets ☿. Achenes all similar, ± cylindric, with c. 10 prominent ribs, and short antrorse hairs between ribs; pappus simple, sometimes caducous.
Erect annual herb, 0.5- c. 1 m tall. Stems sparsely hairy to almost glabrous, branched above. Lvs sparsely hispidulous, usually lanate when very young; lower lvs petiolate, irregularly serrate to lyrate-pinnatifid or pinnatifid; mid cauline lvs petiolate or narrowed to long-cuneate base, not amplexicaul, ovate to elliptic, usually pinnatifid, sometimes lyrate-pinnatifid, 7-25 × 3-15 cm, with segments elliptic or oblong and irregularly serrate; uppermost lvs smaller, broader-based, and usually ± apetiolate with fewer, often narrower segments. Capitula in dense or open panicles. Supplementary bracts 7-14, linear, 1.5-5 mm long. Involucral bracts 12-14, linear, (6)-9-12 mm long. Disc mauve, 3-6-(7) mm diam. Achenes narrow-cylindric, narrowed to apex, 3-3.8 mm long, with scattered hairs between ribs; pappus pink to mauve, c. 10 mm long.
Erect shrub, generally 0.5-3-(4) m high. Shoots densely white- pilose. Lvs in whorls of 3, mostly 5-13 mm long, glabrous to white- pilose, revolute but midrib of lower surface clearly visible; petiole appressed to shoot and lamina usually somewhat directed forward. Fls terminal on short axillary shoots, commonly in clusters of 3, but sometimes to c. 20 on a shoot. Pedicels 4-6 mm long, densely white-pilose. Bracteoles 1-2 mm long, narrow-linear, white-pilose, situated in basal 1/2 of pedicel. Sepals 3-4.5 mm long, lanceolate or ovate, densely or moderately white-pilose, acuminate. Corolla 5.5-7 mm long, narrow-urceolate, persistent, usually white, sometimes pinkish, white-pilose outside; lobes c. 1 mm long, erect or nearly so, rounded. Stamens included; anthers c. 1 mm long, probably dark reddish; awns very short. Style = corolla tube; stigma capitate. Capsule c. 2.5 mm long, subglobose, with white appressed hairs.
Shrub or small tree to c. 5 m high. Shoots densely hairy or puberulent with copious echinate hairs, especially on young main shoots, occasionally hairs almost simple and very short. Lvs in whorls of 3-4, 3-7 mm long; margins revolute, contiguous and entirely concealing undersurface; apparent or false margin sometimes with hairs giving a serrulate appearance, otherwise lf glabrous; petiole very short. Fls in lateral racemes; racemes often densely arranged so appearing as a terminal panicle. Pedicels 2-3 mm long, glabrous. Bracteoles c. 1 mm long, linear to lanceolate, whitish, inserted on lower 1/2 of pedicel, not reaching calyx, ciliate. Calyx 1-2 mm long, whitish; lobes ovate, ciliolate, obtuse, 2-3× length of tube. Corolla 2.5-4 mm long, urceolate-campanulate, white, glabrous; lobes c. 1 mm long, erect, very broadly ovate. Stamens included; anthers c. 1 mm long, rose or crimson; awns short, echinate or plumose. Style exserted; stigma broad-capitate. Capsule c. 2 mm long, ± broad-oblong, glabrous.
Glabrous shrub from c. 0.1-2.5 m high, usually erect, sometimes spreading. Lvs in whorls of 4, usually densely imbricate, curved and lying forward along stem, 4-9 mm long; margin revolute and contiguous, entirely concealing undersurface; apparent or false margin sometimes crenulate; petiole c. 1 mm long, appressed to shoot. Fls terminal, in clusters of (3)-4. Pedicels c. 5 mm long, pink and often obscured by the pink linear-oblong or lanceolate bracteoles overlapping the calyx. Sepals 4.5-5 mm long, elliptic-oblong or lanceolate-oblong, pink, keeled, ± mucronate. Corolla 5-6 mm long, globular, with 4 blunt-angled ridges and depressions between them, pink to rose, glabrous, constricted at apex; lobes short, broad, ± inflexed, sometimes deeper coloured than tube. Stamens included; filaments bent just below anthers, much > anthers; awns = or > anthers, fimbriate. Style included, short. Stigma capitate. Capsule c. 5 mm diam., almost globose, glabrous.
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Glabrous shrub forming large spreading clumps with ascending stems to c. 50-(70) cm high. Lvs ± patent, in whorls of 4, 6-13 mm long, strongly revolute and usually margins contiguous; petioles very short. Fls in small clusters, these aggregated into dense terminal or axillary panicles. Pedicels 5-10 mm long, reddish, slender. Bracteoles linear, white, situated in lower 1/2 of pedicel, 0.75-1 mm long, fimbriate. Sepals c. 1 mm long, ovate, whitish, minutely ciliate, acute to almost mucronate. Corolla 3-4 mm long, campanulate or subglobose, pink or rose (often white in cultivation), glabrous; lobes short, broad-triangular, erect or suberect. Stamens exserted; anthers c. 0.75 mm long, black, divergent, awnless. Style > stamens, reddish; stigma shallowly lobed. Capsules not seen.
Shrubs and shrublets, less commonly trees, usually evergreen. Lvs exstipulate, usually alternate, sometimes opposite or whorled. Infl. a terminal or axillary raceme, umbel or panicle, sometimes fls solitary. Fls ☿, regular or nearly so. Calyx 4-5-lobed, persistent and sometimes accrescent. Corolla usually gamopetalous, 4-5-lobed, rarely petals free. Stamens usually twice as many as, sometimes as many as corolla lobes, usually inserted on or between the lobes of a fleshy hypogynous disc; filaments free or rarely ± connate; anthers 2-locular, dehiscing by terminal pores or short slits, sometimes with awns or tails; pollen shed in tetrads. Ovary usually superior, sometimes inferior, 2-5-(10)-celled; ovules numerous on axile placentae. Style and stigma single; stigma simple or lobed. Fr. a capsule or berry. Seeds usually numerous, occasionally few, very small.
Erect annual herb. Stems ridged, sparsely to densely hairy, especially below, usually branched only above to form infl., sometimes branched from base, not rooting, 20-100-(150) cm tall. Lvs all cauline at flowering; lower cauline lvs elliptic to ovate-elliptic, apetiolate and cuneate, cuspidate, serrate, sparsely to moderately hairy, ciliate, 30-80 × 7-20 mm; uppermost lvs smaller, narrow-elliptic, sometimes obtuse at base, entire. Capitula c. 15-20 mm diam., 3-numerous in corymbs or panicles. Involucral bracts lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, sparsely hairy, 3.5-5 mm long. Ligules linear, pale blue or white, 3.5-7 mm long. Disc yellow. Achenes sparsely hairy, c. 0.8 mm long; pappus of disc florets of 1 row of long hairs and an outer row of short scales; pappus of ray florets of short scales only.
Procumbent to ascending perennial herb. Stems ridged, sparsely hairy, becoming glabrous, much-branched, rooting, 15-70 cm long. Lvs mostly or all cauline at flowering; lower cauline lvs ovate-elliptic to elliptic or obovate-elliptic, apetiolate and cuneate, cuspidate, often 3-lobed with central lobe largest, sometimes with lateral lobes reduced to teeth at c. 1/2 length of lf, sometimes entire, usually sparsely hairy, sometimes moderately hairy or almost glabrous, often ciliate, (10)-15-40-(60) × (2)-5-15-(25) mm; uppermost lvs smaller, narrow-elliptic, not lobed. Capitula c. 15-25 mm diam., solitary or few in corymbs. Involucral bracts lanceolate, glabrous or sparsely hairy, 2.5-4 mm long. Ligules linear, usually white flushed with purplish pink, sometimes white, pink, or purple, 5-8 mm long. Disc yellow or brownish yellow. Achenes sparsely hairy, 1-1.4 mm long; pappus of 1 row of long hairs, sometimes with shorter hairs intermixed.
Usually annual to perennial herbs, rarely shrubs. Lvs alternate, simple, entire, serrate or lobed. Capitula 1-numerous, solitary or in corymbs or panicles. Involucral bracts in 2-4 rows, imbricate, the outer somewhat herbaceous, the inner mostly chartaceous. Receptacle flat or convex; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, mostly distinctly ligulate, numerous in 1-2 rows, sometimes the inner ♀ florets filiform; ligules white to pink, blue or purple. Inner florets ☿, tubular, numerous. Achenes usually all similar, sometimes dimorphic, obovoid, compressed, hairy, sometimes with 1-4 narrow ribs; pappus usually of scabrid hairs in 1 row, sometimes with a short outer row of scales or hairs and then rarely the long hairs lacking on ray achenes.
Tree up to 8 m high when mature; trunk well developed; primary stems erect; secondary stems spreading; young stems stout, white-tomentose; older stems with prominent lf scars, becoming greyish brown and transversely calloused. Lvs near branch tips; petiole c. 15 mm long, stout; blade oblanceolate to narrowly elliptic, 150-350-(400) × 75-100-(130) mm, acute, tapering to cuneate or slightly auriculate base, very coriaceous, ± rugose, dark green and glossy above, thinly grey- or brown-tomentose below (very young lvs completely brown-tomentose), serrate at least in upper 1/2 (sometimes obscurely); stipules long-triangular, ± attenuate, pilose. Infl. of many fls; pedicels 5-8 mm long, brownish tomentose. Sepals fused for most of length; lobes 2-4 mm long, brown-tomentose. Petals white or ivory, oblong, c. 7-8 × 3-4 mm, shallowly emarginate. Fr. pyriform to broadly ellipsoid-oblong or subglobose, up to 50 × 35 mm; skin yellow, ± tomentose; flesh sweet.
Evergreen, unarmed shrubs or small trees; stems spreading, brown-tomentose when young. Lvs usually clustered towards branchlet tips, sessile or short-petiolate, large, simple, serrate or rarely entire; stipules usually small, deciduous. Infl. a terminal, broadly pyramidal panicle, usually tomentose. Fls 5-merous, ☿, small, shortly pedicellate. Hypanthium tubular, closed at apex. Epicalyx 0. Calyx of 5 persistent sepals. Petals suborbicular, spreading to erect, white or cream. Stamens (15)-20-(40). Ovary inferior or semi-inferior; carpels 2-5; styles 2-5, fused at base; ovules paired in each locule. Fr. a moderately-sized to large fleshy pome, ovoid to ellipsoid or globular, with persistent calyx lobes; carpel walls leathery; seeds 1-few, large.
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Annual, at first stemless, later usually with 1 or more hairy stems; plant extremely variable in size, from prostrate to c. 50 cm high and c. 75 cm wide, not musk-scented. Lvs to c. 15 cm long, pinnate, hairy, sometimes densely so, sometimes glandular; petiole longer in rosette and lower cauline lvs. Leaflets sessile, ovate, deeply and finely pinnately dissected with linear to lanceolate lobes, often densely covered in white hairs. Stipules triangular, often broad, membranous, ciliate, silvery; midrib green, forming an acute or mucronate apex. Umbels (2)-5-12-flowered; bracts broad-ovate, membranous, with green keeled midrib forming an acute to short-acuminate apex. Peduncles densely covered in glandular hairs, often > upper cauline lvs; pedicels ± = calyx at anthesis. Sepals (2.5)-3-5 mm long at anthesis, lanceolate, hirsute or glandular, mucronate. Petals 4-6 mm long, elliptic or oblong-elliptic, usually pink or mauve-pink, rarely white; claw short, hairy. Stamens c. 3 mm long; filaments widened at base, without lateral teeth, usually pinkish; anthers dark purple. Staminodes narrow-lanceolate. Fr. beak 3-3.5 cm long, with appressed hairs. Mericarps densely hirsute with hairs of differing lengths; apical pits eglandular, with a prominent shallow glabrous furrow beneath.
Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, sometimes aromatic. Stems usually well-developed, sometimes forming a short and ± woody caulorrhiza. Lvs in basal rosettes, sometimes cauline as well, mostly opposite, stipulate, pinnately lobed to pinnate or occasionally undivided, usually longer than wide. Fls usually in bracteate umbels, sometimes solitary, actinomorphic or nearly so. Sepals 5, imbricate, spurless. Petals 5, ± clawed. Fertile stamens 5, antisepalous; staminodes 5, usually of similar length to stamens but lacking anthers. Nectar glands 5. Ovary 5-lobed with long style; ovules 2 per loculus. Fr. with long beak, outer part of the style separating into 5 long awns usually remaining attached to the mericarps and becoming spirally twisted. Mericarps 1-seeded, with 2 apical pits.
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Annual or overwintering taprooted herbs. Hairs branched, simple, or mixed. Stems erect, leafless. Lvs simple, entire or toothed. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals erecto-patent, not saccate. Petals white, deeply 2-fid. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 4, paired at bases of lateral stamens; median nectaries 0, or 2 between bases of median stamens. Style short; stigma capitate. Silicle orbicular, obovate or oblong, latiseptate; valves with faint median and secondary veins. Seeds ovoid, not winged, in 2 lax rows per locule.
Short-lived herb with small rosette and often reddish leafless flowering stems, (2)-4-8-(25) cm tall. Lvs narrowly to broadly oblanceolate, toothed at tip or entire, 2-15 × 1-10 mm; hairs dense, mostly branched. Sepals hairy, 1-1.5 × 0.5-0.8 mm. Petals 1.5-2 × 0.7-1 mm. Stamens level with stigma. Silicle erecto-patent, flattened, narrowly obovate, glabrous, pale brown or reddish, 3-10 × 1-2.5 mm; pedicel erecto-patent, 5-18 mm long. Seeds brown, 0.4-0.6 mm long.
Pale green, branched, erect perennial, with a stout taproot. Stems solid, slightly grooved, striate, up to 70 cm high. Basal lvs ovate, petiolate, pinnatisect with lobes again pinnately cut, spinose-serrate, 5-20 cm long; stem lvs similar to basal but reduced and amplexicaul. Infl. much-branched; capitula many, ovoid, pedunculate, pale green to brown, 8-15 mm diam.; bracts 4-7, linear-lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, spinous, 15-30 mm long, entire, or with 1-(2) pairs of marginal spines; bracteoles entire, spinous. Fls numerous, white or purplish, 1-2 mm diam.; calyx teeth lanceolate, 1.5-2.5 mm long. Fr. densely scaly, the scales overlapping.
Glabrous annual, biennial or perennial herbs. Lvs simple, entire, pinnate or palmately lobed, usually spinous. Fls sessile in capitula, these solitary or in cymes or racemes; bracts in one or more series subtending the head, usually spinous; bracteoles subtending fls usually spinous, entire or 3-fid. Petals white to purple or greenish, regular, variously lobed or fringed, inflexed; calyx teeth evident, usually acute, rarely spinescent, > petals. Fr. ovoid to subglobose, scarcely flattened laterally, variously covered with scales, spines or tubercles; commissure broad; ribs obscure; vittae usually solitary.
Dull green, branched, erect perennial with a stout taproot. Stems hollow, striate, 1-3 m high. Basal lvs entire, linear, apetiolate, up to 1.5 m long × 5 cm at base; margins with small appressed spines 2-5 mm long; stem lvs similar to basal but reduced. Infl. much-branched; capitula numerous, ovoid to ovoid-cylindric, pedunculate, purplish, 5-8-(10) mm long; bracts and bracteoles entire, ovate-triangular, not exceeding fls in fresh material, 1-2 mm long. Fls numerous, purple-tinged, c. 2 mm diam.; calyx teeth ovate, c. 1 mm long. Fr. scaly, 1-3 mm long.
Tufted perennial, with stolons or rhizomes, forming patches up to c. 30 cm diam. Basal lvs of 2 forms; winter lvs entire, fistular, septate; summer lvs lanceolate to ovate or spathulate, long-petiolate, deeply spinose-serrate and often undulate, c. 5-12 cm long; non-rosette lvs similar but reduced. Capitula solitary on short peduncles lateral to stolons or arising from rosettes, 5-10 mm diam.; bracts 6-9, triangular, 5-7 mm long; bracteoles similar to bracts but smaller. Fls many, white, 1-3 mm diam.; calyx teeth c. 1 mm long. Fr. scaly.
Annual, sometimes overwintering, herb. Hairs appressed, medifixed, sometimes stellate. Stems erect, up to 1 m tall. Rosette lvs simple, oblong-lanceolate, acute, shortly stalked, distantly toothed, hairy, 2-10 × 0.5-3 cm. Stem lvs narrower, smaller, becoming sessile. Racemes 10-30 cm long. Sepals hairy, 2-3 × c. 0.5 mm. Petals yellow, 4-6 × 2-3 mm. Silique 4-angled, slightly curved, 10-25 × c. 1.2 mm, erect on erecto- patent pedicel 5-10 mm long. Seeds brown, shortly winged at apex, 1-1.2 mm long.
Annual to perennial taprooted herbs. Hairs branched, medifixed or stellate. Stems erect, leafy. Lvs simple, toothed to pinnatifid. Racemes ebracteate, often ± corymbose. Sepals erect, the inner usually saccate, the outer often horned at apex. Petals yellow or purple. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 4, median 2, between stamen bases. Style up to (⅓) valve length; stigma capitate or slightly 2-lobed. Silique linear to narrow-oblong, dehiscent; valves 1-veined; beak 0. Seeds oblong, sometimes winged, in 1 row per locule.
Deciduous tree up to 12-(18) m high; trunks with stout prickles; twigs round, smooth, clothed in short hairs when young but becoming glabrous, armed with prickles; prickles stout-based, scattered, 5-10 mm long. Lvs densely clothed with short medifixed hairs when young, becoming ± glabrous; leaflets broadly ovate to deltoid, ± acuminate, obtuse to truncate at base, entire, (7)-10-20 cm long; lateral leaflets somewhat smaller than terminal; stipules lanceolate, 5-10 mm long, caducous; stipels c. 1 mm long. Infls axillary, clustered at tips of branches, clothed in brown medifixed hairs when young; fls numerous, shortly pedicellate, subtended by caducous bracteoles. Calyx spathe-like, bilabiate, or irregularly shallowly toothed. Standard scarlet, c. 50-60 mm long; wings and keel c. 1/2 length of standard, orange to pale orange; filaments mauve. Pods not formed.
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Densely branched shrub up to 3 m high, sometimes taller and forming a small tree; twigs appearing glabrous, actually with microscopic hairs, striate and often viscid; older branches with grey, flaky bark. Lvs on younger branches, usually elliptic, sometimes narrowly obovate, (3)-5-8 × 1-2.5 cm, mostly obtuse and sometimes notched at apex, sometimes subacute, finely serrate, tapering to short petiole, glossy and glabrous on upper surface, not aromatic; lower surface dull with fine gland dots and obvious midrib. Infls terminal and in axils of upper lvs, rounded, paniculate. Calyx with minute simple hairs and sometimes few glandular hairs; lobes c. 2 mm long, triangular, minutely glandular on margins. Corolla white, 12-18 mm diam.; petals spreading and scarcely tubular. Ovary disc convex; style c. 4-6 mm long. Capsule obconic, c. 3-4 mm long.
Evergreen, densely branched shrubs or trees. Lvs alternate, simple, often in clusters in axils of larger lvs, glossy, entire or serrate, usually dotted below with oil glands. Infl. usually terminal, rarely axillary, racemose or paniculate. Calyx forming a 5-lobed rim surrounding hypanthium. Petals 5, long-clawed, free but overlapping and often forming a tube. Stamens 5. Ovary inferior, enclosed in an obconic hypanthium. Capsule rounded, with persistent, elongated style.
Densely branched shrub up to 2-(4) m high; twigs with stalked glands, and densely clothed in short, simple erect hairs, striate, viscid; older branches with grey, peeling bark. Lvs on younger branches but persisting on older wood, elliptic to broadly elliptic or broadly obovate, 2.5-9 × 1.5-4.5 cm, mostly acute, rarely some obtuse, serrate, tapering to short petiole, glabrous and shining above, aromatic; lower surface somewhat dull, pale green, with gland dots and conspicuous veins. Infls terminal, small, loose, paniculate. Calyx densely glandular, usually also with simple hairs; lobes c. 3 mm long, triangular, glandular. Corolla red or pink, 12-18 mm diam.; petals erect, forming a tube c. 6-10 mm long; limbs 3-5 mm long, spreading. Ovary disc narrowly conic; style 7-10 mm long. Capsule obovoid, 3-5 mm long.
Evergreen trees or shrubs. Lvs simple, usually alternate, rarely subopposite or subverticillate, mostly with gland-tipped teeth; stipules 0. Fls mostly in racemes or panicles, sometimes in fascicles or solitary, regular, usually 5-merous, usually ☿, rarely unisexual. Sepals mostly united in lower part, rarely free, imbricate or valvate, often persistent. Petals usually free, rarely connate into a short tube, imbricate or valvate. Stamens (4)-5-(6), sometimes alternating with staminodes; filaments free; anthers 2-locular, dehiscing longitudinally; disc lobes alternating with stamens. Ovary 1-6-locular, superior or inferior, surmounted by a variously shaped disc; ovules 1 and pendulous, or few to numerous and parietal in the 1-locular ovaries, otherwise in central placentas, anatropous. Fr. a capsule, drupe or berry; seeds with copious endosperm.
Annual or perennial herb. Habit various, from a tufted rosette to an erect many-stemmed herb with the rosette stage almost completely suppressed. Stems ribbed, erect, glabrous, 10-30-(40) cm tall. Lvs much dissected; petiole > lamina; lamina to 10 × 10 cm in rosette lvs, usually much smaller in stem lvs. Pedicels ribbed, 5-10 cm long. Calyx hood apiculate. Petals obovate, yellow to orange, or yellow with orange base, rarely white, cream or red, (1)-2-3.5 cm long. Anthers > filaments. Capsule ribbed, straight or slightly curved, 25-90 × 3-4 mm.
Annual to perennial herbs with watery sap. Lvs dissected, glabrous, glaucous; segments linear. Fls solitary or in lax leafy cymes. Sepals 2, entire, not horned, joined in the bud to form a hood pushed off by the opening petals. Petals 4, not crumpled in bud, orange to yellow, sometimes white or red. Stigma with 4-6 long spreading lobes; style very short. Capsule linear, 1-celled, opening from below by 2 valves which separate from the placentae. Seeds ellipsoid or circular, without aril.
Large tree; bark thick, soft, persistent sometimes to the branches or otherwise to c. 1/2 the trunk. Juvenile lvs opposite for 5-6 pairs, petiolate, ± lanceolate-ovate. Adult lvs with petioles 2-3 cm long; lamina 8-18 × 1.5-4 cm, lanceolate or broad-lanceolate, coriaceous, with conspicuous marginal vein and many fine parallel lateral veins diverging at 50-70° from midrib, discolorous with lower surface paler; base somewhat asymmetric; apex long-attenuate. Umbels axillary, of 7-11 sessile fls (central fl. sometimes pedicellate); peduncles 1-1.5 cm long, strongly flattened. Buds to c. 1 cm long, green; hypanthium c. 1/2 operculum, acutely ribbed; operculum ± conic. Stamens white; anthers oblong. Fr. 7-10 × 5-8 mm, ± oblong-cylindric or urceolate; valves 4, deeply sunken; disc narrow or very narrow, convex or descending.
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Trees, shrubs or mallees, usually glabrous in adult stage. Lvs opposite for at least the first few pairs on juvenile plants, otherwise alternate, with aromatic oil glands. Fls in single or paired, axillary, usually pedunculate umbelliform cymes, or paniculate and terminal, or occasionally solitary. Bracteoles quickly caducous. Hypanthium wholly or partly enclosing ovary; sepals free or fused to form an operculum. Petals 5, always fused to form an operculum shed at anthesis. Stamens numerous, > petals, in 2 or more whorls, free or clustered into 4 groups; anthers versatile, dorsifixed or sub-basifixed and opening by discrete or confluent slits, or ± basifixed and opening by terminal pores; connective often prominent. Ovary 2-several-celled, surrounded by nectary disc; ovules numerous; style minute and inconspicuous or prominent. Fr. ± woody, composed of capsule and hypanthium, usually with loculicidal dehiscence, and teeth of valves included or exserted from hypanthium rim; viable seeds 2- c. 40.
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Large tree; bark persistent, rather soft and fibrous on trunk, smooth and whitish on branches. Juvenile lvs sessile, amplexicaul, discolorous. Adult lvs with stout petioles 1-1.5 cm long; lamina to 15 × 2.5 cm, narrow-lanceolate, coriaceous, ± concolorous, with distinct intramarginal vein and with numerous, parallel lateral veins diverging at angles of 30-50° to midrib; base ± symmetric; apex long-subulate-acuminate. Umbels axillary, of 7-11 fls; peduncles 1-2 cm long, stout, compressed; pedicels c. 0.5 cm long. Buds c. 8 mm long, yellowish green; operculum ± rostrate, = hypanthium. Stamens whitish; anthers reniform. Fr. pedicellate, 8-11 × 11-14 mm, hemispheric; valves 4, slightly sunken or at rim level; disc 1-2 mm wide, flat or obliquely descending.
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Large tree; bark rough and flaky near base, smooth and patterned or blotched bluish grey above. Juvenile lvs opposite at first; petiole to 2.5 cm long; lamina broad-ovate; base broad-cuneate. Adult lvs with petiole to 3 cm long; lamina to c. 30 × 2.5 cm, linear-lanceolate or lanceolate, concolorous, coriaceous, glossy, with distinct intramarginal vein and lateral veins diverging at an angle of c. 45° to midrib; base cuneate, symmetric; apex long-subulate-acuminate. Umbels axillary, of 7-9 fls; peduncles 0.7-1.8 cm long, almost terete; pedicels 3-9 mm long. Buds 0.8-1.2 cm long, narrowly conic or horn-shaped, operculum much > hypanthium; becoming whitish just before dehiscence. Stamens white; anthers oblong. Fr. pedicellate, 5-6 × 6.5-7.5 mm, hemispheric; valves 3-4, exserted; disc c. 2.5 mm wide, convex, strongly exserted.
Large tree; bark either peeling in ribbons to expose completely smooth, white to grey trunk, or persistent, rough and hard in lower part. Juvenile lvs opposite, sessile, lanceolate or lanceolate-ovate; base cordate. Adult lvs with petiole 5-15 mm long; lamina 6-20 × 0.8-2 cm, linear or linear-lanceolate, generally ± falcate, concolorous, subcoriaceous; marginal vein distinct; lateral veins diverging at c. 45° from midrib; base cuneate, symmetric; apex finely acuminate. Fls axillary, in clusters of 3; peduncles c. 5 mm long, subterete or flattened; pedicels to 3 mm long. Buds 5-8 mm long, conic-ovate, green, obtuse or subacute; operculum nearly = hypanthium. Stamens white; anthers oblong. Fr. pedicellate or subsessile, 5-7.5 × 5-7 mm, globular or broadly turbinate; valves 3-4, slightly to prominently exserted; disc 1-1.5 mm wide, prominent, convex.
Much-branched glabrous, deciduous shrub or small tree up to 6 m high. Bark grey, smooth. Twigs green, quadrangular, smooth, not winged. Lvs opposite, ovate-lanceolate to elliptic, acute or acuminate, crenate, usually turning red in autumn, 2-10 cm long; petiole 6-12 mm long. Cymes 2-15-flowered, pedunculate, dichotomous. Buds greenish, ± 4-angled; fls usually 4-merous, 8-10 mm diam.; petals greenish yellow, ± oblong, widely separated. Capsule 4-lobed, deep pink, exposing the bright orange aril after opening.
Much-branched, glabrous, evergreen shrub or small tree up to 7 m high. Twigs green, terete or slightly 4-ribbed, smooth, often wrinkled when dry, not winged. Lvs opposite, obovate to elliptic, acute, crenate, 2.5-7 cm long; petiole 5-15 mm long. Cymes 5-many-flowered, pedunculate, dichotomous. Buds greenish, slightly 4-angled; fls 4-merous, 6-10 mm diam.; petals green, broadly elliptic, widely separated. Capsule globose, 4-celled, pink, 6-10 mm diam., exposing the orange to deep red aril after opening.
Evergreen or deciduous, shrubs or small trees, occasionally creeping or ascending by rootlets. Lvs usually opposite, petiolate, glabrous. Fls 4-5-merous, in axillary cymes. Fr. a 4-5-celled capsule, usually lobed or winged. Seeds 0-2 per cell, usually covered by a brightly coloured fleshy aril.
Erect perennial herb, up to 3 m tall. Stems densely clothed in short eglandular hairs above, becoming almost glabrous below, tinged purple at least around nodes, branched above. Lvs in whorls of 3-4-(5); petiole glabrous to sparsely hairy, 15-35 mm long; lamina almost glabrous on upper surface, with sessile glands and hairy especially on veins on lower surface, ovate-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, serrate, 80-150 × 20-60 mm; uppermost lvs smaller. Capitula 2-5 mm diam., numerous in slightly convex terminal corymbs. Involucral bracts very unequal; inner bracts elliptic-oblong, sparsely ciliate but otherwise glabrous, 7-8 mm long; outer bracts sparsely hairy, from c. 1 mm long. Florets pink to purple. Achenes narrow-obpyramidal, brownish black, 4-5 mm long.
Perennial herbs. Lvs verticillate, petiolate, simple, serrate or crenate. Infl. a ± dense corymb. Involucral bracts in several rows, unequal, mostly chartaceous. Receptacle convex; scales 0. Corolla tubular. Style base swollen. Achenes ellipsoid-cylindric to obpyramidal, 5-angled, glandular; pappus of persistent scabrid hairs, with subobtuse to acute apical cells.
Tomentose, stout, shrubby, herbaceous perennial. Biennial stems 50-80-(120) cm high, not branched at base. Lvs alternate, exstipulate, sessile, entire, linear or oblanceolate, cuneate at base, acute and often shortly mucronate, c. 40-100 mm long; margins revolute. Terminal umbel with numerous rays, and many axillary rays arising below; lvs subtending rays similar to stem lvs but usually shorter and broader; rays sometimes secondarily divided and then forming simple or compound dichasia; lvs subtending ray-branches and cyathia broadly ovate to elliptic, connate at base. Glands yellowish, crescent-shaped; horns short, broad or slender. Capsule villous, smooth, deeply grooved, rounded or slightly ridged on keels. Seeds smooth, rounded, light brown or grey, c. 3 mm long.
Glabrous, rhizomatous, herbaceous perennial. Stems somewhat woody toward base, up to 50 cm high, branched or not at base, usually with some non-flowering branches. Lvs alternate, exstipulate, sessile, entire, linear, acute, (5)-10-20-(25) mm long. Terminal umbel with numerous rays, usually a few axillary rays arising below; lvs subtending rays like stem lvs, somewhat broadened at base; rays sometimes secondarily branched but usually forming a simple or once-compound dichasium; lvs subtending ray-branches and cyathia reniform to suborbicular, not connate, yellowish or becoming reddish. Glands elliptic; horns very short, slender. Capsule smooth, slightly granulate on rounded keels. Seeds smooth, rounded, grey, 1.5-1.75 mm long.
Glabrous, erect annual. Stems up to 35 cm high, branched or not at base. Lvs alternate, exstipulate, sessile, entire, linear, obtuse at base, acute, 5-25 mm long. Terminal umbel 2-5-rayed, with often a few axillary rays arising below; lvs subtending rays similar to stem lvs but somewhat broader toward base; rays forming compound dichasia; lvs subtending cyathia triangular-lanceolate, acute, becoming ovate-triangular and cordate towards top of infl. Glands elliptic-oblong; horns long, slender. Capsule smooth, grooved, slightly ridged on keels. Seeds tuberculate or rugulose, 4-angled, grey-brown, c. 1.2 mm long.
Glabrous, rhizomatous, herbaceous perennial. Stems up to 1 m high. Lvs alternate, exstipulate, sessile, entire, oblanceolate to obovate or ± elliptic, (10)-30-80-(120) mm long. Terminal umbel usually 5-rayed, with sometimes a few axillary rays arising below; lvs subtending rays similar to stem lvs but shorter, broader; rays forming compound dichasia; lvs subtending cyathia obovate to suborbicular, not connate. Glands deep purple, crescent-shaped; horns slender or broad. Seeds smooth, rounded, pale yellow or purplish brown, c. 3-7 mm long.
Erect annual. Stems glabrous or sparsely hairy, simple or with a few lower branches, up to c. 50 cm high. Lvs alternate, glabrous, exstipulate, sessile, serrate toward apex, obovate and long-cuneate to base, usually rounded at apex, rarely subacute, (10)-20-40-(60) mm long. Terminal umbel 3-5-rayed, usually with no axillary rays below on each stem; lvs subtending umbel similar to stem lvs but usually broader and less cuneate; rays often secondarily branched and then forming compound dichasia; lvs subtending ray-branches and cyathia similar to stem lvs but much smaller and less cuneate, sometimes elliptic, conspicuous yellow-green. Glands elliptic, entire. Capsule smooth, deeply grooved, with keel rounded or slightly ridged. Seeds reticulate-rugose, rounded, dark brown, c. 2 mm long.
Annual, usually erect or spreading. Stems moderately to densely hairy, 10-30 cm long, branched or not from base. Lvs opposite, sparsely to moderately hairy above, usually densely hairy below, shortly petiolate, serrate, ovate to elliptic, acute, asymmetric at base, (6)-10-20-(30) mm long, often with a purple spot about midvein; stipules triangular, free, c. 1 mm long, often with long linear divisions. Cyathia in small, axillary or terminal, leafless clusters along branches. Glands ovate or orbicular, entire. Capsule smooth, grooved, sparsely to moderately clothed in appressed hairs; keels sharp. Seeds rugulose, 4-angled, reddish brown, 0.7-1 mm long.
Usually monoecious, rarely dioecious annual or perennial herbs, shrubs or trees, sometimes succulent, with milky sap. Lvs present or O, stipulate or not, alternate or opposite, usually entire or serrate, rarely lobed. Cyathia solitary, clustered or umbellate; umbels or clusters axillary or terminal, simple or compound and often forming many times compound dichasia; rays and cyathia usually subtended by lvs. Fls lacking a perianth, grouped in cyathia consisting of a cup-shaped involucre with usually 4-5 petal-like glands; glands serrate, entire, or with 2 horns; cyathium usually with several ♂ fls each consisting of a single stamen jointed to a pedicel and often separated from each other by small bracteoles, and a single usually longer-pedicellate (rarely sessile) ♀ fl.; ovary usually 3-celled with a single ovule in each cell; styles usually 3, often 2-fid at tips. Fr. usually a 3-celled capsule separating at maturity from the persistent axis; seeds smooth or variously sculptured.
Glabrous, erect annual to biennial. Stems c. 30-120 cm high, usually not branched at base. Lvs opposite, decussate, exstipulate, sessile, entire, linear to oblong-lanceolate, truncate, acute and often mucronate at apex, 30-150 mm long, glaucous especially when young. Terminal umbel usually 3-4-rayed, with sometimes numerous axillary branches below; lvs subtending rays similar to stem lvs but slightly broader toward base; rays often secondarily branched and then usually forming compound dichasia or developed pseudomonopodially; lvs subtending ray-branches and cyathia broadly triangular, cordate at base. Glands crescent-shaped; horns blunt. Capsule ± smooth or slightly rugose, shallowly grooved, grooved on keels. Seeds rugulose, rounded, brown or grey, c. 5 mm long.
Procumbent annual. Stems moderately to densely hairy, branched, up to 40 cm long. Lvs opposite, glabrous to sparsely hairy above, sparsely to moderately hairy below, shortly petiolate, finely serrate toward apex, usually oblong, acute or obtuse, asymmetric at base, (3)-5-10-(12) mm long, often with a purple spot about midvein; stipules lanceolate, entire, free, c. 1 mm long. Cyathia in small, axillary, leafy clusters along branches; subtending lvs like stem lvs. Glands ovate, with small white or purplish appendages. Capsules smooth, grooved, sparsely to moderately clothed in appressed hairs; keels sharp. Seeds rugulose, 4-angled, reddish brown, 0.7-1.0 mm long.
Usually ascending annual. Stems with a stripe of hairs at young tips, ± glabrous or evenly moderately hairy below, branched or not from base, up to 40-(50) cm long. Lvs opposite, ± glabrous above and below, or sparsely hairy near base, shortly petiolate, serrate, elliptic-oblong, acute to obtuse, asymmetric at base, (8)-10-30 mm long, often with a reddish purple spot about midvein; stipules triangular, serrate, at least partly fused, 1-2 mm long. Cyathia solitary at nodes or in small axillary leafy clusters along branches; subtending lvs similar to stem lvs. Glands ovate, with large white or pink petaloid appendages. Capsules smooth, glabrous, grooved, with sharp keels. Seeds rugulose, 4-angled, dark brown to black, c. 1.2 mm long.
Glabrous, erect or spreading annual. Stems 5-40 cm high, branched or not at base. Lvs alternate, exstipulate, entire, ovate, cuneate at base, subacute to obtuse, 3-20 mm long; petioles 2-5 mm long. Terminal umbel (2)-3-(4)-rayed, with often several to numerous axillary rays arising below; lvs subtending rays similar to stem lvs but usually subsessile; rays sometimes secondarily branched and then forming compound dichasia; lvs subtending ray-branches and cyathia ovate-triangular, sessile, truncate at base, often asymmetric. Glands elliptic-oblong; horns long, slender. Capsule smooth, shallowly grooved; keels with 2 slightly winged ridges. Seeds rounded, grey and brown, c. 1.5 mm long, with 2 long ventral pits and several small circular dorsal pits.
Glabrous or hairy, erect annual. Stems up to c. 1 m high, branched or not at base. Lvs alternate, exstipulate, sessile, finely serrate, obovate to oblong-lanceolate, acute, cordate at base, 10-40-(60) mm long. Terminal umbel usually 5-rayed, with usually few to several axillary rays arising below; lvs subtending rays similar to stem lvs; rays secondarily branched and then forming compound dichasia; lvs subtending ray-branches and cyathia all deltate. Glands suborbicular, entire. Capsule shallowly grooved, with conspicuous tubercules. Seeds smooth, rounded, slightly flattened, usually olive-brown, 1.8-2.2 mm long.
Glabrous, erect annual. Stems up to 35-(40) cm high, branched or not from base. Lvs alternate, exstipulate, sessile, entire, linear, obtuse at base, acuminate, 15-40 mm long. Terminal umbel usually 5-rayed, with often several axillary rays arising below; lvs subtending rays linear to narrowly ovate-elliptic; rays sometimes secondarily branched then forming conspicuous yellow, compound dichasia; lvs subtending ray-branches and cyathia deltate, obtuse. Glands elliptic-oblong; horns long, slender. Capsule smooth, deeply grooved, granulate on keels. Seeds rounded, with numerous irregular shallow pits, grey on ridges and brown in pits, 1.5-2 mm long.
Glabrous, erect annual. Stems up to c. 80 cm high, usually not branched at base. Lvs alternate, exstipulate, sessile, finely serrate, obovate-oblong, acute, cordate at base, 10-30-(50) mm long. Terminal umbel 2-5-rayed, with usually few to several axillary rays arising below; lvs subtending rays similar to stem lvs; rays usually secondarily branched and then forming compound dichasia; lvs subtending ray-branches and cyathia becoming broader to deltate towards top of infl. Glands suborbicular, entire. Capsule deeply grooved, with prominent tubercles. Seeds smooth, rounded, and slightly flattened, yellow to reddish brown, 1.2-2 mm long.
Monoecious or dioecious herbs, shrubs or trees, sometimes with milky latex. Lvs alternate or opposite, simple or compound, usually stipulate. Infl. a spike, raceme, panicle, cyme, or cluster, or fls solitary (in fls reduced and clustered in a cup-shaped involucre to form the flower-like cyathium). Fls unisexual. Calyx variously lobed, much reduced or 0; petals usually 0, sometimes present and rarely united. ♂ fls often with a rudimentary ovary; stamens 1-1000; filaments free or connate; anthers 2-(4)-locular, erect or inflexed in bud. ♀ fls without staminodes; ovary usually 3-locular; styles free or united; ovules 1-2 per cell, pendulous; disc often present in both sexes. Fr. usually a 3-celled capsule (regma), or rarely a drupe. Seeds often with conspicuous caruncle; endosperm copious; embryo straight.
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Slender, succulent, annual herb to 5-10 cm tall; branches lax, ascending, bifariously hairy, to c. 25 cm long. Lvs sessile, 4-10 × 3-8 mm, ovate to ovate-oblong with 2-4 pairs of obtuse to subacute crenations, subglabrous or finely white-hairy; margins and veins below with fine stiff hairs. Fls with slender pedicels to 30 mm long. Calyx 3-4 mm long, divided c. ⅓ way; lobe margins and midrib white-hairy. Corolla white, 8-12 mm long. Anthers golden yellow; margins hairy; awns unequal. Capsule = or > calyx, 3-4 × 3-3.5 mm.
Slender, erect, ± succulent annual herb 5-10 cm tall, sparingly branched from base; branches pilose with lax transparent hairs and usually dense long jointed glandular hairs. Lvs sessile, 4-12 × 3-10 mm, broadly ovate, cuneate-obovate to suborbicular with 2-4 pairs of subacute to acute teeth, usually densely glandular-pilose and with smaller eglandular hairs. Fls sessile or on pedicels to 4 mm long. Calyx 5-8 mm long, with hairs as on lvs, divided ?-1/2 way. Corolla bright yellow, 10-12 mm long. Anthers golden yellow; margins hairy; awns usually very unequal. Capsule > calyx, 5-8 × 4-5 mm.
Perennial herb or subshrub up to 60 cm tall; stems woody below, erect or ascending; branches usually leafy with small axillary branchlets, ± uniformly or sometimes bifariously hairy with short crisped white hairs. Lvs with petiole 1-4 mm long. Lamina 5-15-(25) × 3-10 mm, ± rhomboid to ovate or suborbicular with 1-3 pairs of obtuse to subacute teeth and acute to obtuse triangular terminal lobe, glabrous. Fls on pedicels 1-3-(6) mm long. Calyx 4-8 mm long, glabrous or nearly so, divided with deepest clefts to 1/2 way. Corolla white, 15-20 mm long. Anthers red-brown, conspicuously hairy; awns usually markedly unequal, the lower 2 very long. Capsule distinctly > calyx, 6-8-(10) × 2-3 mm.
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Delicate, succulent, annual herb sometimes flowering when 1 cm high, occasionally much elongated with branched stems to 10 cm long; branches ± flattened with membranous wings, usually laxly ascending, occasionally rooting at nodes but not mat-forming, glabrous or with sparse flattened jointed hairs. Lvs sessile, 4-6-(8) × (2)-4-6 mm, glabrous or setose on margins and tips, occasionally with glandular hairs; upper ?-1/2 digitately divided into (3)-5-7 acute to acuminate, linear, subequal, spreading segments. Fls on flattened pedicels to 20 mm long. Calyx 4-5-(7) mm long, glabrous or setose on margins and tips, divided ?-1/2 way. Corolla white, 8-15 mm long. Anthers yellow to golden brown; margins glabrous or nearly so; awns slender, almost equal. Capsule > calyx, 2-3 × 1.5-2.5 mm.
Small, prostrate, glabrous, succulent, annual herb forming loosely matted patches; branches ascending at tips. Lvs sessile, 3-4 mm long and ± 1 mm diam. at base, linear-lanceolate, apiculate, entire. Fls subsessile or on pedicels ± = lvs. Calyx 3-5 mm long, divided c. 1/2 way or less. Corolla white, 8-13 mm long. Anthers brown; margins hairy; awns stout, almost equal. Capsule almost = calyx, 4-5.5 × 2.5-3.5 mm.
Annual or perennial semi-parasitic herbs; stems either erect and sometimes woody at base, or slender and prostrate and then often rooting at the nodes. Lower and upper lvs similar or dissimilar, opposite or upper subopposite, usually toothed, sometimes glandular. Fls usually in bracteate, terminal spikes or racemes, sometimes solitary in the axils of leaflike bracts. Calyx tubular or campanulate, with 4 equal lobes and equal or unequal clefts between. Corolla tube short or long, funnelform; limb 2-lipped; upper lip hooded or grooved, ± 2-lobed; lower lip with 3, usually emarginate lobes. Stamens 4, equal or unequal; anthers awned at base; cells parallel. Fr. a loculicidal capsule, laterally compressed. Seeds numerous, usually oblong or fusiform, furrowed, very small; wing 0.
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Densely branched perennial herb or subshrub arising from stout woody stock; stems stout, woody in lower parts, crowded, sometimes branched in upper parts, usually naked below and densely leafy at tips, bifariously white-hairy. Lvs sessile, 5-10 × 3-6 mm, obovate or broadly obovate-cuneate with 1-2 pairs of usually shallow incisions near broad obtuse apex, glabrous. Fls on pedicels to 4 mm long. Calyx 6-8 mm long, glabrous or nearly so, divided ?-1/2 way. Corolla white, 10-15 mm long. Anthers golden brown to reddish brown; marginal hairs numerous; awns stout, almost equal. Capsule ± = or occasionally > calyx, 6-9 × 3-4 mm.
Erect, rather bushy, many-branched annual herb to c. 15 cm tall; stems single. Stem and branches covered with retrorse, curly hairs; lower internodes usually much > lvs. Lvs subsessile, to c. 5 × 3 mm, ovate, broadly triangular, broad-ovate or oblong, glabrous or nearly so, lobed or deeply crenate-serrate, minutely ciliolate; teeth of lobes ± obtuse, or in upper lvs and bracts acute to acuminate. Fls in axils of middle and upper lvs. Pedicels c. 0.5 mm long. Calyx 4-6 mm long; lobes = or almost = tube, narrow-triangular or lanceolate, acute or acuminate, ribbed, ciliolate, accrescent. Corolla 6-7.5 mm long; tube and throat of limb yellow; lobes mauve or whitish with dark veins, hairy outside; lower lip > upper lip; middle lobe of lower lip > lateral lobes, oblong, strongly emarginate. Anthers brown; margins pilose; awns very unequal. Capsule c. = calyx, 3.5-6.5 mm long, oblong, ± hairy above, ciliate; apex rounded, truncate to somewhat retuse. Seed 1.2-1.6 mm long, narrowly ellipsoid-oblong, ribbed.
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Low tufted perennial herb, sometimes with fairly stout woody stock; stems slender and stoloniferous; branches numerous, erect, to c. 5 cm long, slender to filiform, white-hairy. Lvs sessile, 2-10 × 1-5 mm, rhomboid-cuneate or narrower, with 1 pair of small acute teeth below large triangular or rounded terminal lobe, glabrous. Fls subsessile or on pedicels to c. 5 mm long. Calyx 5-8 mm long, white-hairy, evenly or subevenly divided c. ⅓ way. Corolla white, 10-15 mm long. Anthers red-brown; margins hairy; awns unequal, stout. Capsule ± = calyx, c. 6-7 × 3-4 mm.
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Herbs, trees, shrubs or climbers. Lvs usually alternate, simple or variously compound, often 3-foliolate, 1-imparipinnate, 1-paripinnate, or 2-pinnate, sometimes tendrilous, reduced to spines, scales or phyllodes, or even 0, usually stipulate. Fls in racemes, spikes, fascicles, heads or solitary, either regular and then often unisexual, or zygomorphic and then usually ☿. Calyx usually 5-merous, regular or asymmetric with teeth variously reduced and united, imbricate or valvate in bud. Petals usually 5. Stamens mostly 10, numerous in Mimosoideae, free or united into a tube, often with one stamen remaining free and the tube split; anthers 1-2-locular. Ovary usually 1-locular, rarely transversely septate; style usually long with terminal stigma; ovules in 2 rows but appearing in 1 rank, anatropous or amphitropous, ascending or pendent. Fr. typically a pod dehiscing by both sutures, but sometimes by one suture or indehiscent, usually dry or sometimes fleshy, straight, curved or spirally coiled, sometimes lomentaceous; seeds often strophiolate.
Deciduous or evergreen, monoecious trees or rarely shrubs. Buds with imbricate scales. Lvs alternate, simple, penninerved; stipules caducous. Fls usually axillary on young shoots; perianth (calyx) 4-6-(7)-lobed, imbricate; ♂ fls in slender spikes (catkins); ♀ fls solitary or in groups of 3, sometimes at base of ♂ spike. Corolla 0. Stamens generally as many as or twice as many as calyx lobes, occasionally to c. 40; filaments free, filiform. ♀ fls within an involucre of imbricate bracts, often numerous; perianth adnate to ovary. Ovary inferior, 3-6-celled, and each cell with 2 ovules. Styles as many as ovary cells. Fr. a 1-seeded nut; involucre cupulate, free or adnate to and partly or completely enclosing the fr., often hard, tuberculate or spiny. Seed 1, non-endospermic.
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Erect annual andromonoecious herbs with hollow stems. Lvs cauline, triangular to sagittate or hastate, cordate; ochreae short, truncate. Fls in terminal or axillary racemose to corymbose panicles, heterostylous. Pedicels not jointed. Perianth segments 5, free, not keeled, equal or nearly so, not or scarcely accrescent. Stamens 8, alternating with nectaries. Styles 3; stigmas capitate. Fr. a trigonous nut, long-exserted from perianth; surrounding perianth segments spineless.
Annual or perennial climbing herbs or shrubs; stem annual. Ochreae well-developed, scarious. Lvs cauline, cordate-sagittate or deltate. Infl. lax, terminal or axillary, spike-like or paniculate; fls ☿. Pedicels jointed. Perianth segments 5-(6), ovate or elliptic, free, moderately accrescent, pale green, white, pink, or rose, the outer 3 larger and keeled or winged. Stamens 8. Stigmas 3, subsessile, capitate. Fr. a trigonous nut, not exceeding perianth, spineless.
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Annual, climbing, convolvulus-like herb, glabrous or finely puberulent, with slender twining stems and slender taproot. Petiole very slender, to 6 cm long. Lamina (1)-2-9 × (0.5)-1-6 cm, ± ovate-sagittate, entire; base shallowly to deeply cordate; apex acute, cuspidate or acuminate. Ochreae to c. 5 mm long, obliquely truncate, soon lacerate. Fls in terminal or axillary racemes with a slender, puberulent peduncle or in fascicles, often in axils of all but the basal lvs, ± pale green, scentless. Bracts generally = or > pedicels, membranous except for green keel. Pedicels short at anthesis, 1.5-3-(5) mm long at fruiting, articulate above middle, winged in upper part. Perianth 1-3 mm long, broad-ovate to broad-elliptic, moderately accrescent, the 3 outer segments with acute green keel and often white margins. Stamens not enclosed in perianth segments; filaments glabrous. Valves of fr. 4-6 mm long, glabrous or finely puberulent, the outer with prominent greenish white margin. Nut 3-4 mm long, black, finely granular; ribs obtuse.
Shrubs or small trees. Lvs alternate or opposite, petiolate, simple, palmately lobed, exstipulate. Umbels in terminal racemes or panicles; bracts ovate-lanceolate, deciduous; bracteoles linear; calyx entire or shallowly toothed; petals 5; stamens 5; ovary 5- or 10-locular; styles 5, free; stigmas terminal. Fr. subglobose, berry-like.
Shrub or small tree up to 2-(4) m high. Stems softly hairy when young, becoming glabrous when mature; lf scars prominent. Lvs softly hairy when young, particularly below, glabrous on both surfaces when mature, alternate, broadly ovate to suborbicular, cordate, (3)-5-10-palmately lobed to c. 1/2-⅔ radius, c. (6)-15-60 cm long; lobes acute to acuminate, usually finely serrate, sometimes entire or coarsely serrate; petioles softly hairy when young, glabrous when mature, (5)-10-50 cm long. Infl. a terminal raceme or panicle of numerous-flowered globose umbels, finely hairy; petals white, c. 2.5-3 mm long. Fr. black, 5-8 mm diam.
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Monoecious, rarely dioecious, trees, shrubs or creepers, not armed, sometimes epiphytic. Lvs usually alternate, rarely opposite, entire or lobed; venation pinnate or palmate. Stipules caducous, leaving an amplexicaul scar. Infl. fleshy, globose to obovoid or turbinate, with an ostiole at the apex and enclosing usually very numerous, small ♂ and ♀ fls; sterile gall fls used as oviposition sites also often present. ♀ fls stalked or sessile. Calyx of ♂ fls 2-6-lobed or partite, rarely reduced to 1 scale; stamens 1-2-(6), erect in bud. Calyx of ♀ fls often with fewer, narrower divisions than in ♂, or minute or 0; ovules pendulous. Achenes enclosed in the enlarged receptacle; endosperm often scanty.
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Perennial herbs, not armed, shortly rhizomatous with rhizomes sometimes thickened into tubers; stems herbaceous or slightly woody, usually erect. Lvs mostly basal, some cauline, imparipinnate or palmately lobed, usually with small leaflets between larger ones; stipules large, semicordate, persistent. Infl. a many-flowered, ebracteate, cymose panicle. Fls 5-6-merous, usually ☿, small, pale cream to reddish or sometimes purplish beneath. Hypanthium flat to slightly concave. Epicalyx 0. Calyx of ± triangular sepals, persistent and sometimes reflexed after flowering. Petals ± imbricate, > sepals. Stamens 20-40. Ovary superior; carpels and styles 5-15, in one whorl; ovules 2 per carpel. Fr. a compact head of free achenes.
Perennial herb, up to 80 cm tall at flowering, usually not branched except in infl.; stems glabrous, erect, arising from a woody, tuberous stock. Lvs pinnate, chiefly in basal rosette; petiole amplexicaul, up to 10-(18) mm long, pale, grooved, puberulent; blade narrowly oblong to oblanceolate, 100-150-(250) × 20-40 mm, divided into 8-18-(20) pairs of leaflets, interspersed with reniform, laciniate lobes; leaflets irregularly pinnatifid, to 20 mm long, glabrous on both surfaces or sparsely ciliolate, the lower surface slightly paler than upper; rachis glabrous except near base; stipules short, laciniate, adnate to petiole at base; cauline lvs smaller. Infl. terminal, up to 20 cm long and usually about the same width; primary branches ± erect, purplish, grooved, glabrate. Fls shortly pedicellate, usually 6-merous. Sepals fused at base; lobes c. 1.5 mm long, oblong, obtuse, rose-flushed, reflexed after flowering. Petals broadly obovate, c. 5 mm long, rounded, creamy white. Stamens numerous, c. = petals. Fr. of erect, inward curving, prominently hispid achenes, 3.5-5 mm long.
Trees or shrubs. Lvs simple, alternate, sometimes dotted or lined with glands; stipules caducous or persistent. Fls usually in axillary or terminal panicles or racemes, sometimes solitary, actinomorphic, ☿ or unisexual. Sepals 2-15, usually imbricate. Petals usually 2-15, sometimes 0, free, imbricate, often inserted on margin of hypogynous or perigynous disc. Stamens usually numerous, free or in bundles opposite petals; anthers 2-locular; staminodes sometimes present. Ovary nearly always superior, usually 1-locular, but the 1 or more parietal placentae occasionally projecting inwards to meet in middle. Ovules few to many; styles as many as placentae. Fr. usually a berry or drupe, occasionally a capsule. Seed endospermic.
Glabrous, biennial or perennial herbs, with taproots. Lvs 3-5-pinnate; segments filiform. Umbels compound, pedunculate; bracts and bracteoles 0. Petals yellow, regular, with entire, obtuse, inflexed apex; calyx teeth 0. Fr. ovoid-oblong, terete, not beaked, spineless; commissure broad; ribs 5 per mericarp, stout, the lateral somewhat broader; vittae solitary in furrows.
Stout, aromatic, erect perennial. Stems ± solid, striate, polished, up to c. 2 m high. Basal lvs 3-5-pinnate, petiolate; ultimate segments filiform, acuminate, 3-50 mm long, not all in one plane; stem lvs similar to basal; petiole extended along whole length into a thin closely-ribbed sheath. Umbels 2-5 cm diam.; rays 4-25, usually slightly incurved at fruiting. Fls numerous, yellow, 1-2 mm diam. Fr. dark brown, 3-6 mm long, tasting of liquorice; ribs pale brown.
Short-stemmed, perennial, mat-forming herbs, not armed, with long, ± leafy runners. Lvs in basal rosettes, sometimes in clusters scattered along runners or cauline, long-petiolate, pinnately 3-foliolate or rarely pinnate or 1- or 5-foliolate, dentate or crenate; stipules free in upper part and adnate to petiole below, persistent. Infl. of 1-several, small-to medium-sized, ☿ fls borne on slender peduncle arising from basal rosettes or in axils of runner lvs. Hypanthium with a central, convex, spongy receptacle (carpophore). Epicalyx segments leafy, entire to toothed. Calyx usually with 5 ± triangular and prominent sepals. Petals 5, ± obovate, usually white, rarely yellow. Stamens 10-30. Ovary superior; carpels 10-80; styles surrounded by hypanthium rim; ovules 1 per carpel. Fr. a head of many achenes in pits on surface of soft, fleshy, coloured receptacle, the styles deciduous at fruiting.
Low-growing herb with short woody stock, up to c. 15-(25) cm high; runners greenish, pilose, bracteate, up to c. 80 cm long and rooting at nodes and tips to form new rosettes. Basal lvs several in rosette; petiole up to 15-(18) cm long, densely pilose; leaflets ovate to rhombic or elliptic, obtuse to subacute, cuneate at base, ± thin, bright green above and usually sparsely to moderately silky pilose, rarely almost glabrous, paler below and usually silky pilose at least on veins, with margins coarsely serrate in upper 1/2-⅔ and pilose; terminal leaflets (15)-30-60-(90) × (10)-18-40-(50) mm; lateral leaflets slightly smaller; petiolules very short or 0, silky pilose; stipules triangular, 12-20 mm long, reddish brown, ± pilose especially along axis. Scape (30)-60-180-(300) mm tall, ± erect and often arching in upper part, finely pilose; infl. of 1-several fls; pedicels 7-40 mm long; fls 10-18 mm diam. Epicalyx segments narrow, ± entire. Sepals triangular, 4-6-(9) mm long, pilose, ± acuminate, connate at base, deflexed at fruiting. Petals obovate, up to 8 mm long, sometimes only slightly > sepals, rounded, sometimes undulate, spreading, white. Achenes uniformly scattered over and projecting from the receptacle; receptacle usually red, occasionally white, swollen and juicy, sweet, fragrant, obconic, up to 15 × 12 mm.
Shrubs or small trees, not armed, mostly deciduous; indumentum of simple hairs or 0. Winter buds naked. Lvs alternate, mostly large, with caducous, subulate stipules. Fls small, axillary, in sessile or pedunculate fascicles or umbel-like cymes, rarely solitary, usually ☿, usually 5-merous. Calyx lobes triangular. Petals with narrow claw, ± hooded. Stamens ± included. Ovary 3-celled, free from disc; style 1; stigma 3-lobed. Fr. a drupe with 2-4 nutlet-like pyrenes. Seed smooth; germination hypogeal.
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Tree to c. 30 m high. Shoots with prominent white lenticels, glabrous. Buds black, large. Petioles to c. 8 cm long. Leaflets usually 9-13, sessile, 4.5-10 × 1.75-3.5 cm, lanceolate, glabrous except for midrib and main veins beneath, serrate or serrulate; base cuneate; apex acuminate. Fls numerous in dense clusters. Calyx and corolla 0. Filaments > anthers. Anthers ovoid, often apiculate, dark purple. Samara (2.7)-3-4 cm × 7-9 mm, narrow-elliptic, oblanceolate or elliptic-obovate; wing extending c. 1/2 way along seed. Seed 1.2-1.5 cm long, compressed.
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Gynodioecious, deciduous shrub or small tree, ± erect and bushy or lianoid; trunk to c. 20 cm thick when of tree form; bark ± peeling. Branchlets hairy when young. Petioles slender, often filiform, 0.5-5.5 cm long, ± hairy, particularly on upper side. Lamina (2)-3-8-(10) × (1)-2-4 cm, usually ovate to broad-ovate or ovate-oblong, less commonly suborbicular, elliptic or lanceolate-ovate, green above, glaucous or silvery beneath, often suffused with red or purple; midrib and sometimes main lateral veins hairy beneath; base usually broad-cuneate, truncate or rounded, occasionally subcordate; apex rounded to obtuse and mucronate, or acute to acuminate. Fls solitary or few in clusters, on young shoots or ± cauliflorous, usually pendulous; pedicels 7-15 mm long, filiform. Floral tube 8-20 mm long, ± purple. Sepals 6-14 mm long, narrow-triangular, green or purplish, eventually ± reflexed. Petals 1-5 mm long, dark purple, elliptic. Stamens of ☿ fls well-exserted; filaments 6-10 mm long, ± purple. Style 1.7-3.5 cm long, much > stamens; stigma capitate. Berry c. 10 mm long, ellipsoid-oblong, dark purple or almost black.
Densely hairy or tomentose, evergreen shrub to 3 m high, with long thin stems bearing lvs towards apex; shoots green. Lvs opposite; petiole to 8 cm long, reddish pink, rather stout. Lamina to c. 20-(25) × 9-(10) cm, often smaller below infl., elliptic, with appressed hairs, remotely denticulate with teeth hidden amongst marginal hairs; base cuneate to rounded; apex acute or short-acuminate. Infl. terminal, pendulous, corymbose, becoming racemose at fruiting. Fls subtended by leafy bracts, these smaller towards the apex. Pedicels 5-20 mm long, slender. Floral tube 5-6 cm long, gradually widening upwards, pink or crimson, hairy inside and outside. Sepals 1.5-2.2 cm × c. 4 mm, lanceolate, pink or crimson, acuminate, reflexing at anthesis, with scattered hairs outside. Petals 1.2-1.5 cm long, elliptic-oblong, crimson, imbricate. Stamens c. 10 mm long, subequal, crimson. Style 1-1.5 cm long, exserted part glabrous, otherwise densely hairy; stigma 4-lobed. Fr. c. 2 cm long, oblong, shining black, puberulent.
Gynodioecious, deciduous tree or shrub to ± 12 m high; trunk to 60 cm diam. Main branches stout, spreading; bark conspicuously light pinkish or brownish orange, very thin, peeling in strips; branchlets ± puberulous. Petioles slender, 1-4 cm long. Lamina (1.5)-2-14 × (0.7)-1-6.5 cm, usually lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate or ovate-oblong, usually sinuate, obscurely toothed, glabrous except on veins and margins, thin, dark green above, pale glaucous to silvery below, sometimes suffused with red or purple; base rounded or cuneately narrowed; apex acute to acuminate. Fls usually solitary, pendulous, often cauliflorous; pedicels filiform, to c. 15 mm long. Floral tube 7-20 mm long, green to ± purple at first. Sepals 5-16 mm long, ovate-lanceolate, green at first, the whole calyx turning red later, often eventually reflexing. Petals 2-5 mm long, dark purple, elliptic. Stamens of ☿ fls well exserted; filaments 7-12 mm long, purplish. Style 20-35 mm long, much > stamens; stigma capitate. Berry c. 10 mm long, ellipsoid-oblong, dark purple to almost black.
Prostrate shrubs to small trees, sometimes lianoid, sometimes deciduous. Lvs simple, opposite, alternate or whorled, entire or toothed. Fls solitary in lf axils or clustered in racemes or panicles, occasionally cauliflorous, actinomorphic, mostly pendulous, usually ☿, sometimes unisexual. Floral tube campanulate to tubular, often greatly prolonged beyond ovary, usually coloured, deciduous at fruiting. Sepals 4, usually coloured. Petals 4, usually pink or mauve to crimson or purple, sometimes minute or 0. Stamens 8, in 2 whorls, generally exserted, the 4 episepalous ones > 4 epipetalous ones; anthers dorsifixed. Style usually long-exserted; stigma capitate to 4-lobed. Fr. a soft, 4-celled berry. Seeds numerous, very small.
Deciduous shrub to c. 4 m high, glabrous, or puberulent especially on young parts; shoots reddish. Main stems with peeling brown papery bark. Lvs not usually clustered near apex, mostly opposite, sometimes in whorls of 3; petiole to 1.5 cm long, very slender, reddish. Lamina 2-9 × 0.5-4 cm, often smaller below fls, lanceolate to ovate or elliptic, glabrous, dentate, sinuate-dentate, or occasionally almost entire, often reddish on veins; base cuneate to rounded; apex acute to acuminate. Fls solitary in upper axils, pendulous. Pedicels (1)-2-6 cm long, filiform. Floral tube 6-12 mm long, narrow- to broad-cylindric, constricted at junction with ovary, usually rose or crimson, occasionally white. Sepals 1.25-2.5 cm × (2.5)-3-7 mm, narrow- to ovate-lanceolate, usually rose or crimson, occasionally white, not reflexing. Petals (7)-9-17 mm long, obovate, usually purple, rarely pale mauve or pink, imbricate. Episepalous stamens (0.7)-2-3.5 cm long, the epipetalous ones c. 5 mm shorter; filaments pink or red. Style (2)-3-5.5 cm long, hairy or glabrous, rose; stigma ± 4-lobed. Berry 1-2 cm long, oblong, glabrous, black.
Gynodioecious, deciduous liane with stout main stems to ± 5 m long and 5 cm diam., sparingly branched, sprawling when lacking support; bark pale brownish orange, ± flaking; branchlets hairy at first. Petioles 10-20 mm long, very slender. Lamina (10)-25-30 × (10)-20-25-(30) mm, broad-ovate to suborbicular, sinuate, membranous, remotely and obscurely dentate, green or dark green above, glaucescent below, glabrous except on veins and margins; base subcordate to truncate; apex subacute. Fls solitary or occasionally 2-3 together; pedicels very slender, ± 10 mm long. Floral tube 7-15 mm long. Sepals 6-10 mm long, narrow-ovate, green or nearly so, patent to reflexed. Petals dark purple, 1-5 mm long, narrow-oblong. Stamens of ☿ fls exserted; filaments 10-15 mm long, purple. Stigma capitate. Berry 5-10 mm long, ± broad-cylindric, dark purple.
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Scrambling annual herb. Lvs distant; lamina finely dissected, pale, glaucous, up to 8 × 4 cm; segments linear or linear-oblanceolate. Infl. very dense, elongating at fruiting, with > 20 fls; rachis > peduncle. Peduncle 0-1 cm long; bracts oblong, pale, membranous, pinkish, = or > pedicels, 2-3 × 1-1.5 mm. Sepals broadly ovate, laciniate near base or entire, acute, 2.5-4 × 2.5-3.5 mm. Corolla purplish pink with green and purple tips, 6-7 mm long, smaller and paler in weak or shaded plants; lower petal spoon-shaped with spreading margins at apex. Fr. ± globose, 2-2.5 × 2-2.5 mm, rugose when dry; apex broadly subacute; apical pits small.
Glabrous herbs; lvs dissected, usually glaucous or dull. Only the upper petal spurred; fls white or pink with conspicuous dark red, purple or black tips to at least the inner petals. Ovules 1, or 1 on each placenta. Fr. a 1-seeded nutlet.
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Annual to perennial herbs; stems usually brittle; sap watery. Lvs alternate, dissected, exstipulate. Fls ☿, zygomorphic, hypogynous, in lf-opposed bracteate racemes. Sepals 2, pale, caducous, peltate. Petals 4, in 2 dissimilar whorls; 1 or both outer petals spurred; inner pair often coherent. Stamens 2, 3-partite; filaments expanded and flattened at base. Ovary 1-locular; placentae 2, parietal, each with 1-many anatropous ovules. Fr. a dehiscent capsule or indehiscent nutlet; seeds with small embryo and copious endosperm.
Perennial herb, 20-80 cm tall. Stems moderately to densely hairy, usually much-branched from base, often tinged reddish purple. Lvs very variable, all glandular and moderately to densely clothed on both surfaces with short and long jointed hairs; basal lvs petiolate, elliptic, acute, cuneate, entire, finely serrate or rarely pinnatifid, 4-15 cm long; lower and mid cauline lvs petiolate or cuneately narrowed to stem, usually 1-pinnatifid or coarsely toothed, sometimes serrate or entire; uppermost lvs apetiolate, oblong to lanceolate, often amplexicaul, usually entire, sometimes serrate, 3-10 cm long. Capitula 4-8 cm diam., long-pedunculate. Involucral bracts in 3 rows, densely hairy, glandular and ciliate, ovate-triangular to lanceolate, acute or acuminate, 8-25 mm long, reflexed at fruiting. Ray florets 8-18; ligules yellow to yellow-orange, darker orange or red to purple near base, or yellow only at tips; disc florets numerous, tinged purple or crimson. Setae filiform, glabrous, = or > achenes. Achenes 3.5-5 mm long, obscured by long antrorse hairs; pappus scales 6-8, ovate-lanceolate, aristate, 5-10 mm long, with the awn 1-2× length of body.
Annual or perennial herbs. Lvs alternate or all basal, simple, entire to 1-pinnatifid. Capitula pedunculate, solitary. Involucral bracts in 2-3 rows, foliaceous. Receptacle convex to subglobose, usually with numerous setae not subtending individual florets, sometimes glabrous. Outer florets usually sterile, sometimes ♀, ligulate, yellow, orange, or partly or wholly red or purple. Inner florets ☿, tubular, rarely all florets tubular and ligules 0. Achenes all similar, not compressed, 4-angled, narrowed to base, covered in long hairs; pappus of 5-10, often aristate scales.
Perennial herbs. Lvs imparipinnate; leaflets entire; lateral veins thin and straight ± to leaflet margin; stipules small or foliaceous. Infl. axillary or terminal, racemose; bracts narrow, often persisting. Calyx campanulate, with 5 subequal teeth. Corolla white, blue, purplish or pinkish blue. Stamens connate into a closed tube; anthers uniform or alternately smaller. Style incurved, glabrous; stigma terminal. Pod 2-valved, not armed, dehiscent, ± straight; seeds estrophiolate.
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Perennial, stoloniferous herb. Lvs simple, ± crenately toothed. Fls in dense axillary whorls; bracts resembling lvs. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 10-veined, not gibbous at base; teeth 5, almost equal, subulate. Corolla bilabiate, yellow; upper lip helmet-shaped, laterally compressed; lower lip with 3 almost equal lobes, the middle lobe ± triangular; tube > calyx, dilated in upper part, with ring of hairs inside. Stamens lying below upper lip; anther cells divergent, glabrous. Style gynobasic, its arms subequal. Nutlets trigonous, smooth.
All naturalised material is referable to ; this cv. has recently become popular as an ornamental ground covering plant in shady places, but it is very vigorous and has escaped into surrounding areas. Only , aluminium plant, seems to have been planted and there is little reversion to the green-leaved form. Aluminium plant is very likely to become more widely naturalised. This sp. has been previously known in N.Z. as and , and has sometimes been erroneously referred to as .
Annual herbs. Lvs simple, toothed. Verticels in dense, terminal and axillary whorls, the uppermost crowded, the lower distant. Bracts resembling, but smaller than, foliage lvs; bracteoles subulate, pungent or spine-tipped. Calyx tubular-campanulate, not gibbous at base, 5-toothed; teeth rather unequal, pungent. Corolla 2-lipped; upper lip hooded; lower lip 3-lobed, with 2 conic projections at base; tube = or much > calyx, straight, with ring of hairs inside. Stamens lying beneath upper lip; anthers ciliate, parallel. Style gynobasic. Nutlets bluntly trigonous.
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Erect annual, 10-50 cm tall. Stems sparsely to densely hairy, becoming almost glabrous to remaining densely hairy below, much-branched. Lvs sparsely to moderately hairy especially on margins and veins, petiolate, ovate to elliptic, acute to acuminate, obtuse to truncate at base, serrate, 1-6-(8) cm long; upper cauline lvs usually smaller, narrower and apetiolate. Capitula 3-7 mm diam., in loose clusters; peduncles 3-20 mm long, moderately to densely hairy and with glandular hairs. Involucral bracts foliaceous, deciduous or the outer persistent, sometimes with narrow membranous or somewhat laciniate margins. Outer receptacular scales entire or 3-fid; innermost scales usually entire, sometimes irregularly 2-3-fid or laciniate, deciduous or persistent. Ray florets usually 5; ligules white or tinged red, moderately to deeply 3-fid, 1-2.2 × 1-2.2 mm. Disc florets many, yellow to orange. Achenes of ray florets strongly flattened, glabrous or sparsely hairy, c. 1.5 mm long; pappus of c. 10 laciniate scales c. 1 mm long. Achenes of disc florets flattened or square in section, hairy especially on angles, 1.2-1.6 mm long; pappus scales 15-20, 1-1.5 mm long, lanceolate, laciniate and aristate.
Annual herbs. Lvs opposite, simple, usually serrate, 3-veined. Capitula pedunculate, in loose to congested dichasial cymose clusters. Involucral bracts in 1-3 rows. Receptacle conic; scales present. Outer florets ♀, ligulate, white to reddish or purple. Inner florets ☿, tubular. Achenes dimorphic. Ray achenes flattened; pappus of laciniate scales, longer on one side, reduced to hairs, or 0. Disc achenes usually subterete; pappus of subulate to lanceolate, obtuse to aristate, laciniate scales, reduced to bristles, or 0.
Prostrate or scrambling annual; stems to 2 m long when through other vegetation, rather stout, branched, densely clothed in retrorse, hooked, scabrid hairs on the sharply acute angles. Lvs and stipules in whorls of 5-8, sessile, 10-60 × 2-8 mm (sometimes smaller on exposed prostrate shoots), linear-oblanceolate or narrow-elliptic, often spathulate or obovate on exposed lateral shoots; margins flat or nearly so, densely clothed in retrorse, hooked, scabrid hairs; midrib below and surface generally above ± scabrid; apex shortly awned. Fls (1)-2-(6), in axillary divaricating cymes; peduncles usually > pedicels; whorl of bracts at base of pedicels leaflike and scabrid. Corolla 1-2 mm diam., white or whitish; lobes ovate, ± mucronate. Mericarps 2.5-4 mm diam. (excluding bristles), globose or subglobose (often 1 of the pair smaller or abortive), densely furnished with hooked bristles.
Perennial, drying green to brown; stems slender, weak and straggling, to c. 80 cm long, 4-angled, glabrous, or scabridulous on margins. Lvs and stipules in whorls of 4-(6), subsessile or with petioles to 1 mm long, 4-17 × 0.8-1.5 mm, narrow-linear to narrow-oblanceolate; margins flat or revolute, sometimes scabridulous; apex obtuse or subacute. Lvs of uppermost nodes often smaller. Cymes fairly dense, glabrous, 2-4 from same axis, each with c. 5-10 fls, aggregated in panicles of up to 40 fls; peduncles of variable length, to 1.5 cm long; pedicels usually 0.5-2 mm long, moderately divaricating at fruiting; bracts at base of infl. leaflike, reduced or 0 in highest orders of branches. Corolla 2.5-3.5 mm diam., white; lobes broad-ovate or ovate-oblong, 3-nerved, acute or obtuse. Mericarps c. 1 mm diam., globular, ± papillate.
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Annual or perennial herbs with slender, usually 4-angled stems. Lvs and leaflike stipules similar, in whorls of 4-12, mainly sessile or subsessile. Fls small, usually ☿, rarely unisexual, in terminal or axillary panicles or cymes, rarely solitary; ultimate infl. branches with or without bracts; bracteoles 0. Calyx a minute ridge. Corolla (3)-4-(5)-lobed, usually rotate with very short or almost no tube, rarely funnelform. Stamens 4, usually very short. Ovary 2-celled; ovules 1 per cell; styles 2, connate towards base; stigmas capitate. Fr. dry, of 2, 1-seeded mericarps, glabrous or variously hairy, sometimes bristly.
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Perennial, usually drying dark brown or black; stems slender, weak and straggling, to c. 60 cm long, glabrous, or scabridulous on the acute angles. Lvs and stipules in whorls of 4-(6), subsessile or with short petiole to c. 1 mm long, 3-15 × 0.7-4.5 mm, linear, narrow-elliptic or oblanceolate, generally glabrous; margins flat, sometimes scabridulous; apex usually obtuse, sometimes subacute. Lvs of uppermost nodes often smaller. Cymes small, loose, glabrous or nearly so, often 2-5 from same axis, each with c. 3-7 fls, usually aggregated into panicles of up to 20 fls; peduncles very variable in length, to c. 2 cm long; pedicels up to 3 mm long, divaricating at fruiting; bracts leaflike at base of infl., either very reduced or 0 toward apex. Corolla 2-3-(3.5) mm diam., white; lobes ovate or ovate-oblong, acute or mucronulate. Mericarps 0.8-1.2 mm diam., globular, ± papillate.
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Perennial herb; stems slender, filiform, straggling, to 20 cm long, glabrous, or retrorsely ciliate on angles. Lvs and stipules in distant whorls of 4, subsessile or with petioles to 1-(2) mm long; lamina (1)-1.5-4-(8) × (0.7)-1-3.5 mm, usually elliptic, broad-ovate to broad-elliptic or obovate, rarely narrower; margins and midrib glabrous or ciliolate; apex usually mucronate. Fls 1-3 in terminal or axillary cymes; peduncles and pedicels filiform; peduncles 0-2-(7) mm long; pedicels (0.7)-1-4-(6) mm long, deflexed at fruiting; bracts very small or 0. Corolla 1.3-2 mm diam., white; lobes ± ovate-oblong, acute or mucronate. Mericarps 1-1.5 mm diam., reniform to subglobose, ± rugulose, glabrous or with appressed hairs.
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Erect or rather spreading shrub, usually 0.5-2 m high; branchlets densely to rather sparsely setose, often puberulent also. Lvs alternate; petioles slender, to c. 2 mm long. Lamina (5)-7-10-(20) × (3)-6-10- (20) mm, broadly elliptic-oblong or elliptic to orbicular, coriaceous, glabrous or nearly so; margins ± undulate, crenulate-denticulate to serrate; base cuneate to rounded; apex rounded, mucronulate, sometimes ± acute. Fls solitary, axillary, but uppermost lvs sometimes so reduced that fls appear racemosely arranged; pedicels glabrate to densely hairy; bracteoles 0.7-1.5 mm long, broadly ovate. Calyx lobes 1.5-2.5 mm long, ovate-triangular, subacute to acute. Corolla ± urceolate; tube 1.5-2.5 mm long; lobes triangular. Fr. 4-6 mm diam.; calyx ± fleshy, white to red or purplish.
Shrub to 1 m high, usually erect, sometimes almost sprawling; branchlets puberulent. Lvs alternate, rather uniform, stiff, very thick and coriaceous; petioles to c. 1 mm long. Lamina c. 8-12 × 5-9 mm, elliptic, broadly elliptic to orbicular; margins crenulate to subentire; base broadly cuneate to rounded; apex usually rounded, sometimes apiculate. Fls in terminal and occasionally subterminal racemes to c. 4 cm long; pedicels glabrous or glabrate, to c. 5 mm long; bracteoles 1.5-2 mm long, ovate, acute to acuminate. Calyx lobes 1.5-2 mm long, ovate-triangular, acute or subacute. Corolla urceolate; tube c. 2.5 mm long; lobes shortly triangular. Capsules c. 3 mm diam., invested by dry calyx.
Stout, much-branched shrub, to c. 1 m tall, dwarfed at higher altitudes; branchlets with sparse setose hairs. Lvs alternate; petioles very short, stout. Lamina 7-15-(25) × 5-7-(10) mm, narrow- to broad- elliptic or suborbicular, very thick and coriaceous, usually shallowly concave above; margins finely crenulate-serrulate; base ± rounded; apex rounded to acute or apiculate. Racemes to ± 4 cm long, with hairy axes, terminal and subterminal, simple or sometimes forming panicles; pedicels to c. 5 mm long, glabrous or puberulent; bracteoles oblong to triangular-ovate, subacute, c. 2 mm long. Calyx lobes triangular-ovate, 2.5-3 mm long, acute or short-acuminate. Corolla urceolate; tube c. 3.5 mm long; lobes triangular, obtuse. Capsule c. 2 mm diam., loosely invested by persistent dry calyx.
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Evergreen, erect or prostrate shrubs, occasionally tree-like. Lvs usually alternate, rarely opposite, usually toothed; petiole short or occasionally 0. Fls in terminal or axillary racemes or panicles, less commonly solitary, (4)-5-merous, pedicellate, with bracts and bracteoles. Calyx lobed, usually deeply so, accrescent. Corolla lobed, urceolate to campanulate. Stamens 10, included; anthers with 2 or 4 awns or obtuse. Disc 10-lobed. Ovary glabrous. Fr. a 5-valved capsule invested by enlarged and fleshy calyx and thus berry-like, rarely calyx persistent but dry (5 N.Z. spp.). Seeds numerous, minute.
Much-branched, erect to spreading shrub, up to c. 2 m tall; branchlets glabrous to sparingly setose. Lvs opposite or subopposite, sessile or subsessile, sometimes ± amplexicaul. Lamina usually 2.5-6 × 1.5-3 cm, lanceolate-ovate, elliptic-ovate, broadly ovate, or suborbicular, thick, coriaceous, glabrous, crenate-serrate or serrulate; base cordate to subtruncate; apex subacute, mucronulate. Fls in terminal and subterminal oppositely branched racemes 5-10 cm long, forming broad panicles; pedicels to c. 5 mm long, glabrous; bracteoles ovate, c. 2.5 mm long. Calyx lobes ovate-triangular to ovate-oblong, sharply acute or acuminate, c. 1.5 mm long. Corolla urceolate; tube 2-3 mm long; lobes triangular-ovate. Capsule c. 3-4 mm diam., surrounded by dry calyx.
Erect shrub up to c. 2 m high, with ascending to spreading branches; branchlets ± setose. Lvs alternate; petioles thick, c. 3 mm long. Lamina (10)-20-60-(70) × (7)-10-25-(27) mm, elliptic to oblong-elliptic, subcoriaceous or coriaceous but not thick, usually rather densely clad in stiff hairs when young; base cuneate to rounded; apex abruptly mucronate; margins finely serrulate-crenulate. Fls produced at or towards tips of branches, forming terminal panicles up to c. 6 × 6 cm; axis clad in whitish hairs; bracts keeled, ovate, acuminate, ± 3 mm long; pedicels c. 4-6 mm long, with few setose hairs, otherwise usually glabrate but sometimes puberulent; bracteoles ovate, c. 1.5 mm long. Calyx lobes 2-2.5 mm long, lanceolate-ovate to ovate-triangular, acute to acuminate. Corolla urceolate; tube 3.5-6 mm long; lobes c. 1.25 mm long, oblong. Capsule 3-4 × 3-4 mm, invested by dry calyx.
Shrub to c. 1 m high; branchlets with sparse to rather dense setose hairs. Lvs alternate; petioles stout, to c. 3 mm long. Lamina (6)-20-45-(57) × (3)-6-20-(25) mm, elliptic, elliptic-oblong, or lanceolate-oblong (several forms on 1 plant; young plants often with larger lvs), ± coriaceous but not thick; margins finely or sometimes rather coarsely serrate; base usually cuneate, sometimes almost rounded; apex acute. Fls in terminal and subterminal racemes or panicles to c. 8 cm long; axis ± hairy; pedicels 3-5 mm long, usually puberulent, sometimes glabrous; bracteoles c. 2 mm long, broad-ovate. Calyx lobes c. 2 mm long, ovate-triangular, usually acute or apiculate, sometimes obtuse. Corolla urceolate; tube c. 3 mm long; lobes broadly ovate, c. 1 mm long. Capsule c. 3-4 mm diam., invested by dry calyx.
Shrub to c. 50 cm tall, usually forming a dense low thicket with underground rhizomes and numerous aerial ascending stems. Shoots hirsute and glandular when young. Lvs alternate; petioles 2-5 mm long. Lamina 4-7 × 3-4.5 cm, ovate to suborbicular, with glandular hairs when young, glabrous and coriaceous when mature, serrulate with glandular teeth; base subcordate to cordate; apex mucronate or shortly cuspidate. Racemes subterminal, to c. 10 cm long, reddish, ± viscid with glandular hairs. Bracts mostly 7-10 mm long, ovate, mucronate, reddish, > pedicels. Calyx c. 3 mm long; lobes triangular-ovate, reddish. Corolla c. 8 mm long, urceolate, with glandular hairs outside, whitish or pale pink; lobes small and revolute. Filaments hairy; anthers with 4 apical awns c. 1.5 mm long. Style = or slightly > corolla tube. Frs purplish black and berry-like but not seen in N.Z. specimens.
Perennial herbs; stems trailing or erect; latex milky. Lvs in rosettes, or alternate on stems, pinnatifid, lobed, or entire. Capitula axillary, solitary, on long peduncles. Involucral bracts fused at base to form a cupule, in 2-3 series, similar in all rows. Receptacle flat, alveolate, ciliate; scales 0. Outer florets ligulate, sterile. Disc florets ☿. Achenes obovoid to obconic or turbinate, without furrows. Pappus of 2 rows of linear-subulate toothed scales, the rows c. equal in length.
Perennial. Stems rhizomatous; old lvs persisting. Lvs tufted at tips of rhizomes, usually entire, rarely pinnate, linear-oblanceolate, (10)-15-20 × 0.5-1 cm, tapered to long petiole; upper surface with sparse short bristles or glabrous, green; lower surface with dense appressed white tomentum, with glabrous or rarely bristly midrib; margins with sparse short bristles, revolute. Capitula solitary; peduncles (15)-20-30 cm long. Involucre 1.5-2.5-(3) cm diam., turbinate. Involucral bracts in 2-3 rows, usually with marginal bristles or glabrous, sometimes with cobwebby tomentum; free portion linear, equal or > fused portion. Ligules yellow to orange, with or without dark, white-centred blotch at base, 2.5-4.5 cm long. Disc florets dark. Achenes not seen.
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Mostly annual or perennial herbs, occasionally climbing, sometimes shrubs, usually glabrous. Lvs simple, usually opposite, entire, exstipulate, bitter-tasting, very rarely reduced to scales. Infl. commonly a dichasial cyme, sometimes a fascicle, umbel, or fls solitary. Fls usually ☿, rarely unisexual, usually actinomorphic, 4-6-(14)-merous. Calyx gamosepalous, usually deeply lobed, persistent. Corolla cylindric to funnelform, campanulate or rotate, often with scales or glands; lobes contorted in the bud, ± persistent. Stamens epipetalous, as many as corolla segments, usually free. Ovary superior, 2-carpellate, 1-(2)-locular, with 2 parietal placentae, sometimes walls intrusive; ovules many; style 1 or 0; stigma usually 2-lobed. Fr. usually a septicidal, 2-valved capsule, rarely baccate. Seeds usually numerous and minute, endospermic.
Herbs, subshrubs, or shrubs, occasionally tree-like. Lvs alternate or opposite, mostly simple and lobed, less often entire or compound, usually stipulate. Fls in few- to many-flowered umbels, rarely solitary, ☿, actinomorphic to somewhat zygomorphic, axillary; bracts present or 0. Sepals (4)-5, persistent, usually free, less commonly connate to 1/2 way; uppermost sepal sometimes spurred. Petals usually 5, sometimes 2 or 4, rarely 0, usually imbricate, occasionally distant, rarely contorted. Stamens 2-(3)× as many as petals, sometimes some lacking anthers; filaments free or connate at base; anthers 2-locular, versatile. Ovary superior, (2)-3-5-celled, beaked; ovules 1-2 in each loculus, pendulous; style adhering to beak, with 5 stigmatic branches, the outer part often separating at fruiting and forming 5 long awns attached to the apex of the central rachis. Fr. lobed, dry, with 1 seed per carpel, breaking from the beak into 1-(2)-seeded mericarps with styles usually persistent. Seed with 0 or little endosperm.
Hairy, annual, taprooted herb, with large basal lf rosette and ± ascending branches to c. 50 cm long. Stems ± densely hairy with the hairs ± retrorse. Petioles to c. 20 cm long, longest in rosette lvs, with hairs as on stems. Lamina 3.5-8 × 3.5-9 cm, orbicular or suborbicular, with appressed hairs, especially on veins below; lobes 5-7, extending almost to the petiole, again pinnately lobed or 3-lobed, especially in rosette lvs; ultimate segments linear or narrow-oblong, acute. Fls usually in pairs; peduncles usually > pedicels, both densely hairy with eglandular and often pink-tipped glandular hairs. Sepals 5-8 mm long (excluding awn), ovate, densely clothed in long, white, eglandular and short glandular hairs, aristate with awn (1)-2-3 mm long. Petals 3.5-5 mm long, obovate, pink or rose, emarginate; claw short. Filaments whitish; anthers blue. Mericarps 2.5-3 mm long, with white, patent hairs. Seeds prominently isobilaterally alveolate.
Perennial herb; taproot cylindric, to c. 2 cm diam., often divided; caulorrhiza short and stout, bearing a number of flowering stems. Hairs variable, the longer ones mostly curved or bent near base. Petiole of basal lvs to c. 30 cm long; hairs denser distally and mostly appressed to ascending. Lamina to c. 9 cm diam., reniform to orbicular, lobed to 3/4-⅞ way to midrib; lobes usually 5-7, obovate, sparsely hairy on both sides, obtuse, mucronate, the larger lobes usually with (5)-9 teeth; median and longer lateral teeth oblong-obovate. Cauline lvs similar to basal but smaller, with few lobes. Flowering stem glabrescent; hairs mostly appressed to ascending; bracteoles ± linear; fls in pairs. Outer sepals 3-3.5 × c. 2.5 mm, ovate-elliptic; inner sepals narrower, with hyaline margins; hairs short and appressed. Petals c. 4.5 × 3 mm, obovate, pale pink. Mericarps hairy; beak to 12 mm long. Seed c. 2 × 1.2 mm, oblong, reddish brown; dorsal alveolae mostly rectangular, rather shallow.
Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, sometimes with a caulorrhiza (woody rhizome or root stock), occasionally with small erect trunk, generally aromatic. Basal lvs often rosette-forming, long-petiolate, stipulate, palmately veined, lobed or compound, usually ovate to rounded or reniform. Cauline lvs similar to basal, with petiole becoming shorter, opposite near base, usually alternate above. Fls actinomorphic, single or paired, usually in cymose, bracteate, and pedunculate infls. Sepals 5, imbricate, spurless. Petals 5; claw prominent to almost 0. Fertile stamens usually 10, rarely 5 reduced to staminodes, free or nearly so, the outer antipetalous. Nectar glands 5. Ovary 5-lobed, usually with long style; ovules 2 per loculus. Fr. with long beak, the outer part of style separating into 5 long awns which generally remain attached to the mericarps, curving upwards but never twisted. Mericarps 1-seeded, sometimes releasing seed, lacking apical pits.
Monocarpic or short-lived perennial herb, often with short, stout trunk at flowering (to c. 90 cm high in cultivation) and terminal lf rosette. Petioles to c. 40 cm long and 2 cm diam. near base, brownish red, puberulent, becoming deflexed, but remaining turgid with age (thus appearing like prop roots after laminae die). Lamina palmately lobed almost to base, to c. 25 × 30 cm, ± broad-ovate to nearly suborbicular, finely puberulent, mainly on the reddish veins; lobes 5, variously pinnately incised, with lower secondary lobes extending to base. Infl. an immense, dense, rounded panicle to c. 1 m high with both peduncles and pedicels elongated and densely covered with long, patent, purple, glandular-viscid, white-tipped hairs. Fls shallowly funnelform. Sepals 6.5-8 mm long including awn, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, the inner with pink hyaline margins, with hairs as on pedicels; apex mucronate. Petals 12-18 × 9-11 mm, broad-obovate, pink with crimson veins; claw 1/4-⅓ limb, crimson; apex rounded. Filaments crimson; anthers dark purplish. Mericarps 3-4 mm long, glabrous, alveolate with prominent ridges. Seed smooth.
Perennial herb, often with thick or fairly thick caulorrhiza. Hairs soft, retrorse or antrorse, usually appressed and often short, rarely spreading. Stems slender, prostrate, sometimes spreading to suberect, usually with retrorse hairs, sometimes glabrescent at base; branches few to many. Basal lvs not generally persistent through growing season; petioles to c. 17 cm long; hairs retrorse, dense or moderately dense, occasionally scattered. Lamina to 4 cm diam., reniform to orbicular or broadly ovate, lobed to c. ⅞ way to midrib, sometimes shallowly lobed; lobes usually 3-5, narrowly to broadly obovate-cuneate or almost oblong, with few to many appressed hairs on both sides, rounded to acute or mucronate at apex; larger lobes usually with 2 ± oblong secondary lobes. Cauline lvs smaller, with fewer lobes. Peduncles (with pedicels) 1-6-(9) cm long, filiform, with dense, retrorse hairs; bracteoles linear to lanceolate; fls 1-(2). Sepals 3-5-(6) × 0.8-2-(2.5) mm, ± lanceolate to elliptic or elliptic-oblong, usually with a purple marginal line, sometimes completely purple; hairs usually appressed, at least in distal 1/2, sometimes long and glandular, occasionally few. Petals (4)-6-9 × 2.5-4.5 mm, broadly obovate, white. Mericarps 2-2.8 mm long, with moderately dense hairs; beak (6)-7-11 mm long. Seed 1.5-1.9 mm long, oblong, ± smooth, very rarely finely reticulate.
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Perennial herb, with slender or sometimes fairly stout caulorrhiza. Hairs soft, retrorse or antrorse, generally appressed and often short, sometimes spreading. Stems slender, prostrate or spreading, with ± retrorse hairs; branches usually many. Basal lvs rarely persistent through growing season; petioles to 12-(19) cm long; hairs retrorse and dense. Lamina usually to 3-(4) cm diam., reniform to orbicular or broadly ovate, lobed 3/4-⅞ way to midrib; lobes (3)-5, narrowly to broadly obovate-cuneate, obovate-elliptic, obovate-oblong, or oblong, with appressed hairs on both sides or glabrous above, rounded to acute or mucronate at apex; larger lobes usually with 2 ± oblong or elliptic secondary lobes. Cauline lvs smaller, with fewer lobes. Peduncles (with pedicels) usually 1-3-(4) cm long, filiform, with dense, retrorse hairs; bracteoles subulate or linear-subulate; fls 1-(2). Sepals 3-5-(6) × 1-2.5 mm, lanceolate to elliptic, broadly elliptic or ± ovate, usually with green margin, sometimes completely purple; hairs ± spreading, often very short and antrorse towards apex, sometimes few. Petals 4-5 × 2-2.5 mm, broadly obovate, pink. Mericarps 2-3 mm long, with ± dense hairs; beak (6)-7-10 mm long. Seed 1.5-1.9 mm long, oblong, distinctly alveolate.
Hairy, perennial, rhizomatous herb, with thick rhizome or caulorrhiza and ± erect flowering stems to c. 50 cm long. Petioles of basal lvs long, usually red at base and apex; hairs directed downward. Lamina deeply palmately lobed, ± reniform, to c. 10 × 12 cm, densely hairy when young; lobes 5-7, pinnatifid to pinnatisect; ultimate segments ± acute. Cauline lvs much smaller than basal. Infl. very open, with a few pairs of fls; peduncles long; peduncles and pedicels densely covered in glandular hairs. Sepals 11-13 mm long including a short awn, densely covered in glandular hairs; margins hyaline; nerves reddish. Corolla saucer-shaped. Petals 18-24 × 12-17 mm, obovate, blue or deep blue with somewhat pinkish veins; claw very short; apex rounded. Filaments white, strongly dilated towards base; anthers blue. Ovary with glandular hairs. Ripe mericarps not seen.
Annual or biennial, hairy, taprooted herb, with sprawling to suberect branched stems to c. 30 cm long, and characteristic scent. Stem base sometimes short and thick with a rosette of lvs. Petioles to c. 10 cm long, reddish where exposed to strong light, usually hairy along 1 side. Lamina very deeply palmately divided, 1.5-5-(7) × 2-6-(8) cm, ± broad-ovate, with hairs scattered above, nearly glabrous below, often turning red with age; lobes 5, pinnatisect or less commonly pinnatifid; ultimate segments mucronate. Infl. very diffuse; fls paired; peduncles and pedicels variable, with simple and glandular hairs, often with a line of hairs along 1 side. Sepals (at anthesis) 5-8 mm long including apical awn, ovate, with mostly glandular hairs, ± reddish. Petals 6-9 mm long, ± oblanceolate, pink to rose; claw a little > limb; apex rounded. Filaments pinkish; anthers yellow. Mericarps 2.5-3 mm long, with short hairs; upper ⅔ with many, close, transverse ridges. Seed smooth.
Taprooted annual, to over 30 cm tall, but often much less, densely clothed in short hairs. Stems decumbent to spreading, often branched from the base. Lvs with long eglandular, and short glandular hairs. Lower lvs long-petiolate. Lamina palmately lobed, 1-3.5 × 1.5-4.5 cm, reniform to almost orbicular; lobes 5-9, extending 3/4 way to petiole, 2-3-lobed; secondary lobes oblong to obovate. Upper lvs smaller and simpler with shorter petioles. Fls numerous, often paired; peduncles short; pedicels usually longer than peduncles, curving upwards after flowering, densely clothed in glandular hairs. Sepals 2-3 mm long (to c. 4 mm at fruiting), ± ovate, densely clothed in long, white, pilose and short glandular hairs, mucronate. Petals 2.5-3.5 mm long, obovate, emarginate, pale mauve; claw short. Stamens 10, 4-5 reduced to staminodes (lacking anthers); filaments whitish; anthers mauvish brown. Mericarps 1.5-2 mm long, densely clothed in appressed hairs on outer face. Seed smooth.
Perennial herb with napiform taproot c. 3 cm diam.; caulorrhiza short, bearing a number of flowering stems. Hairs variable, the longer mostly curved or bent near base. Basal lvs with petioles to c. 25 cm long with retrorse hairs. Lamina to 5 cm diam., suborbicular to orbicular, lobed to c. ⅞ way to midrib; lobes 5-7, linear, inconspicuously but uniformly hairy on both sides; larger lobes usually with 7 or 9 teeth; median and larger lateral teeth usually oblong, occasionally obovate to clavate, obtuse, subacute or mucronate. Cauline lvs smaller, with fewer lobes. Flowering stems with dense retrorse hairs or occasionally glabrescent; bracteoles linear to narrowly triangular; fls usually in pairs, occasionally solitary. Sepals c. 5 × 3 mm excluding awn, ovate or elliptic-ovate; awn to 1 mm long; hairs mostly short, appressed, longer on margins. Petals c. 6 × 4 mm, obovate, white to pink. Mericarps hairy; beak to 14 mm long. Seed c. 2 × 1.4 mm, oblong, dark; dorsal alveolae usually deep, 4-6-sided, ± isodiametric.
Annual or biennial hairy taprooted herb, with a characteristic scent. Stems decumbent to spreading, to c. 50 cm long, lax, often red where exposed to strong light, sometimes with base thickened; internodes short and lvs rosette-like. Petioles long and slender on lower lvs, often reddish, glabrous or hairy. Lamina palmate, to c. 9 × 10 cm, broad- or triangular-ovate, usually becoming red with age; lobes 3-5, at least the terminal petiolulate, pinnately divided to varying degrees, ± appressed-hairy; ultimate segments usually mucronulate. Infl. very diffuse; fls paired; peduncles usually > pedicels; peduncles and pedicels with long- and short-stalked glands. Sepals (at anthesis) 6.5-8 mm long including apical awn, ovate, prominently 3-nerved, with hairs as on pedicels. Petals (7.5)-10-11.5 mm long, obovate-oblanceolate, pink or rose except for white margin of claw; limb = claw; apex rounded. Filaments pinkish; anthers orange. Mericarps 2.5-3 mm long, glabrous or hairy, with 4-6 transverse ridges. Seed smooth.
Hairy, taprooted, herb, usually biennial, with characteristic scent. Stems branched, sprawling to ascending, to c. 70 cm long, dark red to reddish green, becoming glabrous. Rosette lvs with petioles to c. 20 cm long, hairy or glabrous. Lamina of rosette and lower cauline lvs very deeply palmately divided, 5-12-(18) × 6-12-(18) cm, broad- to triangular-ovate, clothed in ± appressed hairs, becoming red with age; lobes 5, irregularly 2-pinnatisect, the lower secondary lobes extending to midrib; ultimate segments mucronate; middle lobe petiolulate; petiolule and veins ± red. Infl. diffuse; peduncles and pedicels variable, often red, glabrous or with patent white hairs, slightly viscid with some glandular hairs. Sepals (at anthesis) 7-8 mm long excluding apical awn, with long white glandular and eglandular hairs; awn 2-4 mm long. Petals 17-25 × 8-12 mm, obovate or triangular-obovate, deep pink with paler bands near lower margin; claw slightly > limb; apex ± rounded. Filaments pink or whitish; anthers pinkish. Stigmas pink. Mericarps 3.5-4 mm long, glabrous, with raised reticulations. Seed smooth.
Perennial herb, often forming a ± prostrate mat, with thick, usually branched taproot and woody caulorrhiza covered with very persistent stipules and petioles. Stems short or 0. Petioles to 10 cm long, slender, densely covered in retrorse hairs. Lamina 1-2-(3) cm diam., broadly reniform to orbicular, lobed to 1/2-3/4 way to midrib; lobes (3)-5-7, green, bronze or purplish green above; hairs variable, sometimes very sparse; secondary lobes shallow, ± mucronulate. Fls solitary; peduncle to 3 cm long including pedicel, often very short, densely covered in retrorse hairs; bracteoles linear-subulate, brown. Sepals 4-7 × 1.5-2.5 mm, elliptic or nearly so, with long, white, spreading hairs; apex cuspidate. Petals 5-7 × 1-3 mm, narrow-elliptic to oblong or obovate, white, often slightly > sepals. Mericarps 2-3 mm long, ± hirsute; beak 8-10 mm long. Seed 1.5-2 mm long, oblong, almost smooth with very shallow alveolae.
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Erect herb arising from a short, thick rhizome; stem stout, 60-80-(120) cm high at flowering, often much-branched, moderately to densely pubescent and usually with scattered longer hairs. Lvs both basal and cauline; basal lvs with petiole up to 20 cm long, grooved and pilose; blade ovate, ± lyrate, up to 30 cm long, imparipinnate with (2)-3-6 pairs of major leaflets often separated by reduced leaflets, sparsely hairy above, hairy below especially along veins, with margins 2-serrate to serrate and laciniate; terminal leaflet (3)-6-12 cm long and deeply incised. Cauline lvs decreasing in size upwards, with ± ovate-orbicular dissected stipules, the uppermost lvs ternate or 3-5-lobed, sometimes merely 2-serrate. Infl. a few-flowered, loose cyme; peduncles densely pubescent and usually with scattered longer hairs, up to 12 cm long. Epicalyx segments ± elliptic-lanceolate, c. 2-3 mm long. Sepals ovate-triangular, c. 5-7 mm long, hairy, reflexed at fruiting. Petals (5)-6-10 mm long, rounded, yellow. Achenes c. 150-250, hairy, forming a cylindric-globose head 14-20 × 12-20 mm; distal part of style deciduous; proximal part of style persistent, hooked, glabrous or with scattered hairs at base.
Herb up to 15 cm high at flowering, arising from a stout woody stock. Basal lvs up to 6 cm long, pilose, imparipinnate; lateral leaflets in up to 6 pairs, minute; terminal leaflet 20-35 mm long, crenate-dentate; cauline lvs few, oblong, deeply toothed. Peduncle up to 15 cm high. Fls 1-5. Petals c. 12-15 mm long, yellow. Achenes pilose.
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Erect herb up to 8-(25) cm high at flowering, arising from a slender stock. Basal lvs up to 7-(12) cm long, white-pilose, imparipinnate; lateral leaflets in up to 10 pairs, reduced and often minute; terminal leaflet 10-25 mm long, serrate-dentate; cauline lvs few and bract-like, deeply toothed. Peduncle up to 8-(25) cm high. Infl. usually of several fls, very rarely fls solitary. Petals (1)-2-3-(5) mm long, white. Achenes usually glabrous, rarely with a few hairs on shoulder.
Erect herb up to 30 cm high at flowering, arising from a stout, woody stock. Basal lvs up to 15 cm long, white-pilose, imparipinnate; lateral leaflets in up to 15 pairs, the lower minute but upper sometimes up to 15 mm long; terminal leaflet (1)-2-5-(7) cm long, crenate-dentate and sometimes obscurely lobed; cauline lvs few, oblong, toothed, sometimes very reduced. Peduncle up to 30 cm high. Infl. of (1)-3-8-(25) fls. Petals 4-8-(10) mm long, creamy white. Achenes densely pilose especially on margins.
Low-growing herb up to 3-(10) cm high at flowering, arising from slender stock. Basal lvs up to 25-(45) mm long, sparsely to moderately white-pilose, imparipinnate; lateral leaflets in up to 5-(7) pairs, small; terminal leaflet 3-10 mm long, crenate-dentate and sometimes obscurely 3-5-lobed; cauline lvs 1-2, reduced to minute bracts. Peduncle short. Fls mostly solitary, very rarely 2 per infl. Petals c. 1.5 mm long, white. Achenes glabrous.
Low-growing herb up to 15-(20) cm high at flowering, arising from a ± stout, woody stock. Basal lvs up to 5-(12) cm long, glabrate to moderately pilose with a dense marginal rim of harsh usually orange-red hairs, imparipinnate; lateral leaflets in 1-2-(5) pairs, all very reduced and lowest rudimentary; terminal leaflet 10-30-(40) mm long, crenate-dentate and sometimes obscurely lobed; cauline lvs reduced to small, toothed bracts. Peduncle up to 18 cm long. Fls solitary. Petals (7)-10-15-(17) mm long, creamy white. Achenes densely pilose especially on margins.
Erect herb arising from a short rhizome; stem moderately stout to slender, 30-40-(60) cm high at flowering, branched, moderately to densely clothed in long and short hairs. Lvs both basal and cauline; basal lvs with petiole up to 18 cm long, grooved and pilose; blade ovate to obovate, up to 14 cm long, usually pinnately 3-foliolate, sometimes imparipinnate with 2-3 pairs of major leaflets, hairy above, hairy below especially on veins; margins 2-serrate to irregularly crenate-serrate and lobed; terminal leaflet up to 6-(10) cm long, 3-5-lobed or sometimes deeply incised. Cauline lvs decreasing in size upwards, with ± orbicular dissected stipules, the uppermost lvs obscurely 3-lobed and crenate; infl. a few-flowered loose cyme; peduncles densely clothed in short and long hairs, up to 14 cm long. Epicalyx segments lanceolate, 2-5 mm long. Sepals ovate-triangular, 4-7 mm long, hairy, reflexed at fruiting. Petals 3-6 mm long, rounded, yellow. Achenes c. 50-70, hairy, forming a ± globose head c. 10-12 × 6-13 mm; distal part of style deciduous; proximal part of style persistent, hooked, glabrous or with few hairs at base.
Usually annual, rarely biennial, starting as a tufted rosette; stems slender to stout, pubescent, glaucous, sprawling to erect, 10-15 cm tall. Lvs glaucous. Lower lvs elliptic to obovate; lamina 1-(2)-pinnatifid, petiolate, hairy on both surfaces, 5-10 × 3-6 cm; leaflets coarsely toothed. Upper lvs smaller, ovate to triangular, pinnatifid, sessile, amplexicaul, hairy on both surfaces. Pedicel slender at flowering, stout at fruiting, ± glabrous, 1-2 cm long. Sepals pubescent, c. 8 × 3 mm. Petals orange to red, broadly obovate, up to 2 × 2 cm. Capsule hairy throughout its length, ± straight or curved at base, (60)-90-150 × 2-4 mm.
Biennial or perennial starting as a tufted rosette; stems stout, glabrous, glaucous, erect or ascending, 20-30-(50) cm tall. Lvs glaucous. Lower lvs obovate; lamina 2-pinnatifid or pinnate, petiolate, hairy on both surfaces, (10)-15-30-(50) × (3)-5-10 cm; leaflets lobed or toothed. Upper lvs smaller, ovate to triangular, shallowly pinnatifid or lobed, sessile, amplexicaul, sparsely to densely hairy above, glabrous or sparsely hairy beneath. Pedicel stout, glabrous, 1-2 cm long. Sepals sparsely to densely hairy, 2-3 × c. 1.5 cm. Petals yellow, broadly obovate, c. 3 × 4 cm. Capsule tuberculate throughout length but not hairy, often curved, (150)-200-300 × 4-7 mm.
Annual, biennial or perennial herbs with yellow to orange latex. Lvs lobed to 1-2-pinnatifid, usually hispid, glaucous. Fls solitary or in lax leafy cymes. Sepals 2, entire, free, falling as fl. opens, not horned. Petals 4, crumpled in bud, yellow to red. Stigma 2-lobed; style very short or 0. Placentae corky, joined in the centre of the ovary to form a septum. Capsules linear, 2-celled, dehiscing by 2 valves. Seeds reniform, without aril.
Herb; non-flowering stems hairy, creeping and rooting at nodes. Petiole slender. Lamina 1-3.5 × 1-4.5 cm, suborbicular to reniform, sparsely to densely hairy, especially beneath, shallowly to deeply crenate; base cordate. Calyx c. 5 mm long, 15-nerved; nerves hairy; teeth triangular-acuminate. Corolla 1-1.5 cm long, blue or blue-violet, hairy outside; lower lip with purple spots. Nutlets not seen.
Perennial herbs, usually with creeping non-flowering stems and ascending flowering stems. Lvs simple, reniform to ± orbicular, toothed. Verticels 2-5-flowered, axillary, secund. Bracts resembling ordinary lvs. Calyx tubular or tubular-campanulate, 15-veined, not gibbous at base, somewhat 2-lipped, with an upper lip of 3 teeth and a lower of 2. Corolla 2-lipped; tube straight, widened towards apex; upper lip flat, subentire or with 2 teeth; lower lip of 3 teeth, hairy towards base. Stamens lying below upper lip; anther cells at right angles to each other. Style gynobasic, its branches equal. Nutlets smooth, ± obovoid.
Annual or biennial, 10-30 cm tall, usually branched only at base; stems 1-several, erect or ascending. Basal lvs usually present at flowering, sometimes dead but persistent, apetiolate, elliptic-oblong to spathulate, 25-70 mm long. Lower cauline lvs apetiolate, densely white-tomentose on lower surface, usually glabrous but sometimes with a few hairs on upper, discolorous, plane, narrow-spathulate to almost linear, obtuse to acute, shortly mucronate, usually flat, sometimes undulate, 20-35 × 2-8 mm; uppermost cauline lvs smaller, often folded, undulate and linear. Capitula in dense terminal and axillary clusters; clusters forming a dense terminal spike and sometimes scattered below. Involucral bracts oblong, apiculate, 3.5-4.2 mm long; stereome green or reddish purple; lamina pale brown, usually with darker markings toward base; gap and margins clear; outer bracts glabrous. Achenes minutely papillate, c. 0.6 mm long.
Stoloniferous perennial; stems 1-few, usually ascending, sometimes erect, usually simple, rarely sparingly branched, (2)-5-20-(40) cm tall. Lvs usually mostly basal at flowering; basal lvs short-petiolate, densely white-tomentose on lower surface usually including mid-vein, usually moderately to densely, sometimes sparsely tomentose on upper, plane, narrow- to broad- obovate or oblanceolate, long-cuneate, usually obtuse, sometimes acute, shortly mucronate, (5)-15-40-(60) × (2)-5-12 mm; cauline lvs usually becoming much reduced upwards, often oblong, acute, finally apetiolate and broad-based. Capitula c. 1-2 mm diam., (5)-8-numerous in dense ± globular terminal clusters, very rarely smaller axillary clusters below; longest subtending lvs 0.5-1.5× diam. of cluster. Involucral bracts elliptic to oblong-elliptic, obtuse to subacute, 3.5-4 mm long; stereome green, sometimes tinged reddish purple toward apex; lamina yellow to pale brown or orange; gap and margins usually tinged pinkish purple, sometimes clear. Achenes minutely papillate, c. 0.7 mm long.
Annual, 5-15-(30) cm tall, usually much-branched from base and along stems; stems 1-many, ascending to erect. Basal lvs mostly 0 at flowering, sometimes present and withered. Lower cauline lvs apetiolate, moderately to densely silky hairy on both surfaces, concolorous, folded upwards or plane, linear to oblanceolate, obtuse, mucronate, undulate, 10-30 × 2-4 mm; upper cauline lvs similar but somewhat smaller, more often folded, usually straight, sometimes falcate. Capitula in small terminal and axillary clusters; clusters forming paniculate infls or spikes at ends of main branches. Involucral bracts oblong, apiculate, 3-3.5 mm long; stereome green, sometimes flushed purple toward apex; lamina pale brown, usually with a darker band toward base, rarely flushed reddish purple; gap and margins usually clear, sometimes with purplish markings; outer bracts glabrous or sparsely hairy at base. Achenes minutely papillate, c. 0.5 mm long.
Annual or biennial, 10-60-(75) cm tall, usually branched only at base; stems 1-several, erect or ascending. Basal lvs usually present at flowering, sometimes dead but persistent, apetiolate, spathulate to elliptic-oblong, 20-110-(150) mm long. Lower cauline lvs apetiolate, densely white-tomentose on lower surface, usually glabrous on upper, sometimes sparsely hairy on upper when young, strongly discolorous, plane, oblong to spathulate or oblanceolate, usually obtuse, rarely acute, mucronate, usually flat, sometimes undulate, 20-90 × 4-18 mm; upper cauline lvs smaller, broader based, often ± oblong, sometimes folded. Capitula in dense terminal and axillary clusters; clusters usually forming a dense terminal spike and often scattered below, rarely infl. diffuse and much-branched. Involucral bracts oblong, acute to apiculate, 2.5-3.2 mm long; stereome usually green, rarely reddish purple toward apex; lamina pale brown, often darker toward base; gap and margins usually clear, rarely flushed reddish purple; outer bracts glabrous. Achenes minutely papillate, c. 0.6 mm long.
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Stoloniferous perennial; stems 1-3-(6), ascending, simple, 6-25-(40) cm tall. Lvs mostly basal at flowering; basal lvs usually long-petiolate, densely white-tomentose on lower surface usually not including mid-vein, glabrous and shiny on upper (sometimes sparsely to moderately tomentose when young), plane, oblanceolate to narrow-elliptic, long-cuneate, subacute to acute, mucronate, 30-190 × 3-10-(20) mm; cauline lvs becoming slightly or not reduced upwards, often lanceolate or narrow-elliptic, apetiolate and broad-based. Capitula 1.5-2 mm diam., 10-numerous in dense ± globular terminal clusters, very rarely smaller axillary clusters below; longest subtending lvs 1-3× diam. of cluster. Involucral bracts oblong, obtuse to subacute, 3.5-4.5 mm long; stereome green; lamina pale brown, with dark band at base; gap and rarely upper margin bright reddish purple. Achenes minutely papillate, c. 0.8 mm long.
Stoloniferous perennial; stems 1-few, ascending to erect, simple or sparingly branched, 20-70 cm tall. Lvs either basal and cauline at flowering, or basal lvs withered or 0; cauline lvs apetiolate, densely white-tomentose on lower surface, glabrous on upper, plane or somewhat keeled, lanceolate, narrow-oblanceolate to linear, cuneate or not narrowed to base and amplexicaul, acute, 30-200 × (1)-4-12 mm; basal lvs cuneate; uppermost lvs linear-lanceolate. Capitula c. 1.5-3 mm diam., few to numerous in dense ± globular terminal clusters, often smaller axillary clusters below; longest subtending lvs 1-4× diam. of cluster. Involucral bracts ovate- to elliptic-oblong, acutely narrowed or rounded to blunt apex, 4-4.5 mm long; stereome green; lamina pale brown; gap and margins clear, partly tinged reddish purple. Achenes minutely papillate, c. 0.6 mm long.
Herbs, rarely woody at base. Lvs alternate, simple, entire. Capitula solitary or in small to large clusters; clusters usually capitate or forming spikes, rarely forming panicles. Involucral bracts in 2-several rows, imbricate, membranous, sometimes with coloured but not radiating lamina. Receptacle ± flat; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, filiform, usually many. Inner florets ☿, tubular, few. Achenes all similar, ± terete, not angled or ribbed; pappus hairs in 1 row, narrow at apex.
Stoloniferous perennial; stems 1-3, ascending, simple, 1-7 cm tall. Lvs mostly basal; basal lvs apetiolate and cuneate, usually densely white-tomentose on both surfaces except mid-vein on lower, sometimes less hairy on upper, usually plane, sometimes folded, narrow-elliptic to oblanceolate or ± linear, obtuse and shortly mucronate, 5-35-(70) × 1-6-(7) mm; cauline lvs 2-6, usually much reduced upwards and finally scale-like, sometimes 1-3 leaflike and subtending capitulum. Capitula (1.5)-2-3 mm diam., solitary; scape amongst lvs at flowering, thin and usually exposed above lvs at fruiting. Involucral bracts elliptic-oblong, obtuse, 4-5.2 mm long; stereome green, usually tinged reddish purple at apex; lamina mid to dark brown, with darker markings toward base; gap and margins usually tinged reddish purple, rarely clear. Achenes with sparse antrorse hairs, 1-1.3 mm long.
Stoloniferous perennial; stems 1-many, decumbent to erect, usually simple, sometimes much-branched, c. 10-50 cm tall. Lvs usually all cauline at flowering, apetiolate, densely white-tomentose on lower surface, glabrous on upper, plane, usually narrow-oblong, oblanceolate or narrow-elliptic, rarely linear, not or slightly cuneate to amplexicaul base, acute, 15-50-(80) × (1)- 2-10 mm. Capitula 1-2 mm diam., (6)-8-numerous in dense ± globular terminal clusters, often smaller axillary clusters below; longest subtending lvs 1-3× diam. of cluster. Involucral bracts elliptic, obtuse to retuse, 3.2-4 mm long; stereome green; lamina pale to dark brown; gap and margins clear or tinged reddish purple. Achenes glabrous, 0.6-0.8 mm long.
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Stoloniferous perennial; stems 1-2, ascending, simple, 1-5 cm tall. Lvs mostly basal; basal lvs cuneate to short petiole, densely white-tomentose on lower surface except mid-vein, usually glabrous and folded, sometimes sparsely tomentose and plane on upper, elliptic to linear-elliptic or narrow-oblanceolate, obtuse to subacute, 5-20 × 0.5-2-(4) mm; cauline lvs 1-3, scalelike, scarcely reduced upwards, ovate-triangular, amplexicaul. Capitula c. 1 mm diam., solitary; subtending lvs 0; scape amongst lvs at flowering, filiform and exceeding lvs at fruiting. Involucral bracts elliptic-oblong, obtuse, 3.8-4.5 mm long; stereome green, tinged reddish purple at apex; lamina pale brown, with darker band at base; gap and margins tinged pale to deep reddish purple. Achenes with short antrorse hairs, c. 1 mm long.
Annual, 10-40 cm tall, usually branched only at base; stems 1-few, erect or ascending. Basal lvs mostly 0 at flowering, sometimes present and withered. Lower cauline lvs apetiolate, sparsely tomentose on upper surface, densely tomentose on lower, ± concolorous to somewhat discolorous, plane, usually obovate and long-cuneate, sometimes oblanceolate, obtuse to acute, mucronate, flat or slightly undulate, (10)-20-40-(60) × 3-8-(12) mm; upper cauline lvs similar but smaller, narrower and broader based, sometimes folded. Capitula in dense terminal and axillary clusters; clusters usually forming dense terminal spikes at ends of branches and scattered below. Involucral bracts oblong, obtuse to apiculate, 2.5-3 mm long; stereome green; lamina pale brown; gap and margins clear; outer bracts almost covered by hairs. Achenes minutely papillate, 0.4-0.5 mm long.
Stoloniferous perennial; stems 1-2, ascending, simple, 1-6 cm tall. Lvs mostly basal; basal lvs cuneate to short petiole, densely white-tomentose on lower surface except mid-vein, usually glabrous or almost glabrous, sometimes sparsely tomentose on upper, usually plane, rarely folded, elliptic to narrow-obovate, obtuse to acute, usually mucronate, 5-15-(30) × (1)-2-4-(5) mm; cauline lvs 1-3-(5), scalelike, scarcely reduced upwards, ovate-triangular, amplexicaul. Capitula 1-2 mm diam., solitary; subtending lvs 0; scape amongst lvs at flowering, filiform and exceeding lvs at fruiting. Involucral bracts elliptic-oblong, obtuse, 3.2-4-(4.5) mm long; stereome green, often tinged reddish purple at apex; lamina pale to mid brown, with darker markings at base; gap and margins clear or tinged reddish purple. Achenes sparsely papillate, 0.7-1 mm long.
Annual or biennial, 8-50 cm tall, branched only at base; stems 1-several, usually erect, sometimes ascending. Basal lvs dead but persisting at flowering or sometimes 0. Lower cauline lvs apetiolate but lowermost often long-cuneate, densely tomentose on lower surface, sparsely to moderately tomentose on upper, somewhat discolorous, plane, oblanceolate to spathulate or narrow-obovate, obtuse to acute, mucronate, undulate or flat, 20-60 × 3-10-(14) mm; uppermost lvs smaller, broader based, plane or folded and sometimes falcate, often ± narrow-oblong. Capitula in dense terminal and axillary clusters; clusters forming terminal spikes and sometimes scattered below. Involucral bracts elliptic-oblong, acute or apiculate, 4-4.5 mm long; stereome green; lamina pale brown, often darker at base, sometimes flushed reddish purple; gap and margins clear or marked reddish purple; outer bract usually hairy at base. Achenes minutely papillate, 0.6-0.8 mm long.
Stems moderately to densely tomentose. Basal lvs acute or subacute. Cauline lvs undulate; uppermost lvs often folded. Inner involucral bracts acute at apex, usually flushed bright reddish purple in bud, sometimes not coloured.
Stems usually clothed in dense white or pinkish tomentum. Basal lvs usually obtuse. Cauline lvs usually flat, sometimes undulate; uppermost lvs usually plane, sometimes folded. Inner involucral bracts apiculate at apex, usually not coloured in bud.
Stoloniferous perennial; stems 1-few, usually ascending, sometimes erect, simple, 3-15-(30) cm tall. Lvs basal and cauline at flowering; basal lvs short-petiolate, densely white-tomentose on lower surface sometimes including mid-vein, sparsely to moderately tomentose on upper, plane, narrow-obovate to oblanceolate, long-cuneate, acute, mucronate, (8)-30-50-(100) × 4-10-(13) mm; cauline lvs scarcely reduced upwards, often oblanceolate or oblong, apetiolate and cuneate or broad-based. Capitula 1.5-2 mm diam., 10-numerous, in dense ± globular terminal clusters only; longest subtending lvs 1-2× diam. of cluster. Involucral bracts oblong to narrowly obovate-oblong, obtuse, 3.5-4.5 mm long; stereome green, often tinged reddish purple toward apex; lamina mid to dark brown; gap and margins clear or tinged pale reddish purple. Achenes minutely papillate, c. 0.7 mm long.
Annual, 40-120 cm tall, branched or not at base and sometimes sparingly above; stems 1-(3), erect. Basal lvs 0 at flowering or sometimes dead but persisting. Lower cauline lvs apetiolate but lowermost often long-cuneate, densely tomentose on lower surface, sparsely to moderately tomentose on upper, somewhat discolorous, plane, spathulate to narrow-obovate, acute or subacute, mucronate, undulate at least near apex, (25)-40-100 × (2)-5-15-(20) mm; upper cauline lvs smaller, broader based and often ± oblong. Capitula in dense terminal and axillary leafy clusters; clusters remaining discrete or forming terminal spikes. Involucral bracts elliptic-oblong or oblong, acutely narrowed to apiculate apex, (3)-3.5-4 mm long; stereome green; lamina pale brown, darker toward base; gap and margins usually clear, sometimes gap marked reddish purple; outer bracts glabrous. Achenes minutely papillate, c. 0.6 mm long.
Annual, without stolons; stems 1-few, ascending to erect, simple or much- branched in lower 1/2, (1)-3-50 cm tall. Lvs all cauline at flowering, apetiolate, densely white-tomentose on lower surface, becoming sparsely tomentose to ± glabrous on upper, plane, usually spathulate to oblanceolate, sometimes elliptic or almost linear, cuneate, usually acute, rarely obtuse, mucronate, (6)-15-70-(100) × 2-10-(15) mm. Capitula c. 1 mm diam., numerous in dense globular terminal clusters, very rarely few axillary clusters below; longest subtending lvs c. 1-3× diam. of cluster. Involucral bracts narrow-oblong, gradually tapered to a blunt apex, 3.5-4.5 mm long; stereome green; lamina clear to pale or dark brown; gap and margins clear or tinged reddish purple. Achenes minutely papillate, 0.7-0.8 mm long.
Annual, 7-40 cm tall, usually branched only at base; stem 1-5-(many), usually erect, sometimes ascending. Basal lvs mostly 0 at flowering, sometimes present and withered. Lower cauline lvs apetiolate, sparsely to densely silky hairy on both surfaces, ± concolorous, usually plane, oblanceolate to narrowly obovate-oblong, obtuse, mucronate, usually flat, sometimes undulate, (8)-30- 50-(80) × 4-8-(15) mm; upper cauline lvs smaller, narrow, folded upwards, often undulate, usually falcate. Capitula in terminal and axillary clusters; clusters usually forming dense terminal spikes and often scattered below. Involucral bracts oblong, usually apiculate, sometimes obtuse, 3-4 mm long; stereome green, sometimes tinged reddish purple; lamina pale to dark brown, often with a darker band toward base and flushed reddish purple; gap and margins clear or marked reddish purple; outer bracts glabrous, or sparsely hairy at base. Achenes minutely papillate, c. 0.5 mm long.
Stoloniferous perennial; stems 1-3, ascending to erect, simple, 1-15 cm tall. Lvs mostly basal; basal lvs cuneate to short or long petiole, usually densely white-tomentose on both surfaces including mid-vein, sometimes only moderately tomentose on upper, plane, narrowly to broadly elliptic or elliptic-obovate, obtuse to subacute, mucronate, (6)-10-40-(60) × 4-10 mm; cauline lvs 2-several, narrow and apetiolate, reduced upwards and finally scalelike, linear-triangular and amplexicaul. Capitula c. 4-6 mm diam., usually solitary, very rarely 2-3 together; subtending lvs 0 or much reduced; scape lateral, amongst or just exceeding lvs at flowering, greatly elongating at fruiting. Involucral bracts elliptic to narrow-oblong, usually obtuse, sometimes subacute, 5.5-6.5 mm long; stereome green, tinged reddish purple toward apex; lamina pale brown, sometimes with a dark band at base; gap and sometimes margins tinged pale to bright reddish purple. Achenes with short antrorse hairs, 0.8-1.0 mm long.
Erect perennial herbs or small shrubs, with milky latex. Lvs opposite or verticillate, sometimes the uppermost alternate, simple. Fls in axillary cymes; cymes umbellate. Calyx small, deeply lobed, glandular inside. Corolla valvate in bud, rotate, deeply 5-lobed; segments becoming reflexed at anthesis. Corona of 5 erect or spreading scales, hood-like, sometimes curved over the anthers, with 2 lateral teeth. Stamens inserted near base of corolla; anthers with an incurved apical membrane; pollinium solitary and pendulous in each cell, attached to a gland on the stigma. Carpels free; stigma 5-angled. Follicles smooth, bristly or softly spinose, inflated.
Evergreen shrub up to c. 2 m high; stems sparsely hairy when young, soon glabrous. Lvs sparsely hairy when young, ± glabrous when mature; leaflets elliptic to obovate, obtuse to acute, shortly mucronate, entire, 10-30 mm long; terminal petiolule 3-6 mm long; lateral petiolules c. 1 mm long. Raceme with numerous fls, elongate, diffuse; pedicels 4-8 mm long. Calyx ± glabrous but teeth tomentose within; upper teeth ovate and acute; lower teeth triangular, acuminate, ± = tube. Corolla yellow, reddish toward base, 12-15 mm long. Pod glabrous, irregularly elliptic-oblong, on a long slender stalk, transversely reticulate, 1-4-seeded, c. 25-40 mm long; seeds smooth, dark brown and partly black, oblong, 3-4 mm long; foot of seed aril c. 1.5 mm long.
Shrubs, not armed. Lvs pinnately 3-foliolate, petiolate; lateral veins thin and ± straight to leaflet margin; stipules free, membranous, caducous. Infl. terminal, racemose; bracts and bracteoles membranous, early caducous. Calyx campanulate; 2 upper teeth connate into a 2-toothed lip; 3 lower teeth free, narrow. Corolla yellow. Stamens connate into a tube split above; anthers uniform, dorsifixed, versatile. Style incurved, glabrous; stigma terminal. Pod 2-valved, ± straight and flattened, dehiscent, few- to many-seeded; sutures thickened; seeds strophiolate.
Prostrate shrublets to tall trees. Lvs alternate, often simple and entire, otherwise toothed, lobed, 1-2-pinnatifid or pinnate, sometimes spine-tipped. Fls in axillary or terminal, elongated or reduced and umbel-like racemes, ☿, pedicellate; bracts usually caducous. Perianth usually somewhat irregular; tube usually revolute and curved under limb, sometimes straight; limb usually globular with segments soon becoming revolute. Anthers sessile in the concave perianth segments. Nectary usually semi-circular, sometimes 2-lobed or ± annular or 0. Ovary usually stipitate, rarely sessile, glabrous; ovules 2. Style persistent, usually ± = perianth, curved and protruding from slit on lower side of perianth tube before apex is free from limb, straightening out at anthesis; apex ± dilated, forming an oblique disc or an erect or lateral cone; stigma small. Fr. a coriaceous or rarely woody follicle, with inner faces of valves concave. Seeds 1-2, with narrow and ± annular wing or wingless.
Tree to c. 15 m tall, with dark greyish bark. Shoots and lvs reddish brown-tomentose when young, soon becoming grey. Lvs pinnate and fern-like, to c. 30 cm long (including petiole 2-6 cm long); rachis and petiole greyish tomentose with some reddish brown hairs; pinnae (8)-12- c. 20 cm long, deep green and glabrate on upper surface, with greyish white appressed tomentum on lower surface (sparsely hairy and green in juvenile stage), entire and linear to lanceolate or pinnatisect with 1-4 narrow to broadly triangular lobes (narrower in juvenile lvs); apex of entire pinnae and lobes of pinnatisect pinnae acute or mucronate. Infl. a secund, racemose panicle, 10-16 cm long, glabrous except for lower part of rachis. Pedicels 1.3-2 cm long, filiform. Perianth 9-12 mm long, orange or yellow-orange; limb ± ellipsoid, soon revolute under tube. Nectary lobed. Ovary glabrous; stipe c. 3 mm long. Style c. 2 cm long, with a small somewhat oblique cone at apex. Fr. 1.5-2 cm long, very oblique. Seed winged all round.
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Dioecious herb. Lvs 2-9 cm long; lamina broad-ovate to broad-elliptic, usually cordate at base, sometimes obtuse, not lobed or very shallowly lobed, coarsely dentate, subcoriaceous, glabrous or sparsely hairy. Infructescence exposed above lvs. Drupes usually clustered on stalk, short-pyriform to obconic, dark red; flesh closely attached to seed.
Dioecious herb. Lvs 1-4-(6) cm long; lamina usually ovate to elliptic, sometimes orbicular or obovate, usually obtuse at base, sometimes truncate, not lobed, coarsely and often irregularly crenate or serrate, subcoriaceous, glabrous to sparsely or moderately hairy. Infructescence usually exposed above lvs. Drupes spaced along stalk, long-pyriform, pale yellow to deep orange; flesh closely attached to seed.
Dioecious herb. Lvs 2-7 cm long; lamina ovate to ovate-triangular, obtuse to truncate at base, not lobed, finely and evenly crenate, coriaceous, ± glabrous. Infructescence exposed above lvs. Drupes clustered or scattered on stalk, broad-pyriform, red; flesh closely attached to seed.
Lamina palmately veined, small or enormous and rhubarb-like. Infl. small to very large, of very small insignificant fls. Fr. variously coloured white to dark red.
Monoecious herb. Lvs (1)-2-6-(9) cm long; lamina very variable in shape, usually broadly ovate or orbicular, shallowly to deeply cordate, not lobed or shallowly to deeply lobed, coarsely dentate or crenate, subcoriaceous, usually hairy. Infl. with ♂ fls above ♀. Infructescence usually hidden among lvs, sometimes partly exposed. Drupes spaced along stalk or clustered, barrel-shaped, white, often flecked with purple or red, or very rarely (probably hybrids) entirely orange or red; seed free within fleshy envelope.
Dioecious herb. Lvs 2.5-14 cm long; lamina ovate, shallowly cordate at base, not lobed, shallowly crenate to ± entire, membranous, usually ± glabrous. Infructescence exposed above lvs. Drupes usually densely clustered on stalk, sometimes more scattered, shortly obconic to globose, red-purple to red or yellow; flesh closely attached to seed.
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Perennial, rhizomatous, pseudo-polystelic, monoecious, gynomonoecious or hermaphroditic herbs. Lvs alternate, radical, stipulate, bearing basal ligular scales. Infl. a simple raceme or spike, or paniculate. Fls numerous, actinomorphic, very small. Sepals 2-(3). Petals 2-(3) or 0, hooded; stamens (1)-2, usually epipetalous. Ovary inferior; carpels 2, 1-locular; stigma-styles 2; ovule 1, apical. Fr. a drupe. Seed with abundant endosperm.
Annual, with slender to ± stout taproot. Flowering stems erect, densely glandular-viscid, sparsely branched, 2-10-(15) cm tall. Lvs linear-subulate, subacute, glandular-viscid, green to reddish, (2.5)-7-15 × 0.5-1 mm; basal lvs in a tufted rosette. Infl. a monochasial or dichasial cyme with 5-10-(20) fls. Bracts leaflike, not scarious. Calyx cylindric to narrowly bell-shaped, glandular-viscid, 4-5 mm long, divided to c. 1/4 way; teeth triangular, subacute to acute with broad scarious margins. Petals white or pink, slightly > calyx, emarginate. Styles included, incurving. Capsule cylindric, c. = calyx. Seeds 0.7 × 0.5 mm, finely warty.
Annual to perennial herbs; hairs glandular or 0. Lvs opposite, exstipulate, linear-subulate to lanceolate to spathulate, often glaucous, often sub-fleshy; cauline lvs connate in pairs. Fls in cymes, panicles or capitula; bracts leaflike to subulate; epicalyx 0. Calyx bell-shaped or top-shaped, rarely cylindric, not ribbed, 5-veined, 5-toothed with broad scarious nerveless commissures between the veins. Petals 5, white to pink, tapered or narrowly clawed, entire or emarginate; coronal scales 0. Stamens 10. Styles 2. Fr. a globose to cylindric capsule dehiscing by 4 teeth; carpophore very short or 0. Seeds auriculate, compressed.
Perennial with thick root. Flowering stems erect, glabrous or hairy near base, branching, (30)-40-100 cm tall. Lvs narrow-lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, glabrous, glaucous, (10)-20-50 × 1-5 mm. Infl. a large, dichasial panicle with > 100 fls. Bracts deltoid, acute to acuminate, glabrous; margins scarious. Calyx widely bell-shaped, glabrous, 1.5-2 mm long, divided to c. 1/2 way; teeth ovate, rounded with broad scarious margins. Petals white or pink, = or slightly > calyx, entire or truncate. Styles exserted, spreading. Capsule globose, slightly > calyx. Seeds 1-1.5 × 1-1.5 mm, warty.
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Shrubs or small trees. Lvs alternate, terete to broadly flattened, sometimes with spiny apex. Fls axillary, bracteate, usually few to many in clusters, occasionally in globose heads, ☿, pedicellate. Perianth tube slender, straight at first but later curving back and usually the segments becoming free; limb ± globose. Anthers sessile in the concave perianth segments. Nectaries united to form a large or small horseshoe-shaped or completely annular gland. Ovary glabrous, usually shortly stipitate; ovules 2; style usually > perianth, curved and protruding from perianth slit in immature fl.; apex dilated, forming an oblique disc or lateral cone; stigma small, in centre of dilated style. Fr. a very woody, ± ovoid capsule splitting into 2 solid valves with flat inner faces. Seeds 2, with a broad terminal wing sometimes continuing down the upper and rarely the lower margin.
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Herbs or subshrubs, mostly hydrophytic and often aquatic; stems with monostelic anatomy. Lvs alternate, opposite or whorled, exstipulate, the submerged lvs often finely dissected. Fls solitary and axillary, or in spikes or panicles, small, ☿ or unisexual, actinomorphic. Calyx tube adnate to ovary; lobes 2, 4 or 0. Petals 2, 4-(8) or 0, valvate or nearly so, reflexing, often caducous. Stamens 2, 4 or 8, antipetalous, epipetalous; anthers basifixed. Ovary inferior, (2)-4-celled; each cell with 1-2 ovules; ovules pendulous from apex. Styles (2)-4, free; stigmas capitate and sometimes fimbriate. Fr. usually a small, often winged, rugose or tuberculate nut, sometimes a schizocarp separating into 1-seeded mericarps (nutlets). Seeds endospermic; embryo straight.
Herb, perennating by deep underground stolons. Stems annual, to 30 cm tall, ribbed, scabrid with hairs hooked at apex or almost glabrous. Lvs sessile, alternate, sometimes opposite towards base, 1-3.5 × 0.3-0.8 cm, lanceolate or nearly so, entire or deeply toothed or lobed with deltoid or falcate-deltoid teeth, grey-green, glabrous above, scabridulous beneath and on margins; base attenuate; upper lvs usually entire. Dichasia of 1-3 fls, axillary; primary bracts leaflike, to c. 1 cm long, linear-lanceolate, entire or nearly so. Pedicels 0.1-0.2 mm long. Fls 4-merous, ± reddish. Sepals 1-1.5 mm long, puberulent outside. Petals c. 2 mm long, often reddish, hooked; keel scabridulous. Stamens 8; anthers 1.3-1.4 mm long, narrow-oblong. Ovary 4-celled, not ribbed. Stigmas purplish, fimbriate. Fr. c. 2.5 mm long, subgobose to broad-ovoid, 4-8-ribbed in upper part, rugose; ribs scabridulous.
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Annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs with a simple taproot or a horizontal stolon system, glabrous, pilose or scabrous. Stems prostrate, decumbent to erect, terete or 4-5-ribbed, sometimes rooting at the base. Lvs alternate or opposite, terete to ovate, usually toothed to pinnatifid, less commonly entire. Hydathodes 0. Infl. spike-like, of (1)-3-7-flowered dichasial cymes in the axils of alternate primary, leaflike bracts. Secondary and tertiary bracts linear, membranous. Fls usually ☿, 2-4-merous; pedicels short. Sepals deltoid, persistent and accrescent. Petals ± clawed, hooded. Stamens twice as many as or rarely as many as sepals; filaments short; anthers broadly linear. Ovary 2-4-celled. Styles 2-4; stigmas capitate or fimbriate. Fr. indehiscent, sometimes winged between sepals, smooth or tuberculate between ribs or wings; septa and endocarp woody; exocarp membranous to ± fleshy. Seeds 1-4.
Climbing perennial. Stems up to 30 m long, creeping or climbing, becoming stouter and ± erect and often arborescent at flowering; young shoots and petioles green to purplish or burgundy red, with few to numerous, (3)-6-16-(20)-rayed stellate or scale-like hairs. Lvs glabrous, dark green or variegated ivory white; lvs of non-flowering shoots broadly ovate, obtuse to acuminate, obtuse to cordate at base, usually shallowly to moderately 3-5-palmately-lobed, (1.5)-3-15-(20) cm long; lvs of flowering shoots ovate, rhombic, or elliptic, often narrower and more crowded than lvs of non-flowering shoots, acute to acuminate, obtuse at base, not lobed, up to c. 15 cm long. Infl. a raceme of numerous-flowered globose umbels; petals yellowish green, 3-5 mm long. Fr. deep bluish purple to black when ripe, 2-3- seeded, 5-8 mm diam.
Young stems and petioles green to purplish, with (3)-6-10-rayed stellate hairs; lvs of non-flowering shoots usually conspicuously 5-lobed, variegated or not.
Young stems and petioles burgundy red, with stellate hairs and many 12-16-(20)-rayed scale-like hairs; lvs of non-flowering shoots usually shallowly 3-lobed, usually variegated.
Woody climbers, often becoming arborescent at maturity, the scandent stage with numerous aerial rootlets. Lvs alternate, petiolate, simple, palmately lobed or not lobed, exstipulate; lf form usually differing between flowering and non-flowering shoots. Umbels solitary or in terminal racemes; bracts minute or 0; calyx entire or 5-toothed; petals 5, greenish; stamens 5; ovary 5-locular; styles connate into a cone with stigmas sessile at apex. Fr. subglobose, berry-like.
Scrambling or ± erect perennial herb; stem ribbed, almost glabrous to densely clothed in appressed hairs. Lvs almost glabrous or moderately clothed in appressed hairs below; stipules triangular, acuminate, sometimes with a basal lobe; leaflets subsessile, elliptic to obovate, obtuse, usually shortly mucronate, in 3-5 ± opposite pairs, 15-35-(45) mm long. Infl. racemose, = or > lvs, many-flowered; bracts subtending pedicels ovate to lanceolate, 3-8 mm long; pedicels c. 2 mm long. Calyx sparsely to moderately hairy; calyx teeth = or > tube, narrowly triangular, acuminate. Corolla crimson, 12-18 mm long. Pod 5-15 mm long, with 1-4, glabrous, densely spinous segments; seeds smooth, brown.
Annual or perennial herbs, subshrubs or rarely shrubs. Lvs imparipinnate, stipulate; leaflets entire, with lateral veins not reaching the margin. Infl. axillary, racemose or capitate, bracteate. Calyx teeth 5, subequal. Corolla red-purple, pink, yellow or white. Vexillary stamen free, remainder connate; anthers uniform. Style abruptly inflexed above staminal tube; stigma terminal. Pod lomentaceous, compressed, indehiscent, smooth or spinous; seeds 1 per segment, reniform, estrophiolate.
Annual or perennial herbs. Lvs alternate, simple, entire or serrate, often decurrent. Capitula pedunculate, solitary or in loose cymes. Involucral bracts in 2-3 rows, foliaceous or membranous. Receptacle convex, ovoid, or conic; scales 0. Outer florets usually ♀, sometimes sterile, ligulate, usually yellow. Inner florets ☿, tubular, sometimes all florets tubular and ligules 0. Achenes all similar, not compressed, 4-5-angled, narrowed to base, ribbed, often hairy on ribs and angles; pappus of 5-10, often aristate and laciniate scales.
Annual or short-lived perennial herb, c. 0.5-1 m tall. Stems sparsely hairy, becoming glabrous, sometimes sparsely glandular, ribbed, much-branched above and below, with the decurrent lvs forming conspicuous wings. Lower and mid cauline lvs sparsely hairy and densely glandular on both surfaces, apetiolate but narrowed to base in lowermost lvs, elliptic to lanceolate, entire, or shallowly sinuate, 3-13 × 0.5-2.5 cm; uppermost lvs becoming smaller, narrower, and more lanceolate or narrow-triangular. Capitula 10-20 mm diam., long-pedunculate in loose cymes. Outer involucral bracts densely hairy, foliaceous, linear or linear-lanceolate, 4-8 mm long; inner bracts ± glabrous, membranous, c. 2 mm long. Ligules of ray florets inconspicuous, yellow, 3-6 mm long, soon reflexed; disc florets numerous, yellow or tinged brown. Achenes brown, 8-10-ribbed and somewhat angled, glandular, 1.5-2 mm long; ribs with antrorse hairs; pappus scales 5-6, ovate-triangular, aristate and finely laciniate, c. 1 mm long.
c. 1.5 m tall, dying back in winter. Lower and mid cauline lvs hispidulous, shortly petiolate or apetiolate, narrow-ovate to narrowly ovate-elliptic, acute to acuminate, long-cuneate at base, serrate, (4)-8-25 cm long; upper cauline lvs similar to lower but uppermost sometimes alternate, smaller, narrower and apetiolate. Capitula 5-10 cm diam., in loose corymbs of 1-7. Involucral bracts in 2-3 rows, ciliate, otherwise glabrous or sparsely hairy, ovate-triangular or outermost lanceolate, acute to acuminate, 6-12 × 2-4-(5) mm. Receptacle convex; scales membranous, the larger with darker ciliate apices. Ray florets c. 20-30; disc florets numerous, usually yellow, sometimes reddish brown. Achenes not seen.
Erect annual herb, with stout taproot. Stems scabrid, not branched, 0.4- c. 2 m tall. Lower and mid cauline lvs hispidulous, petiolate, ovate- elliptic to ovate-triangular, acute to acuminate, obtuse or truncate to cordate at base, serrate, 6-20-(30) cm long; upper cauline lvs similar to lower, but uppermost alternate, smaller and narrower. Capitula (8)-10-20-(30) cm diam., solitary. Involucral bracts in 2-3 rows, moderately to densely scabrescent, ciliate, ovate to ovate-triangular, aristate, c. 3-6 × (0.8)-1.5-2 cm. Receptacle ± flat; scales membranous, the larger with dark ciliate apices. Ray florets (15)-20-50; disc florets numerous, brownish yellow. Achenes oblong-obovoid, narrowed to base, hairy, 10-15 mm long; pappus 0.
Annual or perennial herbs. Lvs opposite below, often alternate above, simple, entire or serrate, pinnately veined. Capitula pedunculate, solitary or in loose corymbs. Involucral bracts in 2-several rows, imbricate, foliaceous. Receptacle flat or convex; scales present. Outer florets sterile, ligulate, yellow. Inner florets ☿, tubular. Achenes all similar, compressed, not winged but usually with 2 distinct and 2 indistinct angles; pappus 0 or of 2 or more readily caducous scales, rarely small persistent scales also present.
Erect perennial herb, with short rhizomes and well developed tubers. Stems hispid, not or sparingly branched, up to c. 3 m tall, dying back to tubers in winter. Lower and mid cauline lvs hispidulous, petiolate, narrow-ovate to deltoid or rhomboid, acuminate, obtuse at base, irregularly serrate, (8)-20-25 cm long, often with short shoots and reduced lvs in axils; upper cauline lvs similar to lower but alternate and uppermost shortly petiolate, smaller and narrower. Capitula 5-8 cm diam., in loose corymbs of 2-6. Involucral bracts in 2-3 rows, sparsely hairy and ciliate, narrow-lanceolate, acute, 8-15 × 2-4 mm. Receptacle convex; scales membranous, the larger with darker ciliate apices. Ray florets 10-15; disc florets numerous, yellow or tinged brown. Achenes narrow-obovoid, hairy toward apex, 4-6 mm long; pappus of 2-5 laciniate scales.
Decumbent to ascending herb, (3)-5-15-(20) cm tall; prostrate stems rooting; erect flowering stems tomentose, 0.75-2 mm diam. Lvs spreading, distant, usually glabrous on upper surface, sometimes sparsely to densely white-tomentose, tomentose on lower, apetiolate, obovate, mucronate, amplexicaul, 5-9-(15) × 2-4-(6) mm. Uppermost lvs on flowering branches becoming narrower and finally narrow-oblanceolate, and more distant. Capitula 14-22-(25) mm diam., solitary, pedunculate. Middle involucral bracts (5)-6-9-(12) mm long; stereome tomentose; lamina longer, membranous, glabrous, elliptic to oblong, obtuse, milky white or rarely tinged rose or cream, radiating. Disc pale yellow. Achenes glabrous, obovoid-cylindric, slightly angled or compressed, 0.8-1.4 mm long.
Erect annual herb, 20-60-(200) cm tall. Stems usually viscid and sparsely tomentose and becoming glabrous below, sometimes almost glabrous above, branched above to form infl. Lvs spreading, distant, sparsely hispidulous and glandular, especially on lower surface, ciliolate, apetiolate, oblanceolate, narrow- elliptic, or lanceolate, acute and mucronate, cuneate and amplexicaul, entire, 35-100-(150) × 5-15-(25) mm. Uppermost lvs much smaller, finally lanceolate or linear. Capitula 25-50 mm diam., c. 1-5 in corymbs. Involucral bracts in c. 7-15 rows, membranous, glabrous, radiating, bright yellow, gold, orange or white to red; middle bracts opaque, ovate, mucronate, c. 10-15 mm long; outer bracts much shorter, broad, less brightly coloured; inner bracts shorter, narrower, often paler or partly transparent. Disc yellow. Achenes glabrous, cylindric, pale brown and darker flecked, 2-2.5 mm long; pappus barbellate, slightly fused at base.
Erect, spreading or ascending, much-branched shrub, up to 60 cm tall; branchlets obscured by persistent, imbricate, appressed lvs and tomentum, (4)-5-10 mm diam. (including lvs). Lvs glabrous on lower, outer surface, densely white-tomentose on upper, inner surface, apetiolate, oblong-spathulate, involute, obtuse and cucullate, (4)-5-6 × 2-3 mm. Lvs of seedlings and reversion shoots spreading, densely tomentose on both surfaces. Capitula 6-10 mm diam., solitary, sessile. Middle involucral bracts glabrous, oblong, obtuse to acute, not or slightly radiating, membranous, with pale and transparent lamina, and longer stereome, tinged brown or yellow and opaque, 4-6 mm long. Disc bright yellow. Achenes with short appressed hairs, cylindric, slightly angled or compressed, 1-1.5 mm long.
Usually a prostrate shrub, rarely more erect and up to 1 m tall; branchlets usually obscured by persistent, imbricate, appressed lvs and tomentum, sometimes with stem partly exposed below lf bases, 1-2 mm diam. (including lvs). Lvs covered by paper-like, flat, grey tomentum on lower, outer surface, densely tomentose on upper, inner surface, apetiolate, narrow-oblong to oblong- triangular, concave, obtuse and not or scarcely cucullate, 2.5-4-(5) × 0.5-1 mm. Lvs of young plants and shaded shoots spreading. Capitula 3-5 mm diam., solitary, sessile. Middle involucral bracts glabrous or sparsely hairy on lamina, oblong, obtuse to acute, not or slightly radiating, membranous, with pale and transparent lamina, and opaque stereome, 5-7 mm long. Disc yellow. Achenes glabrous, cylindric and angled or compressed, 1.8-2.3 mm long.
Scandent shrub or liane up to 8 m amongst scrub; branchlets (with appressed lvs) c. 1-1.5 mm diam. Lvs of 2 forms confined to distinct sections of stem; appressed lvs ± imbricate, sparsely to moderately brownish white-tomentose on lower, outer surface, becoming partly glabrous, densely white-tomentose on upper, inner surface, apetiolate, elliptic-ovate to narrow-oblong, involute, acute, 2-4 × 0.7-1.5 mm; spreading to reflexed lvs densely white-tomentose on lower surface, glabrous on upper, apetiolate, broad- to oblong-elliptic, revolute, obtuse and mucronate, 2.5-5-(7) × 1.5-2.5 mm. Capitula 3-5 mm diam., solitary, sessile. Middle involucral bracts almost glabrous to tomentose on lamina, elliptic-oblong, obtuse, not or slightly radiating, with greenish and opaque stereome and broad, transparent, membranous margins, c. 5 mm long. Disc pale yellow. Achenes glabrous, angled, 1.5-2 mm long.
Prostrate herb, (2)-5-15 cm tall; prostrate stems rooting; erect flowering stems tomentose, c. 0.5-1 mm diam. Lvs spreading, distant, usually glabrous on upper surface, rarely sparsely to moderately tomentose, white- tomentose on lower, apetiolate, elliptic-obovate, or elliptic, mucronate, amplexicaul, (2)-3-7-(12) × (1.5)-2-3.5-(5) mm. Uppermost lvs on flowering branches smaller and more distant. Capitula 3-7 mm diam., solitary, pedunculate. Middle involucral bracts hairy, oblong, obtuse to acute, not radiating, with pale brown and membranous lamina, and stereome green or tinged pink, 4-6 mm long. Disc pale yellow. Achenes minutely papillate, obovoid- cylindric, c. 1 mm long.
Erect or ascending, much-branched shrub, up to c. 30 cm tall; branchlets obscured by persistent, imbricate, appressed lvs and tomentum, 2-4 mm diam. (including lvs). Lvs glabrous on lower, outer surface, densely white-tomentose on upper, inner surface, apetiolate, ovate to oblong-triangular, involute, obtuse to acute or acuminate, cucullate, (2)-2.5-4 × 1-2 mm. Lvs of seedlings and reversion shoots spreading, densely tomentose on both surfaces or only on upper. Capitula 3-7 mm diam., solitary, sessile. Middle involucral bracts usually glabrous, sometimes hairy on lamina, oblong, obtuse to acute, not or slightly radiating, membranous, with pale and usually translucent, rarely whitish lamina, and opaque stereome, 3-4-(6) mm long. Disc pale or bright yellow. Achenes with short appressed hairs, cylindric, slightly angled or compressed, c. 1 mm long.
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Usually herbs or shrubs, rarely lianes. Lvs usually alternate, rarely subopposite, simple, entire. Capitula solitary or in small corymbs; corymbs sometimes aggregated into dense or diffuse clusters or panicles. Involucral bracts in 2-many rows, imbricate, membranous, sometimes with coloured radiating lamina. Receptacle flat to convex; scales usually 0, rarely few and reduced. Outer florets ♀, filiform, usually few or sometimes 0. Inner florets (sometimes all florets) ☿, tubular. Achenes all similar, terete or slightly flattened, obscurely angled or ribbed; pappus hairs in 1 row, narrow or thickened at apex.
Ascending to erect, much-branched shrub, up to 50 cm tall; branchlets obscured by persistent, imbricate, appressed lvs and tomentum, 1-2 mm diam. (including lvs). Lvs glabrous on lower, outer surface, densely white-tomentose on upper, inner surface, apetiolate, narrow-oblong, spathulate or narrow-ovate, slightly involute, obtuse and slightly cucullate, 2-2.5 × 0.3-1 mm. Lvs of seedlings and reversion shoots spreading, densely tomentose on both surfaces. Capitula 4-8 mm diam., solitary, sessile. Middle involucral bracts glabrous, oblong, obtuse, not or slightly radiating, membranous, with pale and transparent lamina, and darker and opaque stereome, 3.5-5 mm long. Disc bright yellow. Achenes densely clothed in antrorse hairs, cylindric, slightly angled or compressed, 1.2-1.5 mm long.
Ascending to erect, much-branched shrub up to 60 cm tall; branchlets obscured by persistent, imbricate, appressed lvs and tomentum, 2-4 mm diam. (including lvs). Lvs usually yellow-, rarely white-tomentose on both surfaces, finally partly glabrous on lower, apetiolate, ovate to ovate-oblong, involute, obtuse, slightly cucullate, 2-2.5-(4) × 1-1.5 mm. Capitula 3-5-(6) mm diam., solitary, sessile. Middle involucral bracts tomentose on lamina, oblong, obtuse to acute, slightly radiating, membranous, with opaque stereome, 3-5 mm long. Disc yellow. Achenes with short appressed hairs, cylindric to obovoid, angled or compressed, 1.2-1.5 mm long.
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Erect biennial. Stems hispid, hollow, grooved, reddish purple blotched and spotted, particularly toward base, up to 350 cm high and 10 cm diam. Basal lvs moderately hispidulous below, sparsely above, pinnately 3-foliolate, petiolate; leaflets ovate to ovate-lanceolate, deeply ternately or pinnately lobed and irregularly double serrate, up to 50-(100) cm long; lobes usually acute to acuminate; stem lvs similar to basal, with petiole often reduced to sheathing part only; petioles reddish purple blotched and spotted. Umbels (20)-30-60 cm diam.; rays (20)-50-70-(100), the primary umbels > 50-rayed; bracts usually c. 12, linear, 10-15 mm long; bracteoles 8-12, linear, up to 15 mm long. Fls numerous, white; outer fls irregular and up to 15 mm diam. Fr. glabrous, ovate-elliptic, light brown, c. 10 mm long; vittae conspicuous, 0.5-1 mm wide at base.
Erect biennial. Stems hispid, hollow, grooved, green to reddish brown, 60-150-(200) cm high. Basal lvs pinnately 3-foliolate or 1-pinnate with up to 9 leaflets, petiolate; leaflets densely hispidulous below, sparsely to moderately above, ternately or pinnately lobed and serrate, c. 5-20 cm long; lobes acute or obtuse; stem lvs similar to basal, more often pinnately 3-foliolate with reduced petiole; petiole usually tinged purple toward base. Umbels 5-20 cm diam.; rays 12-30; bracts 0-7, linear, 8-15 mm long; bracteoles c. 6, linear, up to 15 mm long. Fls numerous, white or tinged pink; outer fls irregular and up to 10 mm diam. Fr. glabrous, ovate-elliptic, light brown, 7-10 mm long; vittae conspicuous, 0.2-0.5 mm wide at base.
Biennial to perennial taprooted herbs. Hairs simple, branched and/or glandular. Stems erect, leafy. Lvs simple, toothed or pinnatifid. Racemes ebracteate, sometimes bracteate below. Sepals erect, the inner saccate. Petals yellow, purple, pink or white. Stamens 6; filaments of inner 4 slightly winged. Lateral nectaries 4, ± joined inside bases of lateral stamens; median nectaries 0. Style short; stigma deeply 2-lobed, with lobes erect, not appendaged at back. Silique linear-cylindric or somewhat 4-angled, dehiscent; valves with distinct median and lateral veins; beak 0. Seeds oblong, not winged, in 1 row per locule.
Biennial or perennial up to 1 m tall; rootstock woody; hairs simple and branched. Lvs ovate, hairy, simple, toothed, tapering to petiole; lower lvs to 50 × 10 cm, petiolate; upper lvs smaller, narrower, very shortly petiolate. Racemes 10-20 cm long. Sepals hairy with scarious or pinkish margins, 5-7 × c. 2 mm. Petals white to violet, 12-15 × 4-5 mm. Silique curved, 60-100 × 1.5-2 mm, erect on spreading pedicels 10-20-(30) mm long; valves ± glabrous, constricted between the seeds. Seeds brown, 3-4 mm long.
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Annual to perennial herbs, shrubs or trees. Lvs lobed or not, usually toothed. Fls axillary and solitary, or in axillary or terminal infls; epicalyx segments 6-13, free or united; calyx evenly 5-toothed; petals spreading, usually obtuse. Style branches as many as loculi, dilated to capitate stigma. Fr. a 5-celled capsule; cells 3- or more seeded, dehiscent, not separating from axis at maturity.
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Stolons slender, with numerous long simple eglandular hairs and numerous stellate hairs. Rosette lvs green, oblanceolate to obovate, sessile or shortly petiolate, entire or obscurely dentate, 4-12 × 1.5-3 cm, subacute and often apiculate, cuneate at base; upper surface with numerous simple hairs 3-5 mm long; lower surface with fine eglandular hairs 1-2 mm long and numerous stellate hairs. Stem lf usually 1, small. Flowering stems erect, (5)-15-30-(50) cm tall, with numerous spreading simple eglandular hairs 3-6 mm long throughout, few to numerous short glandular hairs above, and stellate hairs numerous below and dense above. Peduncles > 3 cm long at flowering. Capitula 1-2 per stem; involucre (7)-8-11 mm long; bracts with dense simple eglandular hairs, few to numerous glandular hairs, and dense stellate hairs. Florets orange, purple when dry, not striped on outer face, c. 2× length of involucre. Achenes dark, c. 2 × 0.5 mm. Pappus sordid, up to 7 mm long.
Stolons 0. Stem erect, ± stout, 20-75 cm tall, with numerous simple eglandular hairs especially below and numerous stellate hairs above. Lvs mostly basal, dull dark green above, paler or rarely purplish beneath, ovate to lanceolate or elliptic, obtuse to acute, cuneate at base, finely or rarely coarsely toothed; teeth shortly apiculate, all ascending; eglandular hairs long, simple, sparse to numerous; stellate hairs sparse, rarely 0. Rosette lvs petiolate; lamina (4)-6-12-(15) × (1.5)-2-5-(6) cm; stem lvs (1)-2-4-(6), similar to basal but smaller and more coarsely toothed, becoming sessile. Capitula (1)-3-5-(20). Peduncles straight, with dense stellate and sparse to numerous glandular hairs. Involucre 8-12 mm long; bracts with numerous stellate hairs on margins and ± numerous dark unequal glandular hairs especially on midrib. Florets bright yellow, not striped on outer face, c. 2× length of involucre. Achenes dark, 3-3.5 × c. 0.5 mm. Pappus sordid, c. 6 mm long.
Stolons slender, with numerous long simple eglandular hairs. Rosette lvs green, narrowly oblanceolate, sessile, entire or obscurely dentate, 5-15 × 1.5-2.5 cm, obtuse to subacute, cuneate at base, with numerous fine simple hairs 1-4 mm long on both surfaces; stellate hairs 0 or sparse beneath. Stems lvs 0-1, small. Flowering stems erect, (6)-15-40 cm tall, with numerous spreading simple eglandular hairs 3-5 mm long throughout, numerous short glandular hairs above and stellate hairs sparse below and dense above. Peduncles 1-2 cm long at flowering. Capitula (3)-5-10-(15) per stem; involucre 5-8-(10) mm long; bracts with numerous simple eglandular hairs, few to numerous glandular hairs, and numerous stellate hairs. Florets orange, purple when dry, not striped on outer face, c. 2× length of involucre. Achenes dark, 1.5-2 × c. 0.5 mm. Pappus sordid, up to 6 mm long.
Stolons slender, with few to numerous long simple eglandular hairs. Rosette lvs green, narrowly oblanceolate, sessile or shortly petiolate, obscurely dentate or entire, 6-15-(20) × 1-2.5-(3) cm, usually acute, sometimes obtuse, cuneate at base, with (0)-numerous fine simple hairs 2-3 mm long above and 1-3 mm long beneath, and few to numerous stellate hairs beneath. Stem lvs 1-2-(3), small. Flowering stems erect, (10)-20-50-(80) cm tall, with numerous spreading simple eglandular hairs throughout, stellate hairs sparse or 0 below and dense above, and glandular hairs numerous above. Peduncles 0.5-2 cm long at flowering. Capitula (5)-10-20 per stem; involucre 7-8 mm long; bracts with numerous simple eglandular hairs, numerous glandular hairs, and few to numerous stellate hairs. Florets yellow, with or without red stripe on outer face, c. 2× length of involucre. Achenes dark, 1.5-2 × c. 0.5 mm. Pappus sordid, 4-5 mm long.
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Stolons 0. Stem erect, slender to stout, 15-75 cm tall, with sparse to numerous long simple eglandular hairs especially below, and numerous to dense stellate hairs at least above. Lvs mostly basal, dull green, slightly paler or often purplish beneath, narrow-elliptic to lanceolate to ovate, obtuse to acute, cuneate at base, with coarse ascending apiculate teeth at least at base; eglandular hairs long, simple, numerous; stellate hairs sparse to numerous. Rosette lvs petiolate; lamina (3)-5-12-(15) × (1.5)-2-5-(7) cm; stem lvs 2-6, similar to basal lvs, smaller, at least the lowest shortly petiolate. Capitula (1)-2-7-(20). Peduncles straight, with dense stellate and sparse eglandular hairs; glandular hairs 0 or few. Involucre 8-12 mm long; bracts very narrowly triangular with sparse to numerous pale dark-based eglandular hairs, sparse to numerous dark glandular hairs, and numerous to dense stellate hairs, especially on margins. Florets bright yellow, not striped on outer face, c. 2× length of involucre. Achenes black, 3-3.5 × c. 0.5 mm. Pappus sordid, 6-7 mm long.
Stolons 0. Stem erect, ± stout, 20-50 cm tall, with sparse to numerous simple eglandular hairs below, giving way to sparse to numerous stellate and sparse glandular hairs above. Lvs mostly basal, dull dark green, oblong to ovate or lanceolate, acute, truncate at base, coarsely toothed especially at base; teeth apiculate, the basal pair spreading to reflexed; hairs rough, simple, eglandular, sparse beneath, numerous above, dense and shaggy on petiole. Rosette lvs petiolate; lamina 4-12 × 2-5 cm, green or purplish beneath; stem lvs 1-(2), similar to basal, but shorter and more coarsely toothed, shortly petiolate. Capitula 5-15. Peduncles curved, with dense stellate and numerous glandular hairs. Involucre 10-12 mm long; bracts narrowly triangular to acuminate, with numerous dark glandular hairs and sparse to numerous stellate hairs especially on margins. Florets bright yellow, not striped on outer face, c. 2× length of involucre. Achenes black, c. 3 × 0.5 mm. Pappus sordid, c. 6 mm long.
Stolons slender, with numerous long simple eglandular hairs and dense stellate hairs. Rosette lvs dull glaucescent green above, white-hairy beneath, oblanceolate, sessile or shortly petiolate, entire or very obscurely dentate, (1.5)-2.5-5-(7) × 0.6-1.5-(1.8) cm, subacute and often apiculate, cuneate at base; upper surface with scattered coarse simple hairs 4-6 mm long; lower surface with fine eglandular hairs 1-2 mm long and very dense stellate hairs. Stem lf 0-(1), scale-like. Flowering stems erect, (2)-5-10-(15) cm tall, with 0-few simple eglandular hairs, numerous short glandular hairs and dense stellate hairs. Capitula solitary; involucre 8-13 mm long; bracts with dense stellate hairs and varying proportions of simple eglandular and glandular hairs. Florets yellow, often with red stripe on outer face, c. 2× length of involucre. Achenes dark, c. 2 × 0.5 mm. Pappus 5-6 mm long.
Stolons 0. Stem erect, ± stout, 15-30 cm tall, with numerous long simple usually reflexed eglandular hairs below and numerous stellate hairs especially above. Lvs mostly basal, dull green with conspicuous dark purple streaks above, pale and often purplish beneath, elliptic or narrow-elliptic to lanceolate, acute, cuneate to abruptly cuneate at base, shallowly to coarsely dentate; teeth apiculate, the basal spreading; eglandular hairs sparse to 0 above, numerous beneath and on petiole, short and rough on margins; stellate hairs 0 above, 0 or sparse beneath. Rosette lvs petiolate; lamina (2)-5-12 × (1.5)-2-3.5 cm. Stem lvs 1-(2), similar to basal, subsessile. Capitula 3-5. Peduncles ± straight, with numerous to dense stellate hairs and sparse short glandular hairs. Involucre 9-11 mm long; bracts very narrowly triangular, with sparse to numerous dark-based eglandular hairs, sparse to numerous glandular hairs, and sparse to numerous stellate hairs. Florets bright yellow, not striped on outer face, c. 2-3× length of involucre. Achenes black, c. 3 × 0.5 mm. Pappus sordid, 6-7 mm long.
Stolons ± slender, with few to numerous long simple eglandular hairs. Rosette lvs glaucous, narrowly oblanceolate, rarely broadly oblanceolate or linear-oblanceolate, sessile or with a narrowly winged petiole, entire or very obscurely dentate, (1.5)-5-12-(20) × (0.5)-1-1.5-(3) cm, obtuse to acute, cuneate at base, with scattered coarse simple hairs 2-4 mm long above, at least near the margins, or rarely glabrous above, and coarse simple hairs 2-5 mm long confined to midrib and margins beneath; stellate hairs 0 or rarely a few on midrib beneath. Stem lvs 0-2, small. Flowering stems erect, (10)-15-45 cm tall, with sparse spreading simple eglandular hairs throughout, sparse to dense stellate hairs above, and sparse to numerous glandular hairs above. Peduncles 0.5-2 cm long at flowering. Capitula (5)-10-25-(35) per stem; involucre 6-8 mm long; bracts with few to numerous simple eglandular hairs, numerous glandular hairs and sparse to numerous stellate hairs. Florets yellow, usually without a red stripe on the outer face, 1.5-2× length of involucre. Achenes dark, c. 2 × 0.5 mm. Pappus sordid, 4-8 mm long.
Stolons 0. Stem erect, usually stout, 50-75 cm tall, with numerous to dense long simple spreading eglandular hairs and numerous dense stellate hairs especially above. Lvs basal and cauline, dull green, paler beneath, acute, with numerous spreading simple hairs and few to numerous stellate hairs, dentate; teeth apiculate, spreading. Lower lvs withering during anthesis, oblanceolate, cuneate, shortly petiolate, 3-12-(15) × 1.5-4 cm; upper lvs lanceolate to ovate, > 20, truncate to subamplexicaul, sessile, gradually becoming smaller above. Capitula (3)-8-20, in corymbose or subumbellate panicles. Peduncles straight, with dense stellate hairs and sparse simple eglandular hairs. Involucre 10-12 mm long; bracts narrowly triangular, with numerous glandular hairs, sparse pale simple eglandular hairs, sparse or 0 stellate hairs, and densely eglandular-ciliate margins. Florets yellow, not striped on outer face, c. 2× length of involucre. Achenes dark brown, 3-4 × c. 0.5 mm. Pappus sordid, 6-8 mm long.
Trees or large shrubs, usually andromonoecious. Lvs opposite, digitately compound, exstipulate. Fls in large terminal racemes or panicles, zygomorphic. Sepals (4)-5, mostly connate and forming a tube. Petals (4)-5, free, unequal, imbricate, clawed. Stamens 5-9, free, inserted within an entire annular or excentric disc. Ovary superior, (1)-3-celled; ovules 2 per cell; style elongated and stigma simple. Fr. a large coriaceous capsule, smooth or echinate, usually 1-celled, opening by 3 valves. Seed usually 1, large, non-endospermic; cotyledons thick and often adherent adaxially; hilum large.
Annual to perennial. Hairs stiff, simple, recurved. Stem ± stout, often much-branched, densely hairy below, becoming glabrous above, 30-70-(100) cm tall. Lvs all densely hairy, petiolate. Rosette lvs crowded, 4-10-(30) × 1.5-3-(6) cm; terminal leaflet ovate to oblong, rarely ± triangular, often with 1-2 rounded lobes at base; lateral lobes oblong to triangular, ± auriculate at base; margins irregularly bluntly serrate to crenate. Stem lvs few, smaller than rosette lvs and with fewer leaflets, bluntly serrate, the uppermost simple, narrow-oblanceolate. Racemes many, obliquely spreading, 30-50 cm tall. Pedicels erect, swollen and narrowly clavate at fruiting, 4-8 mm long. Sepals 2-3 × 0.5-1 mm, oblanceolate. Petals pale yellow, often with dark veins; claw narrow, c. (⅓) as long as limb. Silique glabrous, erect, 6-10 × 1-2 mm; valves 4-6 mm long, 3-veined when immature but veins obscure when mature; beak swollen, 2-4 mm long, (0)-1-(2)-seeded. Seeds c. 1 mm long, (1)-3-5 per locule.
Annual to perennial taprooted herbs. Hairs simple. Stems erect or ascending, leafy. Lvs lyrate-pinnate. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals ± erect, the inner slightly saccate. Petals yellow or white, entire. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 2, 3-lobed, inside the bases of the lateral stamens; median nectaries 2, simple, outside each pair of median stamens. Stigma sessile, capitate. Silique cylindric, dehiscent; valves obscurely 3-veined when ripe; beak swollen at tip, indehiscent, 0-2-seeded. Seeds ovoid, not winged, in 1 row per locule.
Annual rosette herbs. Hairs glandular, or 0. Lvs opposite, exstipulate. Infl. a few-flowered terminal umbel; bracts leaflike with scarious margins; epicalyx 0. Sepals 5, free. Petals 5, white, irregularly toothed; coronal scales 0. Stamens 3-10. Styles 3-(5). Fr. a narrow-ovoid to cylindric capsule, dehiscing by twice as many teeth as the styles, sessile. Seeds many, flattened, papillate, stalked on 1 face, not winged.
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Monoecious shrubs or small trees; sap milky. Lvs stipulate, alternate, entire. ♂ and ♀ fls in the same or separate terminal racemes or spikes. ♂ fls: perianth reduced, of 1-2 segments; petals 0; anthers few to numerous; filaments free. ♀ fls: perianth reduced, in 2-3 segments; petals 0; ovary 2-3-celled, with 1 ovule in each cell; styles 2-3, undivided. Fr. fleshy, indehiscent or dehiscent.
Glabrous tree, 3-9 m high. Twigs rounded, slightly ribbed. Lvs broadly ovate, truncate to cordate at base, rarely perfoliate, acute at apex, (3)-5-15-(20) cm long, usually turning red in cooler part of year; seedling lvs broadly ovate, truncate or cordate at base, sometimes perfoliate; petioles > or ± = blade; stipules soon deciduous. Racemes up to 17 cm long, usually with few solitary long-pedicellate ♀ fls below or at base and many solitary short-pedicellate ♂ fls above (racemes occasionally unisexual); each fl. subtended by a bract and 2 prominent glands at the base of the pedicel. ♂ fls: stamens c. 30-35; perianth segments 1. ♀ fls: ovary 3-celled; styles 3. Fr. ± smooth, 3-angled, reddish, 10-12 mm diam.
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Scandent perennials. Lvs opposite, 5-7-nerved from the base, cordate and undivided or 3-7-lobed, serrate. Infls pendulous; ♀ infl. spicate, cone-like at fruiting, with broad, membranous, persistent, laxly imbricate bracts. Achene covered by the persistent, often glandular calyx; embryo spirally involuted; cotyledons narrow.
Dioecious or monoecious climber, with extensive roots. Stems striate, up to 10 m long and clothed in rough deflexed hairs. Lvs broadly ovate, not lobed or deeply 3-5-lobed; lobes acute to acuminate, serrate, ± glabrous to sparsely hairy above, ± glabrous to moderately hairy with yellow glandular hairs below. Petiole usually ± = lf blade. Stipules 2 per node and 2-fid or 4 per node and entire. Bracts of ♀ fls triangular, hairy, green, elongating and becoming yellowish at fruiting to form a cylindric-ovoid infructescence (the hop) with yellow glandular hairs especially at base of bracts. Calyx of ♂ fls ovate-triangular, green, hairy. Achene ovate-ellipsoid, covered by glandular calyx.
Evergreen or deciduous shrubs, sometimes climbers. Lvs opposite, simple, often large, serrate or lobed, sometimes dotted with oil glands. Infl. terminal, corymbose or paniculate, sometimes enclosed in bud by large, ovate bracts. Calyx inconspicuous in fertile fls, that of sterile fls often with 3-5 spreading and petal-like sepals. Petals of fertile fls 4-5, white, blue or pink; petals of sterile fls often 0. Stamens usually 8-10. Ovary inferior. Capsule small, opening at top between persistent styles.
Deciduous, densely-branched, rounded shrub to 1.5-(3) m high; twigs glabrous and flexible, becoming mottled and brittle. Lvs towards ends of branches on younger wood; petiole short; lamina elliptic to ovate or obovate, (5)-10-20 × (3)-5-15 cm, acuminate, cuneate, coarsely serrate; both surfaces glabrous and greasy, the upper lustrous, the lower dull with a conspicuous network of veins. Corymb broad, flat-topped or convex, much-branched, hairy, up to 20 cm diam., usually largely composed of sterile fls, sometimes with an outer ring of sterile fls and central fls fertile. Sepals of sterile fls petaloid, spreading, broad-elliptic to obovate, 1-2 cm long, pink, blue, white, or greenish. Corolla c. 3 mm diam.; petals minute and incurved, pink or blue. Stamens 10. Ovary enclosed in calyx tube at anthesis, later projecting. Capsule c. 5 mm long.
Herbs or softly woody shrubs, rarely climbers. Lvs usually opposite, rarely alternate, simple; stipules 0. Fls in cymes, panicles or corymbs, regular, 4-5-merous, usually ☿, sometimes sterile with enlarged petal-like sepals. Calyx 5-merous; tube ± adnate to ovary; sepals imbricate. Petals 4-5, free, contorted or valvate. Stamens twice as many as petals or numerous; anthers basi- or medifixed, 2-locular. Ovary 2-6-locular or incompletely so, 1/2 to fully inferior; styles as many as loculi, free or partly connate; ovules numerous on axile or intrusive parietal placentas, anatropous. Fr. a loculicidal capsule; seeds numerous, small, sometimes winged and reticulate.
Perennial, forming large patches; stems slender. Lvs simple, dull green, densely hairy above and below, (5)-10-20-(35) mm diam., deeply divided to 1/2-4/5 of radius into 5-7 segments; segments narrow, oblong to obovate, each again usually 3-lobed and serrate; teeth sometimes with short, inconspicuous hair tips; margins flat; petiole densely hairy. Umbels simple, with numerous fls; peduncles ± = lvs. Fls sessile or shortly pedicellate. Fr. glabrous, 1.5-1.8 × 1-1.2 mm, acute on dorsal edge; ribs raised, slender.
Perennial, forming large patches; stems slender. Lvs simple, dull green, moderately hairy above and below, (5)-10-25-(35) mm diam., divided to 1/4-⅔-(4/5) of radius into mostly 5 segments; segments broadly oblong to obovate, each again usually 3-lobed and serrate; many teeth with conspicuous hair-tips giving an irregular appearance to the flat margin; petiole densely hairy. Umbels simple, with numerous fls; peduncles much > lvs. Fls long-pedicellate. Fr. hairy, 1.5-1.8 × 1-1.5 mm, acute on dorsal edge; ribs raised, slender.
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Glabrous or hairy, annual or perennial herbs, creeping and rooting at nodes. Lvs simple, ± entire to serrate, crenate, or palmately lobed or palmately 3-5-foliolate, petiolate, stipulate. Umbels simple or with successive whorls of fls; bracteoles small or 0. Petals white or green, tinged yellow or pink, with apex entire, acute, and not inflexed; calyx teeth small or 0. Fr. strongly laterally flattened and narrowed to commissure; mericarps orbicular or ovate; dorsal ribs acute, furrowed or obsolete; lateral ribs slender, acute, furrowed, or rarely obsolete; vittae in primary ribs or 0.
Perennial, forming large patches; stems slender. Lvs simple, usually dark glossy green, usually glabrous, rarely sparsely hairy above or below, 5-10-(15) mm diam., divided to ⅕-⅓-(⅔) of radius into usually 5 segments; segments broadly oblong to obovate, each usually with 3 crenate teeth; teeth with blunt cartilaginous points; margins flat; petiole glabrous or with a few retrorse hairs near apex. Umbels simple, (2)-5-10-(12)-flowered; peduncles ± = lvs. Fls subsessile or shortly pedicellate. Fr. glabrous, 1.3-1.7 × 1 mm, acute on dorsal edge; ribs slightly raised and slender, or inconspicuous.
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Usually glabrous perennial, forming small to large patches; stems slender. Lvs 3-foliolate; leaflets sessile, glossy green or bronze-tinged, usually glabrous, very rarely with a few scattered hairs, broadly obovate-cuneate, (1)-3-6-(8) mm long, with 1-3 lobes and each lobe with 1-4 shallow crenate teeth; leaflets produced early in the growing season and leaflets of reduced plants often entire or with 2-3 shallow crenate teeth; petiole usually glabrous, very rarely with a few retrorse hairs near blade. Umbels simple, (1)-2-7-flowered; peduncles ± = lvs. Fls shortly pedicellate. Fr. glabrous, (1.5)-2-2.5 × (1)-1.2-1.8 mm, rounded on dorsal edge; ribs slightly engraved into surface of mature fr.
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Herbs or rarely shrubs, generally hairy and often scabrid. Lvs alternate or opposite, simple or compound, exstipulate, often in basal rosettes. Infl. composed of terminal or axillary scorpioid cymes. Fls ☿, actinomorphic, nearly always 5-merous. Calyx deeply lobed, imbricate. Corolla funnelform, rotate, campanulate; lobes imbricate or rarely contorted. Stamens epipetalous, alternating with corolla lobes; anthers versatile. Ovary superior, 1-celled with parietal placentation or 2-celled with placentae adnate to septum. Styles 1-2. Fr. a loculicidal, rarely septicidal, capsule. Seeds with fleshy endosperm.
Annual or biennial taprooted herbs. Hairs simple. Stems erect or procumbent, leafy. Lvs simple, entire to pinnatifid. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals erecto-patent, not saccate. Petals white. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 4, beside bases of single stamens; median nectaries 0. Stigma sessile, capitate. Silicle oblong to obovate, angustiseptate, dehiscent; valves reticulately veined, bluntly keeled but not winged. Seeds ovoid, not winged, in 2 rows per locule.
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Unarmed annual, biennial and perennial herbs, ± hairy, often viscid. Lvs alternate, simple, entire to pinnatisect, sessile or petiolate. Fls in bracteate spikes or racemes. Calyx campanulate proximally, tubular distally, strongly veined, accrescent; teeth 5, regular, becoming spiny at fruiting. Corolla ± broad-funnelform, dingy purple, yellowish or whitish; lobes 5, patent, emarginate to obtuse, sometimes somewhat zygomorphic. Stamens 5, inserted at base of corolla, usually slightly exserted. Stigma capitate. Capsule circumscissile, enclosed in swollen campanulate 1/2 of calyx. Seeds numerous, small.
Annual or biennial, mostly densely hairy and glandular viscid; stems 30-60 cm tall. Lvs mostly sessile, but larger ones forming basal rosette with petiole several cm long; lamina 4-12 × 1.5-6 cm, ± ovate, coarsely dentate or lobulate; apex acute; midrib beneath hairy. Bracts leaflike. Fls subsessile, foetid. Calyx 1-1.5 cm long at anthesis, aristate, c. 2.5-3.5 cm long at fruiting, with a marked constriction below teeth, stiff and papery; tube campanulate at fruiting, pilose; teeth pungent. Corolla c. 2.5 × 2-3 cm diam., whitish or pale yellow with purplish veins in upper ⅔, dark purple in lower ⅓, becoming generally mauve or purplish when dry. Filaments white, glandular-hairy; anthers purple. Style purple. Capsule c. 1 cm diam., ± globose. Seeds ± reniform, strongly pitted.
Glabrous, dense, evergreen shrub, to 2 m tall, lacking black glands. Rhizomes 0. Shoots 2-lined. Lvs sessile, 3.5-7.5 × 1.5-4 cm, ovate or ovate-oblong; glands minute and pellucid; base rounded on vegetative shoots, cordate and somewhat amplexicaul on flowering shoots; apex obtuse to rounded. Cymes terminal, up to 12-flowered. Sepals ± unequal, 4-9 mm long, ovate-oblong, with minute pellucid glands, entire, enlarged at fruiting; apex ± acute. Corolla 2.5-3.7 cm diam.; petals ovate, medium yellow, much > sepals. Stamens in 5 bundles, variable in length with longest > petals. Styles 3, 1-1.5 cm long, much > ovary. Capsule 7-13 mm long, ovoid or ellipsoid-ovoid, ± fleshy, remaining shining red. Seeds c. 1 mm long, probably ± cylindric but mature seed not seen.
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Glabrous, evergreen subshrub, lacking black glands; aerial stems to 50-(80) cm tall; rhizomes stout, reddish, forming dense colonies. Shoots 4-angled, with 2 prominent raised lines. Lvs subsessile, 3-10 × 1.2-3 cm (lvs at base of aerial shoots often smaller), ± elliptic, glaucous below; base broad-cuneate to rounded; apex obtuse. Fls solitary or in cymes of 2-3; peduncles short, terminal. Sepals unequal, strongly imbricate, eglandular, entire, ± accrescent; outer sepals c. 1 cm diam., ± orbicular; inner sepals c. 1.5 cm long, oblong. Corolla 7-9 cm diam., bright yellow; petals obovate, ± patent, asymmetric, much > sepals. Stamens in 5 bundles, nearly = corolla. Styles 5, > ovary. Capsule 1-2 cm long, ovoid, dry. Seeds c. 1.5-2 mm long, broad-cylindric, reticulate, mostly abortive.
Erect, wiry, perennial herb, to 25 cm tall, from woody stock, lacking black glands. Stems not branched or branched only from base, slender, 4-angled. Lvs in distant pairs, (5)-8-16-(20) × (2)-4-6-(8) mm, lanceolate, ovate or oblong, with numerous pellucid glands; margins ± revolute (especially in dried lvs); base subcordate, ± amplexicaul. Fls terminal, solitary or few in cymes. Sepals 3-5-(7) mm long, ± ovate. Corolla (6)-8-16 mm diam., golden yellow, c. 1.5-2× sepals. Stamens not in bundles. Styles 3. Capsule 4-7-(9) mm long, ovoid, dry. Seeds 0.4-0.8 mm long, cylindric or broad-cylindric.
Erect, dense, glabrous, evergreen or semi-evergreen shrub, to 3.5 m tall, lacking black glands; rhizomes 0. Shoots reddish, terete or slightly 2-angled below infl. Lvs subsessile, 3.5-10 × 0.7-3 cm, ovate or elliptic-ovate, glaucescent and dotted with pellucid glands below; apex obtuse or mucronulate. Panicles terminal, up to 12-flowered; pedicels usually 1-3 cm long. Sepals somewhat unequal, 6-12 mm long, broad-ovate or suborbicular, moderately accrescent, eglandular, obtuse or rounded, sometimes mucronulate, entire. Corolla 4.5-7 cm diam., golden, ± saucer-shaped; petals broad-obovate to suborbicular, rather irregular, much > sepals. Stamens ?-1/2 length of petals, in 5 bundles. Styles 5, c. 1/2-(⅔) length of ovary. Capsule 1.2-1.5 cm long excluding persistent styles, ovoid, dry. Seeds c. 1-3 mm long, flattened and ± oblong, longitudinally lined, mostly abortive.
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Very delicate, mat-forming plants with minute lvs 1-3 × 0.5-1 mm occur in some localities, and are currently placed with this sp. This may be the plant described as early last century from Australasia and regarded as a synonym of [ seeRobson, N. K. B., Blumea 20: 268 (1972)]. Robson considered that there are 2 "variants" of present in N.Z. but did not state to which the name applies; one variant usually has irregular stem branching, or if the stems are sympodial then they are erect to decumbent, the other usually has sympodial branching and ± prostrate stems. The latter is also indigenous to New Guinea and Tasmania, whereas the first variant occupies the range of the sp.
Evergreen, often spreading, glabrous shrub, to c. 1 m high, lacking black glands; rhizomes 0. Shoots reddish when young, ± flattened below infl. and on young vegetative shoots. Petioles 1-2 mm long, winged. Lamina 2-6 × 0.7-2.3 cm, ovate to lanceolate-ovate or elliptic, glaucous and dotted with pellucid glands beneath; base broadly cuneate; apex acute to mucronate. Panicles terminal, 5-12-flowered; pedicels mostly 1-2 cm long. Sepals somewhat unequal, 8-13 mm long, elliptic or elliptic-ovate, accrescent, eglandular, entire; apex mucronate or sharply acute. Corolla 6-8 cm diam., yellow, ± patent and thus rather flat; petals ± broad-obovate, rather irregular, much > sepals. Stamens ?-3/4 length of petals, in 5 bundles. Ovary becoming red after anthesis; styles 5, from = to 1.25× ovary. Capsule 1.5-2 cm long excluding persistent styles, ovoid, dry. Seeds 1.8-2 mm long, narrowly cylindric, with a coarse, shallow reticulum and a wing down one side, mostly abortive.
Deciduous or evergreen herbs, often with annual stems, or shrubs; stems often angular. Lvs opposite or whorled, usually entire, often dotted with glands. Fls in terminal panicles or cymes, sometimes solitary, sometimes axillary, ☿, occasionally distylous. Sepals (4)-5, often unequal. Petals (4)-5, nearly always yellow, often oblique, contorted in bud. Stamens usually numerous, sometimes few, usually connate at base in 3 or 5 (rarely 4) bundles, sometimes antipetalous. Ovary 1-5-locular, with parietal or axile placentation, if 1-locular then with 3-5 parietal placentae. Styles (2)-3-5, free or connate. Fr. usually a septicidal capsule, more rarely baccate.
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Glabrous perennial herb with short rhizomes; stems slender, erect, to c. 90 cm tall, reddish, terete or nearly so, woody at base. Lvs sessile, amplexicaul on main stems, rounded to cordate on short branches, 0.4-2.5 × 0.2-2 cm, narrowly to broadly elliptic or ovate, with pellucid glands prominent and black glands 0; apex ± rounded. Infl. terminal, a panicle of cymes, cylindric or narrow-pyramidal, open, few- to many-flowered; bracts entire or occasionally 1-2-toothed. Sepals ± equal, 2-4.5 mm long, suborbicular, not accrescent, entire, with pellucid glands and regularly spaced black glandular cilia in upper 1/2; apex obtuse or rounded. Corolla 1-1.5 cm diam., yellow with red tinge at anthesis and reddish in bud; petals broad-obovate to suborbicular, with evenly or irregularly spaced black glands, much > sepals. Stamens in 3 bundles; longest stamens nearly = petals. Styles 3, > ovary. Capsule 5-7 mm long, broadly ellipsoid-ovoid, dry. Seeds c. 1 mm long, cylindric, with a ventral line, very finely reticulate.
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Annual, rarely perennial. Stems ascending to erect, sparingly branched or not branched, glabrous, 4-45-(60) cm tall. Lvs usually all basal, oblanceolate to linear-oblanceolate, simple and shallowly to deeply dentate, or pinnatifid, (0.6)-2.5-10-(15) × (0.1)-0.5-2-(3) cm, glabrous or sometimes with sparse short strigose hairs. Stem bracts few, minute; rarely whorls of rosette lvs formed on stems. Capitula narrowly cylindric. Involucral bracts narrow-oblong with subacute apex, glabrous, green, c. 8 mm long at flowering; inner bracts with broad scarious margin, up to 20 mm long at fruiting. Florets yellow, c. = involucre. Achenes dark brown, scabrid; outer achenes obconic, not beaked, 4-5 mm long; inner achenes fusiform, beaked, up to 8 mm long. Pappus in 2 rows, the outer hairs short, slender, scabrid, the inner up to 15 mm long, stout, plumose.
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Perennial. Stems ascending to erect, usually branched, glabrous or with a few sparse hairs below, 4-60-(150) cm tall. Lvs all basal, oblanceolate to linear-oblanceolate, usually shallowly to deeply pinnatifid, rarely simple and toothed, (2)-4-20-(40) × (0.5)-0.8-4-(9) cm, with moderately dense pale strigose hairs. Stem bracts few, minute. Capitula turbinate to campanulate. Involucral bracts linear-lanceolate with narrowly acute apex, 6-15 mm long at flowering, up to 20 mm long at fruiting, glabrous except for a row of strigose hairs on midrib (the distal hairs dark), herbaceous or with narrow scarious border. Florets yellow, c. 11/2× length of involucre. Achenes dark brown, scabrid, fusiform, beaked, 8-16 mm long, sometimes the outer achenes not or shortly beaked and then shorter. Pappus in 2 rows, the outer hairs short, slender, scabrid to plumose, the inner up to 12 mm long, plumose.
Annual. Stems erect, ridged, 15-30 cm tall, with papillate to reflexed hairs. Lvs simple, pinnatifid, becoming toothed above, ciliate, narrow-oblanceolate to linear, acute at apex, narrowed to stalk-like base. Infl. a corymb or compact raceme, elongating at fruiting; pedicels spreading, hairy on upper surface, 0.5-1 cm long. Sepals glabrous to sparsely hairy, green or pinkish with scarious margins, c. 2 × 1.5 mm. Petals white; 2 anterior petals 4-6 × 1.5-2.5 mm; 2 posterior petals 1-2 × c. 1 mm. Silicle elliptic, 4-7 × 3-6 mm; valves finely veined, with broad acuminate wings forming an acute apical notch. Style 1-1.5 mm long. Seeds ovoid, brown, flattened, narrowly winged, c. 3 mm long.
Annual or perennial taprooted herbs, sometimes woody below. Hairs simple or 0. Stems procumbent to erect, leafy. Lvs simple, toothed or entire, or pinnatifid. Racemes ebracteate, corymbose. Sepals erecto-patent, not saccate. Petals unequal, white, pink or purple, anterior pair > posterior pair. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 4, paired at bases of lateral stamens; median nectaries 0. Style long; stigma capitate. Silicle oblong to obovate, angustiseptate, deeply notched, dehiscent; valves keeled, usually winged to form a notch at apex, obscurely veined. Seeds ovoid, winged or not, 1 per locule.
Annual or short-lived perennial. Stems erect, ridged, glabrous, 20-30-(60) cm tall. Lvs simple, entire or shallowly toothed, glabrous, narrow-lanceolate to linear, acuminate at apex, narrowed to stalk-like base. Infl. a compact corymb, not elongating at fruiting; pedicels spreading, hairy, 0.5-1 cm long. Sepals glabrous, usually pinkish, 3-5 × c. 1 mm. Petals pink or purple, rarely white; anterior pair 9-13 × 4-5 mm; posterior pair 5-8 × c. 3 mm. Silicle ovate, 8-11 × 5-8 mm; valves finely veined, with broad acuminate wings forming an acute apical notch. Style (2)-3-4 mm long. Seeds ovoid, brown, somewhat flattened, barely winged, 2-3 mm long.
Deciduous, dioecious tree with thick branches. Winter buds with acuminate scales. Lvs alternate, large, membranous, palmately veined, slightly toothed; stipules small and caducous; petiole slender, glandular. Fls in long, tomentulose pendulous racemes or panicles; bracts minute. Sepals (3)-5-(6), imbricate, deciduous. Petals 0. Stamens numerous; filaments hairy towards base, inserted on a small glandular disc. ♀ fls with numerous, small staminodes; ovary superior, 1-locular; globose; placentae and style (3)-5-(6); stigmas ± clavate; ovules numerous. Fr. a berry with little succulence, globose, red, with numerous seeds.
Widespreading open tree to c. 10 m (sometimes taller in cultivation). Trunk with somewhat smooth greyish bark. Shoots dark red at first, glabrous. Petioles 5-18 cm long, red or orange-red, usually with 2 cupular, sessile glands near apex and 1-3 sessile glands towards base. Lamina 10-24 × 7-16 cm, glaucous below, glabrous except for tufts of hairs near base of 5 main veins, remotely serrate; base usually cordate, sometimes rounded; apex acuminate. Infl. yellowish tomentulose; fls appearing after lvs. Sepals of ? fls 8-10 mm long, of ? fls 5-7 mm long, ± elliptic, yellow-tomentulose on both sides. Stamens = sepals; filaments densely covered in white hairs in lower 1/2. Ovary glabrous; styles 2-3 mm long, widely divergent. Berries 7-10 mm diam., globose, orange-red or scarlet, long-persistent and eventually turning black. Seed 1.7-2 mm long, ellipsoid to obovoid; testa finely granular.
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Shrubs or trees, mostly evergreen. Lvs usually alternate. Fls usually unisexual, usually 4-merous; petals connate at base. Stamens sometimes slightly united at base.
Annual, glabrous herb; stems erect, single but branched above, to c. 2.5 m high, succulent, ribbed, swollen at nodes. Petioles to c. 8 cm long, pink above, narrowly winged, with scattered purplish elongated glands in distal 1/2. Lvs opposite or in whorls of c. 3. Lamina 10-20 × 3-8 cm, lanceolate to ovate, sharply serrate; veins impressed above, raised below; base cuneate or attenuate; apex acuminate. Fls in diffuse cymes in upper lf axils of branches, shining. Bracts and lateral sepals 5-10 mm long, ovate, pink, acuminate. Posterior sepal forming large backwards projecting hood 2.2-3 cm long (excluding spur), pink or rose with dark spots inside; spur 5-7 mm long, rather stout, green. Corolla 2-lipped, white or pale pink; uppermost petal 1.5-2 cm long, subreniform; apex truncate to slightly emarginate; lateral petals very asymmetric, c. 3.5 cm long when stretched out, sharply bent in middle with lower halves forming a circular orifice enclosing the elongated anther mass. Anthers yellow. Capsule 2-3 cm long, usually purplish on exposed side, constricted in upper 1/2, with 5 acute ridges. Seed 3.5-5 mm long, ± broadly ovoid, shining black, with a single ridge down 1 side; base truncate; apex slightly beaked.
Lateral petals (wings) united and corolla apparently 3-petalled. Fr. an oblong to linear, succulent capsule opening explosively.
Glabrous subshrub to c. 2 m high, bushy; stems green, ± succulent above. Lvs in whorls of up to 6. Petioles 0.5-2 cm long, winged. Lamina 6-12 × 2-3.5 cm, oblong or oblong-obovate, prominently glandular-ciliate; base attenuate or narrow-cuneate; apex acute. Fls solitary on slender pedicels amongst axils of uppermost lvs, 5-6.5 cm diam., pink. Lateral sepals 10-11 mm long, ovate, acuminate. Posterior sepal broadly ovate, convex and keeled when fresh, flat or nearly so when dry; spur 2-4.5 cm long; very slender. Corolla irregular, flattened and in 1 plane; upper petal c. 2.5-3 × 2.5-3 cm, deeply emarginate; each lateral petal united at base, having a lower obovate and an upper suborbicular segment, c. 2-2.5 × 1.5-2.5 cm, slightly emarginate. Anthers rose. Fr. to c. 2.5 cm long, fusiform. Seed not seen.
Erect, shortly rhizomatous perennial up to c. 1 m tall. Stems densely hairy, branched above to form infl. Lower cauline lvs sparsely to moderately hairy on upper surface, tomentose on lower, elliptic, long-cuneate, acute, finely denticulate, up to c. 15 × 4 cm; upper lvs similar but smaller and short-cuneate or obtuse at base. Capitula 8-12 mm diam., many in corymbs. Outer involucral bracts sparsely hairy and ciliate, herbaceous at apex, subulate, 2-5 mm long; inner bracts sparsely hairy and ciliate, membranous, linear-lanceolate, 8-12 mm long. Ray florets numerous; ligules inconspicuous, yellow, c. 1 mm long. Disc yellow. Mature achenes not seen, sparsely hairy.
Erect, rhizomatous, perennial, up to c. 2 m tall. Stems densely hairy, branched above to form infl. Lower cauline lvs sparsely to moderately hairy on upper surface, tomentose on lower, ovate-elliptic, petiolate and cuneate, acute, finely denticulate, up to c. 60 × 20 cm; upper lvs similar but smaller, apetiolate and usually amplexicaul. Capitula 6-9-(13) cm diam., few in corymbs. Outer involucral bracts tomentose, herbaceous, ovate, 10-15-(30) mm long; inner bracts glabrous or tomentose only on lamina, membranous, 15-25 mm long. Ray florets numerous; ligules yellow, c. 2-3-(5) cm long. Disc yellow. Achenes glabrous, 4-5-angled with faces finely ribbed, 3.5-5 mm long; pappus minutely barbellate, fused at base.
Mostly perennial herbs, rarely biennials or small shrubs. Lvs alternate, simple, entire or serrate. Capitula solitary or in corymbs or panicles. Involucral bracts in several rows, imbricate, with erect lamina, the outer usually herbaceous, the inner membranous. Receptacle flat or slightly convex; scales 0. Outer florets usually ♀, ligulate; ligules yellow or orange. Inner florets, or rarely all florets, ☿, tubular. Achenes all similar, angled or ribbed, not or slightly narrowed below apex; pappus hairs in 1 row, narrow at apex.
Glabrous, fibrous-rooted perennial. Stems twining, sometimes muricate. Petiole 2.5-3.8 cm long. Lamina 5.5-16 × 4-14 cm, broad-ovate, entire or with 2 small outwardly directed lobes towards the base, deeply cordate with ± rounded sinus; apex usually acuminate. Infl. axillary, cymose, 1-few-flowered; peduncles stout; pedicels to 1 cm long, stout. Bracts small, caducous. Sepals 1.7-2 cm long, elliptic, unequal; outer 2 or 3 sepals with long patent or curved awns, the inner at most mucronate. Corolla 9.5-11 cm diam. across the patent limb, white with green mid-petaline bands outside, salverform; tube narrow-cylindric, 8.25-9.5 cm long. Stamens with exserted part 1.5-2.5 cm long; filaments glabrous. Capsule 2.5-3 cm long, ovoid, prominently beaked. Seeds c. 10 × 7 mm, deep brown, glabrous.
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Slender, fibrous-rooted, glabrous, perennial, climbing or scrambling herb. Stems ribbed, often becoming tuberculate. Lvs on slender petioles to 5 cm long, spreading. Lamina 2.5-7 cm long, palmately 5-7-lobed almost to base; lobes lanceolate, obtuse to subacute or mucronate, entire or outer again lobed; terminal lobe larger. Infl. 1-2-(4)-flowered; peduncles to 5 cm long, ± erect. Pedicels to c. 3 cm long. Sepals 6-10 mm long, ovate, obtuse or subacute. Corolla 4.5-6 × 5-8 cm, funnelform, mauve with darker throat, very rarely white. Stamens included. Capsule 12 mm diam., globose-ovoid. Seeds 2-4, hairy until mature, often becoming glabrous after dehiscence.
High-climbing, fibrous-rooted, hairy perennial. Stems twining and running. Petioles c. 2-20 cm long, often purplish, densely hairy, otherwise smooth. Lamina usually deeply 3-lobed, 5-18 × 5-16 cm, ± silky hairy below; sinuses rounded; terminal lobe ± ovate apart from the generally narrow base, acute to acuminate; lateral lobes broad and asymmetric. Infl. axillary, few-flowered. Peduncles long, often > lvs, with retrorse hairs. Pedicels ± densely clothed in retrorse hairs. Bracts and bracteoles > pedicels, usually narrow-linear, but sometimes small, simple, foliose basal bracts present. Sepals 1.8-2.5 cm long, narrow-lanceolate, acuminate, hairy especially on margins and towards base. Corolla 8.5-10 × 9-10.5 cm, funnelform; tube pink except for narrow white base; limb usually deep blue or purple with pink mid-petaline bands on the outside, often withering by afternoon and turning completely pink. Stamens 2.3-4 cm long, included; fused basal part of filaments broad and white-bearded at top. Style slightly exceeding longest stamens; stigma capitate, alveolate. Fr. not seen.
Herbs or less commonly shrubs, usually with twining or trailing stems. Latex present, often white. Lvs simple, mostly petiolate; lamina very variable, from entire to lobed and finely dissected. Fls mostly in axillary cymes which are occasionally paniculate, sometimes solitary; bracts variously developed, not concealing calyx. Sepals 5, very variable, persistent and often enlarged at fruiting. Corolla small to large, 5-lobed, usually actinomorphic, occasionally slightly zygomorphic, contorted in bud, usually funnelform or campanulate, sometimes salverform or tubular, variously coloured; lobes usually very shallow; mid-petaline bands well-defined. Stamens 5, inserted near base of corolla tube, included or rarely exserted. Ovary 2- or 4-locular; each loculus usually with 4 ovules; style filiform; stigma capitate or with 1-3 globose lobes. Capsule usually 4-celled, rarely 6-celled, usually 4-seeded. Seeds glabrous or hairy.
Deeply tap-rooted glabrous perennial. Stems prostrate, trailing, to c. 10-(20) m long, rooting at nodes, terete. Petiole to c. 11 cm long, usually erect. Lamina 4-12-(17) × 3.5-12-(15) cm, broad-oblong to suborbicular, entire, thick; base cuneate to truncate; apex emarginate or shallowly 2-lobed. Infl. 1-several-flowered; peduncles 3- c. 15 cm long; pedicels 1-3 cm long. Sepals 8-12 mm long, unequal, ovate, obtuse. Corolla 3-5 × (4)-4.5-5-(5.5) cm, funnelform, pink with an irregular rose band inside around the base of the limb. Stamens included. Capsule c. 2 cm long, globose-ovoid. Seeds 2-4, brownish tomentose.
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Low scrambling or climbing shrub. Stems glabrous or puberulent, angular, stoloniferous. Lvs opposite, simple, entire; petiole 1-4 mm long. Lamina 1.5-4.5-(5) × 0.5-1.5-(3) cm, lanceolate to ovate, usually hairy, especially on veins below, rarely glabrous; base broad-cuneate or rounded; apex acute or mucronate. Cymes terminal on short lateral shoots, 1-3-flowered; pedicels 5-17 mm long, not slender. Calyx 7-9 mm long, glabrous; tube c. 2 mm long; lobes aristate or setose. Corolla deep pink or almost crimson; tube 1-1.2 cm long, funnelform; lobes c. 5 mm long, elliptic, hairy in throat, ciliolate, with rounded apices. Style nearly = tube. Mature berry not seen, globose, black.
Erect or sub-erect evergreen, glabrous or almost glabrous shrub to c. 2.5 m high. Shoots strongly angled. Lvs alternate, pinnate, with 3-7-(11), sessile leaflets; petiole usually 0.5-1.5 cm long. Terminal leaflet 0.7-5 × 0.4-2 cm, elliptic, lanceolate or ovate, entire, sometimes minutely ciliate on margins; base narrow- to broad-cuneate; apex acute or short-acuminate; lateral leaflets often shorter and wider. Cymes axillary, 3-10-flowered (sometimes more in cultivation), usually glabrous, occasionally puberulent; pedicels 5-25 mm long, slender. Calyx 2-3 mm long; tube campanulate; teeth very short, acute. Corolla 1.5-2 cm long, yellow, single; tube 1.2-1.5 cm long; lobes c. 0.5 cm long, elliptic, ± rounded, minutely ciliate. Style c. 1/2 length of tube. Fr. 6-8 mm diam., globular or 2-lobed, black, glossy; pulp scanty, black.
Erect shrubs, scramblers or lianes, usually evergreen. Shoots generally angled and green. Lvs generally opposite, sometimes alternate, imparipinnate or simple; leaflets entire. Fls usually in terminal or axillary, bracteate cymes, sometimes solitary, ☿, often fragrant. Calyx 4-9-lobed, campanulate or funnelform, often minute. Corolla 4-9-lobed, convolute in bud, usually salverform with a narrow-cylindric tube, generally white, sometimes yellow, pink or red. Stamens 2, included, epipetalous; filaments short. Style short or long; stigma ± 2-lobed. Fr. a 2-lobed berry, usually black, each carpel with 1-2 seeds.
Evergreen, almost glabrous, suberect or rambling shrub; stems long, green, angular, arching. Lvs opposite, 3-foliolate; petiole 1-1.5 cm long. Terminal leaflet shortly petiolulate, 3-7 × 1-2 cm, lanceolate to elliptic, entire; base narrow-cuneate; apex mucronate; lateral leaflets sessile, smaller, but otherwise similar. Fls solitary, on short peduncles bearing several leafy bracts to c. 1 cm long. Calyx 7-10 mm long, divided almost to base; lobes lanceolate or narrow-elliptic, glabrate or puberulent above, acute or mucronulate. Corolla c. 3 cm long, yellow, semi-double; tube c. 1 cm long, narrow-funnelform; lobes each divided up to 10 times, mostly 1.5-2 cm long, broad-elliptic, glabrous, almost patent, with rounded apex. Style = length of tube. Fr. not seen.
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Deciduous, monoecious trees, occasionally shrubs. Lvs alternate, imparipinnate, exstipulate. ♂ fls numerous, usually in pendulous catkins, bracteate; bracteoles usually 2; perianth of calyx only, (1)-3-6-lobed, usually adnate to bracteoles; stamens 3-40, in 2 or more series; filaments short. ♀ fls few, sessile on the axis; bract and bracteoles 2; perianth 4-lobed, ± adnate to ovary; ovary inferior, 1-celled or incompletely 2-4-celled. Ovule 1, erect, basal. Style 2-fid, with stigmatic surface on inner face of branches. Fr. either a drupe with soft exocarp and endocarp hard, intrusive and 2-4-celled at base, or, less commonly, a nut (sometimes winged) and often adnate to enlarged bract and bracteoles. Seed non-endospermic, 2-4-lobed; cotyledons often very contorted and oily.
Widespreading tree to c. 15 m high. Shoots with glandular hairs; lf scars not prominent. Buds brown-tomentulose. Lvs to c. 60 cm long; petiole and rachis to c. 40 cm long, densely clothed in glandular hairs. Leaflets 9-17, sessile or nearly so, becoming glabrous or nearly so above, densely hairy with simple and stellate hairs on the veins beneath and midrib glandular, serrulate with teeth often sparse; base obliquely truncate or subcordate; apex acute to acuminate; lowest pair of leaflets often smaller; terminal leaflet mostly of similar size to lateral leaflets. Lamina of terminal leaflet 6-18 × 3-8 cm, oblong or oblong-ovate. ♂ catkins to c. 15 cm long, with glandular hairs. ♀ catkins 9-22-flowered, ± tomentose with purplish glandular hairs; stigmas 6-7 mm long, prominent, pink. Fr. 2.5-4 cm long, broad-ovoid, beaked, viscid, tomentose, ferrugineus. Shell rugose, thick, ± subcordate at base; sutures thick and raised, dividing with difficulty; beak often sharply acute. Seed convoluted.
Trees; bark fissured. Twigs with lamellate pith. Winter buds with few scales. Lvs aromatic. ♂ catkins pendulous, solitary, situated laterally on previous year's shoots. ♀ fls terminal, few or solitary, in erect spikes. Bracteoles adnate to ovary, not persistent. Fr. a large indehiscent drupe; endocarp woody and often very hard, incompletely 2-4-celled, indehiscent or dividing in 1/2. Seed corrugated, 2-4-lobed, remaining in shell at germination.
Large tree to over 20 m high, with broad spreading crown. Shoots glabrous, stout, dark, with prominent, Y-shaped lf scars; buds grey, ± finely puberulent. Lvs to c. 55 cm long; petiole and rachis to c. 30 cm long on adult branches. Leaflets 5-9, densely glandular-puberulent when young, becoming glabrous except for axillary hair tufts on undersurface, entire; base cuneate to rounded; apex rounded to acute or cuspidate; lowest pair of leaflets much smaller; terminal leaflet largest. Lamina of terminal leaflet mostly 10-20 × 5-11 cm (sometimes larger on strong vegetative shoots), broad-elliptic or elliptic-obovate. ♂ catkins 5-11 cm long, puberulent. ♀ fls in clusters of 1-3, sessile or subsessile, densely glandular-puberulent; stigmas to 3 mm long, pale green. Fr. 3.5-5 cm long, subglobose, glabrous but gland-dotted, green, not beaked. Shell thick or thin, rugose; sutures thick and easily dividing in 1/2 at maturity. Seed very convoluted.
Herbs, usually biennial or perennial, sometimes annual, sometimes subshrubs or small shrubs. Lvs usually opposite and decussate, free or connate at base, simple, entire, toothed or rarely pinnatifid, not crowded in terminal rosettes. Infl. a corymbose, paniculate or thyrsoid cyme, usually terminal with many fls. Fls 4-merous, ± erect. Calyx divided from c. 1/2 way to almost the base; lobes equal. Petals somewhat fleshy, forming a tube > lobes; lobes free, erect to reflexed, white, yellow to deep red, or sometimes purplish; tube rather narrowly cylindric, 4-angled. Stamens 8, in 2 unequal whorls, epipetalous, usually included. Scales free, very variable in shape. Carpels 4, slightly connate at base. Seeds numerous.
Glabrous, branched subshrub to c. 50 cm high; stems erect, to c. 12 mm diam., somewhat wider towards base, pink with purplish bloom when young. Lvs opposite, subsessile or with broad petioles to 5 mm long. Lamina 3.5-7 × 2.5-5 cm, c. 2 mm thick, broadly elliptic or broadly elliptic-obovate, to almost rhombic, greenish brown with pale glaucous-purple bloom, shallowly crenate in upper 1/2; base cuneate; apex rounded. Infl. a large, broadly pyramidal panicle, rather flattened above. Pedicels 7-15 mm long; bracts numerous, larger towards base of infl. Calyx 7-15 mm long, divided almost to base; lobes unequal, lanceolate-oblong, green, acute. Corolla tube 13-14 mm long, dilated towards base, green or greenish yellow; lobes patent, 8-11 × 4.5-7 mm, ± elliptic, golden; apex mucronate. Stamens very unequal; outer (upper) whorl with filaments adnate to corolla for most of length; inner (lower) whorl with filaments c. 2 mm long. Carpels (including styles) 12-16 mm long. Scales 3-4 mm long, linear with forked apex. Follicles 9-10 mm long, including beak. Seed not seen.
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Annual or perennial herbs, with stems usually trailing or climbing. Lvs mostly alternate, sometimes the lower opposite; lamina broad, partly palmately and partly pinnately veined, often hastate or sagittate. Fls usually axillary and solitary, rarely in axillary or terminal racemes. Calyx with 5 subequal lobes. Corolla with cylindric tube forming a spur at base; limb 2-lipped; upper lip 2-lobed; lower lip 3-lobed and with pouch at base closing throat (mouth of tube). Stamens 4, included. Capsule ± globose; loculi equal, each opening by a pore or detachable lip. Seeds numerous, pitted or tuberculate, small; wing 0.
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Herbs often woody at base, or small shrubs. Lvs alternate, sessile or nearly so, narrow and sometimes almost terete, entire. Fls ☿ or ♀, sessile, solitary or few in fascicles; bracts and bracteoles 0. Perianth (4)-5-lobed, usually subglobose to urceolate in bud; segments incurved, becoming connivent and closing over the dry fr., each developing a transverse (horizontal) wing or tubercle, sometimes united to form a single wing surrounding fr. Stamens 5, exserted. Ovary sessile. Stigmas 2-3. Fr. (utricle) depressed-globose, invested by persistent perianth. Seed flattened, horizontal; embryo horseshoe-shaped.
Much-branched, densely bushy annual, to c. 1 m tall; shoots erect, villous when young. Lvs alternate, 1.5-7 × 0.5-4 mm, narrow-linear or linear, hairy below, almost glabrous above, sometimes reddish purple; midrib raised below, conspicuously long-ciliate; base attenuate; apex subacute or acute. Fls solitary to few in upper lf axils, 1-1.5 mm long, green; axis elongating to form short spikes. Perianth segments ovate, shortly ribbed; apex broad-triangular and incurved. Filaments glabrous; anthers pink. Stigmas long-filiform, hairy, almost = stamens. Pericarp membranous. Seeds 1.5-2 mm diam., dark.
Deciduous shrub or small tree to 7 m high; twigs densely clothed in appressed hairs, rounded, remaining green for several years. Lvs glabrous above, clothed in fine appressed hairs below, 3-foliolate; petioles mostly 30-70 mm long; leaflets elliptic, mucronate, (20)-30-60 mm long; terminal leaflet slightly > lateral leaflets; petiolules ± equal, 1-2 mm long. Infl. axillary, racemose, lax and pendulous, many-flowered; pedicels 5-15 mm long; bracteoles subtending calyx linear, 2-5 mm long, deciduous. Calyx densely clothed in appressed hairs, with 2 short lips. Corolla yellow, sometimes with dark markings, 15-20 mm long. Pod with appressed hairs, becoming almost glabrous when mature, oblong and flattened, 2-6-seeded, 40-70 mm long; sutures thickened; seeds black, c. 5 mm long.
Shrubs or small trees, not armed. Lvs 3-foliolate, petiolate; stipules small. Infl. axillary or pseudoterminal, racemose, usually pendent at anthesis; bracts and bracteoles usually inconspicuous. Calyx campanulate, bilabiate; upper lip 2-toothed; lower lip shortly 3-toothed. Corolla yellow. Stamens connate into a closed tube; alternate anthers long and basifixed or short and versatile. Style incurved, glabrous; stigma terminal. Pod 2-valved, ± straight, dehiscent, slightly constricted between seeds; sutures thickened or winged; seeds estrophiolate.
Annual to perennial taprooted or rhizomatous herbs. Hairs bristly, spinous, or 0. Stems usually branching above. Lvs basal and cauline, pinnatifid to entire. Infl. a diffuse panicle, or spicate with capitula sessile in axillary clusters. Involucral bracts glabrous; outer bracts small; inner bracts becoming larger, not in distinct rows. Receptacle pitted, without scales or hairs. Corolla ligulate, yellow. Achenes pale or dark, 5-35, flattened, usually ribbed; beak paler than achene or concolorous; pappus bristles in 2 rows of equal length, white, > achene body, simple, free to base.
Usually glabrous annual or biennial. Stems ascending, not or sparingly branched, glabrous, grooved, 40-60 cm tall. Lvs green, glabrous or sometimes with spines along midrib beneath. Rosette and lower stem lvs green, tapering to base, 3-10 × 1-2 cm, pinnatifid; lobes slender, linear, acute, recurved, entire. Upper lvs sessile, linear, hastate and amplexicaul at base. Infl. spicate. Capitula numerous. Involucre narrowly cylindric, 8-15 mm long; bracts imbricate, erecto-patent at fruiting; outermost bracts lanceolate, acuminate, 1/5-1/6 length of innermost bracts; innermost bracts linear, subacute to acute. Florets c. 11/2× length of involucre; corollas suberect, pale yellow. Achenes pale brown or grey, 7-8-ribbed on each face, obovate, flattened, scabrid distally on ribs; body 3-4 mm long; beak pale, 11/2-2× length of body. Pappus fine, white.
Glabrous annual or biennial. Stem erect, branching above, grooved, c. 20-60 cm tall. Rosette and lower stem lvs bright green, tapering to base, 4-10-(15) × 3-8-(12) cm, deeply 1-2-pinnatifid; lobes broad, finely toothed, sinuate or crisped. Upper lvs becoming glaucous and pruinose-papillate, sessile, ternatifid or not divided, triangular to ovate, with rounded to oblong subamplexicaul auricles at base. Infl. diffusely paniculate. Capitula numerous, narrowly ovoid. Involucre (6)-10-12 mm long; bracts imbricate, erect or suberect at fruiting; outermost bracts ovate, obtuse, c. 1/4 length of innermost bracts; inner bracts lanceolate, obtuse. Florets 1.5-2× length of involucre; corollas erect to erecto-patent, pale yellow, sometimes violet-streaked. Achenes grey, 5-9-ribbed on each face, obovate, flattened, scabrid distally on ribs; body 3-3.5 mm long; beak pale, = body. Pappus fine, white.
Annual or biennial. Stem erect, branching above, finely grooved, glabrous or with patent coarse spinous bristles up to 3-4 mm long below, 50-150-(250) cm tall. Lvs glaucous; rosette and lower stem lvs tapering to base, with stiff hairs and spinous bristles especially on veins beneath, 5-30 × 2-12 cm, deeply runcinate-pinnatifid to undivided; margins finely dentate to bristly ciliate, usually sinuate. Upper lvs becoming glabrous, triangular to obovate to linear, sometimes triangularly 3-lobed at apex, with oblong amplexicaul auricles at base. Infl. diffusely paniculate. Capitula numerous, cylindric. Involucre 8-13 mm long; bracts imbricate, suberect to reflexed at fruiting; outermost bracts triangular to ovate, subacute, 1/4-⅓ length of innermost bracts; inner bracts lanceolate to linear, obtuse to acute. Florets c. 11/2× length of involucre; corollas erect to erecto-patent, yellow. Achenes pale brown to grey, sometimes dark-spotted, 5-9-ribbed on each face, obovate, flattened, finely spiny distally on ribs; body 2.5-3 mm long; beak pale, = body. Pappus fine, white.
Annual or biennial. Stem erect, branching above, finely grooved, with patent pale spines up to 4 mm long, especially below, (50)-100-280 cm tall. Lvs green; rosette and lower stem lvs tapering to base, with spinous bristles beneath on midrib and often on secondary veins, 8-25-(35) × 5-18 cm, deeply runcinate-pinnatifid to undivided; margins dentate to bristly-ciliate, usually sinuate. Upper lvs often with spinous bristles on midrib, oblong to obovate, often triangularly 3-lobed at apex, with oblong to rounded amplexicaul auricles at base. Infl. diffusely paniculate. Capitula numerous, cylindric. Involucre (11)-13-15 mm long; bracts imbricate, suberect to reflexed at fruiting; outermost bracts ovate to lanceolate, subacute, ?-1/2length of innermost bracts; inner bracts lanceolate to linear, subacute. Florets c. 11/2× length of involucre; corollas erect to erecto-patent, yellow. Achenes very dark brown or black, 5-8-ribbed on each face, obovate, flattened, finely spiny distally on ribs; body 4-5 mm long; beak pale, c. = body. Pappus fine, white.
Shrubs, or annual or perennial herbs, often glandular and aromatic. Stems ± quadrangular. Lvs opposite, exstipulate, usually simple. Infl. usually of modified cymes in the axils of opposite bracts, rarely of true cymes; modified cymes forming pseudowhorls (verticels or verticillasters), and these either distant along the infl. rachis or aggregated into spikes or panicles. Fls zygomorphic, usually ☿, sometimes unisexual; bracts conspicuous or very reduced; bracteoles present or 0. Calyx usually 5-toothed or 5-lobed, 2-lipped or teeth or lobes ± equal, sometimes accrescent. Corolla tube usually well-developed; limb (4)-5-lobed, 2-lipped with upper lip 2-lobed and lower lip 3-lobed, rarely with a lower lip of 5 lobes. Stamens (2)-4, didynamous when 4, sometimes 2 reduced to staminodes, epipetalous. Ovary superior, deeply 4-lobed, of 2 divided carpels, 4-celled with 1 anatropous ovule to each cell; style 1, usually gynobasic, simple below but with 2 branches above. Fr. of 4 nutlets, sometimes 1 or more aborting. Seed non-endospermic or nearly so.
Perennial rhizomatous herb with hairy stems ascending to c. 50 cm. Lower lvs with slender petioles to 5 cm long; upper lvs and bracts with shorter petioles. Lamina 4-8 × 2-5 cm, ovate, hairy, especially above, crenate-serrate, sometimes deeply cut; base cordate or subcordate. Bracts very similar to lvs. Calyx 10-12 mm long, hairy; teeth slightly > tube, subulate. Corolla 1.8-2.3 cm long, white with hairy ring inside near base; upper lip c. 1 cm long, tomentose outside; lateral lobes of lower lip with 2 small teeth. Nutlets c. 2.5 mm long, sharply angled, patterned white.
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Annual herb with slightly hairy, ascending stems. Petioles slender, to at least 4 cm long. Lamina 1.5-4 × 2-5 cm (infl. lvs often smaller), broad-ovate or almost reniform, irregularly and deeply dentate or crenate, hairy; base cordate or subcordate. Bracts similar to lvs but petiole short and lamina to 3.5 × 5 cm. Calyx 8-10 mm long, hairy; teeth = tube, subulate, prominently ciliate. Corolla 11-15 mm long, purplish; tube with at most an inconspicuous basal ring of hairs inside; upper lip 3-4 mm long, tomentose outside; lower lip c. 2 mm long, deeply emarginate. Nutlets c. 2.5 mm long, patterned white, sharply angled.
Annual or perennial herbs, often diffuse or decumbent; stems sometimes rhizomatous and creeping, but not stoloniferous. Lvs simple, crenate to dentate. Verticels crowded in dense axillary or, less commonly, terminal whorls. Bracts mostly similar to lvs. Calyx tubular or campanulate, 5-nerved, not gibbous at base, with 5 equal or subequal teeth. Corolla white to pink or purple, 2-lipped; upper lip hooded, densely hairy outside; lower lip with the main central lobe obcordate or obovate, with or without small lateral lobes. Stamens lying below upper lip; anther cells divergent. Style gynobasic. Nutlets ± trigonous, truncate at apex.
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Low sprawling shrub. Stems sprawling, glabrous, terete, reddish brown; branchlets ascending. Lvs dull dark green, not papillate, 3-angled with ± sharp margins and blunt keel, linear, acute, not tapered to shortly connate lf-base, 30-90 × 4-5 mm, 5-6 mm thick; keel smooth throughout. Fls 5-7 in terminal cymes, 50-60 mm diam. Calyx glabrous; sepals 14-18 mm long. Petals spreading, bright purple above, paler with median stripe beneath, 20-30 mm long. Stamens 4-6 mm long; filaments bright purple with hairy bases; anthers pale yellow. Capsule c. 1 cm diam. Seeds brown, obovoid, rugose, c. 1.5 mm long.
Bushy shrublet. Stems decumbent, glabrous, terete, reddish brown when young, grey with age; branches erect. Lvs glaucous distally, green at base, reddish on margins and keel, papillate with small reddish dots, 3-angled, narrowly triangular, acute, broadest at shortly connate lf-base, 14-16 × c. 5 mm, c. 4 mm thick; keel crenulate distally. Fls solitary, 45-60 mm diam. Calyx glabrous; sepals 10 mm long. Petals spreading, golden yellow above, lemon yellow beneath without median stripe, 15-30 mm long. Stamens 2-6 mm long; filaments yellow, glabrous; anthers pale yellow. Capsule c. 1 cm diam. Seeds orange-brown, obovoid, rugulose, c. 1 mm long.
Trailing to erect, perennial succulent shrubs. Lvs opposite, sessile, 3-angled to terete, entire or denticulate, smooth or papillate; papillae not glittering. Fls usually in terminal or axillary cymes, or sometimes solitary, pedicellate, usually with leaflike bracts. Sepals 5, unequal: 2 triangular, acuminate, 3 smaller with expanded membranous margins. Petals numerous, > sepals, free; stamens numerous; staminodes 0. Placentation parietal. Stigmas (4)-5-(7), plumose. Capsule (4)-5-(7)-locular; expanding keels divergent; wings present; locules with lids; placental tubercle 0. Seeds obovoid, weakly compressed, rugose.
Bushy shrub. Stems sprawling to erect, glabrous, terete, reddish brown; branches erect. Lvs glaucous with pale dots, not papillate, subterete to weakly 3-angled, linear, acute, curving upwards, tapered to shortly connate lf-base, 10-20-(30) × 3-5 mm, 3-5 mm thick; keel smooth and rounded throughout. Fls 1-7-(10) in terminal cymes, 50-60 mm diam. Calyx glabrous; sepals 8-15 mm long. Petals spreading, pinkish purple above, paler beneath without median stripe, 15-30 mm long. Stamens 2-6 mm long; filaments white, hairy at base; anthers pale yellow. Capsule c. 1 cm diam. Seeds not seen.
Aromatic shrub; stems upright to spreading, or almost scrambling to c. 2-(3) m high, usually with recurved prickles. Petioles to 2 cm long. Lamina 3-13 × 1.5-7 cm, ovate or oblong-ovate, crenate or crenate-serrate, densely hispidulous or scabrid above, the hairs usually dense but soft below; glandular scales minute; base cuneate to subcordate; apex acute to short-acuminate. Infls corymbose; fls fragrant. Peduncles 3-10 cm long, moderately slender; bracts 1/4-3/4 length of corolla tube, linear-lanceolate, densely hairy but eglandular. Calyx 1.5-2.5 mm long, ciliate. Corolla densely puberulent outside; tube c. 1 cm long, narrow-cylindric; limb 6-10-(14) mm diam., when fresh, rather flat except for ± recurved lobes, usually initially cream or pale yellow, changing to pink to rose, rarely deep yellow or orange. Drupe c. 5 mm diam., globular, black or blue-black.
Shrubs, ± aromatic, sometimes almost scrambling, sometimes with prickles; rhizomes 0. Lvs opposite, variously hairy, dentate, often rugose and glandular. Infl. terminal or axillary, usually corymbose, sometimes spike-like, dense, bracteate; fls sessile or subsessile, small. Calyx 2-lobed, small, scarcely accrescent. Corolla zygomorphic; tube cylindric, slender; limb flat, with 4-5, subequal lobes. Stamens 4, didynamous, included. Style included. Ovary 2-celled, each cell with 1 ovule. Fr. a succulent drupe with 2 pyrenes, not enclosed in calyx.
Aromatic, semi-prostrate shrub; stems to c. 20 cm high, ± trailing, densely hairy, scabrid but otherwise not armed. Petioles to c. 1 cm long. Lamina 1.5-3 × 1.-1.5 cm (on flowering branches), narrow- to broad-ovate, crenate or crenate-serrate, hairy on both sides, slightly scabrid above, densely covered with minute shining brown glandular scales beneath; base cuneate to rounded; apex acute. Infls corymbose; fls slightly fragrant. Peduncles 1-10 cm long, slender; bracts c. 1/2 length of corolla tube, broad-ovate, densely hairy and glandular outside, less so inside. Calyx c. 1 mm long, glandular and hairy. Corolla densely glandular and hairy outside; tube c. 1 cm long, narrow-cylindric; limb 7-12 mm diam., pink to mauve; lobes slightly recurved. Fr. not seen.
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Lianes or sometimes shrubs, usually monoecious or dioecious, usually evergreen. Lvs alternate, compound, exstipulate. Fls usually in racemes, less commonly solitary. Sepals (3)-6, imbricate or valvate, petaloid; petals 6 or 0; nectaries usually present. Stamens 6, free or connate. Ovary superior; carpels usually 3-(15), divergent, becoming free and fleshy; ovules numerous on marginal placentas. Fr. large and fleshy, indehiscent, or dehiscent and opening by a ventral suture. Seed with abundant endosperm.
Small or medium-sized tree (large in cultivation), pyramidal when young, irregular in shape later. Branchlets ± drooping. Bark grey, pinkish below, fissured and forming small plates. Long shoots yellow, glabrous, appearing ribbed because of elongated, pad-like persistent lf bases. Short shoots stout, c. 5 mm long, grey. Lvs on short shoots in fascicles of 40-65, 1.5-4 cm × c. 0.5 mm at 1/2 way along lf, grass-green, very soft; midrib raised on either side. ♂ and ♀ strobili or cones surrounded by thin, brown bud scales with dense marginal tuft of curly brown hairs. ♀ cones c. 1 cm long at anthesis; bract scales prominent, crimson, with subulate, green apical point. Mature cone 1.5-3.5 × 1.7-2.5 cm when open, broadly ovoid-oblong; ovuliferous scales 40-50, broad-ovate or suborbicular, not prominently recurved, vertically striated with outer margin rounded; bract scales usually concealed at maturity, sometimes a small part of subulate tip exposed. Seed with large, broad, asymmetric wing.
Deciduous, scarcely resinous trees; branches irregularly whorled, somewhat horizontal; bark becoming thick and furrowed. Winter buds small, subglobose, not resinous. Long shoots with spirally arranged, solitary lvs; short spur-like shoots with fascicles of up to c. 50, fine, soft, flattened to nearly quadrangular, grass-green lvs; resin ducts 2. ♂ strobili (cones) terminal on short shoots, oblong to globose, yellow, at anthesis before lvs. ♀ cones terminal on short shoots, ripening in first year, erect to downward pointing, surrounded by basal ring of brown, fimbriate, hair-like scales; bract scales much > ovuliferous scales at anthesis, red, purple or green, usually included in mature cone; ovuliferous scales becoming semi-woody, persistent; ovules 2 to each scale. Mature cones not disintegrating, few to numerous along branchlets. Seed with large wing.
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Scrambling perennial; stems glabrous, somewhat angled, broadly winged. Lvs glabrous; tendril branched in upper lvs, sometimes reduced and simple in lower lvs; leaflets in 1 pair, narrowly to broadly elliptic, acute to acuminate, 30-100-(120) mm long; veins parallel; stipules ovate-lanceolate with 1-(2) basal lobes, usually c. as wide as or wider than stem, but at least 1/2 as wide ((3)-5-15 mm wide), 15-35 mm long. Infl. > lvs, (4)-8-14-flowered; pedicels 5-12 mm long. Calyx glabrous, slightly or not gibbous at base; calyx teeth somewhat unequal, triangular; lower teeth = or > tube; upper teeth shorter. Corolla usually magenta or purple-pink, rarely white, (15)-20-30 mm long. Pod glabrous, light brown, 10-15-seeded, 60-110 mm long; seeds reddish brown, reticulate-rugose; hilum ⅕-⅓ of circumference.
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Scrambling annual; stems moderately hairy, angled, winged. Lvs sparsely to moderately hairy; tendril branched; leaflets in 1 pair, ovate to elliptic, acute, 25-60 mm long; veins only weakly or not parallel; stipules ovate-lanceolate with 1 basal lobe, > 1/2 as wide as stem, 8-20 mm long. Infl. much > lvs, 1-3-flowered; pedicels 6-8 mm long. Calyx hairy, slightly gibbous at base; calyx teeth ± equal, triangular, ± = or > tube. Corolla mauve to purple, pink to deep red, blue or white, 25-35 mm long. Pod densely hairy, light brown, 4-10-seeded, 50-70 mm long; seeds reddish brown, finely reticulate-rugose; hilum c. ⅙ of circumference.
Scrambling perennial; stems sparsely to moderately hairy, sharply angled, not winged. Lvs ± glabrous to moderately hairy; tendrils usually branched in upper lvs, but often reduced (sometimes to a mucro) and simple in lower lvs; leaflets in 1 pair, lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, acute, (10)-20-30-(45) mm long; veins parallel; stipules lanceolate, usually sagittate, sometimes with only 1 basal lobe, wider than stem, (5)-10-15-(20) mm long. Infl. much > lvs, 2-10-flowered; pedicels 2-4 mm long. Calyx hairy, gibbous at base; calyx teeth somewhat unequal, triangular-subulate; lower teeth usually > or = tube; upper teeth shorter. Corolla yellow, 10-15 mm long. Pod ± glabrous or hairy, dark brownish black, (2)-5-12-seeded, 25-35 mm long; seeds reddish brown, smooth; hilum 1/7-⅕ of circumference.
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Usually evergreen trees or shrubs, rarely twining, ± herbaceous parasites, often aromatic, generally with ☿ fls, sometimes dioecious, gynodioecious or monoecious. Lvs usually alternate, very rarely opposite, usually simple, coriaceous, exstipulate. Fls usually in cymes, racemes, spikes, or panicles, rarely solitary, regular, small. Bracts small and caducous or 0, occasionally forming an involucre below the fls. Perianth (calyx) tube short, sometimes accrescent; perianth lobes or teeth (4)-6, usually in 2 series, the outer often smaller. Corolla 0. Stamens mostly 2× as many as perianth teeth, in as many as 3-4 or rarely more whorls, the innermost whorl usually, and outermost 2 whorls sometimes, reduced to staminodes, the remaining or 3rd whorl nearly always fertile; some filaments usually glandular towards the base. Ovary usually superior, rarely inferior, 1-celled; ovule 1; style terminal, simple, rarely 0; stigma entire or lobed. Fr. indehiscent, a berry or drupe, sometimes dry, sometimes partly covered by persistent perianth. Seed non-endospermic, pendulous.
Dioecious or occasionally ☿ trees with several trunks, or large shrubs, aromatic, evergreen. Lvs with pinnate venation. Fls in axillary umbels enclosed by a globose involucre of bracts in bud. Perianth with 4 subequal segments, not accrescent or forming a tube enclosing fr. Stamens usually 12 in 3-4 whorls; filaments each with a stipitate gland on each side, rarely stamens of outermost 2 rows eglandular; anthers 2-valved, introrse. ♀ fls often with 4 staminodes. Style short. Fr. a berry, seated on scarcely enlarged calyx tube; skin single-layered.
Large shrub or small tree to c. 7 m with many smooth trunks; vegetative parts glabrous or nearly so. Lvs aromatic; petioles 5-13 mm long, often purplish. Lamina 4-13 × 1.5-4.5 cm, narrow-elliptic or elliptic, shining above; base cuneate; apex acute, cuspidate or acuminate. Umbels in upper lf axils; peduncles c. 5 mm long, glabrous or puberulent. Involucral bracts c. 5 mm long, strongly imbricate, glabrous or puberulent. Pedicels ± puberulent. Perianth 3-4 mm long, cream or whitish. ♂ fls with 8-12 stamens. Berry 1.3-1.5 × 0.6-1.3 cm, narrow- to broad-ellipsoid, glossy black.
Bushy shrub to c. 1 m high, often grey and with stellate tomentum, strongly aromatic. Lvs sessile, linear to narrow-oblong, sometimes revolute, mostly 2-3 cm long, pinnate with obtuse leaflets to pinnatifid or crenulate, with scattered simple hairs in the stellate tomentum. Peduncle to 30 cm long, much > spike; spike 3-4.5 cm long, broad-cylindric, dense. Fertile bracts 7-11 mm long, broad-ovate, apiculate, purplish; sterile apical bracts 7-10 mm long, ovate, ovate-lanceolate, to nearly elliptic, mauve-blue. Calyx 5-7 mm long, tubular, ± tomentose outside; dorsal appendage broadly reniform to suborbicular, ± mucronate. Corolla 8-10 mm long; tube > calyx by c. 2 mm; limb mauve, somewhat irregular; lobes 1.5-2.5 mm long. Nutlets c. 1.5 mm long, oblong, not mucilaginous when wet.
Perennial herbs or small shrubs. Lvs usually simple, occasionally pinnate. Verticels forming lax or dense, terminal, simple or branched spikes. Bracts very variable but differing distinctly from lvs and sometimes forming a terminal plume. Calyx tubular, (8)-13-(15)-nerved, not gibbous at base, 5-toothed; posterior tooth often enlarged and sometimes with an appendage. Corolla ± 2-lipped, hairy outside, at least on limb, usually blue, mauve or purplish (sometimes white or pink in cvs); lobes almost equal. Stamens 4, included, declined. Style gynobasic, its branches equal. Nutlets glabrous, generally smooth, with a pale areole denoting area of attachment.
Small, densely branched shrub, with stellate tomentum, strongly aromatic. Lvs 0.8-3 cm long, sessile, revolute, grey, linear-lanceolate or linear, (linear lvs commonly forming axillary fascicles subtended by a larger linear-lanceolate lf). Peduncle c. = spike. Spike 1.5-3 cm long (excluding plume of sterile apical bracts), composed of very densely packed verticels of fls. Fertile bracts 5-6 mm long, rhombic-cordate, green or brownish; sterile bracts 1-2 cm long, obovate or spathulate, mauve. Calyx 4-7 mm long, tubular, tomentose outside; teeth acute; appendage broad and ± reniform. Corolla 5-8 mm long; tube > calyx; upper tube and lobes dark purple; lobes 1-1.5 mm long, broader than long, subequal. Nutlets c. 2 mm long, broad-oblong, mucilaginous when wet.
Stout biennial up to 2-(3) m high, usually with a single main stem. Stems moderately to densely clothed in stellate hairs when young, becoming ± glabrous and woody at base when older. Lvs densely clothed in stellate hairs, velvety to touch, suborbicular, cordate at base, shortly 5-7-palmately lobed and crenulate, up to 20 cm diam., rarely variegated; petioles 3-30 cm long; stipules narrow- to ovate-triangular, 4-8 mm long. Fls in axillary and terminal clusters of 2-7-(10) or rarely in irregular racemes; fruiting pedicels 5-20-(30) mm long; epicalyx segments broadly ovate to suborbicular, united for lower ?-1/2, > calyx, distinctly enlarged and spreading at fruiting; calyx shallowly campanulate; calyx teeth ± = tube, triangular, acute to acuminate, densely clothed in stellate hairs, usually ± connivent at fruiting; petals lilac or deep pink with purple or red veins and base, 15-20 mm long. Mericarps 6-8-(9) per fr., usually glabrous, sometimes densely clothed in fine hairs, finely transversely ribbed on back; edges sharply angled.
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Stout annual to biennial up to 2 m high but frequently smaller, often branched from base. Stems densely clothed in stellate hairs when young, becoming ± glabrous and often woody at base when older. Lvs densely clothed in stellate hairs when young, becoming sparsely so when older, suborbicular, cordate to obtuse at base, shallowly 3-5-palmately lobed and crenate or serrate, 1-15 cm diam.; petioles 1-15 cm long; stipules ovate-triangular, 3-6 mm long. Fls in axillary clusters of (1)-2-6-(8); fruiting pedicels 5-25 mm long; epicalyx segments ovate to broadly ovate, united for lower 1/4, c. ⅔-4/5 length of calyx, unchanged at fruiting; calyx shallowly campanulate; calyx teeth ± = tube, ovate, acuminate, densely clothed in stellate hairs, usually ± connivent at fruiting; petals lilac or pink with darker veins, (8)-10-18 mm long. Mericarps 8-10 per fr., glabrous, ± smooth or faintly ribbed on back and with a single low longitudinal rib; edges usually rounded, rarely ± sharply angled.
Annual to perennial herbs, woody shrubs or trees. Lvs toothed or lobed. Fls solitary and axillary, or in axillary clusters or terminal racemes; epicalyx segments 3, united at least in part; calyx evenly 5-toothed; petals spreading, emarginate or deeply notched. Style branches as many as loculi, filiform. Fr. of numerous, 1-seeded, indehiscent, awnless mericarps arranged in a single flat whorl round short conic apex of receptacle, separating at maturity.
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Annual up to 1.5 m high, branched or not from base. Stems moderately hairy in younger parts with simple or few-rayed deflexed hairs, becoming ± glabrous and slightly woody toward base when older. Lvs sparsely hairy with mostly simple hairs above and mostly stellate hairs below; lower lvs ovate-triangular to suborbicular, cordate at base, not lobed, crenate, 2-7 cm long; upper lvs shallowly 3-5-palmately lobed or ± entire, crenate; petioles 2-7 cm long; stipules triangular, 3-6 mm long. Fls axillary, solitary; fruiting pedicels 2-10 cm long; epicalyx segments broadly triangular, united for almost entire length, 1/2-3/4 length of calyx, distinctly enlarged and spreading at fruiting; calyx campanulate; calyx teeth ± = tube, triangular to ovate-triangular, acute to acuminate, finely clothed in stellate hairs, ± connivent at fruiting; petals pink or mauve, 20-35 mm long. Mericarps c. 12 per fr., obscured by axis, glabrous, transverse-reticulately veined on back; edges rounded.
Small, carnivorous herbs. Lvs alternate or in rosettes, often reduced, sometimes dimorphic. Infl. bracteate, scapose, racemose or fls solitary. Fls zygomorphic, ☿. Calyx 2-5-lobed, often 2-lipped, persistent. Corolla 5-lobed, 2-lipped; upper lip entire or 2-lobed; lower lip spurred, 2-5-lobed. Stamens 2, inserted on base of corolla; anthers 1-celled; staminodes 2, vestigial. Ovary superior, 1-celled, of 2 united carpels; placentation free-central; ovules usually numerous, rarely few; stigma often sessile, 2-lobed. Fr. a capsule, with dehiscence circumscissile, by 2-4 valves, or irregular. Seeds usually numerous, non-endospermic, minute; embryo poorly differentiated.
Perennial with stout rootstock. Stems erect, branching, 20-75 cm tall, glabrous or with sparse simple hairs. Lvs all basal, linear to ovate, pinnatifid with narrow-triangular or linear, patent or recurved lobes, rarely simple, toothed, (3)-5-15-(40) × (0.3)-1.5-5-(8) cm; hairs simple, sparse or 0. Stem bracts numerous, especially above, narrow-triangular to linear. Capitula turbinate, erect in bud. Involucral bracts linear-lanceolate, acute, with fine pale hairs and usually longer dark hairs also; outer bracts c. 1/2length of inner bracts; inner bracts 8-12 mm long. Florets yellow, 11/2-2× length of involucre. Stigmas greyish green. Achenes reddish brown, all similar, wrinkled, not beaked, fusiform to cylindric, 4-5 mm long. Pappus in 1 row; hairs plumose, widened at base.
Annual to perennial taprooted or tuberous rosette herbs. Hairs eglandular, simple, 2-fid or stellate. Stems scapose or branching. Lvs all basal, undivided to pinnatifid; cauline lvs reduced to small stem bracts, or 0. Capitula solitary or several per stem, on long peduncles. Involucral bracts in 2-several ± distinct series, glabrous or hairy. Receptacle pitted; pits with ciliate margins or glabrous; scales 0. Corolla ligulate, usually yellow, rarely orange, often with red or grey on outer face. Style branches filiform, yellow or discoloured. Achenes numerous, brownish, either the inner beaked or all not beaked; pappus bristles in 1-2 rows, white; outer bristles short and scabrid, or 0; inner bristles longer, usually plumose, sometimes reduced to short scales on the outer achenes.
Perennial with slender to stout rootstock. Stems ascending, not branching, (2)-10-50 cm tall, glabrous or with sparse 2-fid hairs. Lvs all basal, linear to linear-oblanceolate, simple and distantly dentate to pinnatifid with triangular spreading to recurved lobes, (2)-6-16-(25) × (0.2)-0.6-1.5-(3) cm; hairs 2-(3)-fid at tip, sparse to dense. Stem bracts 0-(1). Capitula turbinate, nodding in bud. Involucral bracts linear-lanceolate, acute, glabrous or with 2-fid hairs; outer bracts c. ⅓ length of inner bracts; inner bracts (7)-10-15 mm long. Florets yellow, c. 11/2× length of involucre. Stigmas yellow. Achenes pale brown; outer achenes smooth or finely muriculate, not beaked, cylindric, 3-4 mm long, with a pappus of scales c. 0.7 mm long; inner achenes muricate, shortly beaked, fusiform, 4-5 mm long, with a pappus of 2 rows of bristles, the outer row short, simple, the inner row 5-7 mm long, plumose, widened at base.
Scarcely aromatic perennial. Stems to c. 1.5 m tall, hairy, especially on angles. Petioles to c. 20 cm long, densely hairy. Lamina variously lobed or dissected; lamina of lower lvs 6-10 × 5.5-10 cm, broad-ovate, usually 7-lobed with lobes lobulate, dark shining green and with appressed hairs above, more densely hairy below, especially on the veins; base cordate. Upper lvs and bracts similar, 3-5-lobed; lobes nearly entire or coarsely toothed; base broad-cuneate to rounded; apex acuminate. Calyx tube 3-4 mm long, sparsely hairy or glabrous; teeth 2-3 mm long, subulate, the lower becoming deflexed. Corolla 8-10 mm long (to apex of upper lip), pale pink except for purple spots on upper and lower lips; tube with ring of white hairs inside; upper lip c. 4.5 mm long, with white-villous hairs outside; lower lip 3-4 mm long, with recurved lobes. Nutlets c. 2 mm long, sharply angled, with apical tuft of hairs.
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(2) Hairy form. Stem puberulent. Lvs hairy beneath and on midrib above; basal lvs 3-5 cm long; upper lvs becoming linear or narrow-lanceolate, toothed at apex or 3-fid, 5-15 × 1-3 mm. Infl. rachis sparingly hairy. Sepals glabrous or sparsely hairy, purplish, 0.7-1 × c. 0.5 mm. Petals c. 1/2 length of sepals. Stigma c. = notch. Silicle valves green or purple.
Perennial, glabrous except for distinctive pale clavate hairs on pedicels and slender hairs on sepals. Stems spreading to erect, stout, barely flexuous, 20-50 cm tall. Lvs all similar, oblanceolate-spathulate, sharply and finely serrate, cuneately narrowed to broad flat petiole about = lamina, 1.5-5-(7) × 0.5-0.8-(1.5) cm. Racemes terminal on short leafy branchlets, 2-6 cm long; pedicels erecto-patent, 5-8 mm long at fruiting. Sepals c. 1.5 × 1 mm. Petals white, narrowly obovate, c. = sepals. Stamens 4. Silicle broadly ovate, notched at apex, slightly winged, 5-5.5 × 4-5 mm; style very short; stigma slightly > notch. Seeds broadly ovoid, brown, narrowly winged, c. 2.5 × 2 mm.
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Biennial. Stems ascending to erect, branching above, to 60 cm tall, with short, curved hairs, sometimes glabrous below. Lvs finely papillate at least beneath. Basal and lower stem lvs falling at fruiting, deeply toothed to pinnatifid. Upper lvs oblanceolate, toothed, becoming linear, entire or 3-fid at apex, 10-15-(30) × 1-2-(5) mm. Racemes (5)-8-12 cm long; rachis and upper side of pedicels shortly hairy; pedicels erecto-patent, 2-2.5 mm long at fruiting. Fls minute, densely crowded; sepals glabrous, green, c. 1 × 0.4 mm. Petals white, minute or 0. Stamens 2. Silicle c. 2.5 × 2-2.5 mm, circular to broadly obovate; style very short; stigma included in narrow notch; valves pale brown, glabrous. Seeds brown, ovoid, very narrowly winged, c. 1.2 mm long.
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Perennial herb. Stems decumbent to erect, hairy, (5)-10-30 cm tall, sparingly branched above. Lvs hairy. Basal lvs persistent or withering at fruiting, ovate or narrow-obovate, entire or rarely lyrate-pinnatifid, 3-10 × 0.5-1 cm; petiole > lamina. Stem lvs suberect, narrowly triangular, sessile, 10-30 × 2-10 mm, with narrow pointed amplexicaul basal lobes; margin with short coarse teeth or almost entire. Racemes 5-10 cm long; rachis densly hairy; pedicels densely hairy, spreading, 3-5 mm long at fruiting. Sepals glabrous or hairy, 1-1.5 × c. 0.5 mm. Petals white, clawed, c. 2 × 0.5 mm. Stamens 6. Silicle elliptic, 3.5-5 × 2-4 mm; lower part of style connate with the broad wing, upper part free for 0.5-1 mm, protruding beyond the short apical notch; valves glabrous or sparsely papillate. Seeds very dark brown, ovoid, 2-2.5 mm long.
Perennial. Stems erect, densely puberulent but becoming glabrous with age, to 50 cm tall, branching above. Lvs hairy; marginal hairs coarser than surface hairs but triangular or 2-lobed denticles 0. Basal and lower stem lvs falling before fruiting, linear-lanceolate, pinnatisect to serrate, 10-40 × 1-2.5 mm. Upper stem lvs linear-oblong, entire or 3-fid at apex, abruptly narrowed or auriculate at base, 8-12-(20) × 0.8-1.5-(2) mm. Racemes 4-8-(12) cm long; rachis densely puberulent; pedicels densely puberulent, erecto-patent, (2.5)-3-4 mm long at fruiting. Sepals hairy, green or purple, 0.5-0.8 × 0.2-0.3 mm. Petals white, minute. Stamens 2. Silicles narrow-ovate to rhomboid, 2.7-3 × 1.8-2-(2.2) mm; stigma almost sessile, included in shallow notch; valves usually purple, glabrous or sometimes hairy when young. Seed oblong, brown, not winged, c. 1.4 mm long.
Perennial. Stems slender, prostrate, flexuous, branching, glabrous, 4-8-(10) cm long. Lvs entire, glabrous or with a few hairs on margin. Basal lvs linear-spathulate, 0.5-2-(3) × 0.3-0.6 cm, with persistent broad sheathing scarious bases. Stem lvs linear-oblanceolate, 1-3 × 0.3-0.5 mm. Racemes flexuous, 1-3 cm long; pedicels spreading, 1-2 mm long at fruiting. Sepals 0.5-1 × 0.3-0.8 mm. Petals white, narrow-spathulate, = sepals or 0. Stamens 4. Silicle ovate, 1.5-2 × 1-1.5 mm; style 0.1 mm long, free from the very narrow wing, = or slightly exceeding the very shallow notch; valves glabrous. Seeds ovoid, pale brown, not winged, c. 1.5 mm long.
Annual, biennial or perennial taprooted herbs, sometimes subshrubby with stout woody rootstock, rarely shrubs. Hairs simple or papillate or 0. Stems prostrate to erect, leafy. Lvs simple, toothed or 1-2-pinnatifid, or pinnate. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals erect to patent, not saccate. Petals white, rarely yellow or reddish, or often 0. Stamens (0)-2-6, without appendages. Nectaries variable, 6 or 4, tuberculate or filiform. Style long, short or 0; stigma capitate. Silicle ovate, elliptic, obovate, circular or rhomboid, angustiseptate, dehiscent; valves keeled and usually winged, the wings forming a notch at apex and sometimes fused to the base of the style. Seeds ovoid, winged or not, 1 per locule.
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Glabrous perennial. Stems decumbent to erect, stout, usually flexuous, to 50 cm tall. Lvs all similar, narrow-oblanceolate to obovate, evenly toothed in distal portion, cuneately narrowed to winged petiole at base, bright green, fleshy, 2-10 × 1.5-4 cm. Racemes terminal and lateral, 5-10 cm long at fruiting; pedicels erecto-patent, (3)-5-10 mm long at fruiting. Sepals 1-1.5-(2) × 0.5-1 mm. Petals white, obovate-spathulate, slightly > to twice length of sepals. Stamens 4. Silicles broadly ovate, usually truncate at base, acute at apex, not winged, 3-4-(5) × 2.5-3.5-(5) mm; style 0.1-0.2 mm long; seeds ovoid, brown, not winged, 1.5-2 mm long.
Perennial. Stems erect, glabrous, ridged or grooved, 10-50 cm tall; branches sometimes sparsely puberulent below. Lvs glabrous. Basal and lower stem lvs withering or falling at fruiting, (3)-5-12-(25) × 1-3-(4) cm, deeply pinnatisect with narrow acute curved teeth on distal edges of pinnae. Upper lvs becoming linear, 3-fid at apex or entire, 5-20-(40) × 1-2-(3) mm; marginal denticles present especially near cuneate lf base. Racemes (3)-5-7-(10) cm long; rachis glabrous; pedicels erecto-patent to patent, (2)-3-4 mm long at fruiting, with hairs in 1 row. Sepals hairy or glabrous, green or purple, 0.7-1 × 0.2-0.3 mm; petals white, minute or 0. Stamens 2. Silicles ovate to rhomboid, 2.4-2.7-(3) × 1.8-2 mm; stigma almost sessile, included in shallow notch; valves green or purple, glabrous. Seed ovoid, brown, not winged, c. 1.4 mm long.
Annual. Stem erect, glabrous, (10)-20-40-(90) cm tall. Basal lvs withering at flowering, glabrous or sparsely hairy, 3-10-(20) × 1-4-(8) cm, 1-2-pinnatifid with slender toothed lobes. Middle stem lvs deeply 1-2-pinnatisect with linear-obovate lobes; uppermost lvs sparsely hairy, 1-pinnatifid, becoming linear-obovate, entire, 2-4 × 0.3-0.5 cm. Racemes 10-25 cm long; pedicels 4-6 mm at fruiting. Sepals sparsely hairy, 1-1.5 × 0.4-0.6 mm. Petals twice as long as sepals, white or reddish. Stamens 6. Silicle elliptic, narrowly winged above, 5-6 × 3-5 mm; style not projecting beyond deep apical notch; valves glabrous. Seeds narrowly ovoid, red-brown, not winged, up to 5 mm long; cotyledons deeply 3-lobed.
Dioecious perennial. Stems decumbent to erect, branching, glabrescent to densely hairy. Lvs hairy above, glabrous beneath. Rosette lvs persistent, shortly petiolate, pinnatifid to pinnate, to 2-pinnatifid, 2-7-(10) × 0.3-1.5 cm; pinnae linear to obovate, entire or narrowly lobed. Stem lvs becoming entire, lanceolate to oblong to obovate to linear, 2-15 × 1-3 mm. Racemes 2-5-(10) cm long at fruiting; rachis hairy; pedicels hairy, spreading, 4-6 mm long at fruiting. Sepals sparsely hairy, 1-1.5 × 0.5-1 mm. Petals either 0, or white, obovoid, up to 2 mm long. ♂ fls with 4 or 6 stamens and rudimentary ovary. ♀ fls with 4 abortive stamens and developed ovary. Silicles ovate to rhomboid, 3-5 × 2-3.5 mm; style 0.2-0.3 mm long, free from narrow wing, slightly exceeding shallow notch; valves with scattered flexuous hairs or almost glabrous. Seeds ovoid, brown, not winged, 1.5-2 mm long.
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Annual. Stem erect, shortly hairy, sometimes glabrous below, branched above, 15-40-(100) cm tall. Basal lvs pinnatifid or pinnate with oblanceolate toothed lobes, densely hairy, 5-10 × 1-3 cm. Stem lvs simple; middle lvs oblanceolate, coarsely toothed; uppermost lvs linear, becoming entire, 15-60-(80) × 2-10-(20) mm, with sparse hairs on midrib and margins. Racemes 5-10 cm long; rachis minutely hairy; pedicel minutely hairy, spreading, 3-4-(5) mm long at fruiting. Sepals glabrous, 0.5-1 × c. 0.5 mm. Petals white, obovate-spathulate, > sepals. Stamens 2-4. Silicle circular, 2.5-3 × 2.8-3.2 mm; style free from the narrow wing, not protuding beyond the short apical notch; valves glabrous. Seeds brown, ovoid, winged, c. 1.5 mm long.
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Shrub or small tree 1-2-(7) m high. Bark peeling in thin strips. Branchlets and lvs silky-hairy when very young, soon glabrous. Lvs glabrous except when very young, subsessile or very shortly petiolate, spreading to erect. Lamina 17-30 × 5-9 mm, oblong-obovate or almost oblong, dotted with numerous minute dark glands; main longitudinal veins 3 or 5; base cuneate; apex mucronulate but otherwise blunt. Fls axillary, subsessile, solitary. Bracts and bracteoles brown and papery. Hypanthium c. 3 mm long, broad-campanulate; calyx lobes c. 2 mm long, triangular, ± caducous, with margin and back ± clothed in silky white hairs. Petals 6-8 mm long, suborbicular or broad-ovate, white, patent. Stamens c. 20, ± = style. Ovary apex clothed in fine, dense, appressed, white hairs; style stout. Capsule 7-10-celled, c. 6 mm wide., broad and flat-topped, woody, long-persistent, exserted beyond receptacle rim. Seeds numerous; sterile seeds linear, wingless; fertile seeds larger, ovate, with lamellate wings.
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Scarcely scented, perennial herb. Stems erect, up to c. 1 m tall, glabrous or with a few scattered hairs, striate, simple or branched at base or above. Basal and lower cauline lvs petiolate, narrow-elliptic, acute to obtuse at apex, cuneate, evenly 1-serrate, glabrous, up to c. 30 × 4 cm; cauline lvs similar to basal but above becoming smaller, apetiolate, amplexicaul, the uppermost lanceolate to linear and sometimes almost entire. Involucral bracts 6-12 mm long, glabrous; margins and apex brown, membranous; inner bracts at least with extended apical flap. Capitula solitary, (50)-70-120 mm diam.; ray florets 20-40; ligules white; disc florets numerous, yellow. Achenes 2.5-4 mm long, dark brown with paler ribs; achenes of disc florets ± terete or somewhat flattened, with 10 ± equal ribs, and corona 0; achenes of ray florets similar to those of disc florets but with lateral ribs sometimes somewhat thicker, and an irregular corona up to c. 1 mm long.
Perennial, rarely annual, herbs. Lvs simple, entire, serrate or 1-2-pinnatisect, alternate. Capitula few in corymbs, or often solitary, terminal, pedunculate; involucral bracts in 2-4 rows, at least the inner with membranous margins. Receptacle flat or convex; scales 0. Outer florets usually ♀, ligulate, and white or pinkish, rarely ☿ or ♀, tubular, and yellow; inner florets ☿, tubular. Achenes all similar or somewhat dimorphic, obconic to cylindric or flattened, usually ± evenly 10-ribbed; ribs mostly with mucilaginous cells, and secretory canals between. Pappus a small corona or auricle, sometimes 0.
Scarcely scented, perennial herb. Stems erect, up to c. 1 m tall, usually sparsely to densely villous below and glabrous above, rarely hairy or glabrous above and below, striate, simple or branched at base or sometimes above, rooting toward base. Basal and lower cauline lvs long-petiolate, elliptic, obovate or spathulate, obtuse at apex, cuneate, coarsely 1-2-serrate, crenate, or shallowly 1-(2)-pinnatifid, usually glabrous, sometimes sparsely hairy on petiole and midrib, very rarely moderately hairy, up to 12-(18) × 2-(4) cm; cauline lvs similar to basal but above becoming smaller, apetiolate, narrow-oblong, amplexicaul, with few distant teeth or sometimes entire, and often auriculate at base. Involucral bracts 3-8 mm long, glabrous; margins and apex brown, membranous; inner bracts with extended, broad, apical flap. Capitula solitary or few in corymbs, (25)-30-60-(65) mm diam.; ray florets (9)-18-33; ligules white; disc florets numerous, yellow. Achenes c. 2.5 mm long, dark brown with pale ribs; achenes of disc florets mostly ± terete, with 10 ± equal ribs, and corona 0; achenes of ray florets similar to those of disc florets, but sometimes flattened with lateral ribs somewhat extended, 3 ribs on outer surface and 5 ribs on inner surface, rarely achene 3-angled, sometimes with irregular corona c. 0.3 mm long.
Deciduous or semi-evergreen shrubs. Stems remaining green except when very old, hollow. Lvs simple, entire or lobed, stipulate or exstipulate. Fls in terminal pendulous spikes, whorled, not fragrant, in the axils of large bracts usually > fls. Calyx 5-lobed; lobes unequal. Corolla 5-lobed, regular, funnelform. Stamens 5, ± exserted. Ovary 5-8-celled. Style slender; stigma capitate. Fr. a berry, with many small seeds.
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Glabrous, small or medium-sized, evergreen tree to c. 10 m high (taller in cultivation), sometimes a dense shrub. Shoots glabrous. Petioles mostly 1-2 cm long). Lamina 5-13 × 3-6 cm, ovate to elliptic-ovate, glossy above; base broad-cuneate to rounded; apex usually abruptly short-acuminate, sometimes acute. Panicles up to 25 × 20 cm, dense, broadly pyramidal; branches angular; pedicels very short. Bracts oblong or oblong-lanceolate; bracteoles much smaller, caducous. Fls fragrant. Calyx 1-2 mm long; lobes indistinct. Corolla white; tube c. 1.5 mm long; lobes 2-2.5 mm long, oblong-elliptic, reflexed, with ± involute margins, acute. Stamens c. 4 mm long, exserted; anthers yellow. Style included. Fr. to 6 × 5 mm, ellipsoid-oblong, bluish or purplish black, ± pruinose. Seed c. 5 mm long, ± broadly ellipsoid, ribbed on back.
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Annual herbs, usually somewhat succulent. Lvs alternate, pinnatifid; stipules 0. Fls solitary on long peduncles, axillary, actinomorphic, ☿. Calyx 3-5-merous; sepals valvate or slightly imbricate, free. Petals 3-5, free, contorted, slightly perigynous. Stamens 6-10; filaments free, sometimes glandular at base; anthers 2-locular, dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary 3-5-locular, fused to a common gynobasic style with 3-5 short lobes; ovules solitary in each carpel, orthotropous. Fr. separating at maturity into 3-5 nutlets, each representing a free indehiscent carpel; seeds lacking endosperm.
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Mostly perennial herbs or subshrubs, occasionally arborescent, sometimes annual. Lvs simple, often in basal rosettes, sometimes densely tufted on branches or alternate along stems, often 0 at flowering. Infl. a cymose panicle, sometimes flattened, or fls in bracteate, ± secund spikelets which are sometimes aggregated into elongated spikes, often with a scale at the base of each branch. Fls 1-5 in spikelets, each spikelet with 3 bracteoles. Calyx campanulate or funnelform, 10-ribbed at base; limb scarious, usually coloured, sometimes dentate between lobes, persistent. Corolla tube short or almost 0; segments clawed. Stamens adnate to base of corolla segments. Styles 5, free or connate at base; stigmas filiform. Fr. with circumscissile or irregular dehiscence.
Herbs, shrubs or trees. Lvs alternate or opposite, simple; stipules present, 0, or glandular. Fls ☿, sometimes heterostylous, actinomorphic, usually solitary or arranged in dichasia or corymbs. Calyx 4-5-merous; segments free or partly united, imbricate. Petals 4-5, usually free. Stamens as many as or twice as many as petals, sometimes alternating with small staminodes; filaments connate at base; anthers 2-locular. Ovary superior, 3-5-locular, each loculus subdivided again; styles 2-5, filiform, free or partly united; ovules 2 per loculus, pendulous. Fr. usually a septicidal capsule, rarely a drupe. Seeds compressed, endosperm 0 to copious.
Taprooted annual; stems erect, usually branched, (3)-7-30 cm tall. Vegetative or lower parts glabrous. Lvs 0.5-2.5 cm long, usually narrow-linear, sometimes linear on main stems and c. 2 mm wide, glaucous; apex acute or obtuse. Infl. with few to fairly numerous fls, congested and almost capitate at flowering, elongating at fruiting, glandular-hairy. Pedicels c. 1 mm long at anthesis; bracts narrow-linear, much > pedicels. Calyx 3-4 mm long, lobed nearly to base, strongly glandular-ciliate; lobes oblong-linear, subacute. Corolla c. 5 mm long (including curved spur 2-2.5 mm long), mauve or bluish mauve; upper lip 3-4 mm long. Capsule 3-4 mm diam., globose. Seeds 1-1.2 mm diam. (including wing), suborbicular, dark grey, smooth.
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Taprooted annual; stems erect, sometimes much-branched, to c. 40 cm tall. Vegetative parts glabrous. Lvs 1.5-4 cm long, narrow-linear, green; apex ± obtuse. Infl. many-flowered, glabrous or glandular-puberulent; fls in rather lax and elongated racemes. Bracts 3-5-(10) mm long, linear to lanceolate, 1/4-3/4 length of pedicels. Calyx 4-6 mm long, lobed almost to base; lobes lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, usually glandular-hairy, occasionally glabrous, acute or acuminate. Corolla 25-30 mm long (including slender, straight, acute spur c. 15 mm long), usually crimson or purplish, sometimes pale yellow to orange, pink, or bicoloured, except for yellow or orange, puberulent pouch; upper lip 10-15 mm long. Capsule 3-5 mm diam., globose. Seeds 1.7-1.9 mm long, curved, wingless, black, strongly ribbed.
Annual or perennial herbs. Lvs simple, entire, sessile or nearly so, opposite or whorled, sometimes alternate above. Infl. composed of terminal bracteate racemes or spikes, rarely fls axillary and solitary; bracts small. Calyx usually deeply and unequally 5-lobed; adaxial lobe usually longest. Corolla with pouch closing mouth of tube; tube cylindric, spurred at base; limb 2-lipped; upper lip 2-lobed; lower lip 3-lobed. Stamens 4, included. Capsule ± globose; loculi equal, dehiscing by up to c. 10 longitudinal slits in the upper 1/2. Seeds numerous, discoid and mostly winged, sometimes elongated and wingless, small.
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Glabrous perennial with slender creeping rhizomes; stems branched, to c. 60 cm tall. Lvs 2-4 cm × 1.5-4 mm, linear, probably mostly or always glaucous; apex acute. Infl. lax, few-flowered. Pedicels 2-5 mm long; bracts linear, nearly as long as pedicels. Calyx c. 2 mm long, lobed to base; lobes lanceolate, subacute. Corolla 10-16 mm long (including straight spur 2-4 mm long), pale mauve or whitish with darker purplish veins (appearing striated); pouch puberulent, probably orange; upper lip c. 4 mm long. Capsules not seen. Seed 1-2 mm long, rugose, 3-angled, scarcely winged.
Much-branched perennial with stout rootstock or rhizome; stems many, to c. 60 cm tall, glabrous or sometimes puberulent. Lvs 2-5 cm × c. 1.5-(5) mm, linear, glabrous, glaucous; apex acute. Infl. dense and many-flowered. Bracts linear to lanceolate, glabrous or minutely puberulent, > pedicels. Calyx 3-5 mm long, deeply lobed; lobes ovate, acute. Corolla 25-35 mm long (including the narrow spur 10-15 mm long), yellow with broad orange patch on and around pouch; upper lip 15-20 mm long. Capsule 8-10 × 5-7 mm, ellipsoid. Seed 1.5-2 mm diam. (including broad wing), broad-ellipsoid to orbicular, black, minutely tuberculate.
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Herbs or shrubs. Lvs alternate or opposite, entire, sessile, usually exstipulate, sometimes stipules present and then gland-like. Fls solitary or in dichasia or corymbs. Sepals 5, free ± to base. Petals 5, usually white to blue or violet, rarely yellow or red. Stamens 5, united at base, alternating with 5 minute staminodes. Ovary 5-locular; styles 5, usually free, sometimes united almost to stigmas. Capsule often shortly beaked, 5-carpellate, 10-seeded, usually dehiscent, each cell divided by a secondary septum. Seeds compressed, glossy.
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Herb to c. 40 cm long, usually much less, with vegetative parts glabrous; sap clear. Stems erect to widespreading or prostrate, not usually rooting at nodes; branchlets narrowly winged, grooved. Lvs very variable; petioles flat, to c. 10 mm long. Lamina submembranous to ± succulent, entire or variously toothed; lamina of lower lvs (10)-15-40-(50) × (5)-8-20 mm, broad-ovate to oblong-ovate, sometimes purplish, decurrent at base. Lvs becoming narrower and petioles shorter above; uppermost lvs sessile, narrow, linear to lanceolate or spathulate, 10-60 × 1-5 mm (sometimes lf shape varies little from base to shoot apex). Peduncles 2-5-(7) mm long, usually puberulent. Calyx lobes 0.9-1.5 mm long, linear to triangular, acute or acuminate. Corolla 6-10 mm long, white, pale blue (often deeper blue on lower lip), less commonly pale pink; lobes of lower lip 5-8 mm long, linear to oblong. Capsule 6-12 mm long, narrow-clavate to almost cylindric.
Annual herb to c. 20 cm tall, sometimes single-stemmed with the slender vegetative shoots tending to trail, but not rooting at nodes; sap slightly milky. Lower lvs and those of vegetative stems with short ciliate petioles. Lamina 1-3 × 0.5-1 cm, elliptic, elliptic-obovate, or spathulate, occasionally lanceolate, generally ciliate, especially towards the narrow attenuate base and on the midrib beneath, crenate or dentate. Lvs below infl. linear or lanceolate, entire, usually glabrous. Infl. a loose raceme of few fls on slender glabrous peduncles 1.5-4 cm long. Calyx 7-12 mm long; lobes linear or subulate, = to > 2× tube, glabrous, often purplish. Corolla 1.1-1.7 cm long to apex of lobes of lower lip, usually dark or violet blue, occasionally pinkish mauve; lower lip usually with white or yellowish throat bands on either side, occasionally corolla concolorous, 3-lobed; lobes (5)-7-10 × c. (3)-5 mm, ± broad-elliptic-oblong or obovate, slanting downwards, often mucronulate. Stamens blue; lower 2 anthers bearded at apex. Capsule c. 5 mm long, narrow-obconic. Seeds c. 0.5 mm long, ellipsoid, brown, glossy.
Mostly annual or perennial herbs, occasionally monocarpic and giant in stature, rarely shrubs. Lvs alternate; cauline lvs sometimes reduced to bracts, toothed or entire; sap sometimes acrid. Infl. a terminal raceme, spike or panicle, sometimes fls solitary. Fls usually ☿. Calyx with short, often globular, tube adnate to ovary. Corolla oblique and 2-lipped; tube split to base on 1 side; limb 2-lipped with upper lip 2-lobed and lower lip 3-lobed. Stamens not epipetalous; filaments free; anthers united into a tube around style, 2 or all of them hairy at tips. Ovary 2-celled; stigma ± 2-lobed. Capsule 2-valved, dehiscing loculicidally. Seeds numerous, minute.
Glabrous or glabrate herb; sap clear. Stems to c. 15 mm tall, simple or sparingly branched, slender, rooting at nodes, usually decumbent. Lvs subsessile, 3-8 mm diam., ± orbicular, rather coarsely sinuate-dentate in upper 1/2, dark green, often purplish below, rather thick. Peduncles filiform, 5-6-(10) cm long. Calyx c. 4 mm long, divided to nearly 1/2 way; lobes c. 2 mm long, very narrow-triangular, acuminate. Corolla 5-10 mm long, white, pale blue or pale pink, deeper coloured in bud; upper lobes linear-oblong, acute; lower lobes obovate or obovate-oblong, ± apiculate. Capsule 5-9 mm long, narrow-obovoid to turbinate.
Glabrous herb with pale yellow, acrid sap. Root system extensive. Stems tough, ascending through rock debris and rooting at nodes, to c. 10 cm tall above surface. Lvs with broad flat petioles c. 5 mm long. Lamina 10-20-(25) × 10-15-(20) mm, obovate to broad-oblong or elliptic, thick and coriaceous, prominently dentate with narrow triangular teeth, obtuse. Peduncles stout, to 5 cm long. Calyx lobes 5-8 mm long, linear, obtuse. Corolla c. 10 mm long, white, divided nearly to base; upper lip with 2 narrow segments; lower lip lobed to c. 1/2 way; lobes oblong or elliptic-oblong, obtuse. Capsule 10-12 mm long, broad-ovoid to suborbicular.
Herbs or subshrubs, rarely tall shrubs, often with milky sap. Lvs simple, alternate, exstipulate. Fls solitary or in racemes, spikes or panicles, usually ☿, zygomorphic. Calyx 5-lobed, adnate to ovary. Corolla gamopetalous, the 5 lobes variously united, 1-2-lipped, valvate. Stamens 5, sometimes epipetalous, otherwise inserted at base of corolla; anthers cohering and forming a tube around style. Ovary ± inferior, 2-3-locular, with numerous ovules; style simple or 2-lobed, with ring of hairs. Fr. fleshy and berry-like or capsular. Seeds many, small; endosperm copious.
Annual or perennial taprooted herbs. Hairs appressed, parallel, medifixed. Stems ascending, leafy. Lvs narrow, entire. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals spreading, not saccate. Petals white, rarely red or purple. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 4, median 2, filiform, between stamen bases. Style short; stigma capitate. Silicle circular or ovoid, latiseptate; valves slightly inflated, with median and weak lateral veins. Seeds ellipsoid, narrowly winged, 1-5 per locule.
Usually perennial, rarely annual. Stems decumbent to ascending, hairy, leafy, branched below, 10-30-(45) cm tall. Lvs entire, hairy, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, subacute, 12-30 × 2-3-(4) mm. Racemes 4-15 cm long; fls crowded in globose heads; pedicels spreading, hairy, 6-7 mm long. Sepals hairy, 1.5-2 × 0.5-0.8 mm. Petals glabrous, entire, usually white, rarely purple, 2.5-3 × 1.5-2 mm. Silicle obovate, subacute, slightly inflated, 3-4 × 1.5-2.5 mm; valves membranous, glabrous or sparsely hairy. Style c. 0.6 mm long. Seeds brown, ovoid, compressed, very narrowly winged, c. 1.2 × 1 mm, 1 per locule.
Annual herbs. Lvs mostly alternate, sometimes lowermost few opposite, simple, entire. Capitula usually in small clusters, rarely solitary. Involucral bracts 4-5 in 1 row. Receptacle obconic; scales present, in 2-3 rows and appearing as bracts, star-like, at fruiting. Outer florets ♀, filiform; inner florets mostly ☿, tubular. Achenes somewhat dimorphic, oblong to obovoid, gradually narrowed to apex; outer achenes slightly curved, enclosed in outer scales, lacking a pappus; inner achenes straight, free, with a pappus; pappus hairs in 1 row, narrow at apex.
Erect or ascending annual herb, 5-30 cm tall. Stems tomentose, branched at base or only above to form infl. Cauline lvs tomentose on lower surface, densely tomentose on upper, linear, acute, apetiolate and broad-based, somewhat involute, (5)-12-25 × 0.5-1-(1.5) mm. Capitula c. 1-2 mm diam., in sessile clusters of 2-8-(12), terminal or in axils of branches; lvs subtending clusters linear-lanceolate, clearly exceeding clusters. Involucral bracts tomentose, c. 1.5 mm long. Outer scales tomentose outside, herbaceous with membranous margin, c. 3 mm long, keeled at base; inner scales almost glabrous, membranous, obtuse to acute at apex, c. 3 mm long. Disc yellowish. Achenes of outer ♀ florets glabrous, 0.8 mm long; achenes of inner florets minutely and sparsely papillate, 0.5-0.6 mm long; pappus caducous, denticulate, free at base.
Erect or ascending annual herb, 3-20 cm tall. Stems tomentose, branched at base or only above to form infl. Cauline lvs tomentose on lower surface, moderately to densely tomentose on upper, narrowly oblong-elliptic to narrowly ovate-lanceolate, acute, apetiolate and broad-based, flat or sometimes slightly involute, 4-10 × 0.5-2 mm. Capitula c. 1-2 mm diam., in sessile clusters of (1)-2-8, terminal or in axils of branches; lvs subtending clusters lanceolate, not exceeding clusters. Involucral bracts tomentose, c. 1.5 mm long. Outer scales tomentose outside, herbaceous with membranous margin, 2.5-3 mm long, keeled at base; inner scales glabrous, herbaceous with broad membranous margins, obtuse to acute at apex, 2-2.5 mm long. Disc yellowish. Achenes of outer ♀ florets glabrous, 0.7-0.9 mm long; achenes of inner florets minutely and sparsely papillate, 0.5-0.6 mm long; pappus caducous, denticulate, free at base.
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Deciduous or evergreen, climbing or erect shrubs. Stems hollow or with brown or white pith. Winter buds with 2 or several outer scales. Lvs entire, rarely lobed, usually exstipulate, rarely stipulate. Fls generally fragrant, either in axillary pedunculate pairs and each pair with 2 bracts and 4 bracteoles, or in sessile axillary whorls or terminal heads. Calyx small or minute, 5-toothed. Corolla 5-lobed, nearly regular or ± irregular, sometimes bilabiate; tube short or long, sometimes gibbous. Stamens 5, included or exserted. Ovary 2-3-(5)-celled, adjacent walls in paired fls sometimes united. Styles slender; stigma capitate. Fr. a few- or sometimes many-seeded, berry.
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Perennial herbs with stems climbing or scrambling by means of long flexible and coiling shoots and petioles. Lvs alternate or opposite; lamina palmately veined, usually triangular to hastate or broadly ovate; margins dentate to crenate. Fls solitary and axillary. Calyx 5-lobed, ± irregular; lobes almost free or connate, often coloured. Corolla large, bilabiate, usually pink to purple or red, ± glandular-hairy; throat open, without inflated pouch; upper 2 lobes recurved; lower 3 lobes directed forwards. Stamens 4, included. Capsule globose or asymmetric, loculicidal with irregular apical dehiscence. Seed numerous, winged, tuberculate to appendaged, small.
Perennial herb. Stems hairy, climbing by twining petioles. Petioles to 3 cm long, slender, hairy. Lamina 5-7.5 × 5-7.5 cm, triangular-ovate, hairy, strongly dentate with mucronate teeth and a small basal lobe on each side; base cordate; apex slender, acute. Pedicels > petioles. Calyx c. 2 cm long, hairy, especially on lobes; lobes lanceolate or narrow-ovate, mucronate, c. 3/4 length of tube. Corolla c. 7 cm long; lobes deep pink; throat paler; tube slightly swollen at base, with longitudinal hairy bands inside and hairy ring above base; lobes rounded, somewhat 2-lipped. Lower stamens c. = corolla tube. Capsule c. 1.5 cm diam., globose. Seeds covered with finger-like reticulate appendages; wing broad, fimbriate, lacerate.
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Scarcely stoloniferous perennial; stems ± glabrous, ± solid, procumbent to ascending, woody at base. Lvs ± glabrous or sparsely to moderately hairy, sessile; leaflets obovate, acute, cuneate at base, (3)-5-15-(18) mm long, with inconspicuous lateral veins. Peduncles much > lvs, up to 90 mm long. Infl. (1)-2-7-flowered. Calyx ± glabrous or sparsely to moderately hairy; calyx teeth ± equal, narrowly triangular, ± = tube. Corolla yellow, 10-15 mm long; keel strongly arched with a fairly long, often somewhat incurved beak. Pod straight, rounded, not winged, 15-35 × 1.5-3 mm; seeds c. 1.5 mm diam.
Annual to perennial, procumbent to erect herbs or rarely subshrubs. Lvs pinnately 5-foliolate (rarely 4-foliolate but not in N.Z. spp.); leaflets entire; principal lateral veins conspicuous or not; stipules minute or 0. Infls axillary, usually umbellate, 1-many-flowered; bracts often 3-foliolate, subtending umbels; bracteoles usually 0. Calyx teeth 5, subequal or lower longer, rarely connate into 2 lips. Corolla deciduous. Vexillary filament free, the remainder connate; anthers uniform. Style glabrous; stigma terminal or lateral. Pod 2-valved, straight or slightly curved, dehiscent, not armed, many-seeded; seeds estrophiolate, smooth and rounded in N.Z. spp.
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Annual to perennial, not stoloniferous; stems sparsely to moderately pilose, usually hollow, prostrate, not woody at base. Lvs moderately to densely pilose, sessile; leaflets obovate to oblong (basal pair usually ovate), acute, obtuse to cuneate at base, (3)-5-15-(20) mm long, without evident lateral veins. Peduncles > lvs, up to 50 mm long. Infl. 1-4-flowered. Calyx moderately to densely pilose; calyx teeth ± equal, linear-lanceolate, > tube. Corolla yellow or yellow with red markings, 6-8 mm long; keel obtusely angled nearer base than middle and attenuate. Pod straight or slightly curved, rounded, not winged, 6-13-(15) × 1.5-2 mm; seeds c. 0.75-1 mm diam.
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Slender-stemmed perennial herbs, less commonly erect shrubs. Underwater parts often swollen, spongy or bearing inflated pneumatophores. Lvs alternate or opposite, simple, mostly entire. Fls axillary, actinomorphic, solitary or clustered in spikes or heads. Floral tube not prolonged beyond ovary. Sepals 3-7, ± persistent at fruiting. Petals as many as sepals or 0, yellow or white. Stamens as many or twice as many as sepals; anthers usually versatile. Stigma entire or 4-lobed; ovary cells 4. Capsule variously shaped, dehiscent by terminal pores or longitudinal flaps. Seeds numerous, small, free or embedded in the woody endocarp.
Glabrous herb, sometimes forming dense patches; stems lax, often creeping or floating, sometimes submerged, rooting at nodes, often reddish; pneumatophores 0. Lvs opposite, ± decussate; petiole to 1.5 cm long. Lamina (0.5)-1-4 × (0.2)-0.5-2 cm, lanceolate to ovate or rhombic, often linear when submerged; base attenuate to rounded; apex obtuse or subacute, acute on submerged lvs. Fls solitary, 4-merous, sessile or subsessile. Sepals 1-1.7 mm long, triangular or broad-triangular, accrescent; apex acute. Petals 0. Stamens 4; filaments equal. Style to c. 0.3 mm long, stout; stigma ± subcapitate or obscurely lobed. Capsule 3-4.5 × c. 2.5 mm, obovoid, with green ribs. Seeds 0.5-0.6 mm long, ± oblong, rather rounded on 1 side, shining, free from endocarp, in several rows in each locule.
Herb, forming large patches; stems creeping or floating, rooting at nodes, with pneumatophores sometimes present below water; flowering stems ascending, with patent hairs or more rarely glabrate. Lvs alternate; petiole 0.5-3 cm long, glabrous or somewhat hairy. Lamina 2-8 × 0.7-3 cm, elliptic, oblanceolate or obovate, glabrous except for midrib near base; base cuneate to attenuate; apex obtuse to rounded. Fls solitary, 4-5-merous; pedicels 1.5-4.5 cm long at anthesis, generally with patent hairs. Sepals 6-8 mm long, narrow-triangular or lanceolate-oblong, scarcely accrescent; apex emarginate. Petals 1.5-1.7 mm long, bright yellow. Stamens 8 or 10; filaments unequal. Style c. 4 mm long, stout, hairy. Stigma slightly 4-lobed. Capsule 2-2.7 cm long, narrow-cylindric, ribbed, woody, glabrous or glabrate. Seeds firmly embedded in cubes of woody endocarp c. 1.5 mm thick, uniseriate in each locule.
Biennial, roots often swollen. Stems erect, leafy, hairy, branching above, to 1 m tall. Lvs cordate, acute, dark green, hairy, bluntly or coarsely dentate; lower lvs petiolate, opposite, 5-10-(20) × 3-5-(15) cm; upper lvs subsessile, alternate, 3-5-(8) × 1.5-3-(4) cm. Racemes to 30 cm long. Sepals hairy, 7-9 × 1.5-2.5 mm. Petals purple, rarely white, 15-22 × 6-8 mm. Silicle elliptic (lanceolate when immature), 2.5-4 × 2-3 cm, obtuse at both ends; carpophore 8-15 mm long; style 5-8 mm long. Seeds dark brown, 5-8 mm diam.
Biennial to perennial taprooted herbs. Hairs simple. Stems erect, leafy. Lvs simple, cordate, crenate, serrate or dentate. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals erect, the inner deeply saccate. Petals purple, rarely white. Stamens 6, the inner 4 with broad filaments. Lateral nectaries 4, paired beside bases of lateral stamens; median nectaries 0. Style short; stigma 2-lobed. Silicle lanceolate or elliptic, large, flat, latiseptate, dehiscent, raised above the sepal scars on a short or long carpophore; valves thin with fine net venation; septum silvery. Seeds large, circular, flattened, winged, in 2 rows per locule.
Herbaceous annual becoming somewhat woody at fruiting; stems sericeous, branched. Leaflets 6-9, glabrous above, sericeous below, elliptic-oblong to linear, obtuse, 15-40 × 2-5 mm; stipules linear-subulate, 4-10 mm long. Infl. 3-13 cm long, few- to many-flowered; peduncle 5-30 mm long. Fls usually alternate, sometimes subverticillate in upper part of infl.; pedicels 2-4 mm long. Calyx densely hairy; upper lip very deeply 2-partite; lower lip longer and entire or shallowly 3-toothed, with 2 smaller lobes often present between it and upper lip. Corolla light blue to dark purplish blue, not scented, 11-15 mm long. Pod villous, 3-6-seeded, 45-60 mm long; seeds globular, smooth, variously mottled grey, brown and yellow, 4-8 mm diam.
Woody perennial shrub; stems densely sericeous, particularly in younger parts, erect and much-branched. Leaflets 5-11, glabrous above, sericeous below, oblong-ovate, acute, 15-40 × 3-10 mm; stipules subulate, 10-20 mm long. Infl. 10-30 cm long, few- to many-flowered; peduncle 5-10 cm long. Fls subverticillate; pedicels (5)-8-12 mm long. Calyx densely hairy; upper lip shallowly 2-toothed; lower lip about equal and entire, with 2 small lobes often present between it and upper lip. Corolla usually yellow, rarely white or tinged blue, sweetly scented, 15-18 mm long. Pod villous, 7-12-seeded, 40-80 mm long; seeds ellipsoid, smooth, dark brown and somewhat mottled, 4-6 mm long.
Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs. Lvs palmately 5- or more foliolate, very rarely 3- or 1-foliolate, petiolate; leaflets entire; principal lateral veins conspicuous or not; stipules adnate to petiole. Infls terminal, racemose, few- to many-flowered; bracts usually caducous. Calyx bilabiate; lips much > tube; upper 2 lobes connate into an entire, 2-toothed or 2-partite lip; lower 3 lobes connate into an entire or 3-toothed lip. Stamens connate into a closed tube; alternate anthers long and basifixed or short and versatile. Style glabrous; stigma terminal, often bearded. Pod 2-valved, ± straight, dehiscent, not armed, 2-many-seeded; seeds estrophiolate, rough or smooth.
Herbaceous annual; stem hirsute, becoming erect, branched at base. Leaflets (5)-9-11, villous above, sericeous below, obovate-oblong, acute, 30-60 × (5)-8-15 mm; stipules subulate to linear-obovate, 8-30 mm long. Infl. 5-25 cm long, many-flowered; peduncle 5-12 cm long. Fls regularly verticillate in distant whorls; pedicels c. 2 cm long. Calyx densely hairy; upper lip very deeply 2-partite; lower lip longer and shallowly 3-toothed, with 2 smaller lobes often present between it and upper lip. Corolla bright golden yellow, sweetly scented, 13-16 mm long. Pod densely villous, 4-6-seeded, 40-60 mm long; seeds orbicular-quadrangular, compressed, smooth, mottled black or brown on white (pure white in some cvs), 6-8 mm diam.
Herbaceous perennial; stems sparsely to moderately hairy, erect, branched from base. Leaflets 8-15, usually ± glabrous above, sparsely to moderately sericeous below, narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, acute to acuminate, 30-130 × (5)-10-30 mm; stipules oblong-lanceolate, 15-35 mm long. Infl. 15-60 cm long, many-flowered; peduncle up to 15 cm long. Lower fls alternate; upper fls subverticillate; pedicels 5-14 mm long. Calyx densely hairy; upper lip shallowly 2-toothed; lower lip slightly longer, entire. Corolla blue, purple, orange, yellow, pink or white, often of 2 colours, not or slightly scented, 12-20 mm long. Pod densely villous, 5-10-seeded, 30-50 mm long; seeds ellipsoid, smooth, dark brown and somewhat mottled, c. 2 mm long.
Whole plant densely covered in long woolly silvery hairs. Flowering stems erect, 30-100 cm tall. Basal and lower stem lvs loosely tufted, oblanceolate, acute, 10-25 × (1.5)-2-4 cm, gradually tapering to long petiole; upper lvs ovate, acute, sessile, amplexicaul, becoming smaller above. Infl. a (3)-7-15-flowered dichasium; pedicels (3)-5-12 cm long; bracts ovate-acuminate, 1-4 cm long. Calyx bell-shaped, 15-20 mm long, 10-veined; teeth triangular, acute. Petals purplish pink, rarely white; claw c. = calyx; limb spreading, entire or shallowly emarginate, 1-1.5 cm long. Capsule narrowly ovoid; carpophore c. 2 mm long. Seeds dull grey-brown, reniform-oblong, warty, c. 1.2 mm long.
Flowering stems erect, 30-80 cm tall, with short appressed-reflexed hairs. Basal and lower stem lvs tufted, narrowly oblanceolate, acute, (40)-80-150 × (3)-5-15 mm, gradually tapered to long petiole; upper lvs linear-lanceolate, acute, sessile, connate in pairs, becoming smaller. Infl. a (3)-7-15-flowered dichasium; pedicels (5)-10-25 mm long; bracts narrowly lanceolate, 3-10 mm long. Calyx bell-shaped, 7-10 mm long, 10-veined; teeth triangular, ciliate, acute. Petals pink; claw c. = calyx; limb spreading, deeply 4-lobed or rarely deeply emarginate, 1-1.5 cm long. Capsule ovoid; carpophore very short or 0. Seeds brown, reniform, sharply warty, c. 0.8 mm long.
Perennial herbs. Hairs eglandular and/or glandular, or 0. Lvs opposite, exstipulate, linear to ovate; cauline lvs connate in pairs or sessile and amplexicaul. Infl. a lax to capitate dichasium; bracts leaflike; epicalyx 0. Calyx bell-shaped or cylindric, 10-veined, 5-toothed; commissures veined, not scarious. Petals 5, white to red or purple, clawed, entire or emarginate or laciniate; coronal scales triangular, paired at base of limb. Stamens 10. Styles 5. Fr. an ovoid or cylindric capsule, dehiscing by 5 entire teeth; carpophore short or long. Seeds reniform, laterally flattened, warty, not winged.
Deciduous, glabrous or glabrate shrub, 0.3-2 m high, generally with some long arching branches; spines scattered, rather soft and flexible. Lvs shortly petiolate, on mature stems, often in fascicles on spineless short spur shoots. Lamina 10-50 × 5-15 mm, oblong, lanceolate, ovate, sub-rhombic or sometimes obovate; base narrowly to broadly cuneate; apex usually acute, less commonly obtuse. Fls usually solitary, less commonly 2-3 together, on short spurs; pedicels 3-12 mm long at flowering. Calyx 2-3 mm long, campanulate; lobes broadly ovate, obtuse or acute. Corolla 10-13 mm long; tube narrow-cylindric; lobes 5-7 mm long, elliptic-ovate, light purple inside; apex rounded. Filaments hairy at base. Fr. (1)-2-3 cm long, ± oblong to ovoid-oblong, red.
Densely branched evergreen shrub, 1-6 m high. Shoots and young lvs with minute glandular scales. Lvs subsessile or shortly petiolate, alternate on young shoots but on mature stems mostly in fascicles on short spurs along the rigid branch spines. Lamina 5-43 × 3-12 mm, oblong, linear-oblong or spathulate; base attenuate; apex rounded-truncate. Fls 1-2-(3) together, on short spurs. Pedicels slender, c. 5 mm long at flowering, to 2 cm long at fruiting. Calyx 4-8 mm long, tubular-campanulate; teeth triangular, obtuse to acute. Corolla 10-13 mm long; tube broad-cylindric; lobes 4-5 mm long, obovate, pale mauve or cream; apex rounded. Filaments hairy at base. Fr. 5-12-(14) mm diam., globular or somewhat obovoid, scarlet.
Shrubs, usually spiny. Lvs deciduous or evergreen, alternate or in fascicles on short spurs, simple, entire, usually glabrous, sessile or shortly petiolate. Fls solitary or few in clusters, axillary. Calyx scarcely accrescent; tube campanulate, regular or ± bilabiate; teeth 3-5, equal or unequal. Corolla funnelform, often cylindric in lower part, sometimes salverform, usually purple to whitish, (4)-5-(7)-lobed. Stamens inserted in throat of corolla, exserted, often with band of hairs near filament base. Stigma shallowly 2-lobed, sometimes capitate. Fr. a berry; seeds few to many, of moderate size.
Glandular viscid, aromatic herb. Stems to c. 1 m long, often lax and semi-trailing. Lvs pinnate, to 30 cm long, but often much less. Leaflets 5-9, usually irregularly dentate, lobulate, sometimes with an additional small separate basal leaflet, sometimes entire except near base, ovate-oblong, densely hairy or villous beneath; base cuneate to truncate, often irregularly so; apex obtuse to acuminate. Calyx lobes 7-10 mm long, linear to narrow-lanceolate, reflexed at fruiting, glandular. Corolla lobes c. 1 cm long, lanceolate-ovate, hairy outside, acuminate. Anther cone c. 8 mm long. Fr. large, usually subglobose and grooved down one side, scarlet, hairy when young.
Unarmed annual herbs with sprawling or decumbent stems, glandular-hairy. Lvs alternate, pinnatifid to pinnate, petiolate. Infl. usually a lf-opposed monochasial cyme with up to c. 15 fls. Calyx 5-toothed to near base, markedly accrescent; lobes reflexed at fruiting. Corolla 5-lobed, rotate, yellow, plicate in bud. Stamens 5, inserted in corolla throat; filaments very short; anthers forming a conspicuous yellow cone around style, dehiscing longitudinally from apex; connective prolonged into a sterile beak. Stigma capitate. Fr. a berry, 2- or more celled. Seeds many, ellipsoid, compressed, of size moderate.
Perennial herb. Stem hairy, to c. 1 m tall. Lvs shortly petiolate or sessile. Lamina 3-8.5 × 1-3 cm, ovate-lanceolate to elliptic, deeply crenate-serrate, hairy at first, becoming glabrous or nearly so; basal area with narrow-oblong or linear-oblong lobes extending to midrib; apex ± acuminate. Upper lvs and bracts smaller, without basal lobes, hairy, especially on veins below. Calyx c. 3 mm long, hairy; teeth > tube, lanceolate-acuminate. Corolla 3.5-4 mm long, white with purple spots on lower lip and in throat. Nutlets 1.2-1.3 mm long, broad-obovoid, glandular and swollen on anterior face, with margin clearly delimited.
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Glabrous, evergreen herb with creeping aerial stems, rooting at nodes. Lvs opposite, shortly petiolate. Lamina 1-2.5 × 1-2.5 cm, orbicular to subreniform, glandular-punctate, entire; base rounded to subcordate; apex rounded or shallowly emarginate. Fls solitary in the axils; bracts 0. Pedicels 1.5-2 cm long, glabrous. Calyx 7-8 mm long, glandular-punctate; lobes ovate or triangular-ovate, cordate at base, short-acuminate at apex. Corolla limb 2-2.5 cm diam., yellow, minutely glandular-ciliate; lobes c. 1.5 cm long, ± obovate, rounded. Stamens 4-5 mm long; filaments united at base, glandular-scaly. Style almost = or slightly > stamens, scarcely glandular-scaly. Capsule not seen.
Perennial, heterostylous herbs or occasionally subshrubs, usually erect, sometimes prostrate. Lvs mostly opposite or whorled, entire. Fls 5-(7)-merous, in axillary or terminal racemes or panicles, or solitary and axillary; pedicels of varying lengths. Calyx divided almost or completely to base; lobe width very variable. Corolla rotate or campanulate; tube very short. Stamens inserted on corolla tube, sometimes unequal, sometimes partly monadelphous; filaments often scaly. Capsule globose or ovoid, 5-(7)-valved. Seeds few to many, rugose.
Summergreen herb; stems erect, ± minutely glandular-hairy, to c. 1 m tall, arising from underground rhizomes. Lvs opposite, shortly petiolate to subsessile. Lamina 4-11 × 1.5-4 cm, lanceolate to ovate or elliptic, glabrous above, minutely glandular-hairy beneath and dotted with black glands, entire; base cuneate to rounded; apex acute. Panicle terminal, many-flowered, glandular-puberulent, with leaflike bracts subtending lower branches; upper bracts subulate to lanceolate. Pedicels often > fls. Calyx 4-5 mm long; lobes lanceolate, acuminate, rounded at base, glandular-ciliate and dark-margined. Corolla limb c. 2 cm diam., yellow, often with pinkish flush towards base, dotted with minute glands; lobes 7-10 mm long, ± elliptic-oblong. Stamens 3-5 mm long; filaments united to c. ⅓ length, densely glandular-scaly. Style > stamens, glabrous. Capsule 3-4.5 mm diam., ± globose. Seed broad-ellipsoid, flattened with thick rounded margin.
Mostly herbs, less commonly shrubs or trees. Lvs usually opposite or whorled, rarely alternate; stipules minute or 0. Fls solitary, in racemes, cymes or panicles, ☿, often heterostylous, usually actinomorphic, rarely zygomorphic; pedicels usually with 2 bracts. Calyx usually 4-6-merous, tubular; lobes valvate and often with appendages between (epicalyx). Corolla usually 4-6-merous, rarely 0, crumpled in bud, inserted towards top of calyx tube. Stamens usually twice as many as petals and inserted below them, sometimes more or numerous. Ovary superior, sessile or short-stalked, (1)-2-6-celled; style simple; stigma usually capitate. Ovules usually numerous on axile placentae; placentae sometimes not meeting top of ovary. Fr. a capsule, sometimes indehiscent. Seed numerous, non-endospermic.
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Mostly annual or perennial herbs, sometimes small shrubs; stems often quadrangular, especially when young. Lvs opposite, sometimes alternate or whorled, entire. Fls (4)-6-(8)-merous, actinomorphic, often di- or tristylous, usually solitary in upper lf axils, sometimes in small whorled cymes which may form terminal spikes; bracteoles 2. Calyx tube straight, usually tubular, occasionally broad-campanulate, not spurred or pouched at base; epicalyx present. Petals 4-6, usually conspicuous, occasionally inconspicuous or 0, clawed, usually purplish, inserted in lower part of calyx tube. Stamens 2-12, sometimes in 2 series of different lengths. Ovary sessile or nearly so, 2-celled; stigma capitate; ovules 2-numerous in each cell. Capsule enclosed by calyx, septicidal with 2 valves or dehiscing irregularly.
Glabrous annual; stems creeping, pinkish, rooting at nodes, often mat-forming. Lvs opposite, shortly petiolate. Lamina 3-12 × 2-8 mm, obovate or suborbicular, entire, somewhat succulent; base attenuate; apex rounded. Fls solitary, ± subsessile, monomorphic. Bracteoles > pedicel. Calyx 1.2-1.5 mm long; tube broad-campanulate; teeth membranous and pinkish except for green margins and mid-vein, acuminate with dark apex; epicalyx segments subulate, green or pink, = or > calyx teeth. Petals 0 (possibly sometimes minute). Stamens 6, always included. Style always very short. Capsule included, c. 2 mm diam., subglobose, membranous, often pinkish. Seed 0.5-0.6 mm long, flat on one face, convex on the other.
Hairy, perennial herb; stems erect, ± quadrangular, 1-2 m tall, pink towards base. Lvs sessile, 20-95 × 5-27 mm (smaller just below infl.), lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate or narrow-elliptic, with short hairs beneath, especially on veins, sometimes becoming glabrous above, entire, ciliolate; base usually rounded to cordate, sometimes amplexicaul; apex usually acute, sometimes subacuminate. Infl. terminal, branched, main axis to nearly 25 cm long, densely hairy. Fls usually dense except on lower branches, usually in whorls of 3-7, sometimes 1-2 in axils of bracts, or to 15 per whorl, tristylous. Pedicels c. 0.5 mm long; bracteoles much > pedicels. Calyx 6-8 mm long, broad-cylindric, often purplish, with prominent ribs, hairy; calyx lobes ± triangular; epicalyx segments 1.5-2.5 mm long, subulate, much > lobes, densely hairy. Petals 6, 9-15 mm long, rose or rosy purple, crumpled; claw short; limb oblong-elliptic or oblong-obovate. Stamens usually 12, usually 6 exserted and 6 included, rarely all exserted. Style to 7 mm long, with stigma at varying levels in different plants. Capsule included, 3-5 mm long, ellipsoid or ovoid-ellipsoid, blackish. Seeds 0.8-1.2 mm long, narrow-ovoid to almost oblong, ± flattened and keeled on one side.
Trees or tall shrubs. Lvs verticillate to subopposite, simple, entire or spiny-serrate. Fls in terminal or axillary racemes, small, ☿, pedicellate; bracts small, caducous. Perianth regular or the tube slightly curved; limb clavate, slit laterally by protruding style, finally splitting into 4 recurved segments. Filaments short, inserted c. middle of perianth segments or a little higher; connective produced into a gland or short appendage. Hypogynous glands broad and truncate or forming a ring or cup around ovary. Ovary sessile, usually with reddish hairs; ovules 2; style long and clavate; stigma small and terminal. Fr. nut-like, globular, partially dehiscent with the epicarp splitting longitudinally; endocarp woody, indehiscent. Seed 1-2, large, wingless.
Small or medium-sized tree, usually with several trunks. Lvs in whorls of (3)-4, subsessile or shortly petiolate. Lamina 12-25 × 3-6.5 cm, narrow-oblong or oblong-obovate, very coriaceous, with undulate, spiny-serrate margins, glabrous except when very young; base ± truncate or broad-cuneate; apex acute or mucronate. Racemes ± = lvs, pendulous, composed of many small fragrant white fls. Peduncle and pedicels densely clothed in rufous hairs; fls in fascicles of 2-4. Perianth 8-10 mm long, rather densely clothed in appressed hairs outside. Anthers 1.7-1.8 mm long, > free portion of filament. Ovary and style densely clothed in rufous hairs. Fr. 2.5-3.5 cm diam., globose, apiculate; endocarp shining brown, thick. Seed large.
Dioecious, usually spinous trees, shrubs or climbers. Lvs alternate, entire or toothed; venation pinnate. Stipules caducous, leaving little or no scar. Infls axillary; ♂ infl. paniculate, spicate or capitate; ♀ infl. capitate or shortly spicate; ♀ fls sessile. Calyx of ♂ fls 4-partite and segments free; stamens 4, inflexed or straight in bud. Calyx of ♀ fls deeply 4-lobed or 4-partite and segments free; ovules pendulous; fruiting calyx enlarged, fleshy, closely united into a large globose syncarp. Achenes hidden within calyx; endosperm 0.
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Annual or occasionally perennial herbs. Lvs opposite at least below, often alternate above, simple, usually entire, sometimes denticulate at base. Capitula subsessile or pedunculate, in loose to congested corymbs or racemes. Involucral bracts in 1 row, foliaceous. Receptacle flat or convex, with a single ring of scales between ray and disc florets and these often united, otherwise glabrous or hairy. Outer florets ♀, ligulate, usually yellow. Inner florets ☿ or functionally ♂, tubular. Achenes all similar, usually laterally compressed, narrowed to base, ± 3-angled and sometimes ribbed; pappus usually 0, sometimes a small corona or of scales.
Erect, aromatic annual, c. 20-200 cm high. Stems branched above to form infl., moderately to densely clothed in long eglandular and short-stalked glandular hairs especially above, usually becoming almost glabrous toward base. Lower and mid cauline lvs moderately to densely hairy and glandular, alternate except at very base of stem, apetiolate, linear to lanceolate, broad and entire at base, (15)-60-150 × (2)-5-10 mm. Upper cauline lvs similar to lower but becoming smaller, narrowly ovate-triangular and generally more viscid, not usually exceeding capitula at least in upper part of infl. Capitula in loose racemes or corymbs, only appearing clustered when in bud, (10)-15-20 mm diam. Involucral bracts 5-15, 6-9 mm long, clothed in conspicuous stalked glandular hairs and usually shorter eglandular hairs, enclosing ray achenes. Receptacle glabrous; scales hairy toward apex, partly united. Ray florets 5-11; ligules deeply 3-fid, golden but fading when dryed. Disc florets mostly fertile, 5-many, golden. Achenes laterally compressed, often with a rib on lateral faces, glabrous, light to dark brown and often speckled, 3.5-4.5 mm long; pappus 0.
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Glabrous evergreen shrubs, occasionally tree-like; wood yellow. Lvs never modified to form spines, imparipinnate, rarely 3-foliolate; leaflets usually with spiny margins. Fls usually numerous in racemes and panicles arising fasciculately from the axils of bud scales. Perianth yellow; segments 15, sometimes the outer 3 bract-like. Stamens 6. Ovary with few ovules; style 0 or short. Berry black, usually with glaucous bloom.
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Deciduous or rarely semi-evergreen, shrubs or trees, not armed or rarely spiny; stems spreading to erect, sometimes suckering, often tomentose when young. Lvs distributed along long shoots or in fascicles on short shoots, sometimes present on older stems, simple or sometimes lobed, usually crenate or serrate; stipules usually small and free, deciduous, confined to long shoots. Fls in small umbel-like clusters, usually on short shoots, 5-merous, ☿, pedicellate, often showy. Hypanthium tubular, closed at apex. Epicalyx 0. Calyx of sepals connate below; lobes short, usually persistent. Petals 5, suborbicular to ovate, spreading, white, pale pink to deep red. Stamens 15-50. Ovary inferior; carpels 3-5; styles usually 5, connate at base; ovules 2 or more per carpel. Fr. a pome, ovoid, ovoid-oblong, subglobose to globose, often large and very fleshy, usually lacking stone cells; flesh often sweet; skin green, yellow or red, sometimes streaked; carpel walls papery; seeds several.
Annual or perennial herbs. Lvs toothed, lobed or deeply dissected. Fls usually solitary and axillary or in axillary clusters, rarely in terminal racemes; epicalyx segments (2)-3, free ± to base; calyx evenly 5-toothed; petals spreading, emarginate or deeply notched. Style branches as many as loculi, filiform. Fr. of numerous 1-seeded, indehiscent, awnless mericarps arranged in a single flat whorl round short conic apex of receptacle.
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Annual or short-lived perennial, procumbent, ascending or erect herb. Stems sparsely to moderately hairy with usually simple hairs. Lvs glabrous to sparsely hairy with usually simple hairs and rarely stellate hairs above, sparsely to moderately hairy below, reniform to orbicular, obtuse to cordate at base, shallowly or moderately 5-7-palmately lobed and crenate, 1-10-(15) cm diam.; petioles 1-20-(30) cm long; stipules broadly ovate with acute apex, 2-8 mm long. Fls in axillary clusters of (1)-2-6; fruiting pedicels 2-10-(15) mm long; epicalyx segments narrowly ovate-oblong to broadly ovate, ± = calyx at flowering; calyx teeth broadly ovate-triangular, sparsely hairy with simple or stellate hairs and ciliate on teeth but lower tube ± glabrous, slightly enlarged at fruiting; petals pale lilac or pink with darker veins and tips, about 2× length of calyx, 6-10 mm long. Mericarps 8-9-(10) per fr., often hairy when immature but usually becoming glabrous, strongly reticulately veined on back; edges sharply angled but not winged.
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Herbs, shrubs or trees, with mucilaginous juice, often with stellate hairs. Lvs alternate, usually simple, entire or palmately lobed, divided or toothed, stipulate. Fls usually ☿, rarely unisexual, regular, in axillary or terminal fascicles, cymes, spikes, racemes, or panicles, or axillary and solitary. Calyx usually 5-, rarely 3-merous, variously united, sometimes subtended by a whorl of free or united bracts (epicalyx). Petals 5, free. Stamens numerous; filaments united into a staminal column; anthers 1-locular by division. Ovary (1)-2-many-, often 5-locular; style branches as many as or twice ovules; ovules 1 or more per loculus, erect or pendulous. Fr. usually dry (rarely fleshy), capsular or schizocarpic, dehiscent or not, and separating or remaining attached to axis.
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Shrubs. Lvs toothed or lobed. Fls axillary and solitary or fascicled, or in terminal racemes or heads; epicalyx segments 6-16, united at least in part; calyx 5-toothed; petals ± closed. Style branches twice as many as loculi, clavate. Fr. of 5, indehiscent mericarps enclosed in a fleshy envelope.
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Mostly aquatic ferns. Rhizomes long-creeping, rooting at nodes. Lvs arising at nodes, with long stalks terminating in 4 obtriangular or flabellate segments, glabrous or hairy; veins anastomosing. Sori containing both micro-and megasporangia, protected by indusia, and contained within hard sporocarps attached near the base of the lvs. Spores trilete.
Aquatic fern. Rhizomes submerged, long-creeping, rooting at nodes. Lvs solitary at each node, glabrous; stalks to 25 cm long, each terminating in 4 flabellate segments; each segment rounded on outer margin, to 2-3 × 2-3 cm, green, sometimes with a horizontal brown band in the cente. Sporocarps 3-5 mm long, hairy or becoming glabrous, solitary or in groups of 2-4, on branched stalks to 2 cm long.
Mostly aquatic ferns with creeping, branching rhizomes. Lvs arising at nodes, linear or with 2-4 ± obtriangular segments terminating a long stalk. Sporangia aggregated into sori, each containing both micro- and megasporangia, protected by indusia, and all enclosed in a hard sporocarp (modified lamina); annulus 0. Heterosporus, producing 1 megaspore per megasporangium and many microspores per microsporangium; spores lacking chlorophyll.
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Annual herbs. Lvs 2-3-pinnatisect, alternate. Capitula in corymbs or often solitary, terminal, pedunculate; involucral bracts in 2-3 rows, with membranous margins. Receptacle conic; scales 0. Outer florets ♀ and ligulate, or ☿ and tubular; ligules white; inner florets ☿, tubular. Achenes usually all similar, terete, mucilaginous when wet; ribs 3-10, strongly developed on inner surface; pappus a small corona or 0.
Perennial. Stems hairy, branched, stout, erect, woody, to 80 cm tall, bearing conspicuous lf base scars below. Lvs tufted at branch tips, lanceolate, obtuse, entire, sinuate or shallowly pinnatifid, densely tomentose, glaucous, cuneate at base, (3)-8-15-(30) × (0.5)-1-2-(4) cm. Racemes 15-20-(30) cm long; pedicels erecto-patent, 1-2 cm long. Fls fragrant, opening by day. Sepals densely hairy, 9-13 × 1.5-2.5 mm. Petals pink to purple, 18-25 × 5-10 mm. Silique flattened, 50-120 × 3-5 mm; stigma lobes 1.5-2 mm long, dorsally swollen but not horned; valves densely hairy. Seeds circular, brown, flattened, broadly winged, 2-3 mm diam.
Annual or perennial taprooted herbs, often woody below. Hairs dense, branched. Stems decumbent to erect, leafy above. Lvs entire to sinuate to pinnatifid, usually narrow. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals erect, the inner usually saccate. Petals purple, pink or white. Stamens 6; filaments of inner stamens branched. Lateral nectaries 4, paired at bases of lateral stamens; median nectaries 0. Stigma sessile, of 2 erect lobes with dorsal swellings or horn-like processes. Silique linear, cylindric or flattened, dehiscent; valves conspicuously 1-veined; beak 0. Seeds circular, compressed, winged or not, in 1 row per locule.
Maytenus boaria Molina, maiten, may form thickets by suckering from planted trees and has been collected twice, from a footpath and gutter in Christchurch and from a single thicket growing amongst indigenous trees at Church Bay, Banks Peninsula. An evergreen, glabrous tree up to 4 m (to 25 m in cultivation); lvs alternate, narrow-elliptic, ± apetiolate, serrulate, 15-50 mm long; fls small, greenish, 5-merous, in axillary fascicles; capsule 1-3-celled, 1-2-seeded, c. 4-5 mm diam.; aril red or orange-red. (Temperate S. America, 1988).
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Annual to perennial, procumbent to erect herbs or shrubs. Lvs pinnately 3-foliolate; principal lateral veins thin and straight, terminating at leaflet margin often in a tooth; stipules adnate to petiole. Infl. axillary, racemose, sometimes forming dense heads, few- to many-flowered; bracts present subtending fls. Calyx teeth 5, ± equal. Corolla deciduous after flowering. Vexillary stamen free, the others connate; anthers uniform. Style glabrous; stigma subcapitate. Pod 2-valved, falcate or spirally coiled, scarcely dehiscent, spinous or not armed, few- to many-seeded, rarely 1-2-seeded; seeds estrophiolate, smooth and rounded in N.Z. spp.
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Erect biennial or perennial. Stems up to 2 m high and 4 cm diam., woody and leafless in lower parts with distinct lf scars, with pith in centre and hollow in parts. Stem lvs with fine hairs on rachis and midribs, otherwise glabrous, 2-3-pinnate (seedling lvs 1-pinnate); ultimate segments ovate to lanceolate, pinnatisect or not lobed, serrate, 15-20 mm long, shortly petiolulate or sessile; lvs of infl.-branches much reduced; petiole sparsely to moderately hairy, striate. Umbels up to 20 cm diam.; rays numerous; bracts 10-12, narrowly ovate-lanceolate, sometimes serrate, up to 5 cm long; bracteoles 7-12, lanceolate. Fls numerous, white to purplish. Fr. dark brown, sparsely hairy, 12-18 mm long.
Monocarpic biennials or perennials, usually hairy; stems woody. Lvs 2-3-pinnate; segments broad. Umbels compound, pedunculate; bracts and bracteoles numerous, entire. Petals white to purplish, ± regular, with apex entire, acuminate, inflexed; calyx teeth small. Fr. oblong to ovoid, flattened dorsally, not beaked, spineless, but often pubescent; commissure broad; ribs 5 per mericarp, the dorsal slender, the lateral with a thin denticulate wing; lateral wings of opposing mericarps not appressed; vittae several in furrows.
Herbs, shrubs or trees, occasionally climbers. Lvs simple, usually opposite and decussate, rarely whorled, characteristically with 3-7 strong longitudinal veins and horizontal transverse veins between; stipules 0. Infl. of various forms of cyme, sometimes fls solitary. Fls ☿, with perianth (but not stamens and style) actinomorphic, often large and conspicuous, with an urn-shaped calyx tube (hypanthium) bearing sepals, petals and stamens. Calyx free or adnate to ovary; lobes usually 4-5, usually imbricate, rarely valvate. Petals usually 4-5, imbricate, usually free, rarely united at base. Stamens usually twice, sometimes as many as petals, equal or unequal; filaments free, often geniculate and inflexed; anthers basifixed, usually opening by a single pore; connective thickened, often with basal elongated appendages. Ovary usually inferior, (1)-4-5-(many)-locular. Ovules numerous; placentae usually axile, rarely basal or parietal; style and stigma 1. Fr. a berry or capsule. Seeds numerous, usually minute, non-endospermic.
Subshrubs, shrubs or small trees. Lvs alternate, pinnately compound with intrapetiolar, often large, stipules. Infl. racemose. Fls usually ☿, rarely unisexual, zygomorphic. Calyx (4)-5-lobed; segments unequal, imbricate. Petals (4)-5, free, unequal, clawed. Disc not forming a complete ring, lining inside of calyx. Stamens 4-(6), inserted within disc, free or connate, declinate; anthers 2-locular. Ovary 4-5-celled, superior; style 1. Placentation axillary with ovules 1-4 in each cell. Fr. a papery, leathery or woody capsule, with loculicidal dehiscence by 4-5 valves or confined to apex. Seed endospermic.
Subshrubs or shrubs, often unpleasantly scented. Lvs imparipinnate, with rachis often winged; leaflets opposite, asymmetric, toothed. Racemes axillary or terminal, sometimes very short and few-flowered; fls usually conspicuous. Calyx 5-lobed, very unequal. Petals with spathulate limb. Disc large, variously adnate to sepals. Stamens 4, didynamous; filaments orange-red, free. Ovary 4-celled, lobed; ovules 2-4 in each loculus; style persistent. Capsule papery to woody, 4-lobed or 4-winged. Seeds black, shiny.
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Erect or ascending annual up to 0.6 m high; stems ± glabrous or sparsely hairy in upper parts. Lvs usually ± glabrous, sometimes sparsely or moderately hairy particularly when young; petioles c. 5-25 mm long; leaflets elliptic to obovate, usually obtuse, sometimes slightly emarginate or acute, usually shortly mucronate, obtuse to cuneate at base, serrate, c. 6-25 mm long; stipules lanceolate, entire or obscurely dentate at base. Racemes slender, dense at flowering and sometimes at fruiting but often elongated up to 12 cm at fruiting; fls (10)-numerous. Peduncles usually > petioles. Calyx ± glabrous or sparsely hairy; calyx teeth > tube, subulate. Corolla yellow, becoming white with age, 2-3 mm long; wings ± = keel. Pod glabrous, reticulately veined, 2-3-(4) mm long, 1-2-seeded; seeds light brown, 1.5-2 mm long.
Annual, biennial or short-lived perennial, procumbent to erect herbs. Lvs pinnately 3-foliolate; principal lateral veins thin and straight, terminating at leaflet margin often in a tooth; stipules adnate to petiole. Infl. axillary, racemose, slender and often lax, few- to many-flowered; bracts present subtending fls, or 0. Calyx teeth 5, subequal, the upper longer. Corolla deciduous after flowering. Vexillary filament free or connate to the middle with the others; anthers uniform. Style glabrous; stigma terminal. Pod indehiscent or tardily 2-valved, ± straight, subglobose or ovoid, not armed, 1-2-seeded, rarely more; seeds estrophiolate, smooth and round in N.Z. spp.
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Perennial herbs; rhizomes short. Lvs simple, toothed. Verticels in axillary whorls, few- to many-flowered, in axils of leaflike bracts. Bracteoles linear, ovate or obovate. Calyx ± campanulate, 13-nerved, not gibbous at base, 2-lipped; upper lip flattened, 3-toothed; lower lip 2-toothed. Corolla 2-lipped; tube > calyx, curved upwards and widening above middle, lacking a ring of hairs; upper lip erect or sometimes deflexed, emarginate; lower lip spreading, 3-lobed. Stamens included, convergent below upper lip; anther cells divergent. Style gynobasic, its branches subequal. Nutlets narrow-obovoid, smooth.
Rhizomatous, lemon-scented herb with branched puberulent stems ascending to c. 60 cm. Lvs and bracts petiolate. Lamina 2-8.5 × 1-7 cm, elliptic to broad-ovate, hairy, sometimes only sparsely hairy above, prominently crenate-serrate; base ± truncate in larger lower lvs, cuneate in upper smaller lvs and bracts. Verticels generally 3-10-flowered. Calyx c. 8 mm long; nerves prominent, with long, white, pilose hairs; upper teeth broad-triangular, aristate; lower narrow-triangular, aristate. Corolla 12-15 mm long, white; lobes hairy outside. Nutlets 1.7-2 mm long, almost black.
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Lvs on flowering shoots broad-ovate or sometimes broadly oblong-ovate, lemon-scented when bruised; infl. subglobose or at least head-like, sometimes interrupted with lowest verticels discrete.
Lvs on flowering shoots elliptic-lanceolate or narrow-elliptic, sometimes elliptic, smelling of peppermint when bruised; infl. oblong or broad-oblong, nearly always longer than wide, rarely interrupted.
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Stems glabrous or sparsely hairy. Lvs with hairs confined to veins on lower surface; lamina rounded to cordate at base. Infl. glabrous or sparsely hairy; spikes slender or fairly stout, often interrupted, especially in lower part. Corolla almost glabrous outside. Nutlets present or 0.
Stems grey-villous. Lvs mostly grey-villous, but upper surfaces of mature lvs merely densely hairy; lamina cuneate or rounded at base. Infl. grey-villous; spikes narrow, usually interrupted in lower part. Corolla hairy outside. Nutlets present.
Rhizomatous, densely hairy perennial with erect, branched stems to c. 70 cm tall. Lvs sessile or nearly so, smaller below infl., 1.5-4.5 × 0.8-3 cm, broad, usually elliptic, sometimes ovate or oblong-ovate, rugose, crenulate or crenulate-serrate, often grey-tomentose at least below, with oil globules below; base cordate or subcordate and often ± amplexicaul. Infl. of several narrow elongated terminal spikes, densely hairy, freely branching at base; central spike to c. 8 cm long, the others shorter; fls pedicellate. Calyx 1.5-2.5 mm long, broad-campanulate, ± green, glandular, hairy; teeth equal, acuminate, = tube at anthesis. Corolla 3-3.5 mm long, pale pink or whitish; lobes ± hairy; tube exserted. Stamens exserted or included. Nutlets c. 0.8 mm long, ovoid, bluntly angled, reticulate.
Aquatic or subaquatic perennial herbs with stems free-floating or rooted in the ground. Lvs usually alternate, sometimes opposite on flowering shoots; petiole sheathing at base. Infl. a fascicle, involucrate head, or simple paniculate cyme. Fls ☿, actinomorphic, 5-merous. Calyx deeply 5-lobed. Corolla 5-lobed, usually deeply so; lobes ± valvate in bud, with margins wing-like, and sometimes fimbriate or crested. Stamens 5, inserted on the sinuses between the corolla lobes or on the corolla tube; anthers sagittate, versatile. Ovary superior or semi-inferior, 1-locular, with 2 parietal placentae; style 1, 2-fid. Ovules few to numerous. Fr. capsular or indehiscent. Seeds endospermic, sometimes winged.
Bottom-rooting, rhizomatous, aquatic or subaquatic herbs. Lvs alternate, 3-foliolate, entire, ± obovate; basal lvs not in rosettes; petioles easily distinguishable from stem. Fls in racemes produced on a leafless, emergent scape, on short pedicels, not ephemeral. Corolla white, prominently fimbriate. Stamens almost = corolla tube, inserted near its base. Ovary superior; style exserted. Capsule 2-valved.
Glabrous herb with stout rhizome. Petiole to c. 40 cm long in water, 5-10 cm long in drier situations; sheaths purplish. Leaflets subsessile, 5-13 × 2.5-9 cm, obovate or elliptic-obovate (lateral leaflets somewhat asymmetric); base cuneate; apex rounded or obtuse. Scape c. 20-25 cm long, 10-20-flowered. Pedicels > calyx. Calyx lobed nearly to base, c. 4 mm long; lobes narrow-triangular, obtuse. Corolla 12-14 mm long, white with pinkish flush on reverse; lobes > tube, lanceolate, reflexed, with fimbriate crest 1-3 mm long. Style 10-12 mm long; stigmatic lobes broad, appressed. Ovules 15-25. Capsule ovoid. Seed not seen in N.Z., flattened and disc-like.
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Herbs or small shrubs, usually dioecious; sap watery. Lvs stipulate, opposite, entire, serrate or crenate. ♂ fls: in clusters on long axillary spikes; perianth segments 3; stamens 8-15. ♀ fls: solitary or in clusters, axillary; perianth segments 3; ovary 2-celled with a single ovule in each cell; styles 2. Fr. a 2-celled capsule separating at maturity from the persistent axis; seed smooth or variously sculptured.
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Annual or perennial herbs or small shrubs, often glandular-hairy, sometimes glabrous. Lvs opposite, entire or toothed. Fls usually solitary, axillary, occasionally in terminal racemes. Calyx tubular, 5-angled and equally or unequally 5-toothed or 5-lobed. Corolla somewhat irregular to strongly 2-lipped; tube cylindric to funnelform; upper lip 2-lobed, reflexed or erect; lower lip of 3 spreading lobes; throat open or closed by a pouch. Stamens 4, included. Fr. a loculicidal capsule dehiscing on 1 or both sides. Seeds numerous, patterned, very small; wing 0.
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Annual to perennial herbs. Hairs glandular and/or eglandular, or 0. Lvs opposite, exstipulate, entire, narrow-lanceolate to linear-subulate. Infl. cymose, (1)-few- to many-flowered; bracts and sepals usually with scarious margins; epicalyx 0. Sepals 5, free. Petals 5, white, entire or slightly emarginate; coronal scales 0. Stamens 10 or fewer. Styles 3-(5). Fr. an oblong or narrowly ovoid capsule, often included in calyx, dehiscing by as many entire obtuse teeth as the styles; carpophore 0. Seeds (1)-many, smooth, tuberculate or fimbriate, not winged.
Perennial, with thick, blackish, tuberous roots. Shoots and lvs puberulent when young, later glabrous or nearly so. Stems swollen at nodes, branched. Petioles usually 1-4 cm long. Lamina 3.5-15 × 3-7 cm (largest in lower lvs), ovate or oblong-ovate, entire; undersurface with numerous rod-like cystoliths; base truncate to broadly cordate; apex acute to acuminate. Upper lvs smaller with shorter petioles. Fls in terminal cymes, fragrant. Involucre calyx-like, 9-15 mm long, hairy, strongly lobed, each containing 1 fl. Calyx 4-4.5 × 3.5-4.5 cm across limb, yellow, magenta or streaked or with sectors of either colour in the same fl., salverform, soon withering; tube c. 3 cm long. Stamens and style exserted. Anthocarp c. 8 mm long, ovoid to ellipsoid, hairy, black or almost so.
Herbs with roots often thickened and tuberous, not spiny. Stems ± swollen at nodes. Lvs opposite, petiolate or sessile. Fls ☿, 1-many in ± dense corymbose cymes with very short pedicels; bracts united into a 4-5-lobed calyx-like involucre, sometimes enlarged at fruiting. Perianth most colours except blue; tube elongated, constricted just above ovary; limb spreading, salverform to campanulate. Stamens 3-5-(8), free or connate at base, unequal, = perianth or exserted. Ovary subsessile; style long, filiform; stigma capitate or very shortly lobed, exserted. Anthocarp terete to 5-angled, hard, not viscid, adherent to testa of seed and ± invested in persistent bracts.
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Procumbent herb. Lvs variously palmately divided. Epicalyx segments 3, free to base; calyx evenly 5-toothed; petals spreading, obtuse. Style-branches as many as loculi, filiform. Fr. of numerous, 2-3-seeded, awned cells arranged in a single flat whorl, dehiscent and separating from central axis.
Glabrous annual rosette herbs. Lvs opposite, exstipulate, linear to oblong-lanceolate. Infl. a few-flowered long-pedicellate cyme, or fls solitary; bracts leaflike; epicalyx 0. Sepals 4-5, free. Petals 4-5, white, entire or emarginate; coronal scales 0. Stamens 4-10. Styles (3)-4-(5). Fr. a narrow-ovoid or cylindric capsule, dehiscing by twice as many teeth as the styles; carpophore 0. Seeds many, reniform, papillate, not winged.
Glabrous herb. Stems (1)-3-many, ascending to erect, (5)-8-15 cm tall. Lvs linear-lanceolate, acute, glaucous, 10-25 × 1.5-3 mm; stem lvs distant, opposite. Bracts similar to lvs, smaller. Pedicels erect, 1-2 cm long at flowering, 2.5-6 cm long at fruiting. Sepals 4, narrow-lanceolate, acute, 5-7 × 1-2 mm; margin scarious. Petals 4, white, entire, c. ⅔ length of sepals. Stamens 4, 2 mm long. Styles 4, 0.5 mm long, recurved. Capsule cylindric, 5-7 mm long, dehiscing by 8 erect teeth. Seeds pale brown, 0.5 mm long.
Annual or perennial. Stems slender, weak, decumbent, not rooting at nodes, (1)-5-50 cm long. Lvs opposite, spreading, linear-oblanceolate to obovate-spathulate, acute, (5)-10-20-(25) × (1)-2-5 mm, cuneately narrowed to slightly sheathing base. Fls axillary, solitary or in 2-3-(5)-flowered cymes. Bracts obovate-subulate, scarious, 1-2 mm long. Sepals suborbicular, 1.5-2 mm long. Petals greenish white, obovate, 2-3 mm long. Anthers introrse, white. Capsule globose, slightly > calyx. Seeds 3, ovoid, black with white aril, either smooth and shiny or tuberculate and dull, 0.9-1.4 mm long.
Annual to perennial; stems trailing to suberect, up to 50 cm long in water. Fls usually solitary. Seeds shiny, smooth.
Usually annual; stems usually suberect or erect, (1)-2-6-(10) cm tall. Fls usually few in terminal cymes. Seeds dull, tuberculate all over.
Glabrous annual to perennial herbs; rosette usually 0. Stems branching, prostrate to ascending, vegetative and reproductive. Lvs many, decussate. Infl. terminal, often overtopped by vegetative shoot and apparently axillary, racemose, cymose, or reduced to a solitary bracteate fl. Sepals persistent. Petals 5, united at base into a short cleft tube. Stamens 3. Ovary superior, of 3 fused carpels; style branches 3. Ovules 3. Capsule 1-locular, dehiscent by 3 valves. Seeds 3.
Trees, shrubs, climbers or rarely herbs, generally with milky latex. Lvs usually alternate, rarely opposite, pinnate, palmate, deeply incised or simple, stipulate. Infls axillary, racemose, paniculate, spicate, capitate or urceolate. Fls unisexual, apetalous. Perianth segments 0-8, usually 4, free or gamophyllous, imbricate or valvate, persistent. Stamens as many as perianth segments or reduced to 1, 2 or 3, erect or inflexed in bud; anthers 2-celled; rudimentary ovary present or 0. Ovary superior, inferior, or sometimes immersed in sockets in the infl.-axis, 1-(2)-locular; styles 2, or 1 with 2 arms, or 1 with 1 arm; ovule 1, anatropous or campylotropous. Frs drupaceous, discrete or ± connate into large fleshy syncarps; embryos various, curved or straight.
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Glabrous perennial. Stem usually single, erect, not branched or branching above, finely grooved, (20)-50-100 cm tall. Rosette and lower stem lvs petiolate, 7-20 × 3-10 cm, lyrate-pinnatifid with a large triangular or reniform ternatifid coarsely toothed terminal lobe and 1-3 pairs of small ovate-hastate coarsely toothed lateral lobes; hydathodes prominent at tips of teeth; lamina thin, bright green above, pale and glaucous beneath. Upper lvs similar, with petiole becoming broadly winged and amplexicaul-auriculate at base; uppermost lvs not divided, linear to oblong, amplexicaul. Infl. diffusely paniculate. Capitula numerous, narrowly cylindric. Outer involucral bracts 2-4, very short, ovate to lanceolate, 1/10-? length of inner bracts. Inner involucral bracts linear, strictly erect, often purplish, 5-7 mm long; margins scarious. Receptacle areoles with raised glabrous margins. Florets 11/2× length of involucre; corolla pale yellow. Achenes usually 5 or fewer, dark brown to black, 10-ribbed, fusiform, flattened, very finely scabrid, shortly beaked, 3-4.5 mm long. Pappus bristles in 2 ± unequal rows, fine, white.
Shrubs or small to medium-sized trees. Lvs exstipulate, simple, usually alternate. Fls axillary, ebracteate, solitary or in cymose clusters, ☿, zygomorphic. Calyx usually 5-lobed, accrescent. Corolla 4-5-lobed; lobes imbricate, almost equal or forming 2 lips; upper lip or lobes exterior to lower in bud. Stamens usually 4, inserted on corolla tube at base of lobes; staminode sometimes present. Anthers 2-celled; cells often divergent. Ovary superior, with 2-(5) carpels; carpels often becoming 2-locular. Ovules 1-8 per loculus, anatropous. Style simple. Fr. usually a drupe, sometimes baccate, sometimes almost dry; endocarp bony. Seeds with little endosperm; embryo straight.
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Large shrub or small tree with numerous branches from base, generally with dense bushy habit. Bark smooth. Lf buds green and ± viscid when fresh, often drying black. Petiole c. 1 cm long, scarcely distinct from attenuate base of lamina. Lamina 4-12 × 1.25-3 cm, elliptic or narrowly elliptic, thick and semi-succulent, finely dotted with pellucid glands, mostly serrulate in the upper 1/2, occasionally entire or, especially in juvenile lvs, more extensively serrulate or serrate; apex mostly acute. Fls 1-few; pedicels c. 5 mm long at anthesis. Calyx c. 3 mm long, lobed nearly to base; lobes lanceolate-acuminate. Corolla 7-8 mm diam.; lobes > tube, rounded, white with fine purple dots, white-bearded inside towards base. Style hairy. Drupe c. 6 mm diam., broad-oblong or broad-ovoid (almost as wide as long), shining deep purple.
Low shrub to slender tree to c. 13 m high, with rough and furrowed bark, of rather open habit. Buds usually purplish black, sometimes green, viscid. Petiole to c. 1.5 cm long, usually less on adult shoots, scarcely distinct from the attenuate lamina base. Lamina 3.5-9-(11) × 0.7-3-(4) cm (to 16 × 5 cm on juvenile shoots), usually narrowly elliptic or narrowly lanceolate-elliptic, sometimes elliptic or elliptic-obovate, membranous to semi-succulent, punctate but glands scarcely visible except in some juvenile lvs, usually serrulate, very rarely entire (serrate in some juvenile lvs); apex ± acuminate. Fls (1)-2-5; pedicels 1-1.4 cm long at anthesis. Calyx lobed to near base; lobes 2.7-3.5 mm long, narrow-triangular to narrow-lanceolate, acuminate. Corolla 1.1-1.5 cm diam., white, purple-dotted and white-bearded inside, glandular-punctate; lobes almost = tube. Style hairy. Drupe 5-8-(10) mm long, oblong to ovoid, usually mauve, occasionally white.
Tree to c. 12 m high with rough furrowed bark, much less commonly a shrub, generally of open habit with foliage towards end of branches. Lf buds black or greenish black, rarely green, viscid, drying black. Petiole c. 1-1.5 cm long, scarcely distinct from attenuate base of lamina. Lamina 4-14 × 1-5-(6) cm, narrow- to broad-elliptic or obovate, often thick and almost fleshy, nearly always prominently dotted with pellucid glands, usually serrate to serrulate in upper 1/2, sometimes entire; apex mucronate, acute or short-acuminate. Juvenile lvs completely serrate. Fls (1)-2-6; pedicels c. 10 mm long at anthesis. Calyx 2-3 mm long, divided almost to base; lobes lanceolate to ovate, acute to acuminate. Corolla 10-15 mm diam.; lobes > tube, white with purple dots and white-bearded inside. Style sparsely hairy. Drupe 5-10 mm long, narrow- to broad-ovoid or oblong, mauve to purple or reddish purple, occasionally white.
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Rootstock stout with 1 or several rosettes. Lvs narrow, silvery all over with stiff, straight, closely appressed, strongly overlapping hairs. Lateral branches few, erect, internodes = or > lvs. Cymes ebracteate; some internodes between frs > calyx. Corolla yellow, c. 5 mm diam.; anther tips barely above scales.
Rosette lvs linear-spathulate; hairs rather coarse and close, fewer abaxially. Stem lvs similar, > internodes. Cymes ebracteate, many-flowered, compact. Calyx hairs short and long, some hooked. Corolla white, c. 7 mm diam.; tube > lobes; filaments c. = exserted anthers.
Rosette lvs obovate; hairs crowded, long, soft, silky, few and caducous abaxially. Stem lvs > internodes. Cymes few-flowered, bracteate except at extreme tip; internodes short. Calyx hairs very long and soft. Corolla blue or occasionally white, 2-3 mm diam.; tube little > lobes; anthers wholly included.
Rosette lvs linear-spathulate to oblanceolate; hairs uniformly stiff, straight, appressed, completely hiding epidermis. Lateral branches erect; stem lvs narrow-oblong, 0 below cyme. Cymes ebracteate, many-flowered, compact. Calyx hairs short, stiff, silvery, with some longer and hooked. Corolla yellow, greenish to almost black, to 10 mm diam.; tube narrow-funnelform, much > lobes; filaments broad, c. 2 mm long, = anthers.
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Rosette usually single; lf lamina c. = petiole; hairs spreading and uniform, often hooked, fine, crowded, abaxially sparser, retrorse. Lateral branches to 30 cm long, ascending; internodes usually = or > lvs. Cymes mostly ebracteate; internodes between frs > calyx; pedicels short. Calyx hairs mostly short but some longer and/or hooked. Corolla white or yellow; tube = or > calyx; filaments very short; anther tips barely reaching scales.
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Loose cushion to 3 cm tall, rooting from some nodes; stems leafy throughout. Lf lamina elliptic, c. = petiole; hairs rather stiff, closely appressed, sparser abaxially, long and fringing on petiole. Lvs on fl. stems sessile, closely hairy on both surfaces. Cyme simple; fls 2-4, each with a bract. Calyx hairs uniform, closely appressed. Corolla white, 7-8 mm diam.; tube cylindric, > lobes; filaments short; anther tips just projecting above large scales.
Patch-forming mat plant. Rosette lvs 2-3 cm long, lanceolate; hairs closely appressed, ± overlapping, straight, longer and shorter intermingled, abaxially fewer and more even. Lateral branches decumbent; lvs > internodes, oblong, with hairs similar. Cymes usually simple, bracteate; internodes short. Calyx hairs mixed long and short, closely appressed. Corolla white, c. 8 mm diam.; tube cylindric; lobes flat; filaments short; anther tips protruding.
Rosette lvs narrowly elliptic-spathulate; hairs finely silky, appressed, ± overlapping, abaxially regularly retrorse. Lateral branches ascending; stem lvs > lower internodes. Cymes ebracteate, usually branched, many-flowered, compact. Calyx narrow; lobes c. 1/2 length. Fls scented. Corolla yellow, to 12 mm diam.; tube cylindric to above calyx; filaments long and conspicuous.
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Plants tall, slender. Rosette lvs obovate- to linear-spathulate; hairs flexuous, scarcely overlapping, abaxially fewer, retrorse. Lateral branches erect, to 20 cm long. Stem lvs > or = internodes; uppermost narrow, fringed with hairs. Cymes ebracteate, little branched. Calyx long; hairs of several lengths. Fls scented. Corolla usually white, rarely blue, to 10 mm diam.; tube slightly flaring; anther tips just emerging.
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Compact rounded cushion to 5 cm tall; rootlets at some nodes. Lvs imbricate to patent, very broadly spathulate; hairs short, stiff, ± appressed on both surfaces of young lvs, caducous. Fl. solitary, terminal. Calyx hairs sparse, appressed. Corolla white, c. 5 mm diam.; tube ± cylindric; filaments short; anthers small, greater part above scale.
Rosette loose; lvs spathulate; hairs short, stiff, straight, closely appressed, barely overlapping. Lateral branches ascending; internodes c. = lvs. Cymes ebracteate, usually simple; lower fls distant. Corolla pale yellow to white, c. 10 mm diam.; tube narrow-funnelform; anthers below scales.
Annual, biennial or perennial, ± hairy herbs. Habit from cushion form to erect or sprawling. Infl. usually cymose, ebracteate or bracteate, often enlarged at fruiting. Calyx 5-toothed, often accrescent. Corolla ± rotate; tube short, infolded to form 5 scales at throat; limb of 5 equal lobes, patent or concave, contorted in bud, blue, purple, white, yellow, brown or orange. Stamens with anthers either partly below scales (sect. ) or wholly above them (sect. ). Ovary 4-celled; style slender. Nutlets 4, ovoid, brown or black, smooth and glossy, often with a distinct rim.
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Rosette loose; lvs ± elliptic; hairs short, fine, appressed, not overlapping, abaxially similar but fewer. Lateral branches erect; lvs few, mostly > internodes. Cymes simple, ebracteate; internodes > calyx at fruiting. Corolla yellow, to 10 mm diam.; tube funnelform; filaments short; anthers wholly above scales.
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Rosette lvs spathulate; hairs short, straight, appressed, not overlapping, abaxially few or 0. Lateral branches ascending; stem lvs > lower internodes, narrow-elliptic, with long softer hairs fringing margin. Cymes ebracteate, many-flowered, compact. Calyx hairs stiff, straight, sparse, a few hooked. Corolla yellow, c. 6 mm diam.; tube flaring slightly at mouth; filaments long, conspicuous, standing well above corolla.
Rosette lvs linear-spathulate; hairs long, stiff, closely appressed, barely touching, some retrorse, especially on undersurface. Lateral branches ascending; stem lvs > internodes, linear-oblong. Cymes ebracteate, compact. Calyx hairs long and short. Corolla purple, funnelform; filaments = the large, shortly exserted anthers.
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Compact rounded cushion, rooting from some nodes. Stems 1-3 cm long, crowded, ± erect, closely covered with imbricating lvs; lamina very broadly spathulate; tip broadly obtuse; hairs long, silky, crowded, ± appressed on both surfaces. Flowering branches very short, ± hidden, with a few narrow lvs surrounding solitary, terminal fl. Calyx hairs long, soft, copious. Corolla white, c. 6 mm diam.; tube 2× length of lobes. Filaments short; anther tips just protruding above scales.
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Rosette lvs oblong-spathulate; margins ± revolute; hairs short, silky, spreading, very crowded, abaxially retrorse except at tip. Lateral branches ascending; stem lvs many, = or > internodes. Cymes ebracteate, usually branched, many-flowered, compact. Calyx hairs crowded, short. Corolla white, c. 6 mm diam.; tube cylindric; filaments short but > anthers; anthers up to 1 mm long and wholly above scales.
Rosette lvs numerous, spathulate, hoary with long, crowded, spreading hairs on both surfaces, sometimes retrorse abaxially. Lateral branches ascending; stem lvs > internodes. Cymes ebracteate, mostly simple; internodes short. Calyx hairs long and strong. Corolla white, c. 10 mm diam.; tube cylindric but flaring above scales; filaments reaching to level of corolla lobes.
Stoloniferous perennial, often short-lived. Stems decumbent or erect, ascending to c. 45 cm, ± hairy. Lower lvs almost sessile, to 10 × 2 cm, oblong to oblong-lanceolate, clothed in appressed hairs, especially above; apex usually obtuse. Upper lvs smaller and narrower. Cymes ebracteate, elongating greatly after flowering. Pedicels becoming 1-2× length of calyx at fruiting. Calyx 1.5-3 mm long at anthesis, clothed in straight appressed hairs; teeth accrescent, ± triangular, c. ⅓ length of calyx tube at anthesis. Corolla limb 5-10 mm diam., flat, blue with yellowish throat; lobes emarginate. Style ± = calyx tube. Nutlets 1.2-1.6 × 1-1.2 mm, ovoid, obtuse, glossy black or dark brown, with narrow rim.
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Plants compact. Rosette lvs broadly obovate-spathulate; hairs long, ± appressed, abaxially fewer, retrorse. Lateral branches few, ascending. Stem lvs > internodes. Cymes ebracteate, mostly simple; internodes short. Calyx hairs of several lengths, occasionally hooked. Fls scented. Corolla white to cream, 5-7 mm diam.; tube slightly flared; anther tips protruding above scales.
Much-branched, biennial or short-lived perennial. Stems to c. 50 cm high, densely clothed in spreading hairs. Lower lvs usually elliptic-spathulate or obovate, less commonly ovate; lamina to c. 10 × 4 cm, often densely hairy; base attenuate to the indistinct petiole; apex obtuse, mucronulate. Upper lvs smaller and narrower. Cymes usually ebracteate, elongating after flowering. Pedicels 1.5-2× length of calyx at fruiting. Calyx 3-5 mm long, campanulate; tube with spreading, hooked hairs; teeth triangular or lanceolate, 1/2-3/4 length of tube. Corolla tube usually slightly > calyx tube; limb 6-11 mm diam., flat or nearly so, usually blue, rarely white; scales in throat yellow; lobes rounded. Style 1.5-2.3 mm long, > calyx tube. Nutlets c. 1.7-2 × 1 mm, ovoid, dark brown; rim present.
Diffuse herb; branches slender, rooting at nodes, usually rather flaccid. Lvs elliptic to broadly ovate, on very slender petioles; hairs short, closely appressed, even and sparse, few abaxially. Upper lvs > to much > internodes. Cymes simple or branched, several-flowered; internodes long; each fl. opposite its bract. Calyx hairs stiff, short, closely appressed, even and sparse. Corolla white to yellowish, 3-4 mm diam.; tube short, cylindric; filaments very short; anthers usually wholly included.
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Compact rounded cushion with woody taproot. Stems 1-5 cm long, crowded, ± erect, closely covered with imbricating lvs; lamina narrow-elliptic to almost subulate; tip subacute; hairs all stiff, appressed, ± overlapping. Flowering branchlets short, not projecting above cushion; fls terminal, usually solitary. Calyx hairs uniform, stiff, appressed, overlapping. Corolla yellow fading to white, both colours often present on a cushion, 4-5 mm diam.; tube long-cylindric. Filaments short; anther tips just above scales.
Rosette lvs few, lamina broad-ovate; hairs fine, silky, scarcely overlapping, ± spreading. Lateral branches sometimes rooting below, ascending; stem lvs c. = internodes. Cymes ebracteate, many-flowered; internodes > calyx at fruiting. Calyx hairs mostly on margins and ribs. Corolla white, c. 7 mm diam.; tube funnelform; filaments carrying anthers well above scales.
Stout, glabrous, dioecious herb. Stems to 2 m long, 4-5 mm diam. near base, glaucous, rooting from lower nodes. Lvs all whorled, slightly dimorphic. Submerged lvs in whorls of (4)-5-6, (17)-35-45 × (4)-8-15 mm, oblanceolate or oblong with rounded apex, pectinate; pinnae 25-30, to 7 mm long, linear-subulate. Aerial lvs in whorls of (4)-5-6, (15)-25-35 × (4)-7-8 mm, narrowly oblanceolate or oblong with rounded apex, pectinate, glaucous, ± erect near apex; pinnae (18)-24-36, to 5.5 mm long, linear-subulate, slightly incurved. Base of aerial lvs with numerous hydathodes. Fls solitary in the axils of upper aerial lvs which are almost identical to other aerial lvs. Bracteoles 1.2-1.5 mm long, subulate, sometimes almost 3-fid. ♂ fls not seen in N.Z. ♀ fls with pedicel c. 0.2-0.4 mm long; sepals 0.4-0.5 × 0.3 mm, deltoid, white, denticulate with 1-several teeth; petals 0; ovary 4-ribbed between sepals. Fr. not seen.
Annual or perennial herbs, usually glabrous, monoecious, dioecious, or fls ☿; stems rooting at nodes, prostrate to erect. Lvs usually whorled, sometimes opposite or alternate, usually dimorphic, the submerged lvs pectinate and finely divided, the aerial lvs ± entire, rarely all lvs of either form. Hydathodes often present near lf axils. Infl. a simple or rarely branched, terminal spike; fls usually solitary, in the axils of aerial lvs, occasionally in the axils of upper submerged lvs, each with 2 bracteoles; ♂ fls usually above ♀ within same infl. in monoecious spp. ♂ fls (2)-4-merous; sepals present; petals not clawed, ± hooded; stamens (1)-4 or 8; filaments short; anthers linear; pistil rudiments present or 0. ♀ fls (2)-4-merous; sepals and petals very reduced or 0; ovary (2)-4-celled; styles as many as cells of ovary; stigmas capitate, fimbriate; staminodes rudimentary. Fr. of 2-4, 1-seeded mericarps; mericarps usually smooth and rounded on dorsal face, lacking a differentiated pericarp, sessile or shortly pedunculate.
Perennial mat-forming herb; stems green, erect or prostrate, 2-10-(15) cm long, not branched or sparingly so at base. Lvs monomorphic, entire, linear, 2-6 × 0.5 mm, decussate. Upper lvs indistinguishable from other lvs. Fls unisexual, ♂ and ♀ often borne on separate stems, or ♂ borne in upper axils with ♀ below. Bracteoles deltoid, 0.6-0.7-(1.3) × 0.2-0.3 mm. ♂ fls sessile or on pedicels up to 1 cm long; sepals 4, 0.9-1.4 × 0.3-0.5 mm; petals 4, 1.3-1.7-(2.5) × c. 0.8 mm, oblanceolate or narrowly obovate, red, hooded. ♀ fls with pedicels 0.2-0.5-(1.0) mm long; petals 0. Frs ovoid or nearly so, 1.0-1.5 × 1.1-1.2 mm, deeply channelled opposite sepals, smooth to weakly striated, not verrucose.
Perennial herb; stems weak, slender, (5)-10-25-(40) cm long, prostrate or erect, usually simple. Lvs usually distinctly dimorphic, sometimes monomorphic. Submerged lvs in whorls of 3-4-(5), ovate to orbicular, (6)-10-20-(25) × 10-16-(25) mm, pectinate; pinnae 10-22, filiform, 5-6-(20) mm long. Aerial lvs in whorls of (2)-3-4-(5), linear, (2)-5-7-(12) × 0.5-1-(1.5) mm, usually flattened but occasionally terete to filiform; margin entire or sometimes weakly toothed. Fls unisexual, ♂ in upper 1-8 whorls, ♀ in lower 2-6 whorls, with usually 1-2 sterile whorls between, occasionally all whorls ♀. Bracteoles ovate, (0.4)-0.5-0.8 × (0.2)-0.4-0.5 mm. ♂ fls sessile or nearly so; sepals 4, ovate, 0.4-0.6 × 0.3-0.4 mm; petals 4, hooded, 1.8-2.7-(3) × c. 1.4 mm. ♀ fls sessile; sepals and petals 0. Frs 0.8-1.1 × 0.8-1 mm, pale yellow-brown or greenish, ± cylindric, smooth apart from scattering of very small tubercles on outer face of mericarps.
Stout perennial herb; stems to 30 cm tall, prostrate to erect. Lvs all whorled, slightly dimorphic. Submerged lvs often decaying early, in whorls of 5-7. Aerial lvs yellow-green to subglaucous, crowded towards tips of stems, spreading, in whorls of (4)-5-7, oblong, (15)-20-35 × (4)-6-10 mm, becoming smaller near water surface, pectinate, with 26-32 filiform to linear pinnae. Fertile aerial lvs similar to other lvs. Fls ☿. Bracteoles ovate to orbicular, 0.7-0.8 × 0.7-0.8 mm. Sepals 4, ovate to deltoid, 0.6-0.8 × 0.5-0.6 mm; petals 4, weakly hooded, 2.5-3.4 × 1.1-1.2 mm. Frs globular to slightly obturbinate, 1.5-2 (excluding sepals) × 2-2.5 mm, with a few small tubercles on keel of mericarps.
Perennial herb; stems 50-100 cm long, weak, simple or branched. Lvs dimorphic, whorled. Submerged lvs in whorls of (2)-3-(4), ovate, subsessile, (6)-10-15 × (5)-7-10-(15) mm, pectinate; pinnae 12-18, filiform, c. 8 mm long. Aerial lvs red-purple, in whorls of 3-(4), narrowly ovate to obovate, (2.5)-5-6-(12) × (1.5)-2-2.5-(4) mm, usually entire (lower or transitional lvs sometimes incised), obtuse. Fls solitary in axils of the aerial lvs, unisexual, the upper ♂, the lower ♀. Bracteoles lanceolate, (1)-1.4-1.8-(2) × (0.2)-0.3-0.4 mm. ♂ fls: sepals 4, 0.5-0.6 × 0.4-0.5 mm, deltoid; petals 4, hooded, 2-2.8 × c. 2 mm. ♀ fls: sepals 4, c. 0.2 × 0.2 mm; petals 4, c. 0.5 mm long. Frs ± globular or cubiform, 1.3-1.4-(1.5) × 1.4-1.5 mm, smooth and rounded on dorsal surface of mericarps, sometimes with a faint dorsal line.
Dioecious perennial herb; stems usually prostrate, rarely erect, forming often patches or tight cushions to 7 cm high, branching freely, rooting at nodes, forming clumps to 10 cm diam. Lvs monomorphic, opposite, entire, obovoid or nearly so, 1.8-3.5 × (0.5)-0.7-1.1 mm, ± flat or slightly concave on upper surface, convex below, spreading or slightly upward-curving. Submerged lvs present. Fls in the axils of upper lvs; fertile lvs similar to lower lvs. Bracteoles linear, 0.5-0.7 × 0.1-0.2 mm. ♂ fls sessile, usually in axils of the uppermost pair of lvs only; sepals 0; petals 4, with reddish spot at tip, rarely completely dark red, hooded, 1.5-1.8 × 0.7-1 mm. ♀ fls sessile, in axils of upper 4-8 pairs of lvs; sepals, petals and stamens 0. Frs 0.9-1 × 1.1-1.4 mm diam., depressed-globular, smooth or weakly punctate on dorsal surface of mericarps.
Evergreen shrubs or trees. Lvs simple, usually entire, sometimes finely toothed in juvenile and intermediate lvs, exstipulate, very rarely stipulate, generally coriaceous, opposite, or alternate (often in adult shoots), often dotted with pellucid glands. Fls solitary in cymes, often in panicles, actinomorphic, usually ☿. Hypanthium (calyx tube) ± adnate to ovary, the lower part sometimes narrow and forming a pseudopedicel; lobes (2)-4-5-(many), sometimes calyptrate, sometimes calyx rim-like. Petals as many as calyx lobes or rarely 0, imbricate, sometimes caducous, sometimes calyptrate. Stamens usually numerous; filaments free or connate at base, sometimes in bundles opposite petals; anthers small, usually dehiscing by longitudinal slits, rarely by apical pores; connective gland-tipped. Ovary inferior; ovules usually numerous, rarely few or 1, mostly with axile, rarely parietal, placentation; style simple; stigma capitate. Fr. a loculicidal capsule or berry-like. Seeds usually numerous; endosperm 0 or scanty.
Annuals, mostly with rigid ± erect stems, mostly branched. Lvs alternate, entire or 1-2-pinnate, sometimes palmately lobed. Infl. a dense bracteate head. Bracts leafy, often coriaceous, pungent or spiny. Fls 4-5-merous, sessile or subsessile. Calyx divided almost to base into ± unequal entire or toothed segments; segments united by a scarious membrane in their lower part, accrescent and ruptured by fr. at maturity. Corolla ± funnelform; lobes usually narrow- to broad-oblong. Stamens equally or unequally inserted in throat or in sinuses of corolla lobes, exserted or included. Style included or exserted; stigma entire or 2-3-lobed. Capsule ovoid to obovoid, ± lobed, 1-3-locular. Seeds 1-8 in each loculus, often angled and minutely pitted.
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Annual or possibly short-lived perennial. Stems to c. 30 cm tall, glabrous. Lvs glabrous; petioles 3-20 mm long. Lamina 1.5-6.5 × 1-2.5 cm, ovate, coarsely and irregularly serrate; base truncate, rounded or subcordate, with blade sometimes shortly attenuate; apex acute. Infl. sub-corymbose; bracts linear, mostly entire, the lowest distantly serrate. Pedicels slender, to 2 cm long, ± glandular. Sepals 3-4 mm long, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate; margins often ciliate. Corolla 8-11 mm long, white; spur c. 6-7 mm long, obtuse; upper lip with rounded lobes; lower lip slightly emarginate, broad; pouch yellow and composed of dense glandular puberulence. Capsule 10-12 × 6-8 mm, broadly urceolate-oblong; base rounded; valves diverging at an obtuse angle. Seed c. 1 mm long, fusiform; wing broad, suborbicular.
Annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs. Lvs opposite, mostly sessile or nearly so, entire or toothed. Fls axillary or in terminal racemes, occasionally solitary. Calyx usually of 5 free and equal sepals. Corolla 2-lipped; tube very short, saccate or forming a spur on anterior side; throat closed by a pouch at the base; upper lip 4-lobed; lower lip lobe emarginate or entire. Stamens 4, included, inserted at base of corolla tube; anthers 1-celled, usually cohering around stigma. Capsule laterally compressed, septicidally dehiscent with valves keeled and boat-shaped. Seeds numerous, fairly large, with a membranous wing.
Densely hairy perennial, with stems erect or nearly so, to c. 1 m tall. Petioles to 3 cm long. Lamina 4-6 × 3-4 cm, ovate or triangular-ovate, often grey-tomentose, deeply serrate or crenate-serrate; base cordate or subcordate; apex mucronate; upper cauline lvs smaller. Infl. terminal, dense, spike-like, with lower verticels distant. Calyx 6-7 mm long, tomentose outside on nerves; teeth linear-subulate, often purplish tipped. Corolla usually 7-10 mm long to apex of upper lip, white with purplish dots on lower lip; tube somewhat curved, not exceeding calyx, tomentose outside; limb tomentose outside; upper lip with 2 rounded lobes. Anthers usually purplish, sometimes green. Style white or pale mauve. Nutlets c. 1.5 mm long, broad-oblong, dark brown, faintly ridged.
Usually perennial, rarely annual, aromatic herbs, not rhizomatous. Lvs simple, dentate to deeply and jaggedly toothed. Verticels in lax or dense spike-like infls, usually bracteate. Fls ☿ or unisexual. Calyx cylindric to ± campanulate, straight or curved, not gibbous at base, 15-nerved, 5-toothed. Corolla funnelform or cylindric-campanulate; tube slender, straight or curved, sometimes much exserted, glabrous inside; limb 2-lipped; upper lip short, ± straight, 2-lobed; lower lip spreading, 3-lobed. Stamens ± exserted, parallel, with the 2 outer posterior stamens longer; anther cells divergent. Style gynobasic, its branches equal. Nutlets smooth or variously rugose, oblong to subglobose.
Densely hairy perennial, forming low spreading dense clumps. Petioles 1-2 cm long. Lamina c. 1.5-2.5 × 1-1.5 cm, ovate, grey-tomentose above and below, ± crenate; base subcordate or cordate; apex obtuse. Infl. terminal, spike-like, spreading to suberect, diffuse. Calyx 5-7 mm long, tomentose, often bluish; teeth lanceolate. Corolla 9-11 mm long to apex of erect upper lip, blue or mauve-blue with purplish dots on lower lip; tube ± curved, > calyx, tomentose outside; upper lip with 2 rounded lobes, tomentose outside; lower lip glabrous towards apex, otherwise tomentose. Anthers violet-blue. Style violet-blue towards apex. Nutlets c. 2 mm long, oblong, dark brown, obtusely ridged down central side.
Rhizomes small, erect, densely scaly, producing numerous far-creeping runners; runners scaly and usually bearing fleshy tubers. Stipes 5-25 cm long. Stipes and rachises pale brown, brittle, bearing pale brown hair-like scales. Laminae very narrowly elliptic, 40-100 × (4)-5-8 cm, pinnate, erect. Primary pinnae in > 50 pairs, overlapping in middle of frond, more widely spaced at base, the longest 2-4 × 0.4-1 cm, ± glabrous, oblong or narrowly oblong with a basal acroscopic lobe; apices obtuse; margins markedly crenate or serrate. Sori round, in single rows either side of midrib, protected by crescent-shaped indusia.
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Terrestrial or epiphytic ferns. Rhizomes erect, scaly, often producing wiry runners and tubers. Fronds 1-pinnate, brittle, scaly at least on stipes; veins free. Sori round, borne on vein-endings near lamina margin, protected by ± round, reniform, or crescent-shaped indusia attached basally. Spores monolete.
Evergreen shrubs or small trees. Sap not milky. Lvs opposite or in whorls of 3-4; stomata in pits on lower surface. Fls in terminal branched cymes, large, 5-merous. Calyx lobed almost to base. Corolla funnelform, with a corona of 5 laciniate or dentate scale-like appendages in the widely open throat; lobes spreading, twisted clockwise in bud. Stamens included, inserted near corolla throat; filaments very short; anthers connivent, with long, apical, hairy, twisted awns. Disc glands 0. Fr. a pair of long slender follicles. Seeds with apical coma of hairs.
Much-branched shrub to c. 4 m high. Lvs shortly petiolate; lamina 8-15 × 1-2.5 cm on flowering shoots, to c. 25 × 4 cm on vegetative suckering shoots, narrow-elliptic or linear-elliptic, coriaceous, puberulent beneath, especially in stomatal pits; lateral veins numerous, parallel and conspicuous below. Infl. puberulent, peduncles and pedicels reddish. Calyx 5-8 mm long, densely puberulent, reddish purple; lobes acuminate. Corolla 3.5-5 cm long, pink or rose, shining red in bud; tube ampliate; lobes 2.5-3 cm long, obovate, slightly asymmetric; corona deeply laciniate. Fls sometimes semi-double; single fls with densely pilose stamen awns c. 1 cm long. Frs uncommon, to c. 18 cm long.
Unarmed, erect, almost glabrous annual. Lvs alternate, simple, often lobed. Fls solitary, axillary. Calyx very deeply 5-toothed, regular, becoming enlarged and scarious at fruiting, with 5 large ribs. Corolla broadly campanulate, completely actinomorphic, white and blue; lobes small. Stamens 5, included, inserted at base of corolla. Ovary 3-5-celled, but divided irregularly by the placentae; stigma capitate. Fr. a scarcely succulent berry, globose. Seeds many, lenticular, with patterned testa, of moderate size.
Herb 15-60-(200) cm tall; stems usually green, sometimes purplish black on exposed side. Lvs with lamina partly decurrent or attenuate on petiole, 4-17 × 2-12 cm, ovate or triangular-ovate, often lobed (especially larger lower lvs) or sinuate-dentate, glabrous except sometimes for main veins beneath; apex obtuse to acute; upper lvs often sinuate and entire. Pedicels puberulent, usually green, sometimes purplish black. Calyx 1.5-2 cm long at anthesis, broad-ovate, deeply divided, usually green, sometimes purplish black, very strongly accrescent; apex cuspidate. Corolla 3-3.5 × 2.5-4.5 cm diam.; lower tube white, with 5 small or large purplish markings, the upper part blue; lobes blue, shallow and rounded. Filaments hairy, with base surrounded by tuft of long hairs. Fr. 1-2 cm diam. Seed 1.5-2 mm diam., subreniform or ± irregular, brown, with alveolate testa.
Annual or short-lived perennial, glandular-viscid herb with stems to c. 80 cm tall. Basal lvs often with short winged petiole; cauline lvs sessile, amplexicaul, ± auriculate, decurrent on stem; lower lvs to c. 20 × 8 cm (larger in cultivation), broadly spathulate to elliptic, with dense hairs on veins below, otherwise hairs often sparse; apex acute or nearly so. False raceme few-flowered, lax; fls fragrant. Calyx 2-2.3 cm long, densely glandular-viscid; teeth 0.6-1 cm long, subulate, equal. Corolla pale greenish outside, white inside; tube 7-9 cm long, narrowly tubular-salverform and gradually widening in upper 1/2; lobes 1.5-2 cm long, not reflexed, obtuse to acute. Capsule c. 1.5 cm long, ovoid. Seed 0.9-1 mm long, ± broadly oblong, rugose.
Shrub 2-3-(6) m tall, glabrous except for fls. Petiole to 4-7 cm long, slender, unwinged. Lamina 3-8-(14) × 1-4-(9.5) cm (sometimes much larger in cultivation and on basal vegetative shoots), ovate-lanceolate, elliptic or obovate; base cuneate; apex acute or short-acuminate. Panicle open; fls to c. 20, not fragrant. Calyx 1-1.3 cm long; teeth 3-5 mm long, equal, triangular-acuminate, ciliate. Corolla 3.5-4 cm long, tubular, densely puberulent outside, yellow; lobes very shallow, c. 3 mm long, not reflexed, apiculate. Capsule c. 1 cm long, broadly ellipsoid. Seed 0.5-0.75 mm long, oblong, rugosely reticulate.
Unarmed annual or perennial herbs, occasionally shrubs, usually strongly glandular-viscid. Lvs alternate, simple, entire or nearly so, petiolate; basal lvs much larger than upper and often forming rosettes. Infl. a terminal panicle of open cymes, its branches well-developed, sometimes cymes elongated and appearing racemose. Fls usually pedicellate, sometimes nocturnal and then usually fragrant and pale. Calyx 5-toothed, tubular to subglobose, usually irregular, accrescent. Corolla salverform, funnelform or campanulate, white, pink, shades of red, or yellow, 5-lobed, sometimes oblique. Stamens 5, subequal, usually included. Stigma usually capitate, more rarely lobed. Fr. a capsule with 2 or 4 valves. Seeds small, numerous.
Annual 1-2 m tall, very viscid. Young shoots densely glandular-hairy. Lvs with wingless petiole 2-5 cm long. Lamina to c. 20 × 11 cm on lower lvs, becoming smaller towards the infl., broadly ovate-oblong to almost elliptic, puberulent and somewhat glandular-scaly; base truncate; apex obtuse to rounded. Panicle with several open branches, many-flowered. Fls not fragrant. Calyx 1-2.2 cm long; teeth 2-8 mm long, unequal, ovate or broadly ovate, densely glandular-hairy, obtuse to acute. Corolla 1.5-2 cm long, ± funnelform-campanulate, puberulent outside but scarcely glandular; tube pale green; lobes 2-3 mm long, shallow and wide, greenish yellow, crinkled, becoming somewhat reflexed, obtuse or mucronate. Capsule 1-1.5 cm long, broad-ovate. Seed c. 1 mm long, ± broad-reniform, undulately ridged.
Short-lived perennial, 1-2 m tall, strongly glandular-viscid. Stem lvs sessile, ± broad-elliptic, ± amplexicaul, puberulent, especially on veins; apex acute to abruptly acuminate; lower lvs to c. 50 × 30 cm, the upper much smaller. False raceme narrow, dense, with few branches; fls numerous, fragrant. Calyx 1.5-2 cm long; teeth 4-5 mm long, 4 narrow-triangular, 1 ovate, all short-acuminate. Corolla salverform, white; tube 6-8.5 cm long, ± fusiform; lobes 0.5-1.3 cm long, triangular-ovate, acute to short-acuminate, becoming somewhat reflexed. Capsule 1.5-2 cm long, ovoid. Seed 0.5-0.75 mm long, oblong or irregular, rugulose.
Annual or short-lived perennial, 0.5-2 m tall, mostly puberulent, viscid with glandular scales. Lvs sessile or the lowest with a short winged petiole, often amplexicaul. Lamina to c. 30 × 12 cm on lower lvs, becoming smaller towards the terminal infl. (much larger in cultivation), oblong-elliptic or lanceolate; apex acute. Panicle open and much-branched, many-flowered except in depauperate plants, densely glandular-scaly. Fls not fragrant. Calyx 1.5-2 cm long; teeth 2-9 mm long, unequal, acute to acuminate. Corolla 4-5 cm long, ± funnelform-campanulate with broad-cylindric base, slightly glandular inside; tube creamy white; lobes c. 5 mm long, broadly triangular-ovate, apiculate, pink, ± crinkled, becoming reflexed. Capsule 1.5-2 cm long, broad-ovate. Seed 0.5-0.75 mm long, oblong to subreniform, rugose.
Stem (5)-20-50 cm tall, branching above. Segments of rosette lvs linear, those of cauline lvs filiform. Involucre present, of 5 finely dissected lvs, twice as broad as the fl. Fls 2-3 cm diam. Sepals in several whorls, blue, ovate, acute, clawed, the innermost sometimes 3-fid. Petals usually 0. Styles 5. Capsule glabrous, ovoid, swollen, 15-30 × 10-20 mm, 10-locular but only 5 locules fertile; styles 15-25 mm long at fruiting. Seeds black, c. 2 mm long, transversely ridged.
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Aquatic herb. Rhizome stout, tuberous. Lvs floating or emergent, ovate, entire, glabrous, 12-30 × 9-20 cm; basal sinus deep, acute; basal lobes not usually overlapping. Fls emergent. Sepals (5)-6, elliptic, golden yellow, 2-3 × 1.5-2 cm. Petals obovate to spathulate, yellow, c. 1 cm long. Stamens numerous. Stigma rays 5-20, not reaching margin of disc. Fr. flask-shaped, 2-3 cm long.
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Herbs, shrubs or trees, sometimes climbing, sometimes spiny. Lvs opposite or subopposite, occasionally alternate, simple, exstipulate, entire. Infl. usually cymose, sometimes appearing paniculate, rarely fls solitary, often surrounded by coloured bracts; fls ☿ or unisexual, actinomorphic. Calyx tubular, often petaloid, (3)-5-(8)-merous; lobes valvate or plicate in bud; basal part persistent; apical part caducous; bracts sometimes involucrate and simulating the calyx. Corolla 0. Stamens 1-many, free, or connate at base, hypogynous, often unequal. Ovary superior, 1-locular; ovule solitary, basal; style 1, slender; stigma simple or variously divided. Fr. an achene, sometimes enclosed by the persistent base of the calyx (an anthocarp), or a nut. Seed with little or copious endosperm.
Aquatic herb. Rhizome creeping, stout; brood-bodies 0. Lvs suborbicular to elliptic with deep, slightly spreading basal sinus, entire, glabrous, not brown-blotched, (6)-10-25 × (6)-10-25 cm; basal lobes not usually over-lapping. Sepals 4, lanceolate, acute, white above, green beneath, obscurely veined, decaying after flowering, 40-70 × 15-25 mm. Petals usually white, rarely pink, veined, 50-90 × 20-30 mm. Filaments of innermost stamens c. 1 mm wide. Stigma flat; rays 14-20. Seeds 2-3 mm long.
Rhizomatous. Lvs floating or emergent, entire, deeply cordate, stipulate, reddish beneath, with anastomosing lateral veins. Sepals 4-(5), green beneath. Petals white or yellow, rarely red, pink or blue; outer petals > sepals. Ovary semi-inferior. Seeds arillate.
Aquatic herb. Rhizome erect, stout, bearing submerged narrowly hastate lvs; brood-bodies present, resembling tiny hands of bananas. Mature lvs suborbicular to elliptic with deep narrow basal sinus, entire to crenulate, glabrous, brown-blotched, 10-20-(25) × 10-20-(25) cm; basal lobes ± overlapping. Sepals 4, narrowly lanceolate, acute, yellow above, greenish beneath, obscurely veined, decaying after flowering, (45)-70-90 × 10-15 mm. Petals yellow, veined, c. 60 × (3)-8-10 mm. Filaments of innermost stamens 0.6-1 mm wide. Stigma flat; rays c. 8-10. Seeds 2-3 mm long.
Aquatic perennial herbs, often rhizomatous. Lvs petiolate, stipulate or exstipulate; lamina entire, peltate or cordate, often floating or emergent, rarely dissected and submerged. Fls solitary, ☿, actinomorphic. Sepals 3-6, green, whitish or coloured. Petals many, spiralled. Stamens many, spiralled, sometimes grading into petals. Carpels few to many, free or united in a superior to inferior ovary; ovules 1-many. Fr. a spongy berry dehiscing by swelling of mucilage. Seeds usually endospermic.
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Bottom-rooting aquatic, annual or perennial herbs with long ± floating stolons. Lvs ± rosulate, sometimes remaining submerged and without an expanded lamina. Lvs generally alternate, sometimes subopposite below fls; petioles either long and easily distinguishable from the stems, or short and terminal and similar to stem; lamina usually floating, usually broadly ovate to orbicular and deeply cordate. Fls either 2-many in fascicles at the stolon nodes, or solitary, ephemeral, emergent; pedicels long and slender. Corolla yellow, sometimes white; lobes winged; margins prominently fimbriate. Stamens short, inserted on corolla tube. Ovary semi-inferior; style exserted or included. Capsule opening irregularly or indehiscent.
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Glabrous annual, biennial or perennial herbs, with fibrous or tuberous roots, often aquatic. Lvs 1-4-pinnate, sometimes reduced to linear fistulose petioles; segments broad to narrow. Umbels compound, often shortly pedunculate and lf-opposed, sometimes terminal; bracts present or 0, entire; bracteoles usually numerous, entire. Petals white or pale pink, somewhat irregular, with apex notched and inflexed; calyx teeth evident, acute. Fr. ovoid, cylindric or globose, terete, not beaked, spineless; commissure broad; ribs 5 per mericarp, the lateral usually grooved or thickened; vittae solitary in furrows.
Erect, terrestrial perennial, with ovoid tubers towards ends of roots. Stems ± solid or hollow, striate, grooved, often purple tinged toward base, 30-90 cm high, not rooting at nodes. Basal lvs 2-pinnate, petiolate; ultimate segments ovate, lobed or not, serrate, 5-15-(20) mm long; stem lvs 1-2-pinnate with lanceolate to linear segments, or simple and entire. Umbels terminal, long-pedunculate, 2-6 cm diam.; rays 6-12; rays and pedicels much thickened at fruiting; bracts 0-10, linear; bracteoles numerous, linear. Fls numerous, white, 3-4 mm diam. Fr. cylindric, c. 3 mm long; ribs prominent, the lateral larger and spongy; styles somewhat thickened, > ⅔ length of fr.
Procumbent or floating and ascending, aquatic biennial to perennial, with fibrous roots. Stems hollow, striate, grooved, up to 150 cm long, usually rooting at nodes. Mature stem lvs usually 2-pinnate, sometimes 3-pinnate at base, petiolate; ultimate segments ovate, lobed or not, serrate, 10-35 mm long; lvs associated with infl.-branches reduced and 1-pinnate with smaller segments; submerged lvs similar. Umbels terminal or lf-opposed, shortly pedunculate or sessile, 2-5 cm diam.; rays 10-20; rays and pedicels somewhat thickened at fruiting; bracts 0-1, linear; bracteoles numerous, linear. Fls numerous, white, c. 2 mm diam. Fr. cylindric, 2.5-3.5 mm long; ribs prominent, broad and corky; styles slender, c. = length of fr.
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Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, caulescent or acaulescent, sometimes almost shrubby. Lvs alternate or in basal rosettes, simple and entire to pinnatisect or 2-pinnate. Fls in terminal leafy spikes, 1 or few in axils of subtending lvs. Axis of fl. produced well beyond ovary to form a prominent deciduous floral tube. Sepals 4, reflexed at anthesis, sometimes white to red. Petals 4, generally large (> 10 mm long), usually yellow, white or pink. Stamens 8, equal or the 4 outer or antisepalous ones longer; anthers usually versatile and not erect. Ovary 4-celled; stigma capitate to 4-lobed. Capsule loculicidal, 4-valved, ± elongated, membranous to woody, free or fused with subtending bract, sometimes winged. Seeds numerous, often angular, occasionally winged.
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Perennial herb with creeping rhizomes. Aerial stems slender, erect, reddish, to c. 60 cm tall, glabrous towards the base, becoming densely hairy towards infl. with short, curly, antrorse hairs. Rosette lvs 0. Cauline lvs variable in dissection; lvs on short vegetative shoots small and entire with slender petiole to 1.5 cm long; lvs on reproductive shoots sinuate, pinnatisect in lower part and with short, indistinct, winged petioles; lamina 3-8 × 1-2.5 cm, lanceolate, oblanceolate or elliptic, glabrous or glabrate except when young or near infl.; base attenuate; apex obtuse. Fls several in a loose sessile spike, diurnal. Floral tube 1.5-2 cm long, narrow-cylindric, with hairs as on upper stems. Buds curving downwards, narrow. Sepals to 3.5 cm long, with erect, mucronate apices, with hairs as on upper stem. Petals 3.2-4 cm long, broad-obovoid, white or pink with yellow base, emarginate. Style exserted by 2.5-3 cm, very slender, often > stamens. Stigma lobes c. 1 cm long, filiform. Capsules not seen.
Annual or biennial (possibly sometimes short-lived perennial) herb, with stout taproot. Stems to c. 75 cm tall, not or sparingly branched, white-pilose and with short glandular hairs in upper part. Rosette lvs numerous, 0 at flowering, sessile, 3-15 × 0.4-1 cm, narrow-linear to narrow-oblanceolate, glabrous excluding margins; midrib pale; margins undulate, ciliolate, sparsely denticulate, ± undulate. Cauline lvs similar but usually shorter and to 1.6 cm wide towards base, the upper lvs often hairy below. Fls solitary, sessile, crepuscular but lasting well into the next day; subtending lf sheath-like at base and obscuring lower part of ovary, with hairs as on stem. Floral tube 2-3 cm long, narrow-cylindric, with hairs as on stem. Buds narrowly oblong, erect. Sepals 1.7-2.7 cm long, ± reddish, with hairs as on stem; apices mucronate, erect or divergent. Petals 2.5-3.5 cm long, broad-obovate, yellow, ageing to orange-red. Style exserted by 1.5-2 cm. Capsule 2-2.5 cm long, widening slightly in upper 1/2, sometimes curved, ± reddish, slightly ribbed, with long and short hairs. Seeds 1-1.7 mm long, irregular but somewhat ellipsoid, finely reticulate.
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Evergreen, small to medium-sized trees and shrubs. Shoots terete or quadrangular, often with lepidote scales. Lvs nearly always opposite, simple, coriaceous, entire, usually with lepidote scales at least when young. Fls many, small, ☿ or unisexual, usually in axillary panicles or racemes, not noticeably fragrant. Calyx deeply 4-lobed, very small. Corolla 4-lobed, subrotate; lobes > tube, ± valvate. Stamens 2, epipetalous, ± exserted; filaments short. Stigma sessile or subsessile, capitate or shortly 2-lobed. Fr. a 1-seeded, ovoid, ellipsoid or globose drupe.
Trees and shrubs; shoots commonly prominently lenticellate. Lvs usually opposite and exstipulate. Fls regular, ☿ or unisexual, in racemes, panicles or fascicles, often fragrant. Calyx usually 4-lobed, sometimes minute or 0. Corolla 4-(12)-lobed, sometimes of free petals, sometimes 0. Stamens 2-(5), often epipetalous and with short filaments. Ovary superior, 2-celled, with 2-(10) ovules per cell; style short or 0; stigmas simple or 2-lobed. Fr. a drupe, berry, capsule or samara. Seeds usually 1-4, endospermic or non-endospermic.
Herbs, less commonly shrubs, occasionally trees or lianes. Lvs alternate, opposite or whorled, usually simple, usually exstipulate, sometimes with caducous stipules. Fls usually ☿, actinomorphic or somewhat zygomorphic, solitary or in spikes, racemes or panicles. Axis adnate to ovary and mostly produced beyond it as the floral tube. Calyx lobes (2)-4-(5), valvate. Petals (0)-2-4-(5), free, convolute or imbricate, often clawed. Stamens usually 8 or 4, sometimes 1-2; anthers 2-locular; pollen grains connected by fine, viscid threads. Ovary usually inferior, rarely semi-superior, 2-4-(6)-celled. Ovules 1-numerous; placentation axile; style 1; stigmas 1-4. Fr. generally a capsule, sometimes a berry or dry and nut-like. Seeds nearly always numerous, non-endospermic; embryo straight.
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Annual or perennial herbs, rarely shrubs or small trees, sometimes armed. Lvs usually pinnately 3-foliolate, rarely 1-foliolate or very rarely with 2-5 pairs of leaflets; principal lateral veins thin and straight, terminating at leaflet margin in a tooth; stipules adnate to petiole. Fls solitary or 2-3 in axillary racemes; bracts minute or 0 but floral lvs sometimes reduced to bracts. Calyx teeth 5. Stamens connate in a closed tube or rarely vexillary stamen free; alternate anthers versatile, remainder basifixed. Style glabrous; stigma terminal, subcapitate. Pod 2-valved, straight, dehiscent, not armed, 1-many-seeded; seeds estrophiolate, smooth or tuberculate.
Taprooted biennial. Stems branched above, covered with dense, white felted tomentum, 1-3 m tall, with broad dentate spiny wings 5-18 mm wide. Lvs deltoid to ovate to lanceolate, shallowly pinnatifid, coarsely dentate, grey-green, 20-30 × 15-20 cm, with dense fine felted tomentum above and beneath; prickles marginal, yellowish, spreading, 5-10 mm long. Capitula broadly ovoid, waisted at flowering, erect, 2-4-(5) × 2-4-(5) cm, solitary; peduncles elongating just before anthesis, 5-15-(25) cm long. Involucral bracts linear-subulate, 2-3 mm wide at base, the outer and middle with dense cobwebby tomentum; apex spinous, spreading to suberect. Corolla purple or white, 20-24 mm long; lobes unequal, 5-7 mm long. Style exserted 3-4 mm beyond corolla lobes. Achenes dark, narrowly obovoid to clavate, weakly transversely flattened and 4-angled, rugose, 5-6 × 2-2.5 mm; ribs 4, pale; pappus bristles scabrid, 5-10 mm long.
Biennial herbs. Hairs multicellular or unicellular, usually cottony, woolly, or felted, sometimes short and glandular. Lvs alternate, sessile, subentire or pinnatifid or pinnatisect, dentate; lobes and teeth spine-tipped. Capitula homogamous, globose to ovoid, solitary or clustered. Involucral bracts in several series, deltoid to linear, glabrous, puberulent or tomentose; apex spinous. Receptacle flat; scales connate, enclosing bases of achenes in pits with dentate margins. Florets ☿, all tubular. Corolla glabrous or glandular, 5-lobed, reddish, purple, pink or white. Anthers subulate at apex, shortly caudate at base; filaments hairy. Style branches linear, erect, appressed. Achenes obovoid to clavate, 4-5-angled, glabrous, smooth or rugose; achene insertion basal; pappus hairs in 1 or several rows, soft to stiff, plumose or scabrid, united at base into a ring.
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Plants to 4-5 m high, often with thick cylindric trunk. Stem segments to c. 30 cm long, often much less, ± ovate to oblong or obovate, flattened; base narrowed. Areoles villous and with brownish glochids; spines 1-2 per areole, 1-4 cm long. Fls on margins of stem segments, 5-9 cm diam. Sepals and petals 3-4 cm long, yellow, with red tinge or median red stripe on outside of outer petals, ovate. Filaments white or greenish. Stigmas c. 5 mm long. Fr. 5-7.5 × 3-4.5 cm, obovoid, reddish purple, fleshy, spineless; apex with large round depression. Pulp pale green or greenish white.
Aromatic, gynodioecious or ☿, annual or perennial herbs or small shrubs, not rhizomatous. Lvs simple, entire or shallowly toothed. Verticels 2-several-flowered, aggregated in short axillary or terminal heads or spikes, and these densely arranged in paniculate or corymbose infls. Bracts distinct in appearance from lvs and often conspicuously coloured, usually imbricate. Calyx campanulate or turbinate, (10)-13-nerved, not gibbous at base, either ± actinomorphic with teeth ± equal, or 2-lipped or 1-lipped with a deep slit on one side. Corolla 2-lipped, hairy or glabrous outside; upper lip entire or emarginate; lower lip 3-lobed. Stamens 4, usually exserted, spreading, straight, ascending under upper lip; filaments ± unequal; anther cells divergent. Style gynobasic, its branches equal. Nutlets ellipsoid or ovoid.
Rhizomatous perennial with hairy, usually branched, purplish stems c. 60 cm tall. Lvs shortly petiolate, 1.2-3 × 0.6-1.8 cm, ovate, or rhombic to suborbicular, entire or obscurely serrulate, ciliate, hairy and dotted with glands below, often becoming glabrous above. Infls dense, corymbose or paniculate, terminal and axillary; bracts 3-5 mm long, ovate, glabrous, often purple. Calyx c. 2.5 mm long, often purple, hairy outside, and with a prominent, long, white, pilose tuft in throat; teeth 0.5-1 mm long, almost regular, triangular. Corolla 4-7 mm long, pink or purplish, hairy outside; tube > calyx; limb 4-6 mm diam.; upper lip emarginate. Stamens exserted, lacking in the occasional ♀ plants. Nutlets 8-9 mm long.
Herbs. Lvs imparipinnate, stipulate; leaflets numerous, entire, with lateral veins not reaching the margin. Infl. axillary, capitate or umbellate, long-pedunculate; head subtended by a leafy bract or with minute bracts and bracteoles. Calyx tubular or campanulate; calyx teeth 5, subequal or the upper 2 somewhat connate. Corolla white, pink or yellow, sometimes with red or pink stripes. Vexillary stamen free, remainder connate; anthers uniform. Style inflexed; stigma capitate. Pod lomentaceous, compressed or subterete, curved or straight, veined or smooth, indehiscent, constricted or not between segments; seeds oblong.
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Annual, biennial or perennial herbs without chlorophyll, parasitic upon the roots of other flowering plants. Stems erect, with alternate scale lvs crowded towards the base. Infl. usually a terminal spike or raceme, rarely fls solitary or in panicles. Fls bracteate, ☿, zygomorphic. Calyx ± tubular, 4-5-lobed or -toothed, irregularly split, forming 2 lips or nearly regular and cup-shaped. Corolla 5-lobed, often curved, 2-lipped to nearly regular; lobes imbricate. Stamens 4, didynamous, the fifth (adaxial) stamen reduced to a staminode or 0. Ovary superior, 1-locular, with 2-4 parietal placentas; ovules numerous; stigma ± 2-lobed. Fr. a loculicidal capsule. Seeds small, usually numerous, with minute embryo, endospermic.
Annual or perennial herbs with short underground root tubers or tuber-like rhizomes attached to roots of host plants. Stems simple or branched, often stout, with numerous scale lvs. Fls in dense spikes or racemes. Calyx either irregularly 4-(5)-toothed or laterally 2-lipped with usually 2 entire or 2-fid segments, sometimes with a fifth posterior tooth. Corolla strongly 2-lipped; tube curved; upper lip ± 2-lobed; lower lip 3-lobed, at least as long as upper. Stamens included. Ovary with 4 placentae, variously lobed. Stigma lobes fleshy. Valves of capsule sometimes remaining attached apically. Seeds minute, very numerous.
Perennial; stem 10-40-(50) cm high, arising from an orange-brown swollen base, slender or stout, with crisped, glandular hairs. Scale lvs 1-2 cm long, with glandular hairs as on stem, or often lowest scales glabrous; lower scales ovate or oblong-ovate, obtuse to subacute, dense; upper scales lanceolate, acute to acuminate, scattered. Bracts similar to upper stem scales. Calyx 8-15 mm long, deeply divided into 2 lateral segments, each unequally and deeply 2-fid with aristate lobes, with glandular hairs. Corolla 10-17 mm long, with glandular hairs outside, bluish mauve, especially veins, whitish towards base or occasionally all yellow; back of tube fairly evenly curved; upper lip erose, emarginate; lower lip ± equally 3-lobed, erose. Stamens inserted c. 2 mm above base of corolla; filaments ± hairy. Style glabrous; stigma lobes pink to purplish, occasionally yellow. Capsule 6-9 mm long, ellipsoid.
Terrestrial ferns. Rhizomes thick, erect, covered with persistent stipe bases. Fronds 1-2-pinnate, covered with hairs when very young, wholly or partially dimorphic; veins free. Sporangia in dense clusters, replacing the lamina of some or all the pinnae on fertile fronds. Spores trilete.
Rhizomes forming thick erect trunks to 150 cm tall. Fronds 30-300 × 20-75 cm, ovate, 2-pinnate, glabrous except when very young, dimorphic with the outer ones sterile and inner fertile. Fertile fronds bearing sterile pinnae at base and much reduced fertile pinnae at apex. Sterile secondary pinnae in up to 15 pairs, 2-7 × 0.8-1.8 cm, narrowly oblong, obtuse, ± truncate at base, often with a rounded lobe on one side. Fertile secondary pinnae to 3 × 0.4 cm, densely covered with clusters of sporangia.
Rhizomes short, erect, lacking scales. Fronds large, 1-3-pinnate, with 2 stipular expansions at base of stipe protecting the young croziers. Sporangia scattered (not in sori), on abaxial surface of fronds, or in dense clusters on modified pinnae; indusia 0. Annulus a poorly differentiated subapical group of cells. Homosporous; spores with chlorophyll.
Straggling, glandular perennial herb, becoming woody toward base, often forming dense mats. Stems glabrous or clothed in short hairs and becoming glabrous, procumbent, ascending at tips, rooting along ground. Lvs alternate, moderately clothed in short, erect hairs, fleshy, narrow-elliptic to obovate, acute, mucronate, cuneate to the ± amplexicaul base, irregularly dentate or denticulate with 3-7 teeth on each side, 5-10 × 1-2-(3) cm; lvs near capitula becoming smaller, narrower, often almost lanceolate or linear, with fewer teeth or sometimes entire. Capitula solitary, 4-7 cm diam. Involucral bracts in 2 rows, sparsely to moderately hairy, ciliate, lanceolate, 12-15 mm long. Ray florets 14-20; ligules white on upper surface, bluish mauve and often lined on lower surface, sometimes tinged green, (1.6)-2-3 cm long; disc florets numerous, dull bluish purple, with glabrous lobe apices. Achenes obovoid, glabrous, 3-angled, faintly reticulate and with central rib between angles, 6-7 mm long.
Straggling to suberect, glandular perennial herb, becoming somewhat woody toward base. Stems clothed in short hairs, becoming glabrous, often procumbent, ascending at tips and rooting along ground. Lvs alternate, moderately clothed in short erect hairs, fleshy, lanceolate to elliptic or obovate, acute, cuneate to the slightly amplexicaul base, with 3-5 distant teeth on each side, (2)-3-9 × 0.5-1.5 cm; lvs near capitula becoming smaller, narrow and often entire. Capitula solitary, 5-8 cm diam. Involucral bracts in 2 rows, usually moderately hairy and densely ciliate, rarely sparsely hairy, lanceolate, (10)-13-16 mm long. Ray florets 12-17; ligules pinkish mauve on upper surface, purplish blue tinged green on lower, 2-4.5 cm long; disc florets numerous, blue, with glabrous lobe apices. Achenes obovoid, glabrous, 3-angled, faintly reticulate and with central rib between angles, 6-7 mm long.
Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs, not armed. Lvs usually alternate, rarely opposite, simple, entire, toothed, or pinnatisect. Capitula solitary or in loose corymbs. Involucral bracts in 1-4 rows, with membranous margins. Receptacle flat or convex; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, ligulate, yellow, white, purple, pinkish mauve, or white on upper surface and purple on lower. Inner florets tubular, functionally ♂. Achenes all similar or dimorphic, straight or curved, terete, ribbed, angled or winged; pappus 0.
Trailing perennial, becoming somewhat woody toward base. Stems glabrous, much-branched, sometimes rooting at nodes. Lvs glabrous except for tufts of hairs at base, apetiolate, succulent, light green, reddish at apex, terete, obovoid-cylindric, entire, pointed, (7)-10-20-(25) mm long, scattered along stem or in whorls at base of infl. Capitula solitary or paired. Involucral bracts 8-9, ovate-elliptic to oblong, 4-6 mm long. Ray florets c. 10-15; ligules yellow, 3.5-8 mm long. Achenes not seen.
Perennial herbs or shrubs, often succulent. Lvs simple, entire, toothed, lobed or pinnatisect, alternate or whorled. Capitula solitary, paired, or in corymbs or panicles; involucral bracts in 1 row; supplementary bracts 0. Receptacle flat or convex; scales 0. Outer florets usually ♀ and ligulate, rarely ☿, sometimes tubular; ligules yellow or purple; inner florets functionally ♂, tubular. Achenes all similar, oblong-elliptic, slightly curved, ribbed, glabrous or hairy; pappus denticulate.
Herbs, usually perennial, often bulbous, occasionally shrubs. Lvs alternate or radical, palmately or, less often, pinnately compound, often 3-foliolate, sometimes 1-foliolate, nyctinastic, generally stipulate, occasionally phyllodinous and lacking lvs with lamina, sometimes with glandular calli (callus deposits). Fls usually in cymes or solitary, sometimes in racemes, 5-merous, actinomorphic, ☿, sometimes distylous or tristylous, sometimes with minute apetalous fls in addition to fls of normal size. Sepals free or united, imbricate, often with apical, ± orange calli. Petals free or shortly connate at base, contorted in bud, rarely imbricate. Stamens usually 10, in 2 whorls, very rarely 15, the outer whorl opposite petals and sometimes connate below, sometimes 5 staminodal. Ovary usually (3)-5-celled, occasionally carpels free. Styles (3)-5, usually free. Placentation axile with 1-many ovules in each cell. Fr. a loculicidal capsule. Seeds often with elastic, sculptured testa; endosperm fleshy, abundant; embryo straight.
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Herbs or occasionally shrubs. Lvs radical or cauline, mostly palmately compound, often with 3, entire or 2-lobed, sessile or shortly petiolulate leaflets, sometimes pinnately 3-foliolate, rarely 1-foliolate or phyllodinous. Stamens 10, in 2 whorls; carpels 5, united; styles 5, free.
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Perennial, sometimes mat-forming. Stems to c. 15 cm long, thin, creeping, glabrous, rooting at nodes. Lvs 3-foliolate, the rosettes in tufts at intervals, glabrous or hairy. Petiole (0.5)-1.5-5-(9) cm long, often dark reddish; stipules 3-5 mm long, broad and scarious. Lamina of leaflets equal, subsessile or nearly so, 2.5-9 × 2.5-9 mm, broadly obcordate, often dark reddish or deep purple below; sinus broad or narrow, rather shallow. Fls solitary; peduncles slender, 1-6-(11) cm long, hairy. Bracts 2.5-4 mm long, linear-lanceolate, glabrate; calli 0. Sepals 3-5-(6) mm long, ± elliptic, with ± appressed hairs; calli 0. Petals 8-15-(20) mm long, broad-obovate, white, usually glabrous, sometimes ciliate. Stamens at 2 levels, glabrous; filaments not dilated at base. Styles slightly to obviously > longer stamens, glabrous. Capsule 4-5 mm diam., globose. Seed 5-7 mm long, ± ellipsoid-ovoid, with prominent raised reticulations.
Bushy perennial herb, with very stout primary root 3-7 mm wide towards apex. Stems to c. 20 cm long, numerous, slender, mostly erect and suberect, the outer prostrate, glabrate to densely clothed in ± antrorse hairs. Lvs 3-foliolate. Petioles to 5 cm long, glabrate to densely clothed in antrorse hairs; stipules c. 1.5 mm long, nearly completely adnate to petiole, ciliate. Lamina of leaflets equal, subsessile, 3-14 × 1-4 mm, deeply lobed with sinus c. ⅔ length, sometimes purplish, usually ± fishtail-shaped, glabrate or glabrous above, glabrate or with appressed hairs below, ciliate; calli 0. Fls 1-3; peduncles 2-8 cm long, glabrate or with antrorse hairs; pedicels 0.5-1.5 cm long, both much longer at fruiting, glabrate or with antrorse hairs. Bracts 1-2 mm long, linear-subulate, hairy, situated at base of pedicels; calli 0. Sepals 3-4 mm long, ovate-elliptic or elliptic-oblong, with appressed, antrorse hairs; calli 0. Petals > 6 mm long, ± obovate, yellow, glabrous. Stamens at 2 levels, glabrous; filaments united in lower 1/2, those of longer whorl c. 3 mm long. Styles > longer stamens, densely hairy. Capsule 10-20 mm long excluding styles, narrow-cylindric, often falcate but otherwise straight, ± densely clothed in short retrorse hairs. Seeds c. 1.5 mm long, oblong-ellipsoid; transverse ridges (8)-10-11, obtuse; grooves rather shallow.
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Rhizomatous perennial herb; tubers numerous, elongated, to c. 12 × 4 cm, with reddish pink skin and yellow flesh; scales many, minute and in a long groove, otherwise tubers smooth and shining. Stems numerous, erect, to c. 75 cm tall, hairy, green or purple, succulent, moderately thick. Lvs 3-(4)-foliolate, cauline, white-pilose. Petiole 3-8 cm long, slender; stipules 5-8 mm long, adnate to petiole, membranous. Lamina of leaflets equal, sessile, 10-32 × 8-30 mm, broad-obovate, hairy, the hairs denser beneath; apex emarginate; calli 0. Fls few in cymes; peduncles to 11 cm long, ± hairy; pedicels to 10 cm long, densely hairy. Bracts 4-5 mm long, subulate; calli 0. Sepals 7-10 mm long, lanceolate, glabrous except at base and apex; calli 0. Petals c. 1.5 cm long, obovate, yellow with dark red veins, glabrous. Stamens at 2 levels; filaments dilated below, upper whorl hairy in lower 1/2. Styles of intermediate length between stamen whorls, hairy. Capsule not seen.
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Perennial herb; bulb with black, ± shining tunic. Stems erect, to 15 cm tall, glabrous or somewhat hairy, pink, with most lvs clustered at top. Lvs 3-foliolate. Petiole 0.2-5 cm long, hairy; stipules adnate to petiole, inconspicuous. Lamina of leaflets sessile, ± equal, 7-14 × 1.5-4 mm, narrow-linear to linear-oblong, broadest at apex, glabrous above, hairy below; apex emarginate with orange calli on each side of groove. Fls solitary; peduncle 2-4 cm long, hairy. Bracts 1.5-2.5 mm long, narrow-linear; calli prominent. Sepals 3.5-5 mm long, oblong-elliptic, hairy; calli 2, orange. Petals (1.3)-1.6-1.9 cm long, obovate and somewhat oblique, white with prominent rose margin (appearing striped in the convolute bud), glandular-hairy outside. Stamens at 2 levels; longer whorl much > styles; filaments minutely puberulent, dilated in lower 1/2. Styles intermediate between the 2 stamen whorls, 2-2.5 mm long, puberulent. Capsule not seen.
Tall shrub; twigs densely sericeous, angular. Lvs irregularly verticillate or opposite, finely sericeous above and below when young but almost glabrous above when older, entire, obovate to elliptic, acute to obtuse or slightly retuse, mucronate, (30)-35-55-(80) mm long; midvein prominent; petiole 2-5 mm long; stipules sericeous, linear, 2-4 mm long. Infl. terminal, racemose, dense, with numerous fls; pedicels 3-5 mm long; bracts and bracteoles sericeous, deciduous. Calyx densely sericeous, calyx teeth = or > tube. Corolla orange-yellow, usually with reddish markings, c. 10-15 mm long. Pod densely sericeous, ribbed and very hard, dehiscent through the apex only, half-moon shaped, 6-8-seeded, 13-17 mm long; seeds dull reddish black, scarcely strophiolate.
Vigorous liane. Lvs petiolate, with (3)-5-7-(9) leaflets; leaflets 1.5-6 × 0.7-4 cm, lanceolate-ovate to ± oblong, usually entire, sometimes serrate in upper 1/2; base cuneate to rounded, often oblique in lateral leaflets; apex usually mucronate. Panicles of very numerous fragrant fls; peduncles and pedicels puberulent or glabrous. Calyx 3-4 mm long; teeth short and acute, puberulent or glabrous. Corolla 1.7-2.3 cm long, white or cream outside, variously marked with crimson or deep red inside; tube 1-1.5 cm long, broadly cylindric, slightly curved on upper side, glabrous; lobes broad-ovate to suborbicular, densely hairy on both surfaces, patent at first, later recurved; upper lobes to 4 mm long; lower lobes to 6 mm long. Ovary and style ± puberulent. Capsule c. 9 × 2 cm including beak. Seeds 2-2.5 cm wide including wing.
Evergreen lianes. Lvs imparipinnate, glabrous. Leaflets usually entire, sometimes serrate, the terminal leaflet largest. Fls in axillary or terminal panicles, often numerous. Calyx small, tubular-campanulate, shortly 5-toothed. Corolla slightly 2-lipped; tube funnelform to broadly cylindric; lobes imbricate. Stamens 4, included, with strongly diverging anthers. Disc thick, annular. Ovary 2-locular, glabrous or hairy. Capsule oblong; valves thick. Seeds broad, elliptic, winged.
Annual herb; rosette small, tufted; stems ascending, hispid, (5)-20-30-(40) cm tall. Lvs green, (2)-4-8 × 1-3 cm, the lower petiolate, the upper sessile. Lamina broadly ovate to triangular, pinnatifid to 2-pinnatisect, cuneate at base, clothed in long setose hairs especially at segment tips and on midrib and margins beneath. Pedicels (3)-5-15 cm long, with appressed hairs. Sepals hispid, 7-13 × 5-7 mm. Petals red, 1-2.5 × 1-2.5 cm, with or without a dark blotch at base. Capsule clavate, widest in upper ?, ribbed, (10)-15-20 × (3)-4-7 mm, with pale, stiff, bristly spreading hairs. Stigmatic disc 1/2-3/4 width of capsule, conic; rays 4-6.
Perennial herb; rosette densely leafy from stout rootstock covered with bases of old lvs; stems erect, to 60 cm tall, with spreading hairs below. Lvs glaucous or dull green, petiolate, the lower (8)-15-35 × (1)-2-4 cm, the upper smaller. Lamina oblanceolate, cuneate at base, pinnatifid, bluntly toothed, hispid. Pedicels 20-50 cm long, with appressed hairs above. Sepals hispid, c. 15 × 10 mm. Petals orange, without dark blotch, 3-4 × 3-4 cm. Capsule broadly clavate, widest in upper ⅓, slightly ribbed, glabrous, 20-30 × 5-10 mm; stigmatic disc = width of capsule, flat; rays 6-7.
Annual herb; rosette usually present; stems erect, finely hispid, 20-30-(80) cm tall. Lvs ± glaucous, petiolate especially the lower, 5-10-(15) × 2-7-(10) cm. Lamina oblanceolate or lanceolate to ovate, abruptly narrowed at base, deeply 1-2-pinnatisect, hispid. Pedicels 10-30-(45) cm long, hispid; hairs spreading in lower ⅓, appressed above. Sepals hispid, (5)-15-20 × (3)-10-15 mm. Petals red, 1-3 × 1-3 cm, with basal blotch faint or 0. Capsule clavate to oblong-obovoid, widest above 1/2 way, slightly ribbed, glabrous, (7)-15-25 × (3)-5-10 mm. Stigmatic disc = width of capsule, conic at first, flat when ripe; rays (4)-5-8-(10).
Annual herb; rosette tufted; stems decumbent to ascending, hispid, (2)-10-20-(60) cm tall. Lvs ± glaucous, (2)-6-10-(15) × (1)-3-6 cm, the lower long-petiolate, the upper subsessile. Lamina broadly ovate to triangular, cuneate at base, usually deeply 2-3-pinnatisect, covered with inconspicuous short stiff hairs and/or longer hairs especially on midrib beneath. Pedicels 5-15-(20) cm long, with appressed hairs. Sepals densely hispid, 5-10 × 3-10 mm. Petals red, 1-2.5 × 1-2.5 cm, with dark blotch at base. Capsule ellipsoid, widest near 1/2 way, ribbed, (4)-10-15 × (2)-5-8 mm, covered with dense, pale, spreading, stiff, bristly hairs. Stigmatic disc c. 1/2 width of capsule, conic; rays 4-8.
Annual herbs or root perennials, with white or coloured latex. Lvs simple and toothed to pinnatifid to 2-pinnatisect, glabrous or hispid, glaucous or green. Fls solitary or in lax leafy cymes; buds usually drooping. Sepals 2, entire, free, falling as fl. opens, not horned. Petals 4-(6), crumpled in bud, orange to red, sometimes lilac or white. Stigma lobes 4-18, forming a broad sessile stigmatic disc. Capsule ovate, clavate, orbicular or oblong, opening by pore-like valves just below stigmatic disc. Seeds reniform or comma-shaped, without aril.
Annual herb; rosette tufted; stems erect, usually sparsely hispid, 30-60-(100) cm tall. Lvs dull green, 7-20 × 1-8 cm, at least the lower petiolate. Lamina narrow-ovate to triangular, cuneate at base, sparsely to densely hispid, pinnatifid to 2-pinnatisect, the upper becoming less divided. Pedicels to 30 cm long, with fine spreading hairs throughout. Sepals hispid, 10-20 × 5-10 mm. Petals red, rarely pink or white, 2-4 × 2.5-6 cm, usually with dark, sometimes white, basal blotch. Capsule subglobose to broadly obovoid, widest above 1/2 way, flat-topped, rounded at shortly stipitate base, slightly ribbed, glabrous, 10-15-(20) × 8-15 mm. Stigmatic disc = width of capsule, flat when ripe; rays (5)-8-12-(18).
Annual herb; rosette tufted; stems erect, glabrous, 30-60-(150) cm tall. Lvs glaucous, (2)-4-8-(15) × (0.5)-5-12-(15) cm, the lower cuneate at base and shortly petiolate, the upper sessile and amplexicaul. Lamina ovate-oblong, shallowly pinnatifid and irregularly and coarsely lobed or toothed, glabrous or with a few stiff hairs on midrib and margins. Pedicels to 30 cm long, glabrous or with sparse bristly or soft hairs. Sepals glabrous or hairy, (5)-15-30-(40) × (4)-10-20-(30) mm. Petals usually pink or mauve, rarely white or red, 2-7 × 2-7 cm, usually with large dark blotch near base. Capsule broadly ovoid or obovoid to globose, widest at or above 1/2 way, shortly stipitate, not ribbed, glabrous, (10)-15-40 × (5)-10-40 mm. Stigmatic disc slightly wider than capsule, flat or concave; rays (5)-7-11-(15).
Stems up to 150 cm tall. Lvs bluntly dentate or obtusely lobed, glabrous. Capsule broadly ovoid to obovoid or globose, (10)-15-30-(40) × (10)-15-30-(40) mm; stigma rays (7)-8-12-(15).
Stems rarely taller than 60 cm. Lvs sharply dentate; teeth often tipped with a spiny hair; midrib setulose beneath. Capsule obovoid, (10)-15-20 × (5)-10-15 mm; stigma rays 5-8-(10).
Annual or perennial herbs with watery sap or milky or coloured latex. Lvs spiralled, exstipulate, variously lobed to dissected. Fls ☿, solitary or in lax leafy cymes, rarely in axillary umbels, actinomorphic, hypogynous. Sepals 2-(3), caducous. Petals 4-(6), all similar, sessile, not spurred. Stamens many, free. Ovary of 2-many carpels; ovules numerous on parietal placentae. Fr. a capsule opening by valves or pores, 1-locular or rarely 2-locular by meeting of placentae. Seeds many, small, reticulate; embryo small; endosperm oily.
Trees or shrubs. Lvs 2-paripinnate, with few to numerous paired pinnae along the rachis and each pinna with few to numerous, sessile paired pinnules; glands present on petiole or rachis; stipules minute or conspicuous. Infl. a cylindric spike or raceme; spikes or racemes axillary, solitary or arranged in panicles; bracts and bracteoles usually small. Fls actinomorphic, usually 5-merous, white to yellow, or yellow-green; calyx shortly toothed or lobed; petals connate to about the middle. Stamens numerous, united into a closed tube for part of length, exserted; anthers uniform, versatile. Style filiform; stigma terminal. Pod 2-valved, straight, dehiscent; seeds without an aril.
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Glandular-hairy herb with erect, usually simple stems to c. 30 cm tall. Lvs 5-15 × 3-8 mm, ovate or lanceolate, deeply toothed or lobed; margins somewhat revolute. Infl. = or > non-flowering part when fully developed. Bracts mostly reduced. Calyx c. 10 mm long, glandular-hairy, mainly on nerves; teeth c. 4 mm long, triangular, with margin and apex purple. Corolla 12-15 mm long (to apex of upper lip), persistent around capsule; lobes and upper tube crimson-purple, with crimson-purple hairs (at least in upper part); upper lip 4-5 mm long, white-hairy inside; lower lip lobes united in lower part and with 2, large, elliptic, glandular concavities; middle lobe 1-1.5 mm long. Filaments glabrous except at base. Capsule 7-8 mm long, lanceolate-oblong, glabrous. Seeds c. 0.25 mm long, fusiform.
Viscid herb with erect, often simple stems to c. 60 cm tall. Lvs 1.2-4.5 × 0.5-1.5 cm, lanceolate to narrow-elliptic or oblong, coarsely serrate, with glandular hairs mainly on veins and margin; margins flat; apex obtuse or acute. Infl. becoming > non-flowering part. Upper bracts reduced. Calyx 1-1.5 cm long, mainly glandular-hairy along nerves and margin of lobes; teeth 6-10 mm long, narrow-triangular, green, acuminate. Corolla 17-25 mm long (to apex of upper lip), yellow, ± deciduous; upper lip 6-8 mm long, glabrous inside; lower lip with rounded lobes, lacking glandular concavities, the middle lobe 4-5 mm long. Filaments hairy. Capsule 0.9-1.2 cm long, oblong-obovoid, hairy in upper part. Seeds c. 0.2 mm long, ovate-oblong or ellipsoid.
Annual, semi-parasitic herbs. Lvs opposite or sometimes the upper alternate, sessile, dentate or serrate. Infl. a terminal, spike-like raceme. Bracts similar to lvs. Calyx tubular or tubular-campanulate, 4-toothed, ± regular and not 2-lipped. Corolla tube cylindric; limb 2-lipped; upper lip entire or emarginate, forming a hood; lower lip longer, with 3 entire lobes. Stamens 4, included in upper lip; anthers mucronate or aristate at base. Capsule oblong, loculicidal. Seed numerous, smooth or reticulate, very small; wing 0.
Slender, diffuse, hairy annual. Stem succulent, up to 70 cm long, often lax. Lvs midgreen, sometimes shiny, thin and delicate, rhombic-ovate, up to 5 cm long. Petioles often = or > lamina. At least some bracteoles > perianth at fruiting. Achenes ovoid, dark brown, 1-1.5 mm long.
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Annual or perennial herbs, sometimes woody at base, without stinging hairs. Lvs alternate, entire, exstipulate. Cymes axillary. Fls inconspicuous, ☿ or unisexual, bracteolate. Perianth green or variously tinged; perianth of ♀ fls 4-partite; perianth of ☿ fls 4-partite, connate at base at flowering, becoming tubular and 4-toothed at fruiting; ☿ fls strongly protogynous. Achenes enclosed in perianth and sometimes in bracteoles.
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Perennial, prostrate herb. Lvs palmately 3-foliolate; principal lateral veins thin and reticulate; leaflets entire or dentate; stipules ± free from petiole. Infl. axillary, umbellate, 1-3-flowered; bracts present at base of pedicel. Calyx teeth 5; upper 2 teeth fused almost to the tip. Corolla deciduous after flowering. Vexillary filament free, others connate; anthers almost uniform. Style glabrous; stigma small, terminal. Pod 2-valved, straight, dehiscent, not armed, many-seeded; seeds estrophiolate, smooth and rounded.
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Perennial, rarely annual, herbs. Hairs eglandular. Lvs opposite or rarely apparently alternate or whorled, linear to elliptic; stipules conspicuous, scarious, splitting lengthwise with age. Infl. a terminal or axillary cluster; bracts scarious, usually silvery, often concealing fls; epicalyx 0. Fls slightly perigynous; sepals 5, free, equal or unequal, often hooded and awned; petals 5, entire, minute or 0. Stamens 5, rarely more. Styles 2-(3). Fr. 1-seeded, indehiscent or with membranous pericarp rupturing at base. Seeds smooth, subglobose, not winged.
Deciduous, low climbing, scrambling or trailing liane. Tendrils present at each stem node, branched, their apices finely pointed and nearly always lacking adhesive pads. Lvs palmate with (3)-5-(7) leaflets; petioles often reddish. Petiolules to c. 1.5 cm long. Lamina of leaflets very variable, mainly 2.5-10 × 1.5-5.5 cm, ovate, rhombic-ovate, or obovate, ± hairy below at first, especially on veins, becoming glabrous or glabrate, coarsely serrate, becoming coloured in autumn; base cuneate; apex acuminate. Infl. almost paniculate; cymes dichotomous with several branches; peduncles and pedicels dark reddish. Calyx cup-shaped, truncate, 0.5-1 mm long, often reddish. Petals 2.5-3.5 mm long, ± oblong, green. Stamens subequal to petals. Berry (5)-7-10 mm diam., red, becoming black with a bluish bloom; juice dark red.
Deciduous or rarely evergreen lianes; bark remaining adherent, lenticellate; pith white, continuous. Tendrils branched, often with adhesive disc-like tips. Lvs palmately compound or simple, long-petiolate. Fls in lf-opposed pedunculate cymes or panicles, mostly ☿. Calyx 5-lobed, minute. Petals (4)-5, free, usually spreading, sometimes deflexed, persistent at least briefly after anthesis. Disc adnate to base of ovary, scarcely distinguishable. Ovary 2-celled; ovules 2 per cell; style very short. Berry 1-4-seeded, dark blue or blackish, often with glaucous bloom; flesh thin.
Glabrous vine. Shoots angular. Lvs 5-lobed almost to base, membranous; petioles 1-3 cm long, with 1-3 stalked glands usually near middle of petiole; stipules c. 2 cm broad, subreniform, undulate, sometimes dentate; lamina lobes subequal; middle lobe 3.5-6.5-(8.5) × 0.5-3 cm, elliptic-obovate or narrow-elliptic, sometimes almost linear on vegetative shoots, membranous and dull above, entire or crenulate, mucronate. Fls ☿, solitary. Pedicels 3.5-6.5 cm long. Bracts 2-2.8 cm long, broad-ovate, entire, cordate, imbricate. Hypanthium inconspicuous. Sepals and petals 3-4.5 cm long, oblong, white inside; sepals greenish outside and with short dorsal horn towards apex; corona threads c. 2 cm long, with base purple, middle white, and apex violet. Stamens greenish; anthers c. 10 mm long, = or slightly > filaments. Ovary glabrous. Fr. c. 3-5 cm diam., subglobose, yellow; pulp scanty and inedible. Seed c. 4 mm long, broad-elliptic, strongly alveolate, silvery brownish.
Vigorous vine, glabrous except for pistil and stamens. Shoots slightly angular. Lvs deeply 3-lobed, but entire on young plants; petiole 1-3 cm long, with 2 sessile glands near apex; stipules 10-15 mm long, linear-subulate, entire; lamina lobes ± elliptic, submembranous, deep shining green above, rounded at base; middle lobe largest, 6-10 × 3-5.5 cm, serrate or serrulate, obtuse to acute. Fls ☿, solitary. Pedicels 4-6 cm long at flowering. Bracts 1.5-2 cm long, ovate, free, coarsely serrate. Hypanthium inconspicuous. Sepals 2.5-3 cm long, oblong, green on reverse, white inside; petals white, similar to sepals; corona threads 2-2.5 cm long, white with purple base. Filaments puckered, purple towards base, otherwise white; anthers 8-10 mm long, > filaments. Ovary puberulent. Fr. 5-6.25 × 4.75-5.75 cm, broad-ellipsoid or subglobose, dull purple; pulp orange, sweet. Seed c. 5 mm long, ovate, black, pitted.
Herbaceous or ± woody climbers with branch-opposed tendrils. Petioles usually with several prominent glands. Fls usually ☿; bracts often large and in whorls of 3, rarely 0. Receptacle forming a saucer-shaped to cylindric hypanthium, occasionally hypanthium 0. Sepals (1)-5, free or united towards base, often petaloid. Petals usually (4)-5, rarely 0; corona variously developed. Stamens 5, united into a tube around the gynophore; anthers versatile. Ovary usually with 3 parietal placentas; styles usually 3. Fr. a many-seeded berry.
Vigorous vine, often high-climbing; shoots densely hairy, angular when young. Lvs 3-lobed; petioles to c. 6 cm long, densely hairy, with 2-8, sessile or subsessile glands; stipules 2-4 mm wide, broad-ovate, toothed, with a single long bristle; lamina lobes subequal, mostly 6-12 cm long, elliptic to elliptic-ovate, serrate, extending ?-3/4 of distance in from the margin, soon glabrous above excepting midrib, with veins remaining moderately to densely hairy below, otherwise glabrous or glabrate, acute to apiculate; middle lobe, 2-4 cm wide. Fls ☿, solitary. Pedicels > petioles. Bracts 3-4 cm long, united for ⅓-⅔, puberulent, entire. Hypanthium 6-8 cm long, glabrous outside. Perianth segments 4-6.5 cm long, elliptic; sepals pink inside, greenish outside, with short horn near apex; petals pink; corona a ring of purple, white-tipped scales (sometimes purple rim faint) 1-3 mm long. Filaments 1-2 cm long, whitish, > anthers; anthers 6-10 mm long. Ovary white-villous. Fr. usually 8-9 × 3.5-4 cm, ellipsoid, orange, or yellowish orange, densely hairy; pulp orange, sweet, edible. Seed 4-5 mm long, ellipsoid to obovoid, dark reddish, alveolate.
Vigorous vine; shoots densely hairy, weakly angular when young. Lvs 3-lobed; petioles 1.5-5 cm long, densely hairy, with (4)-6-12 stalked or subsessile glands; stipules 5-10 mm wide (excluding subulate apex when present), subreniform, with glandular teeth; lamina lobes usually 5-14 cm long, extending 1/2-⅔ of the distance in from the margin, usually ± tomentose below, hairy or glabrate above, elliptic or elliptic-ovate, narrow-lanceolate on juvenile shoots, serrate or serrulate, acute; middle lobe largest, 4-9 × 2-5 cm. Fls ☿, solitary. Pedicels > petioles, densely hairy. Bracts 1.5-3.75 cm long, ovate or broad-ovate, ± tomentose outside, entire or slightly toothed, united for lower 1/4-1/2 until anthesis. Hypanthium 8-9.5 cm long, glabrous outside. Sepals 2-3.8 cm long, elliptic, green on reverse, pink or rose inside, rounded and with short horn near apex; petals similar but pink on both sides; corona a ring of purple, white-tipped scales 1-2 mm long. Filaments 1.5-2 cm long, pale, often scarcely > anthers; anthers (7)-10-12 mm long. Ovary white-villous. Fr. (6)-7-12 × 2-3 cm, ± ellipsoid, yellow or orange-yellow, puberulent; pulp sweet and orange, edible. Seed 4.5-5.5 mm long, broad-obovoid, dark red to black, alveolate.
Vigorous vine; young shoots angular, downy. Lvs 3-lobed; petioles 1-3 cm long, white-lanate, with (2)-4-8 glands almost hidden in indumentum; stipules pinnate with dark filiform segments almost to the base of the very narrow-linear rachis; lamina lobes 5-9 cm long, extending ?-3/4 distance in from margin; middle lobe largest, 3-8 × 1.5-3 cm, lanceolate to elliptic-ovate, dentate, grey- or white-tomentose below, glabrate above except when young, dark shining green, ± rugose, acute or mucronate. Fls ☿, solitary. Pedicels much > petioles, hairy. Bracts free, 1.5-2.3 cm long, ovate, hairy or glabrate outside, serrate with teeth setose. Hypanthium (4)-4.5-5 cm long, tomentulose. Sepals 3-4.8 cm long, elliptic, green outside, with tomentulose band, white or very pale pink inside, with short horn near apex; petals similar to sepals but all pink; corona threads violet-blue, c. 1/2 perianth. Filaments 1.3-1.7 cm long, much > anthers; anthers 6-9 mm long. Ovary white-villous. Fr. 4-7 cm diam., globose or depressed globose, yellow, tomentulose; pulp sweet and edible, orange. Seeds 5-6 mm long, ellipsoid-ovoid, dark brown or dark red, alveolate.
Vigorous, dioecious, high-climbing vine, glabrous except for slightly hairy young stems. Lvs simple; petioles (0.8)-1-2 cm long, eglandular; stipules minute or 0; lamina (4)-5-12-(14) × (1.8)-2-4-(5.5) cm, lanceolate to narrow-ovate or elliptic, coriaceous, dark glossy green above, entire, acute to acuminate. Fls (1)-3-4 in cymes, fragrant. Pedicels 5-15 mm long. Bracts ± subulate, caducous. Hypanthium 0. Perianth 4-merous; segments 5-6 mm long, ± oblong, yellowish green; corona threads 2.5-3.5 mm long. ♂ fls with 4 stamens; filaments 5-6 mm long forming a short androphore bearing an abortive ovary. ♀ fls with short staminodes. Ovary glabrous; styles (2)-3, c. 2 mm long. Fr. (2)-2.5-3 cm diam., subglobose or broad-ellipsoid, orange; pulp reddish, sparse. Seeds 3-7 mm long, flattened, wrinkled.
Herbs or shrubs to small trees, mostly lianes, usually climbing with tendrils. Lvs alternate, mostly with deciduous stipules, entire or variously lobed; petiole often glandular. Fls usually solitary or few in cymes, actinomorphic, usually ☿, sometimes unisexual. Bracts often prominent. Sepals (1)-5, imbricate, free or partially united, often petaloid. Petals usually (3)-5, rarely 0, imbricate, free or nearly so; corona present on receptacle margin, composed of 1 or more rows of thread-like filaments or scales, sometimes merely an annular rim. Stamens (3)-5-(10), alternate with petals; filaments free or fused, sometimes inserted on a gynophore. Ovary superior, 1-locular, sometimes on a gynophore, with 3-(5) parietal placentas; ovules usually numerous. Fr. a capsule or berry. Seeds with pitted testa and fleshy aril, endospermic.
Glabrous or hairy, biennial or perennial herbs, with stout or thin taproots. Lvs usually 1-2-pinnate, rarely simple and serrate; segments usually broad. Umbels compound, pedunculate; bracts and bracteoles 0, or few, entire and often caducous. Petals yellow or whitish red, regular, with apex entire and inflexed; calyx teeth 0. Fr. ellipsoid to globose, strongly flattened dorsally, not beaked, spineless but sometimes hispid; commissure broad; ribs 5 per mericarp, the dorsal slender, the lateral with a thin wing; lateral wings of opposing mericarps appressed; vittae broad, 1-(2) in furrows; dorsal vittae almost as long as fr.
Stout, erect biennial, with a thick white taproot. Stems puberulent, hollow, grooved, striate, up to 150-(200) cm high. Basal lvs puberulent, particularly below, usually 1-pinnate, the first pair of leaflets often, and other pairs sometimes, again divided, petiolate; leaflets in c. 5-10 pairs, ovate to lanceolate, pinnately lobed and coarsely serrate, up to 15 cm long, usually sessile, sometimes shortly petiolulate; stem lvs similar to basal, but reduced with fewer, shorter leaflets. Umbel 3-19 cm diam.; rays 7-30; bracts and bracteoles 0-2, linear, 2-4 mm long; fls numerous, yellow, 1-2 mm diam. Fr. glabrous, broadly elliptic to orbicular, 4-6 mm long; vittae slender, prominent, 4 dorsal, 2 commissural.
Deciduous trees. Lvs opposite, petiolate, simple; lamina large, ovate or shallowly 3-lobed, mostly entire but toothed in young plants. Infl. a large, terminal cymose panicle of many fls, produced before the lvs. Calyx deeply 5-lobed; lobes equal. Corolla tubular- or campanulate-funnelform, generally mauve; limb somewhat oblique, ± bilabiate with 5 subequal lobes. Stamens 4, included. Capsule ± ovoid, loculicidal; valves woody. Seeds numerous, fairly large, with surrounding broad wing.
Large spreading tree to c. 15 m high. Lvs with long petioles. Lamina to c. 25 × 20 cm on flowering shoots, ovate, glandular-hairy above, densely glandular-hairy below and with some hairs stellate, at least when young, entire or toothed (usually shallowly 3-5-lobed on young trees); base cordate; apex acute or acuminate. Panicle erect, pyramidal; branches and calyx rusty brown; tomentose; fl. buds produced in the previous summer. Calyx 1.5-2 cm long, campanulate; lobes obtuse. Corolla 5-7 cm long, glandular-hairy outside; tube campanulate-funnelform, sharply bent near base, mauve with white or yellowish throat, sometimes with dark streaks; lobes c. 1.5 cm broad, ± rounded, glandular-ciliate. Capsule 3.5-4.5 cm long including beak, ovoid. Seed fusiform; wing striate.
Annual to perennial herbs or shrubs. Lvs usually angled or lobed. Fls axillary and solitary, or in infls with reduced lvs; epicalyx segments 5 or more, united in part or free; calyx evenly 5-toothed; petals spreading or closed. Style branches twice as many as loculi, clavate. Fr. of 5, 1-seeded, indehiscent, sometimes awned mericarps arranged in a single flat whorl and separating from axis at maturity.
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Soft-wooded subshrub up to c. 75 cm tall, strongly aromatic, densely hairy. Stems with hairs deflexed. Stipules c. 1 cm long, ovate, acuminate. Petioles of lower lvs to > 8 cm long. Lamina to c. 7 × 10 cm on flowering plants, ± triangular, deeply divided into 3 lobes; lobes toothed and sinuate, rough above; 2 side lobes to c. 2 cm across, each with a secondary lobe near base; terminal lobe to c. 2.5 cm across, with a pair of secondary lobes. Umbels c. 10-flowered, densely covered in glandular hairs; peduncles 2-6 cm long; pedicels 1-6 mm long. Sepals 8-12 mm long, elliptic-lanceolate, green, densely hairy; calyx spur c. 3 mm long. Corolla pink; upper 2 petals 1-1.6 × 0.5-0.8 cm, with ± prominent purple markings and white central patch, and claw well developed; lower 3 petals 0.9-1.4 × 0.25-0.5 cm, with purple median line in lower 1/2, and claw not well differentiated. Style and stigmas becoming rose. Mericarps not seen.
Erect aromatic subshrub to c. 1 m tall. Young stems and petioles ± densely white-pilose. Stipules ± ovate, acuminate or cuspidate. Lvs with lower petioles to c. 15 cm long. Lamina to c. 10-(16) × 12-(18) cm (much smaller in upper cauline lvs), triangular to broad-ovate and reniform, hairy at least below, sometimes densely pilose, without a dark band above, coarsely and sharply toothed and often lobulate, less often deeply 3-lobed; base shallowly cordate to truncate. Umbels few-flowered, densely white-pilose, eglandular; peduncles often long; pedicel ?-1/2 length of calyx spur. Sepals 1.5-2.2 cm long, lanceolate, moderately to densely white-pilose, often purple; calyx spur 4-8 mm long. Corolla somewhat irregular; petals imbricate with background colour white to rose or mauve; upper 2 petals larger, 1.5-4.3 × 1.5-3.6 cm; limb ± suborbicular, slightly asymmetric, always with large dark crimson or purplish markings and central blotch. Style and stigmas the same colour as basic colour of corolla. Mericarps not seen.
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Annual or biennial hairy herb; stems sprawling, grooved, procumbent or spreading, sparingly branched. Petioles to 10-(30) cm long. Stipules small, ovate, ± scarious. Lamina (1)-1.5-5.5-(11) × (1)-1.7-5.5-(11) cm, broad-ovate or ± reniform, not lobed or with 3-5 shallow lobes, crenate or crenulate; base deeply and broadly cordate. Fls irregular, 5-15 in dense umbels; peduncles to c. 10 cm long, very slender; pedicels to c. 6 mm long. Sepals 2.5-5 mm long, ovate-oblong, mucronate or acute; calyx spur minute. Petals 3.5-6.5 mm long, usually pink or rose with purplish streaks on larger upper 2, occasionally white, spathulate, obovate, or oblanceolate. Mericarps 2-2.8 mm long; awn with long, patently pilose hairs. Seed black.
Perennial herbs or soft-wooded subshrubs, rarely annual, sometimes with tuberous roots, usually aromatic; stems sometimes succulent. Lvs cauline, usually opposite and petiolate, entire to finely dissected, often ± succulent; stipules often brown and scarious. Fls 2-many, in pedunculate umbels; bracts few to many, sometimes coloured. Sepals 5, imbricate, connate at base, with dorsal sepal forming a nectariferous spur adnate to the pedicel. Petals (2)-5, clawed or sessile, usually unequal with upper 2 larger and more conspicuously coloured. Stamens 10, 2-7 fertile, others reduced to staminodes, connate at base. Ovary 5-locular, with 2 ovules per loculus, hirsute; style long. Fr. with beak, the outer part of style separating to form 5 long awns which remain attached to the mericarps; awns spirally-twisted, sometimes spine-like, coiling upon dehiscence. Mericarps 1-seeded, tapering, often spine-tipped.
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Subshrub to c. 75 cm tall, smelling strongly of peppermint. Stems, lvs and infl. with ± velvety white tomentum, and glandular scales beneath hairs. Petiole to c. 30 cm long. Stipules ovate-acuminate, brown and membranous. Lamina to 12 × 15 cm, broadly obovate, rather shallowly 3-lobed with each lobe usually lobulate, serrate-dentate and extending 1/4-1/2 way to midrib; base usually shallowly cordate, sometimes deeply so. Infl. of several umbels, each with 5-8 fls; hairs dense, mostly long and simple but some short and glandular; peduncles often = petioles; pedicels 2-3.5 cm long, generally radiating widely in umbels of 6-8 fls. Sepals 5.5-6.5 mm long, ± triangular-ovate, green, with copious long white hairs; calyx spur c. 2 mm long. Corolla white or pinkish; upper 2 petals 7-8.5 mm long, ± oblong, usually with asymmetric base, crimson-purple-marked in lower 1/2; lower 3 petals 8-10.5 mm long, linear or ligulate. Style crimson or purplish, c. 4 mm long; stigmas crimson or purplish. Mericarps not seen.
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Herb, hispid throughout. Stems to c. 75 cm tall. Basal lvs with lamina to c. 30 × 15 cm, ovate or ovate-oblong, densely appressed hispid below, appressed hispid above with longer hairs bulbous-based; base attenuate; apex acute or mucronate. Cauline lvs smaller. Cymes dense, with up to 15 fls, each cyme with large lanceolate to ovate bracts. Calyx 2.55 mm long, longer at fruiting; lobes linear or linear-lanceolate. Corolla tube 3-4 mm long, densely hispid; limb 8-12 mm diam.; lobes patent, blue, rounded, with white eye composed of the protuberant scales. Style c. 2 mm long. Nutlets 1.5-2 mm long, ovoid, asymmetric, rugose, blackish.
Rhizomatous, hispid perennial. Basal lvs with long petiole; cauline lvs with short petiole or subsessile. Infl. a terminal or axillary bracteate cyme. Calyx ± lobed to base. Corolla tube short, funnelform or cylindric; limb rotate. Scales broad-ovate, puberulent, closing mouth of tube. Stamens included. Style included. Stigma capitate. Nutlets ovoid, erect, with slightly thickened collar and an excentric, stalked attachment at base.
Erect perennial herb, up to c. 1 m tall. Stems sparsely hairy to almost glabrous, branched above to form infl. Basal lvs sparsely to moderately hairy or densely lanate on lower surface, glabrous on upper; petiole = or > lamina; lamina orbicular to broad-ovate, cordate, shallowly lobed and dentate, 7-20 cm diam.; venation palmate. Cauline lvs smaller, shortly petiolate or finally sessile and amplexicaul, from ovate and lobed to triangular or lanceolate and simply serrate or entire. Infl. usually a ± flat-topped panicle. Supplementary bracts 0-(3), linear, 1-4 mm long. Involucral bracts 13-14, oblong, 3.5-5.5 mm long. Ray florets 9-14; ligules shades of pink, red, blue or purple, (6)-8-20 mm long. Disc red, blue, purple or yellow. Achenes ellipsoid-subcylindric, 0.9-1.2 mm long, those of ray florets glabrous and lacking a pappus, those of disc florets with very short antrorse hairs between ribs and with a denticulate pappus.
Perennial herbs or shrubs. Lvs simple, palmately toothed or lobed, alternate. Capitula solitary or in corymbs or panicles; involucral bracts in 1 row; supplementary bracts usually 0, sometimes few and short. Receptacle ± flat; scales 0. Outer florets ♀ and ligulate; ligules white, or shades of red, blue or purple; inner florets ☿. Achenes subcylindric, slightly compressed, with c. 10 prominent ribs, dimorphic, those of ray achenes larger, glabrous and often lacking a pappus, those of disc achenes hairy and with a pappus.
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Shrub to 1 m high, clump-forming with ± erect habit, strongly suckering, glabrous except infl. Young shoots reddish or reddish purple. Lvs 8-25 × 2-7 mm, narrow to broad-elliptic, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, coriaceous, shining above; midrib raised beneath; margin ± recurved, entire or serrulate; apex with a spiny mucro. Fls solitary in upper lf axils. Pedicels 6-8 mm long, minutely puberulent, curved towards apex. Bracts and bracteoles 1-1.5 mm long, ovate, glabrous. Calyx 2-2.5 mm long; lobes ovate or triangular, glabrous, acute, not accrescent, remaining membranous. Corolla 3.5-5 mm long, broad-ovoid, ± urceolate, white; lobes short, recurved. Stamens with filaments broadly dilated at base, minutely puberulent; anthers with 2 short erect awns, minutely puberulent. Fr. a berry 6-10 mm diam., depressed-globose, usually pink, sometimes white, glossy.
Small, matted shrublet; main stems slender, prostrate and rooting, with ascending tips c. 2-(5) cm long. Branchlets glabrous or with short, dense hairs. Lvs rather distant, alternate, 2-4 × 0.5-1.5 mm, elliptic or narrow-elliptic, usually rather thick, glabrous or densely hairy on upper surface; margins with up to 3 microscopic dentations on either side; veins prominent. Fls solitary in upper lf axils, axillary and terminal. Pedicels to 3 mm long, glabrous or nearly so, usually with 2 small basal bracts and 2 larger upper bracts. Bracts ovate; margins ciliate. Calyx lobes ciliate. Corolla glabrous inside. Stamens = style and nearly exserted; filaments ribbon-like, gradually widening at base, not papillose. Anthers 0.4-0.6 mm long, with distinct blunt awns about 0.1 mm long. Fr. a pink globose berry, 4-5 mm diam.
Perennial herb with stout rootstock and rhizomes. Basal lvs glabrous on upper surface, hairy on veins and otherwise sparsely hairy on lower; petiole hairy, > lamina, (4)-7-25-(35) cm long; lamina reniform, cordate, obtuse at apex, regularly dentate, (2)-6-18 cm diam. Infl. a corymb, appearing with or after lvs, with up to 10-(20) capitula, erect, 15-35 cm tall; cauline lvs 1-3, with broad sheathing amplexicaul base and often a reduced lamina. Supplementary bracts 2-4, lanceolate, 3-7 mm long. Involucral bracts 12-14, oblong-elliptic, 8-12 mm long. Ray florets 8-13; ligules pale pink to purple, 4-5 mm long. Disc pink to purple. Achenes not formed.
Dioecious perennial herbs. Lvs simple, palmately toothed, lobed or dissected, mostly basal; cauline lvs alternate, much reduced and scale- like. Capitula solitary or in corymbs or panicles; involucral bracts in 1-2 rows, with shorter supplementary bracts subtending base of involucre. Receptacle flat; scales 0. ♂ capitula with outer florets sterile, ligulate or filiform, and inner florets ♂, tubular. ♀ capitula with outer florets ♀, ligulate, filiform or tubular, and inner florets sterile, tubular. Ligules purple to pink or white. Achenes cylindric, ribbed, glabrous; pappus present.
Annual or perennial herbs. Hairs glandular and/or eglandular or 0. Lvs opposite, exstipulate, linear-oblanceolate to linear to subulate, often glaucous; cauline lvs connate in pairs. Fls solitary or in lax to capitate cymes; bracts leaflike; epicalyx scales mucronate to obtuse, papery or membranous or scarious, rarely 0. Calyx narrowly cylindric or narrowed at apex, 5-toothed, with scarious veinless commissures between the teeth. Petals 5, pink or white, clawed or not, entire, 2-fid or toothed; coronal scales 0. Stamens 10. Styles 2. Fr. a cylindric to ovoid capsule, dehiscing by 4 teeth; carpophore usually present. Seeds flattened or folded around the hilum, scutate, warty or finely ridged, not winged.
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Erect, glabrous, aromatic, biennial. Stems ± solid, striate, up to 1 m high. Basal lvs 2-(3)-ternate or pinnate, petiolate; ultimate segments ovate-cuneate, lobed and crenate, crispate in cvs, c. 10-30 mm long, sessile or petiolulate; stem lvs reduced toward apex with narrow-oblanceolate, often entire or lobed, but not serrate, segments. Umbels 2-10 cm diam.; rays 7-20; bracts 1-4, entire or 3-lobed; bracteoles 5-12, linear to spathulate, entire or rarely 2-3-lobed. Fls numerous, greenish yellow, c. 2 mm diam. Fr. broadly ovoid, 2.5-3 mm long, grey-brown with lighter ribs.
Annual or biennial herbs, usually glabrous. Lvs 1-3-pinnate or ternate; segments broad. Umbels compound, pedunculate; bracts and bracteoles several, simple or lobed. Petals yellowish green or white, regular, with apex slightly notched and inflexed; calyx teeth minute. Fr. ovoid, slightly flattened laterally, not beaked, spineless; commissure narrow; ribs 5 per mericarp, equal, slender; vittae solitary in furrows.
Annual or short-lived spreading perennial, clammy or viscid with glandular hairs, especially on young shoots, peduncles and pedicels. Petiole short. Lamina 2-6 × 1.5-6 cm, orbicular to lanceolate; base attenuate; apex rounded to acute. Calyx 10-20 × 2-8 mm, narrow-oblong to spathulate, densely glandular-hairy, ± obtuse. Corolla c. 3.5-7 cm long; tube densely glandular-hairy outside; limb ± patent, 4-6 cm diam., white, pink, crimson, purple or violet. Capsule 6-10 mm long, ovoid. Seed 0.5-0.7 mm diam., mostly globose to oblong, strongly reticulate.
Unarmed annual or perennial herbs, glandular-hairy and ± viscid. Lvs mostly alternate, simple, entire, petiolate. Fls solitary and axillary or in terminal racemes with the lvs gradually passing into bracts. Calyx deeply 5-toothed; teeth linear, oblong, or spathulate. Corolla funnelform or salverform, rolled inwards in bud, of most colours; tube with narrow-cylindric base; lobes 5, shallow, equal or slightly irregular with limb slightly oblique. Stamens included, 4 in 2 pairs, with 1 small or rudimentary staminode inserted around or below middle of corolla tube. Capsule small; valves 2. Seeds numerous, tiny, rugose.
Annual to perennial herbs, usually hairy and often glandular. Lvs mostly alternate, entire or 1-2-pinnate. Infl. a simple or branched cyme of few to many fls. Calyx lobed almost to base. Corolla rotate, campanulate or tubular, generally white, blue, or purplish, deciduous or persistent, with corolla scales attached in pairs to corolla tube at base of filaments. Stamens included or exserted; filaments sometimes adnate to corolla scales. Style 1, 2-fid, sometimes divided almost to base. Capsule 1-locular or nearly 2-locular; seeds 2-numerous on the 2 linear placentae. Seeds reticulate, pitted or transversely corrugate.
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Herb with short rhizomes, forming large clumps. Basal lvs long-petiolate. Lamina to 25 × 15 cm, ovate or broad-ovate, with stellate tomentum and whitish below, densely stellate but green above, crenate; base deeply cordate. Upper lvs and bracts smaller, with short petioles; hairs of lamina simple or few-rayed above; base subcordate to truncate. Infl. stems becoming woody, to c. 60 × 1 cm, strongly quadrangular, with stellate tomentum when young. Verticels dense, 40-65-flowered. Bracteoles 12-15 mm long, linear-subulate, densely hairy. Calyx tube c. 12 mm long, densely hairy; teeth c. 4 mm long, spinosely subulate. Corolla c. 3 cm long, yellow, with stellate tomentum outside; upper lip strongly hooded and arched over emarginate lower lip. Anthers slightly exserted. Nutlets not seen.
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Annual or perennial herbs, sometimes woody towards base. Lvs mostly opposite, entire. Fls usually in corymbose or paniculate cymes, sometimes solitary, often showy, pedicellate. Calyx tubular to narrow-campanulate, prominently lobed, often with a scarious membrane below the sinuses, developing with fr. but ruptured at maturity. Corolla strongly convolute, salverform; tube slender, constricted at throat; lobes broad, often emarginate to lobed. Stamens inserted at different levels, included. Style included; stigmas 3; ovules 1-few in each cell. Capsule ovoid to broad-ellipsoid, not lobed, 3-locular. Seeds usually 1 in each loculus, mucilaginous when wet.
Erect, perennial herb to c. 1 m high, with woody rootstock forming large clumps; stems glabrous, simple. Lvs subsessile, opposite, 3.5-9 × 1-3.5 cm, lanceolate, ovate-lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, glabrous except for ciliate margins; base rounded to subcordate; apex ± acuminate. Infl. a large terminal pyramidal panicle; branches and pedicels puberulent; fls fragrant. Bracts ovate to lanceolate in upper fls, > pedicels and also sometimes > calyx, ciliate. Pedicels very short, except in uppermost fl.; hairs eglandular. Calyx 7-9 mm long; tube > lobes, with eglandular hairs, with a transparent membrane between lobes (below sinus); lobes linear-subulate, not reflexing. Corolla tube 1.5-2 cm long, cylindric, with eglandular, curly hairs; limb 2-3 cm diam., glabrous; lobes suborbicular to obovate, usually white, pink, rose or purplish. Anthers > filaments, 2-2.5 mm long. Style c. 12 mm long, filiform. Capsule not seen.
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Mat-forming, unarmed herbs with prostrate, creeping stems. Lvs opposite, toothed or lobed, with medifixed hairs. Infl. a dense, subglobose to cylindric, axillary spike; fls sessile, small, bracteate. Calyx 2-lobed, divided almost to base, ± accrescent. Corolla limb 4-lobed, with 2 unequal lips; tube > calyx, straight. Stamens 4, included, didynamous. Ovary 2-celled, each cell with 1 ovule. Style included. Fr. dry, separating into 2 nutlets.
Perennial herb; stems angled, forming large dense mats to several m diam., rooting at nodes. Lvs shortly petiolate. Lamina 1-2-(c. 3) × 0.3-0.5-(1.5) cm, oblong or spathulate, dentate in upper 1/2, occasionally lobed, with appressed hairs on both surfaces; base attenuate; apex obtuse or subacute. Peduncles 2-6 cm long. Heads subglobose or ovoid, 8-12 mm diam. Bracts broad-ovate, acuminate, densely hairy outside; margins ciliate, purplish. Calyx c. 1.5 mm long; obtuse; margins ciliate, purplish. Corolla tube > calyx; limb 3-4 mm diam., mauve with orange throat, becoming pale with age; lobes subequal, rounded or sinuate. Nutlets 1-2 mm long.
Terrestrial ferns. Rhizomes short, bearing clathrate scales. Fronds entire or slightly lobed, scaly at least on stipes; veins free. Sori elongated along adjacent veins in pairs; sori of neighbouring veins close, parallel, and appearing at maturity like a single sorus. Indusia elongated, overlying sori, attached to lamina along one edge, those covering a pair of sori opening towards each other. Spores monolete.
Stipes densely scaly, 3-20 cm long. Laminae very narrowly elliptic, undivided, acute at apex, cordate at base, slightly undulate on margins, scaly, 20-30 × 3-4 cm. Sori to 2 cm long, linear, occupying > 1/2 width of laminae.
Unarmed annual or rhizomatous perennial herbs, sometimes subshrubs; hairs variable. Lvs alternate or opposite, simple, entire, toothed or sinuate, petiolate. Fls usually solitary, axillary. Calyx 5-toothed, campanulate, strongly accrescent. Corolla rotate or campanulate, usually yellow with an olive or bluish purple patch at base, 5-lobed or 5-toothed. Stamens 5; filaments attached near apex of corolla tube, exserted; anthers yellow or bluish violet. Stigma filiform or capitate. Fr. a globose berry, invested in the persistent, inflated calyx. Seeds numerous, lenticular, with patterned testa, of moderate size.
Annual or short-lived, sprawling or spreading perennial, (15)-20-150-(200) cm tall, densely hairy. Lvs petiolate. Lamina 5-16-(20) × 3-10-(17) cm, usually broadly ovate, entire or slightly sinuate-dentate; base subcordate or cordate; apex acuminate. Fls solitary. Calyx densely hairy outside; teeth 3-5 mm long, narrow-triangular, acuminate. Corolla 15-22 mm diam., pale yellow with purplish patch towards base; teeth very shallow, ± acute. Anthers 3-3.5 mm long, violet. Fruiting calyx 3-5 cm long, 10-ribbed, hairy. Berry 10-20 mm diam., orange; flesh sweet. Seed 1.5-2 mm diam., broadly oblong-ellipsoid.
Sparsely puberulent annual; stems to c. 60 cm tall, tending to sprawl. Lvs petiolate. Lamina 3-14 × 1.5-10 cm, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, glabrate but margins puberulent, strongly dentate to entire; base cuneate, usually ± obliquely so; apex acute to short-acuminate. Fls solitary. Calyx puberulent on ribs, otherwise glabrous; teeth 2-8 mm long, triangular-acute. Corolla (15)-20-40 mm diam., yellow with purplish brown base; teeth short, obtuse. Anthers c. 2-4 mm long, bluish violet. Fruiting calyx to c. 3 cm diam., 10-ribbed, glabrous. Berry 15-25 mm diam., yellow; flesh sweet. Seeds 1.7-2.3 mm diam., broadly ellipsoid to suborbicular.
Lax annual, with simple and glandular hairs; stems to c. 90 cm tall. Lvs petiolate. Lamina c. 4-12 × 2.5-8 cm, ovate, ± dentate, ± densely covered in appressed hairs; base truncate to cordate, often oblique; apex obtuse. Fls solitary. Calyx hairy; teeth 2-3 mm long, lanceolate, acute. Corolla c. 6-8 mm diam., yellow with dark basal blotch; lobes short, obtuse. Anthers 1.8-2 mm long, yellowish with bluish margin. Fruiting calyx c. 2.5 cm diam., 5-ribbed, densely hairy. Berry 10-15 mm diam., pale yellow; flesh sweet. Seeds 1.5-2 mm diam., almost suborbicular.
Glabrous, erect, branched, semi-succulent herb to c. 3 m high, with abundant white raphides on lvs, stems and fls (appearing as white dots, especially when dry). Stems thick, softly woody. Petioles 1-3 cm long, rather stout. Lamina 6-30 × 2-12 cm, ovate, ovate-oblong to ± elliptic; base cuneate; apex acute or mucronate. Racemes erect, to c. 20 cm long at fruiting, much less at flowering; peduncles and pedicels slightly to moderately granular-papillose, whitish at first, eventually pink or rose. Fls ☿, moderately densely arranged. Bracts 3-4 mm long, linear-subulate; bracteoles much smaller. Perianth 5-7 mm diam.; tepals accrescent, 2-3 mm long, ± broad-ovate, persistent, white or greenish white at anthesis, rarely pale pink, becoming pink or rose. Stamens 10, almost = perianth; filaments and anthers white. Ovary (7)-10-(11)-carpellate, green with white raphides. Fr. c. 10 mm diam. when fresh, ± depressed globose, with prominent grooves when dried, glossy black, succulent with dark reddish juice. Seed 2.5-3 mm diam., subspherical, glossy black.
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Herbs or shrubs, occasionally trees, glabrous except for infl. Lvs thin and herbaceous. Fls ☿ or unisexual, small, in terminal or subterminal, often spiciform and erect racemes. Perianth 5-merous, lobed, or with tepals almost free, coloured, often becoming dark red, ultimately reflexed. Stamens (5)-7-22-(33), 1-2-seriate, ± irregularly arranged on disc; anthers dorsifixed. Carpels 5-10-(16), whorled, connate laterally; whole ovary depressed, globose or subglobose. Fr. a berry, or berry-like drupe, longitudinally 5-10-grooved. Seed laterally compressed with asymmetric base.
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Herbs or shrubs, erect or climbing, rarely softly wooded trees. Lvs alternate, simple, entire, usually exstipulate. Fls usually ☿, rarely unisexual, usually actinomorphic, in terminal, axillary or sometimes lf-opposed racemes or spikes, bracteate and bracteolate. Perianth (calyx) of free or partly united tepals; tepals 4-10, green or coloured, equal or unequal, imbricate, often persistent. Corolla 0. Stamens generally 4-10 and alternate to tepals, or more numerous; filaments free or connate at base, usually inserted on a prominent hypogynous disc. Ovary superior, of 2-16, free or connate carpels, generally with 1 basal ovule to each carpel. Style short or 0; stigmas as many as carpels. Fr. usually a berry-like drupe, rarely an achene, capsule, or a true berry. Seed with annular embryo, with or without an aril, endospermic.
Evergreen, conic or pyramidal, resinous trees with thin scaly bark and whorled branches. Short shoots 0. Winter buds generally not resinous, ovoid or conic, rounded to subacute. Lvs solitary, spirally arranged, ± 2-ranked (except on young erect shoots), inserted on a persistent peg-like projection of the shoot (thus older leafless part of shoots rough), linear and flat to quadrangular, green above and with 2 greyish stomatal bands on lower (inverted adaxial) surface, or stomatiferous on all 4 sides, usually with 2 marginal resin ducts. ♂ strobili (cones) axillary, cylindric or catkin-like, yellow to red, erect or pendent. ♀ cones terminal, ripening in first year, generally purplish before maturity, pendent; ovuliferous scales always much > bract scales, rather thin; ovules 2 to each scale. Mature cones not disintegrating, pendulous, generally cylindric. Seed winged.
Large tree, pyramidal when young; bark dark reddish brown, exfoliating in thin scales. Shoots light brown or yellowish brown when young, glabrous, grooved; lf pegs very prominent after lvs fall. Buds ovoid, glabrous, very thinly resinous. Lvs 1-2.3 cm long, strongly flattened, pungent-pointed, sweetly scented, ± sloping forwards on upper side of shoot; lower surface with c. 10 glaucous stomatal bands; upper surface shining, sometimes with 1-2 often broken rows of stomata. ♂ strobili yellow. Mature ♀ cones mostly 3.5-5.5 cm long, broadly cylindric-oblong; ovuliferous scales ovate-oblong, thin, flexible, becoming erose towards apex; bracts small, scarcely 1/2 as long. Seed with wing at least 3× length of seed body.
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Biennial to perennial. Stem erect, branched above, grooved, 30-80 cm tall, with sparse to dense spreading bristly hairs each bearing 2 recurved barbs at apex. Lvs with spreading bristles, each bristle with 2 recurved barbs at apex. Basal lvs linear-oblanceolate, subentire to bluntly dentate, acute or subacute, 5-15 × 0.5-2 cm, tapered to short narrowly winged petiole. Stem lvs similar, the uppermost sessile, linear, subauriculate. Capitula numerous. Involucre 8-11 mm long; outer bracts linear-lanceolate, narrowly acute at apex, with short crisped hairs, bristly on midrib, c. ⅔ length of inner bracts; inner bracts similar. Corolla yellow, c. 11/2× length of involucre. Achenes fusiform, transversely wrinkled, red-brown, glabrous; body 3.5-5.5 mm long; beak very short or 0. Pappus dirty white, 2-rowed, the outer ciliolate, the inner plumose.
Annual to perennial taprooted herbs. Hairs eglandular, stiff, bristly, with 2-4 recurved barbs at apex; lf hairs sometimes with white bulbous bases; spines sometimes present. Stem usually solitary, branched above. Lvs basal and cauline, shallowly dentate to pinnatisect. Capitula terminal and axillary, pedunculate. Involucral bracts in several series, hairy to bristly, the outer either broad and leaflike or similar to the inner. Receptacle areolate, the areoles ciliolate; scales 0. Corolla ligulate, yellow, sometimes red-striped. Style branches filiform, dark. Achenes brown or pale, numerous, terete, transversely wrinkled, beaked or not; pappus white to sordid, in 2 rows, the inner plumose, the outer plumose or simple, sometimes pappus seemingly in 1 row.
Resinous trees or, less commonly, shrubs, usually evergreen, usually monoecious, with long and short growth shoots or long shoots only. Winter buds scaly, often resinous; scales at base persistent. Lvs alternate to spirally arranged, often fascicled, needle-like to linear, sometimes reduced to scale lvs on long shoots. Fls forming cones with spirally arranged scales. ♂ strobili (cones) with numerous scales and stamens (microsporophylls); stamens each with 2 pollen sacs (anthers) on the lower surface of each scale; pollen mostly with bladders. ♀ strobili (cones): bract scales each bearing a flat ovuliferous scale (megasporophyll) on its upper surface and united to its base. Ovules 2, anatropous, situated on the upper (inner) side of the ovuliferous scale. Fr. a semi to strongly woody cone, closed until maturity; bract scales free or united to and enclosed by or exserted from ovuliferous scales, sometimes 0 in ripe cone. Seed usually winged; cotyledons 3-18, often green.
Small widespreading, open tree to 10 m high (to c. 16 m in cultivation). Branches very irregular, often curved. Bark rough, greyish on surface, reddish brown beneath, flaking with thick scales and becoming slightly fissured. Shoots greenish to brown or dark brown, glabrous. Buds cylindric or cylindric-ovoid, very resinous, brown with whitish resin; scales appressed. Lvs 2 per fascicle, 1-5 cm × 1.5-2 mm, curved or twisted, lying at different angles to shoot, deep green, rigid and pungent; resin canals marginal; sheath soon very short. ♂ strobili c. 1 cm long, broadly cylindric to subglobose. Conelets sessile; scales shortly mucronate. Mature cones sessile, persistent for many years and usually remaining closed, 2.5-5.5 × 1.7-2.5 cm, narrow-conic to almost oblong when closed, usually curved towards the narrow apex and appearing asymmetric, pale or yellowish brown; apophyses flat or sometimes convex; umbo not armed. Seed wing broadly asymmetric, 0.5-1 cm long.
Large shrub, or small to medium-sized tree (sometimes large in cultivation); habit erect or spreading. Branches straight or somewhat twisted. Bark reddish brown, grey on surface, fissured and forming small plates. Shoots brown, glabrous. Buds cylindric or cylindric-ovoid, purplish brown, strongly resinous; scales tightly appressed. Lvs 2 per fascicle, (2.5)-3.5-6.5 cm × 0.8-1.5 mm, not or somewhat twisted, usually pointed forward, generally yellowish green; resin canals median; sheath very short after first year. ♂ strobili 5-15 mm long, cylindric or broadly cylindric. Conelets sessile; scales aristate. Mature cones long-persistent, often not opening until long after maturity, subsessile, usually directed downwards or backwards, 3-6 × 2-3.5 cm, ± broad-ovoid; base asymmetric or somewhat asymmetric; apophyses shining yellowish brown or brown before maturity, ± convex; umbo with short, slender, occasionally deciduous prickle. Seed wing asymmetric but almost oblong, c. 1 cm long.
Small or medium-sized tree to c. 15 m high (higher in cultivation), with crown of rather slender, widespreading, grey branches. Bark on mature trunks fissured, grey, reddish brown beneath. Shoots brownish grey or glaucous-grey, glabrous, remaining smooth for some years. Buds conic, not resinous; scales dark reddish brown, reflexed, with white-fimbriate margins. Lvs 2 per fascicle, (2)-4-12-(17) cm × c. 1 mm (to 19 cm long in cultivation), rather flexible, greyish green; resin canals marginal or submarginal; sheaths short in mature lvs. ♂ strobili 5-8 mm long, broadly cylindric to subglobose. Conelets stalked; scales obtuse or rounded. Cone stalks mostly 1-3 cm long, stout, recurved. Mature cones long-persistent and remaining closed for several years, 6.5-11 × 3.5-4.5 cm when closed, conic or ovoid-conic, ± symmetric, brown; apophyses flat or with convex umbonal area, keeled; umbo not armed. Seed wing 1.5-3 cm long, large, broad.
Evergreen, resinous trees or, less commonly, shrubs; bark usually rough and fissured; branches regularly whorled, with long shoots bearing scale-like lvs; short shoots comprising a fascicle of 2, 3 or 5, very rarely 1, 4 or 6-8 lvs (needles), the fascicle base invested by a partly persistent or deciduous sheath (usually at least partly deciduous by the end of the first year). Winter buds terminating shoots usually conspicuous, cylindric to ovoid, with numerous imbricate scales, generally entire or somewhat erose, often resinous. Lvs needle-like, green, grey or glaucous, with 1-2 vascular bundles; resin ducts 2 or more. ♂ strobili (cones) replacing short shoots at base of the current season's long shoot, usually densely clustered, catkin-like, mainly cylindric, yellow to red prior to dehiscence. ♀ cones (called conelets before fertilisation) subterminal or lateral, replacing short shoots, ripening in second or third year, purple, green or brown when young, mostly light to dark brown at maturity, often erect when young, later spreading to pendulous or recurved; bracts scales very small, hidden, 0 in mature cone; ovuliferous scales forming main part of cone, very variable, closing after pollination; apophysis (apical part) with an umbo (protuberance) distally, sometimes flattened, becoming hard or remaining soft (semi-woody), often with a prickle; ovules 2 to each scale. Mature cone dehiscent or remaining closed, persistent or soon falling, sometimes leaving behind basal scales, symmetric or asymmetric. Seed usually prominently and unilaterally winged, occasionally wingless.
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Small to medium-sized, widespreading, often dense, ± erect tree. Bark deeply fissured, dark grey on surface, reddish brown beneath. Shoots greenish brown or brown, ± shining, glabrous. Buds cylindric or conic-cylindric, purplish, resinous; scales usually tightly appressed, rarely the apices free. Lvs usually 2, very rarely 3 or 4 per fascicle, 7-15 cm × c. 1-1.5 mm, ± curved except on vigorous erect leader shoots, greyish green or bluish green when fresh, rather rigid and pungently pointed; resin canals median; sheaths to c. 2 cm long initially, becoming much shorter later. ♂ strobili broad-cylindric or subglobose, 5-15 mm long. Conelets subsessile; scales with long prickly mucros. Mature cones mostly in clusters of 4-5, sessile or subsessile, backward pointing, remaining closed on the tree for many years, (5)-6-9 × (3.5)-4-6 cm when closed, ovoid, asymmetric, chestnut-brown when ripe; umbos with rigid prickles well-developed on the large convex apophyses of the lower upper side. Seed wing asymmetric, ± oblong, 1-2 cm long.
Medium-sized to large tree with habit varying from narrowly columnar to spreading. Bark fissured, exfoliating in large plates, grey on surface, cream to pale brown beneath. Shoots shining brown or yellowish brown, glabrous. Buds ovoid and tapering to a slender point, sometimes cylindric, not or only thinly resinous, occasionally more strongly resinous; scales ± appressed (at least in living material), brown in centre with a narrow to broad, white, ± erose margin (bud sometimes appearing almost completely white). Lvs 2 per fascicle, sometimes in dense terminal masses, (4)-6-16 cm × 1-1.5 mm, deep green, straight or curved, rigid to rather flexible, scarcely twisted; resin canals median; sheath to c. 1.5 cm long at first, gradually wearing away except for a basal fringe. ♂ strobili 1-1.5 cm long, broad-cylindric. Conelets sessile or subsessile; scales with or without small curved mucro. Mature cones sessile, often pendent, solitary or clustered, deciduous at or soon after maturity, 4-9 × 2.5-3.5 cm when closed, ovoid-conic, symmetric, yellowish brown or brown; apophyses keeled; umbo with very small, often deciduous, prickly mucro. Seed wing ± asymmetric, 1-2 cm long.
Medium-sized tree, generally with bushy, widespreading habit and long, forked branches. Lvs in dense terminal masses concentrated near shoot apices, thick, rigid, dark green, with thickened hypodermal cells usually in 3-5 rows; apex pungent.
Medium-sized to large tree, generally with a rather narrow-conic to columnar habit, at least when young, and with slender crown and sparse shoot branches. Lvs generally in moderately dense clusters ± concentrated towards shoot apices, sometimes more open, moderately thick, somewhat flexible, light green, with thickened hypodermal cells usually in 1-2 rows; apex not very pungent.
Small or medium-sized, widespreading tree (to c. 20 m high in cultivation), with fairly dense habit. Bark thick, fissured, with reddish brown below surface; surface dark reddish brown or reddish on upper trunk, otherwise grey. Shoots glaucous for at least one season, glabrous, rough with prominent old lf bases. Buds cylindric, shining brown, not resinous; scales spreading in upper part. Lvs 3 per fascicle, 13-28-(33) cm × 0.7-0.9 mm, very slender and flexible, pendulous, grass-green; resin canals median; sheaths persistent, usually 1.5-2.5 cm long in mature lvs. ♂ strobili to 1 cm long, cylindric-ovoid. Conelets stalked; umbo mucronate. Mature cones persistent and remaining closed for several years, pointing backward, sessile or very shortly stalked, usually several to a cluster, 6-9 × 3-4 cm when closed, ± cylindric-ovoid or cylindric-oblong, light brown, usually curved; base asymmetric; apophyses flat except for sunken umbo with very small, often deciduous, prickle. Seed small; wing to c. 1.5 cm long, broad and asymmetric.
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Medium-sized to large, open tree (over 30 m high in cultivation). Bark thick, fissured, reddish brown beneath. Shoots brown or brownish green, glabrous, shining. Buds ovoid or cylindric-ovoid, sometimes large, slightly resinous; scales fimbriate, often dark, free towards apex. Foliage in dense terminal clusters in mature trees, dull green. Lvs 3-(4) per fascicle, 10-23-(27) cm × 1.3-1.6-(2) mm, rigid; resin canals median; sheaths prominent, > 2 cm long when young, 5-20 mm long around older lf bases. ♂ strobili mostly 1.5-2 cm long, broad-cylindric. Conelets sessile; scales aristate. Mature open cones sessile, ± pendent, 6-14-(18) × 5-10 cm, ovoid-oblong before dehiscence, symmetric, shining brown, deciduous and dehiscent at or soon after maturity but leaving basal scales; apophyses flattened or slightly concave; umbo with prickle deflexed at maturity. Seed wing 1.5-2.5 cm long, large, broad, asymmetric.
Medium-sized to very large tree; habit variable, generally ± spreading, with foliage in dense terminal clusters. Bark thick, deeply fissured and ridged in mature trees, dark grey on surface, reddish brown beneath. Shoots brown or greyish brown, occasionally somewhat glaucous when young, glabrous. Buds cylindric or cylindric-ovoid, thinly resinous; scales appressed, chestnut-brown. Lvs 3 per fascicle, (3)-6-15 cm × 1.2-2 mm, deep or dark green, ± spreading, moderately rigid; resin canals median; sheath initially long but rarely > 1 cm long on mature lvs, persistent. ♂ strobili 0.7-1.5 cm long, cylindric. Conelets stalked, cylindric, scales with short mucro. Mature cones sessile or subsessile, 1-c. 6 in a cluster, backward pointing but not pendent, long-persistent, eventually falling intact, 6-13 × 4.5-8.5 cm when closed, ± ovoid, brown at maturity; base asymmetric; apophyses on upper side enlarged and rounded; umbo usually not armed at maturity. Seed wing ± oblong, only slightly wider towards apex, 1.5-2 cm long.
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Medium-sized to large, open tree. Bark lightly to moderately fissured, grey on surface, pinkish beneath; ridges between fissures broad. Shoots greenish or yellowish, glabrous. Buds ± broad-cylindric, not or scarcely resinous; scales reddish brown, free and often spreading, prominently fimbriate. Lvs 3 per fascicle, mostly in terminal tufts, (9)-13-21 cm × 1-1.3 mm, semi-rigid, bright green; resin canals median; sheaths usually 0.5-1 cm long on mature lvs. ♂ strobili 1.5-2 cm long, narrow-cylindric. Conelets sessile or nearly so; scales sharply mucronate. Mature cones ± pendent, deciduous, falling intact, sessile, 7-12 × 5-8 cm when open, ovoid-oblong or almost oblong, brown, dehiscent, symmetric; apophyses ± flattened except for horizontal keel; umbo with recurved spine c. 3-5 mm long. Seed wing oblong-obovoid, c. 2 cm long.
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Evergreen trees or shrubs, sometimes climbing. Lvs alternate, opposite or subverticillate, exstipulate. Fls solitary, in cymes or panicles, 5-merous, actinomorphic, mostly ☿. Sepals free or connate towards base. Petals free, imbricate, clawed. Stamens usually free; anthers opening by pores or slits. Ovary superior, 2-5-celled; placentation axile or parietal; ovules few to numerous. Style simple. Fr. usually a loculicidal capsule, sometimes a berry. Seeds usually immersed in viscous pulp, endospermic; embryo minute.
Herbs or occasionally subshrubs. Lvs usually all radical, sometimes cauline, alternate or opposite, simple, sometimes reduced, exstipulate, generally sheathing at base. Fls usually in spikes, small, actinomorphic, usually ☿, bracteate. Calyx herbaceous or scarious; sepals 4, often connate at base, persistent. Corolla gamopetalous; segments (3)-4, imbricate, scarious. Stamens (1)-4, epipetalous or inserted at base of perianth; anthers versatile, 2-locular. Ovary superior, 1-4-locular; style 1; ovules 1-many; placentation axile or basal. Fr. a circumscissile capsule or hard indehiscent nut. Seed endospermic; embryo straight.
Hairy annual with persistent elongated taproot. Lvs all radical but not rosulate, broadened at base with petiole ill-defined, 4-10 cm × 1-4 mm, narrow-linear, entire, pilose, sometimes sparsely so, with tuft of woolly hairs at base; main vein 1; apex acute. Scapes 10-20 cm long, terete, ± dark-villous. Spikes 3-6 cm long, cylindric. Bracts very conspicuous, to 2 cm long, linear-subulate, hairy outside; margins membranous; apex rounded to truncate. Sepals c. 3 mm long, ± broad-elliptic, pilose; margins hyaline. Corolla tube = calyx; lobes c. 2 mm long, ovate, ± reflexing. Stamens glabrous, scarcely exserted. Style densely hairy, exserted. Capsule 2.5-3 mm long, ellipsoid, 2-seeded. Seeds 2.2-2.9 mm long, ellipsoid, reddish brown, with inner surface strongly concave and hilum resembling a figure of 8.
Primary root short-lived, succeeded by many strong adventitious roots. Stem stout, to 2 cm diam., usually simple, clothed with old lf bases; hairs copious, fine, long. Lvs radical, rosulate, with very broad flat petioles. Lamina ± erect, 3-8 × 2-5 cm, elliptic-obovate to obovate-lanceolate, subcoriaceous, glabrous except for a few sparse hairs at margin; main veins 5-7; margins usually with a few small teeth; apex obtuse to subacute; base attenuate. Scape 8-20 cm long, with scattered long hairs on upper part. Spike many-flowered, to 15 cm long at fruiting, with fls lax below and densely packed towards apex. Bracts c. 2 mm long, ovate, mostly thickened but with no distinct keel, glabrous, enclosing conspicuous tufts of long brown hairs. Sepals c. 2 mm long, broadly ovate, glabrous, with narrow indistinct keel. Corolla tube short; lobes c. 1.5 × 0.6 mm, narrow. Capsule c. 3 mm long, compressed, broad-ellipsoid. Seeds 1-(2), c. 2 mm long, elongated with convex side ± rugose, not markedly flattened.
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Hairy annual or perennial with persistent taproot. Lvs all radical, rosulate; petiole ill-defined, with silky tuft of hairs at base. Lamina (10)-30-120-(200) × 1-5-(10) mm, linear, 1-(2)-pinnatisect, rarely entire, with 1-4 pairs of linear, acute to subulate lobes or teeth, hairy, particularly on the margins, sometimes only sparsely ciliate; main vein usually 1. Scapes 3-45 cm long, not ribbed, usually densely clothed in antrorse hairs. Spikes 0.5- c. 8 cm long, usually cylindric, shortly oblong in very small plants. Bracts almost = calyx, ovate-acuminate; keels prominent, hairy, herbaceous; margins hyaline in lower part. Sepals unequal, c. 2 mm long, broad-ovate, with green, herbaceous, hairy or glabrous keel and exposed margins ciliate, remainder of sepal hyaline. Corolla tube = or > sepals, hairy in lower 1/2; lobes 1-1.2 mm long, ovate, spreading. Stamens glabrous, exserted. Style hairy, long, > corolla. Capsule mostly 1.5-2 mm long, broad-ellipsoid or subglobose, usually 4-seeded. Seeds 0.8-1 mm long, ovoid-ellipsoid, pinkish brown, convex on both sides; margin hyaline.
Hairy perennial herb with persistent elongated slender or stout taproot. Lvs all radical, rosulate, densely clothed in crisped, rather short hairs; petiole 1-3 cm long, with basal tuft of long creamy yellow to pale brown hairs. Lamina 1.5-4-(7) × 1-1.7 cm, oblanceolate, obovate, or almost elliptic, membranous; main veins 3; base attenuate; apex obtuse to acute. Scape 2-7-(14) cm long, with antrorse hairs. Spike 0.8-5.5 cm long, narrow-cylindric, dense. Bracts to almost = calyx, lanceolate-ovate or ovate; margins scarious; keel acute, ciliate, purplish. Sepals subequal, 1.7-2.3 mm long, broad-ovate, scarious apart from the herbaceous, purplish and sometimes slightly hairy keel. Corolla tube = calyx; lobes 1-1.5 mm diam., broad-ovate or suborbicular, ± mucronulate, reflexing. Stamens glabrous, ± exserted. Style with somewhat curly hairs, well exserted. Capsule 2.5-3 mm long, subglobose to broad-ovoid, mucronate, usually 5-seeded. Seeds mostly 1.2-2 mm long, oblong-elliptic to obovoid, brown, compressed; 1 seed smaller (c. 1 mm long) and more irregular, separated from the others by a horizontal placental outgrowth towards apex.
Annual or perennial herbs. Stems usually simple and very short, forming a caudex (rootstock) at or below ground level, sometimes elongated and branched, often with long hairs, occasionally woody and forming small subshrubs. Primary root persistent, or short-lived with subsequent adventitious root system. Lvs usually in basal rosettes, sometimes cauline, opposite or alternate. Fls in heads or cylindric spikes, rarely solitary, 4-merous, usually ☿ and protogynous, sometimes unisexual; sepals similar to bracts, equal or not, free or connate at base. Corolla scarious or membranous; tube narrow, persisting at fr. apex; lobes usually patent or deflexed. Stamens epipetalous, usually exserted but included in cleistogamous fls. Ovary 2-locular, but sometimes appearing 4-locular by placental outgrowths; placentation axile. Ovules 1-6-(8) per loculus; style filiform. Capsule circumscissile, enclosed in persistent calyx. Seeds 1-many, ± mucilaginous when wet.
Perennial herb with persistent taproot. Lvs all radical, rosulate, hairy; petiole 1-7-(20) cm long, channelled, with silky white tuft of hairs and often purplish at base. Lamina 2-20 × 0.5-4.8 cm, linear-lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate or elliptic, 3-7-veined, glabrate or hairy, especially on the veins beneath, sometimes villous when young and sometimes remaining ± villous, entire or slightly toothed; base attenuate to the ill-defined petiole; apex acute to short-acuminate. Scape 12-70 cm long, sparsely to densely clothed in antrorse hairs, strongly ribbed. Spike very congested, to c. 6 cm long, ± oblong, occasionally infl. capitate, sometimes with short subsidiary spikes near base. Bracts 3-6 mm long, acuminate; keel green, the upper part of bract otherwise brown. Sepals (2.3)-2.7-3.5 mm long, unequal with anterior pair fused; midrib green, often hairy; upper part otherwise brown; margin usually membranous. Corolla tube = calyx; lobes c. 2 mm long, ovate, patent or reflexed, concave. Stamens glabrous, exserted. Styles exserted, occasionally to 15 mm long, densely hairy. Capsule usually 2.5-3.5 mm long, ellipsoid, (1)-2-seeded. Seeds 2-3 mm long, ellipsoid, medium to dark brown; inner surface concave, with involute margin.
Primary root short-lived; adventitious roots numerous from amongst old lf bases. Stem short, simple, clothed with copious long fine hairs. Lvs radical, rosulate and usually forming a close flat mat; petiole short, broad. Lamina 5-50 × 3-20 mm, narrowly to broadly elliptic or somewhat rhombic, subcoriaceous, with scattered to dense, long, curled septate hairs or nearly glabrous, especially beneath; lateral veins 2, usually inconspicuous; margin entire or with inconspicuous teeth, mostly ciliate; base attenuate; apex broad and ± obtuse. Scape c. 0.5-8-(17) cm long, sparsely to densely pilose. Spike 1-8-(20)-flowered, to c. 1-(2.5) cm long. Bracts 1.5-2.5-(5) mm long, ovate, glabrous or nearly so; keel raised, rather wide, herbaceous, otherwise bract membranous. Sepals 2-3.5 mm long, elliptic-oblong or ovate-oblong, glabrous; keel distinct. Corolla tube short; lobes 1.2-1.8 × 0.4-0.8 mm, narrow-ovate or ovate. Capsule 2-3 mm long, ± suborbicular to broad-ellipsoid. Seeds 4- c. 14, 1-2 mm long, rather irregular in shape.
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Primary root short-lived; adventitious roots in a prominent circle around the primary root scar cavity. Stem very short, simple, with dense, long, hairy tuft. Lvs in flat rosettes, radical, sessile, 10-30-(36) × 0.4-1-(1.8) mm, linear-subulate or narrow-linear, subcoriaceous, glabrous or with scattered marginal hairs more numerous towards the base, entire or with distant obtuse teeth; main vein 1; apex obtuse. Scape 1.5-11 mm long at flowering, scarcely elongating at fruiting, glabrous, mostly hidden by stem hairs. Fls solitary, glabrous. Bracts and sepals 2-5.5 mm long, ovate-lanceolate to broadly ovate-elliptic, glabrous, membranous except for herbaceous keel. Corolla tube 2-3 mm long; lobes 1.7-2.5 × c. 0.5 mm, ± elliptic-ovate. Capsule (2.5)-4.5-11 × 2.5-3.5 mm, ellipsoid. Seeds 5-9, 1-1.8 mm long, ± ellipsoid or ovoidellipsoid but somewhat irregular and flattened.
Primary root short-lived; adventitious roots numerous. Stem very short, stout, simple, with fine brown hairs. Lvs radical, in prostrate to erect rosettes; petiole broad, flat. Lamina (2)-4-10 × 0.5-3.5 cm, elliptic to almost spathulate, submembranous; upper surface ± pilose with short erect hairs; lower surface more sparsely hairy; main veins (1)-3-(5); margins entire or obscurely to prominently toothed, occasionally prominently lobed; base attenuate; apex obtuse. Scape 5-15 cm long, with short, appressed and often dense hairs. Spike to 3 cm long, usually dense, (2)-5-many-flowered, generally longer than wide. Bracts 2-3 mm long, ovate; keel glabrous or almost so, wide, dark, otherwise bract membranous; margin glabrous or ciliate. Sepals 1.5-3 mm long, broad-oblong, glabrous, membranous except for narrow, dark keel. Corolla tube short; lobes c. 1-1.5 × 0.5-1 mm, ovate. Capsule 2-4 mm long, ovoid to almost rhomboid. Seeds (3)-5, narrow-ellipsoid, deep brown or reddish brown, largest to 1.8 mm long, usually 4 vertical and attached at base, 1 horizontal to oblique, smaller and separated from others by placental outgrowth towards apex.
Hairy annual herb with persistent primary root and elongated ascending stems to c. 60 cm tall. Lvs not rosulate, cauline, sessile, opposite and in clusters, 3-7 cm × 0.5-2 mm, narrowly linear or linear-subulate, entire or nearly so; main vein 1; hairs mostly antrorse, especially on margins; base somewhat expanded; apex ± acute. Peduncles to 8 cm long, densely clothed in antrorse hairs, in axils of upper lvs. Spikes ovoid to globular, to c. 1.5 cm long. Lower leaflike bracts 5.5-10 mm long, broad-ovate with acuminate apex, with margins of lower expanded part sometimes membranous, otherwise bract herbaceous and densely hairy; main bracts smaller, obtuse or obtuse-cuspidate, with broad membranous margins and the hairy herbaceous area confined to narrow keel. Sepals unequal, similar in size and appearance to inner bracts, 3-4 mm long, ± obovate. Corolla tube slightly > calyx; lobes 1.5-2 mm long, ovate, eventually reflexing, glabrous. Stamens glabrous, shortly exserted. Style hairy, long-exserted. Capsule 1.5-3 mm long, subglobose, 2-seeded. Seed 1.5-2 mm long, ellipsoid, dark brown; inner surface deeply concave with involute margin.
Primary root usually short-lived, sometimes taproot persisting; adventitious roots usually numerous, sometimes 0. Stem simple, ± subterranean, to 2 cm diam., stout, erect, with brown hairs at apex. Lvs radical, in usually flat rosettes; petiole broad, flat. Lamina 1-7-(11) × 0.3-2.7-(4) cm, elliptic to spathulate or oblanceolate, submembranous or subcoriaceous; main veins 3; margin almost entire or distantly toothed, sometimes with small rounded pinnate lobes; lf hairs short and stiff, few to many, sometimes confined to margins or in transverse lines or patches on upper surface, usually 0 on undersurface or confined to midrib, occasionally over whole undersurface; base attenuate; apex obtuse or subacute. Scape 3-12-(22) cm long, covered with short appressed hairs. Spike to 3 cm long, usually dense, (2)-many-flowered and much longer than wide. Bracts 2.5-3.5-(4) mm long, ovate; keel dark, wide, ill-defined and mostly ± hoary with short white hairs; margins membranous and sometimes hoary. Sepals c. 3 mm long, ovate, pale and membranous except for the dark, well-developed, white-hairy keel; margins glabrous or sometimes ciliate, especially at apex. Corolla tube short; lobes 1.5-2 × c. 1.3 mm, broad-ovate. Capsule c. 3-(4) mm long, broad-ellipsoid to almost rhomboid. Seeds (2)-4, 1-2-(3) mm long, ± uniform, narrow.
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Primary root developing into a long stout taproot. Stem short, simple, without adventitious roots, and with few, long, fine hairs. Lvs radical, rosulate; petiole long, broad and flat. Lamina (10)-30-40-(80) × 5-15 mm, spathulate or oblanceolate, almost fleshy; margin sometimes entire but usually with a few large teeth or auricle-like lobes; lf hairs short and scattered, confined to upper side of lf (glabrous and slightly hairy lvs sometimes occurring on same plant); main veins 3 but the 2 lateral ones inconspicuous; base strongly attenuate; apex obtuse. Scapes usually = or > lvs; hairs sparse and spreading or sometimes dense immediately below spike. Spike 1-4-(7)-flowered, ± capitate when several-flowered. Bracts prominent, 2-4 mm long, ovate; apex incurved; keel broad, indistinct, occasionally with a few cilia. Sepals c. 3 mm long, resembling bracts; keel occasionally with a few cilia. Corolla tube short; lobes c. 1.5 × 1 mm, ovate. Capsule c. 3 mm long, subglobose. Seeds 6-8, 1.2-1.5 mm long, irregular.
Primary root short-lived; adventitious roots numerous from amongst old lf bases. Stem simple, short or occasionally to 5 cm long, clothed with copious long fine hairs. Lvs radical, rosulate, subcoriaceous, somewhat punctate, subsessile or with petiole up to as long as lamina and sometimes broad and flat. Lamina (5)-10-30-(50) × 1-10-(17) mm, linear to lanceolate or elliptic, sometimes narrow-rhombic, glabrous or with multicellular hairs (mostly on petiole, base of blade and lower margins, sometimes in bands - usually upper 1/2 of blade glabrous), glabrous on undersurface; lateral veins 2, inconspicuous; margins entire to strongly dentate; base ± attenuate; apex obtuse or subacute. Scapes from very short to c. 9-(14) cm long, thinly to densely pilose below, closely invested with short hairs immediately below spike even at fruiting. Spike 1-2-(4)-flowered. Bracts 1.5-2 mm long, very broadly ovate, rarely narrowed above, sheathing whole floret, membranous with narrow and low indefinite keel, glabrous. Sepals 1.5-3 mm long, ± ovate-elliptic; keel glabrous, low and narrow. Corolla tube ± = lobes; lobes 1.3-2-(2.4) × 0.4-0.8 mm, narrowly triangular. Capsule 2-4 mm long, broad-ellipsoid to suborbicular; apex rounded. Seeds (4)-8-12, 0.7-1.5 mm long, irregular.
Large, deciduous, monoecious trees; bark pale and usually exfoliating in thin plates. Lvs alternate, simple, palmately veined and palmately lobed; petiole dilated at base and enclosing bud; stipules often large, caducous. Infl. of pendulous strings with 1-12 dense globose heads of fls; heads either ♂ or ♀, sessile or pedunculate. ♂ heads: bracts 0; calyx 0; corolla 0; stamens 3-4 or numerous depending on interpretation, with subsessile anthers, each with a minute scale. ♀ heads: bracts linear; calyx 0; corolla 0; carpels 6-9 or numerous depending on interpretation, free, subsessile; styles persistent; stigma on inner side of style; ovary 1-celled, with 1-(2) pendulous ovules. Fr. a globose head composed of numerous 1-seeded, indehiscent, angled, obconic achenes or nutlets, surrounded by long hairs. Seed with thin endosperm; cotyledons often unequal.
Herb or subshrub with stems trailing or straggling and densely clothed in purple hairs. Petioles 2-3.5 cm long, purple. Lamina 5-12 × 3.5-7 cm, broad-ovate, shining, purple below, dotted with glands, hairy, especially on veins, ciliate and serrate, except near narrow-cuneate base; apex acute. Infl. racemose, to 30 cm long, erect, sometimes with short lateral branches near base; peduncles and pedicels with purple hairs. Bracts ovate, acuminate, with purple cilia, otherwise almost glabrous. Calyx 3-5 mm long, accrescent, ciliate; upper lip ovate; lower lip with linear-subulate teeth. Corolla white with purple dots inside lower lip; tube 8-10 mm long; base ± saccate; upper lip 10-12 mm long, 2-lobed with small lateral lobes; lower lip c. 8 mm long, boat-shaped, ± horizontal. Stamens free at base, ± exserted, longest c. 8 mm long. Style 8-10 mm long, exserted. Nutlets c. 1.5 mm diam., ± subglobose, dark brown.
Erect shrub to nearly 3 m high with stems densely puberulent at first. Petioles to c. 6 cm long, purplish. Lamina 6-17 × 2.5-8 cm, ovate or elliptic-ovate, puberulent, densely so on veins above and generally below, dotted with red or dark red glands on both sides (more obvious when dry), irregularly dentate-serrate; base narrow-cuneate; apex acute. Infl. a loose, erect panicle to c. 30 cm tall, purple, with 2-3 pairs of branches; lower bracts mostly c. 1 cm long, broad-ovate or oblong, dotted with red glands. Pedicels slender, > calyx, almost glabrous or glandular-puberulent. Calyx teeth 3-5 mm long, accrescent, ciliate, dotted with glands; upper tooth ovate, obtuse; lower 4 teeth lanceolate-subulate. Corolla purplish, violet or bluish violet; tube (1)-1.3-1.5 cm long, narrow, glandular-puberulent outside, gradually widening to apex; upper lip ± erect, c. 5 mm long, with 2 rounded lobes; lower lip boat-shaped, horizontal to deflexed. Stamens free at base, the longer lower pair c. 1.5 cm long, becoming exserted. Style 2-2.5 cm long, long-exserted. Nutlets c. 2 mm long, broad-oblong, brown.
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Herbs, shrubs, occasionally climbers. Lvs alternate, exstipulate, commonly in basal rosettes. Infl. spicate, paniculate, or capitate, simple or cymosely branched, often scapose; fls often aggregated into small bracteate spikelets. Bracts often sheathing, dry and scarious. Fls 5-merous, ☿. Calyx gamosepalous, tubular below, usually scarious, sometimes partly membranous; lobes often conspicuously ribbed and pleated, often persistent. Corolla mostly gamopetalous, imbricate, often connate only near base, sometimes tube long. Stamens antipetalous, ± epipetalous, but sometimes only adnate to base of segments. Disc 0. Ovary superior, usually sessile, 1-locular; placenta basal; ovule 1, pendulous; styles 5, or 1 with 5 stigmatic lobes. Fr. dry, membranous, indehiscent or regularly or irregularly dehiscent, surrounded by calyx. Seed with mealy endosperm.
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Annual or perennial herbs or occasionally shrubs. Lvs alternate or opposite, entire to pinnate or palmate, exstipulate. Fls usually terminal, often crowded in corymbose heads, ☿, usually actinomorphic, rarely zygomorphic. Calyx 5-merous, generally deeply lobed. Corolla 5-merous, funnelform, campanulate, or rotate; lobes contorted. Stamens 5, epipetalous, included or exserted; anthers versatile, sometimes unequal. Ovary superior, inserted on a disc, (2)-3-locular; ovules 1 or more in each cell; style 1; stigmas (2)-3. Fr. usually a loculicidal capsule, rarely indehiscent. Seeds endospermic.
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Herbs, mainly perennial. Lvs alternate, pinnate. Fls in terminal or axillary, congested or lax cymes, sessile to pedicellate, often showy. Calyx ± campanulate; lobes broad, accrescent, not ruptured by capsule at maturity. Corolla campanulate to rotate or funnelform; lobes spathulate to rounded. Stamens inserted equally on corolla tube, usually exserted. Style usually exserted. Capsule 3-locular, ovoid to subglobose, 3-lobed. Seeds usually several to each loculus, ± oblong to ellipsoid, sometimes mucilaginous when wet.
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Annual, rarely biennial or perennial, taprooted herb. Stems glabrous, geniculate, erect to ascending, much-branched, 5-20 cm long. Lvs green or reddish, rarely purplish, glabrous, in whorls of 4 or rarely in opposite pairs, obovate to suborbicular, obtuse or shortly apiculate, petiolate, sometimes falling at fruiting, (2)-5-10-(15) × (1)-3-8-(10) mm. Stipules scarious, triangular to ovate, acuminate, 2-3 × 1-1.5 mm. Infl. many-flowered, lax or rarely compact. Pedicels c. = calyx, = or > the ovate acuminate scarious bracts. Sepals apiculate, hooded, green or reddish, rarely purplish, with scarious margins, 2-2.5 × 1 mm. Petals white, narrow-elliptic, entire, 1 mm long. Stamens 3-5, 0.5-0.7 mm long. Ovary 0.5 mm long; style 0.3-0.4 mm long, 3-lobed, deciduous. Capsule ovoid, c. 2 mm long. Seeds curved, brown, finely papillate.
Herbs or shrubs. Lvs alternate, opposite or verticillate. Fls in terminal, pseudolateral or axillary heads, racemes or panicles. Calyx 4-5-merous; 2 inner segments usually larger and petaloid (wings), persistent or deciduous. Petals usually 3, the outer sometimes reduced, the inner (keel) often beaked or with a fimbriate crest. Stamens usually 8, rarely 6; anthers 1-2-locular. Fr. a 2-celled, laterally flattened, dehiscent, oval to orbicular capsule, sometimes winged, usually membranous; seed usually hairy.
Perennial much-branched shrub up to 2 m high. Young stems with short curly hairs, glabrous when older. Lvs all alternate, glabrous or very sparsely hairy, elliptic to obovate, obtuse or rarely slightly retuse, entire, (10)-15-30-(35) mm long; petioles 1-2 mm long. Fls clustered in short, simple, terminal racemes; perianth coloured or veined purple toward apex; pedicels 5-8 mm long; bracts suborbicular, 2-3 mm long, persistent; 3 outer sepals ovate, 5-7 mm long; wings petaloid, ovate-orbicular, c. 15-17 mm long, slightly > corolla; outer petals 2-lobed, c. ?-1/4 length of keel; keel with a fimbriate crest near apex. Capsule glabrous, c. 10 mm long with a marginal wing c. 1 mm wide, c. ⅔ length of persistent calyx wings; seeds hairy, dark brown, oblong, c. 5 mm long; strophiole 3-lobed.
Perennial, often decumbent, much-branched herb up to 15-(25) cm high. Stems glabrous or with sparse curly hairs, becoming glabrous at base. Lvs opposite or subopposite below, opposite or alternate above, glabrous, narrowly elliptic to lanceolate or obovate (basal lvs broader), acute or subacute, entire, sessile, 3-10-(18) mm long. Fls 4-10 in short, simple, terminal or apparently lateral racemes; perianth coloured pink to blue or violet toward apex; pedicels 1-2 mm long; bracts ovate-triangular, c. 1 mm long, deciduous; 3 outer sepals linear to narrowly-elliptic, 2-3 mm long; wings petaloid, elliptic to obovate, 4-5.5 mm long, ± = corolla; outer petals entire, slightly > keel; keel fimbriate near apex. Capsule glabrous, 2-4.5 mm long with a marginal wing c. 0.3 mm wide, usually 1/2-3/4 length of persistent calyx wings, rarely ± = wings; seed hairy, dark brown, oblong, 2-2.5 mm long; strophiole 3-lobed.
Annual herb up to 30 cm high, not or sparingly branched. Stems glabrous. Lvs mostly in whorls of 2-5 (upper lvs scattered, alternate), glabrous, narrowly elliptic to linear, acute to acuminate, entire, sessile, 5-25 mm long. Fls numerous in dense, simple, terminal racemes; perianth coloured purple toward apex; pedicels 0.5-1 mm long; bracts triangular, c. 0.5 mm long, deciduous; 3 outer sepals ovate-triangular, c. 1 mm long; wings petaloid, elliptic to ovate, 1.5-2 mm long, > corolla; outer petals entire, ± = keel; keel fimbriate toward apex. Capsule glabrous but often scaly, c. 1.5 mm long and not winged, c. 3/4 length of persistent calyx wings; seed hairy, dark brown, narrow-obovate-ellipsoid, c. 1 mm long; strophiole 2-lobed.
Perennial somewhat-branched shrub up to 2 m high. Young stems with short curly hairs, glabrous when older. Lvs all alternate, glabrous or sparsely hairy, oblanceolate, obovate or linear, obtuse to acute, mucronate, entire, subsessile, 10-40 mm long. Fls in loose, branched or simple, terminal racemes; perianth coloured pink to purple toward apex; pedicels 5-10 mm long; bracts ovate-triangular, c. 2 mm long, deciduous; 3 outer sepals elliptic to obovate, 4-5 mm long; wings petaloid, c. 10-12 mm long, ± = or > corolla; outer petals entire, c. 1/2 length of keel; keel fimbriate at apex. Capsule glabrous, c. 6-10 mm long with a marginal wing c. 1 mm wide, 1/2-⅔ length of persistent calyx wings; seeds hairy, narrow-oblong, c. 4-5 mm long; strophiole 3-lobed.
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Herbs, shrubs, trees, rarely climbers or saprophytes. Lvs usually alternate, rarely opposite or verticillate, simple, exstipulate. Fls ☿, usually in racemes or spikes and terminal, rarely in panicles or solitary. Calyx 4-5-merous; segments usually free, imbricate, the 2 inner segments larger and often petaloid (wings). Petals 3-(5), the outer 2 free or united at base, the upper 2 free or often reduced or 0, the innermost (keel) boat-shaped and often with a terminal beak or fimbriate crest. Stamens usually 8, rarely 3-7, usually monadelphous to beyond the middle, rarely free; staminal tube split above and often adnate to petals; anthers 1-2-locular. Ovary (1)-2-(5)-locular; style simple; ovules 1 per loculus, pendulous. Fr. a dehiscent capsule or a drupe; seed with a conspicuous strophiole.
Herbs, shrubs, less commonly trees, erect or sometimes climbing. Stem nodes often swollen and jointed. Lvs usually alternate, simple. Stipules mostly forming a membranous or scarious ochrea (sheath). Infl. primarily racemose, spicate or paniculate, sometimes with secondary whorls or fascicles, usually many-flowered. Fls small, ☿ or unisexual, actinomorphic. Perianth 3-6-merous, in 1-2 whorls, often unequal, imbricate, free or connate, often persistent and accrescent. Corolla 0. Stamens (2)-6-9-(16); filaments free or united at base. Ovary superior, sessile, 1-locular, with a solitary, basal, erect ovule. Style 2-4-branched or styles free. Fr. a 3-angled, or 2-sided biconvex nut, often enclosed in persistent, commonly winged perianth. Seed with abundant mealy endosperm.
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Mat-like perennial with rather slender, ± woody rootstock and long, slender, creeping, rooting stems; shoots grooved, ± brown-hairy, reddish. Lvs on all shoots similar; petiole short or lvs subsessile. Lamina 15-40-(55) × 8-25-(35) mm, ± broad-ovate, becoming red with age, rose-pink and with brown or white hairs on veins below and generally on the midrib above, with a crescent-shaped brown or purplish mark above; margins entire or nearly so, strongly ciliate and with red marginal line; base ± cuneate, slightly oblique; apex acute or subacute. Ochreae (2)-3-9 mm long, brown-hairy, truncate. Fls in globose or subglobose heads, numerous; head (5)-7-15-(20) mm diam.; peduncles usually > lvs, erect, with 1-6 branches in the upper 1/2, glandular-hairy; pedicels 0; bracts scarious, almost = fls. Perianth 2.5-3 mm long, pink, scarcely accrescent; segments imbricate, ovate or elliptic-ovate, glabrous. Nut c. 1.5 mm long, trigonous, dark brown, smooth and glossy, tightly enclosed in persistent perianth.
Almost glabrous annual herb; stems erect or suberect, to c. 75 cm tall, often reddish; roots rather slender. Lvs on main stem similar to those on branches, subsessile or shortly petiolate. Lamina 1-12 × 0.3-2 cm, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, bright or deep green, with small translucent glandular dots; margins ciliolate and ± undulate; base cuneate to attenuate; apex obtuse to acuminate. Ochreae to 2 cm long, reddish brown, truncate, with 0-few fringing bristles, ± flared at upper nodes. Racemes slender, spike-like, to c. 7 cm long, at least partly curving downwards, the lower fls often distant; pedicels short, enclosed by bracts at anthesis, later protruding. Perianth 1.5-3 mm long, prominently dotted with brownish glands, usually pink or rose, rarely white, accrescent; segments ± broad-elliptic, strongly imbricate. Nut 2.5-3 mm long, trigonous or biconvex, dark brown or black, finely granular and appearing dull to moderately shining.
Annual or perennial herbs, occasionally small shrubs, sometimes aquatic or ± scrambling; stems usually solid, with nodes usually obviously jointed and often swollen. Lvs cauline, very variable but usually considerably longer than wide, usually entire; ochreae well-developed, scarious. Infl. axillary or terminal, usually a fascicle, spiciform raceme, capitate head, or diffuse panicle; fls generally ☿, sometimes unisexual (plants monoecious or dioecious). Pedicels generally jointed. Perianth segments (4)-5-(6), persistent but usually not markedly accrescent, free or united at base, equal or nearly so, white, pink to crimson, not keeled. Stamens (3)-5-8-(9). Styles 2-3, variable in length. Fr. a biconvex or trigonous nut, enclosed or slightly exserted from the persistent, spineless perianth valves.
Annual; stems ± erect, to 1 m tall, glabrous, green or reddish, often with red spots below the ± swollen nodes; taproot moderately stout. Lvs on main stem similar to those on branches; petioles to 3 cm long. Lamina (2)-3-15-(20) × (0.5)-1-4.5-(7) cm, lanceolate to narrow-ovate, glandular-punctate and glabrate to whitish tomentose below (sometimes hairy only on midrib), often with dark blotch on upper side, entire, ciliate; base ± attenuate; apex obtuse or subacute. Ochreae to 1 cm long, initially green or pinkish, truncate; apex glabrous or ciliolate. Infl. to 4 cm long, erect, dense and cylindric, usually simple and uninterrupted, mostly terminal; pedicels short, obscured by ochrea-like bracts; peduncles sparsely to densely covered with subsessile yellow or cream glands. Perianth c. 2 mm long, sparsely to moderately glandular, somewhat accrescent, usually white, sometimes pink; veins prominent, forked and recurved (anchor-shaped); segments ± elliptic, imbricate. Nut 2.5-3 mm long, usually ± biconvex, occasionally trigonous with rounded edges, dark brown, shining.
Hairy, fibrous-rooted annual with erect stems 20-150-(250) cm tall. Lvs on main stem similar to those on branches; petiole to c. 10 cm long, densely hispid. Lamina 7-25 × 4-17 cm, ovate, entire, with margin and veins densely hispid above and below, otherwise hairs sparser; base rounded to cordate, broadly cuneate on infl. lvs; apex cuspidate. Ochreae c. 2 cm long on main part of stem, green, with apical lobes prominently setose. Infl. a large open panicle with densely hairy branches terminating in dense pendulous spikes (1)-3-8 cm long; pedicels to 5 mm long, enclosed by bracts until anthesis; bracts 4-6 mm long, scarious, with appressed hairs, densely ciliate. Perianth 3-5 mm long, crimson in bud, somewhat paler at anthesis, accrescent, eglandular; segments broad-ovate to broad-elliptic, imbricate. Nut c. 4 mm long, broad-ovoid and ± biconvex, glossy black, with a shallow depression in the middle on each side.
Glabrous or glabrate, taprooted annual; stems erect to spreading, 0.1-1 m tall, often reddish, glabrous or with scattered antrorse hairs. Lvs on main stem similar to those on branches; petiole 2-12-(20) mm long. Lamina (1.2)-4-15 × 1.2-4 cm, lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, usually with a central dark blotch above, with scattered appressed hairs or more obviously hairy on midrib below, inconspicuously glandular-punctate, ciliate, entire; base cuneate; apex acute to acuminate. Ochreae to c. 1.5 cm long, fringed, often hairy, initially truncate, green or pinkish. Fls in erect, dense, spike-like, eglandular infls; spike usually not interrupted below, cylindric, sometimes very narrow and open, mostly terminal, to 4-(5) × 0.7-1.5 cm; peduncles eglandular; pedicels short, ± hidden amongst ochreae-like bracts; bracts always long-ciliate. Perianth 2-3 mm long, somewhat accrescent, eglandular, usually pale to deep pink, occasionally white; segments ± broad-elliptic, imbricate; veins straight or gently curved. Nuts 2-2.5 mm long, biconvex or trigonous with rounded margins, sometimes slightly biconcave, brownish black, shining.
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Prostrate, appressed-hirsute perennial; stems to 30 cm long, woody at base, with antrorse hairs, tending to form a mat; taproot present. Lvs all similar, subsessile or with short petiole. Lamina 6-25 × 2-7 mm, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, minutely serrulate; base narrow-cuneate; apex obtuse. Ochreae to 8 mm long, with appressed hairs, ciliate. Racemes spike-like, usually axillary, rarely terminal; rachis sometimes with very short glandular hairs and hirsute; peduncle to c. 12 mm long; infl. 8-20 mm long; pedicels very short, hidden. Fls 15-25; bracts often = or > fls, pink, hirsute. Perianth 1.5-1.8 mm long, eglandular, green, accrescent; segments ± broad-elliptic, somewhat imbricate. Nut 1.4-1.7 mm diam., biconvex or subglobose, ± shining, black, finely granular.
Annual or perennial herb; stems ± erect, 0.5-1.5-(2) m tall, glabrous, glandular-punctate; roots fairly stout. Lvs on main stem and branches similar; petioles 3-15-(20) mm long. Lamina 4-15 × 1-4 cm, lanceolate to narrow-ovate, yellowish green or deep green, finely glandular-punctate below; margins ciliolate and ± undulate; veins beneath and midrib above with very short, ± appressed hairs; base cuneate; apex ± acuminate. Ochreae to 2.5 cm long, truncate, with fringing bristles, usually with very short appressed hairs, sometimes uppermost glabrous, at upper nodes rather tightly appressed to stem. Racemes slender, spike-like, to c. 10 cm long, usually at least partly curving downwards, the lower fls usually distant; pedicels soon > bracts. Perianth 2-3 mm long, accrescent, prominently dotted with brownish glands, white or pale greenish; segments ± broad-elliptic, strongly imbricate. Nut 2.5-3.5 mm long, biconvex or unequally trigonous, shining, finely granular, dark brown.
Annual or short-lived perennial herb, glabrous or glabrate; stems prostrate or decumbent, rooting at the lower nodes, sparingly branched; roots rather slender. Lvs on main stems and branches similar; petioles short or lvs subsessile. Lamina to 15 × 4 cm, lanceolate, often with dark markings above, entire or minutely serrulate, glabrous or sometimes with appressed hairs on midrib above and below, copiously dotted with glands below; margins appressed-ciliate; base cuneate to rounded; apex acuminate. Ochreae c. 1.5 cm long, green or pinkish, obliquely truncate, not flared towards apex, long-ciliate. Fls 1-4 in whorls forming simple or few-branched, terminal or axillary racemes; racemes erect or slightly curved, 1.5-8 cm long, sometimes very slender and whorls distant, sometimes wider, cylindric, and densely flowered; peduncles slender, > upper lvs; pedicels enveloped or slightly exserted from bracts; bracts truncate, ciliate or glabrous. Perianth 2-2.5 mm long, deep pink to whitish, eglandular, accrescent; segments ± elliptic, imbricate. Nut 1.7-2.5 mm long, biconvex to almost plano-convex, blackish, ± glossy.
Annual herb; stems to > 50 cm long, lax or sprawling, with numerous deflexed scabrid bristles to c. 1 mm long; roots slender. Lvs ± similar; petiole to 1 cm long, filiform, scabrid. Lamina 3-7 × 0.5-1.2 cm, linear-lanceolate; midrib below with scattered bristles; margin ciliolate, entire; base ± hastate or sagittate; apex obtuse or subacute. Ochreae usually 1-1.5 cm long, glabrous, soon brown and papery; apex truncate. Racemes terminal or in axils of upper lvs, to 12 cm long, very slender; fls few, distant. Peduncles dichotomous, conspicuously glandular-hairy, > lvs; pedicels very short, hidden by sheathing, glabrous or glabrate bracts until after anthesis. Perianth 2-3 mm long, accrescent, pink; segments ± broadly ovate-elliptic, imbricate and remaining almost closed, eglandular. Nut 2-2.5 mm long (including short beak), broad-ovoid or ellipsoid, brown, shining.
Rhizomes erect to very long-creeping, scaly. Fronds entire or 1-2-pinnate. Sporangia borne on abaxial surface of frond, usually in round or elongate sori on veins or vein-endings, sometimes in long lines or scattered along veins. Indusia 0. Annulus vertical. Homosporous; spores with or without chlorophyll.
Terrestrial, rupestral, or epiphytic ferns with creeping scaly rhizomes. Fronds articulated to rhizome, pinnatifid or 1-pinnate, usually glabrous; veins free or anastomosing. Sori round to elongate, superficial, lacking indusia. Spores monolete.
Rhizomes long-creeping. Stipes 2-20 cm long, lacking scales except at very base. Laminae ovate or narrowly elliptic, 1-pinnate, 10-25 × 5-9 cm. Primary pinnae in 10-25 pairs, oblong, obtuse, decurrent, minutely serrate, to 5 × 1 cm. Sori round or elliptic, in 2 rows either side of midrib.
Rhizomes short, erect. Stipes and rachises densely scaly; scales broad, uniformly pale orange-brown. Laminae narrowly oblong or narrowly elliptic, 2-pinnate at base (3-pinnate in largest specimens), 6-25 × 2-6 cm. Primary pinnae in 15-25 pairs, ovate to broadly ovate, the largest 1-3 × 0.8-2.5 cm. Secondary pinnae in 2-7 pairs, ovate, to 12 × 7 mm, deeply incised or bearing 1-2 pairs of tertiary pinnae. Sori round, crowded, often confined to upper pinnae, protected by very convex, uniformly pale brown, peltate indusia.
Rhizomes short, thick, erect, sometimes forming small trunks. Stipes 10-35 cm long, densely scaly; scales broad, shiny, with dark brown centres and pale borders. Rachises densely covered in narrow uniformly pale orange-brown scales, bearing 1-2 (rarely more) bulbils near the apices. Laminae narrowly ovate or narrowly oblong, 2-pinnate at base, 20-85 × 6-30 cm. Primary pinnae in 25-35 pairs, narrowly triangular, the longest 3-15 × 1-2.5 cm, rarely bearing bulbils near apices. Secondary pinnae in 5-18 pairs, stalked, ± elliptic but with large basal acroscopic lobe; margins crenate, sharply toothed. Sori round, protected by uniformly pale brown peltate indusia.
Rhizomes short, erect. Stipes and rachises densely scaly; scales narrow, dull, usually uniformly blackish brown but rarely having narrow pale borders, with expanded colourless fimbriate bases. Laminae very variable, narrowly oblong, elliptic, ovate, or almost triangular, 2- to almost 3-pinnate, 10-50 × 4-25 cm. Primary pinnae in 10-30 pairs, ovate to narrowly ovate, the longest 2-13 × 1-5 cm. Secondary pinnae in 5-20 pairs, ovate to narrowly ovate with a basal acroscopic lobe, the longest 7-30 × 5-12 mm, very variable in dissection, from ± entire with obtuse apices to deeply dissected (almost to midrib) with sharply pointed apices. Sori round, protected by ± flat peltate indusia with black centres and pale margins.
Terrestrial ferns. Rhizomes erect, very scaly. Fronds 1-3-pinnate, scaly; ultimate segments usually pointed; veins free. Sori round, borne on veins in one row either side of midrib; protected by peltate indusia, or indusia 0. Spores monolete.
Rhizomes short, erect, bearing weak and often ± prostrate fronds. Stipes to 12 cm long, densely scaly; scales broad, uniformly pale orange-brown. Rachises covered in narrower scales, bearing bulbils at junctions with primary pinnae throughout. Laminae narrowly ovate or narrowly triangular, 2-3-pinnate at base, to 60 × 20 cm. Primary pinnae in 40 or more pairs, narrowly ovate, to 11 × 2.5 cm. Secondary pinnae in 15-25 pairs on longest primary pinnae, stalked, ± elliptic but with a large basal acroscopic lobe; apices drawn out into long fine points; margins deeply incised or divided into 2-3 pairs of tertiary pinnae. Sori round, protected by uniformly pale brown peltate indusia.
Rhizomes short, erect. Stipes and rachises densely scaly; scales broad, with shiny dark brown centres and pale borders. Laminae elliptic to narrowly elliptic, 2-pinnate, 15-40 × 5-18 cm. Primary pinnae in 18-25 pairs, ± narrowly oblong, the longest 3-10 × 1-3 cm; midribs narrowly winged. Secondary pinnae in 6-15 pairs, elliptic or ovate, to 15 × 8 mm, deeply incised with apices drawn into long fine points. Sori round, lacking indusia.
Rhizomes short, erect, sometimes forming a stout trunk. Stipes and rachises densely scaly; scales broad, with shiny dark brown centres and pale borders. Laminae narrowly elliptic or narrowly oblong, 2-pinnate, 20-100 × 6-25 cm. Primary pinnae in 25-60 pairs, ± narrowly oblong, the longest 3-15 × 1-2.5 cm. Secondary pinnae in 10-20 pairs, ± elliptic with basal acroscopic lobe, to 22 × 13 mm, shallowly incised in smaller fronds, deeply incised in larger fronds; apices sharply pointed. Sori round, protected by uniformly pale brown peltate indusia.
Erect shrub to 4 m high, stellate-tomentose. Petiole of adult lvs to c. 1 cm long. Lamina 50-70 × 20-30 mm (juvenile lvs often larger), narrow- to broad-elliptic, rugose; upper surface stellate-hairy; lower surface with stellate tomentum, some of the hairs stalked; interveinal areas whitish; veins and midrib brown; margins crenulate to denticulate, not or only slightly revolute; apex obtuse to acute; stipules 4-10 mm long, subulate, soon deciduous. Infl. an open, much-branched, pyramidal panicle to c. 20 cm long with fls mainly terminal. Calyx glabrous inside, pale green; lobes c. 2 mm long, spreading to reflexed. Petals 0. Anthers oblong. Ovary with tuft of white, long-rayed, stellate hairs at apex, wholly immersed in calyx tube at anthesis, c. 1/2 immersed at fruiting. Fr. c. 2 mm diam., globular, blackish; cocci opening by opercula occupying > 3/4 of their inner faces.
Erect shrub to c. 3 m high. Shoots with ferruginous, stellate tomentum when young. Petiole to 2 cm long on adult lvs, stellate-tomentose. Lamina 45-150 × 20-55 mm on flowering shoots (sometimes larger on juvenile and vegetative shoots), ovate or ovate-elliptic, sometimes narrowly elliptic; upper surface nearly always glabrous, somewhat rugose with veins impressed; lower surface densely clothed in sessile stellate hairs, but with interveinal areas with green surface always showing when mature and midrib veins ferruginously tomentose; margins crenulate to denticulate; apex rounded or obtuse; stipules 5-12 mm long, subulate, soon deciduous. Infl. a large, terminal, much-branched, stellate-tomentose panicle to c. 20 cm long. Calyx lobes 1-1.5 mm long, green, glabrous within, reflexing. Petals 0. Anthers oblong. Ovary with terminal tuft of white, stellate, long-rayed hairs, wholly immersed in calyx tube at anthesis, c. 1/2 immersed at fruiting. Fr. c. 2 mm diam., globular, blackish; cocci opening by opercula occupying > 3/4 of their inner faces.
Slender erect shrub to 3 m high. Adult and juvenile lvs petiolate; lamina 20-70 × 10-30 mm, ± elliptic; upper surface glabrous except for scattered simple hairs around sunken midrib; lower surface with fine grey stellate tomentum and scattered simple or large stellate hairs on veins; margins entire, slightly revolute; stipules 4-5 mm long, deciduous. Infl. an open, much-branched, terminal corymb. Calyx reflexed, pale greenish; tube with scattered long, white, simple hairs until after anthesis. Petals cream; limb broad. Anthers oblong. Ovary with stellate hairs at apex, wholly immersed in calyx tube at anthesis, c. 1/2 immersed at fruiting. Fr. cocci opening by opercula occupying c. 1/2 of their inner faces.
Erect shrub to 2.5 m high. Adult and juvenile lvs petiolate; lamina 20-80 × 10-40 mm, elliptic to elliptic-ovate; upper surface glabrous except for scattered simple hairs around sunken midrib; lower surface with fine grey stellate tomentum and scattered simple or large stellate hairs on veins; margins entire, not revolute; stipules 2-3 mm long, deciduous. Infl. a much-branched, dense, terminal corymb. Calyx reflexing, pale green; tube with dense, long, white, simple hairy covering until after anthesis. Petals yellow; limb broad. Anthers oblong. Ovary with stellate hairs at apex, almost wholly immersed in calyx tube at anthesis, c. 1/2 immersed at fruiting. Fr. cocci opening by opercula occupying c. 1/2 of their inner faces.
Evergreen shrubs or small trees, not armed, with stellate hairs often forming a tomentum, sometimes with simple hairs as well. Lvs alternate, small to large. Stipules deciduous or persistent, small. Fls small, in cymes, ☿, often aggregated to form large panicles, 5-merous, pedicellate. Calyx with triangular lobes. Petals sometimes 0, not forming a hood or enclosing anthers; claw short and narrow. Filaments bent downwards in upper part, > petals. Disc annular, inconspicuous. Ovary apparently inferior through immersion in combined calyx tube and disc, 3-celled; style 3-lobed; stigmas simple. Fr. small, capsule-like, 3-valved, loculicidal, with upper part protruding above calyx tube, dehiscing to release 3 cocci (each consisting of 1 seed and surrounding endocarp). Seed smooth, with thickened funicle widened to form a cup-shaped aril.
Low, bushy shrub to 1.5 m high, often with many branches near ground level. Adult lvs subsessile, 2-8-(15) × 1-2-(5) mm, narrow-elliptic to narrow-oblong; upper surface with soft, erect, simple hairs; lower surface with dense tomentum of long-rayed stellate hairs and with some simple hairs on midrib and margins; margins entire, usually strongly revolute to midrib; stipules 2-4 mm long, persistent. Juvenile lvs larger and not or less revolute. Infl. a panicle of small, few-flowered terminal and axillary cymes. Calyx cream, spreading to reflexed. Petals 0, but occasionally calyx with petaloid outgrowth. Anthers ovoid. Ovary with simple and stellate hairs, c. 1/2 immersed in calyx tube at anthesis, c. ⅓ immersed at fruiting; apex with tuft of simple white hairs. Fr. cocci opening by opercula occupying from ⅞ to nearly the whole of their inner faces.
Erect shrub to c. 3 m high. Adult lvs shortly petiolate, 10-40 × 5-14 mm, narrow-elliptic to narrow-oblong; upper surface eventually glabrous, sometimes with simple hairs at first; lower surface densely clothed in sessile and stalked stellate hairs, ferruginous on veins; margins entire, not revolute; stipules 1-2 mm long, deciduous. Juvenile lvs similar but sometimes larger and slightly toothed. Infl. a rounded to sub-pyramidal, many-flowered panicle, terminal or subterminal. Calyx cream, spreading; lobes deciduous. Petals 0. Anthers oblong. Ovary with dense stellate hairs at apex, wholly immersed in calyx tube at anthesis, ⅔ immersed at fruiting. Fr. cocci opening by opercula occupying ⅔ of their inner faces.
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Large spreading tree, suckering profusely and forming shrubby thickets. Bark grey towards base, rather rough. Young shoots ± terete, white-tomentose, at least at first, usually glabrous by autumn. Buds hairy, not viscid. Young lvs not aromatic. Petiole mostly 2-6 cm long, somewhat compressed, becoming glabrous or with sparse grey hairs. Lamina 4-11 × 2.5-10 cm, broad-ovate to almost deltoid, usually white-tomentose for a time but becoming glabrous on lower surface, soon glabrous and dark green above; margin with few, large, rounded teeth or lamina lobulate, without translucent band; base broad-cuneate, truncate or subcordate, sometimes with 2 glands; apex obtuse or acute. Catkins ♀, pendulous, to 5 cm long at anthesis. Rachis villous. Bracts 2-3 mm long, membranous, pale brown, laciniate; cilia long, white. Cup-shaped disc c. 0.5 mm deep, glabrous or somewhat hairy, especially near base; margin ± sinuate. Ovary glabrous. Capsules containing dense, white, cottony hairs.
Tree to c. 60 m high, with spreading habit, suckering extensively. Bark grey, fissured. Shoots ± terete, glabrous except when very young. Buds very viscid, glabrous. Young lvs very aromatic (balsam-scented). Petioles 3.5-7 cm long, ± terete when fresh, with patent hairs and glandular-viscid. Lamina 6-23 × 5.5-20 cm, broad-ovate, hairy on veins above and beneath, green above, greenish white beneath; margins ciliate, crenate-serrate with gland-tipped teeth, without translucent border; base cordate or subcordate, sometimes rounded, with 2, sometimes inconspicuous, glands; apex cuspidate or acuminate. Catkins ♀, pendulous, 13-19 cm long at anthesis. Rachis sparsely hairy. Bracts 4-5 mm long excluding long filiform lobes, glabrous, greenish white. Cup-shaped disc 1.5-3 mm deep, almost symmetric, glabrous; margin irregular. Ovary glabrous; stigmas very large, irregularly 3-lobed. Capsule 4.5-9 mm long, broad-ovoid, containing abundant, long, white, silky hairs.
Tree to c. 25 m high, usually spreading, suckering profusely. Bark grey, rather smooth to shallowly fissured. Shoots white-tomentose, terete. Buds white, with appressed tomentum, not viscid. Young lvs not aromatic. Petiole 1.5-5 cm long, white-tomentose, slightly compressed. Lamina on vegetative shoots 3-10 × 2-9.5 cm, ± deltoid, with 3-5 lobulate or toothed primary lobes; lamina on adult shoots smaller, ovate, ovate-oblong or suborbicular, lobed or strongly toothed, always white, loosely tomentose below and at first above, later glabrous or nearly so on upper surface, green and shining; margin lacking translucent band; base truncate, rounded or subcordate, glandless; apex obtuse or rounded. Catkins ♀, ± pendent, 2-8 cm long at anthesis. Rachis villous. Bracts 3-3.5 mm long, membranous, shining, brown in upper part, incised to shallowly toothed, prominently long-ciliate. Cup-shaped disc 0.5-0.8 mm deep, glabrous or somewhat villous; margin slightly sinuate. Ovary glabrous; stigmas slender, whitish. Capsule containing dense, white, cottony hairs, especially towards base.
Large tree to c. 30 m high, with spreading branches, usually scarcely suckering. Bark grey, fissured. Shoots slightly angular when mature, yellowish grey. Winter buds and very young shoots viscid, glabrous. Young lvs not aromatic. Petiole of mature lvs to 9 cm long, flattened, glabrous. Lamina 5-10.5 × 4-11 cm, broad-deltoid or broad-ovate, reddish brown when young, glabrous except for margin, becoming wholly green; margin with narrow translucent band, crenate-serrate with curved glandular teeth, densely ciliolate when young; base truncate or subcordate, with 2 glands prominently or weakly developed on either side of petiole; apex acuminate. Catkins ♀, pendulous, mostly eventually 15-20 cm long. Rachis glabrous. Bracts 2-3 mm long excluding filiform lobes, glabrous, whitish. Cup-shaped disc 1-2 mm deep, glabrous; margin irregular. Ovary glabrous; stigmas mostly 3-lobed, irregular, large. Capsules containing abundant long white hairs.
Trees with pale, ± furrowed bark. Winter buds with several imbricate scales. Lvs alternate; petiole usually long; stipules inconspicuous, caducous; lamina lanceolate-ovate to broad-ovate or deltoid, sometimes lanceolate in juvenile lvs, entire or dentate. Catkins pendulous, appearing before lvs. Fls anemophilous, each subtended by a bract; bract usually laciniate or toothed, rarely entire, quickly shrivelling. Perianth reduced to a cupular, oblique disc; glands 0. ♂ fls with 4-many stamens; filaments ± filiform; anthers generally red to purple, occasionally yellow. ♀ fls with short style; stigmas 2-4. Capsule 2-(4)-valved, often ripe before lvs are fully mature. Seeds numerous, minute.
Tree to 20 m high (more in cultivation), columnar or fastigiate. Bark rough, fissured. Branchlets light grey. Young shoots glabrous or puberulent. Buds and very young lvs viscid, glabrous. Young lvs not aromatic. Petiole 1.5-6 cm long, compressed, sometimes puberulent when young. Lamina 2.5-9 × 2-11 cm, rhombic-deltoid to rhombic, glabrous, green above and below; margin with narrow translucent border, crenate or crenate-serrate; base truncate to cuneate, glandless; apex usually cuspidate or acuminate. Catkins ♂, pendulous, to 7 cm long; scales at base to c. 2.3 cm long. Rachis glabrous, white. Bracts strongly laciniate, 2-2.5 mm long excluding the subulate teeth, glabrous, white. Cup-shaped disc 2-3 mm deep, oblique, glabrous. Stamens 15-30; anthers light to deep crimson.
Tree to c. 16 m high, often suckering profusely, widespreading, almost glabrous. Bark greenish or yellowish green, rather smooth, except near base. Shoots dark, slightly hairy at first, slightly angular when young, otherwise terete. Buds not viscid, glabrous. Young lvs not aromatic. Lvs hairy at first, soon glabrous. Petiole 2-7 cm long, strongly flattened. Lamina 2.5-12 × 3-12 cm, broad-ovate to suborbicular, sometimes broader than long, green above and glaucescent or glaucous below; margin without translucent band, coarsely crenate-serrate or crenate-dentate, with teeth often curved; base truncate to subcordate, sometimes with 2 glands; apex acute. Catkins ♂, to 10 cm long, pendulous. Rachis densely hairy. Bracts 2.5-4 mm long excluding oblong to triangular teeth, brown, densely fringed with long silky hairs. Cup-shaped disc 1.5-2.5 mm deep, oblique, glabrous. Stamens mostly 6-10; filaments very short; anthers purple.
Large tree, almost pyramidal when young, suckering moderately. Bark grey, fissured, peeling when young. Shoots somewhat angled, brown. Buds and very young shoots very viscid and balsam-scented, glabrous. Petioles to c. 9 cm long, terete, glabrous. Lamina to 13-(18) × 10 cm, usually deltoid-ovate or ovate, sometimes narrow-ovate, greenish white below, glabrous except for ciliolate margin, ± green when very young; veins green above; margin without translucent band, crenate-serrulate; base broad-cuneate, truncate or subcordate, usually glandless; apex acute to short-acuminate. Catkins ♂, pendulous, to c. 10 cm long. Rachis ± puberulent. Bracts 3-4 mm long excluding filiform teeth, hairy, whitish. cup-shaped disc 2-3 mm deep, oblique, glabrous. Stamens 30-90; anthers crimson.
Large, widespreading tree, suckering moderately. Bark grey, fissured. Shoots ± angled when young, almost winged in strong vegetative shoots, reddish purple to yellowish brown. Buds very viscid, glabrous. Young shoots strongly viscid and balsam-scented. Petiole to c. 10 cm long, nearly terete, glabrous. Lamina to 18 × 13.5 cm, broad-ovate, glabrous except for minutely ciliolate margin, greenish white below, glossy green above, reddish brown when unfolding; midrib and veins pink above; margin crenate-serrulate, without translucent band; base subcordate to cordate, glandless; apex acuminate. Catkins ♂, pendulous, to 16 cm long. Bracts 2-4 mm long excluding long filiform teeth, glabrous, whitish. Rachis glabrous. Cup-shaped disc 1-3 mm deep, oblique, glabrous. Stamens 15-45; anthers crimson towards apex.
Glabrous, taprooted, annual or perennial, fleshy herbs. Stems branching, prostrate to ascending, vegetative and reproductive. Lvs many, usually spiralled to subopposite, sometimes opposite, the uppermost whorled below the infl.; axillary hair-tufts present. Infl. terminal, few-flowered, bracteate, or fls solitary. Sepals hooded, the anterior overlapping the posterior. Petals 4-6. Stamens 4-many. Ovary semi-inferior, of 3-8 fused carpels; style branches 3-8. Capsule thin-walled, 1-locular, circumscissile; seeds many.
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Annual to perennial herbs. Lvs exstipulate, often with axillary hairs, usually fleshy or succulent, simple, entire; basal lvs rosulate; stem lvs opposite or alternate. Infl. a terminal raceme, cyme, or panicle, or fls solitary. Fls hypogynous or perigynous, ☿; calyx zygomorphic; corolla actinomorphic. Sepals 2, free or connate. Petals (4)-5-(6), free or united at base. Stamens 3-many. Ovary of (2)-3-(8) fused carpels, 1-locular; placentation basal. Stigmas (2)-3-(4); style 1. Fr. a capsule dehiscing by usually 3 valves, or circumscissile. Seeds usually black, smooth, sometimes tuberculate; embryo curved.
Procumbent perennial herb arising from a slender, stoloniferous stock; stolons up to 40-(80) cm long; stems brown or purplish, hairy, rooting at nodes. Lvs in persistent and open basal rosettes, and cauline; petiole 35-50-(85) mm long, sparsely hairy; blade reniform, palmate; leaflets 3-5, narrow- to broad-obovate, sessile, (5)-8-20-(35) × 3-16 mm, sparsely to moderately clothed in long, appressed hairs above and below (especially along veins on underside), serrate with (2)-3-5-(6) pairs of teeth in upper part; upper cauline lvs sometimes smaller with shorter petiole; stipules linear-lanceolate to narrow-elliptic, acute, usually entire, sometimes with 1-(2) teeth. Fls usually solitary in axils of lvs, rarely several fls together, 4-5-merous. Epicalyx segments lanceolate to narrow-elliptic, 3-6 mm long, acute, entire. Sepals ± ovate-triangular, ± = epicalyx, connate at base; segments pilose. Petals broadly obovate, 4-6-(8) mm long, pale yellow, shallowly emarginate. Style filiform. Achenes finely rugose, c. 1.5 mm long; wings 0 or very obscure.
Procumbent perennial arising from a stout stock, up to 10-(30) cm tall at flowering, stoloniferous; stems brownish green, slender and hairy. Lvs in rosettes, basal or at nodes, up to 150-(350) mm long, imparipinnate; leaflets in up to 7 pairs, with reduced leaflets between, elliptic to obovate or suborbicular, up to 20-(35) mm long, green above, silvery tomentose below, serrate. Fls axillary, solitary, 5-merous. Epicalyx segments ± obovate, ± = sepals, deeply toothed. Sepals tomentose. Petals orbicular, up to 10 mm long, yellow. Achenes smooth or very faintly rugose.
Ascending to erect perennial herb up to c. 50 cm tall, with branches arising from a stout, woody stock; stems ± woody, brown to reddish purple, white-tomentose. Lvs both basal and cauline; petiole up to 20-(55) mm long, pilose; blade reniform, palmate; leaflets usually 5, oblanceolate to obovate, sessile, (5)-8-16-(24) × 3-15 mm, dark green to greyish and usually glabrate to sparsely hairy, rarely moderately hairy above, densely white- to grey-tomentose below; margins recurved, with 1-3 pairs of teeth in upper 1/2, sometimes ± pinnatifid; upper cauline lvs becoming ± sessile, smaller and often finally 3-fid; stipules lanceolate, white-tomentose below, acuminate and sometimes with 1-(2) teeth. Fls in diffuse, terminal cymes, 5-merous. Epicalyx segments subulate, 1.5-3 mm long, acute, entire. Sepals ovate-triangular, = or slightly > epicalyx segments, sparsely to densely tomentose, connate at base. Petals broadly obovate, 2-4-(5) mm long, yellow, very shallowly emarginate or rounded. Style filiform-conic. Achenes ± smooth or slightly reticulate, not winged, 0.7-1 mm long.
Short-stemmed, perennial or rarely annual or biennial herbs or small shrubs, often mat-forming or sprawling and spreading, not armed. Lvs in basal rosettes or cauline or both, pinnate or palmate; leaflets usually dentate or crenate; stipules free in upper part, ± connate at base, persistent. Infl. a cyme or fls solitary, usually terminal. Fls small- to medium-sized, ☿, (4)-5-merous. Hypanthium ± flat or weakly concave, with a central, hemispheric dry or spongy receptacle (carpophore). Epicalyx segments lobed or entire. Calyx usually with triangular to lanceolate sepals. Petals ± obovate, usually white or yellow, rarely reddish, orange or purple. Stamens (10)-20-numerous. Ovary superior; carpels (4)-10-80; styles surrounded by hypanthium rim; ovules 1 per carpel. Fr. a head of 4-many achenes on surface of dry and spongy hypanthium; styles usually deciduous at fruiting.
Erect, somewhat stout perennial herb up to 60-(80) cm tall at flowering; stems green or reddish, clothed with short and long pilose hairs and glands. Lvs mostly cauline, those of the lower ⅓ often withering by anthesis; petiole up to 130 mm long, pilose and glandular; blade orbicular, palmate; leaflets (5)-7, oblong-obovate to linear-lanceolate, sessile, (15)-25-65-(110) × 5-15-(25) mm, sparsely to moderately covered in pilose and short hairs on both surfaces or with only short hairs on upper; margins deeply serrate or occasionally almost pinnatisect, with 8-12-(17) pairs of teeth on terminal leaflet; stipules long-triangular, acute, with up to 3 teeth; upper lvs reduced with fewer narrower leaflets, finally ± sessile. Fls 5-merous, many in lax, terminal cymes. Epicalyx segments linear-lanceolate, acute, entire. Sepals ± narrow-ovate, c. 4-6 mm long, pilose with longer hairs scattered among shorter hairs, c. = epicalyx segments, connate at base. Petals obovate, (5)-7-10-(12) mm long, pale yellow, deeply emarginate. Styles filiform. Achenes reticulate, narrowly winged, c. 1.2-1.8 mm long.
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Glabrous or almost glabrous herb, prostrate or decumbent, forming small to large mats or diffuse patches. Stems creeping, rooting at nodes, simple or branched, slender. Petioles 1-2-(5) mm long. Lamina 2-12 × 2-8 mm, broad-ovate to almost orbicular, usually ± coarsely sinuate-dentate, sometimes entire or nearly so, membranous to semi-succulent, often purple beneath. Peduncles to 6 cm long, slender. Fls solitary. Calyx lobes 2-4 mm long, linear to narrow-triangular. Corolla white, deeply lobed; lobes 7-15-(18) mm long, linear-lanceolate to elliptic or oblanceolate, purple-veined, acute or apiculate; lower lip spreading; upper lip ± spreading. Fr. 7-12 mm diam., broad-obovoid to subglobose, reddish purple to pinkish purple.
Glabrous, prostrate or semi-prostrate herb often forming large mats to c. 1 m diam., compact when in exposed situations. Stems creeping, rooting at nodes, rather stout, somewhat succulent, usually branched. Petioles 1-5 mm long. Lamina (4)-7-25-(35) × (4)-7-20-(25) mm, obovate-oblong to orbicular, sinuate to bluntly and obscurely dentate or sometimes rather coarsely toothed, membranous to somewhat succulent. Peduncles 1-2 cm long, slender. Fls solitary. Calyx lobes 2-3 mm long, narrow-oblong to narrow-triangular. Corolla white, deeply lobed; lobes c. 10 mm long, ± narrow-elliptic, acute; lower lip spreading; upper lip ascending. Fr. ± 6-10 × 5-8 mm, obliquely subovoid to subglobose, reddish purple to pinkish purple, somewhat compressed.
Annual or perennial, dioecious herbs, often prostrate, with slender, creeping stems rooting at nodes, sometimes erect, robust, and somewhat woody. Lvs usually toothed; sap often acrid, somewhat milky. Fls solitary or in racemes. Calyx tube adnate to ovary; lobes persistent. Corolla 2-lipped; tube split to base at back; limb with upper lip 2-lobed and lower lip 3-lobed; lobes equal or unequal and those of upper lip often smaller. ♂ fls with staminal tube mostly free from corolla; anthers connate around style, the lower pair shortly awned. ♀ fls with staminodes; ovary 2-celled; stigma 2-lobed. Fr. always ± succulent, usually a berry, sometimes eventually dehiscent; seeds numerous, small.
Glabrous, semi-succulent herb, ± prostrate, forming small, dense, compact patches. Stems rooting at nodes, branched, rather stout. Lvs subsessile. Lamina ± 5-10 × 4-9 mm, broad-ovate to suborbicular, ± succulent, cuneate to rounded at base, coarsely toothed to nearly entire in upper part. Peduncle very short until after anthesis, eventually 3-5-(15) mm long, rather stout. Fls solitary, fragrant. Calyx lobes 2-3-(5) mm long, narrow-triangular; sinus wide. Corolla cream; tube cylindric, ± 10-13-(15) mm long, rather inflated towards base; lobes 5-9 mm long, linear-oblong to broad-oblong, spreading, often apiculate. Fr. 6-9 mm diam., globose, purplish.
Glabrous or ± pilose herb, prostrate or nearly so. Stems rooting at nodes, generally branched, slender, generally glabrous. Lvs subsessile or with very short petioles. Lamina 1.5-4-(5) × 1-2-(3) mm, oblong to ovate-oblong, deeply and narrowly toothed, sometimes entire or slightly toothed, generally glabrous, sometimes ± pilose, membranous or nearly so. Peduncles often very short at anthesis, elongating to c. 20 mm, filiform. Fls solitary. Calyx lobes 1-3 mm long, ± pilose, linear to elliptic. Corolla 4-8-(11) mm long, white or whitish, often dark-veined; tube 5-6 mm long, tapering evenly towards base; lobes 2-3 mm long, linear-lanceolate to elliptic, spreading, acute. Fr. to c. 8 mm diam., subglobose, purplish or greenish.
Erect to spreading, branched herb or subshrub. Stems to c. 1 m tall, somewhat woody towards base. Petioles to 10 cm long. Lamina (5)-7-20-(22) × (3)-4-10-(13) cm, ovate or ovate-elliptic, occasionally elliptic, glabrous or puberulent on main veins, sometimes with scattered hairs elsewhere, coarsely and irregularly serrate-dentate, cuneate or attenuate at base, acute to shortly acuminate at apex. Infl. a terminal, few- to many-flowered raceme clothed in short hairs. Pedicels slender, 1.5-2.5 cm long; bracts often > 5 mm long, linear-subulate. Calyx lobes 5-8 mm long, narrow-triangular to linear-subulate. Corolla 3-5 cm long, usually pale to deep blue or violet, occasionally whitish, deeply lobed with lobes acute; lower lip 3-lobed, hairy; upper lip 2-lobed, the lobes c. 1.5-3.5 cm long and spreading. Fr. 10-15 mm diam., subglobose, blue or, less commonly, whitish.
Perennial, ± puberulent herb forming loose mats. Underground stems or rhizomes white; aerial reproductive stems erect, angular, tinged purple. Lvs all of similar size; petioles 1-3 mm long, sometimes minutely puberulent. Lamina 10-12 × 4-8 mm, elliptic or narrow-elliptic, ± puberulent above, especially towards margin, dentate with c. 4 teeth on each side; base cuneate; apex sharply acute. Peduncle 2.5-4 cm long, very slender, with 2 bracts at base; bracts c. 0.5 mm long, narrow-linear. ♀ fls solitary (♂ not seen). Calyx lobes 2-2.8 cm long, narrow-triangular, with a single tooth each side; apex acuminate. Corolla pale pink; tube c. 5 mm long; limb hairy inside towards base; upper 2 lobes c. 5 mm long, narrow-linear, recurved; lower 3 lobes 6-8 mm long, ± narrow-oblong. Staminodes with puberulent filaments and pale brown anthers. Ovary 2.5-3.5 mm long, obconic. Fr. not seen.
Annual or perennial herbs, rarely shrubs. Lvs exstipulate, often all basal, otherwise alternate, opposite, or verticillate. Fls ☿, usually actinomorphic, very rarely zygomorphic, solitary or in racemes, umbels or panicles, bracteate, usually 5-merous. Calyx persistent, sometimes foliaceous. Corolla gamopetalous, but sometimes split nearly to base, tubular. Stamens antipetalous, epipetalous; staminodes sometimes present. Ovary usually superior, sometimes semi-inferior, 1-locular, with basal, free-central placentae; style and stigma simple; ovules 1-many. Fr. capsular, variously dehiscent. Seeds endospermic.
Shrubs or trees. Lvs usually alternate, rarely whorled, mostly coriaceous, exstipulate, entire and simple or pinnately lobed. Infl. a spike or raceme, rarely an umbel or fls solitary, often with an involucre. Fls usually regular, sometimes irregular, usually ☿ (but spp. dioecious in ). Calyx petaloid, of 4 valvate segments, cohering lightly at first, later separating. Corolla 0. Stamens 4, opposite the calyx lobes and adnate to them; anthers generally sessile. Ovary superior, sessile or stipitate, 1-locular; hypogynous glands often present; ovules 1-many; style simple, often rigid and persistent; stigma usually prominent, sometimes oblique. Fr. usually an achene, nut, or coriaceous or woody follicle, rarely a drupe. Seed almost always lacking endosperm.
Perennial herbs with short rhizomes. Lvs simple, entire to pinnatisect. Verticels mostly few-flowered, forming a dense, terminal, oblong spike. Bracts large but not resembling lvs. Calyx tubular-campanulate, not gibbous at base, strongly 2-lipped, 10-nerved or venation reticulate without prominent main veins, closed at fruiting; upper lip with 3 short teeth; lower lip with 2 long teeth. Corolla 2-lipped; tube > calyx, straight, obconic, with ring of hairs inside; upper lip hooded, entire; lower lip 3-lobed, with middle lobe denticulate. Stamens slightly exserted. Filaments with short, subulate appendage below apex; anther cells diverging. Style gynobasic, its branches equal. Nutlets ovoid to elliptic or oblong, longitudinally ribbed.
Perennial herb. Rhizome short; aerial stems long and decumbent, becoming erect and then often purplish. Petiole often = lamina in lower lvs, becoming short in lvs below infl. Lamina 1.7-6 × 0.7-2.3 cm, ovate or ovate-oblong, hairy, especially on veins below, usually entire or shallowly toothed, or rarely upper lvs with narrow lobes (hybrids); base cuneate to rounded. Bracts 2-10 cm long, broad-ovate to broad-reniform, acuminate, the uppermost often acute, with prominent white cilia and often purple-tinged. Calyx 7-9 mm long, purplish; upper lip shallowly 3-toothed and mucronate; lower lobe of 2 lanceolate, acuminate teeth. Corolla 10-15 mm long, usually violet, rarely pink or white. Stamen appendages ± straight. Nutlets 1.5-2 mm long, ellipsoid or ellipsoid-obovoid, shining brown.
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Deciduous, suckering, spreading tree, 5-12-(15) m high when mature, not armed; trunk tall. Lf petiole 12-60-(70) mm long, glabrous; blade ± thin, usually obovate to broadly elliptic, sometimes narrowly obovate or orbicular, (30)-40-130-(150) × (25)-30-60-(70) mm, acute to short-acuminate at apex, obtuse at base, glabrous or glabrate above, tomentose below when young (rarely glabrate), soon glabrous, 1-2-serrate with teeth obtuse or subacute; stipules acuminate, deciduous. Fls in umbel-like clusters of (1)-2-4, on very short shoots, not fragrant, pendent; pedicels (12)-25-50 mm long, green and glabrous. Hypanthium urceolate; sepals triangular, 3-5 mm long, blunt, glabrous, usually tinged purplish, soon becoming strongly reflexed. Petals usually 5 but sometimes many in double fls, (9)-11-19 × (5)-8-17 mm, ± broadly elliptic-oblong or elliptic-obovate, shallowly emarginate, white. Stamens ± = petals; filaments whitish. Fr. 8-17 mm diam. (to c. 30 mm in cultivation), globose or nearly so, glabrous, dark red, occasionally remaining pinkish red, usually ± sweet, sometimes rather bitter; stone smooth.
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Deciduous, suckering, rounded tree, 4-6-(10) m high when mature, not armed; trunk short; primary branches ascending; secondary branches spreading, sometimes pendulous. Lf petiole 12-30-(40) mm long, glabrous; blade ± thin, obovate to broadly elliptic, 40-120 × 25-50 mm, short-acuminate or cuspidate at apex, broadly cuneate to rounded at base, glabrous or with a few long hairs above, glabrous below or occasionally with a few hairs at base of lateral veins, 1-2-serrate with teeth blunt (sometimes with a short dark cusp); stipules triangular, acuminate, early deciduous. Fls in umbel-like clusters of (1)-2-4, on very short shoots, not fragrant, pendent; pedicels 10-20 mm long, glabrous. Hypanthium broadly campanulate; sepals triangular, 3-5 mm long, blunt, glabrous and greenish purple, becoming reflexed. Petals 5, spreading, orbicular, 8-12 mm diam., very shallowly emarginate, white. Stamens ± = to petals; filaments whitish. Fr. 10-17 mm diam., globose, glabrous, dark red, sour; stone smooth.
Perennial shrubs or trees, often deciduous, sometimes evergreen, unarmed or spiny; stems erect to wide-spreading, often with well developed trunk; young shoots glabrate to tomentose. Lvs distributed along long shoots, sometimes ± in clusters, simple, entire, crenate or 1-2-serrate; stipules free, frequently deciduous. Infl. an umbel, corymb, raceme or cluster, sometimes fls solitary or paired, usually on short shoots and subtended by many imbricate bracts. Fls 5-merous, ☿, often showy, usually preceding lvs in deciduous spp. Hypanthium concave or ± campanulate to cylindric. Epicalyx 0. Sepals very variable in length, deciduous. Petals usually 5 (sometimes many in cvs), usually spreading, occasionally the lower parts appearing to form a ± campanulate tube, white or pink to red. Stamens 15-50. Ovary superior; carpel 1; style 1; ovules 2 but 1 usually aborting. Fr. a drupe with fleshy pericarp enclosing a hard, stony endocarp; seed usually 1.
Evergreen, wide spreading shrub or tree, up to c. 10 m high when mature, not armed, glabrous or almost so; trunks often several, usually short, often forming large thickets. Lf petiole 5-10-(12) mm long; blade coriaceous, oblanceolate to narrow-elliptic or narrow-oblong, (75)-90-150-(180) × (23)-30-50-(55) mm, acute to very short-acuminate but often splitting at tip and appearing emarginate, especially when dried, cuneate to rounded at base, shining above with prominent paler veins, less shining below; margin somewhat recurved, ± entire toward base, with distant, short, acute teeth toward apex; stipules long-triangular, deciduous. Infl. an axillary or terminal, erect, dense raceme (80)-100-(120) mm long, with 20-30-(35) fragrant fls; pedicels 2-2.5-(5) mm long, elongating slightly after anthesis. Hypanthium broad; sepals broadly triangular, c. 1 mm long, acute, green, ± erect. Petals 5, spreading, orbicular, 2.5-5 × 2-4 mm, rounded, greenish white to cream. Stamens > petals; filaments pale. Fr. c. 10 mm long, ovoid, glabrous, dark purple, very bitter; stone smooth.
Large, glabrous (except fls), evergreen shrub or small tree, not armed, to c. 7 m high (often to c. 12 m in cultivation); trunks usually several, often becoming fairly tall. Lf petiole 15-25 mm long; blade subcoriaceous, elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, 70-140 × 25-60 mm, with a blunt cusp at apex, broadly cuneate or rounded at base, glossy above and below, with veins slightly impressed above, otherwise blade flat, crenate-serrate, entire near base; stipules linear-subulate, deciduous. Infl. a fairly dense raceme 23-30 cm long with 47-77 fls, terminal or in axils of upper lvs, erect or suberect; fls fragrant; pedicels 7-18 mm long, not elongating after anthesis but often turning red. Hypanthium broad; sepals broadly triangular, c. 1 mm long, obtuse, green, ± erect. Petals 5, spreading, orbicular, 3-5 mm diam., rounded, white. Stamens ± = petals; filaments white. Fr. 10-12 mm long, ovoid or broadly ovoid, smooth, glossy purplish black, very bitter; stone smooth except for marginal ribs.
Deciduous, densely leafy and rounded small tree or large shrub, up to 6-(10) m high when mature, not armed; trunk short. Lf petiole (6)-8-10 mm long, glabrous; blade thin, broadly elliptic-oblong to orbicular, (16)-20-35 × 15-32 mm, short-apiculate, rounded to slightly attenuate at base, glabrous and slightly shiny on upper surface, with scattered, sparse hairs on lower surface, the hairs denser near base; marginal teeth with small dark cusp; stipules short-triangular, deciduous. Infl. a raceme of (3)-8-12-(14) fragrant fls, on a very short to subsessile lateral shoot, 20-30-(50) mm long, arching; pedicels (3)-6-12-(16) mm long, glabrous, subtended by minute bracts. Hypanthium campanulate; sepals oblong to triangular, 1-2 mm long, rounded at apex, glabrous, greenish, becoming reflexed. Petals 5, spreading, oblong, (3)-4-5-(7) × 2-4 mm, ± rounded, white. Stamens ± = petals; filaments white. Fr. 6-8 × 5-7 mm, globose, glabrous, dark reddish, finally glossy black, very bitter; stone smooth.
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Large resinous evergreen trees with rough, furrowed bark when mature; branches irregularly whorled. Short shoots 0. Buds narrow, very acute, glabrous, not resinous. Lvs single, spirally arranged, ± 2-ranked (except on young erect shoots), linear, green and grooved above and with 2 whitish or glaucous stomatic bands below; resin ducts marginal, 2; vascular bundle 1. ♂ strobili (cones) axillary, catkin-like. ♀ cones terminal on short branches, maturing in first year, composed of numerous, free, 3-lobed bract scales which are prominently exserted in mature cone, and shorter, imbricate ovuliferous scales; ovules 2 on each scale. Mature cone pendulous, falling whole. Seed with large wing.
Large or very large tree; branches ± horizontal; branchlets tending to droop. Bark thick, reddish brown beneath. Shoots light to dark brown, with short hairs, ridged. Winter resting buds to 1 cm long, shining purplish brown, long, narrow and sharply acute. Lvs 1.5-3.8 cm × 1-2 mm, often revolute, glaucous-banded below, orange-scented when crushed, 2-ranked on juvenile and other vegetative shoots in deep shade; apex obtuse. ♂ cones 1.2-2 cm long. Mature ♀ cones (4)-5-10 cm long, cylindric-ovoid. Bract scale with exserted part pointed towards cone apex; central lobe longer, 5-15 mm long, subacute; ovuliferous scales much wider than long, entire. Seed mottled brown beneath.
Large shrub or small tree to 6 m high. Trunk smooth, pale brown. Shoots terete or subterete, puberulent when young. Petioles 7-10 mm long, puberulent. Lamina 4-8 × 2.5-4.5 cm, obovate, ciliolate toward base of margins and midrib, at least when young, otherwise glabrous, dotted with glands beneath, glossy and dark green above; lateral veins fairly conspicuous in dried material but not impressed or markedly raised; base cuneate, often narrowly so; apex usually obtuse, sometimes rounded. Fls solitary, often produced in nearly all axils of upper lvs; pedicels 7-10 mm long, puberulent, jointed near apex with very small, caducous, ovate bracteoles. Hypanthium and calyx limb glandular-punctate; lobes usually 5, 3-4 mm long. Petals c. 5 mm long, elliptic, white, ± glandular-punctate. Stamens > petals. Style c. 4 mm long, stout. Fr. ± globose, c. 2 cm diam., becoming dark purple, occasionally yellow; flesh usually purple, occasionally whitish, sweet. Seeds numerous.
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Aromatic herbs, shrubs or small trees, usually glandular. Lvs palmate or pinnate, 1-many-foliolate; stipules free or adnate to petiole. Infl. axillary or terminal, spicate or racemose, rarely fls in fascicles or solitary, bracteate. Calyx campanulate, 5-toothed, rarely 2-fid. Corolla purple, blue, red or white. Vexillary stamen free or somewhat connate with others into a closed tube; anthers usually uniform. Style filiform, incurved; stigma terminal. Pod usually ovate, included within the calyx, indehiscent, 1-2-(3)-seeded; seeds estrophiolate, with a short funicle.
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Rhizomes erect or creeping, bearing scales or hairs. Fronds very variable in size and dissection. Sporangia on the abaxial surface of the frond, either scattered along anastomosing veins, or borne in sori along veins, at margin, or on a marginal vascular commissure. Indusia 0, or the lamina margin recurved as a modified indusium. Annulus usually vertical. Homosporous; spores lacking chlorophyll.
Rhizomes short-creeping, scaly. Stipes 25-75 cm long, ± devoid of scales except at very base. Laminae ovate or broadly ovate, 20-40 × 10-30 cm, 1-pinnate or with lower pinnae forked. Primary pinnae in 2-7 pairs, widely spaced, linear, tapering to acute apices, entire or minutely crenate at apices, 12-27 × 0.8-1.8 cm; upper pinnae adnate; lower pinnae stalked. Sori occupying whole of both margins of pinnae except at apices, protected by reflexed margins.
Terrestrial ferns. Rhizomes erect to long-creeping, scaly. Fronds 1-5-pinnate; ultimate segments often elongated; veins free or anastomosing. Sori continuous along lamina margins on a vascular commissure connecting vein endings, bearing paraphyses, protected by strongly differentiated recurved lamina margins. Spores trilete.
Biennial to monocarpic perennial. Stems erect, branched above, with subappressed to felted cobwebby tomentum, 20-50-(100) cm tall. Lvs narrowly oblong, pinnatifid, green and subglabrous above, densely white-tomentose beneath, 7-20 × 1.5-4 cm; lobes narrowly triangular, usually 2-3-fid to base; prickles pale, 5-12 mm long. Capitula broadly ovoid, erect, 3-4 × 2.5-3.5 cm, pedunculate. Involucral bracts all narrowly deltoid, with sparse cobwebby hairs; midrib stout; apex tapering gradually to a spine; marginal spines in 1-3 pairs; outer bracts strongly reflexed; middle and inner bracts erect. Corolla purple, c. 25 mm long; lobes c. 5 mm long. Style shortly exserted beyond corolla lobes. Achenes brown, broadly obovoid, 4-4.5 × 3 mm; pappus 15-20 mm long; cilia on pappus bristles 2-3 mm long.
Perennial herbs or shrubs, rarely annual or biennial. Stems winged or not. Hairs cobwebby or scabrid. Lvs alternate, sessile, entire or pinnatifid or pinnatisect; lobes and teeth spine-tipped. Capitula homogamous, ovoid, solitary or in corymbs or clusters. Involucral bracts in several series, narrowly deltoid to linear, often with lateral spines, glabrescent or with cobwebby hairs, at least the outer bracts spine-tipped, the outermost recurved or spreading. Receptacle convex; scales numerous, setaceous. Florets all tubular, usually all ☿, but marginal florets sometimes ♂; corolla glabrous, 5-lobed, usually purple, rarely white. Anthers acute at apex, with lacerate basal appendages 2-4 mm long; filaments bearded. Style branches linear, erect, appressed or diverging slightly at apex. Achenes obovoid, weakly flattened, glabrous, smooth; achene insertion basal; pappus hairs in several rows, soft, silvery, plumose, united at base into a ring, often reduced in marginal florets.
Erect, rhizomatous perennial, up to 50-(70) cm tall. Stems densely hairy when young, becoming glabrous below, much-branched but usually only above. Lower lvs scabrid on upper surface, tomentose and sparsely glandular on lower, elliptic to ovate-elliptic, apetiolate and amplexicaul (lowermost lvs petiolate but withered at flowering), acute, remotely serrate, 3-5 × 1-2 cm; uppermost lvs smaller, often ovate-triangular and auriculate. Capitula c. 2 cm diam., in corymbs of 1-4. Outer involucral bracts herbaceous with membranous margins, linear-lanceolate, hairy and glandular, 3.5-6 mm long; inner bracts similar but membranous and only glandular. Ray florets numerous; ligules yellow, 3-5.5-(7) mm long. Disc yellow. Achenes with short antrorse hairs on the 10-12 narrow ribs, obovoid, 1-1.2 mm long; pappus scales c. 0.2 mm long; pappus hairs minutely barbellate, narrow at apex, 2.5-3.5 mm long.
Annual or perennial herbs. Lvs alternate, simple, entire or toothed. Capitula solitary or in corymbs or panicles. Involucral bracts in several rows, imbricate with erect lamina, mostly herbaceous. Receptacle flat or slightly convex; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, ligulate; ligules yellow. Inner florets ☿, tubular. Achenes all similar, terete or slightly compressed, finely ribbed, slightly narrowed to apex; pappus of 2 rows, the outer of short connate scales, the inner of longer, slender hairs.
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Shrubs. Lvs simple, entire, usually alternate, rarely opposite or verticillate; stipules usually lanceolate, often partly united. Fls axillary and solitary, or numerous and crowded in terminal heads often surrounded by lvs or bracts; bracteoles persistent, usually attached to calyx tube. Calyx somewhat bilabiate; calyx teeth ± equal or upper longer; upper 2 teeth broader, somewhat connate; lower 3 teeth free. Corolla yellow, orange or red, or mixed with purple, brown or rarely pink; petals long-clawed. Stamens free; anthers uniform. Ovary hairy or glabrous; style filiform; stigma small, terminal. Pod flat or turgid, ± straight, dehiscent, 1-2-seeded; seeds strophiolate.
Evergreen shrub up to 2.5-(5) m high when mature; stems generally dense and spreading, often spine-tipped; young stems grey-tomentose; older stems reddish brown, shiny. Lf petiole 2-3-(6) mm long, channelled above, tomentose; blade narrowly oblanceolate to oblong, (10)-20-55-(65) × 4-12-(14) mm, obtuse or obscurely retuse with a short mucro, angustate at base, dark green and glabrous above, lanate and pale grey-green below; margin slightly recurved, entire or sometimes with a few minute serrations near tip of largest lvs. Corymbs up to c. 30 mm across; pedicels 6-18 mm long, grey-tomentose. Sepals triangular, c. 0.8 mm long, greyish lanate, acute. Petals obovate or broadly-elliptic, 3.5-5 mm long, rounded, white. Stamens ± = petals. Fr. ± depressed-globose, 4-6 × 6-7 mm, glossy orange.
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Evergreen shrubs, usually armed with spines; stems usually rigid and spreading, sometimes sprawling, sometimes tomentose when young. Lvs alternate and spaced on young vegetative shoots, otherwise in fascicles along older stems, simple, usually serrate or crenulate, sometimes entire, ± coriaceous; stipules minute, deciduous. Infl. a compound, often ± flattened corymb. Fls 5-merous, ☿, pedicellate, moderately small. Hypanthium tubular, closed at apex. Epicalyx 0. Sepals short, connate at base. Petals suborbicular, spreading, white. Stamens 20. Ovary ± inferior; carpels 5, free on ventral side; styles 5; ovules 2 in each locule. Fr. small and pome-like, red, yellow or orange, with mealy flesh and persistent calyx; carpel walls woody; seeds 5.
Medium-sized to tall tree with rough shallowly fissured, dark grey bark, c. 6-12 m high (to c. 15 m in cultivation); branches erect when young but later spreading. Young shoots shining brown or reddish brown, becoming glabrous, sometimes with branch spines on older shoots. Lvs very variable and mostly crowded on short shoots; petiole 15-65-(80) mm long; glabrate to pilose; blade broadly ovate, elliptic, broad-elliptic, or suborbicular, (25)-35-80-(100) × (20)-30-60-(80) mm, apiculate to acuminate, rounded at base, bright green, glossy and glabrous above when mature, paler below and sometimes pilose when young, crenulate-serrate; stipules attenuate. Infl. of usually 5-10 fls; pedicels 18-30 mm long, glabrate or softly pilose. Sepals triangular, brown- or grey-tomentose, recurved. Petals broadly obovate or obovate-oblong, 14-22 × 10-18 mm, concave, white; apex rounded. Anthers ± purple. Fr. usually pyriform or broadly obovoid, less commonly subglobose or globose, usually 40-80 mm long (longer in some cultivated plants), sweet, with a gritty texture when ripe; skin green to yellow, sometimes brown.
Deciduous trees or shrubs, often spiny below when young and on strong vegetative shoots; stems ascending to spreading; young shoots sometimes hairy. Lvs distributed along long shoots or clustered on short shoots, usually simple, serrate or entire, rarely lobed; stipules deciduous, confined to long shoots. Infl. an umbel-like cluster. Fls 5-merous, ☿, pedicellate, white or rarely pinkish, medium-sized. Hypanthium tubular, closed at apex. Epicalyx 0. Calyx 5-merous; sepals reflexed or spreading, deciduous or persistent. Petals 5, often suborbicular, spreading. Stamens 20-30. Ovary inferior; carpels 2-5; styles 2-5, free, closely constricted at base by disc; ovules 2 in each locule. Fr. a pyriform, turbinate or globose, fleshy pome containing abundant stone cells; skin usually brown, yellow or green, sometimes with paler dots; carpel walls papery; seeds several, dark brown or black.
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Large evergreen tree (to c. 25 m tall in cultivation); bark rough and fissured. Shoots and buds grey-tomentose, without surrounding stipules. Petioles 5-15 mm long, grey-tomentose. Stipules subulate. Lamina 3-8 × 1.5-3.5 cm, usually ovate-oblong or ovate-lanceolate, less commonly broad-elliptic, coriaceous, entire or sometimes spinulose-dentate (lvs of juvenile and vegetative shoots often spinulose-dentate), deep shining green and glabrous above, usually grey- or whitish tomentulose beneath; base broad-cuneate or rounded. ♂ catkins 1.5-2.5 cm long, clustered; rachis villous; bracts densely silky; fls dense along rachis; perianth 1-1.5 mm long, villous outside; stamens 4-8. Frs in clusters of 1-3 fertile ones on a short tomentose peduncle, reaching maturity in first year. Cup 1.3-2 cm diam.; scales appressed, ovate, tomentulose. Acorns mostly 1.5-2 cm long, ovoid, ⅓-⅔ enclosed by cup.
Deciduous or evergreen trees or rarely shrubs, generally with rough fissured bark. Bud scales numerous. Lvs usually short-petiolate, usually toothed to deeply lobed, rarely entire. Fls anemophilous. ♂ fls in slender pendulous catkins; bracts caducous; perianth (4)-6-(7)-lobed; stamens (4)-6-(12). ♀ fls 1-many in catkins; involucre (cupule) surrounding each catkin or individual solitary fl. Ovary 3-(6)-celled; styles short or elongate. Fr. a nut (acorn), usually subglobose to ellipsoid or oblong, invested to varying degrees but never enclosed by woody cup. Involucral scales numerous, imbricate or connate into concentric rings. Seed round in transverse section.
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Large deciduous tree (to c. 25 m tall in cultivation); bark rough and fissured. Shoots dark reddish brown or brown, glabrous, with prominent lenticels. Buds glabrous, without surrounding stipules; apex sometimes hairy. Petiole to 6 cm long. Stipules soon caducous. Lamina on adult shoots mostly 11-20 × 7-15 cm, ovate or ovate-oblong, with 3-5 pairs of lobes extending ⅓-⅔ distance from apex to midrib, slightly shining above, turning deep red before falling, usually glabrous, subcoriaceous, sometimes with a few brownish hairs in vein axils beneath; lobes with aristate apex, usually with 1-4 aristate teeth, sometimes entire; base cuneate. ♂ catkins to c. 8 cm long; lower fls distant; rachis with curly hairs; perianth 1.7-2.3 mm long, with curly hairs on margin; stamens 3-5. Fruiting peduncles 1-1.5 cm long, with 1-(2) fertile frs; frs reaching maturity in second year. Cup 1.5-2 cm diam., shallow; scales ovate, appressed, glabrous or minutely puberulent. Acorn 2-2.5 cm long, ovoid, c. 1/4 enclosed by cup.
Small to fairly large tree; twigs ribbed or rounded, moderately clothed in erect hairs. Lvs 2-pinnate, alternate, ± glabrous except for sparse short erect hairs on rachis; pinnae in 3-5 pairs; pinnules in 11-22 pairs, close set, glaucous, oblong, acute, entire, 4-6 × c. 1 mm; petioles 1-3 mm long; stipules inconspicuous; solitary glands present between each pair of pinnae except at base. Infl. of numerous, many-flowered, medium yellow, globose heads arranged in axillary racemes exceeding the lvs. Fls 5-merous, sessile. Pod glabrous, ± straight, 40-100 × (8)-10-20 mm; aril not folded, thickened below and to one side of seed.
Shrub to large tree; twigs ribbed, densely puberulent. Lvs 2-pinnate, alternate, densely puberulent on rachis and sparsely hairy on pinnules; pinnae in (6)-10-21 pairs; pinnules in 25-40-(50) pairs, fairly close set, glaucous, narrow-oblong, obtuse or subacute, entire, 2-4-(7) × c. 0.75 mm; petiole (5)-10-20 mm long; stipules inconspicuous; solitary glands present between each pair of pinnae, usually except basal pair. Infl. of numerous, many-flowered, medium yellow, globose heads arranged in axillary, compound racemes ± = lvs. Fls 5-merous, sessile. Pod glabrous, ± straight, 50-100 × 8-12 mm; aril scarcely folded, thickened to one side of seed.
Small to large tree; twigs rounded to sharply angled, ± glabrous or with few to many, sparsely distributed, very fine, appressed hairs. Lvs 2-pinnate, alternate, glabrous or with fine appressed hairs on rachis only; pinnae in (4)-5-10-(12) pairs; pinnules in (15)-20-40 pairs, widely spaced, dark green, linear, obtuse to subacute, entire, (5)-7-12-(15) × c. 0.5 mm; petiole (10)-15-30 mm long; stipules inconspicuous; solitary glands present between each pair of pinnae, usually including 1 between or below basal pair. Infl. of numerous, many-flowered, deep golden yellow, globose heads arranged in axillary, simple or compound racemes ± = lvs. Fls 5-merous, sessile. Pod glabrous, ± straight, 40-100 × 4-8 mm; aril scarcely folded, thickened to one side of seed.
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Trees, shrubs or rarely herbs. Lvs either 2-paripinnate with few to numerous paired pinnae along the rachis and each pinna with usually numerous, sessile paired pinnules, or lvs reduced to simple phyllodes; glands present on petiole and rachis; stipules spinescent or membranous, often minute. Infl. a cylindric spike or globose head; spikes or heads axillary, solitary or arranged in simple or compound racemes or apparently terminal panicles; subtending bracts small, usually triangular; subtending bracteoles small, usually linear with expanded deltate apex. Fls small, actinomorphic, (3)-4-5-merous, usually yellow or cream; calyx shallowly or deeply divided; petals usually free, sometimes united at base. Stamens numerous, free, exserted; anthers uniform, versatile. Style filiform; stigma terminal. Pod 2-valved, straight, curved or twisted, dehiscent or indehiscent, few- to many-seeded; seeds with a variously folded and thickened fleshy aril.
Shrub to large tree; twigs ribbed or somewhat angled, tomentulose. Lvs 2-pinnate, alternate, tomentulose on rachis and undersurface of pinnules; pinnae in 9-18 pairs; pinnules in (20)-35-55-(60) pairs, close set, dark green, oblong, obtuse, entire, 1.5-3-(4) × c. 0.5 mm; petiole 15-25 mm long; stipules minute; solitary glands present between each pair of pinnae including basal pair, and 0-2 additional, often smaller, glands present in all lvs between the pairs of pinnae and often on petiole (sometimes glands irregularly distributed with respect to pinnae but always more than number of pinnae pairs). Infl. of numerous, many-flowered, pale creamy yellow, globose heads arranged in axillary, simple or compound racemes ± = lvs. Fls 5-merous, sessile. Pod puberulent, straight or somewhat curved, 30-90 × 4-7 mm; aril scarcely folded, thickened at base to one side of seed.
Shrub or tree; twigs ribbed, glabrous to densely hairy. Lvs reduced to phyllodes, alternate; phyllodes glabrous, narrowly obovate, elliptic and symmetric or falcate, usually obtuse, sometimes shortly mucronate, entire, (40)-60-100 × 8-20 mm, with 3-4 prominent veins; stipules triangular, 1-2 mm long, conspicuous in young plants only. Infl. of few to numerous, many-flowered, pale creamy yellow, globose heads; heads solitary or in axillary racemes usually > lvs. Fls 5-merous, sessile. Pod glabrous, twisted or spiralled, 8-10 cm long (up to 4 cm diam.), 5-8 mm wide; aril pink to crimson or red, encircling seed.
Shrub or small tree up to 3 m high; twigs furrowed, moderately hairy. Lvs reduced to phyllodes, alternate; phyllodes glabrous or sparsely hairy, ovate, asymmetric, usually shortly mucronate, entire, (5)-10-18-(20) × 2-8 mm, with one prominent vein; stipules usually spinescent, 3-10 mm long, sometimes membranous, triangular, 1-2 mm long. Infl. of many-flowered, axillary, golden, globose heads; heads usually solitary, occasionally paired or in small clusters; peduncles c. 10-15 mm long. Fls 5-merous, sessile. Pod usually villous, straight or curved, 40-50-(60) × 3-4 mm; aril with 2-4 folds, thickened below seed.
Shrub to small tree; twigs angled, ± glabrous or with few to many, very fine appressed hairs. Lvs 2-pinnate, alternate, glabrous or with fine appressed hairs on rachis and sparsely ciliate pinnules; pinnae in (5)-8-12-(14) pairs; pinnules in 20-40 pairs, close set to widely spaced, dark green, narrow-oblong, obtuse or subacute, entire, 2-4-(5) × c. 0.5 mm; petiole 15-35 mm long; stipules inconspicuous; solitary glands present between each pair of pinnae including basal pair, additional, smaller solitary glands usually present between the pairs of pinnae. Infl. of numerous, many-flowered, pale yellow, globose heads; heads arranged in axillary, simple or compound racemes ± = lvs. Fls 5-merous, sessile. Pod glabrous, straight, 30-120 × 4-7 mm; aril scarcely folded, thickened below and to one side of seed.
Shrub to small tree; twigs ribbed, sparsely to densely hairy. Lvs reduced to phyllodes, mostly verticillate; phyllodes ± glabrous or ciliate about veins and margins, linear to elliptic, usually slightly asymmetric, acute and long-mucronate, entire, 6-17 × (0.5)-1-3-(4) mm, with one prominent vein and often 1-2 less prominent veins; stipules linear to triangular, mucronate, 1-2 mm long, not always conspicuous in mature plants. Fls 4-merous, pale yellow, solitary but concentrated in axillary cylindric spikes; spikes > lvs. Pod sparsely hairy, becoming ± glabrous when mature, ± straight or slightly curved, 50-100 × 2-4 mm; aril folded, somewhat thickened at base of seed.
Herbs, rarely woody climbers, usually perennial, sometimes annual. Lvs alternate, rarely opposite, exstipulate, rarely stipulate, usually ternate, ternatifid, or 1-2-pinnate. Infl. a raceme, lax leafy cyme, panicle, or fls solitary. Fls hypogynous, usually ☿, usually actinomorphic. Perianth of 1-2 whorls, differentiated into sepals and petals or all petaloid; segments free, clawed or not, sometimes 1 or more spurred or hooded. Stamens usually numerous, in spiral whorls. Carpels usually free, usually numerous, in spiral whorls. Fr. an achene or follicle, rarely a berry. Seeds smooth or sculptured; embryo small, straight; endosperm copious.
Perennial; rosettes tufted along pale, spreading, slender rhizomes. Lvs long-petiolate; lamina 3-foliolate or deeply 3-lobed, fleshy, glabrous, 1-2-(3) cm diam.; terminal lobe usually 3-fid, rounded to obtuse at apex, lateral lobes entire or with 1 basiscopic lobe. Fls solitary, 5-10 mm diam.; peduncles glabrous. Sepals spreading, glabrous. Petals 5-8, yellow, spathulate; nectary single, 1.5-2 mm from petal base, pocket-like. Receptacle glabrous. Achenes 10-30, not flattened, glabrous; body 2-3 mm long; beak straight, 0.5-1 mm long.
Perennial; roots all fibrous, arising from a stout short rhizome. Stems stout, erect, hairy at least below, (30)-60-100 cm tall. Lvs subcircular to rhomboid, very deeply palmately 5-lobed; lobes pinnatifid with narrowly lanceolate acute segments, hairy; lower lvs 4-12 × 5-15 cm on hairy petioles 10-50 cm long; uppermost lvs becoming sessile, not lobed, entire, linear. Fls numerous per stem, 15-20-(30) mm diam. Pedicels erect, with spreading hairs, terete, 2-6 cm long. Sepals 5, hairy, spreading, 4-5 mm long. Petals 5, yellow, obovate, 10-12 × 8-10 mm; nectary single, c. 1 mm from petal base, covered by a short oblong truncate or retuse scale. Receptacle glabrous. Achenes 30-50, glabrous, strongly flattened, bordered, obovate-deltoid to subcircular; body 2.5-3 × c. 2 mm; face smooth; beak hooked, c. 0.5 mm long.
Robust, tufted perennial, (10)-20-35 cm tall; rhizome 0. Stems decumbent or ascending, with spreading hairs. Basal lvs pale green, ternatifid to ternate, hairy; leaflets sessile or stalked, obovate-cuneate, 3-lobed, bluntly to sharply toothed; petioles (3)-5-10 cm long, with dense, fine, spreading hairs. Cauline lvs similar to basal but smaller, becoming simple and sharply 3-toothed. Fls 3-5 per stem, 12-18 mm diam. Pedicels sulcate, with spreading hairs, short at flowering, increasing at fruiting to 3-10 cm long; bracts narrowly lanceolate, acute, entire. Sepals recurved at late flowering, hairy. Petals 5, yellow, usually elliptic, rarely obovate; nectary single, 0.8-1 mm from petal base, covered by a short broad scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes dark or dark at tips, 40-60, in globose heads, flattened, glabrous or bearing 1 or a few bristles on margin; body 2-2.5-(3.5) mm long; beak hooked at tip, 1-1.3 mm long.
Perennial; rosettes tufted along creeping stems; nodes not usually bulbous. Basal lvs with slender erect or ascending petioles (2)-5-10-(15) cm long; lamina ternate, glabrous, ± circular, 1-2 cm diam.; leaflets sessile, obtriangular, bluntly 3-fid up to 1/2 way, sometimes again bluntly toothed, ± equal. Lvs of flowering stems ternate with linear acute entire leaflets. Fls 1-4-(7) per stem, 7-12 mm diam.; pedicels glabrous. Sepals spreading, glabrous. Petals 4-5, yellow, narrowly oblong, shortly clawed; nectary single, 1-1.5 mm from petal base, with a short semilunar scale. Receptacle with a basal collar of bristles. Achenes 10-20-(30), hardly flattened, glabrous; body 1.5-2 mm long, obscurely wrinkled when ripe; beak straight or curved, 1-1.5 mm long.
Annual; roots all fibrous. Stems moderately stout, erect, pubescent above, 10-30-(50) cm tall. Basal lvs subcircular, shallowly 3-5-lobed, 2-4 × 2-4 cm, glabrous; petioles glabrous, 1.5-3 cm long. Cauline lvs 2-ternate; leaflets linear, 2-3-fid, pubescent; uppermost lvs becoming subsessile. Fls 3-7-(15) per stem, 15-20 mm diam. Pedicels erect, pubescent, terete, c. 50 mm long at fruiting. Sepals 5, with sparse long hairs, subacute, 6-7 mm long, spreading, pale yellow. Petals 5, pale yellow, obovate, c. 10 × 6 mm; nectary single, c. 0.5 mm from petal base, covered by a short broad truncate scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes 5-8, strongly flattened, distinctly bordered, broadly obovate; body 5-7 × 4-5 mm; face with strong long curved spines especially near the margin; beak straight, 2-3 mm long.
Glabrous perennial; rhizomes creeping. Lvs petiolate, ternatifid to ternate; lamina broadly ovate or cuneiform, 1-2 cm diam.; lobes 3-fid, acutely toothed. Fls solitary, 10-12 mm diam., on short stout scapes. Sepals spreading. Petals 5, yellow, obovate-spathulate; nectary single, c. 2 mm from petal base, covered by a short broad scale. Receptacle glabrous. Achenes 15-20, not flattened, glabrous; body 2 mm long; beak recurved, 0.8 mm long.
Tufted perennial, occasionally forming offset rosettes, to 5 cm tall; rhizome 0. Lvs deltoid, finely 1-2-ternatifid with linear segments, hairy, 1-3 cm long. Fls solitary, c. 1 cm diam., on short, erect, hairy scapes. Sepals spreading, glabrous or with a few hairs. Petals 5, yellow, oblong-obovate; nectary single, c. 1 mm from petal base, with a semilunar scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes few, hardly flattened, glabrous; body 1.2-2 mm long; beak curved at tip, 0.3-0.5 mm long.
Tufted perennial; rhizome stout. Stem erect, with silky hairs or almost glabrous, 20-30 cm tall. Lvs 1-2-ternate, fleshy, glaucous, 10-20 cm diam., with silky hairs; lobes toothed or divided. Fls 1-3 per stem, 4-6 cm diam.; pedicels hairy. Sepals spreading, hairy. Petals 15-25, white, linear-oblong; nectary single, 1-2-(4) mm from petal base, naked. Receptacle hairy. Achenes very numerous, not flattened, hairy; body 2-3 mm long; beak straight or curved, 4-6 mm long.
Perennial; roots all fibrous, arising from a short, swollen, bulb-like rootstock. Stems ± slender, erect, (15)-20-30-(60) cm long, with appressed hairs. Lvs sparsely to densely hairy, 3-foliolate, the middle leaflet stipitate. Basal and lower cauline lvs ovate-deltoid, 3-7-(10) × 2-6-(8) cm; leaflets obovate-cuneate, 3-lobed, dentate; petioles sparsely covered in appressed hairs, (4)-8-25 cm long. Upper cauline lvs similar, becoming sessile; leaflets linear-lobed. Fls numerous per stem, 20-30 mm diam. Pedicels erect, with appressed hairs, sulcate, (2)-4-10 cm long. Sepals 5, hairy, deflexed, 6-8 mm long. Petals 5, yellow, obovate, 8-12 × 6-8 mm; nectary single, basal, covered by a broad obtuse scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes 20-40, in globose heads, glabrous, strongly flattened, bordered, obovate; body 2.5-3 × c. 2 mm; face smooth; beak curved, c. 0.5 mm long.
Perennial; rosettes tufted, on stout decumbent stolons. Basal lvs broadly ovate to triangular, truncate to shallowly cordate at base, usually 3-fid to about 1/2 way, 1-2-dentate, glabrous above, usually weakly hairy beneath and on petiole, (7)-10-20 × (7)-10-20 mm; cauline lvs opposite or in loose whorls, similar to basal but smaller and more rounded at base. Pedicels short at flowering, terete, sparsely hairy, elongating to (2)-3-8-(12) cm at fruiting. Fls 6-9 mm diam. Sepals spreading, sparsely hairy or almost glabrous. Petals (2)-5, yellow, obovate; nectary single, 1-1.5 mm from petal base, covered by a small triangular scale. Receptacle sparsely to moderately hairy. Achenes 10-30, slightly flattened, glabrous, sometimes purple-blotched; body 1.5-1.8 mm long; beak straight, c. 0.3 mm long.
Perennial; rosettes tufted along stout arching stolons. Basal lvs obovate, distinctly rounded to a truncate base, bluntly toothed at apex or sometimes shallowly 3-fid, glabrous above, glabrous or hairy beneath and on petiole, 1-3.5 × 1-3 cm; cauline lvs opposite or in lax whorls, similar to basal but smaller, sometimes entire. Pedicels very short at flowering, terete, hairy, elongating to 1.5-3 cm long at fruiting. Fls c. 10 mm diam. Sepals spreading, glabrous. Petals 5 or 0, yellow, narrowly obovate; nectary single, c. 1 mm from petal base, covered by a small triangular scale. Receptacle glabrous or sparsely hairy. Achenes 20-25, slightly flattened, glabrous, sometimes purple-blotched; body 2-2.5 mm long; beak straight, c. 0.3 mm long.
Glabrous perennial, 5-10 cm tall; rosettes tufted, on stout creeping or ascending rhizomes. Lvs suborbicular, deeply (rarely shallowly) 3-lobed to 2-ternatisect, coriaceous, glaucous, 5-10 cm long; lobes toothed, crenate or dissected into linear obtuse segments, irregularly pitted with shallow brown depressions distinct from the network of grooves over the veins. Scapes 1-flowered, erect at flowering, recurved at fruiting. Fls 3-5 cm diam. Sepals spreading, glabrous. Petals 5-6, yellow, obovate-cuneate; nectaries 1-(3), 1-4 mm from petal base, naked. Receptacle glabrous. Achenes 12-20, subglobose, turgid, glabrous; body 2.5-3 mm long; beak straight or curved, 2.5-3.5 mm long.
Tufted, glabrous perennial, 10-40 cm tall; rhizome stout. Lvs very variable, ovate to oblong, ternate or palmate, rarely ternatifid, coriaceous, 2-10-(20) cm long; leaflets varying from large and rounded with few shallow teeth to smaller and cut to the base into 3-7 narrow-cuneate incised or toothed or lobed segments; median lobe usually long-stalked; lateral lobes sessile or stalked. Stems 1-(3)-flowered. Fls 1.5-3 cm diam. Sepals spreading, glabrous. Petals 5, yellow, obovate-cuneate; nectary single, 1-2 mm from petal base, partly enclosed by a split tubular or semilunar scale. Receptacle glabrous. Achenes 20-50, turgid, glabrous; body 1.5-2 mm long; beak straight or slightly curved, 1-1.5 mm long.
Glabrous perennial, rarely sparsely hairy in upper parts; roots both fibrous and swollen. Stems slender or stout, erect, 15-30 cm long, with axillary bulbils sometimes present. Basal lvs fleshy, deeply cordate, broadly ovate to deltoid, acute to obtuse, entire or shallowly crenate or dentate, (1)-3-10-(13) × (1)-3-8-(12) cm; petiole (3)-5-20-(40) cm long; cauline lvs similar to basal, smaller, often shallowly lobed. Fls 1-5 per stem, 30-50 mm diam. Pedicels erect, terete, 5-25 cm long. Sepals 3, spreading, orbicular, obtuse, c. 1 cm long. Petals 8-12-(15), yellow, oblong, 10-25 × 5-8 mm; nectary single, ± basal, covered by a very small triangular or oblong scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes 30-60, pubescent, ovoid, keeled, sometimes not ripening; body 2-2.5 mm long; beak minute.
Petioles slender; lamina of basal lvs membranous, 1-4 × 1-4 cm. Bulbils produced in axils of cauline lvs, small, brown, cylindric or obovoid. Fls c. 20-(30) mm diam.; petals 10-13 mm long. Achenes not ripening.
Petioles stout; lamina of basal lvs firm-textured, (1.5)-3-13 × (1.5)-3-12 cm. Bulbils 0. Fls (25)-30-40-(50) mm diam.; petals (12)-15-25 mm long. Achenes usually ripening.
Perennial, glabrous or with sparse appressed hairs; roots all fibrous. Stems slender to stout, erect or suberect, (15)-30-60 cm tall. Lvs simple, entire to shallowly serrate or dentate. Basal lvs lanceolate to ovate, acute, abruptly cuneate or truncate at base, 2-8 × 1-3 cm; petioles erect, 5-10 cm long. Cauline lvs becoming smaller, linear to lanceolate, cuneate at base, shortly petiolate to subsessile. Fls (1)-3-10-(25) per stem, 10-15 mm diam. Pedicels erect, sulcate, (2)-3-6 cm long. Sepals 5, sparsely covered in appressed hairs, weakly recurved, obtuse, 2-3.5 mm long. Petals 5, yellow, obovate-cuneate, truncate, 5-8 × 3.5-6 mm; nectary single, c. 1 mm from petal base, covered by a broad obtuse scale. Receptacle glabrous. Achenes 25-40, glabrous, hardly flattened, weakly bordered, ovoid, smooth; body 1.5-2 × c. 1 mm; beak c. 0.1 mm long.
Tufted perennial with usually fulvous hairs; rhizome 0; stem ascending, shortly decumbent at base, to 20-(35) cm tall. Lvs shallowly to deeply ternatifid, rarely ternate, hairy, 10-30-(50) × 10-30-(50) mm; lobes toothed or crenate, sometimes shallowly 3-lobed. Fls (1)-2-3-(10) per stem, usually pedunculate, sometimes sessile, (10)-15-20 mm diam., subtended by opposite or whorled cauline lvs. Pedicels terete, hairy, elongating at fruiting. Sepals spreading, hairy. Petals 5 or 0, yellow, obovate. Nectary single, 1 mm or more from petal base, covered by a small triangular or truncate scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes 30-60 in globose heads, flattened, glabrous or with a few stiff hairs on back, 2.5-3.5-(4) mm long; beak rather broad, flattened, usually curved, 0.5-1 mm long.
Perennial with rosettes tufted along a slender creeping rhizome usually with swollen nodes. Basal lvs on slender erect or ascending petioles 5-15-(25) cm long; lamina ternate or occasionally palmate, usually with at least 1-2 hairs, sometimes more, ± circular, or slightly broader than long, 1-3-(5) cm diam.; leaflets sessile, divided again to at least 1/2 way, sometimes again toothed, ± equal, the lateral leaflets sometimes divided to base; lvs of flowering stems smaller with 1-3 linear, acute, entire segments. Fls 1-3-(5) per stem, or solitary fls rarely sessile, 12-15-(20) mm diam.; pedicels glabrous. Sepals ± recurved, glabrous or hairy. Petals 5-10, yellow, narrowly obovate, shortly clawed; nectary single, 1-2 mm from petal base, pocket-like. Receptacle glabrous. Achenes 5-20, hardly flattened, glabrous; body 2-2.5 mm long; style straight or curved, 1.5-2 mm long.
Tufted perennial; rhizome stout. Stems erect, glabrous, to 60 cm tall. Lvs simple, oblong to elliptic, fleshy, coarsely crenate, glabrous, truncate or abruptly cuneate at base, 6-15 × 4-10 cm. Fls 5-15 per stem, 3-5 cm diam.; pedicels glabrous. Sepals spreading, glabrous. Petals 5-(6), yellow, cuneate-obovate, emarginate; nectary 1-(3)-lobed, basal, naked. Receptacle hairy. Achenes very numerous, not flattened, silky hairy to almost glabrous; body 2-2.5 mm long; beak straight or curving, 5-6 mm long.
Tufted perennial, 5-12 cm tall; rootstock stout, erect. Lvs all basal, ovate-oblong to linear-oblong, 1-2-pinnate or multifid, membranous to subcoriaceous, glabrous to pilose especially on petiole and rachis, 2-12 cm long; leaflets sessile, in 2-6 opposite pairs, entire or 3-partite or pinnate; segments linear to oblong, acute. Scapes 1-flowered, erect, pilose. Fls 1-2 cm diam. Sepals spreading, with silky hairs. Petals 5-(7), yellow, linear-obovate; nectary single, 1-1.5 mm from petal base, a cylindric pocket. Receptacle glabrous. Achenes 15-30, turgid, glabrous; body 2-2.5 mm long; beak straight, c. 1 mm long.
Tufted perennial; rhizome stout. Stem erect, glabrous to sparsely pilose, 5-15 cm tall. Lvs reniform, ternatifid to 3/4 way, fleshy, glaucous, 3-5 cm diam., with silky hairs especially on margins and beneath; lobes ternatifid and bluntly toothed. Fls 1-3 per stem, 2-3 cm diam.; pedicels hairy. Sepals spreading, hairy. Petals 8-16, yellow, narrow-obovate; nectary single or multiple, 2-5 mm from petal base, naked, shallow. Receptacle pilose. Achenes numerous, not flattened, very narrowly winged or not winged, sparsely hairy or glabrous; body 3-4.5 mm long; beak curved, 4-5 mm long.
Tufted perennial, 5-15 cm tall; rhizome stout, creeping. Lvs few, orbicular or reniform, deeply 5-lobed or ternatisect, fleshy, glaucous, 10-25-(35) cm long, glabrous or with silky hairs; lobes either again deeply divided into narrow segments, or rounded and crenate. Fls 1-3-(5) per stem, 2-5 cm diam. Pedicels erect, glabrous. Sepals spreading, glabrous or sparsely hairy. Petals 10-16, yellow, narrow-cuneate; nectary single, 2-4 mm from petal base, naked. Receptacle glabrous. Achenes many, turgid, winged on margins, glabrous; body 3-4 mm long; beak broad, flattened, curved, 3-4 mm long.
Tufted perennial; rhizome stout. Stems erect, villous or rarely glabrous, up to 25 cm tall. Lvs simple, often coriaceous, sometimes submembranous, crenate or toothed, hairy, rarely one or both surfaces glabrous, variable in shape from oblong-cuneate to ovate to orbicular-cordate, 3-15 × 1-20 cm. Fls (1)-2-10-(20) per stem, 2-3-(5) cm diam.; pedicels hairy or glabrous. Sepals spreading, glabrous or with silky hairs. Petals 5-7-(16), yellow, narrowly to broadly cuneate-obovate; nectary single (rarely 2-3), 1-2 mm from petal base, naked. Receptacle glabrous or hairy. Achenes numerous, not flattened, hairy or glabrous; body 1-3 mm long; beak straight or curved, 1-3 mm long.
Tufted perennial, 5-25 cm tall; rhizome 0. Lvs ternate; leaflets stalked, 5-10-(25) mm diam., divided to 1/2 way or more into 3 crenate or bluntly toothed lobes, hairy or almost glabrous. Fls 1-3 per stem, (8)-10-15-(18) mm diam.; pedicels long, with silky hairs. Sepals spreading, hairy. Petals 5, yellow, narrowly obovate; nectary single, c. 2 mm from petal base, covered by a small rounded scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes 10-15, flattened, glabrous; body broad, (2.5)-3-4 mm long; beak straight or curved, broad, 0.5-1 mm long.
Perennial, sometimes annual, terrestrial or aquatic herbs; roots fibrous or swollen, sometimes arising from a stout or bulbous rootstock. Lvs usually alternate, rarely opposite, basal and cauline, simple or variously divided to 2-pinnatisect. Fls solitary or in lax leafy cymes; involucre 0. Sepals green, (3)-5-(7). Petals (0)-5-(12 or more), usually yellow, sometimes white, brown or reddish; nectaries near base of petal, 1-(3), pit-like, covered by a scale or naked. Stamens few to many, spiralled. Carpels few to many, with 1 ovule. Achenes few to many; style neither greatly elongated nor feathery. Receptacle glabrous or hairy, globular or cylindric.
Perennial; rosettes tufted along a slender creeping stem. Lvs long-petiolate; lamina entire, spathulate or dilated, glabrous, 5-15 mm long. Fls solitary, 6-8 mm diam., on glabrous scapes. Sepals spreading, glabrous. Petals 4, yellow to purple, linear; nectary single, 0.5 mm from petal base, pocket-like. Receptacle glabrous. Achenes 5-15, hardly flattened, glabrous; body 0.8-1 mm long; beak straight or curved, c. 1 mm long.
Tufted perennial; rhizome stout. Stems erect, glabrous or sparsely hairy below, 30-120 cm tall. Lvs simple, fleshy, crenate, glabrous or nearly so; basal lvs peltate, orbicular, (5)-10-40 cm diam.; upper lvs truncate or cordate and amplexicaul, smaller than basal. Fls 5-15 per stem, 5-8 cm diam.; pedicels hairy. Sepals spreading, hairy. Petals 10-16, white, cuneate-obovate; nectary single, (1)-2-4 mm from petal base, naked. Receptacle hairy. Achenes very numerous, not flattened, hairy; body 2-3 mm long; beak straight or curved, 3-5 mm long.
Perennial; rosettes tufted on long creeping stems. Basal lvs on stout erect petioles (7)-15-30-(40) cm long, arising from somewhat bulbous nodes; lamina ternate, glabrous, (1.5)-2-4 cm wide; leaflets sessile or shortly stalked, cuneiform, shallowly 3-fid, crenate or bluntly dentate at tips; lateral leaflets longer than terminal; cauline lvs few, similar to basal but smaller. Fls (1)-3-5 per stem, 10-15 mm diam.; pedicels glabrous. Sepals spreading or weakly recurved, glabrous. Petals 5-7, yellow, narrowly oblong, shortly clawed; nectary single, 1-1.5 mm from petal base, with a short semilunar scale. Receptacle with a basal collar of bristles. Achenes 15-50, hardly flattened, glabrous; body 1.5-2 mm long, slightly rugulose; beak straight, 1-1.5 mm long.
Tufted perennial, occasionally forming offset rosettes, to 5 cm tall; rhizome 0. Lvs elliptic to obovate, sometimes almost orbicular, often dark-blotched, 3-fid up to 1/2 way, glabrous, or hairy especially on petiole. Fls solitary, 8-10 mm diam.; scapes very short at flowering, elongating at fruiting, pilose except for glabrous tip. Sepals spreading, glabrous. Petals 5, yellow, oblong-obovate; nectary single, 1-1.5 mm from petal base, shallow, pocket-like. Receptacle hairy. Achenes 15-25, hardly flattened, glabrous, often purple-tipped; body 1.5-2 mm long; beak curved, 0.3 mm long.
Perennial; rosettes tufted on arching hairy stolons. Basal lvs 3-foliolate or rarely 3-lobed, hairy; leaflets shortly stalked, suborbicular to obovate, shallowly 3-lobed, often sparingly toothed, 1-2-(3) cm diam. Cauline lvs similar, smaller, often merely 3-lobed. Fls on ascending, hairy stems or axillary on stolons, few per stem, 4-8 mm diam. Pedicels terete, 2-6 cm long, hairy; hairs usually spreading, rarely subappressed above. Sepals reflexed at flowering, hairy. Petals 5, yellow, narrow-obovate; nectary single, c. 0.5 mm from petal base, covered by a small oblong or triangular scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes 20-40 in globose heads, pale, moderately flattened, glabrous; body 1.5-2 mm long; beak straight, or curved only at tip, 0.5-1 mm long.
Perennial; rosettes tufted; rhizome 0. Basal lvs long-petiolate, deeply 3-fid to ternate, densely covered in subappressed hairs on lamina and petiole; leaflets stalked, obovate, shallowly to deeply 3-lobed, toothed, 7-15 × 10-18 mm. Cauline lvs 1-3, small, sessile or shortly petiolate, lanceolate-entire or obovate-trifid. Fls 18-25 mm diam., solitary or 2-3 per stem; pedicels with appressed hairs. Sepals spreading, hispid. Petals 5, yellow, obovate; nectary single, c. 1 mm from petal base, covered by a small narrow-oblong scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes 15-30 in globose heads, flattened, glabrous or with 1-(2) bristles; body 2.5-3 × 2-2.5 mm; beak curved with hooked tip, 1-1.5 mm long.
Tufted, scapose perennial, (5)-10-35 cm tall; rhizome 0. Lvs simple, oblanceolate to ovate to very broadly ovate or obovate, (3)-5-9-(11)-toothed, sometimes shallowly 3-5-lobed, hairy, (5)-10-20 × (4)-8-18 mm. Fls solitary, long-stalked, 10-20 mm diam. Scapes terete, hairy; hairs often wavy, sometimes appressed above. Sepals spreading, hairy. Petals 5-(6), yellow, often purplish beneath, obovate or narrow-obovate; nectary single, basal, covered by a truncate scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes 15-30, flattened, glabrous, 2-3.5 mm long; beak curved or ± straight, 0.5-1 mm long.
Annual; roots all fibrous. Stems moderately stout, erect, glabrous or very sparsely hairy, 10-30-(50) cm tall. Basal lvs subcircular, 3-5-lobed to c. 3/4 way, 3-5 × 3-5 cm; lobes obovate, cuneate, dentate, sparsely hairy on veins and margins; petioles glabrous, 5-15 cm long. Cauline lvs similar to basal but lobes becoming lanceolate, entire; uppermost lvs sometimes not lobed, lanceolate, entire. Fls 1-3-(10) per stem, 10-20 mm diam. Pedicels erecto-patent, sparsely hairy, terete, 15-60 mm at fruiting. Sepals 5 with sparse long hairs, acute, 5-6 mm long with apex deflexed at flowering. Petals 5, yellow, obovate, 7-9 × 3-4 mm; nectary single, 1-2 mm from petal base, covered by an obtuse to truncate scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes 15-25, strongly flattened, distinctly bordered, broadly obovate; body 3-5-(7) × 2.5-3.5 mm; face with strong, long, curved spines especially near the margin; beak curved at tip, c. 2 mm long.
Tufted perennial; rhizome stout. Stem erect, sparsely pilose, 50-80 cm tall. Basal lvs orbicular, ternatifid to 3/4 way, fleshy, glabrous to pilose, mostly 5-15 cm diam.; lobes ternatifid and bluntly toothed or crenate. Cauline lvs similar to basal but ± reniform; lobes of upper lvs narrow, entire. Fls 1-3-(7) per stem, 2.5-3.5 cm diam.; pedicels hairy. Sepals spreading, hairy. Petals 8-15, yellow, narrowly cuneate-obovate; nectary single, 1-2 mm from petal base, naked. Receptacle sparsely pilose. Achenes numerous, not flattened, glabrous or sparsely pilose; body 2.5-3 mm long; beak straight, 3-5 mm long.
Perennial, usually with appressed hairs; roots all fibrous. Stems slender, erect, (15)-30-45 cm tall. Lvs simple, shallowly serrate. Basal lvs ovate, acute, cordate at base, 2-8 × 1-3 cm; petioles erect, 5-10 cm long. Cauline lvs smaller than basal, becoming lanceolate, cuneate at base, shortly petiolate. Fls (10)-20-numerous per stem, 7-10 mm diam. Pedicels erect, sulcate, (2)-3-6 cm long. Sepals 5, with appressed hairs, weakly recurved, obtuse, 2-3.5 mm long. Petals 5, yellow, obovate-cuneate, truncate, 2.5-4.5 mm long; nectary single, c. 1 mm from petal base, covered by a broad, triangular or retuse scale. Receptacle glabrous. Achenes 25-40, glabrous, hardly flattened, bordered, ovoid, tuberculate on faces; body 1.5-2 × c. 1 mm; beak c. 0.1 mm long.
Perennial up to 4 cm tall; rosettes tufted at tips of a stout branching rhizome which is often exposed on ground surface. Lvs 1-2-ternatifid, fleshy, softly hairy, 1.5-3 cm long. Scapes 1-flowered, hairy. Fls 1.5-2.5 cm diam. Sepals spreading, hairy. Petals 8-15, yellow, linear-obovate; nectaries 1-(3), 2-4 mm from petal base, shallow, naked. Receptacle hairy. Achenes (50)-60-80, turgid, glabrous or sparsely hairy; body c. 1 mm long; beak stout, straight, c. 1 mm long.
Annual; roots all fibrous. Stems moderately slender, sprawling to sub-erect, sparsely hairy, (5)-10-30-(45) cm tall. Basal lvs subcircular, 3-5-lobed to about 1/2 way, 1-3 × 1-4 cm; lobes obovate, cuneate, dentate to crenate, hairy; petioles hairy, (2)-3-8-(15) cm long. Cauline lvs similar to basal but segments becoming lanceolate, entire; uppermost lvs sometimes not lobed, lanceolate, entire. Fls many per stem, 3-6 mm diam. Pedicels erecto-patent, glabrous or hairy, terete, 8-40 mm long at fruiting. Sepals 5, hairy, suberect, obtuse, c. 2 mm long. Petals 5, yellow, obovate-spathulate, 1.5-2 × c. 1 mm; nectary single, 0.5-1 mm from petal base, covered by an obtuse scale. Receptacle glabrous. Achenes (5)-10-20, strongly flattened, bordered, broadly ovate to subcircular; body 2-2.5 × c. 2 mm; face densely covered with short hooked spines; beak curved at tip, 0.5-0.7 mm long.
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Tufted perennial, to 5 cm tall; rhizome 0. Lvs orbicular or ovate, often dark-blotched, usually 3-lobed to about 1/2 way, rarely entire; lobes crenate or shallowly pinnatifid, sparsely hairy, especially on margins and petiole, or rarely glabrous, 8-15 mm diam.; petiole broad and flat. Fls solitary, sessile or on very short hairy scapes, 5-10 mm diam. Sepals spreading, sparsely hairy. Petals 5, yellow, linear-oblong; nectary single, c. 0.5 mm from petal base, with a very small scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes 30-60, somewhat flattened, glabrous, brick red with dark tips; body 1.5-2 mm long; beak curved, c. 0.5 mm long.
Tufted perennial, to 30-(40) cm tall; rhizome 0. Stems erect, with hairs spreading below, appressed above. Basal lvs usually pinnate, rarely 3-foliolate or 3-lobed, hairy; leaflets stalked, ovate or obovate, entire or shallowly to deeply 3-lobed, toothed, very variable in size, 1-5 cm diam. Cauline lvs similar, smaller, often merely 3-lobed; lobes narrower. Fls 3 or more per stem, 8-15 mm diam. Pedicels terete to sulcate, up to 20 cm long, with appressed hairs. Sepals reflexed at flowering, hairy. Petals 5, yellow, narrow-oblong to narrow-obovate; nectary single, c. 0.5 mm from petal base, covered by a small oblong scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes 40-80-(100), in ovoid heads, small and pale, moderately flattened, glabrous; body 1.5-2 mm long; beak often dark, hooked, 0.7-1 mm.
Perennial; roots all fibrous. Stems stoloniferous, ± slender, arising from compact rootstock, arcuately decumbent and rooting at nodes, hairy, 30-60-(100) cm long. Lvs with sparse to dense hairs, 3-foliolate, at least the middle segment stipitate; basal lvs ovate-deltoid, 2-4-(7) × 2-5-(8) cm; leaflets deltoid, 3-lobed, dentate; petioles glabrous to hairy, (2)-5-15-(25) cm long. Upper cauline lvs similar to basal; leaflets becoming linear-lanceolate, entire. Fls 1-3-(10) per stem, (15)-20-25-(30) mm diam. Pedicels erect, with appressed hairs, sulcate, 3-10-(20) cm long. Sepals 5, hairy, spreading, 6-8 mm long. Petals 5, yellow, obovate, (9)-10-12 × 7-9 mm; nectary single, 0.5 mm from petal base, covered by a broad, obtuse or emarginate scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes 20-40, glabrous, strongly flattened, bordered, broadly obovate; body 2-3 × 2-2.5 mm; face smooth; beak hooked at tip, 1-1.5 mm long.
Tufted, scapose perennial, to 15 cm tall; rhizome 0. Lvs simple, broadly ovate to orbicular, shallowly 3-lobed, bluntly toothed or crenate, hairy, 10-15-(25) × 10-18-(25) mm. Fls solitary, sessile, 10-15 mm diam. Scape elongating at fruiting, terete, hairy; hairs wavy. Sepals spreading, hairy. Petals (0)-5, yellow, narrowly obovate; nectary single, c. 1 mm from petal base, covered by a small triangular scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes 25-35, flattened, glabrous, 2-2.5 mm long; beak curved to hooked, 0.5-1 mm long.
Annual; roots all fibrous. Stems stout, erect, hairy, 20-45 cm tall. Basal lvs deltoid, distinctly ternate, (2)-3-5-(8) × (2)-3-5-(8) cm; leaflets cuneate, (2)-3-lobed, toothed, hairy; middle leaflet distinctly stipitate and deeply 3-fid; petioles hairy, 6-15-(25) cm long. Cauline lvs similar to basal, but with narrower leaflets, becoming smaller. Fls (1)-6-15-(20) per stem, (12)-15-25 mm diam. Pedicels erect, hairy, sulcate, 3-6 cm long at fruiting. Sepals 5, hairy, deflexed at flowering, acute, c. 5 mm long. Petals 5, pale yellow, obovate, 8-10 × 6-7 mm; nectary single, basal, covered by an obtuse scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes 30-40, glabrous, strongly flattened, distinctly bordered, broadly obovate to suborbicular; body 2-2.5 × 2-2.5 mm; face bluntly tuberculate near margin; beak curving upward, c. 0.5 mm long.
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Tufted perennial, 2-5 cm tall; rhizome stout. Lvs broadly ovate, deeply 2-3-ternatisect, covered with silky hairs; ultimate lobes linear, subacute. Scapes 1-flowered, erect, with silky hairs. Fls 2-3 cm diam. Sepals spreading, with silky hairs. Petals 12-15, lemon yellow, linear-oblong; nectary solitary, c. 6 mm from petal base, annular. Receptacle glabrous. Achenes many, turgid, with sparse silky hairs; body 2-2.5 mm long; beak straight, 3-3.5 mm long.
Tufted perennial, 5-20 cm tall; rhizome stout. Lvs broadly ovate, deeply 2-ternatifid, fleshy, with silky hairs or rarely glabrous, 3-15 cm long; ultimate lobes linear-lanceolate, acute. Scapes 1-(2)-flowered, erect, with silky hairs. Fls 3-5 cm diam. Sepals spreading, with silky hairs. Petals 5-8, yellow, broadly obovate; nectaries 3, 2-3 mm from petal base, linear, naked. Receptacle glabrous. Achenes many, turgid, glabrous; body 1.5-2 mm long; beak straight, 1.5-2.5 mm long.
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Perennial; rosettes tufted along slender arching stolons. Basal lvs suborbicular, distinctly rounded to a truncate base, shallowly 3-lobed at apex, rarely again bluntly toothed, glabrous or hairy, thin textured, 3-6-(10) mm diam.; cauline lvs similar to basal, opposite or in lax whorls. Fls solitary; scapes short, up to 15 mm long at fruiting, hairy. Fls 3-5 mm diam. Sepals spreading, sparsely hairy. Petals 5 or 0, yellow, narrowly obovate; nectary single, 0.5-1.5 mm from petal base, covered by a small triangular scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes (5)-10-15, slightly flattened, glabrous; body 1.5-2 mm long; beak straight or curved, c. 0.3 mm long.
Tufted perennial; rhizome 0; rosettes to 5 cm tall. Lamina broad-ovate to deltoid, 9-15 mm diam., ternatifid up to c. 1/2 way, crenately lobed or bluntly toothed, hairy, coriaceous. Fls solitary, 15-20 mm diam.; scapes 2-4 cm long, hairy, bearing 1-2 narrow bracts. Sepals spreading, sparsely hairy. Petals 5-(7), yellow, brownish beneath, narrow-obovate; nectary single, c. 2 mm from petal base, covered by a narrow oblong scale. Receptacle sparsely hairy. Achenes (4)-6-(10), weakly flattened, glabrous; body ellipsoid, 2-2.5 mm long; beak straight, 2-2.5 mm long.
Tufted perennial; rhizome 0; stem up to 30 cm tall at fruiting, with appressed hairs. Basal lvs long-petiolate, ternate or ternatifid, triangular-ovate, 1-4 cm diam., with appressed hairs; leaflets and lobes again 3-lobed, toothed. Cauline lvs similar to basal, opposite, smaller. Fls 1-3 per stem, 15-20 mm diam.; pedicels elongating at fruiting, with short appressed hairs. Sepals spreading, with appressed hairs. Petals 5, brownish yellow, narrowly obovate, with sparse appressed hairs on back; nectary single, c. 2 mm from petal base, covered by a small rounded scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes very numerous, flattened, usually with a few appressed hairs on angles; body 2-2.5 mm long; beak straight, tapering, flattened, c. 1 mm long.
Perennial; rosettes tufted on slender arching stolons. Lvs (1)-2-ternate; leaflets long-stalked, entire or ternatifid, membranous, sparsely hairy, (1)-2-5-(10) mm diam. Fls solitary, 3-4 mm diam.; pedicels very short, sparsely hairy, lf-opposed on stolons. Sepals spreading, hairy. Petals 5, yellow, lanceolate or narrow-obovate; nectary single, c. 1 mm from petal base, covered by a small rounded scale. Receptacle hairy, sometimes only sparsely. Achenes 5-15-(20), somewhat flattened, glabrous; body 1.5-2 mm long; beak curved, 0.5 mm long.
Aquatic perennial, rarely terrestrial; roots all fibrous. Rhizome creeping. Stems slender to stout, prostrate or ascending, up to 1-(2) m long. Lvs divided into many filiform segments, glabrous but for a few short hairs at segment tips, (1)-3-6-(8) cm long; segments narrowly linear in terrestrial plants; petiole (2)-5-30 mm long. Fls solitary, 8-15 mm diam. Pedicels terete, glabrous, (2)-3-6-(8) cm long. Sepals 5, bluish near tip, reflexed, 2.5-4 mm long. Petals 5, white with yellow base, 6-8 × c. 4 mm long; nectary single, 0.5-1 mm from petal base, lunate. Receptacle usually with a few sparse hairs at base, elongating slightly at fruiting. Achenes 30-60, glabrous, ovoid, slightly flattened, transversely rugose; body 1.5-2 mm long; beak straight, c. 0.5 mm long.
Tufted perennial, to 80 cm tall; rhizome 0. Stems erect, with long fine spreading hairs below and short appressed hairs above. Basal and lower cauline lvs ternate, hairy; leaflets stalked, broadly ovate, deeply ternatifid to 3/4 way, 3-5 × 3-5 cm; lobes again 3-lobed and deeply sharply toothed; petioles 15-30 cm long, with spreading hairs. Cauline lvs similar to basal, but smaller with fewer and narrower segments. Fls many per stem, 8-12-(15) mm diam.; pedicels sulcate, 5-8-(15) cm long, with appressed hairs; bracts linear, acute. Sepals weakly reflexed at flowering, hairy. Petals 5, yellow, oblong to obovate; nectary single, very near petal base, covered by a truncate scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes 30-50 in globose heads, rather dark, flattened, glabrous; body 2.5-3 mm long; beak hooked, c. 0.7 mm long.
Tufted perennial; rhizome stout. Stem erect, sparsely hairy or glabrous, (10)-30-60 cm tall. Basal lvs broadly reniform, deeply 3-5-lobed, 5-10 cm diam.; lobes toothed or more deeply divided into linear segments; upper lvs and bracts smaller, becoming deeply divided into few or many narrow linear segments. Fls 1-3 per stem, 1.5-3-(4) cm diam.; pedicels with sparse fine hairs. Sepals spreading, glabrous or sparsely hairy. Petals 8-15, yellow, narrowly linear-oblong; nectary single, (1)-2-3 mm from petal base, naked. Receptacle glabrous. Achenes numerous, not flattened, glabrous; body 1.5-2 mm long; beak straight, 1-2 mm long.
Tufted perennial; rosettes 8-10 cm tall, arising from stout fibrous rhizome. Lamina deltoid to orbicular, 20-30-(40) mm diam., ternatifid to c. 3/4 way; lobes again ternatifid or toothed, glabrous except for tufts of hairs at tips of teeth. Fls solitary, 25-30 mm diam.; scapes short, elongating to 3-5 cm long at fruiting, with fine cobwebby hairs. Sepals spreading, with fine hairs beneath. Petals 5, c. = sepals, yellow, obovate; nectaries 3, 2-3 mm from petal base, naked. Receptacle almost glabrous. Achenes numerous, not flattened, glabrous; body bulbous, 1.5-2 mm long; beak straight, tapering, c. 3 mm long.
Annual to perennial taprooted herbs. Hairs simple, bristly. Stems erect, leafy. Lvs lyrate-pinnate, becoming simple above; margins dentate to serrate. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals erect, the inner saccate at base. Petals white, yellow, brownish, pink, or purple, usually with mauve veins. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 2, inside bases of lateral stamens; median nectaries 2, cylindric, outside bases of median stamens. Stigma sessile, capitate or somewhat 2-lobed. Silique indehiscent, cylindric or ovoid, veined or not, inflated and corky or divided into 1-seeded segments which break off when mature; valvar portion stalklike, slender, seedless. Seeds ovoid or spherical, brownish, not winged, 1.5-3 mm long.
Annual to perennial. Taproot swollen or slender. Stems usually green, (10)-20-80-(100) cm tall. Rosette and lower stem lvs lyrate-pinnate; terminal leaflet 3-6-(10) × 3-6-(10) cm, as wide or narrower than rest of lf; lateral leaflets in 1-8 pairs. Stem lvs simple or with 1 pair of basal lobes, orbicular to lanceolate, 1-6 cm long. Racemes 15-40-(60) cm long. Pedicels 1-2 cm long, stout at fruiting. Sepals 6-9 × 1-2 mm. Petals yellow, white, brownish, pink, or mauve, usually mauve-veined, 13-20 mm long. Silique (1)-2-8-seeded, cylindric, constricted between seeds, breaking into segments when ripe, weakly to strongly ribbed, tapering at apex, (10)-20-60-(80) × (2)-3-8-(9) mm. Seeds 1.5-3 mm long.
Annual or biennial; taproot slender. Rosette lvs with terminal leaflet as wide as rest of lf, and 1-4-(5) pairs of distant lateral leaflets; all leaflets about equal in length. Petals yellow, lilac or white, 13-18 mm long. Silique (2)-5-8-seeded, breaking readily into segments, (20)-30-60-(80) × (2)-3-4-(5) mm; constrictions long, usually shallow; segments ovoid to oblong, usually strongly ribbed; final segment gradually narrowed to apex; apex tapering, (2)-3-4× length of final segment. Seed 1.5-3 mm long.
Perennial, rarely biennial; taproot stout to swollen. Rosette lvs with terminal leaflet narrower than rest of lf, and 4-8 pairs of close-set lateral leaflets; distal leaflets much > proximal. Petals yellow or white, rarely pink or purple or brownish, 15-20 mm long. Silique (1)-2-6-seeded, not breaking readily into segments, (10)-20-40-(60) × (4)-6-8 mm; constrictions short, often deep; segments spherical or wider than long, weakly to strongly ribbed; final segment abruptly narrowed to apex; apex tapering, 1-2-(3)× length of final segment. Seed c. 3 mm long.
Annual or biennial. Taproot tuberous, napiform or cylindric, white or red, 1-3-(8) cm diam. Stems often reddish, (10)-40-100 cm tall. Rosette and lower stem lvs lyrate-pinnate, rarely simple; terminal leaflet (2)-3-6 × (2)-3-6 cm, wider than rest of lf; lateral leaflets in 1-4 distant pairs. Stem lvs simple, rarely with a pair of basal lobes, orbicular to lanceolate, 1-3 cm long. Racemes 15-40 cm long. Pedicels 1-2 cm long, stout at fruiting. Sepals 6-8 × 1-2 mm. Petals usually white, sometimes pink or mauve, rarely pale yellow, mauve-veined, 15-20 mm long. Silique (1)-5-12-seeded, ovoid to cylindric, not or scarcely constricted between seeds, not breaking into segments, veined or very weakly ribbed, tapering at apex, 20-60 × 8-15 mm. Seeds c. 3 mm long.
Annual, biennial or perennial taprooted herbs. Hairs simple. Stems erect, leafy. Lower lvs pinnatifid or pinnate, rarely not lobed; upper lvs usually simple. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals erecto-patent, the inner saccate. Petals yellow, veined. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 2, united, inside bases of lateral stamens; median nectaries 2, ligulate, outside bases of median stamens. Stigma sessile, capitate or weakly 2-lobed. Silicle indehiscent, composed of 2 segments, woody within and corky without; lower segment cylindric or barrel-shaped, 0-2-seeded; upper segment larger, ovoid to turbinate, usually 1-seeded, falling when ripe. Seeds brown, ovoid, not winged.
Annual herb. Stems weakly ribbed, bearing slightly deflexed short tapered hairs, but ± glabrous above, and below with age, (10)-20-60- (80) cm tall. Lvs serrate to dentate, petiolate, hairy with short tapered hairs. Lower lvs pinnate to pinnatifid or rarely not lobed, (2)-8-20 × (1)-2-7 cm, with a large ovate-oblong terminal lobe and (0)-1-4 pairs of oblong lateral lobes. Upper lvs ovate to linear, 2-5 × 0.5-1.5 cm. Racemes glabrous or hairy, 10-30-(40) cm long. Pedicels erect, 2-4 mm long. Sepals narrow-lanceolate. Petals pale yellow with darker veins, 6-10 mm long; limb elliptic. Silicle erect, hairy or glabrous, weakly to strongly ribbed and rugose; lower segment cylindric or barrel-shaped, 2-3-(5) mm long; upper segment ovoid to turbinate, 2-4 × 2-4-(5) mm, tapering ± abruptly above; style 2-3 mm long. Upper seed c. 2 mm long, lower c. 1 mm long.
Annual to perennial glabrous taprooted herb, 30-80 cm tall; rootstock woody; stems erect, ribbed, hollow, branched above. Lvs obovate-cuneate, (2)-4-10-(15) × (1)-2-5-(6) cm, pinnatifid with 5-10-(15) pairs of entire, oblong to linear lobes, constricted above lobes; margins tuberculate, flat or undulate. Pedicels patent, 2-5 mm long. Sepals 5-6, narrow-ovate. Petals white, 5-6, all with 3-(5)-lobed limbs. Stamens 11-14; filaments persistent. Capsule oblong to ellipsoid, smooth, (6)-8-12 × 2-4 mm; carpels 4. Seeds brown to dark brown, tuberculate, dull, 1-1.5 mm long.
Annual to perennial. Lvs entire to pinnatifid. Racemes or spikes terminal and lateral. Sepals 4-8; petals 4-8, usually with dilated claw and lobed limb, the posterior petals usually more divided than the anterior. Stamens 7-40. Carpels 3-4, united below into a 1-locular ovary, remaining open at apex. Ovules numerous, on 3-4 parietal placentae. Fr. a capsule, its constituent follicles united at base, free and open at apex.
Biennial to perennial glabrous taprooted herb, 30-80 cm tall; rootstock woody; stems and branches erect to ascending, ribbed, hollow, branched. Lvs obovate-cuneate, 2-10 × 1-7 cm; margins tuberculate, flat or undulate. Basal lvs not lobed or pinnatifid with 1-2 pairs of lobes; upper lvs pinnatifid, with 1-(3) pairs of lobes, constricted above lobes; lobes narrow-obovate, becoming linear, rarely again pinnatifid. Pedicels erecto-patent, (3)-5-8 mm long. Sepals usually 6, linear. Petals yellow, usually 6; limbs of posterior pair 3-fid, of lateral pair 2-3-fid, of anterior pair 1-(3)-fid. Stamens 12-20; filaments falling before fr. ripens. Capsule oblong to ellipsoid, usually tuberculate, rarely smooth, (6)-10-18 × (2)-5-8 mm long; carpels 3. Seeds black, smooth, shiny, 1.5-2 mm long.
Biennial glabrous taprooted herb, 50-150 cm tall; rootstock ± woody; stem erect, ribbed, hollow, simple or sparingly branched. Lvs simple, entire, with undulate margins. Basal lvs narrow-oblanceolate, cuneate, (3)-6-12-(25) × 0.5-1.5-(2.5) cm; cauline lvs linear to narrow-oblong, the lower cuneate, the upper more abruptly narrowed, 2-7-(10) × 0.2-1-(2) cm. Pedicels ascending, c. 1-2.5 mm long. Sepals 4, ovate. Petals (3)-4-(5), yellowish green; limb of posterior petal 4-8-lobed, of laterals and anterior entire or 4-lobed. Stamens 20-25; filaments persistent. Capsule cup-shaped, with sparsely tubercled lateral ridges, 3-5-(6) × 3-5-(6) mm long; carpels 3. Seeds brownish black, smooth, shiny, 0.8-1 mm long.
Annual to perennial herbs, rarely woody. Lvs alternate, simple or pinnatifid, often glandular-stipulate. Infls bracteate, terminal and lateral, spicate or racemose. Sepals 4-8, free or connate, persistent, usually unequal. Corolla zygomorphic; petals 4-8, free, entire or lobed, unequal. Androgynophore often present. Stamens 3-40, inserted on a perigynous or hypogynous disc. Carpels 2-7, superior, united below, with numerous ovules on parietal placentae, rarely free and uniovulate. Fr. a capsule, berry or a cluster of 1-seeded follicles. Seeds reniform to orbicular, without endosperm.
Large dioecious perennial herbs with stout stems, often forming clumps or thickets, with ± woody rhizomes; nodes jointed; ochreae large. Lvs cauline, broadly ovate to oblong, large; base usually truncate to cordate. Fls in axillary panicles, with rudiments of opposite sex. Perianth segments 5, accrescent, ± white, free, subequal, the outer 3 keeled and becoming winged. Stamens 8. Styles rather short, 2-3; stigmas lobed and ± fimbriate. Fr. a trigonous nut with obtuse or acute angles, spineless.
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Trees or shrubs, very rarely herbs, sometimes spiny, sometimes lianoid. Lvs simple, mostly alternate, mostly stipulate. Fls usually in cymes, sometimes in fascicles or panicles, small, perigynous, usually ☿, occasionally unisexual. Calyx 4-5-lobed, tubular. Petals 3-5 or 0, inserted at mouth of calyx tube, often forming a hood over stamens. Stamens 4-5, antipetalous. Disc on calyx tube fleshy, intrastaminal. Ovary superior but sometimes partly immersed in disc, 2-4-celled; ovules 1-(2), erect from the base. Style shortly lobed. Fr. usually a drupe, sometimes a capsule, sometimes winged. Seed with large straight embryo and with or without endosperm.
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Shrubs or small trees, mainly deciduous, often spiny; indumentum of simple hairs or 0. Winter buds with scales. Lvs with small, mostly caducous stipules, alternate or opposite, small to large, often with basal pair of veins more prominent. Fls small, in axillary racemes, cymose umbels or fascicles, usually unisexual (plants dioecious or monoecious), 4-(5)-merous. Calyx lobes triangular. Petals often folded to form a hood, shortly clawed, sometimes 0. Stamens ± included. Staminodes present in ♀ fls. Ovary 2-4-celled, free from disc; styles 2-4; stigmas small, simple. Fr. a drupe with 2-4, nutlet-like pyrenes. Seed furrowed; germination epigeal.
Evergreen shrubs or small trees, not armed, with a ± widespreading habit, often becoming nearly glabrous. Lvs alternate, mostly towards branchlet tips, simple, serrate or entire, coriaceous; stipules small, ± deciduous. Fls in terminal racemes, corymbs or panicles, often somewhat showy, 5-merous, ☿, shortly pedicellate, medium-sized; pedicels and infl. branches sometimes downy. Hypanthium tubular, closed at apex. Epicalyx 0. Calyx tube adnate to ovary at base, lobed above with sepals deciduous at fruiting. Petals ± spreading, ± ciliate, white to reddish. Stamens 15-20, inserted in mouth of calyx tube. Ovary inferior; carpels 2; styles 2, elongated and fused at base; ovules 2 in each locule. Fr. a pome, subglobose, small, often bluish or purplish black, 1-2-locular; carpel walls leathery; seeds 1-few, rather large.
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Glabrous herb. Lvs mostly radical, arising from thick woody rhizomes. Petiole to c. 60 × 3 cm, flattened above and with raised margins, ± crimson, especially towards base; ochreae to c. 8 cm long, brown, scarious. Lamina to c. 50 × 40 cm (larger in cultivation); main veins 7, prominently raised below; margins ± undulate. Infl. to c. 1.5 m tall; main stem massive and hollow; lateral branches numerous. Bracts minute. Fls greenish white; pedicels filiform, jointed, commonly c. 5 mm long. Inner 3 perianth segments 2.5-3 mm long, elliptic to suborbicular; outer 3 segments smaller. Stigmas large, irregular in outline. Fr. to c. 1 cm long; wings broad, reddish.
Stout perennial herbs forming large clumps; rhizomes ± woody. Lvs mainly radical, large, ovate to reniform, ± cordate, palmately veined; ochreae prominent and loose. Fls in large diffuse panicles, ☿, green, whitish or red. Perianth segments 6, free, equal, not accrescent, not keeled. Stamens (6)-9. Styles 3, very short; stigmas capitate. Fr. a trigonous nut, strongly 3-winged, lacking spines.
Evergreen or deciduous trees, shrubs, or prostrate shrublets, sometimes epiphytic, either scaly (lepidote rhododendrons) or lacking scales (elepidote rhododendrons). Lvs alternate, entire or rarely ± serrulate, petiolate. Fls mostly in terminal panicles, racemes or umbels, much less commonly axillary or solitary, pedicellate, with deciduous scales (perulae). Calyx 5-(10)-lobed, accrescent but sometimes reduced to a rim. Corolla 5-(10)-lobed, very variable in shape but generally campanulate, funnelform or broadly tubular, usually slightly zygomorphic. Stamens usually 5-10, sometimes more, commonly twice as many as corolla lobes, included or exserted; anthers with apical pores. Fr. a woody septicidal capsule, usually ovoid to oblong. Seeds numerous, minute.
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Trees or shrubs, sometimes climbing, usually dioecious, usually deciduous, sometimes evergreen but not in N.Z. Sap resinous or milky. Lvs usually imparipinnate, sometimes 3-foliolate or simple. Panicles terminal or axillary, bracteate. Calyx 5-partite; segments imbricate, sometimes unequal. Petals 5, ± imbricate, inconspicuous. ♂ fls with 5 stamens and rudimentary pistil. ♀ fls 1-celled; styles 3; stigmas ± capitate. Drupe globose or compressed; exocarp thin, glabrous or hairy; mesocarp resinous; endocarp ± bony; stigmas often persistent.
Deciduous shrub or small tree to c. 8 m high, often suckering extensively. Branchlets villous. Lvs pinnate, with 19-23 leaflets in mature plants, up to c. 30 cm long; petiole and rachis villous or densely hairy, the hairs purple when young. Leaflets sessile, 4-12 × 0.8-2.5 cm, oblong-lanceolate (terminal leaflet ± ovate), glabrate except for densely hairy midrib below, glaucous below, dull green above, serrate, acuminate at apex, becoming orange to crimson in autumn. Infl. terminal, villous, dense and conelike, to c. 20 × 5 cm. Fls greenish. Calyx segments lanceolate, long-ciliate. Petals 2-2.5 mm long. Fr. c. 3 mm wide, broader than long, villous with long rose to crimson hairs.
Prostrate to erect, bushy and densely branched, sometimes spiny shrubs. Lvs mostly 3- or 5-palmately lobed, sometimes rugose, often ± glandular and aromatic when bruised. Hypanthium tubular to campanulate or globose, usually of same colour as sepals. Fr. with sweet or acid pulp.
Unarmed, deciduous shrub to 1.5-(2.5) m high, with a characteristic strong odour when bruised; branches and shoots ± erect, glabrous except when young. Lvs plicately folded in bud with petioles to c. 8 cm long, slightly clasping at base; lamina broadly deltoid, 6-11 × 8-13 cm, often smaller on upper part of flowering stems, palmately lobed, with 3, ± triangular lobes; lower surface glabrate with fairly numerous prominent yellow glandular scales; upper surface slightly shining, somewhat rugose; margins crenate to coarsely serrate; base cordate. Racemes pendent, 5-15-flowered; fls ± fragrant. Hypanthium 2-4 mm diam., broadly campanulate to orbicular, green or reddish green, glabrous or hairy, with sessile, yellow, glandular scales. Sepals 3-5 mm long, triangular to oblong-elliptic, green or reddish green, ± villous inside, reflexed at anthesis. Petals 2.5-4 mm long, oblong to broadly ovate or broadly elliptic, white or greenish white. Filaments 2-4 mm long. Fr. 7-10 mm diam. (to 15 mm in cultivation), globose, black, opaque, lacking bloom, glabrous; flesh very aromatic and moderately sweet.
Unarmed, deciduous, non-aromatic shrub 1.5-2-(3) m high; branches and shoots erect, densely puberulent or tomentulose. Lvs convolute in bud, with petioles 2-4 cm long, not clasping at base; lamina deltoid to subreniform, 2-6.5 × 2-8 cm, shining, often smaller on upper part of flowering stems, deeply palmately lobed, with 3 ± parallel-sided lobes, often with secondary lobes or rounded teeth, glabrous except for glandular scales when very young; margins ciliolate; base cordate. Racemes pendent, usually 7-15-flowered; fls fragrant. Hypanthium 8-12 mm long, cylindric, yellow or greenish yellow, glabrous. Sepals 5.5-9 mm long, elliptic or elliptic-obovate, yellow, glabrous, ± patent at early anthesis but soon reflexing. Petals 3-4 mm long, elliptic to obovate, cream, pale pink, rose or crimson. Filaments 1-3 mm long. Fr. 5-8 mm diam., globose, yellowish brown and shining, translucent and lacking bloom, glabrous; flesh not aromatic, insipid to taste.
Unarmed, deciduous, scarcely aromatic shrub usually 0.5-1.5 m high; branches and shoots erect, slightly hairy when young. Lvs plicately folded in bud, with petioles to c. 8 cm long, slightly clasping at base; lamina broadly deltoid, 6-11 × 8-13 cm, often smaller on upper part of flowering stems, deeply palmately lobed, with 3-5 coarsely toothed, deltoid lobes, glabrate, dull and slightly rugose above, slightly to moderately hairy beneath, especially on veins; glands 0; base cordate or subcordate. Racemes pendent, usually 10-20-flowered; fls not fragrant. Hypanthium c. 1 mm diam., broadly campanulate, green, glabrous. Sepals c. 2-2.5 mm long, broadly obcuneate, green, reflexed at anthesis. Petals 0.5-0.7 mm long, ± rectangular and slightly obovate, green. Filaments c. 0.5 mm long. Fr. 5-10 mm diam., globose, red and shining, occasionally white, translucent, glabrous; flesh sweet.
Unarmed, deciduous, moderately aromatic shrub, 1-2-(3) m high; branches and shoots erect, tomentulose or glandular hairy when young. Lvs plicately folded in bud, with petioles to c. 8 cm long, slightly clasping at base; lamina very broadly ovate or deltoid, (3)-4-8-(10) × (3.5)-4-9-(10) cm, often smaller on upper part of flowering stems, deeply palmately-lobed, with 3-5 broadly ovate, coarsely serrate lobes, glabrate or hairy, dull, somewhat rugose with impressed veins above, glabrate to hairy or sometimes tomentose below, sparsely to densely covered with almost colourless, inconspicuous glandular scales; base subcordate to deeply cordate. Racemes pendent, usually 15-many-flowered; fls not fragrant. Hypanthium 4-7 mm long, cylindric, pale pink to deep red, with scattered simple eglandular or glandular hairs. Sepals 4-6.5 mm long, ± elliptic-oblong, pale pink to deep red, glabrous or with simple or glandular hairs, reflexed at anthesis. Petals 3-5 mm long, spathulate or obovate, white ageing pink to rose. Filaments 1-2.5 mm long. Fr. 5-7 mm diam., globose, black, opaque and usually with a whitish bloom, ± glandular; flesh with little taste.
Deciduous, armed, non-aromatic shrub usually 0.5-1.5-(2.5) m high; nodes furnished with (1)-3, stiff, straight spines; branches and shoots spreading to erect, glabrous except when young. Lvs plicately folded in bud, with petioles to 5 cm long, not clasping at base; lamina ± broadly deltoid to subreniform, (1.5)-2-6 × 2-7 cm, usually smaller on flowering stems (where the lvs are on short spurs), palmately-lobed, usually hairy beneath, sometimes glabrate, flat and slightly shining above; base truncate to cordate; lobes shallow to deep, 3-5, broadly ovate, oblong-ovate or obovate, with secondary lobes, deeply toothed. Fls solitary or in clusters of 2-4, not fragrant. Hypanthium 3-4 mm diam., ± globose, pale greenish, glandular. Sepals 3-6 mm long, oblong or elliptic-oblong, green, often with red flush or red margin, ± hairy outside, reflexed at anthesis. Petals 1.5-2 mm long, suborbicular or broadly obovate, white. Filaments 2-3 mm long. Fr. 10-25 mm diam. (to 30 mm in cultivation), globose to broadly or oblong-ellipsoid, green, yellow or sometimes dark red, translucent, lacking bloom, hispid and sometimes with soft hairs, or glabrous; flesh becoming sweet.
Erect, ± glabrous, shrub up to 4 m high (in colder areas as an annual herb). Stems rounded, smooth or slightly ribbed, softly woody. Lvs alternate, deltate, deeply palmately 5-9-lobed (first few lvs opposite and shallowly lobed); lobes acute to acuminate, irregularly serrate; petiole somewhat > or ± = blade; seedling lvs 6-12 cm diam.; adult lvs 20-40 cm diam.; young lvs with deciduous stipules. Panicle erect, with ♂ fls below, ♀ above; bracts subtending panicle-branches ovate-triangular, entire, deciduous. Pedicel elongating at fruiting; capsule deeply grooved between cells, usually covered in long soft spines, rarely without spines. Seeds rectangular, usually mottled brown or grey, c. 15 mm long.
Monoecious shrub or large herb; sap watery. Lvs alternate, stipulate, palmately lobed, serrate. ♂ and ♀ fls mixed in terminal panicles, often appearing axillary. ♂ fls: short-pedicellate; perianth herbaceous; segments 3-5, united in bud; filaments much-branched; anthers very numerous. ♀ fls: long-pedicellate; perianth membranous, soon deciduous; ovary 3-celled with a single ovule in each cell; styles 3, usually 2-fid. Fr. a 3-celled capsule; seeds smooth.
Trees or shrubs. Lvs mostly imparipinnate; leaflets entire, often stipellate; stipules setaceous or spinescent. Infl. axillary, racemose; bracts deciduous; bracteoles 0. Calyx campanulate; calyx teeth short; upper 2 teeth somewhat connate. Corolla white, pink or rose-purple. Vexillary stamen free or partly connate with others into a closed tube; anthers uniform or alternately smaller. Style incurved, hairy at apex; stigma terminal. Pod 2-valved, dehiscent, ± straight and flattened, many-seeded; sutures somewhat thickened; seeds estrophiolate.
Perennial rhizomatous herb. Stems erect, glabrous or finely hairy, 30-80 cm tall. Lvs ± glabrous, variable in shape, spathulate- oblanceolate, cuneate; margins toothed. Lower lvs petiolate, auriculate at base, deeply pinnatifid with lobes becoming shallower toward apex, 8-16 × 2-6-(7) cm. Upper lvs smaller, pinnatifid or toothed, sometimes linear; auricles becoming 0. Pedicels glabrous, erecto-patent to patent, sometimes deflexed at fruiting, (5)-7-10-(12) mm long. Sepals 2-3 × 1 mm. Petals bright yellow, 3-6 mm long. Silicle glabrous, elliptic to ovoid, 1.5-3-(4) × 0.6-1-(2) mm, but often not or poorly developed; valves veinless; style 1 mm long. Seeds reddish brown, c. 1 mm long, finely colliculate, in 2 rows per locule.
Glabrous perennial taprooted herb. Stems erect, to 1 m tall. Lf margins shallowly dentate. Lower lvs petiolate; petiole winged and expanded into deflexed amplexicaul lobes at base; lamina pinnatifid, (6)-10-16 × (2)-3-7 cm. Upper lvs smaller, linear to lanceolate, simple, cuneately narrowed to expanded amplexicaul base. Pedicels erecto-patent at flowering, spreading at fruiting, 5-12 mm long. Sepals 2-3 mm long. Petals white, c. = sepals. Siliques patent, linear, ± terete, 15-30 × 1-1.5 mm; valves with a weak median vein, or veins 0; style c. 2 mm long. Seeds reddish brown, c. 1 mm long, coarsely reticulate, in 1 row per locule.
Perennial stoloniferous herb. Stems trailing, glabrous, up to 1 m long. Lvs glabrous, all similar but becoming smaller near infl., pinnate, petiolate, 2-10-(25) × 1-5 cm; basal auricles very small; leaflets rounded, ovate; margins entire or sinuate. Pedicels glabrous, slender, erecto-patent, spreading to deflexed at fruiting, (8)-12-20-(30) mm long. Sepals 2.5-3.5 × 1 mm. Petals white, (4)-5-6 × 1.5-2.5 mm. Silique glabrous, narrow-oblong to linear, curved, (10)-15-25-(30) × c. 1.5 mm; valves with distinct midrib at least below; style c. 1 mm long. Seeds in ± 1 row per locule, brown, c. 1 mm long, reticulate with 100-150 polygonal depressions per face.
Perennial stoloniferous herb. Stems trailing, glabrous, to several m long. Lvs glabrous, all similar, but becoming smaller near infl., pinnate, petiolate, 2-10-(25) × 1-5 cm; basal auricles small; leaflets rounded, ovate; margins entire or sinuate. Pedicels glabrous, slender, erecto-patent, spreading to deflexed at fruiting, (5)-10-15-(18) mm long (very rarely to 30 mm). Sepals 1.5-2.5 × 0.7-1.5 mm. Petals white, (3)-4-6 × (1)-1.5-2.5 mm. Silique glabrous, narrow-oblong, curved, (8)-12-15-(18) × 2-2.5 mm; valves with distinct midrib, at least below; style c. 1 mm long. Seeds distinctly in 2 rows per locule, brown, c. 1 mm long, coarsely reticulate with 20-50 polygonal depressions per face.
Perennial, rarely annual, taprooted herb. Stems erect, rarely decumbent, glabrous or hairy, (3)-20-40-(100) cm tall. Lvs glabrous or hairy; margins toothed. Rosette lvs petiolate, auriculate at base, deeply pinnatifid to pinnate, (2)-4-7-(10) × 1-3 cm. Stem lvs similar to rosette lvs, auriculate at base, becoming smaller with narrower lobes above, the uppermost sometimes simple. Pedicels glabrous or sparsely hispid, erecto-patent at flowering, spreading at fruiting, (2)-4-7 mm long. Sepals 1.5-2-(2.5) mm long. Petals yellow, = sepals. Silicle glabrous, oblong to elliptic, curved, (2)-4-7 × 2-3 mm; valves not veined; style 0.5-1 mm long. Seeds pale brown, c. 0.8 mm long, finely colliculate, in 2 rows per locule.
Annual, biennial or perennial rhizomatous trailing or taprooted herbs. Hairs simple, or 0. Stems prostrate to erect, leafy. Lvs simple to pinnate; margins of lobes entire or crenate or dentate. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals erecto-patent, saccate or not. Petals yellow or white. Stamens 6, without appendages. Nectaries 6, 4 lateral and 2 median, variable in form and degree of fusion. Style very short; stigma capitate or slightly 2-lobed. Fr. a globose to ovoid silicle or oblong to linear silique, often curved, dehiscent; valves veinless or 1-veined at least below; beak 0. Seeds oblong or ovoid, winged or not winged, in 1-2 rows per locule.
Glabrous perennial rhizomatous herb. Stems erect, often flexuous, 30-70 cm tall. Lvs variable in shape; margins toothed. Rosette lvs petiolate, auriculate at base, deeply pinnatifid, 4-10-(25) × 2-4 cm. Middle and upper lvs smaller, 1-2-pinnatifid, linear to ovate; lobes narrow-lanceolate to linear, entire or toothed; basal auricles present. Pedicels erecto-patent at flowering, spreading at fruiting, 5-15 mm long. Sepals 2-2.5 mm long. Petals yellow, (3)-4-5 mm long. Silique glabrous, linear, curved, 10-15 × 1-1.5 mm, but often not or poorly developed; valves with median vein weak or 0; style c. 0.5 mm long. Seeds brown, c. 0.6 mm long, finely colliculate, in 2 rows per locule.
Deciduous, ± spreading and sometimes semi-scrambling shrub to 3.5 m high, often with suckers; stems usually suberect to spreading, arching in young plants, glabrous; armature of uniform, scattered to moderately abundant, flattened and slightly curved prickles; acicles 0. Lvs with 2-3-(4) pairs of leaflets; petiole usually 15-35-(40) mm long, glabrous or sometimes with sparse glandular hairs; stipules adnate for most of length, glabrous, the denticulate teeth black-tipped. Lamina of leaflets (15)-18-40-(50) × 8-27-(30) mm, elliptic, broad-elliptic, or ovate-elliptic, dull green and glabrous above, sometimes with a few hairs near base, usually glabrous beneath, sometimes hairy, especially on veins and midrib; margins sharply serrate with short acuminate teeth; base rounded; apex acute or subacute, sometimes rounded or shortly acuminate. Fls 1-4-(5), single, 30-55 mm diam.; pedicels glabrous, rarely with scattered glandular hairs. Sepals deciduous, lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, long-acuminate, sometimes with an expanded apex, puberulent to tomentose inside, usually glabrous outside, rarely with scattered short glandular hairs; outer sepals with a few long linear lobes. Petals 13-23-(28) mm long, obovate, usually white, rarely pale pink, usually with yellowish base when young. Styles free, usually shortly exserted, sometimes well-exserted, glabrous or hairy. Fr. 12-23 mm diam., ± globose to ellipsoid, glabrous, orange-red or red.
Deciduous, erect shrub to c. 1.5 m high, densely suckering and forming low thickets; stems many, sometimes with glandular hairs; armature of occasional, narrow, almost straight prickles and more abundant acicles. Lvs with 2-3 pairs of leaflets; petiole 20-55 mm long, usually with eglandular hairs, often with glandular hairs also, sometimes glabrate; stipules adnate for ?-3/4 length, glabrous or with a few eglandular hairs, with numerous marginal glandular hairs. Lamina of leaflets (15)-25-60 × (10)-15-35 mm, broadly elliptic, glabrous and usually deep green and slightly shining above, hairy on lower part of midrib and veins beneath, otherwise glabrous, somewhat rugose; margins 1-2-serrate, with glandular hairs; base rounded or slightly subcordate; apex rounded or obtuse to acute. Fls 1-3, double, 50-90 mm diam., fragrant; pedicels usually with numerous glandular hairs and some acicles, occasionally glabrate. Sepals ovate, acute to long-acuminate, tomentose inside, with few to numerous small glandular hairs outside; outer sepals pinnatifid to pinnatisect with linear lobes. Petals c. 20-30 mm long, broadly obovate, rose, crimson or purplish rose. Styles free, slightly exserted, hairy. Fr. not seen.
Perennial, usually deciduous shrubs, sometimes scrambling or lianoid; stems armed with epidermal prickles, acicles, bristles, or simple or glandular hairs (sometimes intergrading), rarely not armed. Lvs distributed along stems, usually imparipinnate, sometimes basal pair reduced to 1 leaflet, very rarely simple or reduced to connate leaflike stipules; leaflets serrate or crenate; stipules usually adnate to petiole with distal free auricles, sometimes free to base and deciduous, variously lobed or with marginal stalked glands. Fls usually borne on lateral shoots 1 or more years old, in corymbs, panicles or solitary, usually bracteate, usually > 3 cm diam., large and showy, ☿ except in some semi- or fully double cvs, pedicellate, (4)-5-merous. Epicalyx 0. Hypanthium extremely variable, narrowly ovoid, narrowly urceolate, to globose, ± closed at apex by a disc; sepals all similar or outer 3 toothed or pinnately lobed and inner 2 entire. Petals 5, numerous in double-flowered cvs, those of single fls ± spreading, white, yellow, pink, red, purple, greenish or multicoloured, but not blue. Stamens numerous, fertile or petaloid. Ovary superior although carpels deeply sunken in the concave receptacle; carpels free, numerous; styles numerous, free or sometimes forming a short column protruding through the centre of the hypanthial disc; ovules 1 per carpel. Fr. an urceolate to globular or ovoid hip with many bony achenes included within the ± fleshy, coloured, sometimes prickly or bristly hypanthium.
Deciduous, rather spreading, ± dense shrub 1-2.5 m high, often with suckers; stems often rather arching, especially on young plants, glabrous or nearly so; armature of numerous, mostly rather uniform, flattened, moderately to strongly falcate prickles, with acicles only on petioles and lf rachises. Lvs with 2-3 pairs of leaflets; petiole 15-25 mm long, with few to many glandular hairs; stipules completely adnate, entire except for numerous dark red marginal glandular hairs, otherwise stipules glabrous. Lamina of leaflets 10-25-(35) × 7-17-(27) mm, broadly elliptic to suborbicular, dull green and glabrous above, with fairly numerous very short glandular hairs beneath and often with eglandular hairs on midrib and lower part of veins; margins 1-2-serrate, with glandular hairs; base rounded; apex obtuse or subacute. Fls 1-5-(7), single, 25-30-(40) mm diam.; pedicels with many hispid glands. Sepals ± deciduous, lanceolate to ovate, long-acuminate, tomentose inside, with glandular hairs outside and on margins, sometimes puberulent, especially towards margins; outer sepals pinnatisect with a few linear lobes. Petals c. 12-15-(20) mm long, obovate, pink in bud, pale pink or whitish at anthesis. Styles free, shortly exserted, glabrous or glabrate. Fr. 9-18 mm long, broadly ellipsoid or ovoid-ellipsoid, glabrous except for a few glandular hairs at base, red.
Scrambling shrub, ± deciduous; stems often long and climbing to c. 4 m high or forming an extensive mound of intertwining, arching and layering branches, glabrous; armature of scattered, unequal, compressed, flattened, falcate prickles. Lvs with (2)-3-4 pairs of leaflets; petiole 18-30 mm long, usually with few to many glandular hairs and pricklets; stipules completely adnate, undulate and fringed with long broad-based eglandular hairs and short glandular hairs, otherwise glabrous. Lamina of leaflets 25-60 × 15-40 mm, elliptic to broadly elliptic (terminal one sometimes almost orbicular), rather deep or dark green and somewhat shining above, glabrous above and beneath; margins prominently serrate; base ± rounded; apex ± rounded or acute to shortly cuspidate. Fls c. 20-40 in loose clusters, single, 40-60 mm diam.; pedicels with numerous glandular hairs, with or without eglandular hairs. Sepals lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate or long-acuminate, tomentose inside, ± hairy, at least near margins, and with scattered to numerous glandular hairs outside; outer sepals often with 2-4 linear-elliptic lobes. Petals 20- c. 30 mm long, broadly obovate, white or creamy white. Styles free but forming a column, well-exserted, hairy. Fr. not seen.
Scrambling shrub or liane, ± deciduous; stems often long and climbing to c. 6 m high, often intertwining and much-branched, often layering, glabrous; armature 0 or of few to numerous, ± uniform, flattened, falcate prickles. Lvs with 3-4 pairs of leaflets; petiole 15-30-(35) mm long, tomentose and sometimes with glandular hairs; stipules adnate for c. ⅔, usually densely clothed in glandular hairs and moderately to densely puberulent, pectinate with many narrow lobes, sometimes the lobes pinnately divided. Lamina of leaflets 15-50-(60) × 10-30 mm, elliptic to oblanceolate or obovate, shining deep green and glabrous above, moderately to densely clothed in eglandular hairs beneath; margins serrate; base cuneate to rounded; apex acute to acuminate or cuspidate. Fls usually numerous in a pyramidal panicle, occasionally few, single, or rarely semi-double with c. 10 petals, 20-25 mm diam.; pedicels and peduncles moderately to densely pilose. Sepals deciduous, lanceolate to elliptic-ovate, acuminate, tomentose inside and on margins, with very few to many glandular hairs outside and on margins; outer sepals usually pinnately divided with a few narrowly linear lobes. Petals 8-14 mm long, obovate or broadly obovate, white or slightly pink. Styles fused in a column, well-exserted, glabrous. Fr. 6-8 × 4-5 mm, ± ellipsoid, glabrous, shining red or deep orange.
Deciduous, dense and freely suckering shrub 0.4-1-(1.5) m high; stems erect or nearly so, ± arching in young plants, glabrous; armature of long, thin and straight to slightly curved prickles and abundant, straight pricklets and acicles. Lvs with 2-4-(5) pairs of leaflets; petiole 5-12 mm long, sparsely prickly, sparsely clothed in glandular hairs; stipules adnate and entire in lower part, free, expanded and ± toothed in upper part, glabrous. Lamina of leaflets 5-12 × 4-7 mm, broadly elliptic to suborbicular, glabrous, dull green above; margins sharply serrate, eglandular; base broadly cuneate to rounded; apex obtuse to subacute. Fls solitary on the numerous short lateral branches, single (possibly sometimes double), probably 30-40 mm diam.; pedicels glabrous, with pricklets. Sepals usually persistent, broadly lanceolate with an acuminate apex, ± hairy inside, glabrous outside; outer sepals entire. Petals probably 15-20 mm long, obovate to ± orbicular, white or nearly so. Styles free, shortly exserted, hairy. Fr. 7-13 mm diam., subglobose, glabrous, black.
Deciduous, rather erect, sometimes dense shrub 1-3-(5) m high, often with suckers; stems ± erect except in young plants, often with glandular hairs when young, otherwise glabrous; armature of few to numerous, unequal, flattened, moderately curved to strongly falcate prickles and pricklets, and sometimes acicles. Lvs with 2-3-(4) pairs of leaflets; petiole 10-25 mm long, ± finely tomentose and with glandular hairs and scattered pricklets; stipules completely adnate, generally clothed in very short glandular hairs, fringed with numerous small glandular hairs. Lamina of leaflets 12-40-(50) × 8-28-(35) mm, broadly elliptic to elliptic-obovate, sometimes suborbicular, dull green and glabrous above, with ± numerous, ± subsessile, pale glands beneath and with eglandular hairs on veins, sometimes hairs dense on midrib; margins ± 2-serrate, with glandular hairs; base rounded; apex acute or subacute, sometimes rounded. Fls 1-3-(6), single, (20)-25-40 mm diam.; pedicels usually with many hispid glands. Sepals ± persistent, lanceolate to ovate, long-acuminate or sometimes with an expanded apical tail, tomentose inside, ± densely clothed in stiff, spreading glandular hairs outside and on margins; outer sepals pinnatisect with a few linear to narrowly elliptic lobes. Petals (8)-12-20 mm long, obovate or cuneiform, pink or deep pink (especially in bud) except for whitish base. Styles free, slightly exserted, densely hairy or villous. Fr. (10)-12-22-(28) × (8)-10-18-(20) mm, broadly ovoid, broadly ellipsoid, urceolate, ellipsoid-obovoid, subglobose or globose, occasionally narrow-ellipsoid (sterile aneuploids), red or orange-red, usually glabrous except at base, sometimes with dark red hispid glands.
Deciduous, erect or suberect, densely suckering and thicket-forming shrub to 2 m high; stems stout and rigid, densely tomentose; armature of large, straight, narrow and slightly flattened prickles or pricklets. Lvs with (2)-3-4 pairs of leaflets; petioles 20-50 mm long, densely tomentose; stipules adnate for most of length, very broad and ± leafy, tomentose, denticulate. Lamina of leaflets 20-50 × 8-30 mm, elliptic or broadly elliptic, rugose, shining, rather dark green and with scattered eglandular hairs above, ± tomentose and with numerous very short glandular hairs beneath; margins serrate or crenate, slightly recurved; base ± rounded; apex obtuse or subacute. Fls 1-4, single (often semi-double or double in cultivation), c. 40-80 mm diam. Pedicels moderately hairy to tomentose, with ± scattered, rigid, straight, glandular hairs. Sepals persistent, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, long-acuminate or spathulate towards apex, tomentose inside, tomentose and with scattered stiff glandular hairs outside; outer sepals entire or with a few small teeth near apex. Petals 35-50 mm long, broadly obovate, deep rosy crimson. Styles free, shortly exserted and forming a large head, hairy. Fr. 20-25 mm across, ± depressed-globose, glabrous, shining deep red.
Evergreen, scrambling or lianoid shrub; stems usually long and trailing or climbing to c. 5 m high, often intertwining, layering extensively, glabrous; armature of uniform, scattered, flattened and rather small, slightly curved prickles, denser on vigorous vegetative shoots. Lvs with (2)-3 pairs of leaflets; petiole usually 15-25 mm long, glabrous or sometimes with scattered glandular hairs and pricklets on rachis; stipules completely adnate, deeply and irregularly toothed, glabrous except for scattered marginal glandular hairs. Lamina of leaflets (10)-15-40-(50) × 8-25-(30) mm, usually broadly elliptic to broadly obovate or ± orbicular, sometimes broadly ovate, moderately to very glossy green and glabrous, bronzy red when young; margins sharply serrate; base rounded to slightly cuneate; apex rounded to acute, rarely acuminate. Fls usually many, in rather dense clusters, double, 25-50-(60) mm diam.; pedicels glabrous, rarely with scattered glandular hairs. Sepals ± ovate-oblong, cuspidate or acuminate, tomentose inside, glabrate to tomentose, and sometimes with a few glandular hairs outside; outer sepals sometimes with a few linear lobes. Petals numerous, 13-25 mm long, narrowly obovate or obovate, pink to rose in bud, white inside at anthesis. Styles free but forming a column, long-exserted, hairy. Fr. not seen.
Evergreen or semi-evergreen, scrambling shrub or liane; stems usually long and trailing or climbing to c. 6 m high, often intertwining, layering extensively, glabrous or occasionally with glandular hairs when young; armature of ± uniform, scattered, flattened and slightly curved to hooked prickles and pricklets, denser on vigorous vegetative shoots. Lvs with 2-3-(4) pairs of leaflets; petiole c. 15-40 mm long, glabrous or sometimes with scattered glandular hairs, occasionally with fine eglandular hairs; stipules completely adnate, usually irregularly toothed or lobed, usually glabrous except for some marginal glandular hairs, occasionally with marginal eglandular hairs, sometimes entire with a fringe of numerous glandular hairs. Lamina of leaflets 12-50-(55) × 10-30-(35) mm, elliptic to broadly elliptic, ovate, almost obovate, or orbicular, scarcely to very glossy dark or bright green above and usually glabrous except for a few glandular hairs at base, glabrous or occasionally with dense eglandular hairs on veins on lower surface; margin serrate, at least in upper 1/2, sometimes crenate-serrate; base cuneate to rounded; apex rounded to acute or shortly acuminate. Fls (1)-5- c. 25, in rather loose clusters, single or double, 25-70 mm diam.; pedicels usually with scattered to dense glandular hairs, sometimes with eglandular hairs, occasionally glabrous. Sepals ovate, oblong-ovate or lanceolate-ovate, acuminate or mucronate, tomentose inside, glabrous or puberulent towards the margins and often with glandular hairs outside; outer sepals often with a pair of long lateral lobes. Petals 5 or numerous, 10-40 mm long, obovate, whitish or cream, pink to rose or crimson, usually whitish at base. Styles free, long-exserted, hairy. Fr not seen.
Herbs, shrubs or trees, mostly perennial, sometimes armed. Lvs usually alternate, sometimes in basal rosettes, often toothed or lobed or compound; stipules usually present, sometimes adnate to petiole. Fls solitary or in a cyme, corymb, raceme or umbel, regular, 4-5-(6)-merous, perigynous or epigynous, sometimes intermediate, usually ☿. Receptacle forming a flat, concave or tubular hypanthium (often called a calyx tube) bearing sepals, petals and stamens on the outer or upper margin. Epicalyx often present. Sepals free or partly adnate to ovary. Petals as many as sepals, rarely 0, imbricate. Stamens numerous, rarely reduced to 1-2; filaments usually free; anthers 2-locular, dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary superior or inferior, sometimes 1/2 inferior, with 1-several locules; carpels 1 or more, free or connate, often ± adnate to calyx tube; styles free or connate; ovules 2, rarely 1 or several in each carpel, pendulous, superposed. Fr. of 1 or more achenes, drupes, pomes, follicles, or rarely capsules, the hypanthium sometimes coloured and fleshy; seeds usually lacking endosperm.
Trees, shrubs, climbers, less commonly herbs. Lvs simple, opposite, usually entire; stipules between petioles or between the petiole and axis, sometimes fused and sheathing, sometimes leaflike and forming a pseudo-whorl with the true lvs. Fls usually in bracteate cymes forming compound fascicles or panicles, sometimes solitary, ± actinomorphic, usually ☿, sometimes unisexual (plants dioecious), often heterostylous. Calyx tube adnate to ovary; lobes 4-5-(6), often appearing as distinct sepals, sometimes 0. Corolla ± tubular; lobes 4-5-(10), contorted, imbricate or valvate in bud. Stamens as many as corolla lobes, alternate with them, epipetalous. Ovary inferior, (1)-2-many-celled with axile, basal or apical placentation. Ovules 1-many in each cell; style simple; stigma capitate or lobed. Fr. usually a capsule, berry, or drupe, sometimes a schizocarp. Seed occasionally winged; endosperm copious.
Spreading shrub; primocanes suberect to somewhat arching, greenish brown, with rounded angles and furrowed between, with numerous subsessile glands and sparsely to moderately clothed in simple hairs; armature of many, stout, erect to slightly deflexed prickles on angles. Young stems densely hairy and glandular. Leaflets 5, almost glabrous to sparsely pilose on upper surface, sparsely to moderately pilose on veins but not tomentose on lower surface, coarsely 1-2-serrate; terminal leaflet lamina ± elliptic, acuminate, 50-100 × 20-50 mm, with petiolule c. ?-1/4 length of lamina. Stipules linear-lanceolate. Infl. moderately to densely hairy, with subsessile glands. Sepals acuminate, moderately pilose but tomentose only on margins and within, without pricklets. Petals rounded, crinkled, white. Anthers glabrous.
Scrambling liane; stems stout, terete, finely tomentose when young, sometimes becoming glabrous, often only sparsely hairy in juveniles; armature of numerous, small, slender, wide-based, reddish prickles. Lvs palmate; leaflets 3-5, mostly glabrous but often with weak hairs on major veins on both surfaces and margins, usually coarsely and often unevenly serrate, thin and submembranous and with veins darkened and conspicuous in juveniles; terminal leaflet lamina elliptic to ovate or suborbicular, 15-60 × 10-40 mm, with petiolule usually c. = or > lamina, rarely shorter. Infl. a many-flowered panicle up to 20 cm long. Petals white to cream, occasionally pinkish. Drupelets pale yellow to orange-red.
Scrambling shrub; primocanes arching, greenish red, sharply angled and slightly concave between, with numerous subsessile glands, otherwise glabrous or almost glabrous; armature of many, stout, erect prickles on angles. Young stems with few, scattered eglandular hairs and numerous subsessile glands. Leaflets 5, almost glabrous on upper surface, moderately pilose on veins and with at most sparse tomentum between on lower surface, finely serrate; terminal leaflet lamina obovate-elliptic to orbicular, acuminate, 60-80 × 45-65 mm, with petiolule c. 1/2 length of lamina. Stipules linear to linear-lanceolate. Infl. densely hairy, with subsessile glands. Sepals long-attenuate, tomentose and with longer simple hairs, without pricklets. Petals notched, smooth, white or pink-flushed. Anthers glabrous or with few hairs.
Robust scrambling shrub; primocanes arching, dark purplish and somewhat pruinose, sharply angled and flat to slightly concave between, with few subsessile glands and otherwise glabrous or almost glabrous; armature of many to numerous, stout, erect prickles mostly on angles but also sometimes between. Young stems moderately to densely hairy and glandular. Leaflets (3)-5, almost glabrous on upper surface, sparsely pilose on veins and lacking tomentum on lower surface, serrate-dentate; terminal leaflet lamina elliptic to narrowly elliptic-obovate, acuminate, 65-90 × 35-55 mm, with petiolule ⅕-4/5 length of lamina. Stipules linear. Infl. densely hairy, with subsessile glands. Sepals attenuate to long-attenuate with expanded apex, tomentose and with longer simple hairs, often with pricklets and short-stalked glands. Petals rounded, crinkled, pale to bright pink. Anthers glabrous.
Semi-erect, robust, scrambling shrub; primocanes low-arching and sometimes almost procumbent, purplish, sharply angled and flat to slightly concave between, with many subsessile glands and sparsely clothed in simple and stellate hairs; armature of many, stout, erect prickles on angles. Young stems moderately to densely hairy and glandular. Leaflets 5, sometimes the basal pairs fused, almost glabrous to sparsely pilose on upper surface, pilose on veins and lacking tomentum on lower surface, serrate-dentate; terminal leaflet lamina elliptic to obovate, acuminate, 70-110 × 40-70 mm, with petiolule c. 1/4-1/2 length of lamina. Stipules linear to narrow-lanceolate. Infl. densely hairy, with subsessile glands. Sepals acuminate, tomentose and with longer simple hairs, without pricklets. Petals rounded to notched, smooth or slightly crinkled, pale pink. Anthers usually glabrous.
Scrambling liane; stems stout, terete, glabrate, often with scattered stalked glands when young; armature of numerous, stout, falcate, reddish prickles. Lvs palmate; leaflets (3)-5, glabrate, evenly and usually sharply serrate, usually lanceolate, sometimes ovate-oblong, ovate or linear; terminal leaflet lamina 40-150 × 7-60 mm, with petiolule c. ⅕-⅔ or rarely = or > length of lamina. Infl. a much-branched, many-flowered panicle up to 60 cm long. Petals white. Drupelets orange to red.
Robust, scrambling shrub; primocanes arching, reddish when young, becoming greenish brown to purple, sometimes slightly pruinose, sharply angled and slightly concave between, with few to many subsessile and numerous long-stalked glandular hairs and sparsely to moderately clothed in mostly simple hairs; armature of numerous, stout, erect to slightly deflexed prickles on angles, and numerous pricklets on faces and angles. Young stems densely hairy and glandular. Leaflets 5, almost glabrous to very sparsely pilose on upper surface, pilose (especially on veins) and almost glabrous to densely tomentose between on lower surface, distinctly 2-serrate and sometimes lobed; terminal leaflet lamina usually elliptic, sometimes ovate- or oblong-elliptic, acuminate, 50-100-(130) × 30-80-(100) mm, with petiolule 1/4-3/7 length of lamina. Stipules linear. Infl. densely hairy, with subsessile and numerous long-stalked glands. Sepals long-acuminate to long-attentuate, sometimes toothed and with expanded apex, tomentose and with longer simple hairs, with pricklets. Petals rounded or obscurely notched, smooth, white or pale pink. Anthers glabrous.
Robust, scrambling shrub; primocanes arching, purplish, angled and flat to slightly concave between, with few subsessile and numerous long-stalked glandular hairs and sparsely to moderately clothed in mostly simple hairs; armature of many, stout, erect to slightly deflexed prickles mostly on angles, and numerous pricklets on faces and angles. Young stems hairy and glandular. Leaflets (3)-5, sparsely pilose on upper surface, sparsely to moderately pilose (especially on veins) but not tomentose on lower surface, 1-2-serrate and sometimes lobed; terminal leaflet lamina ovate to almost orbicular, acuminate, 65-140 × 50-110 mm, with petiolule 1/4-⅓ length of lamina. Stipules linear to narrow-lanceolate. Infl. densely hairy, with subsessile and numerous long-stalked glands. Sepals long-attenuate, tomentose and with longer simple hairs, with pricklets. Petals rounded at apex, smooth, pink. Anthers glabrous.
Low-growing scrambling shrub; primocanes spreading (but fruiting stems often ± prostrate), purplish or red, usually ± terete, sometimes somewhat angled and ± flat between, with scattered subsessile glands, otherwise sparsely clothed in only simple hairs or almost glabrous; armature of many, short, erect prickles on angles or scattered. Young shoots moderately clothed in simple hairs and glandular. Leaflets (3)-5, almost glabrous to sparsely pilose on upper surface, sparsely to moderately pilose on veins but not tomentose on lower surface, irregularly serrate-dentate; terminal leaflet lamina narrow- to broad-ovate, acuminate, 40-100 × 40-90 mm, with petiolule c. ⅖-3/5 length of lamina. Stipules linear to broadly lanceolate. Infl. sparsely to moderately hairy, with sessile glands. Sepals rounded and apiculate to acuminate, sparsely to moderately pilose but tomentose only on margins and within, without pricklets. Petals rounded, crinkled, white. Anthers glabrous.
Scrambling shrub, suckering, usually semi-erect with stems arching and entangling, sometimes semi-prostrate or almost erect; stems usually angled, flat to concave or furrowed between angles, rarely terete, sometimes striate, glabrous to moderately hairy especially on young growth, often with subsessile glands, sometimes with stalked glands, sometimes pruinose, green to purplish or red or flecked; armature of prickles, and sometimes also pricklets or acicles. Lvs palmate with (3)-5-(7) leaflets; petioles and petiolules usually pilose to tomentose and prickly; leaflets glabrous to pilose on upper surface, usually pilose or tomentose on lower surface, dentate to 1-2-serrate or sometimes obscurely lobed or deeply 1-2-pinnatisect; terminal leaflets usually obovate or ovate, sometimes elliptic, oblong, orbicular or deltoid, 30-160 × 15-110-(150) mm, petiolulate; stipules usually linear or linear-lanceolate, sometimes lanceolate to elliptic. Infl. a cylindric to pyramidal, usually many-flowered panicle, often leafy at least in lower part, sometimes fls 1-few; axis and branches usually prickly and pilose or tomentose, sometimes with stalked glands. Fls 15-60 mm diam. Sepals usually lanceolate to ovate or ovate-triangular, acute and apiculate to acuminate or long-attenuate and sometimes leafy at tip, pilose to tomentose, sometimes with pricklets or stalked glands, usually deflexed or rarely ± erect at fruiting. Petals rounded to notched, flat or crinkled, white to deep pink. Stamen filaments white or pink. Fr. of black, usually shiny or rarely pruinose drupelets, ovoid, oblong or cylindric, 10-15-(18) mm long.
Suckering, erect shrub, up to 1.5-(3) m high; stems erect when young, sometimes almost decumbent when older, terete, sparsely to densely hairy when young, soon becoming glabrous, somewhat pruinose, suckering by adventitious buds; armature of weak, ± terete, erect prickles, these often very numerous (rarely almost 0) on young stems and sometimes sparse on older stems. Lvs usually imparipinnate with 2-(3) pairs of leaflets, rarely pinnately 3-foliolate, rugose, glabrescent, sometimes with whitish bloom on upper surface, densely white-tomentose on lower surface, 1-2-serrate; terminal leaflet ovate to ovate-oblong, sometimes slightly lobed, up to 115 × 85 mm, acuminate, truncate to cordate at base, petiolulate; stipules linear. Infl. a few-flowered leafy raceme; axis and branches pilose and prickly. Fls 20-25 mm diam. Sepals long-triangular, acuminate, tomentose, paler on margins, deflexed at fruiting. Petals narrow, flat, white. Stamen filaments white. Fr. of waxy, red or orange drupelets, cylindric, up to 15 mm long.
Shrubs or subshrubs, sometimes perennial herbs, often suckering or layering; habit partially erect with arching or flexuous branches, or lianoid or scrambling; stems biennial or perennial, sometimes rooting at apices, usually armed with prickles or pricklets or both, sometimes densely tomentose or pilose, sometimes glandular. Lvs distributed along stems, alternate, petiolate, imparipinnate or palmate with 3-7 toothed or lobed leaflets, occasionally reduced to a single leaflet or simple and palmately lobed with coalescing leaflets; stipules free or adnate to petiole, small- to medium-sized, persistent or deciduous. Fls often in leafy racemes or panicles, or solitary, usually born on shoots of previous year's growth, usually 5-merous, usually ☿, rarely unisexual, pedicellate, often showy. Hypanthium with a large, often convex carpophore. Epicalyx 0. Calyx of 5 sepals, sometimes conspicuous and leafy. Petals 5 or rarely more, white to pink or rarely yellowish or purple. Stamens numerous, rarely few, arising from hypanthium rim. Ovary superior; carpels usually numerous; styles usually deciduous; ovules 2 but 1 aborting. Fr. a fleshy aggregate of 1-seeded drupelets.
Robust scrambling shrub; primocanes arching, greenish purple or purple, sharply angled and ± flat or concave between, with few to numerous subsessile glands, otherwise glabrous or sparsely clothed in simple and stellate hairs; armature of many, stout, ± falcate prickles on angles. Young stems sparsely to moderately hairy and glandular. Leaflets 5, sparsely pilose to glabrous on upper surface, sparsely to densely pilose on veins and sometimes also tomentose on lower surface, 1-2-pinnatisect to pinnate and pinnatisect, the segments remotely toothed; terminal leaflet lamina ovate-triangular, acuminate, 50-100 × 40-110 mm, with petiolule c. 1/2 length of lamina. Stipules linear. Infl. moderately hairy, with subsessile glands. Sepals attenuate, sometimes with longer expanded apex, usually toothed, tomentose and with longer simple hairs, with many pricklets. Petals rounded to acuminate, sometimes coarsely toothed, smooth, pale pink or white. Anthers glabrous.
Scrambling robust shrub; primocanes arching, purple or reddish, sharply angled and flat between, with numerous subsessile glands and moderately clothed in simple and stellate hairs; armature of many to numerous, stout, erect to slightly falcate prickles mostly on angles but often also on faces. Young stems moderately to densely hairy and glandular. Leaflets 5, sparsely pilose to almost glabrous on upper surface, sparsely pilose on veins and lacking tomentum on lower surface, serrate-dentate; terminal leaflet lamina broad-obovate, acuminate, 60-110 × 45-85, with petiolule c. ?-1/2 length of lamina. Stipules linear to linear-lanceolate. Infl. densely hairy, with subsessile glands. Sepals acuminate to long-acuminate, tomentose and with longer simple hairs, usually with pricklets. Petals rounded, smooth to slightly crinkled, white to very pale pink. Anthers hairy.
Erect shrub up to 2.5 m tall; primocanes erect, dark purple, with rounded angles and deeply furrowed between, with numerous subsessile glands, otherwise almost glabrous to moderately clothed in simple hairs; armature of few, stout, ± erect prickles on angles. Young stems moderately hairy and glandular. Leaflets 5, sparsely pilose on upper surface, pilose on veins but not tomentose on lower surface, serrate or coarsely serrate; terminal leaflet lamina elliptic to elliptic-ovate, acuminate, up to 110 × 75 mm, with petiolule 1/4-⅖ length of lamina. Stipules linear-lanceolate. Infl. densely hairy, with subsessile and some short-stalked glands. Sepals long-acuminate, moderately pilose, but tomentose only on margins and within, without pricklets. Petals rounded, ± crinkled, white. Anthers glabrous.
Robust scrambling shrub; primocanes arching, purple, sharply angled and ± flat between, with few subsessile glands, few long-stalked glands when young, and sparsely to moderately clothed in stellate hairs; armature of few, short, erect or slightly deflexed prickles on angles and sometimes a few pricklets. Leaflets 5, sparsely pilose on upper surface, pilose on veins but lacking tomentum on lower surface, serrate; terminal leaflet lamina elliptic to obovate, rounded to short-acuminate or mucronate apex, up to 80 × 60 mm, with petiole c. 1/4 length of lamina. Stipules lanceolate to narrow-elliptic. Infl. densely hairy, with subsessile and numerous long-stalked glands and pricklets. Sepals long-acuminate, tomentose, but usually sparsely so except on margins, and with longer simple hairs, with many pricklets. Petals rounded, smooth, pale pink. Anthers hairy.
Semi-prostrate, scrambling shrub; primocanes low-arching to trailing, purplish, sharply angled and flat to slightly concave between, with some subsessile glands, otherwise glabrous or almost glabrous; armature of numerous, stout, erect to slightly falcate prickles mostly on angles. Young stems with few, scattered, eglandular hairs and numerous, subsessile glands. Leaflets 3-5, almost glabrous on upper surface, moderately pilose on veins but lacking tomentum on lower surface, serrate-dentate; terminal leaflet lamina broad-ovate to suborbicular, acuminate, 40-80 × 30-65 mm, with petiolule 1/4-⅖ length of lamina. Stipules lanceolate to narrow-elliptic. Infl. moderately hairy, with subsessile glands. Sepals long-acuminate, tomentose and with longer simple hairs, with pricklets. Petals rounded to notched, slightly crinkled, pale pink. Anthers glabrous.
Erect, suckering shrub; primocanes erect, green to purple, with rounded angles and concave to furrowed between, with numerous subsessile glands and sparsely to moderately clothed in simple hairs; armature of many, stout, ± erect or slightly falcate prickles on or near angles. Young shoots moderately to densely hairy and glandular. Leaflets (3)-5, sparsely to moderately pilose on upper surface, pilose on veins and with or without moderate tomentum between on lower surface, serrate or coarsely serrate; terminal leaflet lamina elliptic to narrow-obovate, acuminate, 35-80-(110) × 15-50-(60) mm, with petiolule ⅕-⅓ length of lamina. Stipules linear to linear-lanceolate. Infl. densely hairy, with subsessile glands. Sepals mostly acute and apiculate, moderately pilose but tomentose only on margins and within, without pricklets. Petals rounded, ± crinkled, white or sometimes pink-flushed in bud. Anthers glabrous.
Low-growing shrub; creeping stems up to 1 m long, rooting at nodes, terete, glabrous; armature of small prickles restricted to young stems. Lvs reduced to a single leaflet; leaflet lamina coriaceous, linear-lanceolate to linear-oblong or ovate-lanceolate, (20)-25-90 × 5-22 mm, sometimes with a pair of obscure lobes near base, glabrous on both surfaces or with sparse scattered hairs on midrib, veins and margins, bronze-green on upper surface, paler on lower, sharply serrate-dentate. Infl. a few-flowered panicle or fls solitary. Petals white. Drupelets red.
Robust, suckering, scrambling shrub; stems terete, erect near base, distally trailing, up to 4 m high, hairy and densely covered in reddish, glandular bristles; armature of sparse, slender, mostly straight, flattened prickles. Lvs pinnately 3-foliolate; leaflets rugose and slightly pilose to subglabrous on upper surface, white-tomentose on lower surface, unevenly 1-2-serrate and often lobed; terminal leaflet lamina broadly ovate to orbicular, (20)-70-130 × (20)-60-130 mm, acute to acuminate, rounded to cordate at base, with petiolule 1/4-1/2 length of lamina; stipules linear; uppermost lvs sometimes simple. Infl. a short, terminal panicle leafy at base; axis and branches pilose and with dense reddish, glandular bristles. Fls c. 15-35 mm diam. Sepals triangular-lanceolate, long-acuminate, hairy and densely glandular, enclosing the fls and young fr. Petals orbicular, flat, pale pink to red. Fr. of orange-red to dark red drupelets, broad-conic to subglobose, c. 10-15 mm long.
Semi-erect, scrambling shrub; primocanes arching, reddish, sharply angled and ± flat between, with some subsessile glands and almost glabrous to sparsely clothed in simple and stellate hairs; armature of many, stout, erect prickles mostly on angles. Young stems moderately hairy and densely glandular. Leaflets 5, sparsely to moderately pilose on upper surface, pilose on veins and sparsely to moderately tomentose between on lower surface, serrate; terminal leaflet lamina elliptic-obovate, acuminate, 50-85 × 40-60 mm, with petiolule ⅓-⅜ length of lamina. Stipules narrow-lanceolate. Infl. densely hairy, with subsessile and usually a few long-stalked glands. Sepals long-acuminate, tomentose and with longer simple hairs, mostly with pricklets. Petals rounded to slightly notched, ± smooth, pale pink. Anthers glabrous.
Very robust, scrambling shrub; primocanes arching, brownish to purple, occasionally slightly pruinose, sharply angled and flat to slightly concave between, with sometimes a few subsessile glands, otherwise glabrous or almost glabrous; armature of many, stout, erect prickles on angles. Young stems sparsely to moderately hairy and sparsely glandular. Leaflets 5, sparsely pilose or almost glabrous on upper surface, pilose on veins and with dense whitish tomentum between on lower surface, 1-2-serrate-dentate; terminal leaflet lamina orbicular to obovate- or ovate-elliptic, acuminate, (60)-80-160 × (40)-50-100-(150) mm, with petiole 1/4-1/2 length of lamina. Stipules linear to narrow-lanceolate. Infl. densely hairy, with subsessile glands. Sepals acuminate, tomentose and with longer, simple hairs, rarely with a few pricklets. Petals rounded or shallowly notched, slightly crinkled, usually pale pink. Anthers usually glabrous, sometimes with 1-2 hairs.
Low-growing, suckering, softly woody shrub; stems terete, hairy and with sessile glands, especially when young, purplish green; armature of flattened, falcate prickles. Lvs usually imparipinnate with 2-3 pairs of leaflets, rarely pinnately 3-foliolate, rugose and with many short hairs and sessile glands on both surfaces, 2-serrate; terminal leaflet lamina ovate-lanceolate, 25-60 × 10-20 mm, acuminate, rounded at base, petiolulate; stipules lanceolate. Infl. a few-flowered, leafy cyme or fls solitary; axis prickly. Fls up to 30 mm diam. Sepals ovate, acuminate, densely hairy, with sessile glands. Petals obovate, flat, white. Stamen filaments white. Fr. of waxy, red drupelets, ± conic, c. 15 mm long.
Erect shrub forming thickets, suckering; primary stems stout, obscurely angled, densely covered in brown, felty tomentum, the younger stems soft and trailing or twining; armature of numerous, short, flattened, straight prickles. Lvs simple; petiole brown-tomentose and prickly; lamina (3)-5-7-lobed and dentate, ± orbicular, 80-200 mm diam., dark green and rugose on upper surface with distinct veins and scattered hairs, brown-tomentose on lower surface, strongly cordate at base; stipules ovate, laciniate. Infl. a short, terminal, leafy panicle; axis and branches brown-tomentose and prickly. Fls 15-20 mm diam. Sepals triangular, acute, densely brown-tomentose, with jagged margins, ± erect at fruiting. Petals orbicular, crumpled, pale pink to rose or lilac. Fr. of black, waxy drupelets, broad-conic, c. 12 mm long.
Liane with stout stems, or a dense, mound-like shrub of intertwining branchlets; stems terete, finely tomentose especially when young; armature of small, reddish prickles, or 0. Lvs palmate; leaflets 3-(5), glabrous or almost glabrous and rugose on upper surface, usually white- to brown-tomentose on lower surface and sometimes greyish or glaucous, sometimes glabrous to almost glabrous on lower surface also, coarsely serrate; terminal leaflet lamina usually narrow- to broad-ovate, oblong or lanceolate, rarely linear or narrow-linear, 25-70 × 4-40 mm, with petiolule 10-30-(50) mm long. Infl. a many-flowered, sometimes compact, panicle, up to 10-(25) cm long. Petals white to cream. Drupelets yellowish or orange.
Liane with slender to stout stems, often ± leafless and forming a low bush of intertwining branchlets in exposed sites; stems terete, hairy when young; armature of short, curved (sometimes almost straight), yellow prickles. Lvs palmate; leaflets 3-(5), glabrous or rarely with scattered hairs on veins, serrate to crenate-serrate; terminal leaflet lamina ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, often lobed or much reduced, often to midrib only, up to 70 × 20-(40) mm, with petiolule (10)-30-200 mm long. Infl. a many-flowered panicle up to 5-(12) cm long. Petals yellowish. Drupelets orange-red.
Semi-erect, scrambling shrub; primocanes arching, purplish, sub-terete to slightly angled, with many, subsessile and long-stalked glandular hairs, otherwise sparsely clothed in stellate hairs; armature of numerous, rather soft, erect prickles on angles and faces, and numerous pricklets on faces and angles. Young stems moderately hairy and glandular. Leaflets 3-5, sparsely to moderately pilose on upper surface, moderately to densely pilose especially on veins but lacking tomentum on lower surface, serrate-dentate; terminal leaflet lamina elliptic to obovate, acuminate, up to 90 × 60 mm, with petiolule c. 1/4 length of lamina. Stipules lanceolate to elliptic and somewhat leafy. Sepals tomentose. Petals shortly notched, crinkled, pink-flushed.
Scrambling shrub; primocanes low-arching and interlacing, distinctly whitish pruinose, becoming reddish, ± sharply angled and ± flat between, with few subsessile glands, and usually sparsely to moderately clothed in mostly stellate hairs, rarely finally glabrous; armature of few to many stout, erect to slightly falcate prickles on angles. Young stems with stellate tomentum, and scattered simple hairs and subsessile glands. Leaflets 5, glabrous or almost glabrous on upper surface, pilose on veins and with dense whitish tomentum between on lower surface, 1-2-serrate; terminal leaflet lamina oblong to narrow-obovate, acuminate, 30-80 × 20-50-(60) mm, with petiolule ⅓-⅖ length of lamina. Stipules linear. Infl. densely hairy, with subsessile glands. Sepals acuminate, tomentose and with very few, longer, simple hairs, usually without but sometimes with pricklets. Petals rounded, strongly crinkled, bright pink. Anthers glabrous.
Semi-erect, scrambling shrub; primocanes arching, dark-purple, sharply angled and ± flat between, with numerous subsessile glands, few long-stalked glands and moderately to densely clothed in mostly stellate hairs; armature of many, stout, erect prickles mostly on angles and usually a few pricklets on faces and angles. Young stems densely hairy and glandular. Leaflets (3)-5, sparsely pilose on upper surface, pilose on veins and tomentose (often densely) between on lower surface, irregularly serrate-dentate; terminal leaflet lamina orbicular to broadly elliptic-obovate, acuminate, 60-90-(110) × 50-80-(110) mm with petiole 1/4-3/7 length of lamina. Stipules linear. Infl. densely hairy, with subsessile and many but not numerous long-stalked glands. Sepals long-attenuate, tomentose and with longer simple hairs, with pricklets. Petals rounded or slightly notched, undulate, pale to deep pink. Anthers glabrous or with 1-2 hairs.
Annual or perennial herbs. Lvs alternate, simple and entire to 2-pinnatifid, or pinnate. Capitula pedunculate, solitary or in loose cymes. Involucral bracts in 1-3 rows, foliaceous. Receptacle conic; scales present. Outer florets sterile, ligulate, yellow or orange, sometimes with darker markings at base. Inner florets ☿, tubular. Achenes all similar, narrowed to base, 4-angled but not winged, glabrous; pappus a small corona or 0.
Erect, rhizomatous perennial herb. Stems usually glabrous, sometimes sparsely clothed in short hairs, up to 2-(3) m tall. Lower and mid cauline lvs usually glabrous, sometimes moderately clothed in short hairs on lower surface and sparsely hairy on upper surface, petiolate, ovate-triangular, 2-pinnatisect, or 3-foliolate and leaflets 1-pinnatisect; segments ± entire to coarsely and irregularly serrate, (2)-4-16 cm long. Upper cauline lvs similar to lower but becoming shortly petiolate or apetiolate, smaller, and often 3-lobed or not lobed. Capitula c. 8-12 cm diam., in loose cymes. Involucral bracts in 1 row, glabrous, or ciliate to moderately hairy, narrow-lanceolate, subulate, or elliptic and narrowed to base, 8-20 × 3-5 mm. Receptacular scales membranous, with apices densely covered in short hairs. Ray florets 8-numerous, yellow; disc florets numerous, greenish yellow. Achenes brown, glabrous, 3.5-5 mm long; corona indistinct.
Slightly puberulent, dioecious perennial; rootstock ± woody; stems to c. 1 m tall, reddish towards base. Lower lvs with long slender petioles several times > lamina; uppermost lvs shortly petiolate or subsessile, somewhat amplexicaul. Lamina 3.5-12 × 1-3 cm, narrowly oblong to ± lanceolate, pleasantly sour to taste, entire except for 2, ± downwards-directed, basal lobes to c. 1.3 cm long; apex obtuse. Infl. to c. 30 cm long, reddish, with several simple branches, leafless. Fls in fascicles; pedicels slender. Perianth of ♂ fls 1.5-2 mm long. Outer perianth of ♀ fls c. 0.5 mm long, soon strongly reflexed; valves orbicular-cordate, winged, entire and lacking tubercles, enlarging to 2.8-3.5-(4) mm at fruiting, ± rose-red. Nut c. 2-(2.3) mm long, dark shining brown, acutely angled.
Glabrous, dioecious perennial, generally somewhat reddish, sometimes ± hoary, often with an extensive system of slender, branching, yellow rhizomes with adventitious buds; flowering stems erect, c. 3-30 cm tall. Petiole slender, on lower lvs sometimes much > lamina. Lamina c. 1.5-5 × 0.2-2 cm, linear-oblong, lanceolate to elliptic, sour to taste, usually with a pair of lanceolate basal lobes at ± right angles to rachis, sometimes with a secondary lobe, or often entire in cauline lvs; apex obtuse to acute. Infl. usually reddish, sometimes yellowish, to c. 20 cm long, with slender branches, leafless or nearly so. Fls fascicled, on slender pedicels. Perianth of ♂ fls 1-2 mm long; margin hyaline. Outer perianth of ♀ fls 0.5-0.8 mm long, not reflexing; valves 1.2-1.5 mm long, entire, not tuberculate, not enlarging at fruiting, usually ± crimson, sometimes yellowish; margins acute. Nut 1.2-1.6 mm long, shining brown, obtusely angled.
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Glabrous, short-lived, tap-rooted perennial; stems rather thin, wiry, flexuous, spreading, green to dark red, to c. 1 m tall. Petioles of basal lvs often very long, particularly in subaquatic plants. Lamina of lower lvs (3)-7-20-(23) × (1)-1.5-3.5 cm, oblong or ovate-oblong, ± membranous; margin often undulate and crisped; base broad-cuneate, rounded or cordate; apex acute or subacute. Stem lvs progressively smaller and extending c. ⅔ along infl. branches. Infl. many-branched, spreading and flexuous, becoming twisted. Whorls all distant; fls probably protandrous, ☿, small, dense. Pedicels slender, reddish. Perianth (0.7)-1-5 mm long; outer segments ovate, obtuse, not reflexing at fruiting; inner segments greatly enlarging at fruiting. Fruiting valves 2-2.8-(3.2) mm long, ovate, reticulate, entire, rounded at apex, generally becoming dark red, each with a large tubercle occupying ?-3/4 valve width. Nut 1.5-2 mm long, dark glossy brown or reddish brown, acutely angled.
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Perennial or sometimes annual herbs, occasionally climbing, rarely shrubby; roots often thick. Lvs radical or cauline, very variable, mostly longer than wide, commonly bullate and undulate, sometimes hastate; ochreae ± tubular. Fls in simple or branched racemes or spikes, often strongly protandrous, often whorled, green, often turning reddish later, mostly ☿, sometimes unisexual (plants monoecious or dioecious). Pedicels jointed, usually deflexed at fruiting. Perianth segments 6, ± free; outer 3 remaining small and thin and often reflexing; inner 3 (fr. valves) enlarging in fr., often becoming hard, prominently veined, not keeled, sometimes with marginal teeth, sometimes with dorsal tubercles, these forming enlarged corky areas on the midrib. Stamens 6, in 2 whorls. Styles 3, very short; stigmas usually strongly lobed and mostly penicillate. Fr. a trigonous nut, with surrounding perianth segments sometimes spiny.
Glabrous herb 1-12-(20) cm tall; rootstock long, stout, often branched above. Lvs in clusters, with flattened petioles to 6 cm long. Lamina (1)-2-9-(12) × (0.5)-1-3-(5) cm, narrow-oblong, oblong, or oblong-elliptic; margins subcrenate to sinuate; base cuneate to truncate; apex rounded to obtuse. Ochreae prominent, long. Infl. lvs narrower, decreasing in size upwards. Infl. of dense axillary clusters of up to c. 16 ☿ fls; axes 1-2-branched, short, stout; pedicels short or very short, glabrous. Outer perianth segments ± 2 mm long, oblong, remaining forward pointing at fruiting; inner segments ovate-lanceolate. Fr. valves c. 2.2-2.5 mm long, pale brown; margins entire or with a tooth or lobe; valves with an elongated tubercle. Fr. sharply angled, tightly invested by thickened perianth.
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Climbing or scrambling, dioecious or monoecious perennial with tuberous woody rootstock; stems to c. 3 m long, glabrous, flexuous. Lvs all similar. Petioles slender, = or often > lamina. Lamina 3-8 × 2-6 cm, ± triangular or hastate with 2 long basal lobes at 45° to petiole, otherwise entire, slightly puberulent on main veins below when young; sinus broad and rounded; apex acuminate to cuspidate. Panicle pyramidal, with small lvs in the lower axils only. Pedicels filiform, long, glabrous. Perianth 1.5-2 mm long, green; outer segments ± ovate-oblong, becoming strongly reflexed in ♀ fls. Fr. valves (4)-6-9-(9.5) mm diam., orbicular, entire, prominently reticulate, cordate, yellow, pink to crimson; tubercles 0. Nuts c. 3 mm long, glossy light brown; keels almost winged.
Glabrous dioecious perennial, ± reddish, with a slender branched rhizomatous system; stems erect, to c. 25 cm long. Petioles long and slender on lower lvs, much shorter on upper lvs. Lamina linear, usually 10-40 × 1-2 mm (excluding lobes), entire except for narrow, spreading basal lobes to c. 1.5 cm long; margins inrolled except when young; apex acute. Upper lvs smaller and very narrowly linear. Infl. to c. 12 cm long, with slender branches, leafless except near base. Fls fascicled. Pedicels slender, glabrous. Perianth of ♂ fls 0.8-1.2 mm long. Outer perianth whorl of ♀ fls c. 0.5 mm long, not reflexing at fruiting; inner perianth whorl erect, enlarging at fruiting. Fr. valves c. 1.3 mm long, suborbicular, entire; tubercles 0. Nut c. 1.5 mm long, ± crimson, sharply angled.
Prostrate to erect perennial succulent shrubs. Lvs opposite, sessile, 3-angled, toothed or denticulate or entire, smooth or papillate; papillae not glittering. Fls solitary or in cymes on lateral branchlets, pedicellate, ebracteate or with leaflike bracts. Sepals 5, ± flat, subequal. Petals numerous, > sepals, free; stamens numerous, often conically collected with the inner staminodes. Placentation parietal. Stigmas (4)-5, lanceolate. Capsule 5-locular; expanding keels diverging; wings 0; locules with lids; placental tubercle present. Seeds ovoid, rough.
Bushy shrub to 60 cm tall. Stems ascending, glabrous, terete and greyish below, 2-angled and red above. Lvs obscurely papillate, sharply 3-angled, linear, acute to mucronate, scarcely tapered to long connate sheathing lf-base, 30-40 × 2-3 mm, c. 5 mm thick; keel denticulate near apex. Fls 16-20 mm diam. Calyx glabrous; sepals c. 5 mm long. Petals spreading, deep pink, pale at base, with a deep pink to purple median stripe, 7-9 mm long. Stamens 1.5-3 mm long, conically collected with the inner staminodes over the ovary; filaments pink with hairy white bases; anthers pale yellow. Capsule 6 mm diam. Seeds red-brown, asymmetrically obovoid, c. 1 mm long.
Shrubs or trees, rarely herbs, usually aromatic. Lvs simple or compound, sometimes apparently simple but reduced, mostly dotted with translucent glands, exstipulate. Infls cymose or fls solitary. Fls usually ☿, actinomorphic. Sepals 4-5, imbricate, free or connate. Petals 4-5, usually imbricate and free. Stamens usually as many or twice as many as petals, rarely numerous; connective often glandular at the apex. Disc prominent, annular, situated at base of stamens. Ovary superior, (2)-4-14-(15)-celled, sometimes apocarpous; placentae axile; ovules 1-many, superposed; styles free or connate. Fr. usually a berry, drupe, or capsule, rarely a samara. Seeds with or without endosperm.
Annual. Stems ascending or rarely decumbent, filiform, glabrous or hairy, (1)-2-8-(15) cm tall; axillary fascicles of lvs 0; adventitious roots 0. Rosette lvs short-lived. Cauline lvs linear, hyaline with long cilia at base, very rarely glabrous, aristate at apex, 1-10-(12) × 0.2-0.5 mm; upper lvs becoming subulate. Fls small, 4-(5)-merous, often very numerous. Pedicels with glandular hairs or glabrous, 3-15 mm long. Sepals obtuse or acute, 1-2 × 0.5-1 mm, glabrous or with glandular hairs; hyaline margins often purplish, sometimes green. Petals 0, very rarely minute. Stamens 4-(5). Capsule ovoid, slightly > calyx; styles and valves 4-(5). Seeds brown, triangular-ovoid, papillate, 0.3-0.4 mm long.
Annual to perennial herbs. Hairs eglandular or glandular or 0. Cauline lvs usually opposite, exstipulate, linear to subulate, connate at base. Fls solitary, terminal or axillary; bracts leaflike; epicalyx 0. Sepals 4-5, free with narrow scarious margin. Petals 4-5, white, entire, 1-2× length of sepals or vestigial or 0; coronal scales 0. Stamens in 1-2 whorls of 4-5, outer whorl opposite sepals. Styles 4-5. Fr. an ovoid many-seeded capsule, 4-5-valved, dehiscing to base. Seeds triangular-ovoid or reniform to subglobose, smooth, papillate or tuberculate, not winged.
Perennial. Stems procumbent or rarely ascending, slender but not filiform, glabrous, (2)-5-10-(20) cm long; axillary fascicles of lvs present; adventitious roots sometimes present at nodes. Rosette lvs short-lived. Cauline lvs linear, hyaline at base, glabrous or with minute marginal cilia, aristate at apex, (3)-5-10-(15) × 0.2-0.5 mm. Fls small, 4-(5)-merous. Pedicels glabrous, (5)-10-15-(20) mm long. Sepals obtuse, glabrous, 1.5-2-(3) × 1-1.5 mm; hyaline margins always green. Petals very small to c. 3/4 length of sepals, rarely 0. Stamens 4-(5). Capsule ovoid, slightly > calyx; styles and valves 4-(5). Seeds brown, triangular- ovoid, papillate, 0.4 mm long.
Perennial. Stems decumbent to suberect, slender, becoming stout with age, glabrous, (2)-5-10 cm long; axillary fascicles of lvs present; adventitious roots sometimes present at nodes. Rosette lvs short-lived. Cauline lvs linear, hyaline at base, glabrous or very rarely with short glandular hairs on surface or margins, aristate at apex, 4-7 × 0.4-0.5 mm. Fls small, (4)-5-merous. Pedicels glabrous or with sparse glandular hairs, (5)-10-18 mm long. Sepals obtuse, glabrous or glandular-hairy, always green, 1.5-2.5 × 1 mm. Petals = sepals. Stamens 10. Capsule ovoid, slightly > calyx; styles and valves 5. Seeds brown, triangular-ovoid, smooth, 0.4 mm long.
Dioecious trees or shrubs with soft, light wood. Lvs alternate, or occasionally opposite on some shoots, simple, deciduous, stipulate. Fls numerous, each in the axil of a bract (scale), usually appearing before or with the lvs, densely arranged in erect or pendulous catkins. Bracts membranous, caducous or persistent. Perianth represented by a small cupular disc or 1-2 small nectaries. ♂ fls: stamens 2-numerous; filaments slender, free or united; anthers 2-locular. ♀ fls: ovary 2-carpellate, 1-locular; placentas 2-4, parietal or basal; ovules (4)-merous; styles 1-2; stigmas 2, often 2-fid. Fr. a 2-4-valved capsule. Seeds numerous, small, surrounded and enveloped by fine silky hairs, anatropous, non-endospermic; embryo straight.
Large shrub or small tree; bark rather smooth; habit rather erect. Shoots brownish, densely clothed in dark hairs in the first year, flexible, with few raised striations below bark. Buds densely hairy, deep brown. Petiole to 1.5 cm long. Lamina 4-15 × 0.8-4 cm, broad-lanceolate to elliptic or ± obovate, grey and tomentose beneath at first, ± hairy when mature, not bitter to taste, with midrib drying pinkish brown, hairy or glabrate above when mature (except for densely hairy midrib), finely glandular-serrulate; angle between midrib and veins > 45°; apex slender, usually acute. Stipules much broader than long. Catkins ♀, appearing before lvs, 2.5-5.5 cm long, erect, ± cylindric; rachis ± villous. Bracts 2-3.5 mm long, ± obovate, black in upper part, silky hairy; apex obtuse or rounded. Gland 1, 0.5-0.8 mm long, ± oblong. Ovary sessile, white-villous.
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Small to medium-sized trees; bark rough and ± fissured. Branchlets spreading but not slender and pendulous. Shoots olive, brownish green or less commonly yellowish, usually snapping moderately easily, hairy when young. Buds brown, ± hairy. Petiole of lvs on reproductive shoots to c. 1 cm long. Lamina to c. 12 × 2.7 cm, lanceolate or narrowly elliptic-lanceolate, glaucous below, shining above, fairly soon glabrous, finely glandular-serrulate; apex acuminate. Stipules minute. Catkins ♂ or ♀, to c. 6 cm long, ♀ longer at fruiting, appearing with or after lvs; rachis villous. Bracts 2-4 mm long, elliptic-oblong, ovate-oblong, or oblong, green, strongly incurved, hairy to glabrate; apex usually obtuse to rounded, sometimes acute. Glands (1)-2, 3-7 mm long, elliptic-oblong to rectangular or square, sometimes wider than long. Stamens 2; filaments hairy towards base. ♀ fls with very short pedicels; ovary subsessile or with pedicel to c. 0.8 mm long, glabrous.
Tree to 25 m high, widespreading; bark strongly fissured. Branchlets and shoots long, slender, pendulous, shining dark green, rather brittle, hairy at first. Lvs becoming glabrous. Buds densely whitish hairy. Petiole mostly 0.5-1.5 cm long. Lamina 7-17 × 1.5-3.5 cm, lanceolate, shining above, glaucescent below, serrulate, entire on reproductive shoots; apex long-acuminate. Stipules very small or 0, curved at apex. Lvs subtending catkins 1-1.5 cm wide. Catkins ♀, produced after lvs on short leafy shoots, 2.3-4 cm long, narrow-cylindric; rachis villous. Bracts 2-3 mm long, lanceolate or lanceolate-oblong, green, somewhat incurved, pilose towards base; apex ± obtuse. Glands 1-(2), 0.5-0.9 mm long, ovate-oblong or rectangular, sometimes broader than long. Ovary glabrous; pedicel very short.
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Shoots yellow or orange-yellow. Lvs silky hairy at first, soon glabrous or glabrate.
Large spreading tree to c. 30 m high; bark fissured, grey. Smaller branches, branchlets and shoots long, slender, pendulous. Shoots green or brownish green, rather brittle. Shoots and lvs with appressed hairs, soon glabrous. Buds very small, soon glabrous. Petiole 5-8 mm long. Lamina 6-13 × 1-2 cm, narrow-lanceolate, glaucescent or glaucous below, slightly shining above, rather remotely serrulate; apex long-acuminate. Lvs subtending catkins generally c. 3 × c. 0.8-1 cm; apex acute or short-acuminate. Stipules on long shoots with curved apices. Catkins ♀, appearing with and after lvs on short leafy shoots, 1.5-3 cm long, narrow-cylindric, often curved; rachis villous. Bracts 2-2.5 mm long, narrow-triangular or lanceolate-oblong, green; margin not incurved; apex acute. Gland 1, 0.5-0.6 mm diam., broadly rectangular or almost square, sometimes 2-lobed. Ovary sessile, glabrous.
Shrub or small tree to c. 7 m high, often only 1-2 m, spreading or often forming dense thickets; bark rather smooth. Shoots not brittle, grey or greenish grey and remaining hairy, or reddish to dark purple and often becoming glabrous or glabrate, generally with pale brown markings and striations prominent below surface for c. 2 years. Buds reddish, glabrate or hairy. Petiole to c. 1 cm long on adult shoots, but often very short, hairy. Lamina 2-7 × 1.5-3.5 cm, often smaller at base of lateral shoots, generally obovate, sometimes elliptic, not bitter to taste, grey or glaucous below, generally ± densely clothed in soft grey hairs, sometimes rather sparsely clothed in harsher reddish brown hairs, soon glabrous and shining above except for midrib, glandular-serrulate to subentire; angle between midrib and veins > 45°; apex rounded to cuspidate. Stipules semi-annular, small, persisting on strong vegetative shoots. Catkins appearing before lvs, ? or ?, 1.5-3.5 cm long, broad-cylindric to cylindric-ovate, ± erect; rachis villous. Bracts 1.5-3 mm long, elliptic to oblong-obovate, black in upper 1/2, sericeous; apex obtuse to rounded. Gland 1, 0.5-0.8 mm long, ± rectangular to almost square. Stamens 2; filaments pilose towards base. ♀ fls with pedicels > bracts; ovary white-tomentose, stalked.
Small tree to c. 10 m high; ultimate branches ± pendulous; bark somewhat rough towards base. Shoots dark, with glaucous-white bloom in first 1-3 years, rather brittle, lacking striations below bark; buds glaucous, densely hairy. Petiole 1-2 cm long. Lamina 5-18 × 0.7-3 cm, usually linear-lanceolate, green, glaucescent or glaucous below, shining above, soon glabrous, bitter to taste, glandular-serrulate, slightly undulate; apex acuminate. Stipules 0.5-2 cm long, lanceolate. Catkins ?, mainly appearing before lvs, 3-5-(6) cm long, broad-cylindric, ± erect; rachis villous. Bracts 1-3.5 mm long, ovate or subovate, black in upper 3/4 or more, silky hairy; apex acuminate. Gland 1, 0.2-1.2 mm long, narrow-cylindric. Stamens 2, glabrous; anthers yellow.
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Shrub or small tree to 1-6-(c. 10) m high; bark grey, ± smooth; habit dense and bushy. Shoots green or olive-green, soon glabrous, not brittle, not striated below bark. Buds shining brown, glabrous. Petiole 5-17 mm long. Lamina 4-11 × 1.5-4 cm, oblong-lanceolate or oblong-obovate, glaucous below, sericeous beneath at first but soon glabrous, bitter to taste, glandular-serrulate; angle between midrib and lateral veins > 45°; apex rounded to acute. Stipules small, broad, denticulate. Catkins mostly ♀, rarely ♂, produced on short leafy shoots slightly before or as lvs emerge; rachis villous. ♂ catkins broad-cylindric, erect to spreading; stamens 2; filaments hairy towards base. ♀ catkins to 5 cm long at anthesis, broadly cylindric. Bracts 1.5-2 mm long, ± obovate, black in upper ?-3/4, with dense tuft of long silky hairs; apex rounded to truncate. Gland 1, 0.6-0.8 mm long, ± elliptic-oblong or broadly linear. Ovary glabrous, stalked.
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Trees or shrubs, sometimes prostrate and rooting at nodes; bark rough and fissured or smooth. Winter buds with 1 outer scale. Lvs usually alternate, rarely opposite, entire or shallowly toothed; petiole usually short; stipules sometimes 0 or inconspicuous, sometimes conspicuous, usually caducous, especially on strong vegetative shoots; lamina generally lanceolate or elliptic to obovate, often with glandular margin. Small lvs often present at base of lateral shoots. Catkins erect or pendulous, appearing before, with, or after lvs. Fls entomophilous, each subtended by an entire bract. Perianth reduced to 1-2-(4) glands, more rarely these united to form a basal semi-annular lobed ring. ♂ fls with (1)-2-(12) stamens; anthers usually yellow, sometimes red. ♀ fls with 1 short or very short style and 2 stigmas. Capsule 2-valved, usually maturing well after lf maturity. Seeds nearly always numerous, very small or minute.
Tree to 3-8-(13) m high; bark fissured. Smaller branches and shoots strongly contorted, not pendulous. Ultimate stems and shoots rather slender and pendulous, green to dark reddish, flexible, shining, hairy at first, becoming glabrous or almost so. Buds brown, becoming glabrous. Petiole c. 5 mm long. Lamina 2-16 × 0.5-2.5 cm, linear-lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate, or oblanceolate, quickly glabrous, ± shining above, glandular-serrulate; apex acute, mucronate or acuminate. Stipules twisted, sometimes 0. Catkins ♀, produced with or after lvs, 1-1.5 cm long, narrowly cylindric, ± spreading; rachis villous. Bracts 2-2.5 mm long, oblong-lanceolate, green, hairy at base; apex rounded or obtuse. Gland 1, minute or 0. Ovary sessile, glabrous.
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Small tree with rather smooth trunk, or erect shrub to c. 8 m high, often suckering extensively; branches few. Shoots long, straight, flexible, green or yellowish green, densely hairy at first, later glabrous, lacking striations below bark. Buds white-tomentose. Petiole very short. Lamina 5-18 × 0.5-2 cm, linear to lanceolate, becoming glabrous and dark shining green above, silvery, usually greenish white, sometimes green beneath, ± silky hairy beneath, not bitter to taste; margins entire, often somewhat revolute; apex acuminate. Stipules small. Catkins appearing before or sometimes as lvs emerge, erect or suberect; rachis densely hairy or tomentose. ? catkins 1.5-4.5 cm long, cylindric. Bracts 1.2-3.2 mm long, obovate, or elliptic-obovate, black in upper 1/2-3/4, with long silky hairs, with acute apex. Gland 1 (sometimes 2-3 united), 0.6-1.2-(1.5) mm long, linear. Stamens 2, glabrous. ♀ catkins 2-5 cm long, cylindric; bracts and gland similar to ♂. Ovary sessile or subsessile, white-tomentose. Seed c. 1 mm long, cylindric.
Climbing or scrambling, unarmed, perennial herbs or subshrubs. Lvs usually opposite, occasionally alternate or in whorls of 3, simple, petiolate, often with a branch opposed. Fls solitary or in corymbs, axillary. Calyx deeply 5-toothed, scarcely accrescent. Corolla urceolate to tubular, white, pale green, or yellow, constricted below the 5, short, reflexed lobes. Stamens 5, equal, ± exserted; usually inserted c. middle of corolla tube. Nectary disc prominent around ovary. Stigma ± capitate. Fr. a berry, ovoid-oblong. Seeds numerous, compressed, of moderate size.
Stems scrambling, mostly herbaceous but woody at base, angled, hairy. Petiole 5-20-(35) mm long. Lamina 0.5-5 × 0.5-3.5 cm, ovate-rhombic, obovate or suborbicular, with appressed hairs; base attenuate; apex rounded to obtuse. Fls ± pendent, on slender hairy pedicels. Calyx divided nearly to base; lobes narrowly triangular-acute, hairy. Corolla 6-10 mm long, urceolate, white, with villous band below base of stamen insertion; lobes acute, ultimately reflexed. Berry 1-2.1 cm long, ovoid to oblong-ellipsoid, cream to pale yellow. Seeds ± discoid, hairy.
Unarmed annual, biennial or perennial herbs, glandular-hairy. Lvs alternate, simple, entire to sinuate or pinnatifid, sessile or petiolate. Infl. a few-flowered open cyme; fls on long peduncles, in the axils of, or opposite to, uppermost lvs. Calyx 5-toothed, tubular. Corolla funnelform, of various colours, often bicoloured; tube narrow-cylindric, widening to the broad throat; lobes 5, spreading. Stamens 4, didynamous, included; staminode 1. Stigma entire or 2-lobed. Capsule oblong to ovoid; valves 2. Seeds small, numerous.
Viscid annual, 30-90 cm tall. Lower lvs petiolate; lamina 5-10 cm long, elliptic-oblong, coarsely dentate to pinnatifid with 4-6 teeth or lobes each side; base attenuate so that petiole appears winged; apex acute. Pedicels short. Calyx 7-15 mm long, densely glandular-hairy; lobes ± = tube, ovate; veins dark; margins scarious. Corolla 5-6 × 5-6 cm, glandular outside, usually shades of red and blue with gold markings, less commonly all golden yellow; lobes emarginate. Capsule 5-10 mm long.
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Herbs or small shrubs. Lvs sessile, alternate or the lowest opposite, narrow-linear to triangular or subterete, usually spine-tipped. Fls ☿, axillary, sessile, solitary or in fascicles; bracteoles 2, > perianth. Perianth segments (4)-5, ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate, connate only at base, membranous at first, later ± indurate, developing a transverse wing on ridge of back at fruiting. Stamens 5, inserted on an annular disc. Stigmas 2-(3), filiform. Ovary and fr. subglobose. Pericarp membranous or fleshy, surrounded by accrescent perianth, abscissing with perianth. Seed horizontal, with coiled embryo.
Branched, very aromatic shrub to c. 2 m high; stems densely puberulent. Petioles 3-10 mm long, grey-tomentose and with numerous oil glands. Lamina 1.5-2.7 × 1-2 cm, suborbicular or elliptic, tomentose and glandular, entire or crenulate; base broad-cuneate to truncate; apex rounded. Verticels indistinct, forming a fairly dense, terminal, glandular-hairy infl.; fls subsessile; bracts c. 1 cm diam., orbicular, green, hairy below and with oil glands, persistent. Calyx c. 2 cm long at flowering, very strongly accrescent, broad-campanulate, with oil glands and scattered hairs outside; upper lip with 2, broad, rounded teeth; lower lip very broad and rounded; both lips somewhat brownish purple inside. Corolla 3.5-4.5 cm long, yellow in bud, brownish when expanded, with nerves hairy outside; upper lip very large, folded lengthwise and hooded. Stamens ± included; connective of fertile, upper arm c. 6× filaments, brown. Nutlets 2.8-3 mm long, ± broad-ovoid, with ventral ridge.
Annual or perennial herbs or small shrubs, often strongly aromatic. Lvs simple, entire to pinnatisect. Infl. terminal, of (1)-2-many-flowered verticels forming spikes, racemes, panicles or occasionally more simple cymose structures; pedicels usually short or fls subsessile. Bracts usually different from lvs, occasionally large and coloured; bracteoles usually small. Calyx 2-lipped, not gibbous at base; upper lip entire or 3-toothed; lower 2-toothed. Corolla 2-lipped, usually hairy outside, white to blue or purple, red, or rarely yellow; tube straight or curved; lower lip 2-3-lobed with middle lobe largest; upper lip straight or falcate, sometimes hooded. Stamens 2, inserted on the corolla throat; connective long and slender, or sometimes short, articulating with the usually shorter filament; one arm of connective with a fertile anther, the other arm sterile and often flattened distally. Nutlets ± trigonous, smooth, often mucilaginous when wet.
Much branched, aromatic shrub to c. 1.5 m high, with short hairs, these dense on young parts. Petiole 1-3 cm long. Lamina to 9 × 5 cm, sometimes as small as 10 × 7.5 mm on flowering shoots, ovate, ovate-oblong or elliptic, grey-tomentose below, and hairs mainly confined to veins above, crenate-serrate, or crenulate-serrulate on smaller lvs; base cuneate to rounded; apex obtuse to acute. Infl. to 6 cm tall, densely clothed in glandular hairs; verticels usually of 2 fls; pedicels slender, often long; bracts small and caducous. Calyx 10-13 mm long, tubular-campanulate, glandular and puberulent, usually purplish above; upper lip slightly > lower; teeth c. ⅓ length of tube. Corolla 2-3 cm long, crimson; upper lip ± parallel to tube, hairy outside, especially towards apex; lower lip > upper. Stamens with long, broad, upper connective arms and much shorter filaments. Nutlets not seen.
Perennial, ± aromatic, rhizomatous herb; stems densely hairy or tomentose, to 60 cm high. Basal lvs long-petiolate; upper cauline lvs shortly petiolate or subsessile. Lamina 4-7.5-(14) × 1.5-3-(6) cm, oblong to ovate, ± regularly and closely dentate, puberulent above, greyish tomentulose below; base cordate to truncate; apex obtuse to short-acuminate. Infl. elongating to c. 20 cm, often branched at base; spike with up to c. 20 closely placed verticels; fls ± subsessile; bracts 8-12 mm long, hairy, broad-ovate, reddish to ± purple, acuminate or cuspidate. Calyx 5-7 mm long, purplish, hairy, especially on the prominent veins, and with oil globules, accrescent; teeth triangular, acuminate. Corolla 10-12-(14) mm long, hairy outside; dotted with oil globules, deep purple; upper lip hooded and arched. Stamens included in lower lip, with long connective fertile arms; sterile arm short and wide; filaments short. Nutlets c. 2 mm long, broad-obovoid.
Annual, aromatic herb; stems branched, to c. 60 cm high. Lvs petiolate. Lamina 2.5-4 cm × 3-8 mm, narrow-oblong or linear, with minute oil glands, hairy below and often greyish, glabrous or nearly so above, entire or remotely denticulate; base attenuate; apex obtuse. Infl. to 13 cm long, open, puberulent, generally simple; fls shortly pedicellate, in whorls of 1-3; bracts to c. 1/2 calyx tube, densely hairy and with oil globules. Calyx 5-6 mm long, accrescent, campanulate, densely hairy on nerves, and with oil glands; teeth ± ovate, mucronate. Corolla c. 8 mm long, pale mauve; limb strongly puberulent outside; upper lip hooded and somewhat curved. Stamens included; connective of fertile arm ± = filament; sterile connective arm flattened. Nutlets 10-11 mm long, broad-ellipsoid, shining, weakly trigonous.
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Perennial, slightly aromatic, clump-forming herb; stems sulcate, hairy, dotted with glands, to a little over 2 m high. Roots fibrous. Petioles 1-2.5 cm long, hairy. Lamina 3.5-10 × 0.7-2 cm, oblong and tapered at both ends, sharply serrate, nearly glabrous above, puberulent beneath on veins and covered with black oil dots; base narrow-cuneate; apex acute. Infl. to c. 30 cm long, branched near base; rachis densely hairy; verticels close, each with 5-10 fls; pedicels very short, tomentose; bracts ovate, subulate, caducous. Calyx 4-6 mm long, campanulate, hairy and dotted with glands; teeth triangular, acuminate, usually c. 1/2 length of tube. Corolla 15-22 mm long; lobes bright blue, hairy and dotted with glands outside; upper lip straight except for ± hooded apex; lower lip bent at right angles to tube, its 2 lateral lobes broader than long. Stamens included or slightly exserted from upper lip; connective of fertile arms c. 2× filaments; sterile arms broad and flat. Nutlets not seen.
Scarcely aromatic, perennial herb. Stems densely hairy and with glandular scales, to c. 50 cm high; angles often purple. Lvs mostly basal and forming a rosette; petioles to c. 8 cm long, densely hairy and with glandular scales. Lamina 3-12 × 1.5-5 cm, ± oblong, sinuately lobed or pinnatifid, hairy on veins, otherwise glabrous or nearly so; base broad-cuneate to subcordate; apex acute or subacute; lobes broader than deep, dentate. Stem lvs often sessile. Infl. to 30 cm long, usually with 2 main branches near base, densely hairy. Verticels 5-10-flowered, distant; fls ± subsessile; bracts broader than long, > calyx, with narrow-acuminate apex. Calyx 6-10 mm long, purplish, hairy, accrescent; teeth acuminate, densely ciliate, those of lower lip much longer; lower lip 3-4 mm long, ± rounded. Corolla 8-12 mm long; limb blue or violet; upper lip hooded, hairy outside. Stamens included or slightly exserted; connective of fertile arms 4-5× filaments; sterile arms very broad. Nutlets c. 2 mm long, broad-ellipsoid, slightly trigonous.
Aquatic fern forming dense floating mats with lvs often tightly overlapping. Floating lvs elliptic to broadly elliptic, entire, folded, to 2.5 × 2 cm, light or brownish green, becoming somewhat darker on margins, densely covered on upper surface in papillae bearing groups of 2 or 4 uniseriate hairs united at their distal ends. Papillae to 3 mm long. Sporocarps in long straight secund chains, hairy, c. 1 mm diam., containing mostly empty sporangia.
Floating aquatic ferns with short stems lacking roots. Lvs in whorls of 3, dimorphic: 2 green, floating, entire, elliptic, c. 0.5-2.5 cm long, papillate on upper surfaces, with anastomosing veins; 1 submerged, highly branched and appearing root-like. Mega- and microsporangia borne separately in stalked sporocarps on the submerged lf. Spores trilete.
Aquatic plants with free-floating, slender, branching stems. Vernation non-circinate. Sporangia aggregated into sori; sori enclosed by a sporocarp (modified indusium) and containing either mega- or microsporangia. Annulus 0. Heterosporous, producing 1 megaspore per megasporangium and a few microspores per microsporangium; spores lacking chlorophyll.
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Perennial herbs, often arising from thick, branching rhizomes. Lvs alternate, mostly in basal rosettes, imparipinnate; leaflets serrate; stipules persistent, adnate to petiole for lower ⅔. Fls in dense terminal clusters or spikes, subtended by several bracteoles, ☿ or unisexual, 4-merous, small, sessile. Hypanthium deeply concave. Epicalyx 0. Sepals greenish or purplish. Petals 0. Stamens 4-numerous. Ovary superior, surrounded by the hypanthium; carpels 1-2-(3); styles terminal and filiform; ovules solitary. Fr. of 1-(several) achenes enclosed in hardened, dry, 4-angled, sometimes ± flattened or cup-like hypanthium with variously sculptured faces and sometimes thickened or winged angles.
Herb with branching rhizomes; stems ± erect, up to 35-(70) cm tall at flowering, glabrous to sparingly pilose, sparingly branched, greenish yellow to purplish, grooved. Lower lvs in basal rosettes; petiole short; blade oblong to narrowly oblanceolate, up to 150-(300) × 45 mm, imparipinnate; leaflets in (5)-7-10-(12) pairs, shortly petiolulate or subsessile, narrowly obovate to elliptic or orbicular, 5-12-(30) mm long, glabrous above, sparsely finely puberulent and often with a few longer hairs on veins beneath, deeply serrate, sometimes purplish especially towards margins or pale to ± glaucous below. Cauline lvs few, similar to basal lvs but with fewer and narrower leaflets. Infl. a dense globose head, elongating somewhat at fruiting. Sepals ovate-oblong, (2)-3-4 mm long, free, ± emarginate with a small cusp, green; margins whitish or pink to purple. Stamens numerous. Hypanthium usually broadly ellipsoid, rarely ellipsoid at fruiting, glabrous, almost glabrous or pubescent, (2)-4-5 mm long, usually sharply angled and winged, rarely obscurely winged; faces usually reticulate and the ridges with small projections, rarely faintly reticulate.
Annual to perennial herbs. Hairs glandular and/or eglandular or 0. Lvs opposite, exstipulate, ovate to linear to spathulate. Infl. a lax to capitate dichasium, sometimes a panicle; bracts leaflike; epicalyx 0. Calyx cylindric or oblong, 5-veined, 5-toothed, with green commissures between the veins. Petals 5, white or pink, clawed or narrowed to base, entire to 2-fid; coronal scales usually present. Stamens 10. Styles 2. Fr. a cylindric to ovoid capsule dehiscing by 4 teeth; carpophore short. Seeds reniform, compressed, not winged.
Rhizomatous and stoloniferous perennial. Flowering stems stout, erect, glabrous or sparsely minutely papillate, 30-90 cm tall. Lvs ovate to narrowly elliptic, tapering to short petiole, becoming sessile above, prominently 3-veined, acute, glabrous or upper lvs scabrid on margins, 4-10 × 1.5-3 cm. Infl. a dense terminal cyme with lower branches bearing few-flowered dichasia; bracts linear-lanceolate, scabrid on margins, 1-2 cm long. Pedicels 3-5 mm long. Calyx cylindric or slightly inflated, (15)-18-23 mm long, glabrous or hairy; teeth broadly triangular, acute. Petals pink; claw > calyx; limb spreading, entire or emarginate, c. 1 cm long; coronal scales paired at base of limb, small, triangular. Capsule = calyx, oblong-ovoid, but often not formed; carpophore 2-3 mm long. Seeds blackish, c. 1.8 mm long.
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Annual or perennial herbs; stems without prickles. Lvs opposite, simple or often pinnate, mostly in basal rosettes. Infl. a flattened, hemispheric, or cylindric capitulum; involucral bracts usually linear-lanceolate, sometimes crowded, obtuse to acute; receptacular bracts lacking spines. Involucel-tube cylindric, 8-ribbed, expanding above at fruiting into a flattened, membranous corona with many veins. Calyx prolonged into 5 setae, persistent at fruiting. Corolla unequally 5-lobed; tube short, usually longer in marginal than central fls. Stamens 4. Fr. ovoid, ribbed, pitted, or obscurely angled, glabrous to hairy, bearing the corona and setae.
Trees or large shrubs, usually dioecious, mostly evergreen, resinous. Lvs alternate, simple or imparipinnate. Fls small, in open panicles or racemosely arranged. Calyx (4)-5-partite; segments imbricate. Petals (4)-5, imbricate, whitish. Stamens 10, inserted on a disc. Ovary 1-locular, sessile; ovule suspended from apex; styles 3. Drupe globose; exocarp chartaceous.
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Annual; stems erect or ascending, 10-25 cm tall, bearing downwardly curved hairs; internodes 2 cm or more long. Lvs paired and in short axillary fascicles, linear-subulate from broad connate scarious ciliate base, acute or minutely acicular, (5)-7-15 × 0.5-1 mm. Peduncles 0. Bracts leaflike, slightly > fls. Fls axillary, solitary or clustered, sessile or shortly pedicellate. Sepals 5, linear with very narrow scarious margins, at fruiting slightly spreading and 1-11/2× the 10-ridged perigynous zone; whole fr. 4-5 mm long. Stamens up to 10, included in calyx.
Mat or cushion-forming perennial; stems decumbent, to 5 cm tall, glabrous; internodes 1-3 mm long. Lvs paired, ± spreading, linear, scabrid on margins and keel, shortly acicular, (2)-5-8 × 0.5 mm. Peduncles glabrous, short at flowering, elongating at fruiting to 2-8 mm. Bracts in 2 pairs, deltoid, scarious, keeled, up to 1 mm long. Fls paired. Sepals 4, narrow-triangular, not scarious, at fruiting connivent and c. 1/2 length of the smooth perigynous zone; whole fr. 1.5-2 mm long. Stamen 1, included in calyx.
Lax mat-forming perennial; stems decumbent, to 5 cm tall, glabrous; internodes 1-3 mm long. Lvs paired and sometimes fascicled, ± spreading, linear, glabrous or rarely finely scabrid, shortly acicular, (3)-5-7 × 0.5 mm. Peduncles glabrous, short at flowering, elongating at fruiting to 8-20 mm. Bracts in 2 pairs, broadly deltoid, scarious, keeled, up to 1 mm long. Fls paired. Sepals 5, narrow-triangular, not scarious, at fruiting connivent and c. 1/2 length of the smooth perigynous zone; whole fr. 1.5-2 mm long. Stamen 1, included in calyx.
Slender lax perennial; stems ascending, 10-25 cm long, bearing dense very short straight hairs; internodes 4-15 mm long. Lvs paired and in short axillary fascicles, linear-subulate, spreading, scabrid on margin and keel, sometimes ciliolate at base, acute, 5-10-(15) mm long. Peduncles puberulent, very short at flowering, elongating at fruiting to (6)-9-10 mm. Bracts in 2 pairs, triangular, scarious on margin, weakly keeled, up to 1 mm long. Fls paired. Sepals 4-5, oblong, not scarious, at fruiting connivent and c. 1/2 length of the smooth perigynous zone; whole fr. 1.5-2 mm long. Stamens 1-2, included in calyx.
Annual, biennial or perennial herbs. Lvs opposite, exstipulate, linear to subulate, connate by narrowly scarious bases. Fls solitary or paired or clustered, on long axillary peduncles or not pedunculate; bracts small, scarious or leaflike; epicalyx 0. Sepals 4-5, inserted on rim of flask-shaped perigynous zone. Petals 0. Stamens 1, 2 or 5-10, inserted on rim of perigynous zone. Styles 2. Fr. a 1-seeded indehiscent nutlet, with perigynous zone and calyx adhering to fr. and falling with it when ripe. Seeds ovoid or ellipsoid, smooth, not winged.
Cushion-forming perennial; stems decumbent, to 5 cm tall, glabrous; internodes c. 1 mm long. Lvs paired, imbricate, linear or ± subulate, glabrous or minutely scabrid on margins near base, acute or shortly acicular, 1.5-5 × 0.3-0.5 mm. Peduncles glabrous, short at flowering, elongating at fruiting to (1)-3-9 mm. Bracts in 1 pair, deltoid, scarious, keeled, 0.5-0.8 mm long. Fls solitary. Sepals 4, narrow-triangular, not scarious, at fruiting connivent and c. 1/2 length of the smooth perigynous zone; whole fr. 1.5-2 mm long. Stamen 1-(2), included in calyx.
Herbs. Lvs simple, entire, stipulate, 3-5-veined; blade continuous with petiole. Infl. axillary, umbellate or fls solitary; bracts minute; bracteoles 0. Calyx campanulate; calyx teeth ± equal; upper 2 teeth somewhat connate. Corolla yellow or purplish. Vexillary stamen free, remainder connate; anthers uniform. Style inflexed; stigma terminal. Pod lomentaceous, indehiscent, subterete, spirally twisted, deeply ribbed; ribs often tuberculate or spinous; seeds estrophiolate.
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Perennial, lacking nodular roots; stems to c. 80 cm high, narrowly winged just below infl. and above first few cymes. Petioles to 10 cm long on basal lvs, much less on stem lvs. Lamina 6-18 × 2-6 cm, smaller below infl., oblong, ovate-oblong or elliptic-oblong, hairy at first, becoming glabrous above and often glabrate below later, crenate or less commonly crenate-serrate; base subcordate to rounded, sometimes very oblique or with 1-2 small basal leaflets; apex obtuse or rounded. Cymes in panicles in the axils of mostly linear bracts, shortly glandular hairy; rachis angled. Pedicels usually several × > fls, but sometimes shorter. Calyx 2-3.5 mm long; lobes broad-ovate with scarious margin 0.5-1 mm wide and becoming lacerate. Corolla 7-10 mm long, greenish below, reddish brown or purplish brown above, especially the erect, rounded larger lobes of the upper lip. Staminode orbicular or suborbicular, entire. Capsule c. 5 mm long, ovoid or subglobose. Seed ribbed, ± truncate or obtuse.
Perennial, biennial or annual herbs or small shrubs with square stems. Lvs usually opposite, entire to pinnatisect. Fls in cymes in the axils of upper lvs or bracts, and sometimes forming terminal racemes or panicles, occasionally solitary. Calyx with 5 equal lobes. Corolla tube short, ± globose; limb with 5 lobes, usually 2-lipped but sometimes almost regular. Fertile stamens 4, included or exserted; staminode usually 1 and scale-like, occasionally 0. Capsule globose to ovoid, septicidal. Seeds numerous, ovoid, rugose, small; wing 0.
Perennial herb typically with nodular roots, glabrous except for infl.; stems to c. 60 cm tall, angled. Petioles to 4 cm long. Lamina to 10 × 6 cm, ovate or triangular-ovate, irregularly serrate; base broadly subcordate or cordate, sometimes with lamina shortly attenuate on petiole; apex sharply acute. Cymes in panicles in the axils of mostly linear bracts, shortly glandular-hairy; rachis angled. Pedicels often several × > fls. Calyx 2-3 mm long; lobes broad-ovate; margins narrow-scarious, entire, or erose towards apex. Corolla 7-11 mm long, greenish with dark reddish brown, erect upper lip with rounded lobes. Staminode much wider than long; apex truncate to retuse. Capsule c. 6 mm long, broad-ovoid. Seed not seen.
Annual or perennial herbs (rarely climbing), shrubs, or rarely trees, sometimes root semi-parasites. Lvs usually simple, sometimes deeply lobed, opposite, alternate, whorled, or opposite below and alternate above, occasionally all radical, exstipulate. Fls usually in bracteate racemes or spikes, or solitary and axillary, weakly to strongly zygomorphic. Calyx (3)-4-5-lobed, sometimes almost to base, sometimes 2-lipped. Corolla 4-5-(8)-lobed, often 2-lipped, sometimes saccate or with a spur near base, sometimes with a pouch (palate) at the base of the limb, occasionally with 2 pouches. Stamens 2, 4, 5 or rarely 6-8, usually didynamous; staminodes sometimes present. Anthers usually 2-celled. Ovary superior, (1)-2-(3)-locular; stigma entire or 2-lobed. Fr. usually a variously compressed loculicidal or septicidal capsule, rarely a berry or a schizocarp; seeds numerous, endospermic.
Usually herbs, sometimes small shrubs, not aromatic, sometimes rhizomatous. Lvs simple, entire to pinnatisect. Fls axillary, one to each opposite lf in upper axils or in terminal spikes or racemes. Bracts large and leaflike or reduced. Calyx 2-lipped; tube campanulate, not gibbous at base; upper lip with broad scale or scutellum which is eventually deciduous; lower lip persistent. Corolla tube usually > limb, often curved upwards, glabrous or ± hairy inside; limb 2-lipped. Stamens didynamous and parallel, lying beneath upper lip. Style gynobasic, its branches unequal. Nutlets subglobose or flattened, often granular or tuberculate.
Slender-stemmed perennial herb with short rhizomes. Aerial stems to c. 20 cm long, lax, green, puberulent, especially on the angles. Petiole 2-3 mm long, green. Lamina 7-20 × 4-10 mm, membranous, puberulent on veins below, with hairs scattered above, entire; lowest lvs ovate to suborbicular; mid and upper lvs lanceolate or linear-lanceolate; base truncate to rounded. Fls in axillary pairs; bracts subtending upper pairs of fls small, ± linear. Pedicels 1-1.5 mm long at anthesis, glandular-hairy. Calyx c. 1.5 mm long at anthesis, glandular-hairy; scale c. 0.5 mm long, accrescent. Corolla 7-8 mm long to apex of lower lip, whitish or pale pink, with prominent pinkish purple spots inside lower lip, glandular-puberulent outside; tube 4.5-5.5 mm long, slightly curved upwards, ampliate; lower lip > upper lip, 3-lobed with middle lobe broad; upper lip deeply emarginate. Filaments ± pilose, the longer pair > style. Ovules seated on orange gynophore. Nutlets not seen.
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Almost prostrate, mat-forming, perennial herb with slender stems rooting freely at nodes and shortly ascending in distal part, minutely glandular-hairy when young. Lvs alternate, sessile, confined to erect part of stem, dense and loosely imbricate but not forming terminal rosettes, 3-6-(17) × 2-4 mm, 1-3 mm thick, broadly ellipsoid, ellipsoid-obovoid or oblong, subterete and slightly flattened on upper side, entire, glabrous, dark green, brownish green, reddish green or glaucescent; apex rounded. Infl. terminal, 5-15 cm high, a flattened or corymbose, rather dense, glabrous cyme 2-5 × 3-6 cm; bracts very small and not leaflike, often caducous. Fls numerous, with pedicels 1-2 mm long, not secund. Sepals equal, c. 1.5 mm long, broadly elliptic. Petals 5, patent, 3-4 × 1.2-1.7 mm, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, white, sharply acute. Stamens c. 3 mm long; filaments white; anthers purple. Carpels and styles white, ageing pink. Scales ± semi-lunate or very broadly spathulate. Follicles pinkish or streaked with red, ± parallel. Seed 0.8-1 mm long, ± narrowly ellipsoid, longitudinally ribbed.
Glabrous, much-branched, perennial herb often forming dense low mounds up to c. 1 m across; stems creeping or sprawling, often rooting at nodes, decumbent, ± woody at base. Lvs alternate, sessile or subsessile, mainly situated towards the apices with the distal ones forming terminal rosettes, usually 1.5-3.3 × 1-2.7 cm and 1-3 mm thick, elliptic, broad-elliptic, elliptic- obovate, or suborbicular, flat, entire, shining green, sometimes with reddish brown flush on upper side and on margins towards the rounded apex. Infl. a terminal, rather compact corymbose panicle with short erect to spreading branches, usually 4-6 cm high and 2- c. 6 cm across; bracts small and caducous, the lowest pair leaflike. Fls c. 15-50, subsessile or with short pedicels, secund. Sepals somewhat unequal, 2.5-4.3 mm long, elliptic or elliptic-oblong. Petals 5, patent, 4-6 × 2-3 mm, triangular, lanceolate or ovate, yellow, acute. Stamens 3-4.5 mm long, yellow. Carpels and styles yellow. Scales ± rectangular, often emarginate. Follicles not seen.
Glabrous, perennial herb, forming very loose mats; stems numerous, freely rooting at nodes, decumbent with ± erect apical parts to c. 7 cm high. Lvs alternate, sessile, densely crowded and imbricate in a cone-like cluster occupying the terminal 2-3 cm of stem, c. 10-25 × 1.2-2.5 mm, c. 1 mm thick, linear or narrowly linear-lanceolate, with lower surface convex and upper surface flat, with angular, entire margins, green or possibly sometimes glaucous-white; apex obtuse or acute. Infl. terminal, usually 8-22 cm high, with numerous, long, leaflike bracts along main rachis; cyme corymbose, usually 2.5-6 cm across, with 2-5 forked branches. Fls numerous, ± subsessile, secund. Sepals ± equal, 2-3 mm long, triangular or triangular-ovate. Petals 5, ± patent, c. 4-5 × 1-1.5 mm, elliptic-lanceolate to elliptic-ovate, yellow, subacute. Stamens 2.5-3.5 mm long; filaments yellow; anthers yellowish. Carpels and styles ± yellow. Scales ± rectangular-oblong, longer than wide. Follicles yellow, ± parallel. Seed c. 0.7 mm long, ellipsoid, papillate but not longitudinally ribbed.
Annual or perennial herbs, sometimes subshrubs, often forming mats. Lvs usually alternate, rarely opposite or verticillate, simple, entire or toothed, usually spaced along stem, sometimes crowded in terminal rosettes, occasionally scale-like. Infl. a terminal or axillary, corymbose, helicoid or secund cyme (often several cymes terminating a main inflorescence stem), sometimes paniculate, usually many-flowered. Fls 4-5-(9)-merous, erect to horizontal. Sepals free or almost so, equal or unequal. Petals free or slightly connate at base, erect or patent with corolla often star-like, white, yellow, greenish, pink to purple, very rarely blue, thin and scarcely succulent. Stamens usually twice as many as petals and in 2 equal whorls, occasionally as many as petals and in 1 whorl, free or occasionally epipetalous, exserted. Scales free, very variable in shape and size. Carpels free or almost so, usually 4-5. Seeds usually numerous, sometimes 1-few.
Glabrous, much-branched subshrub with widespreading or sprawling, often twisted or curved, stems to c. 50 cm long and 1 cm diam. Lvs alternate, sessile, mainly aggregated and often imbricate towards shoot apices but not in terminal rosettes, mostly 2.5-6 × 1-2 cm and 3-5 mm thick, oblanceolate, obovate, narrowly ellipsoid-obovoid, or ellipsoid-spathulate, convex or flattened above and below, shining green; margins entire, often reddish, especially towards the obtuse, subacute or rounded apex. Infl. a terminal ± pyramidal panicle with a number of long, erect to spreading branches, usually 6-15 cm high and 5- c. 14 cm across, with lower bracts leaflike. Fls rather numerous, subsessile or with pedicels to 2 mm long, secund. Sepals equal, 2-3 mm long, triangular-ovate. Petals 5, patent, 6.5-8.5 × c. 2 mm, narrowly triangular, yellow, acute. Stamens 3-5 mm long, yellow. Carpels and styles yellow or greenish yellow. Scales ± rectangular, wider than long. Follicles yellowish, ± parallel. Mature seed not seen.
Glabrous, perennial herb, forming loose mats; stems numerous, freely rooting at base, decumbent with ± erect apical parts to c. 10 cm high. Lvs alternate, sessile, crowded and imbricate along upturned part of sterile shoots and not concentrated near apex or forming rosettes, c. 7-17 × 1.5-2.5 mm and 1-1.5 mm thick, subcylindric and subterete with upper and lower surfaces convex and no obvious margins, ± glaucous, occasionally deep green; apex sharply acute or mucronulate. Infl. terminal, usually 15-30 cm high, with numerous leaflike bracts along main rachis, often > vegetative lvs, corymbose, usually 2.5-5 cm across, dense, with 3-5 forked branches. Fls numerous, with pedicels to 2 mm long, ± secund. Sepals slightly unequal, 2-3 mm long, triangular-ovate or oblong-ovate. Petals usually 5, ± patent, 5-6 × 1.7-2 mm, elliptic, narrowly or lanceolate-elliptic, yellow, ± obtuse. Stamens 4.5-6 mm long; filaments yellow; anthers yellowish. Carpels and styles greenish yellow. Scales ± rectangular (wider than long) to square. Follicles yellow, ± parallel. Seed c. 0.8-1 mm long, ± ellipsoid, longitudinally ribbed; ribs ± papillate.
Glabrous, deciduous, perennial, clump-forming herb with erect annual stems, to c. 40 cm high. Lvs opposite, subsessile or with broad petioles to 1 cm long, distributed along stems (excluding very small overwintering bud rosettes at ground level), not or scarcely imbricate, to 9 × 7 cm and c. 1 mm thick, broadly elliptic or elliptic-ovate, flat, green or glaucescent, sinuate or distantly and broadly crenulate; apex rounded or obtuse. Infl. terminal, erect, 7-13 cm across, usually 8-12 cm high, corymbose-paniculate, bracteate, very flat, with few primary branches and many peduncles. Fls very numerous, with pedicels 2-5 mm long, not secund. Sepals equal, 2-3 mm long, triangular or triangular- lanceolate. Petals 5, ± incurved, 5.5-8.5 × 1.5-2 mm, lanceolate, pink, acute or subacute. Stamens 6-11 mm long; filaments pink; anthers deep crimson. Carpels and styles pink. Scales linear-spathulate to oblong or oblong-obovate. Follicles dark crimson, ± parallel. Seed c. 1 mm long, obovoid, with faint longitudinal ribs.
Almost glabrous, ± prostrate, mat-forming, perennial herb, with stems rooting freely at nodes. Lvs opposite, with short petiole 2-4 mm long, spaced but imbricate along stems and also forming a terminal rosette; lamina to 2.3 × 2.2 cm and c. 1 mm thick, obcuneate to broadly obovate, somewhat concave above and convex beneath, green, glabrous but often ± papillate; distal part of margin shallowly crenate, otherwise entire; apex rounded. Infl. terminal on an erect, puberulent rachis to c. 3 cm high at flowering, afterwards elongating to c. 12 cm; cyme 3-5 cm across, corymbose, with 2-4 branches, each branch with a few fls; bracts leaflike at base, smaller higher up infl. Fls fairly numerous, on very short broad pedicels, secund. Sepals equal, 4-5.5 mm long, narrowly triangular or triangular-lanceolate. Petals 5, almost patent, 9-13 × 1.5-2 mm, ± lanceolate, pale pink or white with pink outside, becoming rose, acute. Stamens 6-8.5 mm long, whitish to pink, darkening with age. Carpels and styles white, becoming rose or crimson after anthesis. Scales semi-lunate or almost cup-shaped, sometimes retuse. Follicles crimson, slightly divergent. Seed c. 1 mm long, obovoid, with prominent longitudinal ribs.
Stems creeping, irregularly branched, forming a loose mat. Lvs dimorphic, 4-ranked. Lvs of 2 lateral ranks spreading, ovate, acute, finely ciliate, 3-4-(5) mm long, ± uniform throughout, widely spaced except at the apices. Lvs of 2 upper ranks appressed to stem, 2-3 mm long, with more tapering apices. Strobili sessile, lateral, up to 10 mm long; sporophylls markedly smaller than microphylls.
Main stem erect and undivided for up to 20 cm, branching alternately thereafter to produce a frond-like growth habit. Lvs dimorphic, 4-ranked. Lvs of 2 lateral ranks spreading, falcate, acute, finely ciliate, (1)-1.5-2-(2.5) mm long, decreasing in size from main stems to apices, widely spaced on main stem, closely imbricate on lateral branches. Lvs of 2 upper ranks appressed to stem, 1-2 mm long, ovate, apices drawn out into fine points. Strobili sessile, sharply 4-angled; sporophylls only slightly smaller than nearest microphylls.
Plants mat-forming, creeping, erect, or pendent-epiphytic. Stems slender. Lvs numerous, c. 0.5-10 mm long, 1-veined, either all similar and spirally arranged, or dimorphic and 4-ranked with lower patent and upper appressed, pointing forwards. Strobili terminal, usually quadrangular, occasionally cylindric. Megasporangia basal, > apical microsporangia. Spores trilete.
Terrestrial or sometimes epiphytic plants. Stems creeping, erect or epiphytic, bearing long roots. Lvs simple, single-veined, with a ligule on adaxial surface. Sporangia solitary on adaxial surface of a sporophyll, aggregated into strobili. Heterosporous; spores lacking chlorophyll. Gametophytes minute, endosporic.
Glabrous, scandent, perennial herb, sometimes forming a dense tangled shrub up to 2 m tall. Stems usually sparingly branched. Lvs petiolate; petiole ± = lamina, not amplexicaul; lamina not lobed, ovate to deltoid, obtuse to acute, mucronate, obtuse to truncate at base, coarsely toothed with 1-3, convex-sided teeth on each side and lowermost teeth often distinctly larger, c. 30-60 × 25-50 mm; venation palmate-pinnate. Uppermost lvs becoming smaller, narrower, with fewer teeth or entire. Capitula in open, terminal panicles. Supplementary bracts 4-7, linear to subulate, 1.5-2.5 mm long. Involucral bracts 8-11, oblong, 5-6 mm long. Ray florets (4)-5; ligules yellow, 6-11 mm long. Disc yellow. Achenes terete, with hairs on ribs, c. 4 mm long; pappus 5-7 mm long.
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Ascending to erect perennial herb. Lvs glabrous or moderately to densely lanate especially on lower surface, apetiolate and often cuneate to amplexicaul base, elliptic, or elliptic-oblong to obovate, irregularly dentate to 1-2-serrate, lyrate-pinnatifid or 1-pinnatifid with oblong, few-toothed segments, or rarely crenately lobed, (2)-4-12-(20) × (1)-2-5 cm; teeth or segments (3)-7-20 or more on each side. Uppermost lvs smaller, narrower, often ± oblong or lanceolate, less divided and more conspicuously amplexicaul. Supplementary bracts 3-16-(20), 1.5-5 mm long. Involucral bracts 12-16-(19), glabrous, 2-5 mm long. Ray florets usually 7-13, very rarely as many as 22; ligules yellow, 3-8 mm long. Achenes with 1-3 rows of hairs in narrow grooves between broad ribs, not or scarcely narrowed to apex, 2-2.8 mm long.
Erect, annual or short-lived perennial herb, up to c. 2 m tall. Stems usually glabrous or with a few fine scattered hairs, sometimes sparsely to densely setose (especially above), branched or not from base. Lower and mid cauline lvs usually sparsely hairy, especially below, sometimes glabrous or moderately hairy, apetiolate, 1-pinnatifid with the linear to lanceolate or sometimes broader segments entire or irregularly toothed to again pinnatifid, ovate to elliptic, acute to acuminate at apex, amplexicaul and usually deeply and evenly 3-fid at base, 5-13-(20) × 2-8 cm; venation pinnate. Uppermost cauline lvs smaller, often 1-pinnatisect with entire segments. Capitula in loose panicles. Supplementary bracts 3-4-(7), lanceolate, 1-3 mm long. Involucral bracts 8-13, linear, glabrous, 5-7 mm long. Ray florets 0. Disc greenish yellow, c. 2 mm diam. Achenes subcylindric, only slightly narrowed to and slightly constricted below apex, with 1 row of hairs on or beside ribs or 2-3 rows between, 1.8-2.3 mm long; pappus 5-7 mm long.
Erect or straggling annual or short-lived perennial herb. Mid cauline lvs usually almost glabrous, sometimes with scattered short hairs, apetiolate, elliptic or oblong, usually pinnately lobed with the oblong to ovate segments irregularly serrate or dentate, usually amplexicaul and deeply 2-4-fid at base, (35)-60-170 × (8)-15-60 mm. Uppermost lvs and those of depauperate plants smaller, sometimes narrow-elliptic and not deeply lobed but irregularly dentate or serrate. Supplementary bracts 3-7, 1-2 mm long. Involucral bracts (7)-8 -(9), glabrous, 5-7-(8) mm long. Ray florets 0. Disc yellow, 1-2 mm diam. Achenes subcylindric, narrowed to and slightly constricted below apex, usually with 2-3 rows of hairs in narrow grooves between broad ribs, rarely ± evenly hairy, 2.5-2.8 mm long.
Prostrate to ascending, annual or short-lived perennial herb. Lvs glabrous or with few scattered hairs, apetiolate, narrow-oblong to elliptic or obovate, amplexicaul, usually pinnatifid with 1-3, broad, few-toothed segments on each side, sometimes not lobed but serrate with 1-4-(8) teeth on each side, (20)-25-90 × (5)-15-45 mm. Uppermost lvs smaller, narrower, and often less divided. Supplementary bracts (4)-6-10, 1-4 mm long. Involucral bracts 11-15-(16), glabrous, (5)-5.5-9 mm long. Ray florets c. 7-11; ligules yellow, (1)-2-4 mm long. Disc yellow, 4-8 mm diam. Achenes usually ± evenly clothed in dense hairs, rarely outermost achenes almost glabrous, slightly narrowed to apex, 2.8-3.5 mm long.
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Erect, annual or short-lived perennial herb, up to c. 1.5 m tall. Stems glabrous, branched above to form infl. Lower and mid cauline lvs glabrous, apetiolate, not lobed and remotely dentate to shallowly 1-pinnatisect, linear to lanceolate, acute, cuneate and often amplexicaul and deeply 1-3-fid at base, (4)-6-15-(20) × 0.3-2-(3.5) cm; venation pinnate. Uppermost cauline lvs smaller, entire or remotely dentate, often not amplexicaul. Capitula in loose panicles. Supplementary bracts 4-6, lanceolate, 1-2 mm long. Involucral bracts 8-12, linear, glabrous, 4.5-5.5 mm long. Ray florets 0. Disc yellow, 1-2 mm diam. Achenes subcylindric, only slightly narrowed to and constricted below apex, with 2-(3) rows of hairs in narrow grooves between broad ribs, 1.5-2.8 mm long; pappus 4-6 mm long.
Erect, annual or short-lived perennial herb. Mid cauline lvs usually almost glabrous on both surfaces when mature, sometimes sparsely white-lanate on upper surface and moderately white-lanate on lower, apetiolate, narrow-elliptic or narrowly elliptic-obovate to linear, usually remotely denticulate, rarely entire, usually revolute, not amplexicaul and without lobes at base, 40-100 × 3-9 mm. Uppermost lvs smaller, usually linear and often lanate, especially on lower surface. Supplementary bracts 3-5-(6), 1-2 mm long. Involucral bracts 12-13, glabrous to sparsely lanate, 4.5-5.5 mm long. Ray florets 0. Disc greenish yellow, 2-3 mm diam. Achenes subcylindric, narrowed to and slightly constricted below apex, usually with 2-3 rows of hairs mostly on the ribs, sometimes almost evenly hairy, c. 2.5 mm long.
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Erect, glabrous, perennial herb, becoming distinctly woody toward base, up to c. 1 m tall. Stems branched above to form infl. and branched below in older plants. Lvs apetiolate, not lobed, ± oblong or narrow-elliptic to obovate-elliptic, serrate, acute, amplexicaul and often coarsely toothed at base, usually somewhat decurrent, 3-8-(11) × 1-2.5-(3.5) cm; venation pinnate. Upper cauline lvs becoming smaller, ovate-oblong or lanceolate, and less distinctly toothed except at base. Capitula many, in loose corymbs. Supplementary bracts (13)-16-23, lanceolate to subulate, 3-5.5 mm long. Involucral bracts 19-23, narrow-oblong to linear, 6-9 mm long. Ray florets 12-22; ligules purple, mauve-pink or pale to deep pink, (10)-12-25 mm long. Disc yellow. Achenes terete, c. 2.5 mm long, those of ray florets glabrous, those of disc florets hairy; pappus 7-9 mm long.
Prostrate, ascending or erect, glabrous or almost glabrous perennial herb, often woody toward base. Lvs petiolate or apetiolate and sometimes amplexicaul, oblanceolate, narrow-elliptic, narrow-ovate or oblong, not lobed and sinuate- dentate or serrate, or pinnately lobed to pinnatifid or lyrate-pinnatifid with narrow to oblong, entire or few-toothed segments, 20-80-(90) × (4)-12-25- (30) mm; primary segments, lobes or teeth (4)-5-9-(11) on each side. Uppermost lvs smaller, usually broader at base and amplexicaul, with few teeth or divisions, or sometimes entire. Supplementary bracts 4-10, (1)-2-3- (6) mm long. Involucral bracts (10)-12-16-(21), 4-6.5-(7.5) mm long. Ray florets 0 () or 8-15; ligules bright yellow, (1)-2-7-(8) mm long. Disc dull yellow, 4-9 mm diam. Achenes usually sparsely to densely hairy between ribs, rarely ± evenly hairy, slightly narrowed to apex, 2.5-3.5 mm long.
Erect annual or short-lived perennial herb. Mid cauline lvs sparsely white- lanate on upper surface, usually densely white-lanate on lower, very rarely becoming only sparsely hairy, apetiolate, elliptic to narrow-oblong, pinnately lobed with oblong to obovate, entire or few-toothed segments, amplexicaul and dentate at base, 5-17 × 1.5-4 cm. Uppermost lvs smaller, often lanceolate, usually dentate and not lobed, rarely entire. Supplementary bracts 8-14, 1-2.5 mm long. Involucral bracts 13-(14), usually lanate toward base, (4)-4.5-6 mm long. Ray florets 0. Disc yellow, 2-3 mm diam. Achenes ellipsoid-subcylindric, slightly constricted below apex, usually with 1-3 rows of hairs between ribs, sometimes evenly hairy, 1.2-1.6 mm long.
Prostrate to ascending, perennial herb, becoming distinctly woody toward base. Lvs glabrous or sparsely hairy, especially when young, apetiolate and cuneate, usually elliptic-oblong, sometimes oblanceolate, deeply pinnatifid to 1-pinnate, (12)-15-30 × 5-12 mm; segments narrow-oblong, usually few-toothed, sometimes entire, (3)-5-(6) on each side. Uppermost lvs smaller, usually less divided. Supplementary bracts 3-5-(7), 2-3 mm long. Involucral bracts 11-13, glabrous or sparsely hairy, 4-5 mm long. Ray florets 0. Disc pale yellow, 5-9 mm diam. Achenes with scattered hairs in narrow grooves between broad ribs, slightly narrowed to apex, 2.8-3.4 mm long.
Erect annual to short-lived perennial herb. Mid cauline lvs hispid with short hairs on upper surface and longer, denser, jointed hairs on lower, rarely only sparsely hispid, apetiolate, narrow, ovate, lanceolate, oblong or elliptic, pinnately lobed to 1-pinnatifid with lanceolate to oblong, entire to few-toothed segments, usually amplexicaul and deeply 2-3-fid at base, 5-10-(14) × 1-3-(4) cm. Uppermost lvs smaller, usually lanceolate, and often dentate and not lobed. Supplementary bracts 4-7, 1-2 mm long. Involucral bracts (8)-10-13-(14), glabrous, 5-6 mm long. Ray florets 0. Disc yellow, 1-2 mm diam. Achenes ellipsoid-subcylindric, slightly constricted below apex, with (1)-2-3-(4) rows of hairs in grooves between broad ribs, 1.5-1.8 mm long.
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Erect annual or short-lived perennial herb. Mid cauline lvs sparsely to densely hispid especially on lower surface, apetiolate, elliptic, evenly, finely dentate, slightly amplexicaul and shallowly to deeply dentate at base, (3)-4-8 × (0.5)-1-3 cm. Uppermost lvs smaller, often narrower and with few remote teeth. Supplementary bracts 0-3, 1-2 mm long. Involucral bracts 5-7-(8), glabrous, 4.5-5.5 mm long. Ray florets 0. Disc greenish yellow, c. 1.5 mm diam. Achenes subcylindric, only slightly narrowed to and slightly constricted below apex, with 1-3 rows of hairs in grooves between broad ribs, 2-2.5 mm long.
Annual, biennial, or perennial herbs, shrubs, trees or climbers. Lvs simple, entire to pinnately or palmately toothed, lobed, or compound, alternate. Capitula in corymbs, panicles, or solitary; involucral bracts in 1 row, usually with shorter supplementary bracts subtending base of involucre. Receptacle ± flat or convex; scales 0. Outer florets ♀ and ligulate, ♀ and tubular, or ☿ and tubular; ligules usually yellow, sometimes white, pink, orange, or mauve to purple; inner florets ☿. Achenes usually ± cylindric, 5-10-ribbed, often with short antrorse hairs, sometimes glabrous, rarely dimorphic with ray achenes glabrous and disc achenes hairy; pappus present but sometimes caducous, denticulate, simple or rarely plumose.
Prostrate to ascending, or erect, annual or short-lived perennial herb. Lvs glabrous or sparsely hairy, cuneately narrowed at base and often appearing petiolate, narrow-ovate, elliptic, oblong, or lanceolate, not lobed and entire, irregularly pinnately toothed, or lobed with many lvs usually pinnatifid with narrow to broad, entire or few-toothed, usually distant segments, 15-65-(110) × (3)-5-15-(60) mm; primary segments, lobes, or teeth (0)-3-6-(7) on each side. Uppermost lvs smaller, less divided, often amplexicaul. Supplementary bracts 6-16, 1-3 mm long. Involucral bracts (8)-10-13-(15), 4-6.5 mm long, usually glabrous, sometimes with a few scattered hairs. Ray florets 7-13 (extremely rarely 0); ligules yellow, (1)-2-7-(9) mm long. Disc yellow, 3-6 mm diam. Achenes usually densely hairy only between ribs, very rarely glabrous or ± evenly hairy, slightly narrowed to apex, 2.2-3 mm long.
Erect perennial herb, 40-100 cm tall. Stems sparsely to moderately hairy when young, soon almost or quite glabrous, branched above to form infl. Lower and mid cauline lvs sparsely hairy on upper surface and moderately to densely lanate on lower when young, becoming almost glabrous on upper surface but usually remaining hairy on lower, apetiolate, not lobed, linear to lanceolate, usually entire and involute, rarely remotely denticulate, acuminate, cuneate at base and sometimes with a few teeth, 60-120 × 3-8-(12) mm; venation pinnate. Uppermost lvs smaller. Capitula in dense panicles. Supplementary bracts (2)-5-7-(10), lanceolate, 1-2 mm long. Involucral bracts 9-13, narrow-oblong, glabrous, 3-4 mm long. Ray florets 5-6; ligules yellow, 3-5 mm long. Disc yellow. Achenes somewhat flattened, sparsely to moderately hairy, 1.2-1.4 mm long; pappus 5-6 mm long.
Erect annual herb. Lvs hairy when young, becoming sparsely hairy or almost glabrous; lowermost lvs elliptic, long-cuneate, serrate with 3-7 teeth on each side; mid cauline lvs oblanceolate to linear-oblong, remotely dentate, (50)-60-120 × 4-15 mm; uppermost lvs smaller, lanceolate, amplexicaul, entire or few-toothed. Supplementary bracts 9-12, 1.5-3 mm long. Involucral bracts 10-13, glabrous, (6)-7-8 mm long. Ray florets 8-11; ligules yellow, 1-2 mm long. Disc yellow, c. 4-5 mm diam. Achenes densely hairy only between ribs, slightly narrowed to apex, 2.8-3.2 mm long.
Glabrous, scrambling or scandent herb. Stems branched or not, up to 3 m or more long. Lvs petiolate; petiole ± = lamina, usually with small auricles, 2-13 mm diam. at base, sometimes auricles 0. Lamina not lobed, ovate, deltoid or ± orbicular, acute, usually cordate at base, sometimes truncate, coarsely toothed with 2-5-(6), flat or concave-sided teeth on each side, 25-100 × 20-100 mm; venation palmate. Uppermost lvs becoming smaller. Capitula in dense terminal or axillary panicles. Supplementary bracts 2-4, linear, 1.5-3 mm long. Involucral bracts 8-9, oblong, 3-4 mm long. Ray florets 0. Disc yellow, 5-7 mm diam. Achenes terete, glabrous or with scattered hairs on ribs, 2-2.5 mm long; pappus 4-5 mm long.
Erect annual or short-lived perennial herb. Mid cauline lvs glabrous, or sparsely clothed in short hairs especially on lower surface, apetiolate, narrow-elliptic to narrow-lanceolate, evenly, finely dentate, with dentate, amplexicaul basal lobes, 40-160-(200) × 5-25-(40) mm. Uppermost lvs smaller and sometimes linear. Supplementary bracts 3-5, 1-2 mm long. Involucral bracts (7)-8-(10), glabrous, 4.5-6.5 mm long. Ray florets 0. Disc yellow, 1-2 mm diam. Achenes subcylindric, only slightly narrowed to and slightly constricted below apex, with 1-2-(3) rows of hairs on ribs, 1.8-2 mm long.
Erect, perennial shrub, up to c. 1-(2) m tall. Stems moderately to densely clothed in short hairs, becoming less hairy, branched from base and above. Lvs moderately to densely clothed in short hairs giving a velvety texture to both surfaces, petiolate; petiole ± = lamina, not amplexicaul; lamina ± orbicular, acute to obtuse, truncate to cordate at base, minutely denticulate and shallowly lobed with 4-7, ± flat-sided lobes on each side, 10-20 cm diam.; venation palmate. Uppermost lvs becoming smaller, and sometimes apetiolate and obovate. Capitula in dense terminal panicles. Supplementary bracts 0-4, linear-lanceolate, 1.5-7 mm long. Involucral bracts 7-9, ovate- to elliptic-oblong, pubescent, 7-12 mm long. Ray florets 4-6; ligules yellow, 5-10 mm long. Disc brownish yellow. Mature achenes not seen, glabrous.
Erect annual to short-lived perennial herb. Mid cauline lvs sparsely to densely white-lanate and usually green-grey on upper surface, moderately to densely white-lanate on lower surface, apetiolate, linear, entire or sometimes remotely denticulate, revolute, not amplexicaul, without lobes or with 1 narrow lobe at base, (25)-40-120-(180) × 1.5-6-(12) mm. Uppermost lvs smaller, entire. Supplementary bracts 3-5-(6), 1-1.5 mm long. Involucral bracts (8)-12-13, glabrous or sparsely lanate toward base, (5.5)-6-9 mm long. Ray florets 0. Disc yellow, c. 2 mm diam. Achenes subcylindric, narrowed to and constricted below apex, usually with 2-3 rows of hairs in narrow grooves between broad ribs, rarely almost glabrous, (2.2)-2.5-3.5 mm long.
Erect or straggling, short-lived, perennial herb. Lvs lanate when young, becoming glabrous on upper surface but usually remaining lanate on lower, cuneately narrowed to stem and often amplexicaul, ovate to suborbicular, pinnately lobed to pinnatisect with narrow to broad entire or few-toothed segments, (3)-5-18-(25) × 2-7-(12) cm. Uppermost lvs smaller, usually less divided, often narrow-obovate and less narrowed at base. Supplementary bracts 3-16, 1.5-4 mm long. Involucral bracts (13)-17-21, glabrous to sparsely hairy, 4-9 mm long. Ray florets 10-14-(20) () or 0 (); ligules yellow, 1.5-4-(6) mm long. Disc yellow, 5-15 mm diam. Achenes ± evenly hairy or rarely hairs confined to grooves between ribs (), or almost glabrous or minutely papillate (), slightly narrowed to apex, 2.2-3.5 mm long.
Erect, or ascending perennial herb. Lvs glabrous to sparsely hairy and glandular, ovate to elliptic, long-cuneate to amplexicaul base, usually irregularly dentate to 2-serrate, or pinnately lobed and dentate, rarely crenate, with up to 20 or more teeth on each side, 12-18-(21) × 4-8-(9) cm. Uppermost lvs elliptic to oblong, broad-based and conspicuously amplexicaul. Supplementary bracts 3-7, 1-3-(4) mm long. Involucral bracts (11)-13-22, glabrous, 3-5.5 mm long. Ray florets 7-14; ligules yellow, 5.5-14 mm long. Disc yellow, c. 5-8 mm diam. Achenes hairy only between the narrow ribs or ± evenly hairy, narrowed to apex, 2-2.5 mm long.
Erect annual to short-lived perennial herb. Mid cauline lvs hispid with short to long jointed hairs on upper surface and long jointed hairs on lower, apetiolate, narrow- to ovate-elliptic, dentate to pinnately lobed or 1-pinnatifid with triangular to narrow-oblong, few-toothed segments, not amplexicaul to amplexicaul and dentate or 1-3-fid at base, (3)-7-12-(18) × (0.5)-2-5 cm. Uppermost lvs smaller, usually lanceolate and more often dentate or only shallowly lobed. Supplementary bracts 4-6, 1-2 mm long. Involucral bracts 10-13, glabrous, (5)-6-7 mm long. Ray florets 0. Disc yellow, c. 2 mm diam. Achenes subcylindric, slightly constricted below apex, usually ± evenly hairy, (2)-2.2-2.6-(3), mm long.
Ascending, annual or short-lived perennial herb, 15-50 cm tall. Stems glabrous, much-branched above and below, sometimes becoming ± leafless and woody toward base. Cauline lvs usually glabrous or with scattered hairs on midvein below and ciliate at base, apetiolate (cuneately narrowed to short petiole in lowermost lvs), fleshy, pale to mid green, oblanceolate to narrow- obovate, mostly entire and slightly involute, sometimes serrulate and often some lvs serrate or pinnatisect with 2-4 incisions on each side, acute and mucronate, cuneate to amplexicaul base, 20-60 × 2-10-(15) mm; venation palmate. Uppermost lvs smaller, often lanceolate and more often amplexicaul. Capitula solitary or few in corymbs. Supplementary bracts 9-17, narrow- triangular, 2-3 mm long. Involucral bracts 18-23, linear, glabrous, 5-7 mm long. Ray florets 11-16; ligules bright yellow, (5.5)-7-13 mm long. Disc golden yellow. Achenes subcylindric, constricted below apex, usually with (2)-3-(6) rows of hairs in grooves between broad ribs, sometimes glabrous, 1.6-2.2 mm long; pappus 3-5 mm long.
Erect, short-lived perennial herb. Lvs sparsely to moderately hairy, especially on lower surface, often densely hairy when not fully expanded, becoming less hairy, cuneately narrowed to stem and amplexicaul, elliptic to ovate, usually pinnately lobed to pinnatisect with usually broad, pinnately lobed or toothed segments, rarely only crenate, 3-14 × (1)-2-8 cm. Uppermost lvs smaller, often less divided with short, cuneate base and broad, amplexicaul lobes. Supplementary bracts (9)-12-25, 1.5-4 mm long. Involucral bracts (13)-18-21, glabrous, 6-11 mm long. Ray florets 13-23; ligules yellow, (3)-4.5-9-(10) mm long. Disc yellow 10-20 mm diam. Achenes ± evenly, densely hairy, slightly narrowed to apex, 2.5-3 mm long.
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Erect annual to short-lived perennial herb. Mid cauline lvs almost glabrous or with few scattered hairs on both surfaces, apetiolate or cuneately narrowed to appear petiolate, narrow-oblong, elliptic, or narrow-obovate, shallowly pinnately lobed and denticulate to lyrate-pinnatifid or 1-pinnatifid with ± oblong, few-toothed (rarely many-toothed) segments, amplexicaul and dentate at base or rarely not amplexicaul, (4)-6-13 × (1)-2-5 cm. Uppermost lvs smaller, often lanceolate, usually 1-pinnatifid, sometimes only dentate or entire. Supplementary bracts 3-6, 1-2 mm long. Involucral bracts (8)-12-13-(14), glabrous, 6-7-(8) mm long. Ray florets 0. Disc yellow, 2-3 mm diam. Achenes subcylindric, narrowed to and constricted below apex, glabrous or with scattered hairs in 1-3 rows in narrow grooves between broad ribs, (2.2)-3-4-(5) mm long.
Herbs, shrubs or trees, not armed. Lvs paripinnate or reduced to phyllodes; petiolar glands often present; stipules various. Infl. axillary, racemose or paniculate; bracts and bracteoles various. Calyx with a very short tube and 5, often unequal, segments imbricate in bud. Corolla usually yellow, rarely white; petals subequal. Stamens free, 10 and all fertile, or some reduced to staminodes, or 5 and fertile; anthers uniform or a few larger, basifixed, opening by the apex. Style curved; stigma terminal. Pod various, compressed or terete, 1-2-valved, or indehiscent.
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Very large evergreen tree; branches irregularly whorled; bark thick, fibrous, very soft, shedding in large plates. Winter buds scaly. Lvs dimorphic, those of lateral shoots 2-ranked, ± linear, flat, with 2 stomatal bands below, and decurrent at base, those of terminal and cone-bearing shoots, particularly when erect, spirally arranged, small and often scale-like, almost appressed to shoot, and with stomatal bands irregular and ± glaucous. ♂ strobili (cones) axillary and terminal, broadly ovoid or oblong-ovoid, terminal, stalked, with many spirally arranged stamens. ♀ cones solitary, subglobose, ripening in second year, persistent after dehiscence. Scales 15-20, obliquely shield-shaped, woody, transversely ridged; tip of bract scale free, narrow and inconspicuous. Seeds 3-7 per scale, elliptic to ± oblong; wing narrower than seed.
Large or very large tree. Bark reddish brown, shedding in large plates. Shoots green for 2-3 years. Lvs of lateral shoots 1.2-2.6 cm × 1.3-3 mm (earliest and latest-formed lvs usually smaller), linear to linear-oblong; stomatal bands white, broad, almost extending to midrib; apex sharply mucronate, mainly acute on cone-bearing shoots. ♂ strobili 3-4 mm diam. ♀ cones 2-2.5 cm diam., often pendulous. Disc (scale umbo) prominently ridged and wrinkled; mucro very small. Seed 5-6 mm long, elliptic to ± oblong.
Annual herb with diffuse or mat-forming habit; roots slender, reddish. Stems prostrate or decumbent; angles scabrid. Lvs and leaflike stipules (1.5)-2-15 × (0.8)-1-4 mm, narrow- to broad-elliptic, hairy; margins and midrib beneath scabrid; apex mucronate or acuminate. Involucral bracts similar to lvs but sometimes almost lanceolate. Calyx lobes c. 0.5 mm long, lanceolate-ovate. Corolla 2-4.5 mm diam.; tube slender, > lobes, whitish; limb cross-shaped; lobes c. 2 mm long, narrow-elliptic, usually mauve, occasionally white. Mericarps 1.5-2 mm long excluding persistent calyx, obovoid or ellipsoid, with appressed hairs.
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Annual to perennial herbs or shrubs. Lvs toothed or lobed. Fls axillary and solitary, or in terminal spikes or heads; epicalyx 0; calyx evenly 5-toothed; petals spreading, usually obtuse. Style branches as many as loculi, filiform or clavate. Fr. of usually numerous, 1-seeded, sometimes awned, dehiscent or indehiscent mericarps, arranged in a single flat whorl and separating from central axis at maturity.
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Annual herbs. Lvs opposite, simple, entire to serrate or incised. Capitula pedunculate, solitary or in loose panicles. Involucral bracts in 2 rows; outer row foliaceous, glandular; inner row smaller, partly membranous. Receptacle flat; scales present. Outer florets ♀, shortly ligulate, yellow. Inner florets ☿, tubular. Achenes all similar, square or triangular in section, narrowed to base, truncate at apex; pappus 0.
Annual herb, 20-100 cm tall. Stems usually moderately to densely hairy, sometimes only sparsely hairy or becoming glabrous below, much-branched often from base and above. Lower and mid cauline lvs moderately to densely clothed in broad-based hairs on upper surface and in simple and sessile glandular hairs on lower surface, usually apetiolate or shortly petiolate but lamina long-cuneate at base, usually triangular or ovate-triangular, sometimes ovate-elliptic, subacute to acute at apex, ± entire to irregularly toothed with larger teeth toward base, 3-10-(17) cm long. Upper cauline lvs becoming smaller, narrow- elliptic or lanceolate, short-cuneate or obtuse at base and less distinctly toothed. Capitula (excluding bracts) 6-10 mm diam., in loose panicles. Outer involucral bracts 5, clothed in conspicuous, mostly stalked, glandular hairs and sometimes simple hairs, linear-spathulate, 5-10 mm long, much > inner bracts. Inner bracts 5-11, with sparse simple hairs and sometimes few to many glandular hairs, obovate, c. 3 mm long, enfolding outer achenes. Receptacular scales similar to inner bracts, usually with simple hairs at apex only. Ray florets 3-5; ligules yellow, 3-fid. Disc florets 4-20, yellow. Achenes glabrous, dark brown-black, curved, irregularly 3-4-angled, 2-3 mm long.
Taprooted annual or biennial. Stems 1-several, erect, glabrous, usually with a dark sticky patch c. 1 cm long beneath upper nodes, (10)-20-50 cm tall. Lvs glabrous, glaucous; basal lvs obovate to oblanceolate to spathulate, subacute to acute, cuneate at base, 3-6 × 0.5-1.5 cm; stem lvs ovate to lanceolate, sessile and amplexicaul at base, acute, (1.5)-2-7-(10) × (0.5)-1-2-(2.5) cm. Infl. a 10-30-flowered sub-capitate dichasium; pedicels 2-5-(9) mm long; bracts ovate, scarious. Fls ☿. Calyx glabrous, narrowly cylindric, broadest above middle, not or slightly contracted at mouth, 10-veined, often pinkish, 12-15 mm long; teeth oblong, obtuse, erect. Petals pink; limb obtuse to shallowly emarginate; claw not lobed; coronal scales linear-acuminate, c. 2 mm long. Styles 3, erect, c. 5 mm long. Capsule oblong, included in calyx, 5-7 mm long; teeth 6; carpophore c. 6 mm long. Seeds red-brown, reniform, finely warty, 0.6 mm long; faces hollowed; back grooved.
Taprooted annual. Stems 1-several, erect, glabrous, (15)-20-45 cm tall. Lvs glabrous or sparsely scabrid-ciliate on margin, green, linear to narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, sessile, shortly connate in pairs, (20)-40-100 × (1)-2-5-(10) mm. Infl. a lax (1)-3-7-(15)-flowered irregular dichasium; pedicels (2.5)-4-6-(10) cm long; bracts leaflike. Fls ☿. Calyx glabrous, broadest in middle, contracted at mouth, veined on 10 thickened ridges, (15)-20-28 mm long; teeth linear-acuminate, erecto-patent. Petals pink or white to bluish (bluish when dry); limb shallowly emarginate; claw not lobed; coronal scales acute, dark, c. 2 mm long. Styles 5, erect, curved at apex, c. 10 mm long. Capsule narrow-ovoid, included in calyx, 15-20 mm long; teeth 5, 2-fid; carpophore 6-8 mm long. Seeds dark grey-brown, reniform, warty, 0.8 mm long.
Taprooted annual. Stems 1-several, erect or ascending, densely hairy with very short glandular and eglandular hairs, (5)-15-50 cm tall. Lvs with dense short hairs, linear or linear-lanceolate, acute, sessile, (10)-25-70-(100) × 1-7 mm; upper lvs connate, 10-50-(75) × 1-5 mm. Infl. a 1-7-flowered asymmetric dichasium; pedicels 3-30 mm long; bracts ovate-acuminate, green, with short glandular and eglandular hairs. Fls ☿. Calyx with dense short glandular and eglandular hairs, cylindric at flowering, ovoid at fruiting, broadest near truncate base, contracted at mouth, 10-15 mm long; veins 30, raised; teeth subulate, erecto-patent. Petals pink; limb very short, 2-fid; claw broad, lobed at base of limb; coronal scales oblong, obtuse, c. 0.5 mm long. Styles 3, erect, c. 10 mm long. Capsule ovoid, included in calyx, 7-10 mm long; teeth 6; carpophore 0 or very short. Seeds pale dull brown, reniform-flattened, bluntly warty, c. 0.9 mm long.
Taprooted perennial. Stems unbranched or branched below, with soft eglandular hairs, also becoming glandular above, (15)-30-60-(80) cm tall. Lvs with soft eglandular hairs, green, lanceolate to ovate, acute to acuminate, long-petiolate, becoming sessile above; lamina (2)-3-6-(10) × (1)-1.5-3-(4) cm. Infl. a (3)-7-10-(20)-flowered dichasium, sometimes unequally branched; pedicels 0-1-(2) cm long; bracts lanceolate to ovate, acuminate, green. Fls unisexual. Calyx with short to long glandular and eglandular hairs: in ♂ weakly 10-veined, cylindric, 10-14 mm long; in ♀ weakly 20-veined, ovoid, 12-15 mm long; teeth triangular-acuminate, erect or recurved. Petals pink to magenta; limb 2-fid; claw lobed at base of limb; coronal scales oblong, toothed at apex, 1.5-2 mm long in ♂, 1 mm long in ♀. Styles 5, erect or recurved at apex, 9-11 mm long. Capsule globose to broadly ovoid, included within or = calyx, 10-15 mm long, dehiscing by 10 revolute teeth; carpophore very short. Seeds dull dark brown to grey, reniform, rounded, bluntly warty, 1.2-1.4 mm long.
Taprooted annual. Stems usually single, stout, with dense short and sparse long eglandular hairs, 30-60 cm tall. Lvs hispid with shorter hairs on the margins, green, 2-8 × 0.5-2.5 cm; basal lvs oblanceolate to spathulate, acute; stem lvs becoming lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, very shortly connate, acute. Infl. of paired raceme-like monochasial cymes with a fl. in the axil between them, compact at flowering, elongating only slightly at fruiting; pedicels 2-5-(10) mm long; bracts linear, green. Fls ☿. Calyx with dense short glandular and short and long eglandular hairs, ovoid-cylindric at flowering, ovoid at fruiting, contracted at mouth, 9-11 mm long, 10-veined; teeth triangular, acute, erecto-patent. Petals white or pink; limb very short, deeply divided; claw not lobed; coronal scales oblong, obtuse, c. 0.5 mm long. Styles 3, erect, 2-4 mm long. Capsule ovoid, slightly exserted, 7-9 mm long; teeth 6, curved; carpophore 1-2 mm long. Seeds dark grey, reniform with hollowed striate faces and wide shallowly-grooved tuberculate backs, c. 1 mm long.
Taprooted annual. Stems simple or branching, (3)-15-45 cm tall; hairs long and eglandular below becoming mixed with sparse to dense short eglandular hairs above. Lvs hispid, with shorter hairs on margins, green, oblong to oblanceolate, subacute to obtuse; lower lvs cuneately tapered to petiole, 20-60 × 5-15 mm; upper lvs sessile, becoming lanceolate, acute, smaller. Infl. usually a single (1)-5-15-flowered spike-like monochasium, rarely of paired monochasia and then without a fl. in the axil between them, elongating at fruiting; pedicels 2-10 mm long; bracts linear, acute, green. Fls ☿. Calyx with dense short glandular hairs and sparse long eglandular hairs, cylindric at flowering, ovoid at fruiting, 10-veined, 7-10 mm long; teeth linear, erect. Petals white, pink or red or red-spotted, entire or emarginate; claw not lobed; coronal scales oblong, subacute, 1.5 mm long. Styles 3, erect, 2 mm long. Capsule ovoid, c. = calyx, 7-10 mm long, dehiscing by 6 curved teeth; carpophore c. 0.5 mm long. Seeds dark brown, reniform with hollow faces and flat backs, ridged, c. 0.8 mm long.
Annual, biennial or perennial herbs. Hairs eglandular and/or glandular or 0. Lvs opposite, exstipulate, linear to ovate to obovate or oblanceolate. Infl. a compact to lax regular or irregular dichasium or raceme-like monochasium or a panicle with a central axis bearing lateral dichasia; bracts leaflike or scarious; epicalyx 0. Fls ☿ or unisexual. Calyx cylindric, ovoid or inflated, 10-, 20- or 30-veined, 5-toothed; commissures veined, not scarious. Petals 5, white to red, clawed; claw often lobed near base of limb; limb entire, emarginate or divided, sometimes 4-lobed; coronal scales variously shaped, paired at base of limb. Stamens 10. Styles 3 or (4)-5-(6 or more). Fr. an ovoid or cylindric capsule dehiscing by twice as many teeth as the styles, or by as many 2-fid teeth; carpophore very short to long. Seeds reniform, warty or ridged; faces flat or hollowed; backs flat or grooved, rarely winged.
Biennial or short-lived perennial, with stout taproot. Stems unbranched or branched below, with soft eglandular hairs, becoming also glandular above, (15)-30-60-(130) cm tall. Lvs with soft eglandular hairs, green, lanceolate to ovate, acute to acuminate, petiolate, becoming sessile above; lamina (2)-4-8-(15) × (0.5)-1-2-(4) cm. Infl. a (3)-7-10-(20)-flowered dichasium, sometimes unequally branched; pedicels 1-5 cm long; bracts lanceolate, acute, green. Fls unisexual. Calyx with short to long glandular and eglandular hairs: calyx in ♂ 10-veined, cylindric, 12-18 mm long; calyx in ♀ 20-veined, ovoid, 17-25 mm long; teeth linear-acuminate, erect or recurved. Petals white; limb 2-fid, rarely 4-lobed; claw lobed at base of limb; coronal scales oblong, 2-fid, 2 mm long in ♂, 0.5 mm long in ♀. Styles 5, erect or recurved at apex, 12-20 mm long. Capsule ovoid, included or c. = calyx, 14-20 mm long; teeth 10, erect or spreading; carpophore very short. Seeds dull dark grey, triangular or reniform, flattened, warty, 1.2-1.4 mm long.
Taprooted annual. Stems erect, usually unbranched, stout, with short glandular and long eglandular hairs, 20-35 cm tall. Lvs densely hispid, green; basal lvs oblanceolate-spathulate, acute, 5-8 × 1-3 cm; stem lvs becoming linear-lanceolate, very shortly connate, acute, 3-8 × 0.5-2 cm. Infl. a 3-10-flowered dichasium; pedicels 1-3 cm long; bracts linear-subulate, green. Fls ☿. Calyx with short glandular and short and long eglandular hairs, cylindric at flowering, ovoid at fruiting, contracted at mouth, 18-23 mm long, 10-veined; teeth linear-acuminate, erecto-patent. Petals pink above, yellowish beneath, inrolled by day, spreading at night, deeply divided; claw not lobed; coronal scales oblong, obtuse, c. 2 mm long. Styles 3, erect, c. 5 mm long. Capsule ovoid, slightly exserted, 10-14 mm long; teeth 6; carpophore c. 2 mm long. Seeds dull brown, reniform, papillate, c. 1.3 mm long.
Taprooted perennial. Stems arising from a basal rootstock, hispid, 30-60 cm tall. Lvs hispid; lower lvs oblong- to obovate-spathulate, acuminate, long-petiolate, 3-8 cm long; upper lvs ovate to obovate, acuminate, sessile, 1-4 cm long. Infl. a 12-20-flowered panicle with an erect central axis and 3-flowered lateral branches; fls nodding, ☿; pedicels (1)-2-5 cm long; bracts lanceolate, acuminate, green. Calyx glandular-pubescent, narrow-cylindric at flowering, inflated at fruiting, narrowed at mouth, 10-veined, 13-16 mm long. Petals white, deeply 2-fid; claw not lobed, long-exserted; coronal scales narrowly triangular, acute, c. 1 mm long. Styles 3, erect, recurved at apex, c. 12 mm long. Capsule ovoid, slightly exceeding calyx, 10-12 mm long; teeth 6; carpophore 2-3 mm long. Seeds red-brown, reniform, with flat faces and grooved back, warty, c. 0.8 mm long.
Taprooted annual. Stems ascending, with glandular and fine eglandular hairs, 20-40 cm tall. Lvs with glandular and eglandular hairs, green, obovate-spathulate below, lanceolate and acute above, shortly connate in pairs, (10)-15-40 × (5)-8-20 mm. Infl. a lax 5-8-flowered raceme-like monochasium; pedicels erect at flowering, patent or pendent at fruiting, 10-20 mm long; bracts narrow-lanceolate, acute, green. Fls ☿. Calyx cylindric at flowering, clavate, inflated and contracted at mouth at fruiting, often pink, (11)-12-16 mm long, with short dark glandular hairs on the 10 prominent veins, and fine white subappressed eglandular hairs; teeth triangular-obtuse, erect. Petals pink, emarginate; claw lobed at base of limb; coronal scales obtuse, c. 1 mm long. Styles 3, c. 8 mm long. Capsule ovoid, included in calyx; teeth 6; carpophore 3-6 mm long. Seeds blackish, subglobose, warty, c. 1.3 mm long.
Stoutly taprooted perennial. Stems ascending to erect, glabrous, swollen at nodes, (10)-30-80 cm tall. Lvs glabrous or rarely hairy on surfaces, sometimes scabrid on margins, glaucous, ovate to linear-lanceolate to oblanceolate, acute, usually very shortly connate, 1.5-10 × 0.5-2 cm; lower lvs petiolate; upper lvs sessile. Infl. a lax 1-25-(40)-flowered dichasium; pedicels 5-15 mm; bracts ovate, green or scarious. Fls ☿. Calyx glabrous, glaucous, inflated, ovoid, 13-17 mm long; veins 20, weak with fine network of secondary veins; teeth broadly triangular, acute, ciliolate. Petals white; limb deeply emarginate, sometimes with 2 small lateral lobes near base; claw lobed near base of limb; coronal scales scale-like or oblong, 0-1 mm long. Styles 3, erect, c. 2 cm long. Capsule ovoid to spherical, included in calyx, dehiscing by 6 erect or recurved teeth; carpophore 2-3 mm long. Seeds dull brown, reniform, flattened, warty, 1-1.5 mm long.
Stems glabrous or rarely sparsely hairy, 30-80 cm tall; all shoots dying back during winter. Lvs glabrous, rarely hairy, sometimes scabrid on margin, shape variable, (1.5)-3-10 × (0.5)-1-2 cm. Infl. (3)-6-30-(40)-flowered; bracts scarious. Calyx contracted at mouth. Capsule narrow-mouthed; teeth erect to spreading.
Stems glabrous, 10-30 cm tall; some shoots leafy during winter. Lvs glabrous, often with scabrid margin, mostly oblanceolate to lanceolate, 1.5-3 × 0.5-1 cm. Infl. 1-(3)-flowered; bracts green. Calyx wide at mouth. Capsule wide-mouthed; teeth recurved.
Annual or biennial herbs. Hairs short and mealy, or long, fine and cobwebby. Lvs alternate, sessile, pinnatifid, sinuate, dentate, auriculate to amplexicaul; lobes and teeth spine-tipped. Capitula homogamous, globose to ovoid, solitary. Involucral bracts in several series, ovate to linear, glabrescent, with sparse cobwebby hairs on margins; margins and apex spinous. Receptacle flat, with dense hairs; scales 0. Florets ☿, all tubular. Corolla glabrous, 5-lobed, reddish purple. Anthers acute at apex, sagittate at base; filaments hairy. Style branches linear, erect, appressed. Achenes obovoid, smooth; achene insertion obliquely basal; pappus hairs in several rows, united at base into a ring; outer hairs stiff, scabrid; innermost hairs short, very fine.
Annual or biennial. Stems branched above, ridged, with sparse mealy hairs at least above, 0.5-2 m tall, not winged. Lvs elliptic to lanceolate, lyrate-pinnatifid to pinnate, sinuate, coarsely dentate, green with conspicuous white markings along veins, (10)-20-60 × (5)-10-30 cm, with sparse short mealy hairs on lamina, and sparse long tangled multicellular hairs on midrib; base amplexicaul, auriculate, with very spinous margins; prickles marginal, yellowish, spreading, 5-12 mm long. Capitula ovoid, erect, 4-6 × 5-7 cm, solitary, terminal and pedunculate, and also sessile in axils of uppermost lvs; peduncles with appressed cobwebby tomentum. Involucral bracts sparsely covered with short mealy hairs; margins with sparse cobwebby hairs. Outer bracts leaflike, obovate with spinous apex and margins. Middle bracts oblong; appendage ovate, subulate, with spinous margins and a long spreading to recurved apical spine. Inner bracts lanceolate; appendage becoming linear-lanceolate, entire. Corolla reddish purple, 20-28 mm long; lobes unequal, 4-6 mm long. Anther filaments joined at margins into a tube which encloses the basal appendages of the anthers. Style exserted 1-2 mm beyond corolla lobes. Achenes brown or black-streaked, obovoid, weakly transversely flattened, smooth, c. 6 × 3 mm; outer pappus bristles scabrid, c. 15 mm long; inner hairs very fine.
Trees or shrubs, often with very bitter bark. Lvs usually alternate, rarely opposite, usually pinnate and exstipulate, lacking translucent glands. Fls small, actinomorphic, ☿ or unisexual, usually in spikes or panicles. Calyx 3-5-lobed. Petals usually 3-5, imbricate or valvate, rarely 0. Stamens inserted near base or on margin of disc, as many as or twice as many as petals, antipetalous. Ovary superior, 2-5-lobed or carpels free. Ovules usually 1 per carpel. Styles free or united. Fr. usually drupe-like, occasionally a samara. Seed endospermic or non-endospermic.
Annual taprooted herb. Stem erect, branching, bearing stiff reflexed hairs especially near base, or sometimes glabrous, 60-100 cm tall. Lvs glabrous or sparsely covered in coarse hairs, toothed. Lower lvs lyrate-pinnate, rarely 2-pinnatifid, 10-20 × 5-10 cm; terminal leaflet broadly ovate to triangular, shallowly to deeply 3-lobed, wider than rest of lf; lateral leaflets alternate, oblong to ovate, in (0)-1-4 pairs, the proximal ones usually shallowly toothed but rarely entire. Upper lvs petiolate, similar to lower but smaller, sometimes simple and 3-lobed. Racemes erect, to 40 cm long, glabrous or with sparse reflexed hairs. Pedicels patent to reflexed at fruiting, 10-20 mm long. Sepals ovate to obovate, glabrous, 3-6 × 1-1.5-(2) mm. Petals 7-11 × 3-5 mm. Silique (1)-3-6-(8)-seeded, ± constricted between the seeds, bearing bristly hairs especially on veins, rarely glabrous, 15-30 × 2-5 mm; beak strongly flattened, 0-1-seeded, = or > valves.
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Annual, sometimes perennial, taprooted herbs. Hairs simple, often bristly. Stems erect, leafy. Lvs lyrate-pinnate, lyrate-pinnatifid, or not lobed; margins toothed. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals spreading, not saccate. Petals yellow. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 2, inside the bases of the single stamens; median nectaries 2, outside each median pair of stamens. Stigma sessile, shortly 2-lobed. Silique narrow-lanceolate to linear, dehiscent; valves distinctly 3-(7)-veined; beak tapering, weakly to strongly flattened, 0-9-seeded. Seeds spherical, not winged, in 1 row per locule.
Erect biennial, with a nauseous odour when crushed. Stems solid, striate, up to 120 cm high. Basal lvs 1-pinnate, sometimes lowest leaflets again divided, petiolate; leaflets in 3-8 pairs, ovate-elliptic, lobed and serrate, c. 2-7 cm long, usually subsessile; stem lvs reduced, usually 1-2-ternate, with segments linear or narrow-ovate and lobed or serrate. Umbels 1-5 cm diam.; rays (1)-2-5-(6), slender and somewhat irregular giving a diffuse appearance to the infl.; bracts 2-3, linear to subulate; bracteoles 1-4, usually subulate, rarely linear. Fls 2-5, white or greenish white, 1-2 mm diam. Fr. broadly ovate, 2-3 mm long, dark brown with lighter ribs.
Glabrous, biennial herbs. Lvs 1-2-pinnate; segments broad. Umbels compound, pedunculate; bracts and bracteoles few to numerous, simple. Petals white or greenish white, regular, with apex deeply notched and inflexed; calyx teeth 0. Fr. ovoid to subglobose, slightly flattened laterally, not beaked, spineless; commissure narrow; ribs 5 per mericarp, equal, slender; vittae solitary in furrows, shorter than fr.
Annual herb. Stem erect, hairy at base, to 1 m tall. Rosette and lower stem lvs sparsely hispid especially below, pinnatifid, rarely almost 2-pinnatifid, 5-15-(30) × 1.5-7-(10) cm, with 5-9-(12) pairs of toothed triangular lobes. Upper stem lvs glabrous, smaller, pinnatifid with linear-filiform segments. Racemes often flexuous, ebracteate, suberect or spreading, glabrous, 10-30 cm long. Pedicels c. 5 mm long at flowering, elongating to up to c. 10 mm long at fruiting, glabrous. Sepals glabrous, 3-4 mm long, the outer pair with short horn at apex (most conspicuous in bud). Petals yellow, 6-8 mm long. Anthers at least 1 mm long; filaments = or slightly > sepals. Silique glabrous, spreading, linear-cylindric, (40)-70-110 × 1-1.5 mm; style 0.5-1 mm long. Seeds ovoid to oblong, brown, c. 0.8 mm long.
Annual or perennial taprooted herbs. Hairs simple or 0. Stems erect or decumbent, leafy. Lvs pinnatifid or pinnate, often with large hastate terminal and deflexed lateral lobes; upper stem lvs sometimes not lobed. Racemes bracteate or ebracteate. Sepals erecto-patent, not saccate. Petals yellow, sometimes white. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 4, median 2, often all joined into a ring. Style short; stigma capitate or weakly 2-lobed. Silique narrow-lanceolate to linear, dehiscent; valves usually with prominent midrib and 2 weaker lateral veins; beak 0 or very short, seedless. Seeds ovoid to oblong, not winged, in 1 row per locule.
Annual herb. Stem erect, hairy, to 1 m tall. Lvs and petioles with fine stiff hairs. Rosette lvs deeply lyrate-pinnatifid to lyrate-pinnate, (3)-7-25-(30) × (1.5)-2-9-(12) cm; terminal leaflet not lobed or 2-3-lobed, broadly toothed, ovate to reniform; lateral leaflets in 2-6 pairs, ± deflexed, triangular. Upper stem lvs smaller, deeply lyrate-pinnatifid to lyrate-pinnate; terminal leaflet narrow-oblong; lateral leaflets in 1-2 pairs, spreading or ± deflexed. Uppermost stem lvs becoming simple and hastate to narrow-triangular. Racemes ebracteate, suberect to spreading, hairy, (10)-20-30-(40) cm long. Pedicels c. 3 mm long, hairy. Sepals hairy, c. 2 mm long, not horned. Petals yellow, 3-4 mm long. Anthers c. 0.5 mm long; filaments > sepals. Silique hairy or glabrous, appressed to stem, tapering evenly from base, 10-15-(20) × 1-2 mm; style c. 0.5 mm long. Seeds oblong, brown, c. 1 mm long.
Annual herb. Stems erect, softly hairy, to 1 m tall. Lvs sparsely to densely hairy. Rosette and lower stem lvs lyrate-pinnatifid or pinnatifid to almost lyrate-pinnate, 5-10-(30) × (1)-2-8-(15) cm; terminal lobe ovate to triangular to hastate; lateral lobes in 1-5 pairs, narrow-lanceolate or triangular, entire, sinuate or coarsely toothed. Upper stem lvs usually smaller with narrower, but not linear-filiform lobes, or hastate, or ovate and not lobed. Racemes often flexuous, ebracteate, glabrous or sparsely hairy, 20-40-(60) cm long. Pedicels 3-5 mm long, elongating to c. 10 mm long at fruiting, sparsely hairy. Sepals usually hairy, 3-5 mm long, not horned. Petals yellow, 6-10 mm long. Anthers 1-1.5 mm long; filaments > sepals. Silique glabrous or hairy, spreading, linear-cylindric, (40)-60-100 × 1-1.5 mm; style 0.5-2 mm long. Seeds oblong, brown, c. 1 mm long.
Annual herb. Stems decumbent to suberect, glabrous, (10)-20-50- (70) cm tall. Lvs glabrous. Rosette and lower cauline lvs pinnatifid, 2-10 × 1-3 cm; terminal lobe ovate; lateral lobes triangular. Stem lvs simple, hastate or ovate, distantly toothed, 1-3 × 0.5-1 cm. Fls sessile or subsessile, paired or fascicled in axils of leaflike bracts. Sepals sparsely hairy or glabrous, not horned, 1-1.5 mm long. Petals pale yellow, 1.5-2 mm long. Anthers 0.3-0.5 mm long; filaments c. = sepals. Siliques glabrous, suberect, linear-cylindric, curved, 10-20 × 1-2 mm; style 1-2 mm long. Seeds ovoid, brown, 0.6-1 mm long.
Annual or perennial herbs, shrubs, or less commonly small trees. Lvs alternate, sometimes opposite in infl., exstipulate, simple or pinnate, commonly foetid when crushed. Infl. very variable, commonly cymose. Fls usually actinomorphic, ☿. Calyx (3)-5-(10)-toothed, shallow to deeply lobed, usually persistent. Corolla usually 5-lobed, occasionally more, sometimes subentire, rotate, salverform, funnelform, tubular, urceolate, or campanulate; lobes plicate or valvate in bud. Stamens 5-(8), epipetalous, alternating with lobes; anthers opening by slits or pores. Ovary superior, 2-(5)-celled; placentation axile; carpels obliquely positioned in the fl.; ovules numerous. Style simple; stigma entire or 2-lobed. Fr. a capsule or berry. Seeds endospermic, usually numerous, sometimes carunculate; embryo straight or coiled.
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Perennial, stellate-hairy herb to c. 1 m tall, forming an extensive, branching root system giving rise to aerial shoots; stems erect, simple or branched, with scattered straw-coloured prickles. Petioles to c. 4 cm long, sparingly prickly. Lamina 4.5-11 × 2-5 cm, lanceolate-ovate or oblong-ovate, densely hairy on both surfaces, coarsely dentate or lobulate; midrib and sometimes lateral veins sparingly prickly; base cuneate; apex acute. Cymes becoming secund, with several fls, often densely hairy; peduncles to nearly 10 cm long, sometimes nearly = lvs; pedicels ± pendent at fruiting. Calyx 4-6 mm long, slightly prickly towards base; lobes broad-ovate, shallow, apparently not accrescent, cuspidate. Corolla 2-3.5 cm diam., white or pale bluish; lobes ovate, densely covered with stellate hairs. Anthers 5-6 mm long. Berry 1-1.5 cm diam., globose, yellow or orange-yellow; stone cells 0. Seed 1.5-2.5 mm diam., reniform to nearly suborbicular.
Greyish, velvety-tomentose, unarmed perennial herb or subshrub to c. 1.5 m tall; mature stems with 2 ridges. Petioles to 3 cm long. Lamina (1.5)-2.5-11 × (0.5)-1-6 cm, ovate or lanceolate-ovate, tomentose above and below, entire or nearly so; base attenuate; apex acute to acuminate. Cymes umbellate; peduncles very variable in length; pedicels becoming strongly deflexed at fruiting. Calyx 2-3 mm long; lobes very small, somewhat accrescent, lanceolate to oblong or elliptic. Corolla 8-13 mm diam., white; lobes lanceolate or narrowly triangular, densely hairy outside, soon reflexing. Anthers 1.5-3 mm long. Berry 5-7 mm diam., globose, dull purplish black or purple; stone cells 0. Seeds 1-1.5 mm long, suborbicular.
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Small shrub, with few-branched hairs, bushy, unarmed, with stems to c. 50 cm tall. Petioles to c. 3-(3.5) cm long. Lamina 2.5-14-(20) × 0.7-8-(11) cm, lanceolate to lanceolate-oblong or elliptic, sinuate or entire, dull green above; hairs scattered, few-branched, mainly below and on midrib above at maturity, dense when young, sometimes with simple hairs as well; base attenuate; apex obtuse. Fls usually solitary or in clusters of 2-4; pedicels to 1.5 cm long, stellate-hairy, ± erect at fruiting. Calyx c. 5 mm long, with few-branched hairs, accrescent, deeply divided; lobes linear or linear-lanceolate. Corolla 10-14 mm diam., white, glabrous; lobes ovate. Anthers 2-2.5 mm long. Berry 1- c. 1.5 cm diam., usually globose, sometimes ovoid, scarlet or orange-red; stone cells 0. Seed 2.5-3 mm long, irregular, somewhat obovoid.
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Unarmed, high climbing liane, glabrate or glabrous; stems to c. 15 m long. Petioles to nearly 3 cm long, slender, twining. Lamina 2-6 × 0.7-3 cm, lanceolate to ovate, sometimes with 1-2 lobes or leaflets at base, otherwise entire, often with tufts of white hairs in vein axils below; base broad-cuneate to truncate; apex obtuse or subacute. Fls several to many, in loose, terminal (later apparently lateral) panicles; rachis to c. 6 cm long; peduncles and pedicels filiform, ± spreading. Calyx 2-3 mm long, glabrous except sometimes for ciliate margin; lobes broad and shallow, slightly accrescent. Corolla 2-3.3 cm diam., white, or very pale mauvish blue, especially in bud, puberulent; lobes triangular-ovate, remaining incurved. Anthers 2.5-4 mm long. Berry 4-6 mm diam., globose, shining, deep to dark blue or nearly black; stone cells 0. Seed c. 1 mm diam., broad- or ellipsoid-obovoid.
Annual or perennial herbs, shrubs or small trees, sometimes trailing or climbing, sometimes armed with straight or curved prickles, often foetid when bruised, generally hairy, the hairs simple, stellate, glandular, or sometimes much-branched with a central axis. Lvs simple or compound, nearly always alternate, ± petiolate. Infls terminal or apparently axillary, cymose or umbellate, 2-many-flowered (fls rarely solitary), often extra-axillary, sometimes lf-opposed. Calyx (4)-5-(10)-toothed, generally campanulate, persistent and often accrescent. Corolla 5-lobed, rotate or shallowly campanulate, plicate in bud, usually white to blue or purple, sometimes cream or yellow; limb often patent and star-shaped, the lobes eventually reflexing. Stamens 5, inserted on throat of corolla tube, usually exserted; anthers coherent and forming a conspicuous yellow cone around the style, dehiscing by apical pores or slits or longitudinal slits. Ovary 2-celled (to 6 in cultivated plants); stigma capitate or 2-fid. Fr. a berry, generally globose, succulent or rather leathery; stone cells (sclerotic granules) sometimes present. Seeds many, compressed, of moderate size, often reticulately pitted.
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Perennial shrub or subshrub to 1-(3) m tall, ± stellate-hairy, branched, strongly armed; prickles yellow, to c. 1 cm long, glabrous or nearly so. Petioles to c. 5 cm long, prickly. Lamina to c. 9-(20) × 7-(13) cm, ovate to oblong, deeply pinnatisect, scarcely lobed in seedlings; lobes irregular, sinuate, with rounded apices, extending to ⅞ to midrib, with hairs scattered above and ± dense below, sometimes glabrate except for prickles on midrib and main veins; base truncate to rounded. Cymes few-flowered; pedicels to c. 1 cm long, densely stellate-hairy, ± pendent at fruiting; peduncle densely stellate-hairy. Calyx 3-12 mm long, often densely stellate-hairy, sometimes prickly, accrescent; lobes ovate to oblong, c. = tube. Corolla (2)-2.5-3.5-(4) cm diam., mauve or violet, stellate-hairy outside; lobes broadly ovate. Anthers 4-6 mm long. Berry 1.5-3-(3.5) cm diam., globose or nearly so, mottled green and white when immature, yellow at maturity; stone cells 0. Seeds c. 3 mm diam., subglobose to broad-obovoid.
Branched medium-sized to large shrub, occasionally almost a small tree, to c. 5 m tall; most parts densely white-stellate-tomentose; prickles yellow, to 1.5 cm long. Petioles to c. 4 cm long, prickly. Lvs to c. 25 × 18 cm, usually less on reproductive shoots, broadly ovate or elliptic-ovate, sinuately lobed, finally glabrate or glabrous and dark green above except for whitish tomentose margin, persistently white-stellate-tomentose beneath; midrib and veins prickly, the prickles to > 1 cm long on veins above; base usually deeply cordate with sinus obscured by basal lobes; apex rounded. Cymes few-flowered, white-stellate-tomentose and prickly; peduncles to 4 cm long; pedicels pendent at fruiting. Calyx 9-14 mm long, accrescent; lobes lanceolate-ovate. Corolla 2.5-3.5 cm diam., white, sometimes with purplish veins; lobes broadly triangular-ovate, stellate-tomentose outside. Anthers 6-8 mm long. Berry 2-6 cm diam., globose or subglobose, yellow; stone cells 0. Seeds 3-4 mm diam., broad-ovoid to broad-obovoid.
Spreading, unarmed shrub or small tree to 10 m tall and with trunk to 15 cm diam., with all parts stellate-tomentose, the hairs ± sessile to long-stalked. lvs on vegetative and most flowering shoots with prominent stipule-like auricles 5-25 mm long at base; petioles to 6 cm long on flowering shoots, longer on strong vegetative shoots. Lamina 10-25-(40) × 3.5-10-(20) cm, ovate to elliptic, entire, light to dark green on upper surface, white to yellowish green on lower surface; base cuneate; apex usually acuminate but blunt at tip. Panicles dense, many-flowered, corymbose, terminal at first; rachis to 18 cm long, stout; pedicels ± erect at fruiting. Calyx c. 5 mm long, not accrescent; lobes ± elliptic. Corolla 1.5-2 cm diam., usually mauve to purple, occasionally white; lobes ovate or triangular-ovate, stellate-tomentose outside. Anthers 2-3 mm long. Berry c. 1 cm diam., globose, dull yellow; stone cells 0. Seeds 1-2 mm long, oblong-obovoid to suborbicular.
Unarmed, annual or short-lived perennial herb to c. 75 cm tall, usually hairy, sometimes nearly glabrous; stems branched, usually green, sometimes dark purple. Petioles to 7 cm long. Lamina c. 2-12 × 1-7 cm, ovate or lanceolate-ovate, entire, sinuate to coarsely dentate, sometimes lobulate, sometimes purple-tinged; hairs usually scattered, short, simple, occasionally glandular; base cuneate to narrowly attenuate; apex acute or obtuse. Cymes pseudoumbellate, usually few-flowered and with at least 1 pedicel arising below peduncle apex; peduncles generally 1-2.5 cm long; pedicels becoming deflexed at fruiting. Calyx 1-3 mm long; lobes ovate, broad-ovate, to almost elliptic, accrescent and appressed to fr. Corolla 10-13 mm diam., usually white, sometimes pale mauve; lobes almost triangular, ± puberulent outside. Anthers 2-2.7 mm long. Berry 7-10 mm diam., globose, usually black and rather dull, sometimes green, yellowish green or pale yellow; stone cells usually 0. Seeds 1.7-2.4 mm diam., broad-obovoid, ellipsoid-obovoid to suborbicular.
Much-branched, unarmed, viscid, densely glandular-hairy annual, with low spreading, bushy habit. Stems to c. 50 cm long. Petioles to 2 cm long. Lamina 2-7 × 1.5-4 cm, ovate or rhombic-ovate, with simple and glandular hairs, coarsely serrate-dentate to nearly entire; base cuneate; apex obtuse or acute. Cymes ± racemose, or pseudoumbellate; fls 3-9; peduncles 5-15 mm long, > pedicels, deflexed at fruiting. Calyx 1-3 mm long at anthesis, strongly accrescent and enveloping lower part of berry at fruiting; lobes lanceolate to elliptic. Corolla 9-10 mm diam., white, generally with purple tinge outside; lobes ± triangular, hairy outside. Anthers 1.5-2.3 mm long. Berry 8-10 mm diam., globose, mottled pale green or yellowish green and deep green; stone cells present. Seeds 1.5-2 mm diam., ellipsoid to obovoid or suborbicular.
Erect, unarmed shrub, glabrous or sometimes with few-branched hairs on very young shoots; stems wiry, 40-120-(200) cm tall. Petiole to 2 cm long, slender. Lamina 3-12 × 1-3 cm, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, glossy above; margins usually undulate; base narrowly attenuate; apex obtuse or acute. Fls 1-several; peduncle 0-8 mm long; pedicels 5-10 mm long, erect at fruiting. Calyx 4-5 mm long; lobes lanceolate to ovate, slightly accrescent. Corolla c. 15 mm diam., white, glabrous; lobes oblong-ovate to ± triangular. Anthers 2.5-3 mm long. Berry 1.5-2 cm diam., globose, glossy, orange to scarlet, long-persistent; stone cells 0. Seeds c. 3 mm diam., suborbicular to reniform or obovoid, rather asymmetric; margin thickened.
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Sparingly branched annual with stems to c. 60 cm tall, densely covered with subulate yellow prickles and stellate hairs. Petioles to 7 cm long. Lamina to c. 10 × 5 cm, ± ovate, with scattered prickles, stellate-hairy, densely so below, deeply 1-2-pinnatisect with lobes rounded at the sinuses and apices; base cuneate to attenuate, sometimes asymmetric. Cymes with several fls racemosely arranged, densely prickly; peduncles to c. 8 cm long at anthesis; pedicels short, spreading. Calyx 5-7 mm long, densely prickly with surface often obscured, stellate-tomentose, accrescent; lobes linear-lanceolate. Corolla 2-2.8 cm diam., yellow, densely stellate-hairy outside; lobes ovate. Shorter anthers c. 6 mm long; larger lower anther c. 10 mm long, with incurved beak. Berry c. 1 cm diam., globose, red, loosely enveloped in the enlarged, prickly calyx and thus fr. burr-like; stone cells probably 0. Seed 2-3 mm diam., very irregular in shape.
Suberect annual herb to c. 1.5 m tall, stellate-hairy and glandular-viscid and sticky; stems, lvs and infl. prominently prickly; prickles to 1.7 cm long, orange-red, flattened and glandular-hairy towards base. Petioles to c. 4 cm long. Lamina to c. 14 × 8 cm, ± oblong-ovate, deeply pinnately and acutely lobed, with a distinct leaflet towards base, with hairs as on stems; base asymmetric. Cymes few-flowered; peduncles to c. 12 cm long, glandular-hairy and prickly; pedicels somewhat deflexed at fruiting. Calyx 5-8 mm long, densely glandular-hairy, ± prickly; lobes lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate. Corolla 2.5-3.5 cm diam., white or pale blue; lobes lanceolate or ovate, densely stellate-hairy outside, especially near midrib. Anthers c. 8.5 mm long. Berry 1-2 cm diam., globose, red, the lower 1/2 loosely enveloped in accrescent calyx; stone cells probably 0. Seed not seen.
Glabrate or hairy, unarmed perennial herb with rhizomes bearing large terminal tubers; stems to c. 1 m tall, ± winged, much-branched. Petiole to 10 cm long. Lvs to c. 40 cm long, imparipinnate; false stipules at base to c. 2 cm long, oblique or semi-lunate; main leaflets 5-9, variable, mainly stalked, glabrate or hairy, entire, with small, very unequal, broad leaflets between. Lamina of main leaflets usually to 12-(15) × 7-(8) cm, broad-ovate, elliptic-ovate or oblong-ovate; base ± cordate, often obliquely so; apex usually obtuse or acuminate with a blunt apex, sometimes acute. Cymes loose, with few-15 fls; peduncles long and slender, often > 12 cm long; pedicels deflexed at fruiting. Calyx 6-10 mm long, hairy; lobes lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, > tube, somewhat accrescent. Corolla 2-4 cm diam., white to mauve or purple; lobes triangular and undulate, reflexing, somewhat hairy outside, especially on margins. Anthers 6-9 mm long. Berry 1-3 cm diam., globose or subglobose, green; stone cells 0. Seeds c. 2 mm long, obovoid to ± ellipsoid.
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Perennial, monoecious herb, without stinging hairs. Lvs alternate, entire, exstipulate. Fls inconspicuous, solitary, axillary, bracteolate. Perianth green, 4-partite; segments ± equal; segments of ♂ fls connate at base. Achene enclosed by perianth and bracteoles.
Slender, sparsely hairy herb; creeping and rooting at nodes. Stem much-branched, 5-20 cm long. Lvs suborbicular, 2-7 mm long. Petiole c. 1.5 mm long. ♀ fls below ♂ on stem. Bracteoles 3, free in ♂ fls, connate in ♀ at fruiting. Achene ovoid, c. 1 mm long.
Perennial herbs. Lvs mostly basal, simple, crenate to pinnatifid, reduced to alternate scales on peduncles. Capitula solitary and axillary from basal rosette. Involucral bracts in 2-4 rows, imbricate, herbaceous with membranous margins. Receptacle slightly convex; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, filiform or with rudimentary ligules, numerous in several rows. Inner florets ♂, tubular, fewer than ♀. Achenes all similar, subfalcate, not conspicuously beaked, compressed, with 2 narrow ribs; pappus 0.
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Small, usually delicate, annual or perennial herbs; stems often prostrate or nearly so. Lvs sessile or petiolate, very membranous, sometimes all radical. Fls solitary or in racemes, ☿, axillary or terminal. Calyx tube adnate to ovary; lobes nearly equal. Corolla tube cylindric or funnelform; limb somewhat 2-lipped to almost regular; lobes spreading, those of upper lip sometimes narrower, free. Stamens with filaments free; anthers connate, subequal, the 2 smaller setulose. Style simple; stigma surrounded by a hairy brush. Capsule dehiscing by 2 apical valves. Seeds numerous, minute.
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Perennial, stoloniferous herb forming dense patches; stems erect, green or tinged reddish, moderately clothed in short hairs, becoming almost glabrous toward base, not branched, up to 2 m tall. Basal lvs withered at flowering; mid cauline lvs narrow-elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, apetiolate, cuneate, acute to acuminate, usually entire, sometimes serrate, 3-nerved, scaberulous on upper surface and margins, pilose on lower, 8-10-(15) × 1-2-(2.5) cm; uppermost lvs smaller. Infl. a lax, racemose panicle with the individual racemes mostly spreading and secund. Capitula cylindric, (2)-3.5-5 mm diam.; peduncles hairy, 0.5-2 mm long. Inner involucral bracts narrow-oblong, glabrous, (2.5)-3-3.5 mm long; outer bracts narrow-triangular, c. 1.5 mm long. Ray florets c. 8-12; ligules linear-obovate, yellow, 1-3 mm long, recurved. Disc florets 3-5-(6), yellow. Ovary hairy; pappus scabrid; mature achenes not seen.
Usually perennial herbs, rarely shrubs. Lvs alternate, simple, entire or serrate. Capitula several to numerous in racemose or corymbose panicles. Involucral bracts in 3-several rows, imbricate, mostly chartaceous. Receptacle flat or convex; scales usually 0, sometimes few. Outer florets ♀, usually ligulate, very rarely filiform, often as many as or more than disc florets, usually in 1 row; ligules yellow. Inner florets ☿, tubular. Achenes all similar, obovoid to cylindric, terete or angled, ribbed, glabrous or hairy; pappus of scabrid hairs in 1 row.
Prostrate annual, forming patches up to c. 20 cm diam. Stems sparsely to moderately clothed in long hairs. Basal and lower cauline lvs petiolate, sheathing at base, moderately hairy, 2-3-pinnatisect, up to c. 12 × 3 cm; primary divisions in 4-8 pairs; ultimate segments narrow-elliptic to subulate, all in one plane. Cauline lvs similar to basal, but usually smaller. Involucral bracts in 1-2 rows, hairy, obtuse to apiculate, 3-5 mm long. Capitula inconspicuous at flowering, clustered near base of plant and separated by short obscured internodes, 5-12 mm diam. at fruiting, with 30-numerous mature achenes. Achenes 3-4.5 × 1-1.5 mm (including spine), sometimes with short hairs on both surfaces but not on wings, with long erect hairs at apex giving a woolly appearance to the fruiting capitulum; lateral angles entire, with narrow thick wings horizontally ridged in lower ⅔, rounded or squared to apex; spine 1-2 mm long.
Annual herbs. Lvs 2-3-pinnatisect, alternate. Capitula solitary, terminal, sessile; involucral bracts in 1-2 rows, with narrow membranous margins. Receptacle flat; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, without a corolla; inner florets ☿ or functionally ♂, tubular. Achenes all similar, strongly compressed, glabrous or hairy but not glandular; outer surface often with a central rib; lateral angles winged or not; style persistent, spinous; pappus 0.
Prostrate annual, forming patches up to c. 40 cm diam. Stems sparsely to densely clothed in long hairs, especially toward tips, rooting at nodes. Basal and lower cauline lvs petiolate, sheathing at base, sparsely to moderately hairy, 2-3-pinnatisect, up to 5 × 1.5 cm; primary divisions in 2-5 pairs; ultimate segments narrow-elliptic to subulate, not all in one plane giving a somewhat feathery appearance to the lf. Cauline lvs similar to basal but smaller, mostly 15 × 5-8 mm. Involucral bracts in 1-2 rows, hairy, acute to apiculate, 3-6 mm long. Capitula inconspicuous at flowering, usually scattered along stems, 4-10 mm diam. at fruiting, with (3)-5-20-(27) mature achenes and central florets usually functionally ♂. Achenes glabrous or with short hairs on both surfaces and sometimes on wings, (2.5)-3-6 × 1.3-4.5 mm (including spine), with low central rib on outer face; lateral angles not winged or with narrow to broad thin wings; wings entire or shallowly to deeply 2-lobed, rounded at apex or extended into narrow projections; spine 1.3-2.5 mm long.
Perennial. Roots creeping, perennating. Stem erect, simple or branched, finely grooved or ribbed, glabrous, 50-120 cm tall. Lvs firm, dark green, paler beneath, glabrous, oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate; margins coarsely dentate. Rosette and lower stem lvs tapering to base, 15-35 × 3-10 cm, pinnatifid to c. 1/2way to midrib; lobes deflexed, triangular to oblong. Upper lvs becoming less lobed, narrow-triangular to subulate, with rounded amplexicaul auricles at base. Infl. cymose-paniculate; capitula numerous. Involucre 15-18 mm long, turbinate to cylindric; bracts imbricate, spreading at fruiting, with tangled white short branching hairs and long yellow glandular setae. Receptacle with short scales and fine sparse short hairs. Florets 11/2× length of involucre; corolla tube a little > ligule; ligules spreading, yellow. Achenes elliptic, brown, weakly flattened, 3.5-3.8 × c. 1.5 mm, 5-ribbed on each face, not winged; ribs and spaces between conspicuously closely wrinkled. Pappus fine, white, = involucre.
Annual or biennial. Roots tap and fibrous. Stem erect, usually simple, finely grooved or ribbed, glabrous, (15)-20-60-(180) cm tall. Lvs firm-textured, ± shiny, usually green or rarely glaucous above, paler to ± glaucous beneath, glabrous, lanceolate to oblanceolate or obovate; margins sinuate-dentate with prickly-spinose teeth. Rosette and lower stem lvs tapering to expanded auriculate base, (4)-10-20-(40) × (1.5)-3-6-(15) cm, pinnatifid to c. 1/2 way to midrib or rarely not lobed; lobes recurved to spreading, triangular to lanceolate. Upper lvs pinnatifid or not lobed, narrowly triangular to subulate, with rounded amplexicaul auricles at base. Infl. cymose to umbellate; capitula few to many. Involucre 10-15 mm long, turbinate to cylindric; bracts imbricate, reflexed at fruiting, glabrous or rarely with tangled white short branching hairs and sparse long pale glandular hairs. Receptacle glabrous. Florets 11/2× length of involucre; corolla tube > ligule; ligules spreading, yellow. Achenes elliptic, pale brown, strongly flattened, 2.5-3 × 1-1.6 mm, 3-ribbed on each face, winged; spaces between ribs smooth; ribs and edges of wings smooth or finely scabrid. Pappus fine, white, c. = involucre.
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Annual to perennial herbs, taprooted or roots creeping and perennating. Tomentum generally confined to infls, or 0, composed of fine tangled and branched and/or long glandular or eglandular hairs. Stems usually branching above. Lvs basal and cauline, undivided to 1-(2)-pinnatifid. Capitula terminal and axillary, pedunculate, sometimes ± umbellate. Involucral bracts usually with tangled short white branching hairs, often with longer glandular or eglandular hairs, rarely glabrous; outer bracts small; inner bracts becoming larger, not in distinct rows. Receptacle mammillate, glabrous or with small scales or fine hairs. Corolla ligulate, yellow, or ligule pinkish beneath. Style branches filiform, dark. Achenes brown, numerous, weakly or strongly flattened, 3-5-ribbed on each face, winged or not; beak 0; pappus > achene, soft, white; bristles of 2 types, both scabrid: fine hairs with 2-fid apices, and very fine hairs with numerous microscopic recurved barbs at apices.
Annual. Roots tap and fibrous. Stem erect, simple or branched, finely grooved or ribbed, glabrous, 50-120 cm tall. Lvs soft, dull to ± shiny, mid to dark green to glaucous above, pale to glaucous beneath, glabrous, ± oblanceolate to obovate; margins dentate with spinulose teeth. Rosette and lower stem lvs (4)-10-20 × (1.5)-4-10 cm, pinnatifid almost to midrib; lobes reflexed or recurved, ovate to narrowly triangular; petiole narrowly winged. Upper lvs pinnatifid, usually with broadly triangular terminal lobe, 1-3 pairs of narrowly triangular lateral lobes, a broadly expanded winged petiole, and an amplexicaul-auriculate base with pointed lobes, sometimes lf not lobed, ovate-amplexicaul, rarely pinnatisect with linear lobes. Infl. cymose to umbellate; capitula few to many. Involucre 10-15 mm long, turbinate to cylindric; bracts imbricate, reflexed at fruiting, usually glabrous or rarely with a few pale glandular or eglandular setae. Receptacle glabrous. Florets 11/2× length of involucre; corolla tube c. = ligule; ligules spreading, yellow. Achenes narrowly obovoid to clavate, brown, weakly flattened, 2.5-3 × 0.8-1 mm, 3-ribbed on each face, not winged; ribs and spaces between finely transversely wrinkled. Pappus fine, white, c. = involucre.
Deciduous, usually suckering, large shrubs, not armed; stems ± erect, glabrate. Lvs distributed along young stems, large, imparipinnate; leaflets toothed, petiolulate; stipules small, free, persistent. Infl. a large terminal panicle of many small fls. Fls 5-merous, ☿, small, shortly pedicellate. Hypanthium broadly cup-shaped. Epicalyx 0. Sepals persistent; lobes reflexed. Petals ovate to suborbicular, small but exceeding calyx, white. Stamens 20-50, inserted at mouth of calyx tube. Ovary superior; carpels (4)-5-(8), fused at base; styles 5; ovules several. Fr. of usually 5 follicles; seeds several in each follicle, small.
Spreading and suckering shrub up to 4-(6) m high, often forming thickets; stems ± erect; secondary branches ± spreading or curving downwards; young stems green, shiny. Lvs oblong, with up to 10 pairs of leaflets; petiole (20)-30-70-(90) mm long, yellowish green, glabrous or glabrate, sometimes puberulent; middle leaflets sessile, narrow-lanceolate to lanceolate, 60-110 × 13-30 mm, acuminate, rounded at base, glabrous or with scattered hairs, pale green and with veins strongly impressed on upper surface giving an almost rugose appearance, with fine hairs chiefly along veins on lower surface; margins 2-serrate with sharply acute teeth; stipules small, linear. Infl. loose, ± drooping to pendulous, 20-35-(50) cm long; main branches densely hairy, sometimes with stalked glands; pedicels glabrous. Sepals broadly triangular-ovate with rounded apex, 0.7-1 mm long, glabrous, brown. Petals 1.5-2.5 mm diam., orbicular, blunt, ± white, sometimes pale pink-flushed. Fr. 2.5-3 mm long, brown, borne on recurved peduncles.
Tree up to 8-(12) m high, usually with an erect trunk and spreading branches; young shoots pilose, sometimes densely so, but soon becoming glabrate. Buds large; outer scales glabrous, purplish, inner scales densely covered with white hairs towards apex. Lvs imparipinnate with up to 8 pairs of leaflets; petiole 20-35-(45) mm long, green or brown to purplish, pilose, but hairs deciduous, sometimes with stalked glands; leaflets (excluding smaller ones near base) narrowly oblong or oblong-elliptic, sometimes lanceolate-elliptic, (20)-30-50-(60) × 8-20-(25) mm, obtuse to acute, ± sessile, deep green and glabrous or finely hairy above, paler and finely to densely pilose below, serrate along whole length or sometimes in upper ⅔ only; leaflets of juvenile plants and suckering shoots narrowly elliptic to elliptic-ovate, deeply and jaggedly toothed; stipules ± deciduous, small, acuminate. Infl. drooping, up to c. 120 mm across; pedicels and branchlets white-villous, becoming glabrate by fruiting. Sepal lobes broadly triangular, 0.6-1.3 mm long, obtuse, white-villous, at least at base, sometimes glabrous in upper part; margin with several short glandular teeth. Petals 3-4.5 mm diam., ± orbicular with abbreviated claw, white. Fr. depressed-globose, sometimes ± oblong-obovoid, 5-10 mm diam., deep orange to scarlet, sometimes crimson, glossy.
Unarmed, deciduous trees or shrubs; trunk usually well-developed with branches forming a spreading crown; young stems often hairy; bark of older stems usually greyish. Lvs imparipinnate, with serrate or entire leaflets, or simple and toothed or lobed; stipules often deciduous, sometimes persistent and conspicuous on flowering shoots. Fls in large, showy, compound corymbs, or rarely panicles, terminating short shoots, usually with 2 uppermost lvs subtending outer part of infl., 5-merous, ☿, shortly pedicellate, mostly small. Hypanthium obconic to urceolate. Epicalyx 0. Sepals short and lanceolate or triangular, connate at base, usually persistent, sometimes deciduous. Petals 5, spreading, white or rarely pink or pale yellow. Stamens 15-20. Ovary semi-inferior or inferior; carpels 2-5, partly free or fused, ± enclosed by receptacle; styles as many as carpels, free or partly fused; ovules 2 in each locule. Fr. a small or rarely large, dryish or mealy pome, usually red to orange, sometimes yellow, brownish, white or pink; carpels thin-walled and becoming cartilaginous or membranous; seeds 1-2 in each locule.
Small tree to c. 6 m high, sometimes a low spreading shrub, densely hairy or bristly tomentose on young shoots and young infl.; hairs usually simple or with 2-3 branches, rarely obviously stellate. Petioles 4-14 cm long. Stipules 5-12 mm long, subulate, brown, scarious. Lamina 10-18-(28) × 7-14-(23) cm, broad-ovate, densely hairy beneath, less hairy above, serrate-dentate, usually shallowly 5-7-lobed, sometimes simple on flowering shoots; base deeply cordate; apex acuminate. Peduncles > petioles. Cymes with slender pedicels to 4 cm long, densely clothed in patent white hairs. Sepals 5-12 mm long (longer in cultivated plants), oblong-ovate, caducous, densely clothed in patent white hairs. Petals 10-15 mm long, white with yellow base; the outer (true petals) obovate; the inner (petaloid stamens) often with purple streaks, narrow, numerous. Stamens mostly petaloid, sometimes a few moniliform; base of filaments yellow, upper parts purple. Capsule globose, with copious bristles, not developing properly.
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Deciduous shrub up to 3 m high; twigs sparsely to moderately clothed in appressed hairs, becoming ± glabrous, rounded, striate and glaucous-green to dark green. Mature branches with few lvs; lvs glabrous or sparsely to densely hairy, simple, entire, elliptic to oblong or ± linear on mature branches, acute to obtuse, (8)-15-25 mm long, up to 45 mm long in shaded shoots or seedlings; petioles 1-2 mm long. Infl. with usually numerous fragrant fls; pedicels 2-5 mm long; bract subtending pedicel narrowly triangular, 2-4 mm long; bracteole subtending calyx linear, c. 2 mm long. Calyx ± glabrous, unilabiate. Corolla 22-28 mm long. Pod becoming glabrous, oblong and flattened, 50-90 mm long; seeds smooth, dark brown.
Shrub, not armed. Lvs few, 1-foliolate, shortly petiolate; stipules 0. Infl. terminal, racemose; bracts and bracteoles small, deciduous. Calyx split above, with 5 short teeth. Corolla golden. Stamens connate into a closed tube; alternate anthers long and basifixed or short and versatile. Style incurved, glabrous; stigma terminal, slightly oblique. Pod 2-valved, ± straight, dehiscent, many-seeded; sutures slightly thickened; seeds estrophiolate.
Annual herb, (5)-15-30-(60) cm tall. Stems and lvs sparsely to densely covered in glandular hairs. Lvs linear, fleshy, channelled beneath, (5)-10-25-(40) × 0.5 mm; stipules broadly ovate to triangular, scarious, glandular-ciliate, 1-2 mm long. Dichasium lax; peduncle usually = stem internodes; bracts small, scarious. Sepals ovate, glandular, (3)-4-5-(6) mm long; margins scarious. Petals white, c. = sepals. Stamens 5-10. Styles 5. Capsule ovoid, smooth, straw yellow or pale brown, 5-valved, 5-6 mm long, > sepals. Seeds 1 mm diam., biconvex, smooth or papillate, keeled or very narrowly winged, almost black when ripe.
Annual, rarely perennial, herbs. Hairs glandular or eglandular. Lvs opposite, linear, often in dense axillary fascicles; stipules scarious, not united to surround the node. Infl. a terminal dichasium; pedicels deflexed after flowering, later becoming erect; bracts scarious; epicalyx 0. Sepals 5, free. Petals 5, white, entire; coronal scales 0. Stamens 5-10. Styles (3)-5. Fr. an ovoid capsule, dehiscing by (3)-5 valves; carpophore 0. Seeds spherical or flattened, papillate or smooth, keeled or winged.
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Annual to perennial herbs. Hairs glandular. Lvs opposite, linear; stipules scarious, connate at the base or for up to 1/2 of length and forming a sheath. Infl. a terminal dichasium or monochasium; pedicels deflexed to erecto-patent; bracts scarious; epicalyx 0. Sepals 5, free. Petals 5, entire, purplish pink or white; coronal scales 0. Stamens (0)-1-10. Styles 3. Fr. an ovoid capsule, dehiscing by 3 valves; carpophore 0. Seeds ovoid or subtrigonous, flattened, smooth or papillate, winged or not.
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Semi-deciduous shrub up to c. 1.5 m high, forming small thickets; stems ± erect, stiff; young stems finely striated, pilose, reddish; bark of older stems reddish and smooth. Lvs spreading or slightly ascending; petiole 3-5 mm long, narrowly winged, sparsely pilose, ± reddish, channelled above; blade lanceolate to narrow-ovate or narrow-elliptic, 40-100-(110) × 10-30-(35) mm, acuminate, cuneate at base, glabrous except for principal veins and margins near petiole when young, with network of veins showing distinctly on glaucous to pale green underside of blade, regularly or somewhat irregularly and rather shallowly 2-serrate. Infls densely hairy or tomentose, spreading, compound corymbs terminating short branches, up to 100 mm wide and 40 mm long; peduncles 3-5 mm long, slender. Sepals triangular, 1-1.5 mm long, hairy, sometimes densely so, dark green and sometimes magenta-tipped. Petals broadly ovate to orbicular, c. 2 mm diam., rose-red. Stamens c. = petals. Fr. of diverging, brown, glabrous follicles.
Deciduous or semi-deciduous, large, sometimes suckering shrubs, not armed; stems usually erect; young shoots often brittle. Lvs usually distributed along stems, sometimes in fascicles on short shoots, usually simple, sometimes lobed, entire, dentate, crenate or serrate, usually shortly petiolate; stipules 0. Infl. a lateral or terminal panicle, corymb or umbel. Fls 5-merous, small, shortly pedicellate, ☿ or rarely unisexual. Hypanthium cup-shaped or turbinate. Epicalyx 0. Sepals small, connate at base, usually persistent. Petals 5, usually > sepals, ± spreading, white to crimson. Stamens 15-60, inserted on margin of calyx tube. Ovary superior; carpels (3)-5-(8), free; styles (3)-5-(8); ovules several in each locule. Fr. of coriaceous or leathery follicles; seeds several per follicle; very small.
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Annual or perennial herbs, less commonly small shrubs; rhizomes present or 0; tubers occasionally present. Lvs simple, usually toothed. Verticels of 2-many fls in dense or lax axillary or terminal spikes, rarely infl. capitate. Bracts usually different to foliage lvs; bracteoles present or 0. Calyx tubular to campanulate or almost funnelform, not gibbous at base, 5-10-nerved, regular, rarely slightly 2-lipped; teeth usually subequal, acute to aristate. Corolla 2-lipped, hairy outside; tube usually exserted from calyx; upper lip flat to deeply concave, entire or 2-fid; lower lip 3-lobed, the middle lobe largest and usually > upper lip. Stamens ± exserted; anther cells parallel or divergent. Style gynobasic, its branches subequal. Nutlets obovoid or oblong, sometimes ± trigonous; apex rounded.
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Rhizomatous, strongly aromatic or foetid perennial herb, to 80-(100) cm tall, densely hirsute, with many glandular hairs, also with sessile, white, glandular scales. Petioles to 7 cm long in lower lvs, often much less in upper lvs. Lamina 5-10 × 3-6 cm, usually ovate, sometimes oblong-ovate, deeply crenate-serrate and teeth often mucronulate; base cordate; apex acute. Bracts remotely toothed or entire, very different from foliage lvs. Calyx 6-8 mm long; tube > teeth; teeth c. 3 mm long, narrow-triangular, acuminate, ± purple. Corolla 12-16 mm long, reddish purple with whitish markings on the downward curved, spathulate, lower lip; tube exserted from calyx; upper lip hooded, with dense simple and glandular hairs outside; lower lip c. 9 mm long × 8 mm across lateral lobes, > upper lip. Nutlets c. 1.5-2 mm diam., broad-obovoid or suborbicular, trigonous, smooth, almost black.
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Wiry perennial. Stems decumbent to ascending, terete, with uniform sparse to dense fine hairs, rarely glabrous, (2)-5-15-(30) cm long. Lvs yellowish green, sessile, linear to subulate, acute, connate in pairs, ciliate near base, 3-8 × 0.5-0.7 mm; lf axil often containing a reduced leafy shoot. Fls solitary, long-pedunculate. Bracts 2, linear to lanceolate, acute, 2-4 mm long; margins scarious. Peduncle erect, (20)-30-60 mm long. Sepals ovate, acute, not veined, (2.5)-3-5 mm long, glabrous; margins scarious. Petals = or > sepals. Stamens 10. Capsule ovoid, = calyx. Seeds pale brown, 0.8-1 mm long; papillae narrow, pale.
Perennial. Stems weak, ascending, 4-angled, glabrous, 15-60-(100) cm long. Lvs green, sessile, connate in pairs, narrow-oblanceolate to narrow-lanceolate below, narrow-lanceolate or becoming linear-lanceolate above, tapering gradually to acute apex and sparsely ciliate or glabrous base, (10)-15-30-(50) × 3-5-(8) mm; margin flat; marginal vein obscure or 0. Infl. a terminal dichasium, lax, (10)-20-60-flowered. Bracts ovate-acuminate to subulate, keeled, 4-7 × 1-3 mm; margins scarious, ciliate. Pedicels slender, patent, glabrous, 10-30-(50) mm long. Sepals narrow-triangular, acute, 3-veined, 4-7 mm long; margins scarious, ciliate. Petals 4-9 mm long, c. = or slightly > sepals. Stamens 10 or fewer. Capsule narrow-ovoid, = or > calyx. Seeds dull brown, c. 1 mm long; papillae low, elongate.
Annual or perennial herbs. Hairs usually sparse and eglandular, or 0. Lvs opposite, exstipulate, sessile or petiolate, glabrous or ciliate, linear, lanceolate, ovate or orbicular. Infl. a dichasium or reduced to 1-2 fls; bracts scarious to herbaceous; epicalyx 0. Sepals 5, free, not veined or (1)-3-veined. Petals white, divided almost to base, rarely 0. Stamens 10 or fewer. Styles 3. Fr. a capsule, usually ovoid, sometimes globose or cylindric, dehiscing by 6 teeth; carpophore 0. Seeds usually 4-10, ovoid, flattened, tuberculate or papillate, not winged.
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Ascending to erect annual, often short-lived. Stems tomentose, becoming glabrous, much-branched above and below, 1-15 cm long. Basal lvs sparsely to moderately hairy on upper surface, densely tomentose on lower, orbicular to obovate, obtuse and mucronate at apex, cuneate to long petiole ± = or > lamina; cauline lvs similar, smaller, with lamina 2-7-(8) mm diam.; uppermost lvs sometimes spathulate. Capitula c. 1 mm diam., (2)-8-numerous in terminal or axillary clusters ± covered in dense woolly hairs and exceeded by subtending lvs. Outer involucral bracts hairy, c. 1 mm long, acute; inner bracts almost glabrous, 2-3 mm long, with lamina becoming darker and hooked at fruiting, and exposed above woolly hairs of cluster. Achenes minutely papillate, 0.8 mm long.
Annual herbs. Lvs alternate, simple, entire. Capitula in dense sessile clusters. Involucral bracts in 3-4 rows, imbricate, the inner with recurved hooked lamina. Receptacle conic; scales O. Outer florets ♀, filiform; inner florets ☿, tubular. Achenes all similar, obovoid and slightly angled; pappus 0.
Nearly glabrous, deciduous shrub to c. 2 m high, forming dense thickets; stems ± erect, rather stout. Petioles 3-6 mm long, channelled above, sometimes ciliate. Lamina 2-4.5 × 1-3.5 cm (uppermost sometimes smaller), usually broad-ovate or broad-elliptic, less commonly elliptic, occasionally slightly lobed, otherwise entire, glaucous beneath, ± ciliate; veins level with surface; base broad-cuneate or rounded; apex obtuse or mucronate. Fls in axillary clusters or short terminal spikes. Peduncles glabrous. Bracts and bracteoles 1-2 mm long, broad-ovate, ciliolate. Calyx 0.5-1 mm long; lobes similar to bracts. Corolla c. 6 mm long, campanulate, pink, white-bearded inside. Stamens slightly exserted. Style included, glabrous. Drupe 10-15 mm diam., globose or subglobose, white, usually with several smaller abortive frs in same infructescence; pulp mealy. Pyrenes 3-4 mm long, whitish.
Deciduous, erect to almost prostrate shrubs. Winter buds with c. 2 pairs of outer scales. Lvs simple, entire or sometimes lobed, exstipulate. Fls terminal or axillary, forming clusters or spike-like racemes; bracts and bracteoles present. Calyx 4-5-lobed, small. Corolla 4-5-lobed, actinomorphic; tube campanulate to ± tubular. Stamens 4-5, included or slightly exserted. Ovary 4-celled, with 2 fertile and 2 sterile loculi; fertile loculi with 1 ovule. Style slender; stigma capitate. Fr. a berry-like drupe with 2, ± compressed pyrenes.
Shrub 1-1.5 m high; stems thin, hairy, forming a dense bush. Petioles to 3 mm long, densely hairy, channelled above. Lamina 2-5 × 1-3 cm, ovate, elliptic, to almost suborbicular, entire, glaucescent and hairy beneath, densely so on veins, glabrous above except for midrib; veins impressed above, raised below; base rounded to subcordate; apex rounded, mucronulate. Fls in dense axillary clusters and short terminal spikes. Peduncles densely hairy. Bracts and bracteoles 0.7-1.5 mm long, broadly ovate, densely hairy. Calyx c. 1 mm long; lobes ciliate. Corolla c. 4 mm long, campanulate, whitish or pale pink, densely hairy inside. Stamens included. Style included, pilose. Drupes 5-8 mm diam., subglobose, purplish rose, often with abortive frs in same infructescence; pulp ± mealy. Pyrenes 2.5-3 mm long, whitish.
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Perennial, usually hispid herbs. Basal lvs with petiole long and welldefined; cauline Ivs sometimes sessile. Infl. of short, ebracteate terminal cymes. Calyx 5-lobed, often divided nearly to base, accrescent. Corolla tube cylindric in lower 1/2, tubular-campanulate or funnelform above; limb of 5 short lobes; scales present, usually with papillate margins. Stamens included, inserted around middle of tube. Style exserted; stigma very small. Nutlets ovoid, erect or curved, usually rugose or verruculose, occasionally smooth; base concave with thickened collar.
Plants to c. 100 cm tall, with most vegetative parts strongly hispid. Roots becoming very thick. Basal lvs with lamina very large, ovate to ovatelanceolate, densely hispid above and below, but not harshly scabrid, often some hairs with bulbous bases but never predominantly so; cauline lvs smaller, mostly 3-4 mm wide, decurrent down stem to internode below, with petiole broadly winged, the upper sessile. Cymes densely hispid. Calyx 5-8 mm long, lobed to c. 3/4 length; lobes linear-lanceolate, ± shortly acuminate. Corolla 12-16 mm long, usually pale pink in upper 1/2, occasionally creamy white, purplish when dry; scales narrow-triangular. Filaments ± as wide as anthers; anthers usually projecting well beyond scales. Nutlets smooth.
Deciduous shrubs or small trees. Shoots terete. Terminal bud present or 0. Lvs opposite, usually simple, rarely pinnate or lobed, generally entire. Infl. of many small, often fragrant, ☿ fls in lateral or terminal panicles. Calyx 4-lobed, small, persistent, campanulate. Corolla salverform; tube cylindric; lobes 4, valvate, spreading. Stamens 2, included or exserted, epipetalous. Stigma 2-lobed, not exceeding stamens. Fr. a leathery capsule, loculicidal, coriaceous; seeds 2 per cell, winged.
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Usually trees, sometimes shrubs, nearly always glabrous. Lvs opposite, often glandular. Infl. usually terminal, cymose or paniculate, sometimes fls solitary, sometimes cauliflorous; bracteoles mainly inconspicuous and fugaceous; pseudopedicel mostly present. Hypanthium obovoid-clavate, turbinate, obconic or campanulate, sometimes produced beyond ovary; calyx lobes 4-5, often inconspicuous. Petals 4-5, often forming a calyptrum, generally caducous. Stamens numerous, in several to many whorls, free, > petals, much incurved in bud; anthers variable; anther sacs usually parallel. Ovary 2-(3)-celled, with tissue often spongy; ovules few to many; style often long and exserted. Fr. baccate, globular to subcylindric, ellipsoid, obovoid, 1-2-seeded.
Erect, glabrous, aromatic annual, up to c. 60 cm tall. Stems much-branched or sparingly branched. Lvs 1-pinnate, shortly petiolate; leaflets in 2-4-(8) pairs, narrow-elliptic to lanceolate, 1-4-(5) cm long, with 2-10-(20) teeth on each side, and scattered, large, sessile glands on both surfaces. Upper cauline lvs smaller than lower, with fewer, narrower leaflets and fewer leaflet teeth. Capitula c. 4-6 cm diam., solitary; peduncles fistular. Involucre campanulate, (12)-15-20 × (6)-8-18 mm, with 5-7 short teeth at apex; glands long, many, ± evenly distributed above and below. Ray florets 8-numerous; ligules pale yellow to bright orange, 10-30 mm long. Disc florets numerous, yellow or orange, or many or all transformed into ligulate florets. Achenes 3-4-angled, dark brown or black, moderately clothed in short antrorse hairs especially on angles, c. 10-11 × 1-1.3 mm; pappus scales fused toward base, the longest c. 11-12 mm and with minute marginal antrorse hairs.
Aromatic annual or perennial herbs. Lvs opposite, at least below, often alternate above, pinnatifid or pinnate, and usually serrate. Capitula solitary, or in loose to dense corymbs. Involucral bracts in 1 row, connate almost to apex. Receptacle flat; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, ligulate; ligules cream, yellow, orange or red-brown. Inner florets ☿, tubular (transformed into ligulate florets in some cvs). Achenes long-linear, angled; pappus of 5-10, unequal, often connate, awned scales.
Erect, glabrous, strongly aromatic annual, up to 1-2 m tall. Stems usually with many short branches. Lvs 1-pinnate, shortly petiolate; leaflets in 3-8 pairs, linear to lanceolate, 2-8 cm long, with (8)-15-40 teeth on each side, moderately covered in large, sessile, glands, especially on lower surface. Upper cauline lvs smaller than lower, with fewer leaflets and teeth. Capitula 3-7 mm diam., in dense corymbs; peduncles solid. Involucre narrow-cylindric, 8-12 × 2-3 mm, with 3-5 short teeth at apex; glands long, many, evenly distributed above and below. Ray florets 1-3-(4); ligules yellowish green or cream, 1-3 mm long. Disc florets few, green. Achenes 3-4-angled toward base, dark brown, densely clothed in short antrorse hairs, 5.5-7 × 0.7-1 mm; pappus scales free, the longest 2.5-3 mm and with minute marginal antrorse hairs.
Erect, glabrous, aromatic annual, 8-40-(50) cm tall. Stems usually much-branched, sometimes not branched. Lvs 1-pinnate, shortly petiolate; leaflets in 2-5-(7) pairs, narrow-elliptic to lanceolate, 0.5-3 cm long, with (0)-2-5-(6) teeth on each side, and scattered, large, sessile glands on both surfaces. Upper cauline lvs smaller than lower, with fewer, narrower leaflets and fewer leaflet teeth. Capitula 2-4 cm diam., solitary; peduncles solid or fistular. Involucre cylindric to campanulate, 12-18-(20) × 5-12-(14) mm, with 4-7 short teeth at apex; glands long, many and ± evenly distributed above and below, or few and mostly confined to upper 1/2. Ray florets 5-numerous; ligules yellow to bright orange, or deep red-brown, sometimes bicoloured with red-brown blotch or markings toward base or paler only at margin, 5-15 mm long. Disc florets numerous, yellow or orange, or many or most transformed into ligulate florets. Achenes 3-4-angled, dark brown or black, sparsely clothed in short antrorse hairs especially on angles, 9-12 × 0.7-1 mm; pappus scales fused toward base, the longest 7-12 mm and with minute marginal antrorse hairs.
Shrubs or small trees with slender branches. Lvs alternate, exstipulate, scale-like or ericoid. Fls usually in spikes, racemes, or panicles, occasionally solitary, very small, actinomorphic, usually ☿. Sepals 4-5-(6), imbricate, free. Petals 4-5-(6), free, often persistent. Stamens 4-numerous, free or connate at base, inserted on or at margin of prominent disc. Ovary superior, 1-locular; carpels 3-5, with parietal or basal placentae; ovules numerous; styles 3-5, free or united at base. Fr. a septicidal capsule. Seeds with tuft of long hairs all round or only at apex, endospermic or non-endospermic.
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Shrubs or small trees. Lvs scale-like or ericoid, sheathing, with sunken salt-secreting glands. Fls pink or white, either borne in axillary spike-like racemes on the previous season's shoots or in terminal panicles on the current season's growth, sometimes on both. Sepals and petals 4-5. Stamens 4-15, sometimes partly antipetalous. Disc fleshy, nectar-secreting, 4-5-lobed. Styles 3-4, short. Seed with apical tuft of hairs.
Annual or perennial herbs, often rhizomatous. Lvs simple, entire to 1-3-pinnatisect, alternate. Capitula in corymbs, or rarely solitary, terminal, usually pedunculate; involucral bracts in 3-4 rows, often with membranous margins. Receptacle flat; scales 0 or few. Outer florets usually ♀ (sometimes all florets ☿), ligulate or ligule much reduced, yellow, white or pink; inner florets usually ☿ and tubular, transformed into ligulate florets in double forms. Achenes all similar, cylindric or clavate, sometimes with many small glands but otherwise glabrous, 3-10-ribbed; pappus a small toothed or lobed corona.
Strongly aromatic perennial herb, not rhizomatous. Stems erect, 20-60 cm tall, ribbed, sparsely to moderately clothed in short hairs especially above, not branched or much branched from base. Basal lvs petiolate, ovate to ovate-oblong, sparsely to moderately clothed in short hairs and with scattered pitted glandular hairs, 1-pinnate with leaflets again 1-2-pinnatisect, 3-15 × 2-6 cm; primary leaflets in 3-5-(8) pairs, ovate, all in one plane, shortly petiolulate at base of lf; ultimate segments ovate to oblong, crenate or serrate. Cauline lvs similar to basal, but above becoming shortly petiolate, smaller and less divided, usually with numerous glandular hairs on lower surface. Corymb with 8-40-(50), loosely packed capitula. Involucral bracts sparsely hairy, 2-4-(5) mm long; margin pale, membranous, especially at apex. Capitula 15-30 mm diam.; ray florets 12-numerous; ligules white; disc florets usually numerous, yellow, few in double forms. Achenes c. 1.5 mm long, pale brown, glandular, ribbed; corona lobed, c. 0.2 mm long.
Strongly aromatic, rhizomatous, perennial herb. Stems erect, 30-200 cm tall, ribbed, glabrous or sparsely clothed in short hairs and glandular hairs especially above, branched above to form infl. Basal lvs petiolate (but often with very reduced leaflets along sheath), ovate, elliptic, or obovate, glabrous to moderately clothed in short hairs and with often numerous pitted glandular hairs, 1-pinnate with leaflets again 1-pinnatisect, c. 15-25 × 5-10 cm; primary leaflets in c. 10-15 pairs, lanceolate to narrow-ovate, all in one plane, sessile; ultimate segments lanceolate to triangular, serrate. Cauline lvs similar to basal, but usually glabrous and densely glandular, above becoming sessile, smaller and with fewer, less divided leaflets. Corymb with (6)-15- numerous, densely packed capitula. Involucral bracts usually glabrous, rarely with a few scattered hairs, 2-5 mm long; margin brown, membranous, especially at apex. Capitula (6)-8-10-(12) mm diam.; outer florets ♀ but not or very shortly ligulate, yellow; disc florets numerous, yellow. Achenes c. 1.5 mm long, brown, glandular, ribbed; corona lobed, c. 0.2 mm long.
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Perennial rosette herb. Lvs all basal, linear to oblong or linear- oblanceolate, simple, usually dentate, sometimes runcinate-pinnatifid, glabrous or with sparse multicellular hairs, especially above, (3)-5-15-(30) × (0.7)-1-1.5-(4.5) cm; terminal lobe narrowly deltoid to oblong, obtuse, truncate at base; lateral lobes triangular, deflexed or recurved, entire or toothed on distal margin; petiole and proximal part of midrib hollow. Scape stout, hollow, usually sparsely cobwebby above, sometimes glabrous, (2)-5-20-(30) cm tall. Capitula 1.5-3-(4) cm diam. Involucral bracts glabrous; outer bracts lanceolate to ovate, ± attenuate, green or reddish, erect at flowering, suberect to patent at fruiting, with scarious margins; inner bracts narrowly triangular to linear, acute, green, erect, with scarious margins. Florets usually golden yellow, rarely paler. Achene body usually orange-brown to dull greenish brown, rarely cream, ribbed, clavate-fusiform, 2.5-4 mm long; ribs each with (3)-5-7 teeth on distal ⅓-⅔, the distal teeth slightly > the proximal; cone tapering or narrowly cylindric, (0.5)-1-2 mm long, concolorous with the body. Beak usually pale, sometimes dark, slender, 4.5-8 mm long. Pappus white, 4-7 mm long.
Perennial rosette herb. Lvs all basal, linear-oblanceolate to obovate, runcinate-pinnatifid to not lobed, toothed, glabrous or with sparse short multicellular hairs especially on midrib above, 5-30-(60) × 1-10-(12) cm; terminal lobe triangular to deltoid, acute or obtuse, truncate or hastate at base; lateral lobes narrowly to broadly triangular, usually recurved, often toothed, especially on distal margin; petiole and proximal part of midrib hollow. Scape stout, hollow, glabrous or cobwebby, 3-35-(60) cm tall. Capitula 3-5 cm diam. Involucral bracts glabrous; outer bracts narrowly obovate, attenuate, dull green or reddish, strongly reflexed to recurved at flowering and fruiting, with margins not scarious; inner bracts narrowly triangular to linear, acute, green, erect, with scarious margins at least at base. Florets golden yellow. Achene body cream to greenish brown, ribbed, clavate, 2.5-3.5 mm long; ribs each with 3-(5) teeth on distal ⅓, the distal teeth longest; cone tapering, 0.5-1 mm long, concolorous with body; beak usually white to cream, rarely dark, slender, 7-10 mm long. Pappus white, 5-7 mm long.
Evergreen dioecious trees and shrubs with thin bark. Lvs spirally inserted, appearing 2-ranked, usually not resinous. ♂ fls (microsporophylls) axillary, solitary or aggregated into cones or heads (strobili), each with a terminal peltate shield bearing 2-14 anthers (microsporangia). ♀ fls (macrosporangia) solitary or paired in the axils of decussate scale lvs on reduced vegetative shoots, not forming a cone; ovule solitary, erect, terminal, on a direct continuation of a very short floral axis, and thus ovule not borne on a scale. Seed with 1 integument, partly or wholly surrounded by an aril which becomes fleshy and often brightly coloured, wingless; cotyledons 2.
Medium-sized to huge, monoecious trees, very rarely shrubs, deciduous or evergreen, resinous, with thick, often soft, fibrous bark. Lvs usually alternate and spirally arranged, less commonly opposite, usually linear, lanceolate, or cultrate, sometimes scale-like. Short shoots usually not evident. ♂ strobili (cones) terminal, of numerous spirally arranged stamens (microsporophylls), each stamen with 2-9 anthers (microsporangia). Pollen lacking bladders. ♀ cones terminal; bract and ovuliferous scales (megasporophylls) ± fused and indistinguishable, spirally arranged, numerous, each bearing 2-12, erect or inverted ovules on the upper surface. Mature cones ± globose, woody, dehiscent, ripening in second year. Seed often with narrow wing; cotyledons 2-9.
Small tree to c. 10 m high (larger in cultivation). Bark peeling in thin scaly strips, dark reddish brown. Trunk often short with main branches arising near the ground and tending to form a dense crown. Shoots green, ribbed. Lvs with short yellowish green petiole, radial on erect shoots, ± 2-ranked on horizontal shoots. Lamina 1.2-2.5 cm × 1.5-2 mm, sometimes smaller in first lvs of season, dark green, ± shining above, with 2 broad pale green stomatal bands beneath, revolute; midrib raised on both sides; apex acute or mucronate. Fr. (with aril) 10-15 × 8-11 mm, oblong, crimson; flesh viscid. Seed 5.5-7 mm long, ovoid-ellipsoid, angled, greenish brown.
Trees or large shrubs with scaly bark. Lvs linear, those on the spreading branches (excluding erect vegetative and juvenile shoots) arranged in 2 ranks with upper surfaces ± in 1 plane. Winter buds with imbricate scales. ♂ fls solitary in axils of the preceeding year's lvs, subglobose, each consisting of 6-10-(14), peltate or shield-shaped anthers; anthers with 4-9 pollen sacs (anther cells). ♀ fls axillary, usually solitary, rarely paired, with several imbricate scales; ovuliferous scale terminal, bearing 1 erect ovule. Seed bony, surrounded by a cup-shaped, red, fleshy aril, ripening in first year.
Evergreen shrub, nearly erect or partially scandent. Lvs imparipinnate; terminal leaflet larger. Infl. terminal, racemose or paniculate. Calyx campanulate, 5-toothed or 5-lobed. Corolla strongly 2-lipped, funnelform, yellow to scarlet; tube curved; lower lip curving downwards. Stamens 4, exserted; anthers free. Disc cup-shaped. Ovary 2-locular, glabrous. Capsule linear-oblong, compressed, coriaceous, with prominent longitudinal nerves. Seeds numerous, with circular wing.
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Much-branched, evergreen shrub up to 2.5 m high; twigs sericeous, particularly when young, rounded and sharply ribbed. Lvs sparsely to moderately clothed in appressed hairs above, densely clothed in appressed hairs below, sessile, exstipulate, mostly 3-foliolate; leaflets shortly petiolulate, linear or narrowly elliptic, involute, acute, 10-30 × 1-5 mm; terminal leaflet > lateral leaflets. Infls terminal, shortly racemose, 6-16-flowered; pedicels 3-6 mm long. Calyx densely hairy, bilabiate; upper lip deeply 2-fid; lower lip distinctly 3-lobed. Corolla yellow, 12-15 mm long; standard ± uniformly sericeous. Pod densely villous, oblong, 2-6-seeded, c. 10-25 mm long; seeds green to black, ellipsoid or orbicular, flattened, c. 2-2.5 mm diam.
Shrubs or small trees, not armed. Lvs 3-foliolate, usually petiolate, rarely apetiolate; stipules usually present, rarely 0. Infls racemose, axillary or terminal; bracts and bracteoles small, caducous. Calyx tubular, bilabiate; upper lip deeply 2-fid; lower lip with 3 distinct lobes. Corolla yellow. Stamens connate into a closed tube; alternate anthers long and basifixed or short and versatile. Style glabrous; stigma terminal. Pod 2-valved, ± straight, explosively dehiscent, 2-8-seeded; seeds strophiolate, smooth.
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Branched, evergreen shrub to small tree up to 6 m high; twigs sericeous, particularly when young, rounded and ribbed. Lvs sericeous on both surfaces but more densely below, petiolate, 3-foliolate; leaflets shortly petiolulate, elliptic to obovate, acute and shortly mucronate, 5-40 × 3-12 mm; terminal leaflet > lateral leaflets; stipules triangular, up to 2 mm long. Infls elongate, with axis 10-130 mm long, terminal, racemose, 10-30-(40)-flowered; pedicels 2-6 mm long. Calyx densely hairy, bilabiate; upper lip deeply 2-fid; lower lip shortly 3-lobed. Corolla yellow, 13-16-(18) mm long; standard glabrous or somewhat hairy about midvein and apex. Pod densely villous, oblong, 3-10-seeded, 20-40 mm long; seeds black, orbicular and flattened, c. 3 mm diam.
Shrub to small tree. Lvs alternate to subverticillate, petiolate, simple, palmately lobed, stipulate. Umbels in compound racemes; bracts lanceolate; bracteoles linear; calyx entire; petals 4, tomentose outside; stamens 4; ovary 2-locular; styles 2, free; stigmas terminal. Fr. subglobose, small, berry-like.
Shrub to small tree up to 3-(8) m high. Stems densely clothed in stellate hairs, becoming glabrous at least in patches when mature; lf scars prominent. Lvs densely clothed in stellate hairs below, moderately to densely clothed in stellate hairs above when young but usually becoming ± glabrous above except on veins when mature, broadly ovate to suborbicular, cordate, (3)-5-12- palmately-lobed to ⅓-⅔ of radius, c. 10-30 cm long; lobes acute to acuminate, entire to coarsely serrate; petioles glabrous when mature, 10-50 cm long; stipules partly adnate to petiole, lanceolate, 2-12 cm long. Infl. a compound terminal raceme of numerous-flowered, globose umbels, densely clothed in stellate hairs; petals white, c. 2 mm long. Fr. not seen.
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Perennial, rarely annual, herbs or small shrubs, sometimes rhizomatous. Lvs simple, usually toothed. Bracts leaflike or reduced. Verticels either axillary with 1-3 fls or fls sometimes in terminal heads or spikes. Calyx tubular or campanulate, sometimes gibbous at base, equally 5-toothed, or 2-lipped with unequal teeth. Corolla tube included or exserted, ± curved, usually short, without a ring of hairs inside; limb with lower lip 5-lobed, the terminal lobe much the largest; upper lip 0. Stamens usually long-exserted and curved. Style not gynobasic, its branches equal. Nutlets smooth or reticulate.
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Annual glabrous herb. Stems erect, simple or branched above, foetid when crushed, 20-60 cm tall. Lvs entire to dentate. Lower lvs ovate to elliptic to spathulate, narrowed to base, withering at flowering, c. 2-4 × 1-2 cm. Upper lvs amplexicaul, ovate to oblanceolate, c. 2-4 × 0.5-1 cm. Racemes 10-30 cm long; pedicels erecto-patent at flowering, spreading at fruiting. Sepals spreading, 1.5-2 × c. 1 mm. Petals white, 2.5-4 × 0.8-1 mm. Silicle obovate to ± circular, deeply notched at apex, 1-1.5 × 0.8-1.5 cm; valves reticulately veined; wing to 5 mm wide; stigma ± sessile in notch of silicle. Seeds ovoid, furrowed, dark brown, not winged, c. 2 mm long.
Annual to perennial taprooted herbs. Hairs simple or 0. Stems procumbent to erect, leafy. Lvs simple, the upper amplexicaul. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals erect or spreading, not saccate. Petals white to purple. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 4, paired beside bases of lateral stamens; median nectaries 0. Silicle obcordate, angustiseptate, dehiscent; valves keeled and usually winged, sometimes the wings extended to form an apical notch to the silicle. Style long or short; stigma capitate to somewhat 2-lobed. Seeds ovoid, not winged, 1-8 per locule.
Shrubs, trees or rarely herbs; bark usually very tough. Lvs opposite or alternate, simple, exstipulate. Infl. a terminal bracteate head, spike or raceme, rarely fls solitary. Fls actinomorphic or nearly so, usually ☿, sometimes unisexual. Calyx with tubular hypanthium, often petaloid, often swollen below, with 4-5 imbricate lobes. Petals 4-12 or 0, scale-like, inserted at mouth of calyx tube or within it. Stamens 1-numerous, usually as many as or twice as many as calyx lobes. Hypogynous disc annular, or of separate scales, or 0. Ovary superior, positioned at base of calyx tube but free from it, 1-2-locular, with 1 ovule to each locule. Fr. usually a drupe or nut, very rarely a capsule.
Aromatic, usually gynodioecious, perennial herbs or small shrubs, dotted with glands, often mat-forming with stems creeping or decumbent and 4-angled. Lvs entire; margins often revolute. Verticels 1-many-flowered, often densely packed in a terminal head, sometimes distinct. Bracts similar or dissimilar to lvs. Calyx tube cylindric to campanulate, straight, 10-13-nerved, hairy in throat; limb usually 2-lipped with upper lip of 3 teeth and lower of 2 small, ± subulate teeth. Corolla tube included or exserted, straight; limb 2-lipped, generally hairy outside; upper lip emarginate; lower lip 3-lobed. Stamens straight, divergent, usually exserted in ☿ fls. Style gynobasic, its branches ± equal (at least in spp. in N.Z.). Nutlets smooth.
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Small to medium-sized trees, shrubs, subshrubs, more rarely herbs or climbers, generally hirsute or hispid. Lvs petiolate; lamina with 3-7 longitudinal veins, the outermost close to the entire margins. Infl. a terminal panicle or fls solitary. Calyx hirsute to hispid, 5-lobed. Petals 5, generally rather large, violet or purple, usually obovate. Stamens 10, equal or unequal; connective without appendages or with 2 lobes or tubercles at base. Ovary 5-locular, free or adnate to calyx, with apex hispid or hirsute. Fr. a capsule enclosed by persistent calyx tube.
Densely hairy shrub to c. 3 m high (sometimes taller in cultivation). Shoot quadrangular, tomentose; angles often with reddish hairs. Petioles short, tomentose. Lamina 4.5-11 × 2-5 cm, ovate to almost elliptic, villous on both sides, greenish white beneath, 5-veined; marginal hairs usually reddish (except in shade); apex acute. Bracts large, ovate, almost villous. Calyx c. 2 cm long, ± hispid with hairs often reddish; lobes 6-8 mm long, lanceolate. Petals 2.5-3.5 cm long, purple, obovate. Stamens very unequal; filaments mauve; anthers c. 1.5 cm long, slender and curved, purple, ± crimped. Style c. 3 cm long, shining crimson-mauve. Capsule 10-12 mm long, urceolate, hispid, with apex irregularly toothed.
Trees, shrubs or herbs, often with stellate hairs. Bark tough with very strong fibres. Lvs alternate, rarely opposite, often asymmetric, simple; stipules present, usually small and caducous. Infl. cymose or paniculate, terminal or axillary. Fls usually ☿, actinomorphic or nearly so. Sepals (3)-5, free or connate, valvate; epicalyx sometimes present. Petals usually (3)-5, less commonly 0, valvate or imbricate, often glandular at base. Stamens usually numerous, sometimes as few as 10, free or in bundles, inserted at base of petals or on an androphore; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing by apical pores or slits. Ovary superior, 2-10-(many)-locular; ovules 1-many on axile placentae; style simple; stigma lobed or capitate. Fr. usually a capsule or indehiscent drupe, berry or nut, sometimes a schizocarp. Seed endospermic.
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Hairy annual, rarely biennial, herbs. Lvs 1-3-pinnate; segments broad or narrow. Umbels compound, pedunculate or subsessile and lf-opposed; bracts present or 0, simple; bracteoles several, simple. Petals white to pinkish, sometimes irregular, with apex entire and inflexed; calyx teeth evident or 0. Fr. cylindric to ovoid, slightly flattened laterally, not beaked, tuberculate or spinous; commissure narrow; primary ribs slender, obscured by spines, ciliate; vittae solitary.
Erect annual. Stems densely hairy above but glabrous or sparsely hairy near base, solid, striate, 20-60-(100) cm high, sometimes purple tinged; hairs deflexed. Basal lvs densely hairy above and below, 2-pinnate, petiolate; ultimate segments ovate to lanceolate, pinnatifid and serrate, 15-45 mm long, sessile or shortly petiolulate; stem lvs similar to basal, but 1-pinnate or pinnately 3-foliolate toward apex with less divided segments. Umbels 1-4-(5) cm diam., long-pedunculate, usually terminal; rays (2)-3-9, 5-20-(30) mm long; bracts 0-1, linear; bracteoles 5-6, linear. Fls few to numerous, white or tinged pink, c. 2 mm diam., irregular. Fr. ovoid, 3.5-4.5 mm long; all mericarps spinous; spines curved upward, thickened at tip.
Erect annual. Stems densely hairy above and sparsely to moderately hairy near base, solid, striate, 40-120-(200) cm high, sometimes purple tinged; hairs deflexed. Basal lvs moderately to densely hairy above and below, 1-2-pinnate, petiolate; utlimate segments ovate to lanceolate, pinnatifid and serrate, 10-40-(80) mm long, sessile or shortly petiolulate; stem lvs similar to basal but 1-pinnate or pinnately 3-foliolate toward apex with less divided segments. Umbels 2-5 cm diam., long-pedunculate, usually terminal; rays (2)-6-11, 10-20 mm long; bracts (2)-4-6, linear; bracteoles 4-7, linear. Fls few to numerous, pinkish or purplish white, 1-3 mm diam., irregular. Fr. ovoid, 3-4 mm long; all mericarps spinous; spines curved upward, hooked and pointed at tip.
Procumbent annual. Stems sparsely hairy, solid, striate, 5-50 cm long, sometimes purple tinged; hairs deflexed. Basal lvs densely hairy above and below, 1-2-pinnate, petiolate; ultimate segments ovate to lanceolate, pinnatifid and sometimes serrate, 5-20 mm long, usually sessile, sometimes shortly petiolulate; stem lvs similar to basal, but usually shortly petiolate and 1-pinnate. Umbels 5-10 mm diam., subsessile or shortly pedunculate, lf-opposed; rays 2-5, 1-5 mm long, giving the umbel a capitate appearance; bracts 0-(1); bracteoles 2-7, linear. Fls few, white or pinkish, c. 1 mm diam. Fr. ovoid, 2-3 mm long; outer mericarps with straight, spreading, thick-tipped spines; inner mericarps tuberculate.
Glabrous or almost glabrous herb. Stems to c. 50 cm tall. Petiole 5-10 mm long. Lamina 3-7 × 1.5-3.5 cm, ovate or ovate-elliptic, sometimes slightly hairy on veins below, strongly serrate or doubly serrate, often ciliolate; base cuneate; apex acute; lvs below infl. similar but smaller with shorter petiole. Infl. corymbose, to 10 cm diam.; fls very numerous. Bracts small, linear-subulate. Calyx c. 0.5 mm long; lobes narrow-triangular to triangular-ovate. Corolla deep blue; tube 4-5-(6) mm long, slender; lobes 1-2 mm long, ± elliptic. Stamens included. Style blue, exserted 3-5 mm; stigma ± capitate. Capsule c. 2 mm long, broad-obovoid. Seed c. 0.5 mm long, ellipsoid.
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Annual to perennial taprooted herbs. Hairs eglandular, fine, often cobwebby. Stems not branched or sparingly branched below. Lvs basal and cauline, linear to linear-lanceolate, entire, sheathing. Capitula few per stem, terminal on branches. Involucral bracts few, in 1 row, elongating at fruiting, glabrous or with cobwebby tomentum near base. Receptacle areolate, ciliolate; scales 0. Corolla ligulate, yellow or purplish. Style branches filiform, dark. Achenes numerous, pale, fusiform, ribbed, beaked, the outer often muricate; pappus bristles in 2 rows, plumose, sordid, usually inserted on a tomentose annulus, rarely the outer row scale-like.
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Annual to perennial, procumbent to erect herbs. Lvs palmately or pinnately 3-foliolate (rarely 5-9-foliolate, but not in N.Z. spp.); principal lateral veins terminating at leaflet margin often in a tooth; stipules adnate to petiole. Infls axillary or terminal, racemose, umbellate, or spicate, few- to many-flowered (if many-flowered then fls usually forming dense heads); bracts present, 0, or reduced to glandular hairs. Calyx teeth 5, usually subequal or the lower longer. Corolla usually persistent after flowering. Vexillary filament free, the others united into a sheath split adaxially; anthers uniform. Style glabrous; stigma capitate or hooked. Pod 2-valved, ± straight, usually indehiscent, very rarely dehiscent, not armed, 1-2-(10)-seeded; seeds estrophiolate, smooth and rounded.
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Almost scentless, annual or biennial herb sometimes regrowing from old rootstock. Stems erect or ascending, 15-100 cm tall, ribbed, usually glabrous, sometimes sparsely hairy, branched only above to form infl. or sometimes also much-branched from base. Basal and lower cauline lvs appearing shortly petiolate, but usually with very reduced leaflets along sheath, usually narrow-obovate, sometimes ovate, glabrous, mostly 3-pinnatisect, 15-150 × 10-60 mm; ultimate segments filiform, entire, not all in one plane giving a feathery appearance; cauline lvs similar to basal, but apetiolate and above becoming smaller and with fewer segments. Corymb diffuse, of few to many capitula. Involucral bracts glabrous or with a few scattered hairs, 4-7 mm long; margins pale or dark brown, membranous. Capitula c. 30-50 mm diam.; ray florets 12-numerous; ligules white; disc florets numerous, yellow. Achenes 1.7-2.5 mm long, brown, narrow-obpyramidal to cylindric; inner surface with 3 thick ribs; outer surface rugose, with 2, ± globose or slightly elongated glands at apex; corona crenulate, c. 0.1 mm long.
Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, taprooted or rhizomatous. Lvs 1-3-pinnate or pinnatisect, alternate. Capitula in corymbs, or often solitary, terminal, pedunculate; involucral bracts in 2-5 rows, with membranous margins. Receptacle conic; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, usually ligulate, rarely tubular, usually white, rarely pale pink; inner florets ☿, tubular. Achenes all similar, triquetrous, oblong or obpyramidal; inner surface with 3 ribs; outer surface smooth, rugose, or tuberculate, sometimes ribbed, with (0)-2-(5) glands at apex; pappus usually a small toothed or lobed corona, sometimes 0.
Prostrate or scandent herbs with ± succulent stems and watery sap. Lvs usually alternate, sometimes opposite below, peltate or palmately lobed or compound, exstipulate; petiole coiling in climbing spp. Fls axillary, usually solitary, ☿, strongly zygomorphic. Calyx generally petaloid; sepals 5, free, the dorsal one produced as a spur. Petals usually 5, rarely fewer, imbricate, clawed, the upper 2 differently shaped, usually smaller. Stamens 8, free, declinate, unequal. Ovary superior, 3-celled, each cell with 1 ovule; placentation axile; style 1; stigmas 3. Fr. of 3, indehiscent, 1-seeded carpels eventually separate from central axis, very rarely winged, rarely baccate. Seed non-endospermic.
Prostrate or scandent herbs. Roots sometimes tuberous. Fls mostly yellow to scarlet, sometimes blue or purplish. Fr. of 3 indehiscent carpels, never winged.
Glabrous aromatic annual or short-lived perennial with long trailing or scrambling, succulent stems, sometimes climbing to 2 m high. Lvs simple, peltate. Petioles to c. 30 cm long, usually not coiling. Lamina to c. 18-(21) cm diam., suborbicular, often slightly asymmetric, entire but often sinuate, glaucescent beneath. Fls usually solitary, sometimes in clusters of 2-3; pedicels resembling petioles in length and form. Calyx somewhat irregular, pale orange; sepals 1.5-2.2 cm long, narrow-ovate to narrowly ovate-oblong, the dorsal and 2 lateral sepals larger; spur 2.5-3.3 cm long, ± curved, tapering, usually pale orange. Corolla moderately irregular, (2)-3-4 × (1.7)-2.2-3.3 cm, usually yellow or orange to scarlet, sometimes semi-double with 7-8 petals; lower 3 petals with very slender claw and broad-ovate to almost reniform limb, the limb fimbriate at base and ± sinuate or undulate; upper 2 petals with claw broader and adnate to calyx at base, often with crimson markings on claw and lower limb. Supernumary petals usually 0, but if present, similar to lower 3 but smaller. Stamens yellow to reddish, the same colour as corolla. Frs dry; carpels with 2 flattened faces and the third or dorsal side rounded and obtusely ribbed, remaining green until abscission, usually 1-2 remaining small; fertile carpels 1-1.4 cm long.
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Glabrous or glabrate perennial with thick rootstock and slender stems, sometimes high climbing by means of slender coiling petioles to 7 cm long. Lvs digitate; leaflets 5, sessile or subsessile. Lamina of terminal leaflet (1)-1.5-3.5 × 0.75-1.6 cm, obovate or oblong-ovate, entire, sometimes sparsely hairy below; base narrow-cuneate; apex rounded to emarginate; other leaflets smaller, especially basal pair. Fls solitary; pedicels > lvs, to c. 15 cm long, often purplish. Calyx regular; sepals 5.5-8 mm long, ovate-lanceolate, reddish green, accrescent and deep pink at fruiting; spur 2-3 cm long, curved and tapering, the proximal 1/2 reddish, the distal 1/2 green. Corolla irregular, usually scarlet, occasionally rose; lower 3 petals with very slender claw 7-8 mm long; limb (1)-1.3-1.5 × (1)-1.3-1.6 cm, squarish except for broadly emarginate apex; upper 2 petals c. 1.7 cm long, narrowly cuneate-obovate, broad-emarginate. Anthers green; filaments pink above. Frs thinly fleshy; carpels subglobose, often 1-2 remaining small; fertile carpels 5-7 mm diam., deep or dark blue.
Herb with stout rootstock and rhizomes. Basal lvs glabrous on upper surface, moderately to densely lanate on lower; petiole hairy, > lamina, 3-35 cm long; lamina reniform to suborbicular, cordate, acute, shallowly lobed and again denticulate, 3-20 cm diam.; lobes with flat or concave sides. Infl. usually appearing before lvs, erect, 5-30 cm tall; cauline lvs > 10, ovate-triangular, entire, c. 1 cm long. Supplementary bracts 0-2. Involucral bracts c. 20, linear- to ovate-oblong, 9-14 mm long. Ray florets numerous; ligules yellow, linear, 3-5 mm long. Achenes 3-5 mm long.
Perennial herb. Lvs simple, palmately toothed and lobed, mostly basal; cauline lvs alternate, much reduced and scale-like. Capitula solitary; involucral bracts in 1-2 rows, with few or 0 supplementary bracts subtending base of involucre. Receptacle flat or slightly convex; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, ligulate, in several rows; ligules yellow; inner florets functionally ♂, tubular. Achenes narrow-cylindric, 5-ribbed, glabrous; pappus denticulate.
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Shrub up to 2 m high; main stems erect or spreading, densely branched in younger parts but eventually bare at base; young twigs and spines somewhat glaucous; hairs usually grey. Lvs of seedlings not spinous but with 3 hairy leaflets; spines branched; terminal and lateral spines rigid, deeply furrowed, 15-30 mm long; secondary spines subtending lateral up to 12 mm long. Fls solitary; bracteoles acute to ± rounded, 1.5-3 mm wide. Calyx greenish yellow, c. ?-3/4 length of corolla, with ± patent hairs; calyx teeth connivent. Corolla clear yellow or golden yellow, 13-20 mm long; wings > keel. Pod villous, turning dark brown to black, 13-25 mm long; seeds smooth and rounded, brown or greenish brown, shiny, few per pod.
Sharply spinous shrubs. Lvs reduced to a spine-like tip or a small scale; stipules 0. Fls solitary or shortly racemose, axillary; bracts small; bracteoles small and broad, inserted below calyx, minute, or 0. Calyx membranous, usually yellowish, 2-partite with upper lip 2-toothed and lower lip 3-toothed. Corolla yellow; petals obtuse; keel hairy. Stamens monadelphous; tube entire; anthers alternately long and basifixed or short and versatile. Style somewhat curved; stigma capitate. Pod 2-valved and explosively dehiscent, 1-6-seeded; seeds strophiolate.
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Trees or shrubs; latex 0. Lvs usually alternate, rarely opposite, simple, often unequal-sided, stipulate. Fls fasciculate, arising from 1 year old branches, ☿ or unisexual, apetalous. Perianth 4-8-merous, subcampanulate; segments imbricate, persistent. Stamens as many as or a few more than perianth segments and erect in bud; anthers 2-celled; rudimentary ovary present in ♂ fls. Ovary superior, of 2 connate carpels, 1-(2)-locular; styles 2; ovule 1, pendulous. Fr. compressed, membranous, dry or thinly fleshy, often winged or appendaged. Seeds usually without endosperm; embryo straight.
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Deciduous trees, usually suckering. Bark fissured. Lvs alternate, ± asymmetric at base, serrate. Fls ☿, protandrous, usually appearing before the lvs. Perianth usually 4-5-merous. Anthers reddish; ovule 1-locular. Fr. a samara, winged all round but the wing emarginate at apex. Endosperm 0.
Stout, erect or decumbent, dioecious herb, with numerous very shortly stalked stinging hairs, otherwise sparsely hairy. Lvs ovate to elliptic, acute, obtuse to truncate or rarely subcordate at base, serrate, 3-7 cm long. Stipules 4 per node, entire.
Stout, monoecious herb, usually with few short-stalked stinging hairs, otherwise sparsely to densely hairy; branches decumbent and rooting, then erect. Lvs broadly ovate, acute, cordate to truncate at base, coarsely serrate, 10-20 cm long. Stipules 2 per node and 2-fid, or 4 per node and entire. Most racemes unisexual; ♀ racemes above ♂ on stem.
Rhizomatous, erect perennial, usually dioecious, rarely with a few fls of the other sex, moderately clothed in short-stalked stinging hairs, otherwise sparsely to densely hairy. Stems with few if any lateral branches, up to 1.5 m high. Lvs broadly lanceolate or ovate, acute to acuminate, usually cordate at base, occasionally truncate, coarsely serrate, (5)-6-20-(25) cm long. Petiole up to ⅔ as long as lamina. Stipules 4 per node, entire, 4-20 mm long. Racemes unisexual, up to 9 cm long. Perianth segments of ♀ fls very unequal, hairy; margins glabrous. Achene ellipsoid, light brown, c. 1.5 mm long.
Densely hairy perennial. Lvs ovate, cordate at base, 6-16-(20) cm long. Petiole up to ⅔ as long as lamina. Stipules 6-20 mm long. Racemes 2-5 cm long.
Sparsely to densely hairy perennial. Lvs narrow to broadly lanceolate, usually cordate at base, occasionally truncate, (5)-10-20-(25) cm long. Petiole up to 1/2 as long as lamina, usually much less. Stipules 4-7 mm long. Racemes up to 9 cm long.
Woody, dioecious shrub, with numerous long-stalked stinging hairs, otherwise moderately to densely hairy. Lvs triangular to ovate-triangular, acute to acuminate, cordate to truncate at base, coarsely dentate, (4)-7-12-(18) cm long. Stipules 2 per node, entire.
Slender, erect or decumbent, monoecious herb, sparsely to moderately clothed in very shortly stalked stinging hairs, otherwise sparsely hairy or ± glabrous. Lvs ovate to deltoid, acute to acuminate, truncate at base, coarsely serrate to dentate, 4-10-(12) cm long. Stipules 4 per node, entire. Most racemes unisexual; ♀ racemes above ♂ on the stem.
Annual or perennial, monoecious or dioecious herbs or shrubs, usually with stinging hairs. Lvs opposite, toothed, stipulate. Infl. axillary, usually spike-like with clustered cymes, ebracteolate. Perianth green, 4-partite, not connate at base; ♀ fls with ± unequal perianth segments, the 2 larger enclosing achene; ♂ fls with 4 equal segments.
Scrambling or climbing, monoecious herb, with few very shortly stalked stinging hairs, otherwise glabrous. Lvs narrowly ovate to lanceolate, acute to acuminate, obtuse at base, coarsely serrate, (2)-3-7 cm long. Stipules 2 per node and 2-fid, or 4 per node and entire. Most racemes unisexual; ♀ racemes below ♂ on the stem.
Shallowly taprooted, erect monoecious annual, moderately clothed in short-stalked stinging hairs, otherwise sparsely to densely hairy. Stem with lateral branches usually present, up to 60 cm high. Lvs ovate or elliptic, acute, obtuse to truncate at base, coarsely serrate, (1)-2-8-(10) cm long. Petiole c. ⅔ as long as lamina. Stipules 4 per node, entire, 1-3 mm long. Racemes with numerous ♂ and ♀ fls, up to 1.5-(3) cm long. Perianth segments of ♀ fls extremely unequal, glabrous to hairy; margins ciliate. Achene ovoid, light brown, 1.5-2 mm long.
Herbs, shrubs, soft-wooded trees, or rarely climbers, often with stinging hairs; latex 0. Lvs opposite or alternate, simple, usually stipulate. Fls usually unisexual, apetalous, in cymes. Perianth 4-5-merous, often persistent. ♂ fls with (1)-4-5 stamens opposite the perianth segments and usually inflexed in bud, sometimes straight, often with rudimentary ovary; anthers 2-celled. ♀ fls often with small staminodes. Ovary superior, 1-locular, free or adnate to perianth; style simple; ovule solitary, erect. Fr. usually an achene, rarely a drupe. Seeds usually with endosperm; embryo straight.
Glabrous aquatic; stems floating, up to 40 cm or more long, filiform, sparingly branched. Lvs numerous, submerged, multifid, 3-(4) cm long; segments capillary, to ± 1 cm long. Bladders numerous, (1)-2-3-(4) mm long, obliquely ovoid, attached by short stalk to near base of lf segments; mouth usually with 2 long setae. Scape rather stout, to c. 17 cm long, erect, 2-4-(5)-flowered; bracts c. 3 mm long, broad; pedicels to 17 mm long, slender. Calyx lobes oblong to elliptic. Corolla yellow; upper lip 3-lobed; lower entire, 7-9 mm wide, broad; palate protruded; spur short, obtuse. Capsule c. 1.5-2 mm diam., globose.
Glabrous aquatic; stems floating, filiform, branched. Lvs numerous, submerged, capillary, to c. 1 cm long, usually entire but occasionally dichotomous. Bladders 1-1.5 mm long when mature, obliquely ovoid, numerous, situated on the lvs, shortly stalked; mouth with 2-3 long setae. Scape 3-20 cm long, slender, erect, 1-4-flowered; bracts c. 1 mm long, broad, membranous; pedicels to nearly 1.5 cm long, filiform. Calyx lobes 2.5-2.8 mm long, suborbicular. Corolla yellow; upper lip 7-10 mm long, ± suborbicular, narrower than lower lip, entire; lower lip 7-9 × 9-13 mm, entire, suborbicular, broader than long; palate pulvinate; spur 4-7 mm long, conic, with rounded apex. Filaments strongly curved, flattened. Ovary globose; stigma subsessile, with large, ± rounded lower lip. Capsule 2-3 mm diam., globose.
Annual or perennial, aquatic, terrestrial or epiphytic herbs. Roots 0, but root-like structures present. Stems modified to form rhizoids, stolons and leafy shoots. Lvs usually small, entire when terrestrial or emergent, capillary and much-divided when submerged, all with small bladder-like traps. Infl. racemose, emergent in aquatic spp., usually with a simple scape or peduncle. Fls 1-several. Calyx 2-lipped, divided almost to base, usually accrescent. Corolla yellow, white or purple; upper lip entire or lobed, mainly small; lower lip entire or 2-5-lobed, generally larger than upper lip, with palate or pouch present at base, ± raised and often gibbous; spur usually subulate or conic. Filaments usually curved, often dilated and flattened; anthers convergent. Stigma unequally lobed. Ovules 1-numerous. Capsule globose or ovoid, dehiscing in various ways. Seed very variable in shape and sculpturing.
Terrestrial herb; stolons very slender to filiform, bearing several subcompressed, subglobose bladders ± 1.5-2.5 mm diam. Lvs radical, deciduous, (5)-10-15-(25) mm long, narrow, linear to spathulate, entire. Scape slender, ± 2-10 cm long, erect, 1-(2)-flowered; bracts minute, ovate-triangular. Calyx-lobes broadly ovate-oblong, obtuse. Corolla bright to deep purple, with yellow eye, very rarely whitish; upper lip 2-3 mm diam., suborbicular, ± retuse; lower lip (5)-9-12 mm wide, usually broader than long, sometimes almost semicircular; palate with yellow mark towards base; spur c. 3 mm long, obtuse. Capsule 3-5 mm diam., subglobose-obovoid.
Terrestrial herb; stolons very slender, bearing numerous short-stalked bladders ± 3-4 mm diam. Lvs few, deciduous, radical, (5)-10-20-30 mm long, narrow, linear to lanceolate or spathulate, entire. Scape very slender, ± 7-25 cm long, erect, (1)-3-4-flowered; bracts c. 1 mm long, broad-ovate. Fls subsessile. Calyx c. 2.5 mm long; upper lobe suborbicular; lower smaller, 2- or obscurely 3-toothed. Corolla pale purple with yellow eye, rarely whitish; upper lip truncate to emarginate, oblong-cuneate; lower lip c. 10 mm diam., ± semi-circular, broad, entire to 3-lobed; spur short, thick, obtuse. Capsule 4-5 mm diam., globose or nearly so.
Annual or perennial, soft-stemmed herbs, rarely shrubs; rhizomes often strong-smelling. Lvs opposite or radical, entire or lobed, often toothed; stipules 0. Fls bracteate, usually small and born in dense, many-flowered, terminal cymes, often zygomorphic, 5-merous, ☿ or unisexual. Calyx toothed or lobed, epigynous, sometimes forming a pappus. Corolla sympetalous, funnelform, often swollen or spurred at base. Stamens 1-4, usually exserted; anthers 2-locular, dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary 3-locular but only 1 loculus fertile, ± inferior; ovule solitary, pendulous. Fr. dry, indehiscent, 1-seeded.
Annual herb. Stems ascending to erect, much-branched, 8-20 cm long, sparsely to moderately hairy, especially below, the hairs usually in lines. Lvs basal and cauline or just cauline; lower lvs almost glabrous or sparsely hairy, especially on margins near base and veins, apetiolate and cuneate, spathulate to narrowly elliptic-obovate, obtuse, entire or sinuate, 20-60 × 5-15 mm; upper lvs becoming smaller, oblong-elliptic to narrow-oblong, broader based. Bracts subulate to ovate-triangular, ciliate, 2-4 mm long. Corolla c. 2 mm long, c. 1 mm diam., pale blue or lilac. Fr. oblong to oblong-obovoid, ± 4-angled, glabrous or microscopically hairy, c. 2 × 0.8-1.2 mm; fertile loculus slightly thickened and convex on back, with 1 slender rib; 2 sterile loculi not thickened, forming 2 prominent ribs separated by an oblong groove; calyx not developed.
Annual herb. Stems ascending to erect, much-branched, 8-35 cm long, sparsely to moderately hairy, especially below, the hairs usually in lines. Lvs basal and cauline or just cauline; lower lvs almost glabrous or sparsely hairy, especially on margins near base, apetiolate and cuneate, spathulate to narrowly elliptic-obovate, obtuse, usually entire, rarely shallowly dentate, 20-60 × 5-12 mm; upper lvs becoming smaller, narrower, obovate-oblong, or elliptic- to linear-oblong, broader based. Bracts subulate to narrowly ovate-triangular, ciliate, 2-6 mm long. Corolla c. 1.5 mm long, c. 1.5 mm diam., pale blue. Fr. oblong-globose, rounded on 1 side and 2-angled on the other, microscopically hairy, c. 1.8-2.3 × 1.5-2.2 mm; fertile loculus greatly thickened and hemispheric on back, with 1 narrow groove; 2 sterile loculi not thickened, forming 2 prominent ribs separated by an oblong groove; calyx not developed.
Annual herbs. Lvs simple and entire to sinuate or dentate. Cymes numerous, small and conspicuously bracteate, or rarely fls solitary. Fls small and inconspicuous, often overtopped by subtending bracts. Calyx variously developed, usually conspicuous or reduced to a ring of inconspicuous teeth, sometimes 0, forming a pappus or not at fruiting. Corolla ± actinomorphic; tube lacking a basal spur, but sometimes slightly gibbous. Stamens 3. Fr. flattened to 3-4-angled or rounded in cross-section, glabrous, hairy or echinate.
Annual herb; stems densely white-tomentose, 1-many, ascending to erect, 10-50 cm tall. Lvs all cauline at flowering, apetiolate, densely white- tomentose on both surfaces but somewhat denser on lower, narrow-oblanceolate, cuneate, acute and mucronate, flat, 20-45-(60) × 3-6 mm; uppermost lvs smaller and sometimes elliptic-oblong. Capitula 1-2 mm diam., many to numerous in dense, mostly terminal, corymbose clusters; subtending lvs not exceeding clusters at least at fruiting. Middle involucral bracts tomentose outside, 2-2.5 mm long, star-like at fruiting; stereome narrow-oblong, green with upper margin usually purple; lamina ovate, obtuse, milky white, radiating; outer bracts shorter, with lamina reduced or O; inner bracts slightly longer, less hairy. Disc tinged yellow or purple. Achenes ellipsoid-cylindric, minutely papillate, c. 0.4 mm long.
Annual or perennial herbs. Lvs alternate, simple, entire. Capitula few to numerous in corymbose clusters. Involucral bracts in 3-5 rows, imbricate, membranous; innermost bracts with stereome fenestrated in upper 1/2and concave around outer florets at base, and with white radiating lamina. Florets all ☿ and tubular, or few to many outer florets ♀ and narrow-tubular. Achenes all similar, smooth; pappus hairs in 1 row, subplumose in upper part, denticulate toward base.
Biennial herb; stems to c. 80 cm high, glabrous except near infl. Rosette lvs (4)-5-14 × 1.5-5 cm, shortly petiolate, oblong or ovate-oblong, glabrous or very slightly puberulent below, coarsely and irregularly crenate or dentate; base attenuate; apex acute, obtuse or mucronate. Stem lvs usually smaller, sessile, the uppermost occasionally almost entire. Infl. simple, moderately loose, to 50 cm high, glandular-hairy. Fls solitary in the axils. Pedicels 6-12 mm long at anthesis, > the lanceolate or ovate bracts. Calyx 5-7 mm long at anthesis, lobed nearly to base; lobes lanceolate to oblong, entire, glandular-hairy, especially on margins; apex acute or acuminate. Corolla 2.5-4 cm diam., usually red in bud, white or cream with pink tinge on the outside at anthesis, less often yellow; lobes rounded. Stamens 5; filaments purple-villous; lower 2 stamens with anthers obliquely inserted and decurrent. Capsule 5-8 mm diam., globular or nearly so, exserted from calyx. Seeds ± cylindric to oblong, sometimes almost square, longitudinally ridged and transversely furrowed; apex truncate.
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Biennial or perennial herbs, rarely subshrubs. Lvs simple, usually alternate, very rarely opposite, the lowest nearly always forming basal rosettes. Infl. a terminal raceme, spike or panicle. Fls bracteate, slightly zygomorphic. Calyx lobes 5, usually equal, very rarely unequal. Corolla with very short tube and rotate deeply-lobed limb of 5 slightly irregular lobes, usually yellow. Stamens (4)-5, or 4 with 1 staminode, included; some filaments usually villous; anthers of 2-3 upper stamens reniform, those of 2 lower stamens reniform or ± elongate. Capsule septicidal, often globular. Seeds numerous, usually pitted and rugose, very small; wing 0.
Annual or biennial, with greyish or white tomentum of stellate hairs; stems to c. 1 m tall, usually simple, sometimes with a few branches from near base. Rosette lvs shortly petiolate, 7-20 × 3.5-10 cm, elliptic-ovate to elliptic-obovate, crenulate; base attenuate; apex obtuse to acute. Cauline lvs sessile, often more elongated, oblong, to c. 30 cm long; base decurrent. Infl. dense, woolly, to c. 80 cm high, simple or sometimes with 1-2 branches. Bracts lanceolate, acuminate. Fls subsessile or very shortly pedicellate, 1-several in each axil. Calyx 8-12 mm long, deeply lobed; lobes triangular-acuminate. Corolla 1.5-2.5-(3) cm diam., yellow, hairy; lobes rounded. Stamens 5; upper 3 stamens with white-villous filaments; lower 2 stamens glabrous or nearly so, and with anthers decurrent. Capsule 8-10 mm long, broad-ovoid, exserted from calyx. Seeds cylindric-oblong, rugose; apex truncate.
Biennial; stems hairy, to c. 1 m tall. Rosette lvs usually with very short petioles, to 30 × 15 cm, elliptic or elliptic-obovate, hairy, often sparsely so, irregularly and sometimes deeply crenate, or crenulate; base sometimes attenuate, sometimes pinnatifid; apex subacute, obtuse or mucronate. Stem lvs similar but sessile, somewhat amplexicaul, 5-15-(23) × 2.5-6-(10) cm, usually oblong or elliptic. Infl. to c. 80-(150) cm high, simple or with secondary branches towards base, rather loose, glandular-hairy. Fls few in fascicles below, solitary above. Bracts ovate, entire, the lower ones > fls. Pedicels 1-3 mm long, or sometimes fls subsessile. Calyx 4-9 mm long, deeply lobed, densely glandular-hairy; lobes elliptic, entire, acute or short-acuminate. Corolla 2.5-4 cm diam., yellow except for basal purplish blotches; lobes 1-1.8 cm diam., rounded. Stamens 5; filaments purple-villous, the upper sometimes white-villous; lower 2 stamens with anthers shortly decurrent. Capsule 6-10 mm diam., globular or nearly so, exserted from calyx. Seeds ± obconic, longitudinally furrowed and wrinkled; apex truncate.
Perennial; stems hairy or scabrid, erect, ± square, to c. 3 m tall. Lvs sessile, 3-17 × 1-6 cm, oblong-lanceolate to ovate, coarsely and irregularly toothed, strigose with bulbous-based hairs denser above than below; veins strongly impressed above; base usually amplexicaul, sometimes subcordate or cordate; apex acute. Infl. much-branched, densely hairy, composed of spikes; spikes closely packed, 0.8-3 cm long at maximum flowering, not elongating much at fruiting, rather stout; fls dense. Bracts ± = or slightly > calyx, lanceolate, hairy, keeled. Calyx c. 3 mm long, hairy, purple, ± glandular-scaly; teeth acuminate or acute, similar to bracts. Corolla tube nearly 2× length of calyx, hairy outside; limb 2-3 mm diam., mauve or purplish, often drying deep blue. Nutlets 1-1.5 mm long, oblong, brown on dorsal surface, longitudinally ribbed, white-papillate on flattened ventral surface.
Perennial; stems erect, square, scabrid, to 2 m tall. Lvs sessile, 5-7 × 1-1.5 cm (probably much larger on vegetative shoots), lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, strigose on both sides with bulbous-based hairs above, coarsely serrate; veins impressed; base ± attenuate with no distinct petiole; apex short-acuminate. Infl. much-branched, composed of spikes; spikes closely packed, 1-5 cm long at maximum flowering, not elongating much at fruiting, fairly stout; rachises scabrid; fls dense. Bracts slightly > calyx, linear to lanceolate, acuminate, hairy, ciliate, keeled. Calyx 2-3 mm long, with appressed hairs; teeth subulate, probably purple. Corolla with scattered hairs outside; tube slightly > calyx; limb 2-3 mm diam., mauve or purple, drying deep blue. Nutlets 1-1.5 mm long, oblong-obovoid, white-papillate on flattened ventral surface, wrinkled on dorsal surface, longitudinally ribbed.
Annual or perennial, taprooted or rhizomatous herbs or subshrubs, unarmed, usually hairy. Lvs usually opposite, rarely in whorls of 3 or alternate, usually toothed or lobed. Infl. usually of 1 or more terminal spikes, these often corymbosely or paniculately arranged; fls sessile or subsessile, usually rather small, bracteate. Calyx tubular, 5-ribbed and unequally 5-toothed, ± accrescent. Corolla salverform; tube straight or curved, usually > calyx; limb 5-lobed and ± 2-lipped, the lobes obtuse or emarginate. Stamens 4, didynamous, included. Style included. Ovary 4-celled; ovules 1 to each cell. Fr. dry, separating into 4 nutlets.
Short-lived perennial; stems square, somewhat scabrid, to c. 1 m tall. Lvs mostly petiolate, the uppermost sometimes subsessile. Lamina of lower lvs to c. 10 × 2.5 cm, lanceolate to oblong or rhomboid, with ± strigulose hairs scarcely swollen at base above and below, usually coarsely or deeply serrate; veins not impressed above; base attenuate; apex acute. Infl. loosely paniculate; spikes to c. 5 cm long at maximum flowering, hairy, elongating to c. 15 cm long at fruiting, slender; fls rather dense but soon becoming distant. Bracts ± = calyx at flowering, lanceolate, keeled, acuminate, ciliate. Calyx 2-3 mm long, glandular-hairy; teeth green, acute. Corolla tube > calyx, rather sparingly hairy outside; limb 2-3 mm diam., bluish or mauve, drying a similar colour. Nutlets c. 1.5 mm long, oblong, faintly ribbed dorsally, brown, finely white-papillate on flattened ventral surface.
Annual or short-lived perennial; stems to 80 cm tall, square, often scabrid on angles. Most lvs variously pinnatifid or pinnatisect (basal ones often deeply toothed), mostly petiolate (uppermost often sessile), sometimes scabrid, with hairs little swollen at base; lamina 3-6 × 1-4 cm, ± rhombic or oblanceolate; lobes oblong or ovate; veins not impressed above; base ± attenuate; apex obtuse to acute. Infl. very loosely paniculate; spikes to c. 15 cm long at maximum flowering, elongating to 25 cm at fruiting, slender, puberulent; fls soon becoming distant. Bracts 1/2-⅔ length of calyx, lanceolate to ovate, somewhat keeled, acuminate, hairy. Calyx 2-3 mm long, hairy; teeth acute, green or mauvish. Corolla tube > calyx, somewhat hairy outside; limb 4-5 mm diam., mauve or lavender, drying a similar colour. Nutlets c. 2 mm long, oblong, reddish brown, strongly ribbed dorsally, finely white-papillate and flattened ventrally.
Perennial with creeping underground stems; aerial parts densely scabrid with many hairs bulbous-based; aerial stems spreading towards base, then ascending to c. 1 m tall, square. Lvs sessile, 3-10 × 1-2 cm; basal lvs often obovate; stem lvs narrow-elliptic or elliptic-oblong, sharply dentate or serrate; veins impressed; base ± amplexicaul except in basal lvs; apex acute. Infl. with several branches, densely hairy; spikes mostly 1.5-2.5 cm long at maximum flowering, elongating to 5 cm long at fruiting, stout; fls dense. Bracts 6-10 mm long, narrow-lanceolate to lanceolate, subulate, rigidly ciliate, somewhat glandular, purple, prominently keeled, well-exserted beyond calyx. Calyx 4-5 mm long; teeth subulate, glandular-hairy, purple. Corolla purple, sometimes drying deep blue; tube 2-3× length of calyx, hairy outside; limb 5-7 mm diam. Nutlets 1.5-2 mm long, oblong, ± light brown, longitudinally ribbed dorsally, white-papillate on flattened ventral surface.
Herbs, shrubs or trees, sometimes lianes, sometimes thorny. Stems generally quadrangular. Lvs usually opposite, rarely whorled or alternate, exstipulate, usually simple, less commonly compound. Infl. racemose and often forming a head, or cymose and then usually dichotomous. Fls ± zygomorphic, usually 5-merous. Calyx (4)-5-(8)-lobed. Corolla 5-lobed, rotate and usually with narrow tube, occasionally campanulate, 2-lipped to nearly regular; lobes imbricate. Stamens usually 4, rarely 5 or 2, didynamous, epipetalous. Ovary superior, usually with 2 but occasionally 4-5 carpels, often divided by a false septum down each carpel. Ovules 2 to each true carpel. Style terminal; stigma usually lobed. Fr. generally a drupe, less commonly a capsule, rarely a schizocarp and each fr. usually dividing into 2 or 4 nutlets. Seed non-endospermic.
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Perennial with glabrous vegetative parts; stems at first prostrate but soon ascending to c. 25 cm, sometimes rooting at lower nodes. Lvs sessile, slightly amplexicaul, 1.5-7-(9) × 0.3-2-(2.5) cm, linear to lanceolate, often somewhat puckered, entire or slightly serrulate; apex acute. Infl. consisting of axillary, opposite racemes towards stem apices, > lvs, with many fls on spreading pedicels; peduncles and pedicels glandular-hairy; pedicels 3-5 mm long, soon elongating to exceed bracts at fruiting. Bracts usually linear, > calyx. Calyx 2-4 mm long; lobes oblong or ovate-oblong, glabrous, short-acuminate but blunt at tip. Corolla 5-7 mm diam., pink or pale pinkish, with darker veins. Capsule c. 3 mm wide, suborbicular, slightly wider than long, often ciliate. Seeds ovoid to oblong, convex on 1 side, flat on the other.
Hairy perennial; stems lax or decumbent, rooting at nodes and sometimes forming a loose mat, ascending to c. 30 cm; internodes with dense bifarious hairs. Lvs sessile or with petiole 0.5-3-(7) mm long. Lamina 1.2-3.5 × 1-2.5 cm, ovate to elliptic, coarsely serrate or crenate-serrate, hairy beneath, becoming glabrous above; base rounded or ± subcordate; apex obtuse. Racemes to c. 15 cm long, slender, hairy, axillary and opposite but superficially appearing terminal; pedicels usually 5-8 mm long, slender, much > bracts. Bracts ± elliptic, small. Calyx 3-5 mm long, accrescent; lobes narrowly oblong elliptic or narrow-elliptic, hairy, obtuse or subacute; margin prominently long-ciliate. Corolla 10-13 mm diam., bright blue with white central eye and fine dark veins. Capsule c. 6 mm wide; lobes divergent, with raised nerves and ciliate margins. Seed not seen.
Prostrate, perennial herb, often mat-forming; stems creeping, rooting at the nodes, filiform, densely puberulent. Petiole 2-4 mm long. Lamina 3-5 × 4-7 mm, broadly reniform or suborbicular, crenate, with appressed hairs; base cordate or subcordate. Fls solitary in axils of lvs similar to vegetative lvs; pedicels puberulent, to 23 mm long, much > lvs. Calyx 2.5-4 mm long; lobes ± elliptic, glandular-hairy, especially on margins, obtuse to ± rounded. Corolla 1-1.5 cm diam., the lowest lobe narrower and deep blue, otherwise pale blue with darker veins. Anthers deep blue. Fr. not seen.
Prostrate, somewhat hairy, annual; stems slender, decumbent, much-branched, rooting from nodes; internodes with bifarious hairs. Petioles 5-15 mm long. Lamina to 1.6 × 1.8 cm, oblong, suborbicular to reniform, hairy or glabrate, entire on basal lvs, otherwise usually 3-lobed; lateral lobes often with a small basal lobe; middle lobe largest; base broad-cuneate to subcordate; apices of lobes ± obtuse. Fls solitary in lf axils; pedicels 5-20 mm long, much > calyx, with hairs in a longitudinal band. Calyx 3-5 mm long; lobes broadly ovate, long-ciliate, cordate at base, acute at apex. Corolla 3-4 mm diam., pale blue. Capsule 3-6 mm diam., suborbicular or orbicular, glabrous. Seeds ± reniform, deeply concave on 1 side, tranversely ribbed on convex side.
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Hairy, prostrate or semi-prostrate annual; stems many, decumbent, arising from near base, freely rooting at nodes, up to c. 70 cm long. Petioles to c. 1 cm long, usually shorter. Lamina 0.6-2.5 × 0.5-2 cm, ovate or broad-ovate, hairy, coarsely and irregularly crenate-serrate or serrate; base broad-cuneate, truncate or subcordate; apex obtuse to rounded. Fls axillary, solitary in axils of lvs similar to vegetative lvs; pedicels slender, > subtending lvs, to c. 4 cm long at fruiting, densely hairy. Calyx 5-7 mm long; lobes ovate-lanceolate to ± elliptic, ciliate, broad-cuneate to rounded at base, obtuse at apex. Corolla 10-15 mm diam.; 3 lobes bright blue; lowest lobe narrower, white to pale blue. Capsule c. 8 mm wide; lobes rounded, strongly divergent, sharply keeled, ± hairy. Seed broad-ellipsoid, strongly concave on 1 side, tuberculately ridged.
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Hairy annual; stems much-branched, decumbent, to c. 15 cm long, densely covered with crisped hairs, not rooting at nodes. Petioles to 5 mm long. Lamina 3-8 × 3-8 mm, ovate, often broadly so, or suborbicular, coarsely crenate-serrate, often glabrate above, rather densely covered with crisped hairs below; base truncate or nearly so; apex obtuse. Fls axillary, solitary, in axils of lvs similar to vegetative lvs; pedicels c. 5 mm long, to 8 mm at fruiting, mostly > subtending lvs. Calyx 2-3 mm long, hairy or glabrous; lobes broadly ovate, prominently ciliate, obtuse or rounded. Corolla c. 6 mm diam., ± uniformly blue. Capsule c. 4 mm wide, not deeply lobed; nerves usually inconspicuous; lobes obtuse, ± erect, rounded on outer margin, densely hairy with straight glandular and short curly eglandular hairs. Seed broadly elliptic, concave on 1 face, irregularly transversely ridged on convex side.
Glabrous perennial or possibly annual; stems thin, weak, to c. 35 cm long, usually simple, sometimes rooting at nodes. Lvs sessile, 2-6 × 0.1-1.2 cm, usually linear, sometimes linear-lanceolate, remotely serrulate; apex acute or subacute. Racemes axillary, alternate (1 to each opposite pair of lvs), very slender and flexuose; peduncles to c. 12 cm long; pedicels very slender, 5-13 mm long, much > linear bracts. Calyx c. 2 mm long; lobes ovate, ± acute. Corolla c. 6 mm diam.; lobes whitish with bluish veins. Capsule 2-lobed, 3-4.5 mm wide, glabrous, > calyx. Seeds oblong-obovate, very flattened.
Perennial with shortly decumbent vegetative shoots, rooting at nodes and often forming mats; flowering stems ± erect and ascending to c. 25 cm, puberulent. Petioles very short. Lamina 5-17 × 4-15 mm, broadly ovate, broadly elliptic or orbicular, glabrous, slightly crenulate; base and apex ± rounded. Infl. a narrow, elongated, terminal raceme; peduncle and pedicels puberulent; pedicels 2-6 mm long; lower bracts leaflike; upper bracts becoming smaller and narrower, oblong, entire, > pedicels. Calyx 2-3 mm long; lobes elliptic or ovate-elliptic, glabrous or almost so, obtuse. Corolla c. 8 mm diam., white or very pale blue, with fine dark blue veins. Capsule c. 4 mm wide, obcordate, sometimes ciliolate; nerves inconspicuous. Seeds oblong to ellipsoid, strongly flattened.
Erect annual, usually much-branched and spreading from near base, rarely not branched; stems densely glandular-hairy, ascending to c. 15 cm. Lvs sessile or subsessile, to c. 8 × 6 mm, digitately (3)-5-(7)-lobed, hairy; lobes ± oblong; base cuneate; apex rounded. Infl. a long terminal raceme with fls extending almost to base of plant, densely glandular-hairy; pedicels 3-15 mm long, usually much > bracts. Upper bracts usually 3-lobed, smaller and narrower than lvs. Calyx 3-5 mm long; lobes oblong or oblong-elliptic, glandular-hairy, obtuse. Corolla 3- c. 4.5 mm diam., blue. Capsule 4-5 mm wide; lobes rounded and glandular-hairy towards apex; nerves raised. Seeds broad-ellipsoid, strongly compressed and cup-shaped.
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Deciduous or evergreen shrubs or small trees. Winter buds naked or scaly. Lvs lobed or not, with small stipules or exstipulate. Infl. of cymosely arranged corymbs or panicles. Fls actinomorphic, usually ☿; outer fls sometimes sterile and enlarged. Calyx 5-lobed, minute. Corolla rotate to campanulate, sometimes salverform or almost tubular; lobes 5. Stamens 5, small, often exserted. Ovary 1-celled. Style 1 or 0; stigma 3-lobed. Fr. a drupe; pyrene 1, usually compressed.
Evergreen shrub to c. 5 m high, nearly glabrous except for young shoots and lvs. Petioles 0.7-3-(4) cm long, purplish, often hispid on exposed stems. Lamina 5-13-(15) × 2-6-(7) cm, ovate, ovate-oblong or elliptic, entire, glabrous except for axillary tufts beneath, sometimes ± hispid on midrib and lower part of main veins on both sides, somewhat shining above; base broad-cuneate to rounded; apex obtuse or acute. Infl. corymbose, to c. 8 cm diam.; branches, bracts and calyx purplish or reddish purple, glabrous or sparsely stellate-hairy. Fls ± fragrant. Calyx lobes c. 1 mm long, triangular. Corolla 3.5-5 mm long, rotate, 7-9 mm diam., white at anthesis, often becoming pink. Stamens > corolla; anthers c. 1 mm long, broad-oblong. Drupe 6-7 mm long excluding calyx, broad-ovoid, shining dark blue.
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Stems glabrous, long and partly trailing or running and rooting at nodes, with terminal part often ascending, forming dense mats often covering many square metres. Petiole (5)-7-20 mm long; margins hirsute. Lamina (3)-4-10 × (1.8)-2.5-7 cm, ovate, usually dark glossy green above, rarely variegated white and green; midrib hairy above; margins ciliate; base mostly rounded or subcordate, sometimes truncate or broad-cuneate; apex obtuse or acute. Pedicels 2.5-4 cm long, slender. Calyx 0.9-1.7 cm long; lobes linear-subulate, ciliate, glandular towards base. Corolla tube c. 1.5 cm long; limb (3)-3.5-5 cm diam., mauvish blue; lobes obliquely obovate; apex truncate or obtuse. Anthers slightly wider than long. Follicles 3.5-5 cm long, the apical part very narrow and pointed, constricted between seeds. Seeds 7-8 mm long, oblong, strongly corrugated; margins inrolled.
Stems prostrate, mat-forming, trailing or creeping, glabrous or nearly so. Petioles 0.5-4 mm long, glandular, sometimes minutely ciliate. Lamina mostly 2-5 × 1-2 cm, elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, glabrous or nearly so; base broadly cuneate or rounded; apex obtuse. Pedicels 1.7-3 cm long, very slender. Calyx 3-4 mm long; lobes broadly lanceolate, subacute. Corolla purple or violet with white central eye, usually double or semi-double; tube 7-8 mm long; limb 1.5-2 cm diam.; lobes obliquely obovate, truncate at apex. Anthers c. as wide as long, but most stamens transformed into petals. Follicles not seen.
Rhizomatous perennial. Stems ascending to erect, sparsely hairy, 10-30 cm long. Lvs (2)-4-8 cm long, with short hairs, with 3-7 crenations each side. Basal lvs ovate, petiolate; stipules pinnatifid. Stem lvs becoming narrow-elliptic, cuneately narrowed to short petiole; stipules pinnatifid, 1/2-3/4 lf length, with leaflike terminal lobe, and 3-7 linear lateral lobes. Peduncles erect, in axils of upper lvs, glabrous; bracts small, dentate. Fls 2.5-4 cm diam. Sepals narrowly-triangular, acute, 10-20 mm long; appendages 4-8 mm long. Petals usually violet, orange, yellow or cream, > sepals, the lowest and lateral bearded; spur 3-6 mm long, = or slightly > sepal appendages. Style geniculate at base, 1.5-2 mm long; stigma globose. Capsule ellipsoid, glabrous, 7-12 mm long. Seeds obovoid, pale brown, 2 mm long.
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Taprooted perennial; rootstock often multicipital; stems 0. Lvs all rosulate, glabrous or sparsely hairy on margins and veins, (0.5)-1-3 × (0.5)-1-2.5 cm, broadly ovate to deltoid, cuneate or truncate at base, obtuse, with (3)-5-10 very shallow crenations each side; stipules linear, entire or glandular-toothed, 5-(10) mm long; petiole glabrous to pilose, (1)-2-10-(25) cm long. Peduncles erect, glabrous to pilose; bracts short, linear, entire. Fls (0.5)-1-2 cm diam. Sepals lanceolate, acute, 3-5 mm long; appendages 0.5-0.8 mm long. Petals white with purple veins, > sepals, the lateral bearded; spur broad, slightly > sepal appendages. Style geniculate at base, 1.5-2 mm long; stigma subcapitate. Capsule ellipsoid, glabrous, 5-10 mm long. Seeds obovoid, dark olive-green, 1.5 mm long.
Perennial; stems creeping, glabrous, often reddish, 10-30 cm long. Basal and stem lvs all similar, glabrous, (0.5)-1-2-(3) × (0.5)-1-2-(3) cm, broadly ovate-cordate to reniform or suborbicular, obtuse to subacute, with 3-7 distant crenations or blunt teeth each side; stipules ovate, fimbriate to glandular-fimbriate, reddish, 3-4-(6) mm long; fimbriae 1 mm long; petiole glabrous, 1-2-(4) cm long. Peduncles erect, glabrous; bracts linear, acuminate, fimbriate, 4-6 mm long. Fls 1-1.5 cm diam. Sepals narrowly triangular to linear, acute, 5-7 mm long; appendages 0.5 mm long. Petals white with purple veins, > sepals, the lateral bearded; spur short, slightly > sepal appendages. Style geniculate at base, 1.5-2 mm long; stigma subcapitate. Capsule ellipsoid, glabrous, c. 1 cm long. Seeds obovoid, pale brown, 1-1.5 mm long.
Rhizomatous and stoloniferous perennial; stolons arching, glabrous, producing offset plants 80-200 mm from rosette. Lvs all rosulate, hairy above and beneath, 15-30 × 12-25 mm, broadly reniform, obtuse, with 5-9 blunt teeth each side; stipules linear, glandular-fimbriate, 3-6 mm long; petiole 3-6 cm long, with patent hairs. Peduncles erect, glabrous; bracts linear, bluntly glandular-dentate, 5-8 mm long. Fls c. 2 cm diam. Sepals linear-lanceolate, acute, 5-6 mm long; appendages 0.5 mm long. Petals white, mauve at base, exceeding sepals, the lateral bearded, the anterior veined and saccate but not spurred. Style geniculate at base, 2.5 mm long; stigma not beaked. Capsule ovoid, glabrous, 4-6 mm long. Seeds ovoid, brown or black, 1.5-2 mm long.
Herbs; lvs in a basal rosette and/or alternate on stems. Fls solitary, on bibracteate axillary peduncles, zygomorphic, ☿. Sepals with basal appendages. Petals unequal, the lower spurred. Stamens with apical appendages, the lower 2 spurred. Style straight or geniculate at base; stigma globose or beaked or capitate or 2-lobed. Capsule 3-valved, dehiscent.
Taprooted perennial; stems weak, prostrate to ascending, glabrous, 10-20 cm long. Basal and stem lvs all similar, glabrous, 1-2-(3.5) × 1-2-(4) cm, broadly ovate-cordate to reniform, obtuse to subacute, with 5-10 very shallow crenations each side; stipules linear, distantly glandular-toothed, 3-7 mm long; petiole (1)-2-5-(15) cm long. Peduncles erect, glabrous; bracts linear, entire or distantly toothed, 3-6 mm long. Fls 1-1.5 cm diam. Sepals lanceolate, acute, 3-4 mm long; appendages c. 0.5 mm long. Petals white with purple veins, > sepals, the lateral bearded; spur very short and broad, hardly > sepal appendages. Style straight, 1.5 mm long; stigma capitate, slightly curved. Capsule ellipsoid, glabrous, c. 1 cm long. Seeds obovoid, pale greenish brown, 1.5 mm long.
Rhizomatous perennial; aerial stems 0. Lvs all rosulate, with fine hairs above and beneath, (2)-4-8 × (2)-3-7 cm, broadly ovate-cordate, obtuse to subacute, with > 15 crenations each side; stipules linear to lanceolate, dentate, 1-2 cm long; petiole (3)-5-10-(20) cm long, with deflexed hairs. Peduncles erect, glabrous or hairy; bracts linear-acuminate, dentate, 5-10 mm long. Fls 1.5-2.5 mm diam. Sepals narrowly oblong, subacute to obtuse, 4-6 mm long; appendages 1-2 mm long. Petals violet or white or pink, exceeding sepals, the lateral bearded; spur 3-5 mm long, > sepal appendages. Style not geniculate at base, 2.5 mm long; stigma beaked. Capsule globose, hairy, c. 1 cm long. Seeds obovoid, pale brown, 2.5 mm long.
Rhizomatous perennial; stems prostrate to ascending, glabrous, 5-20 cm long. Lvs all similar, with fine hairs near margin above, (7)-15-25 × (7)-15-25 mm, ovate-cordate, subacute to acuminate, with > 10 shallow crenations each side; stipules linear, acute, 5-10 × 1-(2) mm, long-fimbriate; fimbriae 1-1.5 mm long; petiole glabrous, (3)-15-40 mm long. Peduncles erect, with very fine hairs above; bracts linear, with 1-4 fimbriae near base or entire, 3-6 mm long. Fls 15-20 mm diam. Sepals narrowly ovate-acuminate, 4-6 mm long; appendages 1-2 mm long. Petals blue-violet, > sepals, the lateral bearded; spur broad, 5-6 mm long, > sepal appendages. Style weakly geniculate at base, 2 mm long; stigma beaked. Capsule ellipsoid, glabrous, 9-12 mm long. Seeds obovoid, yellowish brown, 2 mm long.
Annual, with short-lived rosette; stems erect or ascending, with short hairs or glabrous, 7-30 cm tall. Lvs (1)-2-4 cm long, glabrous or with short hairs, with 3-7 crenations or blunt teeth each side. Basal lvs broadly ovate, truncately narrowed to long petiole; stipules short, linear-lobed. Stem lvs becoming narrow-elliptic, the uppermost cuneately narrowed to short petiole; stipules pinnatifid to palmatifid, 1/2-3/4 lf length, with leaflike terminal lobe and 3-7 linear lateral lobes. Peduncles erect, glabrous; bracts short, narrowly triangular. Fls 1.5-2.5 cm diam. Sepals narrowly triangular, acute, 5-8 mm long; appendages 2-3 mm long. Petals violet and/or yellow and cream, the upper > the upper sepals, the lowest with yellow or orange blotch and purple veins, the lowest and lateral bearded; spur 3-4 mm long, usually > the sepal appendages. Style geniculate at base, 1 mm long; stigma globose, with ligule on lower surface. Capsule ellipsoid, glabrous, 5-10 mm long. Seeds oblong, pale brown, 1.5 mm long.
Herbs, shrubs or trees. Lvs usually alternate, simple, stipulate. Fls solitary, axillary or in racemes or fascicles, actinomorphic or zygomorphic, hypogynous, ☿ or unisexual. Sepals 5, free, sometimes with basal appendages. Petals 5, free, equal or unequal, the lowest sometimes spurred. Stamens 5, united at base into a ring; anthers introrse; connective often projecting as an appendage. Ovary of 3-(5) fused carpels, 1-celled; placentation parietal. Style and stigma simple or lobed. Fr. a capsule dehiscing by 3-(5) valves, or an indehiscent berry. Seeds usually smooth; embryo straight; endosperm fleshy.
Lianes, mostly climbing by lf-opposed tendrils, rarely erect shrubs. Lvs usually alternate, the lower sometimes opposite, simple or compound; stipules petiolar or 0. Infls lf-opposed or terminal; fls in cymes, these mostly in panicles, ☿ or unisexual, usually 4-5-merous, actinomorphic, small. Calyx entire or lobed, often cupulate, very small. Petals free or united distally and then forming a cap, valvate, caducous. Stamens 4-5, antipetalous, inserted at base of hypogynous disc. Ovary superior, 2-(6)-celled; ovules 1-2 in each cell; style 1, usually short; stigma capitate or lobed. Fr. a berry with 2-4 seeds. Seed endospermic.
Deciduous lianes; bark usually peeling in long strips; pith brown, interrupted at nodes with septa. Tendrils simple or forked, lacking disc-like tips. Lvs simple, usually palmately lobed; petiole often long. Fls in lf-opposed panicles, mostly unisexual, sometimes ☿. Calyx 5-lobed, minute. Petals 5, united distally, falling as a cap at anthesis. Disc prominent, consisting of 5 glandular scales. Ovary 2-celled; ovules 2 per cell; style short. Berry 2-4-seeded, usually black or dark purplish black, often with a glaucous bloom, occasionally green or yellow; pulp soft, watery, often sweet.
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Annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs. Lvs alternate, simple, entire to lobed and again toothed. Capitula solitary. Involucral bracts in several rows, imbricate, the outer somewhat herbaceous, the inner partly membranous. Receptacle flat to convex; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, ligulate, in 1-several rows; ligules white or pinkish to bluish purple. Inner florets ☿, tubular, often fewer than ♀. Achenes all similar, obovate, oblanceolate, cuneate, or obconic, usually compressed, rarely terete, hairy, with or without facial ribs; pappus of scabrid hairs in 1-several rows.
Decumbent to ascending perennial herb. Stems usually sparsely to densely clothed in long erect hairs and glandular hairs, rarely only in glandular hairs, becoming glabrous and woody toward base. Lvs obtriangular to obovate, apetiolate and cuneate, obtuse, often 3-(5)-lobed at apex, sometimes with 1-2-(4) pairs of teeth or lobes toward apex, often lowest and uppermost or rarely most lvs entire, glandular, usually with scattered hispid hairs especially on midvein below and margins, rarely glabrous or densely hispid, (4)-8-15-(18) × 2-5-(8) mm. Involucral bracts usually hairy and glandular, sometimes only glandular, 2-8 mm long. Ray florets 8-20-(24); ligules white, 2-6 mm long. Achenes oblanceolate, compressed, with ribbed margins and 4-6 ribs on each face, glandular, sparsely to densely hairy and sometimes with a few longer appressed hairs at base, 3.5-5 mm long.
Much-branched, erect or spreading perennial herb or subshrub, (10)-15-40 cm tall. Stems moderately to densely covered in strigose, antrorse, appressed hairs, becoming almost glabrous and distinctly woody toward base. Lvs all cauline in mature plants, spathulate to narrow-oblanceolate, apetiolate and long-cuneate, obtuse to emarginate, mostly entire, rarely with 1-(2) pairs of shallow lobes near apex, often folded upwards, usually glabrous on upper surface, sometimes sparsely strigose and glandular, moderately strigose and sparsely glandular on lower, 8-18-(25) × 1-3-(5) mm. Capitula c. 10 mm diam. Inner involucral bracts narrow-elliptic to lanceolate, sparsely hairy, 5-6.5 mm long; outer bracts moderately strigose and glandular, from 2 mm long. Ray florets > 20; ligules pinkish to bluish purple, 2-4 mm long. Disc yellow. Achenes oblanceolate, with ribbed margins and 4-7 ribs on each face, sparsely to moderately hairy on faces and margins, glandular and with a few longer appressed hairs near base, 3.5-5 mm long; pappus 4.5-7 mm long.
Much-branched, erect or spreading perennial herb or subshrub, (10)-15-30 cm tall. Stems white-lanate, becoming glabrous and distinctly woody towards base. Lvs all cauline in mature plants, narrow-obovate to narrowly linear- oblanceolate, apetiolate and cuneate, obtuse to emarginate, mostly entire, sometimes with 1-(3) pairs of shallow lobes near apex, often folded upwards, sparsely hairy and glandular on upper surface, moderately lanate and glandular on lower, 6-20-(30) × 1-4-(6) mm; uppermost lvs smaller, narrower and always entire. Capitula c. 10 mm diam. Inner involucral bracts linear, sparsely hairy, 5-9 mm long; outer bracts moderately lanate and glandular, from c. 1 mm long. Ray florets 13-numerous; ligules bluish to pinkish purple, 2-5 mm long. Disc yellow. Achenes oblanceolate, with ribbed margins and 5-7 ribs on each face, sparsely to moderately hairy on faces and margins, glandular and with longer appressed hairs obscuring base, 4-5.5 mm long; pappus 6-6.5 mm long.
Shrubs, usually climbing. Lvs imparipinnate; leaflets entire, often stipellate; stipules small. Infls terminal, racemose, pendulous; bracts caducous; bracteoles 0. Calyx campanulate; 2 upper teeth short and slightly connate; 3 lower teeth longer, free. Corolla usually purple or lilac, rarely yellow or white. Vexillary stamen free or partly connate with the others into a closed tube; anthers uniform, basifixed. Style inflexed, glabrous; stigma terminal. Pod 2-valved, ± straight, dehiscent, many-seeded; sutures not thickened; seeds estrophiolate.
[Unable to display]
Annual herbs. Lvs alternate, simple, entire to serrate or lobed. Capitula unisexual, sessile or shortly pedunculate, solitary, terminal and in panicles or racemes, or clustered in axils. ♂ capitula ± globose; involucral bracts in 1 row; receptacle conic; scales present; corolla tubular. ♀ capitula ovoid; involucral bracts in 2 rows, the outer small and free, the inner connate, prickly and ending in 1-2 beaks containing the 2 florets; corolla 0. Achenes all similar, ovoid, enclosed within the expanded prickly involucre; pappus 0.
Erect annual, 10-100 cm tall. Stems sparsely to densely hairy above, becoming glabrous below, usually much-branched from base or above. Lvs sessile or shortly petiolate, with 1-2 axillary spines; spines stout, (2)-3-(4)-fid, (0.5)-1-3 cm long; lamina with scattered hairs on upper surface and dense white to grey tomentum on veins and lower surface, mostly narrow-ovate, entire or pinnately 3-(5)-fid, obtuse to cuneate at base, 2-10 cm long; segments narrowly ovate-lanceolate, lanceolate, or triangular; uppermost lvs often smaller, narrower and entire. ♂ capitula in terminal infls, with numerous florets; ♀ capitula solitary or clustered, in axils. Fruiting involucre sparsely to moderately clothed in short hairs, less hairy at maturity, 10-13 × 5-7 mm; prickles hooked, glabrous, 2-3 mm long; beaks 1-2, indistinct, 0.5-1 mm long.
Erect annual, up to c. 1 m tall. Stems sparsely to moderately hairy above, becoming glabrous below, usually branched. Lvs long-petiolate, spineless; lamina green with with scattered short, scabrid, hairs and glands on both surfaces, broad-ovate, irregularly serrate, 3-lobed or not lobed, cordate or truncate at base, 5-15 cm long; uppermost lvs smaller and narrower. ♂ and ♀ capitula in axillary or terminal clusters; ♀ sometimes solitary; ♂ with numerous florets. Fruiting involucre sparsely to moderately scabrid, sometimes almost glabrous at maturity, 15-25 × 8-20 mm; prickles hooked, glabrous or hairy, 3-5 mm long; beaks 2, conspicuous, 4-6 mm long.
Shrubs or herbs, woody at base, rarely small trees. Lvs usually opposite, rarely alternate, usually pinnately compound, fleshy or coriaceous; stipules present and persistent, often spinescent. Fls usually in cymes, sometimes solitary, ☿, usually actinomorphic, sometimes zygomorphic. Sepals (4)-5, usually free and imbricate. Petals (4)-5, rarely 0, usually imbricate or contorted. Hypogynous disc usually present. Stamens 1, 2, or 3× as many as sepals, opposite petals; filaments often unequal in length and with attached scale. Ovary superior; carpels usually 2-5, very rarely more; ovules 1-many in each loculus; placentation axile; style simple. Fr. a capsule or a ± fleshy schizocarp. Seeds generally endospermic.
Cited scientific names
- ×Carpophyma G.D.Rowley
- Abies Mill.
- Abies nordmanniana (Steven) Spach
- Abutilon darwinii Hook.f.
- Abutilon grandifolium (Willd.) Sweet
- Abutilon Mill.
- Abutilon theophrasti Medik.
- Acaena ×anserovina Orchard
- Acaena ×ovina A.Cunn.
- Acaena ×ovina subsp. nanella Bitter
- Acaena adscendens Vahl
- Acaena agnipila Gand.
- Acaena agnipila var. aequispina Orchard
- Acaena agnipila var. protenta Orchard
- Acaena agnipila var. tenuispica (Bitter) Orchard
- Acaena anserinifolia (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Druce
- Acaena anserinifolia (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) J.B.Armstr.
- Acaena buchananii Hook.f.
- Acaena buchananii var. inermis Bitter
- Acaena buchananii var. picta Allan
- Acaena caesiiglauca (Bitter) Bergmans
- Acaena caesiiglauca var. pilosa (Kirk) Allan
- Acaena depressa Kirk
- Acaena dumicola B.H.Macmill.
- Acaena echinata Nees
- Acaena fissistipula Bitter
- Acaena glabra Buchanan
- Acaena huttoni Br.
- Acaena inermis Hook.f.
- Acaena magellanica (Lam.) M.Vahl
- Acaena microphylla Hook.f.
- Acaena microphylla var. pallideolivacea Bitter
- Acaena microphylla var. robusta Allan
- Acaena minor (Hook.f.) Allan
- Acaena minor (Hook.f.) Allan var. minor
- Acaena minor var. antarctica (Cockayne) Allan
- Acaena Mutis ex L.
- Acaena novae-zelandiae Kirk
- Acaena pallida (Kirk) Allan
- Acaena profundeincisa (Bitter) B.H.Macmill.
- Acaena pusilla (Bitter) Allan
- Acaena pusilla var. suprasericascens Bitter
- Acaena saccaticupula Bitter
- Acaena sanguisorbae subsp. pusilla Bitter
- Acaena sanguisorbae var. pilosa Kirk
- Acaena sanguisorbae var. viridor Cockayne
- Acaena viridior (Cockayne) Allan
- Acanthaceae
- Acanthus L.
- Acanthus mollis L.
- Acer L.
- Acer negundo L.
- Acer pseudoplatanus L.
- Aceraceae
- Acetosa sagittata (Thunb.) L.A.S.Johnson & B.G.Briggs
- Acetosa vesicaria (L.) Á. Löve
- Achillea distans Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd.
- Achillea L.
- Achillea millefolium L.
- Achillea ptarmica L.
- Achillea tanacetifolia All.
- Achyranthes aspera L.
- Achyranthes aspera L. var. aspera
- Achyranthes aspera var. velutina (Hook. & Arn.) C.C.Towns.
- Achyranthes L.
- Achyranthes velutina Hook. & Arn.
- Acicarpha tribuloides Juss.
- Acinos arvensis (Lam.) Dandy
- Acinos Mill.
- Acmena DC.
- Acmena smithii (Poir.) Merr. & L.M.Perry
- Acroptilon Cass.
- Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.
- Actinidia deliciosa (A.Chev.) C.F.Liang & A.R.Ferguson
- Actinidia Lindl.
- Actinidiaceae
- Adiantum aethiopicum L.
- Adiantum capillus-veneris L.
- Adiantum cunninghamii Hook.
- Adiantum diaphanum Blume
- Adiantum formosum R.Br.
- Adiantum fulvum Raoul
- Adiantum hispidulum Sw.
- Adiantum L.
- Adiantum raddianum C.Presl
- Adiantum viridescens Colenso
- Aegopodium L.
- Aegopodium podagraria L.
- Aeonium ×floribundum A.Berger
- Aeonium ×velutinum Praeger
- Aeonium arboreum (L.) Webb & Berthel.
- Aeonium haworthii (Salm-Dyck) Webb & Berthel.
- Aeonium haworthii Hybrids
- Aeonium undulatum Webb & Berthel.
- Aeonium urbicum (C.A.Sm.) Webb & Berthel.
- Aeonium Webb & Berthel.
- Aesculus hippocastanum L.
- Aesculus L.
- Ageratina adenophora (Spreng.) R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Ageratina riparia (Regel) R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Ageratina Spach
- Ageratum houstonianum Mill.
- Ageratum L.
- Agrostemma githago L.
- Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle
- Ailanthus Desf.
- Aizoaceae
- Ajuga L.
- Ajuga reptans L.
- Akebia Decne.
- Akebia quinata (Thunb. ex Houtt.) Decne.
- Alcea L.
- Alcea rosea L.
- Alchemilla filicaulis Buser
- Alchemilla filicaulis sensu some New Zealand collectors
- Alchemilla gracilis Opiz
- Alchemilla L.
- Alchemilla mollis (Buser) Rothm.
- Aleurites J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd.
- Alliaria Heist. ex Fabr.
- Alliaria petiolata (M.Bieb.) Cavara & Grande
- Allocasuarina littoralis (Salisb.) L.A.S.Johnson
- Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.
- Alnus Mill.
- Alnus viridis (Chaix) DC.
- Alsine tenuifolia (L.) Crantz
- Alternanthera Forssk.
- Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb.
- Alternanthera pungens Kunth
- Alternanthera repens (L.) Link
- Alternanthera sessilis (L.) DC.
- Alyssum alyssoides (L.) L.
- Alyssum L.
- Alyssum maritimum (L.) Lam.
- Alyssum saxatile L.
- Amaranthaceae
- Amaranthus albus L.
- Amaranthus blitum L.
- Amaranthus blitum sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Amaranthus caudatus L.
- Amaranthus cruentus L.
- Amaranthus deflexus L.
- Amaranthus graecizans L.
- Amaranthus hybridus L.
- Amaranthus hybridus L. var. hybridus
- Amaranthus hybridus var. erythrostachys Moq.
- Amaranthus L.
- Amaranthus lividus L.
- Amaranthus powellii S.Watson
- Amaranthus retroflexus L.
- Amaranthus spinosus L.
- Amaranthus viridis L.
- Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.
- Ambrosia L.
- Ammi L.
- Ammi majus L.
- Amsinckia angustifolia Lehm.
- Amsinckia calycina (Moris) Chater
- Amsinckia hispida (Ruiz & Pav.) I.M.Johnst.
- Amsinckia Lehm.
- Anacardiaceae
- Anagallis arvensis L.
- Anagallis arvensis L. subsp. arvensis
- Anagallis arvensis subsp. parviflora (Hoffmanns. & Link) Arcang.
- Anagallis L.
- Anagallis minima (L.) E.H.L.Krause
- Anchusa arvensis (L.) M.Bieb.
- Anchusa barrelieri (All.) Vitman
- Anchusa L.
- Anchusa sempervirens L.
- Anemone ×hybrida Paxton
- Anemone japonica sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Anemone L.
- Anemone nemorosa L.
- Anemone tenuicaulis (Cheeseman) Parkin & Sledge
- Angelica L.
- Angelica pachycarpa Lange
- Annona cherimola Mill.
- Annona L.
- Annonaceae Juss.
- Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis
- Anredera Juss.
- Anthemis arvensis L.
- Anthemis cotula L.
- Anthemis L.
- Anthemis mixta sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Anthemis nobilis L.
- Anthemis tinctoria L.
- Anthriscus caucalis M.Bieb.
- Anthriscus neglecta Boiss. & Reut. ex Lange
- Anthriscus Pers.
- Anthriscus vulgaris Pers.
- Antirrhinum L.
- Antirrhinum majus L.
- Antirrhinum orontium L.
- Aphanes arvensis L.
- Aphanes australiana (Rothm.) Rothm.
- Aphanes inexspectata W.Lippert
- Aphanes L.
- Apiaceae
- Apium graveolens L.
- Apium L.
- Apium leptophyllum (Pers.) F. Muell. ex Benth.
- Apium nodiflorum (L.) Lag.
- Apium prostratum Labill. ex Vent.
- Apium tenuifolium (Moench) Thell.
- Apocynaceae
- Aptenia cordifolia (L.f.) Schwantes
- Aptenia N.E.Br.
- Aquifoliaceae
- Aquilegia L.
- Aquilegia vulgaris L.
- Arabidopsis Heynh.
- Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.
- Araliaceae
- Araucaria heterophylla (Salisb.) Franco
- Araucaria Juss.
- Araucariaceae Henkel & W.Hochst.
- Araujia Brot.
- Araujia sericifera Brot.
- Arbutus L.
- Arbutus unedo L.
- Arctium L.
- Arctium lappa L.
- Arctium majus (Gaertn.) Bernh.
- Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh.
- Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. subsp. minus
- Arctium minus subsp. pubens (Bab.) Aren.
- Arctium tomentosum Mill.
- Arctotheca calendula (L.) Levyns
- Arctotheca J.C.Wendl.
- Arctotis L.
- Arctotis stoechadifolia P.J.Bergius
- Arenaria L.
- Arenaria serpyllifolia L.
- Argemone L.
- Argemone mexicana var. ochroleuca (Sweet) Lindl.
- Argemone ochroleuca Sweet
- Argyranthemum foeniculaceum (Willd.) Webb ex Sch.Bip.
- Argyranthemum frutescens (L.) Sch.Bip.
- Argyranthemum Webb
- Armoracia P.Gaertn., B.Mey & Scherb.
- Armoracia rusticana Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb.
- Artemisia absinthium L.
- Artemisia arborescens L.
- Artemisia L.
- Artemisia verlotiorum Lamotte
- Arthrolobium pinnatum Rendle & Britten
- Asarina erubescens (D.Don) Pennell
- Asclepiadaceae
- Asclepias fruticosa L.
- Asperula perpusilla Hook.f.
- Aspleniaceae Newman
- Aster L.
- Aster lanceolatus Willd.
- Aster novae-angliae L.
- Aster novi-belgii hybrids
- Aster simplex Willd.
- Aster subulatus Michx.
- Asteraceae
- Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth
- Athyrium Roth
- Atriplex angustifolia Sm.
- Atriplex australasica sensu early New Zealand Botanists
- Atriplex buchananii (Kirk) Cheeseman
- Atriplex buchananii var. tenuicaulis Petrie
- Atriplex cinerea Poir.
- Atriplex deltoidea Bab.
- Atriplex erecta Huds.
- Atriplex hastata L.
- Atriplex hastata New Zealand Botanists
- Atriplex hortensis L.
- Atriplex L.
- Atriplex novae-zelandiae Aellen
- Atriplex patula L.
- Atriplex patula sensu Allan
- Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
- Atriplex rosea L.
- Atriplex triangularis Willd.
- Atropa bella-donna L.
- Atropa L.
- Azara microphylla Hook.f.
- Azara Ruiz & Pav.
- Azolla filiculoides Lam.
- Azolla Lam.
- Azolla pinnata R.Br.
- Baccharis halimifolia L.
- Baccharis L.
- Ballota L.
- Ballota nigra L.
- Baloghia Endl.
- Baloghia inophylla (G.Forst.) P.S.Green
- Balsaminaceae
- Barbarea intermedia Boreau
- Barbarea praecox (Sm.) W.T.Aiton
- Barbarea stricta Andrz.
- Barbarea verna (Mill.) Asch.
- Barbarea vulgaris R.Br.
- Barbarea W.T.Aiton
- Bartlettina R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Bartlettina sordida (Less.) R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Bartsia latifolia (L.) Sm.
- Bartsia viscosa L.
- Basellaceae
- Begonia ×semperflorens-cultorum H.K.Krauss
- Begonia L.
- Begoniaceae
- Bellis L.
- Bellis perennis L.
- Berberidaceae
- Berberis darwinii Hook.
- Berberis glaucocarpa Stapf
- Berberis L.
- Berberis soulieana C.K.Schneid.
- Berberis vulgaris L.
- Berberis wilsoniae Hemsl.
- Beta L.
- Beta vulgaris L.
- Beta vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris
- Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima (L.) Arcang.
- Betula alba sensu H.J.Coste
- Betula L.
- Betula pendula Roth
- Betula verrucosa Ehrh.
- Betulaceae
- Bidens connata Muhl. ex Willd.
- Bidens frondosa L.
- Bidens L.
- Bidens pilosa L.
- Bidens tripartita L.
- Bignoniaceae
- Bilderdykia convolvulus (L.) Dumort.
- Blackstonia Huds.
- Blackstonia perfoliata (L.) Huds.
- Boraginaceae
- Borago L.
- Borago officinalis L.
- Bougainvillea Comm. ex Juss.
- Bougainvillea glabra Choisy
- Bowlesia Ruiz & Pav.
- Bowlesia tropaeolifolia Gillies & Hook.
- Brachyscome Cass.
- Brachyscome humilis G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Brachyscome linearis (Petrie) Druce
- Brachyscome longiscapa G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Brachyscome odorata Hook.f.
- Brachyscome perpusilla (Steetz) J.M.Black
- Brachyscome perpusilla var. tenella (Turcz.) G.L.Davis
- Brachyscome polita Kirk
- Brachyscome radicata Hook.f.
- Brachyscome radicata Hook.f. var. radicata
- Brachyscome radicata var. dubia (Kirk) Allan
- Brachyscome radicata var. membranifolia (Kirk) Allan
- Brachyscome radicata var. polita (Kirk) Allan
- Brachyscome radicata var. thomsonii (Kirk) Allan
- Brachyscome radicata var. β Hook.f.
- Brachyscome sinclairii Hook.f.
- Brachyscome sinclairii Hook.f. var. sinclairii
- Brachyscome sinclairii var. γ Hook.f.
- Brachyscome thomsonii Kirk
- Brachyscome thomsonii var. dubia Kirk
- Brachyscome thomsonii var. membranifolia Kirk
- Brachyscome thomsonii var. polita (Kirk) Cheeseman
- Brassica barrelieri subsp. oxyrrhina (Coss.) Regel
- Brassica fruticulosa Cirillo
- Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.
- Brassica L.
- Brassica napus L.
- Brassica nigra (L.) W.D.J.Koch
- Brassica oleracea L.
- Brassica oxyrrhina (Coss.) Wilk.
- Brassica rapa L.
- Brassica tournefortii Gouan
- Brassicaceae
- Brugmansia ×candida Pers.
- Brugmansia Pers.
- Brugmansia sanguinea (Ruiz & Pav.) D.Don
- Brugmansia suaveolens (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Sweet
- Brunnera macrophylla (Adams) I.M.Johnst.
- Brunnera Steven
- Bryophyllum delagoense (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Schinz
- Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken
- Bryophyllum Salisb.
- Buddleja davidii Franch.
- Buddleja dysophylla (Benth.) Radlk.
- Buddleja globosa Hope
- Buddleja L.
- Buddleja madagascariensis Lam.
- Buddleja salviifolia (L.) Lam.
- Buddlejaceae
- Bupleurum L.
- Bupleurum subovatum Spreng.
- Bupleurum tenuissimum L.
- Buxaceae
- Buxus L.
- Buxus sempervirens L.
- Cactaceae
- Caesalpinia decapetala (Roth) Alston
- Caesalpinia L.
- Cakile edentula (Bigelow) Hook.
- Cakile edentula (Bigelow) Hook. subsp. edentula
- Cakile maritima Scop.
- Cakile Mill.
- Calamintha clinopodium Benth.
- Calamintha Mill.
- Calamintha nepeta (L.) Savi
- Calandrinia caulescens Kunth
- Calandrinia caulescens var. menziesii (Hook.) A.Gray
- Calandrinia ciliata var. menziesii (Hook.) J.F.Macbr.
- Calandrinia compressa Schrad. ex DC.
- Calandrinia Kunth
- Calandrinia menziesii (Hook.) Torr. & A.Gray
- Calceolaria gracilis Kunth
- Calceolaria L.
- Calceolaria tripartita Ruiz & Pav.
- Calendula arvensis L.
- Calendula L.
- Calendula officinalis L.
- Calicotome Link
- Calicotome spinosa (L.) Link
- Callistemon R.Br.
- Callistemon rigidus R.Br.
- Callistephus Cass.
- Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees
- Callitrichaceae
- Callitriche antarctica Engelm. ex Hegelm.
- Callitriche aucklandica R.Mason
- Callitriche hamulata W.D.J.Koch
- Callitriche heterophylla Pursh
- Callitriche L.
- Callitriche muelleri Sond.
- Callitriche petriei R.Mason
- Callitriche stagnalis Scop.
- Callitris rhomboidea R.Br. ex Rich. & A.Rich.
- Callitris Vent.
- Calluna Salisb.
- Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull
- Calotis lappulacea Benth.
- Calotis R.Br.
- Caltha obtusa Cheeseman
- Calyceraceae
- Calystegia marginata R.Br.
- Calystegia R.Br.
- Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br.
- Calystegia sepium subsp. roseata Brummitt
- Calystegia silvatica (Kit.) Griseb.
- Calystegia soldanella (L.) R.Br.
- Calystegia tuguriorum (G.Forst.) R.Br. ex Hook.f.
- Camelina alyssum (Mill.) Thell.
- Camelina Crantz
- Campanula L.
- Campanula medium L.
- Campanula poscharskyana Degen
- Campanula rapunculoides L.
- Campanula rotundifolia L.
- Campanulaceae
- Cannabaceae
- Cannabis L.
- Cannabis sativa L.
- Capparaceae
- Caprifoliaceae
- Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik.
- Capsella elliptica C.A.Mey.
- Capsella Medik.
- Cardamine bilobata Kirk
- Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
- Cardamine debilis DC.
- Cardamine depressa Hook.f.
- Cardamine depressa var. acaulis Hook.f.
- Cardamine depressa var. stellata (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Cardamine flexuosa With.
- Cardamine hirsuta L.
- Cardamine L.
- Cardamine pratensis L.
- Cardamine stellata Hook.f.
- Cardamine subcarnosa (Hook.f.) Allan
- Cardamine uniflora (Hook.f.) Allan
- Cardaria
- Cardaria draba (L.) Desv.
- Carduus acanthoides L.
- Carduus eriophorus sensu New Zealand botanists
- Carduus L.
- Carduus marianus L.
- Carduus nutans L.
- Carduus pycnocephalus L.
- Carduus tenuiflorus Curtis
- Carica L.
- Carica pubescens Lenné & K.Koch
- Caricaceae
- Carpobrotus aequilaterus × Disphyma australe sensu Webb et al.
- Carpobrotus aequilaterus sensu Webb et al.
- Carpobrotus edulis (L.) L.Bolus
- Carpobrotus edulis × Disphyma australe
- Carpobrotus N.E.Br.
- Carrichtera annua (L.) DC.
- Carrichtera DC.
- Carthamus L.
- Carthamus lanatus L.
- Carumbium polyandrum Hook.f.
- Carumbium polyandrum Müll.Arg.
- Caryophyllaceae
- Cassia tora L.
- Cassinia aculeata (Labill.) R.Br.
- Cassinia leptophylla (G.Forst.) R.Br.
- Cassinia leptophylla sensu A.Cunn.
- Cassinia R.Br.
- Cassytha L.
- Cassytha paniculata R.Br.
- Cassytha pubescens R.Br.
- Casuarina cunninghamiana Miq.
- Casuarina glauca Spreng.
- Casuarina L.
- Casuarina littoralis Salisb.
- Casuarinaceae
- Catharanthus G.Don
- Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don
- Caucalis anthriscus (L.) Huds.
- Caucalis arvensis Huds.
- Cedronella canariensis (L.) Webb & Berthel.
- Cedronella Moench
- Cedronella triphylla Moench
- Celastraceae
- Celastrus L.
- Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb.
- Celsia cretica L.
- Centaurea calcitrapa L.
- Centaurea cineraria L.
- Centaurea cyanus L.
- Centaurea L.
- Centaurea maculosa Lam.
- Centaurea melitensis L.
- Centaurea nigra L.
- Centaurea scabiosa L.
- Centaurea solstitialis L.
- Centaurium australe sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Centaurium erythraea Rafn.
- Centaurium exaltatum sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Centaurium Hill
- Centaurium tenuiflorum (Hoffmanns. & Link) Fritsch
- Centaurium umbellatum Gilib.
- Centipeda cunninghamii (DC.) A.Braun & Asch.
- Centipeda Lour.
- Centipeda minima (L.) A.Braun & Asch.
- Centranthus DC.
- Centranthus ruber (L.) DC.
- Centunculus minimus L.
- Cerastium amblyodontum Colenso
- Cerastium arvense L.
- Cerastium fontanum Baumg.
- Cerastium fontanum subsp. triviale (Link) Jalas
- Cerastium fontanum subsp. vulgare (Hartm.) Greuter & Burdet
- Cerastium glomeratum Thuill.
- Cerastium holosteoides Fr.
- Cerastium L.
- Cerastium semidecandrum L.
- Cerastium tomentosum L.
- Cerastium triviale Link
- Cerastium truncatulum Colenso
- Cerastium vulgatum L.
- Ceratophyllaceae Gray
- Ceratophyllum demersum L.
- Ceratophyllum L.
- Cerinthe L.
- Cerinthe major L.
- Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl.
- Cestrum elegans (Brongn. ex Neumann) Schltdl.
- Cestrum fasciculatum (Schltdl.) Miers
- Cestrum fasciculatum 'Newellii'
- Cestrum fasciculatum var. newellii Bailey
- Cestrum L.
- Cestrum nocturnum L.
- Cestrum parqui (lam.) L'Hér.
- Chaenomeles Lindl.
- Chaenomeles speciosa (Sweet) Nakai
- Chaerophyllum L.
- Chaerophyllum temulum L.
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (A.Murray bis) Parl.
- Chamaecyparis Spach
- Chamaecytisus Link
- Chamaecytisus palmensis (Christ) F.A.Bisby & K.W.Nicholls
- Chamaecytisus proliferus (L.f.) Link.
- Chamaecytisus proliferus var. palmensis (Christ) O.Erikss., A.Hansen & Sunding
- Chamaemelum Mill.
- Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All.
- Chamaepeuce afra (Jacq.) DC.
- Chamelaucium Desf.
- Chamelaucium uncinatum Schauer
- Cheiranthus cheiri L.
- Cheiranthus L.
- Chelidonium L.
- Chelidonium majus L.
- Chenopodiaceae
- Chenopodium album L.
- Chenopodium allanii Aellen
- Chenopodium ambiguum R.Br.
- Chenopodium ambrosioides L.
- Chenopodium anthelminticum L.
- Chenopodium bonus-henricus L.
- Chenopodium botrys L.
- Chenopodium capitatum (L.) Asch.
- Chenopodium detestans Kirk
- Chenopodium erosum R.Br.
- Chenopodium ficifolium Sm.
- Chenopodium giganteum D.Don
- Chenopodium glaucum L.
- Chenopodium glaucum subsp. ambiguum (R.Br.) Murr & Thell.
- Chenopodium L.
- Chenopodium multifidum L.
- Chenopodium murale L.
- Chenopodium opulifolium Schrad. ex W.D.J.Koch & Ziz
- Chenopodium probstii Aellen
- Chenopodium pumilio R.Br.
- Chenopodium pusillum Hook.f.
- Chenopodium stellulatum (Benth.) Aellen
- Chenopodium triandrum G.Forst.
- Chenopodium urbicum L.
- Chenopodium vulvaria L.
- Chilianthus dysophyllus (Benth.) Benth.
- Chondrilla juncea L.
- Chondrilla L.
- Chrysanthemoides Fabr.
- Chrysanthemoides monilifera (L.) Norl.
- Chrysanthemoides monilifera (L.) Norl. subsp. monilifera
- Chrysanthemum anethifolium Brouss. ex Willd.
- Chrysanthemum coronarium L.
- Chrysanthemum foeniculaceum (Willd.) Steud.
- Chrysanthemum L.
- Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L.
- Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.) Bernh.
- Chrysanthemum segetum L.
- Cichorium intybus L.
- Cichorium L.
- Cineraria crassiflora Poir.
- Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.
- Cirsium brevistylum Cronquist
- Cirsium Mill.
- Cirsium palustre (L.) Scop.
- Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten.
- Cistaceae
- Cistus creticus L.
- Cistus incanus auct.
- Cistus L.
- Cistus ladanifer L.
- Cistus monspeliensis L.
- Cistus polymorphus Willk.
- Cistus psilosepalus Sweet
- Cistus villosus L.
- Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai
- Citrullus Schrad.
- Citrus ×sinensis (L.) Osbeck
- Citrus L.
- Clarkia amoena (Lehm.) A.Nelson & J.F.Macbr.
- Clarkia Pursh.
- Claytonia L.
- Claytonia perfoliata Donn ex Willd.
- Clematis afoliata Buchanan
- Clematis australis Kirk
- Clematis cunninghamii Turcz.
- Clematis flammula L.
- Clematis foetida Raoul
- Clematis forsteri J.F.Gmel.
- Clematis hookeriana Allan
- Clematis L.
- Clematis marata J.B.Armstr.
- Clematis marmoraria Sneddon
- Clematis maximowicziana Franch. & Sav.
- Clematis montana DC.
- Clematis orientalis sensu New Zealand Botanist
- Clematis paniculata J.F.Gmel.
- Clematis petriei Allan
- Clematis quadribracteolata Colenso
- Clematis tangutica (Maxim.) Korsh.
- Clematis vitalba L.
- Cleome hassleriana Chodat
- Cleome spinosa L.
- Clerodendrum L.
- Clerodendrum trichotomum Thunb.
- Clinopodium L.
- Clinopodium vulgare L.
- Clusiaceae
- Clypeola maritima L.
- Cobaea Cav.
- Cobaea scandens Cav.
- Cobaeaceae
- Collomia biflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Brand
- Collomia cavanillesii Hook. & Arn.
- Collomia coccinea Lehm. ex Benth.
- Collomia grandiflora Douglas ex Lindl.
- Collomia Nutt.
- Conium L.
- Conium maculatum L.
- Consolida ambigua (L.) P.W.Ball & Heywood
- Consolida Gray
- Convolvulaceae
- Convolvulus arvensis L.
- Convolvulus fractosaxosus Petrie
- Convolvulus L.
- Convolvulus mauritanicus Boiss.
- Convolvulus sabatius subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murb.
- Convolvulus sabatius Viv.
- Convolvulus verecundus Allan
- Conyza albida Spreng.
- Conyza ambigua DC.
- Conyza bilbaoana J.Rémy
- Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist
- Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist
- Conyza canadensis var. pusilla (Nutt.) Cronquist
- Conyza Less.
- Conyza parva Cronquist
- Coreopsis L.
- Coreopsis lanceolata L.
- Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt.
- Coriandrum L.
- Coriandrum sativum L.
- Cornaceae
- Coronilla L.
- Coronilla varia L.
- Coronopus didymus (L.) Sm.
- Coronopus squamatus (Forssk.) Asch.
- Coronopus Zinn
- Corydalis lutea (L.) DC.
- Corydalis Vent.
- Cosmos bipinnatus Cav.
- Cosmos Cav.
- Cosmos sulphureus Cav.
- Cotoneaster bullatus Bois
- Cotoneaster franchetii Bois
- Cotoneaster franchetii var. sternianus Turrill
- Cotoneaster glaucophyllus f. serotinus (Hutch.) Stapf
- Cotoneaster glaucophyllus Franch.
- Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm.
- Cotoneaster Medik.
- Cotoneaster microphyllus Wall. ex Lindl.
- Cotoneaster pannosus Franch.
- Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
- Cotoneaster symondsii Standish ex T.Moore
- Cotula australis (Spreng.) Hook.f.
- Cotula coronopifolia L.
- Cotula L.
- Cotula turbinata L.
- Cotula vulgaris Levyns
- Cotula vulgaris var. australasica J.H.Willis
- Cotyledon L.
- Cotyledon orbiculata L.
- Crassula coccinea L.
- Crassula colorata (Nees) Ostenf.
- Crassula decumbens Thunb.
- Crassula decumbens Thunb. var. decumbens
- Crassula helmsii (Kirk) Cockayne
- Crassula hunua A.P.Druce
- Crassula kirkii (Allan) A.P.Druce & Given
- Crassula L.
- Crassula manaia A.P.Druce & Sykes
- Crassula mataikona A.P.Druce
- Crassula moschata G.Forst.
- Crassula multicaulis (Petrie) A.P.Druce & Given
- Crassula multicava Lem.
- Crassula multicava Lem. subsp. multicava
- Crassula peduncularis (Sm.) F.Meigen
- Crassula purpurata (Hook.f.) Domin
- Crassula ruamahanga A.P.Druce emend de Lange & Heenan
- Crassula sieberiana (Schult. & Schult.f.) Druce
- Crassula sinclairii (Hook.f.) A.P.Druce & Given
- Crassula spathulata Thunb.
- Crassula tetragona L.
- Crassula tetramera (Toelken) A.P.Druce & Sykes
- Crassulaceae
- Crataegus L.
- Crataegus monogyna Jacq.
- Crepis capillaris (L.) Wallr.
- Crepis foetida L.
- Crepis L.
- Crepis setosa Haller f.
- Crepis vesicaria L.
- Crotalaria agatiflora Schweinf.
- Crotalaria L.
- Cryptomeria D.Don
- Cryptomeria japonica (Thunb. ex L.f.) D.Don
- Cryptostemma calendulacea (L.) R.Br.
- Cucubalus latifolius Mill.
- Cucurbita ficifolia Bouché
- Cucurbita L.
- Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
- Cucurbita pepo L.
- Cucurbitaceae
- Cuphea hyssopifolia Kunth
- Cuphea P.Browne
- Cupressaceae Gray
- Cupressus L.
- Cupressus macrocarpa Hartw.
- Cuscuta campestris Yunck.
- Cuscuta epithymum (L.) L.
- Cuscuta hassaica sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Cuscuta L.
- Cuscuta novae-zelandiae Kirk
- Cuscuta racemosa sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Cuscuta suaveolens Ser.
- Cuscuta trifolii Bab.
- Cyclospermum Lag.
- Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Pers.) Sprague ex Britton & P.Wilson
- Cydonia Mill.
- Cydonia oblonga Mill.
- Cymbalaria Hill
- Cymbalaria muralis P.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb.
- Cynara cardunculus L.
- Cynara L.
- Cynara scolymus L.
- Cynoglossum amabile Stapf & J.R.Drumm.
- Cynoglossum L.
- Cyphomandra betacea (Cav.) Sendtn.
- Cyphomandra Mart. ex Sendtn.
- Cyrtomium C.Presl
- Cyrtomium falcatum (L.f.) C.Presl
- Cystopteris Bernh.
- Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh.
- Cystopteris tasmanica Hook.
- Cytisus ×spachianus (Webb) Kuntze
- Cytisus albus Link
- Cytisus Desf.
- Cytisus laburnum L.
- Cytisus monspessulanus L.
- Cytisus multiflorus (L'Hér.) Sweet
- Cytisus palmensis (Christ) Hutch.
- Cytisus proliferus L.f.
- Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link
- Cytisus scoparius f. andreanus (Puiss.) Zabel
- Cytisus scoparius var. andreanus (Puiss.) Dippel
- Daboecia cantabrica (Huds.) K.Koch.
- Daboecia D.Don
- Dahlia Cav.
- Dahlia excelsa Benth.
- Dahlia pinnata Cav.
- Dahlia rosea Cav.
- Dahlia variabilis (Willd.) Desf.
- Damnamenia vernicosa (Hook.f.) Given
- Daphne L.
- Daphne laureola L.
- Datura candida (Pers.) Saff.
- Datura ferox L.
- Datura L.
- Datura rosei Saff.
- Datura sanguinea Ruiz & Pav.
- Datura stramonium L.
- Datura stramonium var. tatula (L.) Torr.
- Datura suaveolens Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
- Datura tatula L.
- Daucus carota L.
- Daucus glochidiatus (Labill.) Fisch., C.A.Mey. & Avé-Lall.
- Daucus L.
- Davalliaceae M.R.Schomb.
- Dendrobenthamia
- Dendrobenthamia capitata (Wall.) Hutch.
- Descurainia sophia (L.) Prantl
- Descurainia Webb & Berthel.
- Dianthus armeria L.
- Dianthus barbatus L.
- Dianthus deltoides L.
- Dianthus L.
- Dianthus plumarius L.
- Dianthus prolifer L.
- Dichondra brevifolia Buchanan
- Dichondra J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Dichondra micrantha Urb.
- Dichondra repens J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Digitalis L.
- Digitalis purpurea L.
- Diplotaxis DC.
- Diplotaxis muralis (L.) DC.
- Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) DC.
- Dipogon Liebm.
- Dipogon lignosus (L.) Verdc.
- Dipsacaceae
- Dipsacus fullonum L.
- Dipsacus fullonum var. sativus L.
- Dipsacus L.
- Dipsacus sativus (L.) Honck.
- Dipsacus sylvestris Huds.
- Disphyma australe (Aiton) N.E.Br.
- Disphyma clavellatum (Haw.) Chinnock
- Disphyma N.E.Br.
- Disphyma papillatum Chinnock
- Distictis buccinatoria (DC.) A.H.Gentry
- Distictis Mart. ex Meisn.
- Dittrichia graveolens (L.) Greuter
- Dittrichia Greuter
- Doronicum plantagineum L.
- Draba verna L.
- Drosanthemum floribundum (Haw.) Schwantes
- Drosanthemum Schwantes
- Dryopteridaceae Herter
- Dryopteris Adans.
- Dryopteris affinis (Lowe) Fraser-Jenk.
- Dryopteris dilatata (Hoffm.) A.Gray
- Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott
- Duchesnea indica (Andrews) Teschem.
- Duchesnea Sm.
- Ecballium A.Rich.
- Ecballium elaterium (L.) A.Rich.
- Eccremocarpus Ruiz & Pav.
- Eccremocarpus scaber Ruiz & Pav.
- Echeveria DC.
- Echeveria secunda Booth
- Echium candicans L.f.
- Echium fastuosum J.Jacq.
- Echium L.
- Echium pininana Webb & Berthel.
- Echium plantagineum L.
- Echium vulgare L.
- Einadia allanii (Aellen) Paul G.Wilson
- Einadia nutans (R.Br.) A.J.Scott
- Einadia Raf.
- Einadia triandra (G.Forst.) A.J.Scott
- Einadia trigonos (Schult.) Paul G.Wilson
- Einadia trigonos (Schult.) Paul G.Wilson subsp. trigonos
- Einadia trigonos subsp. stellulata (Benth.) Paul G.Wilson
- Elaeagnaceae
- Elaeagnus ×reflexa C.Morren & Decne.
- Elaeagnus L.
- Emex australis Steinh.
- Emex Neck. ex Campd.
- Emphysopus gunnii Hook.f.
- Epacridaceae
- Epacris alpina Hook.f.
- Epacris Cav.
- Epacris pauciflora A.Rich.
- Epacris purpurascens R.Br.
- Epilobium alsinoides A.Cunn.
- Epilobium angustum (Cheeseman) P.H.Raven & Engelhorn
- Epilobium astonii (Allan) P.H.Raven & Engelhorn
- Epilobium billardiereanum DC.
- Epilobium billardiereanum DC. subsp. billardiereanum
- Epilobium brevipes Hook.f.
- Epilobium brunnescens (Cockayne) P.H.Raven & Engelhorn
- Epilobium chionanthum Hausskn.
- Epilobium chlorifolium Hausskn.
- Epilobium ciliatum Raf.
- Epilobium confertifolium Hook.f.
- Epilobium crassum Hook.f.
- Epilobium findlayi Allan var. findlayi
- Epilobium forbesii Allan
- Epilobium glabellum G.Forst.
- Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
- Epilobium gunnianum Hausskn.
- Epilobium hectorii Hausskn.
- Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
- Epilobium insulare Hausskn.
- Epilobium komarovianum H.Lév.
- Epilobium L.
- Epilobium macropus Hook.
- Epilobium margaretiae Brockie
- Epilobium matthewsii Petrie
- Epilobium melanocaulon Hook.
- Epilobium microphyllum A.Rich.
- Epilobium montanum L.
- Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
- Epilobium nummulariifolium R.Cunn. ex A.Cunn.
- Epilobium obscurum Schreb.
- Epilobium pallidiflorum A.Cunn.
- Epilobium parviflorum Schreb.
- Epilobium pedunculare A.Cunn.
- Epilobium pedunculare var. viride Cockayne
- Epilobium pernitens Cockayne & Allan
- Epilobium pictum Petrie
- Epilobium porphyrium G.Simpson
- Epilobium pubens A.Rich.
- Epilobium purpuratum Hook.f.
- Epilobium pycnostachyum Hausskn.
- Epilobium rostratum Cheeseman
- Epilobium rotundifolium G.Forst.
- Epilobium tasmanicum Hausskn.
- Epilobium tetragonum L.
- Epilobium wilsonii Cheeseman
- Equisetaceae Michx. ex DC.
- Equisetum arvense L.
- Equisetum L.
- Erechtites argutus (A.Rich.) DC.
- Erechtites atkinsoniae F.Muell.
- Erechtites diversifolius Petrie
- Erechtites glabrescens Kirk
- Erechtites glomeratus DC.
- Erechtites hieraciifolius (L.) Raf. ex DC.
- Erechtites kermadecensis (Belcher) Allan
- Erechtites minimus (Poir.) DC.
- Erechtites minimus var. angustatus Allan
- Erechtites minimus var. heterophyllus (Colenso) Allan
- Erechtites prenanthoides var. β minor Hook.f.
- Erechtites pumilus DC.
- Erechtites quadridentatus (Labill.) DC.
- Erechtites quadridentatus var. lanceolus Kirk
- Erechtites quadridentatus var. traversii Allan
- Erechtites Raf.
- Erechtites scaberulus Hook.f.
- Erechtites scaberulus var. chathamicus Allan
- Erechtites sonchoides DC.
- Erechtites valerianifolius (Link ex Spreng.) DC.
- Erechtites wairauensis (Belcher) Allan
- Erechtites wairauensis var. robusta Allan
- Erica afra L.
- Erica arborea L.
- Erica baccans L.
- Erica cinerea L.
- Erica cruenta Sol.
- Erica L.
- Erica lusitanica Rudolphi
- Erica vagans L.
- Ericaceae
- Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers.
- Erigeron bonariensis L.
- Erigeron canadensis L.
- Erigeron crispus Pourr.
- Erigeron karvinskianus DC.
- Erigeron L.
- Erigeron linifolius Willd.
- Erigeron mucronatus DC.
- Erigeron pusillus Nutt.
- Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.
- Eriobotrya Lindl.
- Erodium botrys (Cav.) Bertol.
- Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Hér.
- Erodium L'Her. ex Aiton
- Erodium malacoides (L.) L'Hér.
- Erodium moschatum (L.) L'Hér.
- Erophila DC.
- Erophila verna (L.) Chevall.
- Erophila vulgaris DC.
- Eruca sativa Mill.
- Eruca vesicaria (L.) Cav.
- Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa (Mill.) Thell.
- Eryngium campestre L.
- Eryngium L.
- Eryngium pandanifolium Cham. & Schltdl.
- Eryngium vesiculosum Labill.
- Erysimum cheiranthoides L.
- Erysimum L.
- Erythraea centaurium (L.) Borkh.
- Erythrina ×sykesii Barneby & Krukoff
- Erythrina indica sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Erythrina L.
- Escallonia bifida Link & Otto ex Engl.
- Escallonia montevidensis (Cham. & Schltdl.) DC.
- Escallonia Mutis ex L.f.
- Escallonia rubra (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers.
- Escalloniaceae R.Br. ex Dumort.
- Eschscholzia californica Cham.
- Eschscholzia Cham.
- Eucalyptus botryoides Sm.
- Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T.Baker
- Eucalyptus globulus Labill.
- Eucalyptus gunnii Hook.f.
- Eucalyptus L'Her.
- Eucalyptus obliqua L'Hér.
- Eucalyptus ovata Labill.
- Eucalyptus pilularis Sm.
- Eucalyptus pulchella Desf.
- Eucalyptus regnans F.Muell.
- Eucalyptus saligna Sm.
- Eucalyptus tenuiramis Miq.
- Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm.
- Eucalyptus viminalis Labill.
- Euchiton collinus Cass.
- Euchiton delicatus (D.G.Drury) Holub
- Euchiton ensifer (D.G.Drury) Holub
- Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
- Euchiton paludosus (Petrie) Holub
- Euchiton sphaericus (Willd.) Holub
- Euchiton traversii (Hook.f.) Holub
- Euonymus europaeus L.
- Euonymus japonicus Thunb.
- Euonymus L.
- Euonymus phellomanus Loes.
- Eupatoriadelphus purpureus (L.) R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Eupatoriadelphus R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng.
- Eupatorium riparium Regel
- Euphorbia characias L.
- Euphorbia characias L. subsp. characias
- Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii (Hoppe ex W.D.J.Koch) Radcl.-Sm.
- Euphorbia cyparissias L.
- Euphorbia exigua L.
- Euphorbia glauca G.Forst.
- Euphorbia helioscopia L.
- Euphorbia hirta L.
- Euphorbia L.
- Euphorbia lathyris L.
- Euphorbia maculata L.
- Euphorbia nutans Lag.
- Euphorbia peplus L.
- Euphorbia platyphyllos L.
- Euphorbia segetalis L.
- Euphorbia serrulata Thuill.
- Euphorbia stricta L.
- Euphorbia wulfenii Hoppe ex W.D.J.Koch
- Euphorbiaceae
- Euphrasia australis Petrie
- Euphrasia cheesemanii Wettst.
- Euphrasia cockayneana Petrie
- Euphrasia cuneata G.Forst.
- Euphrasia disperma Hook.f.
- Euphrasia drucei Ashwin
- Euphrasia dyeri Wettst.
- Euphrasia integrifolia Petrie
- Euphrasia L.
- Euphrasia laingii Petrie
- Euphrasia monroi Hook.f.
- Euphrasia nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr.
- Euphrasia petriei Ashwin
- Euphrasia repens Hook.f.
- Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
- Euphrasia townsonii Petrie
- Euphrasia zelandica Wettst.
- Fabaceae
- Fagaceae
- Fagopyrum esculentum Moench
- Fagopyrum Mill.
- Fallopia Adans.
- Fallopia aubertii (L.Henry) Holub
- Fallopia convolvulus (L.) Á.Löve
- Fallopia japonica (Houtt.) Ronse Decr.
- Fatsia Decne. & Planch.
- Fatsia japonica (Thunb.) Decne. & Planch.
- Ficus carica L.
- Ficus L.
- Ficus pumila L.
- Ficus rubiginosa Desf. ex Vent.
- Filago gallica L.
- Filago minima (Sm.) Pers.
- Filago pyramidata L.
- Filipendula hexapetala Gilib.
- Filipendula Mill.
- Filipendula vulgaris Moench
- Flacourtiaceae
- Foeniculum Mill.
- Foeniculum vulgare Mill.
- Fragaria ×ananassa (Weston) Duchesne ex. Rozier
- Fragaria L.
- Fragaria vesca L.
- Frangula Mill.
- Frangula purshiana (DC.) A.Gray ex E.Cooper
- Fraxinus excelsior L.
- Fraxinus L.
- Fuchsia ×colensoi Hook.f.
- Fuchsia boliviana Carrière
- Fuchsia excorticata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) L.f.
- Fuchsia L.
- Fuchsia magellanica Lam.
- Fuchsia perscandens Cockayne & Allan
- Fuchsia procumbens R.Cunn.
- Fumaria bastardii Boreau
- Fumaria capreolata L.
- Fumaria densiflora DC.
- Fumaria L.
- Fumaria muralis W.D.J.Koch
- Fumaria officinalis L.
- Fumariaceae
- Gaillardia ×grandiflora Van Houtte
- Gaillardia Foug.
- Galega L.
- Galega officinalis L.
- Galeobdolon Adans.
- Galeobdolon luteum Huds.
- Galeobdolon luteum 'Variegatum'
- Galeopsis L.
- Galeopsis ladanum L.
- Galeopsis tetrahit L.
- Galinsoga bicolorata H.St.John & D.White
- Galinsoga ciliata S.F.Blake
- Galinsoga parviflora Cav.
- Galinsoga quadriradiata Ruiz & Pav.
- Galinsoga Ruiz & Pav.
- Galium aparine L.
- Galium debile Desv.
- Galium divaricatum Lam.
- Galium L.
- Galium mollugo L.
- Galium palustre L.
- Galium perpusillum (Hook.f.) Allan
- Galium propinquum A.Cunn.
- Galium tenuicaule A.Cunn.
- Galium trilobum Colenso
- Galium uliginosum L.
- Galium verum L.
- Gamochaeta americana (Mill.) Wedd.
- Gamochaeta calviceps (Fernald) Cabrera
- Gamochaeta pensylvanica (Willd.) Cabrera
- Gamochaeta purpurea (L.) Cabrera
- Gamochaeta simplicicaulis (Willd. ex Spreng.) Cabrera
- Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
- Gaultheria colensoi Hook.f.
- Gaultheria crassa Allan
- Gaultheria depressa Hook.f.
- Gaultheria Kalm ex L.
- Gaultheria oppositifolia Hook.f.
- Gaultheria paniculata B.L.Burtt & A.W.Hill
- Gaultheria rupestris (L.f.) D.Don
- Gaultheria rupestris (L.f.) D.Don var. rupestris
- Gaultheria rupestris var. subcorymbosa (Colenso) B.L.Burtt & A.W.Hill
- Gaultheria shallon Pursh
- Gazania Gaertn.
- Gazania linearis (Thunb.) Druce
- Gazania rigens (L.) Gaertn.
- Genista monspessulana (L.) L.A.S.Johnson
- Gentianaceae
- Geraniaceae
- Geranium anemonifolium L’Hér.
- Geranium anemonifolium sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Geranium australe Nees
- Geranium dissectum L.
- Geranium homeanum Turcz.
- Geranium L.
- Geranium maderense Yeo
- Geranium microphyllum Hook.f.
- Geranium microphyllum var. discolor G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Geranium microphyllum var. obtusatum G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Geranium molle L.
- Geranium palmatum Cav.
- Geranium pilosum G.Forst.
- Geranium pilosum sensu Allan
- Geranium pilosum Sol. ex Willd.
- Geranium potentilloides L'Hér. ex DC.
- Geranium pratense L.
- Geranium purpureum Vill.
- Geranium pusillum L.
- Geranium retrorsum L'Hér. ex DC.
- Geranium robertianum L.
- Geranium rubescens Yeo
- Geranium sessiliflorum Cav.
- Geranium sessiliflorum var. glabrum Knuth
- Geranium sessiliflorum var. maculatum G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Geranium solanderi Carolin
- Geranium traversii Hook.f.
- Geranium traversii var. elegans Cockayne
- Geum aleppicum Jacq.
- Geum divergens Cheeseman
- Geum L.
- Geum leiospermum Petrie
- Geum parviflorum Sm.
- Geum pusillum Petrie
- Geum uniflorum Buchanan
- Geum urbanum L.
- Geum urbanum var. strictum Hook.f.
- Gilia squarrosa (Eschsch.) Hook. & Arn.
- Githago segetum Link
- Glaucium corniculatum (L.) Rudolph
- Glaucium flavum Crantz
- Glaucium Mill.
- Glechoma hederacea L.
- Glechoma L.
- Gnaphalium americanum Mill.
- Gnaphalium audax D.G.Drury
- Gnaphalium audax D.G.Drury subsp. audax
- Gnaphalium audax subsp. ruahinicum D.G.Drury
- Gnaphalium calviceps Fernald
- Gnaphalium coarctatum Willd.
- Gnaphalium collinum Labill.
- Gnaphalium delicatum D.G.Drury
- Gnaphalium ensifer D.G.Drury
- Gnaphalium germanicum L.
- Gnaphalium gymnocephalum DC.
- Gnaphalium involucratum G.Forst.
- Gnaphalium japonicum Thunb.
- Gnaphalium L.
- Gnaphalium laterale C.J.Webb
- Gnaphalium limosum D.G.Drury
- Gnaphalium luteoalbum L.
- Gnaphalium luteoalbum var. compactum Kirk
- Gnaphalium luteoalbum var. incanum A.Rich.
- Gnaphalium mackayi (Buchanan) Cockayne
- Gnaphalium nitidulum Hook.f.
- Gnaphalium paludosum Petrie
- Gnaphalium paludosum var. polylepis D.G.Drury
- Gnaphalium pensylvanicum Willd.
- Gnaphalium polylepis (D.G.Drury) C.J.Webb
- Gnaphalium purpureum L.
- Gnaphalium purpureum L. var. purpureum
- Gnaphalium purpureum var. ustulatum (Nutt.) B.Boivin
- Gnaphalium ruahinicum (D.G.Drury) C.J.Webb
- Gnaphalium simplicicaule Spreng.
- Gnaphalium sphaericum Willd.
- Gnaphalium spicatum Lam.
- Gnaphalium subfalcatum Cabrera
- Gnaphalium sylvaticum L.
- Gnaphalium traversii Hook.f.
- Gnaphalium traversii var. mackayi (Buchanan) Kirk
- Gnaphalium uliginosum L.
- Gomphocarpus fruticosus (L.) W.T.Aiton
- Gomphocarpus R.Br.
- Goodia lotifolia Salisb.
- Goodia Salisb.
- Grevillea R.Br. ex Knight
- Grevillea robusta A.Cunn. ex R.Br.
- Grossulariaceae
- Gunnera ×mixta Kirk
- Gunnera ×strigosa Colenso
- Gunnera arenaria Cheeseman
- Gunnera densiflora Hook.f.
- Gunnera dentata Kirk
- Gunnera flavida Colenso
- Gunnera hamiltonii Kirk
- Gunnera L.
- Gunnera monoica Raoul
- Gunnera monoica var. albocarpa Kirk
- Gunnera monoica var. strigosa (Colenso) Kirk
- Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.
- Gunnera strigosa Colenso
- Gunnera tinctoria (Molina) Mirb.
- Gunneraceae
- Gypsophila australis (Schltdl.) A.Gray
- Gypsophila L.
- Gypsophila paniculata L.
- Gypsophila tubulosa (Jaub. & Spach) Boiss.
- Gypsophila tubulosa sensu New Zealand botanists
- Hakea acicularis (Sm. ex Vent.) Knight
- Hakea gibbosa (J.White) Cav.
- Hakea salicifolia (Vent.) B.L.Burtt
- Hakea saligna (Andrews) Knight
- Hakea Schrad. & J.C.Wendl.
- Hakea sericea Schrad. & J.C.Wendl.
- Hakea suaveolens R.Br.
- Haloragaceae
- Haloragis aspera Lindl.
- Haloragis erecta (Banks ex Murray) Oken
- Haloragis J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Hebe buchananii (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hedera canariensis Willd.
- Hedera helix L.
- Hedera helix L. subsp. helix
- Hedera helix subsp. canariensis (Willd.) Cout.
- Hedera L.
- Hedysarum coronarium L.
- Hedysarum L.
- Helenium L.
- Helenium puberulum DC.
- Helianthus ×laetiflorus Pers.
- Helianthus annuus L.
- Helianthus L.
- Helianthus tuberosus L.
- Helichrysum ×selago (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kirk
- Helichrysum aggregatum Yeo
- Helichrysum bellidioides (G.Forst.) Willd.
- Helichrysum bellidioides var. erectum Kirk
- Helichrysum bellidioides var. gracile Allan
- Helichrysum bellidioides var. prostratum (Hook.f.) Kirk
- Helichrysum bracteatum (Vent.) Andrews
- Helichrysum coralloides (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
- Helichrysum cymosum (L.) D.Don
- Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
- Helichrysum dimorphum Cockayne
- Helichrysum filicaule Hook.f.
- Helichrysum glomeratum (Raoul) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kirk
- Helichrysum glomeratum (Raoul) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kirk var. glomeratum
- Helichrysum glomeratum var. lanceolatum (Buchanan) Allan
- Helichrysum glomeratum var. majus Allan
- Helichrysum intermedium G.Simpson
- Helichrysum lanceolatum (Buchanan) Kirk
- Helichrysum microphyllum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kirk
- Helichrysum Mill.
- Helichrysum parvifolium Yeo
- Helichrysum plumeum Allan
- Helichrysum selago sensu Allan
- Helichrysum selago var. intermedium (G.Simpson) Allan
- Helminthia echioides (L.) Gaertn.
- Helminthotheca echioides (L.) Holub
- Helminthotheca Zinn
- Heracleum L.
- Heracleum mantegazzianum Sommier & Levier
- Heracleum sphondylium L.
- Hesperis L.
- Hesperis matronalis L.
- Heterocentron elegans (Schltdl.) Kuntze
- Hibiscus diversifolius Jacq.
- Hibiscus L.
- Hibiscus tiliaceus L.
- Hibiscus trionum L.
- Hieracium ×stoloniflorum Waldst. & Kit.
- Hieracium argillaceum Jord.
- Hieracium aurantiacum L.
- Hieracium caespitosum Dumort.
- Hieracium L.
- Hieracium lepidulum Stenstr.
- Hieracium maculatum sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Hieracium murorum L.
- Hieracium pilosella L.
- Hieracium pollichiae Sch.Bip.
- Hieracium praealtum Gochnat
- Hieracium praecox sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Hieracium sabaudum L.
- Hippocastanaceae
- Hirschfeldia incana (L.) Lagr.-Foss.
- Hirschfeldia Moench
- Holosteum L.
- Holosteum umbellatum L.
- Homalanthus A.Juss.
- Homalanthus polyandrus (Müll.Arg.) G.Nicholson
- Homalanthus populifolius Graham
- Humulus L.
- Humulus lupulus L.
- Hutchinsia procumbens (L.) Desv.
- Hydrangea L.
- Hydrangea macrophylla (Thunb.) Ser.
- Hydrangeaceae Dumort.
- Hydrocotyle americana L.
- Hydrocotyle americana sensu Allan
- Hydrocotyle americana var. heteromeria (A.Rich.) Kirk
- Hydrocotyle dissecta Hook.f.
- Hydrocotyle elongata A.Cunn.
- Hydrocotyle heteromeria A.Rich.
- Hydrocotyle hydrophila Petrie
- Hydrocotyle L.
- Hydrocotyle microphylla A.Cunn.
- Hydrocotyle moschata G.Forst.
- Hydrocotyle novae-zeelandiae DC.
- Hydrocotyle pterocarpa F.Muell.
- Hydrocotyle sulcata C.J.Webb & P.N.Johnson
- Hydrocotyle tripartita R.Br. ex A.Rich.
- Hydrocotyle tripartita var. hydrophila (Petrie) Cheeseman
- Hydrophyllaceae
- Hymenolobus Nutt.
- Hymenolobus procumbens (L.) Schinz & Thell.
- Hyoscyamus L.
- Hyoscyamus niger L.
- Hypericum ×inodorum 'Elstead'
- Hypericum ×inodorum Mill.
- Hypericum acutum Moench
- Hypericum androsaemum L.
- Hypericum calycinum L.
- Hypericum elatum Aiton
- Hypericum gramineum G.Forst.
- Hypericum henryi H.Lév. & Vaniot
- Hypericum henryi H.Lév. & Vaniot subsp. henryi
- Hypericum hookerianum Wight & Arn.
- Hypericum humifusum L.
- Hypericum japonicum Thunb.
- Hypericum kouytchense H.Lév.
- Hypericum L.
- Hypericum montanum L.
- Hypericum mutilum L.
- Hypericum perforatum L.
- Hypericum pulchrum L.
- Hypericum quadrangulum L.
- Hypericum tetrapterum Fr.
- Hypochaeris glabra L.
- Hypochaeris L.
- Hypochaeris radicata L.
- Iberis amara L.
- Iberis L.
- Iberis umbellata L.
- Idesia Maxim.
- Idesia polycarpa Maxim.
- Ilex aquifolium L.
- Ilex L.
- Illecebrum verticillatum L.
- Impatiens glandulifera Royle
- Impatiens L.
- Impatiens oliveri C.H Wright ex W.Watson
- Impatiens roylei Walp.
- Impatiens sodenii Engl. & Warb.
- Indigofera decora Lindl.
- Indigofera gerardiana Wall. ex Baker
- Indigofera heterantha Wall. ex Brandis
- Indigofera L.
- Indigofera viscosa sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Inula conyzae (Griess.) Meikle
- Inula graveolens (L.) Desf.
- Inula helenium L.
- Inula L.
- Ipomoea alba L.
- Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.
- Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet
- Ipomoea congesta R.Br.
- Ipomoea indica (Burm.) Merr.
- Ipomoea L.
- Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) Sweet
- Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Roth
- Iti lacustris Garn.-Jones & P.N.Johnson
- Jasminum beesianum Forrest & Diels
- Jasminum humile L.
- Jasminum L.
- Jasminum mesnyi Hance
- Jasminum officinale L.
- Jasminum polyanthum Franch.
- Juglandaceae
- Juglans ailantifolia Carrière
- Juglans ailantifolia Carrière var. ailantifolia
- Juglans ailantifolia var. cordiformis (Maxim.) Rehder
- Juglans L.
- Juglans regia L.
- Juglans sieboldiana Maxim.
- Jussiaea diffusa sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Jussiaea peploides Kunth
- Jussiaea repens sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Kalanchoe Adans.
- Kalanchoe delagoensis Eckl. & Zeyh.
- Kalanchoe grandiflora A.Rich.
- Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.
- Kalanchoe tubiflora (Harv.) Raym.-Hamet
- Kennedia rubicunda (Schneev.) Vent.
- Kennedia Vent.
- Kickxia Dumort.
- Kickxia elatine (L.) Dumort.
- Kickxia elatine (L.) Dumort. subsp. elatine
- Kickxia elatine subsp. crinita (Mabille) Greuter
- Kleinia repens (L.) Haw.
- Kochia Roth
- Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad.
- Kohlrauschia prolifera (L.) Kunth
- Kolkwitzia amabilis Graebn.
- Kolkwitzia Graebn.
- Koniga maritima (L.) R.Br.
- Laburnum anagyroides Medik.
- Laburnum Fabr.
- Lactuca L.
- Lactuca saligna L.
- Lactuca sativa L.
- Lactuca serriola L.
- Lactuca virosa L.
- Lagenophora emphysopus Hook.f.
- Lagenophora gunnii (Hook.f.) J.M.Black
- Lagenophora mikadoi Koidz.
- Lamiaceae
- Lamium album L.
- Lamium amplexicaule L.
- Lamium galeobdolon (L.) L.
- Lamium hybridum Vill.
- Lamium L.
- Lamium luteum (Huds.) Krock.
- Lamium maculatum L.
- Lamium purpureum L.
- Lampranthus "Hunter Gully"
- Lampranthus glaucus (L.) N.E.Br.
- Lampranthus N.E.Br.
- Lampranthus sp. sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Lampranthus spectabilis (Haw.) N.E.Br.
- Lantana camara L.
- Lantana L.
- Lantana montevidensis (Spreng.) Briq.
- Lantana sellowiana Link & Otto
- Lapsana communis L.
- Lapsana L.
- Lardizabalaceae
- Larix decidua Mill.
- Larix Mill.
- Lathraea clandestina L.
- Lathyrus grandiflorus Sibth. & Sm.
- Lathyrus L.
- Lathyrus latifolius L.
- Lathyrus nissolia L.
- Lathyrus odoratus L.
- Lathyrus pratensis L.
- Lathyrus sylvestris L.
- Lathyrus tingitanus L.
- Lauraceae Juss.
- Laurentia gasparrinii (Tineo) Strobl
- Laurus L.
- Laurus nobilis L.
- Lavandula dentata L.
- Lavandula L.
- Lavandula stoechas L.
- Lavatera arborea L.
- Lavatera assurgentiflora Kellogg
- Lavatera cretica L.
- Lavatera L.
- Lavatera olbia L.
- Lavatera plebeia sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Lavatera trimestris L.
- Lentibulariaceae
- Leontodon autumnalis L.
- Leontodon hispidus L.
- Leontodon hispidus sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Leontodon L.
- Leontodon taraxacoides (Vill.) Mérat
- Leontodon taraxacum L.
- Leonurus cardiaca L.
- Leonurus L.
- Lepidium africanum (Burm.f.) DC.
- Lepidium banksii Kirk
- Lepidium bonariense L.
- Lepidium campestre (L.) W.T.Aiton
- Lepidium densiflorum Schrad.
- Lepidium desvauxii Thell.
- Lepidium didymum L.
- Lepidium flexicaule Kirk
- Lepidium heterophyllum Benth.
- Lepidium hyssopifolium Desv.
- Lepidium kirkii Petrie
- Lepidium L.
- Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
- Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
- Lepidium pseudotasmanicum Thell.
- Lepidium ruderale L.
- Lepidium sativum L.
- Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
- Lepidium tenuicaule Kirk
- Lepidium virginicum L.
- Leptospermum J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Leptospermum laevigatum (Gaertn.) F.Muell.
- Leptospermum scoparium J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Leptospermum scoparium J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. var. scoparium
- Leptospermum scoparium var. incanum Cockayne
- Leucanthemum maximum (Ramond) DC.
- Leucanthemum Mill.
- Leucanthemum vulgare Lam.
- Leycesteria Wall.
- Ligustrum L.
- Ligustrum lucidum W.T.Aiton
- Ligustrum ovalifolium Hassk.
- Ligustrum sinense Lour.
- Ligustrum vulgare L.
- Limnanthaceae
- Limonium bonduellii (F.Lestib.) Kuntze
- Limonium Mill.
- Linaceae
- Linaria arvensis (L.) Desf.
- Linaria cymbalaria (L.) Mill.
- Linaria genistifolia (L.) Mill.
- Linaria maroccana Hook.f.
- Linaria Mill.
- Linaria purpurea (L.) Mill.
- Linaria repens (L.) Mill.
- Linaria sieberi Rchb.
- Linaria vulgaris Mill.
- Linum angustifolium Huds.
- Linum bienne Mill.
- Linum catharticum L.
- Linum L.
- Linum marginale sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Linum monogynum G.Forst.
- Linum trigynum L.
- Linum usitatissimum L.
- Lippia montevidensis Spreng.
- Lippia nodiflora (L.) Michx.
- Lithospermum arvense L.
- Lithospermum purpurocaeruleum L.
- Lobelia anceps L.f.
- Lobelia angulata G.Forst.
- Lobelia erinus L.
- Lobelia L.
- Lobelia linnaeoides (Hook.f.) Petrie
- Lobelia purpurascens R.Br.
- Lobelia roughii Hook.f.
- Lobeliaceae
- Lobularia Desv.
- Lobularia maritima (L.) Desv.
- Logfia Cass.
- Logfia gallica (L.) Coss. & Germ.
- Logfia minima (Sm.) Dumort.
- Lonicera ×americana (Mill.) K.Koch
- Lonicera hildebrandiana Collett & Hemsl.
- Lonicera japonica Thunb.
- Lonicera L.
- Lonicera nitida E.H.Wilson
- Lonicera periclymenum L.
- Lophospermum D.Don
- Lophospermum erubescens D.Don
- Lotus angustissimus L.
- Lotus corniculatus L.
- Lotus L.
- Lotus pedunculatus Cav.
- Lotus suaveolens Pers.
- Lotus tenuis Willd.
- Lotus tetragonolobus L.
- Lotus uliginosus Schkuhr
- Ludwigia L.
- Ludwigia palustris (L.) Elliott
- Ludwigia peploides (Kunth) P.H.Raven
- Ludwigia peploides subsp. montevidensis (Spreng.) P.H.Raven
- Lunaria annua L.
- Lunaria L.
- Lupinus angustifolius L.
- Lupinus arboreus Sims
- Lupinus L.
- Lupinus luteus L.
- Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl.
- Lychnis alba Mill.
- Lychnis coronaria (L.) Desr.
- Lychnis dioica L.
- Lychnis flos-cuculi L.
- Lychnis githago (L.) Scop.
- Lychnis L.
- Lychnis macrocarpa Boiss. & Reut.
- Lychnis vespertina Sibth.
- Lycium barbarum L.
- Lycium chinense Mill.
- Lycium chinense sensu New Zealand authors
- Lycium ferocissimum Miers
- Lycium halimifolium Mill.
- Lycium horridum sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Lycium L.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.
- Lycopersicon Mill.
- Lycopsis arvensis L.
- Lycopus europaeus L.
- Lycopus L.
- Lysimachia nummularia L.
- Lysimachia Tourn. ex L.
- Lysimachia vulgaris L.
- Lythraceae
- Lythrum flexuosum sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Lythrum graefferi sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Lythrum hyssopifolia L.
- Lythrum junceum Banks & Sol.
- Lythrum L.
- Lythrum portula (L.) D.A.Webb
- Lythrum salicaria L.
- Macadamia F.Muell.
- Macadamia tetraphylla L.A.S.Johnson
- Maclura Nutt.
- Maclura pomifera (Raf.) C.K.Schneid.
- Madia Molina
- Madia sativa Molina
- Madia sativa var. congesta Torr. & A.Gray
- Mahonia aquifolium (Pursh) Nutt.
- Mahonia bealei (Fortune) Carrière
- Mahonia japonica (Thunb.) DC.
- Mahonia lomariifolia Takeda
- Mahonia Nutt.
- Malus ×domestica Borkh.
- Malus Mill.
- Malus pumila sensu New Zealand authors
- Malus sylvestris subsp. mitis (Wallr.) Mansf.
- Malva L.
- Malva moschata L.
- Malva neglecta Wallr.
- Malva nicaeensis All.
- Malva parviflora L.
- Malva sylvestris L.
- Malvaceae
- Malvaviscus arboreus Cav.
- Malvaviscus Fabr.
- Marrubium L.
- Marrubium vulgare L.
- Marsilea L.
- Marsilea mutica Mett.
- Marsileaceae Mirb.
- Matricaria discoidea DC.
- Matricaria inodora L.
- Matricaria L.
- Matricaria matricarioides sensu New Zealand authors
- Matricaria parthenium L.
- Matricaria recutita L.
- Matricaria suaveolens (Pursh) Buchenau
- Matthiola incana (L.) W.T.Aiton
- Matthiola R.Br.
- Maurandya barclayana Lindl.
- Maurandya erubescens (D.Don) A. Gray
- Maytenus boaria Molina
- Maytenus Molina
- Meconopsis cambrica (L.) Vig.
- Medicago ×varia Martyn
- Medicago arabica (L.) Huds.
- Medicago arborea L.
- Medicago falcata L.
- Medicago glomerata Balb.
- Medicago hispida Gaertn.
- Medicago L.
- Medicago lupulina L.
- Medicago minima (L.) Bartal.
- Medicago nigra (L.) Krock.
- Medicago polymorpha L.
- Medicago sativa L.
- Medicago sativa subsp. falcata (L.) Arcang.
- Medicago sativa subsp. glomerata (Balb.) Tutin
- Melandrium album (Mill.) Garcke
- Melandrium noctiflorum (L.) Fr.
- Melandrium rubrum (Weigel) Garcke
- Melanoselinum decipiens (Schrad. & J.C.Wendl.) Hoffm.
- Melanoselinum Hoffm.
- Melastomataceae
- Melianthaceae
- Melianthus L.
- Melianthus major L.
- Melilotus albus Medik.
- Melilotus altissimus sensu New Zealand botanists
- Melilotus indicus (L.) All.
- Melilotus Mill.
- Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam.
- Melilotus officinalis Pall.
- Melilotus petitpierrianus Willd. ex Ces. , Pass. & Gibelli
- Melissa L.
- Melissa officinalis L.
- Mentha ×niliaca Juss. ex Jacq.
- Mentha ×niliaca sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Mentha ×piperita L.
- Mentha ×piperita var. citrata (Ehrh.) Briq.
- Mentha ×piperita var. piperita L.
- Mentha ×rotundifolia (L.) Huds.
- Mentha arvensis L.
- Mentha australis R.Br.
- Mentha cordifolia sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Mentha cunninghamii (Benth.) Benth.
- Mentha L.
- Mentha pulegium L.
- Mentha rotundifolia sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Mentha spicata L.
- Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata
- Mentha spicata subsp. tomentosa (Brig.) Harley
- Mentha suaveolens Ehrh.
- Menyanthaceae
- Menyanthes L.
- Menyanthes trifoliata L.
- Mercurialis annua L.
- Mercurialis L.
- Mesembryanthemum tumidulum Haw.
- Mimulus guttatus Fisch. ex DC.
- Mimulus L.
- Mimulus luteus L.
- Mimulus moschatus Douglas ex Lindl.
- Mimulus repens R.Br.
- Minuartia hybrida (Vill.) Schischk.
- Minuartia L.
- Minuartia tenuifolia (L.) Hiern
- Mirabilis jalapa L.
- Mirabilis L.
- Misopates orontium (L.) Raf.
- Modiola caroliniana (L.) G.Don
- Modiola Monech
- Moenchia Ehrh.
- Moenchia erecta (L.) Gaertn.
- Montia fontana L.
- Montia fontana L. subsp. fontana
- Montia fontana subsp. chondrosperma (Fenzl) Walters
- Montia L.
- Montia minor C.C.Gmel.
- Montia perfoliata (Donn ex Willd.) Howell
- Moraceae
- Mycelis Cass.
- Mycelis muralis (L.) Dumort.
- Myoporaceae
- Myoporum debile (Andrews) R.Br.
- Myoporum insulare R.Br.
- Myoporum kermadecense Sykes
- Myoporum laetum G.Forst.
- Myoporum serratum sensu New Zealand authors
- Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
- Myosotidium hortensia (Decne.) Baill.
- Myosotis albosericea Hook.f.
- Myosotis amabilis Cheeseman
- Myosotis angustata Cheeseman
- Myosotis antarctica Hook.f.
- Myosotis arnoldii L.B.Moore
- Myosotis arvensis (L.) Hill
- Myosotis australis R.Br.
- Myosotis brockiei L.B.Moore & M.J.A.Simpson
- Myosotis capitata Hook.f.
- Myosotis cespitosa Schultz
- Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
- Myosotis colensoi (Kirk) J.F.Macbr.
- Myosotis collina Hoffm.
- Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
- Myosotis discolor Pers.
- Myosotis elderi L.B.Moore
- Myosotis eximia Petrie
- Myosotis explanata Cheeseman
- Myosotis forsteri Lehm.
- Myosotis glabrescens L.B.Moore
- Myosotis glauca (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) de Lange & Barkla
- Myosotis goyenii Petrie
- Myosotis L.
- Myosotis laeta Cheeseman
- Myosotis laingii Cheeseman
- Myosotis laxa Lehm.
- Myosotis laxa subsp. cespitosa (Schultz) Hyl. ex Nordh.
- Myosotis lutea (Cav.) Pers.
- Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
- Myosotis lyallii var. townsonii (Cheeseman) L.B.Moore
- Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
- Myosotis macrophylla Adams
- Myosotis matthewsii L.B.Moore
- Myosotis monroi Cheeseman
- Myosotis oreophila Petrie
- Myosotis petiolata Hook.f.
- Myosotis petiolata Hook.f. var. petiolata
- Myosotis petiolata var. pansa L.B.Moore
- Myosotis petiolata var. pottsiana L.B.Moore
- Myosotis pulvinaris Hook.f.
- Myosotis pygmaea Colenso
- Myosotis pygmaea var. drucei L.B.Moore
- Myosotis pygmaea var. glauca G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Myosotis pygmaea var. minutiflora G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
- Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
- Myosotis scorpioides L.
- Myosotis scorpioides var. palustris Hill
- Myosotis scorpioides var. strigulosa (Rchb.) Mert. & Koch
- Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
- Myosotis spatulata G.Forst. var. spatulata
- Myosotis spatulata var. radicata L.B.Moore
- Myosotis stricta Roem. & Schult.
- Myosotis suavis Petrie
- Myosotis subvernicosa Colenso
- Myosotis sylvatica Hoffm.
- Myosotis sylvatica Hoffm. subsp. sylvatica
- Myosotis tenericaulis Petrie
- Myosotis traversii Hook.f.
- Myosotis traversii Hook.f. var. traversii
- Myosotis traversii var. cantabrica L.B.Moore
- Myosotis traversii var. cinerascens (Petrie) L.B.Moore
- Myosotis uniflora Hook.f.
- Myosotis venosa Colenso
- Myosotis versicolor (Pers.) Sm.
- Myriophyllum aquaticum (Vell.) Verdc.
- Myriophyllum L.
- Myriophyllum pedunculatum Hook.f.
- Myriophyllum propinquum A.Cunn.
- Myriophyllum robustum Hook.f.
- Myriophyllum triphyllum Orchard
- Myriophyllum votschii Schindl.
- Myrtaceae
- Nasturtium microphyllum Boenn. ex Rchb.
- Nasturtium officinale W.T.Aiton
- Navarretia Ruiz & Pav.
- Navarretia squarrosa (Eschsch.) Hook. & Arn.
- Nemesia floribunda Lehm.
- Nemesia Vent.
- Nepeta cataria L.
- Nepeta L.
- Nepeta mussinii Henckel
- Nephrolepis cordifolia (L.) C.Presl
- Nephrolepis hirsutula (G.Forst.) C.Presl
- Nephrolepis Schott
- Nerium L.
- Nerium oleander L.
- Nicandra Adans.
- Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertn.
- Nicotiana alata Link & Otto
- Nicotiana glauca Graham
- Nicotiana L.
- Nicotiana rustica L.
- Nicotiana sylvestris Speg. & Comes
- Nicotiana tabacum L.
- Nigella damascena L.
- Nigella L.
- Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm.
- Nuphar Sm.
- Nyctaginaceae
- Nymphaea alba L.
- Nymphaea L.
- Nymphaea mexicana Zucc.
- Nymphaeaceae Salisb.
- Nymphoides geminata (R.Br.) Kuntze
- Nymphoides Seg.
- Oenanthe aquatica (L.) Poir.
- Oenanthe L.
- Oenanthe pimpinelloides L.
- Oenanthe sarmentosa DC.
- Oenothera affinis Cambess.
- Oenothera biennis L.
- Oenothera erythrosepala Borbás
- Oenothera glazioviana Micheli
- Oenothera grandiflora sensu New Zealand botanists
- Oenothera L.
- Oenothera lamarckiana sensu de Vries
- Oenothera lamarckiana Ser.
- Oenothera longiflora sensu New Zealand botanists
- Oenothera odorata sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Oenothera rosea Aiton
- Oenothera speciosa Nutt.
- Oenothera stricta Ledeb. ex Link
- Oenothera suaveolens Pers.
- Olea europaea L.
- Olea L.
- Oleaceae
- Onagraceae
- Onobrychis sativa Lam.
- Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.
- Ononis campestris W.D.J.Koch
- Ononis L.
- Ononis procurrens sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Ononis spinosa L.
- Onopordum acanthium L.
- Onopordum L.
- Opuntia Mill.
- Opuntia monacantha Haw.
- Opuntia vulgaris Mill.
- Oreoporanthera alpina (Cheeseman ex Hook.f.) Hutch.
- Oreoporanthera Hutch.
- Origanum L.
- Origanum vulgare L.
- Ornithopus ebracteatus Brot.
- Ornithopus L.
- Ornithopus perpusillus L.
- Ornithopus pinnatus (Mill.) Druce
- Ornithopus sativus Brot.
- Orobanchaceae
- Orobanche elatior Sutton
- Orobanche L.
- Orobanche majus
- Orobanche minor Sm.
- Orobanche minor var. lutea Tourlet
- Osmunda L.
- Osmunda regalis L.
- Osmundaceae Martinov
- Osteospermum fruticosum (L.) Norl.
- Osteospermum jucundum (E.Phillips) Norl.
- Osteospermum L.
- Othonna capensis L.H.Bailey
- Othonna L.
- Oxalidaceae
- Oxalis ambigua A.Rich.
- Oxalis articulata Savigny
- Oxalis bowiei Aiton ex G.Don
- Oxalis cernua Thunb.
- Oxalis ciliifera A.Cunn.
- Oxalis compressa Thunb.
- Oxalis corniculata L.
- Oxalis corniculata L. subsp. corniculata
- Oxalis corniculata L. var. corniculata
- Oxalis corniculata var. ciliifera (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
- Oxalis corniculata var. crassifolia (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
- Oxalis corniculata var. microphylla Hook.f.
- Oxalis corniculata var. villosa sensu Sykes
- Oxalis corymbosa DC.
- Oxalis crassifolia A.Cunn.
- Oxalis debilis Kunth
- Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa (DC.) Lourteig
- Oxalis divergens A.Cunn.
- Oxalis exilis A.Cunn.
- Oxalis hirta L.
- Oxalis incarnata L.
- Oxalis L.
- Oxalis lacicola A.Cunn.
- Oxalis lactea Hook.
- Oxalis latifolia Kunth
- Oxalis magellanica G.Forst.
- Oxalis martiana Zucc.
- Oxalis perennans Haw.
- Oxalis pes-caprae L.
- Oxalis preissiana sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Oxalis propinqua A.Cunn.
- Oxalis purpurea L.
- Oxalis rubens Haw.
- Oxalis tuberosa Molina
- Oxalis vallicola (Rose) R.Knuth
- Oxalis variabilis sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Oxalis versicolor L.
- Oxylobium lanceolatum (Vent.) Druce
- Pandorea pandorana (Andrews) Steenis
- Pandorea Spach
- Papaver argemone L.
- Papaver atlanticum (Ball) Coss.
- Papaver cambricum L.
- Papaver dubium L.
- Papaver hybridum L.
- Papaver L.
- Papaver rhoeas L.
- Papaver somniferum L.
- Papaver somniferum L. subsp. somniferum
- Papaver somniferum subsp. setigerum (DC.) Arcang.
- Papaveraceae
- Paraserianthes I.C.Nielsen
- Paraserianthes lophantha (Willd.) I.C.Nielsen
- Parentucellia latifolia (L.) Caruel
- Parentucellia viscosa (L.) Caruel
- Parentucellia Viv.
- Parietaria debilis G.Forst.
- Parietaria diffusa Mert. & W.D.J.Koch
- Parietaria judaica L.
- Parietaria L.
- Parietaria officinalis L.
- Parietaria ramiflora Moench
- Parochetus Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don
- Parochetus communis D.Don
- Paronychia brasiliana DC.
- Paronychia Mill.
- Parthenocissus inserta (J.Kern.) Fritsch
- Parthenocissus Planch.
- Passiflora caerulea L.
- Passiflora edulis Sims
- Passiflora L.
- Passiflora mixta L.f.
- Passiflora mollissima (Kunth) L.H.Bailey
- Passiflora pinnatistipula Cav.
- Passiflora tetrandra Banks ex DC.
- Passifloraceae
- Pastinaca L.
- Pastinaca sativa L.
- Paulownia Siebold & Zucc.
- Paulownia tomentosa (Thunb.) Steud.
- Pavonia Cav.
- Pavonia hastata Cav.
- Pelargonium ×asperum Willd.
- Pelargonium ×domesticum L.H.Bailey
- Pelargonium ×fragrans Willd.
- Pelargonium ×hortorum L.H.Bailey
- Pelargonium inodorum Willd.
- Pelargonium L'Hér. ex Aiton
- Pelargonium peltatum (L.) L'Hér.
- Pelargonium quercifolium (L.f.) L’Hér.
- Pelargonium radula L'Hér.
- Pelargonium ribifolium Jacq.
- Pelargonium ribifolium sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Pelargonium tomentosum Jacq.
- Pelargonium vitifolium (L.) L'Hér.
- Pentaglottis sempervirens (L.) L.H.Bailey
- Pentaglottis Tausch
- Peplis portula L.
- Pericallis ×hybrida (Bosse) B.Nord.
- Pericallis cruenta (Masson ex L'Hér.) Bolle
- Pericallis D.Don
- Pernettya alpina Franklin
- Pernettya macrostigma Colenso
- Pernettya mucronata (L.f.) Gaud. ex Sprengel
- Pernettya nana Colenso
- Persoonia Sm.
- Petasites fragrans (Vill.) C.Presl
- Petasites Mill.
- Petasites officinalis Moench
- Petasites vulgaris Desf.
- Petrorhagia (Ser. ex DC.) Link
- Petrorhagia prolifera (L.) P.W.Ball & Heywood
- Petrorhagia velutina (Guss.) P.W.Ball & Heywood
- Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) A.W.Hill
- Petroselinum Hill
- Petunia ×hybrida E.Vilm.
- Petunia Juss.
- Phacelia Juss.
- Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth.
- Phaseolus coccineus L.
- Phaseolus L.
- Phaseolus lunatus L.
- Phlomis L.
- Phlomis russeliana (Sims) Lag. ex Benth.
- Phlox drummondii Hook.
- Phlox L.
- Phlox paniculata L.
- Phygelius capensis E.Mey. ex Benth.
- Phygelius E.Mey. ex Benth.
- Phyla Lour.
- Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene
- Phyllitis Hill
- Phyllitis scolopendrium (L.) Newman
- Physalis L.
- Physalis peruviana L.
- Physalis philadelphica Lam.
- Physalis pubescens L.
- Phytolacca americana L.
- Phytolacca clavigera W.W.Sm.
- Phytolacca L.
- Phytolacca octandra L.
- Phytolaccaceae
- Picea A.Dietr.
- Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carrière
- Picris echioides L.
- Picris hieracioides L.
- Picris hieracioides var. glabrata Hook.f.
- Picris L.
- Pilosella praealta (Gochnat) F.W.Schultz & Sch.Bip.
- Pinaceae Spreng. ex Rudolphi
- Pinus banksiana Lamb.
- Pinus contorta Douglas ex Loudon
- Pinus halepensis Mill.
- Pinus L.
- Pinus maritima Lam.
- Pinus mugo Turra
- Pinus muricata D.Don
- Pinus nigra J.F.Arnold
- Pinus nigra J.F.Arnold subsp. nigra
- Pinus nigra subsp. laricio Palib. ex Maire
- Pinus patula Schltdl. & Cham.
- Pinus pinaster Aiton
- Pinus ponderosa P.Lawson & C.Lawson
- Pinus radiata D.Don
- Pinus scopulorum (Engelm.) Lemmon
- Pinus strobus L.
- Pinus sylvestris L.
- Pinus taeda L.
- Pisum L.
- Pisum sativum L.
- Pittosporaceae R.Br.
- Plantaginaceae Juss.
- Plantago arenaria Waldst. & Kit.
- Plantago aristata Michx.
- Plantago aucklandica Hook.f.
- Plantago australis Lam.
- Plantago coronopus L.
- Plantago debilis R.Br.
- Plantago hirtella Kunth
- Plantago indica L.
- Plantago L.
- Plantago lanceolata L.
- Plantago lanigera Hook.f.
- Plantago major L.
- Plantago novae-zelandiae L.B.Moore
- Plantago obconica Sykes
- Plantago raoulii Decne.
- Plantago scabra Moench
- Plantago spathulata Hook.f.
- Plantago spathulata subsp. picta (Colenso) Sykes
- Plantago triandra Berggr.
- Plantago triantha Spreng.
- Plantago uniflora Hook.f.
- Plantago varia R.Br.
- Plantago varia sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Platanaceae
- Plectranthus ciliatus E.Mey.
- Plectranthus ecklonii Benth.
- Plectranthus grandis (L.H.Cramer) R.H.Willemse
- Plectranthus L'Her.
- Plumbaginaceae
- Podranea ricasoliana (Tanfani) Sprague
- Podranea Sprague
- Polemoniaceae
- Polemonium caeruleum L.
- Polemonium L.
- Polycarpon L.
- Polycarpon tetraphyllum (L.) L.
- Polygala L.
- Polygala myrtifolia L.
- Polygala serpyllifolia Hosé
- Polygala verticillata L.
- Polygala virgata Thunb.
- Polygala vulgaris L.
- Polygalaceae
- Polygonaceae
- Polygonum aequale Lindm.
- Polygonum arenastrum Boreau
- Polygonum aviculare L.
- Polygonum aviculare subsp. depressum (Meisn.) Arcang.
- Polygonum capitatum Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don
- Polygonum convolvulus L.
- Polygonum hydropiper L.
- Polygonum L.
- Polygonum lapathifolium L.
- Polygonum orientale L.
- Polygonum persicaria L.
- Polygonum plebeium R.Br.
- Polygonum prostratum R.Br.
- Polygonum punctatum Elliott
- Polygonum salicifolium Willd.
- Polygonum strigosum R.Br.
- Polypodiaceae J.Presl & C.Presl
- Polypodium L.
- Polypodium vulgare L.
- Polystichum cystostegia (Hook.) J.B.Armstr.
- Polystichum proliferum (R.Br.) C.Presl
- Polystichum richardii (Hook.) J.Sm.
- Polystichum Roth
- Polystichum setiferum (Forssk.) T.Moore ex Woyn.
- Polystichum sylvaticum Diels
- Polystichum vestitum (G.Forst.) C.Presl
- Pomaderris apetala Labill.
- Pomaderris aspera Sieber ex DC.
- Pomaderris hamiltonii L.B.Moore
- Pomaderris kumeraho A.Cunn.
- Pomaderris Labill.
- Pomaderris phylicifolia G.Lodd.
- Pomaderris rugosa Cheeseman
- Populus ×canadensis Moench
- Populus ×canescens (Aiton) Sm.
- Populus ×gileadensis 'Candicans'
- Populus ×gileadensis Rouleau
- Populus alba L.
- Populus deltoides Marshall
- Populus L.
- Populus nigra L.
- Populus tremula L.
- Populus trichocarpa Torr. & A.Gray ex Hook.
- Populus yunnanensis Dode
- Poranthera alpina Cheeseman ex Hook.f.
- Poranthera Rudge
- Portulaca grandiflora Hook.
- Portulaca L.
- Portulaca oleracea L.
- Portulacaceae Juss.
- Potentilla anglica Laichard.
- Potentilla anserinoides Raoul
- Potentilla argentea L.
- Potentilla L.
- Potentilla recta L.
- Potentilla reptans L.
- Poterium L.
- Poterium muricatum Spach
- Poterium polygamum Waldst. & Kit.
- Poterium sanguisorba L.
- Pratia angulata (G.Forst.) Hook.f.
- Pratia arenaria Hook.f.
- Pratia Gaudich.
- Pratia macrodon Hook.f.
- Pratia perpusilla (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Pratia physaloides (A.Cunn.) Hemsl.
- Pratia purpurascens (R.Br.) E.Wimm.
- Primulaceae
- Proteaceae
- Prunella L.
- Prunella laciniata (L.) L.
- Prunella vulgaris L.
- Prunus ×blireana André
- Prunus ×domestica L.
- Prunus ×domestica L. subsp. domestica
- Prunus ×domestica subsp. insititia (L.) C.K.Schneid.
- Prunus armeniaca L.
- Prunus avium (L.) L.
- Prunus campanulata Maxim.
- Prunus cerasifera 'Atropurpurea'
- Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.
- Prunus cerasifera 'Pissardii'
- Prunus cerasus L.
- Prunus L.
- Prunus laurocerasus L.
- Prunus lusitanica L.
- Prunus mahaleb L.
- Prunus persica (L.) Batsch
- Prunus pissardii Carrière
- Prunus serrulata Lindl.
- Pseudognaphalium Kirp.
- Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum (L.) Hilliard & B.L.Burtt
- Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum (L.) Hilliard & B.L.Burtt subsp. luteoalbum
- Pseudotsuga Carrière
- Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
- Psidium cattleyanum Sabine
- Psidium guajava L.
- Psidium L.
- Psoralea L.
- Psoralea pinnata L.
- Psychrophila (DC.) Bercht. & J.Presl
- Psychrophila novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) W.A.Weber
- Psychrophila obtusa (Cheeseman) W.A.Weber
- Pteridaceae E.D.M.Kirchn.
- Pteris cretica L.
- Pteris L.
- Ptilostemon afer (Jacq.) Greuter
- Ptilostemon Cass.
- Pulicaria dysenterica (L.) Bernh.
- Pulicaria Gaertn.
- Pultenaea daphnoides J.C.Wendl.
- Pultenaea Sm.
- Pyracantha angustifolia (Franch.) C.K.Schneid.
- Pyracantha crenatoserrata (Hance) Rehder
- Pyracantha crenulata (D.Don) M.Roem.
- Pyracantha M.Roem.
- Pyrus communis L.
- Pyrus L.
- Quercus cerris L.
- Quercus ilex L.
- Quercus L.
- Quercus robur L.
- Quercus rubra L.
- Racosperma baileyanum (F.Muell.) Pedley
- Racosperma dealbatum (Link) Pedley
- Racosperma decurrens (Willd.) Pedley
- Racosperma elatum (Benth.) Pedley
- Racosperma floribundum (Vent.) Pedley
- Racosperma longifolium (Andrews) Mart.
- Racosperma Mart.
- Racosperma mearnsii (De Wild.) Pedley
- Racosperma melanoxylon (R.Br.) Mart.
- Racosperma paradoxum (DC.) Mart.
- Racosperma parramattense (Tindale) Pedley
- Racosperma verticillatum (L'Hér.) Mart.
- Ranunculaceae
- Ranunculus acaulis Banks & Sol. ex DC.
- Ranunculus acris L.
- Ranunculus altus Garn.-Jones
- Ranunculus amphitrichus Colenso
- Ranunculus aquatilis sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Ranunculus arvensis L.
- Ranunculus biternatus Sm.
- Ranunculus brevis Garn.-Jones
- Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.
- Ranunculus bulbosus L.
- Ranunculus carsei Petrie
- Ranunculus cheesemanii Kirk
- Ranunculus crithmifolius Hook.f.
- Ranunculus enysii Kirk
- Ranunculus ficaria L.
- Ranunculus ficaria subsp. bulbilifer Lambinon
- Ranunculus ficaria subsp. ficariiformis (F.W.Schultz.) Rouy & Foucaud
- Ranunculus flammula L.
- Ranunculus fluitans sensu New Zealand Botanist
- Ranunculus foliosus Kirk
- Ranunculus glabrifolius Hook.
- Ranunculus godleyanus Hook.f.
- Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
- Ranunculus grahamii Petrie
- Ranunculus haastii Hook.f.
- Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
- Ranunculus kirkii Petrie
- Ranunculus L.
- Ranunculus lappaceus sensu Allan
- Ranunculus lappaceus Smith
- Ranunculus limosella F.Muell. ex Kirk
- Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
- Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.
- Ranunculus maculatus Cockayne & Allan
- Ranunculus membranifolius (Kirk) Garn.-Jones
- Ranunculus mirus Garn.-Jones
- Ranunculus multiscapus Hook.f.
- Ranunculus muricatus L.
- Ranunculus nivicola Hook.f.
- Ranunculus ophioglossifolius Vill.
- Ranunculus pachyrrhizus Hook.f.
- Ranunculus parviflorus Loefl.
- Ranunculus pinguis Hook.f.
- Ranunculus recens Kirk
- Ranunculus reflexus Garn.-Jones
- Ranunculus repens L.
- Ranunculus rivularis Banks & Solander ex DC.
- Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
- Ranunculus sardous Crantz
- Ranunculus sceleratus L.
- Ranunculus scrithalis Garn.-Jones
- Ranunculus sericophyllus Hook.f.
- Ranunculus sessiliflorus DC.
- Ranunculus simulans Garn.-Jones
- Ranunculus stylosus H.D.Wilson & Garn.-Jones
- Ranunculus subscaposus Hook.f.
- Ranunculus ternatifolius Kirk
- Ranunculus trichophyllus Chaix
- Ranunculus urvilleanus Cheeseman
- Ranunculus verticillatus Kirk
- Ranunculus viridis H.D.Wilson & Garn.-Jones
- Raphanus L.
- Raphanus maritimus Don
- Raphanus raphanistrum L.
- Raphanus raphanistrum L. subsp. raphanistrum
- Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. maritimus (Sm.) Thell.
- Raphanus sativus L.
- Rapistrum Crantz
- Rapistrum rugosum (L.) All.
- Reseda alba L.
- Reseda L.
- Reseda lutea L.
- Reseda luteola L.
- Resedaceae
- Reynoutria Houtt.
- Reynoutria japonica 'Compacta'
- Reynoutria japonica Houtt.
- Reynoutria sachalinensis (F.Schmidt) Nakai
- Rhagodia nutans R.Br.
- Rhagodia triandra (G.Forst.) Aellen
- Rhamnaceae
- Rhamnus alaternus L.
- Rhamnus L.
- Rhaphiolepis Lindl.
- Rhaphiolepis umbellata (Thunb.) Makino
- Rheum ×rhabarbarum L.
- Rheum L.
- Rhododendron L.
- Rhododendron ponticum L.
- Rhododendron 'Sir Robert Peel'
- Rhus L.
- Rhus typhina L.
- Ribes glutinosum Benth.
- Ribes grossularia L.
- Ribes L.
- Ribes nigrum L.
- Ribes odoratum H.L.Wendl.
- Ribes rubrum L.
- Ribes sanguineum Pursh
- Ribes sanguineum var. glutinosum (Benth.) Loudon
- Ribes uva-crispa L.
- Ricinus communis L.
- Ricinus L.
- Robinia L.
- Robinia pseudoacacia L.
- Rorippa amphibia (L.) Besser
- Rorippa divaricata (Hook.f.) Garn.-Jones & Jonsell
- Rorippa gigantea (Hook.f.) Garn.-Jones
- Rorippa islandica (Oeder) Borbás
- Rorippa microphylla (Boenn. ex Rchb.) Hylander
- Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Hayek
- Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser
- Rorippa Scop.
- Rorippa sylvestris (L.) Besser
- Rosa canina L.
- Rosa eglanteria L.
- Rosa gallica L.
- Rosa L.
- Rosa micrantha Sm.
- Rosa moschata hybrids
- Rosa multiflora Thunb.
- Rosa pimpinellifolia L.
- Rosa rubiginosa L.
- Rosa rugosa Thunb.
- Rosa sempervirens hybrids
- Rosa spinosissima L.
- Rosa wichurana hybrids
- Rosaceae
- Rosmarinus L.
- Roubieva multifida (L.) Moq.
- Rubiaceae
- Rubus argutus Link
- Rubus australis G.Forst.
- Rubus cardiophyllus Lefèvre & P.J.Müll.
- Rubus cissburiensis × Rubus ulmifolius
- Rubus cissburiensis W.C.Barton & Ridd.
- Rubus cissoides A.Cunn.
- Rubus echinatus Lindl.
- Rubus erythrops Edees & A.Newton
- Rubus flagellaris Willd.
- Rubus fruticosus L.
- Rubus idaeus L.
- Rubus illecebrosus Focke
- Rubus illecebrosus sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Rubus L.
- Rubus laciniatus Willd.
- Rubus leptothyrsos G.Braun
- Rubus macrophyllus Weihe & Nees
- Rubus mollior L.H.Bailey
- Rubus mucronulatus Boreau
- Rubus nemoralis P.J.Müll.
- Rubus ostryifolius Rydb.
- Rubus parvus Buchanan
- Rubus phoenicolasius Maxim.
- Rubus polyanthemus Lindeb.
- Rubus procerus P.J.Müll. ex Boulay
- Rubus rosifolius Sm.
- Rubus rugosus Sm.
- Rubus rugosus var. thwaitesii Focke
- Rubus schmidelioides A.Cunn.
- Rubus squarrosus Fritsch
- Rubus tuberculatus Bab.
- Rubus ulmifolius Schott
- Rubus vestitus Weihe & Nees
- Rudbeckia L.
- Rudbeckia laciniata L.
- Rumex acetosa L.
- Rumex acetosella L.
- Rumex brownii Campd.
- Rumex conglomeratus Murray
- Rumex crispus L.
- Rumex flexuosus Sol. ex G.Forst.
- Rumex frutescens Thouars
- Rumex L.
- Rumex neglectus Kirk
- Rumex obtusifolius L.
- Rumex pulcher L.
- Rumex sagittatus Thunb.
- Rumex tenuifolius (Wallr.) Á.Löve
- Rumex vesicarius L.
- Ruschia geminiflora (Haw.) Schwantes
- Ruschia Schwantes
- Ruschia tumidula (Haw.) Schwantes
- Rutaceae
- Sagina apetala Ard.
- Sagina L.
- Sagina procumbens L.
- Sagina subulata (Sw.) C.Presl
- Salicaceae
- Salix ×calodendron Wimm.
- Salix ×chrysocoma Dode
- Salix ×reichardtii A.Kern.
- Salix ×rubens Schrank
- Salix ×sepulcralis Simonk.
- Salix ×sepulcralis var. chrysocoma (Dode) Meikle
- Salix ×sericans Tausch
- Salix acutifolia Willd.
- Salix alba L.
- Salix alba var. vitellina (L.) Stokes
- Salix atrocinerea Brot.
- Salix babylonica L.
- Salix caprea L.
- Salix cinerea L.
- Salix cinerea subsp. oleifolia Macreight
- Salix daphnoides subsp. acutifolia (Willd.) Ahlfv.
- Salix daphnoides Vill.
- Salix eleagnos Scop.
- Salix fragilis L.
- Salix glaucophylloides Fernald
- Salix gracilistyla Miq.
- Salix L.
- Salix matsudana Koidz.
- Salix purpurea L.
- Salix viminalis L.
- Salpichroa Miers
- Salpichroa origanifolia (Lam.) Thell.
- Salpichroa rhomboidea (Gillies & Hook.) Miers
- Salpiglossis Ruiz. & Pav.
- Salpiglossis sinuata Ruiz & Pav.
- Salsola kali L.
- Salsola L.
- Salvia aurea L.
- Salvia fulgens Cav.
- Salvia grahamii Benth.
- Salvia horminoides Pourr.
- Salvia L.
- Salvia microphylla Kunth
- Salvia microphylla var. neurepia (Fernald) Epling
- Salvia nemorosa L.
- Salvia reflexa Hornem.
- Salvia repens Benth.
- Salvia rutilans Carrière
- Salvia splendens Sellow ex Nees
- Salvia uliginosa Benth.
- Salvia verbenaca L.
- Salvinia ×molesta D.S.Mitch.
- Salvinia Ség.
- Salviniaceae Martinov
- Sambucus L.
- Sambucus nigra L.
- Sambucus pubens Michx.
- Sanguisorba L.
- Sanguisorba minor Scop.
- Sanguisorba minor Scop. subsp. minor
- Sanguisorba minor subsp. muricata (Bonnier & Layens) Briq.
- Saponaria L.
- Saponaria officinalis L.
- Saponaria vaccaria L.
- Sarothamnus scoparius (L.) Wimm. ex W.D.J.Koch
- Satureja acinos (L.) Scheele
- Satureja calamintha (L.) Scheele
- Satureja hortensis L.
- Satureja vulgaris (L.) Fritsch
- Scabiosa anthemifolia Eckl. & Zeyh.
- Scabiosa atropurpurea L.
- Scabiosa columbaria L.
- Scabiosa L.
- Scabiosa maritima L.
- Schinus L.
- Schinus molle L.
- Scleranthus annuus L.
- Scleranthus biflorus (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Hook.f.
- Scleranthus brockiei P.A.Will.
- Scleranthus fasciculatus (R.Br.) Hook.f.
- Scleranthus L.
- Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Will.
- Scorpiurus L.
- Scorpiurus muricatus L.
- Scrophularia aquatica sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Scrophularia auriculata L.
- Scrophularia L.
- Scrophularia nodosa L.
- Scrophulariaceae Juss.
- Scutellaria L.
- Scutellaria minor Huds.
- Scutellaria novae-zelandiae Hook.f.
- Sedum acre L.
- Sedum album L.
- Sedum decumbens R.T.Clausen
- Sedum forsterianum sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Sedum L.
- Sedum liebmannianum sensu Webb et al.
- Sedum praealtum A.DC.
- Sedum reflexum sensu Webb et al.
- Sedum spectabile Boreau
- Sedum spurium M.Bieb.
- Selaginella kraussiana (Kunze) A.Braun
- Selaginella moellendorffii Hieron.
- Selaginella P.Beauv.
- Selaginellaceae Willk.
- Senebiera didyma (L.) Pers.
- Senecio angulatus L.f.
- Senecio antipodus Kirk
- Senecio aquaticus Hill
- Senecio areolatus Colenso
- Senecio argutus A.Rich.
- Senecio atkinsoniae F.Muell.
- Senecio banksii Hook.f.
- Senecio bipinnatisectus Belcher
- Senecio biserratus Belcher
- Senecio cahillii Belcher
- Senecio carnosulus (Kirk) C.J.Webb
- Senecio cineraria DC.
- Senecio colensoi Hook.f.
- Senecio colensoi Hook.f. var. colensoi
- Senecio colensoi var. lobulatus Allan
- Senecio colensoi var. obtusifolius Allan
- Senecio crassiflorus (Poir.) DC.
- Senecio cruentus (Masson ex L'Hér.) DC.
- Senecio diaschides D.G.Drury
- Senecio dunedinensis Belcher
- Senecio elegans L.
- Senecio flaccidus A.Rich.
- Senecio germinatus Kirk
- Senecio glastifolius L.f.
- Senecio glaucophyllus Cheeseman
- Senecio glaucophyllus Cheeseman subsp. glaucophyllus
- Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. basinudus Ornduff
- Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. discoideus (Cheeseman) Ornduff
- Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. raoulii (Hook.f.) Ornduff
- Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. toa C.J.Webb
- Senecio glomeratus Poir.
- Senecio hauwai Sykes
- Senecio heterophylla Colenso
- Senecio hieraciifolius L.
- Senecio hispidulus A.Rich.
- Senecio hispidulus A.Rich. var. hispidulus
- Senecio hispidulus sensu A.Cunn.
- Senecio hispidulus var. scaberulus (Hook.f.) Belcher
- Senecio jacobaea L.
- Senecio kermadecensis Belcher
- Senecio L.
- Senecio latifolius Banks & Sol. ex Hook.f.
- Senecio latifolius var. sinuatifolius Kirk
- Senecio lautus G.Forst. ex Willd.
- Senecio lautus var. discoideus Cheeseman
- Senecio lautus var. esperensis Sykes
- Senecio lautus var. radiolatus (F.Muell.) Kirk
- Senecio lautus var. β raoulii Hook.f.
- Senecio lautus var. γ macrocephalus Hook.f.
- Senecio linearifolius A.Rich.
- Senecio marotiri C.J.Webb
- Senecio mikanioides Walp.
- Senecio minimus Poir.
- Senecio neglectus A.Rich.
- Senecio odoratus Hook.f.
- Senecio petasitis (Sims) DC.
- Senecio quadridentatus Labill.
- Senecio radiolatus F.Muell.
- Senecio radiolatus F.Muell. subsp. radiolatus
- Senecio radiolatus subsp. antipodus (Kirk) C.J.Webb
- Senecio rufiglandulosus Colenso
- Senecio rufiglandulosus var. sinuatifolius (Kirk) Allan
- Senecio rufiglandulosus var. solandri (Allan) Allan
- Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
- Senecio serpens G.D.Rowley
- Senecio skirrhodon DC.
- Senecio solandri Allan
- Senecio sterquilinus Ornduff
- Senecio sylvaticus L.
- Senecio valerianifolius Link ex Spreng.
- Senecio vulgaris L.
- Senecio wairauensis Belcher
- Senna Mill.
- Senna multiglandulosa (Jacq.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby
- Senna septemtrionalis (Viv.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby
- Senna tora (L.) Roxb.
- Sequoia Endl.
- Sequoia sempervirens (D.Don) Endl.
- Sherardia arvensis L.
- Sherardia L.
- Sida L.
- Sida rhombifolia L.
- Sigesbeckia L.
- Sigesbeckia orientalis L.
- Silene alba (Mill.) E.H.L.Krause
- Silene anglica L.
- Silene anglica var. gallica (L.) W.D.J.Koch
- Silene anglica var. quinquevulnera House
- Silene armeria L.
- Silene coeli-rosa (L.) Godr.
- Silene conica L.
- Silene cucubalus Wibel
- Silene dichotoma Ehrh.
- Silene dichotoma sensu New Zealalnd Botanists
- Silene dioica (L.) Clairv.
- Silene disticha Willd.
- Silene diurna Gren. & Godr.
- Silene gallica L.
- Silene gallica var. quinquevulnera (L.) Mert. & W.D.J.Koch
- Silene gallica var. silvestris (Schott) Asch.
- Silene L.
- Silene latifolia Poir.
- Silene latifolia subsp. alba (Mill.) Greuter & Burdet
- Silene macrocarpa (Boiss. & Reut.) E.H.L.Krause
- Silene noctiflora L.
- Silene nutans L.
- Silene pendula L.
- Silene pratensis (Rafn) Godr.
- Silene quinquevulnera L.
- Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke
- Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke subsp. vulgaris
- Silene vulgaris subsp. maritima (With.) Á.Löve & D.Löve
- Silybum Adans.
- Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.
- Simaroubaceae
- Sinapis alba L.
- Sinapis arvensis L.
- Sinapis L.
- Sison amomum L.
- Sison L.
- Sisymbrium altissimum L.
- Sisymbrium L.
- Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop.
- Sisymbrium orientale L.
- Sisymbrium polyceratium L.
- Solanaceae
- Solanum ×procurrens A.C.Leslie
- Solanum americanum Mill.
- Solanum auriculatum Aiton
- Solanum aviculare f. albiflorum (Cheeseman) Sykes
- Solanum aviculare G.Forst.
- Solanum aviculare G.Forst. var. aviculare
- Solanum aviculare var. albiflorum Cheeseman
- Solanum aviculare var. latifolium G.T.S.Baylis
- Solanum baylisii Herasim.
- Solanum capsicastrum Link ex Schauer
- Solanum carolinense L.
- Solanum cheesemanii Herasim.
- Solanum chenopodioides Lam.
- Solanum crispum Ruiz & Pav.
- Solanum diflorum Vell.
- Solanum dulcamara L.
- Solanum gracile Dunal
- Solanum gracilius Herter
- Solanum hermannii Dunal
- Solanum jasminoides Paxton
- Solanum L.
- Solanum laciniatum Aiton
- Solanum linnaeanum Hepper & P.-M.L.Jaeger
- Solanum marginatum L.f.
- Solanum mauritianum Scop.
- Solanum miniatum Bernh. ex Willd.
- Solanum nigrum f. chlorocarpum (Spenn.) Lindm.
- Solanum nigrum f. humile (Bernh. ex Willd.) Lindm.
- Solanum nigrum L.
- Solanum ottonis H.Hyl.
- Solanum physalifolium Rusby
- Solanum physalifolium var. nitidibaccatum (Bitter) Edmonds
- Solanum pseudocapsicum L.
- Solanum rantonnetii Carrière
- Solanum rostratum Dunal
- Solanum sarrachoides Sendtn.
- Solanum sarrachoides sensu New Zealand authors
- Solanum sisymbrifolium Lam.
- Solanum sodomeum L.
- Solanum sublobatum Roem. & Schult.
- Solanum tuberosum L.
- Solanum villosum Mill.
- Solanum villosum subsp. miniatum (Bernh. ex Willd.) J.M.Edmonds
- Soleirolia Gaudich.
- Soleirolia soleirolii (Req.) Dandy
- Solenogyne Cass.
- Solenogyne dominii L.G.Adams
- Solenogyne gunnii (Hook.f.) Cabrera
- Solenogyne mikadoi (Koidz.) Koidz.
- Solenopsis C.Presl
- Solenopsis laurentia (L.) C.Presl
- Solidago canadensis L.
- Solidago L.
- Soliva anthemifolia (Juss.) Sweet
- Soliva pterosperma (Juss.) Less.
- Soliva Ruiz & Pav.
- Soliva sessilis Ruiz & Pav.
- Soliva valdiviana Phil.
- Sonchus arvensis L.
- Sonchus asper (L.) Hill
- Sonchus kirkii Hamlin
- Sonchus L.
- Sonchus oleraceus L.
- Sonchus oleraceus var. asper L.
- Sonchus oleraceus var. littoralis Kirk
- Sorbaria (Ser.) A.Braun
- Sorbaria tomentosa (Lindl.) Rehder
- Sorbus aucuparia L.
- Sorbus L.
- Sparrmannia africana L.f.
- Sparrmannia L.f.
- Spartium junceum L.
- Spartium L.
- Spartium scoparium L.
- Spergula arvensis L.
- Spergula L.
- Spergularia bocconei (Scheele) Graebn.
- Spergularia J.Presl & C.Presl
- Spergularia marina (L.) Besser
- Spergularia media (L.) C.Presl
- Spergularia media sensu P.J.Garnock-Jones
- Spergularia rubra (L.) J.Presl & C.Presl
- Spiraea cantoniensis Lour.
- Spiraea japonica L.f.
- Spiraea L.
- Stachys arvensis (L.) L.
- Stachys byzantina K.Koch
- Stachys L.
- Stachys palustris L.
- Stachys sylvatica L.
- Stellaria alsine Grimm
- Stellaria decipiens Hook.f.
- Stellaria decipiens var. angustata Kirk
- Stellaria elatinoides Hook.f.
- Stellaria gracilenta Hook.f.
- Stellaria graminea L.
- Stellaria L.
- Stellaria media (L.) Vill.
- Stellaria minuta Kirk
- Stellaria pallida (Dumort.) Piré
- Stellaria parviflora Hook.f.
- Stellaria roughii Hook.f.
- Stellaria uliginosa Murray
- Stuartina muelleri Sond.
- Stuartina Sond.
- Symphoricarpos albus (L.) S.F.Blake
- Symphoricarpos Duhamel
- Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Moench
- Symphytum asperum Lepech.
- Symphytum L.
- Symphytum officinale L.
- Syringa L.
- Syringa vulgaris L.
- Syzygium australe (J.C.Wendl. ex Link) B.Hyland
- Syzygium maire (A.Cunn.) Sykes & Garn.-Jones
- Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
- Tagetes erecta L.
- Tagetes L.
- Tagetes minuta L.
- Tagetes patula L.
- Tamaricaceae
- Tamarix chinensis Lour.
- Tamarix L.
- Tanacetum L.
- Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Sch.Bip.
- Tanacetum vulgare L.
- Taraxacum dens-leonis Desf.
- Taraxacum F.H.Wigg.
- Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.
- Taraxacum officinale F.H.Wigg.
- Taraxacum officinale var. glabratus Kirk
- Taraxacum officinale var. pygmaea Hook.f.
- Taraxacum zealandicum Dahlst.
- Taxaceae Gray
- Taxodiaceae Saporta
- Taxus baccata L.
- Taxus L.
- Tecomaria (Endl.) Spague
- Tecomaria capensis (Thunb.) Spach
- Teline linifolia (L.) Webb & Berthel.
- Teline Medik.
- Teline monspessulana (L.) K.Koch
- Teline stenopetala (Webb & Berthel.) Webb & Berthel.
- Teline stenopetala var. spachiana (Webb) del Arco
- Tetragonolobus purpureus Moench
- Tetrapanax (K.Koch) K.Koch
- Tetrapanax papyrifer (Hook.) K.Koch
- Teucrium hircanicum L.
- Teucrium L.
- Teucrium scorodonia L.
- Thlaspi arvense L.
- Thlaspi L.
- Thymelaeaceae
- Thymus L.
- Thymus pulegioides L.
- Thymus vulgaris L.
- Tibouchina Aubl.
- Tibouchina organensis Cogn.
- Tibouchina semidecandra (Mart. & Schrank ex DC.) Cogn.
- Tibouchina semidecandra sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Tibouchina urvilleana (DC.) Cogn.
- Tiliaceae
- Tillaea helmsii Kirk
- Tillaea kirkii Allan
- Tillaea L.
- Tillaea moschata (G.Forst.) DC.
- Tillaea purpurata Hook.f.
- Tillaea trichotoma (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Walp.
- Tolpis Adans.
- Tolpis barbata (L.) Gaertn.
- Tolpis umbellata Bertol.
- Torilis Adans.
- Torilis arvensis (Huds.) Link
- Torilis japonica (Houtt.) DC.
- Torilis nodosa (L.) Gaertn.
- Toronia L.A.S.Johnson & B.G.Briggs
- Toronia toru (A.Cunn.) L.A.S.Johnson & B.G.Briggs
- Trachelium caeruleum L.
- Trachelium L.
- Tragopogon dubius Scop.
- Tragopogon L.
- Tragopogon porrifolius L.
- Tragopogon pratensis L.
- Traversia baccharoides Hook.f.
- Traversia Hook.f.
- Trifolium agrarium L.
- Trifolium angustifolium L.
- Trifolium arvense L.
- Trifolium aureum Pollich
- Trifolium campestre Schreb.
- Trifolium cernuum Brot.
- Trifolium dubium Sibth.
- Trifolium fragiferum L.
- Trifolium glomeratum L.
- Trifolium hirtum All.
- Trifolium hybridum L.
- Trifolium incarnatum L.
- Trifolium L.
- Trifolium medium L.
- Trifolium micranthum Viv.
- Trifolium ochroleucon Huds.
- Trifolium ornithopodioides L.
- Trifolium pratense L.
- Trifolium repens L.
- Trifolium resupinatum L.
- Trifolium retusum L.
- Trifolium scabrum L.
- Trifolium squamosum L.
- Trifolium striatum L.
- Trifolium subterraneum L.
- Trifolium suffocatum L.
- Trifolium tomentosum L.
- Tripleurospermum inodorum Sch.Bip.
- Tripleurospermum maritimum (L.) W.D.J.Koch
- Tripleurospermum Sch.Bip.
- Tropaeolaceae
- Tropaeolum L.
- Tropaeolum majus L.
- Tropaeolum pentaphyllum Lam.
- Tropaeolum speciosum Poepp. & Endl.
- Tunica prolifera (L.) Scop.
- Tussilago farfara L.
- Tussilago L.
- Ugni molinae Turcz.
- Ugni Turcz.
- Ulex europaeus L.
- Ulex L.
- Ulex minor Roth
- Ulmaceae
- Ulmus ×hollandica Mill.
- Ulmus L.
- Urtica aspera Petrie
- Urtica aucklandica Hook.f.
- Urtica australis Hook.f.
- Urtica dioica L.
- Urtica dioica L. subsp. dioica
- Urtica dioica subsp. gracilis (Aiton) Selander
- Urtica ferox G.Forst.
- Urtica incisa Poir.
- Urtica L.
- Urtica linearifolia (Hook.f.) Cockayne
- Urtica urens L.
- Urticaceae
- Utricularia australis R.Br.
- Utricularia biflora Lam.
- Utricularia colensoi Hook.f.
- Utricularia L.
- Utricularia monanthos Hook.f.
- Utricularia novae-zelandiae Hook.f.
- Utricularia subsimilis Colenso
- Utricularia vulcanica Colenso
- Vaccaria hispanica (Mill.) Rauschert
- Vaccaria parviflora Moench
- Vaccaria pyramidata Medik.
- Vaccaria Wolf
- Valerianaceae
- Valerianella carinata Loisel.
- Valerianella locusta (L.) Laterr.
- Valerianella Mill.
- Valerianella olitoria (L.) Pollich
- Vellereophyton dealbatum (Thunb.) Hilliard & B.L.Burtt
- Vellereophyton Hilliard & B.L.Burtt
- Verbascum blattaria L.
- Verbascum creticum (L.) Cav.
- Verbascum L.
- Verbascum thapsus L.
- Verbascum virgatum Stokes
- Verbena bonariensis L.
- Verbena brasiliensis Vell.
- Verbena L.
- Verbena litoralis Kunth
- Verbena officinalis L.
- Verbena rigida Spreng.
- Verbenaceae
- Veronica agrestis L.
- Veronica americana Schwein. ex Benth.
- Veronica anagallis Tate
- Veronica anagallis-aquatica L.
- Veronica arvensis L.
- Veronica buchananii Hook.f.
- Veronica catenata Pennell
- Veronica chamaedrys L.
- Veronica filiformis Sm.
- Veronica hederifolia L.
- Veronica L.
- Veronica persica Poir.
- Veronica plebeia R.Br.
- Veronica polita Fr.
- Veronica scutellata L.
- Veronica serpyllifolia L.
- Veronica tournefortii C.C.Gmel.
- Veronica triphyllos L.
- Veronica verna L.
- Viburnum L.
- Viburnum tinus L.
- Vicia angustifolia L.
- Vicia cracca L.
- Vicia dasycarpa Ten.
- Vicia disperma DC.
- Vicia faba L.
- Vicia hirsuta (L.) Gray
- Vicia L.
- Vicia lathyroides L.
- Vicia lutea L.
- Vicia sativa L.
- Vicia sativa L. subsp. sativa
- Vicia sativa L. var. sativa
- Vicia sativa subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh.
- Vicia sativa var. angustifolia L.
- Vicia tetrasperma (L.) Schreb.
- Vicia villosa Roth
- Vicia villosa subsp. varia (Host) Corb.
- Vinca L.
- Vinca major L.
- Vinca minor L.
- Viola ×wittrockiana Gams ex Nauenburg & Buttler
- Viola arvensis Murray
- Viola arvensis Murray var. arvensis
- Viola cunninghamii Hook.f.
- Viola filicaulis Hook.f.
- Viola hederacea Labill.
- Viola hederacea Labill. subsp. hederacea
- Viola L.
- Viola lyallii Hook.f.
- Viola odorata L.
- Viola riviniana Rchb.
- Viola tricolor L.
- Viola tricolor var. hortensis sensu New Zealand authors
- Violaceae
- Vitaceae
- Vitis L.
- Vitis vinifera L.
- Vittadinia A.Rich.
- Vittadinia australis A.Rich.
- Vittadinia australis var. dissecta Benth.
- Vittadinia australis var. erecta Kirk
- Vittadinia australis var. linearis Domin
- Vittadinia cuneata DC.
- Vittadinia dissecta (Benth.) N.T.Burb.
- Vittadinia gracilis (Hook.f.) N.T.Burb.
- Vittadinia muelleri N.T.Burb.
- Vittadinia triloba (Gaudich.) DC.
- Vittadinia triloba var. lanuginosa J.M.Black
- Wisteria Nutt.
- Wisteria sinensis (Sims) DC.
- Xanthium californicum Greene
- Xanthium cavanillesii Schouw
- Xanthium chinense Mill.
- Xanthium italicum Moretti
- Xanthium L.
- Xanthium occidentale Bertol.
- Xanthium orientale L.
- Xanthium pungens Wallr.
- Xanthium sibiricum Patrin ex Widder
- Xanthium spinosum L.
- Xanthium strumarium L.
- Zygophyllaceae
2 April 2019