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Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.

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Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn., Fruct. Sem. Pl. 166 (1788)
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.

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Glabrous trees. Lvs opposite or nearly so, usually with many glandular dots. Infl. a terminal, much-branched, many-flowered panicle. Fls usually 2-3 in axes of each peduncle. Hypanthium produced beyond ovary; calyx lobes very short. Petals 4-5, very small, usually united to form lid or operculum, sometimes free, caducous. Stamens numerous, in more than 1 whorl, free, irregular in length, the outer short and not greatly incurved in bud, at least the inner > petals; anthers apically dehiscent (poricidal or by a short slit), versatile; lobes divergent. Ovary 2-3-celled, with few ovules; style very short. Fr. baccate, globose or nearly so; seed 1.

Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.

Usually trees, sometimes shrubs, nearly always glabrous. Lvs opposite, often glandular. Infl. usually terminal, cymose or paniculate, sometimes fls solitary, sometimes cauliflorous; bracteoles mainly inconspicuous and fugaceous; pseudopedicel mostly present. Hypanthium obovoid-clavate, turbinate, obconic or campanulate, sometimes produced beyond ovary; calyx lobes 4-5, often inconspicuous. Petals 4-5, often forming a calyptrum, generally caducous. Stamens numerous, in several to many whorls, free, > petals, much incurved in bud; anthers variable; anther sacs usually parallel. Ovary 2-(3)-celled, with tissue often spongy; ovules few to many; style often long and exserted. Fr. baccate, globular to subcylindric, ellipsoid, obovoid, 1-2-seeded.

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Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Cleistocalyx Blume
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Cleistocalyx Blume
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Jambosa DC.
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Piliocalyx Brongn. & Gris
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Syzygium Gaertn.
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Syzygium Gaertn.
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Syzygium Gaertn.
Waterhousea B.Hyland
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.

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Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Cook Islands
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Cook Islands
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
French Polynesia
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Micronesia, Federated States Of
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
New Caledonia
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
United Kingdom
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.
United States
Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
8 May 2015
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