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Papaver atlanticum (Ball) Coss.

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Papaver atlanticum (Ball) Coss.
Papaver atlanticum (Ball) Coss.

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New Zealand
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(Ball) Coss.
Papaver atlanticum

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Papaver atlanticum (Ball) Coss.

Perennial herb; rosette densely leafy from stout rootstock covered with bases of old lvs; stems erect, to 60 cm tall, with spreading hairs below. Lvs glaucous or dull green, petiolate, the lower (8)-15-35 × (1)-2-4 cm, the upper smaller. Lamina oblanceolate, cuneate at base, pinnatifid, bluntly toothed, hispid. Pedicels 20-50 cm long, with appressed hairs above. Sepals hispid, c. 15 × 10 mm. Petals orange, without dark blotch, 3-4 × 3-4 cm. Capsule broadly clavate, widest in upper ⅓, slightly ribbed, glabrous, 20-30 × 5-10 mm; stigmatic disc = width of capsule, flat; rays 6-7.

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Papaver atlanticum (Ball) Coss.
Papaver atlanticum (Ball) Coss.

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Papaver atlanticum (Ball) Coss.
New Zealand
Papaver atlanticum (Ball) Coss.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Papaver atlanticum (Ball) Coss.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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