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Mentha australis R.Br.

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Mentha australis R.Br.
Mentha australis R.Br.

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New Zealand
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Mentha australis R.Br.
Mentha australis

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Mentha australis R.Br.

Rhizomatous perennial with stems to c. 30 cm tall; stem angles scabrid. Lvs shortly petiolate; lamina 2.5-4.5 × 0.5-1 cm, usually lanceolate, sometimes ovate-lanceolate, not rugose, distantly serrulate or nearly entire, nearly glabrous above, dotted with glands and mainly hairy on the veins below; base cuneate; apex acute. Verticels all axillary, densely puberulent; fls few to many, subsessile. Calyx 6-7 mm long, ± tubular, hairy outside, with some glandular scales; teeth subequal, aristate, < tube. Corolla 8-9 mm long, white, probably sometimes pale mauve; tube scarcely exserted from calyx, hairy inside. Stamens c. = corolla. Nutlets not seen.

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Mentha australis R.Br.
Mentha australis R.Br.

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Mentha australis R.Br.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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