Senecio marotiri C.J.Webb

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Senecio marotiri C.J.Webb, New Zealand J. Bot. 26: 482-484 (1988)
Senecio marotiri C.J.Webb
Senecio marotiri C.J.Webb
Senecio marotiri
Senecio marotiri C.J.Webb
2n = 80
2n = 80
2n = 80
Senecio marotiri C.J.Webb
Erect annual herb, (0.1)-0.2-0.5 m tall, usually branched only above to form inflorescence. Leaves hairy when young, becoming sparsely hairy or almost glabrous; lowermost leaves elliptic, longcuneate and apetiolate, serrate with 3-7 teeth on each side; mid cauline leaves oblanceolate to linearoblong, remotely dentate, (50)-60-120 × 4-15 mm; uppermost leaves smaller, lanceolate, amplexicaul, entire or few-toothed. Bracts subtending involucre 9-12, linear-lanceolate, 1.5-3 mm long. Involucre cylindric; involucral bracts 10-13, linear, (6)-7-8 mm long. Ray florets 8-11; ligules yellow, 1-2 mm long. Disc yellow, c. 4-5 mm diameter. Achenes subcylindric, slightly narrowed to apex, densely hairy only between ribs, 2.8-3.2 mm long.
Herba annua, erecta. Folia infima elliptica, longi-cuneata, serrata; folia medicaulina oblanceolata vel linearioblonga, remote dentata; folia summa lanceolata, amplexicaulia integra vel pauci-dentata. Bracteae supplementariae 9-12, lineari-lanceolatae. Involucri bracteae 10-13, (6.5)-7.0-8.0 mm longae. Ligulae 8-11, 1.5-2.0 mm longae. A S. lauto bracteis longioribus, radiis brevioribus, folii formaque differt; a S. carnuloso habitu erecto, involucre angusto, folii formaque differt.
Senecio marotiri C.J.Webb
Erect annual herb. Lvs hairy when young, becoming sparsely hairy or almost glabrous; lowermost lvs elliptic, long-cuneate, serrate with 3-7 teeth on each side; mid cauline lvs oblanceolate to linear-oblong, remotely dentate, (50)-60-120 × 4-15 mm; uppermost lvs smaller, lanceolate, amplexicaul, entire or few-toothed. Supplementary bracts 9-12, 1.5-3 mm long. Involucral bracts 10-13, glabrous, (6)-7-8 mm long. Ray florets 8-11; ligules yellow, 1-2 mm long. Disc yellow, c. 4-5 mm diam. Achenes densely hairy only between ribs, slightly narrowed to apex, 2.8-3.2 mm long.
Taxonomic concepts
Senecio marotiri C.J.Webb
Senecio marotiri C.J.Webb
Senecio marotiri C.J.Webb
Senecio marotiri C.J.Webb
Senecio marotiri C.J.Webb
Senecio marotiri C.J.Webb
Senecio marotiri C.J.Webb
Senecio marotiri C.J.Webb
Senecio marotiri C.J.Webb
Senecio marotiri C.J.Webb
Senecio marotiri C.J.Webb
The epithet marotiri refers to the place name Marotiri [Marotere] Islands, also known as the Chickens group.
scientific name
1 January 2000
19 October 2005