Pinus ponderosa P.Lawson & C.Lawson

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Pinus ponderosa P.Lawson & C.Lawson (1836)
Pinus ponderosa P.Lawson & C.Lawson
P.Lawson & C.Lawson
P.Lawson & C.Lawson
Pinus ponderosa P.Lawson & C.Lawson
Pinus ponderosa
Vernacular names
Pinus ponderosa P.Lawson & C.Lawson
Medium-sized to large, open tree (over 30 m high in cultivation). Bark thick, fissured, reddish brown beneath. Shoots brown or brownish green, glabrous, shining. Buds ovoid or cylindric-ovoid, sometimes large, slightly resinous; scales fimbriate, often dark, free towards apex. Foliage in dense terminal clusters in mature trees, dull green. Lvs 3-(4) per fascicle, 10-23-(27) cm × 1.3-1.6-(2) mm, rigid; resin canals median; sheaths prominent, > 2 cm long when young, 5-20 mm long around older lf bases. ♂ strobili mostly 1.5-2 cm long, broad-cylindric. Conelets sessile; scales aristate. Mature open cones sessile, ± pendent, 6-14-(18) × 5-10 cm, ovoid-oblong before dehiscence, symmetric, shining brown, deciduous and dehiscent at or soon after maturity but leaving basal scales; apophyses flattened or slightly concave; umbo with prickle deflexed at maturity. Seed wing 1.5-2.5 cm long, large, broad, asymmetric.
Taxonomic concepts
Pinus ponderosa P.Lawson & C.Lawson
Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex C.Lawson
Pinus ponderosa P.Lawson & C.Lawson
Pinus ponderosa P.Lawson & C.Lawson
Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex C.Lawson
Pinus ponderosa P.Lawson & C.Lawson
Pinus ponderosa P.Lawson & C.Lawson
Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex C.Lawson
Pinus ponderosa P.Lawson & C.Lawson
Pinus ponderosa P.Lawson & C.Lawson
Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex C.Lawson
scientific name
1 January 2000
11 July 2016