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Gnaphalium polylepis (D.G.Drury) C.J.Webb

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(D.G.Drury) C.J.Webb
Gnaphalium polylepis

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Gnaphalium polylepis (D.G.Drury) C.J.Webb

Stoloniferous perennial; stems 1-2, ascending, simple, 1-6 cm tall. Lvs mostly basal; basal lvs cuneate to short petiole, densely white-tomentose on lower surface except mid-vein, usually glabrous or almost glabrous, sometimes sparsely tomentose on upper, usually plane, rarely folded, elliptic to narrow-obovate, obtuse to acute, usually mucronate, 5-15-(30) × (1)-2-4-(5) mm; cauline lvs 1-3-(5), scalelike, scarcely reduced upwards, ovate-triangular, amplexicaul. Capitula 1-2 mm diam., solitary; subtending lvs 0; scape amongst lvs at flowering, filiform and exceeding lvs at fruiting. Involucral bracts elliptic-oblong, obtuse, 3.2-4-(4.5) mm long; stereome green, often tinged reddish purple at apex; lamina pale to mid brown, with darker markings at base; gap and margins clear or tinged reddish purple. Achenes sparsely papillate, 0.7-1 mm long.

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Gnaphalium polylepis (D.G.Drury) C.J.Webb
Gnaphalium polylepis (D.G.Drury) C.J.Webb
Gnaphalium polylepis (D.G.Drury) C.J.Webb
Gnaphalium polylepis (D.G.Drury) C.J.Webb
Gnaphalium polylepis (D.G.Drury) C.J.Webb
Gnaphalium polylepis (D.G.Drury) C.J.Webb

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scientific name
1 January 2000
6 April 2004
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