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Euphrasia nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr.

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Euphrasia nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr.
Euphrasia nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr.

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New Zealand
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(Pers.) Wallr.
Euphrasia nemorosa

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Euphrasia nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr.

Erect, rather bushy, many-branched annual herb to c. 15 cm tall; stems single. Stem and branches covered with retrorse, curly hairs; lower internodes usually much > lvs. Lvs subsessile, to c. 5 × 3 mm, ovate, broadly triangular, broad-ovate or oblong, glabrous or nearly so, lobed or deeply crenate-serrate, minutely ciliolate; teeth of lobes ± obtuse, or in upper lvs and bracts acute to acuminate. Fls in axils of middle and upper lvs. Pedicels c. 0.5 mm long. Calyx 4-6 mm long; lobes = or almost = tube, narrow-triangular or lanceolate, acute or acuminate, ribbed, ciliolate, accrescent. Corolla 6-7.5 mm long; tube and throat of limb yellow; lobes mauve or whitish with dark veins, hairy outside; lower lip > upper lip; middle lobe of lower lip > lateral lobes, oblong, strongly emarginate. Anthers brown; margins pilose; awns very unequal. Capsule c. = calyx, 3.5-6.5 mm long, oblong, ± hairy above, ciliate; apex rounded, truncate to somewhat retuse. Seed 1.2-1.6 mm long, narrowly ellipsoid-oblong, ribbed.

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Euphrasia nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr.
Euphrasia nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr.

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Euphrasia nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr.
Czech Republic
Euphrasia nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr.
Euphrasia nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr.
New Zealand
Euphrasia nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr.
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Euphrasia nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Euphrasia nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Euphrasia nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Euphrasia nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr.
Euphrasia nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr.
United Kingdom

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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