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Plantago major L.

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Plantago major L.
Plantago major

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Plantago major L.

Hairy or occasionally glabrous short-lived perennial herb with stout caudex and many large adventitious roots, occasionally with persistent, well-developed primary roots. Lvs all radical, rosulate; petiole 1-20-(30) cm long, broadened at base, channelled. Lamina to 21 × 16 cm, ovate to suborbicular (somewhat narrower in small-leaved plants), generally puberulent, at least on the main veins beneath, sometimes glabrate or glabrous, entire or remotely dentate; main veins 5-7; base truncate to cordate in more typical large-leaved plants but often cuneate to attenuate in smaller, and especially narrower-leaved forms; apex rounded to obtuse. Scapes c. 5-80 cm long, not ribbed, generally hairy, at least towards base, sometimes glabrous or nearly so. Spikes dense, 1.5- c. 30 cm long, narrow-cylindric. Bracts ovate, > calyx, herbaceous and keeled, glabrous, sometimes with membranous margin. Sepals 1.5-2.1 mm long, broad-ovate; keel green and herbaceous, otherwise sepal scarious. Corolla tube = or slightly < calyx; lobes 1-1.3 mm long, ovate to elliptic-ovate, reflexing. Stamens glabrous, long-exserted. Style long-exserted, puberulent. Capsule usually 2.5-4 mm long, broad-ellipsoid, 6-16-seeded. Seeds 1-1.8 mm long, slightly trigonous but also rather irregular, rugose, dark red, brown, dark brown or black.

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Plantago major L.
Plantago major L.
Plantago major L.

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Plantago major L.
[Not available]
Plantago major L.
Plantago major L.
Plantago major L.
Cook Islands
Plantago major L.
Cook Islands
Plantago major L.
Plantago major L.
French Polynesia
Plantago major L.
New Zealand
Plantago major L.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Plantago major L.
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Plantago major L.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Plantago major L.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Plantago major L.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Plantago major L.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Plantago major L.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Plantago major L.
New Zealand
Westland Land District
Plantago major L.
Plantago major L.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
21 November 2013
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