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Senecio hauwai Sykes

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Threat status: Endangered
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Senecio hauwai Sykes, New Zealand J. Bot. 25: 611-613 (1987)
Senecio hauwai Sykes

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New Zealand
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Senecio hauwai Sykes
Senecio hauwai
The epithet hauwai refers to the geographic location where the plant was first found.

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Senecio hauwai Sykes

Semi-prostrate or sprawling, occasionally suberect, much-branched, often dense, perennial herb. Stems woody towards base, up to c. 25 cm long and to c. 1 cm diameter, with scattered simple, ± curled hairs, especially when young. Petiole very short, usually <5 mm long. Leaves pinnate (except basal ones), 10-55 × 4-15 mm, ± oblong in outline, semisucculent, generally pubescent with straight and curled hairs, these often dense on rachis below, sometimes leaf glabrous or glabrate; leaflets (7)-9—11, well-spaced along the broad rachis, opposite or subopposite in 4-5 pairs, each from <0.5 mm to 7 mm long, narrow-oblong to ± obovate, with 0-5 usually obtuse or rounded, occasionally acute, lobes or teeth. Inflorescence from <1 to c. 4 cm high, erect, simple or with 1—3—(7) branches, with hairs as on non-flowering stems; capitula terminal, 5-8 mm diameter, broad-oblong. Stem bracts 2-5,2-5 mm long, linear-lanceolate, glabrate or somewhat puberulent, with hairs as on stems, especially near margins. Supplementary bracts 3-7,2-3 mm long, linear-lanceolate. Florets hermaphrodite; disc pale yellow; rays 0. Phyllaries (11)—13,4-6 mm long, oblong-lanceolate, glabrous or nearly so; margin hyaline; apex obtuse; tip dark. Pappus hairs minutely plumose. Corolla infundibuliform. Anthers 1-1.5 mm long. Achenes 2.5-3.4 mm long, cylindric, scabridulous in grooves; ribs 8-10, brown, broad. Fl Nov.-Mar. 2n = 60 (E. J. Beuzenberg pers. comm.).
Herbaperennis, semiprostrata usque erecta, foliispinnatis semisucculentibus, in ambitu ± oblongis, foliolis dissitis secus rhachim latam dispositis. A S. colensoi diagnoscenda filicina foliorum dissectione, inflorescentia &lt;4 cm alta et simplici vel 2-3-ramosa, capitulis 3-7 bracteis supplementariis basim ornatis, floribus radii nullis (inS. colensoi panicula5-12 cm alta, capitulis 9-16 bracteis supplementariis ornatis, floribus radii conspicue aureis).

Senecio hauwai Sykes

Prostrate to ascending, perennial herb, becoming distinctly woody toward base. Lvs glabrous or sparsely hairy, especially when young, apetiolate and cuneate, usually elliptic-oblong, sometimes oblanceolate, deeply pinnatifid to 1-pinnate, (12)-15-30 × 5-12 mm; segments narrow-oblong, usually few-toothed, sometimes entire, (3)-5-(6) on each side. Uppermost lvs smaller, usually less divided. Supplementary bracts 3-5-(7), 2-3 mm long. Involucral bracts 11-13, glabrous or sparsely hairy, 4-5 mm long. Ray florets 0. Disc pale yellow, 5-9 mm diam. Achenes with scattered hairs in narrow grooves between broad ribs, slightly narrowed to apex, 2.8-3.4 mm long.

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Senecio hauwai Sykes
Senecio hauwai Sykes
Senecio hauwai Sykes
Senecio hauwai Sykes
Senecio hauwai Sykes
Senecio hauwai Sykes
Senecio hauwai Sykes
Senecio hauwai Sykes
Senecio hauwai Sykes
Senecio hauwai Sykes
Senecio hauwai Sykes
Senecio hauwai Sykes
Senecio hauwai Sykes
Senecio hauwai Sykes
Senecio hauwai Sykes
Senecio hauwai Sykes
Senecio hauwai Sykes
Senecio hauwai Sykes
Senecio hauwai Sykes

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Senecio hauwai Sykes
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Senecio hauwai Sykes
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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The epithet hauwai refers to the geographic location where the plant was first found.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
19 June 2006
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