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Salix purpurea L.

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Salix purpurea L., Sp. Pl. 1017 (1753)
Salix purpurea L.

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New Zealand
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Salix purpurea L.
Salix purpurea
Neotype (chosen by B. Jonsell and C.E. Jarvis, Nordic J. Bot. 14: 152, 1994): Sweden, Skane, Solberga parish, Torsjo, 200 m NE of the ruin, margin of pond, remaining from cultivation at least since 1967, 18 June 1993, Thomas Karlsson, LD 1633739, image seen.

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Salix purpurea L.

Shrub or small tree to 4-(8) m high with rather smooth trunk; habit rather erect. Shoots slender, greenish or grey-green, sometimes reddish or purplish above when young, glabrous, flexible. Buds glabrous, dark. Lvs mainly alternate, opposite towards shoot apices; petiole usually < 5 mm long. Lamina 2.5-11 × 0.5-2 cm, linear, linear-lanceolate, or oblanceolate, glaucous or glaucescent, especially below, glabrous or sometimes hairy when very young, bitter to taste, finely serrulate or subentire; apex acute. Stipules 0. Catkins usually ♀, rarely ♂, appearing before lvs, erect, narrow-cylindric; rachis villous. ? catkins 1.5-3 cm long. Bracts 0.6-2 mm long, oblong to obovate, black in upper 1/2-3/4, with silky hairs; apex obtuse to rounded. Gland 1, 0.3-0.6 mm long, oblong or ovate-oblong. Stamens 2, but completely fused and appearing as 1; filaments hairy; anthers purplish. ♀ catkins 2-4 cm long, otherwise similar to ♂. Ovary white-sericeous, sessile.

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New Zealand
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Salix purpurea L.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Salix purpurea L.
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Salix purpurea L.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Salix purpurea L.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Salix purpurea L.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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Neotype (chosen by B. Jonsell and C.E. Jarvis, Nordic J. Bot. 14: 152, 1994): Sweden, Skane, Solberga parish, Torsjo, 200 m NE of the ruin, margin of pond, remaining from cultivation at least since 1967, 18 June 1993, Thomas Karlsson, LD 1633739, image seen.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
6 September 2021
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