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Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm.

Scientific name record
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Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm.
Cotoneaster lacteus
Type: China, Yunnan, descendent to the Yangtze from the eastern boundary of Lijiang Valley, July 1913, G. Forrest 10419 (holotype E 10966, image seen. Isotypes BM, K).

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Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm.

Spreading, evergreen shrub usually 1.5-3 m high (to c. 4 m in cultivation); stems often arching; young shoots buff-tomentose, later becoming glabrous and dark purplish. Lvs spaced along stems of long shoots but often clustered on short shoots; petiole 3-10 mm long; blade elliptic to obovate, (25)-30-80 × (12)-15-43 mm, coriaceous, mucronate or mucronulate, cuneate at base, slightly shining and with deeply impressed veins giving a rugose appearance above, greyish or whitish tomentose beneath, often becoming greyish green at maturity but hairs mostly persistent; margins usually somewhat revolute; stipules linear-lanceolate, white-floccose. Fls (10)-20-80, in flattish corymbs distributed along upper part of branches; peduncles < diam. of corymbs, tomentose, brownish purple beneath. Sepals 1-1.5 mm long, triangular, pale tomentose, acuminate. Petals ± patent, 2-3 mm diam., ± orbicular, white. Fr. broadly turbinate or subglobose, 5-8 mm diam., glossy orange-red or scarlet-red.

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Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm.
Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm.
Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm.
Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm.
Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm.
Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm.
Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm.
Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm.
Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm.
Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm.
Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm.
Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm.
Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm.

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Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Cotoneaster lacteus W.W.Sm.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District

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Type: China, Yunnan, descendent to the Yangtze from the eastern boundary of Lijiang Valley, July 1913, G. Forrest 10419 (holotype E 10966, image seen. Isotypes BM, K).

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scientific name
1 January 2000
19 September 2017
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