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Sambucus pubens Michx.

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Sambucus pubens Michx.
Sambucus pubens

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Sambucus pubens Michx.

Large shrub to c. 2 m high. Stems with brown pith, hairy when young. Leaflets 3-5. Petiole 4-6 cm long, hairy when young. Petiolules of terminal leaflets to 2 cm long, those of lateral ones very short or 0. Lamina of terminal leaflet 6-9 × 2.5-5 cm, ovate or broad-ovate, hairy beneath at first, later with scattered hairs on veins only, hairy above on midrib, strongly serrate, ciliate; apex acuminate. Lamina of lateral leaflets smaller than, or subequal to, terminal one. Infl. a panicle to 7 cm across, broadly pyramidal; lower branches slightly recurved; peduncles and pedicels puberulous, probably coloured at fruiting. Calyx minute. Corolla cream or greenish white; lobes 2-2.5 mm long, oblong-elliptic. Stamens < corolla. Frs c. 5 mm diam., red, probably globose. Pyrenes c. 2 mm long, ± ellipsoid, rugose.

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Sambucus pubens Michx.
Sambucus pubens Michx.
Sambucus pubens Michx.
Sambucus pubens Michx.
Sambucus pubens Michx.

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Sambucus pubens Michx.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Sambucus pubens Michx.
New Zealand
Otago Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
25 June 2015
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