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Rosa micrantha Sm.

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Rosa micrantha Sm.
Rosa micrantha Sm.

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New Zealand
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Rosa micrantha Sm.
Rosa micrantha

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Rosa micrantha Sm.

Deciduous, rather spreading, ± dense shrub 1-2.5 m high, often with suckers; stems often rather arching, especially on young plants, glabrous or nearly so; armature of numerous, mostly rather uniform, flattened, moderately to strongly falcate prickles, with acicles only on petioles and lf rachises. Lvs with 2-3 pairs of leaflets; petiole 15-25 mm long, with few to many glandular hairs; stipules completely adnate, entire except for numerous dark red marginal glandular hairs, otherwise stipules glabrous. Lamina of leaflets 10-25-(35) × 7-17-(27) mm, broadly elliptic to suborbicular, dull green and glabrous above, with fairly numerous very short glandular hairs beneath and often with eglandular hairs on midrib and lower part of veins; margins 1-2-serrate, with glandular hairs; base rounded; apex obtuse or subacute. Fls 1-5-(7), single, 25-30-(40) mm diam.; pedicels with many hispid glands. Sepals ± deciduous, lanceolate to ovate, long-acuminate, tomentose inside, with glandular hairs outside and on margins, sometimes puberulent, especially towards margins; outer sepals pinnatisect with a few linear lobes. Petals c. 12-15-(20) mm long, obovate, pink in bud, pale pink or whitish at anthesis. Styles free, shortly exserted, glabrous or glabrate. Fr. 9-18 mm long, broadly ellipsoid or ovoid-ellipsoid, glabrous except for a few glandular hairs at base, red.

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Rosa micrantha Sm.
New Zealand
Otago Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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