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Melianthus major L.

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Melianthus major L.
Melianthus major L.

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New Zealand
Political Region

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Melianthus major L.
Melianthus major

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Melianthus major L.

Shrub to c. 2 m high with stout, soft-wooded, hollow stems and suckering root system. Lvs to 50-(100) cm long, glaucous below. Stipules fused and sheathing, 7-15 cm long, ovate, cuspidate. Rachis winged. Leaflets 11-21, sessile, 8-15 × 3.5-7.5 cm, gradually tapering towards apex, ± folded, regularly and deeply serrate with teeth c. 1 cm long; basal pair smaller. Racemes dense, to c. 40 cm long, puberulent. Pedicels 1-2.5 cm long, dark red, with short glandular hairs. Bracts ovate or narrow-ovate, to 4 cm long, reddish brown, short-acuminate. Fls foetid, dark reddish brown. Anterior calyx segment much < others, gibbous, with short glandular hairs. Posterior calyx segments 2-3 cm long, ovate, with short glandular hairs. Petals much < calyx. Stamens c. 2 cm long. Style 1.5-2 cm long. Capsule 2.5-5 cm long, papery, acutely angled. Seeds 5-6 mm long, ± broad-ellipsoid, keeled, shining black.

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Melianthus major L.
Melianthus major L.
Melianthus major L.
Melianthus major L.
Melianthus major L.
Melianthus major L.
Melianthus major L.
Melianthus major L.
Melianthus major L.
Melianthus major L.
Melianthus major L.

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Melianthus major L.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Melianthus major L.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Melianthus major L.
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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