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Rosa canina L.

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Rosa canina L.
Rosa canina L.

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New Zealand
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Rosa canina L.
Rosa canina

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Rosa canina L.

Deciduous, ± spreading and sometimes semi-scrambling shrub to 3.5 m high, often with suckers; stems usually suberect to spreading, arching in young plants, glabrous; armature of uniform, scattered to moderately abundant, flattened and slightly curved prickles; acicles 0. Lvs with 2-3-(4) pairs of leaflets; petiole usually 15-35-(40) mm long, glabrous or sometimes with sparse glandular hairs; stipules adnate for most of length, glabrous, the denticulate teeth black-tipped. Lamina of leaflets (15)-18-40-(50) × 8-27-(30) mm, elliptic, broad-elliptic, or ovate-elliptic, dull green and glabrous above, sometimes with a few hairs near base, usually glabrous beneath, sometimes hairy, especially on veins and midrib; margins sharply serrate with short acuminate teeth; base rounded; apex acute or subacute, sometimes rounded or shortly acuminate. Fls 1-4-(5), single, 30-55 mm diam.; pedicels glabrous, rarely with scattered glandular hairs. Sepals deciduous, lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, long-acuminate, sometimes with an expanded apex, puberulent to tomentose inside, usually glabrous outside, rarely with scattered short glandular hairs; outer sepals with a few long linear lobes. Petals 13-23-(28) mm long, obovate, usually white, rarely pale pink, usually with yellowish base when young. Styles free, usually shortly exserted, sometimes well-exserted, glabrous or hairy. Fr. 12-23 mm diam., ± globose to ellipsoid, glabrous, orange-red or red.

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Rosa canina L.
Rosa canina L.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Rosa canina L.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Rosa canina L.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Rosa canina L.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Rosa canina L.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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