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Aphanes australiana (Rothm.) Rothm.

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Aphanes australiana (Rothm.) Rothm.
Aphanes australiana (Rothm.) Rothm.

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New Zealand
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(Rothm.) Rothm.
Aphanes australiana

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Aphanes australiana (Rothm.) Rothm.

Very small, pilose, yellowish green herb, branched near base, 8-20-(30) mm high, ± decumbent to erect, sometimes almost stemless; stems slender, sparsely pilose; internodes visible or sometimes compacted and hidden by stipules and lvs. Lvs cauline, often much-reduced above; petiole 1-2 mm long and winged; blade up to 5 × 2-5 mm, 3-partite with each segment narrowly flabellate and deeply divided into 1-3, oblong, subacute lobes, with scattered hairs on both surfaces; stipules prominent, 3-4 mm long, adnate to petiole, divided into several triangular to lanceolate lobes. Infl. axillary, of small cymes, ± sessile, just projecting above investing stipules; fls usually ± sessile. Fr. 1.6-2 mm long; hypanthium ± cylindric, slightly flattened, usually not narrowed, rarely slightly narrowed below lobes, reddish brown, ribbed, with very short hairs; calyx teeth 0.5-0.7 mm long, triangular, ± spreading, glabrous or almost glabrous except for long marginal hairs; epicalyx usually minute, sometimes 0.

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Aphanes australiana (Rothm.) Rothm.
Aphanes australiana (Rothm.) Rothm.

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Aphanes australiana (Rothm.) Rothm.
New Zealand
Aphanes australiana (Rothm.) Rothm.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Aphanes australiana (Rothm.) Rothm.
New Zealand
Otago Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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