Galloway, D. J. 1985: Flora of New Zealand: Lichens. Government Printer, Wellington.

Galloway, D. J. 1985: Flora of New Zealand: Lichens. Government Printer, Wellington.
Taxonomic concepts
Cladia sullivanii (Müll.Arg.) W.Martin
Cladonia cornutoradiata sensu auct. N.Z.
Lecidea pahiensis Zahlbr.
Melanotheca connivens (Stirt.) Zahlbr.
Physcia aipolia (Ehrh. ex Humb.) Fürnr.
Pseudocyphellaria fossulata (Dufour) Malme
Turgidosculum complicatulum (Nyl.) Kohlm. & E.Kohlm.
Thallus crustose, ± areolate, areolae sometimes raised at margins, appearing subsquamulose, without isidia or soredia, saxicolous. Photobiont green. Apothecia lecanorine, often punctiform, sunken at first, then sessile, flat, 1-6 per areola. Paraphyses swollen or moniliform at apices. Ascospores very minute, colourless, simple, subglobose to ellipsoid, more than 100 per ascus.
Thallus brownish-yellow, areolate, indeterminate, to 1 cm diam., areolae 0.3-1 mm diam., ± contiguous, separated by thin cracks, smooth, very firmly attached, cortex C-. Apothecia crowded, 3-6 per areola, 0.1-0.3 mm diam., rounded, obscure brownish, impressed. Ascospores narrowly ellipsoid, c. 200 per ascus, 3-6.5 × 1.7-1.9 µm.
Thallus areolate, thin, 0.4 mm thick, in effuse patches among other lichens, 1-2 cm diam., pale greyish. Apothecia in contiguous areolae, 0.4-0.7 mm diam., disc dark reddish-brown, gyrose, with a paler central columella of sterile tissue. Ascospores minute, 100-200 per ascus, 3.5-5 × 1.7 µm.
Thallus dull greenish-brown to red-brown, rather leathery, cracked into rather thick (0.2-0.5 mm) angular, areolae; areolae very irregular, centrally separated by deep cracks, rounded sublobulate at margins, ± convex, 0.5-1.2 mm diam., cortex C+ red. Apothecia very small, sunken, 2-3 per areola, 0.3-0.6 mm diam., disc red-brown, matt epruinose. Ascospores minute, ellipsoid to cylindrical, 100-200 per ascus, 3.5-5 × 1.5 µm.
Thallus bright yellowish-green, spreading irregularly, areolate-cracked, like a jig-saw puzzle, very closely attached, separated by narrow cracks, crustose to squamulose-areolate, areolae very variable, minute, to 3--4 mm diam., scattered to contiguous, plane, concave to convex, ± lobate at margins, terricolous or saxicolous. Apothecia to 1 mm diam., ± solitary, ± marginate and often with bands of sterile tissue centrally, disc yellowish or brownish, often pruinose. Ascospores 3-4 × 2-2.5 µm. Chemistry: Rhizocarpic acid.
Thallus crustose, ± undifferentiated. Photobiont green ? . Perithecia immersed or ± superficial. Asci bitunicate, cylindrical with a well developed apical dimple. Paraphyses persistent, rigid, ± netlike. Ascospores uniseriate, ellipsoid, 1-3-septate, thick-walled, with a warted epispore.
Thallus white, thin to effuse, cracked or ± continuous. Perithecia scattered to crowded, occasionally fused, hemispherical to subglobose very small, 0.25-0.5 mm diam., leaving shallow pits. Asci cylindrical, clavate, with a thick wall at tip, dimple at apex 4 µm diam., 150 × 12 µm. Ascospores irregularly uniseriate sometimes ± biseriate, ellipsoid, 1-septate, 12-16 × 5-7 µm, both cells equal, often with oil droplets.
Thallus thin, ± filmy, whitish, smooth, continuous or cracked, sometimes limited by a dark line of prothallus. Perithecia black, erupting through surface of bark rounded to irregular, carbonaceous, smooth and shining or roughened, naked or invested with thin film of cortex, 0.2-0.9 mm diam., compound, one to several brownish apical pores, nearly superficial, leaving very shallow pits. Asci cylindrical 200-240 × 12-18 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, 1-septate, 15-30 × 7-13 µm, upper cell larger, with a very complex dimple at the apex, 5-2 µm diam.
Thallus crustose, thin or lacking, to minutely squamulose, microphylline, scattered to ± contiguous, green to olivaceous or brownish, cortex pseudoparenchymatous. Photobiont green, . Perithecia emergent, black or brownish, scattered among squamules, spherical to subpyriform, matt or slightly shining, smooth, or slightly roughened, wall 3-layered, an outer pseudoparenchymatous pigmented zone merging into a similar non-pigmented zone on inner side of which a ± developed layer of conglutinate, unbranched hyphae projects downwards towards centre of perithecium. Paraphyses absent. Asci clavate, ellipsoid or ovoid, thin-walled, 2- or 8-spored. Ascospores colourless, muriform.
Thallus fruticose, erect, caespitose, decumbent, subpendent or pendent, branching variable. Branches ± terete, becoming compressed and angular to faveolate near the base and at branch axils, greenish-yellow to yellow in most species, fuscous black to black and pinkish below in , isidia, soralia and lateral spinules absent. Pseudocyphellae always present, abundant, conspicuous, fusiform, white, markedly raised, sometimes becoming sorediate and bearing spinules. Apothecia lateral, rare in some species, common in others (not known from New Zealand material), thalline exciple concolorous with thallus, persistent and often markedly incurved, not ciliate, disc dark brown or black. Asci clavate, thick-walled, 2-4-spored. Ascospores ellipsoid, with a distinct hyaline epispore, brown, simple. Pycnidia rare.
Thallus erect sometimes becoming decumbent, prostrate and straggling, but then erect at the base, 5-10 cm tall, branching irregular to subdichotomous. Branches terete, becoming compressed basally, slightly faveolate, to 1.5 mm diam., surface matt, rarely shining, pink to pale brown towards base, dark brown to black towards apices, sometimes dark brown to black throughout, lateral spinules, soralia and apothecia unknown in New Zealand material. Pseudocyphellae sparse to abundant, conspicuous on median and thicker branches, elongate, fusiform, white, to 0.8 mm long, plane, concave or subconvex. Chemistry: Cortex and medulla: K+ faint yellow, KC+ (fading fast), C+ rose red (fading fast), Pd+ yellow. Alectorialic acid [ Hawksworth Lichenologist 5: 225 (1972) ].
Thallus crustose, whitish or grey, usually hypophloeodal, sometimes epiphloeodal, usually corticolous. Photobiont green, -like. Ascomata perithecioid, immersed to erumpent, subglobose, usually dimidiate, peridium dark brown or black. Paraphyses trabeculate pseudoparaphyses, branched and anastomosing, scarcely septate, centrum not reacting with I. Asci arising from base of ascomatal locule, cylindrical or elongate-clavate, bitunicate, with an internal apical beak, non-amyloid, fissitunicate, usually 8-spored. Ascospores uniseriate to biseriate or irregular, ellipsoid, apices rounded or slightly attenuate, 1(-3)-septate, the single or first-formed septum towards the lower end of the spore in most species, almost central in others, usually somewhat constricted at septum, colourless, smooth-walled, lacking a conspicuous gelatinous sheath. Pycnidia commonly present, black, immersed. Conidia subglobose to narrowly ellipsoid, sometimes dimorphic, simple, colourless. Chemistry: usually -.
Thallus grey-white, decorticate-effuse, continuous, in irregular patches among other lichens on bark, 2-3 cm diam., delimited at margins by a thin, irregular, black line. Ascomata black, or veiled by a thin layer of cortical cells, 0.1-1.10 mm diam., round to irregular, plane to convex. Asci elongate-clavate, 75 × 23 µm. Pseudoparaphyses c. 1 µm thick, delicate, anastomosing. Ascospores biseriate, 1-septate, constricted at septum, almost equal-celled, thick-walled, smooth-walled, 40-56 × 17-22 µm.
Thallus spreading in irregular patches, 1-2 cm diam., effuse or lacking, olive-green to pale brownish-grey, rather varnish-like in parts, without a prothallus, corticolous. Pseudothecia simple, black, solitary, scattered, ± immersed at first, becoming subglobose, shining, epruinose, minute, 0.05-0.2 mm diam. Ascospores 8 per ascus, oblong-ellipsoid, biseriate, muriform, colourless to pale yellow-brownish 35-52 × 8-13 µm.
Thallus crustose, thin. Photobiont green, . Ascocarps in the form of pseudothecia, often compound, emergent. Paraphyses unbranched, free. Ascospores muriform, brown, subglobose to ellipsoid-oblong, 4-8 per ascus, or solitary, large.
Thallus laciniate, loosely attached, orbicular to spreading 2-8(-15) cm diam., corticolous. Lobes convex, narrow, 0.5-2.0 mm wide, rather short, irregularly to subdichotomously branched, margins entire, apices rounded. Upper surface bright green when wet, pale greenish-grey when dry, smooth, matt or shining, maculate (×10 lens), isidiate centrally, white-pruinose at margins. Isidia simple, finger-like becoming coralloid-branched, laminal, rarely marginal. Lower cortex absent. Hypothallus conspicuous, black, densely compacted, 0.5-1.5 mm thick, continuous over lower surface. Rhizines stout, black, simple, with an anchoring apical tuft. Apothecia and pycnidia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C+ red or -, Pd+ red or -. Two chemodemes are found in New Zealand populations, a C+ red, Pd- chemodeme containing anziaic acid and atranorin, and a C-, Pd+ red chemodeme containing fumarprotocetraric acid and atranorin.
Thallus foliose, dorsiventral, heteromerous, laciniate. Lobes narrow, rather small, deeply divided and often somewhat articulated, flat to ± convex, with or without isidia, with or without soredia. Medulla white, with or without a central chondroid strand. Photobiont green, ?. Lower surface composed of a prominent, brown-black, spongy hypothallus, ± rhizinate. Rhizines stout, simple or sparingly branched, anchored to substrate by an apical, squarrose tuft. Apothecia laminal, sessile or subpedicellate, lecanorine. Asci with a large amyloid tholus. Ascospores numerous, simple, colourless, curved.
Thallus firmly attached. Pseudopodetia terete or slightly flattened, sparingly to moderately branched forming clumps to 7 cm tall. Surface uniformly corticate, greyish-white or pinkish, matt, smooth, sometimes becoming cracked or wrinkled-verrucose. Phyllocladia rather sparse, short (to 2 mm long), terete, corticate, smooth, simple or sparingly branched. Cephalodia small (to 2 mm diam.) spherical, sessile, brownish-grey, smooth or shallowly wrinkled, sometimes clustered. Apothecia common and often abundant, terminal, large (4-8 mm wide) disc plane, smooth, black or brown-black with a prominent, persistent, pale margin, thalline exciple well developed, pale or flesh-coloured, strongly wrinkled-scabrid. Ascospores 1-2 per ascus, colourless, ellipsoid to cylindrical, irregularly muriform, 50-120 × 30-50 µm. Chemistry: Cortex and phyllocladia K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd+ red. Atranorin, argopsin [ Bodo and Tholho C. r. hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci. Paris ser. C, 278: 625-627 (1974) ; Huneck and Lamb Phytochemistry 14: 1625-1628 (1975)], fumarprotocetraric and perlatolic acids, and an accessory unidentified compound. Lamb (loc. cit. pp. 449-450 ) records that populations of contain two distinct chemodemes, one with fumarprotocetraric acid (Pd+ red), and one in which this compound is replaced by psoromic acid (Pd+ orange-yellow). The two chemodemes are anatomically and morphologically indistinguishable and share the same geographical distribution.
Thallus dimorphic. Primary thallus small, verrucose, soon disappearing. Secondary thallus of persistent, fruticose, often richly branching pseudopodetia, firmly attached to substrate by a stout holdfast; pseudopodetia with inconspicuous cephalodia (containing ), and with ± scattered phyllocladia. Photobiont green, ?. Apothecia terminal, often large, expanded, to twice as wide as supporting branch or wider, disc plane with a prominent margin, exciple massive, cupuliform, coarsely wrinkled-scabrid. Ascospores large, muriform, 1-2(-6) per ascus, broadly cylindrical-ellipsoid. Pycnidia sometimes present, below apothecia, minute, swollen, clustered, ostiole punctate, black. Conidia filiform, curved.
Thallus crustose, effuse, ecorticate or immersed, corticolous or foliicolous or lichenicolous. Photobiont green, , or in Chlorococcaceae. Ascocarps adnate to sessile or immersed, immarginate, presenting a somewhat "rubbed-down" appearance, rounded to irregular, stellate or ± lirelline. Ascospores colourless to brown, transversely septate (1-8-septate), obovate to fusiform, very variable, 2-8 per ascus.
Thallus pale greenish-grey or whitish, blotchy, indeterminate, ± continuous, in linear patches to 4 cm diam. Ascocarps scattered, 0.2-1 mm diam., irregularly rounded, emergent, black to dark red-brown, matt or shining, ± hemispherical. Ascospores 6 per ascus, avoid, 1-septate, 29-33 × 12-15 µm.
Thallus pale whitish to creamish or greyish, minutely papillate-warted rather cobwebby in parts, delicately and continuously areolate-cracked, delimited by a fine black line, in mosaics, 3-6 cm diam., corticolous. Ascocarps 0.2-1 mm diam., scattered, rather sparse, brown-black to black, matt, carbonaceous, ± hemispherical, slightly wrinkled. Ascospores 2 per ascus, ellipsoid, 1-septate, 40-56 × 25-32 µm.
Thallus pale grey-brown, shining, rather smooth, indeterminate in irregular patches, corticolous. Ascocarps frequent, slender, dark red-brown to brown, elongate, lirelliform, often in parallel lines or ± scattered, or stellate or irregular. Ascospores obovate-oblong, 1-septate 10-13 × 3-4 µm.
Thallus blotchy white, subdeterminate. Ascocarps black, round to oblong, flattish, 0.5-0.7 mm diam., disc obscure. Ascospores oval-oblong, 7-septate, 32-40 × 10-14 µm.
Thallus yellow-brownish or olivaceous to greyish-black, thin, matt or minutely cobwebby or faint pruinose, areolate-cracked, cracks often in parallel lines. Ascocarps numerous, very minute, irregular, subpunctiform to elongate-oblong, often in parallel lines, simple or branched, margin ragged and obscure, to 2 mm long, innate not raised above thallus. Ascospores 3-septate, oblong, constricted centrally, 27-28 × 9-10 µm.
Thallus uniform, smooth or powdery-furfuraceous to byssoid olivaceous. Ascocarps pseudo-lecideine, sessile, rounded-deformed, plane to subconvex, black, immarginate, 1 mm diam. Ascospores 3-7-septate colourless to brownish at maturity, end cell largest, 23 × 8 µm.
Thallus pale greyish-yellowish to dull whitish, smooth, shining to roughened-cracked in mosaics to 5 cm diam., delimited by a thin black line. Ascocarps irregular, sessile or ± innate, round to oblong, bent or curved, one end longer, matt, blackish brown. Ascospores obovate, 4-septate, end cell largest.
Thallus greyish-green or olivaceous, very thin or white-blotched, smooth, matt, cracked in parts, determinate. Ascocarps sessile to ± innate, black, matt, carbonaceous, subangular-rounded, 0.6-1.5 mm diam., epruinose. Ascospores oval-obovate, 5-septate, 24-32 × 9-12 µm.
Thallus thin, greyish-green, cracked subtubercular, tubercles convex. Ascocarps minute, 0.3 mm diam., disc flat, greyish-brown. Ascospores 4-septate, upper cell largest, 20 × 8 µm.
Thallus thin, grey-white, ± continuous, minutely and irregularly cracked, not areolate, surface very finely wrinkled-plicate, 3-5(-8) cm diam. Ascocarps rounded to subirregular 0.05-0.4 mm diam., scattered, mainly solitary to 2-3-confluent, plane with thallus surface, or slightly raised, disc plane to subconvex, black, white-pruinose. Hymenium pale brownish or olive green, darkening in K. Hypothecium 35-50 µm thick. Asci 33-40 × 16-17 µm, without amyloid ring. Ascospores 3-4-septate, ellipsoid, ends rounded or pointed, 13-16.5 × 4.5-5.0 µm.
Thallus dull white, shining or cobwebby, on decorticated wood, spreading in small, whitish stains 5-15 mm diam. Ascocarps sessile, 0.2-1 mm long and 0.1 mm wide, rounded or lens-shaped to stellate-irregular, black or dark brown. Ascospores 3-septate, oblong or obovate, upper cell largest.
Thallus shining in parts, slightly roughened in others, pale grey-brown, sometimes tinged red or pinkish, in patches delimited by a ± well- defined black or brownish line, or immersed. Ascocarps frequent, scattered irregular to ± lirelliform, sometimes bluntly stellate with a pale brown to blackish disc which is pink-white or red-pruinose at margin, 0.2 mm wide to 1-2 mm long. Ascospores obovate-oblong, 3-5-septate, 15-26 × 5-8 µm, upper cell larger.
Thallus endophloeodal indicated by discolouration of the substrate, usually whitish or greyish, rarely darker, in a few species consisting of an epiphloeodal, dark brown subicular layer of hyphae, or epilithic in a single species. Photobiont when present green, or blue-green. Perithecia with a brown to blackish wall, usually lacking below. Ostiole erect or rarely eccentric. Paraphyses thick and irregular with short cells, often appearing almost parenchyma-like to slender and regular with relatively long cells, sometimes partially gelatinised, rarely completely so. Asci various, ovate to narrowly ovate, narrowly elliptical, obovate or cylindrical, tip often thickened, with or without an obvious ocular chamber. Ascospores typically 8 per ascus, often fewer, rarely 2-4 per ascus, colourless, oval-ellipsoid, mostly 1-3-septate (to 7-septate), constricted at septa, spore wall ornamented in some species at maturity, perispore usually evident, often well developed.
Thallus yellowish-brown, very thin, shining or matt, smooth to ± undulate, limited by a prominent dark, irregular line, in mosaic-like patches 20-50 mm diam., corticolous. Perithecia black, frequent, scattered, 0.1-1 mm diam., rounded to ± oval or irregular, raised, ± hemispherical, often clustered, shining, with a small depressed apical pore, eroding leaving a small brown-black pit. Paraphyses distinct. Ascospores 1-septate, constricted at septum, 15-18 × 6-7 µm.
Thallus dark greyish-black in indeterminate patches, thin, minutely distinctly areolate-cracked, corticolous. Perithecia black, shining, rather sparse, very minute, 0.02 mm diam., raised, hemispherical. Ascospores elongate-ellipsoid, 1-septate, 12-15 × 5 µm.
Thallus greyish, thin, 10-15 mm diam., in indeterminate patches or rarely delimited by a thin greyish line, smooth, effuse, scarcely developed, corticolous. Perithecia pin-prick like, very minute, scattered ± evenly over thallus, often crowded, black, shining, globose, entire, leaving a small black pit. Ascospores 1-septate, elongate-ellipsoid, 17 × 3 µm.
Thallus for the most part endophloeodal, in effuse patches, 1-2 cm diam., very thin, pale greyish or olivaceous, minutely maculate, obscurely limited at margins, corticolous. Perithecia black, shining, ± dispersed, innate to emergent, convex, rounded to ± oblong, 0.5-0.8 mm diam., ostiole minute. Ascospores biseriate, colourless, ± oval or irregularly ovoid, straight, (1-)2-3(-4)-septate, locules unequal, upper cell more rounded, lower cell ellipsoid-oblong, apices rounded, constricted at septum, 20-25.6 × 9-11 µm.
Thallus in indeterminate patches, grey-brown, thin, smooth, shining or ± lacking, corticolous. Perithecia 0.2 mm diam., black, carbonaceous, shining, scattered, simple, emergent, subglobose, ± evenly spaced. Ascospores narrowly ellipsoid-oblong, 1-septate, 14-17 × 3-5 µm.
Thallus white, effuse, uneven, in spreading patches 2-4 cm diam., smooth, ± cobwebby, continuous to ± cracked, rather indeterminate at margins, not delimited by a black line of prothallus, corticolous. Perithecia frequent, scattered, solitary to ± confluent, 0.1-0.5 mm diam., carbonaceous, shining, not or rarely covered by a thin veil of cortex, black, subglobose, entire, leaving small black-edged pits. Ascospores oblong, 1-septate, 20 × 7 µm.
Thallus green-brown to brown-black, in a thin film, or lacking, sometimes cracked, saxicolous. Photobiont blue-green. Perithecia black, minute 0.15-0.25 mm diam., carbonaceous, scattered or closely together, ± rounded to irregular, flat or subconvex, ± immersed on calcareous substrates, more prominent on acidic substrates. Ascospores biseriate, 1-septate, oval-ellipsoid one cell larger, 12-25 × 5-9 µm.
Thallus greyish-white, spreading in well defined patches 2-4 cm diam., continuous, shining in parts, ± cobwebby in others, effuse, limited by a ± prominent black line of prothallus, corticolous. Perithecia emergent, often veiled by cobwebby cortex, 0.05-0.3 mm diam., hemispherical, at length black, shining, ± carbonaceous, with a prominent, black, excavate apical pore. Ascospores oblong, 3-septate, 28 × 8 µm.
Thallus crustose, effuse, ecorticate or immersed, corticolous or foliicolous. Photobiont green, species of , or the Chlorococcaceae. Ascocarps innate, immarginate, rounded to irregular, with a 'rubbed-down' appearance. Ascospores large 2-8 per ascus, muriform, colourless or brown.
Thallus glaucous-grey or greenish-grey, matt, smooth, ± areolate-cracked. Ascocarps innate, scattered or ± parallel, rounded or oblong 0.4-1.2 mm diam., partially veiled at margins by ruptured thallus, carbonaceous, matt, flat, blackish-brown. Ascospores brown 6-7-locular, upper cell the longer, 30-36 × 12 µm.
Thallus whitish or glaucous-grey, continuous, smooth, coriaceous or minutely wrinkled, in patches 1-3 cm diam. Ascocarps sessile to subinnate, black or dark red-brown, rounded to suboblong, 1 mm wide or less, flat to convex. Ascospores colourless at first, brownish at maturity, ovoid-oblong, submuriform, 27-30 × 11-14 µm.
Thallus whitish, thin, matt, cracked. Ascocarps black, sessile ± elongate, 0.4 mm wide. Ascospores ellipsoid, colourless, 4-locular, 21-24 × 11-13 µm.
Thallus whitish to greyish-white, very thin, rather eroded, smooth, or ± hummocky, cobwebby or occasionally cracked to ± continuous. Ascocarps 0.2-1.1 mm diam., black, depressed-innate, rounded to effigurate, often branched, ± covered by thallus, interior pellucid. Ascospores cuneate-oblong, brownish, 6-locular, 20 × 8 µm.
Thallus greyish or glaucous grey to grey-white in patches on smooth bark 3-4 cm diam., delimited by a thin black line, thin, rather roughened, cobwebby or ± cracked in parts. Ascocarps innate pale red-brown to yellowish-brown, 0.5-1.0 mm diam., rounded or oblong or occasionally ± irregular, disc roughened or ± granular, flat, K+ purple. Ascospores ovate to oblong, brown, 10-locular, 40 × 18 µm.
Thallus pale glaucous grey, minutely areolate-cracked, areolae plane to subconvex, matt or minutely granular-furfuraceous, spreading in indeterminate patches 1-4 cm diam., delimited by a fine black line. Ascocarps frequent, minute 0.1-0.6 mm diam., black, carbonaceous, plane to slightly raised above surface of thallus or ± innate, round to irregular, solitary or 2-3 confluent, often with a thin veil of cortex adhering. Ascospores 2 per ascus, colourless to brown, muriform, ellipsoid to oblong 30-40 × 12-20 µm.
Thallus grey-white, granular-scurfy or ± minutely pruinose in parts, areolate, areolae minute, angular, convex, surface minutely warted-wrinkled, separated by very fine lines, spreading in patches 3-5(-8) cm diam., irregularly delimited by a thin, black, marginal line. Ascocarps 1-2 per areola, minute 0.1-0.3(-0.5) mm diam., crowded, blackish, often white-pruinose, pruina coarse, rounded to irregular. Ascospores oval to oblong, 8-10-locular, 33-28 µm.
Thallus crustose, squamulose, squamules bullate, convex more than 1 mm diam., bright lime-green to yellowish-green, ± areolate, with black, irregular cracks between humped irregular areolae, often dissolved in soredia, thalli to 1.5 cm diam. Soredia granular-farinose, bright yellow-green. Apothecia black, flat, with a prominent black margin, disc black, matt, epruinose. Ascospores 8-10(-12) septate, 35-60 µm long. Chemistry: Rhizocarpic acid.
Thallus crustose or subsquamulose, thin, strongly convex-areolate, muscicolous, terricolous or saxicolous. Photobiont green, . Apothecia black, between thalline areolae, lecideine, flat, strongly marginate. Ascospores 8 per ascus, spindle-shaped or acicular, more than 2-septate.
Thallus crustose, ± areolate, brown-blackish or greyish, upper cortex paraplectenchymatous, sorediate or not, without cephalodia, saxicolous, terricolous or muscicolous. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lecanorine, innate, ± concave at first becoming plane, thalline margin not evident in older fruits. Ascospores colourless, ellipsoid, simple or spuriously 1-septate, 8 per ascus.
Thallus dull grey-fawn or olive-grey or blue-grey, ± orbicular or spreading irregularly among other lichens, 2-5 cm diam., saxicolous, conspicuously areolate-cracked, areolae convex, angular 0.2-0.6 mm diam., ± dispersed and subsquamulose-effigurate at margins, separated by deeply gaping cracks, black prothallus visible between cracks and at margins. Medulla I+ blue. Apothecia 0.1-1 mm diam., 1-4 per areole, round to irregular to ± angular, red-brown to brown-black, matt or somewhat roughened, innate at first becoming plane and ± sessile in older fruits, thalline margin thin, concolorous with thallus. Hypothecium colourless. Paraphyses simple, not moniliform. Ascospores (8-)9-13(-15) × 5-8 µm. Chemistry: Medulla I+ blue, K+ yellow-red, C- KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Norstictic acid (often only in trace amounts).
Thallus dull grey to grey-brown, superficially fine grey-pruinose or frosted, areolate-cracked, areolae plane to convex, angular, 1-2 mm wide, separated by deep gaping cracks, saxicolous, in patches 1-2 cm diam., among other lichens, without a visible prothallus. Medulla I-. Apothecia 1-2 mm diam., disc black, matt, epruinose, innate at first becoming plane and sessile in older fruits, thalline margin thin, concolorous with thallus. Hymenium 160-170 µm tall, epithecium 30-35 µm, sordid olive-greenish. Hypothecium 55-65 µm thick, colourless. Paraphyses conglutinate, discrete and branched in upper part 1-1.4 µm thick, to 2 µm thick at apices, moniliform. Ascospores (15-)18-25 × (8-)10-13 µm. Chemistry: Cortex and medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Norstictic acid.
Thallus crustose, uniform, limited by a thin black prothallus or not, in small patches 1-3 cm diam., saxicolous. Upper surface grey-white, pruinose, areolate-cracked, areolae 0.2-0.4 mm diam., sorediate centrally, soredia rounded 0.15-0.18 mm diam., granular-crateriform, concolorous with thallus, often densely covering thallus. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: K+ red.
Thallus crustose, effuse, with a ± cartilaginous, corticiform layer, foliicolous. Photobiont green, species of Chlorococcaceae. Apothecia adnate, round to angular or elongate. Exciple brownish-black, at first covering hymenium then rupturing apically, in marginal part with distinct, irregularly orientated hyphae. Paraphyses branched and anastomosing. Asci oblong or obclavate to spheroid, thin-walled at maturity. Ascospores transversely septate to submuriform, fusiform to ± cylindrical, usually with rounded ends, colourless, not halonate.
Thallus whitish, effuse, or ± membranous and irregular in thickness, matt, in minute clusters 0.1 mm diam., or less, often coalescing into pale, scurfy patches 1-3(-5) mm diam., on upper surface of leaf at margins and near midrib, without a delimiting prothallus. Apothecia adnate, somewhat inconspicuous, slightly elevated above thallus, 0.01-0.08 mm diam., elongate, curved, triangular or irregularly rounded, partly or wholly covered with grey-white thalline tissue, disc brown, apparent as a thin, elongate, curved or triangular slit, or more widely exposed. Exciple dark brown, 12-18 µm thick. Hymenium 35-50 µm tall, colourless. Asci clavate 30-50 × 8-16 µm. Ascospores (1-)2-8 (commonly 6 in New Zealand material)-septate, colourless, 4-6(-8) per ascus, 12-23 × 5-10 µm.
Thallus pale grey to whitish-grey, usually rather thick and cracked, wrinkled to verrucose, verrucae 0.4-0.8 mm diam., often bursting and developing superficial or capitate soralia. Soredia 20-40 µm diam. Isidia absent. Apothecia scattered, 0.7-3.5 mm diam., disc plane, becoming convex with age, brown or dark-brown, epruinose, glossy, margins ± prominent in young fruits, rather thin, slightly darker than disc or paler than disc, entire, becoming flexuose in older fruits. Epithecium orange-brown, diffuse, 15-20 µm thick. Hymenium 120-160 µm tall, I+ reddish. Ascospores (4-)8 per ascus, 3-septate, straight or curved, 35-40 × 16-19 µm. Chemistry: KC-, Pd+ orange. Pannarin and zeorin.
Thallus pale grey to pale greenish-grey, thin, slightly wrinkled or smooth, occasionally thicker and cracked, soredia and isidia absent. Apothecia scattered 0.6-2.1 mm diam., disc consistently plane, brown, with scattered, coarse, whitish pruina, dull, margins prominent, narrow, black, epruinose, glossy. Epithecium pale yellow-orange or red-brown, diffuse, with a granular upper layer, 18-24 µm thick. Hymenium 180-250 µm tall, I+ dark blue. Ascospores 4-8 per ascus, ovoid to subglobose, straight, muriform, 45-80 × 23-32 µm (10-14 transverse septa and 4-5 vertical septa). Chemistry: KC-, Pd+ orange. Pannarin and zeorin.
As for but differing in the following respects: Thallus without isidia or soredia, containing only zeorin and pannarin (KC-, Pd+ orange). Apothecial margins brown to black. Hymenium 120-250 µm tall. Ascospores 3-septate or muriform with thick, transverse septa.
Thallus pale glaucous-green, thin rugulose, effuse. Apothecia minute, 0.5 mm diam., scattered, pale yellowish, gyalectiform. Ascospores ellipsoid, 3-septate, 8-16 × 6-9 µm.
Thallus dingy grey-white, glaucous-grey or glaucous-yellowish, slightly plicate-rugose to minutely areolate-cracked, shining, varnish-like in parts, in irregular bands or patches 1-2(-4) cm diam., often effuse, black marginal prothallus present or absent. Apothecia scattered, discrete, ± frequent, 0.2-1.5 mm diam., round to irregular, plane to subconvex, discblack, epruinose, matt, minutely verrucose-plicate, margins persistent, thick, black, shining, entire, crenulate or ± striate, Epithecium dense, black, K+ purple-black. Hymenium 80 µm tall, colourless. Hypothecium, thick, dense, straw-yellow to dark brown. Ascospores fusiform-acicular or vermiform, slightly curved, 3-7-septate, 35-65 × 4-5 µm.
Thallus pale greenish or olivaceous-grey, thin, smooth, very minutely areolate-cracked, intersected and delimited by black or brown wavy lines, in patches or bands 2-5 cm diam. Apothecia pale pinkish or orange-brownish, sessile, plane or convex, 0.4- 1.2 mm diam., margins entire or crenulate, pale whitish, transparent when wet, or lacking. Hymenium 70-86 µm tall, pale straw-coloured. Hypothecium 300 µm thick, orange-yellow. Ascospores acicular, indistinctly 3-7-septate, 44-88 × 1-2 µm.
Thallus forming a thin film over soil, rock or clay, 1-5 cm diam. olivaceous or brownish often ± blackened, minutely granular or effuse, occasionally areolate in parts and lifting from substrate. Apothecia black, plane or convex, 0.1-0.6 mm diam., epruinose, matt or shining, with a thin, concolorous margin, or immarginate. Epithecium blue-black, 5-13 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, c. 45 µm tall. Hypothecium colourless or pale straw-coloured. Ascospores 3-septate, oval to oblong-ellipsoid, ends rounded, 10.2-12(-13) × 3.4-5 µm.
Thallus irregular or circular, to 12 mm diam., continuous or in part dispersed, dark greenish-grey to pale greyish-white, smooth, farinose, prothallus absent, foliicolous. Apothecia constricted at base, 0.1- 0.5 mm diam., disc pale orange-yellow or salmon-buff to pale reddish-brown, epruinose, plane or subconvex, margins thin, often indistinct, smooth, concolorous with disc or paler. Ascospores normally 3-septate but sometimes 5-7-septate, ± filiform, 20-40 × 1.5-2 µm.
Thallus thin, granular-effuse, powdery-furfuraceous, greyish or olivaceous or green, spreading in scattered, ill-defined patches 3-10 cm diam. Apothecia scattered, sessile, constricted at base and appearing ± subpedicellate, solitary or 2-3-confluent becoming conglomerate, 0.5-2.0 mm diam., pale brown to dark brown, smooth, matt, convex, immarginate. Hymenium 270 µm tall, yellow-brown. Paraphyses slender, 1-1.2 µm thick, not thickened at apices. Hypothecium 350 µm thick, pale brown or yellow-brown. Ascospores 4-6(-8) per ascus, filiform, ± sinuous with rounded or tapering ends, 30-75-septate, 160-230 × 3.3-4.0 µm.
Thallus heteromerous, crustose to ± squamulose, microphylline or effuse, with or without a pale or dark marginal prothallus. Photobiont green ? . Apothecia sessile, rounded or ± irregular, lecideine, excipulum well developed of para- or prosoplectenchymatous tissue. Paraphyses simple or branched. Ascus thick-walled, 8-spored. Ascospores long, filiform, acicular to ellipsoid, straight or curved, 2- or more septate, thin-walled, colourless. Pycnidia sessile, ± globose to urceolate. Conidiophores simple with apically formed conidia. Conidia simple or septate, filiform to ellipsoid or oblong, bacillar or acicular.
Thallus dingy ochraceous-greyish to dull olive-greenish, scurfy or with delicate granular isidia, minutely or coarsely areolate, forming a diffract crust, areolae separated by deep, gaping fissures, spreading in patches, 4-8 cm diam. Apothecia numerous, solitary to confluent, small, sessile or sunk in granular crust, 0.1-0.5 mm diam., brown-black or red-brown, ± translucent when wet, convex to plane, matt, smooth to glomerulate, margins thin, raised, darker than disc, excluded with age. Epithecium granular, brown-black c. 4-12 µm thick. Hymenium colourless 40-50 µm tall. Hypothecium yellow-brown, 120 µm thick. Paraphyses swollen, black or brown at apices. Ascospores 3-7-septate, 34-41 × 1.7-2.5 µm.
Thallus pale greenish-white or olivaceous, shining in parts, becoming wrinkled-tuberculate, granular-verrucose or glebose, continuous, or in scattered colonies or ± squamulose, in patches 2-5(-10) cm diam. Apothecia prominent, solitary, 0.1-2.5 mm diam., round to irregular, brown-black or brownish-red, sessile to subpedicellate, plane or concave at first, margins entire, ± flexuose, disappearing with age, disc convex at maturity, matt, epruinose. Epithecium granular, red-brown to black, 5-13 µm thick. Hymenium colourless or pale brownish 65-90(-100) µm tall. Paraphyses dense, thin, apices clavate, red-brown to black. Hypothecium massive, yellow-brown, 200-350 µm thick. Ascospores filiform, acicular, 8-16-septate, 46-68(-90) × 1.7-3.4(-4) µm.
Thallus pale greenish or whitish-grey to olive-glaucous, continuous or ± areolate-cracked, or minutely verrucose-rugose or papillate or ± granular in parts, in patches 2-5(-8) cm diam., surface matt, not scabrid. Apothecia sessile to ± immersed, plane to convex, immarginate, 0.1-1.2 mm diam., round to irregular, scattered, pale yellowish-fawn to pinkish-brown, waxy, smooth, epruinose. Epithecium pale olive-brownish 4-15 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, 65-90 µm tall. Hypothecium golden brown. Ascospores (3-)5-8(-10)-septate, (35-)40-55(-68) × 1.5-2.5 µm, spirally curved.
Thallus whitish or pale glaucous-grey, olivaceous or buff, granular-roughened or minutely verrucose-cracked, or wrinkled-plicate, in irregular patches, 1-5 cm diam. Apothecia sessile, constricted at base, 0.5-1.0 mm diam., disc pale grey-white to ± blackened, delicately pruinose, minutely roughened, plane or subconcave, margins persistent, entire, raised, black. Hypothecium red-brown to brown-black. Ascospores acicular, 7-septate, (32-)40-50 × 1.7-3.4 µm.
Thallus sordid yellow or pale olive, verrucose, ± glebose, uneven, ± continuous or areolate, delimited by a thin, black, irregular prothallus, in patches 2-3(-5) cm diam. Apothecia dark red-brown to blackish, ± innate or flattened, 0.4-1.1 mm diam., to very shallowly convex, round to irregular-deformed, matt, immarginate, rarely with a thin, pale brown margin, surrounded by a pseudo-thalline margin of flattened or raised thalline granules. Epithecium fuscous-brown, colour in swollen apices of paraphyses. Hymenium 90 µm tall. Hypothecium opaque, thick, brown-black. Ascospores acicular, 7-18-septate, (50-)70-87 × 3.2-3.5 µm.
Thallus thin, dark olivaceous-brownish, decorticate, filmy, in dingy, bands or patches to 5 cm diam. Apothecia minute 0.05-0.2 mm diam., innate to subconvex, black, shining, immarginate. Ascospores fusiform 5-7(-9)-septate, 30.6-38 × 3-3.5 µm.
Thallus pale ochraceous, thin, areolate-cracked. Apothecia black, plane, margins raised, flexuous or subangular-deformed. Hypothecium black. Ascospores 4-5-septate, 32 × 11 µm.
Thallus thin, granular-verrucose or papillate, grey-white or pale glaucescent, often disappearing, on mosses over calcareous rock. Apothecia convex, immarginate 0.1-0.5 mm diam., dark red-brown to black, matt. Hymenium pale straw or brownish, 75-86 µm tall. Hypothecium dark brown. Ascospores fusiform, 5-7-septate, 22.1-44 × 5.1-8.3 µm., apices rounded or acute.
Thallus minutely verrucose-papillate, olive-greenish, matt, areolate-cracked, areolae 1-2 mm wide, angular, plane, separated by narrow or wide cracks, in patches to 4 cm diam., with a ± conspicuous whitish marginal prothallus, 1.5-2.0 mm wide. Apothecia sessile, round to irregular, solitary to 2-4-confluent and then distorted through mutual pressure, 0.1-0.8 mm diam., plane or subconcave at first, marginate, margins thin, entire, concolorous with disc or paler, disc convex and immarginate at maturity, pale orange-brown to red-brown, shining. Hymenium pale straw-coloured or colourless 65-90 µm tall. Hypothecium pale yellowish, c. 45 µm thick. Ascospores fusiform, contents oily, septa indistinct, 3- (rarely 5-) septate, 17-25.5(-30) × 3.4-5.1 µm.
Thallus 10-20 mm diam., continuous, smooth or very slightly farinose (at margins of leaves somewhat sorediate), greenish-grey, sometimes with a white, marginal prothallus, foliicolous. A thin, white mycelium without algae extends on the lower surface of the leaves from parts where the epiphyllous, algiferous thallus reaches the leaf margin. Apothecia constricted at base, 0.2-0.4 mm diam., rare on the algiferous, epiphyllous thallus but abundant on the hypophyllous mycelium (often on the very margin of the leaves), there often aggregate, disc of epiphyllous apothecium testaceous brown, of the hypophyllous apothecia chocolate brown, epruinose, plane or subconvex, margins thin, but conspicuous, white, matt, often minutely downy. Ascospores 3-septate, sometimes 5-septate, oblong to subfusiform, ends usually obtuse, often slightly constricted at septa, 12-18 × 3-4 µm.
Thallus dull olive-green or brownish, minutely granular-papillate, areolate-cracked, effuse or ± absent. Apothecia pale yellow-orange, translucent when wet, round to irregular, solitary or 1-3-confluent and deformed by mutual pressure, plane to convex, 0.2-0.4 mm diam., margins thin or lacking, concolorous with disc or darker. Hymenium colourless, 15-25 µm thick. Ascospores bacillar, straight or slightly curved, 3-6(-8)-septate, 24-34(-39) × 1.7-2.5(-3.4) µm.
Thallus greyish, greyish-yellow or olivaceous, areolate-cracked or uneven, in patches 1-3(-5) cm diam. Apothecia sessile, constricted at base, 0.3-0.8(-1.5) mm diam., disc plane or subconvex, black or brownish, shining, epruinose, margins thin, black, entire. Hymenium 60 µm tall, pale purplish-grey. Hypothecium and exciple dark purplish, K+ purple-violet. Ascospores oblong-fusiform, 3-septate, 14-18 × 4-6 µm.
Thallus pale olive-greenish or yellowish to ± fawnish-yellowish, areolate-cracked, minutely wrinkled-plicate, uneven or in parts shallowly papillate, smooth, varnish-like in parts to minutely roughened, delimited by a faint black prothallus, in round to irregular patches, 1-3 cm diam. Apothecia conspicuous, scattered or 1-3-confluent, round to irregularly deformed through mutual pressure, 0.5-2.2 mm diam., sessile to subpedicellate, black, matt, smooth or minutely roughened, plane to convex, margins entire, thin, concolorous with disc or occasionally red-brown, slightly raised in young fruits, excluded at maturity. Epithecium granular, blue-black, 4-13 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, 80-120 µm tall. Hypothecium massive, yellow-brown. Ascospores 10-15(-18)-septate, (50-)60-90 × (2-)3-4 µm, spirally curved.
Thallus thin, varnish-like, bright emerald green when wet, dull olive or ashy when dry, saxicolous, rarely terricolous. Apothecia sessile, whitish-pink, disc dull, subpruinose, 1-3 mm wide, thinly marginate or immarginate, plane or subconvex. Ascospores oblong or fusiform-ellipsoid, uniseriate, or biseriate, simple, 7-15 × 4-5 µm. Chemistry: thallus and apothecia K+, yellow, C-, Pd-, or + yellow. Baeomycesic and squamatic acids and two unidentified compounds.
Thallus whitish or greyish-white, scurfy, ecorticate and in parts densely white-sorediate, soredia granular-floury, terricolous. Podetia simple, to 2 cm tall, pale, terete or compressed, surface rather scabrid, vertically furrowed, pale whitish-pink. Apothecia terminal, globose, capitate often convolute, pale flesh-pink to orange-pink, convex, immarginate, surface rather finely warted. Ascospores fusiform, simple, 12-30 × 2-4 µm. Chemistry: thallus and podetia K+ yellow, C-, KC-, Pd+ yellow-orange. Baeomycesic and squamatic acids (UV+ white).
Thallus greenish when wet, greenish-yellow to greyish-green or dirty white when dry, minutely squamulose, corticate, irregularly cracked and warted, not sorediate. Podetia 10-15 mm tall, simple to 1-4 branched near apices, stalks pale flesh-coloured, yellowish-white or suffused reddish, often superficially invested with green algae, surface smooth, often waxy, corrugate and coarsely vertically grooved. Apothecia terminal or subterminal, often clustered, disc pale pink to dark reddish-brown, plane or convex with a distinct, pale, flexuous margin, thalline exciple pale. Ascospores oblong, simple, 7-10 × 3-5 µm. Chemistry: Thallus and apothecia K+ yellow-red, C-, Pd+ orange. Norstictic, connorstictic and hypoprotocetraric (tr.) acids.
Thallus crustose, granular, squamulose or marginally foliose, attached by medullary hyphae or rhizines, terricolous or saxicolous. Podetia supporting apothecia simple, 1-3-branched towards apices in some species, scarcely developed in others. Photobiont green, , in a continuous zone in the primary thallus. Apothecia round, swollen or expanded, on tips of podetia, often clustered on ± distinct stipes. Ascospores fusiform or ellipsoid, colourless, simple to 3-septate, 8 per ascus.
Thallus crustose. Photobiont green ?. Apothecia biatorine, brightly coloured, occasionally brownish or blackish. Exciple thick, to ± lacking, not carbonised. Paraphyses simple, ± richly branched in epithecium. Asci clavate, wall I+ blue, apical tholus clearly developed. Ascospores colourless, globose, simple, many per ascus.
Thallus pale greenish-white or greyish-white, granular, cobwebby, floury sorediate, corticolous, in irregular delimited patches, to 2.5 cm diam. Apothecia small, 0.1-0.5(-0.8) mm diam., convex, hemispherical when wet, disc immarginate, brown or brownish-black, scattered, frequent, solitary or often confluent. Ascospores very numerous, minute, globose, 1 µm diam.
Thallus lichenicolous, parasitic on species on bark. Apothecia minute, convex 0.1-0.4 mm diam., gelatinous, shining, translucent, hemispherical, immarginate, pale yellowish to brown or brownish-black or red-brown, solitary, scattered, rarely 2-together. Ascospores spherical, 2 µm diam., many per ascus.
Thallus crustose, uniform, continuous, powdery, granular or cracked, attached to substrate by medullary hyphae or those of prothallus, homoiomerous or heteromerous, ecorticate. Photobiont green,. Apothecia rounded, lecideine, without a thalline margin, immersed or sessile, pruinose or not, K+ purple (anthraquinones). Hypothecium pale yellowish to colourless. Paraphyses distinct, septate, capitate, slightly swollen and often granular pigmented at apices, septate. Ascospores colourless, ellipsoid, ovoid or elongate, with rounded or slightly pointed ends, polaribilocular, 4-16 per ascus. Pycnidia immersed, spherical. Conidia short, cylindrical, straight, rarely curved.
Thallus pale pinkish, ochraceous or yellowish-white, thin, granular, friable, ± areolate in raised lumps 0.25 mm diam., prothallus pale, indistinct, K-, 1-4 cm diam. Apothecia sessile, applanate, rounded or with undulate margins, solitary or 2-5-confluent, 0.25-1.4 mm diam., disc bright red, matt or minutely granular, margins thin, shining, entire to subcrenulate, concolorous with disc. Epithecium dense red-brown 13-20 µm thick. Hymenium colourless c. 80 µm tall. Hypothecium pale yellowish or colourless c. 50 µm thick. Ascospores biseriate, oval-ellipsoid with rounded or slightly pointed ends, straight, 12-17 × 5-8.3 µm septum ¼ to ⅛ length of spore.
Thallus greyish-white to pale greenish-grey in shaded situations, matt or shining, smooth to ± granular or uneven, spreading, 5-8(-10) cm diam., ± orbicular, margins well-defined to ± indistinct, usually corticolous, rarely saxicolous. Apothecia sessile, frequent centrally, often crowded, lecanorine (algae in excipulum small and easily overlooked), margins thick, entire, inflexed when young, becoming crenulate with age, disc plane, to 2.5 mm diam., orange-yellow, granular-pruinose. Ascospores colourless 85-125 × 30-45(-50) µm.
Thallus thin, granular-verrucose, matt or shining, white or grey-white to pale yellowish-grey, spreading, to 8 cm diam., muscicolous or terricolous. Apothecia to 4 mm diam., sessile to subpedicellate, disc concave at first, becoming plane or subconvex, mustard-yellow to orange or yellow-brown, margins persistent, rather thick, entire to irregularly crenate, inflexed, stipe near the base brownish and without anthraquinone crystals. Hypothecium thick, colourless, 100-150 µm tall. Ascospores 1 per ascus, colourless, 8-105(-120) × 25-45(-55) µm muriform, ellipsoid or oblong. Chemistry: Atranorin, chloratranorin, parietin [J. Santesson Dtsch. bot. Ges. N.F. 4: 5-21(1970)].
Thallus greenish-grey to grey-white, matt, thin, covered with small, suberect (ascending) somewhat flattened lobules, thallus spreading, to 10 cm diam., corticolous. Apothecia usually present, to 2 mm diam., sessile, constricted at base, plane to somewhat convex, distinctly marginate, disc and margins concolorous, rust-brown or blackish with rust-brown granular pruina. Excipulum biatorine. Hypothecium colourless to brownish. Hymenium colourless 150-200 µm tall, covered with brown anthraquinone crystals. Asci and paraphyses as in genus description. Ascospores 1 per ascus, colourless, muriform, ellipsoid, 80-120 × 25-45 µm.
Thallus grey-white to creamy, matt, thin, smooth or encrusting epiphytes on bark, spreading, to 10 cm diam., over epiphytic bryophytes and ferns, also directly on bark. Apothecia to 2.5 mm diam., sessile, constricted at base, plane or becoming subconvex, distinctly marginate, discs and margins concolorous, rusty brown, older apothecia often blackened, with rust-brown granular pruina. Excipulum biatorine. Hypothecium colourless to brownish c. 50 µm tall. Hymenium colourless 180-220 µm tall, covered with brown anthraquinone crystals. Asci and paraphyses as in genus description. Ascospores 1 per ascus, colourless, muriform, ellipsoid, (90-)100-140 × 30-50 µm.
Thallus crustose, uniform, spreading, smooth to somewhat unevenverrucose, or with lobulate isidia, greenish-white or pale grey-white, corticolous, muscicolous or rarely saxicolous. Photobiont green, Chlorococcoid. Apothecia sessile to ± pedicellate usually constricted at base, to 4 mm diam., disc yellow or golden, ochraceous to ± blackened, ± pruinose, often contorted with sterile tissue, plane to subconvex, margins thin or thick, yellow, orange, ochraceous or rarely black, entire to crenate or ± inflexed. Asci of -type, without an external apical cap but with thick, I+ blue-staining external wall layer, inner apical apparatus present and inner wall layers amyloid (I+ blue). Ascospores 1, exceptionally 2 per ascus, ellipsoid, colourless, mature spores brownish, muriform, large, to 150 µm long (immature spores may be much smaller). Paraphyses thin, with a few anastomoses and branches, not distinctly thickened at apices. Epithecium and excipulum encrusted with yellowish crystals (K+ red-purple). Thallus K+ yellow (atranorin and chloratranorin).
Thallus pendent, subpendent or prostrate, usually 7-15(-20) cm long, branching isotomic-dichotomous, frequent from base, angles between dichotomies acute or obtuse and rounded, occasionally with short, perpendicular, lateral spinulose branches, branches terete, even, 0.2-0.3 mm diam., at base, main branches 0.1-0.2 mm diam., tapering towards apices, dark bronze-brown to dark brown or blackish, matt or slightly shining. True lateral spinules absent. Soralia absent. Pseudocyphellae sparse or absent, fusiform, depressed, brownish, 0.5-1 mm long. Apothecia not seen in New Zealand material. Chemistry: cortex K-, C-, KC-, Pd-; medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. No substances detected by TLC.
Thallus fruticose, erect, caespitose, decumbent, subpendent or pendent, branches generally terete but becoming somewhat compressed, angular and faveolate in a few species, not becoming markedly expanded and dorsiventrally compressed, brown to dark brown or black. True lateral spinules with constricted base arising at right angles to the main stem in some species, absent in others. Isidia absent but isidiiform spinules arising in tufts from soralia in a few species. Soralia absent or abundant, tuberculate or fissural sometimes bearing sprouts of secondary branches or tufts of isidiiform spinules. Pseudocyphellae absent to abundant, usually rather sparse and inconspicuous, elongate and spiralling around the main stems in a few species, fusiform, white, yellowish or brownish, depressed in most species but somewhat raised in a few, not becoming sorediate or bearing spinules. Apothecia lateral, sometimes appearing geniculate, rare or unknown in many species, frequent to common in others, thalline exciple concolorous with the thallus, becoming excluded in most species, margins ciliate in a few species, disc reddish-brown to dark brown, rarely white, never black, sometimes yellowish-pruinose. Asci clavate, thick-walled, 8-spored. Ascospores ellipsoid, lacking a distinct hyaline epispore, colourless at maturity, simple. Pycnidia rare.
Thallus ± erect, caespitose, c. 3-5 cm long, branching mostly anisotomic-dichotomous with ± arcuate side branches and branchlets mostly at slightly acute angles to stem, branches terete, 0.2-0.3 mm diam., basal parts black, apices olivaceous-grey, shining. Lateral spinules very rare or absent. Soralia and isidia absent. Pseudocyphellae sparse, white, fusiform to elongate-fissural, 0.2-0.5 mm long. Apothecia not known in New Zealand material and generally rare. Chemistry: cortex and medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. No substances detected by TLC.
Thallus effuse, of dispersed or ± adjacent verrucae or pustular-verruciform areolae, areolae convex to subglobose 0.3-0.7-(1.0) mm diam., rounded, smooth, matt, pale brown or yellowish-buff in places slightly white-pruinose, prothallus lacking, saxicolous. Apothecia moderately abundant, sessile, between or at margins of areolae, rounded 0.3-0.8 mm diam., constricted at base, disc convex, black, at first grey-pruinose, becoming glabrous, matt, margin thin, entire, black, prominent in young fruits, becoming occluded with age. Epithecium pale yellow-brown. Hymenium 75-90 µm tall, colourless. Hypothecium reddish or purplish-brown. Paraphyses discrete 1.5-2.0 µm thick, apices slightly swollen, to 3 µm. Ascospores irregularly biseriate or uniseriate, ellipsoid, apices rounded, septum to 2 µm thick, locules rounded, equal, 14-16 × 8-9 µm.
Thallus bright citrine yellow, areolate-cracked, areolae 0.4-0.8 mm wide and 0.35-0.5 mm thick, rounded to irregular, subconvex, separated by very thin cracks, and closely contiguous to ± dispersed. Apothecia rather sparse, solitary, immersed, 0.3-0.6 mm diam., brown-black, immarginate. Epithecium yellow-brown to 35 µm thick. Hypothecium pale, 50-75 µm thick. Paraphyses strongly conglutinate, apices clavate to 3.5 µm diam. Hymenium colourless 90-100 µm tall. Asci clavate, 75-85 × 20-25 µm. Ascospores 17-21 × 11-14 µm.
Thallus white or grey-white irregularly rimose to areolate-cracked, areolae angular, convex or ± plane, 0.3-1.0 mm diam., separated by deep cracks, surface matt, roughened, areolae becoming ± confluent and forming a subverrucose crust, in patches 0.5-1.5 cm diam., prothallus marginal, indistinct, saxicolous. Apothecia innate to sessile, scattered, between or at margins of areolae, solitary to 1-3-confluent, rounded to deformed through mutual pressure, 0.3 mm diam., disc plane, black, epruinose, margin very thin, entire, persistent, concolorous with disc. Hypothecium brown-black. Ascospores biseriate, brown, ellipsoid or oval to ± fabiform, apices rounded, 11-13 × 5-6 µm.
Thallus crustose, continuous, rimose to areolate-cracked, thin or thick, granular or verrucose, occasionally subsquamulose especially at margins, white, greyish or yellowish, very rarely sorediate, corticolous and saxicolous. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lecideine, immersed to sessile, minute to large, rounded, disc black, strongly convex, occasionally roughened-scabrid or pruinose, margins thin, concolorous with disc, occasionally surrounded at base by a superficial thalline margin, often occluded. Hypothecium colourless or yellow-brown to red-brown or black and carbonaceous. Exciple continuous with or distinct from hypothecium, brown to black occasionally pale. Paraphyses thin, septate, simple or branched, brownish and slightly swollen at apices. Asci clavate, 8-spored. Ascospores greenish-brown to grey, 1-septate, without a hyaline epispore.
Thallus spreading, in patches 1-5 cm diam., or more, often flaking or eroding from substrate, 0.015-0.12 mm thick, roughened in parts, pale yellowish-grey or rarely yellowish-olive, matt, areolate, areolae 0.5-1.0 mm diam., angular, flat, separated by narrow cracks, in central parts convex-verrucose, black prothallus visible between areolae and at margins, saxicolous. Apothecia frequent, scattered to 3-4-confluent rounded or contorted through mutual pressure, plane at first becoming distinctly convex, 0.5-1.2 mm diam., black, matt, roughened-scabrid or minutely cracked, epruinose, margins thin, entire, persistent, concolorous with disc. Epithecium brown-black, 30-36 µm thick. Hymenium 90-95 µm tall, colourless. Hypothecium carbonaceous. Paraphyses filiform, dense, straight, felted, apices swollen, 3 µm diam. Ascospores biseriate oval-ellipsoid to fabiform, slightly constricted at septum, apices rounded, 15.3-20.4 × 8.3-9 µm.
Thallus pale greyish-arachnoid, effuse, thin or lacking, saxicolous. Apothecia numerous, scattered to densely crowded, confluent, sessile 0.2-0.5 mm diam., concave to plane, margins flexuose at first, occluded with age as disc becomes convex, disc black, matt, epruinose. Hypothecium brown-black. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid to ± fabiform, 10.2-12-(13) × 5-6 µm.
Thallus 0.1 mm thick, reddish-brown or olivaceous or dark mottled grey, roughened in parts, minutely areolate, areolae 0.1 mm diam., ± angular to rounded, flat, prothallus black, wavy, marginal, in patches 0.5-5 cm diam., often confluent in mosaics. Apothecia scattered, sessile, rounded, constricted at base, minute, 0.5-0.8 mm diam., disc black, matt or shining smooth or minutely roughened, epruinose, concave at first becoming plane then convex, margin persistent, entire. Hypothecium brown-black. Ascospores biseriate, brown, ellipsoid to oval, apices rounded or slightly pointed, straight, septum thin, 12-15 × 6-7 µm.
Thallus pale grey, very thin, continuous or lacking, sometimes minutely cracked, sorediate, prothallus black, or lacking. Soralia numerous, seldom confluent, often forming a mosaic to 2 mm diam., soredia farinose, less than 0.01 mm diam., greenish-grey in freshly gathered material, pale yellowish-grey on storage, ± delimited in circular, plane or subconvex soralia. Apothecia rare (not seen in New Zealand material) sessile, plane at first with a prominent proper margin, becoming convex and immarginate. Epithecium dark brown. Hymenium colourless 110-120 µm tall. Hypothecium dark brown. Asci clavate, 110 × 15 µm. Ascospores pseudomuriform, ellipsoid (13-)15-28 × 7-13 µm.
Thallus obscure greenish-yellow or pale greenish-white, thin, granular-uneven or minutely granular-verrucose to minutely verrucose-areolate, delimited by a thin black prothallus, corticolous or lignicolous. Apothecia scattered, solitary to 1-2-confluent 0.05-0.2 mm diam., black, epruinose, slightly sunk in thallus, disc plane, matt black, margins thin, slightly raised, concolorous with disc, entire. Ascospores biseriate, greenish-grey to dark brown, oval with slightly pointed apices, slightly constricted at septum (11-)15.3-21(-24) × 5.1-8.3 µm.
Thallus pale greyish to yellowish-brown, verrucose-papillate, 0.4-0.5 mm thick, roughened, or matt, areolate-cracked, areolae 0.2-0.4 mm diam., subangular, separated by narrow cracks, bounded at margins by a thin, black, prothallus or ± indeterminate in irregular patches to 1 cm diam., saxicolous. Apothecia sessile, constricted at base, solitary to 1-4-confluent, rounded to irregular through mutual pressure, disc 0.5-1.0 mm diam., black, matt or minutely roughened, epruinose, plane, becoming convex, margin thin, black, persistent. Hypothecium thick, brown-black. Hymenium 75-80 µm tall, colourless. Paraphyses filiform, dense, straight, simple, eseptate, apices capitate, 3 µm thick. Ascospores uniseriate to subbiseriate, ellipsoid, apices rounded or slightly pointed, straight, not constricted at septum, 12.8-16 × 6.4-8 µm.
Thallus pale greyish or yellowish or sordid grey-brown, smooth, matt, areolate-cracked, areolae rounded or angular, widely dispersed, 3-4 mm diam., becoming confluent, roughened in parts, prothallus black, stellate-fimbriate, radiating 0.5-2 mm wide, in irregular patches 0.3-1.5 cm diam., saxicolous. Apothecia clustered, innate ± sessile, solitary to 1-3-confluent, flat, 0.1-1.0 mm diam., disc black, matt, epruinose, often obscuring areolae, margin thin, black, entire, persistent. Hymenium brown-black above, colourless below, 110-115 µm tall. Hypothecium thick, colourless. Ascospores biseriate ellipsoid to ovoid, apices round or pointed, straight or slightly curved and ± fabiform, slightly constricted at septum 12-16 × 6-6.4 µm.
Thallus 0.15-0.2 mm thick, roughened in parts, white, grey or brownish-grey, matt, areolate-cracked, areolae angular, 0.2-0.6 mm diam., plane to subconvex, in patches 1-5 cm diam., saxicolous. Apothecia crowded, often densely developed, ± innate to sessile, solitary to 1-4-confluent, rounded or angular, 0.2-0.5 mm diam., disc flat, black, matt, epruinose, margin thin, black, entire, ± flexuose in older fruits. Hypothecium thick, brown-black. Ascospores biseriate, brown, broadly ellipsoid, or subovoid to ± fabiform, apices rounded or slightly pointed, slightly constricted at septum, 12.8-16 × 6-6.4 µm, septum to 1.5 µm thick.
Thallus smooth, coriaceous, shining in parts or matt, 0.1 mm thick, slightly roughened, pale whitish or brownish-grey, matt, ± continuous and irregularly cracked, not areolate, without a distinct prothallus, in broad patches 4-8 cm diam., saxicolous. Apothecia crowded or scattered, sessile to ± innate, black, matt, epruinose, rounded, constricted at base, 0.1-0.6 mm diam., flat, margin entire persistent, concolorous with disc. Epithecium brown-black, 30 µm tall. Hymenium colourless 100-110 µm thick. Hypothecium thick, brownish. Paraphyses dense, straight, simple, not septate, apices globose. Ascospores ± biseriate, broadly ellipsoid or broadly oval, thick walled, locules ± equal, oval or rounded, 9.6-16 × 7.5-9 µm, septum 3 µm thick.
Thallus ± obsolete, effuse whitish or pale greyish, lignicolous or corticolous. Apothecia scattered, discrete 0.1-0.3 mm diam., sessile, black, matt, epruinose, subconcave to plane, margin thin, black, persistent or occluded. Ascospores oval to fabiform, apices rounded, slightly constricted at septum, 12-15.3 × 5.1-8.3 µm, locules equal, rounded to angular.
Thallus thin and continuous, often becoming cracked or restricted to a few minute lumps and warts, often lacking, pale silvery grey to dark grey or olivaceous, determinate or partly indeterminate, rarely with a delimiting black, marginal prothallus, corticolous or lignicolous. Apothecia small, 0.05-0.25 mm diam., black or brown-black, matt, marginate and sessile becoming convex and immarginate. Epithecium dark brown. Hypothecium pale to dark brown. Ascospores ellipsoid 17-20.5(-22.1) × 7-8.3 µm.
Thallus continuous to areolate, grey-white, smooth to minutely roughened, areolae angular, 0.2-0.5(-1.0) mm diam., saxicolous. Apothecia sessile, scattered, plane to convex, white-pruinose at first then matt, black, carbonaceous and glabrous, margins concolorous with thallus, soon disappearing. Epithecium pale yellow-brown. Hypothecium brownish to yellow-brown. Paraphyses swollen and yellow-brown at apices. Ascospores biseriate, oval to broadly ellipsoid, apices pointed or rounded, straight, not constricted at septum, 12-15 × 5.1-9 µm.
Thallus white, tartareous, chinky, areolate-cracked, areolae angular, 0.1-0.3 mm diam., separated at margins and visible on a pale grey-black prothallus, in patches 1-3 mm diam., saxicolous. Apothecia prominent, solitary, to 1-3-confluent, round to irregular through mutual pressure, disc plane to subconvex, matt, black, occasionally and irregularly white-pruinose, pruina very thin, margin entire persistent, slightly raised, concolorous with disc. Asci clavate 42-44 × 14 µm. Ascospores biseriate ellipsoid-oval to fabiform, slightly constricted at septum, apices rounded or slightly pointed 10.2-12 × 5.1 µm.
Thallus thin, silvery grey-white ± to pale bluish-grey, rarely darker, determinate, areolate, areolae angular, limited by a fimbriate, black prothallus, in irregular patches, 1-(4-8) cm diam., often forming mosaics, saxicolous. Apothecia between areolae, 0.1-0.6 mm diam., innate, concave to plane, black, matt, epruinose, margins, raised above level of thallus, persistent entire. Hypothecium pale to dark brown. Ascospores ellipsoid to oval with rounded ends, not constricted at septum, 8.3-12(-15) × (3.4-)5.1-6.8(-8.5) µm.
Thallus whitish-grey or dirty fawn-grey, smooth, waxy, continuous or rimose, somewhat indeterminate at margins, with a thin, black marginal prothallus, in irregular patches 0.5-1.5 cm diam., saxicolous. Apothecia solitary or 1-2 confluent, 0.1-0.4 mm diam., black, matt, convex, marginate, epruinose, margins thin, concolorous with disc, prominent in young fruits, becoming occluded with age. Epithecium granular brownish-green 10-12 µm thick. Hymenium colourless 65-72 µm tall. Hypothecium pale brown. Ascospores ellipsoid-oval, fabiform, constricted at septum, ends pointed, locules equal, rounded 25 × 1 µm.
Thallus to 4 cm diam., scattered, formed of small (0.2-0.4 mm diam.) irregular patches, in central parts often continuous, white or pale greenish-grey, slightly shining, prothallus absent, foliicolous. Apothecia sessile, margins irregularly circular, sometimes confluent, 0.3-0.6 mm diam., distinctly byssoid, disc black, epruinose, plane to subconvex. Ascospores irregularly arranged, 3-septate, ellipsoid, 10-17 × 3-5 µm. Pycnidia rare, sessile, ± globose, 0.05-0.15 mm diam. Conidia simple, flask-shaped, 4-5 × 1.5-2 µm.
Thallus crustose, effuse, ecorticate. Photobiont green, species of Chlorococcaceae. Apothecia adnate or sessile, ± round, lecideine. Paraphyses simple or slightly branched. Asci thick-walled, 8-spored. Ascospores colourless, 1-3-septate. Pycnidia sessile, ± globose, usually covered by a layer of loosely intricating hyphae. Conidia simple, pear- to flask-shaped.
Thallus immersed in substratum. Apothecia epruinose, stalk and capitulum shining black, or stalk with a slight brownish to olivaceous tinge. Upper part of excipulum often slightly translucent, pale. Apothecia 0.5-0.9 mm high, 5-10 times as high as width of stalk. All parts of apothecium I-. Capitulum lenticular or slightly bell-shaped, 0.21-0.28 mm diam. Excipulum formed as a continuation of stalk tissue, with isodiametric to slightly elongated and anticlinally arranged, heavily sclerotized cells. Hypothecium flat or slightly convex. Stalk 0.08-0.13 mm diam., in longitudinal section dark brown, consisting of densely intertwined, sclerotized hyphae. Outermost part of stalk ± hyaline, of pale hyphae and with a thin sheet of gelatinous, I- material at the surface. Asci cylindrical, 44-52 × 4-5 µm, spores uniseriate. Ascospores 12.5-15 × 5.5-7 µm, minutely warted, to minutely cracked-areolate, when old also with coarse cracks. Chemistry: No secondary substances known.
Thallus immersed, to verrucose, grey to brownish. Apothecia epruinose or with a dense, citrine yellow pruina on lower side of capitulum. Mazaedium with a faint to strong yellow pruina. Apothecia 0.6-1.9 mm high, very short-stalked and robust or fairly slender with long stalks, 3-20 times as high as width of stalk. All parts of apothecia, except a very thin gelatinous sheet surrounding stalk, I-. Capitulum broadly lenticular, 0.3-0.6 mm diam. Excipulum of weakly anticlinally arranged, slightly elongated, heavily sclerotized hyphae. Hypothecium dark brown, convex. Stalk 0.1-0.3 mm diam., of densely intertwined, dark brown, sclerotized hyphae, or with a pale, not sclerotized central and outer part. The outermost layer is completely translucent, gelatinous and reacts faintly I+ blue. Asci cylindrical with uniseriate spores, or clavate with biseriate spores. Cylindrical asci 34-37 × 3.5-4.5 µm. Ascospores 9-16 × 4-6.5 µm, with distinctive ornamentation of spirally arranged ridges. Chemistry: The yellow pruina of the apothecia consists of vulpinic acid and the thallus contains norstictic acid. Thallus K+ red, Pd+ yellow to orange, C-.
Thallus verrucose to almost immersed, verrucose-granular, pale straw yellow to almost white. Apothecia with a thick, often areolate pruina on lower side of capitulum. In some specimens, however, only some of the apothecia are pruinose. Apothecia 0.9-1.4 mm high, 6-10 times as high as width of stalk. All parts of the apothecium I-. Capitulum lenticular, 0.35-0.52 mm diam. Excipulum formed by ± isodiametric, heavily sclerotized cells. Hypothecium dark brown, with flat upper surface. Stalk 0.13-0.16 mm diam., shining, black, epruinose. In section the stalk is dark brown to dark aeruginose, consisting of periclinally arranged, ± branched hyphae with thickened, sclerotized walls. Outermost stalk layer gelatinous, I-. Asci cylindrical with uniseriate spores, 39-50 × 4.5-5.5 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, 11-15 × 6-7 µm with minutely-coarsely areolate ornamentation. Chemistry: Thallus containing thiophanic acid and arthothelin. Thallus K+ dull yellow, C+ orange, KC+ orange to red, Pd-, UV+ dark orange. The pruina of the apothecia is Pd+ orange, but has not been identified.
Thallus immersed or rarely episubstratic, dark greyish-green, verrucose, very thin. Apothecia 0.5-0.9 mm high, with a faint greyish pruina at edge of excipulum on lower part of capitulum, or sometimes epruinose, 3-6 times as high as width of stalk. All parts of the apothecium I-. Capitulum obovoid to lenticular, 0.23-0.34 mm diam. Excipulum dark brown to aeruginose, elongated to almost isodiametric sclerotized hyphae, paler in outer part, and ± distinctly anticlinally arranged. Hypothecium dark brown with flat or slightly convex upper surface. Stalk shining, black, epruinose, 0.11-0.17 mm diam., consisting of blackish-brown to dark aeruginose, irregularly interwoven and strongly sclerotized hyphae, becoming pale towards surface. Outermost gelatinous layer I-. Asci cylindrical with uniseriate spores, 35-41 × 3.5-4.5 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, 9-13 × 5-6.5 µm with irregular ornamentation of short ridges and irregular cracks. Chemistry: No secondary substances identified.
Thallus episubstratic, verrucose or rarely almost immersed, pale straw yellow. Apothecia 0.4-0.9 mm high, epruinose or sometimes with a faint greyish pruina on lower side of excipulum, 3-7 times as high as width of stalk. All parts of apothecium I-. Capitulum obovoid to lenticular, 0.10-0.15 mm diam. Excipulum of dark brown, elongate to almost isodiametric interwoven hyphae with thickened walls. Hypothecium dark brown, convex. Inner surface of excipulum sometimes lined by a layer of minute crystals that appear at the edge of the excipulum as a narrow, yellow zone surrounding the mazaedium. Stalk 0.10-0.15 mm diam., shining, black, epruinose, consisting of dark brown, periclinally arranged, intricately branched hyphae. Outermost layer pale, consisting of unsclerotized, irregularly arranged hyphae. Surface of stalk covered by a very thin, gelatinous I-, layer. Asci cylindrical with uniseriate spores, 40-51 × 4-5 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, 10.5-14 × 4.5-7.5 µm, with minutely uneven and cracked surface. Chemistry: Thallus containing arthothelin, thuringione and thiophanic acid. Thallus K+ dull yellow, C+ orange, KC+ orange to red, Pd-, UV+ dark orange.
Thallus crustaceous, epi- or endosubstratic. When episubstratic the thallus is verrucose-granular, grey, greenish-grey, pale yellowish-green or dark green. Photobiont: . Apothecia well-stalked. Stalk tissue of strongly sclerotized, blackish-brown to greenish-brown hyphae. Mazaedium well-developed. Asci dissolved at early stages, cylindrical-clavate. Ascospores 1-septate, when mature, dark brown with thick walls. Spore wall often with distinctive ornamentation. Pycnidia sessile or slightly immersed, simple, spherical and with simple ostiole. Conidia broadly ellipsoid to short cylindrical, hyaline, simple. Chemistry: Containing β-orcinol depsides and depsidones, xanthones and tetronic acid derivatives.
Thallus immersed. Apothecia very short-stalked to almost sessile, 0.21-0.29 mm high, without pruina. All parts of apothecium I-. Capitulum lenticular to slightly bell-shaped, 0.23-0.31 mm diam. Excipulum of strongly interwoven, dark aeruginose to brown hyphae. Excipular hyphae strongly sclerotized but paler towards surface of capitulum. Stalk very short, consisting of similar tissue to excipulum, though in section often with a stronger aeruginose tinge. Hypothecium dark brown with flat or slightly convex upper surface. Asci cylindrical with uniseriate spores, 34-41 × 4-5 µm. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid, 10-12.5 × 5-7.5 µm, with ornamentation of coarse, irregular cracks. Chemistry: No secondary substances identified.
Thallus episubstratic, verrucose or rarely almost immersed, straw yellow to greenish-yellow. Apothecia robust, with short stalks, 0.35-0.60 mm high, epruinose, 1.7-2.4 times as high as width of stalk. Surface of mazaedium sometimes with a faint white pruina. All parts of stalk I-. Capitulum obconical, 0.24-0.44 mm diam. Excipulum of short, cylindrical to isodiametric, dark brown, heavily sclerotized cells, interhyphal spaces filled with sclerotic material. Hypothecium blackish brown with slightly convex upper surface. Stalk thick, black, epruinose, 0.16-0.28 mm diam. Central part of stalk of periclinally arranged, dark brown hyphae, c. 3 µm diam., with sclerotized walls but without interhyphal sclerotized material. Outer layer of stalk pale brown to aeruginose or translucid, consisting of anticlinally arranged, branched hyphae with swollen, gelatinous walls but not sclerotized. A thin gelatinous, I-, coat is sometimes found enclosing the stalk. Asci cylindrical, 44-53 × 4.5-5.3 µm, with uniseriate spores. Ascopores ellipsoid, 12.5-15.5 × 6.5-7.5 µm, with minutely warted to areolate ornamentation. Chemistry: Thallus containing arthothelin, thuringione, and thiophanic acid. Thallus K+ dull yellow, C+ orange, KC+ orange to red, Pd-, UV+ dark orange.
Thallus endosubstratic, often staining substrate grey. Apothecia 0.9-1.5 mm high, with a brown pruina on lower side of excipulum and sometimes upper part of stalk, 7-15 times as high as width of stalk. All parts of stalk I-. Capitulum lenticular, 0.25-0.40 mm diam. Excipulum of ± isodiametric, heavily sclerotized cells, dark brown; outer surface covered by a layer of granular, reddish-brown crystals that yield feather to plate-like, violet-red crystals in K. Hypothecium blackish-brown with convex upper surface. Stalk black, sometimes with a brown pruina in uppermost part, 0.08-0.12 mm diam. Central part of stalk of densely intertwined, dark brown hyphae, c. 3 µm diam., but without interhyphal sclerotized material. Outer part of stalk slightly paler and a gelatinous I-, coat often covers the stalk. Asci cylindrical, 34-41 × 3-4 µm, with uniseriate spores. Ascospores ellipsoid, 7-11 × 3.5-5 µm with ornamentation of spirally arranged ridges and occasional irregular cracks. Chemistry: Thallus containing norstictic acid. Thallus K+ dull yellow, C-, KC+ dull yellow, Pd+ yellow to orange. These reactions though, are not detected in all specimens. Pruina K+, forming violet-red feather to platelike crystals (seen in watermounts on addition of K).
Thallus granular to verrucose or almost immersed, greenish-grey or with bluish tinge. Apothecia 0.4-1.6 mm high, epruinose or with a white pruina on lower side of capitulum, 4-8 times as high as width of stalk. Stalk and excipulum in watermounts I+ dark blue. Excipulum of densely intertwined, sclerotized hyphae with slightly elongated cells, laterally not reaching far above surface of hypothecium. Hypothecium blackish-brown with convex upper surface. Stalk black or with reddish-brown tinge, consisting of densely intertwined, sclerotized hyphae and sometimes with strands of interhyphal, granular crystals, outer part of stalk slightly paler and a very thin I-, gelatinous coat covers the stalk. Asci narrowly clavate, 21-32 × 4-5.5 µm with spores in part biseriate and overlapping. Ascospores remaining simple while enclosed in asci. Mature spores 1-septate, broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid, 9-14 × 4-7.5 µm, with minutely verrucose to areolate ornamentation. Chemistry: No secondary substances identified. Thallus K-, C-, KC-, Pd- and UV-.
Thallus immersed or rarely episubstratic, dark greyish-green, verrucose, very thin. Apothecia 0.5-0.9 mm high, with a yellow pruina on lower side of capitulum, 5-9 times as high as width of stalk. All parts of stalk I-. Capitulum lenticular to obovoid, 0.17-0.26 mm diam. Excipulum of isodiametric, to slightly elongated cells; cells of outer part pale, of inner, sclerotized and dark brown. Outer surface of excipulum with granular, yellow pruina. Hypothecium blackish-brown with convex upper surface. Stalk black, epruinose, 0.07-0.11 mm diam. Central part of stalk dark brown or with an aeruginose tinge, of intricately interwoven and heavily sclerotized hyphae. Outer part of stalk hyaline to brownish, 22-27 µm thick, of strongly gelatinized cells arranged as in the central part. The stalk is enclosed in a thin, gelatinous, I- coat. Asci cylindrical, 30-37 × 3.5-4.5 µm, with ornamentation of irregular cracks and short ridge fragments. Chemistry: The yellow pruina of the apothecia consists of vulpinic acid.
Thallus crustose, minute, dispersed, of oblong or sublinear granules, to 1 mm long and 0.2 mm wide, suberect or convex or unevenly swollen, effuse or lacking, whitish, K-, saxicolous. Apothecia sessile, crowded to dispersed, 0.05-0.3 mm diam., disc matt, orange, epruinose, concave, rarely plane, margins entire, persistent, whitish to concolorous with disc. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid, apices rounded, straight, 2-locular, septum c. ⅓ length of spore, (11-)13-17 × 6-8.3 µm.
Thallus crustose, ± granular-dispersed, to lacking, granules minute, 0.2-0.3 mm wide rounded rarely sublinear, plane, smooth, often effuse or lacking, K-, saxicolous. Apothecia scattered, solitary and rounded to crowded, angular or elliptical through mutual pressure, 0.8-2.0 mm diam., disc matt, epruinose, at first orange-yellow becoming brownish yellow, subconcave to plane, margin entire, persistent, thin, pale yellow. Ascospores subbiseriate, oval with rounded apices, straight, 2-locular, 12-15 × 6-9 µm. Septum c. ¼ the length of spore. Chemistry: Emodin, parietin, xanthorin, fallacinal.
Thallus crustose, in subdeterminate patches, 0.5-1.0 cm diam., sometimes confluent, brick-red to ochraceous, often somewhat indistinct, rather thin, K+ purple, saxicolous. Apothecia crowded, adnate, minute 0.2-0.5 mm diam., subconvex, round to contorted through mutual pressure, disc orange-red, matt, plane, margins persistent, entire, paler than disc, apothecium in section I+ blue. Ascospores ellipsoid, 2-locular 9-11 × 5-6 µm, septum c. ¼ the length of spore.
Thallus crustose, granular-furfuraceous or lacking, white, K-, often ± reduced to granules round the apothecia, saxicolous. Apothecia sessile, crowded, rounded to ± irregularly contorted through mutual pressure, 0.1-0.5 mm diam., disc ferrugineous brown-red, matt, concave to plane, rarely convex and immarginate with age, margins persistent, orange, entire, sometimes occluded with age. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid-oblong, apices rounded, straight, 2-locular, 13.6-17.0 × 6-8.3 µm, septum thin, c. 1/8 length of spore. Paraphyses moniliform at ends, end cell clavate.
Thallus rosette-forming to spreading, very closely attached, 0.5-2(-8) cm diam., effigurate, 0.2 mm thick, regularly areolate-cracked, areolae regular, 0.5-1.0 mm diam., separated by deep cracks, margins of areolae noticeably thickened, matt, orange-red, K+ purple, smooth to minutely verrucose-papillate, saxicolous. Apothecia scattered, infrequent, at margins of areolae, solitary rarely 2-5-confluent, sessile, rounded, 0.1-0.6 mm diam., disc plane to subconvex, matt or slightly scabrid, orange, margins minutely crenulate, slightly paler than disc, concolorous with thallus, persistent. Ascospores biseriate, oblong-ellipsoid with rounded ends 2-locular, 8.3-10.2(-12) × 3.5-5(-6.5) µm, septum c. ⅓ the length of spore. Paraphyses septate, branched at apices. Chemistry: Emodin, parietin, xanthorin, fallacinal, parietinic acid.
Thallus crustose to ± papillate-globose or granular, rather insignificant, in irregular patches 0.5-1 cm diam., amongst mosses, often overlooked. Apothecia minute, 0.2-0.6(-1.0) mm diam., conspicuous, bright cinnabar-red to dark rust red, scattered, sessile, disc subconvex to plane, roughened, margins entire to subcrenulate, coriaceous, concolorous with disc. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid-ovoid, apices rounded, 2-locular 13-15(-17.5) × 6.5-7.5 µm, septum c. 063 of length of spore. Chemistry: Emodin, parietin, xanthorin, fallacinal, chloremodin, fragilin.
Thallus crustose, in irregular patches 1-3(-5) cm diam., closely attached, 0.1 mm thick, often eroded and very thin, roughened, continuous to minutely verrucose-areolate, orange-yellow, paler in shaded situations, K+ purple, margins ± entire not crenulate or plicate. Apothecia sessile, crowded, often covering whole thallus, rounded or distorted by mutual pressure, disc concave to plane 0.1-0.4 mm diam., orange, margins persistent, thin, entire, prominent in young fruits and ± obscuring disc, slightly paler than disc, concolorous with thallus. Paraphyses submoniliform at apices. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid to oblong-ellipsoid, apices rounded to slightly pointed, straight, 2-locular, 14-17 × 7-8.3 µm, septum ¼ to ⅓ of length of spore.
Thallus crustose, effuse, coarsely granular-sorediate in a ± diffract-areolate crust, or ± thinly scattered, yellow to pale lemon yellow or green-yellow, K+ purple, saxicolous. Apothecia rather rare, 0.2-0.6 mm diam., disc plane, matt, orange, thalline margin granular, concolorous with thallus, occluded with age. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid with rounded ends, straight, 10-15 × 4.5-8 µm, septum c. ⅓ length of spore. Chemistry: Emodin, parietin, xanthorin, fallacinal.
Thallus caespitose, 1-4 cm diam., rosette-forming to ± spreading, deep chrome yellow, paler at margins, verrucose-areolate centrally, areolae small, marginal lobes radiate, convex, closely dichotomous, 10-15 mm long, ± terete, 0.5-0.8 mm diam., apices subflabellate, digitate, ultimate lobules 1-1.5 mm long, 0.4 mm diam., closely attached, surface smooth, with effigurate, yellowish maculae (×10 lens). Apothecia frequent, central, rarely marginal, 0.5-1.0 mm diam., sessile, disc orange, concave to plane, margins ± prominent, paler than disc. Ascospores ellipsoid, 10-13 × 5.5-8 µm.
Thallus subsquamulose, radiate effigurate, rosette-forming to somewhat confluent 1-2(-3) cm diam., orange-yellow or lemon-yellow, often dark yellow-brown centrally, pruinose, sorediate, K+ purple, saxicolous. Lobes convex, contiguous, to 5 mm long and 0.25-0.5 mm wide, apices broader, incised-crenate or palmate, ± plicate-radiate, centrally cracked-lobulate to verrucose, soralia round or confluent, mainly central, soredia granular, delicate, orange-yellow. Apothecia not seen in New Zealand material. Chemistry: Emodin, parietin, xanthorin, fallacinal.
Thallus crustose, whitish to dark grey, very thin and continuous or thickish and areolate-cracked, areolae irregular, plane or uneven, effuse to determinate, prothallus blue-black, thin, thallus sometimes lacking, K-, corticolous or lignicolous. Apothecia scattered to crowded, 0.5-1(-2) mm diam., plane to convex, disc deep rust-red, matt, margin concolorous with disc or paler, entire, or flexuose, persistent. Ascospores biseriate oval-ellipsoid with rounded or slightly pointed apices, 2-locular, 13.6-17 × 6.8-9 µm, septum c. ½ length of spore. Chemistry: Emodin, parietin, xanthorin fallacinal, chloremodin, fragilin.
Thallus crustose, effuse, scurfy-furfuraceous, whitish-grey or lacking, in patches 1-5 diam., K-, saxicolous. Apothecia small, crowded, 0.3-0.5 mm diam., deformed-angular through mutual pressure, solitary fruits rounded, sessile, concave at first, becoming ± convex, disc deep yellow or orange, matt, margins concolorous with disc or paler, entire, most obvious in young fruits, occluded with age. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid with rounded ends, straight, 2-locular, 10-16 × 5-7.5 µm, septum c. ¼ to ⅓ length of spore. Chemistry: Emodin, parietin, xanthorin, fallacinal.
Thallus crustose, dingy grey-white to olive-grey, somewhat coriaceous, wrinkled, irregularly cracked, in rosettes or irregular patches 1-4 cm diam., K-, corticolous. Apothecia scattered, solitary to 2-3-confluent, 0.2-1.0 mm diam., disc dark reddish-brown to brown, K-, slightly roughened, subconcave to plane, margins entire or crenulate, persistent, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores biseriate, 3-locular, ellipsoid with rounded ends, straight, 21-25 × (9-)10-12(-13) µm.
Thallus crustose, granular-scurfy, greyish-white, often indistinct, K-, corticolous. Apothecia crowded to ± dispersed, rounded to deformed by mutual pressure, 0.1-1.0 mm diam., disc orange-red to pale yellowish-orange, matt, epruinose, plane to convex, margins persistent, entire to subcrenulate, pale whitish, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores biseriate, to ellipsoid, apices rounded to slightly pointed, straight, 2-locular, 11-17 × 6-8.3 µm, septum ½ length of spore.
Thallus crustose, 0.1-0.2 mm thick, in irregular patches 2-5(-8) cm diam., verrucose-roughened, greyish-white, yellowish-grey or yellowish, K+ purple, verrucae continuous or ± areolate-cracked, areolae rather angular 0.5-1.0 mm diam., margins rather indistinct, saxicolous. Apothecia crowded, rounded or distorted through mutual pressure 0.5-1.2 mm diam., disc concave at first becoming plane, matt, orange to red-brown, often minutely granular, margins pale yellow, thick at first obscuring disc, entire to crenulate, persistent. Paraphyses straight, not moniliform, slightly branched at apices. Ascospores uniseriate, oval-ellipsoid to oblong, apices rounded or slightly pointed, straight, 2-locular, 12-17 × 5-7 µm, septum c. ⅓ length of spore.
Thallus crustose, 0.1 mm thick, granular-furfuraceous to 4 cm diam., in a diffract-areolate crust, areolae to 1 mm diam., separated by deep cracks, or sometimes reduced to a few scattered granules or verrucae, greyish-yellow or yellowish-white, always with some distinct spotting of yellow or orange, K+ purple, corticolous. Apothecia scattered or crowded, sessile, rounded to irregular-contorted through mutual pressure, disc plane to subconvex to subglobose, 0.2-1.2 mm diam., orange, matt, epruinose, margins thick, entire to minutely crenulate, paler than disc, occluded with age. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid to oblong ellipsoid, apices slightly pointed, straight, 2-locular, (12-)15.3-18.7(-20) × (5-)7-8.3 µm, septum ¼ to ⅓ length of spore.
Thallus crustose 0.1 mm thick, in small irregular patches 0.5-2 cm diam., coalescing into larger colonies, dingy grey-white or olivaceous, areolate-cracked, areolae minute 0.1-0.3 mm wide, plane, separated by narrow cracks, K-, saxicolous. Apothecia scattered, solitary or 2-4 confluent, sessile, rounded to ± deformed by mutual pressure, 0.2-0.8 mm diam., disc clear orange-yellow, matt, epruinose, plane to subconvex, margins thin, entire, persistent, whitish or pale yellowish. Ascospores biseriate, ovoid-ellipsoid, apices rounded, straight, 2-locular, 12-15.3 × 6.8 µm, septum ¼ to ⅓ length of spore. Paraphyses clavate to moniliform at apices.
Thallus squamulose, radiate-plicate, effigurate, rosette-forming 1-3(-5) cm diam., yellow, ochraceous or orange, rarely brown-red, distinctly lobate, K+ purple, saxicolous. Lobes convex, contiguous, 0.3-0.5 mm long and 0.25-1.5 mm wide, often scarcely longer than broad, or palmate, strongly white pruinose, pruina coarse, ± areolate-diffract centrally. Apothecia clustered centrally often obscuring thallus, numerous, to 1 mm diam., plane to convex, disc matt or slightly roughened, margins entire or minutely crenulate or somewhat granular, concolorous with disc or paler, persistent or occluded with age. Ascospores ellipsoid or oblong-ellipsoid with rounded apices, 2-locular, 9-16 × 4.5-7 µm, septum ⅓ to ½ length of spore. Chemistry: Emodin, parietin, xanthorin, fallacinal.
Thallus crustose, 0.1 mm thick, scarcely visible at margins of apothecia, wrinkled, pale brownish, areolate-cracked, areolae plane, angular, separated by narrow cracks, K+ purple, saxicolous. Apothecia copiously developed and often obscuring thallus, 2-5 confluent, contorted through mutual pressure, disc red, 0.4-1.2 mm diam., matt, epruinose, plane at first, becoming convex, contorted, margins thin, entire, prominent, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid or subcylindrical-ellipsoid, apices rounded, straight, 2-locular, 12-14 × 4-5.5 µm, septum c. ¼ to ⅓ length of spore.
Thallus crustose, orange-yellow or pale orange-red (paler in shaded sites), ± continuous, wrinkled-plicate to ± areolate centrally, ± plicate-radiate at margins, 1-3(-5) cm diam., sometimes very thin and somewhat fibrous, the projecting hyphae resembling a yellow prothallus, K+ purple, saxicolous. Apothecia scattered, often numerous centrally, rarely towards margins, sessile to subpedicellate, 0.2-1.2 mm diam., rounded or contorted through mutual pressure, disc plane to subconvex, concolorous with thallus, matt to slightly roughened, sometimes with plugs of sterile tissue centrally and appearing ± gyrose, margins prominent, entire, concolorous with thallus, thalline exciple below disc pale orange or yellowish, smooth. Ascospores biseriate, 2-locular, fusiform 12-17 × 6.5-8.5 µm, septum 4-6 µm thick.
Thallus crustose or squamulose-placodioid, sometimes verrucose- or granular-furfuraceous, effuse or lacking, attached to substrate by medullary hyphae, effigurate or lobed and subfoliose at margins, corticolous, muscicolous or saxicolous, heteromerous, yellow or yellowish-orange, or red or brown-red, occasionally blackened or greyish-white, K+ purple (anthraquinones) or K-. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lecanorine, yellow, orange, rust red, or brownish, rounded, appressed or sessile. Hypothecium colourless. Paraphyses simple, septate, capitate. Asci 8-spored. Ascospores colourless, thick-walled, polarilocular, mainly with 2 locules, one species with three locules. Pycnidia immersed. Conidia short, straight, cylindrical.
Thallus crustose, scurfy-granular, 0.1 mm thick, grey-brown to black, ± areolate, areolae 0.05 mm diam., separated by shallow to deep cracks, uneven-verrucose, K-, in irregular patches 1-5(-8) cm diam., saxicolous. Apothecia sessile, scattered to crowded, rounded or contorted through mutual pressure, 0.1-0.5(-0.8) mm diam., disc shallowly concave at first then plane, becoming distinctly convex and immarginate with age, dull reddish-orange to bright cinnabar-red, matt, margins thin, entire, concolorous with disc or paler, persistent or occluded with age. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid, apices rounded, straight, 2-locular, 15.3-17 × 5.1-7.0 µm, septum c. ⅓ length of spore.
Thallus foliose, lobate, spreading to ± subascendent, loosely attached to 4 cm diam. Lobes 5-10 mm long and 3-6 mm wide, margins entire, sinuous to ± notched or incised. Upper surface smooth, matt, green to yellowish- or greyish-green, isidia, maculae, pseudocyphellae and soredia absent. Medulla white, to 150 µm thick, of ± loosely woven, anastomosing hyphae, cells 2.5 µm diam. Lower surface pale whitish, smooth to somewhat longitudinally ridged and wrinkled, rhizines absent. Apothecia marginal on small lobules c. 1 mm long, 1-15 per frond, mostly slightly displaced to ventral surface, hemispherical, 0.5 mm diam., disc convex, black or brown with a thin pale thalline margin at base. Hypothecium dark brown, 200-250 µm thick. Paraphyses very thin, entangled, simple. Ascospores globose irregularly ellipsoid, brown, 4-6.0 µm, thin-walled forming a well-developed mazaedium.
Thallus foliose, heteromerous, lobate, dorsiventral, to 4 cm diam. Lobes broad, rounded, flattened, margins entire, sinuous, often ± ascending. Photobiont green, Protococcaceae. Apothecia marginal on small lobules, mazaedium well-developed, surrounded by a narrow thalline margin. Asci cylindrical, thin-walled containing 8 irregularly arranged spores. Ascospores simple, spherical to irregularly ellipsoid, brown at maturity.
Thallus small-foliose, squamulose or lobate, closely attached, sometimes appearing crustose. Lobes very narrow, strap-shaped to somewhat rounded or linear, contiguous to crowded, margins entire to dissected, plane or sorediate, the soredia often covering large areas of the thallus, with lobes visible only at margins. Upper surface yellow, not turning purple on addition of KOH. Medulla white. Photobiont green, . Apothecia small, to 1.5 mm diam., sessile, concave, disc yellow-green. Ascospores many (16-32) per ascus, colourless, simple or 1-septate. is a cosmopolitan genus of c. 7 species included in the family Candelariaceae, a characteristic of which is the production of pulvinic acid derivatives giving the strong yellow colour to the thallus. is distinguished from by the foliose-lobate nature of the thallus, a feature most easily recognised at the thallus margins. One species is present in New Zealand.
Thallus dispersed as an indeterminate, scurfy, ± areolate crust, closely attached, often forming extensive colonies, corticolous. Lobes very minute, often only visible at margins of thallus, margins partly entire to completely and densely granular-sorediate. Upper surface lemon-yellow to mustard-yellow, often greenish in shaded habitats, ± densely granular-sorediate or minutely granular-isidiate. Medulla very thin, white. Lower surface whitish. Rhizines simple, pale, sparse. Apothecia rare (not seen in New Zealand material) minute, yellow orange-brown with a yellow, sorediate margin. Ascospores elliptical 6-15 × 4-6 µm. Chemistry: Calycin and pulvinic dilactone.
Thallus yellow or greenish-grey or ashy, granular-dispersed, obsolete or lacking. Apothecia common, small, to 1.2 mm diam., widely dispersed and rarely or never crowded-confluent, margins entire to subcrenate, persistent, not granular or sorediate, disc plane to subconvex, darker yellow than margins, surface rather rough. Ascospores 8 per ascus, oblong or ellipsoid, straight or curved, 12-30 × 5-7.5 µm. Chemistry: Calycin and pulvinic dilactone.
Thallus crustose, uniform, horny, verrucose or effigurate, bright yellow (calycin and pulvinic dilactone) not turning purple on addition of KOH. Photobiont green, . Lower cortex absent. Apothecia sessile, circular, yellow. Ascospores 8 to many per ascus, colourless, elongate to ellipsoid, simple to 1-septate, walls and septum thin.
Thallus lemon-yellow to yolk-yellow, mustard to brown-yellow, ± olive-greenish in shade, dull, granular to verrucose-areolate, the granules to 0.2 mm broad but frequently flattened and forming masses to 5 mm broad, in groups, the colour very variable. Apothecia to 1.5 mm wide, often crowded, sessile, flat to subconvex, margins entire or becoming granular-sorediate or entirely disappearing, flexuose or crenulate. Ascospores numerous (12-30 per ascus), colourless, oblong to ellipsoid, slightly curved, apices rounded, 9-15 × 4.5-6.5 µm. Chemistry: Calycin and pulvinic dilactone.
Thallus lemon yellow to yolk-yellow, farinose-leprose or minutely granular or dissolving in soredia, granules 30-60 µm diam., often widely dispersed. Apothecia rare, to 0.9 mm diam., adnate between soredia, plane to subconvex, margins thin, entire, becoming sorediate-leprose, concolorous with thallus. Epithecium granular, yellow to orange-yellow. Hymenium 65-75 µm tall. Hypothecium colourless. Paraphyses slender, subcapitate at apices, simple, rarely branched. Asci broadly clavate. Ascospores numerous, oblong to ovoid, 9-15 × 4-5 µm. Chemistry: Calycin and pulvinic dilactone.
Thallus crustose, effuse, ecorticate, rarely with effigurate margins, without a lower cortex, without soredia or isidia. Medulla I-. Corticolous, saxicolous or foliicolous. Photobiont green, and , mostly in small groups dispersed throughout thallus. Apothecia lecideine, solitary or clustered, sessile or subinnate, small, 0.3-1.5 mm diam., matt or glossy, rarely pruinose, plane to moderately or strongly convex, young fruits concave with flat disc and swollen margins, margins persistent or disappearing with age. Epithecium of much thickened and branching paraphyses tips, colourless to black. Hymenium colourless 40-60 µm tall, rarely lower (30 µm) or taller (75 µm). Paraphyses simple, much branched in upper part, apical cells swollen, to 8 µm diam., always pigmented, pigment in apical cap. Asci subcylindrical or -type with thickened walls, often with an I+ blue tholus. Ascospores 1-septate, oblong-ellipsoid, oval or fabiform with rounded or pointed ends, colourless, 8 per ascus.
Thallus continuous or partly eroding, farinose to minutely granular-sorediate, rarely almost smooth, bluish-white to bluish-grey, sometimes greenish, foliicolous, to 4 mm diam. Apothecia slightly constricted at base, 0.1-0.3 mm diam., rather irregular, disc pale flesh-coloured to yellowish with a slight reddish tinge, without pruina or with a thin white pruina, plane or subconvex, margins thin, white. Ascospores biseriate, oblong to ovoid, sometimes slightly constricted at septum, 10-18 × 3-6 µm.
Thallus olive greenish with a yellowish greyish tinge, continuous, or minutely cracked, in places noticeably areolate to diffract, smooth to minutely roughened-granular, matt or shining, not delimited at margins by a black prothallus, in irregular patches or bands, 0.5-5 cm diam., corticolous (bark or twigs). Apothecia prominent, scattered, solitary to 1-3-confluent, sessile, rounded to ± irregular through mutual pressure, 0.5-3.0 mm diam., concave at first becoming plane or convex, disc black or dark olivaceous brown-black, matt, epruinose, margins prominent, ± persistent, black, slightly raised, entire to flexuose, proper exciple below fruit, thick, carbonised. Epithecium 20-25 µm thick, olive green or bluish. Hymenium 250-360 µm thick, colourless. Hypothecium 200-250 µm thick, black or brown-black. Paraphyses simple, 2 µm thick, conglutinate, not, or only slightly thickened at apices. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid or oval, apices pointed at one end or both ends rounded, slightly constricted at septum, locules ± equal, 10-13(-18) × (17-)20-33(-38) µm.
Thallus pale greenish-grey to greyish-white, thick, continuous to minutely areolate-cracked, areolae smooth or minutely verrucose-papillate, matt or shining, in irregular patches, 2-5(-8) cm diam., corticolous. Apothecia biatorine, sessile, immarginate, 0.1-2.0 mm diam., subconvex, matt, scattered or crowded, rounded to deformed through mutual pressure, mustard yellow to ochre yellow, epruinose. Epithecium dense yellow, 17-22 µm thick. Hymenium 60 µm tall, interspersed with yellow pigment. Hypothecium 20-30 µm thick, pale brownish. Asci I+ blue in upper part or whole ascus blue, with a distinct apical tholus (I+ blue). Ascospores straight or slightly curved, narrowly ellipsoid with pointed ends (15-)18-22(-25) × 3.4-5.1 µm.
Thallus grey-white or pale greenish-grey, minutely roughened-verrucose, slightly cracked to ± areolate-cracked, corticolous, delimited by a thin, black, wavy prothallus. Apothecia sessile, 0.1-1.5 mm diam., concave to plane, sparse or crowded-confluent, rounded to irregular through mutual pressure, margins prominent, concolorous with disc, flexuose, disc black, matt, epruinose. Epithecium blue-black, 8-10(-30) µm thick, dense. Hymenium 30-50 µm tall, colourless. Hypothecium 55 µm thick, colourless. Paraphyses slender, 1.5-2 µm thick, apices blackened, slightly thickened to 3 µm. Asci 34-45 × 10-14 µm, clavate, upper part pale to medium blue in I, with an I+ blue apical tholus to 5 µm thick. Ascospores uni- or biseriate, broadly oval with rounded or slightly pointed ends, 13-17(-19) × (6.5-)8-9 µm, straight, not constricted at septum.
Thallus creamy, whitish or pale greenish, thin or thick, scattered or ± continuous, verrucose-rimose to ± areolate to ± furfuraceous, uneven-verrucose, shining or matt, in irregular patches 1-3(-8) cm diam., with or without a thin, black, wavy prothallus at margins, corticolous. Apothecia sessile, constricted at base, solitary or 1-3-confluent, plane to convex, 0.1-1.0 mm diam., disc brownish-black to reddish-brown, with or without a distinct blue-white pruina, margins prominent, swollen, entire to subcrenulate, persistent, blackened concolorous with disc in exposed forms, or more often reddish-brown, translucent. Epithecium black or olive-brown, 10-13 µm thick. Hymenium colourless 60-75 µm tall. Hypothecium olive-greenish or brownish, 40-50 µm thick. Asci I+ blue. Ascospores biseriate oval or broadly ellipsoid with pointed or rounded ends (13.5-)15-19(-22) × 6-7(-9) µm, straight or slightly curved and ± fabiform.
Thallus thin, pale grey, inconspicuous, corticate or evanescent, ± obscured by scattered or contiguous, efflorescent soralia, soredia pale green-white, granular, in spreading patches 5-10 cm diam. Apothecia rare, round, 0.5-1.2 mm diam., disc concave at first becoming plane, black, matt, epruinose, proper margin, pale, thin, ± translucent, often disappearing. Ascospores oblong-ellipsoid, 1-septate, 15-18 × 7-9 µm. Chemistry: Thallus K+ yellow, C-, KC+ deep yellow, Pd+ rust-red. Atranorin, zeorin and fumarprotocetraric acid.
Thallus pale whitish-grey, minutely scurfy or ± obsolete or lacking, visible as pale grey-white patches on decorticated wood. Apothecia biatorine, applanate, immarginate, convex, 1-3-confluent, red-brown or pale brown to slightly blackened, minute, 0.05-0.2 mm diam., scattered, numerous. Epithecium pale brownish-olivaceous 8-12 µm. Hymenium pale yellowish or colourless 20-26 µm tall. Hypothecium pale brownish-yellow 15-20 µm thick. Paraphyses simple, multiseptate, apices not swollen. Ascospores minute, ellipsoid-oblong to subfusiform, straight or curved, apices rounded or acute, 9-13.6 × 1.7-3.4 µm.
Thallus olivaceous, greyish or greenish-yellow ± translucent, minutely isidiate-furfuraceous, microphylline, not delimited by a marginal prothallus. Apothecia dark red-brown or ± blackened, matt or shining, 0.2-0.8 mm diam., concave to ± plane, margins thick, entire, concolorous with disc. Epithecium pale olivaceous-brownish, 22 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, 40-45 µm tall. Hypothecium pale yellow-brown, 40-50 µm thick. Paraphyses free, filiform, nonseptate, capitate at apices. Ascospores biseriate, ovoid to broadly ellipsoid, ends rounded or pointed, slightly constricted at septum, straight, (13.6-)15-17(-19) × (5.1-)6-8.3 µm.
Thallus olive green or greenish-brown, granular-furfuraceous, shining, rather depauperate to ± absent, not delimited by a marginal prothallus, corticolous. Apothecia 0.2-1.0 mm diam., convex, biatorine, waxy, immarginate, plane at first with a thin margin concolorous with disc, soon occluded, disc pale orange-brown to flesh-coloured, matt, translucent, epruinose. Epithecium 7-9 µm thick, slightly granular, pale yellowish-brown. Hymenium 40-50 µm tall, colourless. Hypothecium 40-60 µm thick, pale yellowish or brownish. Paraphyses simple, free or conglutinate, 2-3 µm thick, apices capitate 5 µm thick. Ascospores biseriate ellipsoid-fusiform, with pointed or blunt apices, straight, 10.2-12 × 1.5-2 µm.
Thallus pale greyish-green or whitish-olivaceous or pale olivaceous, ± continuous, occasionally irregularly cracked, slightly irregularly wrinkled or verrucose, shining, delimited at margins by a wavy, black prothallus, in irregular patches 1-2 cm diam., corticolous. Apothecia scattered, solitary, 0.2-0.8(-1.0) mm diam., plane to subconvex, black, matt or shining, epruinose, margins concolorous with disc, slightly raised to ± occluded. Epithecium 10-15 µm tall, pale olive-greyish. Hymenium 40-45 µm tall, colourless. Hypothecium 45-60 µm thick, pale yellowish. Paraphyses free, simple, non-septate, 2 µm thick, apices slightly swollen to 3.5-4 µm. Ascospores oval-ellipsoid, to ± fabiform, straight or curved, apices pointed or rounded, locules equal often with one conspicuous nucleus, 15.3-20.4 × 5.1-6.8 µm.
Thallus pale whitish-grey, sparse, granular to effuse, delimited by a thin, black, marginal prothallus, corticolous or lignicolous. Apothecia 0.1-0.8 (rarely 2-4) mm diam., sessile, scattered, solitary, round to subirregular, disc plane to subconvex, matt or shining, ± translucent, pale red-brown to dark brown-black, with or without a thin ± obsolete white pruina, mainly glabrous, margins raised, concolorous with disc, entire, thin, persistent. Epithecium pale olive-yellowish, granular, 8-10 µm tall. Hymenium 30-60 µm tall, colourless. Hypothecium 25 µm thick, pale brownish. Paraphyses conglutinate, slightly swollen at apices, simple. Ascospores ellipsoid-cylindrical or oblong-fusiform with slightly pointed ends, straight, narrow, 8.3-12(-13) × 2-3 µm.
Thallus olive greenish or greenish-yellow to creamish-buff, ± areolate, wrinkled, verrucose or lacking. Apothecia sessile, scattered, few to many, 0.5-2.0 mm diam., disc black, smooth, concave at first, becoming roughened, convex and immarginate with age, margins persistent, thick, concolorous with disc, thinner and sometimes occluded at maturity. Epithecium blue-black, 8-22 µm thick. Hymenium colourless 80-110 µm tall. Paraphyses discrete 2-2.5 µm thick, apices blue-black, capitate. Hypothecium blue-black or green-black, dense, thick. Ascospores 20-34 × 10-15(-18) µm, straight, apices pointed or rounded.
Thallus crustose, thin, uniform. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lecideine, sessile, round to irregular, black or dark brown, proper margin thick, persistent, or occluded at maturity. Excipulum radiate, of moderately thickened hyphae. Hymenium I+ dark blue 80-170 µm tall. Paraphyses abundant, simple or branched-anastomosing and capitate at apices. Hypothecium pale, to dark blue-black. Asci clavate to cylindrical with an amyloid tholus. Ascospores 8, rarely 12-14 per ascus, 1-septate, colourless, ellipsoid, moderately thick-walled, slightly constricted at septum.
Thallus ± fruticose and erect, rhizines when present confined to the central part of the lower surface, dying away at base, terricolous or muscicolous. Lobes flattened, rarely terete, weakly branching. Upper surface olive-green or brownish or reddish-brown or yellow, with laminal or marginal pseudocyphellae and often marginal projections. Photobiont green, . Medulla white. Apothecia lecanorine, marginal or submarginal. Ascospores colourless, simple, ellipsoid, 6-8 per ascus.
Thallus (1-)2-4(-6) cm tall, usually dichotomously branching, sometimes with only a few short lateral branches, rarely unbranched. Lobes variable, rather stiff and thick, 1-5(-15) mm broad, canaliculate or flatter with margins bent inwards, rarely flat and then only widest lobes, margins usually with a distinct ledge. Lower surface dark brown or chestnut-brown in upper parts, dominating middle part usually lighter in colour, yellowish-brown or greyish-brown, basal parts dullish red to dark red, usually smooth, sometimes slightly wrinkled or pitted especially in broader lobe portions, glossy or dull. Upper surface concolorous, sometimes darker especially in upper parts, glossy or dull, marginal pseudocyphellae sometimes forming a continuous line, but often only present as whitish dots along margin, laminal pseudocyphellae when present few and small, marginal projections usually present, numerous to sparse, 0.1-0.5 mm long. Apothecia not seen. Pycnidia dark brown at ends of marginal projections. Conidia rod-shaped 6 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Medulla K- or + yellowish, C-, KC-, Pd+ yellowish to reddish or -. Fumar-protocetraric (±), lichesterinic and protolichesterinic acids.
Thallus foliose, lobate, dorsiventral, heteromerous, loosely attached. Lobes long, linear, narrow, subcanaliculate to involute, with or without marginal cilia. Lower surface channelled, brown to black, rhizinate or bare. Medulla white. Photobiont green, .
Thallus loosely attached, to 10 cm diam., straggling, corticolous rarely saxicolous. Lobes narrow (4-8 mm wide), dichotomously branching, strap-shaped, subcanaliculate, margins ciliate, cilia conspicuous, black, long, dichotomously branched. Upper surface greyish-green, smooth, matt, often finely maculate (×10 lens), sorediate at apices, soredia fine, floury, white, becoming grey-black with age, in terminal or subterminal, hooded or revolute soralia. Lower surface shining, black, wrinkled, pale brown towards apices, ± distinctly channelled. Rhizines sparse, black, simple to squarrosely branched. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Thallus K+ yellow; medulla K+ yellow-red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic and atranorin.
Thallus medium to large, foliose, 12-24 cm diam., corticolous, rarely saxicolous. Lobes rounded, 5-10 mm wide. Upper surface pale greenish-grey or ashy white, the margins ± ascendent and commonly isidiate, tips white-pruinose, pseudocyphellae small, punctiform to irregular, rarely more than 1 mm broad, often associated with small, granular or delicately coralloid isidia. Lower surface black, the margins greyish like the upper surface, or brown. Rhizines small, black. Apothecia not seen in New Zealand material. Chemistry: Thallus K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC+ pink, Pd-. Alectoronic and α-collatolic acids and atranorin.
Thallus foliose, lobate, distinctly dorsiventral, large, spreading, 5-25 cm diam., corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes rounded, not ciliate, 0.5-2.5 cm broad. Upper surface ashy white or tan, pseudocyphellae always present, isidia common, soredia rare. Photobiont green, ?. Lower surface black, rhizinate, punctate in some species. Apothecia laminal, rarely marginal, 0.5-4 cm broad, disc perforate. Ascospores ellipsoid, 11-22(-25) × 6-12 µm, 8 per ascus. Chemistry: Very diverse. Atranorin always produced in upper cortex.
Thallus crustaceous, immersed, farinose, granular, verrucose or squamulose. Photobiont: , , or . Apothecia well-stalked, with a brown mazaedium. Capitulum spherical to obconical. Stalk and excipulum formed of dark brown or black, periclinally arranged, parallel hyphae. Excipulum ± well-developed. Asci dissolving at an early stage, cylindrical. Ascospores medium brown, spherical, ellipsoid or cylindrical, usually simple, rarely with 1-3(-5) septa, often with areolate to irregular ornamentation. Chemistry: Vulpinic acid often occurring as a prunia on the apothecia and in one species, in the thallus.
Thallus immersed or more rarely episubstratic, granular to farinaceous, ecorticate, consisting of spherical aggregates of the photobiont surrounded by mycobiont: or . Apothecia short to long, 0.6-1.6 mm high, 9-23 times as high as width of stalk. Stalk 0.05-0.10 mm diam., shining, black, epruinose, often branched so that one stalk carries 2-5 capitula. Capitulum spherical, with poorly developed excipulum formed as a continuation of stalk tissue, widening to a shallow cup with the short excipular edge bent outwards. Hypothecium broadly obconical, with strongly convex upper surface. Capitulum without pruina, but lower side of excipulum sometimes appears pruinose because of the presence of pale hyphae projecting freely from the surface. Asci of variable shape, estipitate, with ± biseriate spores, 11-13 × 2.2-3.3 µm, produced in chains, or cylindrical, well-stalked with uniseriate spores, 15-19 × 2-3 µm. Ascospores spherical, 3.4-4.6 µm diam., smooth, or with irregular fissures. Chemistry: Containing either two unidentified Pd+ substances, a different Pd+ substance, or with no detectable amounts of secondary substances at all. Thallus K-, C-, KC-, Pd+ yellow to red or Pd-.
Thallus normally episubstratic, well-developed, granular, intensely yellow, more rarely almost completely immersed and hardly visible. Photobiont: and . Apothecia short, to middle-sized, 0.6-1.3 mm high, 9-22 times as high as width of stalk. Stalk 0.04-0.08 mm diam., with a dense, yellow pruina in upper part, lower part black to pale brown. Capitulum obovoid or broadly obconical, with well-developed excipulum. Excipulum 0.16-0.27 mm diam. Hypothecium broadly obconical with flat or slightly concave upper surface. Lower side of capitulum with a dense yellow pruina. Asci cylindrical, with uniseriate spores, well-stalked, 14-19 × 2.2-3.3 µm, produced singly. Ascospores shortly ellipsoid to almost spherical, 6.2-9.0 × 3.8-4.8 µm, with coarse and irregular ornamentation. Chemistry: The thallus contains vulpinic acid which also occurs as pruina on apothecia. Thallus K-, C-, KC-, Pd.
Thallus immersed in substratum. Photobiont: . Apothecia short to middle-sized, 0.8-1.2 mm high, 18-30 times as high as width of stalk. Stalk 0.03-0.05 mm diam., shining, black, distinctly flexuous. Capitulum obconical to obovoid, with a ± well-developed pruina on lower side (pruina tends to be citrine yellow in young apothecia and reddish-brown in older ones. The yellow pruina consists of K-, granular crystals, while the reddish-brown pruina dissolves in K and yields plate-like or feather-like, violet-red crystals. The degree and type of pruinosity varies between collections and both types of pruina are found in the same apothecium). Excipulum 0.11-0.15 mm diam., well-developed and slightly bell-shaped in longitudinal section. Hypothecium minute with slightly convex surface. Asci catenulate, of variable shape, cylindrical with uniseriate spores or more irregular and with irregular and with ± biseriate spores, mature asci 9.5-12.5 × 1.8-2.7 µm. Ascospores spherical, sometimes broadly ellipsoid, spherical spores 2.9-3.5 µm diam., with smooth walls or sometimes with few, irregular cracks. Chemistry: The citrine yellow pruina contains vulpinic acid.
Thallus immersed, or usually episubstratic, granular to verrucose, palegrey or whitish, often with limited yellow to reddish patches turning deep red in K. Photobiont: . Apothecia epruinose, short or long, 0.8-1.7 mm high, 7-19 times as high as width of stalk. Stalk 0.07-0.15 mm diam., shining, black, epruinose. Capitulum broadly or narrowly obconical, with well-developed excipulum. Excipulum 0.23-0.47 mm diam. Hypothecium obconical with convex surface. Capitulum without pruina. Asci cylindrical to narrowly clavate, 14-18 × 2.7-3.3 µm well-stalked, spores uni-or biseriate. Usually asci are formed singly but sometimes two asci join into a short chain. Ascospores spherical, 5.6-7.7 µm diam., when mature provided with coarse and irregular fissures. Chemistry: The thallus of frequently contains a yellow-red pigment, which is often concentrated in distinct patches. The pigment is K+ dark red and probably of quinonoid nature. A yellowish, K+ red pigment also occurs in the mazaedium and often gives the mazaedium a strikingly yellow tinge. Parts of the thallus without the yellow pigment are K-, KC-, C- and Pd-.
Thallus immersed in substrate. Photobiont: . Apothecia short, 0.5-1.0 mm high, 8-16 times as high as width of stalk. Stalk 0.05-0.08 mm diam., black in lower part and with a thick, yellowish-green pruina in upper part. Capitulum obconical to obovoid, with well-developed excipulum. Excipulum 0.14-0.26 mm diam. Hypothecium obconical with flat upper surface. Capitulum with a dense, yellowish-green or rarely reddish-brown pruina on lower side of excipulum. (When a reddish-brown pruina is present it yields violet-red feather-like or plate-like crystals in K.) Asci cylindrical, either without stalk and formed in chains or with a well-developed stalk and formed singly. Ascospores spherical, 5.0-7.6 µm diam., with an ornamentation formed of irregular, reticulate fissures surrounding small, polygonal areas. Chemistry: The yellow pruina of the apothecia contains vulpinic acid.
Thallus thin, farinaceous, consisting of a thin algal layer loosely entangled by mycobiont hyphae, glaucous green. Photobiont: . Apothecia short to medium-sized, 0.8-1.4 mm high, 11-19 times as high as width of stalk. Stalk 0.06-0.10 mm diam., in upper part whitish to dull brownish, in lower part dark brown to black. Capitulum spherical, with poorly-developed excipulum. The excipulum forms an inconspicuous collar at the base of the capitulum and is not visible from above. The brownish tinge of the lower side of the capitulum is caused by spores entangled in a loose hyphal web, that covers the lower side of the excipulum. This hyphal web also renders the excipulum a pale colour. Hypothecium with strongly convex upper surface. Asci cylindrical or irregular, with uniseriate or in part biseriate spores, 9-14 × 1.6-2.7 µm. Asci formed in chains. Ascospores spherical, 3.5-4.9 µm diam., smooth though a few irregular cracks also occur. Chemistry: The thallus contains two unidentified aromatic aldehydes giving a Pd+ yellow to reddish reaction. Thallus otherwise K-, C-, KC-.
Thallus episubstratic, granular to squamulose, forming an extended crust or growing in patches; thallus when squamulose, often rather glossy, greenish-grey. Photobiont: . Apothecia middle-sized to long, 1.0-1.9 mm high, 12-28 times as high as width of stalk. Stalk 0.05-0.10 mm diam., with a faint, white pruina in upper part, or epruinose, shining, black. Capitulum obconical to lenticular, with a well-developed excipulum. Hyphae of excipulum ± periclinally arranged and only slightly thicker than hyphae of stalk. Excipulum 0.19-0.34 mm diam. Hypothecium obconical with convex upper surface. Lower side of excipulum usually with a faint, whitish pruina, but sometimes epruinose. Asci short-cylindrical or of irregular shape, with uni- or biseriate spores, 11-14 × 2.2-2.7 µm. Asci formed in chains. Ascospores spherical, 3.1-3.8 µm diam., smooth or with irregular, narrow cracks. Chemistry: Thallus K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. No secondary substances found.
Thallus immersed, sometimes visible as a greenish-grey tinge on substratum. Photobiont: . Apothecia short or long, 0.9-1.5 mm high, 15-30 times as high as width of stalk. Stalk 0.04-0.08 mm diam., usually with a thick, white pruina in upper part, lower part shining, black. Capitulum obconical, with well-developed excipulum; innermost, narrow part of excipulum consisting of periclinally arranged hyphae continuing into other part of stalk; much thicker outer part of excipulum consisting of swollen, anticlinally arranged hyphae 3-4 times as thick as hyphae of stalk. Excipulum 0.14-0.26 mm diam., with a thick, white pruina below. Asci short-cylindrical or irregular, with uniseriate or ± biseriate spores, 8-13 × 2.2-3.3 µm. Asci formed in chains. Ascospores spherical, 3.1-3.8 µm diam., smooth or with narrow, irregular cracks. Chemistry: Thallus K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. No secondary substances found.
Thallus crustose, uniform, thin or thick, continuous or ± areolate-cracked, smooth, or granular-roughened, matt to somewhat pulverulent, in irregular, spreading patches, delimited by a thin, black prothallus, often forming confluent mosaics on bark. Photobiont green, , cells minute, oblong-ellipsoid, in filaments. Apothecia innate, compound, in well-developed stromata in raised thalline verrucae, verrucae concolorous with thallus or paler, round to irregular, polycarpic, discs flat or subconcave, black or red-brown, matt, epruinose. Hypothecium brown or blackish-brown. Asci bitunicate, cylindrical-clavate, 8-spored. Paraphyses numerous, branched or netted. Ascospores fusiform-acicular, flexuose, 3-5-septate, normally 3-septate, colourless.
Thallus in irregular patches 0.5-1-(-4) cm diam., pale brownish-white, grey-green or fawnish, minutely wrinkled-uneven, scabrid-granular, matt, continuous or minutely areolate-cracked, sometimes ± effuse or in parts lacking, delimited at margins by an irregular black prothallus. Apothecia in thalline verrucae, verrucae whitish or distinctly paler than thallus, raised, rounded to flexuose-elongate sigmoid, or ± confluent, 0.3-1.5 mm long and 0.1-0.4 mm wide, polycarpic, 1-6(-20) discs per verruca, disc minute, 0.05-0.15 mm diam., convex, plane or concave, black, carbonaceous or red-brown, rarely pale brown, shining or matt, aggregated or arranged in a row following shape of verruca. Ascospores 3-septate, acicular, flexuose, 46-56 × 3 µm. Hypothecium brown-black. Chemistry: TLC negative.
Thallus unattached, small-foliose, dichotomously branching, dorsiventral when wet, rounded into a ball when dry. Upper surface smooth, yellow-green (usnic acid). Lower surface pale yellow, smooth or wrinkled, lacking any organs of attachment. Apothecia rare, sessile, laminal. Ascospores colourless, simple, 8 per ascus.
Thallus unattached, 5-10 mm diam., when dry, 10-35 mm diam., when wet. Lobes convex, 2-3 mm wide, dichotomously branched, margins entire, apices rounded, brown-tipped, curling inwards when dry, the thallus then becoming ± spherical. Upper surface greenish-yellow, smooth, often shining and faintly maculate (× 10 lens), isidia, pseudo-cyphellae and soredia absent. Medulla white. Lower surface pale yellow, minutely wrinkled. Rhizines absent. Apothecia rare, sessile or subpedicellate, laminal or submarginal, 0.5-2.5 mm diam., disc concave, reddish-brown, matt, smooth, margins thick, crenulate or minutely fissured, concolorous with thallus, thalline exciple smooth. Ascospores ellipsoid, 10 × 5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, medulla K+ red-brown, C-, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric, succinprotocetraric and usnic acids.
Thallus crustose-leprose, diffuse (rarely delimited) forming scattered granules in places but chiefly converging to produce a fairly thin ± continuous non-areolate (rarely fortuitously areolate) crust, bright yellow, often with either a slightly orange or a greenish tinge, or rarely greenish-yellow, surface composed entirely of a mass of pulverulent, minutely convex to spherical granules, 0.01-0.1(-0.2) mm diam., cortex absent, thallus unstratified, uniformly yellow throughout, thalline margin absent, prothallus not apparent. Apothecia rare, minute, to 0.5 mm diam., scattered to ± clustered, superficial, orbicular, rarely angular-distorted, disc plane to subconvex, light orange often yellow-pruinose, margins poorly developed to 0.01 mm thick, entire, bright yellow, concolorous with thallus, often occluded in mature fruits, Paraphyses 1-1.5 µm thick, colourless, septate, rather few between asci, these being erect and branched but richly anastomosing above, not swollen apically. Asci clavate, small, 25-33 × 10-13 µm, two walled, the inner extending to form a nipple which may indicate the ascus is of arrested-bitunicate type. Ascospores narrowly obovoid to narrowly ellipsoid, straight or curved, mostly 3-septate (9-)13-14 × 3 µm. Chemistry: Thallus C-, K and KC- or + orange often darkening to red and finally black, Pd-, or + orange. Three chemodemes are present in the species. (i): Calycin, (ii): Pinastric acid. (iii): Calycin and pinastric acid.
Thallus generally leprose (rarely endogenous), either byssaceous or crustose-leprose, thin to thick, non-corticate, bright yellow to vivid yellowish-green, unstratified and coloured throughout, being composed entirely of a mass of pulverulent, convex to spherical granules or anastomosing filaments, thallus margin absent, without lobes, prothallus not apparent. Photobiont green, Protococcaceae, cells spherical to 22 µm diam., both singly and in groups. Apothecia rare, to 2.0 mm diam., scattered or clustered, innate or superficial, orbicular, concave to spherical with a thin, non-corticate margin or immarginate, disc smooth, green to yellow-green to light orange or brownish, often yellow-pruinose. Paraphyses 1-1.5 mm thick, colourless, septate, richly anastomosing above asci. Ascospores 8 per ascus, narrowly obovoid to narrowly ellipsoid, straight or curved, colourless, 3-septate (rarely only 1-2-septate) the second cell often the largest of the four, 9-14 × 2.5-5 µm. Pycnidia absent.
Primary thallus, small lobulate-papillate, evanescent. Pseudopodetia dying at base, corticate, glossy or matt, 0.5-15 cm tall, robust, slender, or filiform, densely branched, branching dichotomous often sympodial, spreading, erect or curving, sterile branches terminated by 1-3 (usually 2) blunt spines, pale, dark or reddish-brown to blackish or pale yellowish to straw-coloured or pale greenish, rigid, horny when dry, flaccid when wet, walls perforate, perforations round to elliptic, varying in number, fertile pseudopodetia much thicker and taller than sterile pseudopodetia, usually more perforate and more branched towards apex. Medulla thin, white, rarely farinose, Apothecia terminal on branches of erect, fertile pseudopodetia, lecideine, 0.15-0.4 mm diam., disc subconcave to plane, dull brownish-black to black, margins entire, flexuose, Ascospores 12-15 × 4-5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K±, Pd, ±. Barbatic, fumarprotocetraric (±), norstictic (±) and stictic (±) acids.
Thallus fruticose, in scattered clumps or in small swards, pseudopodetia to 7 cm tall, green at first becoming brown or blackened, sterile pseudopodetia rigid, horny ± shining never pruinose or areolate, not crystalline, to 2 mm diam., irregularly branched, walls irregularly perforate, perforations broadly elliptic to rounded, irregularly spaced, cortex to 80 µm thick. Algal layer discontinuous, 40-60 µm thick. Medullary layer loosely woven, under algal layer, inner medulla filling most of hollow interior of pseudopodetia, hyphae pale brown to black. Apothecia terminal on upper branches of fertile pseudopodetia, lecideine, 0.3-0.5 mm diam., concave to plane, red-brown to dark brown, margins entire, persistent. Chemistry: Cortex K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. Divaricatic and ursolic acids.
Primary thallus not seen, plants rather loosely clustered, muscicolous or terricolous. Pseudopodetia dying at base, 3.5-6.5 cm tall, stout, inflated, very fragile when dry, to 5 mm diam., corticate, smooth, matt, dull not shining, dark brownish-black below, pale stramineous or brown above, pale greenish-brown below, pale stramineous or brown above in shaded habitats, becoming entirely reddish-brown or blackened in exposed sites, branching mainly dichotomous, axils closed, rarely perforate or fissured, apices acute, 2-spinose. Medulla thin, white, tomentose, not filling the hollow interior of the branch. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC+ faint yellow, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric acid.
Thallus dimorphic consisting of small, often insignificant or evanescent basal squamules or granules from which pseudopodetia arise. Pseudopodetia erect, branching, variously perforate, dying at base and proliferating apically, without squamules, rather brittle and fragile when dry, flaccid when wet, perforations in some species forming distinctive clathrate-fenestrate patterns. Photobiont green . Medulla scarcely developed, arachnoid chondroid layer absent, its function taken by the cortex which is composed of conglutinate, longitudinal hyphae. Apothecia minute, on the apices of short terminal branches, often aggregated, peltate, disc plane, margin disappearing. Ascospores simple, long-ellipsoid to subfusiform, 8 per ascus. Pycnidia terminal on smaller branches of sterile pseudopodetia. Conidia, colourless, curved.
Thallus large, robust, coralloid, in cushions 10-100 cm diam., terricolous or muscicolous. Primary thallus nodular, white, evanescent. Pseudopodetia dying at base, robust or slender, 1.5-5 mm diam., 2-5(-8) cm tall, white, pale greyish or faintly yellowish, often tinged pinkish and/or superficially blackened, pliant and spongy when wet, brittle when dry, cortex continuous, walls uniformly clathrate from base to apex, in 3-8 series forming an even network, perforations 5-11 per cm in each series. Medulla thin, white, arachnoid, loosely filling central canal, at apices of pseudopodetia visible as thin strands (×10 lens). Apothecia minute, black, peltate, crowded on apical branchlets. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow, KC+ yellow, Pd-. Atranorin, rangiformic and usnic acids.
Thallus small, encrusting, 1-3(-5) cm diam., corticolous. Primary thallus persistent, very minutely squamulose or scurfy, granular-sorediate, often forming an areolate-crust, whitish-grey to pale yellowish-brown. Pseudopodetia small, 2-5(-8) mm tall, simple, terete at base, dissected into short branchlets above, apices subulate, 0.5-1.5 mm diam., expanded in upper parts to 2.5 mm, surface smooth, matt, rather glabrous, yellowish-brown to reddish-brown, vertically furrowed or fissured, perforate, perforations few, small, to 0.2 mm wide, often elongate, central canal pale, medulla thin, coarsely granular in parts. Apothecia numerous, terminal, clustered, minute, peltate, black with a distinct margin, disc concave when young becoming plane or convex with age. Chemistry: K-, C-, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric acid.
Thallus in mats or cushions 5-15(-30) cm diam., terricolous or muscicolous. Primary thallus nodular-papillate, evanescent. Pseudopodetia dying at base, 2.5-11 cm tall, 0.5-4 mm diam., subcylindrical or angular or somewhat flattened, yellowish and black, brown or pale greenish-grey, corticate, dull, opaque, minutely crystalline (×10 lens), spongy when wet, rigid when dry, branching dichotomous and sympodial, branches spreading or suberect, sterile apices blunt or obtusely spurred, axils closed, walls perforate, perforations circular, oval or elongate, in several series but fewer and less regular than in . Medulla filling central canal, whitish above, black or brown below. Apothecia minute, 0.25-0.35 mm diam., peltate, dark brown or black, single or clustered on apical branchlets. Chemistry: Cortex K- or faint +, C-, KC-, Pd-. Divaricatic acid.
Thallus dimorphic. Primary thallus crustose, evanescent, rarely seen. Podetia repeatedly and intricately branched, dying at base, new growth initiated at apices, in matts or patches 2-200 cm diam., slender, not cupforming, lacking squamules or isidia, rarely sorediate, true cortex lacking, outer medullary layer with scattered to contiguous areolae or warts containing algae and forming a persistent or disintegrating pseudocortex. Photobiont green, . Inner medullary or cartilaginous layer well-developed. Apothecia small, pale to brown, peltate, in clusters at tips of branches. Pycnidia black, globose to cylindrical at the tips of terminal branchlets.
Primary thallus evanescent. Podetia in mats or tufts often spreading in dense swards, 2-15 cm tall, branching loose to dense, isotomic, mainly trichotomous, irregular or forming compact rounded heads, branches slender 0.3-0.4 mm diam., internodes 5 mm long, axils distinctly open with star-like diverging branchlets. Cortex cottony with minute algal glomerules, greenish-yellow to pale yellow, sometimes bright yellow, never brownish at apices. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC+ yellow, Pd-. Perlatolic, anziaic and usnic acids.
Primary thallus unknown. Podetia rather slender and delicate, in mats or tufts, 3-10 cm tall and 1-4 mm diam., branching anisotomic in whorls of three or four, sometimes also dichotomous, main stem distinct, ending in 2-5 sterile branchlets pointing in various directions or ± erect or weakly recurved to one side, fertile branches in short corymbs, axils mainly open. Cortex dull, smooth or warted with age, not arachnoid-tomentose, mainly impellucid, not sorediate, whitish or bluish-grey, ultimate branchlets brownish. Apothecia small, brown, single or ± clustered at tips of branchlets. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC+ yellow, Pd-. Rangiformic and usnic acids.
Primary squamules small, persistent or disappearing, narrow, rather delicate, thin and brittle, 1-3 × 1 mm, subdigitately lobed, linear or some-what cuneate or incised-lobed, inrolled, or concave or flat, ascending, upper surface glaucescent or rarely olivaceous, lower surface white, with-out soredia, or granular at margins, or sometimes squamules decomposing into sorediate masses. Podetia growing from upper surface of primary squamules, 5-50 mm tall to 4 mm diam., cylindrical or turbinate, very variable and irregular, with or without cups, shallow, corticate on inner surface, expanding gradually or abruptly, usually oblique and irregular with dentate or proliferating margins, sterile podetia simple or irregular and sparingly branched, tapering or cylindrical. Cortex continuous or areolate, or becoming decorticate and ± abundantly coarsely granular-sorediate, or with corticate granules and squamules, whitish-glaucescent or ashy to olive-glaucescent, inner cartilaginous layer well-developed, giving a translucent appearance to podetia after soredia and squamules are dispersed. Apothecia small, at apices of podetia, rarely on margins of cups, brown or red-brown. Chemistry: Cortex K- or + yellow, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric acid, ± homosekikaic acid, ± atranorin.
Primary squamules evanescent. Podetia to 12 cm tall, 1-2 mm diam., terete, tapering, without cups, apices acute or blunt, sympodially branched, axils open, ± hyaline, without soredia, isidia or squamules, corticate or partly decorticate. Cortex smooth, ± areolate, brownish or whitish above, blue-black and dying at base, often fissured or gaping. Apothecia not seen in New Zealand material. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow, Pd+ yellow. Barbatic and thamnolic acids or ?psoromic acid.
Primary squamules persistent, small, to 3 mm long, crenate to lobed, upper surface glaucescent to olive-glaucescent or grey-green, lower surface white, darker at base, without soredia, or sorediate at margins and on lower side. Podetia growing from upper side of primary squamules, 10-20(-50) mm tall, ± terete, broadening slightly towards blunt tip, apices club-shaped, rarely pointed, without cups. Cortex ± continuously farinose-sorediate, greenish to grey, corticate at base, white after dispersal of soredia. Apothecia red, small, to 2 mm diam., embedded in tips of podetia. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC- or yellowish, Pd-. Barbatic, 4-O-demethyl-barbatic, ± didymic, ± usnic acids.
Primary squamules disappearing, 2-5 mm long, crenate or laciniate, ascending to erect, flat or involute, sparse to abundant, upper surface yellowish or pale glaucescent, lower surface white, brown to black at base. Podetia 1-4(-5) cm tall, dying at base, yellow-green, yellow-grey or pale grey, ± densely peeling-squamulose especially towards base, becoming corticate-granular or ± decorticate and paler towards apices with translucent white or pale yellow areas, esorediate. Podetia subulate, or with narrow or often irregular cups. Apothecia red, rare, on cup margins or proliferations. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC+ yellow, Pd-. Squamatic and ± usnic acids.
Primary squamules evanescent. Podetia dying at base, proliferating from apices, 20-60 mm tall and 0.5-1.5 mm diam., irregularly branched, branching monopodial or subdichotomous-radiating, with or without cups, cups shallow 1.2-6.0 mm diam., abruptly flaring, usually oblique and irregular, margins denticulate, sterile podetia tapering or blunt. Cortex ± coarsely granular, not sorediate, in parts areolate or becoming decorticate and opaque, with numerous tiny squamules, whitish-glaucescent or olivaceous-brownish. Apothecia small, at apices of podetia, 1-5 per podetium, pedicellate, brown. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric and protocetraric acids.
Primary squamules persistent or disappearing, to 3 mm long and 2 mm wide, crenate or subentire, ascending, plane or subconvex, sparse to frequent, upper surface glaucescent or yellowish-glaucescent, lower surface pale or whitish or striped brownish, blackened at base, esorediate. Podetia arising from margins of primary squamules or more often from thallus fragments, 1.5-6 cm tall, 0.5-1.5 mm diam., cylindrical or subcylindrical, commonly, without cups, rarely with cups, cups small, membrane open or closed, margins ± dentate, simple or ± dichotomously branching, rarely squamulose, apices blunt or furcate, rarely spinose or with cups, erect, rarely decumbent, crowded, sometimes fissured towards base. Cortex subcontinuous, areolate, areolae dispersed, often elevated towards base, esorediate, smooth, occasionally squamulose, yellowish or pale yellow or yellow-grey to brownish at apices. Apothecia small to 0.5 mm wide, clustered (4-20) to ± solitary, often on thin, blackened stalks, terminal, plane at first with a thin margin, becoming convex and immarginate, peltate, brown or blackened. Chemistry: Cortex, K-, KC+ yellowish, Pd-, or extreme tips Pd+ yellow. Usnic, thamnolic and barbatic (tr.) acids and an unidentified terpene.
Primary squamules very small, 1-3 mm long and broad, often disappearing, crenate or incised-crenate, becoming irregularly subdigitate-laciniate, ascending, flat, in tufts or sparse, upper surface glaucescent or pale olivaceous-glaucescent, lower surface white, esorediate. Podetia growing from upper surface of primary squamules, 20-90 mm tall, 2-3 mm diam., cups rare, abruptly flaring, 3-5 mm wide, ± oblique, almost lacking on one edge, rarely quite regular, interior open, margins entire or crenate or radiate-proliferating, sometimes repeatedly proliferous in several tiers, apices of proliferations ± irregularly subcorymbose or cymose-lacerate, mainly rarely scyphiferous, in tufted clusters of branchlets, erect or ascending, esorediate. Cortex smooth, without squamules to ± squamulose, whitish or ashy-brownish variegated, opaque, not pellucid, decorticate areas semipellucid. Apothecia small, to 0.3 mm diam., at tips of branchlets or clustered in axils, brown or red-brown. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow, KC+, Pd+ yellow. Thamnolic acid.
Primary squamules medium to large, thick, often tough, recurved at apices when dry, upper surface green-grey or brown-grey, lower surface whitish-grey tinged mauve. Podetia short 5-15 mm tall, with broad, shallow, imperforate cups, margins regular, not proliferating. Cortex ± continuous, ± areolate, grey-green, brown-grey or brown. Apothecia terminal on margins of cups, sessile, minute, brown. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric acid, ± atranorin.
Primary squamules persistent or disappearing, to 8 × 4 mm, irregularly cuneate or lobed, lobes crenate or slightly incised, flat or convolute, often ascending, rarely caespitose, upper surface olive-green or reddish-or brownish-glaucescent or slaty green, lower surface white, grey-black at base, esorediate. Podetia growing from upper surface or margins of primary squamules to 5 cm tall and 3 mm diam., flaring gradually at apices into short, broad cups, to 9 mm wide, shallow and with small, pointed or cup-bearing proliferations growing from centres of closed cups, margins entire or with apothecia, sometimes with several tiers of cups arising from centre of previous tier. Cortex continuous or areolate, areolae smooth, subcontiguous, narrow interspaces white, dull whitish, green to olivaceous or ashy or blue-green or brownish, esorediate, ± squamulose. Apothecia sessile or shortly stalked, less than 3 mm diam., brown or red-brown, rounded, wider than supporting podetium. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric acid.
Primary squamules persistent or disappearing, small to medium 4-7(-15) × 10 mm, incised-crenate or laciniate-lobed, margins crenate, ascending, ± involute, concave, upper surface glaucescent or olive-glaucescent or pale glaucescent, dull or rarely shining, lower surface white, darkening towards base, esorediate, or with sparse, granular soredia on lower side. Podetia variable in size, to 40 mm tall, flaring gradually into goblet-shaped, regular or irregular cups, proliferating at margins, sometimes forming several tiers. Cortex areolate or verruculose, granular-corticate, glaucescent or ashy to olivaceous, upper parts of podetia and inner surface of closed cups decorticate, granular-sorediate, decorticate areas whitish. Apothecia sessile or stipitate, from cup margin, brown. Chemistry: Cortex K-, rarely K+ yellow, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric acid and atranorin.
Primary squamules persistent or disappearing, to 12 × 5 mm, irregularly crenate-incised or lobed, upper surface yellowish to glaucescent-olive, lower surface white to rarely yellowish, base orange to blackish-brown, esorediate. Podetia to 55 mm tall, normally shorter, cups broad, shallow, goblet-shaped, flaring gradually, simple or with marginal proliferations bearing apothecia or more rarely a second tier of cups. Cortex yellowish to glaucescent, subcontinuous at base becoming verrucose-areolate above, verruculae continuous or dispersed, esorediate, ± squamulose, decorticate parts opaque, white to yellow-white. Apothecia large, red. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC+ yellow-orange, Pd-. Two chemodemes present, (i) Barbatic, ± 4-O-demethyl barbatic and usnic acids; (ii) Zeorin, ± porphyrillic, ± conporphyrillic and usnic acids.
Primary squamules persistent or disappearing, medium 1-4 × 0.5 mm, digitate-laciniate, crenate, ascending, flat or involute, scattered or in tufts, rarely forming cushions, upper surface glaucescent to olive-brownish, rarely whitish-glaucescent, lower surface white or base browning or red-brown, esorediate. Podetia slender, growing from upper surface of primary squamules, base persistent or dying away and growth continuing apically, 10-110 mm tall, to 5 mm diam., cupless or bearing cups, cups perforate, open to interior of podetia, flaring abruptly, when cupless, branches radiately or sympodially developed, margins of cups becoming repeatedly proliferate, axils of branches commonly perforate, tips of proliferations with cups, blunt, pointed or with apothecia, esorediate. Cortex continuous or suncontinuous, smooth or finely areolate with a white reticulum, shining or dull, opaque, glaucescent or pale or olive-green or brownish to red-brown, dying parts black. Apothecia small, at tips of podetia, or on short corymbose branchlets, brown or red-brown. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC-, Pd-. Squamatic (UV+) and ± barbatic acids.
Primary squamules usually disappearing, small to medium, 2-4 mm, incised, crenate or lobate, flat to convex or involute, upper surface glaucescent to yellowish, lower side white to pale or dark brown, esorediate, or lower surface sparingly sorediate. Podetia growing from upper surface of primary squamules 25-85 mm tall and to 5 mm diam., cups gradually flaring, ± regular, margins entire or dentate to proliferate with blunt or cup-bearing proliferations, cups imperforate, yellow to yellow-green or glaucescent with a greyish tinge, the base ± smooth, corticate, else-where entirely farinose-sorediate, sparsely squamulose, decorticate parts opaque whitish where soredia are dispersed. Subulate podetia rarely present. Apothecia red, sessile on cup margins. Chemistry: K-, KC+ yellow, Pd-. Usnic, ± barbatic acids, zeorin.
Primary squamules persistent or disappearing, 2-4 mm long, crenulate or lobulate-laciniate, narrow (0.5 mm wide), upper surface glaucous to olivaceous, lower surface chalky white, darker at base, flat, appressed or reflexing when dry, exposing lower surface, esorediate, rarely with isidia. Podetia terete, lacking cups, 10-50 mm tall, fertile at tips, or sterile and tapering, blunt or acute, fine soredia and coarser granules, scattered or crowded. Cortex patchy for the most part, cartilaginous layer exposed and varying from white to pale or dark brown and translucent, sometimes with scattered squamules. Apothecia red, to 2 mm diam., at tips of podetia. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC+ orange, Pd-. Barbatic and didymic acids.
Primary squamules persistent, large, 2-5(-10) mm long and 1-5 mm wide, cuneate to sublinear, margins crenate-ragged, sinuate, irregularly laciniate-pectinate, flat or convex, ascending, aggregated or crowded-caespitose, upper surface whitish-glaucescent or pale olive-yellowish-glaucescent. Lower surface white, brown-black at base, esorediate, or margins and lower surface farinose-sorediate. Podetia arising from margins and upper surface of primary squamules, 3-12(-17) mm tall, 0.4-0.5 mm diam., subcylindrical or angular, without cups, terminated by apothecia, simple or fastigiate-branched, branches suberect, laterally fissured, fissures striate, often aggregated, erect, corticate, not, or rarely squamulose, axils open or closed. Cortex areolate-verrucose, areolae continuous or dispersed, 0.1-0.5 mm wide, esorediate, opaque, impellucid, whitish-glaucuescent. Apothecia at tips of podetia, often supported on short, cartilaginous stalks, rarely at margins of squamules 0.8-4.0 mm diam., solitary, entire or lobate-perforate, subpeltate, at first plane and marginate, soon becoming convex, glomerulate and immarginate, pale to dark brown, red-brown or brown-black. Chemistry: Cortex K+ faint yellow, C-, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric, succinprotocetraric and protocetraric acids and atranorin (tr.).
Primary squamules persistent or disappearing, 2-10 mm long, digitately or irregularly lobed, crenate to sinuate or incised at margins, flat to involute or concave above, upper surface glaucescent or olive-green or pale glaucescent, lower surface white, esorediate or sparsely granular-sorediate below. Podetia arising from upper surface of primary squamules, 10-20 mm tall, entire, wineglass-shaped, cups flaring rapidly and evenly from narrow (1-2 mm), cylindrical supporting podetium, cups regular, denticulate, margins not or rarely proliferating, interior closed, surface smooth, corticate for basal 1-2 mm then mainly decorticate, farinose sorediate, whitish-green to green, white on loss of soredia. Apothecia sessile, brown, at cup margins or on short marginal stalks. Chemistry: Cortex K- or brownish, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric acid, ± atranorin.
Primary squamules persistent, scattered or in depressed mats, small, to 2 mm long, entire, to crenate to sublobate, upper surface glaucescent to olivaceous to olive-grey, lower surface white, dark at base, esorediate or apices slightly granular-sorediate. Podetia growing from upper surface of primary squamules, slender, cylindrical, 4-10 mm tall rarely to 45 mm, unbranched or sparingly branched above. Cortex variable, smooth, greyish, to indistinctly areolate, areolae often separated by narrow, opaque or ± translucent bands, often granular-sorediate above, sometimes also squamulose. Apothecia red, prominent, terminal, convex. Chemistry: K-, KC+ orange, Pd-. Barbatic, 4-O-demethylbarbatic, ± didymic and ± usnic acids.
Primary squamules usually disappearing, medium, 2.5 mm long and broad, irregularly or subdigitately lobed, broadening slightly towards apices, crenate, ascending, flat, upper surface glaucescent to olive-green or brownish-green, lower side white, esorediate. Podetia growing from upper surface and margins of primary squamules, dying at base, growing apically, 15-80(-150) mm tall, to 2 mm diam., without cups, cylindrical or widening towards joints, branching repeatedly isotomicdichotomous, or sympodial, branches near tips sometimes in whorls or corymbose, diverging at wide angles, entangled, forming mats, axils widened, open. Cortex continuous or smoothly areolate, rarely slightly verruculose, ± squamulose, shining or matt, glaucescent to whitish-glaucescent to red-brown or dark brown, esorediate. Apothecia small, terminal, ± spherical, dark brown or red-brown, rarely pale. Chemistry: Cortex K- rarely +, yellow to dingy brownish, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric acid, ± atranorin.
Primary squamules very small to moderately large, to 3 mm long and 1 mm wide, persistent or disappearing, upper surface greyish, lower surface white. Podetia 10-80 mm tall, filiform, 0.3-0.5(-0.9) mm diam., greenish-grey to brown towards tips, dying base becoming brownish-grey to black, unbranched or rarely dichotomously branching, branching more abundant if tips damaged, apices subulate, rarely with cups, cups 0-2(-4) per podetium, 0.5-1(-2) mm wide, regular to irregular, occasionally laterally flattened, relatively deep, with dentate (often 7-8 teeth) margins. Cortex areolate, areolate usually slightly elevated, alternating with rather wide, white or brown medullary patches and lines, and with a greyish tomentum on younger and shaded parts. Central canal often extremely narrow, absent from thinnest podetia, when present, surface minutely fibrillose-striate, some old podetia long-hairy internally. Apothecia 1-3 mm wide, pale to dark brown. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric and protocetraric acid.
As for . Podetia 10-15 mm tall, cups wide. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC-, Pd+ red or -. Grayanic and ± fumarprotocetraric acids.
Primary squamules small to medium, 0.5-4.5 mm, laciniate to ± palmate, margins entire and slightly thickened below, to ± incised-notched, upper surface pale glaucous-grey, lower surface, white, arachnoid, not sorediate. Podetia terete, 10-30(-40) mm tall, 0.5-1.5 mm diam., scyphiferous, cups flaring abruptly 2-3.5 mm diam., shallow ± deflexed, margins crenate-lacerate, with pycnidia, or rarely secondary cups or apothecia, 1-4(-6) ranks of cups arising from centre of basal cup. Cortex ± continuous, areolate, glaucous-olive or brownish or greyish, rarely fissured, occasionally squamulose. Apothecia brown-black, rather rare, peltate 0.5- 1.2 mm diam., on short stalks at margins of cups. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow, C-, KC-, Pd+ red. Atranorin and protocetraric acid.
Primary squamules persistent, small to medium, to 4 × 3 mm, ± erect, lobate or crenate-lobate, flat or involute, upper surface glaucescent to whitish or olivaceous-glaucescent, lower surface white, darker at base, rarely yellow-brown, granular-sorediate at margins and on lower surface, or esorediate. Podetia very variable in size and shape, growing from upper surface of primary squamules, short or elongate, 5-50 mm tall, to 3 mm diam., without cups or rarely with cups, cups very variable, margins often divided into elongate proliferations which may also be scyphiferous, simple or sparingly branched, tips blunt or pointed, often sterile. Cortex areolate or verruculose, greyish-green, with pale greenish or whitish granular to farinose soredia over whole podetium or in ± central patches. Apothecia on tips of podetia, sessile, red, to 2 mm diam. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow, KC+ orange-yellow, Pd+ yellow-red. Thamnolic, decarboxythamnolic, ± barbatic, ± 4-O-demethylbarbatic, ± didymic acids.
Similar to but much less variable. Podetia 15-40 mm tall, rather abruptly flaring, cups 2-6 mm diam. Cortex strongly areolate-corticate to verrucose, granular soredia firmly attached and densely packed in cup interior, dark greenish-brown, exposed medulla at base red-brown. Apothecia compound, brown to black, sessile, stipitate. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC+ purplish-red in acetone only, Pd+ red or -. Two chemodemes. (i) Merochlorophaeic, 4-O-methylcryptochlorophaeic and fumarprotocetraric acids. (ii) sekikaic, homosekikaic and fumarprotocetraric acids. The two chemodemes have an identical morphology.
Primary squamules persistent 2-5 mm long, 1.0-1.5 mm wide, erect, palmately and pinnately divided, margins lobate-incised or ± nodular, often in dense cushions 4-10 cm diam., dying at base, upper surface flat or convex, scabrid-areolate or smooth, glaucescent or olive-green or grey-green or yellowish-green, minutely white-pubescent or pruinose towards apices. Lower surface arachnoid, white, yellowish-brown or black at base, not sorediate. Podetia 5-25(-30) mm tall, 1.5-3 mm diam., subcylindrical, arising from surface of primary squamules, decorticate below, partly corticate above, granular or squamulose, grey-green or glaucescent, yellow-brown or blackened at base, without soredia or isidia. Cortex discontinuous, squamulose. Apothecia conspicuous, terminal, globular to often confluent-compound, red above, brownish at base, 0.5-4.0 mm diam., sometimes single, often aggregated. Chemistry: Cortex K+ deep yellow, C-, KC-, Pd+ orange-yellow. Thamnolic and decarboxythamnolic acids and a yellow pigment.
Primary squamules usually very persistent, 3-7 mm long and 0.5-1.5 mm wide, irregularly laciniate, flat or involute-subconvex, ascending, clustered to caespitose-crowded, upper surface olive or yellowish-glaucescent. Lower surface white, without soredia. Podetia growing from the upper surface of the primary squamules, 10-25 mm tall, 0.7-2.5 mm diam., subcylindrical, without cups, sterile or terminated with apothecia, irregularly branched, branches spreading, sides of podetia fissured, ± clathrate, ± decorticate exposing internal chondroid strands, somewhat wrinkled, axils entire or perforate, aggregated or anastomosing, often confluent, ascending, corticate. Cortex areolate or in parts verrucose, areolae minute, dispersed or subcontiguous, without soredia, ± squamulose, squamules small to medium, similar to primary type, interspaces corticate or decorticate, opaque, impellucid, pale yellowish or olivaceous or whitish-glaucescent. Apothecia small, 0.6-1.0 mm diam., often solitary, entire or lobate, perforate, subpeltate, convex, brown or pale yellowish-brown. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow → red, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Atranorin, norstictic acid, zeorin and 2 unidentified compounds.
Primary squamules persistent or disappearing, medium, 2-12 mm long, irregularly lobed, lobes subdigitately crenate to incised, concave or involute, ascending, upper surface glaucescent to whitish-glaucescent or olive-green, lower surface white, darkening towards base, esorediate or sparingly granular-sorediate below. Podetia growing from upper surface of primary squamules, 5-40 mm tall, cylindrical, tapering to ± recurved tips, without cups and subulate, or with very small cups at tips. Cortex continuous or areolate near base and below apothecia, elsewhere decorticate and farinose-sorediate, white or whitish-glaucescent or whitish-ashy or olive, dying parts black, with or without podetial squamules. Apothecia brown, at tips of podetia or on margins of cups. Chemistry: Cortex K- or faint brownish, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric acid, ± atranorin.
Thallus dimorphic. Primary thallus persistent or disappearing, crustose or squamulose to foliose, hyphae rather loose, rarely dense or conglutinate. Upper cortex dense, of ± vertical hyphae. Medulla white, of thick-walled, often conglutinate hyphae. Lower surface usually decorticate. Photobiont green, , conglomerate in an irregular layer in the upper part of the medulla. Podetia, (vertical developments of the stalks of apothecia) grow from upper surface of margins of primary thallus, blunt, pointed or cup-forming (scyphiferous), simple or branched, solid at first, soon becoming hollow, with an outer cortex which may persist or disintegrate, becoming sorediate, verrucose or areolate. Soredia farinose (10-40 µm diam.), granular (40-120-300 µm diam.) often densely encrusted with lichen compounds; corticate granules (100-300 µm diam.) similar to soredia but with a well-developed ± continuous, thin corticate layer. Medulla dense or loose, containing symbiotic algae in outer part: in many species outer medulla becomes arachnoid and the inner medulla becomes hard and horny (chondroid) entirely, or in strands. Base persistent or dying away with growth continuing at apices, apices sterile or with apothecia. Apothecia at tips of podetia (normally larger than diameter of supporting stalk), on margins of cups (scyphi) or on primary squamules, lecideine, red, pale or dark brown or brown-black, margins narrow, or immarginate and convex, solitary or clustered-peltate to compound, confluent, exciple radiate, hypothecium pale to reddish, hymenium 30-70 µm tall, paraphyses slender, 2-5 µm thick, simple or sparingly branched. Asci cylindrical to clavate, 8-spored. Ascospores irregularly biseriate, fusiform, oblong or ovoid, 6-24 × 2-4.5 µm, simple, colourless. Pycnidia at apices of podetia, margins of cups, margins or upper surface of primary squamules, sessile or short-stalked, variable in shape, cylindrical, ovoid, turbinate or capitate, ostiole small or dilated, brown-black, ashy or red, containing a colourless or red jelly. Conidia cylindrical, filiform, straight or curved, 5-14 × 0.5-1 µm.
Primary squamules persistent or disappearing, small to large, 1-7 × 5 mm, irregularly crenate-incised to lobed, upper surface yellowish to olivaceous or pale glaucescent, lower surface pale or brownish towards base, esorediate or with scattered granules below. Podetia variable, to 40 mm tall, usually much less, cups flaring gradually from base, goblet-shaped, regular and entire, or dentate-proliferate from margins, proliferations with apothecia or rarely with small cups, very occasionally with small cups developed at centre. Cortex yellowish to glaucescent, continuous to areolate or verrucose in lower parts, sorediate towards apices and inside; cups, soredia granular. Apothecia red, convex, at cup margins. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC+ yellow, Pd-. Usnic and porphyrilic acids, zeorin and ± bellidiflorin.
Primary squamules well-developed, forming a ± imbricate or contiguous, horizontally spreading rosette, upper surface glaucescent to olive-green or brownish, lower surface white, darkening towards base, not sorediate. Podetia growing from upper surface of primary squamules, mainly at centre of thallus, to 20 mm tall, simple, rarely with short, marginal proliferations bearing apothecia, scyphiferous, cups flaring gradually, ± goblet-shaped, interior closed, with peltate squamules in cup. Cortex greyish or olive-green or brownish, squamulose, squamules peltate. Apothecia brown, on margins of cups, on short stalks. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric acid, ± atranorin.
Primary squamules, persistent, contiguous or dispersed, rarely disappearing, small to medium 2-7(-15) × 4 mm, irregularly lobed or incised, apices rounded, margins crenate or sinuate, ± thick, ascending or appressed, upper surface glaucescent to pale olive-green or brownish, lower surface white, darkening at base, esorediate. Podetia growing from upper surface of primary squamules, 4-10(-60) mm tall, simple or with short, marginal proliferations bearing apothecia, cups flaring gradually from base, turbinate, deep, interior closed and decorticate in part, with small, peltate, glaucous squamules or corticate granules covering interior as well as outer surface, slate grey to olive-green or brownish, cups ± regular, rarely proliferating from margins. Apothecia rather rare, small to rather large, at margins of cups, sessile or shortly stalked, brown or red-brown. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric acid and atranorin.
Primary squamules persistent or disappearing, small to medium, 3 × 2 mm, irregularly lobed, crenate to sinuate or incised, ascending, upper surface glaucescent or pale olive-green or pale glaucescent, rather slaty when dry, lower surface white, esorediate or sparingly granular below. Podetia growing from upper surface of primary squamules (14-)25-90 mm tall, slender, 1-2(-3.5) mm diam., narrowing apically to single cup or rather commonly subulate, margins of cups entire to denticulate, or with 1-7 subulate proliferations, the lower half of podetia corticate. Cortex continuous to verrucose, often with palmate squamules or commonly becoming entirely granular-sorediate towards cups, sometimes isidiate, ashy-glaucescent or dark ashy or brownish. Apothecia dark brown or black, often perforate, at tips of blunt podetia or on stalks at margins of cups. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC?, Pd+ red or -. Homosekikaic acid and ± fumarprotocetraric acid.
Primary squamules persistent, large, 1-5 mm diam., thick, coriaceous, olivaceous, tinged brown or yellow-brown above, smooth, glossy, wrinkled, white or buff below, margins knobbly or pectinate or with small, clustered, globose isidia. Podetia arising from upper surface of primary squamules, short, 5-15 mm tall, 0.5-1.5 mm diam., simple, tapering to subulate apices, cups absent, ± conical and tapering, grey-green or ashy, tinged brownish at apices, crowded, corticate olivaceous at base (1-5 mm) grey-brown or pale greenish-white tinged brownish above, densely isidiate, or with whitish, pellucid or cartilaginous patches devoid of isidia. Isidia minute, globose to ± palmate and coralloid. Squamules occasional. Apothecia minute, terminal, dark brown, globose, solitary or ± peltate in clusters of 2-4. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow, Pd+ yellow. Thamnolic and decarboxythamnolic acids.
Primary squamules disappearing, 2-5 mm long and broad, irregularly lobed, crenate, ascending, upper surface grey-green, lower side white, sorediate or not. Podetia arising from surface of primary squamules or dying at base, 3-6 cm tall, to 2.5 mm diam., repeatedly dichotomously branching, branches cylindrical, dilating slightly at axils, axils open or closed, apices usually subulate, partly or entirely isidiate-sorediate, or with minute, spreading and appressed or peeling squamules, apices subulate, granular-sorediate or verrucose-granular, squamulose or not. Cortex ± areolate, becoming decorticate, interspaces dull, white, whitish-glaucescent or ashy-olive or ashy-bluish and variegated. Apothecia small, dark brown, sometimes on corymbose branchlets at tips of podetia. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric, ± ursolic acids.
Primary squamules persistent or disappearing, 0.5-2 mm long, crenate-incised, margins ± lobulate, brown-yellow, smooth above, whitish arachnoid below. Podetia growing from margins and upper surface of primary squamules, 3 cm tall, 1-1.5 mm diam., at base, expanding upwards, subcylindrical, rather crowded, simple to irregularly dichotomously branched, with or without cups, cups regular, oblique or deformed, proliferating from margins, covered with a concave or funnel-shaped membrane. Cortex pale yellowish, brown-black at base, impellucid, decorticate, surface rather uneven, imperforate or with occasional perforations or ± areolate, areolae smooth, raised, soredia and squamules absent, chondroid layer smooth, not reticulate. Apothecia minute, terminal, pale brown, 0.2-1.0 mm diam., convex, simple or ± confluent, on marginal proliferations of cups. Pycnidia bottle-shaped, 0.1 mm diam., at tips of fertile podetia below apothecia and on surface of primary squamules, ostiole black-rimmed, gaping. Chemistry: Cortex K-, C-, KC+ yellow, Pd+ red. Usnic and fumarprotocetraric acids, barbatic acid (tr.) and unidentified terpene.
Primary squamules persistent or disappearing, medium, rarely large, 2-8(-10) × 1 mm, irregularly pinnate, subpinnate or subdigitate or laciniate, crenate, often wedge-shaped, ascending, flat or involute, scattered or tufted, rarely caespitose or forming a compact crust, upper surface glaucescent or whitish or olive-green to brownish, lower side white, without soredia or partly granular. Podetia growing from upper surface of primary squamules, very variable in size and shape, base persistent or dying away, 10-90 mm tall and to 2.5 mm diam., cups common, rather abruptly flaring, small to medium, usually widely perforated, margins repeatedly proliferating, cupless podetia branching radiately or irregularly with sterile proliferations which may be blunt or pointed, or branches tipped with apothecia, proliferations simple to clustered and grouped in close tufts, sometimes scattered, often decorticate but not sorediate. Cortex variable ± continuous, or with scattered, corticate areas, or completely absent, decorticate areas retaining inner part of medulla and appearing arachnoid, corticate areas smooth to wrinkled, whitish to bluish- or glaucescent-grey to grey-green, olive-green or brown, blackened in exposed habitats, decorticate areas white, sides of podetia squamules. Apothecia small, on cup margins or on tips of branchlets, pale yellowish to dark brown. Chemistry: Two chemodemes. (i)Squamatic (UV+) ± barbatic acids. (ii) Thamnolic, decarboxythamnolic ± barbatic acids.
Primary squamules small, persistent or disappearing, 3-5 mm diam., subpalmately lobed, imbricate, crowded, margins crenate-incised, olivaceous-greyish above, white below, sometimes ± sorediate. Podetia growing from upper surface of primary squamules, 10-20 mm tall, to 1.5 mm diam., terete, simple or bifurcating, tapering towards apices, cupless. Cortex abundantly, finely to coarsely granular and squamulose, squamules isidioid, corticate below, tips often decorticate, free of granules and squamules, greenish-grey to dark greyish. Apothecia small, peltate, terminal, pale brownish. Chemistry: Cortex K+ deep yellow, C-, KC, Pd+, Yellow. Thamnolic acid.
Primary squamules persistent or disappearing, small to medium, 1-2mm long and 0.5-0.7 mm diam., incised, laciniate or crenate, flat, sparse or crowded, upper surface glaucescent or whitish-glaucescent, lower side whitish, yellowish at base, without soredia or slightly granular below. Podetia growing from upper surface of primary squamules, dying below, 15-60 mm tall, 1-2 mm diam., subcylindrical, cups narrow to gradually dilated, regular or oblique, margins subentire to denate-proliferate, proliferations subsolitary or few, apices with cups or blunt, cups commonly in 2-3 tiers, commonly elongated from 15-40 mm, simple or proliferating from cup margins or arising rarely from side branches, imperforate, aggregated, erect. Cortex densely verrucose-isidiate or squamulose-furfuraceous, soredial granules thickly verrucuse and squamulose, dispersed or ± continuous towards base, yellowish-white or pale glaucescent,decorticate areas whitish, brownish and ± continuously corticate at base. Apothecia red, at tips of podetia 1-4 mm diam., solitary or ± confluent, pectinate. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow, KC-, Pd+ yellow. Thamnolic and usnic acids.
Primary squamules persistent or often sparse and disappearing, small, upper surface whitish-glaucescent to blackening, lower surface white. Podetia growing from upper surface of primary squamues, tall and slender, 30-100 mm tall and to 3.5 mm diam., cylindrical, without cups, or with antler-like and irregular proliferations, or with irregular cups formed by circles of long proliferations, rarely corticate at base (1-2 mm), otherwise entirely decorticate, farinose-sorediate, white to ashy or pale glaucescent, or brownish. Apothecia rare, sessile, on margins of cups or on marginal stalks or on tips of podetia, dark brown, or reddish-brown. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric acid and ± atranorin.
Primary squamules larger than in , 5-10 mm long and 2.5-5 mm wide, incised-lobate, persistent or disappearing, upper surface yellowish-glaucescent, lower surface white, pale to dark brown or blackened centrally, occasionally sorediate. Podetia 20-85 mm tall, 2-10 mm wide, terete, with or without cups, cups gradually flaring from base, more irregular than in , marginal proliferations prominent, sterile podetia tapering towards apices, sides often fissured and split. Cortex densely farinose-sorediate, yellowish-grey or yellowish, often ± corticate or squamulose at base. Apothecia red, sessile, on cup margins. Chemistry: Cortex K-, C-, KC+ yellowish, Pd-. Squamatic (UV+) and usnic acids.
Primary squamules persistent, small to medium, linear, upper surface glaucescent to olivaceous-glaucescent, to pale, lower surface white, fragile, esorediate. Podetia arising from surface of primary squamules, 2-45 mm tall to 3 mm diam., simple or sparingly branched, without cups, apices blunt. Cortex ± lacking, continuous at base and below apothecia, ± pellucid, pale to brownish, granular-sorediate, verrucose, verrucae and squamules minutely isidiate, ashy or glaucescent-whitish, areolate, squamulose at base. Apothecia red, small, to 1.5 mm diam., simple or clustered at tips of podetia. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow, KC+ yellow-orange, Pd+ orange-red. Thamnolic, barbatic and didymic acids.
Thallus spreading in irregular pathces 5-12(-20) cm diam., corticolous or saxicolous, easily peeled off substrate at maturity, thin (0.9 mm thick), brittle, raised in irregular mounds, olive-green to yellowish-green or buff, dark glaucous green in shade, or shining in parts, wrinkled uneven. Lower surface matt, corticate, brownish-yellow, or buff, bullate-uneven. Prothallus marginal, pale brownish or whitish, crenulate 0.2-0.8 mm wide. Perithecia immersed, globose, in raised tubercles 0.5-0.8(-1.2) mm diam., ostiole brown or brown-black, depressed, at first closed, then open. Ascospores 8 per ascus, colourless, fusiform-ellipsoid, apices slightly apiculate or rounded, muriform, 20-24 locular in c. 6 vertical series, 40-150 × 22-40 µm.
Thallus crustose, amorphous, spreading in patches, closely attached to substrate at first but ultimately peeling or breaking from it, olive-green to yellowish-brown, corticolous or saxicolous. Photobiont green, . Perithecia immersed, often in swollen pustules, ± globose, ± completely covered with thalline tissue, opening to exterior by a punctiform to ± dilated ostiole, dark brown to black. Paraphyses sparingly branched. Ascospores 6-8 per ascus, colourless, muriform.
Thallus crustose, ± smooth and rimose or areolate to granular-verrucose, whitish or straw-coloured, effuse or bordered by a dark prothalline line, thalline hyphae I-. Photobiont green ? , cells globose c. 9-17 µm diam., Apothecia Lecideine, small to medium, marginate, disc concave to plane, rarely convex, pallid to black, sometimes faintly pruinose. Hymenium rather shallow, c. 40-50 µm tall, I+. Epithecium straw-coloured to dark brown often minutely granular, granules dissolving in K. Asci clavate-cylindrical, lecanoralean with amyloid tholus, 8-spored. Ascopores hyaline, smooth, mostly 1-septate. Paraphyses numerous, mostly simple, apices incrassate, clavate or capitate, sometimes pigmented. Hypothecium (Incl. subhymenium) hyaline, I-. Excipulum well-developed, without algae, ± hyaline but appearing straw-coloured through densely interspersed, minute granules dissolving in K, of densely branched hyphae c. 1.7-2 µm diam. (in K). Pycnidia numerous, rather large and conspicuous, stromatic wall dark purplish-brown (K+ purple intensifying) above, becoming thinner and ± hyaline below, internally convoluted into c. 2-8 locules, locules criss-crossed by a few branched hyphae. Conidiogenous cells hyaline, cylindrical phialidic, often proliferating. Conidia hyaline, smooth, simple, ovoid to short-cylindrical.
Thallus whitish, matt or slightly glossy, thin and rimose, to irregularly convex-areolate, more rarely granular-verrucose, areolae c. 0.04-0.3 mm diam., effuse or bordered by a thin, dark line of prothallus. Apothecia scattered, c. 0.3-0.6(-0.8) mm diam., pinkish-brown to black with thin, smooth, sometimes flexuose, paler or concolorous margin, disc sometimes faintly white-pruinose. Hymenium colourless, 35-45 µm tall. Epithecium straw-coloured to dark brown, sometimes with minute granules dissolving in K. Asci 30-40 × 9-1 µm. Ascospores oblong-ellipsoid, straight, (0-)1(-3)-septate, 8-16 × 2.5-3.5 µm diam., apices clavate to capitate to 4.5 µm diam., often dark brown. Hypothecium colourless. Excipulum straw-coloured, with numerous, minute crystals dissolving in K, upper part sometimes pale brown, K+ tinged purple. Pycnidia numerous, appearing as innate black dots, c. 0.15-0.2 mm diam., sometimes surrounded by a thalline rim. Conidiogenous cells 6-8 × 1.5-2 µm, sometimes proliferating. Conidia ovoid to short-cylindrical, 3.7-4 × 1.5-2 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ pale yellow, C-, Pd-.
Thallus ± orbicular, to 8 cm diam. Lobes 0.3-0.7(-1.0) cm wide, adjacent and often imbricate, broadly cuneate to flabellate, apices rotund. Upper surface smooth, matt or shining, without isidia, lobes sometimes with distinct, transverse, concentric ridges. Rhizines numerous, pale to bluish-black (then often white-tipped), sometimes projecting beyond margins. Apothecia ± frequent, ± adnate, to 0.6 cm diam., orbicular at first, becoming irregular with age, disc pale brown-red to black, short, white hairs projecting from disc margins. Ascospores 9-12 × 3-4 µm.
Thallus ± orbicular to 8 cm diam. Lobes 0.2-0.6(-1.0) cm wide, adjacent to imbricate, broadly cuneate to flabellate, apices rotund. Upper surface rather variable in texture, smooth, matt or slightly shining to ± wrinkled, scabrid, isidiate, often also with transverse, concentric ridges. Isidia concolorous with thallus or darker, terete, nodular when young, becoming coralloid, sparse or forming a dense, ± areolate crust centrally. Rhizines dense, colour variable, pale to dark bluish-black (then often white-tipped), sometimes projecting beyond lobe margins. Apothecia adnate, to 0.4 cm diam., orbicular at first, becoming irregular with age, disc pale brown-red to black. Ascospores 9-11 × 3-5 µm.
Thallus ± orbicular, to 6 cm diam. Lobes 0.3-0.6 cm wide, adjacent to somewhat imbricate, broadly cuneate to flabellate, apices rotund. Upper surface isidiate, often also with transverse, concentric ridges. Isidia flattened, squamulose, marginal or laminal. Rhizines pale, forming a ± dense matt on the lower surface. Apothecia not seen in New Zealand material.
Thallus foliose, heteromerous, dorsiventral ± orbicular in outline, rarely more than 10 cm diam., corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes adjacent or imbricate, broadly cuneate to flabellate, the margins slightly thickened and curled downwards. Upper surface glabrous, smooth and shining, or minutely wrinkled or scabrid, colour usually ± leaden-grey but sometimes brownish-grey, bluish to almost black, often distinctly ridged, the ridges being arranged in curved concentric lines parallel with the lobe apices and reflecting the attachment of rhizines on the lower surface. Upper cortex of paraplectenchymatous cells, arranged in ± parallel lines radiating along the lobes from centre to periphery, a diagnostic character visible in larger specimens as faint striae (×10 lens). Photobiont blue-green, . Lower surface corticate, often densely covered with long, silky rhizines. Rhizines pale, white or grey to dark bluish-black or black. Apothecia biatorine, adnate, lacking a proper margin, ± hemispherical, rounded to irregular. Ascospores simple, colourless, ellipsoid, 8 per ascus. Pycnidia frequent to sparse in fertile specimens, ± wart-like, dark red-brown to black. Conidia rod-shaped.
Thallus crustose, granular, warted or lumpy, 0.1-0.15 mm thick, continuous or ± areolate-cracked, corticolous, rarely saxicolous. Upper surface whitish-grey or creamish or yellowish-cream. Cephalodia plane to subglobose, pale pinkish or creamish-pink, best seen when wet. Apothecia immersed, singly in small, subglobose warts scattered on the upper surface, 0.5-1.4 mm diam., with a small, round, apical pore and a pale pinkish margin. Ascospores 8 per ascus, simple, ellipsoid, 52-67 × 26-31 µm, wall to 4 µm thick. Chemistry: K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+, red, Pd+ orange. Stictic, norstictic and salazinic acids.
Thallus crustose, to dwarf-fruticose, or granular, isidiate or not, sorediate or not, creamish-white, or greyish or pinkish-grey or yellowish-grey, often with a pale, marginal prothallus, corticolous or saxicolous or terricolous. Photobiont green, . Cephalodia laminal, containing . Apothecia sessile or ± innate, single or 2-3 sunk in spherical thalline warts, discs closed as in perithecia, with a thin, hyaline wall and vertical ostiole. Asci short, (4-)6-8 spored. Ascospores relatively large, colourless, simple, ellipsoid.
Thallus crustose, spreading, 0.08-0.2 mm thick, of crowded, unequal, small granules and isidia, corticolous, rarely saxicolous. Upper surface whitish-grey or creamish-brown, without a definite margin, generally with cephalodia and isidia. Cephalodia plane to subglobose, dark pinkish-cream. Isidia cylindrical, to 0.8 mm tall and 0.1 mm thick, corticate, simple or branched, Apothecia immersed singly in small subglobose warts, to 1 mm diam., thalline margin isidiate, apically perforate, ringed with a pale pinkish-cream proper margin. Ascospores 8 per ascus, colourless, simple, ellipsoid, 40-70 × 20-30 µm with a wall 2.5-4 µm thick. Chemistry: K + yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Stictic, norstictic and salazinic acids.
Thallus loosely felted, byssoid, homoiomerous, of a vegetative mycelium surrounding cells of photobiont, either adnate or forming protuberant masses of various shapes, corticolous. Photobiont green, species of or . Apothecia on short stipes or sessile, round, lecideine, pale to bright yellow or pinkish. Ascospores simple or 1-septate, fusiform to oblong or bacillar, colourless. Pycnidia sessile or short stipitate, globose. Conidia simple, fusiform.
Thallus closely to loosely felt-like, pannose, pulvinate or spreading, 1-5(-8) cm diam., olive-green to greenish-yellow. Photobiont , filament cells 2-4 times longer than wide. Apothecia scattered, small, 1 mm diam., round, sessile, disc plane, carneous-yellow, margins entire, white, thin. Paraphyses septate, 1.5-2 µm wide, apices clavate, 2-3.5 µm wide. Ascospores 8 per ascus, 1-septate, uniseriate, oblique, short-fusiform, 7-12 × 2-4 µm.
Thallus variable, to 5 cm diam., separate individuals often difficult to distinguish, foliose, rounded, thin, deeply and broadly lobate, bright green or dark olive-green, slightly glossy, epruinose, somewhat swollen when moist, lower surface concolorous or paler, often bluish-grey. Lobes rather few, ± rounded or somewhat extended, rosette-forming and imbricate, ± adnate with ascending, undulate margins, often lobulate 0.5-6 mm broad, surface smooth or isidiate, margins entire or crenate or isidiate, never swollen. Isidia marginal or laminal, numerous, crowded, or sparse, at first globular, then squamiform, seldom terete, concolorous with thallus. Apothecia few or numerous, often absent, laminal, scattered or in part crowded, appressed, not constricted at base, to sessile, never pedicellate, rounded, flattened 1-2(-2.5) mm diam., disc ± plane, pale or dark red to red-brown, slightly glossy or matt, smooth, epruinose, thalline margin thin, granular to lobulate, persistent. Ascospores 8 per ascus, ± distichous, broadly oblong or oval or ovoid or subellipsoid, straight with obtuse or rounded ends, 4-celled to submuriform, (17-)26-34(-47) × (8.5-)13-15(-18) µm. Pycnidia laminal and marginal, visible as pale and usually somewhat prominent dots, ± immersed, subglobose, 170-260 µm diam.
Thallus rather large, to 7 cm diam., foliose to subfoliose, rounded to subirregular, adnate to ± ascending lobate, thin, often fenestrate, dark olive-green to blackish, somewhat glossy, without isidia, upper and lower surface smooth. Lobes rather short and broad or ± extended contiguous and imbricate, rather irregularly branched (lobulate) forming dense cushions, lobules 1-3 mm broad, irregular, plane or concave, distinctly canaliculate at first, margin not swollen, ± incised and undulate, giving lichen a very crisp appearance. Apothecia numerous and dense, sometimes crowded, to sparse or even lacking, laminal, submarginal or marginal, sessile, constricted at base 1-1.5(-2) mm diam., disc plane to convex, dark red to blackish, matt, or glossy, epruinose, thalline margin thin, ± entire, smooth or somewhat crenulate or verrucose to granular, not prominent, persistent or disappearing, proper margin thin, pale. Ascospores 4-6 per ascus, polystichous, straight or curved, fusiform to subfusiform or ± broadly acicular, with one end (sometimes both ends) very narrow and strongly extended, straight or curved, 6-celled, not constricted at septa 40-60(-70) × (4.5-)6(-6.5) µm. Pycnidia marginal or submarginal, immersed, globose, 170-200 µm diam.
Thallus small to large, usually foliose and distinctly lobate, in some species subcrustose or subfruticose, gelatinous, usually dark olive-green, homoiomerous, with no true cortex. Photobiont blue-green, . Apothecia lecanorine. Ascospores colourless, very different in shape, 2- to many-celled. Chemistry: negative.
Thallus small to medium, 1-4 cm diam., to 1 cm deep, very swollen and much larger when moist, subcrustaceous to crustaceous or subfoliose, rounded or irregular, pulvinate to rather flattened, often ± globular and easily loosening when moist, usually not continuous, but variously fenestrate, in parts thin, membranous and smooth, in parts markedly rugose with dense, coarse, irregular wrinkles, or rugose-folded, distinctly to ± indistinctly lobate, dark olive-green to brownish or blackish, paler when moist, epruinose, without isidia. Lobes when distinct rather variable, ± broad, flattened, imbricate and adnate, sometimes distinctly lobulate with short lobules, margin thin somewhat swollen, ± entire. Apothecia numerous, dense, often crowded, rounded, flattened, sessile on thalline wrinkles, constricted at base, 0.8-2 mm diam., disc ± plane, dark red to red-brown or pale brown, matt, smooth, epruinose, thalline margin thick, prominent, rugose or granular, persistent, or thin and not prominent and ± disappearing, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores 6-8 per ascus, monostichous and imbricate or twisted, ± straight forming a bundle, vermiform, 10-17-celled, 52-95 × 4.5-5(-6.5) µm.
Differs from the other two varieties in the whitish-downy surface, a unique and previously overlooked character in . This downy layer, present on both upper and lower surfaces, is rather thin. Apothecia are very small, 0.2-1 mm diam., and ally this variety with , however spores are shorter 56-86(-110) × 2.5-4.5 µm, acicular, 12-16-celled.
Differs from the typical variety in the higher hymenium and in the longer and often narrower spores (65-)100-170 × (2.5-)3-4.5(-6) µm. Thallus rather small, to 4 cm diam., varying in thickness, in some plants very small isidia-like granules occur.
Thallus very small, to 0.5 cm diam., foliose, ± rounded, fixed to substrate at centre, easily loosened, deeply lobate, dark olive-green sometimes brownish or blackish, lower surface concolorous or paler or greyish-blue, matt, epruinose, without isidia. Lobes few, rosette-forming, free or imbricate, rounded, or somewhat extended, 0.3-1.5 mm broad, not swollen, entire or crenate, ± plane, canaliculate, horizontal, adnate or not, occasionally ascending and ± erect, smooth, or with globular, isidia-like papillae or terete to flattened lobules at margins and on lamina. Thalli very numerous and crowded, somewhat pulvinate. Apothecia generally ± numerous, crowded centrally, sessile, constricted at base, 0.4-0.7 mm diam., disc plane to concave, red to red-brown or blackish-brown, slightly glossy, smooth, epruinose, thalline margin thin to moderately thick, sometimes disappearing, entire or rarely papillate, sometimes lobulate, proper margin thin, pale ± persistent. Ascospores 8, rarely 4 per ascus, ± distichous, oval or sub-oblong to ovoid or ellipsoid with rounded to obtuse ends, submuriform with 2-5 transverse septa often constricted at septa, 16-30 × 8.5-17 µm. Pycnidia common, numerous, ± laminal, immersed, ± globose, pale, to 215 µm diam.
Thallus to 1(-3) cm diam., lobes 1-4 mm broad, end lobules 1.5-3 mm broad, often strongly knotted or with isidia-like protuberances. Apothecia 0.5-2.5 mm diam., thalline margin thicker than in main type and in knotty specimens strongly papillate or granular. Ascospores 6-8 per ascus, ellipsoid with acute or obtuse ends, 18-32 × 10-13(-17) µm, submuriform or eumuriform (3-5 transverse septa and 1-2 longitudinal septa).
Thallus small to large, to 6 cm diam., foliose, rounded to extended, ± adnate or slightly ascending at margins, ± deeply and broadly lobate, thin to rather thick, membranous, strongly fenestrate, richly or more sparsely pustulate and ridged, especially in older parts, ridges and pustules often radiating, ± olive-green (lower surface concolorous or paler), matt or glossy, without isidia. Lobes few, rounded or somewhat extended, imbricate or not, 0.5-1 cm broad, sparsely lobulate, lobules ± rounded, margins entire or slightly incised, flat or bent downwards or upwards, never swollen. Apothecia ± numerous and dense, sometimes crowded, laminal, especially on ridges and pustules, sessile, constricted at base, ± broadly stipitate, to 1.5 (rarely to 3.5) mm diam., sometimes laterally compressed, disc plane or subconcave to convex, red, pruinose, pruina thick, rarely thin and disappearing, grey-blue or white, thalline margin thin to moderately thick, entire, smooth or wrinkled or somewhat knotty, scarcely prominent in mature fruits, persistent or disappearing, proper margin very thin and whitish or lacking. Ascospores (6-)8 per ascus, usually polystichous forming a bundle, straight or curved or winding in asci, ± narrowly fusiform to ± broadly acicular or subbacillar, straight or curved, 6-10(-12)-celled with end cells usually thinner and extended, rarely constricted at septa (20-)40-60(-95) × (3-)4.5-6.5 µm. Pycnidia common and often numerous, immersed laminal, submarginal and sometimes in apothecial margin, globose, 200 µm diam., visible as small, pale dots on both sides of thallus.
Thallus rather large, to 10 cm diam., though usually less, foliose, membranous, thin, rounded or somewhat irregular, adnate or partly ascending ± deeply and broadly lobate, smooth or sparsely and irregularly ridged or pustulate and folded, sometimes creased, rarely isidiate, darker or paler olive-green, lower surface paler often bluish, matt or slightly glossy. Lobes few, rounded to somewhat extended, imbricate, ± sparsely lobulate, lobules rounded or a little extended, imbricate, 0.5-1 cm broad, margins entire or slightly incised or sparsely isidiate, slightly undulate or bent upwards or downwards, never swollen. Isidia rather rare, sparse, mostly marginal or at damaged spots, often globular when young, squamiform at maturity, rarely terete. Apothecia ± numerous, laminal, rarely marginal, scattered or crowded, sessile, constricted at base, sometimes broadly stipitate, 0.7-2 mm diam., disc plane to convex, pale or dark red, matt to slightly glossy, epruinose, thalline margin thin, entire, smooth or finely rugose, not prominent, persistent, or in convex fruits disappearing, proper margin thin, pale. Ascospores 8 per ascus, ± distichous and imbricate, fusiform, seldom broadly acicular, straight or somewhat curved, with acute and often extended ends, 6-celled rarely 4- or 7-8-celled, (20-)30-56(-78) × (4-)4.5-8.5 µm. Pycnidia common and numerous, laminal, also marginal, immersed, globose to somewhat flattened, thicker than thallus, 200 µm diam.
Thallus to 3(-4) cm diam., foliose, rounded to somewhat irregular, rather difficult to distinguish individuals, deeply and broadly lobate, adnate or partly ascending, ± thin, of about uniform thickness, smooth or in part subpustulate, pale to dark olive-green, matt or somewhat glossy, isidiate. Isidia marginal and laminal, numerous, dense (laminal isidia sometimes in darkish spots) at first ± globular, soon elongate to squamiform, concolorous with thallus, simple or slightly branched. Lobes few, rounded to ± elongate, imbricate, 2-4(-10) mm broad, undivided or somewhat lobulate, usually ascending and undulate at margins, margins entire or densely isidiate. Apothecia absent in New Zealand material, in other parts of the the species range, sparse to numerous, laminal, sessile with a constricted base, to 1.6 mm diam., disc plane, red, whitish-pruinose, pruina thin to very thin or disappearing, thalline margin thin, entire, smooth or uneven or ± isidiate, persistent to ± disappearing. Ascospores 4 per ascus, monostichous to distichous, imbricate, fusiform, straight or slightly curved, with acute and sometimes extended apices, (4-)5-6-celled, (28-)30-36 × (6.5-)7-8.5 µm.
Thallus medium to large to 10 cm diam., usually 3-6 cm, foliose, membranous, thin, ± rounded and adnate, deeply or shallowly and broadly lobate, smooth, in parts finely rugose or slightly and irregularly ridged or folded, pale or dark olive-green, rarely bluish, lower surface concolorous or bluish, rarely glossy, without isidia. Lobes few, ± rounded, imbricate, to 3 cm broad, sparsely lobulate (lobules ± rounded, margins entire sometimes a little undulate or ascending). Apothecia numerous and dense, sometimes crowded, laminal, sessile, constricted at base or rather broadly adnate, often immersed when very young and visible then as small dots, 0.5-0.7(-1) mm diam., disc plane to concave, rarely convex, pale red or dark red, white-pruinose or yellow-pruinose, pruina in young fruits, non-pruinose disc slightly glossy, thalline margin rather thick, entire, smooth, to finely wrinkled, not prominent, persistent or in convex fruits ± disappearing, a thin, pale proper margin is sometimes found. Ascospores (6-)8 per ascus, distichous or tristichous or polystichous (imbricate or at same level, straight, curved or bent in asci), fusiform to ± broadly acicular, when free straight or sometimes curved with ± acute sometimes extended ends, 6-8(-10)-celled, not constricted at septa (26-)40-65 × (4.5-)6-8.5 µm. Pycnidia often numerous, laminal, immersed, globose, usually thicker than thallus, 170-270 µm diam., visible as small swellings on both sides of the thallus.
Thallus small to medium (1-)3-5 cm diam., crustose to subfoliose, ± rounded, adnate or ascending at margins, thin to rather thick, membranous, ± fenestrate, smooth or irregularly rugose, wrinkles dense or sparse, often forming a network, sometimes finely knotted or papillose, lower surface smooth or uneven, paler or darker olive-green, sometimes yellowish-brown or bluish, lower surface pale or bluish, matt or glossy, margins often finely lobulate. Lobules small to very small, short and narrow to 1-2 mm broad, imbricate or not, flat, canaliculate, of uniform thickness or swollen at margins, margins entire or notched or incised and often undulate. Without isidia. Sometimes pulvinate in habit. Apothecia ± numerous, scattered to dense, sometimes crowded and covering thallus, laminal and marginal, appressed to sessile with constricted base, sometimes pedicellate 1-1.5(-3-4) mm diam., disc plane, convex or concave, pale red to dark red, matt to glossy, epruinose, thalline margin thin to moderately thick, entire, smooth to rugose or knotted, not prominent, persistent to disappearing, proper margin very thin and pale, often lacking. Ascospores 8 (4 or 6) per ascus, tristichous or polystichous, imbricate, bacillar, ends ± obtuse or rounded, linear oblong and narrowing towards one end, straight or curved, 4-celled, rarely 8-10-celled, (17-)26-50 × (1.5-)2-4.5(-5) µm. Pycnidia laminal and marginal immersed or slightly prominent, globose, to 170 µm diam.
Thallus medium to large, to 10 cm diam., foliose, membranous, thin, ± rounded and adnate, ± deeply and broadly lobate, smooth, sometimes slightly and irregularly ridged or folded, pale olive-green to dark olive, lower surface concolorous or greyish-blue, matt or slightly glossy, without isidia. Lobes few, rounded or somewhat extended, imbricate, to 1.5 cm broad, sparsely lobulate, lobules ± rounded, margins entire and somewhat bent downwards or upwards. Apothecia numerous, scattered to dense, laminal or submarginal, sessile with constricted base or rather broadly adnate, 1.5 (rarely to 3.5) mm diam., disc plane to convex, strongly white-pruinose, seldom yellow-pruinose, thalline margin thin to moderately thick, entire, smooth or finely wrinkled, not prominent. Ascospores 6-8 per ascus, distichous to polystichous, straight or twisted in asci, broadly to narrowly fusiform, rarely ± broadly acicular, straight or curved with acute or obtuse ends, 6-8-celled sometimes distinctly constricted at septa, 30-65(-73) × 4.5-6.5(-8.5) µm. Pycnidia common, often abundant and dense, laminal and submarginal, immersed, ± globose, thicker than thallus, 170-260 µm diam., visible as dots or swellings on both sides of thallus, pale or concolorous with thallus.
Thallus small to medium, to 4 cm diam., foliose, ± rounded, adnate or subascendent, ± thin, deeply and rather broadly lobate, pale or dark olive-green, lower surface paler, usually greyish to white, ± matt, epruinose, isidiate. Isidia laminal and marginal, numerous, generally covering the thallus, ± globular or squamiform, rather coarse, to 0.5 mm diam., concolorous with thallus or darker. Lobes extended and radiating, repeatedly furcate, lobules rather few, rounded to extended, usually 1.5-3.5 mm broad, free, contiguous or imbricate, ± concave owing to ascending margin which is coarsely undulate, ± entire, often isidiate with age, not swollen. Central parts of thallus often forming a richly isidiate, diffract-areolate crust. Apothecia numerous, often dense and crowded, in some specimens sparse or lacking, laminal and marginal, flattened, subglobose at first, soon sessile with constricted base 0.5-0.7 mm diam., disc plane to subconcave, dark red, matt, epruinose, thalline margin thin to moderately thick, ± entire, smooth or isidiate, not prominent, often ± disappearing, proper margin thin, pale. Ascospores 8 per ascus (sometimes 4-6), monostichous or distichous, usually imbricate, ellipsoid with obtuse or rounded ends or acute ends, submuriform, to eumuriform with 3-6 transverse septa and 1-2 longitudinal ones, 20-30 × 9-10.5(-14) µm. Pycnidia laminal or marginal, immersed to slightly prominent, globose, to 260µm diam.
Thallus small to large to 10 cm diam., usually less, ± foliose, adnate or partly ascending, thin to thick, membranous, sparsely rugose or smooth or knotty, pale or dark olive-green to blackish, lower surface paler, matt or partly glossy, without isidia or sometimes with isidia-like outgrowths. Apothecia ± numerous, scattered to dense, sometimes crowded, laminal or marginal, appressed, sessile, constricted at base, very small, 0.5-0.8(-1) mm diam., disc plane, subconcave to subconvex, dark red to blackish, matt, epruinose, thalline margin thin to thick, entire, ± smooth, not prominent, persistent to ± disappearing. Ascospores 8 per ascus, ± polystichous, imbricate, linear-oblong with rounded ends, straight to slightly curved, 4-celled, 20-30(-35) × (3-)4.5-5(-7) µm. Pycnidia sparse, laminal and marginal, immersed, globose, 170 µm diam.
Differs from typical variety in the longer and usually 8-celled spores. Spores (30-)35-56(-60) × 4.5-6.5(-8.5) µm, linear-oblong.
Thallus rather small to large, 1-8 cm diam., foliose, membranous (rather firm), ± thin, rounded or somewhat irregular in shape, adnate or partly ascending, ± deeply (or shallowly) and broadly lobate, sometimes nearly undivided, smooth or sparsely ridged and folded, normally without isidia, pale olive-green, sometimes darker olive-green or bluish, lower surface often greyish or bluish, matt or slightly glossy, lobes and lobules few, rounded or somewhat extended, ± imbricate often somewhat undulate, margin ± entire, flat, or bent a little upwards or downwards, never swollen. Isidia rare and when present generally sparse, marginal or laminal, ± squamiform. Apothecia numerous, often dense and crowded, laminal, sessile, constricted at base, 0.7-1.5 mm diam., rarely to 2.5 mm, disc plane, convex with age, pale to dark red, matt or subnitid, epruinose, thalline margin in mature fruits thin to moderately thick, entire, smooth or slightly uneven, usually not prominent, persistent to ± disappearing, proper margin sometimes occurring. Ascospores 4-8 per ascus, monostichous or distichous or monodistichous (rarely tristichous), ± imbricate, broadly fusiform to ellipsoid, straight (rarely somewhat curved), with acute ends, or seldom more rounded ends, submuriform at maturity or eumuriform (3-5 transverse septa and 1-2, rarely 3, longitudinal septa) sometimes constricted at septa (16-)20-40(-43) × (6.5-)8-10.5(-15) µm. Pycnidia common, ± numerous and often dense, laminal, immersed, globose, 170-200 µm diam., visible as small dots on both sides of thallus.
Thallus 2-6 cm diam., foliose, membranous, thin, ± rounded, ± loosely adnate to substrate, often partly ascending, ± deeply or rather shallowly and broadly lobate, dark olive-green to blackish, lower surface usually paler often greyish or bluish, paler and semi-transparent when moist, matt, epruinose, isidiate, smooth to uneven to pustulate centrally. Lobes few, sometimes single, 0.5-1.5 rarely to 3 cm wide, sparsely and shallowly lobulate, ± flattened or coarsely and irregularly folded and undulate, margins ± entire and sometimes bent downward or upwards, never swollen. Isidia usually numerous and often crowded, sometimes sparse, laminal (occasionally on the lower surface as well) and often marginal, globular at first, rarely squamiform at maturity, horizontal or mostly ± vertical, 0.05-0.1 mm diam., terete isidia to 0.3 mm long. Apothecia rare, scattered on upper surface, sessile, constricted at base, to 2.5 mm diam., but often less, disc plane, convex at maturity, pale to dark red, smooth, matt, epruinose or sometimes in young fruits white-pruinose, thalline margin thin, ± entire, smooth or subrugulose. Ascospores 8 per ascus, distichous and imbricate, narrowly fusiform or rather acicular, straight or slightly curved, 4-6(-8)-celled, 42-60(-65) × (3-)4-5-6.5 µm.
Thallus very small, 0.5-1.5 cm diam., foliose, rounded, adnate or usually ± ascending, deeply lobate, ± dark olive-green, lower surface concolorous or paler, matt or slightly glossy, without isidia but sometimes with knob-like to coralloid or somewhat flattened outgrowths, sparse to numerous, the rest smooth. Lobes few, free or imbricate, rounded or somewhat extended, plane to concave, margins slightly undulate, 1-3 mm broad, not swollen, entire, incised or sublobulate. Thalli ± crowded, separation between individuals often difficult to see. Apothecia numerous and dense, often crowded and ± covering lobes, laminal and submarginal, flattened, sessile with a constricted base, or broadly adnate, 0.3-0.8(-1.2) mm diam., disc plane to subconvex, pale to dark red, glossy, epruinose, thalline margin thin, smooth to densely verrucose or knotted, not prominent, persistent or ± disappearing, a very thin, pale, proper margin sometimes visible. Ascospores 6-8 per ascus, monostichous or distichous, ± imbricate, linear-oblong to subellipsoid or subovoid, with rounded to obtuse ends, 4-celled, not constricted at septa, (13-)15-17 × 4.5-5(-6.5) µm. Pycnidia not seen.
Thallus crustaceous, epi- or endosubstratic. When episubstratic the thallus is minutely granular to farinaceous. Photobiont: or . Apothecia well-stalked. Capitulum obconical, lenticular or spherical. Stalk tissue of ± sclerotized, dark brown hyphae, or hyaline. Hyphae of stalk strictly periclinally arranged. Excipulum well-developed or almost completely lacking. Mazaedium well-developed. Asci dissolving at an early stage, cylindrical to clavate. Ascospores simple, spherical, hyaline or medium brown, often with ornamentation. Chemistry: Containing tetronic acid derivatives and quinonoid pigments.
Thallus immersed. Photobiont: . Apothecia 1.7-3.0 mm high, 15-32 times as high as width of stalk. Stalk 0.08-0.13 mm diam., brown to reddish-brown in lower part, yellow in upper part. Uppermost part often with a yellow to white pruina. Stalks of young apothecia bright yellow, consisting of hyaline, non-sclerotized hyphae. Capitulum spherical, 0.35-0.52 mm diam. Excipulum forming a small collar at base of capitulum: collar 40-50 µm thick, of hyaline, not swollen, ± intricately branched hyphae. Lower side of excipulum covered in a dense pruina of yellow or white crystals. Hypothecium hyaline. Apothecial initials covered by a dense yellow pruina. Later this yellow pruina vanishes and instead the surface of the mazaedium is covered in a reddish-violet pruina. Mature apothecia have pale ochraceous mazaedia and less distinct pruina. Asci cylindrical to narrowly clavate, 20-25 × 2.8-3.7 µm, with uniseriate or in part somewhat overlapping spores. Asci formed singly, well-stalked. Ascospores spherical to broadly ellipsoid, hyaline, often with particles of pruina adhering to the surface and a minute, warty ornamentation of the wall. Spherical spores 3.2-4.1 µm diam. Chemistry: No secondary substances. The yellow pruina of apothecia is K-. The violet-red pruina dissolves in K and a precipitate of plate-like, violet-red crystals is formed.
Thallus endosubstratic to episubstratic, when episubstratic minutely granular, pale greyish-green. Photobiont: . Apothecia 1.5-2.5 mm high, 24-40 times as high as width of stalk. Stalk distinctly flexuous, 0.05-0.07 mm diam., black in lower part, ± reddish-brown-pruinose in upper part. Stalk of periclinally arranged, medium brown, undulating and weakly sclerotized hyphae. Capitulum lenticular to subglobose, or spherical, 0.19-0.34 mm diam., with a dense reddish-brown pruina on lower side. Outer surface of excipulum frequently wrinkled. Excipulum 40-80 µm thick, consisting of sparingly branched, periclinally arranged, medium-brown hyphae. Excipulum covering lower third of capitulum, becoming less distinct in old apothecia with voluminous mazaedium. Pruina on excipulum and upper part of stalk dissolving in K and soon precipitating feather-like or plate-like crystals of a violet-red colour. Hypothecium pale brown, strongly convex, 50-95 µm high. Asci cylindrical, 12.9-16.5 × 2.2-3.2 µm, well-stalked, spores uniseriate or more rarely biseriate. Asci formed singly. Ascospores spherical to subglobose or broadly ellipsoid, medium brown, smooth or with few, irregular cracks. Spherical spores 2.6-3.8 µm diam. Chemistry: Thallus K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. Apothecia with ?quinonoid pigment dissolving in K and precipitating feather-like or plate-like, violet-red crystals.
Thallus endosubstratic. Photobiont: . Apothecia 1.1-2.1 mm high, 24-47 times as high as width of stalk. Stalk 0.03-0.06 mm diam., epruinose, reddish-brown, of strictly periclinally arranged, yellowish-brown to pale hyphae. Capitulum obovoid, with porrectulate excipulum and with a distinctive, white, collar-like swelling at base. Other parts of capitulum reddish-brown. Capitulum 0.13-0.22 mm diam. Excipulum laterally c. 25-50 µm thick, densely interspersed with crystals except for hyaline innermost part; lateral parts of anticlinally arranged hyphae; basal part collar-like, surrounding uppermost part of stalk, obtriangular in outline, c. 30-50 µm wide and consisting of hyaline, reticulately branched, anticlinally arranged hyphae. Mazaedium not strongly protruding, pale pink to pale ochraceous, with coarse paraphyses c. 3 µm diam., covered by yellowish, granular crystals. Yellowish or red pigment of the excipulum and hyphae K+ dissolving, soon forming violet-red plate- or needle-like crystals. Hypothecium pale, with flat upper surface. Asci cylindrical, 21-24 × 2.8-3.4 µm, with a distinct stalk, spores uniseriate. Asci formed singly. Ascospores spherical, hyaline, smooth or with very minute warts visible in light microscope, 3.6-4.5 µm diam. Chemistry: Apothecia with? quinonoid pigment dissolving in K and precipitating violet-red crystals.
Thallus crustose, spreading, corticate or decorticate, in irregular patches on bark. Photobiont green, , cells 5-12 µm diam. Apothecia rounded, immersed to semi-immersed, urceolate, disc concave to plane, smooth, red-brown to yellowish-brown, to pale yellowish- or whitish-pink, margins entire or crenulate, pale whitish, translucent when wet. Hymenium to 100 µm tall. Paraphyses straight, simple or dichotomously branched towards apices, septate, apices subglobose, swollen. Asci cylindrical to clavate, commonly 12-spored, rarely 8- or 16-spored. Ascospores oblong-ellipsoid or fusiform, apices obtuse, 3- to many-septate. Asci and hymenial gelatine I+ blue.
Thallus pale greenish-grey or dull olive-greyish to whitish, corticate, roughened-uneven, shining in parts, matt, very thin, in patches, 1.5-3 cm diam., corticolous. Apothecia sessile, cupuliform, rarely semi-immersed, minute, rounded, 0.05-0.1(-0.2) mm diam., disc deeply concave, pale whitish-yellow to brownish, margins whitish, translucent when wet, entire, to ± inflexed. Ascospores fusiform, 5-7-septate, 12-16 per ascus, 20-25(-32) × 3.5-4.5(-5.0) µm.
Thallus crustaceous, verrucose to subareolate with small peripheral lobes. Photobiont: . A few species exist as parasymbionts on other lichens. Apothecia sessile or immersed in thallus. Excipulum of variable thickness, blackish-brown and formed of densely interwoven, sclerotized hyphae. Mazaedium well-developed. Asci obovate to cylindrical, always formed singly, dissolving at early stages. Ascospores 1-septate, dark brown, with thick walls. Spore wall often with distinctive ornamentation. Chemistry: Containing β-orcinol depsides and depsidones, and tetronic acid derivatives.
Thallus verrucose to cracked-areolate, pale to dark grey, usually rather thick, but sometimes almost immersed. Apothecia sessile or somewhat immersed, 1-2.5 mm diam., frequently with a faint, white pruina at edge of excipulum.. Excipulum thick, of densely interwoven, heavily sclerotized cells, strongly thickened at base. Laterally the excipulum consists of more distinctly reticulate, largely anticlinally arranged hyphae. Hypothecium blackish-brown, of vertically arranged hyphae. Asci cylindrical, stalked, spores uniseriate 45-55 × 5-7 µm. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid, dark brown, 14-19 × 8-11 µm, the surface finely striated, but also with a few irregular cracks. Chemistry: The thallus contains atranorin and usnic acid and reacts K+ yellow to reddish-brown, C-, Pd+ yellow.
Thallus forming small cushion-like clumps, or thread-like, dispersed, to 2 cm diam., saxicolous. Filaments slender, black, densely interwoven, felt-like or a fine network of black lines (×10 lens).
Thallus filamentous, black, filaments minute, ecorticate, fungal hyphae brown, contorted. Photobiont green, . Apothecia unknown.
Thallus foliose, lobate, dorsiventral, orbicular to irregular, usually loosely attached by a dense felt of rhizines, occasionally closely attached, to 12 cm diam. Lobes to 1 cm wide, dark greyish-blue, bluish-green or occasionally greyish-black when wet, leaden grey to pale whitish-grey when dry, adjacent, often imbricate, broadly cuneate to flabellate, apices rounded, often slightly thickened, margins ± entire, or variously minutely notched or incised or secondarily lobulate, ± conspicuously deflexed. Upper surface smooth, ± coriaceous to minutely wrinkled or in parts occasionally minutely scabrid, matt, in larger lobes few faint striae visible, arranged in parallel lines along the length of the lobes (×10 lens), often conspicuously ridged, ridges in transverse, concentric lines reflecting the attachment of rhizines to lower surface, isidiate or not, without maculae, pruina, pseudocyphellae, soralia or tomentum. Photobiont blue-green, . Lower surface corticate, usually pale, whitish or creamish, rarely blackened, ± densely rhizinate. Rhizines simple, pale or bluish-black, complex, entangled, or in ± discrete, transverse, concentric lines, rarely projecting beyond lobe margins. Apothecia ± frequent, (rare in ) discrete, rarely crowded, to 2 mm diam., laminal, sessile, scattered, rounded, biatorine or zeorine, disc concave at first, becoming plane or occasionally convex with age, matt, not pruinose, not gyrose-contorted, ± reddish-brown, occasionally blackened, proper margin entire, pale, sometimes blackened, sometimes with small white hairs at base, often excluded by disc or thalline margin, thalline margin present or absent. Ascospores simple, colourless, 8 per ascus, ellipsoid, uni- or biseriate, young spores usually with two oil droplets, mature spores with a somewhat roughened granular surface. Pycnidia ± frequent, wart-like, immersed, with a central black ostiole. Conidia rod-shaped.
Thallus ± orbicular to spreading, loosely attached, or sometimes closely attached, 5-8(-12) cm diam. Lobes whitish-grey to leaden grey when dry, darker bluish-grey when wet, 0.3-0.6(-1) cm wide, adjacent often imbricate, broadly cuneate to flabellate, apices rounded, margins entire or occasionally minutely notched or incised, ± deflexed. Upper surface smooth or minutely wrinkled, rather coriaceous, matt, without isidia, usually with transverse, concentric ridges, often with regenerating lobules in older parts of the thallus. Lower surface usually pale but sometimes dark, with a dense felt of rhizines usually arranged in concentric lines. Rhizines whitish, often turning bluish or entirely black, usually not projecting beyond lobe margins. Apothecia ± frequent, to 2 mm diam., disc concave when young, becoming plane or rarely slightly convex when old, reddish-brown, sometimes blackened, with a double margin, proper margin prominent in young apothecia, rising above the disc, visible in old apothecia only as a pale or rarely dark line, or completely occluded by thalline margin, thalline margin crenulate, or ± fused, small flattened lobules arising from base of the apothecia. Ascospores 11-15 × 6-8 µm.
Thallus ± orbicular, loosely attached, to 7 cm diam. Lobes dark leaden grey to bluish-black when wet, pale grey to faint greyish-blue when dry, 0.3-0.7(-0.9) cm wide, adjacent to somewhat imbricate, broadly cuneate to flabellate, apices rounded, margins ± entire or variously notched or incised, ± deflexed. Upper surface matt, minutely wrinkled, uneven, in parts minutely scabrid, with transverse, concentric ridges, isidiate. Isidia concolorous with thallus, laminal and marginal, at first granular, becoming terete, mainly simple, occasionally weakly branching, 0.01-0.15 mm diam., to 1 mm long, sparse in young lobes, becoming crowded in older parts. Lower surface pale, densely rhizinate. Rhizines pale, sometimes becoming bluish-grey or blackish, rarely visible beyond lobe margins, complex, entangled or arranged in distinct lines. Apothecia sparse to frequent, to 1.5 mm diam., disc concave at first becoming plane or convex with age, usually pale brown, sometimes blackened or dark with age, proper margin distinct (at least in young apothecia) usually pale, sometimes dark with age, occasionally with small, white, basal, projecting hairs, fruits closely surrounded by a ring of granular to terete or partly flattened isidia, forming a ± lobulate thalline margin. Ascospores 11-15 × 5-8 µm.
Thallus ± orbicular, loosely attached, to 6 cm diam. Lobes whitish-grey to leaden grey when dry, blue-grey when wet, 0.3-0.8(-1) cm wide, often imbricate, broadly cuneate to flabellate, very often with transverse, concentric ridges, apices rounded, margins entire, occasionally minutely notched, ± conspicuously deflexed. Upper surface smooth, somewhat coriaceous, matt, without isidia, rarely with regenerating lobules. Lower surface pale, with numerous rhizines in transverse concentric lines. Rhizines usually white, sometimes bluish-black (then often with white tips) usually not projecting beyond lobe margins. Apothecia frequent, to 1.5 mm diam., disc concave at first becoming plane or convex with age, usually pale reddish-brown often blackened, proper margin pale, sometimes blackened, in old apothecia often occluded, rarely with white projecting hairs at base. Ascospores 11-16 × 5-7 µm.
Thallus 1-3 cm tall, erect or spreading or pendulous-decumbent, entangled. Branches terete to ± flattened, sometimes with weakly developed cyphellae below, thick at base, finer ± coralloid to phyllidiate at apices. Surface pale buff-greyish below, leaden grey to livid brownish or red-brown or blackened above, smooth, matt or shining or pubescent, ± woolly buff-tomentose at base and on thicker primary stems.
Thallus erect, to 10 cm or more tall, terete, attached by a strong, root-like holdfast, expanded, coralloid above. Primary branches terete below, basal stalk simple, robust 1-1.5 mm thick and to 4 cm tall, dichotomously or irregularly branching above with small coralloid phyllidia developed at apices. Surface pale fawnish, mottled blue-fawn or leaden grey to grey-black at apices, pale fawnish to dark brown or blackened below, ± glabrous, glossy or matt, wrinkled, grooved or cracked or plane, sometimes with a short, soft, buff pubescene in patches.
Thallus fruticose, dendroid, sometimes ± dorsiventral with rudimentary cyphellae on lower surface, robust to rather delicate, arising from a ± terete, root-like holdfast, corticolous, rarely saxicolous, 1-5(-10) cm tall. Branches terete to flattened, complex, entangled, ± corralloid at apices, subdichotomously divided below from 1-4 prominent, primary stems. Surface glabrous to ± uniformly pubescent or tomentose, pubescence slight, short, to thick and woolly, pale buff or yellow-brown, coralloid branchlets at apices grey, grey-brown or brown-black often with a reddish tinge, often prominently maculate or mottled (×10 lens). Medulla white. Photobiont blue-green, or , radially arranged below upper cortex in primary branches, ± homoiomerous towards apices of secondary coralloid branchlets. Apothecia unknown.
Thallus greyish-white to brown-grey, greenish-white at margins, squamulose, squamules dark below with a few rhizines, or overlapping and usually ± crustose or diffract-areolate. Perithecia immersed, with a brown wall. Ascospores oblong-ellipsoid, granular, simple or spuriously 1-septate, 18-22 × (5-)8-11 µm.
Thallus squamulose or foliose, heteromerous, attached by rhizines below or by a central holdfast, saxicolous or terricolous, rarely corticolous. Photobiont green, , or other genera. Perithecia simple, immersed, wall colourless or brown. Paraphyses gelatinised. Ascospores colourless, simple, ellipsoid, 8 per ascus.
Thallus crustose, spreading, loosely attached, to 2 mm thick, roughened, dirty yellowish-brown or brownish-white, matt, roughly verrucose, areolate, verrucae rounded or rarely oblong, 0.5-2 mm diam., separated by gaping cracks, convex, corrugate-uneven, pulvinate to 3 mm tall at centre, somewhat cephalodium-like, saxicolous. Perithecia immersed, disc minute, punctiform, black, matt, 0.05-0.2 mm diam., rounded. Paraphyses filiform, sparingly branched, ± intricate. Asci frequent, oblong-clavate, apices rounded, 8-spored. Ascospores biseriate, oval-oblong, straight, 10-12(-15) × 5 µm. Pycnidia immersed in verrucae near perithecia, oblong or flask-shaped, 0.1 × 0.05 mm. Conidia short, bacillar, 3 × 0.5 µm.
Thallus dark greenish-brown when wet, brown-black when dry, sub-monophyllous to ± polyphyllous, often deeply, and complicately lobed, leathery, margins entire, somewhat thickened, in clumps 2-5 cm diam., saxicolous. Upper surface minutely scabrid, sometimes ± grey-pruinose. Lower surface brown or pinkish-buff, smooth or wrinkled, with a single stout, ± central holdfast, or with a few scattered rhizines. Perithecia immersed, ostioles dark brown to black, minute. Ascospores 10-16 × 6-9 µm. Cosmopolitan
Thallus corticolous, pale greenish-grey or yellowish to greyish-white, ± waxy, thin to disappearing. Lirellae prominent, swollen, black, carbonaceous, clustered, short and broad 0.5-1 × 0.1-0.4 mm, slightly shining, straight or slightly curved, unbranched, thalline margin lacking, proper exciple distinct, closing with a narrow slit, furrowed into 2-5 ridges, base closed. Ascospores colourless, 1-septate at first to 4-septate, becoming muriform at maturity (6-7 × 2-3-locular), 24-27 × 7-13 µm.
Thallus crustose, epi- or endophloeodal, ecorticate or with a cortex of periclinal hyphae. Photobiont green, . Lirellae immersed to sessile, elongate or branched, rarely short and rounded, lips connivent or open, entire or sulcate. Paraphyses netted. Ascospores 8 per ascus, colourless, muriform.
Thallus a basidiocarp, sessile or bent backwards, single or united in rosettes, soft or paper-like, small or to 25 cm diam. Upper surface glabrous or hairy or radially fibrillose, sometimes furrowed or zonate, greyish or some shade of green or bluish-green or olivaceous. Lower surface even, granular, reticulate or with low, concentric bands of whitish or cream fruiting bodies (hymenophores). Photobiont green (), or blue-green (). Basidia in fascicles, clavate or subcylindrical with 4 curved slender sterigmata. Basidiospores subcylindrical, narrowly ellipsoid 6-10 × 2.8-5 µm, thin-walled, colourless.
Thallus a basidiocarp, sessile, imbricate and united in rosettes or spreading ± irregularly and unevenly, to 25 cm diam., semicircular or reniform, soft membranous-spongy when wet, brittle when dry. Upper surface indistinctly zonate or azonate, dull green, dark green, greyish-green, malachite green to dark, bluish-green, fibrillose, fibrils appressed or ascendent, margins rounded, loosely radially fibrillose, dark cream to pale yellowish. Lower surface sparsely radially reticulate. Fruiting bodies developing at the tips of fibrils, at first scattered cupules 0.3-1 mm diam., coalescing to form scattered spots to 1 cm diam., or more frequently forming a ± continuous whitish or creamish hymenium containing basidia and basidiospores.
Thallus thin, spreading to 8 cm diam., pale yellowish-green to dark olive-green in shaded situations, varnish-like, ± continuous or cracked-areolate or wanting. Apothecia common and conspicuous, sessile, orbicular, disc plane, orange, shallowly concave at first becoming convex with age, margins pale flesh-coloured, prominent, entire or flexuose, occasionally with a faint pale pruina in older fruits. Ascospores fusiform-ellipsoid, 6-12(-14) × 2-4 µm.
Thallus crustose, effuse, decorticate, thin, shining, yellowish-green to dark green or olive-green, on bark, mosses or rarely on rock. Photobiont green, . Apothecia sessile, scattered, rounded, ± lecideine, pale to intensely yellow or orange. Hypothecium colourless. Paraphyses simple, with thickened apices. Asci cylindrical to clavate, thin-walled, 8-spored. Ascospores colourless, 1- or 2-septate, spindle-shaped to ellipsoid.
Thallus subsquamulose or crustose-subfoliose, rosette-forming to spreading, thick, tartareous, white or greyish-white, without a distinct marginal prothallus. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lecideine, proper margin thin, concolorous with disc, often occluded, disc black or brown-black, with or without a grey-white pruina. Hypothecium brown-black. Epithecium granular, brown-black. Asci clavate, 8-spored. Paraphyses septate, filiform, brown-capitate at apices. Ascospores brown, ellipsoid, 1-septate.
Thallus squamulose-subcrustose, rosette-forming to spreading 1-3(-5) cm diam., margins distinctly radiate-plicate, entire, ± thickened, convex, grey-white or white, darker centrally. Lobes convex 1-4 mm wide, wider at margins, distinctly pruinose and sorediate. Soralia in scattered, erose patches, mainly laminal, soredia white, coarsely granular to farinose. Apothecia not seen in New Zealand material. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow. Atranorin, chloroatranorin, diploicin.
Thallus spreading, in irregular patches 2-6 cm diam., closely attached, 1-8 mm thick, rough, sordid yellow-brown or olivaceous, verrucose, verrucae convex, bullate, congested, 0.5-1 mm diam., not surrounded by prothallus, saxicolous. Apothecia ± scattered, deeply sessile, rounded, constricted at base, 0.2-1.5 mm diam., disc immersed, concave, black, matt, epruinose, thalline margin thick, concolorous with thallus, entire, crenulate, puckered to warted-globose, inflexed, surrounding disc as a thin, whitish, annular ring. Epithecium pale grey, granular, 18 µm thick. Hymenium brownish above, 180-220 µm tall. Hypothecium colourless, 30-40 µm thick. Paraphyses filiform, dense, straight interwoven, simple, eseptate, not swollen at apices. Asci oblong-clavate, apices rounded , 8-spored. Ascospores uni- or rarely biseriate, dark brown, broadly ovoid or broad ellipsoid, straight, muriform 24-35 × 14-16 µm. Chemistry: Thallus K-, C-, KC+ red.
Thallus creamish-fawn, greyish-brown or greyish, uneven, warted or hummocky, 1-4 cm diam., on soil, mosses or plant debris. Apothecia urceolate, common, crowded, disc 0.2-0.8 mm diam., black, ± pruinose, margins swollen, inflexed, concolorous with thallus, often rugose-plicate. Ascospores 4 per ascus, pale to dark brown 20-30 × 9-15 µm. Chemistry: Thallus K+ yellow, C+ red. Diploschistesic and lecanoric acids.
Thallus crustose, saxicolous or terricolous or muscicolous. Photobiont green, . Medullary hyphae thick-walled. Apothecia lecanorine, rounded, ± urceolate, adnate or immersed. Paraphyses 1-1.5 µm thick, colourless, slightly swollen at apices and there yellowish. Hypothecium 30-60(-100) µm tall, dark brown to olive-brown. Ascospores 4-8 per ascus, colourless at first becoming brown to purplish-black, ellipsoid, muriform, not halonate. Chemistry: Thallus often C+ red, containing lecanoric acid.
Thallus pale to dark grey, sometimes with a yellowish tinge, roughened, warted-areolate, irregularly spreading or ± suborbicular 1-5 cm diam., saxicolous. Apothecia urceolate at first, emerging and opening out to reveal small, black, ± pruinose discs, proper margin visible within a thalline margin. Hypothecium black. Ascospores at first 5-septate becoming muriform, 22-40 × 10-18 µm. Chemistry: thallus K+ yellow, C+ red. Diploschistesic and lecanoric acids.
Thallus rosette-forming in rounded patches 1-4(-10) cm, often coalescing and covering very large areas, white to grey-white, effuse or subfarinose or forming a rather thick areolate-cracked crust, occasionally rather wrinkled or verrucose, prothallus usually indistinct, marginal, greyish-arachnoid. Surface subarachnoid or granular-furfuraceous. Apothecia rounded, at first innate, soon superfical and adnate 0.2-1.5 mm diam., solitary to 2-4-confluent, disc black, plane to convex, often white-pruinose, margin thin, ± persistent, concolorous with disc, frequently surrounded by a superficial thalline margin, concolorous with thallus. Hypothecium red-brown. Hymenium brown and granular in upper part, colourless below. Epithecium black-brown. Paraphyses ± distinct, branched, septate, swollen, capitate, brownish at apices. Asci clavate. Ascospores brown, oblong-ellipsoid to somewhat fabiform, usually 3-septate (to 5-sepate or submuriform), 17-18.7 × 6-8(-8.3) µm.
Thallus crustose, areolate-rimose, leprose-verruculose to ± effuse, rosette-forming to irregularly spreading, with or without a delimiting marginal prothallus. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lecideine, often with a spurious thalline margin, disc innate, punctiform or flattened to subglobose, dark brown or black with or without a grey-white pruina. Asci elliptical-oblong or clavate, 8-spored. Paraphyses capillary, subclavate at apices. Ascospores brown, ovoid-oblong to ± fabiform, thick-walled and usually 3-septate, rarely submuriform.
Thallus foliose, dorsiventral, heteromerous, closely attached to sub-strate, suborbicular to spreading, corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes narrow, radiating, pinnate, subpinnately-dichotomous to subdichotomous, discrete or confluent at margins, centrally confluent, eventually verrucose to subcrustose. Upper surface glaucous-grey, glaucous-white, pale grey to dark grey, smooth or wrinkled, with or without soredia, with or without pruina. Medulla white or pale yellow in upper part, occasionally reddish. Photobiont green, . Lower surface corticate, of longitudinal, thick, brown hyphae, black, rarely pale grey to grey, without rhizines. Apothecia sessile to subpedicellate, lecanorine, disc black, epruinose occasionally lightly grey-or purple-pruinose, margins distinct, well-developed, with persistent algal cells at the upper edge or along the greater part of the thalline exciple. Ascospores 8 per ascus, brown to dark brown, thick-walled, 1-septate, ellipsoid to elongate-ellipsoid, not constricted at centre.
Thallus suborbicular to spreading, 3-6 cm diam., closely appressed, corticolous. Lobes dichotomously to irregularly divided, 1-2 mm wide, contiguous, apices rounded, flabellate, scarcely distinctly discrete at periphery, usually confluent from margins, upper surface glaucous-white, or yellowish glaucous-grey to grey, moderately to densely pruinose, sorediate, longitudinally plicate-rugose centrally, becoming subverrucose, or subcrustose. Soralia laminal, on convex parts of plicate thallus, globose-capitate 0.5-1 mm diam., discrete, or dense and confluent, sorediafine, farinose, rarely granular, white. Lower surface black. Apothecia infrequent, laminal, sessile to subpedicellate, 0.6-2 mm diam., disc black, epruinose or subpruinose, margins, thick, entire concolorous with thallus. Ascospores biseriate, 12-22 × 6-10 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, Pd-. Atranorin and divaricatic acid.
Thallus suborbicular to spreading, closely attached, saxicolous or corticolous, 4-8 cm diam. Lobes stellate-radiating, contiguous, pinnatifid to multifid, 1-1.5 mm wide, ± discrete at periphery, apices acute, rounded to spathulate, not flabellate-confluent, faintly longitudinally lacunose. Upper surface glaucous-white, pale grey to glaucous-grey, smooth, ± shining, epruinose to fainly pruinose at apices, sorediate. Soralia laminal, capitate, sparsely distributed or frequent, discrete, not confluent, globose, farinose, pale greyish, 0.7-1 mm diam., initially appearing as small warts which later expand, soredia fine, powdery, white or greyish. Lower surface black. Apothecia few to numerous, central, rounded, 0.5-1.5 mm diam., subpedicellate, disc plane to subconvex, black, epruinose, margins thick, entire to subsulcate, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores biseriate, 12-21 × 5-9 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, Pd-. Divaricatic acid and atranorin.
Thallus crustose, indeterminate. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lirelline, angular or deformed, with a carbonised exciple. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores brown, 1-septate, 8 per ascus.
Thallus subdeterminate, crumbling, thick, chalky white, subfarinose or pulverulent, smooth to ± areolate-cracked. Apothecia scattered to numerous, minute, black, punctiform, lirelliform to angular or deformed-lecideine, solitary, never confluent, straight or wavy, black, disc flat or concave with prominent margins. Ascospores brown, 1-septate, oval-oblong, 24 × 12 µm.
Thallus 3-4 mm diam., circular at first then confluent, continuous, smooth, greenish-grey with a slight yellow tinge, shining, foliicolous. Lirellae linear, irregularly bent or undulate, often branched 0.5-0.8(-1.0) mm long, 0.15-0.2 mm broad, slightly raised, disc exposed when wet, c. 0.1 mm broad, yellow-brown, concave, hidden when dry. Ascospores irregularly arranged, 7-septate, ± fusiform, broadest at the third or fourth cell from one end, 22-29 × 4-5 µm with a 3-4 µm thick halo.
Thallus olive-green to grey or pale red-brown, smooth or minutely uneven, somewhat waxy, areolate, delimited by a thin, black, uneven, marginal prothallus, often forming coalescing mosaics, corticolous, rarely saxicolous. Lirellae minute, innate, to very slightly raised, round to elongate 0.2-0.8 mm long and to 0.3 mm broad, often confluent or irregularly arranged or in thread-like lines, disc brown-black, immarginate, impressed. Ascospores elongate, 3-7-septate, 25-30 × 4-5 µm.
Thallus crustose, effuse, corticate or ecorticate, corticolous or saxicolous. Photobiont green, or . Ascocarps lirelliform, simple and ± punctiform to elongate, stellate or irregular, adnate or immersed, pale or dark brown or black. Asci bitunicate, clavate, 8-spored. Hypothecium pale. Paraphyses reticulately branched. Ascospores transversely 3-7-septate, fusiform or ± acicular with thin septa, colourless.
Thallus pale yellowish or fawn or whitish-green, thin, in patches, 2-12 mm diam., minutely areolate-cracked. Lirellae in whitish or buff, slightly raised verrucae, innate, 0.1-0.6(-1.0) mm long, visible as very narrow, flexuose cracks, brown to black, sigmoid or ± branching, immarginate. Paraphyses discrete, slender, divaricating, anastomosing. Hymenium colourless, 70-80 µm tall. Ascospores fusiform, straight to curved, 3-5(-7)-septate, 16-24 × 3-4 µm.
Thallus 1-1.5 mm thick, smooth, brownish-grey to ± ochraceous-brownish, matt, spreading in patches, saxicolous. Lirellae immersed, scattered, abundant, rounded or elliptical 0.5-1.0 mm long, simple, straight or slightly curved, furcate, margins slightly raised, whitish, disc narrow, 0.3 mm wide, black. Hymenium colourless 150-180 µm tall. Paraphyses slightly branched. Ascospores 3-septate, fusiform shallowly curved to subsigmoid, 32-45 × 4-5 µm.
Thallus whitish or pale fawnish-buff in scattered, somewhat eroded-effuse patches, subfarinose, 10-30 mm diam., saxicolous. Lirellae innate, oblong flexuous or irregularly branched 0.2-1.2(-1.5) mm long, 0.2-0.4 mm wide, disc black or brown-black, margins raised, whitish. Hymenium 75 µm tall, colourless. Paraphyses discrete. Ascospores obtuse-fusiform, straight or curved, 7-9-septate, 20-32 × 4-5 µm.
Thallus thread-like, fruticose, greenish-brown or black, without rhizines, ± gelatinous, without a cellular cortex. Photobiont blue-green, species of , enclosing the hyphae. Apothecia immersed in the branches. Ascospores colourless, ellipsoid, 8-16 per ascus, simple or 1- to 2-septate.
Thallus fruticose, erect to ± straggling, decumbent, in loosely spreading to ± pulvinate clumps or mats, 1-3 cm diam. Main branches terete, to 1 cm long and 0.05-0.1 mm thick, ± densely entangled with many short side branches or spinules giving the plant a bristling appearance, apices of lateral spinules, and of main branches attenuate, acute, surface smooth, glossy, black or olive-green or black. Apothecia not seen.
Thallus thread-like, filiform, slightly branched, tangled, greenish-blue or blackish. Branches fine, cylindrical with small fibrillar outgrowths occasionally along the main axes. Apothecia lateral 0.2 mm wide. Asci cylindrical, 60 × 9 µm. Ascospores 16 per ascus, broadly oblong or ellipsoid 7-11 × 3.5-7 µm.
Thallus small-foliose, lobate, dorsiventral, heteromerous, attached to substrate by clumps of rhizines. Upper surface ± hairy or tomentose, the tomentum white or yellowish or brownish-buff. Photobiont blue-green, . Lower surface white or yellowish-brown, strongly tomentose. Rhizines black, often in thick separate clumps or tufts. Apothecia ± marginal, sessile or subpedicellate with a well-defined thalline margin and exciple. Ascospores 8 per ascus, colourless, simple, ellipsoid or elongate-fusiform. Pycnidia marginal, brown or black. Conidia of -type, septate, short, cylindrical.
Thallus foliose, dorsiventral, 1-3(-7) cm diam., rosette-forming to irregularly spreading, lobes 0.5-1.5 cm diam., margins entire, often ascending and strongly inrolled, exposing white lower surface, naked and slightly thickened, to irregularly rhizinate. Upper surface dark slate-blue when wet, pale olive-greyish when dry, smooth or shallowly wrinkled, undulate, glabrous and ± shining in small patches, ± continuously tomentose, tomentum arachnoid to dense and thick and rather shaggy, whitish or grey-white or olivaceous, soredia absent. Lower surface white, never yellow or brownish, arachnoid, continuous, felted, hyphae in veins, very shallowly ridged or uneven or ± faintly bullate. Rhizines short, 0.1-0.8 mm long, black, in small, dense, squarrose tufts, scattered, marginal, rarely laminal, inconspicuous, often absent, rarely pale greyish or whitish, rarely as a thin marginal fringe. Medulla white. Photobiont in chains, cells ± globose, thick-walled 7-10 µm diam., . Apothecia marginal, subpedicellate 0.5-2.0(-6.0) mm diam., plane at first becoming convex-glomerulate with age, marginate, margins entire slightly raised, persistent, concolorous with disc or paler, glabrous, exciple smooth to verrucose-scabrid, pale flesh-coloured or whitish, minutely white-pubescent to densely tomentose-hirsute, disc red-brown to dark brown or black, concave, plane or convex, smooth or furrowed-glomerulate or ± gyrose-contorted with small secondary apothecia developing centrally, glabrous or minutely white-pruinose, pruina delicate, pubescent. Hymenium colourless, 60-70 µm tall. Hypothecium pale orange-brown or red-brown 70-80 µm thick. Paraphyses straight, dense, simple 3-4 µm diam., apices multiseptate, rounded, projecting from surface of disc, tips free. Asci 8-spored, broadly to narrowly clavate, ascospores uniseriate or biseriate, rounded to oval (8.3-) 10.2-12(-14) × 6.8-8.3 µm, wall 1.5 µm thick, not warted, colourless. Chemistry: cf. Pannarin + two unidentified UV+ pale grey spots.
Thallus foliose, lobate, to 4 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes broad, to 5 mm wide, short, margins ascending sometimes strongly involute and crenate, developing prominent, bluish, limbiform soralia on the edges of the upturned lower surface, soredia coarse, granular, greyish-blue, often trapped on the tomentum of the upper surface and thus becoming spread superficially over the lobes. Upper surface greyish-brown, finely tomentose, tomentum rather variable in appearance and texture from a uniform, thin, whitish bloom to a long (12 mm), buff or yellowish, tangled or loosely-woven mat. Lower surface white or pale cream, not distinctly yellow, lower cortex and veins absent. Rhizines blue-black, simple to squarrosely branched, to 3 mm long, restricted to margins where they form small, dense tufts. Apothecia not seen.
Thallus dorsiventral, heteromerous, squamulose, placodioid or nearly areolate, rosette-forming to spreading, terricolous or saxicolous. Upper surface matt or scabrid, often white-pruinose, schizidia frequently developed. Photobiont green, . Medulla white. Apothecia sessile, lecanorine, disc orange to red-brown, K+ purple (containing parietin). Ascospores colourless, ellipsoid, simple, sometimes appearing spuriously 1-septate, 8 per ascus.
Thallus orbicular, placodioid, to 3(-5) cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes contiguous, imbricate or sublobulate sometimes dispersed, longer than broad and mostly over 1 mm wide, margins neat, clearly differentiated, centre of thallus becoming warted-bullate or areolate. Upper surface matt, yellow-orange to whitish, often strongly white-pruinose, pruina coarse, floury, schizidia (small scale-like structures which split off from the upper surface) often present. Apothecia sessile, central, to 1.5 mm wide, disc convex, orange, with a thin thalline margin, excluded with age. Ascospores rather variable in shape, short and tapered to ellipsoid, 9-12 × 2.5-5 µm. Chemistry: Medulla contains fragilin and caloploicin. Apothecia contain parietin.
Thallus crustose, grey or brown or olivaceous, with a distinct marginal prothallus. Photobiont green, ?. Apothecia lecideine, black or brown-black. Epithecium red-brown, hymenium colourless. Exciple with a brown, sometimes very thick marginal part and an unpigmented innner part. Paraphyses simple or dichotomously branched, with slightly thickened apical cells. Hypothecium ± pale brown or colourless. Asci sub-cylindrical or clavate, 8-spored with a narrow amyloid tholus. Ascospores simple, colourless, ellipsoid-oblong, often curved, thick-walled. Pycnidia crateriform, semi-immersed, brown. Conidia ellipsoid-oblong 2.5-5 × 1.2-2 µm.
Thallus crustose, epiphloeodal, thin, effuse or lacking. Photobiont green, (yellow-green or yellow-orange when cortex of fresh material is scratched). Apothecia in confluent pseudostromata, radiately crowded, disc open, dilated. Ascospores colourless, ellipsoid, transversely septate.
Thallus in bands or patches 2-4 cm diam., olivaceous or pale grey-green, smooth, continuous, rarely cracked, matt, without a prothallus. Apothecia in raised, round to irregular pseudostromata, 2-12 mm diam., margins white, disc semi-immersed in pseudostromata, 0.2-0.5 mm wide, brown, roughened, irregularly branched, radiate-flexuose, ends rounded. Exciple black, carbonised. Hymenium colourless 150-180 µm thick. Paraphyses simple, unbranched 1.5 µm thick, apices clavate 2.5 µm thick. Ascospores ellipsoid-fusiform, apices pointed or rounded, 6-11-locular, 32-50 × 8.3 µm.
Thallus thick, rugose and fissured, grey-white. Lirellae immersed, irregular, flexuous, 0.5-2 mm long, thalline exciple wide, often raised, occasionally cracking parallel to the margin, disc plane, reddish-brown, exciple open, base open. Ascospores 1 per ascus, densely muriform, 35-60 × 75-95 µm.
Thallus crustose, epi- or endophloeodal, ecorticate or with a cortex of longitudinal hyphae. Photobiont green, . Lirellae immersed to sessile, elongate or branched, lips connivent to open, entire to sulcate. Hymenium ascohymenial, paraphyses unbranched and free, asci not formed in loculi. Ascospores colourless, muriform.
Thallus thick, fissured, creamish-white, saxicolous. Lirellae flexuous, concolorous with the thallus, 1-2 mm long, immersed. Thalline exciple thick, convergent, disc visible from surface only as a narrow grey-white slit, base open. Ascospores 8 per ascus, colourless, 7-8 × 1-2 locular, 7-10 × 19-24 µm.
Thallus continuous, smooth with occasional fissures. Lirellae rather prominent, flexuous 0.5-3 × 0.3 mm bordered by a ± regular, raised thalline margin, exciple black, open, base open. Ascospores 6-8 per ascus, colourless, 6-12 × 3-5-locular, 12-18 × 30-40 µm.
Thallus crustose, epi- or endophloeodal, ecorticate or with a cortex of periclinal hyphae. Photobiont green, . Lirellae immersed to sessile, elongate or branched, very rarely short and rounded, lips nearly closed (connivent) to open, entire or sulcate. Hypothecium thin, colourless. Paraphyses slender, unbranched, not thickened at apices. Asci clavate to subcylindrical. Ascospores colourless, transversely septate, 6-8 per ascus.
Thallus crustose, thin, grey-white, continuous, corticolous. Lirellae prominent, flexuous, occasionally branched, very long (to 8 mm) and slender (0.3 mm), the ends acute, thalline margin thin to disappearing, proper exciple prominent, black, closing with a narrow slit. Ascospores 8 per ascus, 9-10-locular, 6-7 × 28-31 µm. Chemistry: Negative.
Thallus grey-white, continuous, minutely roughened, thick in parts, thin to disappearing in others, somewhat shiny. Lirellae prominent, very long (3-6 × 0.5 mm), black, flexuous, but unbranched, thalline margin absent, proper exciple black, prominent, furrowed into 2-5 ridges, almost closed, disc dark. Ascospores 6-8 per ascus, the largest 9-11-locular, 9-12 × 35-56 µm. Chemistry: Norstictic acid.
Thallus crustose, yellow-brown, thick, continuous and roughened. Lirellae deeply immersed, flexuous and branching, visible from the surface as a thin, brown stain, 0.1-0.4 × 0.2 mm, proper exciple present as black, carbonised lips above the hymenium, colourless at sides and base. Ascospores uniseriate, 8 per ascus, 4-locular, 8-9 × 21-22 µm. Chemistry: Stictic acid.
Thallus crustose, yellow-grey to greenish-grey, thin, often cracked and fissured, especially about the lirellae, outer border of thallus marked by a black prothallus. Lirellae immersed, pale, flexuous and branched, seen from the surface as a pale slit, thalline exciple wide, variable, sometimes raised around the lirellae, sometimes in the same plane and distinguished only by cracking parallel to the lirellae, proper exciple pale, uncarbonised, often turning brown. Ascospores 8 per ascus, uniseriate, 4-locular, 8-9 × 18-21 µm. Chemistry: Negative.
Thallus crustose, smooth, continuous, verrucose with occasional fissures, especially around lirellae, creamish-yellow to greyish-white. Lirellae raised, branched, flexuous, often crowded and tending to lie parallel, or sometimes more radiate and dendroid, 1-4 mm long and 0.2-0.4 mm wide, thalline exciple prominent, raised, distinct, and closely following the sinuous apothecia, proper exciple closing with a slit, base variable, open to closed, often brown. Ascospores 6-8 per ascus, (5-)6-8-locular, locules lenticular, 5-9 × 18-29 µm. Chemistry: Norstictic acid.
Thallus crustose, thin, smooth to minutely roughened, continuous, greyish-white. Lirellae short, 1-2 × 0.3 mm, flexuous or curved, unbranched, the ends acute, thalline margin distinct, raised, proper exciple black, open at the top to reveal a dark disc, base open, brown. Ascospores 8 per ascus, 6-8-locular, 6-7 × 21-29 µm. Chemistry: Negative.
Thallus crustose, grey-white to dingy yellow, thick and often warted, sometimes with areolae separated by deep fissures. Lirellae pale, immersed, narrow 0.1-0.4 mm long, thalline margin heavy, almost closing over hymenium, proper exciple pale, non-carbonised. Ascospores 8 per ascus, uniseriate, colourless, 4-locular, with thick sometimes halonate walls, 18-25 × 9-15 µm. Chemistry: Stictic acid.
Thallus thin (to 200 µm thick), dark greyish to olive-brownish, warty, somewhat leprous or lacking. Apothecia sessile 0.2-1.2 mm diam., 0.2-0.3 mm high, sessile to subimmersed, concave, disc brownish-pink or yellowish-brown, shining, varnish-like, margins prominent, whitish or pale flesh-coloured, translucent when wet, entire to subcrenate, distinctly inflexed when young obscuring disc. Hymenium 100-130 µm tall, colourless or yellowish with inspersed yellowish granules. Paraphyses, simple 1 µm thick. Asci 70-90 × 12-20 µm. Ascospores oblong-fusiform, slightly constricted at septa, 3-septate, 13-19(-25) × 5-6.5 µm.
Thallus continuous, thin, minutely verrucose or plicate-rugose, matt or shining, olive-greenish to pale buff or sordid yellowish-green, in irregular patches 0.5-2.0 cm diam. Apothecia numerous, solitary or close together, slightly immersed at first then ± sessile, disc shallowly or deeply concave, pale yellow-brown, translucent when wet, margins entire, persistent, concolorous with disc or darker, often somewhat blackened. Hymenium colourless c. 120 µm tall. Asci clavate, 50-55 × 7-10 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, apices pointed, 3-septate, 12-15 × 4-4.5 µm.
Thallus crustose, continuous to rimulose, subareolate-cracked to lacking, terricolous, saxicolous, corticolous or foliicolous. Photobiont green . Apothecia sessile to semi-immersed lecideine, pinkish to olive-brown to blackish, distinctly translucent when wet, disc concave, often deeply cupuliform to plane, matt or shining, smooth, margins well-developed, often over-arching disc, entire to crenulate-striate. Excipulum pachydermatous, hyphae septate, branched, densely conglutinate, colourless or pale. Hymenium 120-150 µm tall, colourless or pale. Paraphyses straight, simple or anastomosing, 0.8-1.5 µm thick, septate, apices slightly thickened. Asci cylindrical or clavate, walls thin, with a well-defined apical apparatus, 8-spored. Ascospores colourless, transversely septate to muriform, constricted at septa. Asci and hymenial gelatine brownish-yellow in I.
Thallus mainly in small orbicular patches to 1 cm diam., sometimes coalescing to form more extensive patches, thin, filmy, smooth or ± verrucose, glaucous to pale green, often delimited by a pale grey or white prothallus. Ascocarps orbicular 0.2-0.4 mm diam., dispersed or sometimes crowded, irregularly angular when dry, rounded, rather gelatinous when wet, red to brown-black, disc becoming paler and more translucent when wet, margins smooth or irregularly crenate, often darker than disc. Excipulum proprium margin red-brown, paler inside, markedly gelatinous and, like thecium, permeated by a loosely anastomosing network of very thin paraphysoids. Thecium c. 100 µm tall, epithecium pale brown. Ascospores (6-)8 per ascus, ellipsoid or ovoid, outline irregular, apices rounded, submuriform, 22-25 × 10-14 µm.
Thallus crustose, thin, often filmy, smooth or rarely ± verrucose, effuse. Photobiont green ?. Ascocarps orbicular, red-brown to black, ± pellucid when wet, with a persistent, often slightly raised, proper margin, thalline margin absent. Excipulum proprium and thecium characteristically composed of a continuous, loose network of anastomosing paraphysoids in a common gelatinous matrix. Asci cylindrical-clavate to ovate, apices markedly thickened, 2- to 8-spored. Ascospores colourless, transversely septate to densely muriform. Pycnidia unknown.
Primary thallus squamulose-laciniate, small, convex, sublinear, irregularly lobed-multifid, margins irregularly crenulate. Podetia short 1-3 mm tall, simple or coralloid, terete to laterally compressed, solid, often crowded forming a ± diffract spreading crust. Surface smooth, often shining, occasionally cracked, greenish-brown above, cream or yellowish-brown below. Medulla white. Apothecia sessile on the tips of fertile podetia, often sunk below the surface of clustered sterile podetia, convex, peltate black or brownish-black, shining 0.5-1 mm diam. Ascospores simple, colourless, ovoid-ellipsoid, 5-12 × 4-7 µm. Chemistry: Thallus and medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd+ red or -. Melacarpic, congrayanic, grayanic and fumarprotocetraric acids [Chester and Elix Aust. J. Chem. 33: 1153-1156 (1980)].
Thallus dimorphic. Primary thallus squamulose, linear or flabellate. Photobiont green, . Podetia very short, solid, lacking a central canal and an internal cartilaginous layer. Apothecia sessile on the tips of podetia. Ascospores simple, colourless, 8 per ascus.
Thallus crustose, orbicular to spreading, closely attached, whitish-grey or dull greenish-grey, corticate, smooth to verrucose-areolate or granular, without a prothallus, corticolous or saxicolous. Photobiont green, . Apothecia sessile, lecanorine, rounded, disc red or pinkish-red to orange, with or without pruina, thalline margin normally persistent, entire or crenulate, concolorous with the thallus. Ascospores transversely septate, colourless, 8 per ascus.
Thallus crustose, thin or thick, smooth and shining or granular-warted or nodular to minutely subsquamulose, ashy white to pale greenish-grey, to 6 cm diam., corticolous. Apothecia common, lecanorine, scattered or crowded, rounded to irregular-indented, sessile or constricted at base, to 3 mm wide, disc concave at first, becoming plane or strongly convex with age, scarlet, to pale flesh-pink, matt, often ± finely white-pruinose, margins thick, persistent, concolorous with thallus, entire or crenulate with rather blunt apices, 1-5(-8)-septate, (19-)25-40(-45) × 3-8 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin and unidentified compounds.
Thallus crustose, very thin, varnish-like, greyish-white to greenish, shining, margins delineated by a fine brownish-black line, to 2 cm diam., corticolous. Apothecia lecanorine, scattered, sessile or constricted at base, round, to 2 mm diam., disc orange-brownish and white-pruinose when young, plane or convex and matt, without pruina at maturity, margin concolorous with thallus, thin, entire or crenulate, occluded with age. Ascospores 11-13 septate, 60-64 × 3-4 µm.
Thallus crustose, greyish-white, thick, continuous, uneven to somewhat granular, areolate-cracked, margins effigurate, to 12 cm diam., saxicolous. Apothecia lecanorine, scattered, sessile or semi-immersed, 1 mm diam., disc scarlet, matt, without pruina, thalline margin concolorous with thallus, persistent, entire or crenulate. Ascospores 1-3-septate, 25-35 × 3.5-5 µm.
Thallus foliose, lobate, becoming erect, or spreading irregulary on the substrate. Lobes flat to moderately ascending, sometimes strongly recurved. Upper surface smooth, without isidia or soredia, maculae or pseudocyphellae. Photobiont green, protococcoid, in a ± continuous layer below upper cortex. Lower surface lacking a cortex, felt-like, sometimes veined, sparsely to moderately rhizinate. Apothecia marginal. Ascospores simple, ellipsoid, colourless, 8 per ascus. Pycnidia marginal, sessile, subspherical.
Lobes slightly disjunct or adjacent, ± plane, not ascending, with short lateral lobes. Upper surface even, squamulose. Squamules mainly marginal, rarely laminal, dissected. Lower surface ecorticate, pale to brownish. Apothecia laminal, sessile to subpedicellate, thalline exciple squamulose, squamules long and deeply dissected, disc brown or brown-black, matt. Ascospores with sporoblastidia, 37-53 × 18-25 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin, zeorin and norstictic acid.
Lobes slightly disjunct or adjacent, ± plane, not ascending, with short lateral lobes. Upper surface uneven, sorediate. Soralia apical, labriform. Lower surface ecorticate, white to blackish-violet. Apothecia laminal, sessile, to subpedicellate, thalline exciple sorediate. Ascospores with sporoblastidia 35-95 × 15-22 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin, zeorin, norstictic acid.
Lobes slightly disjunct to adjacent, ± plane, not ascending, with short lateral lobes. Upper surface uneven, squamulose. Squamules marginal and laminal, dissected, sometimes sorediate. Lower surface pale, ecorticate. Apothecia laminal, sessile to subpedicellate, thalline exciple squamulose or ± sorediate. Ascospores without sporoblastidia, 25-35 × 12-18 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin, zeorin.
Lobes disjunct or adjacent, ± plane, not ascending, with short lateral lobes. Upper surface uneven, sorediate. Soralia labriform, on recurved apices of lobes. Lower surface ecorticate with orange-yellow hyphae overlaying medulla (K+ purple). Apothecia laminal, adnate to subpedicellate, thalline exciple crenulate to sorediate. Ascospores with sporoblastidia, 25-35 × 15-18 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin, zeorin and pigments.
Lobes disjunct to imbricate, convex, ascending, with short or long lateral lobes. Upper surface uneven. Isidia and soralia absent. Lower surface ecorticate, white. Apothecia apical or subapical, pedicellate, thalline exciple squamulose at margins. Ascospores with sporoblastidia 40-51 × 18-25 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin, zeorin, norstictic and salazinic acids.
Lobes slightly disjunct or adjacent, ± plane, not ascending, with short lateral lobes. Upper surface even, sorediate. Soralia apical on main and lateral lobes, labriform, soredia whitish or greyish, granular. Lower surface corticate. Apothecia laminal, sessile to subpedicellate, thalline exciple sorediate. Ascospores without sporoblastidia, 25-35 × 12-18 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin, zeorin, ± norstictic acid and 3 unidentified triterpenoids.
Thallus foliose, lobate, dorsiventral, heteromerous, loosely to closely attached, ± rosette-forming to ribbon-like, corticolous, saxicolous or terricolous. Lobes linear or linear-cuneate to spathulate, branching ± dichotomous to irregular. Upper surface greyish to grey-white, or greenish-white, with or without pruina, with or without soralia, with or without squamules, rarely isidiate. Medulla white. Photobiont green, . Lower surface corticate or ecorticate, white, pale to dark greyish or often coloured with pigments, yellow-orange (K+ purple). Rhizines arising from lower-surface, white to black, simple to densely branched. Apothecia lecanorine, with a well-developed thalline exciple, disc brown or brown-black, epruinose, margins sometimes sorediate. Ascospores thick-walled, surface smooth, 1-septate, with or without sporoblastidia, dark brown.
Thallus thick, whitish-chalky, in circular patches or spreading on pebbles and stones, 2-5(-8) cm diam., minutely verrucose-uneven, areolate-cracked centrally, ± placodioid at margins. Apothecia frequent, immersed to sessile, scattered 0.5-3.5 mm diam., disc concave to plane to sub-convex, blue-black to black, finely white-pruinose, margins thin or thick, black or blue-black, persistent, crenulate. Epithecium olive-brown or brown-black to 15 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, 80-120 µm. Hypothecium very well developed, dark brown to black. Paraphyses delicate, 1.5 µm thick, capitate at apices, to 3 µm thick. Excipulum with relatively narrow brown-black marginal zone. Ascospores ellipsoid, 13-18(-22) × 6-8.5 µm. Chemistry: Stictic, ± norstictic acids.
Thallus pale greyish-fawn or whitish, smooth, continuous or eroded or ± rimose in parts, often in small ± granular patches or ± lacking, delimited by a thin, black, marginal prothallus. Apothecia 0.2-1.2 mm diam., solitary or crowded, rounded to irregular-deformed through mutual pressure, disc plane to subconvex, black, epruinose, matt, margins entire, raised, persistent at first, excluded at maturity. Epithecium olive-black. Hymenium 100-145 µm tall. Hypothecium brown-black. Excipulum well-developed, interior partly carbonised. Ascospores ellipsoid, apices rather pointed, 16-33 × 7-13 µm. Chemistry: Stictic, norstictic, ?psoromic acids.
Thallus crustose, heteromerous, thick, effuse or lacking. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lecideine, large, to 4 mm diam., black, with or without pruina. Excipulum well-developed, heavily carbonised in inner part. Hymenium colourless, to 160 µm tall. Paraphyses thin-walled, netted. Hypothecium brown-black. Asci with amyloid tholus or apical thickening, clavate, 8-spored. Ascospores medium to large (8-36 × 4-20 µm), ellipsoid, simple, colourless halonate when young.
Thallus small, orbicular, to 2 cm diam., thin and very closely attached to substrate, corticolous. Lobes narrow, to 0.5 mm wide, overlapping or distinctly separated. Upper surface brownish-grey or greyish-brown to dark brown, darker at lobe margins, sorediate. Soralia laminal, small, spot-like, usually abundant centrally. Lower surface hardly visible on account of the lobes being very closely attached to the substrate. Rhizines short, very sparse, indistinct. Apothecia rare, to 1 mm diam. Ascospores 1-septate, 13-18 × 7-10 µm. Pycnidia immersed. Conidia filiform 15-20 × 1 µm.
Thallus foliose, lobate, closely attached, 2-12 cm diam., orbicular to spreading. Upper surface paraplectenchymatous, brownish or greyish-brown. Photobiont green, -type. Lower surface brownish, often difficult to detect because of close attachment to substrate, prosoplectenchymatous. Apothecia lecanorine, laminal, sessile, disc brown or black. Paraphyses swollen at apices, brownish. Ascospores brown, 1-6(-8)-septate of -type, 8 per ascus. Pycnidia immersed. Conidia filiform.
Thallus lobate, orbicular to spreading 5-12 cm diam., closely attached, corticolous. Lobes densely plicate-rugose centrally, imbricate at margins, margins entire, rounded, overlapping. Upper surface greyish-fawn or dirty greenish-grey, matt, scabrid or subpruinose in parts, wrinkled, often densely plicate. Lower surface pale or brown, rhizinate. Rhizines sparse, pale or brown. Apothecia frequent, sessile, constricted at base, scattered or densely crowded, rounded or contorted by mutual pressure, disc dark brown, concave at first becoming plane or subconvex with age, epruinose, margins thick, persistent, entire often ± crenulate, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid or oblong, apices rounded, straight or slightly curved, 3-6(-8)-septate, (20-)27-44 × 11-24 µm.
Thallus squamulose, 0.2-1.5 mm diam., attached to substrate by medullary hyphae, greenish, yellowish to brownish, sorediate, upper cortex paraplectenchymatous. Medulla white of non-amyloid hyphae. Photobiont green ?. Apothecia lecideine, black or brownish, laminal, sessile, plane and marginate, becoming convex and immarginate. Hymenium 40-50 µm high. Paraphyses thin, not anastomosing, apices not or only slightly thickened. Asci clavate, 8-spored. Ascospores ellipsoid to fusiform, colourless, simple or partly septate, not halonate.
Thallus squamulose, squamules 1-1.5 mm diam., greenish-white to pale brown, shell-like, crowded-congested, imbricate, margins entire, upturned, closely attached to substrate at centre, margins free and ± subascendent, sorediate below at margins. Soredia white or grey-white, granular. Apothecia (not seen in New Zealand material) 0.5-0.7 mm wide, black. Hymenium c. 50 µm tall, amyloid. Paraphyses thin, septate, apices not noticeably thickened. Ascospores ellipsoid, 9-12 × 2.5-4 µm. Chemistry: Medulla and cortex K-, C+ red, KC-, Pd-. Lecanoric acid.
Thallus foliose, lobate, heteromerous, attached by adhesive discs below, or rarely by the whole lower cortex. Lobes inflated, ± solid in some species, without perforations in the upper surface, with or without soredia, without isidia or pseudocyphellae. Medulla white, loose, arachnoid. Lower surface black, corticate, wrinkled, thin, often fissured or perforate, without rhizines. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lecanorine, sessile or subpedicellate, disc concave to plane, rarely perforate, red-brown to yellowish-brown, epruinose. Ascospores simple, colourless, 8 per ascus. Pycnidia common in fertile species, minute, black, punctiform, immersed in upper surface. Conidia cylindrical, straight.
Thallus ± orbicular, to 10 cm diam., often coalescing to form irregularly spreading patches, adnate to branches, twigs or dead wood. Lobes very diverse in width and separation, margins flattened, contiguous, ± placodioid, apices rotund 2-4(-7) mm wide, centrally lobes commonly contiguous forming a compact, wrinkled or puckered surface, in young thalli central parts of small, short, irregularly and sparingly branched lobes 1-2 mm wide, sometimes narrow, slightly extended, finger-like marginal lobes of similar width to young lobes are found on twig-growing plants. Upper surface pale grey to grey. Medulla solid for the most part, white. Lower surface black, wrinkled, pale brown or whitish near lobe apices. Apothecia common, subpedicellate, with a deeply wrinkled stalk and moderately wrinkled exciple, margins often involute (especially in young fruits), disc pale to dark brown, 2-10(-12) mm diam., concave at first, becoming convex and irregular with age, margins thin, symmetrical at first, becoming crenulate. Ascospores 3-5-6.5 × 5-8 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla KC+ red, Pd-. Atranorin, chloroatranorin, physodic, 3-hydroxyphysodic, 2' -O-methylphysodic and alectoronic acids.
Thallus forming orbicular patches to 8 cm diam., but generally smaller, saxicolous. Lobes at margins and centre contiguous, inflated, densely crowded, highly wrinkled and puckered, subirregularly divided, 0.8-3 mm wide, secondary lobes ± subdichotomously branched and more loosely packed, subimbricate to highly imbricate, primary lobes not divergent at axils but generally exhibiting parallel growth, at least when young, marginal lobes placodioid, apices moderately flattened to ± inflated and adnate. Upper surface brown-black, or in part pale brownish-grey to grey with black variegations, smooth and moderately shining near margins, esorediate, but with lobulate or lobulate-isidoid projections occurring centrally on upper surface. Medulla white, becoming discoloured with age, hollow. Lower surface black, dull and roughened, pale brown at apices. Apothecia numerous to sparse, occasionally absent, to 7 mm diam., sessile or subpedicellate, with a pitted, wrinkled, funnel-shaped exciple, disc dark brown to bay, concave at first, becoming ± plane, margin entire and persistent, at first ± markedly involute. Asco-spores ellipsoid, 5-8 × 4-6 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla KC+ red, Pd+ red. Atranorin, chloroatranorin, 3-hydroxyphysodic, physodic, alectoronic, ± 2' -O-methylphysodic, ± physodalic and ± protocetraric acids.
Thallus forming orbicular patches or irregularly spreading, to 20 cm diam., loosely attached, corticolous, saxicolous or terricolous. Lobes 1.5-2.5 mm wide, hollow, occasionally 3-4 mm wide, branching dichotomous to ± irregular. Upper surface grey to white, copiously sprinkled with pycnidia and often with black lines, bands and patches, margins often blackened as they are not always sharply delimited from lower surface. Medulla of loosely interwoven hyphae forming an arachnoid layer ± parallel to cylindrical wall, darkened or not. Lower surface black, shining, deeply and persistently wrinkled, with occasional apical perforations. Apothecia sparse to moderate, 2-10(-20) mm diam., disc dark brown, concave, becoming ± flat to subconvex, margin entire to crenate. Ascospores ellipsoid 4-6 × 5-8 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow, KC+ red, Pd+ red. Atranorin, chloroatranorin, physodic, physodalic, protocetraric ±, 2' -O-methylphysodic ±, alectoronic ±, 3-hydroxy-physodic ± and vittatolic ± acids. Austral
Lobes crowded, densely and often irregularly branched, narrow (1-3 mm wide), commonly imbricate, apices brown (both upper and lower surfaces), often no obvious differences between upper and lower surfaces, black lines and bands rare on absent. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla KC+ red, Pd+ red-orange. Atranorin, chloroatranorin, physodic, physodalic, protocetraric ±, 2' -O-methylphysodic ±, alectoronic ± 3-hydroxyphysodic ±, vittatolic ± and olivetoric ± acids.
This variety resembles , in having loosely dichotomously branched, discrete lobes, but differs in that overall the thallus is smaller and lobes narrower (1-2 mm wide) and more regularly and densely branched which often leads to the centre of the thallus being resonably compact. Lobes are markedly dorsiventral. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla KC+ red, Pd± red-orange. Atranorin, chloroatranorin, physodic, 3-hydroxyphysodic, physodalic ± 2'-O-methylphysodic ±, protocetraric ± and alectoronic ± acids.
Thallus forming orbicular patches, to 12 cm diam., but generally smaller, corticolous or lignicolous. Lobes ± flattened, repeatedly dichotomously branched, outer lobes free and without lateral contacts, varying from 3-4 mm wide in older parts to 1 mm near apices. Upper surface grey to yellowish-grey, consistently and extensively deeply wrinkled, pycnidia common, appearing as black dots, particularly near apices. Medulla solid for most part, white. Lower surface black, fading to pale brown or whitish near apices, strongly wrinkled. Apothecia common, subpedicellate to pedicellate, exciple thick, wrinkled, funnel-shaped, disc pale brown to brown, 5-10(-18) mm diam., concave at first, becoming ± flat or convex with age, margins entire at first, then crenate. Ascospores ellipsoid 6-8 × 4.5-5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla KC+ red, Pd-. Atranorin, chloroatranorin, physodic, 3-hydroxyphysodic, 2'-O-methylphysodic, alectoronic and very rarely physodalic and protocetraric acids.
Thallus orbicular, to 10 cm diam., but generally smaller (5-7 cm), corticolous. Lobes short, moderately to densely crowded and contiguous, broad, 3-6(-10) mm wide, hollow, branching dichotomous to more complex and irregular, apices of marginal lobes rounded, expanded and flattened, central lobes rugose and puckered with marked indentations, younger lobes ± evenly inflated throughout. Upper surface ± convex, pale grey to grey, smooth, pycnidia abundant to sparse, numerous at apices of broader lobes. Medulla white, thin to relatively thick, of loosely woven hyphae forming an arachnoid layer ± parallel to the wall of the lobe. Lower surface black, fading to pale brown or grey near apices, strongly wrinkled, usually with apical perforations. Apothecia common, 2-8 mm (rarely to 10mm) diam., short to markedly pedicellate, pedicel hollow, to 5 mm long, commonly with a swollen, urceolate base when young, disc dull brown, concave, becoming ± flat, margins entire, often involute at first, then crenate. Ascospores ellipsoid, 7.5-8.5 × 4-6 µm.
Thallus orbicular, to 15 cm diam., but generally much smaller, the older central lobes and true marginal lobes which adhere to substrate are generally crowded or contiguous, broad, 3-7(-10) mm wide, commonly with peripheral and secondary lobes which are linear, suberect, elongated, narrow (1-2 mm wide) and lack lateral contacts, occasionally these cartilaginous, repeatedly dichotomously branching linear lobes become dominant and accentuate the loosely ramified character of such plants. Upper surface grey, with laminal wrinkles, upper cortex erupting and becoming sorediate, ultimately extensively covered with granular soredia commonly occurring in confluent glomerulae 3-5 mm wide. Medulla solid for the most part, white. Lower surface black, sometimes blanching in older, highly sorediate specimens, pale brown or whitish at apices, strongly wrinkled. Apothecia relatively rare, subpedicellate, with a sorediate, funnel-shaped exciple, disc red-brown, 3-7(-12) mm diam., concave at first, becoming flat with age, margins entire at first, becoming sorediate. Ascospores ellipsoid, 6-9 × 4-5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ red. This species has two distinct chemodemes. (i) Atranorin, chloroatranorin, physodic, 3-hydroxyphysodic, 2'-O-methylphysodic and alectoronic ± acids. (ii) with physodalic and protocetraric acids in addition to the above compounds.
Thallus extremely variable, forming orbicular to irregular patches, to 12 cm diam., but generally much smaller. Lobes hollow, varying from very loose and attenuate to moderately compact, the older central lobes and the true marginal lobes which adhere to the substrate are generally more compact and broader while the outer free or loosely attached lobes are repeatedly dichotomously branched and very attenuate, from 0.5-2(-3) mm wide, the uppermost or outermost loosely attached lobes are often considerably elongate and commonly to 5 mm (rarely to 10 mm) between branches and usually somewhat more flattened than the broader lobes within the thallus. Upper surface grey to whitish, with granular soredia developing near apices then spreading and becoming diffuse over the whole surface, occasionally developing into extended, sorediate, coralloid isidia. Medulla thin to thick, white. Lower surface strongly wrinkled, glossy, black, pale brownish at apices of young lobes. Apothecia rare, disc reddish-brown, to 5 mm diam., pedicellate, exciple ribbed, funnel-shaped, ascospores ellipsoid 7-10 × 4.4-6 µm. Chemistry: Chemodeme (i) Cortex K+ yellow; medulla KC+ red, Pd-. Atranorin, chloroatranorin and the physodic acid complex. Chemodeme (ii) Cortex K+ yellow; medulla KC+ red, Pd-. Atranorin, chloroatranorin, the physodic acid complex, physodalic acid and protocetraric acid ±.
Thallus orbicular to 12 cm diam., but generally much smaller, corticolous. Lobes diverse in both width and separation, thalline margins of flattened, contiguous, placodioid lobes 2-4 mm wide, older lobes commonly contiguous, forming a compact, wrinkled or puckered thallus; central portions of younger thalli often of short, erect to suberect irregularly branched lobes, 1-2 mm wide, often also secondarily imbricate. Upper surface grey to whitish, wrinkled, upper cortex erupting and becoming sorediate, particularly near lobe apices and at surface wrinkles, ultimately extensively sorediate. Coralloid isidia commonly developed, becoming sorediate. Lower surface strongly wrinkled, glossy, black, pale brown at apices of young lobes. Apothecia very rare, disc reddish-brown, to 3 mm diam., subpedicellate, exciple funnel-shaped, sorediate, margins entire at first becoming sorediate. Ascospores 7-10 × 4-5 µm. Chemistry: Two chemodemes present in New Zealand material. Chemodeme (i): Cortex K+ yellow, medulla KC+ red, Pd-. Atranorin, chloroatranorin and the physodic acid complex. Chemodeme (ii): Cortex K+ yellow; medulla KC+ red, Pd+ red. Atranorin, chloroatranorin, physodic acid complex, physodalic acid and protocetraric ± acid.
Thallus orbicular or spreading over twigs to 8 cm diam., but generally smaller, lying flat on substrate or with suberect marginal lobes, corticolous or lignicolous. Lobes inflated, hollow, narrow 1-2(-3.5) mm wide, lobes somewhat broader within thallus 2-3(-4.5) mm, repeatedly dichotomously branched, crowded and contiguous, placodioid, rarely developing extended di- or trichotomously branched marginal lobes, divergent at axils and may lack lateral contacts, extended lobes may be digitate and flattened, or subterete and flattened at apices. Upper surface pale grey, shining, smooth, occasionally appearing black-margined through exposure of the lower surface. Medulla relatively thick, white. Lower surface black to brown-black, dull, strongly wrinkled, fading to pale brown or whitish at apices, occasionally with perforations at lobe apices. Apothecia common, small to medium, 1.5-6.5(-10) mm diam., short pedicellate, exciple weakly wrinkled, disc pale to reddish-brown and shining, concave, at maturity becoming darker brown, dull and ± flat, margin entire, narrow. Ascospores ellipsoid, 7-8.5 × 4-5.5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla KC+ red, Pd-. Atranorin, chloroatranorin, physodic, 3-hydroxyphysodic, 2'-O-methylphysodic and alectoronic acids.
Thallus foliose, dorsiventral, heteromerous, lobate, corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes sublinear, narrow, apically truncate. Upper surface with or without isidia, with or without soredia, with or without maculae, pseudocyphellae absent, whitish-grey to yellowish. Medulla white. Photobiont green, . Lower surface uniformly black, rhizinate. Rhizines black, dichotomously branched, conspicuous and often projecting beyond margins. Apothecia lecanorine, uniformly small, 1-5 mm diam., sessile, disc imperforate. Ascospores simple, colourless, 4-10 × 8-16 µm, 8 per ascus.
Thallus lobate, closely to loosely attached, 6-10 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes sublinear to irregular, often imbricate, 2-6 mm wide. Upper surface whitish to greenish-grey, plane, usually strongly maculate (×10 lens), isidiate. Isidia terete, simple to coralloid-branched. Lower surface black, moderately to densely rhizinate. Rhizines, black, dichotomously branched, forming a thick mat visible at margins. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. Protolichesterinic, caperatic acids and atranorin.
Thallus closely attached, pale greenish or green-grey, 3-7(-10) cm diam., in rosettes or ± spreading. Lobes sublinear, ± convex, often crowded and ± imbricate, margins entire, sinuses semicircular, smooth or slightly wrinkled or subpapillate, rarely submaculate towards margins, isidiate. Isidia ± densely developed centrally, occasionally also marginal, to 1 mm tall, simple to ± coralloid, terete, bulbous, swollen at apices and bursting open, pustular, not forming soredia. Lower surface black, shinning, wrinkled, rhizines moderately developed, richly dichotomously branching. Apothecia rare, subpedicellate, 0.2-2.0 mm diam., deeply cupulate at maturity, exciple entire, concolorous with thallus, becoming crenulate with age, not isidiate, disc pale yellow-brown to red-brown, matt, imperforate. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC+ rose, Pd-. Atranorin, colensoinic, norcolensoinic, 4-O-demethylphysodic, physodic and lividic acids.
Thallus loosely attached, 1-10 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes ± dichotomously branched, sublinear-elongate, 1-4 mm wide. Upper surface pearly grey or whitish, shining, margins phyllidiate. Phyllidia numerous, ascending, short rhizinate below, often branched to 1.5 mm long, spreading over whole upper surface. Maculae and soredia absent. Lower surface black, smooth, densely rhizinate. Rhizines black, shining, dichotomously branched. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC+ pink, Pd-. Atranorin, alectoronic and (-collatolic acids (UV+ blue-white).
Thallus lobate, closely attached, to 4 cm diam., corticolous and saxicolous. Lobes sublinear, crowded, 1-3 mm wide, to 20 mm long subdichotomously branched, apices incised, margins entire, axils sinuous. Upper surface smooth, pale greenish-grey, subpruinose at margins, becoming cracked centrally, often appearing pinkish, sorediate. Soredia in coarse, erumpent, laminal pustules or coralloid clusters, appearing glomerulate and somewhat isidiate. Lower surface black, densely rhizinate. Rhizines black, dichotomously branched. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K+ reddish, C-, Pd- or ± orange. Lichexanthone (UV+ golden yellow), colensoinic, norcolensoinic, 4-O-demethylphysodic, physodic, and lividic acids rarely protocetraric acid and, when pigmented, skyrin.
Thallus rather loosely attached, to 8 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes dichotomously branched, margins entire, apices truncate, axils deeply sinuous. Upper surface smooth, matt, pale greenish-grey or whitish, faintly maculate (X 10 lens), sorediate, without isidia. Soredia in terminal or subterminal, capitate soralia, grey or blackened, granular. Lower surface black, rhizinate to margins. Rhizines black, dichotomously to squarosely branched, often projecting beyond margins. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C+ orange KC+ orange-pink, Pd-. Atranorin, barbatic, 4-O-methylbarbatic (tr.), obtusatic (tr.), and norobtusatic (tr.) acids.
Thallus lobate, closely attached, 3-9 cm diam. Lobes sublinear, short and sometimes crowded, 1-4 mm wide. Upper surface pale mineral grey, plane, smooth, sorediate. Soralia capitate, subterminal. Lower surface black, moderately rhizinate. Rhizines black, dichotomously branched. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd+ orange-red. Protocetraric acid and atranorin.
Thallus lobate, orbicular, closely attached, 4-10 cm diam., corticolous and saxicolous. Lobes rather short, narrow 1-4 mm wide, subdichotomously branched, subimbricate, margins entire, axils sinuous, lobe apices often ± ascending. Upper surface smooth, shining, minutely maculate (×10 lens), pale greyish-green, sorediate. Soralia coarse to pustular, forming abraded patches towards lobe ends. Lower surface black, densely rhizinate. Rhizines black, dichotomously branched. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K+; medulla K-, C+ red, Pd-. Gyrophoric acid and atranorin.
Thallus lobate, loosely attached, 5-12 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes sublinear 1-6 mm wide. Upper surface plane, shining, often distinctly white-maculate (×10 lens), whitish mineral grey, sorediate. Soralia pustular, orbicular, subterminal. Medulla white, pale orange below soralia. Lower surface black, densely rhizinate. Rhizines black, squarrosely branched, to the margin. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C+ rose, KC+ rose, Pd-. Lecanoric acid and atranorin.
Thallus lobate, rather small, 2-7 cm diam., loosely attached, corticolous, rarely saxicolous. Lobes narrow, 2-3 mm wide, dichotomously branched, subascendant apically, margins entire, black and shining, axils sinuous. Upper surface yellowish-green (usnic acid), smooth, shining, without maculae or isidia, sorediate. Soralia terminal or subterminal, capitate, often recurved, soredia fine, powdery, pale yellowish at first, becoming blackened with age. Lower surface black, shining, minutely wrinkled, often pale brown at tips, densely rhizinate. Rhizines black, long, squarrosely branched, extending beyond lobe margins in a dense mat. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+ yellow-red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic, norstictic and usnic acids and atranorin.
Thallus lobate, loosely attached, to 15 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes linear, subdichotomously branched, subdivaricate, 2-5 mm wide. Upper surface plane, shining, pruinose at apices, whitish mineral grey, sorediate. Soralia subterminal often protruding, coalescent. Lower surface black, densely rhizinate. Rhizines black, squarrosely branched, projecting beyond margins. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C+ red, KC-, Pd+ red. Echinocarpic, gyrophoric, microphyllinic acids and atranorin.
Thallus thick, granular-papillate or ± glomerulate, spreading irregularly, 0.5-2.0 cm diam., green when wet, pale grey-white when dry, corticolous, humicolous or muscicolous. Apothecia prominent, sessile, constricted at base, scattered, discrete or ± contiguous and deformed through mutual pressure, 1-3 mm diam., round to irregular, plane to ± undulate-contorted, disc matt, flesh-pink, epruinose, minutely wrinkled or roughened, thalline margin white, wrinkled-striate, conspicuous at first then excluded with age. Ascospores mainly 1-septate, septum sinuous, 17-24 × 4-5 µm. Chemistry: Thallus K+ yellow, apothecia K+ orange, C+ orange. Thamnolic, perlatolic and squamatic (tr.) acids.
Thallus crustose. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lecanorine, sessile, flesh-coloured. Ascospores colourless, fusiform, 1-3-septate, 8 per ascus.
Thallus foliose, lobate, ± closely attached, orbicular to spreading to 4 cm diam. Lobes rounded, margins entire or incised, slightly wavy, subascendent. Upper surface smooth, matt or shining, without isidia, pseudocyphellae or soredia. Photobiont green ?. Medulla white. Lower surface pale, arachnoid. Apothecia laminal, sessile or subpedicellate, disc undulate to plane, pink, ± pruinose, with a thin concolorous margin. Ascospores colourless, 1-septate, 8 per ascus.
Thallus small-foliose, ± lobate or ± squamulose, forming orbicular patches on soil, to 10 cm diam., loosely to closely attached. Lobes ± rounded to flabellate, or of contiguous or subimbricate squamules, to 5 mm wide and to 8 mm long, 0.2-0.4 mm thick, ± continuous centrally, margins entire without cilia, sinuous or variously notched or incised or ± lobulate and ± ragged, ± subascendent and somewhat flexuous, slightly thickened. Upper surface bright lettuce-green when wet, pale greyish-green or greenish-white when dry, becoming buff-grey to pinkish or uniformly whitish on storage, matt or very faintly maculate (×10 lens), faintly white-tomentose or areolate-scabrid at margins, ± wrinkled-uneven or undulate. Lower surface ecorticate, smooth, white, ± arachnoid, without rhizines, adhering to substrate by medullary hyphae. Apothecia emergent, hemiangiocarpic, scattered, laminal, subpedicellate, solitary to crowded and ± confluent, often present as pale, whitish-pink, hemispherical swellings (apothecial initials), disc round to irregular, 1-3.5(-7) mm diam., pale reddish-pink to buff-pink, ± regularly buff-pruinose, undulate or plane, wrinkled-scabrid with a pale, ± crenulate proper margin, exciple pinkish, wrinkled-scabrid. Hypothecium pale yellowish. Asci cylindrical. Ascospores uniseriate, colourless, mostly simple, becoming 1-septate at maturity, ellipsoid, 12-15(-18) × 3-5. Chemistry: Cortex K+ pale yellow, C-, KC-, Pd+ yellow or orange. Thamnolic ± decarboxythamnolic acids and an unidentified phenolic compound (tr.).
Thallus heteromerous, foliose, dorsiventral, monophyllous, attached to substrate by a ± central umbilicus. Lobes entire, strongly dissected, pliable and somewhat leathery when wet, brittle when dry. Upper surface pustulate, pustules ± convex, round or oval, marginal or ± central, ± pruinose, cracked or lacerate, brown, dark brown, grey-brown or greyish, rarely reddish, with or without isidia, soredia or verrucae. Photobiont green, . Lower surface lacunose, lacunae corresponding to pustules of upper surface, smooth or verrucose, without rhizines. Apothecia lecideine, sessile to pedicellate, disc plane, smooth or irregular, margins persistent. Ascospores 1 (rarely 2) per ascus, large, muriform, pale to dark brown.
Thallus endophloeodal, crustose, spreading, in patches, 2-6(-10) cm diam., pale yellow or fawnish-yellow or tawny-olive, shining, glossy, smooth, continuous or ± areolate-cracked with minute, white flecks (?pseudocyphellae) in upper surface (×10 lens). Perithecia in emergent, black, carbonised, shining verrucae, monocarpic, becoming polycarpic, 0.4-1.8 mm diam., round to irregular, swollen, apical ostiole black, depressed, 0.1-0.3 mm diam. Asci 225 × 40 µm, clavate. Ascospores 8 per ascus, muriform, pale brownish or hyaline, oblong with slightly pointed ends 50-60 × 18-21 µm, surrounded by a colourless outer membrane 2-3 µm thick.
Thallus crustose, spreading in irregular patches, 2-8(-10) cm diam., pale olive greenish, yellowish-fawn, pale yellow or grey-yellow to glaucous brown, nodular-papillate in humps or concrescent lumps, 0.3-1.2 mm diam., ± glebose, minutely white-papillate, thick, shining or dull. Perithecia often densely crowded in prominent hemispherical thalline verrucae, monocarpic, 0.4-1.5 mm diam., apical pore black, indented to 0.2 or 0.3 mm diam. Excipulum carbonised, red-brown. Paraphyses colourless, branched-reticulate. Ascospores very large 1, occasionally 2 per ascus, encased inside a gelatinous sac which is extruded with the ascospores, which becomes dark red-brown with age, densely muriform, wall of two distinct layers, 230-330 mm × 60-90 µm.
Thallus crustose, epi- or endophloeodal, cortex amorphous of coalescing, unorientated hyphae, yellowish-tawny, pale orange or not well differentiated from colour of substrate, hypothallus lacking. Photobiont green, , in subcortical layer, cells ± ovoid in uniseriate filaments. Perithecia in thalline verrucae, mono- or polycarpic in ± well-defined stromata, verrucae concolorous with thallus, reddish, orange, yellowish or whitish or brownish-black. Ostioles apical, black or white or grey-pruinose, punctiform to ± papillate. Hypothecium 8-20 µm tall. Paraphyses filling perithecial cavity, thin, septate, branched, netlike. Asci cylindrical-clavate with a well-developed endoascus. Ascospores 2-8 per ascus, colourless, muriform, 30-300 × 11-65 µm.
Thallus crustose, mostly homoiomerous, attached to substrate by medullary hyphae, corticolous or saxicolous. Photobiont green, , orange-yellow when freshly gathered material is scratched. Apothecia innate to sessile, rounded, with a cupular, carbonaceous proper margin. Epithecium granular, pigmented olive-green to brown-black. Hypothecium brownish-black. Asci clavate, 8-spored. Ascospores fusiform or acicular, 3-5(-35)-septate, colourless.
Thallus pale greyish-white or olive-greyish, smooth, continuous or minutely areolate-cracked in parts, in bands or patches 2-5 cm diam., often delimited at margins by a thin, black, wavy prothallus, corticolous. Apothecia black, prominent, scattered or ± contiguous, solitary or 2-confluent, 0.1-0.8 mm diam., concave to plane, disc epruinose, margins concolorous with disc, relatively thick and prominent. Epithecium granular, brownish, 21 µm thick. Hymenium pale yellowish-brown, 120-160 µm tall. Hypothecium brownish or reddish-black, to 150 µm thick. Asci clavate, rather narrow, 160 × 20-25 µm. Ascospores 20-35-septate, straight, with pointed ends, 110-140 × 4-5.1 µm. Chemistry: Nil.
Thallus white or greenish-white or pale green-grey, closely attached, spreading in rounded patches, to 8 (rarely to 20) cm diam., corticolous. Upper surface rough, chalky, minutely areolate-cracked, areolae angular or plane, 0.2-0.3 mm diam., separated by narrow cracks. Apothecia lecideine, sessile, constricted at base, 0.5-1 mm diam., crowded in groups or dispersed, disc concave at first, becoming plane or subconvex with age, white-pruinose at first, becoming brownish-grey or bluish-pruinose when mature, often gyrose centrally, proper margin distinct, white-pruinose to blackish, entire or crenulate, or distorted by mutual pressure. Hymenium 140-160 µm tall, blackish above, pale brownish below. Asci clavate, rounded at apices, walls thickened, 85-90 × 13-15 µm. Ascospores 3-4-seriate, acicular, apices rounded, straight or slightly curved, 11-13-septate, 36-45 × 3 µm. Chemistry: Schizopeltic acid and an unidentified (UV+ violet) compound.
Thallus pale yellowish-green to whitish-green, closely attached, and spreading in rounded patches, to 8 cm diam., corticolous. Upper surface continuous, minutely granular-verrucose, matt. Apothecia lecideine, sessile, constricted at base, dispersed or crowded in groups, distorted by mutual pressure, rounded to subirregular, 1-1.5 mm diam., disc plane to convex, densely white-pruinose becoming pinkish-white, black and shining beneath pruina, margin dark brown or black, thin, entire, often crenulate-contorted. Hymenium 160-180 µm tall, dark brown at epithecium, colourless below. Hypothecium brown-black. Asci crowded, clavate, apices rounded. Ascospores 3-4-seriate, 7-septate, curved, 38-45 × 3 µm. Chemistry: Lepraric and schizopeltic acids and 2 unidentified compounds (UV+ violet.)
Thallus white, effuse, or minutely granular-verrucose, ± areolate-cracked, matt or shining, wrinkled, corticolous. Apothecia 0.3-0.8 mm diam., white-pruinose, black beneath pruina, rounded to deformed, sessile, constricted at base, thinly marginate, margin often flexuose. Ascospores 4-6-septate, acicular-fusiform, 21-34(-40) × 3.5-5 µm. Chemistry: ± lepraric acid, ± schizopeltic acid.
Thallus dingy greenish-white, thin, to 4 cm diam., closely attached to substrate in narrow bands, corticolous. Upper surface uneven, verrucose in parts, smooth and shining in others, sometimes wanting. Apothecia biatorine, sessile, constricted at base, often crowded and distorted through mutual pressure, round to irregular, to 1 mm diam., plane at first, with a thin, pale margin, becoming convex and immarginate at maturity, disc greyish-brown to brown-pink with a dense white pruina. Hymenium brown black near epithecium, elsewhere colourless 110-122 µm tall. Hypothecium brown-black. Asci clavate, apices rounded. Ascospores biseriate, fusiform with narrow apices, curved, 3-septate, 18-21 × 3.5-4 µm. Chemistry: Schizopeltic acid and two unidentified compounds (UV+ violet).
Thallus crustose. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lecanorine, thalline margin excluded at an early stage and mature fruits appearing lecideine. Paraphyses free. Ascospores colourless, ellipsoid to fusiform, 1- to 3-septate, 8-16 per ascus.
Thallus white to pale grey, very thin, wrinkled-roughened, in parts shining, matt in others, effuse or immersed, corticolous. Apothecia very small, 0.25-0.5 mm diam., disc pale pinkish-fawn to red-brown, ± translucent when wet, convex at maturity, ± plane at first, margins white or pale grey, crenulate, often excluded at maturity. Ascospores narrowly ellipsoid, 1-septate (rarely 3-septate), curved at maturity, 9-16 × 4-5 µm.
Thallus whitish-grey, minutely granular, subrimose-areolate, corticolous. Apothecia sessile or innate, urceolate, 1-4 per areola, often crowded together, disc shining, epruinose, pale brownish or brown-black, minute, 0.16 mm diam., thalline margin pale whitish, entire. Ascospores 1-3-septate, fusiform, often curved, apices blunt, 16-32 × 4-5 µm.
Thallus heteromerous, crustose, uniform or effigurate or squamulose and small-foliose, seldom dwarf-fruticose, attached to substrate by hyphae of prothallus or of medulla, rhizines absent, corticate or decorticate. Photobiont green, and possibly other genera. Apothecia sessile, circular, with a well-developed thalline margin, at least when young, in some species excluded at maturity. Paraphyses unbranched, free. Hypothecium colourless or coloured. Asci 8-spored, rarely 16- to 32- spored. Ascospores colourless, ellipsoid, simple, elongate to spherical, rarely spuriously 1-septate, thin-walled. Pycnidia immersed. Conidia bacillar, cylindrical or filiform, straight or curved.
Thallus to 2 mm thick, margins lobate, placodioid-radiating, ± subfoliose, pale glaucous-grey or olivaceous, matt, distinctly and minutely white-maculate (×10 lens), areolate-cracked, cracks deep, radiating, areolae angular, plane, rosette-forming to irregularly spreading (1-)2-6 cm diam. Apothecia innate to sessile, 1-2 per areole, 0.1-0.8 mm diam., subconcave to plane, disc dark red-brown, matt, epruinose, margins raised, entire, concolorous with thallus. Epithecium not granular. Hymenium colourless, 120-140 µm tall. Paraphyses simple, dense, 2 µm diam., not thickened at apices, moniliform towards apices. Asci clavate. Ascospores biseriate, subglobose to ellipsoid 10.2-12 × 7-8.3 µm. Chemistry: TLC nil.
Thallus grey to whitish-grey or creamish, smooth or warted-areolate, plicate, rugose, areolae, 1-3 mm diam., separated by gaping cracks or ± continuous, uneven, effuse or lacking, matt or slightly shining, Apothecia conspicuous, scattered to frequent, sessile, constricted at base, 0.2-3 mm diam., rounded to subirregular, disc black, matt or shining, epruinose, concave to plane to ± undulate-irregular to convex, thalline margin conspicuous, persistent, white, entire or crenulate or flexuose, inflexed when young. Epithecium dark red-brown 8-13 µm thick, dense. Hymenium dark brown, to 120 µm thick. Paraphyses thick, dense, 5-7 µm thick, apices capitate, 8.5 µm thick, dark brown. Asci globose to clavate, 52 × 17.4 µm. Ascospores biseriate, often difficult to find, ellipsoid, 10-15 × (5-)6-8 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin and α-collatolic acid.
Thallus roughened-granular, greyish-white, areolate-cracked, areolae minute, convex, subangular to subirregular, in patches 2-5(-10) cm diam.Apothecia sessile, crowded to scattered, round to irregular-deformed through mutual pressure, 0.2-2.5 mm diam., ± plane or undulate, disc brownish or brown-red, densely or finely grey-pruinose, margins persistent, entire, flexuose, or sinuous-undulate, concolorous with thallus, paler or ± pinkish. Epithecium granular, grey-brown or yellowish-brown 10-13 µm thick. Hymenium colourless 110-150 µm tall, pale yellowish. Asci clavate. Ascospores 2-3 seriate, broadly ellipsoid, apices rounded, straight, 13-15 × 6.8-9 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin, salazinic (K+ yellow → red) and norstictic (tr.) acids.
Thallus very thin, arachnoid, greyish-white or creamish, matt. Apothecia scattered to crowded, sessile, constricted at base, rounded to deformed through mutual pressure, 0.5-2.5 mm diam., persistently concave, disc pale yellow-brown to brown-black, matt, epruinose, margins thin, entire, persistent, crenulate, inflexed, white or grey-white, exciple buff, smooth to minutely verrucose. Epithecium granular, brown, 4-8 µm thick. Paraphyses simple, dense, 2-3 µm diam., apices capitate, brownish to 5 µm diam. Asci clavate 51 × 15-18 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid, uniseriate or biseriate, 11.9-17 × 6.8-8.3 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin, arthothelin, thiophaninic, stictic and norstictic (tr.) acids, accessory substance and pigment.
Thallus cream-white or pale buff or greyish-white, granular-verrucose, ± continuous or areolate-cracked, areolae convex, minute, spreading in irregular patches 1-4 cm diam. Apothecia crowded, ± innate to sessile and constricted at base, 0.2-0.8(-1.2) mm diam., margins concolorous with thallus, entire to crenulate or flexuose, disc dark red-brown, matt, epruinose, plane to subconvex-undulate. Epithecium granular, red-brown, 8-13 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, 80-90 µm tall. Paraphyses discrete, simple, dense, 1.5 µm diam., apices brown, capitate, to 5.1 µm diam. Asci clavate. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid, ends rounded, straight, 10-13.6 × 5.1-6.8 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin, gangaleoidin and thamnolic acid (tr.).
Thallus dingy grey-white to greenish-grey or creamish, continuous, minutely wrinkled, verrucose-papillate, papillae minute, subglobose, 0.1 mm diam., to minutely areolate-cracked, areolae separated by narrow cracks, 2-6 cm diam., sometimes delimited at margins by a narrow, black prothallus. Apothecia sessile or subpedicellate, round to irregular, scattered or crowded, 1.0-2.5 mm diam., disc plane to subconvex-irregular, dark red-brown or black, with a thin to dense grey-white pruina, margins persistent, conspicuous, concolorous with thallus or paler, entire to crenulate-verrucose. Epithecium red-brown, 15-17 µm thick. Hymenium pale yellow-brown, 50-130(-180) µm tall. Hypothecium pale brownish or colourless, 30-60 µm thick. Paraphyses filiform, dense, not capitate at apices. Asci clavate, 8-spored, with a prominent apical dimple. Ascospores spiral in ascus, biseriate, fabiform, curved, apices rounded, contents oily-granular, 20-30(-34) × 7-10.2(-13) µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow, Pd-. Thamnolic acid.
Thallus white to grey or blackish, not readily seen, often absent. Apothecia small, scattered, 0.05-0.2 mm diam., disc yellow-brown to dark brown, epruinose or white-pruinose, margins persistent, entire or crenulate, glossy brown, esorediate, eroding, becoming white-sorediate. Ascospores biseriate, broadly ellipsoid 8.3-10.2 × 5.1-6.8 µm.
Thallus creamish-white, roughened, 0.2 mm thick, matt or minutely granular-pruinose, verrucose-uneven, discontinuous or lacking, margins distinctly plicate-radiate-lobate, often obscured by crowded apothecia, in patches 0.5-3.5 cm diam. Apothecia numerous, crowded, sessile, constricted at base, round to irregular, crisped or undulate, 1-2 mm diam., disc pale to dark brown or red-brown, at first faintly grey-pruinose then naked, epruinose, concave to plane, margins concolorous with thallus, distinct, thin, entire or crenulate. Paraphyses simple, capitate, brownish at apices, to 5 µm diam. Ascospores ellipsoid, 8.3-10.2 × 3.4-5.1 µm. Chemistry: TLC nil.
Thallus pale yellowish-green or greyish-green or whitish, often ± effuse and evanescent, minutely verrucose-uneven, granular, furfuraceous to ± continuous and irregularly rimose, matt or shining, in irregular patches 1-5 cm diam., delimited or not by a marginal black prothallus. Apothecia sessile (± subinnate on lignum), round to subirregular, solitary or 2-3-confluent and distorted through mutual pressure, 0.1-1.2(-1.5) mm diam., subconcave to plane to convex, disc pale to dark pinkish-brown with or without a thin, grey-white pruina, matt, margins persistent, pale flesh-coloured, entire to subcrenulate. Epithecium pale red-brown 10-14 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, 40-52 µm tall. Hypothecium pale yellowish 20-30 µm thick. Paraphyses simple, densely conglutinate, not thickened at apices. Ascospores oval, 17-22.1 × 10.2-15.3 µm, wall 1.7 µm thick. Chemistry: 2, 7-dichloronorlichexanthone, thiophanic acid and 2,5,7-trichloronorlichexanthone [J. Santesson Ark. Kemi 31: 57-64 (1969)].
Thallus pale grey-green to yellow-brown, ± warted-areolate, often reduced to scattered granules on a dark prothallus, or absent altogether. Apothecia clustered, round to irregular, pale yellow to pale yellow-brown, rarely darkening with age, 0.02-1.5 mm diam., concave and ± marginate at first, margins entire to ± crenulate, pale yellow (paler than disc), very thin, convex and immarginate at maturity. Ascospores ellipsoid, 9-14 × 5-6 µm. Chemistry: Usnic and rangiformic acids and zeorin.
Thallus in clumps, rounded, convex, 2-15 mm wide and 2-4 mm tall, roughened, grey-white, matt, verrucose or granular-uneven, ± obscured by fruits. Apothecia densely crowded, sessile, rounded to irregular through mutual pressure, 1 mm diam. or less, plane to subconvex, brown, brown-black to olive, conspicuously grey-pruinose, margins concolorous with thallus or ± translucent, subentire, thin, minutely crenulate. Paraphyses simple, discrete, distinctly capitate, apices 5.2 µm thick, tinged yellow-brown. Asci clavate. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid, apices rounded, straight, 8-13.6 × 3.4-5.1 µm. Chemistry: TLC nil.
Thallus white to grey, pale fawn-buff, rather smooth, areolate cracked, areolae minute, angular, ± convex, often intersected by dark lines of prothallus, forming mosaics on flat rocks 5-8(-10) cm diam. Apothecia sessile, often subinnate at first, 0.2-1.5 mm diam., disc pale brown, white or grey-pruinose, C+ orange, pruina thin to dense, concave to plane to subconvex, margins thin, entire or crenulate, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores ellipsoid, 10-14 × 6-7 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin, chloratranorin, thiophanic and roccellic acids.
Thallus conspicuous, creamish-buff or dingy white or pinkish, or rusty brown-whitish, matt, slightly roughened, continuous, smooth, finely areolate-cracked, in parts ± eroded, areolae angular, plane 1-2 mm diam., in spreading patches, 2-6(-10) cm diam. Apothecia innate to sessile, solitary to 1-5(-10) crowded together, 0.1-1.5 mm diam., subconcave to plane to subconvex, rounded to angular-irregular through mutual pressure, undulate to ± irregular, disc pale to dark red-brown, epruinose or with a faint, white pruina in parts, margins entire to crenulate, concolorous with thallus. Epithecium granular, brownish, 5-7 µm thick. Hymenium colourless or pale straw-coloured, 50-60 µm tall. Paraphyses simple, dense, 1.5 µm thick, apices not capitate. Ascospores oval to ellipsoid 10-14 × 6-9 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow (r) red, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Norstictic and salazinic (tr.) acids, atranorin and chloratranorin.
Thallus yellowish, thin, subgranular, uneven, effuse or lacking. Apothecia pale yellow to pale brown, rarely medium or dark brown, waxy, concolorous with thallus, ± immarginate, convex, solitary or crowded, 0.1-0.5 mm diam. Epithecium granular, yellowish, with numerous crystals. Hymenium colourless or pale straw-coloured. Paraphyses simple, capillary c. 1 µm thick. Asci clavate. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid, ends rounded, straight, 11-20.4 × 7-12 µm.
Thallus crustose, heteromerous, continuous, areolate or verrucose, or squamulose, ± immersed in substrate, or attached by hyphae of prothallus or medulla, lacking rhizines, decorticate or with a thin cortex, sometimes sorediate. Photobiont green, , , , , , and possibly other green algal genera. Apothecia orbicular or angular-contorted through mutual pressure, rarely slightly elongate, immersed, sessile or very shortly stalked, proper margin colourless, coloured or blackened, of closely woven hyphae. Excipulum colourless or clear reddish or greyish, not blackened. Hypothecium colourless, or coloured, or ± black. Paraphyses dense, simple, not branched or netted, apices ± swollen-capitate, free or conglutinate. Asci clavate, 8-spored. Ascospores simple, colourless, oblong, oval, ellipsoid, straight or curved, with a thin wall. Pycnidia immersed. Conidia short, cylindrical to filiform, straight or curved.
Thallus dingy whitish-cream or pale fawnish, 0.2 mm thick, ± areolate-cracked, areolate convex, verrucose or plicate-rugose, forming irregular or spreading patches, 1-3 cm diam. Apothecia scattered, solitary, sessile, constricted at base, 0.2-0.8 mm diam., plane, rarely subconvex, disc black, matt, epruinose, margins narrow, persistent, entire, pale, translucent, pinkish-white when wet or pale red-brown, concolorous with thallus when dry. Epithecium greenish-black, 5-9 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, 40-60 µm tall. Hypothecium to 30 µm thick, pale yellow-brown. Ascospores oval-ellipsoid, straight, apices rounded, 10.2-13.6 × 5.1-6.8 µm.
Thallus epiphloeodal, spreading, 1.0-1.5 cm diam., 0.1 mm thick, slightly roughened or verrucose, pale whitish or glaucous-green, continuous, minutely granular-wrinkled. Apothecia round to irregular, scattered, sessile, 0.1-0.6 mm diam., pale brown-pink, opaque, epruinose, plane or subconvex to ± flattened, margins thin, entire, translucent when wet. Epithecium pale olive-brownish, granular, 5-9 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, 40-65 µm tall. Hypothecium pale yellow-brown. Ascospores ellipsoid to oval, 10.2-12.0 × 5.1-7 µm.
Thallus in irregular patches to 3 cm diam., 0.1 mm thick, grey-white or pale greenish-grey-white, with a faint, livid-reddish tinge, roughened or minutely wrinkled, matt, continuous or ± cracked, smooth in parts.Apothecia crowded, approximate, to 1-6 confluent, sessile, or often ± innate or only very slightly raised above surface of thallus, round to irregular, 0.3-2.0 mm diam., flattened, plane to convex, disc with a thin, minutely granular, ochre pruina, blackish when wet, margins persistent, black, entire or flexuose. Epithecium granular, brown-black, 13-20 µm thick. Hymenium colourless or pale straw-coloured, 65-90 µm tall. Hypothecium brown or purple-black, thick. Ascospores ellipsoid, 11-15 × 4.5-6 µm.
Thallus olive green or glaucous, scurfy-areolate or minutely granular-arachnoid, effuse, 1-3 cm diam., corticolous. Apothecia 0.1-1.0 mm diam., scattered to numerous, solitary or 2-confluent, disc plane to subconvex, waxy, orange or red-brown, translucent when wet, margins thin, entire, pale flesh-coloured, disappearing in older fruits. Hymenium colourless, 45-55 µm tall. Paraphyses 2 µm thick, apices capitate, pale orange, to 5 µm thick. Ascospores ellipsoid 8.3-12(-16) × 4-5.1(-8) µm.
Thallus pale olivaceous-grey, thin, scurfy, areolate-cracked to continuous, areolae convex, verrucose, or minutely squamulose, minutely granular-verrucose or papillate, 1-4 cm diam. Apothecia pale red-brown or fawnish or pale orange-pink, sessile, solitary or confluent, 0.1-1.2 mm diam., round to irregular, ± flattened to subconvex, immarginate, disc matt, waxy, often minutely wrinkled-papillate, opaque when wet. Hymenium pale straw-coloured or golden brown, of dense, conglutinate paraphyses, 15-20 µm tall. Hypothecium massive, pale yellow-brown or red-brown. Asci uniseriate or subbiseriate. Ascospores ellipsoid 13 × 6 µm.
Thallus pale greenish-grey, glaucous-green to pale greyish or brownish, ± areolate-cracked, or ± continuous, areolae plane or subconvex, matt or shining, ± translucent in parts, smooth or minutely white-papillate or tuberculate, with numerous minute, reddish, granular apothecial initials(?), in irregular patches 2-8(-10) cm diam. Apothecia scattered, single, rarely paired and then deformed through mutual pressure, sessile, 0.1-2.5 mm diam., plane to convex, disc orange-red to red-brown (K+ purple) or rust-red, smooth or minutely granular, epruinose, translucent when wet, margins thin, entire to ± crenulate or verrucose, persistent, or ± excluded at maturity, concolorous with disc or paler. Epithecium dense, granular, yellow-brown, opaque, K+ purple-magenta, 9-15 µm thick. Hymenium markedly inspersed with granules and oil droplets, colourless, 60-85 µm tall. Paraphyses simple, septate, 1-2 µm diam., clavate, brownish, granular at apices and there 3-5 µm diam. Asci clavate, 68-75 × 10-14 µm. Ascospores uniseriate or biseriate, ellipsoid, ends rounded, (11-)12-21(-25) × (5-)7-9(-11) µm.
Thallus dark grey or grey blue, in small, dispersed granules, appearing as a blue-grey stain on small pebbles, 0.5-2 cm diam. Apothecia scattered, frequent, minute, 0.2-0.3 mm diam., black, matt, epruinose, plane to subconvex, margin thin, black, present in young fruits, absent in older fruits. Epithecium green-black, 3-5 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, 30 µm tall. Paraphyses thick, dense, swollen apices pigmented greenish-black, 5 µm thick. Hypothecium brownish-grey, 20 µm thick. Ascospores ellipsoid 5-8.3 × 2.5-3.5 µm.
Thallus irregularly black and white mottled, surface even, smooth, continuous, minutely areolate-cracked, areolae ± angular, flat, 1.4 mm diam., or less, intersecting cracks very thin. Apothecia round to subirregular, ± subinnate at first, 0.2-2.0 mm diam., disc glossy black, grey-pruinose, minutely wrinkled-plicate or papillate, peltate, margins raised, entire, glossy, black. Epithecium brown-black, granular. Hymenium colourless or pale straw-coloured, 60-80 µm tall. Hypothecium dense brown-black. Ascospores ellipsoid 13.6-18.7 × 6-7 µm.
Thallus whitish, creamish to pale brownish, areolate-cracked, areolae ± subconvex, ± scabrid-roughened, with a thin, black, marginal prothallus. Apothecia scattered, 0.2-0.8 mm diam., sessile, plane to convex, matt, or shining, black, conspicuous, often ± confluent, margins thin, raised, black or pale flesh-coloured, entire to ± crenulate. Epithecium green-black, 8-15 µm thick. Hymenium colourless 21-30 µm tall. Paraphyses dense, straight, apices capitate, greenish-black, 5-6 µm thick. Hypothecium 80-120(-150) µm thick, pale yellowish-brown or olive. Ascospores ellipsoid, 8.3-12.0 × 5.2-6.8 µm.
Thallus ochraceous-olivaceous, thin, granular, squamulose, squamules 0.1 mm diam., or less, discrete or ± imbricate, convex, margins subascendent, indeterminate or in welldefined, areolate patches 2-6(-8) cm diam. Apothecia reddish-brown to brown-black, translucent when wet, 0.5-1.8 mm diam., disc plane to subconvex, margins entire, concolorous with disc, swollen. Hymenium colourless or pale brownish, 45-60 µm tall. Hypothecium brownish-yellow or reddish brown, thick. Paraphyses dense, capillary, apices capitate, to 5 µm thick, strongly conglutinate, pale straw-coloured not pigmented at apices. Asci clavate. Ascospores ovoid, 15 × 9 µm, with several oil droplets.
Thallus dingy greyish or glaucous-grey, in patches 5-10 cm diam., matt, smooth to uneven and minutely roughened, 0.1 mm thick, diffract-areolate, areolae flat, ± angular 2-4 mm diam., slightly uneven, undulate or wrinkled, rarely granular-uneven, with a well defined, black, marginal prothallus, often in small, intersecting mosaics. Apothecia scattered, 1-4 per areole, subinnate, disc 0.1-1.5 mm diam., black, matt, epruinose or faintly white-pruinose in parts, subconcave to plane, 1-4 confluent, rounded to irregularly deformed through mutual pressure, margins black, thin, entire or flexuose, slightly raised above surface of thallus. Epithecium green-black, colour in clavate apices (4-6 µm thick) of paraphyses. Hymenium colourless, 110-130 µm tall. Hypothecium dense brown-black. Asci clavate, close to surface of disc. Ascospores oval-ellipsoid, 10-12 × 7-8.3 µm.
Thallus pale whitish-green or pale glaucous, minutely wrinkled-granular to ± fibrillose-pulverulent but not sorediate, encrusting rough bark and mosses, very variable in texture, 2-4 cm diam. Apothecia pale orange or yellow-brown, 0.1-1.2 mm diam., subglobose, frequent, scattered, solitary, rarely 2-3 confluent, rounded to subirregular, disc concave at first then plane, subglobose, convex at maturity, matt, margins thin, pale whitish at first, entire, flexuose in young fruits, excluded with age. Hymenium pale yellow-brown or straw-coloured, 40-60 µm tall. Paraphyses conglutinate, apices capitate, to 5 µm thick. Asci clavate. Ascospores uniseriate or biseriate, oval, contents granular, 11-17 × 6-8 µm.
Thallus rosette-forming or irregularly spreading in patches, 1-3(-10) cm diam., yellow or yellow-white, matt, smooth, often appearing ± broadly squamulose, surface subconvex or plane, without a marginal prothallus. Apothecia conspicuous, solitary or 2-3 confluent, rounded or deformed by mutual pressure, 0.5-1.5 mm diam., disc black, matt, epruinose, plane to convex or undulate, margins thin, entire, slightly raised in young fruits, excluded in older fruits, concolorous with disc. Epithecium dark brown or black, 30-45 µm thick. Hymenium 80-100 µm tall, ± bluish. Hypothecium thick, ochraceous-brown or blackish. Ascospores ellipsoid, apices rounded, straight, 10-12(-15) × 4-6 µm.
Thallus pale creamish to whitish, spreading in irregular patches, 2-10 cm diam., very thin, areolate-cracked in a jig-saw pattern, areolae angular, polygonal 0.1-0.5 mm wide, smooth or minutely roughened-scabrid, granular or scaly. Apothecia sessile, frequent, very small to 0.5 mm diam., usually less, plane at first becoming convex, subglobose, translucent when wet, red-brown to dark brown, matt, epruinose, margins very thin, concolorous with disc or darker, not easily seen, excluded in mature fruits. Hymenium pale orange-yellow, 65 µm tall. Ascospores ovoid, 10-14(-17) × 6-7(-8.5) µm.
Thallus in orbicular to spreading patches, 2-10(-20) cm diam., whitish or grey-white, areolate, areolae minute, irregular, thick black prothallus visible between areolae giving a marbled appearance to thallus, surface smooth, matt, Apothecia orbicular, innate, disc flush with thallus surface, 0.5-1.2 mm diam., solitary or 2-4-confluent, round to irregular, disc black, matt, epruinose, smooth to ± gyrose-uneven, plane to subconvex, margins very thin, black, slightly raised. Epithecium granular, brown-black or greenish-black, 8.5 µm thick. Hymenium pale yellowish, 30 µm tall. Paraphyses dense, apically capitate, to 5 µm thick. Hypothecium pale brown or yellow-brown, to 40 µm thick. Asci clavate, 46 × 17 µm, close to surface of disc. Ascospores ellipsoid, 7-10 × 5.1-6 µm.
Thallus of scattered or contiguous convex granules, pale greyish-fawn or yellowish-glaucous to ochraceous, irregular, often effuse or lacking. Apothecia sessile, constricted at base, plane to convex, 0.2-0.8(-1.0) mm diam., dark brown to black, matt, smooth, epruinose, with a thin, concolorous margin, or immarginate, opaque. Epithecium green-black, 20-30 µm thick. Hymenium pale straw-coloured, 100-200 µm tall. Paraphyses dense, conglutinate, capitate at apices to 5 µm thick, tinged green-black. Ascospores ellipsoid, 12-15.3 × 5.1-6.8 µm.
Thallus dingy grey-white, in part suffused rust-red, in irregular, smooth patches, to 5 cm diam., matt, areolate-cracked, areolae 1-3.5 mm wide, subangular, uneven, fissures narrow. Apothecia sessile to subinnate, often crowded and ± deformed, 1-4(-6)-confluent, black, matt, epruinose, cracked, 0.1-0.6(-1.0) mm diam., plane to subconvex, uneven, margins narrow, entire or flexuose, concolorous with disc. Epithecium grey-green to black, 4-10 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, 35-50 µm tall. Hypothecium ochre-brown. Ascospores subcylindrical-oblong, 8.3-10.2 × 3-5.1 µm.
Thallus forming small patches among other lichens, very uneven, 0.2-0.5 mm thick, granular-subareolate, greyish. Apothecia 0.35-0.6 mm diam., innate or sessile, disc black, epruinose, convex, margins thin, concolorous with disc, prominent in young fruits, excluded at maturity. Epithecium 12-15 µm thick, dark bluish-green. Hymenium 60-65 µm tall, colourless. Hypothecium colourless or pale brownish-yellow, c. 50 µm thick. Asci clavate, 40-45 × 12-13 µm. Ascospores ovoid or broadly ellipsoid, 9-11 × 7 µm.
Thallus of plane, sharp-angled, rather shiny, smooth, grey to copper-brown areolae, in a thick, black, dense prothallus, irregularly spreading, 2-5(-10) cm diam. Apothecia few to frequent, often ± pruinose, 0.2-1.5 mm diam., sunk in thallus, flush with areolae, disc black, matt or subpruinose, smooth, plane to convex, margins black or greyish, entire or ± crenulate, persistent, fruits sometimes forming a ± uniform, black, mosaic-pavement between areolae. Epithecium brown-black or red-brown, granular, 8-17 µm thick. Paraphyses dense, conglutinate, capitate at apices. Ascospores ellipsoid, small, 6-8.3 × 3-4 µm.
Thallus thin, pale glaucous-greyish, continuous or minutely areolate-cracked, minutely wrinkled-verrucose or granular. Apothecia sessile 0.2-1.2 mm diam., scattered or 1-2-confluent, disc plane, soon becoming convex, dark brown or pale brown in part, matt, minutely granular, margins concolorous with disc or darker, entire, persistent, slightly raised in young fruits. Ascospores ellipsoid, 10.2-17 × 6.8-8.3 µm.
Thallus creamish-white, 0.7 mm thick, continuous, smooth or very finely and minutely areolate-cracked, in round or irregular patches, delimited at margins by a thin black line of prothallus. Apothecia scattered, sessile, constricted at base, solitary, rounded, 0.2-0.5(-0.8) mm diam., disc black or blue-black, grey-pruinose at first, then epruinose, margins at first raised, entire, black, excluded at maturity. Epithecium granular, greenish-black or greenish-grey, 8-13 µm thick. Hymenium colourless or pale straw-coloured, to 90 µm tall. Hypothecium colourless, opaque, Ascospores oblong-ellipsoid, 8.3-12.0 × 5-6.8 µm.
Thallus in rounded to irregular patches 1-3(-5) cm diam., 0.2-0.3 mm thick, whitish or pale grey-white or finely spotted with minute black dots, ± finely granular or powdery. Apothecia appearing superficially lecanorine, sessile to subinnate, scattered or crowded, mainly central, rounded, 0.4-1.2 mm diam., disc flat, black, matt, at first grey-pruinose, margins entire to subcrenulate, black or grey-pruinose, surrounded by a thin, white collar of thalline tissue. Epithecium green-black, granular, 9-22 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, 65-85 µm tall. Hypothecium massive, brown-black. Ascospores ellipsoid, 12-15.3 × 7-8.3 µm.
Thallus in rounded to irregular patches, 1-2(-6) cm diam., slightly roughened, dingy brown-olivaceous or ochraceous, matt, cracked to ± areolate, granular. Apothecia solitary to 1-3-confluent, scattered, concave to plane or convex, 0.2-1.5 mm diam., black, matt, epruinose, round to irregular, margins black, persistent, narrow, entire, slightly raised, sometimes excluded at maturity. Epithecium black or green-black, 13-20 µm thick. Hymenium pale straw-coloured, 65-85(-110) µm tall. Hypothecium pale whitish. Ascospores ellipsoid to suboval, (11.6-)13-17.0 × 6.8-8.3 µm.
Thallus in irregular patches, 2-8 cm diam., 0.7-2.0 mm thick, dingy grey-white or pale yellowish- or brownish-white, often suffused rust-red, K+ yellow → red (norstictic acid), smooth to minutely wrinkled or papillate or ± coriaceous, areolate-cracked, areolae polygonal, plane, smooth, 0.2-2.0 mm diam., separated by gaping cracks. Apothecia frequent, irregular, often deeply cracked, 1-3 per areolae, often completely obscuring areolae, 0.5-2.0 mm diam., ± innate to plane, disc black, matt, epruinose or thinly white-pruinose, margins persistent, thin to indistinct, often with a thin collar of thalline tissue slightly raised around fruit, often confluent. Epithecium granular, greenish-brown, 8-10 µm thick. Hymenium colourless or pale straw-coloured, 65-90(-100) µm tall. Hypothecium dense brown-black. Ascospores oval, straight, 8.3-10.2(-13) × 5.1-6 µm.
Thallus greyish-white, to glaucous-grey, smooth, matt or shining, continuous to ± granular-papillate, or ± areolate-cracked, areolae convex, minutely papillate, often ± eroded or lacking, not sorediate, in patches, 5-30 mm diam. Apothecia conspicuous, frequent, sessile, solitary to confluent-clustered, 0.1-1.0 mm diam., rounded to irregular, often contorted through mutual pressure, disc plane to subconvex, bright orange-red (K+ purple), waxy, smooth or subplicate, matt or shining, margins thin, entire to subcrenulate, concolorous with disc. Ascospores ellipsoid, 13-19 × 3-3.5 µm.
Thallus greyish or bluish-grey to whitish, in irregular patches 0.5-2(-3) cm diam., thick, chinky, areolate-cracked, areolae angular, complicate, ± subconvex or flat, surface matt, rather scabrid-roughened to fibrous, saxicolous. Apothecia prominent, round to irregular, scattered, solitary or 2-3-confluent and deformed through mutual pressure, disc matt, black, epruinose, often ± etched, plane to subconvex 0.5-1.2 mm diam., ± innate, not raised above thallus surface, margins black, raised, entire to crenulate. Epithecium brown-black, granular, 4-10(-21) µm thick. Paraphyses dense, simple, slightly thickened and brownish at apices. Exciple carbonised on outer wall or completely carbonised. Hymenium yellow-brown, 60-90 µm tall. Hypothecium dark yellow-brown or black, 40-55 µm thick. Ascospores ellipsoid, 9-14 × 5-6 µm.
Thallus dingy whitish, creamish or greyish, thin, wrinkled, continuous or areolate-cracked, uneven. Apothecia pale to dark brown, translucent when wet, convex, immarginate, 0.1-0.6 mm diam., solitary or 1-3-confluent. Hymenium pale straw-coloured or colourless, 30-40 µm tall. Hypothecium colourless. Paraphyses dense, capitate, 5 µm thick and yellow-brown at apices. Ascospores shortly ellipsoid, 10.2-12.0 × 3.4-5.1 µm.
Thallus whitish or pale greyish, blotchy, cracked, thin, effuse or lacking. Apothecia few, scattered, minute 0.1-0.6 mm diam., sessile, plane at first with a thin, raised, black margin, becoming convex and immarginate, disc black, matt, epruinose. Epithecium dense, granular, black, 5-8 µm thick. Hymenium pale reddish-brown, 25-33 µm tall. Paraphyses dense, straight, 2 µm thick, apices capitate, brown-black, to 5 µm thick. Ascospores elongate-obovoid to fusiform-ellipsoid, 12-14 × 3.5-4.5 µm.
Thallus in irregular patches 2-6 cm diam., ± confluent, 0.5 mm thick, chalky whitish, roughened, irregularly cracked-areolate, areolae to 2 mm diam., or less, convex, wrinkled, ± coriaceous. Apothecia scattered, sessile, solitary or 2-4 confluent and then ± deformed through mutual pressure, constricted at base, rounded to irregular, 0.3-1.5 mm diam., black, matt, epruinose, minutely roughened, plane to convex, margins thin, entire, black, raised, ± flexuose, excluded at maturity. Epithecium dense, granular, greenish-black 10-17 µm thick. Hymenium pale straw-coloured 80-95 µm tall. Hypothecium pale yellow-brown. Ascospores ellipsoid, 8.5-10.2 × 3-5.1 µm, often 1-septate as in .
Thallus olive or mottled greyish-fawn, K+ yellow or red, of small, bullate squamules, scattered or ± contiguous, convex to flattened, minute. Apothecia plane or subconvex-undulate, densely carbonaceous-black, matt, wrinkled or minutely roughened, margins persistent, black, raised, entire to crenulate, 0.1-0.8 mm diam. Epithecium green-black (purple in K), 21-30 µm thick. Hymenium colourless 60-80 µm tall. Hypothecium brown-black. Ascospores oval ellipsoid, 12.5-18 × 6-8.5 µm.
Thallus dingy whitish, creamish or buff, in irregular patches or bands 2-4 cm diam., ± verrucose or areolate or cracked, lacking in parts, often only developed near fruits, areolae rounded, subangular to somewhat deformed, 0.2-0.8 mm diam., or less, plane or subconvex. Apothecia prominent, black, 1-6-confluent, opaque, matt, slightly wrinkled-roughened, rounded, 0.2-2.0 mm diam., at first subconcave with a thin, entire, flexuose margin, concolorous with disc, at length convex, immarginate. Epithecium dense, green-black, 20-30 µm thick. Hymenium colourless or pale straw-coloured, 40-55(-80) µm tall. Hypothecium colourless or pale brown-yellow, 130-150 µm thick. Ascospores subcylindrical-oblong, 8.3-13.6 × 3.4-5.2 µm.
Thallus epiphloeodal, spreading, very thin, in narrow bands or patches 1-4 × 0.5 cm diam., pale greenish-grey, minutely granular-verrucose papillate, ± diffract, effuse or lacking. Apothecia scattered or crowded, sessile, rounded or irregular-crenate, 0.1-0.8(-1.0) mm diam., constricted at base, flesh pink to orange-brownish, ± translucent when wet, concave at first, plane or subconvex and rather uneven, margins entire or crenulate, most conspicuous in young fruits, very thin, concolorous with disc or slightly blackened. Epithecium orange-brown, 9-13 µm thick. Hymenium pale straw-coloured, 20-40(-65) µm tall. Hypothecium orange-brownish, 50-75 µm thick. Ascospores fusiform-ellipsoid, 8.3-11.9(-13.0) × 1.7-3.4 µm.
Thallus poorly developed, pale grey-white or whitish, blotchy, ± wrinkled-papillate or minutely shallowly verrucose or cracked, effuse or lacking. Apothecia conspicuous, scattered or close together, sessile, constricted at base, round to irregular, 0.2-1.2 mm diam., disc matt or shining, black, epruinose, subconcave to plane, margins persistent, narrow, slightly raised, ± flexuose, concolorous with disc. Epithecium dense, black or brownish-olive, 8-13 µm thick. Hymenium colourless 80-90 µm tall. Hypothecium dark brown-black, 100-150 µm thick. Ascospores rare, 7-8 × 3-3.5 µm.
Thallus in rosettes or patches 15-40 mm diam., grey-white or creamish, areolate-cracked to chinky-granular, areolae angular, convex, surface wrinkled plicate or roughened-granular or continuous, margins subplacodioid, delimited by a thin, black prothallus. Apothecia ± central, rounded or irregular, contorted by mutual pressure, 0.4-0.8 mm diam., dark brown to black, adnate, plane to convex, margins entire, pale brown, waxy, excluded in old fruits. Epithecium green-black, pigment in tips of capitate paraphyses. Hymenium colourless, 40-45 µm tall. Asci clavate, 45 × 13.6 µm. Ascospores oval-ellipsoid, 10.2-12.0 × 6.8-8.3 µm.
Thallus greyish-brown or olivaceous, continuous to ± eroded or lacking, or squamulose-areolate, areolae plane to ± convex, often lifting from substrate, 1-5 cm diam. Apothecia numerous, scattered, small, 0.1-0.8 mm diam., solitary to 2-3-confluent, disc black, matt, epruinose, plane and marginate becoming convex and immarginate. Epithecium dense, black, granular, 8-10 µm thick. Hymenium pale straw-coloured, 17-25 µm tall. Hypothecium pale yellow-brown, 35 µm thick. Ascospores ellipsoid, 12.0-17.4(-22) × 5.1-8.7 µm.
Thallus usually not apparent, granular, indeterminate, greyish-white or lacking. Apothecia numerous, scattered, 0.2-0.8 mm diam., solitary to confluent, appressed, black, epruinose, plane to convex, margins very thin, black, undulate. Epithecium brown-black, granular, 7-8.5 µm thick. Hymenium colourless. Hypothecium pale yellow-brown. Paraphyses dense, straight, 2 µm thick, capitate at apices to 5 µm thick. Ascospores oval-ellipsoid, 7-10.2 × 3.4-5.1 µm.
Thallus endophloeodal, often lacking, whitish, silky, effuse. Apothecia conspicuous, scattered, sessile, rounded to irregular-flattened, constricted at base, 1 mm diam., or less, black, matt, shining, carbonaceous, plane to convex, margins very thin, entire or crenulate, concolorous with disc. Epithecium olive-brown, 13 µm thick. Hymenium pale olive, straw-coloured, 60-80 µm tall. Hypothecium obscure, brownish. Paraphyses conglutinate, dense, capitate, olive-brownish at apices, to 5-6 µm thick. Ascospores bacillar, 6.8-10.2 × 1.7-2.5(-3.4) µm.
Thallus obscure grey or fawnish often somewhat reddish-brown, wrinkled-plicate to ± bullate or inflated-subsquamulose, or subareolate-granular, ± diffract, 1-4 cm diam. Apothecia sessile or innate, black or reddish-black, often red-brown at margins, matt, epruinose, 0.2-2.0 mm diam., solitary or confluent, often crowded, disc plane to subconvex, surface often furrowed, margins thin, brown, or lacking. Epithecium red-brown, 8-14 µm thick. Hymenium pale yellow-brown, 50-65 µm tall. Paraphyses thick, dense, red-brown and capitate, to 5 µm thick at apices. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores ellipsoid, 8-10 × 4-5 µm.
Thallus in irregular patches, to 5 cm diam., grey-white, minutely granular-verrucose or cracked, granules often superficially blackened, flatened, 0.2 mm diam., congested, often obscured by apothecia. Apothecia numerous, often obscuring thallus, sessile, 1-6-confluent, disc 0.5-0.8 mm diam., black, matt, epruinose, margins entire, or distinctly flexuose-contorted, persistent, black, often ± shining. Epithecium bluish- or greenish-black, to 10 µm thick. Hymenium pale yellow or brownish, 90-110 µm tall. Hypothecium thick, brown-black. Ascospores ellipsoid, 8-10 × 5-6 µm.
Thallus very thin or lacking, dingy greyish-fawn, discontinuous in ± scattered granules, often ± lost in interstices of rock. Apothecia sessile, black, matt, epruinose, ± dispersed, solitary to 1-4-confluent, rounded to irregular, 0.1-2.0 mm diam., at first plane, with a narrow, raised, black proper margin, soon becoming convex and swollen-uneven, immarginate. Epithecium dense green-black, granular, 8-13 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, or very pale greenish, to 45 µm tall. Hypothecium massive, black, heavily carbonised. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, 10.2-12 × 6.8-8.3 µm.
Thallus pale ochraceous or dingy yellowish-brown, 0.1 mm thick, roughened, continuous or minutely cracked, obscurely delimited. Apothecia ± scattered, sessile, rounded, black, epruinose, 0.8 mm diam., plane to subconvex, margins narrow, persistent, slightly raised, entire, white or pale at first then black. Hymenium colourless, 90-100 µm tall, with a greenish-black epithecium above. Paraphyses filiform, dense, slightly constricted at apices. Hypothecium dense, brown-black. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid, 11-12 × 6-7 µm.
Thallus of minute, compacted, convex granules, ± leprose, dark red-brown, to brown-black, spreading over substrate, muscicolous or terricolous. Apothecia 0.5 mm diam., or less, black, ± innate in thalline granules, best seen when wet, disc brown, dull, margins soon excluded. Hymenium colourless, 65-70 µm tall. Epithecium and hypothecium dark brown. Ascospores ellipsoid, 11-16 × 5-7 µm. Chemistry: C-, K-, KC-, Pd.
Thallus in small, confluent patches 1-3 cm diam., greyish-white or blue-grey or greenish-grey on a thick, black prothallus, very thin, minutely and regularly areolate-cracked, areolae angular, ± flat, bounded by a narrow, black, marginal prothallus. Apothecia ± solitary to 1-4 confluent, immersed to adnate, sunk in plane of thallus, not raised above thallus surface, rounded or cracked-deformed, disc black, matt, epruinose, 0.5-1.0 mm diam., margins very narrow, entire, black, persistent. Epithecium green-black, 8-13 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, 40-60 µm tall. Hypothecium thick, brown-black. Ascospores oblong with rounded apices, 8-12 × 3-5.1 µm.
Thallus granular-areolate, areolae rather friable, bullate, scattered, 0.1-0.3 mm thick, 0.5-1.0 mm wide, whitish or yellowish or greyish, lacking a prothallus, in scattered patches 1-3 cm diam., saxicolous. Apothecia 0.2-1.0 mm diam., sessile on areolae, scattered to ± crowded, rounded, disc black, matt, plane, margins black, shining, prominent, entire or slightly flexuose, persistent. Epithecium greenish black to blue-black. Hymenium 50-75 µm tall, blue in upper part, colourless below. Paraphyses simple-, rarely branched or anastomosing, conglutinate, apical cell spherical c. 5 µm. Asci 50-55(-60) × 10-12 µm with a conspicuous I+ blue apical tholus. Ascospores ellipsoid, 12-15.3 × 5-8.3 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow, C-. Atranorin.
Thallus greenish-grey to yellowish-grey, smooth or wrinkled, verrucose or plicate often ± subareolate or ± granular, limited, often intersected by black lines of marginal prothallus, often forming extensive mosaics, 1-5 cm diam., or sometimes thallus reduced to scattered areolae (especially on dead wood), corticolous or lignicolous. Apothecia few to many, sessile, round to irregular, disc black, matt or shining, plane to subconvex, 0.3-1.0 mm diam., margins thick, black, entire to irregularly crenulate, persistent. Hypothecium red-brown. Asci 51 × 15-18 µm with a distinct, I+ blue apical tholus 7-8 µm thick. Ascospores (10-)12-15.3 × 5-6.8 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow, C+ orange-red. Xanthones.
Thallus crustose, heteromerous, corticolous or saxicolous. Photobiont green, , or . Apothecia lecideine. Excipulum pale, of radiating hyphae. Hypothecium red-brown to greyish or grey-brown. Epithecium greenish-black or blue-black. Paraphyses free, simple, 2 µm thick, apices swollen to 4-5 µm thick. Asci clavate, thick-walled, with a prominent, I+ blue, apical tholus. Ascospores 8 per ascus, broadly ellipsoid, simple, colourless.
Thallus ± areolate, areolae 1-2(-4) mm diam., in part contiguous, in part scattered, often ± polygonal, dull grey-brown, closely attached to substrate, terricolous. Lower surface very pale. Apothecia dark red-brown at first, plane and marginate, becoming convex and immarginate. Ascospores 12-16 × 5-7 µm.
Thallus squamulose, pulvinate, areolate-diffract, dispersed at margins on a black prothallus. Photobiont green. . Apothecia lecideine, red-brown, plane to convex and immarginate. Hymenium colourless, 60-70 µm tall. Paraphyses parallel, branched at apices, thickened and darkened. Ascospores 8 per ascus, simple, colourless, ellipsoid.
Thallus foliose, lobate, heteromerous, dorsiventral, ± orbicular to spreading, corticolous, loosely attached, without a prothallus. Lobes undulate, adjacent, cuneate or flabellate, often imbricate or dissected, to 6 mm wide, margins incised or variously notched and dissected or ± sublobulate or phyllidiate-lacerate or sorediate and ± sinuous, ascending. Upper surface dark bluish-green to grey-green when wet, pale grey-blue when dry, undulate, minutely roughened-scabrid to coarsely areolate-scabrid, with or without soredia, without maculae, isidia or pseudocyphellae. Photobiont blue-green, . Upper cortex of 2-3 layers of ± isodiametric cells with hyphae perpendicular to upper surface. Lower cortex absent, Medulla white, of loosely woven, branching hyphae. Lower surface pale, occasionally bluish or greenish-black, ± densely rhizinate. Rhizines pale or blue-green, complex, entangled, to 3 mm long. Apothecia biatorine, proper margin pale, disc pale red-brown or pinkish to dark brown or blackened, matt, epruinose, never gyrose-contorted, scattered, laminal, sessile or subpedicellate. Ascospores 8 per ascus, colourless, ellipsoid, simple, uniseriate.
Thallus foliose-lobate, loosely attached, to 6 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes to 5 mm broad, laciniate, subimbricate, broadly rounded, margins often ascendent, entire or bordered with small, somewhat isidiate, applanate or verruciform lobules. Upper surface greyish-green, glaucous or brownish-grey, smooth, matt or scabrid (×10 lens) particularly towards margins and apices. Lower surface pale whitish at margins, buff-brown centrally with tufts of long (0.5-2 mm), silky white or blue-black rhizines. Apothecia frequent, often crowded, sessile to subpedicellate, to 1 mm diam., disc plane or subconvex, pale or dark red-brown or blackened, smooth, waxy, with a pale proper margin, excluded in older fruits. Ascospores narrowly ellipsoid to oblong-ellipsoid, 14-18 × 5-6 µm.
Thallus crustose to subfruticose, homoiomerous, gelatinous, lacking a cortex. Photobiont blue-green, . Apothecia deeply immersed, disc poriform, sometimes emergent, plane. Ascospores colourless, simple, round or ellipsoid, 8 per ascus.
Thallus lurid-glaucous, matt, lobate, to 5 cm diam. Lobes divided, greyish-sorediate, margins ascending, surface thinly wrinkled. Lower surface pale, naked, uneven. Apothecia unknown.
Thallus leprose or ± granular, thin, spreading, consisting of loosely felted hyphae with algal cells grouped among them. Photobiont green. Apothecia unknown.
Thallus white, greenish-grey or glaucous-grey, forming a rather thick, soft, uneven crust in which the mycobiont may be in part dominant, to thinly granular, spreading in irregular patches 0.5-3(-5) cm diam. Chemistry: Atranorin, zeorin, stictic, constictic and norstictic (tr.) acids.
Thallus grey-white to dark grey or ± blackened, often in neat rosettes, of ± discrete granules or becoming minutely squamulose, especially at margins, in irregular hummocks, following contours of substrate, 1-5(-8) cm diam. Chemistry: Atranorin, stictic, constictic, peristictic and norstictic acids.
Pseudopodetia in small, scattered groups or tufts, profusely dendroid-branched, distinctly dorsiventral, normally attached by a holdfast, or dying at base and then ± decumbent, flattened, branching dichotomous in one plane, soft and fragile, 1-2 cm tall and 0.4 mm thick towards base, upper branches much finer, to 0.15 mm thick, whitish, glaucous greyish-white or pale glaucous green, matt, tomentose or velvety, main branches glabrous, terminal branchlets very fine, coralloid. Phyllocladial granules on terminal branchlets, scarce to absent on ventral side, crowded, minute (to 0.1 mm diam.), softly pulverulent, often dissolving into smaller granules. Photobiont in irregular groups on surface of pseudopodetia and in powdery granules, loosely enveloped with hyphae. Chemistry: Two chemodemes are known, (i) Atranorin, protocetraric, grayanic and didymic acids and two unidentified compounds. (ii) Atranorin, protocetraric and physodalic acids. Several acid-deficient phases also occur in each chemodeme.
Thallus small, slender, cartilaginous, ± terete, simple or branched, crowded, erect or intricated, pseudopodetia leprose-sorediate, irregularly lumpy-rotulose, or minutely verrucose, surface glabrous or slightly arachnoid-tomentose, sometimes ± decumbent and dorsiventral, in some species with root-like downward extensions into the substrate. Primary thallus absent or ± persistent, when present minutely verruculose, squamulose or powdery-dissolute. , apothecia and pycnidia absent. Photobiont green, .
Thallus crustose, wholly leprose and decorticate, yellowish, with or without marginal lobes. Prothallus not apparent. Photobiont green, ?Chlorophyceae. Medulla usually white. Sporocarps and pycnidia absent.
Thallus irregularly delimited, forming scattered granules at first which later form irregularly scattered patches, at length converging, forming a thick, often areolate crust, brownish yellow or greyish-yellow, margins indefinite, without lobes. Surface composed entirely of a mass of pulverulent spherical granules, 0.1 mm diam., cortex absent. Chemistry: K+ violet-red, C-. Parietin.
Thallus crustaceous-leprose, diffuse, forming scattered aggregations of granules which in places tend to merge to form a non-areolate crust, deep yellow with a slightly orange tinge. Surface composed entirely of a mass of pulverulent, minutely spherical granules to 0.1 mm diam., cortex absent and thallus unstratified, being yellow throughout, thallus margin absent, prothallus not apparent. Hyphae 2-3 µm diam., colourless, obscured by numerous crystals. Sporocarps and pycnidia absent. Chemistry: Thallus C- or faint orange, K+ violet-red. Parietin.
Thallus homoiomerous, lobate, subcrustose, foliose to ± fruticose, subgelatinous, ± transparent, opaque, pliable when wet, except for a few species not noticeably swelling when wet, wrinkled, papery when dry, corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes flattened, orbicular to elongate, to crowded-congested and ± subascendent, margins entire or lacerate-crenulate or isidiate, upper surface smooth, undulate or wrinkled-plicate or lobulate or isidiate, soredia absent, lead-grey to bluish or greenish or livid brownish at margins, rarely completely red-brown or brown. Cortex of a single layer of irregularly isodiametric cells on both upper and lower surfaces. Photobiont blue-green, , randomly distributed as scattered chains throughout thallus. Lower surface smooth or wrinkled, glabrous or tomentose. Apothecia emergent, adnate, sessile or shortly pedicellate, laminal or occasionally marginal, disc pink to red-brown or black, epruinose, both thalline and proper exciples normally present, thalline exciple sometimes lobulate. Ascospores (4-)8 per ascus, fusiform-ellipsoid to oblong-fusiform, ± submuriform with 2-11 transverse septa and 1-2(-10) longitudinal septa, apices rounded or pointed.
Thallus submonophyllous to polyphyllous, dark blue-grey to distinctly bluish when dry, dark olive-greenish or leaden when wet, 2-10 cm diam., attached to substrate by scattered tufts of hairs, loosely adnate, corticolous, rarely saxicolous. Lobes rather papery, orbicular to elongate, apices rounded, 1-5 mm broad, margins entire to sublobulate. Upper surface smooth to somewhat roughened, never wrinkled-plicate, without isidia. Lower surface concolorous with upper surface, not tomentose. Apothecia common, often abundant, scattered, sessile to short pedicellate, laminal, 0.2-2.5 mm diam., disc concave to plane or subconvex, pale brown to dark red-brown, matt, proper exciple rarely seen, thalline exciple entire or with occasional, small, microphylline outgrowths, concolorous with thallus or pale white or buff. Ascospores ellipsoid to subfusiform, apices pointed, submuriform, 3-6 transverse septa and 1-2 longitudinal septa, 14-26 × 6-9 µm.
Thallus lobate, dark green-black, pulpy and conspicuous when wet, olive brownish or greyish or grey-black, and thin, inconspicuous when dry, to 5 cm diam., corticolous or terricolous. Lobes irregular, poorly developed, complexly and delicately ridged and plicate, isidiate. Isidia numerous, laminal, terete, simple, becoming coralloid-branched, rather fine, to 1 mm tall. Lower surface pale olive, wrinkled-plicate. Apothecia very rare, sessile or adnate, 1-1.5 mm diam., disc pale red-brown, plane, becoming convex, thalline exciple thin, entire, rather granular, becoming excluded with age. Ascospores fusiform, submuriform, 30-45 × 5.5-7 µm.
Thallus lobate, orbicular to spreading, to 6 cm diam., olive greenish or leaden brown or pale greyish-blue. Lobes crowded, somewhat imbricate, crenulate or lacerate and crisp. Upper surface smooth, thallus not swelling much when wet, not plicate-wrinkled, without isidia. Lower surface white-tomentose, hairs short, 20 µm, cells spherical. Apothecia numerous, 0.5-2.0 mm diam., concave at first, becoming plane, reddish-brown or dark red, thalline exciple crowded with projecting lobules. Ascospores ellipsoid to broadly fusiform, 3-4 transverse septa, submuriform, 30-40 × 13-17 µm.
Thallus lobate, erect to semi-erect, pulvinate, 1-3(-18) cm diam., lead grey to bluish, red-brown at apices, often ± totally brownish, corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes orbicular, 1-4 mm wide, margins irregularly incised, ragged to lobulate or denticulate, crowded, subascending. Upper surface smooth to ± uneven, not noticeably wrinkled or plicate, ± densely isidiate. Isidia squamiform, marginal and laminal, crowded. Lower surface smooth to finely wrinkled-plicate, glabrous, rarely isidiate, concolorous with upper surface or paler. Apothecia rare, sessile to subpedicellate, disc plane, pale red-brown, 0.5-1 mm diam., immarginate. Ascospores subellipsoid, submuriform, 3-4 transverse septa and 1 longitudinal septum, apices rounded to pointed, 16-24 × 6-9 µm.
Thallus lobate, flat, attached loosely to substrate by scattered tufts of hairs, spreading, orbicular to irregular, 1-5(-8) cm diam., greyish-blue to olive greenish, corticolous. Lobes orbicular, 2-4 mm wide, margins entire, wavy, ± ascending to dentate-isidiate. Upper surface smooth to occasionally slightly roughened, not wrinkled or plicate, isidiate. Isidia abundant, laminal, granular-furfuraceous, cylindrical to clavate to lobulate, often branching, concolorous with thallus. Lower surface glabrous, smooth, concolorous with upper surface or paler, to ± greyish-fawn. Apothecia rare, sessile, to subpedicellate, laminal, 0.5-2 mm diam., disc concave to convex, pale brown to red-brown, thalline exciple entire to isidiate, pale grey to fawn. Ascospores ellipsoid, apices rounded or pointed, 18-27 × 6-10 µm.
Thallus flat to involute, lobate, spreading, greyish-blue to brownish, 2-5 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes orbicular to elongate ± elevated, overlapping, congested, 3-5 mm wide, margins entire to irregularly incised, isidiate. Isidia numerous, laminal, dense in places, polymorphic, cylindrical to lobulate, often flattened and minutely squamulose, simple or branched. Upper surface smooth, not or occasionally ± wrinkled-plicate. Lower surface densely white-tomentose, margins ± glabrous, hairs about 20 µm long. Apothecia rare, sessile, laminal, 3-4 mm diam., disc slightly convex, pale brown to dark red-brown, thalline exciple concolorous with thallus, with numerous isidioid outgrowths. Ascospores ellipsoid with pointed apices, submuriform, 28-35 × 12-17 µm.
Thallus broadly lobate, orbicular to spreading, to 8 cm diam., distinctly bluish-grey, not brownish, muscicolous or terricolous or corticolous. Lobes broadly orbicular, papery, margins entire, wavy, sometimes minutely lobulate. Upper surface smooth not wrinkled, matt or shining, often ± maculate (×10 lens). Lower surface densely white-tomentose, often with a narrow, marginal, glabrous zone. Apothecia occasional to abundant, sessile to subpedicellate, round to irregular, 0.2-2 mm diam., disc matt, red-brown, concave to plane to subconvex, thalline exciple very thin, entire, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores fusiform with pointed apices, 25-35 × 8-10 µm, submuriform.
Thallus broadly lobate, orbicular to spreading, to 8 cm diam., greenish-blue or browned, muscicolous or terricolous, rarely saxicolous. Lobes broadly orbicular, papery and rather crisp, margins entire, wavy, often lobulate, upper surface smooth, not wrinkled, matt or shining, without isidia. Lower surface densely white-tomentose, hairs 100 µm long, cells cylindrical. Apothecia occasional to common, sessile, laminal, disc plane to subconvex, pale brown to red-brown, thalline exciple entire, thick, concolorous with thallus, wrinkled, hairy at base. Ascospores ellipsoid-fusiform, pointed or rounded at apices, 22-27 × 8-10 µm, 3-septate to submuriform.
Thallus small, irregularly pulvinate to 1 cm diam., saxicolous, irregularly lobed, dark brown to black. Lobes elongate, rounded to flattened, margins entire, to 1 mm wide, surface granular-isidiate, irregularly wrinkled-plicate. Apothecia common, sessile, laminal, 0.5-1 mm diam., disc concave, brown to dark red-brown, thalline exciple entire, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores ellipsoid, apices rounded to pointed, 3-septate to submuriform, 20-24 × 7-9 µm.
Thallus obscure yellowish, blotchy or disappearing. Ascocarps clustered within cracks in substrate, sessile or semi-immersed, globose, discrete, or clustered together, black, carbonaceous, 0.2-0.4 mm diam., subnitid, prominent, rather wrinkled, ostiole poriform, rather irregular, minute. Ascospores 4-8 per ascus, acicular, slightly curved, 13-septate, apices blunt, 100-160 × 3-5 µm. Pseudoparaphyses long, irregular, anastomosing.
Thallus crustose, often effuse or lacking. Photobiont if present, green, , often lacking. Ascocarps in the form of pseudothecia, simple, emergent. Pseudoparaphyses persistent. Ascospores colourless, curved 4-8 per ascus, 1-3(-13)-septate, acicular to fusiform-cylindrical, arranged in one or two bundles in ascus.
Thallus coralline-fruticose, ± erect, lobes terete or flattened, indistinctly corticate, a fountain-like arrangement of the internal hyphae is characteristic, ± gelatinous. Photobiont blue-green, or . Apothecia lecanorine, terminal or lateral, minute, immersed in tips of branches, disc ± closed. Ascospores 8 per ascus, colourless, simple, oblong-ellipsoid, uniseriate.
Thallus fruticose, erect, tufted, in clumps, or forming ± coalescing swards 1-4(-8) cm diam. Lobes flattened, ± palmately divided, becoming terete only near apices, to 10 mm tall and 0.1-0.2 mm thick, irregularly branched, apices blunt ± furcate, shiny dark brown to black or olive-greenish, gelatinous when wet, with a well-defined cortex of cuboid-rectangular cells. Apothecia terminal, globose or flask-like, 0.1-0.5 mm diam., disc concave. Ascospores broadly to narrowly ellipsoid 18-22.4 × 6.4-9.6 µm, straight, apices rounded.
Thallus heteromerous, foliose, dorsiventral, lobate, often irregularly laciniate or polyphyllous, corticolous, rarely saxicolous. Lobes rounded to ± linear-laciniate, margins entire or dissected-phyllidiate or sorediate. Upper surface smooth or wrinkled or faveolate-impressed, with or without soredia, isidia or phyllidia, lacking pseudocyphellae. Medulla white. Photobiont green, , or blue-green, or . In those species having a green photobiont, internal and external cephalodia containing a blue-green alga are normally present. Lower surface glabrous, smooth or wrinkled-bullate, ± tomentose without cyphellae or pseu-docyphellae. Rhizines simple to squarrose, sparse to frequent, to 5 mm long, concolorous with lower surface or paler. Apothecia hemiangiocarpic, subpedicellate, laminal, lecanorine, disc red-brown, imperforate. Paraphyses thread-like, septate. Asci cylindrical, clavate. Ascospores 8 per ascus, colourless or brown, fusiform or linear-acicular at maturity, 3-7-septate. Pycnidia frequent, minute, immersed, ostiole punctiform, black or dark red-brown. Conidia rod-shaped.
Thallus foliose, lobate, ± closely attached centrally, ± subascendent marginally, spreading, often in very large rosettes 5-20(-50) cm diam., corticolous, rarely saxicolous. Lobes broad, rounded, overlapping, sinuses shallow, evenly rounded, margins entire or weakly crenulate, sinuous, sometimes ascending or ± deflexed. Upper surface bright lettuce-green and brownish at margins when wet, dull olive-brownish to red-brown when dry, undulate to roughened-corrugate, not scrobiculate or faveolate, matt or shining, continuous, without isidia, soredia or pseudocyphellae, minutely scabrid-cracked centrally, in older specimens small secondary lobules may develop centrally. Medulla white, with internal cephalodia often visible as swellings on lower (occasionally also on upper) surface. Lower surface pale yellowish-buff, darker centrally, whitish in narrow marginal zone, very slightly thickened and dark brown at margins, glabrous, smooth or slightly wrinkled or roughened at margins, tomentose centrally, tomentum short, uniform, soft, pale buff, darker centrally, often with scattered, simple or squarrose, buff rhizines centrally. Apothecia laminal, often ± central, numerous, sessile to subpedicellate, disc red-brown, waxy, shining, shallowly to deeply concave, plane or ± undulate in mature fruits, to 8 mm diam., smooth, matt or shining, epruinose, thalline margin very massive, pale, corrugate-scabrid, inflexed when young obscuring the disc, entire to striate-areolate or weakly crenulate, thalline exciple coarsely warted-papillate, ± areolate, pale brown to yellowish-buff. Ascospores colourless, linear-acicular with pointed ends, 2-4-septate, 25-52 × 5-12 µm. Pycnidia rare to frequent, immersed, visible as small, brownish hemispherical swellings on upper surface, 0.1-0.5 mm diam., ostiole black, excavate, carbonaceous. Conidia straight, rod-shaped, 3 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K-, C+ red, KC+ red, Pd-. Gyrophoric acid.
Thallus foliose, lobate, loosely to closely attached, to 18 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes contiguous, undulate, sometimes imbricate, margins deeply crenate, subplacoid, slightly thickened, inrolling and often subascendent, ± densely phyllidiate-isidiate. Upper surface bright lettuce-green when wet, pale yellowish-brown to olive when dry, undulate, minutely rugose-plicate, roughened or obscurely ridged towards margins, distinctly phyllidiate, matt, lacking soredia, maculae or pseudocyphellae. Phyllidia mainly marginal at first, spreading to lamina, squamiform, rarely simple or terete, flattened, and ± dorsiventral. Medulla white, containing internal cephalodia visible as rounded swellings on lower surface. Lower surface pale yellowish-tan at margins, brown-black centrally, smooth and glabrous at margins with a short to thick, pale to dark tomentum towards centre, and clusters of black, stout, simple or squarrose rhizines (to 5 mm long), sometimes developed. Apothecia laminal, sessile, or subpedicellate, rather sparse, cupuliform, disc red-brown, to 4 mm diam., matt or shining, epruinose, imperforate, margins inflexed, coarsely rugulose-striate, becoming phyllidiate, thalline exciple yellow-brown, scabrid-areolate. Ascospores 8 per ascus, colourless or pale brownish, fusiform, 1-3(-7)-septate, 20-42 × 6-11 µm. Pycnidia occasional, immersed, visible as brownish globose swellings on upper surface, ostiole black, punctiform. Conidia straight, rod-shaped, 2-3 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K-, C+ red, KC+ red, Pd-. Gyrophoric acid.
Thallus ± orbicular to irregularly spreading, rather loosely attached, 3-8(-15) cm diam., corticolous. Lobes ± rounded, 2-8 mm wide, rather short, ± free at margins, imbricate centrally, margins entire or slightly notched, becoming ± pectinate and isidiate, slightly thickened, subascendent or inrolled, ± sinuous, crisped. Upper surface dark bluish-grey, suffused reddish-brown in parts when wet, distinctly white-maculate (×10 lens) or with larger, irregular areas free of algae, pale olive-buff to olive-brown or reddish-brown when dry, smooth or slightly uneven, shining, sparsely to densely isidiate. Isidia terete, simple, globular at first, slightly constricted at base, becoming coralloid-branched, apices globose, to 0.6 mm tall, concolorous with thallus, slightly paler at base, mainly laminal and often in a thick, diffract crust, rarely marginal. Medulla white. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface pale buff or whitish at margins, darkening centrally, underside of margins often ± olive-brownish, smooth to wrinkled or scrobiculate, not bullate, delicately white- or buff-pubescent towards margins, often with a shining, wrinkled, glabrous marginal zone, pubescence intermixed with sparse to numerous, shining black hairs, often ± reticulate patches, with bundles of ± squarrose, black or brown rhizines occasional at centre. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: 3 unidentified triterpenes.
Thallus foliose, lobate, firmly attached centrally, ± free at margins, spreading, to 12 cm diam., corticolous rarely terricolous or muscicolous. Lobes irregularly to dichotomously branched, margins entire, not sorediate or phyllidiate, free and subascendent. Upper surface distinctly reticulate-faveolate with conspicuous faveolae and strongly developed interconnecting ridges which are often isidiate, matt, dark brownish-black when wet, olive-brown or buff when dry, lacking soredia, phyllidia or pseudocyphellae. Isidia laminal, mainly on reticulate ridges, simple, rather fragile, terete, becoming coralloid-branched with age, less than 0.5 mm tall, concolorous with thallus, not becoming sorediate. Medulla white. Lower surface with marked, pale brown, bullate, naked areas separated by a network of dark tomentum which extends to the margin, rhizines few to numerous, simple or squarrose, dark brown, central. Apothecia and pycnidia not seen in New Zealand material. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. Thelephoric acid and stictane-3β,22α-diol.
Thallus foliose, lobate, spreading, loosely attached, to 16 cm diam., corticolous, occasionally saxicolous or terricolous. Lobes rounded, overlapping or sometimes broadly laciniate, margins entire or slightly crenulate, often sorediate, subascendent, ± thickened in sorediate parts. Upper surface undulate, scrobiculate-reticulate but without strongly defined interconnecting ridges, matt or shining, dark bluish-green or greyish-blue when wet, pale yellowish-green or olive-buff when dry, suffused brownish at margins and there markedly scabrid-areolate, without isidia, phyllidia, maculae or pseudocyphellae. Soredia laminal and marginal, in spreading, erose soralia, punctiform on lamina at first, then eroding, ± linear at margins, whitish or greyish, becoming bluish with age, coarse, granular. Medulla white. Lower surface white, delicately scabrid at margins, uneven or ± wrinkled-bullate, not distinctly veined but with naked, whitish, scabrid patches scattered among pale tan to dark brown tomentum which extends to the margins, tomentum silky, entangled. Apothecia and pycnidia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K+ orange-red, C+ rose or -, Pd+ orange. Constictic, norstictic, stictic and usnic acids and scrobiculin.
Thallus crustose, effuse, ecorticate but usually with a cartilaginous corticiform layer, not distinctly lobate. Prothallus in foliicolous species indistinct. Photobiont green, species of Chlorococcaceae, probably . Apothecia prominent, sessile, constricted at base, rounded, lecideine, brown-black to black, with a well-developed paraplectenchymatous excipulum. Paraphyses ± simple or richly branched, capitate, club-shaped, brown-black at apices. Asci thick-walled usually with one spore, sometimes 2-8-spored. Ascospores large, muriform or submuriform, colourless or brownish, not halonate. Pycnidia sessile, globose to cupuliform. Conidia simple, ellipsoid to flask-shaped or dumb-bell shaped.
Thallus minutely granular, squamulose, scurfy, olivaceous, on bryophtyes, corticolous. Apothecia sessile scattered, 0.1-1.5 mm diam., convex at first becoming plane or subconvex, carbonaceous, disc black, roughened-verrucose, matt, epruinose, margins thick corrugate-scabrid, black. Paraphyses simple with swollen blackened apices. Ascospores 1 per ascus, muriform, ellipsoid, 70 × 28 µm.
Thallus to 25 mm diam., dispersed or in central part continuous, smooth, greenish-grey to greyish-white, shining or matt, sometimes with a very thin white prothallus at periphery. Apothecia strongly constricted at base, 0.3-0.5 mm diam., disc dark brown to blackish-brown, epruinose, plane or subconvex, margins thin not prominent, concolorous wih disc or paler. Paraphyses 1-1.5 µm thick, simple or with a few basal branches, apices not distinctly thickened. Hypothecium dark brown 10-20 µm tall. Asci clavate. Ascospores 1 per ascus, muriform, ellipsoid, 57-84 × 16-28 µm.
Thallus 12-22 mm diam., continuous or somewhat dispersed at periphery, smooth, greenish-grey to greyish-white, matt or slightly shining, prothallus lacking. Apothecia constricted at base, 0.3-0.5 mm diam., disc black, epruinose, plane, margins thin, grey, smooth. Paraphyses c. 1.5 µm thick, simple or with some few branches. Hypothecium bluish, 40-60 µm tall. Asci clavate. Ascospores 1 per ascus, muriform, ellipsoid, 55-80 × 13-20 µm.
Thallus crustose, ecorticate, corticolous. Photobiont green . Apothecia adnate to sessile, margins concolorous with thallus. Asci clavate, many-spored. Ascospores colourless, simple or spuriously 1-septate.
Thallus closely attached, pale green-grey to brownish, granular, orbicular, in ± neat rosettes or spreading, 1-3 cm diam., corticolous. Apothecia sessile, to 1.5 mm diam., rounded, ± central, disc red-brown to dull black, matt, epruinose, margins crenulate, concolorous with thallus or paler. Ascospores numerous (75-100), ellipsoid, simple, 4-7 × 2.5-4 µm.
Thallus small, squamulose, rosette-forming, 1-2 cm diam. Squamules elongate, to 10 mm long and 1-2 mm wide, ascending, imbricate, often crowded, apices incised, blue-grey to red-brown or brown, whitish below. Apothecia small, to 2 mm diam., pedicellate, disc red-brown, smooth, with a pale proper margin. Paraphyses simple. Ascospores 1-2-septate, ellipsoid to fusiform, 11-27 × 4.5-8.5 µm.
Thallus rosette-forming, squamulose, brown, with a pale lower surface, attached to substrate by brown or black rhizines, without a prothallus. Upper cortex pseudoparenchymatous, medulla of loosely woven hyphae. Photobiont blue-green, . Apothecia hemiangiocarpic, with a proper margin, laminal or marginal. Asci cylindrical with apically thickened walls, 8-spored. Ascospores colourless or pale brown, polymorphic, ellipsoid to fusiform, 1- to 3-septate. Paraphyses simple or branched.
Thallus pale greenish-white or pale yellowish-green, rimose, to ± areolate-cracked, areolae convex, smooth or minutely verrucose appearing ± subsquamulose, matt or shining, in irregular patches, 1-4 cm diam., not delimited by a marginal prothallus, corticolous. Apothecia sessile, prominent, constricted at base, 0.2-1.4 mm diam., disc black, matt, finely roughened, epruinose, concave to plane, margins thick, persistent, concolorous with disc, entire. Epithecium olive-green-black, 9-40 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, 100-160 µm tall. Hypothecium olive-black, 110-140 µm thick. Paraphyses simple, septate, not much branched, capitate at apices. Ascospores large, 8 per ascus, thick-walled especially at apices, oval, rounded or slightly pointed at apices, straight, not constricted at septum, locules equal (30-)34-40 × 15-18(-23) µm, septum 9 µm thick. Chemistry: KC+ yellow, Pd-. Usnic acid and zeorin.
Thallus pale greyish or glaucous-green, areolate-cracked, areolae angular, convex, uneven, wrinkled, separated by deep cracks, 0.4-0.8 mm diam., rarely sorediate. Soralia superficial, ± concave, 0.5-1.5 mm diam., soredia 40-60 µm diam., sometimes confluent. Apothecia brownish-red or pale violet, sessile to subpedicellate, scattered, solitary to 1-2-confluent, concave to plane, disc distinctly grey-pruinose, margins thick, persistent, entire or crenulate, red-brown, coriaceous. Epithecium granular, brownish, 12-24 µm thick. Hymenium 110-150(-180) µm tall, I+ blue. Ascospores 4-8 per ascus, broadly oval-ellipsoid, ends rounded or slightly pointed, thick-walled, 28-40 × 15-23 µm, septum 073 to 093 length of spore. Chemistry: KC-, Pd+ orange. Pannarin and zeorin.
As for but with the following differences: Thallus without isidia or soredia. Hymenium 110-180 µm tall, without oil droplets and staining I+ blue. Ascospores 1-septate with thick septa and apical walls.
Thallus pale greenish or yellowish-grey, rather thick, ± prominently verrucose-papillate, papillae 0.2 mm diam., and 0.4 mm tall, often over-growing bryophytes on bark, very irregular in shape, without soredia or isidia. Apothecia scattered, 0.5-2.7(-3.1) mm diam., disc plane to convex, orange to reddish-brown or dark reddish-brown, glossy, epruinose, margins ± prominent, thin, black or dark brown, glossy, entire. Epithecium olive-brown or dark brown, 7-14 µm thick. Hymenium 130-160 µm tall, I+ blue. Ascospores 1 per ascus, straight, 1-septate, 60-120 × 20-40 µm. Chemistry: KC+ yellow, Pd-. Usnic acid and zeorin.
Thallus pale greenish-grey, rather thin, rugulose, isidiate. Isidia stunted-coralloid, c. 0.2 mm thick and to 0.5 mm tall. Apothecia 0.7-2.0 mm diam., disc plane or subconvex, brown, epruinose, slightly glossy, margins rather prominent, brown ± concolorous with disc, epruinose, slightly glossy. Epithecium diffuse orange-brown, 25-30 µm thick. Hymenium 140-160 µm tall, I-. Excipulum yellow-brown, with aggregates of fine, yellowish crystals (1 µm diam.) in upper part of ectal excipulum. Ascospores 1 per ascus, 1-septate, straight, 80-100 × 35-40 µm, wall 2 µm thick, epispore 0.5 µm thick, smooth. Chemistry: Usnic acid and zeorin.
Thallus pale greyish-white, 70-90 µm thick, but often composed of several layers overlaying each other, ± wrinkled and irregularly cracked, without soredia or isidia. Apothecia scattered, 1.0-4.0 mm diam., disc plane to subconvex, pale brown-pruinose or sometimes somewhat greyish, dull, margins prominent, thick, brown-black, slightly glossy, occasionally somewhat grey-pruinose. Epithecium olive- or orange-brown, diffuse, upper layer granular, 11-16 µm thick. Hymenium 150-260 µm tall, I+ blue. Ascospores (1-)2-6 per ascus, 1-septate, ± curved, 45-85 × 20-40 µm. Chemistry: KC-, Pd+ orange. Pannarin and zeorin.
Thallus pale grey to white, rather thick (c. 50-200 µm), wrinkled and irregularly cracked to nearly smooth, occasionally more strongly uneven, densely verrucose, verrucae 0.2-0.3 mm diam., and 0.2-0.3 mm tall, often overgrowing bryophytes on bark, very irregular in shape, soredia and isidia absent. Apothecia scattered, 0.8-3.5 mm diam., disc plane or subconvex, black or rarely brown, pale grey-pruinose, dull, margins prominent, thick, black, epruinose or rarely pruinose in a narrow rim around disc, slightly glossy. Epithecium olive-green to olive-brown or pale yellow-brown to dark brown or almost black, diffuse, granular in upper part, 7-14(-24) µm thick. Hymenium 120-160 µm tall, I+ blue. Ascospores 1 per ascus, 1-septate, straight, 80-165 × 25-43 µm, wall 2 µm thick, epispore 1 µm thick, warted. Chemistry: Pannarin (Pd+ orange) and zeorin.
Distinguished from by the dark brown subhypothecium.
Thallus yellowish, rather thick (60-115 µm), with scattered to crowded verrucae, 0.2-0.5 mm diam., which can become papillate and to 0.5 mm tall, sorediate. Soralia small, 0.2-1.0 mm wide, at apices of verrucae, soredia 15-35 µm diam. Apothecia scattered, 0.8-3.6 mm diam., disc plane to convex, brown, dull, sometimes slightly pruinose, margins prominent, thick, pale brown to yellowish, sometimes black, dull. Epithecium orange-to chestnut-brown to 25 µm thick. Hymenium 180-250 µm tall, I+ blue. Ascospores 2-6 per ascus, 1-septate, slightly curved, 42-60 × 25-37 µm. Chemistry: KC+ yellow, Pd-. Usnic acid and zeorin.
Thallus crustose, heteromerous, yellowish-, greenish- or whitish-grey, thin or rather thick c. 50-150 µm, surface smooth, wrinkled, verrucose-papillate or with isidia or soredia. Photobiont present in upper 60 µm of thallus, green, subspherical, 6-12 µm diam., sp. Apothecia biatorine, sessile to subpedicellate, 0.5-5.0 mm diam., disc plane to convex, brown to black, sometimes with a greyish, beige or whitish pruina, margins yellowish, brown or black, usually paler than disc, sometimes darker, disc and margins usually slightly glossy. Epithecium c. 15 µm thick, usually diffusely orange-brown, sometimes with pigments or granular inclusions. Hymenium 80-260 µm tall, colourless, inspersed with oil droplets, c. 1-7 µm diam., I reaction variable. Paraphyses 1 µm thick, indistinctly septate, parallel, little branched, in epithecium more branched and anastomosing and slightly thickened (2-3 µm). Hypothecium usually 30-50 µm thick, usually less inspersed than hymenium. Ascospores 1-8 per ascus, colourless, 1-septate, to multiseptate, with thin septa, ellipsoid, ovoid or ± subspherical, straight or curved, sometimes with thickened apices, and a prominent, smooth or warted epispore. Chemistry: Zeorin and usnic acid or pannarin.
Thallus yellowish to greenish-grey, thin, nearly smooth or subverrucose, sorediate. Soralia rounded, subtuberculate, 0.4-1.0 mm diam., soredia 20-35(-50) µm diam. Apothecia scattered, often sparse, 0.8-3.0 mm diam., disc plane to subconvex, brown to black, dull, margins prominent, rather thick, concolorous with disc or darker, glossy. Epithecium brown, not granular, 12-18 µm thick. Hymenium 170-230 µm tall, I+ blue. Ascospores 1-septate, slightly curved, 32-42 × 19-25 µm. Chemistry: KC+ yellow, Pd-. Usnic acid and zeorin.
Thallus pale yellowish-grey to glaucous brown, translucent when wet, thin, determinate or lacking, smooth or rimulose, to ± areolate-cracked. Apothecia scattered, 0.3-1.1 mm diam., red-brown to blackish, matt, epruinose, somewhat granular, prominent, plane at first with a smooth, entire, concolorous margin, becoming convex, subglobose, convoluted-wrinkled and immarginate with age. Hypothecium pale brownish to colourless. Ascospores large, 4-6-8 per ascus, oblong, 75-110 × 9-14 µm.
Thallus crustose, ecorticate, thin, cracked. Photobiont green, . Apothecia black to brown-black, small, with a thin, distinct, proper margin. Paraphyses distinct, colourless, filiform, densely conglutinate, thickened at apices. Asci pyriform with a double wall, amyloid annulus at tip of endoascus, extruded on discharge of spores. Hypothecium brownish or pale. Ascospores 4-8 per ascus, large, colourless, muriform.
Thallus closely to moderately attached, 2-3 cm diam. Lobes 1-2 mm broad, flat, short and rounded to subelongate, contiguous to imbricate. Upper surface pale olive-tan to olive-brown, smooth to weakly pitted or wrinkled at apices and centrally, ± matt centrally, shining at apices, without isidia, pseudocyphellae or soredia. Lower surface tan to pale brown, smooth, slightly shining, moderately rhizinate. Rhizines pale or concolorous with lower surface, to 0.3 mm long. Apothecia numerous, sessile to short-pedicellate, concave, to 2 mm diam., margins entire, becoming obscurely pseudocyphellate. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, 12-15 × 9.5-11.5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K+ faint violet or yellow, C+ rose, KC+ rose, Pd-. Gyrophoric acid and traces of three unidentified substances.
Thallus foliose, lobate, dorsiventral, heteromerous, loosely to moderately firmly attached to substrate, corticolous. Lobes 0.4-11.0 mm broad, short and rounded to elongate, ± flat. Upper surface brown to brownish-black, with or without isidia, pseudocyphellae or soredia. Lower surface rhizinate. Rhizines mostly unbranched, rarely branched at tip. Apothecia rare in species producing asexual propagules, lecanorine, sessile to subpedicellate, disc smooth, imperforate, margins entire, flexuose at first, entire to variously notched and incised or crenulate with age, concolorous with thallus. Cortex lacking any reaction with HNO3.
Thallus ± closely attached throughout, to 6 cm diam. Lobes 1-3 mm broad, flat, short and rounded to somewhat elongate, contiguous to imbricate. Upper surface pale olive-tan to olive-brown, distinctly maculate at lobe ends, finely pitted or wrinkled near apices, more so centrally, shining at apices, matt centrally, isidiate, soredia and pseudocyphellae absent. Isidia cylindrical or slightly compressed, simple or branched, 3 mm tall. Lower surface black, paler or tan at margins, smooth to wrinkled, dull to shining, moderately rhizinate. Rhizines concolorous with lower surface, to 0.5 mm long. Apothecia rare, sessile to subpedicellate, ± flat, to 1.5 mm diam., margins isidiate. Ascospores ovoid, 9-12 × 5.5-7. µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, medulla K-, C+ rose, KC+ rose, Pd-. Gyrophoric acid.
Thallus ± appressed throughout, or margins and lobe ends somewhat reflexed, loosely to moderately adnate, 1.5-7.0 cm diam. Lobes 1.5-4.0 (-6.0) mm broad, ± flat, rather short and broadly rounded, ± imbricate. Upper surface pale olive-brown to red-brown, smooth to finely pitted and/or wrinkled at apices, centrally more strongly rugose, dull to rather shining, especially at margins, isidia and pseudocyphellae absent, sparsely to densely sorediate. Soralia laminal and/or marginal, punctiform to strongly capitate, rarely sublabriform at margins, often coalescing into large, irregular patches. Soredia whitish or yellowish, granular. Lower surface pale tan to black, smooth to subrugose, ± shining, especially at margins. Apothecia not seen in New Zealand material. Chemistry: Cortex K-, medulla K ± faint violet or faint yellow, C+ rose, KC+ rose, Pd-. Gyrophoric acid.
Thallus closely attached centrally, often raised at margins and lobe ends, 3-7 cm diam. Lobes 3-7(-10) mm broad, ± flat, broad and rounded, contiguous to imbricate. Upper surface olive-green to olive-brown or dark brown, smooth to weakly wrinkled at margins, often strongly wrinkled-plicate centrally, matt or slightly shining at lobe apices, sometimes with a scattered, light pruina, pseudocyphellae laminal, numerous, small, white, isidia and soredia absent. Lower surface pale tan to dark brown, smooth to wrinkled, moderately rhizinate. Rhizines ± concolorous with lower surface, to 1 mm long. Apothecia common, sessile or subpedicellate, concave, to 6 mm diam., margins entire, pseudocyphellate. Ascospores ellipsoid to cylindrical 8-15 × 5-8 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. TLC nil.
Thallus yellowish-brown to greenish-brown, continuous, smooth, shining, in irregular patches. Pseudothecia in irregular, black stromata, swollen and ± hemispherical to flat, 1-6 mm diam., smooth, shining, carbonaceous, emergent, often covered with a thin veil of cortex, ostioles minute, orange-red. Ascospores colourless at first, becoming brown-black.
Thallus crustose, smooth, shining, ± varnish-like. Photobiont green, . Ascocarps in form of pseudothecia, united in a ± rounded stroma, separated by thin lateral walls and with a common upper wall. Pseudoparaphyses indistinct. Ascospores brown, 1-septate to several-septate, oval-ellipsoid, 8 per ascus.
Thallus whitish to dingy brownish, often blackened, spreading in irregular patches, 2-5 cm diam., areolate, areolae irregular, rarely subsquamulose, angular, convex, on a narrow black prothallus. Pseudothecia in stromata, 2-9 together, irregularly rounded or oblong, convex, concolorous with thallus, ostioles minute, black, 0.1 mm diam., or less. Ascospores uniseriate, cylindrical-ellipsoid or oblong-ellipsoid, apices rounded, 3-septate, 4 locules rounded or angular to ± diamond-shaped 12-19.2 × 4-6.4 µm.
Thallus thin, continuous or cracked, in minute parallel lines, glaucous or pale yellowish-brown, shining, ± varnish-like. Pseudothecia in stromata, hemispherical to irregularly swollen, black, shining to subpruinose, 0.5-2.5 mm diam. Ascospores ellipsoid 3-septate, 24 × 12 µm.
Thallus crustose, corticolous, epi- or endophloeodal, sometimes disappearing. Photobiont green, . Apothecia black, carbonaceous, lirelline, superficial or immersed, roundish or elongate, simple or shortly branched, with a proper margin only, disc narrow or flattened. Hypothecium colourless or dark brownish. Ascospores 8 per ascus, ellipsoid, fusiform or ovate, colourless or becoming brownish, 1-septate.
Thallus crustose, thin, scurfy, white, sometimes disappearing. Lirellae black, irregular, contorted, becoming ± circular, disc black. Ascospores brown, locules uneven, 15-18(-21) × 5-8 µm. Chemistry: Nil.
Thallus foliose, dorsiventral, heteromerous, lobate, ± radiate, corticolous, saxicolous or terricolous, rosette-forming to irregularly spreading, loosely to closely attached. Lobes ± inflated, hollow, upper surface corticate, perforate (two species lack perforations), with or without soredia, isidia or maculae, lower surface corticate, naked, ± uniformly attached to substrate, uneven, blackened, without rhizines, walls of internal cavity white, or pigmented or blackened. Apothecia laminal, rounded, lecanorine, often cupuliform, sessile or ± subpedicellate to distinctly pedicellate, disc concave to plane, matt, shining or pruinose, eperforate, thalline exciple well-developed. Epithecium pigmented, occasionally with granular inclusions. Hymenium colourless. Hypothecium chondroid, of thick-walled, conglutinated cells. Paraphyses anastomosing, apical cells capitate or not, ± pigmented. Asci 2- or 8-spored. Ascospores colourless, simple, ellipsoid, 20-120 × 10-50 µm, thick-walled. Pycnidia immersed, minute, punctiform, laminal, with a dark apex. Conidia short, bacilliform. Taxa in the genus show a diverse chemistry, including depsides, depsidones, fatty acids and pigments.
Thallus ± orbicular, in closely-attached often regular rosettes, or spreading, to 8 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes rather short, to 1.5(-2.0) mm wide, irregularly dichotomously branched, not extended at apices, ± strongly contiguous at margins, ± congested-imbricate centrally, outer lobes smooth, glossy, centrally wrinkled-scrobiculate or corrugate, matt, margins rounded or shallowly incised, olive-green or brown or blackened, sometimes pale green-grey centrally, apices chestnut-brown, glossy, often grey-white-maculate, internal cavity black. Perforations rather large, infrequent, to 1 mm long, ± oval, in median line of lobes, plane with surface of lobes. Lower surface black, shining, glabrous, markedly scrobiculate, brownish at margins, eperforate. Apothecia often frequent, central, 0.5-2.5 mm diam., sessile, rounded, disc concave to ± plane, red-brown to dark brown, shining, epruinose, exciple smooth, shining, ± ridged, margins thick, entire, shining, concolorous with thallus. Epithecium granular, pigmented. Ascospores 2 per ascus, smooth, oval 44-52 × 17-20 µm, wall 3 µm thick. Chemistry: Stictic, constictic, norstictic and menegazziaic acids and accessory substances, medulla K+ yellow → orange, C-, KC+ orange, Pd+ orange.
Thallus closely to loosely attached, forming regular or irregular, complete or partial rosettes, irregularly encircling twigs, to 12 cm diam., often coalescing to form small colonies, corticolous. Lobes numerous, ± radiating at outer edges, medium, rather uniform, 1.5-2(-3) mm wide, distinct, occasionally discrete at margins, becoming intricately interwoven, zig-zag, markedly contorted centrally and there often copiously secondarily lobulate, terminal lobes ± subdichotomously branched, margins sinuous-angular-convoluted, entire, not, or sparingly blackened, apices concolorous with thallus, hollow, swollen, internal cavity white. Upper surface uneven, mostly convex, occasionally where lobes are bunched, forming ridges, pale greenish-grey, emaculate, ± rugose-uneven, ± matt, perforate, without soredia or isidia. Perforations frequent, mostly median, margins notably elevated, appearing slightly inflated, conical, sometimes with a collar-like rim, 0.5-1.0 mm diam., rounded, oval or crescentic. Apothecia scattered, adnate, 2-10 mm diam., cupuliform at first, margins smooth, crenulate, or with scattered fissures, shining, thinner at maturity, disc 3-7(-10) mm diam., red-brown, shining, epruinose, ± plane to convex, pedicellate, pedicel ± coarsely faveolate. Epithecium red-brown, without granules, c. 10 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, c. 100 µm tall. Paraphyses not thickened at apices. Asci oval, 90-100 × 40-45 µm, 2-spored. Ascospores ellipsoid to subspherical, 48-60 × 32-40 µm [Zahlbruckner, loc. cit. gives 38-50 × 17-22 µm], wall 3-5 µm thick. Chemistry: Atranorin, stictic, constictic and menegazziaic acids and an accessory substance; no pigments; medulla K+ yellow → orange, C-, KC+ orange, Pd+ orange.
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Thallus firmly attached at margins, ± loosely attached centrally, forming radiating, regular rosettes, often becoming irregular and coalescing to cover extensive areas of substrate, to 20 cm diam., saxicolous, sometimes spreading over soil and adjacent lichens and mosses. Lobes numerous, marginally radiating, rather regular, small to medium, 2-4 mm wide, often obscured centrally by numerous, short, imbricate, congested lobules, margins contorted, entire, often notched, often, extensively blackened, pigment spreading to centre of lobes, hollow, markedly inflated, lower side of internal cavity black. Upper surface pale grey-brown or fawn, apices and sometimes lateral lobes suffused brownish, ± maculate, with black or dark brown lines or patches, often denser centrally (×10 lens), smooth or puckered (especially centrally), shining and faintly white-maculate or reticulate towards lobe ends, sorediate. Perforations sparse to scattered, small, 0.2-0.5 mm diam., rounded or irregular, margins not elevated. Soralia pustular, arising as swellings on upper surface with eventual rupture and folding back of cortex to form coarse or finely abraded, efflorescent, proliferating, granular-sorediate clusters, coalescing centrally, soredia greyish-fawn, pale when abraded. Lower surface black, brown or red-brown marginally, extensively puckered. Apothecia rare, scattered or contiguous in groups, small, 2 mm diam., adnate, cupuliform, margins elevated, crenulate-striate, disc red-brown to brown, epruinose. Epithecium pale red-brown or brown, with numerous small granules. Hymenium c. 100-130 µm tall. Asci 2-spored. Ascospores ellipsoid, 39-44 × 21-23 µm. Chemistry: Stictic, constictic and menegazziaic acids and accessory substances; medulla K+ yellow → orange, C-, KC+ orange, Pd+ orange.
Thallus forming regular or irregular, complete or partial rosettes or irregularly encircling twigs and then often fragmentary, loosely to closely attached, 3-5(-8) cm diam. Lobes few to numerous, 1-2 mm wide, often discrete at margins or intricately interwoven, zig-zag, often markedly contorted centrally, terminal lobes subdichotomously branched, margins notably sinuous-angular, not, or sparingly blackened, upper and lower surface of internal cavity white. Upper surface convex, occasionally where lobes are bunched forming ridges, glaucous or greyish, smooth, slightly glossy. Perforations numerous, rather regularly distributed, margins elevated and becoming sorediate, to 0.5 mm diam., in median line. Soralia mainly confined to and surrounding perforations, white, finely granular, rarely a few laminal and not associated with perforations. Apothecia rare, 2-8 mm diam., ± pedicellate often with ± crenulate and ± sorediate margins, disc brown, shining, subconcave to plane, epruinose, exciple slightly wrinkled, concolorous with thallus. Epithecium not granular. Asci 2-spored. Ascospores simple, oval to ovoid, 45-56 × 20-32 µm, wall 4-5 µm thick. Chemistry: Stictic, constictic, norstictic (tr.) and menegazziaic acids, atranorin (cortex ±), and accessory compounds, medulla K+ yellow → orange, C-, KC+ orange, Pd+ orange.
Thallus closely attached forming irregular, complete or partial rosettes, or irregularly encircling twigs and small branches, to 15 cm diam., seldom exceeding 10 cm diam., sometimes coalescing to form extensive, spreading colonies, texture rather soft and pliable to ± rigid, corticolous. Lobes numerous, shortly radiating at outer edges, medium, rather uniform, 2.0-2.8 mm wide, ± distinct from margins to centre, or obliterated by numerous, overlapping secondary lobes, terminal lobes irregularly or subdichotomously branched, sometimes palmate, contiguous throughout or occasionally ± discrete towards edges of thallus, becoming laterally compressed, compacted and contorted especially at centre, margins entire, sinuous-contorted, almost zig-zag interlocked, with few, short, interstitial laterals throughout, or more rarely, developing numerous laterals, not or sparingly blackened, apices concolorous, not suffused brownish, hollow, lower side of internal cavity white or grey. Upper surface uneven but mainly convex, pale grey, emaculate, smooth, even or commonly rugose-uneven, rarely transversely ridged, ± shining, without isidia or soredia. Perforations few to frequent, median, mainly on main lobes, 0.5-1(-1.5) mm diam., rounded or elliptical, rather variable, either gaping with a depressed margin (-type), or ± elevated not conical. Apothecia common, scattered or 2-3-contiguous, or sometimes clustered, sessile to shortly pedicellate, cupuliform to ± plane, margins regular to angular, thin, even, or thick, subcrenate, smooth or striate-lacerate, ± shining, naked or matt and ± white-pruinose, disc concave, brown or red-brown, ± densely white-pruinose, rarely ± glabrous. Epithecium dull brown, ± red-brown or colourless, densely granular, granules minute, forming an encrusting layer but not penetrating deeply into hymenium below. Hymenium 130-160 µm tall. Asci 8-spored, ovoid to turbinate, sometimes ± abruptly truncate towards apex, 85-95 × 38-41 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid or oval, 30-39(-42) × 20-23(-26) µm, wall 2 µm thick. Chemistry: Atranorin (cortex), psoromic, conpsoromic and echinocarpic ± acids, medulla K+ yellow, C-, KC-, Pd+ orange.
Thallus rosette-forming or ± irregular, individual rosettes small to medium, seldom exceeding 5 cm diam., but often coalescing with adjoining thalli to cover larger areas of substrate, closely attached, corticolous. Lobes very numerous, small, delicate and fragile, 0.5-0.8 mm wide, to 5 mm long but usually much shorter, irregularly branched, sometimes appearing palmate towards margins, mostly closely contiguous throughout entire length, often imbricate centrally, margins sinuous, entire or notched, hollow, lower side of internal cavity blackened, apices ± elevated, ± pale brown or red-brown. Upper surface concave or plane, shining, pale green-grey or green with faint, white, irregular, incomplete reticulate maculae (× 10 lens) best seen on marginal lobes, margins not, or only slightly blackened. Perforations absent from both upper and lower surfaces, soredia absent, isidiate. Isidia often very numerous and sometimes completely obscuring older parts of thallus, rather coarse, 0.15-0.25 mm diam., and 0.5-1.3 mm tall, simple at first becoming branched, terete to spathulate or flattened and then occasionally dorsiventral with pale brown underside, often decumbent on thallus, very fragile and easily abraded, arising as papillate outgrowths of upper surface, rarely marginal, concolorous with thallus, apices pale brown to red-brown. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Atranorin (cortex), stictic, constictic, norstictic (tr.) and menegazziaic acids and other accessory substances, medulla K+ orange, C-, KC+ orange, Pd+ orange.
Thallus ± closely attached, mostly forming extended, irregular patches or rosettes, often encircling twigs, to 10 cm diam., often much smaller and fragmentary, seldom forming extensive colonies, texture rather tough and unyielding, corticolous or muscicolous. Lobes rather variable (2-)3-3.5 mm wide, marginal lobes irregularly branched, rarely subpalmate, contiguous, weakly divergent, without interhalline spaces, becoming contorted and disorientated centrally through development of numerous, imbricate lateral lobes, not, or sparingly branched at their edges, apices concolorous, often suffused red-brown, hollow, upper side of internal cavity with a ± dense, pale yellow or ochre-yellow tomentum, sometimes absent or confined to near tips. Upper surface plane in part or ± convex, ± shining, lobe ends occasionally with ± distinct, fine mosaic of white maculae, smooth or ± ridged rugulose, pale grey-green, often paler at tips, without isidia or soredia. Perforations frequent to rather sparse, scattered, median on main lobes, ± gaping, rim depressed (-type), plane or slightly elevated, often ± low-conical. Apothecia numerous, scattered or sometimes 2-4-contiguous, to 4 mm diam., adnate or subpedicellate, disc concave at first becoming ± plane at maturity, faintly rugose, red-brown to dark brown, epruinose, margins rather thick, persistent, regular or somewhat angular, smooth, shining at first, becoming reticulate-white-maculate-scabrid, rarely pectinate-striate. Epithecium dark red-brown, colour in gelatinous matrix and in apices of paraphyses, granules absent. Hymenium 160-180 µm tall. Asci 100-130 × 40-48 µm, ± cylindrical to elongate-ellipsoid, 8-spored. Ascospores ellipsoid to ovoid, 34-39 × 21-23 µm, wall 2 µm thick. Chemistry: Atranorin (cortex), stictic, constictic (±) and echinocarpic acids with four or more UV+ orange-yellow pigments and one UV+ orange-red pigment; medulla K+ orange, C-, KC+ orange, Pd+ orange.
Thallus ± closely attached, irregularly spreading, 1-3(-5) cm diam., often scattered and fragmentary, corticolous. Lobes subdichotomously to irregularly branched, 1 mm wide, plane to concave, upper surface pale yellow-green, smooth, shining, often faintly pale yellow-maculate. Perforations rounded, sparse, to 0.5 mm diam. Soralia numerous, laminal, often arising from the edge of perforations, becoming ± elevated, flange-like and then eventually helmet-shaped and vesicular. Lower surface black or brownish-black, naked, smooth, slightly shining, brownish at apices, eperforate. Apothecia unknown. Chemistry: Usnic and lecanoric acids. Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C+ rose-red, KC+ red, Pd-.
Thallus irregularly rosette-forming to ± straggling, decumbent, 8-12(-20) cm diam., loosely attached, terricolous or amongst basal branches of subalpine shrubs or tussocks. Lobes 1-5 cm long, 4-8 mm wide, tubular-inflated, hollow, ± terete, rarely flattened, sometimes ± erect, more usually decumbent, sparsely dichotomously branched, without adventitious lobules, upper surface smooth, whitish or spotted black, with ± extensive blackened patches, apices brownish, matt. Perforations large 1-2.5 mm diam., rather sparse, not sorediate. Lower surface black or white-maculate, wrinkled, eperforate. Apothecia rare, pedicellate, cupuliform, 0.5-5 mm diam., disc shining, red-brown, epruinose, concave to plane to convex-deformed, exciple shining, wrinkled-faveolate, margins crenate-striate, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores 2 per ascus, 30-33(-45) × 18-20 µm, wall 3 µm thick. Chemistry: Stictic, constictic, norstictic (tr.) and menegazziaic acids and an accessory substance; medulla K+ yellow → orange, C-, KC+ orange, Pd+ orange.
Thallus closely attached, forming regular or irregular, complete or partial rosettes, or encircling twigs or small branches, to 10 cm diam., sometimes coalescing to form more extensive colonies. Lobes numerous, ± radiating towards outer edges, uniform, (1.5-)2-3(-3.5) mm wide, remaining distinct to centre, or ± obliterated by imbricate laterals, frequently branched, terminal lobes ± palmate, contiguous throughout entire length, often imbricate, becoming ± compressed and convolute-distorted centrally, margins sinuous-contorted, entire or occasionally notched, short, digitate laterals often present, not, or sparingly blackened, apices concolorous or ± suffused pale brown, hollow, lower side of internal cavity pale at tips, black centrally. Upper surface convex, uniformly pale grey, faintly white-maculate or emaculate, ± rugoseuneven or notably crumpled, shining, without isidia or soredia. Perforations frequent, median on main lobes, also on short laterals, small, 0.2-1.0(-1.5) mm diam., ± elevated, becoming low-conical or truncate, sometimes with a distinct margin, rounded at first, becoming ellipsoid. Apothecia frequent, scattered or crowded, adnate, rarely turbinate, to 4(-4.5) mm diam., margins thin at first, smooth, entire, becoming irregularly lacerate-crenulate, ± elevated, disc concave to plane, pale brown, rarely dark brown, epruinose. Epithecium pale brown to brown, transparent in section, densely inspersed with numerous, minute, pale brown granules extending into upper part of hymenium. Hymenium 100-130 µm tall. Asci 90 × 40 µm, 2-spored. Ascospores shortly ellipsoid, 44-48(-57) × 25-31(-35) µm, wall (2-)3-3.5 µm thick. Chemistry: Two chemodemes present in N.Z. populations. i: alectoronic acid and UV- unidentified compounds. ii: alectoronic and r-collatollic acids and UV- unidentified compounds (different from i), atranorin; medulla K-, C-, KC+ pink, Pd-, UV+ vivid ice-blue (alectoronic acid).
Thallus rosette-forming at first, becoming irregular and forming extensive, ragged-edged patches, individual thalli seldom exceeding 5 cm diam., corticolous, rarely saxicolous or terricolous. Lobes very numerous, small, delicate and fragile, 0.5-0.8 mm wide and to 5 mm long but usually much shorter, irregularly branched, sometimes subpalmate towards perimeter, mostly closely contiguous throughout entire length, often imbricate centrally and there sometimes ± ascending, margins sinuous, entire or notched, hollow, lower side of internal cavity blackened, apices ± elevated, ± pale brown or red-brown. Upper surface concave or plane, shining, pale green-grey or fresh lettuce-green, in exposed situations becoming suffused-brownish, margins not, or only sparingly, blackened, with a faint, white, irregular, incomplete reticulum of maculae (×10 lens) best seen at apices and margins. Perforations numerous, median on main lobes, depressed, oval or rounded, gaping, with an inrolled edge (-type), 0.2-0.5 mm diam. Soredia arising from upper surface and margins of perforations, derived from erosion of isidia-like vesicles. Vesicles at first simple, or several closely contiguous, hollow, nodular, proliferating to form verruciform clusters which eventually cover older parts of thallus, often apically abraded. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Stictic, constictic, norstictic (tr.) and menegazziaic acids and atranorin (±); medulla K+ yellow → orange, C-, KC+ orange, Pd+ orange.
Thallus closely attached, forming regular or irregular, complete or partial rosettes or irregularly encircling twigs, to 20 cm diam., sometimes coalescing to form extensive colonies, corticolous, lignicolous, more rarely saxicolous, muscicolous or terricolous. Lobes numerous, ± radiating at outer edges, medium, very variable, 0.5-3.5 mm wide, distinct at margins, becoming intricately interwoven centrally and there associated with numerous, secondary lobes, terminal lobes irregularly or subdichotomously branched, occasionally ± palmate, contiguous throughout entire length or remaining discrete, often overlapping and becoming ± compressed and distorted centrally, margins sinuous-contorted, entire, occasionally notched, sometimes with very short laterals, not, or sparingly, or rarely notably blackened (in exposed habitats), apices concolorous with thallus or ± suffused-brownish, hollow, lower side of internal cavity with a grey-white, thin, arachnoid tomentum. Upper surface uneven, whitish-grey, pale grey or green-grey, emaculate, ± rugose-uneven, shining, without isidia or soredia. Perforations frequent, median, large, gaping, 0.5-1(-2.0) mm diam., rounded or somewhat irregular through mutual compression of lobes, not elevated, margins depressed or inrolled around perforation. Apothecia numerous, on short inner, often lateral lobes towards centre, usually scattered or becoming clustered, verrucose at first, then markedly turbinate with an elongate or short, stout pedicel, 4-6(-7) mm diam., cupulate, margins thick, becoming thinner at maturity, areolate-striate, exciple coarsely scabrid, disc concave, pale brown, dark brown or red-brown, smooth, shining, epruinose. Epithecium red-brown without granules. Asci 8-spored, cylindrical or ± long-ellipsoid, 100-120 × 40-45 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, 25-30(-39) × 20-22(-24) µm, wall 2-2.5 µm thick. Pycnidia numerous, clustered on short lateral lobes at centre, rare on marginal lobes, dark red, apices brown. Chemistry: Atranorin (cortex) one or two fatty acids and a UV-, yellow pigment in the medulla (±); medulla K-, C-, Pd-.
Thallus firmly attached, forming regular or irregular, complete or partial rosettes, to 15 cm diam., sometimes coalescing and then covering extensive areas of substrate, corticolous. Lobes numerous, radiating, 3-5(-6) mm wide, remaining distinct to centre of thallus, irregularly branched, laterals few, contiguous throughout entire length, becoming compressed and distorted centrally, rarely overlapping, margins sinuous-contorted, entire or occasionally notched, ± thinly blackened, especially centrally, hollow, lower side of internal cavity pale, apices ± suffused-brownish. Upper surface mostly convex, uniformly pale grey, here and there irregularly white-maculate, smooth or subrugose, shining, without isidia or soredia. Perforations frequent, median, mostly on main lobes, 1-1.5 mm diam., ± elevated, becoming low-conical or truncate, rounded or becoming distorted with age. Apothecia frequent, rather widely scattered, rarely 2-3-contiguous, elevated, ± pedicellate, ± turbinate, to 5 mm tall and to 4 mm diam., margins thick, persistent, entire, becoming ± striate-crenulate with age, inflexed, elevated, disc concave to ± plane, dark brown, usually ± bright orange-pruinose, pedicel and margins also ± densely coated in bright orange-red pruina. Epithecium ± red-brown, surface with numerous to few, irregular or ± rectangular orange-brown crystals. Asci 8-spored 130 × 60 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, 35-43 × 20-23 µm, wall 3.5 µm thick. Chemistry: Atranorin (cortex), norstictic acid [K+ red(crystals), Pd+ orange] and an unidentified orange pigment (K+ purple); apothecial margins K+ purple → black.
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Thallus closely attached, rarely forming regular or irregular rosettes, commonly compacted to encircle small twigs, to 10 cm diam., usually smaller, corticolous, best developed on twigs. Lobes numerous, usually small to medium, 1-2.5(-3) mm wide, on flat surfaces ± radiating at margins, main lobes ± obscured by short, overlapping secondary lobes, on twigs lobes imbricate-congested, sometimes lacking radiating marginal lobes. Marginal lobes irregularly branched, contiguous or ± imbricate throughout their entire length, margins sinuous-contorted or notched, sometimes zig-zag interlocking, sometimes blackened. Lobes hollow, lower side of internal cavity grey-white, lobe ends concolorous, often suffused-brownish. Upper surface plane, becoming ± convex, especially in areas of mutual compression, matt or shining, often finely rugose in older parts, grey or dull green-grey, often ± suffused or minutely spotted red-brown or dark brown but remaining greyish in shaded parts of thallus, without isidia or soredia. Perforations scattered, often rather sparse, small, c. 1.0 mm diam., rim depressed. Apothecia abundant, ± crowded in twig specimens, sometimes obscuring thallus, sessile or subpedicellate, (1-)2-4(-9) mm diam., disc concave at first, becoming ± plane at maturity, slightly roughened, shining, epruinose, red-brown or brown, margins thick at first becoming thin at maturity, entire, even or sometimes ± angular, shining, rarely sparingly thinly lacerate, entirely grey or ± red-brown-maculate or entirely brown. Epithecium 35-50 µm tall, densely red-brown granular. Asci 2-spored, ellipsoid or truncate-ellipsoid, 85-95 × 40-45 µm. Ascospores (43-)45-50(-56) × 27-35 µm, walls noticeably thickened when immature, 5-7 µm, thin at maturity, 3.5-4.5 µm thick. Chemistry: Atranorin (cortex), stictic, hypostictic and hyposalazinic acids; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange.
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Thallus crustose, immersed or effuse, of discrete, ± spherical granules (goniocysts) to 40 µm diam., or convex to subglobose areolae, scattered to coherent and clustered, or coalescing to form an uneven, sometimes rimose crust, prothallus absent. In section ecorticate but sometimes covered by a hyaline, amorphous layer (to 12 µm thick) and outermost hyphae sometimes pigmented. Photobiont green, globose, thin-walled, small, 0.4-7 µm diam., often occuring in pairs (Micareoid), or more rarely thick-walled and larger. A few species with in areolae-like cephalodia. Apothecia small, 1 mm or less diam., adnate, sessile or rarely stalked, convex to ± globose and often tuberculate, epruinose, hyaline, black, dull brown to grey, immarginate or very faintly marginate, never with a distinctly raised marginal rim. Hymenium I ± blue (amyloid). Asci clavate or clavate-cylindrical, Lecanoralean with an amyloid tholus, 8-spored. Ascospores colourless, smooth-walled, variously shaped, ellipsoid, ovoid, fusiform or acicular, rarely more than 6 µm wide, simple to multiseptate, never muriform. Paraphyses scanty to numerous, septate, mostly branched, especially above, often anastomosing, 0.7-1.7 µm thick at mid-hymenium, apices not regularly clavate or capitate, without a dark-brown apical cap, sometimes irregularly incrassate and with pigmented walls in upper 5-15 µm, or more rarely throughout. Hypothecium (including subhymenium) variously pigmented, of interwoven hyphae that become outwardly orientated towards the hymenium, mixed with wider, short-celled ascogenous hyphae. Excipulum often absent or indistinct, if discernible then non-amyloid, of radiating branched and anastomosing paraphyses-like hyphae, distinct and ± separate in K. Pycnidia often present, very varied in form, innate to sessile or stalked, stalks (pycnidiophores) sometimes branched. Walls hyaline or pigmented. Conidiogenous cells ampuliform to cylindrical, phialidic, sometimes with 1-3 proliferations. Conidia hyaline, smooth-walled, of three basic types: (1) microconidia ± cylindrical, eseptate, aguttulate, 3.5-9 × 0.5-1.0 µm, on innate to sessile pycnidia usually less than 50 µm diam.: (2) mesoconidia cylindrical, ellipsoid, obovoid, ovoid-obling, eseptate, often biguttulate, sometimes constricted in middle, mostly 2.8-8 × 1-2 µm, in innate, emergent, sessile or stalked pycnidia 30-200 µm diam.: (3) macroconidia curved, hamate or filiform, rarely helicoid c. 1-1.5 µm wide, 50-300 µm long.
Thallus effuse, sometimes partly endophloeodal, endoxylic or endocuticular (on bryophytes), developed on surface of substrate as subconvex, ± contiguous rounded areolae, or sometimes forming an uneven crust or developing into discrete, scattered or contiguous, smooth granules c. 40-200 µm diam., greenish-white, grey-white to blue-grey, more rarely dark grey. Granules often darkened on their outer; exposed surface, greenish-white below. Thalline areolae and granules ecorticate, but surrounded by a thin, hyaline amorphous layer c. 2-5 µm thick, hyphal walls in outer 10 µm of thallus often with a grey-green to blue-green pigment (HNO3 ± red or red-violet). Apothecia scattered to crowded, often contiguous, adnate, plane to convex sometimes tuberculate, sometimes with an indistinct margin level with disc, pale lead-grey to grey-black or black, sometimes grey-brown, or whitish or ivory in shade forms, whitish or paler at margins (0.12-)0.14-0.4(-0.6) mm diam., to 1.0 mm when tuberculate. Disc finely roughened, matt or slightly glossy (when black) margin when apparent smooth and often more glossy than disc. Hymenium 40-55 µm tall, olive or blue green (HNO3 ± red in upper part, epithecium), in dark-coloured fruits green pigment in gel matrix and walls of paraphyses. Asci clavate 40-55 × 14-17 µm. Ascospores fusiform or clavate-fusiform, often somewhat curved 1-3-5-septate, (11-)15-23(-24) × 3-5(-6) µm. Paraphyses branched, entangled above forming an epithecium, 1-1.5 µm thick, apices to 2.5 µm thick, coloured with green pigment. Hypothecium hyaline or straw-coloured, 40-70 µm thick, of densely interwoven hyphae. Exciple hyaline or pale straw-brown in part, of radiating branched hyphae c. 1-1.5 µm thick in a gel matrix, ± dissolving in K, I-. Pycnidia ± frequent, of two types: (1) innate, white 140-200 µm diam, with gaping ostioles with macroconidia strongly curved or sigmoid, non-septate (19-)21-40(-50) × 1-1.5 µm: (2) ± sessile white, 60-80 µm diam., with slightly gaping ostioles with microconidia, straight, narrowly fusiform (5-)6-7(-7.7) × 0.4-0.7 µm. Chemistry: Thallus and apothecia C+ red, K-, Pd-. Gyrophoric acid.
Growing on either pure crusts of or sometimes on mixed crusts of and a member of Cystococcaceae. In some areas mainly parasitic on . Apothecia very variable in size, 0.6-1.8(-2.5) mm high. Capitulum spherical, 0.14-0.28 mm diam. Mazaedium not protruding more than diam. of apothecia. Paraphyses not sclerotized, dissolving at an early stage. Excipulum in section reddish-brown, with a coarsely granular surface; smooth and pale greyish-brown in very long-stalked apothecia. Outer part of stalk covered by groups of sclerotized hyphae; inner part of stalk of pale and rather straight, interwoven hyphae. Asci when mature, broadly ellipsoid, 9-11 × 5-6 µm. Ascospores when mature 1-septate, 6.7-8.2 × 2.3-2.9 µm, distinctly ornamented with spirally arranged ridges. Chemistry: The aeruginose pigment of the apothecia and spores turns brown in K and reverts to intense green if excess acid is added. The structure of this pigment is not known.
Growing on other species of Caliciales or on free-living colonies of algae or possibly saprophytically on lignum. Apothecia sessile to subsessile, very variable in size and shape, short cylindrical to obconical or ± distinctly stalked, 0.13-0.36 mm high and 0.16-0.44 mm diam. Mazaedium only moderately protruding beyond edge of apothecium. Paraphyses sclerotized, persisting in mazaedium. Excipulum in outer part dark brown, consisting of ± reticulately arranged, thick-walled cells. Innermost part of excipulum ± yellow to yellowish-brown. Asci when mature, 1-septate, narrowly ellipsoid to cylindrical, 8.9-11.1 × 2.8-3.4 µm, with distinct ornamentation of spirally-arranged ridges. Pycnidia 0.04-0.06 mm in diam. Conidia narrowly ellipsoid, 2-3 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Apparently the same aeruginose pigment in the apothecia and spores as in the other species of the genus. This pigment reacts K+ pale brown and reverts to intense green when excess acid is added, but parts of the excipulum remain yellowish-brown also in dilute nitric acid. Structure of the pigment not known.
Parasitic on lichens and on colonies of free-living algae, or living saprophytically. Apothecia stalked or sessile, with a greenish mazaedium. Asci formed in chains without hook-formation, broadly ellipsoid when mature. Ascospores in asci simple. When the asci have disintegrated the spores continue to mature in the mazaedium, where they increase considerably in volume, septation takes place and the ornamentation of spirally arranged ridges forms. Mature spores 1-3-septate. Pycnidia with conidia formed from phialides.
Thallus crustose, thin, evanescent. Photobiont absent or if present green, . Ascocarps pseudothecia, dimidiate to flask-shaped with a carbonised clypeate wall. Paraphyses cellular, persistent, branched. Ascospores brown, ellipsoid to fusiform, 1-septate, one cell larger, often faintly warted, 8 per ascus.
Fruiting bodies simple, lobed or primordially branched to sublacerate, 1-2.5 cm tall, often subspathulate or laterally compressed at least towards base, apex whitish, noticeable on drying. Contextual hyphae somewhat inflated, 3.5-15 µm thick, thin to thick-walled, hyaline, loosely arranged and interwoven in apical parts, tightly packed and parallel towards base, bearing very small and inconspicuous clamp connections throughout, walls almost dry to heavily gelatinising. Subhymenial hyphae narrow, 1.5-3.5 µm thick, hyaline, thin-walled, clamped. Basidia short, 15-30 × 3.2-5 µm basally clamped; subglobose when young, cylindrical to subclavate with age, 4-5-6-sterigmate, sterigmata short, thin, easily collapsed; hymenium thickening by branching and basidium production from basal basidial clamp connections. Spores smooth, thin walled, elongate-ovoid to cylindrical, sometimes curved, weakly laterally apiculate, aguttulate, 5.6-8.2 × 2.1-3.5 µm.
Fruiting bodies simple to 2 cm tall, waxy tough to often slimy, white to translucent, creamish, darkening to grey or pale tan with age, often with a pure white apex on drying. Contextual hyphae generally parallel but also interwoven, thin to slightly thick-walled, slightly to heavily agglutinated, bearing clamp connections throughout, cells long, to 200 µm, branches and anastomoses abundant. Subhymenial hyphae thin-walled, tortuous, clamped, parallel to contextual hyphae; producing basidia as side branches; cells to 25 × 1.5-3 µm. Basidia short and narrow (15-25 × 4-6 µm) with a small, basal clamp connection, 4-6-sterigmate; sterigmata to 4 µm long, spindly, slightly incurved, easily collapsed. No differentiated sterile elements in hymenium. Spores ovoid to ellipsoid, smooth, thin-walled, aguttulate to 1-2-guttulate, 4.5-7.7 × 1.8-3.2 µm.
Clavarioid fungi often forming a lichenised association with the green alga . Fruiting bodies to 4 cm tall and to 2 mm thick, simple or sparingly branched, white, pinkish, yellowish-ochre or orange, tough when wet, brittle when dry. Contextual hyphae parallel, tightly packed towards base of fruiting body, loosely arranged towards apex, thin or very slightly thick-walled, branched, anastomosing, clamped or unclamped, occasionally adglutinated, little inflated. Subhymenial hyphae parallel with contextual hyphae, thin-walled, relatively straight, producing basidia as side branches. Basidia short, ± stout, weakly sterigmate. Basidiospores ovoid or ellipsoid to elongate-ovoid or elongate-ellipsoid, thin-walled, aguttulate to multiguttulate or granular, smooth, white in prints.
Thallus of scattered, white, sorediate spots, 0.5-1.5 mm diam., in patches 1-2 cm diam., soredia white, coarse, granular, wrinkled-rimose or ± continuous, corticolous, lignicolous. Apothecia black, convex, 0.2-0.6 mm diam., margin thin, concolorous with disc, soon disappearing. Epithecium blue-black. Hymenium 110 µm tall. Paraphyses branched-anastomosing, 1.5 µm thick, apices slightly swollen to 2 µm thick. Hypothecium colourless or pale straw-coloured, massive, 350-400 µm thick. Asci 2-spored. Ascospores colourless, ellipsoid, 40-50 × 24-28(-32) µm, wall c. 3 µm thick. Chemistry: Thallus K-, C-, KC+ pink, Pd ± rust red.
Thallus greyish or glaucous-grey, minutely areolate-cracked, areolae granular-verrucose, thin, continuous, bounded by a thick black line. Apothecia sessile, 0.1-0.6(-1.0) mm diam., or subpedicellate, disc convex, immarginate, often globose-tubercular, 1-2 cm diam., black or brown-black, matt, epruinose. Epithecium blue-black, hypothecium bluish. Asci 2-spored. Ascospores ellipsoid, thick-walled, 34-46(-50) × 22-28(-35) µm.
Thallus crustose, sorediate or not. Photobiont green . Apothecia lecideine. Ascospores colourless, ellipsoid, simple, large, thick-walled, 1-2 per ascus.
Thallus crustose to lacking, when present whitish or cream, hypophloeodal, corticolous. Photobiont when present green, -like. Ascomata perithecioid, immersed, only the ostiole becoming erumpent in a few species, subglobose to adpressed, clypeate, the clypeus consisting of hyphae intermixed with bark cells and forming an involucrellum, peridium (exciple) entire or dimidiate, formed of interwoven hyphae but lacking bark cells, brown or dark brown. Paraphyses cellular, pseudo-paraphyses branched and anastomosing, often sparse, conspicuously septate, centrum not reacting with I. Asci arising from base or angles of ascomatal cavity, broadly clavate to elongate-clavate, bitunicate, non-amyloid, fissitunicate, 8-multispored. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid, the apices usually smoothly rounded, 1(-3)-septate, cells almost equal in size or the lower one smaller, somewhat constricted at septum in most species, brown prior to release from asci, walls ornamented, verruculose, often with a gelatinous sheath. Pycnidia unknown in most species, common in others, structure of conidiomata recalling that of ascomata. Conidia ellipsoid to subcylindrical, brown or colourless, simple to 1-septate. Chemistry:—.
Thallus dark grey-brown, very thin, plicate-rugose to ± irregularly cracked, forming dark, irregular patches, 3-5 cm diam., on bark. Ascomata arising singly but commonly 2-3-confluent, scattered, immersed, the upper layers of bark raised to form low hemispherical projections, individual ascomata dimidiate, 200-300 µm diam., to 150 µm tall, black basal fringe usually poorly delimited but extending to c. 125 µm in some fruits, ostiole depressed, centrum visible as a white spot, gaping, 40-50 µm diam., involucrellum dark reddish-brown, unchanged in K, 20-30 µm thick, consisting of host cells intermixed with fungal hyphae. Pseudoparaphyses cellular, abundant, persistent, filiform, branched and anastomosing, septate, 1.5-2 µm thick. Asci arising from base of ascomatal cavity, oriented towards ostiole, elongate-clavate to subcylindrical, short-stalked, with a distinct, internal apical beak when young, 65-75 × 12-14 µm, 8-spored. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid to soleiform, 1-septate, slightly constricted at septum, lower cell somewhat shorter and narrower, apex rounded, base rounded to subattenuate, pale olivaceous-brown, verruculose without a distinct gelatinous sheath, 17-22(-24) × 5.5-7.5 µm.
Thallus appressed, tightly adnate, 2-6 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes 1-3 mm broad, flat, elongate and discrete, mostly wider at or near tips and narrowing inwards. Upper surface dark brown or blackening, slightly paler and red-brown at apices, smooth or slightly pitted, shallowly fissured or wrinkled centrally, dull, subnitid at apices, without isidia. Lower surface black, slightly paler at apices, ± smooth, flat, dull, sparsely to moderately rhizinate. Rhizines simple, concolorous with lower surface, to 0.3 mm long. Apothecia common, sessile, concave at first becoming plane, margins entire. Ascospores 8.5-10.5 × 4.6 µm. Pycnidia common. Conidia 5.5-6.5 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3 dark blue-green; medulla K-, C-, KC- Pd-. ?Stenosporic acid.
Thallus appressed or pulvinate, loosely adnate, 3-6 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes 1.5-3 mm broad, flat to slightly convex, short and rounded, rather closely imbricate and entangled. Upper surface dark olive-brown to brown-black or grey-black, paler at apices, smooth at apices, strongly wrinkled centrally, dull, subnitid at apices, without isidia. Lower surface brown-black to black, pale at apices, smooth, dull, moderately rhizinate. Rhizines simple, concolorous with lower surface, to 0.7 mm long. Apothecia sessile, concave, to 1 mm diam., margins entire. Ascospores broadly ovoid to ellipsoid, 8-11.5 × 5-5.7 µm. Pycnidia common. Conidia weakly bifusiform, 1.1-7 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3 ± dark blue-green; medulla K-, C-, KC+ rose, Pd-. 4-O-methylolivetoric acid.
Thallus loosely attached, 0.5-2 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes 0.1-0.2(-0.4) mm broad, flat (the smallest almost subterete), elongate, sublinear, discrete to loosely entangled. Upper surface dark olive-brown to dark copper-brown, slightly paler at apices, ± smooth throughout, slightly wrinkled centrally, dull, subnitid at apices, without isidia. Lower surface dark brown, black at apices, dull to subnitid, without rhizines, attached to substrate by a few, central, loboid holdfasts. Apothecia common, sessile, concave to plane, to 1.3 mm diam., margins entire. Ascospores ellipsoid to subglobose 7-8.5 × 3.5-7 µm. Pycnidia common. Conidia bifusiform 6.5-8 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3 ± dark blue-green; medulla K+ yellow → orange, C-, KC-, Pd+ red. Protocetraric and fumarprotocetraric acids.
Thallus dorsiventral, heteromerous, foliose, lobate to occasionally subcrustose or subfruticose, loosely to closely attached, saxicolous or terricolous. Lobes 0.1-5 mm diam., short and rounded to linear-elongate, flat to distinctly convex to pulvinate or subpannose. Upper surface brown or brownish-black, with or without isidia, lacking pseudocyphellae and soredia or very rarely sorediate. Photobiont green, . Medulla white, lower surface ± flat to weakly channelled. Rhizinate or not. Rhizines simple or once-branched towards tips. Apothecia lecanorine, sessile to subpedicellate, disc concave to plane or subconvex, eperforate, epruinose, brown or red-brown, matt or shining, margins entire or crenulate-striate. Ascospores 8 per ascus, ellipsoid, colourless, simple. Pycnidia uniform, immersed in upper surface, ostiole black, punctiform ± common in fertile species, rare or absent in non-fertile species. Conidia bifusiform, ± uniform. Chemistry: Cortex blue-green to violet with HNO3, medulla containing orcinol depsides, orcinol depsidones, ß-orcinol depsidones, ß-orcinol depsides and fatty acids.
Thallus appressed throughout, to strongly pulvinate, loosely to tightly adnate, 3-12 cm diam., saxicolous or terricolous. Lobes 0.5-4 mm broad, ± flat, short and rounded, to somewhat elongate or sublinear and angular, subdiscrete to imbricate or loosely entangled. Upper surface olive-brown to yellowish or reddish-brown or dark brown, paler and yellower near apices, smooth, weakly wrinkled apically, strongly fissured or rugose centrally, sometimes developing ± upright, subfruticose branches, dull to subnitid at apices, sometimes with scattered pruina, without isidia. Lower surface dark brown to black, paler at apices, smooth, dull to subnitid, moderately rhizinate, rhizines concolorous with lower surface, to 1 mm long. Apothecia common, sessile, to short-pedicellate, concave to plane or irregular, margins entire to weakly crenate or lacerate. Ascospores ellipsoid to subglobose, 7-11 × 4-6 µm. Pycnidia common. Conidia bifusiform 5-8 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3 ± dark blue-green; medulla K-, C- or ± rose, KC-, Pd-. Alectoronic and α-collatolic acids, rarely gyrophoric acid. UV ± blue white.
Thallus appressed to strongly pulvinate, loosely to tightly adnate, 3-11 cm diam., saxicolous and terricolous. Lobes (0.4-)1-3(-4) mm broad, ± flat, short and rounded to rather elongate and angular, ± discrete to imbricate or entangled. Upper surface yellowish-brown to olive-brown, reddish-brown or dark-brown, paler at apices becoming strongly wrinkled-pitted centrally, rarely developing ± subfruticose branches, dull throughout or shining at apices, without isidia. Lower surface dark-brown to black, ± smooth to weakly and irregularly wrinkled, dull to subnitid in parts, moderately to sparsely or densely rhizinate. Rhizines concolorous with lower surface, 1-1.5 mm long. Apothecia common, sessile or short-pedicellate, ± flat at first, becoming strongly concave and often infolded, to 10 mm diam., margins entire at first, becoming ± crenate or lacerate. Ascospores ellipsoid to subglobose 7-11.5 × 4.5-6.5 µm. Pycnidia common. Conidia bifusiform, 5.5-8 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3 + dark blue-green; medulla K-, C-, KC+ rose, Pd-. Physodic and 4-O-methylphysodic (tr.) acids.
Thallus ± appressed throughout or somewhat pulvinate, moderately to loosely adnate, 2-7 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes 1-3 mm broad, ± flat, short and rounded to somewhat angular, contiguous to imbricate or entangled. Upper surface olive-brown to dark reddish-brown, often distinctly paler and yellowish at apices, ± weakly pitted apically, smooth or fissured centrally, dull throughout, shining at apices, isidiate. Isidia ± cylindrical, simple or branched, 0.1-1 mm long, 0.05-0.2 mm diam., often densely packed and ± contiguous centrally. Lower surface brown-black or black, paler at apices, ± smooth, dull or subnitid in part, moderately rhizinate. Rhizines concolorous with lower surface, to 1.2 mm long. Apothecia rare, sessile, strongly concave, to 5 mm diam., margins isidiate. Ascospores ellipsoid 9-11 × 5-6 µm. Pycnidia absent. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3 + blue-green; medulla K-, C-, or ± slow yellow, KC+ red-dingy orange, Pd-. Glomelliferic, glomellic and loxodellic acids with traces of perlatolic and gyrophoric acids.
Thallus closely appressed, moderately to tightly adnate, 3-6 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes 1-3 mm wide, flat to moderately convex at tips, more strongly convex centrally, elongate to linear-elongate. Upper surface dark brown to brown-black, paler and yellower or red-brown at apices, smooth or irregularly pitted at lobe tips, wrinkled-plicate centrally, dull to shining, especially at apices, without isidia. Lower surface very dark brown or black, pale at apices, ± flat or weakly channelled, dull to subnitid at apices, sparsely rhizinate. Rhizines concolorous with lower surface, to 0.5 mm long. Apothecia common, sessile, concave at first, becoming plane, margins entire. Ascospores ellipsoid, 8.5-10.5 × 4.5-6 µm. Pycnidia common. Conidia bifusiform, 4.5-6.3 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3 + dark blue-green; medulla K-, C-, KC+ rose, Pd-. Physodic acid.
Thallus appressed, moderately to tightly adnate, 4.5 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes 1-2 mm broad, flat, short and rounded to slightly elongate, contiguous to subimbricate. Upper surface dark reddish-brown, paler at apices, smooth at apices, fissured and wrinkled centrally, ± dull throughout, without isidia. Lower surface pale tan to pale brown, ± smooth and dull, moderately rhizinate. Rhizines concolorous with lower surface or darker, to 0.2 mm long. Apothecia numerous, crowded, centrally sessile, ± flat, to 1.5 mm diam., margins entire or subcrenulate. Ascospores ellipsoid, 9-10.5 × 4.5-6 µm. Pycnidia common. Conidia bifusiform, 5.6 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3± dark blue-green; medulla K-, C-, KC+ orange-yellow, Pd-. Barbatic acid and traces of 4-O-methylbarbatic acid.
Thallus ± subcrustose, closely appressed or slightly raised at periphery, rather tightly adnate, 2 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes 0.25-0.6 mm broad, ± flat, somewhat elongate and sinuous, discrete to contiguous. Upper surface reddish-brown, slightly paler and more yellow at apices, smooth at periphery, becoming wrinkled and fissured centrally, developing small, irregular papillae and lobules, dull centrally, shining at apices and on central lobules, without isidia. Lower surface dark brown to black, smooth to weakly wrinkled, dull, sparsely rhizinate. Rhizines concolorous with lower surface, to 0.2 mm long. Apothecia absent. Pycnidia rare. Conidia 5.5-7 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3+ dark blue-green; medulla K-, C+ rose, KC+ rose, Pd-. Gyrophoric acid.
Thallus appressed, moderately adnate, 4 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes 1-2 mm broad, ± flat at apices, becoming convex centrally, linear-elongate and discrete. Upper surface reddish-brown to dark brown, ± smooth at apices, becoming weakly wrinkled and fissured centrally, ± dull, without isidia. Lower surface black, ± smooth, dull, sparsely to moderately rhizinate. Rhizines concolorous with lower surface, to 0.4 mm long. Apothecia common, sessile, flat to subconcave, becoming convex with age, to 1.8 mm diam., margins entire. Ascospores ellipsoid, 8.5-10.5 × 5.6 µm. Pycnidia common. Conidia 5.5-6.5 × 1 µm, bifusiform. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3 ± dark blue-green; medulla K-, C-, KC+ rose, Pd-. Alectoronic acid (UV+ blue-white).
Thallus very loosely appressed, or raised off substrate, loosely adnate, attached mostly only centrally, 1.5-3 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes 0.2-1 mm broad, flat or subconvex, sublinear and ± discrete, to rather short and loosely imbricate. Upper surface yellowish-brown to dark brown, paler at apices, ± smooth, becoming wrinkled centrally, some areas with numerous, small, blackened pits (senescent pycnidia) without isidia. Lower surface pale tan to brown, darker at apices, smooth to wrinkled, without rhizines, attached by occasional central loboid holdfasts. Apothecia numerous, sessile, concave to 5 mm diam., margins entire to crenulate. Ascospores ellipsoid, 8-10.5 × 4.5-6 µm. Pycnidia numerous, senescing to form small black pits. Conidia 6.5-8 × 1 µm, bifusiform to rod-shaped. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3+ dark blue-green; medulla K+ yellow-orange, C-, KC+ orange, Pd+ red-orange. Protocetraric and fumarprotocetraric acids.
Thallus appressed to subpulvinate, moderately adnate, 2-8 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes 0.5-2.5 mm broad, flat to moderately convex near apices, strongly convex centrally, elongate to linear-elongate, discrete to loosely entangled. Upper surface dark olive-brown to red brown or blackening, slightly paler at apices, smooth to weakly pitted at apices, wrinkled-plicate centrally, ± dull, without isidia. Lower surface dark brown to black, paler at apices, smooth and dull, flat to weakly channelled, sparsely to moderately rhizinate. Rhizines concolorous with lower surface, to 0.5 mm long, often in scattered clusters. Apothecia common, sessile, concave when young, plane or subconvex, to 3.5 mm diam., margins irregularly crenate. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, 7-9 × 5.5-6.5 µm. Pycnidia common. Conidia 5-7.5 × 1 µm, bifusiform. Chemistry: Cortex K- HNO3+ dark blue-green; medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. Divaricatic acid.
Thallus closely appressed, rather tightly adnate, 2-3 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes 1-3 mm broad, flat, elongate and discrete, mostly distinctly wider at ends and narrowing towards centre. Upper surface dark red-brown or blackening, paler and more yellow-brown at apices, smooth to weakly pitted at apices, becoming fissured and weakly wrinkled centrally, dull, slightly shining at apices, without isidia. Lower surface black, paler at apices, flat, smooth and ± dull, moderately rhizinate. Rhizines concolorous with lower surface, to 0.2 mm long. Apothecia not seen. Pycnidia common. Conidia bifusiform, 5-6 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3+ dark blue-green; medulla K-, C-, KC+ rose fading, Pd-. Glomelliferic acid.
Thallus appressed throughout, to strongly pulvinate or subpannose, loosely to moderately or tightly adnate, 2-12(-15) cm diam., saxicolous and terricolous. Lobes 1-5 mm wide, flat to convex or concave, short and rounded, to somewhat elongate or linear, ± discrete to imbricate or loosely entangled. Upper surface olive-brown to yellowish-brown, red-brown or dark brown, paler at apices, smooth to weakly pitted or wrinkled at apices, ± smooth to fissured or wrinkled centrally, developing ± upright subfruticose branches, dull throughout to somewhat shiny, especially at apices, occasionally partly pruinose, without isidia. Lower surface dark brown to black, paler at apices, smooth and dull or in part slightly shining, moderately to densely rhizinate. Rhizines concolorous with lower surface, to 1.7 mm long. Apothecia common, sessile to short-pedicellate, concave to plane to subconvex, to 7(-11) mm diam., margins entire to weakly crenate or lacerate. Ascospores ellipsoid, 7-10.5 × 3.5-7 µm. Pycnidia common. Conidia 4.5-7 × 1 µm, bifusiform. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3+ dark blue-green; medulla K-, C- or ± rose to red, KC- or ± rose-red, Pd-. Stenosporic or divaricatic acid with accessory gyrophoric acid and very rarely accessory perlatolic acid.
Thallus ± appressed to subpulvinate, moderately to loosely adnate, 2-8 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes 0.5-3 mm wide, ± flat, short and rounded to somewhat elongate, contiguous to imbricate. Upper surface red-brown to dark brown, often paler and more yellow-brown at apices, smooth to weakly wrinkled or pitted at apices, strongly wrinkled-fissured at centre, dull throughout, or subnitid at apices, occasionally pruinose, especially at apices, without isidia. Lower surface dark brown to black, sometimes pale brown at apices, ± smooth, dull, moderately or sparsely rhizinate. Rhizines concolorous with lower surface, to 1 mm long. Apothecia common, sessile to very short-pedicellate, concave to irregular, margins entire to weakly crenate or lacerate. Ascospores ellipsoid, 7-10.5 × 4.5-6 µm. Pycnidia common. Conidia weakly bifusiform 5-7 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3+ dark blue-green; medulla K+ yellow-red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Four unidentified compounds related to stictic and norstictic acid.
Thallus somewhat subcrustose centrally, closely appressed throughout or slightly raised at margins, moderately to tightly adnate, 2-9 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes 0.3-1.5 mm broad, almost flat to strongly convex at apices, convex centrally, short and rounded to somewhat elongate, closely contiguous to subimbricate. Upper surface olive to yellow-brown or black-brown, paler at apices, ± smooth at periphery becoming wrinkled, fissured to subareolate centrally, mostly very dull, slightly shining at apices, without isidia. Lower surface dark brown to black, paler in some parts, especially when raised from substrate, smooth to wrinkled, dull to subnitid, lacking rhizines. Apothecia common, sessile, concave at first becoming plane to irregularly convex, 2.5-5 mm diam., margins entire. Ascospores ellipsoid or oval-ellipsoid 8.5-11 × 4.5-6 µm. Pycnidia common. Conidia acerose to subbifusiform, 5.5-9 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3+ dark blue-green; medulla K+ yellow to orange-yellow, C-, Pd+ red-orange. Protocetraric and fumarprotocetraric acids.
Thallus ± appressed, moderately to loosely adnate, 2-7 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes 0.5-3 mm broad., ± flat, short and rounded, contiguous to imbricate. Upper surface red-brown to dark olive-brown, paler and yellowish at apices, smooth at apices, becoming strongly wrinkled centrally, dull throughout, or slightly shining or pruinose at apices, sparsely to densely isidiate. Isidia pustular, 0.05-0.3 mm diam., sometimes clustered. Lower surface dark brown to black, paler at apices ± smooth, dull, moderately rhizinate. Rhizines concolorous with lower surface, to 0.6 mm long. Apothecia and pycnidia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3+ dark blue-green; medulla K+ yellow-red, C-, Pd+ pale orange. Four unidentified compounds similar to stictic and norstictic acids.
Thallus appressed to somewhat pulvinate, moderately to loosely adnate, 2-7 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes 0.4-3 mm broad., flat, short and rounded to elongate, contiguous to imbricate. Upper surface yellowish to reddish-brown or dark brown, paler and yellower at apices, smooth to strongly pitted at apices, smooth to weakly wrinkled centrally, dull throughout or shining at apices which are sometimes also pruinose, sparsely to densely isidiate. Isidia cylindrical, simple or branched, 0.2-1 mm tall. Lower surface black, ± smooth, dull, moderately to sparsely rhizinate. Rhizines concolorous with lower surface, to 0.4 mm long. Apothecia infrequent, sessile, ± concave, to 5.5 mm diam., margins soon isidiate. Ascospores ellipsoid, 8-12.5 × 4.5-6 µm. Pycnidia rare. Conidia bifusiform, 5.6 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3+ dark blue-green; medulla K-, C-, KC+ rose red, Pd-. Alectoronic and α-collatolic acids. UV+ blue-white.
Thallus appressed to somewhat pulvinate, moderately to loosely adnate, 1.5-6 cm diam. saxicolous or terricolous. Lobes 0.5-2.5 mm broad, ± flat, short and rounded to elongate, contiguous to imbricate or entangled. Upper surface yellowish-brown to dark olive-brown or red-brown, smooth throughout or weakly pitted and wrinkled in part, dull throughout or shining at apices, occasionally lightly pruinose at apices, sparsely to densely isidiate. Isidia cylindrical, simple or branched, 0.1 mm tall. Lower surface black, ± smooth and dull, moderately to sparsely rhizinate. Rhizines concolorous with lower surface, to 0.4 mm long. Apothecia uncommon, sessile to short-pedicellate, concave to plane, to 2 mm diam., margins entire to papillate or sparsely isidiate. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid 8-9 × 5-6 µm. Pycnidia rare. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3+ dark blue-green; medulla K-, C-, KC- or faint rose, Pd-. Divaricatic acid.
Thallus appressed throughout, moderately to loosely adnate, 1-5(-8) cm diam., saxicolous, rarely lignicolous. Lobes 1-3(-4.5) mm broad, ± flat, short and rounded, contiguous to imbricate. Upper surface yellowish-brown to red-brown or dark olive-brown, paler at apices, smooth to weakly wrinkled or pitted at apices, slightly fissured or weakly wrinkled centrally, dull throughout, or slightly shining at apices which may also be slightly pruinose, isidiate. Isidia ± spherical, pustular, 0.08-3 mm diam., often proliferating to form deep cushions. Lower surface black, often paler at apices, smooth to rather wrinkled, dull, moderately rhizinate. Rhizines concolorous with lower surface, to 0.5 mm long. Apothecia infrequent, sessile, flat to concave, to 3.5 mm diam., margins with pustular isidia. Ascospores ellipsoid, 7-9.5 × 3.5-5.5 µm. Pycnidia rare. Conidia acerose to weakly bifusiform, 4-7 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3+ dark, blue-green; medulla K-, C-, KC+ rose red, Pd-. Glomelliferic, glomellic and loxodic acids, often with a trace of perlatolic acid.
Thallus foliose, dorsiventral, heteromerous, lobate, greenish-yellow, brownish-red or greyish-brown, or ± greyish in sheltered situations, usually quite thin, 100-300 µm thick, spreading, 2-30 cm diam., corticolous or saxicolous. Upper surface corticate, smooth, wrinkled or faveolate-impressed, matt or shining, sometimes ± maculate, isidia or phyllidia present or absent, soredia and pseudocyphellae absent. Photobiont green () or blue-green () in a layer 30-60 µm thick, green photobiont species often have internal cephalodia of blue-green algae present towards the lower surface. Medulla white, of loosely woven hyphae, 40-260 µm thick. Lower surface corticate, black or pale brown or whitish, bullate, or smooth and ± undulate. Apothecia non-emergent, on lower surface at apices of lobes, discs red-brown or light to dark brown. Ascospores 8 per ascus, 1- to 3-septate, pale brown.
Thallus orbicular when substrate allows, to spreading, 2-10 cm diam., variously lobed. Lobes ascending at apices, often imbricate, rather thin, margins entire or ± lobulate. Upper surface smooth, shining, yellowish-green (usnic acid) or yellow (in bright sunlight) or greenish-brown (in shade), wrinkled, cracked, undulate, without isidia, soredia, maculae or pseudocyphellae. Lower surface pale creamish or buff to brown, smooth or wrinkled, whitish at margins. Apothecia round to reniform or rarely shallowly lobed, disc red-brown, matt or shining, smooth, margins entire, pale, slightly raised, upper surface areolate-scabrid. Ascospores pale reddish-brown, 3-septate, 17-22 × 5-7 µm. Chemistry: Two chemodemes are present in New Zealand populations. (i): Usnic acid, zeorin, 2 unidentified compounds (?terpenes). (ii): Usnic acid, zeorin, hypostictic and hyposalazinic acids. [See Moroney et al., Phytochemistry 20: 787-789 (1981)].
Thallus orbicular to spreading, 5-15 cm diam., corticolous or muscicolous. Lobes rounded, flattened, closely attached centrally, subascendent apically, margins entire, rounded, sinuous. Upper surface markedly faveolate-reticulate, faveolae 2-3 mm wide, separated by well-defined ridges, olive-brown to reddish-brown to greyish-red or grey (shade forms), matt or shining in parts, sometimes white-maculate (×10 lens). Lower surface distinctly bullate, shining, creamish-buff at margins, dark grey-brown centrally, glabrous. Apothecia pale to dark brown, 5-10 mm broad and 2-5 mm long with a narrow, entire margin. Ascospores biseriate, pale brownish, 2-septate, 14-20 × 7-8 µm. Chemistry: Zeorin, unidentified terpene, perlatolic acid and unidentified pigment (±).
Thallus thin, lobate, orbicular to spreading, 1-5(-8) cm diam., corticolous, upper surface brown, greyish-brown or pale grey with varying amounts of pubescence, particularly on the backs of the apothecia, wrinkled, matt or shining, ± faveolate and often ± maculate (×10 lens), margins indented, broadly lobulate or denticulate, phyllidiate. Phyllidia terete to ± flattened to 1 mm diam., mainly marginal, occasionally spreading over surface. Lower surface black or dark brown, tomentose or densely pubescent, rarely in part glabrous. Apothecia common, to 8 mm diam., rounded to reniform, with a thin, dentate thalline margin, disc red-brown, matt or shining. Ascospores pale reddish-brown, 3-septate, 20-25 × 6-9 µm. Chemistry: Hopane-7α, 22-diol, 7β-acetoxyhopane-22-ol and unidentified pigments.
As for but with coarse, terete to squamiform phyllidia along ridges between faveolae, at margins of lobes and fringing the margins of apothecia. The backs of the apothecia are also ± areolate-scabrid. Chemistry: Zeorin, unidentified terpene (as in ) perlatolic acid and unidentified pigment (±).
Thallus lobate, spreading, to 8 cm diam., loosely attached, fragile, corticolous. Upper surface blue or brown or variegated, smooth, wrinkled or folded, margins lacerate to proliferate, occasionally phyllidiate. Phyllidia squamiform, dissected and sometimes proliferating, marginal or along laminal cracks. Lower surface brownish-tomentose, pale and glabrous towards margins. Apothecia very pale brown to reddish, ± reniform with a 1 mm wide, entire thalline margin. Ascospores colourless to pale reddish-brown, 1-septate, 16-18 × 4-6 µm. Chemistry: Nil.
Thallus thin, lobate, orbicular to spreading, 1-10 cm diam., corticolous and saxicolous. Lobes 3-8 mm wide and 3-12 mm long, closely appressed centrally, ascending apically, margins entire, sinuous. Upper surface dark reddish-brown or greyish-brown or grey (shaded forms), smooth or ± ridged-faveolate especially towards margins, phyllidiate. Phyllidia sparse to abundant, terete, 0.2 mm diam., 0.5 mm tall, or becoming ± flattened-squamulose to 1 mm diam., scattered over upper surface, singly or in groups. Lower surface dark brown to black, wrinkled, shining or matt, glabrous or microscopically pubescent or finely scabrid. Apothecia subrotund to reniform, 3 × 5 mm diam., with thin, denticulate margins, cortex above apothecia wrinkled, scabrid-areolate, disc red-brown. Ascospores colourless to pale reddish-brown, 3-septate, 15-20 × 5-7 µm. Chemistry: Hopane-15α, 22-diol, and unidentified pigments, occasionally 7β-acetoxyhopan-22-ol (tr.).
Thallus rather straggling, tufted, to 9 cm tall. Branches 1-2 mm wide at base, becoming thinner and more densely branching, entangled towards apices. Surface yellow to yellow-green at base, continuous, smooth, waxy or shining, often wrinkled or faveolate in large specimens, bluish-black with black cracks towards apices. Soredia common, especially towards tips of branches, in concave-eroded soralia which may become convex and often confluent, soredia grandular, yellow to blackened. Apothecia very rare, disc black, ray-like branchlets absent, thalline exciple smooth. Chemistry: Norstictic, protocetraric (tr.). Salazinic and usnic acids.
Thallus fruticose, tufted, to 8 cm tall. Branches sparingly to copiously divided, becoming entangled-complex at apices. Surface yellow or brownish-yellow at base, variegated yellow and black apices, without annulations, distinctly papillate or coarsely warted towards base. Soralia blackened, granular. Apothecia not seen in New Zealand material. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K+ brown, C-, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric and usnic acids.
Thallus fruticose, erect, tufted to spreading, to 9 cm tall. Branches 2-3 mm wide at base, weakly dichotomously to richly branching above. Surface yellow to brown-red at base, often with black cracks, becoming conspicuously blackened or yellow-grey or bluish-purple above with conspicuous black bands, not papillate or sorediate, smooth, waxy and shining, often ± strongly faveolate. Apothecia frequent, lateral on branches, disc bluish-black, margins smooth, concolorous with thallus, with ray-like branchlets, black, few to many, thalline exciple smooth. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K+ yellow-red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange-red. Norstictic, ± protocetraric, salazinic and usnic acids.
Thallus fruticose, tufted, erect or ± pendulous and straggling, to 15 cm long, saxicolous, attached by a basal holdfast. Branches terete, radial in structure, consisting of a central chondroid axis, medulla and cortex, ± branched, with or without lateral fibrils. Surface yellow or greenish-yellow, ± variegated with black or purplish-black. Medulla lax and arachnoid or compact, K+ or -. Chondroid axis 073 to 064 diam. of branch in thickness, hard, opaque or corneous, cylindrical or slightly irregular. Isidia absent. Soredia present or absent, when present in rounded or irregular soralia, concave-eroded to convex-pulvinate, pulverulent to compacted or granular, yellow to blackish. Apothecia when present geniculate, lateral on branches, lecanorine, with or without ray-like branchlets, thalline exciple smooth or warted or wrinkled, concolorous with thallus, disc black or bluish-black, matt or slightly shining, never pruinose. Ascospores 8 per ascus, simple, ellipsoid to subglobose, colourless, 3-5 × 5-8(-10) µm.
Thallus fruticose, subpendulous to pendulous, rarely straggling and ± decumbent, spreading, to 15 cm long. Branches fine, filiform, sparingly divided to richly branched, becoming complex-entangled towards apices, primary branches 2-3 mm wide and 2-5 cm long, secondary branches 0.2 mm wide and 1-10 cm long. Surfaces smooth, waxy, with transverse black cracks and often alternate black and yellow banding, basal branches pale yellow, secondary branchlets consistently blackened or with black and yellow banding. Medulla lax. Chondroid axis 1/3 to ½ of diam. of branch. Soredia absent. Apothecia rare, lateral, geniculate, disc buff to blue-black, margin furnished with 10-30 ray-like branchlets, thalline exciple smooth to wrinkled. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K+ yellow-red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ yellow. Norstictic, ± protocetraric, salazinic and usnic acids. In addition, two other chemodemes are known from New Zealand population, one containing psoromic, conpsoromic and usnic acids, the other with squamatic, hypothamnolic (UV+) and usnic acids.
Thallus small, squamulose, ecorticate. Photobiont green, genus unknown. Fruiting bodies unknown.
Thallus of small, cochleate squamules, scattered or forming colonies, corticolous, saxicolous, foliicolous or lichenicolous. Squamules 1-2 mm diam., upper surface glaucous, pale greenish or greenish-grey, concentrically ridged, margins entire, slightly raised and inrolled, soredia present on surface and at margins, greenish, farinose. Lower surface ecorticate, tomentose, pale.
Thallus crustose, epiphloeodal or rarely hypophloeodal, cortex dense, often splitting and exfoliating or, less commonly, loosely organised, lacking in hypophloeodal species. Medulla well-developed to nearly hypophloeodal. Photobiont green, , arranged as in . Apothecia emergent or rarely immersed, with a distinct thalline rim, incurved to suberect, usually forming a discrete pore. Exciple fused, carbonised, central columella often present, carbonised, simple to reticulate. Ascospores colourless or brown, transversely septate or muriform, I+ blue or rarely I—.
Thallus spreading in irregular patches, thin, continuous, irregularly wrinkled, plicate or minutely papillate, matt, olive-green, rarely minutely areolate-cracked, in parts minutely maculate (×10 lens). Apothecia numerous, from minute pin pricks to swollen dimples or papillae, to 1.0 mm diam., frequently less, pore neatly rounded, 0.02-0.3 mm diam., margins swollen, entire, concolorous with thallus or ± buff coloured, exciple detached, disc whitish-pruinose, grey-black below. Exciple carbonised. Columella absent. Hymenium colourless 115-130 µm thick. Hypothecium c. 22 µm thick, grey-black. Paraphyses filiform, dense, slightly thickened at apices. Asci 8-spored, spores slightly spirally arranged. Ascospores colourless, ovoid-ellipsoid, pointed at one end rounded at other, straight or slightly curved, 6-10-locular, 26-34 × 6.8-8.3 µm. Chemistry: Thallus K+ yellow → red. Salazinic acid with traces of stictic and constictic acids.
Thallus pale straw-coloured 2-6 cm diam., appearing thick, dull, smooth to verrucose, fissured, cortex dense, 15-20 µm thick, algal layer continuous, 10-15 µm thick, medulla 10-15 µm thick, mostly hypophloeodal. Apothecia semi-emergent, 1.0-1.3 mm diam., exciple carbonised apically, columella lacking, pore variable, round, 0.1-0.3 mm diam., ± depressed. Hymenium 280-300 µm thick. Ascospores 1 per ascus, colourless to pale brown or darkening at maturity, muriform, 120-210 × 30-35 µm, I—. Chemistry: Nil.
Thallus crustose, smooth, verrucose, cracked or wrinkled, whitish, cream, greyish-white to olive greenish-grey, corticolous or saxicolous, rarely terricolous. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lecanorine, sessile or subpedicellate or ± immersed, 1-7 mm diam., thalline exciple prominent, concolorous with thallus, disc concave to convex, matt or pruinose, smooth or wrinkled or corrugate-cracked. Hymenium tall. Paraphyses branched, net-like. Asci clavate, I+ blue, with corona and amyloid tholus, 2-8-spored. Ascospores colourless, unicellular, large, usually longer than 30 µm, ellipsoid, thick walled.
Thallus white, tinged creamish or pinkish, effuse, 0.5-2 mm thick, papillate, granular or subspinulose, muscicolous, terricolous or lignicolous. Apothecia 1-3 mm diam., sessile, disc rose, ± flat, smooth, thalline margin smooth. Ascospores 8 per ascus, 35-45 × 15-20 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, C+ rose, KC+ red. Pd-. Gyrophoric acid.
Thallus whitish or cream, rarely greyish, to 0.5 mm thick, continuous, wrinkled, diffract-areolate, irregularly warted or granular, warts swollen, in orbicular patches 3-6(-10) cm diam., corticolous. Apothecia sessile, 2-3 mm wide, round to irregular, disc concave to plane, scabrid, densely white-pruinose, pinkish-yellow or buff-coloured beneath pruina, margins white, 0.4-0.5 mm thick, entire, swollen. Ascospores 6-8 per ascus, ovoid, 49-58 × 25-30 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. Disc K-, C+ rose, KC+ red, Pd-. Gyrophoric acid.
Thallus white, cream or greyish-white, effuse to subdeterminate, areolate-cracked, areolae irregular 0.1-0.7 mm diam., often convex-humped; saxicolous. Apothecia immersed at first then adnate to sessile, 1-2.5 mm diam., disc concave, rose, white-pruinose, flat, smooth, thalline margin concolorous with thallus, 0.3-0.5 mm thick, swollen, entire, subcrenulate. Ascospores 6-8 per ascus, ellipsoid, 49-55 × 18-22 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. Disc K-, C+ red, KC+ red, Pd-. Variolaric acid.
Thallus white or pale creamish, thin or wanting, granular-uneven, papillate-warted, shining in part, discontinuous, in patches 3-4 cm diam., corticolous. Apothecia in prominent verrucae, 1-1.5 mm diam., impressed-innate at first, disc plane, grey-white-pruinose, thalline margin thick, concolorous with thallus, ± thelotremoid in young fruits. Ascospores oblong, slightly curved or fabiform, 25-34 × 7-9 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. Disc C+ rose.
Pileus 5-15(-35) mm wide, plane at first with margin decurved, striate when moist and often somewhat crenate, plicate at times, opaque with age and fading, disc soon shallowly depressed with age, sometimes broadly infundibuliform, surface glabrous, moist but not viscid, sub-hygrophanous, brown when young becoming paler and more yellowish with age and loss of moisture, finally pale yellowish to whitish, disc often remaining dark for some time. Context very thin, pliant, concolorous with pileus. Lamellae moderately decurrent to long decurrent, subdistant or distant, narrow to moderately broad, 1-3 mm, thin, arched, at times forked or intervenose or both, pale yellowish to pale cream, edges even, straight. Stipe 1-2.5(-3) cm tall, 1-2(-3) mm thick at apex, equal or either end slightly enlarged, base subtomentose, white, terete, often curved, solid, fistulose, ± cartilaginous but pliant, surface ± glabrous, base tomentose sometimes pubescent above if deeply embedded in wet moss, brownish at apex, paler below, fading to pale yellowish. Spores 7-9(-10) × 4-6(-7) µm, broadly elliptical. Basidia 23-40 × 5-8.5(-10) µm often 2-spored but also 1-, 3- or 4-spored. Sterigmata long, proliferate. Scattered to gregarious with lichenised association
Pileus to 15 mm broad, convex to plane, margin striate when wet, becoming undulate or scalloped, disc shallowly depressed, surface glabrous, often shining, appearing moist, bright yellow, paler with age and drying. Context thin, concolorous with pileus surface. Lamellae short-decurrent to long-decurrent, distant, often somewhat thickened, narrow, yellow like moist pileus, edges even. Stipe to 18 mm long, 1-2 mm thick, equal or base slightly enlarged often curved, base often tomentose but glabrous to fibrillose or subpubescent above, moist, solid, concolorous with lamellae and pileus. Spores 7-8.5(-9) × 4-4.5 µm, elliptical. Basidia 25-45 × 5-8 µm, mainly 4-spored sometimes 2-spored. Clamp connections absent. Scattered or gregarious, with lichenised association
Thallus of dark green to bright emerald green, gelatinous globules (to 0.1-0.2 mm diam.) or forming a ± continuous, gelatinous mat on exposed, damp soil. Each globule composed of clustered, elongate, green algal cells () surrounded by a sheath of fungal hyphae. Fruiting bodies an erect toadstool. Pileus small (usually under 2.5 mm broad but up to 4.5 mm), convex to plane, becoming depressed, sometimes infundibuliform, margin usually incurved at first, often striate when moist, surface hygrophanous or subhygrophanous, glabrous or fibrillose or scaly, colours bright or dull, mostly yellow or orange. Context very thin to thin, pliant to soft, fragile or brittle, watery when fresh. Lamellae distinctly decurrent, often slightly thickened and waxy, subdistant to distant, often arched, whitish or brightly coloured with shades of yellow or orange. Stipe slender, 3-6 mm wide, watery and soft or brittle, not viscid, often translucent, hollow or ± solid, surface glabrous or fibrillose to pubescent or hirsute, concolorous with lamellae of pileus or duller. Spores not amyloid, smooth, white in deposit or yellowish to pale salmon pink. Clamp connections present or absent.
Thallus crustose, uniform, ecorticate or nearly so, corticolous, or saxicolous, rarely foliicolous. Photobiont green, or . Ascocarps lirelline. Lirellae immersed to sessile, elongate or irregular, lips somewhat connivent, nearly closed, to open, especially when wet. Paraphyses branched and anastomosing above the ascus. Asci oblong to clavate or ± ellipsoid, thick walled, 8-spored. Ascospores ± clavate, ellipsoid to fusiform, straight or slightly curved, colourless, transversely septate, 2-18 locular.
Thallus green-grey to cream-white, sometimes dirty and dingy, continuous to minutely fissured or occasionally disappearing. Lirellae emergent to prominent, flexuous but generally unbranched, 0.5-2 × 0.3 mm, thalline margin lacking, proper exciple black, distinct, closing with a narrow slit, the base closed, black, quite heavily carbonised. Ascospores 8 per ascus, (6-7)-9-locular, 5-9 × 20-36 µm. Chemistry: Nil.
Thallus continuous, smooth, yellow to pale cream, ± red with age, thin. Lirellae flexuous, branched, the outer margin indistinct, 0.5-2.0 × 0.2 mm, thalline exciple lacking, proper exciple black to brown, open to closed at the top, the disc pale, base open. Ascospores colourless, simple to 2-locular, the locules uneven 6-8(-12) × 15-18(-30) µm. Chemistry: Nil.
Thallus thin, cream-white, patchy, often disappearing, saxicolous. Lirellae prominent, flexuous, unbranched, 1.0-2.0 × 0.5 mm, thalline margin lacking, proper exciple black, distinct, open, often rising above surface of disc as an edge, disc plane, black, base closed. Ascospores colourless, 4-6-locular, the locules cubic, 4-7 × 15-24(-27) µm. Chemistry: Nil.
Thallus smooth, continuous, cream-white, thin, sometimes disappearing, corticolous. Lirellae slender, flexuous, crowded closely together, 0.5-4.0 × 0.2 mm, thalline margin absent, proper exciple black, nearly closed, base heavily carbonised, closed. Ascospores 4-6-locular, 3-6 × 12-20 µm. Chemistry: Nil.
Thallus grey to brown, thick, reticulate-cracked and fissured, saxicolous. Lirellae curved, somewhat immersed, short and wide, 0.5-1.0 × 0.3 mm, thalline margin lacking, proper exciple distinct, black, disc open, paler than exciple, base open, brown. Ascospores 4-6(-7)-locular, 5-6 × 18-27 µm. Chemistry: Nil.
Thallus continuous, somewhat uneven, cream-white to yellow and somewhat shiny, corticolous. Lirellae prominent, long, slender, 2.0-4.0 × 0.2 mm, flexuous, branched, dendroid, thalline margin lacking, proper exciple distinct and raised, open, sometimes exposing a pale disc, base open. Ascospores small, undivided or occasionally divided once with two uneven locules, 3-6 × 12-17 µm. Chemistry: Norstictic acid.
Thallus crustose, areolate-cracked, verrucose, effuse or continuous, occasionally ± effigurate. Apothecia lecanorine, at first immersed, punctiform, then subimmersed, urceolate-deformed, thalline exciple entire. Asci (2-)4-6(-8)-spored. Paraphyses filiform, thin. Ascospores large, ovoid or rounded, colourless, simple, sometimes ± granular, surrounded by an epispore.
Thallus whitish or glaucous-grey, of roughened ± pruinose, glistening, confluent granules, or ± squamulose or roughened-globose, or granular, spreading in patches on soil or mosses or decaying vegetation, continuous, 1-5 cm diam. Apothecia almost totally immersed in thalline granules, poriform, -like, opening and expanding at maturity into a small, concave, black, matt epruinose disc, 0.5-1 mm diam., margins thick, expanded warted-scabrid, white-pruinose. Ascospores 8 per ascus, shortly ellipsoid, (36-)50-62 × 24-30 µm, with a thick epispore.
Thallus crustose, ± epiphloeodal. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lecideine, sometimes with a pseudothalline margin. Ascospores colourless, acicular, multiseptate, 8 or more per ascus.
Thallus microphylline-squamulose, of small, stellately incised, subimbricate squamules (0.1-1 mm long and 0.1-0.5 mm wide) spreading in a ± diffract crust over a thin, blue-black prothallus, in irregular patches 3-5(-8) cm diam. Upper surface matt, smooth, pale grey-blue to glaucous brown, densely isidiate. Isidia pale blue-white, fingerlike at first, soon becoming coralloid-branched, delicate, friable, often dense and then ± obscuring thallus. Apothecia rare, round to irregular, sessile, concave to plane, 0.2-0.5 mm diam., disc matt, red-to dark-brown, proper margin pale, thalline margin irregularly crenulate, often isidiate, concolorous with thallus. Hymenium 100-200 µm tall, upper part red-brown, pigment non-granular, external to apices of paraphyses. Asci elongate-ellipsoid, 90-100 × 10-12 µm, with an I+ blue plug. Ascospores 8 per ascus, smooth-walled, 12-15 × 6-8 µm. Chemistry: TLC nil.
Thallus crustose, ± minutely squamulose becoming areolate-cracked with age, very closely attached, orbicular to spreading, to 10 cm diam., bounded by a blue-black prothallus extending 0.5-2.0 mm beyond squamules, saxicolous. Squamules at first distinctly lobate-radiating, rosette-forming, ± stellate with deeply incised margins, to 2 mm diam., older squamules crowded, strongly imbricate, becoming densely lobulate, lobules minute, ± dorsiventral (not to be confused with isidia), and often forming a diffract-areolate crust. Upper surface yellow-brown, dark olive greenish or greyish, smooth, matt, without isidia, or soredia, brownish at lobe margins. Lower surface dark, with a felt of blue-black tangled rhizines. Apothecia frequent, sessile, to 1 mm diam., disc pale yellowish to red-brown with a paler, thin proper margin, plane at first, becoming convex, thalline margin entire, thin, concolorous with thallus, ± crenulate, often occluded. Ascospores ellipsoid, with one or both ends acute, wall smooth to crenulate, 14-20(-22) × 6-9(-11) µm.
Thallus foliose, heteromerous, dorsiventral, lobate or ± squamulose or ± areolate or ± granular, orbicular to spreading, loosely or closely attached, often with a prominent black or blue-black, byssoid, marginal prothallus. Lobes variable, broad and rounded to laciniate, or microphylline and ± lobulate. Upper surface dark blue-green, plumbeous to fawnish, smooth or wrinkled-plicate, matt, glossy, or ± scabrid or pubescent, with or without isidia and soralia, maculae and pseudocyphellae absent. Medulla white. Photobiont blue-green, . Lower surface tomentose or ± rhizinate. Rhizines felted, blue-black to whitish, often projecting beyond lobe margins as a byssoid prothallus. Apothecia sessile to subpedicellate, rounded, with a persistent thalline margin, concolorous with the thallus and exterior to a thin, pale, proper margin. Ascospores 8 per ascus, ± uniseriate, simple, colourless, oblong to ellipsoid, often apiculate at one or both ends, often with a thickened or warted epispore.
Thallus foliose, lobate, ± orbicular to spreading, closely attached, to 10 cm diam., without a marginal, projecting prothallus, corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes narrow, 1-2 mm wide, flabellate-cuneate, contiguous or imbricate, margins rounded, ± shallowly incised or crenate, conspicuously thickened below, whitish, scabrid (×10 lens). Upper surface pale greyish to yellow-grey, minutely granular or leprose (×10 lens) towards margins, smooth or subrugose or ridged, often strongly wrinkled-plicate centrally, isidiate. Isidia simple, granular at first, becoming gnarled-glomerulate, whitish-blue, marginal and on interlobe ridges, or occasionally scattered on upper surface, or becoming dense and forming a diffract-areolate crust centrally. Lower surface pale buff or creamish, tomentose at margins with tufts of short, brownish squarrose rhizines towards centre. Apothecia sessile, 1-1.5 mm diam., plane or subconvex, disc yellowish to pale red-brown, epruinose, margins thin, wrinkled, becoming isidiate-lobulate. Ascospores ellipsoid-oval, contents granular, 10-19 × 6-10 µm, wall 1-1.5 µm thick.
Thallus small, lobate-squamulose, closely attached, saxicolous, to 2 cm diam., with a conspicuous, marginal, black prothallus. Squamules laciniate-linear, short, narrow, 0.1-0.3 mm wide, margins flexuous, crenate, ± bifurcate. Upper surface smooth, matt, yellowish-grey, without isidia or soredia. Lower surface black, rhizinate. Rhizines thick, black, visible as a prothallus between laciniae and at margins. Apothecia sessile, rounded, to 1 mm diam., disc plane, waxy, yellow-brown to red-brown with a pale proper margin, thalline margin thick, crenate, flexuose, obscuring disc in young fruits. Ascospores oval, oval-oblong to fusiform, 8-9 × 3-3.5 µm.
Thallus foliose-lobate, rather loosely attached, suborbicular, to 8 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes 8-15 mm long and 1-4 mm broad, radiating or ± canaliculate, undulate to cuneate-flabellate, contiguous to imbricate, margins rounded, shallowly incised or crenate, sinuous, ± ascending. Upper surface continuous, wrinkled, especially at sinuses and near apices, minutely verrucose-scabrid (×10 lens) and occasionally minutely tomentose, yellowish to fawnish-brown or greyish-yellow, sorediate. Soralia limbiform, bluish, conspicuous, mainly marginal, soredia coarse, granular, crowded, bluish. Lower surface pale, white at margins, buff centrally, ± evenly covered with short, whitish tomentum, and in places with ± dense tufts of white to blue-black, squarrose rhizines. Apothecia rare, sessile, 1-3 mm diam., disc pale to dark brown-red or blackened, plane or subconcave, thalline margin thick, elevated, sulcate, often pulverulent-sorediate, whitish or bluish, concolorous with soralia. Ascospores thick-walled, rounded at one end, contents granular, 12-18 × 5-10 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, C-, KC-, Pd+ red. Pannarin.
Thallus small, lobate-foliose, spreading, loosely attached, muscicolous or corticolous, to 2 cm diam. Lobes plicate-rugose when dry, expanded inflated, appearing subgelatinous when wet, margins crenate, slightly thickened, ± ascending. Upper surface dark greenish-blue, tinged whitish, smooth, matt, minutely scabrid at margins ± isidiate. Isidia tuberculate, swollen or gnarled, ± globose 0.1-0.2 mm diam., marginal at first, then spreading over upper surface or onto margins of lower surface, bluish-white or blue-black. Lower surface white or pale buff, tomentose at margins with brown squarrose rhizines centrally. Prothallus absent. Apothecia not seen.
Thallus ± lobate almost crustose, very closely attached, in small rosettes or spreading, to 4 cm diam., verrucose-areolate centrally, of flattened, ± radiate-plicate squamules, margins ± placoid, slightly thickened, entire or variously notched or incised, prothallus thin, black, visible between squamules, rarely projecting beyond margins. Upper surface greyish or dull brown, whitish-grey-striate, with distinctly whitish-grey margins. Apothecia ± central, sessile, often crowded, to 2 mm diam., margins conspicuous, entire or coarsely crenate, disc plane or subconvex, black, rarely dark brown, slightly granular. Ascospores ovoid-ellipsoid, smooth-walled, 12-18 × 7-10 µm, epispore ± warted-granular.
Thallus squamulose, orbicular to spreading, to 10 cm diam., corticolous, muscicolous or saxicolous, with a ± conspicuous, marginal black prothallus. Squamules closely attached, entire, well-developed at margins becoming areolate-cracked centrally, ± rosette-shaped with crenate margins, to highly dissected to sublobulate, imbricate and ± loosely attached, clustered on a dense, black prothallus, occasionally ascending or ± coralloid. Upper surface pale greyish-blue to dark grey or brownish-black, smooth or slightly wavy, without isidia or soredia. Apothecia frequent, sessile, to 1.5 mm diam., solitary or confluent, disc plane, yellowish to red-brown or blackened, ± waxy, distinctly gyrose-etched, dark or ± perforate centrally, often with thalline lobules, proper margin pale, thin, thalline margin crenulate, incised or sublobulate, inflexed. Ascospores ellipsoid-ovoid 10-16 × 4-6(-9) µm wall 0.5-2 µm thick.
Thallus foliose lobate, ± rosette-forming, closely attached, to 23 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes narrow, contiguous at margins, imbricate, coalescing centrally, ± stellate-radiating or fan-shaped. Upper surface dull plumbeous-grey, smooth to uneven, faintly maculate (×10 lens), often with granular lobules. Apothecia sessile, rounded, 0.2-1 mm diam., disc red-brown, waxy or matt, flat, with a pale proper margin, bounded by a thick, crenulate-striate thalline margin. Ascospores ellipsoid, 11-13 × 5-8 µm.
Thallus ± crustose, minutely foliose-squamulose, orbicular to spreading, to 8 cm diam., with a prominent, blue-black, byssoid prothallus projecting to 5 mm beyond lobe margins, saxicolous or terricolous. Squamules 0.2-2 mm diam., convex, rosette-shaped, imbricate, margins crenate-incised becoming lobulate, (not to be confused with isidia). Upper surface yellow-brown to grey-blue, shining, whitish or grey-blue-pruinose at margins, without isidia or soredia. Lower surface pale at margins, bluish-black centrally. Apothecia frequent, often clustered, rounded, to 2 mm diam., disc brown at first, becoming dark-brown to black with age, plane to convex, thalline margin prominent, slightly scabrid, ± entire to crenate or rarely sublobulate. Ascospores ellipsoid, 14-18(-20) × 9-13 µm.
Thallus foliose, lobate, dorsiventral, heteromerous, corticolous. Lobes rather small, irregularly to subdichotomously branching, often imbricate. Upper surface convex, yellowish-green to yellow (usnic acid in upper cortex). Medulla white, loosely woven. Lower surface corticate, between conspicuous, rounded, moniliform, patches of thick, brown or black hypothallus. Rhizines few, thick, simple, with an anchoring tuft at apex, brown or black. Apothecia sessile or subpedicellate, disc plane to concave, imperforate, reddish-brown, with a conspicuous thalline margin, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores spherical, thick-walled, colourless, 8 per ascus. Chemistry: Divaricatic and usnic acids.
Thallus suborbicular, in patches to 10 cm diam. Lobes convex, 0.5-2.0 mm wide, moderately to densely branched, linear or often constricted and moniliform, branching mainly dichotomous near margins, becoming more complex, subimbricate in older parts, margins entire, apices rounded or crenulate. Upper surface bright yellowish-green to pale yellowish-grey (shade forms), smooth, matt, often wrinkled in older parts, without isidia, maculae, pseudocyphellae or soredia. Hypothallus rather loose, spongy, to 1 mm thick, pale yellow-brown to dark red-brown or black, moniliform. Lower cortex white, shining, smooth, visible at tips of lobes and between patches of hypothallus. Rhizines occasional to frequent, stout, simple, to 0.4 mm wide and to 2 mm long, pale at margins, dark brown or black at centre of thallus, with an anchoring squarrose tuft at apex. Apothecia frequent, to 1 cm diam., pedicellate, deeply cupuliform when young, margins entire, thin, concolorous with thallus, becoming deeply cupuliform when young, margins entire, thin, concolorous with thallus, becoming deeply lacerate and flattened with age, disc imperforate, smooth, pale yellowish to dark red-brown, thalline exciple wrinkled, warted, pale at first becoming dark brown, tomentose in older fruits. Pycnidia common and often numerous at margins, red-brown to black, punctiform.
Thallus loosely attached, rosette-forming, 3-5(-8) cm diam., corticolous. Lobes convex, 0.5-1.0 mm wide, conspicuously constricted at branch points, branching dichotomous towards apices, ± densely imbricate centrally, margins entire, apices narrow, incised. Upper surface pale to bright yellow (usnic acid) smooth, glossy at apices, without soredia, maculae or pseudocyphellae, densely papillate-isidiate in older parts. Isidia simple, nodular, rather fragile, slightly expanded at tips, often densely crowded over whole upper surface and at lobe margins, rarely becoming coralloid-branched centrally. Lower cortex yellow, matt, smooth, visible at apices of lobes and between patches of hypothallus. Hypothallus spongy, compact, less than 1 mm thick, dark brown to black, moniliform. Rhizines common, black, simple or sparingly branched with an anchoring apical tuft. Apothecia rare, small, 3 mm diam., sessile. Margins distinctly isidiate, concolorous with thallus, disc smooth, imperforate, red-brown, thalline exciple wrinkled, isidiate, lacking tomentum. Pycnidia laminal, scattered, punctiform, black.
Thallus foliose, lobate, distinctly dorsiventral, closely to loosely attached, rarely subascending, corticolous, terricolous or saxicolous. Lobes subli-near to subirregular, rarely broad and rounded, margins entire to variously notched or incised, smooth, without cilia. Upper surface with pseudocyphellae, often maculate, upper cortex paraplectenchymatous without a pored epicortex. Photobiont green, . Lower surface black or brown, uniformly rhizinate to margins. Rhizines simple or squarrosely branched, black. Apothecia pedicellate to sessile, disc often perforate, thalline exciple with or without isidia, maculae or pseudocyphellae. Ascospores simple, subglobose to ellipsoid, colourless, 8 per ascus. Pycnidia present or absent.
Thallus loosely attached, to 15 cm diam., rather thick, coriaceous, corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes rounded to broadly linear-laciniate (12-20 × 5 mm), undulate centrally, margins entire, sinuous or subcrenate, black and shining, often ascending and slightly thickened. Upper surface smooth, waxy, often white-pruinose, sometimes coarsely wrinkled, greenish-grey (becoming distinctly yellowish on storage), pseudocyphellae rather few, small, fleck-like, mainly at margins. Soralia common, marginal, rarely laminal, globose to linear-confluent, soredia whitish, becoming grey-black with age, rather coarse and granular. Lower surface black, rhizinate, often with a smooth, naked, shining, brown marginal zone. Rhizines black, simple to squarrosely branched, sparse to dense. Apothecia rare, subpedicellate, disc plane to distinctly concave, matt, brown, imperforate, margins entire or shallowly incised, thalline exciple strongly wrinkled and pseudocyphellate, not sorediate. Ascospores ellipsoid, 11-15 × 6.5-8.3 µm. Pycnidia rare, minute, black, punctiform, towards margins. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic acid and atranorin.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, loosely attached, to 20 cm diam., saxicolous or corticolous. Lobes rounded (5-10 mm wide), subimbricate, margins entire, black, shining. Upper surface smooth, pale grey, whitish ashy-grey or greenish-grey with a pale bluish tinge, pseudocyphellae prominent in a white reticulum, becoming deeply cracked centrally, distinctly white-maculate near lobe apices or often white-pruinose at margins, isidiate-sorediate. Isidia laminal, rarely at margins, scattered, corralloid-pustular, clustered and deformed, developing from cortex near margins of cracks or pseudocyphellae, with age becoming coarse granular-sorediate, central parts often forming a dense, coralloid, isidiate-sorediate mat. Lower surface black, shining, with a dark brown, naked marginal zone often present, rhizinate centrally. Rhizines black, simple or branched. Apothecia occasional, sessile to subpedicellate, to 15 mm diam., disc red-brown to dark brown, matt, plane or concave, margins entire at first, becoming fissured with age, sinuous or crenate, often inflexed and obscuring disc, becoming isidiate-sorediate, thalline exciple strongly maculate-cracked, pseudocyphellate. Ascospores ellipsoid, 9.5-12 × 6.5-8 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+ yellow ± red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic acid and atranorin.
Thallus orbicular, closely attached, 7-17 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes moderately to relatively broad, 4-8(-20) mm wide, apices subrotund, margins entire, ± sinuous. Upper surface smooth, shining towards margins, pale grey to dark brownish-grey, pseudocyphellae laminal, moderate, small, punctiform or curved, developing from elevated maculae, isidiate. Isidia developing directly from the upper cortex or along the edges of pseudocyphellae and cracks, delicate, cylindrical, ± richly branched and occasionally forming a dense mat over the surface of older lobes. Lower surface black or dark brown, paler at margins, moderately rhizinate with a pale marginal zone devoid of rhizines and papillae. Rhizines black, simple or sparingly branched. Apothecia occasional to rare, sessile, to 10 mm diam., disc concave to plane, dark brown, matt or slightly shining, margins thin, concave to plane, dark brown, matt or slightly shining, margins thin, crenate, isidiate or not. Ascospores ellipsoid, 14-18 × 7-9 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic and lobaric acids and atranorin.
Thallus orbicular, closely attached, 4-10 cm diam., corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes rather narrow (4-12 mm wide), elongate, (to 30 mm long), with slightly broadened, incised apices, margins entire, ± sinuous. Upper surface faveolate, shining towards margins, pale greyish or greenish, pseudocyphellae laminal forming a prominent, ridged reticulum of white lines, isidiate. Isidia coarse, blackened at apices, granular to elongate-branched, occurring mainly on ridges of pseudocyphellae reticulum and sometimes completely covering the whole upper surface. Lower surface black or dark brown, paler at margins, densely rhizinate. Rhizines black, simple or sparingly branched, commonly extending beyond margins, marginal zone always rhizinate or papillate. Apothecia occasional to rare, subpedicellate, to 8 mm diam., disc concave to plane, dark brown, matt or slightly shining, centrally perforate, margins thin, crenate, isidiate, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores ellipsoid, 14-18 × 7-9 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic and lobaric acids and atranorin.
Thallus thick, coriaceous, orbicular to spreading, to 10 cm diam., closely to loosely attached, saxicolous or terricolous. Lobes narrow (5-10 mm wide), relatively short (to 25 mm long), often forming secondary, imbricate, clustered, ascending lobules centrally, margins entire to ± phyllidiate or lacerate, incised at apices, sinuous, often black and shining. Upper surface smooth, often wrinkled-convolute at centre, leathery, brownish-grey or reddish-brown or blackened, olive greenish-brown to red-brown at margins and there conspicuously white-maculate, mottled, pseudocyphellae evident towards lobe margins, sigmoid or forming a cracked reticulum of white lines in older parts. Lower surface smooth, black, moderately rhizinate. Rhizines black, simple or branched. Apothecia rare, subpedicellate, to 8 mm diam., disc red-brown, matt, plane or concave, imperforate, margins entire at first, becoming fissured with age, thalline exciple strongly maculate-cracked, pseudocyphellate. Ascospores ellipsoid, 10-14 × 7-8 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic acid and atranorin.
Thallus closely to loosely attached, orbicular to spreading 3-15 cm diam., saxicolous, or corticolous. Lobes sublinear-elongate, subdichotomously branched, rather narrow (to 10 mm wide), margins entire, sinuous. Upper surface pale greenish-grey to blackish-grey often with a distinctly bluish tinge, shining, not maculate, occasionally white-pruinose, wrinkled-faveolate, pseudocyphellae prominent, coarse, elongate and reticulate, soon becoming sorediate. Soredia derived from pseudocyphellae, in lines as a coarse reticulum, or becoming confluent. Lower surface black with little or no naked marginal zone, densely rhizinate. Rhizines black, simple to squarrosely branched. Apothecia and pycnidia not seen in New Zealand material. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic acid and atranorin.
Thallus thin and papery, orbicular to spreading, often in very large rosettes to 20(-40) cm diam., ± loosely attached, corticolous, very rarely saxicolous. Lobes broadly rounded (5-25 mm wide) or slightly elongate-imbricate, margins rounded, entire, with a fine, black or brown shining rim, occasionally developing crowded lobules centrally. Upper surface smooth, rarely faveolate-cracked centrally, shining, undulate, greyish-green, not darker at margins, often with a bluish tinge, pseudocyphellae small, white, sigmoid, scattered evenly over upper surface, often minute and crowded at lobe margins but not forming a reticulum of white lines. Lower surface black, smooth with a narrow, brown, naked marginal zone, rhizinate centrally. Rhizines black, sparse to numerous, simple to squarrosely branched. Apothecia common, pedicellate, to 15 mm diam., disc plane or subconcave, matt, reddish-brown to yellowish-brown, greenish-blue in shaded specimens, often centrally perforate, margins entire, thalline exciple smooth, shining, concolorous with Thallus, maculate or pseudocyphellate. Ascospores ellipsoid, 14-16 × 8-12 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic acid and atranorin.
Thallus spreading, to 10 cm diam., loosely attached, corticolous. Lobes variable, often rather narrow (2-5 mm wide) and elongate, to short and rounded-imbricate, dichotomously to irregularly branched, often clustered, imbricate centrally, apices blunt, pointed or rounded, margins entire, often devoid of algae in a narrow, white band. Upper surface greenish-grey (often bluish-green in deep shade) smooth, shining, rather thin and fragile when dry, often maculate at margins and apices, pseudocyphellae not well-developed, mainly marginal, small, sparse and scattered. Lower surface black, wrinkled or smooth, shining, densely rhizinate. Rhizines black, squarrosely branched, often protruding beyond margins. Apothecia frequent, pedicellate, small (2-4 mm diam.), to large and lacerate-expanded (to 20 mm diam.), disc brown, pale and often maculate in shaded specimens, imperforate, margins entire to crenate-incised, thalline exciple strongly wrinkled to corrugate-verrucose and maculate, rather scabrid, often lacking algae, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores ellipsoid, 13-18 × 8.5-11 µm. Pycnidia numerous, scattered, reddish-black, immersed, punctiform. Chemistry: Chemodeme i: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic acid and atranorin. Chemodeme ii: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+ yellow, C-, KC+ pink, Pd+ orange. Protocetraric acid, atranorin and an unidentified compound. Chemodeme iii: Echinocarpic acid and atranorin. Chemodeme iv: Atranorin. In addition, occasional specimens appear to be "hybrids" with mixed chemical constituents.
Thallus foliose-lobate, loosely attached, corticolous or muscicolous, 6-8(-10) cm diam., without a marginal prothallus. Lobes radiating, convex, sublinear, subimbricate, margins undulate, shallowly incised, sorediate. Upper surface dark bluish-green when wet, glaucous-green to brownish when dry, smooth, glabrous, ± coriaceous to minutely scabrid (×10 lens), margins often strongly white-tomentose, sorediate or not. Soredia marginal, granular to pulverulent or delicate-coralloid, bluish-white. Lower surface uniformly whitish-buff tomentose, margins of lobes often conspicuously thickened. Rhizines brownish or bluish-black in conspicuous, squarrose tufts. Apothecia frequent, prominent, ± central, sessile to subpedicellate, to 1 mm diam., disc orange to red-brown, with a thin, pale margin, plane or concave at first, becoming convex with age, smooth, waxy, epruinose not gyrose-etched. Ascospores fusiform, ellipsoid, ± apiculate at both ends, apiculae c. 5 µm long, 11-16 × 6-7 µm.
Thallus minutely squamulose-microphylline, very closely attached, spreading, to 8 cm diam., with a conspicuous, black, marginal prothallus, corticolous. Squamules variable in size and shape, effigurate, or forming a diffract-areolate crust, or denuded altogether. Upper surface dirty greyish-brown, matt, without isidia or soredia. Apothecia frequent, 0.8-1.5 mm diam., disc plane, dark red-brown to blackened, with a thin proper margin, often occluded, concolorous with disc or paler. Ascospores ellipsoid, often apiculate at both ends, 16-21 × 7-10 µm.
Thallus lobate, foliose, rather loosely attached, orbicular to spreading, to 15 cm diam., corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes to 5 mm wide, ± discrete, ascending at margins, contiguous to subimbricate centrally, to 15 mm long, margins crenulate-incised, undulate-crisped, ± whitened or "frosted", ascending, slightly thickened, often conspicuously phyllidiate-isidiate, often showing a dense mat of silky white to blue-black rhizines below. Upper surface smooth, matt or glossy or slightly scabrid, undulate, not cracked, with occasional to numerous small, pale swellings (?apothecial initials), yellowish-brown or glaucous or olivaceous to reddish-brown. Phyllidia flattened, squamiform, small, 0.5-1.5(-2.5) mm tall, mainly marginal, occasionally also laminal, margins ± white-tomentose or "frosted", often in a dense crust. Lower surface pale buff-brown, tomentose, with a dense matt of silky, blue-black or white, squarrose rhizines often projecting 2.5 mm beyond lobe margins. Apothecia rare, sessile, to 2 mm diam., disc plane to convex with age, dark red-brown to blackened, with a prominent pale, entire brown-red proper margin. Ascospores oblong to oval, 15 × 7-8 µm.
Thallus stellate-radiating, orbicular, closely attached, often minutely squamulose at margins, to 3 cm diam., bordered by a black or greyish, felted prothallus c. 0.5 mm wide, corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes narrow, 1-2 mm wide, sublinear, irregular, becoming imbricate and wrinkled-corrugate centrally, margins shallowly incised, slightly darkening, greyish-blue. Upper surface smooth, matt, often minutely wrinkled (×10 lens), scabrid, pale yellowish- to brownish-grey, sorediate. Soredia coarse granular, bluish-grey, mostly central, often forming a dense diffract-areolate crust. Lower surface dark brown or black, shining at margins, pale tomentose centrally. Apothecia sessile, to 1 mm diam., ± prominent, central, disc red-brown to blackened, plane to convex, proper margin entire, pale brownish to pinkish, persistent. Ascospores ellipsoid, 16-18 × 9-11 µm.
Thallus ± crustose, minutely granular, pulverulent, squamulose, spreading, to 5 cm diam., closely attached, bordered by a pale buff, byssoid prothallus, corticolous or muscicolous. Squamules minute, granular to 2 mm wide, ± convex, densely imbricate to areolate-diffract, brownish-grey or olivaceous. Apothecia sparse, convex, to 1.2 mm diam., waxy, red-brown to blackened, proper margin thin, pale, soon occluded. Ascospores not seen.
Thallus foliose, heteromerous, dorsiventral, lobate or ± squamulose, or ± areolate or ± granular, orbicular to spreading, loosely or closely attached, often with a prominent black or blue-black (rarely buff or pale) marginal prothallus of projecting, felted rhizines. Lobes variable, broad and rounded to laciniate, to microphylline and ± lobulate-squamulose. Upper surface dark bluish-green, plumbeous to fawnish or brownish-grey or olivaceous, smooth or wrinkled-plicate, matt, glossy or ± scabrid or pubescent, with or without soredia, isidia or phyllidia, margins entire to phyllidiate or sorediate or incised-crenulate. Medulla white. Photobiont blue-green, . Lower surface tomentose or ± rhizinate, usually pale. Rhizines felted, silky, blue-black to whitish, often projecting beyond margins as a byssoid prothallus. Apothecia sessile to subpedicellate, rounded, biatorine, with a pale proper margin, lacking a thalline margin. Hymenium 100-120 µm, tall, colourless. Paraphyses numerous, compacted, simple, rarely slightly branched at apices c. 2 µm thick, slightly thickened apically. Asci clavate to subcylindrical, 8-spored. Ascospores uniseriate, simple, colourless, oblong to ellipsoid, often apiculate at one or both ends, epispore often indistinct or absent.
Thallus foliose-lobate, closely attached in neat ± regular rosettes, 0.5-4 cm diam., without a marginal prothallus, in sandy soil among mosses. Lobes cuneate-flabellate, 0.5-2 mm wide, contiguous or imbricate, margins rounded to ± incised, slightly thickened, appearing ± placodioid, somewhat gnarled-glomerulate when encircling moss stems. Upper surface pale grey-fawn to ± olivaceous, matt, often fissured from centre to margins, smooth or ± plicate-ridged, without isidia, pruina or soredia. Lower surface whitish, closely intermingled with substratum, without rhizines. Apothecia sessile, closely appressed, disc plane or subconvex, 0.3-0.7 mm diam., dark red-brown, matt, epruinose, margins persistent, rarely excluded, somewhat flexuous, concolorous or slightly darker than disc. Ascospores simple, ellipsoid, thin-walled, smooth, 12-14 × 4-5 µm.
Thallus squamulose, ± closely attached, orbicular to spreading 1-5(-10) cm diam., bordered by a thin black prothallus. Squamules very variable, from minute, crenulate, stellate structures widely scattered on prothallus, to ± densely clustered, overlapping, with minute, flattened lobules at margins, to ± placodioid, radiating narrow, laciniate lobes with subascendent margins. Upper surface greyish-green to dull olive or fawnish, smooth, shining, without isidia or soredia, margins slightly white-pubescent. Lower surface pale buff or whitish-tomentose at margins, dark centrally with copious, black, squarrose rhizines. Apothecia sessile, frequent, small, to 1 mm diam., plane to convex, disc smooth, waxy, red-brown with a pale proper margin visible in young fruits, becoming thinner and less distinct with age. Ascospores ellipsoid, 12-25 × 6-9 µm.
Thallus minutely foliose-squamulose, to 6 cm diam., corticolous, or muscicolous or terricolous. Squamules cochleate, 1-2 mm diam., margins crenate-incised, becoming ± copiously lobulate-flattened, imbricate, often ascending, upper surface greyish-white, to grey-brown marginally, smooth, lacking pruina, isidia or soredia. Lower surface whitetomentose marginally, buff or brown centrally, with occasional tufts of black squarrose rhizines. Apothecia frequent, sessile, 0.2 mm diam., plane or convex, waxy, disc red-brown with a prominent, pale margin at first, becoming occluded with age. Ascospores ellipsoid 14-16 × 6-8 µm.
Thallus small, foliose-squamulose, very closely attached, orbicular to spreading, 2-5 cm diam., with a thin, blue-black prothallus projecting from margins, corticolous or saxicolous. Squamules small, radiating, orbicular, to 3 mm diam., margins subcrenate, whitish or dark bluish. Upper surface pale greyish to yellow-brown, smooth, matt, without isidia, pruina or soredia, minute, flattened, crenate, cochleate, lobules developed marginally and centrally in older thalli, often forming a diffract-areolate crust. Apothecia sessile, prominent, 0.5-1.5 mm diam., disc red-brown, plane, with a thick, pale brown, persistent proper margin. Ascospores ellipsoid, 14-18(-20) × 7-10 µm.
Thallus dorsiventral, heteromerous, foliose-lobate, closely attached, corticolous. Lobes narrow 1-4 mm wide, sublinear to subirregular, margins generally ciliate. Upper surface with a paraplectenchymatous cortex and a pored epicortex. Lobules, isidia, maculae and soredia often present. Photobiont green, . Medulla white or pale yellow. Lower surface black, rarely pale, rhizinate. Rhizines black, rarely pale, simple to sparsely furcate or squarrose. Apothecia sessile, 5 mm or less in diam., disc imperforate, thalline exciple smooth, occasionally rhizinate. Ascospores simple, colourless, 8 per ascus, uniform within a given species and not notably different between unrelated species.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, 2-6 cm diam., lobes narrow, 1-3 mm wide, linear to irregular, somewhat dissected, often crowded and imbricate, margins crenate, becoming lobulate-isidiate, ciliate, cilia simple, black, 0.3 mm long. Upper surface shining, minutely maculate (×10 lens), pale grey to brownish, isidiate. Isidia cylindrical or slightly flattened, dense, becoming lobular-coralloid, with short, black, apical cilia. Lower surface black with a narrow, brown, naked, marginal zone. Rhizines simple, black, rarely squarrose. Apothecia not seen in New Zealand material. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC+ pink, Pd-. Atranorin, gyrophoric acid (tr.) and two unidentified compounds.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, 2-5(-10) cm diam., closely attached. Lobes sublinear, 1-2(-3) mm wide, ± subdichotomously branching towards apices, margins black, shining, sparsely ciliate. Upper surface plane, or uneven, ± corrugate or very shallowly faveolate, matt or shining, with a faint reticulum of white lines (×10 lens) on some lobes, often at apices, greenish-grey to whitish, lobe ends often pruinose, isidiate. Isidia simple, terete, delicate, brown-tipped, 0.3 mm tall, rather slender, often crowded, laminal and marginal. Lower surface black, olive-brownish at margins, shining, wrinkled-papillate. Rhizines black, long, simple to squarrosely branched. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric acid and atranorin.
Thallus rosette-forming to irregularly spreading, 1-5 cm diam., lobes rather narrow, 1-3 mm wide, sublinear-elongate, highly dissected, margins sinuous, shining, black. Upper surface plane to convex, pale greyish-green to greyish-white or fawnish, shining, waxy, shallowly wrinkled-faveolate and faintly maculate, granular-white-pruinose at lobe apices and margins. Lower surface black, with a narrow, brown, naked marginal zone. Rhizines black, simple, sparse to dense. Apothecia common, pedicellate, 2-4 mm diam., disc dark brown, shining, often pruinose, margins thin, entire, not crenulate, or inflexed, thalline exciple smooth, shining, not verrucose. Ascospores 10-12 × 7-8 µm. Pycnidia numerous, punctiform, black. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C+ rose, KC+ rose, Pd-. Lecanoric acid and atranorin.
Thallus rather fragile, irregularly spreading or ± orbicular, 2-8 cm diam. Lobes narrow, 1-2 mm wide, subrotund, imbricate, axils sinuous, apices rounded and slightly crenulate, margins entire, cilia distinct, evenly dispersed, 0.5 mm long. Upper surface smooth, continuous, slightly maculate apically, greenish-grey to pale brownish, pustules laminal and marginal, eroding apically to expose white or pale yellow medulla. Medulla faintly yellow. Lower surface black with a smooth, brown, naked marginal zone. Rhizines simple or furcate, black, rather sparse. Apothecia occasional, sessile, disc brown, to 5 mm diam., margins crenulate, becoming pustulate, often deeply lacerate, thalline exciple strongly wrinkled, pustulate, greenish. Ascospores 12-24 × 7-8 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C+ orange-pink, KC+ orange-pink, Pd-. Gyrophoric acid and atranorin.
Thallus small, rosette-forming, to 4 cm diam., lobes narrow to subrotund, to 3 mm wide, margins sinuous. Upper surface plane to convex, smooth or wrinkled-plicate, not faveolate, pale greenish-grey, matt, waxy, occasionally covered with a crazing of fine black lines, without isidia, soredia or pruina. Lower surface pale buff or creamish, wrinkled-papillate. Rhizines pale buff, simple, to margins. Apothecia common, sessile to subpedicellate, disc concave, imperforate, brown-red, to 5 mm diam., margins crenate, inflexed, obscuring disc at first, thalline exciple wrinkled, striate-verrucose, thick. Ascospores 9-11(-14) × (6-)7-8 µm. Pycnidia common, punctiform, red-brown to black, widely scattered. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow: medulla K-, C+ rose, KC+ rose, Pd-. Lecanoric acid and atranorin.
Thallus crustose, epi- or endophloeodal, effuse or lacking, matt or glossy, olive-green or pale yellowish-brown, to scarcely differentiated from substrate, often with scattered, minute white spots (×10 lens), not, or rarely, delimited by a thin, black marginal line. Photobiont green, , in a ± continuous subcortical layer. Ascocarps in the form of perithecia, single to 2-5 confluent, embedded in a carbonaceous stromatic shell (involucrellum). Perithecial wall (exciple) internal to involucrellum, brownish or yellowish. Ostioles single or joined, inclined, or vertical, apices punctate, black, pale whitish or reddish. Paraphyses persistent c. 1 µm thick, septate, net-like, anastomosing. Asci bitunicate, clavate, thick-walled. Ascospores (4-)8 per ascus, broadly ellipsoid, brown at maturity, muriform.
Thallus in irregular bands or patches, 1-6 cm diam., olive brownish or greyish-yellowish to greyish-cinerascent, matt, smooth to slightly roughened, ± deeply cracked-areolate, corticolous. Perithecia immersed (1-5 in a stroma) in scattered verrucae, 1-2.5 mm diam., rounded to somewhat irregular, hemispherical, single or 2-3 confluent, involucrellum 11-40 µm thick, carbonaceous, exciple reddish-brown or pale yellowish-brown, 10-30 µm thick. Ostiole apical, 0.05-0.1 mm diam., slightly depressed, grey-white to red-brown. Ascospores uniseriate, ovoid-ellipsoid, submuriform, 5-6 transverse septa with 1-2 locules per tier, (30-)35-40 × 11-12 µm, wall 1-1.5 µm thick.
Thallus yellowish-olive to pale yellow-grey or fawnish, in irregular patches or bands, 2-8(-12) cm diam., smooth, waxy, continuous, rarely irregularly cracked, matt or shining, often with minute, scattered, white spots (×10 lens), corticolous. Perithecia ± immersed to emergent, in scattered, rounded to irregular verrucae, 1-3 mm diam., flattened to slightly swollen, subhemispherical, often ± covered with cortex and bark cells and appearing ± frosted, eventually black and shining, 1-4 perithecia in a stroma, involucrellum 10-60 µm thick, black carbonaceous, exciple brownish-yellow, 10-25 µm thick. Ostiole apical, 0.1 mm diam., flat, subpunctate or slightly raised, yellow-brown or reddish to black, occasionally whitish-grey, often open to interior or perithecial cavity. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid or oblong with pointed ends, muriform, 7-11 transverse septa and with 2-5 locules per tier, 60-70 × 30-35 µm, wall 1.5-2 µm thick.
Thallus dorsiventral, heteromerous, foliose-lobate, orbicular to spreading, often very large, loosely to closely attached, corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes broad, rounded, 10-30 mm wide, margins entire or variously incised or ornamented, ± ciliate. Upper surface smooth, shining or dull, plane, undulate or wrinkled, with or without, isidia, maculae, soredia. Upper cortex of palisade plectenchyma with a well-developed, pored epicortex. Medulla white. Photobiont green, . Lower surface black, with a characteristic brown or pale, marginal zone free of rhizines. Rhizines simple, unbranched, rather sparse, often coarse, central. Apothecia pedicellate, disc often perforate, thalline exciple smooth to wrinkled, sometimes maculate. Ascospores simple, colourless.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, loosely attached, to 8 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes rather narrow, 3-8 mm wide, margins sinuous, ciliate, with ± numerous, dentate laciniae, 2 mm wide and to 4 mm tall, often crowded centrally. Upper surface pale greenish-grey to dark greenish-brown, smooth, matt, faintly maculate at margins, becoming reticulate-cracked centrally, sorediate. Soralia developed mostly on marginal laciniae, later coalescing into ± extensive abraded patches at lobe tips which become hooded or recurved. Apothecia, isidia, pseudocyphellae and pycnidia absent. Lower surface black, with a broad, brown, naked, marginal zone. Rhizines central, black, simple. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC+ pink, Pd-, UV ± bluish-white. atranorin, alectoronic and ?-collatolic acids.
Thallus large, orbicular to spreading, loosely attached, to 20 cm diam., corticolous and saxicolous. Lobes broad (6-12 mm wide), rounded to subirregular, often laciniate or dissected, margins entire, sinuous, ciliate: Upper surface pale greyish-white (greenish when wet), finely maculate-cracked, in older specimens cracked to margins, soredia and isidia absent. Lower surface black, with a broad, brown, naked marginal zone. Rhizines central, black, dense, simple or squarrosely branched. Apothecia rare, pedicellate, disc brown, to 8 mm diam., consistently perforate in older fruits, margins entire at first becoming deeply lacerate with age, thalline exciple smooth or wrinkled, maculate near margin. Ascospores 13-16 × 6-7 µm. Pycnidia common at lobe margins, punctiform, black. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+ yellow → red; C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic acid and atranorin.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, loosely attached, to 10 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes rounded, to 8 mm wide, margins sinuous, brown, moderately ciliate, cilia fine, black, to 4 mm long. Upper surface smooth, matt, pale greenish-grey to whitish, becoming reticulate-cracked centrally, moderately to densely isidiate. Isidia marginal and laminal, small, protuberant, to 1 mm tall, terete, brown-tipped, simple, becoming coralloid-branched and eventually sublobulate, often with small (1 mm), black cilia at base. Lower surface black with a smooth, shining, wrinkled, pale brown, naked marginal zone. Rhizines central, dense, black, simple. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+ yellow, C-, KC-, Pd+ orange. Stictic acid and atranorin.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, large, 10-25 cm diam., loosely attached, corticolous and saxicolous. Lobes broad, rounded 12-20 mm wide, margins sinuous, sorediate, ± involute, marginal cilia absent. Upper surface pale greenish-grey or greyish-white, smooth, matt, minutely maculate (×10 lens), becoming irregularly cracked with age. Soralia linear, soredia fine, farinose, white. Lower surface black with a broad, brown, naked marginal zone. Rhizines sparse, black, simple. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic acid and atranorin.
Thallus lobate, orbicular to spreading, large, 8-12 cm diam., loosely to closely attached, corticolous. Lobes rounded, undulate, 5-10 mm wide, margins entire, thin, slightly sinuous, ciliate, cilia to 1.5 mm, slender, numerous. Upper surface pale greenish-grey, smooth, matt, not shining or pruinose, very faintly maculate (×10 lens) at margins, becoming reticulate-cracked centrally, sorediate. Soralia marginal, short, linear, becoming convolute or slightly hooded on small, incised marginal laciniae, never recurved, soredia fine, granular, greyish-white, not becoming blackened. Lower surface smooth, black, with a wide, pale, naked marginal zone. Rhizines sparse, central, simple, black. Apothecia pedicellate, disc brown, to 3 mm diam., imperforate, margins entire, often sorediate, thalline exciple smooth and faintly maculate. Ascospores 18-22 × 8-10 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd+ red. Protocetraric acid and atranorin, occasionally usnic acid (tr.).
Thallus orbicular, closely attached, to 5 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes rounded, 5-12 mm wide, crowded, margins crenate, often ascending, ciliate, cilia sparse to conspicuous, 0.5-1.5 mm long, rather coarse. Upper surface matt, coriaceous, greenish-grey, often pruinose at lobe margins and becoming irregularly cracked, sorediate. Soralia marginal, linear to subglobose, soredia coarse, granular, white at first, becoming dark greyish-black. Lower surface black, with a naked, brown, marginal zone. Rhizines black, simple. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. Caperatic acid and atranorin.
Thallus loosely adnate, 5-8 cm diam., corticolous, mineral grey. Lobes rounded, 7-10 mm diam., margins entire, ciliate, cilia 1.0-1.5 mm long, upper surface shining, plane, continuous, densely lobulate-isidiate, isidia inflated, pustulate, irregular, 0.2-0.3 mm thick, to 0.5 mm tall, fragile. Lower surface black, moderately rhizinate, pale brown to mottled ivory in a broad, naked, marginal zone. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Thallus K+ yellow; medulla K-, C+ rose, KC+ rose, Pd-. atranorin and gyrophoric acid.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, loosely attached, 6-15 cm diam., corticolous, rarely saxicolous. Lobes rounded, 5-12 mm wide, margins crenate to dissected-isidiate, ciliate, cilia numerous, black, 1-3 mm long. Upper surface smooth, pale grey to whitish, matt, slightly reticulate-cracked, isidiate, especially at or near margins, or sorediate-isidiate, isidia soon becoming granular and sorediate. Isidia at first small, simple, terete, delicate, brown-tipped, becoming granular-sorediate and ciliate, cilia black, to 3 mm tall. Soralia marginal, derived from isidia, capitate or glomerulate, eventually becoming recurved. Lower surface black, with a naked, tan or whitish, marginal zone. Rhizines central, black, simple. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC+ red, Pd-. Alectoronic and α-collatolic acids (UV ± bluish-white) and atranorin.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, loosely attached, 5-15 cm diam., corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes rounded, 8-15 mm wide, margins entire, often strongly sinuous, black, shining, ciliate, cilia rather sparse, 0.5-2 mm long. Upper surface pale greenish-grey or bluish-grey in damp habitats, to white or greyish-white in exposed habitats, smooth, matt, often wrinkled and usually cracked in older parts, submarginally sorediate. Soralia linear, soon eroding a large area and causing margins to become strongly revolute or capitate-hooded, soredia fine, powdery, white. Lower surface black and shining, with a conspicuous dark brown, naked marginal zone. Rhizines central, long, black, simple. Apothecia rare, pedicellate, to 6 mm diam., disc concave to ± plane, matt, pale brown to red-brown, imperforate, margins thick, inflexed, sorediate. Ascospores 25-28 × 16-18 µm. Pycnidia occasional, minute, black, punctiform, mainly marginal. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+ persistent yellow, C-, KC-, Pd+ pale orange. Atranorin and stictic acid.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, loosely attached, to 12 cm diam., corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes rounded to sublinear, dissected, to 8 mm wide, crowded, margins sorediate, often revolute, ciliate. Upper surface dull, greenish-blue to pale greenish-grey, maculate at lobe tips (×10 lens), with patterned cracking continuing throughout thallus, sorediate. Soralia mainly marginal, causing lobe tips to become recurved and often capitate-hooded. Medulla white, often rusty-red when wet (decomposition products of salazinic acid). Lower surface dark brown to black, with a variable, shining naked marginal zone. Rhizines central, simple or squarrosely branched, black. Apothecia rare, pedicellate, to 8 mm wide, disc deeply concave when young, becoming ± plane with age, red-brown, perforate, thalline exciple sorediate, inflexed. Ascospores 13-16 × 9-11 µm. Pycnidia minute, black, punctiform, marginal. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic acid and atranorin.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, loosely attached, 5-15 cm diam., corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes rounded, 10-15 mm wide, margins crenate, sinuous, sparsely ciliate, cilia 1-1.5 mm long. Upper surface pale greenish-yellow to greyish, shining, distinctly white-maculate (×10 lens) becoming irregularly cracked with age, moderately to densely isidiate. Isidia small, terete, simple to branched, to 1 mm tall, rarely ciliate. Lower surface pale brown, rarely darkening centrally, with a wide, pale brown, papillate, naked marginal zone. Rhizines black, simple, frequent, central. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+, C-, KC+ pink, Pd+ orange. Salazinic acid, norlobaridone and atranorin.
Thallus orbicular to irregularly spreading, loosely attached, large, 5-20 cm diam., corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes rounded, 10-15 mm wide, margins entire, sinuous, often minutely crenate or isidiate. Upper surface whitish-grey, smooth, shining, often maculate (×10 lens), densely isidiate. Isidia mainly simple, rarely coralloid-branched, granular-papillate to coarse, cylindrical, brown-tipped, to 2 mm tall, laminal and marginal. Lower surface black with a broad brown, naked marginal zone. Rhizines central, long, black, simple, rather sparse. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C+ red, KC+ red, Pd-. Lecanoric acid and atranorin.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, to 20 cm diam. Lobes ± detached, 3-8 cm long and to 1.5 cm wide, margins sinuous, often ascending. Lower surface white to brown, veins pale pinkish or brownish, 0.5-1.5 mm wide, slightly raised, to 0.2 mm tall. Rhizines 5-10(-12) mm long, dark brown-black, rarely simple, mainly fasciculate, tapering towards apices. Apothecia round, 2-5 mm diam., often ± reflexed, on narrow, elevated lobules, disc red-brown, exciple corrugate-scabrid, pale flesh-coloured, margins thin, crenate. Spores brownish, 3-7(-9)-septate, 48-85 × 3-4.5 µm. Chemistry: 7β -Acetoxyhopan-22-ol, 15?-acetoxyhopan-22-ol, hopane-6β, 22-diol (zeorin), hopane-7β, 22-diol, hopane-15α, 22-diol.
Thallus small, to 5(-8) cm diam. Lobes to 2 cm diam., margins ascending, appearing sometimes ± cochleate. Upper surface tomentose, brown or red-brown to greyish-blue, isidiate centrally. Isidia small, peltate or ± flattened, concolorous with Thallus or somewhat red-brown, scattered over upper surface, or ± central. Lower surface pale buff or brownish, veins irregular, brownish. Rhizines short, simple to fasciculate, entangled. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: TLC nil.
Thallus spreading, large, to 20 cm diam. Lobes ± discrete to imbricate, 2-10 cm long and to 2 cm wide, margins entire, sinuous, often ascending. Upper surface greyish-yellow or yellowish or brownish-green, dull, thinly tomentose, especially at, or towards margins, wrinkled-plicate or uneven-corrugate, reflecting patterns of veining on lower surface. Lower surface whitish to brown, tomentose, with narrow, elevated veins. Rhizines simple, pale to black, rather sparse, to 10 mm long. Apothecia on extended, ascending lobules, 4-5 mm diam., rounded, often reflexed, disc reddish to brown-black, margins pale, crenulate, thin. Ascospores acicular, colourless or pale yellowish, 3-5-septate, 45-70 × 3-4 µm. Chemistry: TLC nil.
Thallus as for but much thinner in texture, with upper surface plicate-ridged following pattern of venation below, pale greyish-green to dark red-brown. Lower surface whitish, veins narrow, 0.1-0.5 mm, raised, pale to dark red-brown. Rhizines simple, 2-3 mm long, rarely to 8 or 10 mm, pale buff to dark brown, rarely subfasciculate, with an anchoring squarrose tuft. Apothecia on ascending marginal lobules, round or ellipsoid to reflexed, disc red-brown to dark brown-black. Ascospores fusiform-acicular, pale yellowish, 3-5-septate 50-65 × 3-4 µm. Chemistry: TLC nil.
Thallus orbicular, small, often cochleate, 0.5-2.0(-3) cm diam. Lobes ascending, margins entire, often incurled. Upper surface thick, coriaceous, brownish-grey or buff or pale greyish-green, tomentose, ± sorediate when young. Soredia grey, coarse, granular, in ± marginal soralia or in small, rounded, erose spots or patches on upper surface, disappearing in older, usually fertile specimens. Lower surface pale whitish or brownish-pink, arachnoid, veins pale buff, raised, 0.5-1.5 mm wide. Rhizines pale buff, simple to fasciculate, 2.5 mm long, mainly central. Apothecia on ascending, revolute lobes, 2-4 mm diam., rounded to irregular-elongate, disc red-brown to brown-black, epruinose, margins pale, buff, crenulate-corrugate. Ascospores elongate-fusiform, 5-7-septate 55-70 × 3-4 µm. Chemistry: TLC nil.
Thallus in neat rosettes to 5 cm diam., ± flattened. Upper surface olive-green or yellowish-olive brown to greyish-blue tinged brownish, matt, glossy in parts, rarely delicately white-pruinose in parts impartinga slightly frosted appearance to lobes, margins incised-lacerate or minutely crenate-lobulate. Lower surface white, densely arachnoid, veins pale to dark brown, broad, flat, anastomosing, 0.2-0.8 mm wide. Rhizines white to dark brown, densely fasciculate, short, to 2 mm long. Apothecia flat, horizontal, 2-3(-5) mm diam., distinctly raised above thalline margin, disc red-brown, margins pale buff, corrugate, exciple below corrugate-scabrid-tomentose. Ascospores uniformly 3-septate, colourless to pale brownish, 26-32(-38) × 5-8 µm. Chemistry: TLC nil, or occasionally a trace of an unidentified compound.
Thallus orbicular, small, 2-5 cm diam. Lobes ± cochleate, clustered, margins entire, sinuous, to ± ascending and ± pectinate, tinged brownish. Upper surface glabrous, matt or glossy, pale greyish-green suffused brownish at margins, sorediate. Soralia laminal and marginal, at first rounded, 1.0 mm diam., eroding and becoming confluent, soredia granular, coarse, bluish. Lower surface pale buff, ± uniformly buff-tomentose, veins inapparent, rhizines pale, scattered, short, fasciculate. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Gyrophoric acid (C+ red).
Thallus heteromerous, foliose, lobate, dorsiventral, lobes 0.5-5(-8) cm diam. Upper surface corticate, cortex paraplectenchymatous, smooth or ± wrinkled or plicate, glabrous, matt or shining or ± scabrid or tomentose or pruinose, bluish-, brownish or yellowish-green or reddish-brown, terricolous or muscicolous or corticolous. Medulla white, loosely interwoven. Photobiont blue-green, , or green, . Lower surface decorticate, arachnoid, ± whitish or brownish, ± distinctly veined. Veins flat or raised, rhizinate. Rhizines short or long, pale or dark, simple to fasciculate, often with an anchoring squarrose tuft. Apothecia round or irregular, marginal, horizontal or on vertical, ascending lobules, often with margins reflexed, exciple areolate-tomentose, or ± lacking, disc red-brown to brown-black, epruinose, margins flesh-coloured to pale brownish, often ± verrucose. Epithecium red-brown. Hymenium colourless to pale brownish. Hypothecium colourless to brown. Asci clavate-cylindrical, 8-spored with a well-defined apical ring structure. Ascospores fusiform or acicular, 3-9-septate, colourless or brown.
Thallus foliose, peltate, monophyllous, attached to substrate by a central umbilicus, often in ± crowded, congested clumps, saxicolous or terricolous. Lobes undulate, shell-like, 7-15 mm wide, margins entire or slightly notched, sinuous, slightly thickened, downrolled, sorediate. Upper surface greyish olive-green or olive-brownish, smooth or scabrid, rather coriaceous, sorediate. Soralia mainly marginal but also laminal, circular, blue-grey, soredia granular, rather coarse. Lower surface smooth, pale buff to brownish-red. Umbilicus ± central, rigid, to 0.4 mm diam. Apothecia many per squamule, immersed, discs punctiform or expanded, to 0.7 mm wide, without a thalline margin. Asci with a gelatinous sheath, 100-120 × 21-27 µm containing 100 or more spores. Ascospores ellipsoid to fusiform 6-7.6 × 3-4.5 µm. Pycnidia immersed, minute, black. Conidia fusiform 3.4 × 1.5 µm.
Thallus areolate, squamulose, peltate or subfruticose, attached by a small area of rhizines or an umbilicus, dorsiventral, heteromerous, terricolous or saxicolous. Upper and lower surfaces corticate, with or without soredia. Medulla white, loosely woven. Photobiont blue-green, . Apothecia immersed. Asci with a gelatinous sheath, with 16-100 or more spores. Ascospores colourless, simple. Pycnidia immersed. Conidia fusiform.
Thallus foliose, monophyllous, appearing umbilicate, attached to substrate by several disc-like holdfasts, saxicolous. Lobes to 1.5 cm diam., margins slightly incised or crenulate, often coarsely sorediate. Upper surface matt, or ± scabrid, greyish-brown, with rounded, maniciform, coarse-grained bluish soralia. Lower surface pale pinkish-white, verrucose, often ± faveolate-lacunose, occasionally with coarse, bluish soralia. Apothecia very rare, to 1 mm diam., erupting through upper cortex, pushing forward a thalline margin concolorous with thallus, sometimes heavily sorediate, disc plane, matt, brown. Hymenium (90-)100-120 µm tall, upper part pale brown, I+ deep blue. Paraphyses simple, rarely bifurcating at apices, 2 µm thick, slightly expanded at apices with brownish pigment externally. Asci broadly clavate, (70-)75-80(-85) × 20-25 µm, tapering towards base, thick-walled especially at apex, with an external amyloid cap. Ascospores 8 per ascus, colourless, thin-walled, (2-)3-septate, (15-)20-25 × 7-8 µm. Chemistry: TLC nil.
Thallus foliose, heteromerous, dorsiventral, attached to substrate by a ± central umbilicus or by several disc-like holdfasts, saxicolous. Lobes undulate to ± folded, monophyllous or ± polyphyllous, margins entire, incised or ± crenulate, with or without soralia. Upper surface ± areolate or scabrid, rarely smooth with or without soralia. Photobiont blue-green, or . Medulla white. Lower surface pale, whitish to yellowish-brown, thinly tomentose or ± glabrous, smooth to ± faveolate-lacunose. Apothecia hemiangiocarpic, ± immersed to subsessile or urceolate, rounded, thalline margin present or absent, concolorous with thallus. Hymenium 65-100(-120) µm tall, I+ blue, colourless, with a pale brown or brown epithecium. Paraphyses simple, septate, 2 µm thick, apices slightly capitate, with brown pigment external to cells. Asci broadly clavate, with external amyloid cap, 8-spored. Ascospores colourless, thin-walled, ellipsoid to ± spherical, simple to 2(-3)-septate. Pycnidia not seen.
Thallus thin, 0.8 mm thick, tartareous, dingy greyish, areolate-cracked, areolae subangular to subirregular, 0.2-1.0 mm diam., ± convex, appearing somewhat subsquamulose, cracks narrow, obscurely delimited at margins, saxicolous. Fertile verrucae whitish, sessile or ± constricted at base, round to irregular, swollen, to 6 mm diam., and 2.5 mm tall. Apothecia several to many per verruca, disc punctiform-impressed, black, epruinose. Asci oblong-clavate, 2-spored. Ascospores oblong-ellipsoid to ellipsoid, apices rounded or pointed, contents oily, 180-210 × 60-66 µm, wall 3 µm thick. Chemistry: K-, C-, KC-.
Thallus areolate-cracked, uniform, matt, smooth, areolae angular, minute, 0.15 mm diam., or less, separated by narrow cracks, yellowish-white or yellowish-grey, with distinct, narrow, black, wavy lines at margins and small blackened areas (?prothallus) scattered through thallus, forming coalescing mosaics, 1-5(-8) cm diam., saxicolous. Fertile verrucae scattered to crowded, rounded, ± hemispherical, with a flattened apex, monocarpic, ostiole black, 0.05-0.1 mm diam. Asci clavate, 6-spored (occasionally 4-spored). Hymenial gelatine reddish-brown. Ascospores oval, thick walled, often brownish when young, colourless at maturity (56.5-)74-87 × 34-43.5 µm. Wall 8-12 µm thick. Chemistry: K+ red or brownish. ?Arthothelin, UV+ dull orange.
Thallus olive green to grey-green, fawnish in parts, verrucose, nodular-papillate, globose, surface granular, congested, hemispherical or flattened, spreading in a thick, irregular crust, 2-5(-10) cm diam., saxicolous. Apothecia innate to sessile, margins often completely enclosing disc, thick nodular-papillate, 0.5-2.0 mm diam., disc pale to dark red-brown with a thin, white pruina. Asci clavate, 1-spored. Ascospores broad ellipsoid, apices rounded, 100-160(-230) × 40-65(-74) µm, wall 3-4 µm thick. Chemistry: TLC two unidentified compounds.
Thallus glaucous grey-white or dingy creamish-white or pale olivaceous, matt, wrinkled-plicate or irregularly cracked, often obliterated by crowded verrucae, in patches 2-6 cm diam., in places whitish erose-subfarinose, corticolous. Fertile verrucae crowded, round to irregular 0.5-2.0 mm diam., ± hemispherical, white-farinose or concolorous with thallus. Apothecia 1-3 per verruca, innate, ostiole red-brown to black, punctiform to irregular 0.1-0.3(-0.7) mm wide, apex flattened, to ± papillate. Asci 8-spored, biseriate. Ascospores oval-ellipsoid, contents granular-oily to translucent, (43-)50-70(-78.3) × 26.1-39.1 µm, wall c. 8 µm thick, to 13.5 µm at apices. Chemistry: TLC nil.
Thallus white, rarely greyish-white, episubstratal, thin, engulfing substrate, margin ± entire and unzoned, surface smooth to ± tuberculate, at times ± shining, continuous, never areolate-cracked, isidiate. Isidia initally papillate becoming columnar, often 1-2-branched at apices, bases well constricted with sides and tips only occasionally fused (0.2-)0.7(-1.2) mm diam., (0.4-)2(-7) mm tall. Fertile verrucae lecanorine, concolorous with thallus, terminal, embedded in tips of isidia, ± numerous and locally crowded, but usually narrower than isidia, often infrequently fused, 1-3 × 0.4-1.0 mm diam. Disc flesh-coloured to dominantly dark brown or black, plane or innate, occasionally convex, usually white-pruinose, 0.2-0.9 mm wide. Apothecia 1 per verruca, only slightly wider than disc, 0.37-0.96 mm diam. Epithecium brown, dark brown or black. Hypothecium colourless or pale brown. Asci clavate (150-)230(-340) × (43-)70(-120) µm. Ascospores 1 per ascus, oval, ellipsoid or cylindrical, generally deformed, frequently germinated and filled with oil bodies (100-)170(-270) × (38-)60(-115) µm, wall (2-)11(-30) µm thick. Chemistry: Cortex K-, C-, Pd-; medulla K+ yellow-red-brown, C-, Pd+ yellow-orange. Fumarprotocetraric and protocetraric (tr.) acids.
Thallus heteromerous, crustose to dwarf-fruticose, mainly grey but also white, yellow, green or blue-black, surface smooth, tuberculate, wrinkled-plicate and continuous, cracked or areolate. Cortex paraplecten-chymatous, becoming abraded or disorientated. Medulla white, variable in thickness, of loosely woven, thin-walled hyphae. Photobiont green, . Apothecia innate, within verrucae, generally elevated above thallus surface, single or several in pseudostromata; disc small and punctiform to broad and lecanorine. Parathecium weakly developed, never carbonised. Paraphysoids septate, branching from near base, variouslyspaced, becoming reticulately branched. Epithecium prominent, hyaline to dark, sometimes K+ violet. Hypothecium reduced, hyaline never K+ violet. Hymenium subglobose to discoid, hymenial gelatine colourless, yellow-brown or red. Asci clavate or cylindrical, 1-8-spored. Ascospores oval, ellipsoid, fusiform or cylindrical, simple, multinucleate, large, walls single or double, usually hyaline, mainly thick. Pycnidia immersed, globose or racemose, ostiolate or erumpent. Conidia cylindrical, filiform to acicular.
Thallus very thin, brownish-grey, often lacking, in indeterminate patches, 1-3 cm diam., abraded or lacking between verrucae, saxicolous. Fertile verrucae conical to ± hemispherical, round to irregular 0.2-1.0 mm diam., rather sparse, smooth, shining, fawn or brownish. Apothecia immersed, 1-4 per verruca, ostiole minute, pin-prick-like to ± disciform, to 0.1 mm diam., blackened, verrucae often surrounded by a thin, wavy, blackened prothallus. Asci 8-spored. Ascospores uniseriate to biseriate, oval-ellipsoid, 34-42.3 × 11.9-17 µm, wall 3-4 µm thick. Chemistry: K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Norstictic and connorstictic acids.
Thallus thick, chalky white or creamish-white, areolate-cracked or ± continuous or irregularly cracked to verrucose-uneven or plicate-rugose, surface smooth coriaceous, to ± roughened-tartareous, spreading in irregular often coalescing patches, 2-5(-20) cm diam. Fertile verrucae round to irregular, ± hemispherical, apex flattened or ± eroded and level with thallus surface, 1-8 mm diam., with 1-5 apothecia per verruca. Apothecia immersed, disc black or dark brown, epruinose, round to irregular and becoming ± stellate, 0.2-1.0 mm diam., often absent. Asci clavate, 4-spored. Ascospores uniseriate, oval 61-91.3(-115) × 30-43.5 µm. Wall 4-5 µm thick. Chemistry: K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Norstictic and connorstictic acids.
Thallus pale olivaceous or grey-green or grey-white, thin, continuous, irregulary cracked to areolate-cracked, matt or shining, 2-4 cm diam.,in irregular patches, with a thin, black, wavy marginal prothallus, corticolous. Fertile verrucae not much raised above thallus, sparse, blisterlike, ± convex, 1-2 mm diam., concolorous with thallus, apices flattened. Apothecia immersed, 1-5 per verruca, ostioles minute, brown or black, punctiform. Asci clavate, 8-spored. Ascospores uniseriate, oval-ellipsoid 51-69 × 18.7-26(-30) µm, wall 1.5-2.5 µm thick. Chemistry: K+ yellow, Pd+ orange. Thamnolic acid.
Thallus grey-white or pale greenish-grey, uniform, matt, areolate-cracked, areolae angular 0.2-0.6 mm diam., plane or minutely verrucose-irregular, saxicolous. Fertile verrucae scattered, smoothly rounded, hemispherical, 0.5-3.0 mm diam., ± shining, brownish-buff. Apothecia immersed, 1-3 per verruca, 0.2-0.4 mm diam., ostioles black, punctiform, minute. Asci clavate 8-spored, Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid with pointed ends, 78.3-120 × 30-43.5 µm, wall 8-13 µm thick. Chemistry: TLC, 4 unidentified compounds, one a xanthone charring UV+ citrine yellow.
Thallus grey-white or pale glaucous, wrinkled-plicate to verrucose, marigns shallowly nodular-papillate to irregularly wrinkled, with a thin, black prothallus. Fertile verrucae common, crowded, rounded to irregular, 1-2.5 mm diam., ± hemispherical, apices flattened, surface puckered or irregularly plicate-rugose. Apothecia immersed, 1-3 per verruca, ostioles black, depressed 0.01-0.1 mm wide, disc blackish with a white pruina. Asci 8-spored. Ascospores biseriate, oval-ellipsoid with rounded, flattened or slightly pointed ends, contents granular at first then hyaline, 90-113 × 30.4-39.2 µm, wall 4-7(-17) µm thick. Chemistry: Unidentified compound (?xanthone) charring UV+ citrine yellow.
Thallus whitish-arachnoid, ± decorticate, effuse or poorly developed, in patches 1-3 cm diam., delimited at margins by a thin, wavy, black line of prothallus, ± entirely composed of fertile verrucae, corticolous. Fertile verrucae rounded to irregular, 2-8 mm diam. Apothecia 5-20 per verruca, discs ± sinuous, 0.05-0.6 mm diam., pale to dark brown, shining, epruinose. Asci clavate, 8-spored. Ascospores biseriate, oval-ellipsoid to ± cylindrical, apices pointed or rounded, contents granular, 55-70 × 22.1-27.2 µm, wall 5.1 µm thick, thickest at apices. Chemistry: K+ yellow, C-, Pd+ orange. Stictic acid.
Thallus chalky white or grey-white, thick, wrinkled to irregularly areolate-cracked, margins effuse, indeterminate, matt, minutely papillate. Fertile verrucae rounded to subirregular 0.6-1.4 mm diam., hemispherical to ± conical, apex often flattened, concolorous with thallus. Apothecia immersed, 1-2 per verruca, ostioles carbonaceous, black, shining, surrounded by a narrow zone of pellucid tissue, internal tissues black. Asci 2-spored, endoascus well-developed, with a prominent apical dimple. Ascospores uniseriate, broadly ellipsoid with rounded ends, contents granular at first then hyaline 120-165.3 × 39.15-60 µm, wall 8.7-17.4 µm thick. Chemistry: TLC nil.
Thallus in patches or bands, 3-8(-20) cm diam., pale olivaceous-grey to grey-white, matt or shining, irregularly wrinkled-plicate or ridged, irregularly cracked to ± areolate. Apothecia sessile, constricted at base 0.5-2.5 mm diam., ± hemispherical at maturity, blister-like at first becoming erose-white-sorediate, disc subconcave to plane, often fissured,pale buff to dark brown or grey, densely white-pruinose, pruina granular, margins thick, fissured, eroding, roughened-granular, -like, covered with thallus at first then white-sorediate. Asci clavate, with well-developed apical tholus, 8-spored (rarely 6-spored). Ascospores uniseriate, oval-ellipsoid, pointed at one end, rounded at other, occasionally apiculate at one end, 43.5-74 × 26.1-38.8 µm. Chemistry: TLC 3 unidentified compounds (brown-purple or greyish).
Thallus glaucous green to fawnish or grey-green, continuous, wrinkled- plicate to ± papillate, delimited at margins by a thin, dark, wavy line of prothallus, spreading in patches, 3-5 cm diam., matt or shining, occasionally shallowly cracked to ± areolate, sorediate. Soralia in eroding papillae, devoid of hymenial elements, round, 0.05-0.8 mm diam., soredia white or grey-white, granular-farinose. Chemistry: Medulla K+ purple. Hypothamnolic acid.
Thallus spreading in rosettes or irregular patches 5-7(-10) cm diam., whitish-cream or grey-white, thick, tartareous, conspicuously and deeply areolate-cracked, areolae regular, polygonal, 1-2 mm diam., surface roughened, crumbly. Fertile verrucae rounded, monocarpic, of same size as supporting areolae, lecanorine, margins thick, verrucose, eroding-pulverulent. Apothecia prominent, disc 0.5-1.2 mm diam., shallowly concave to plane, buff to red-brown or yellowish with a coarse, granular white pruina. Asci 1-spored. Ascospores broad-ellipsoid, ends rounded or with one end pointed, 200-274 × 95-104 µm, all 9-13 µm thick. Chemistry: C+ red. Lecanoric acid.
Thallus thick, chalky-white or dingy creamish, areolate-cracked, areolae angular, convex, lumpy, separated by deep or shallow cracks, 0.3-1.0 mm diam. Fertile verrucae concolorous with thallus, 1-4 mm diam., rounded to irregular, ± hemispherical, apex flattened. Apothecia 1-12 per verruca, immersed, ostiole black, punctiform impressed, 0.01-0.02 mm diam. Asci clavate 1-spored. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid, 174-304.5 × 70-95 µm, wall 17-21 µm thick, to 52 µm thick at ends, complex, double. Chemistry: K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Norstictic acid.
Thallus dingy olive-grey or brownish, verrucose, areolate, areolae angular 0.2-0.5 mm diam., separated by deep cracks, surface granular-roughened, spreading in irregular patches, 1-3 cm diam. Fertile verrucae angular-areolate, 0.3-0.8 mm diam. Apothecia lecanorine, 1-3 per verruca, 0.05-0.85(-1.0) mm diam., disc black, epruinose to grey-white pruinose, margins white or grey-white, roughened, eroding-pulverulent. Asci 8-spored. Ascospores uniseriate, oval-ellipsoid, thin-walled, 34-43.3 × 10.2-23.8 µm. Chemistry: K+ yellow → red, C- KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Norstictic and connorstictic acids.
Thallus grey-white or dingy olivaceous-grey, thick, regularly areolate-cracked, areolae angular, plane, 0.2-1.5 mm diam., separated by deep cracks, smooth, matt, in spreading patches, 4-8(-12) cm diam., saxicolous. Fertile verrucae crowded, confluent, cerebriform, hemispherical to ± irregular lumpy, 2-6 mm diam., concolorous with thallus, often deeply fissured. Apothecia 1-4 per verruca, ostioles black, punctiform, innate to 0.2 mm diam., asci 8-spored. Ascospores biseriate, oval, often hard tofind, 100-122 × 43-61 µm, walls thin. Chemistry: K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Norstictic and connorstictic acids.
Thallus pale olive-green or, greenish-grey to fawnish-green or yellowish-green, wrinkled-plicate to verrucose or papillate to areolate-cracked, matt, ± waxy, smooth in parts, in irregular patches, 2-5 cm diam., delimited at margins by a thin, wavy black line of prothallus, margins slightly plicate-radiate, corticolous. Fertile verrucae concolorous with thallus, raised, irregular, locally fused in deformed groups, 2-4(-8) mm diam. Apothecia immersed, 2-4(-8-10) per verruca, ostioles minute, punctiform, black or brown, surface of verrucae slightly puckered at ostiole, margins rounded, irregular, not splitting. Asci 2-spored. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid or oblong-ellipsoid or oval, both ends round or one end pointed (120-)160-220 × 43-70 µm, wall 13-17 µm thick, radial zonation of inner wall conspicuous. Chemistry: TLC 2 unidentified compounds, one a xanthone charring UV+ citrine yellow, and ?perlatolic acid.
Thallus yellowish-ochre or fawnish or dingy-white, verrucose-areolate to wrinkled-plicate-areolate, areolae convex, separated by shallow to deep cracks, often confluent, in mosaics, 0.5-2.5 cm diam., margins plicateradiating or delimited by a thin, black, wavy line, surface matt to minutely roughened or granular-scabrid to ± wrinkled-puckered, often minutely white-maculate, saxicolous. Fertile verrucae with 1-3 apothecia. Apothecia immersed, ostiole black, punctiform-depressed, minute, surrounded by a zone of pellucid tissue, often ± papillate. Asci 2-spored.Ascospores ellipsoid, contents granular to hyaline, 192-247(-280) × 47-87 µm, wall 8.7-17(-22) µm thick, thickest at apices. Chemistry: K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Norstictic ± connorstictic acids.
Thallus grey-white, pale glaucous grey or fawn-grey, matt, uniform, areolate-cracked or with parallel striations or deep or narrow cracks (rather like tree bark), 2-12 cm diam., margins indeterminate, effuse. Fertile verrucae scattered, 0.5-5 mm diam., ± hemispherical deformed, constricted at base, round to irregular. Apothecia 1-5(-10) per verruca, immersed, ostioles black, apex of verruca surrounding ostiole red-brown, ± translucent margins grey-white or concolorous with thallus. Asci 8-spored. Ascospores uniseriate, oval-ellipsoid, ends pointed, (43.5-)52-69.5 × 25-30 µm, walls 3-13 µm thick, thickest at apices. Chemistry: TLC-2 unidentified compounds (yellow) lower one violet, 2 xanthones UV+ orange (charring UV++ citrine yellow).
Thallus pale yellowish to grey-white with fertile verrucae yellowish and remainder of thallus thin, greyish indistinct. Fertile verrucae scattered 0.1-0.3 mm diam., ± hemispherical to conical, flattened, waxy at apex. Apothecia immersed 1-3 per verruca, ostioles minute, blackened, disc black, innate. Asci 8-spored. Ascospores biseriate, broadly ellipsoid to oval, contents oily-granular 87-113 × 35-40 µm, wall thickened at apices, 6-17 µm thick. Chemistry: Unidentified compound (?xanthone) charring UV+ citrine yellow.
Thallus in irregular, continuous patches 2-6(-10) cm diam., olive-green to pale grey-green or fawnish, wrinkled-verrucose or shallow papillate, areolate-cracked, shining or matt. Fertile verrucae 0.5-1.5 mm diam., to 1.2 mm tall, sessile, rounded, white-sorediate at first, margins concolorous with thallus, thick, wrinkled-striate or ± exfoliating, white-pulverulent. Apothecia 1 per verruca, disc pale to dark red-brown or greyish with a thick, whitish pruina. Asci 8-spored, clavate, occasionally 4-6-spored with small or aborted spores. Ascospores oval, uniseriate, (18.7-)23-36(-40) × 12-15.5(-20.3) µm, wall 1.5-3 µm thick. Chemistry: 2 unidentified compounds.
Thallus continuous, smooth, shining, whitish-grey to greenish-grey, corticolous. Lirellae immersed, unbranched or nearly so, 2-4 × 0.5 mm, with a definite, black, proper exciple, and sometimes a prominent, pale, thalline margin, disc plane, black, base open. Ascospores 8 per ascus, brown, muriform, 6 × 2-3-locular, locules irregular, 28-36 × 10-15 µm. Chemistry: TLC nil.
Thallus crustose, epi- or endophloeodal, ecorticate or with a cortex of periclinal hyphae. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lirelline, lirellae immersed to sessile, elongate or branched, lips connivent to open, entire or sulcate. Ascospores 1-8 per ascus, muriform, brown.
Thallus thick, creamish-white, undulate or roughened, rugose with minute, reticulate cracking, corticolous. Lirellae prominent, flexuous, 1-3 × 0.5 mm, ends often acute, thalline margins distinct, proper exciple prominent, open, base variable. Ascospores 8 per ascus, very pale brown, younger spores colourless, 9-12-locular, 38-60 × 8-10 µm, often with a distinct tag at either end. Chemistry: Norstictic acid.
Thallus thick, pale, dull white, corticolous. Lirellae prominent 1-6 × 0.3-0.6 mm, irregular, branched and flexuous, sometimes stellate, oftenwith thalline margin interrupting and breaking one fruit into several, proper exciple open, base carbonised, thalline margin distinct, often raised, disc plane, black or faintly pruinose and grey. Ascospores 8 per ascus, 6-locular, 20-30 × 8-10 µm, with thick, dark walls, younger spores brown, darkening and wrinkling with age. Chemistry: TLC nil.
Thallus creamish-white, thick, rugose, corticolous. Lirellae flexuous, branching, simple to stellate, 0.5-3.0 × 0.3 mm, thalline margin thin to lacking, proper exciple prominent, open, the disc dark, sometimes pruinose, base open, brown. Ascospores 6-8 per ascus, 4-locular, 18-21 × 7-10 µm, walls thick, brown. Chemistry: TLC nil.
Thallus crustose, epi- or endophloeodal, ecorticate or with a cortex of periclinal hyphae. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lirelline, lirellae immersed to sessile, elongate or branched, rarely short and rounded, lips connivent or open, entire or sulcate. Ascospores 4-8 per ascus, brown, fusiform to ellipsoid or subcylindrical, septate.
Thallus closely attached to substratum, irregular to ± orbicular, 2-5 cm diam., terricolous or saxicolous. Lobes radiating, 0.3-0.5 mm wide, rarely to 1 mm wide, plane or weakly convex, ± imbricate. Upper surface grey-brown to brown, ± shining, without isidia, pruina or soredia. Lower surface black except for pale extreme lobe tips. Rhizines black, projecting slightly from lobe margins or inapparent. Upper and lower cortex paraplectenchymatous, cells isodiametric with dark brown walls in lower cortex. Medulla of loosely interwoven hyphae, with orange pigment (skyrin) present in lower part. Apothecia abundant, sessile, to 1.5 mm diam., concave to plane, disc red-brown, matt, epruinose, margins persistent, crenulate or lobulate, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores with thick walls and rounded to elongate lumina (-type), 20-26 × 9-12 µm. Chemistry: TLC skyrin and zeorin.
Thallus 2-4(-8) cm diam., irregularly spreading, not rosette-forming, ± loosely attached. Lobes irregular, 2-4 mm wide, flat to concave, ± canaliculate centrally, apices conspicuously upturned. Upper surface smooth, dark greenish-brown or greenish grey and in parts superficially blackened, soralia laminal, indistinctly delimited, soredia granular, greenish, often superficially blackened. Lower surface black, densely rhizinate. Rhizines simple, 1-3 mm long, projecting beyond lobe margins. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: TLC nil.
Thallus heteromerous, foliose, dorsiventral, lobate to fruticose, ± loosely attached. Upper surface greyish-brown to brown, never white-pruinose. Photobiont green, . Medulla white or in the lower part orange-red (skyrin). Lower surface brownish or black, corticate, paraplectenchymatous, of thick-walled isodiametric cells. Apothecia lecanorine, laminal, ± sessile, with rhizines on underside, disc brown to black. Ascospores brown, thick-walled, 1-septate, 8 per ascus. Pycnidia laminal, immersed. Conidia ellipsoid, small.
Thallus orbicular, to 3 cm diam., sometimes confluent with other thalli, ± closely attached. Lobes radiating, to 1 mm wide, overlapping or indistinctly separated. Upper surface pale grey to dark brown, sometimes yellowish (skyrin), sorediate. Soralia laminal or marginal, ± capitate, sometimes spreading and covering large areas of thallus, white or yellowish (skyrin). Lower surface black, rhizinate. Rhizines simple, occasionally projecting beyond lobe margins. Apothecia ± central, rarely towards lobe apices, to 1.5 mm diam., with or without rhizines on lower side. Ascospores 18-26 × 7-11 µm. Chemistry: TLC nil.
Thallus crustose, thin, effuse, granular, powdery or continuous, ± coriaceous, matt or shining, whitish or pale glaucous grey to olivaceous, sometimes white-arachnoid towards margins, spreading in irregular patches or ± orbicular, corticolous. Photobiont green, . Apothecia immersed to sessile, ± urceolate, rounded to irregular, lecanorine, disc concave to plane, pale yellowish-brown to red-brown or blackened, with or without a whitish pruina, margins entire, or split and fractured and somewhat gyalectiform, with or without farinose soredia. Hymenium 130-200(-250) µm tall, colourless. Epithecium granular, brown-black. Paraphyses slender, septate, densely conglutinate, anastomosing, apices swollen, suffused yellowish-brown. Hypothecium colourless or straw-yellow to dark brown. Ascospores (1-)4-8 per ascus, fusiform, and slightly curved to oblong-ellipsoid, colourless, 3-13(-23)-septate, cells lenticular.
Thallus in stripes or patches, 1-2(-5) cm diam. Upper surface chalky-white, roughened, chinky, areolate-cracked, smooth in parts, matt, not minutely granular or furfuraceous. Apothecia innate, very small, 0.1-0.3 mm diam., clustered, very irregular in shape, often immersed in declivities in substrate, disc not easily seen, contorted through mutual pressure, concave to plane, dark brown or black, delicately white-pruinose, margins thick, white, concolorous with thallus, irregular, sinuous, contorted, ± inflexed, obscuring disc, often split and fissured. Ascospores fusiform, 7-11-septate, slightly curved, 55-80(-86) × 5-7 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow. Stictic, hypostictic acids and unidentified compound A.
Thallus in irregular, conspicuous patches, spreading over bryophytes on bark or rock, 5-10(-15) cm diam. Surface arachnoid-byssoid, white below and at margins, overlain with coarse to fine, aeruginose-green to green-white contiguous granules, not areolate-cracked. Photobiont green, unicellular cells 2-5 µm diam. Apothecia numerous, inapparent, solitary or rarely 2-confluent, rounded or irregular, 0.5-1.2 mm diam., in subglobose to ± flattened pustules, margins irregular, granular, uneven, concolorous or paler than disc, disc plane or ± convex, grey, white-pulverulent, granular and pruinose. Epithecium minutely granular, ± grey-opaque. Hymenium to 400 µm tall. Paraphyses very numerous, c. 1 µm thick, forming a densely anastomosing network. Asci thin-walled, 400 × 100 µm. Ascospores 1 per ascus, large, oblong-ellipsoid with rounded apices, 17-21(-23)-septate, cells thin-walled, lenticular, 285-390 × 79-95 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin, psoromic, neopsoromic and protocetraric ± acids.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, in patches, 5-10(-15) cm diam. Upper surface smooth or minutely warted or wrinkled, waxy, shining, corticate, ± coriaceous, continuous to markedly areolate-cracked, areolae concave, 0.5-1.5 diam., angular, margins slightly raised, white or dingy cream to whitish-fawn or pale pinkish. Apothecia sparse to frequent, clustered, rarely solitary, semi-immersed in pseudostromata, 1-3 mm diam., rounded to irregular-deformed, disc plane, pale brownish to reddish, densely white-pruinose, rarely blackened and epruinose, margins raised, inflexed, entire to irregularly dentate or crenate, thick, concolorous with thallus or eroded and then red-brown, translucent. Ascospores cylindrical or oblong-ellipsoid, 7-septate, (55-)60-78(-74) × 13-16(-18) µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow → red. Norstictic, ± connorstictic acids.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, in patches, 2-5(-10) cm diam. Upper surface minutely granular, appearing ± velvety, areolate-cracked, crazing of cracks very fine to ± gaping, whitish-grey to glaucous-green or dingy olivaceous, whitish-arachnoid at margins, surface regular and smooth on flat bark, closely following contours of substrate. Apothecia frequent, single or ± confluent in groups, sessile or ± innate, disc round to irregular, 0.1-1.1 mm diam., subconcave to plane, dark grey or black to occasionally red-brown, waxy, with a fine, white, delicate pruina, margins raised, ± inflexed, sinuous or irregular, cracked or split and ± fractured, white or creamy, often obscuring disc. Ascospores 3-8-septate (35-)40-60 × 4-5(-7) µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow. Stictic and hypostictic acids and unidentified compound A.
Thallus spreading in patches, 3-10 cm diam. Upper surface pale glaucous or greenish-grey to whitish-buff, granular-leprose, scurfy or furfuraceous, thin, eroded-effuse in parts, white-arachnoid at margins. Apothecia very small, 0.1-0.3 mm diam., numerous, scattered, rarely solitary 2-6(-10) aggregated, innate to ± sessile, disc round to irregular, concave to plane, pale yellow-brown to reddish, translucent, densely white-pruinose, pruina fine, delicately farinose, margins slightly raised, entire, erumpent, densely white farinose-sorediate, macroscopically visible as pale whitish blotches on thallus. Ascospores fusiform, 7-septate, slightly curved (40-)45-62(-72) × 5-6(-7) µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow. Stictic and constictic acids and unidentified compound A.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, in patches to 5(-10) cm diam. Upper surface minutely granular-uneven ± arachnoid or "frosted" often minutely verruculose, occasionally areolate-cracked, whitish to pale greenish-grey or glaucous-grey. Apothecia sparse to frequent, 0.1-0.5 mm diam., solitary, or scattered, to 4-5 together in a line, often in a declivity in bark or 2-4(-7) together in a pseudostroma, round to irregular, innate, disc concave to plane, red or red-brown, rarely black, translucent, densely covered with a thick, white granular pruina, margins white or pale pinkish, slightly raised, entire to dentate-irregular, ± puckered, split or fissured or ± gyalectiform, or eroded to a ± translucent, thin, red rim. Ascopores fusiform, slightly curved (5-)7-13-septate, (45-)54-90(-100) × 5-10 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow → red. Norstictic acid.
Thallus microphylline, subsquamulose, squamules crowded, ± imbricate, pale grey-green to yellow-green or dark olive or green in shaded sites, continuous, spreading, to 10 cm diam., but generally much less, on rotting logs. Apothecia rarely solitary, congested, confluent, irregular, to 5 mm diam., rusty red-brown, margins thin, pale, undulate-irregular. Ascospores 8 per ascus, biseriate, ellipsoid, apices narrowly rounded, straight, 11-12 × 6 µm.
Thallus pale greenish-grey, floccose-coralline, granular to microphylline, squamules digitate, many resembling isidia, c. 0.1 mm wide, continuous or ± diffract-areolate centrally, on a pale, byssoid prothallus. Apothecia scattered, solitary, yellowish-brown, convex. Ascospores 8 per ascus, biseriate, cylindrical-ellipsoid (10-)15-21 × 3.4 µm.
Thallus heteromerous, granular, microphylline or squamulose to subfoliose, often erect, upper cortex well-developed, ± loosely attached to substrate by medullary hyphae or by a prothallus, isidia present or absent, margins of thallus ± pale, corticolous. Photobiont green, . Apothecia sessile, biatorine, ± convex, brown or reddish-brown with a thin, pale proper margin, disappearing with age. Paraphyses distinct, simple, apices not noticeably thickened, conglutinate. Asci clavate, 8-spored. Ascospores simple, colourless, long-ellipsoid. Hypothecium massive, 150-250 µm thick, intensely gelatinised, appearing chondroid.
Thallus foliose, heteromerous, lobate, dorsiventral, greenish-grey or whitish-grey to dark grey, sometimes with a whitish pruina, corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes closely attached, to ± ascending, irregularly or dichotomously branched. Upper surface plane or convex, white-maculate or emaculate, with or without soredia, upper cortex paraplectenchymatous or composed of hyphae ± parallel to the surface. Photobiont green, . Lower surface white to pale brown with whitish to dark brown rhizines. Apothecia laminal, lecanorine, sessile or subpedicellate, thalline exciple persistent, concolorous with thallus, disc dark brown to black sometimes with a white pruina, retrorse hairs absent or present at base of apothecia. Ascospores 8 per ascus, 2-celled, thick-walled, dark brown. Atranorin is a constant chemical constituent and often also zeorin.
Thallus orbicular or confluent with other thalli, ± loosely attached, to 5 cm diam., corticolous, rarely saxicolous. Lobes variable, sometimes long and narrow, sometimes shorter and broader with long, terete, concolorous marginal cilia. Upper surface smooth, matt, greyish-blue to greenish-white. Soralia helmet-shaped, usually expanding on the underside forming rounded elevations visible from the upper side, soredia coarse, granular, white or greenish-white. Lower surface white to pale brown with sparse, blackened rhizines. Apothecia (not seen in New Zealand material) to 2 mm diam., disc often white-pruinose. Ascospores 16-23 × 7-10 µm. Pycnidia immersed. Conidia 4-6 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Cortex and medulla K+ yellow. Atranorin.
Thallus orbicular, rosette-forming to 10 cm diam., closely attached, corticolous. Lobes radiating, to 3 mm broad, discrete to ± imbricate. Upper surface whitish-grey to dark grey, densely white-maculate and sometimes also weakly white pruinose. Lower surface white to pale brown with pale brown to brown rhizines. Apothecia common, often numerous,rounded to ± contorted by mutual pressure, to 3 mm diam., disc often white-pruinose. Ascospores 16-26(-29) × 7-11 µm. Pycnidia immersed. Conidia 4-6 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Cortex and medulla K+ yellow. Atranorin and zeorin.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, closely attached, to 6 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes irregularly or pinnately branched, ± convex often imbricate, rounded at apices, 0.5-2 mm wide. Upper surface grey or whitish-grey, often greyish-pruinose, conspicuously white-maculate, sorediate. Soralia laminal, occasionally marginal, scattered, often confluent, soredia granular, white. Lower surface pale brown to brown, rhizinate. Rhizines sparse, pale. Apothecia (not seen in New Zealand material) rare, sessile, to 1.5 mm diam. Ascospores 17-24 × 7-11 µm. Pycnidia immersed. Conidia 4-5 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Cortex and medulla K+ yellow. Atranorin, leucotylin, zeorin and two unidentified compounds.
Thallus orbicular, stellate-radiating, thalli often confluent, to 5 cm diam., closely attached, saxicolous. Lobes very narrow, to 3 mm wide, short, margins crenate, coralloid-sorediate, subascendent or downrolled, often passing into a coarsely wrinkled, warty crust. Soredia granular, grey-white or blackened, on lower surface of lobe apices. Upper surface roughened, wrinkled, ashy grey-white or grey-maculate in parts. Lower surface pale brownish, whitish in parts, rhizinate. Rhizines sparse, brown to black, short. Apothecia small, 1-3 mm diam., sessile, disc concave to plane, black ± grey-pruinose, exciple moderately thick, concolorous with thallus, irregular, waxy. Ascospores oblong-ellipsoid, 12-20 × 5-7.5 µm. Pycnidia rare. Chemistry: Cortex and medulla K+ yellow. Atranorin.
Thallus rosette-forming, closely attached, 2-5 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes dichotomously to irregularly branched, linear-elongate, fan-shaped, placodioid at margins, 0.8-1.2 mm wide, often densely warted and imbricate centrally. Upper surface whitish-grey to whitish-green, ± convex, often plicate-rugose centrally, matt, without soredia or maculae. Lower surface pale brown, rhizinate. Rhizines sparse, pale. Apothecia frequent, scattered or adjacent at centre of thallus, sessile, constricted at base, disc dark brownish-black often grey-pruinose, to 1.5 mm diam., margins entire or subcrenulate, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores 15-24 × 5-9 µm. Pycnidia common, immersed. Conidia 4-6 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-. Atranorin, leucotylin, zeorin and two unidentified compounds.
Thallus lobate, rosette-forming, to 2.5 cm diam., closely attached, corticolous. Lobes rather crowded, slender, laciniate, 0.2-0.25 mm wide, stellate-radiating, linear, irregularly or subdichotomously branching, margins uneven, swollen in parts, without cilia, apices rounded or slightly notched, crowded centrally often ± lobulate. Upper surface smooth, ± plane, matt or shining, greenish to brownish-white. Lower surface brownish-black, densely rhizinate. Rhizines brown or black, slightly thickened, simple or branched. Apothecia sessile, constricted at base, scattered, to 0.8 mm diam., disc black or brownish, epruinose, plane, margins thick, entire, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores biseriate, oblongellipsoid, straight or curved, 16-21 × 8-9 µm. Chemistry: Cortex and medulla K+ yellow. Atranorin and zeorin.
Thallus rather delicate, often rosette-forming, closely attached to 4 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes dichotomously to irregularly branched, often imbricate, 1-2.5 mm wide. Upper surface plane or ± convex, whitish-grey to pale greenish-grey, occasionally white-maculate, without pruina,sorediate. Soralia laminal, capitate to crateriform, soredia granular, rather coarse, white to pale greenish-white in shaded situations. Lower surface pale, rhizinate. Rhizines pale, sparse, short. Apothecia rare, central, sessile to subpedicellate, to 1 mm diam., disc dark brown, densely grey-pruinose, margins thick, entire, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores 18-21 × 7-9 µm. Chemistry: Cortex and medulla K+ yellow. Atranorin, leucotylin, zeorin and two unidentified compounds.
Thallus irregular, seldom orbicular, to 5 cm diam., often confluent with other thalli, ± closely attached, corticolous. Lobes overlapping or distinctly separated, to 3 mm broad, seldom ascending at apices. Uppersurface grey-brown to brown, usually with a whitish pruina, sorediate. Soralia marginal, yellowish, very seldom labriform, sometimes eroding and invading the lamina. Medulla yellowish. Lower surface brownish, sometimes black except for brown, corticate lobe tips. Rhizines numerous, black, squarrose, often forming a felty layer. Apothecia rare, usually with sorediate margins. Ascospores (25-)28-37 × 16-21 µm. Pycnidia rare, ± immersed. Conidia 4-6 × 1 µm. Chemistry: Medulla K+ yellow. Substance not identified.
Thallus irregular or orbicular, to 8 cm diam., ± closely attached, greyish to grey-brown with a whitish, usually maculate pruina which sometimes covers the whole upper surface but is more usually restricted to lobe tips, corticolous. Lobes mostly overlapping, radiating, to 3 mm broad, wider and concave at apices, isidiate. Isidia granular becoming sorediate, marginal or laminal, sometimes densely developed centrally. Lower surface whitish, centrally pale brownish. Rhizines simple, pale or brownish, becoming branched at tips. Apothecia rare, to 3 mm diam., margins sorediate. Ascospores 27-34 × 14-17 µm. Pycnidia immersed. Conidia 4-7 × 1-2 µm. Chemistry: Medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. Four unidentified compounds.
Thallus foliose, heteromerous, grey-brown to dark brown usually with a whitish pruina, lobate, loosely attached. Upper cortex thick, scleroplectenchymatous or paraplectenchymatous. Lower cortex prosoplectenchymatous, black and distinct, or whitish and indistinct, rarely absent. Rhizines squarrose, rarely simple. Apothecia lecanorine, often with marginal lobules. Ascospores 8 per ascus, brown, 1-septate, usually more than 27 µm long and 15 µm broad. Pycnidia ± immersed. Conidia subcylindrical, 4-7 × 1-2 µm.
Thallus foliose, homoiomerous, lobate, gelatinous-expanded when wet, leathery, wrinkled when dry. Lobes radiate attached to the substrate by rhizines. Upper surface dark greenish-grey or greenish-brown to bluish, wrinkled-plicate when dry, swollen when wet. Photobiont blue-green, . Lower surface uneven, rhizinate. Apothecia sessile or semi-immersed, lecanorine, thalline margin prominent, discs broad, thalline exciple welldeveloped. Ascospores 8 per ascus, colourless, simple, ellipsoid to fusiform, thick-walled, often minutely warted.
Thallus foliose, lobate ± rosette-shaped, to 10 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes radiating, 25 mm long and 2-12 mm wide, margins thickened, rounded, sinuses circular often deeply incised. Upper surface brownish or olive-green to greyish or glaucous blue to blackish, darker centrally, strongly wrinkled, faveolate, plicate-ridged, minutely maculate (X 10 lens) or minutely wrinkled-faveolate, sometimes smooth and shining in parts. Lower surface woolly, black, densely rhizinate to margins. Rhizines very short, squarrosely branched, black or pale. Apothecia common, sessile, laminal or occasionally marginal, to 2.5 mm diam., disc plane, red-brown, shining, waxy, imperforate, without tomentum, margins thick, to 0.5 mm wide, minutely wrinkled, leathery. Ascospores 8 per ascus, colourless, ellipsoidal, 13-14 × 8-9 µm, with a thick epispore.
Thallus foliose, lobate, spreading to 4 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes 2 mm wide, crowded, subimbricate, margins thickened, pectinate, incised, wavy, often white-pruinose. Upper surface yellowish, green-brown to plumbeous-blue, blue-black at margins and often with patches of white pruina, finely wrinkled in long, parallel striations, not reticulate or maculate, often very slightly tomentose, tomentum short, golden-brown. Lower surface pale, whitish or creamish to yellow-brown, tomentose, ecorticate, rhizinate. Rhizines pale, short, often tufted or in brownish vein-like structures. Apothecia sessile or subpedicellate, laminal, occasionally marginal, to 2 mm diam., disc bright red or red-brown, shining, epruinose, plane to subconvex, margins thick, crenate, roughened, dark bluish and often white-pruinose. Ascospores simple, colourless, 16-20 × 12-15 µm.
Primary thallus, granular-crustose, bright emerald-green when wet, spreading over bryophytes and decaying wood. Pseudopodetia terete, hollow, often fissured, 2-8(-10) mm tall, irregularly branched in upper parts. Algal layer not homogeneous, separated in loose granules. Internal chrondroid layer visible as thick, cartilaginous strands, often loosely netted. Apothecia terminal, swollen, conglomerate, rarely simple, disc brown, black, matt or shining, strongly globose, convoluted, immarginate, to 5 mm diam. Ascospores ellipsoid-fusiform, 8-10 × 1-3 µm. Pycnidia brown, bottle-shaped, apical on tips of short, lateral or sterile branches. Conidia not seen. Chemistry: An unidentified fatty acid.
Thallus dimorphic. Primary thallus crustose, granular or subsquamulose, spreading, green to grey-green. Pseudopodetia to 2.5 cm tall, often very short, terete, hollow, often fissured, 1-1.5 mm diam., often 2-4 branched at apices. Surface granular, of ± dispersed areolae. Photobiont green, . Cephalodia present, containing or . Apothecia terminal at apices of pseudopodetia, disc black or brown-black, ± globular to conglomerate when mature. Ascospores colourless, simple, elongate-ellipsoid, 8 per ascus. Pycnidia frequent, black, bottle-shaped, at apices of sterile pseudopodetia or on primary thallus.
Thallus crustose, heteromerous, orbicular, rosette-forming to spreading, lobate at margins in some species, closely attached, saxicolous or terricolous. Upper surface corticate, cortex paraplectenchymatous, matt or shining, areolate-cracked or with irregularly anastomosing cracks or continuous, or warted or wrinkled-plicate, usually whitish or cream or pinkish, orange-red in some species, pale green or olive-brownish or blackened in others. Soredia and isidia present or absent. Photobiont green, , cells spherical, 4-12 µm diam. Cephalodia always present, ± conspicuous, sessile or immersed, discoid or subglobose, irregularly lobed or folded and wrinkled, pinkish, reddish or red-brown or greyish, containing , or . Apothecia sessile or immersed, lecanorine, with a thalline margin concolorous with thallus, proper margin present, pale (sometimes undeveloped), disc variously coloured, ± plane, smooth or minutely scabrid, sometimes cracked, matt or shining or white-pruinose. Hymenium 80-320 µm tall, colourless or pale yellowish. Epithecium sordid yellowish with small, yellowish granules also present on tips of paraphyses. Paraphyses 1.5-2 µm thick, discrete, slightly swollen at apices. Hypothecium colourless, or pale yellowish, of intricately interwoven, unorientated hyphae. Asci cylindrical to cylindrical-clavate, 8-spored. Ascospores uniseriate or subbiseriate, colourless, simple, ellipsoid, elongate-ellipsoid or subfusiform. Pycnidia immersed, minute, punctiform.
Thallus determinate, effigurate, lobate, at least at margins, orbicular to spreading, to 8 cm diam., prothallus absent. Lobes at periphery contiguous, 2-13 mm long and 0.7-1.0 mm broad, separated by narrow cracks, adhering closely or loosely to substrate, variously divided, swollen, flattened at apices. Upper surface smooth or in places ± transversely corrugate, centrally areolate-tesselate-papillate, areolae to 2 mm diam., separated by large, gaping cracks, surface warted, congested, warts to 0.7 mm diam., often with pycnidia, whitish or creamish, matt, epruinose, without isidia or soredia. Cephalodia numerous, sessile, on or between warts, rounded, flattened, radially plicate-effigurate, to 1.5 mm wide, pinkish or red-brown, matt. Apothecia scattered, subpedicellate, to 1.5 mm diam., rotund, thalline margin persistent, entire or wrinkled, disc concave to plane, red-brown, matt, with a pale brownish pruina. Hymenium 200-240 µm tall. Hypothecium to 120 µm thick. Ascospores ellipsoid, 20-23 × 10-13 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K- or + pale yellow, C-; medulla K-, C+ red, Pd-.
Thallus determinate, effigurate, lobate at margins, forming ± orbicular and often confluent patches, to 6 cm diam., prothallus absent. Marginal lobes closely attached, flattened, simple or irregularly branched, usually richly divided and markedly crenulate, discrete, separated by narrow cracks, with rounded or subcrenulate ends. Upper surface creamish or whitish to pale olive-brown, matt, epruinose, without soredia, centrally cracked or indistinctly areolate, pitted-punctate with minute pock-like depressions resulting from abrasion of isidia. Isidia terete, simple, 0.1 mm diam., subglobose, often crowded centrally. Cephalodia sessile, scattered, flattened orbicular, or depressed convex, 0.8-5.0 mm diam., radially folded and wrinkled or cracked, yellowish-brown or pinkish, matt. Apothecia scattered, rotund, subpedicellate 0.5-1.5 mm diam., thalline margin prominent, entire or subcrenulate, proper margin thin, flesh-coloured, disc plane or subconvex, pale pink to dark red or brownish matt, white pruinose. Hymenium 90-150(-180) µm tall, pale yellowish. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores ellipsoid 12-16.5 × 6-9 µm. Pycnidia immersed, forming minute swellings with punctiform brownish ostioles. Conidia filiform, slightly curved, 21-29 × 0.5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellowish, C+ rose; medulla K+ yellow (faint), C+ rose, Pd-.
Thallus determinate, effigurate, ± lobate at margins, orbicular at first becoming confluent, spreading in a crust, to 8 cm diam., saxicolous, very rarely muscicolous. Marginal lobes closely to ± loosely attached, contiguous, separated by cracks to 0.1 mm wide, 1.5-2.5 mm long or extending to centre of thallus, areolate-cracked centrally, apices uneven, rounded or crenulate, sometimes with a narrow, olive-brownish peripheral zone. Upper surface ± areolate-cracked, areolae irregularly angular, ± swollen or plane, 0.6-2 mm diam., glaucous, whitish, creamish or olive brownish, smooth, matt, epruinose, sorediate. Soredia scattered, central, rounded or radially elongate, eroded or plane, often irregularly confluent, granular, olive-greenish or whitish. Isidia absent. Cephalodia discrete, central in young thalli, scattered in older plants, sessile, 1-3(-8) mm diam., orbicular, radially folded and cracked, yellow-brownish to red-brown, matt. Apothecia rare, scattered, sessile, orbicular, 0.8-2 mm diam., thalline margin thick, prominent, entire, matt, proper margin occasionally visible, thin, entire, pinkish-red or brown, disc plane, smooth or minutely scabrid, dark pinkish to yellow-brown or red-brown, often white-pruinose, matt. Hymenium 110-200 µm tall, pale sordid yellowish or granular-nubilated in upper part. Hypothecium colourless or faint pinkish. Ascospores uniseriate or subbiseriate, ellipsoid, 12-20 × 6-13 µm. Pycnidia immersed in slight swellings, ostioles brown-black, 0.1 mm diam. Conidia filiform, straight or curved, 15-27 × 0.5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K- or +, C+ rose; medulla K-, C+ red, KC+ red, Pd+ red or -.
Thallus determinate, effigurate, rosette-forming to irregular, closely attached, to 5 cm diam., prothallus absent, saxicolous. Lobe margins inflated, effigurate, 4-7 mm long, becoming areolate, complex centrally,1-1.5 mm wide and 0.4 mm thick, transversely cracked or separated by narrow cracks, apices rounded or crenulate. Upper surface distinctly bullate-areolate, areolae subspherical or rather convoluted, with intervening cracks, often well-separated, smooth, matt or shining, epruinose, pale brownish-pink or flesh-coloured, soredia and isidia absent. Cephalodia central, rather sparse, sessile, rounded to subirregular, to 5 mm diam., radially wrinkled and folded, reddish-pink, dull, epruinose. Apothecia numerous, sessile, rounded, to 1.5 mm diam., thalline margin entire, thick, disc plane, brownish, dull, epruinose. Hymenium 160-185 µm tall, pale yellowish above. Ascospores ellipsoid 12-19 × 8-10 µm. Pycnidia immersed, in swellings, ostioles prominent, red-brown. Conidia filiform, slightly curved, 16-20 × 0.5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, C-; medulla K-, C-, Pd-.
Thallus ± determinate, lobate at margins, orbicular to spreading, 1-3(-5) cm diam., with a well-defined, brown-black, marginal prothallus, saxicolous. Lobes minute, folded, confluent. Upper surface continuous, minutely and irregularly cracked, not areolate, cracks very fine (×10 lens), smooth, glaucous, whitish or creamish, matt, epruinose, without isidia or soredia. Cephalodia scattered, flattened, rounded, sessile, 2-3 mm diam., radially wrinkled, folded-effigurate, somewhat cracked, yellow-pink, matt. Apothecia sessile, rounded, to 3 mm diam., thalline margin prominent, entire or subcrenulate, matt, disc plane, dark brown to brown-black, matt, epruinose. Hymenium 80-140 µm tall, yellowish above. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid, 12-18 × 6-9 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, C+ rose; medulla K- or + pale yellow, C+ rose, Pd-.
Thallus determinate, effigurate, orbicular to irregularly spreading, to 6 cm diam., saxicolous. Marginal lobes swollen, expanded at apices, rounded, crenate, discrete or becoming confluent, usually separated bynarrow cracks, extending into centre of thallus, lobes also transversely cracked, wrinkled or folded. Upper surface distinctly rust-red to orange-brown, epruinose, areolate centrally, areolae swollen, rounded to irregular, 0.5-2 mm diam., isidia absent, sorediate. Soredia sparse to numerous, grey-white, erumpent, subrotund, to 2 mm diam., forming abraded patches on areolae. Cephalodia sparse, rounded to irregular, or radially lobate, 2-5 mm diam., brownish-red, dull, epruinose. Apothecia not seen. Pycnidia immersed in areolae, ostiole minute, punctiform. Conidia filiform, straight or curved 13-16 × 0.5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, C+ red; medulla K-, C+ red, KC+ red, Pd+ red.
Thallus effuse or effigurate, spreading irregularly to 8 cm diam., saxicolous or terricolous. Marginal lobes (when present) ± flattened, closely attached, contiguous, separated by narrow cracks, 1-6 mm long, variously divided, rounded or subcrenulate at apices, continuous, or with some irregularly anastomosing cracks but not areolate. Upper surface irregularly wrinkled-warted or smooth, warts when well-developed ± rounded or subangular, 0.3-0.8 mm diam., often confluent, sometimes entirely squamulose, glaucous whitish or creamish, occasionally in part white-pruinose. Isidia absent. Soredia often present, scattered, rounded subglobose-erumpent, to 0.8 mm diam., concolorous with thallus. Cephalodia irregularly scattered, sessile, irregular, variously wrinkled, sometimes folded and radially cracked, to 2.5 mm diam., brownish or flesh-coloured, matt. Apothecia scattered, rounded, subpedicellate, thalline margin thick, entire, concolorous with thallus or pale pinkish, sometimes granular-pulverulent, epruinose, matt, disc plane, rose-red, red-brown or brown, matt. Hymenium 140-240 µm tall, yellowish-brown above. Paraphyses slightly swollen at apices. Ascospores uniseriate, ellipsoid, 17-28 × 8-14 µm. Pycnidia immersed, not common, indicated by minute yellowish or reddish spots. Conidia filiform, curved 17-25 × 0.5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K-, C+ rose, Pd-.
Distinguished from typical by the sessile apothecia which are swollen-ampliate appearing pertusarioid, with a thick thalline margin almost obscuring disc. On rocks and pebbles.
Differs from in the profuse development of confluent farinose soredia which often cover the whole thallus. It is widely distributed from Auckland to Otago in mainly coastal habitats on rock or soil. Spores are slightly smaller but within the range of variation of .
Differs from typical crustose in being incised- or crenulate-squamulose with squamules 0.4-1 mm diam., either scattered or more commonly contiguous and separated by sinuous cracks, often sorediate. Soredia scattered, rounded, 0.3-0.9 mm diam., convex-erumpent or eroded, often confluent, concolorous with thallus.
Thallus effigurate, lobate, orbicular to spreading, very closely attached, to 8 cm diam., saxicolous, prothallus absent. Marginal lobes discrete, expanded, to 3 mm long and 1.5 mm broad, irregularly branched, rounded or somewhat cuneate at apices. Upper surface entirely verrucose-papillate, cracked, with cracks 0.2-0.3 mm wide, delineating angular areolae to 1.3 mm diam., verruculae crowded, hemispherical, to 0.5 mm diam., borne on a continuous thalline substratum, matt, naked or rarely slightly white-pruinose, variable in colour, creamish, yellow-grey, brown-grey to olive-brown or brown-black, without isidia or soredia.Cephalodia scattered, sessile, flattened, suborbicular, to 2.5 mm diam., or effigurate, radially cracked, to 3 mm diam., or rarely warted-glomerulate and not effigurate, to 3.5 mm diam., yellowish- to red-brown, matt. Apothecia scattered, subpedicellate, rounded, to 1.5 mm diam., thalline margin prominent, entire or subcrenulate, disc plane, brown-pink or brown to black, matt, epruinose. Hymenium 100-200 µm tall, pale yellowish or yellow-brown in upper part. Paraphyses moderately thickened at apices. Hypothecium colourless or pale yellowish. Ascospores uniseriate, ellipsoid, 15-21 × 7-10 µm. Pycnidia immersed in thalline warts, ostioles punctiform, brown-black 0.1-0.2 mm diam. Conidia filiform curved or straight, 18-24 × 0.5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellowish, C+ rose; medulla K+ yellow or -, C+ rose, Pd+ or -.
Thallus subdeterminate or effuse, sometimes effigurate at periphery with poorly-defined lobes to 1.5 mm long, saxicolous and terricolous. Upper surface continuous or sparingly cracked, never areolate, slightly wrinkled or warted-uneven, more rarely smooth, whitish, glaucous-white, creamish or with a purplish or rosy tinge, without isidia or soredia. Cephalodia scattered, sessile, irregular to ± orbicular, flattened, to 1.5 mm diam., wrinkled or radially folded, effigurate, pale yellowish or flesh-coloured, matt. Apothecia irregularly scattered, subpedicellate, orbicular, to 2.5 mm diam., thalline margins thick, entire, matt, epruinose, proper margin finally developed, slightly prominent, entire, pink or pale brown, disc plane to subconvex, smooth, rose-red, pinkish or red-brown, matt, glabrous or white-pruinose. Hymenium 210-310 µm tall, nubilated in upper parts. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores uniseriate, broadly ellipsoid, 20-27 × 9-18 µm. Pycnidia rarely seen. Chemistry: Cortex K-, C+ red; medulla K- or brownish, C+ red, Pd-.
Thallus determinate, effigurate, rosette-forming, to 4 cm diam., saxicolous. Marginal lobes well-developed, loosely to closely attached, apices rounded or slightly incised-crenulate, ± confluent or separated by fine cracks towards centre, becoming reticulate-cracked but not areolate. Upper surface ± continuous, smooth or very finely wrinkled, pinkish-white, sometimes pruinose, smooth or sometimes shining, without soredia or isidia. Cephalodia central, sessile, orbicular to irregularly radially folded and wrinkled, to 7 mm diam., red-brown, matt, dull, epruinose. Apothecia numerous, to sparse and irregular or in ± concentric rings, rounded, constricted at base, 1 mm diam., thalline margins prominent, swollen, entire, disc plane, brown-red or blackened, sometimes pruinose. Hymenium 130-160 µm tall, yellowish-brown in upper parts. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores uniseriate, ellipsoid 16-18 × 8-9 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow-red, C-, Pd+ orange; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic acid.
Thallus determinate, suborbicular, forming effigurate patches, to 4 cm diam., saxicolous. Marginal lobes broad, plane, smooth, 1.5-5 mm long, 1-2.5 mm broad, contiguous, separated by cracks, 0.1-0.3 mm wide, subcuneate, irregularly branched, apices rounded or subcrenulate and produced inwards towards centre. Upper surface smooth, irregularly cracked, not areolate, creamish, matt, white-pruinose, without isidia or soredia. Cephalodia scattered, sessile, suborbicular to irregular, flattened, 2-7 mm diam., effigurate, with radiating folds and cracks, dark pinkish or pale brownish, matt. Apothecia irregularly scattered, rounded, to 2 mm diam., subpedicellate, thalline margin thick, entire, rounded, white-pruinose, disc plane or subconcave, red-brown or reddish, matt, slightly pruinose. Hymenium 285-320 µm tall, epithecium with sordid yellow crystals. Hypothecium colourless. Paraphyses not thickened at apices. Ascospores uniseriate, ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid 25-30 × 12-21 µm. Pycnidia immersed, ostioles minute, black, punctiform. Conidia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K-, C+ rose; medulla K- or pale yellow, C+ rose, Pd-.
Thallus effuse, indeterminate, continuous, warty, uneven, without a prothallus, terricolous. Upper surface glaucous-whitish or creamish, matt, epruinose, thalline warts subhemispherical or variously swollen, 0.3-1 mm diam., without isidia or soredia. Cephalodia scattered, sessile, very irregular, variously lobate or folded or cracked, to 1 mm diam., dark yellowish, flesh-coloured, matt. Apothecia scattered, subpedicellate, rounded, to 3 mm diam., thalline margin prominent, entire, swollen, often white-pruinose, disc dark red-brown, plane or subconcave, white-pruinose. Hymenium 120-165 µm tall. Hypothecium colourless. Paraphyses not, or slightly thickened at apices. Ascospores biseriate, elongate-ellipsoid or ellipsoid-fusiform (15-)17-21(-24) × 5-6(-7.5) µm. Pycnidia immersed in thalline verrucae, ostiole colourless. Conidia filiform, slightly curved, 18-24 × 0.5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow, C+ rose; medulla K+ yellow, C+ rose, Pd-.
Thallus determinate, effigurate spreading, to 10 cm diam., saxicolous and terricolous, often with a black marginal prothallus. Marginal lobes swollen, discrete, separated by narrow cracks or becoming confluent, closely to loosely attached. Upper surface creamish to grey-white or pinkish-brown, smooth, matt, wrinkled-areolate centrally, areolae small, warted, 0.3-1 mm diam., becoming continuous, wrinkled or folded, soredia absent, isidiate (). Isidia central, sparse to numerous, wrinkled-warted, terete, simple to branched, to 4 mm tall. Cephalodia sparse to numerous, irregularly pulvinate or rounded-cerebriform, to 3 mm diam., pale flesh-coloured, matt, epruinose. Apothecia numerous, scattered, subpedicellate, 2-3 mm diam., thalline margins prominent, entire, subcrenulate, often white-pruinose, disc plane to subconvex, pinkish-brown to brown-black, wrinkled often pruinose. Hymenium 130-140(-160) µm tall, pale brown-yellow at apices. Hypothecium colourless. Paraphyses slightly thickened at apices. Ascospores biseriate, fusiform, apices rounded, (17-)18-21(-25) × (5-)5.5-6.5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, C+ red; medulla K-, C+ red, KC+ red, Pd-.
As for , but with terete, simple or branched isidia, and with pycnidia in thalline verrucae. Conidia filiform, curved, 12-16 × 0.5 µm.
Thallus rosette-shaped, grey, olive or blackish, lobate, some species with a marginal prothallus, saxicolous or terricolous or muscicolous, rarely corticolous. Lobes squamulose or stellate-radiating, flattened or filiform, with or without isidia. Photobiont blue-green, Rivulariaceae or Scytonemaceae. Lower surface and rhizines bluish-green or pale. Apothecia hemiangiocarpic, lecideine with proper or thalline margin. Asci cylindrical with apically thickened wall, 8-spored. Ascospores colourless, 2-, 3- or 4-celled, ellipsoid or fusiform.
Thallus in rosettes, olive to blackish, to 3 cm diam., not effigurate, surrounded by a black, marginal prothallus. Lobes squamulose, flat, 0.4-1.5 mm wide, margins crenate or digitate, squamules scattered at thallus margin, crowded centrally, forming a continuous crust which may become areolate, areolae 1-4 mm wide and 1-3 mm tall. Isidia present or absent, cylindrical, 0.2-0.5 × 0.05-0.1 mm. Lower surface blue-green, rhizinate. Apothecia 1 mm diam., with dark proper margin, disc brown or black, concave at first becoming plane or convex. Ascospores narrow-ellipsoid, 1- to 3-septate, 7-18 × 3.5-7 µm.
Thallus crustose, rarely squamulose. Photobiont green, . Ascocarps in the form of perithecia, simple or compound, immersed or superficial. Paraphyses filiform, richly branched and anastomosing, becoming gelatinised. Ascospores colourless, submuriform or muriform with a well-developed gelatinous sheath, 1-8 per ascus.
Thallus brownish, thin, continuous, saxicolous. Perithecia minute semi-immersed, hemispherical, dimidiate, black, ostiole punctiform, minute, prominent when wet. Ascospores colourless, cylindrical, oval, muriform 18 × 10 µm.
Thallus fruticose, heteromerous, greenish-blue to brownish, dichotomously branching, dendroid and often complex, thicker, secondary branches towards base, thinner, terete, anastomosing branches at apices, corticolous. Photobiont blue-green or . Apothecia red-brown, without a thalline margin. Ascospores 8 per ascus, colourless, polymorphic, ellipsoid to spindle-shaped, thin or thick-walled, 1- or 2- septate.
Thallus fruticose, in felt-like clumps on bark or twigs to 3 cm diam., flaccid and ± spongy when wet, brittle when dry. Branches terete, rather fragile, very fine at apices, stouter (to 0.2 mm wide) below, branching ± dichotomous, but densely tangled and complex in older parts. Surface of branches smooth or slightly wrinkled, blue-green or blackish at apices, bluish-brown or tan below. Photobiont . Apothecia fre-quent, lateral, to 1.5 mm diam., disc reddish-brown, subconvex, immarginate. Ascospores polymorphic, 9-13 × 1.5-7 µm. Chemistry: Nil.
Thallus white to grey or lacking. Apothecia very small, black, epruinose, with thick plicate proper margin often obscuring disc. Ascospores ellipsoid, 3-4 × 1-2 µm.
Thallus crustose. Photobiont green, , or parasitic and without symbiotic algae. Apothecia black, at first pyrenocarpous then lecideine, disc umbilicate, warted, rugose or gyrose, margins raised, cracked, involute. Exciple carbonised, at least on the outside. Paraphyses branched, anastomosing, indistinctly septate, apices always thickened, often confluent. Asci cylindrical-clavate, walls moderately thin, apices thickened. Ascospores very minute, simple, colourless, ellipsoid or bacillar, many per ascus.
Thallus crustose, heteromerous, well-developed on substratum to effuse, ecorticate. Photobiont green, or . Perithecia compound, comprising an involucrellum and exciple, sessile to immersed,glabrous, sometimes subtomentose, rarely ± verrucose. Paraphyses persistent, discrete, simple or rarely branched, c. 1-2 µm thick. Asci unitunicate, clavate-fusiform, ± ellipsoid, obclavate or cylindrical, thin-walled (wall 1-2 µm thick), 8-spored. Ascospores colourless, elongate-fusiform, with one to several transverse septa, septa thin, locules ± cylindrical. Pycnidia sessile to immersed. Macroconidia simple, or transversely septate, filiform, cylindrical or bacillar. Microconidia simple, usually ellipsoid or fusiform.
Thallus very pale, whitish, blotchy, mainly endophloeodal, effuse or lacking, in irregular patches, 1-3 cm diam., often forming pale mosaics on bark. Perithecia scattered, black, often partially covered with a veil of periderm, and appearing greyish, 0.05-0.2 mm diam., subconvex, ± immersed, apical pore minute. Paraphyses filiform, discrete, septate, long. Asci clavate, thin walled, 71-88 × 10.2 µm. Ascospores biseriate, 8 per ascus, oblong-fusiform, 3-6-septate, locules uneven (12-)20-23.8 × 5.1-6.8 µm.
Thallus irregular in outline, to 15 mm diam., continuous or partly dispersed, smooth, grey with a brownish or greenish tinge, matt, prothallus indistinct. Perithecia black, dark greyish or greyish at margins, 0.2-0.3 mm diam., globose, around ostiole a ± large black area. Paraphyses simple, 1 µm thick. Asci clavate, 50-65 × 8-12 µm. Ascospores 8 per ascus, 7-septate, fusiform, 18-32 × 3.5-5 µm.
Thallus 5-10(-15) mm diam., formed of round, monocarpic patches, confluent centrally, smooth, pale green, slightly shining, prothallus absent.Perithecia 0.2-0.3 mm diam., pale yellow-green, basal part spreading, very, pale yellow-green, smooth, central part lens-shaped. Paraphyses simple, 1 µm thick. Asci obclavate, 40-55 × 10-12 µm, 8-spored. Ascospores 3-septate, oblong to fusiform with rather obtuse ends, 16-22 × 3-4.5 µm.
Thallus very irregular in outline, to 15 mm diam., dispersed, with irregular algiferous patches, smooth, yellow-grey to yellow-green, matt, prothallus absent. Perithecia black, ± lens-shaped, smooth, matt, base indistinctly spreading, 0.2-0.35 mm diam. Paraphyses simple, c. 1 µm thick. Asci clavate, 35-45 × 5-10 µm. Ascospores 8 per ascus, 3-septate, fusiform 18-23 × 3.5-4.5 µm. Pycnidia numerous, 0.08-0.1 mm diam., convex, black, to dark brown. Conidia simple, oblong 2-3 × 1 µm.
Thallus dark olive brownish. red-brown or greyish-brown, indistinct in places, in irregular patches 2-5 cm diam. Perithecia scattered, minute, black, semi-immersed, subconvex, 0.01-0.1 mm diam. Paraphyses septate, filiform, 1.7 µm thick. Asci clavate, thin-walled, 8-spored, spores spirally arranged, 51-60 × 12-14 µm. Ascospores fusiform, with rounded or pointed ends, 3-5-septate 20.4-27.2 × 3.4-5.1 µm.
Thallus thin, grey-white or pale greenish-white, smooth to minutely and unevenly wrinkled or irregularly cracked, areolate in parts, following contours of bark, 2-7 cm diam. Perithecia numerous, crowded, black, minute, 0.02-0.2 mm diam., often covered with a thin veil of periderm,subconvex to immersed, with a minute apical pore often visible. Paraphyses, discrete, simple, filiform. Asci 8-spored, clavate, thin-walled, 60-68 × 7.8 µm. Ascospores fusiform with pointed ends, 5-septate, 17-22 × 3.4-5.1 µm.
Thallus dark olivaceous-brown or red-brown, matt, smooth, continuous, rarely irregularly cracked. Perithecia solitary, scattered sparse, semi-immersed, ± in plane of substrate or very shallowly convex, black, shining or ± covered with periderm. Paraphyses filiform, discrete. Asci clavate, thin-walled 8-spored. Ascospores broadly fusiform with rounded or pointed ends, 7-9-septate, straight or slightly curved, 46-51 × 12 µm, wall to 2 µm thick, halonate.
Thallus grey-green or olivaceous-fawn, in irregular patches 1-2 cm diam., areolate-cracked, areolae convex, minutely lumpy to irregular, matt or shining. Perithecia sparse, convex, hemispherical, red-brown to dark brown. Paraphyses filiform, simple. Asci 8-spored, narrowly clavate, thin-walled. Ascospores fusiform, apices pointed, 3-septate, 20.4-30.6 × 5.1-6.8 µm.
Thallus irregular in outline, to 6 cm diam., continuous or rarely dispersed, smooth, green to grey, matt, prothallus absent. Perithecia globose, strongly constricted at base, 0.1-0.15 mm diam., pale to dark red-brown, rarely covered by a thin layer of periderm. Paraphyses simple c. 1 µm thick. Asci obclavate, 50-70 × 3.4 µm. Ascospores 8 per ascus, 3-septate, ± fusiform to almost bacillar, 15-20 × 3-4 µm.
Thallus 1-3(-5) cm diam., in irregular mosaics, pale grey or whitish, effuse, minutely arachnoid, ecorticate, regularly areolate-cracked, following contours of bark, areolae 0.5-1.2 mm diam. Perithecia sparse, black, subconvex, rarely semi-immersed, 0.05-0.3 mm diam. Paraphyses filiform. Asci narrowly clavate, 8-spored, spores spirally arranged in ascus, 67 × 12 µm. Ascospores fusiform, rounded or pointed at ends, 3-7-septate, 18.7-22.1 × 3.4-5.1 µm.
Thallus olive-greenish to grey-brown or in parts oxydated rust-red, smooth, or in parts irregularly-cracked, matt or shining, ecorticate,prothallus absent, in irregular patches 1-4 cm diam. Perithecia scattered to frequent, solitary to 2 together, semi-immersed to sessile, hemispherical 0.05-0.2 mm diam., shining, black, often with a small central papilla. Involucrellum black, matt or shining, reaching to halfway down exciple, 86-100 µm thick. Paraphyses persistent, simple. Asci cylindrical-fusiform or narrowly clavate, thin-walled, 107-130 × 8-13 µm. Ascospores fusiform with pointed ends, (3-)5-7(-9)-septate, 73-86 × 8.1-13.5 µm.
Thallus dull olivaceous to grey-green or fawnish, shining or matt, irregularly wrinkled-uneven or verrucose, following contours of bark, in parts irregular to ± areolate-cracked. Perithecia semi-immersed, ± hemispherical, 0.1-0.8 mm diam., pale brownish to red-brown, with a central, minute, black ostiole. Involucrellum red-brown, to olivaceous, 60-70 µm thick. Paraphyses simple, fine, capillary. Asci cylindrical-clavate, 2-4-spored. Ascospores broadly fusiform-ellipsoid, (3-)5-7-septate, 91-95 × 18-22 µm.
Thallus dark olive-brown, yellow-brown or red-brown, effuse or lacking. Perithecia semi-immersed to ± hemispherical, black, shining, frequent, clustered, 0.02-0.15 mm diam., eroding and leaving small pits, apical pore minute. Asci thin-walled, clavate, 8-spored, 57-68 × 12-13.6 µm. Paraphyses filiform. Ascospores fusiform, 1-septate, rarely obscurely 2- or 3-septate, apices acute or rounded, 13.6-20.4 × 3.4-5.1 µm, septa mainly central, 1.5-2 µm thick.
Thallus irregular in outline, 3-5(-10) mm diam., formed by small, usually monocarpous patches, at first dispersed, then confluent, smooth, grey to grey-green, matt or subnitid, prothallus lacking. Perithecia dark red-brown, globose, constricted at base, 0.15-0.2 mm diam., surface roughened. Paraphyses simple. Asci obclavate, 8-spored, 40-62 × 7-9 µm. Ascospores 3-septate, fusiform, usually one end obtuse, the other acute, 16-22 × 3-4 µm.
Thallus pale yellowish- or creamish-white, in well-delimited patches or bands, 1-3 cm diam., roughened-arachnoid or ± effuse-areolate-cracked. Perithecia scattered, rather sparse, black, minute 0.05-0.2 mm diam., ± immersed, eroding and leaving small blackish pits, exciple heavily carbonised, black, apical pore minute. Paraphyses filiform, simple. Asci long, narrowly clavate, 8-spored, thin-walled, 120-130 × 6.8-8.3 µm. Ascospores uniseriate, oval-ellipsoid, 2-septate, central locule largest, 13.6-18.7 × 5.1 µm, septa 1.7 µm thick.
Thallus crustose, uniform, ecorticate, not differentiated, saxicolous. Photobiont green, . Apothecia sessile or immersed, pale or dark, biatorine, lacking a thalline exciple, K+ purple (parietin). Hypothecium pale or dark. Paraphyses simple. Ascospores 8 per ascus, colourless, simple, ellipsoid, rarely spuriously 1-septate.
Thallus greenish-white to greenish-grey, smooth, irregularly cracked, often lacking or immersed. Apothecia sessile or subimmersed, 0.3-0.8 mmdiam., disc dull orange-red (K+ purple). Ascospores ellipsoid, simple, 8-15 × 5-8 µm. Chemistry: Emodin, parietin (main pigment), teloschistin, fallacinal and parietinic acid.
Thallus fruticose sometimes compacted and subcrustose centrally, prostrate, closely attached to substrate by hapters over whole thallus area and not merely at base, base sometimes dying so that thalli form rosettes, branching isotomicdichotomous often strictly so, branches terete but tending to become dorsi ventrally compressed (in ), minute, even or uneven, brown to dark brown or black, matt to slightly shiny, usually concolorous except where attached to substrate. True lateral spinules, isidia, soralia and pseudocyphellae absent. Apothecia lateral, frequent to abundant, thalline exciple concolorous with the thallus, becoming excluded or if persistent, not incurved, sometimes ciliate, disc brown to black. Asci clavate, thick-walled, 8-spored. Ascospores ellipsoid, without a distinct epispore, hyaline at maturity, simple, 7-12 × 6-8 µm. Pycnidia common. Chemistry: Negative.
Thallus prostrate, decumbent, in extreme forms becoming subfoliose or even crustose or pulverulent, generally forming ± circular, closely attached thalli, to 7 cm diam. Branches always flattened especially in older parts, to 1 mm broad, tapering irregularly, to 0.2-0.5 mm on main stems and 0.1 mm at tips, where branches are very uneven but ± terete, branching irregularly isotomicdichotomous with numerous, short, lateral branches often present giving a "ciliate" appearance, internodal distance short, usually 0.2-0.5(-1.0) mm, dark brown to black, shiny or dull, occasionally pale brown at base. Apothecia fre quent, disc dark red-brown to black, flat, to 3 mm diam., margins persistent, smooth to verrucose. Ascospores 7.7-8.0 × 6.7-9.0 µm. Pycnidia abundant, embedded in thallus and opening to surface through broad ostioles. Conidia 6-8 × 1 µm.
Thallus prostrate, straggling, forming matts, closely attached to substrate, often dying from centre and forming rosettes, to 12 cm broad, rarely exceeding 1 cm in height, branching frequent from base, isotomic-dichotomous, occasionally isotomic-trichotomous, branches often inter-woven, terete to slightly dorsiventrally compressed, to 0.2 mm diam., usually concolorous but sometimes paler at base, cervine brown, dark brown to black, shining or occasionally matt, the whole thallus with a very wiry texture. Apothecia occasional, lateral, thalline exciple concolorous with thallus, smooth, dentate to ciliate marginally, disc matt, greyish-black or brown, plane but becoming convex with age, to 5.5 mm diam. Ascospores 7-12 × 6-8 µm. Pycnidia occasional, on tubercules, particularly frequent near axils, black, to 0.4 mm diam. Conidia 5-7 × 1 µm.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, ± entangled, to 18 cm diam., loosely to closely attached. Lobes linear-elongate (3-)5-8(-14) mm wide, 1.5-6.0 cm long, ± subcanaliculate, subdichotomously branched, discrete, margins entire, sinuous, slightly thickened below, faintly white-pubescent towards apices. Upper surface dark greyish-blue to blue-green, tinged brownish at margins when wet, pale greyish-fawn when dry, minutely scabrid, coriaceous, uneven or very slightly wrinkled-undulate, without isidia, soredia or pseudocyphellae. Medulla white. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface densely tomentose to margins, occasionally naked centrally, pale buff at margins, dark brown to black centrally, tomentum thick, silky, pale whitish to dark brown, occasionally in scattered, squarrose tufts. Pseudocyphellae white, scattered, conspicuous, round to irregular, 0.5-2.5 mm wide, plane to concave, with a raised margin at maturity, often sunk in tomentum. Apothecia not seen. Pycnidia sparse to frequent, immersed, 1.5 mm diam., visible as hemispherical swellings on lower surface. Chemistry: 7β-acetoxyhopan-22-ol and hopane-15α, 22-diol.
Thallus ± orbicular to spreading, 2-6(-9) cm diam., often in small, closely attached rosettes. Lobes rounded to elongate-laciniate, imbricate, to 2 cm wide, margins crenulate-incised, sorediate, often sinuous. Upper surface dark bluish-purple when wet, pale blue-greyish-fawn when dry, conspicuously maculate (×10 lens), smooth, slightly scabrid at lobe apices, undulate, wrinkled-corrugate centrally, matt or shining, sorediate, without isidia or pseudocyphellae. Soredia golden yellow often somewhat reddish, coarse, granular, crowded, mainly marginal in ± continuous, erose to convolute-congested soralia, occasionally laminal on weakly defined ridges. Medulla yellow. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface pale yellow, tomentose to margins, tomentum short, even, pale yellowish-white, brownish centrally. Pseudocyphellae golden-yellow, scattered, sparse, without a defined margin, 0.1-0.4 mm diam. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Pulvinic lactone, pulvinic acid, calycin, 2α-acetoxystictane-3β,22α-diol, 2α,3β,22α-triacetoxystictane, 2α,3β-diacetoxystictan-22α-ol,stictane-3β,22α-diol (±), 3β-acetoxystictane-2α,22α-diol (±), stictane-2α,3β,22α-triol (±). (Dr A.L. Wilkins in litt.).
Thallus orbicular to irregularly spreading, loosely to closely attached, 5-10(-15) cm diam., corticolous. Lobes 3-12 mm wide and to 30 mm long, branching irregular, lobes often discrete from margins to centre, broadly rounded or indented, ± discrete at margins ± imbricate centrally, margins slightly thickened below, entire, sinuous, with pseudocyphellae, or with erose to ± linear wavy soralia. Upper surface bright lettuce-green when wet, pale olive-brown or buff when dry becoming reddish on storage, smooth, coriaceous, ± scabrid-areolate towards margins, undulate to shallowly pitted or wrinkled, occasionally cracked and then with small, granular regenerating lobules along margins of cracks. Soredia yellow, coarsely granular in mainly marginal, linear, elongate, sinuous soralia, eroding lower margin of lobes, often ± revolute, convolute or subascending, rarely spreading over upper surface. Medulla yellow. Photobiont green. Lower surface pale buff or yellowish-pink, wrinkled-uneven, tomentose to margins, tomentum thin, silky, pinkish-buff or whitish at margins, thicker and darker to ± chocolate-brown centrally. Pseudocyphellae yellow, numerous, ± rounded 0.05-0.3 mm diam., ± elevated, decorticate area plane, level with or slightly sunk in tomentum. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Pulvinic acid, pulvinic dilactone, calycin, unidentified (?)neutral compounds possibly triterpenes and/or sterols (Dr A.L. Wilkins pers. comm.).
Thallus irregularly spreading, loosely attached, apices ± free and subascending, 5-15(-25) cm diam., corticolous. Lobes regularly dichotomously to subdichotomously branching, 1-8(-12) mm wide, 1-10 cm long, well separated, discrete at margins, complex and often entangled centrally, rather flat, apices acute or truncate, rounded or bifurcating, margins entire, often thickened, smoothly rounded, without projecting pseudocyphellae. Upper surface matt or glossy, bright lettuce-green when wet, pale green or olive-brownish when dry, shallowly to deeply faveolate, interconnecting ridges smooth and rounded or sharp. Lower surface white or pale buff, conspicuously wrinkled to ± bullate, margins conspicuously thickened, ± glabrous in a narrow to broad marginal zone, thinly to densely tomentose often to margins, tomentum pale, whitish, silky near margins, entangled, brown-black centrally. Pseudocyphellae scattered to ± frequent, white, raised, verruciform, 0.05-0.2 mm diam., on interconnecting ridges, decorticate area small, depressed-punctate or indented below surrounding margins, rarely flat, margins thin ± puckered. Medulla white. Photobiont green. Apothecia marginal or submarginal, rather scattered, often developed towards lobe apices, subpedicellate, 0.5-2.5 mm diam., disc dark red-brown to black, roughened, epruinose, subconcave to plane and ± undulate, margins persistent or excluded in mature fruits, minutely crenate or verrucose, pale-red-brown to flesh-coloured, exciple pale red-brown, concolorous with margins, minutely verrucose-areolate, rarely pubescent or tomentose. Ascospores brown, ellipsoid-fusiform, simple at first, polaribilocular at maturity, 22-30 × 6.8-10.2 µm. Chemistry: Methyl evernate, tenuiorin, methyl lecanorate, methyl gyrophorate, hopane-6α,22-diol, (zeorin), 6α-16βdiacetoxyhopan-22-ol, 6α-acetoxyhopane-16β,22-diol, 6α-acetoxy-22-hydroxyhopan-23-oic acid, 6α-22dihydroxyhopan-23-oic acid, norstictic and stictic acids. (Wilkins and James loc. cit.,, Code C).
Thallus spreading, 5-12(-20) cm diam., loosely to closely attached. Lobes laciniate-elongate from centre, 8-15 mm wide, ± dichotomously branching then 4-7 mm wide, apices blunt or pointed, often furcate, 2-3 mm wide, sometimes ± imbricate, rosette-forming, margins entire, sinuous, thickened, with conspicuous pock-like or slightly elongate yellow pseudocyphellae. Upper surface bright green or glaucous green, suffused brownish when wet, pale greyishgreen or greyish-blue tinged brownish when dry, brownish centrally and at lobe apices, ± densely reticulate-faveolate, smooth, matt or glossy. Medulla white. Photobiont green. Lower surface densely wrinkled-bullate, pale buff, glabrous at margins, densely brown to black-tomentose centrally. Pseudocyphellae yellow, scattered, ± numerous, fleck-like at margins, very small, 0.1 mm diam., slightly larger and ± verruciform centrally. Apothecia sparse to frequent, sessile to subpedicellate, 1-2 mm diam., disc black or brown-black, smooth, matt, epruinose, concave to plane or convex, margins entire, pale, ± pubescent at first, obscuring disc when young, becoming excluded with age, thalline exciple smooth, pale, ± white-pubescent. Ascospores 1-septate, brown (21-)25-28 × 7-10 µm. Chemistry: Pulvinic dilactone, pulvinic acid, calycin, tenuiorin, methyl evernate, methyl lecanorate, methyl gyrophorate, stictic, constictic and norstictic acids, hopane-7β,22-diol, 7β-acetoxyhopane-6α,22-diol, 6αacetoxyphopane-7β,22-diol and ± 6 unidentified triterpenoids. (Code D of Wilkins and James loc. cit.).
Thallus laciniate-lobate, loosely attached, to 10 cm diam. Lobes linear-elongate, 2-6(-8) cm long, narrow, 3-5(-8) mm wide, laciniate, strapshaped, subcanaliculate, irregularly to subdichotomously branched, loosely imbricate or discrete, margins entire, thickened below, subascendent. Upper surface dark slate-blue or yellowish-blue when wet, minutely maculate (×10 lens), cinnamon-brown or yellowish when dry, smooth, often with pale brownish or white spots or blotches, matt, without soredia, isidia, phyllidia or pseudocyphellae. Medulla white. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface whitish to yellowish-buff, darker centrally, uniformly tomentose to margins, tomentum silky, rather short, pale at margins, darker centrally, conspicuously ribbed, costate centrally. Pseudocyphellae small, white, punctiform, scattered, sunk in tomentum, 0.1-0.2 mm diam., flat. Apothecia laminal, ± sessile, 0.4-4.0 mm diam., disc plane or subconvex, dark red-brown or blackening, margins thin, pale, crenulate, obscuring disc when young, excluded with age, thalline exciple granular-verrucose. Ascospores brown, oblong-fusiform, 1-3-septate, (22-)24-30(-33) × 8-11 µm. Chemistry: 7β-acetoxyhopane-22-ol, hopane-15α,22-diol, ± gyrophoric acid.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, often rosette-forming, 5-10(-12) cm diam., ± closely attached or often with margins ± free. Lobes rounded, contiguous to imbricate or shallowly laciniate, undulate, margins entire or ± phyllidiate, ± crisped-sinuous, subascendent, variously notched or incised, occasionally with pock-like to ± linear, yellow pseudocyphellae. Phyllidia occasional, small, 0.1-0.6 mm tall, fragile, denticulate to subcoralloid, concolorous with thallus or brownish above, yellow-gold, corticate or decorticate below, marginal, often dense in older parts, rarely laminal. Upper surface dark bluish-purple when wet, pale blue or greyish-fawn when dry, conspicuously maculate (×10 lens) especially at apices and margins of lobes, shining, smooth or shallowly faveolate, without soredia, isidia or pseudocyphellae. Medulla yellow. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface pale yellowish-buff, at margins darkening towards centre, uniformly short-tomentose-pubescent, tomentum pale buff, fine, silky. Pseudocyphellae sparse, yellow, convex, projecting above tomentum, 0.1-0.3(-0.5) mm diam., round to subirregular. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Pulvinic dilactone, pulvinic acid, calycin, and a mixture of stictanes.
Thallus orbicular to spreading often ± pendulous, 8-20(-30) cm diam. Lobes rounded to linear-enlongate, 10-25 mm wide, to 12 cm long, ± irregularly incised, margins often notched or crenulate, ± ragged or with coarse to verruciform-granular to flattened isidia. Upper surface bright green or yellowish-green or tinged pale bluish-green when wet, pale greenish-grey when dry, slightly undulate to very shallowly faveolate, matt or glossy, minutely scabrid-areolate (×10 lens), occasionally cracked, lacerate, isidiate. Isidia coarse, verruciform-granular or subcoralloid, abraded at apices and exposing yellow, medulla, appearing ± sorediate, marginal and laminal. Medulla yellow. Photobiont green. Lower surface thinly white-tomentose, ± bullate, pale yellowish-buff. Cephalodia in prominent rounded warts. Pseudocyphellae numerous, yellow, crowded, raised in verrucae, 0.1-0.2 mm diam. Apothecia sparse to frequent, 2-10 mm diam., pedicellate, laminal, rarely marginal, disc red-brown, concave to plane, matt, often fissured, with eroded, verruciform-isidiate margins, thalline exciple prominent, pale, verrucose-areolate. Ascospores 1-3-septate, colourless, fusiform-ellipsoid (30-)34-40 × 8-11 µm. Chemistry: Pulvinic dilactone, pulvinic acid, calycin, polyporic acid, 2α,3β,22α-triacetoxystictane, 22α,hydroxystictane-3-one (±), 2α-3β-diacetoxystictane-22α-ol, stictane-3β,22αdiol (±), 2α-acetoxystictane-3β,22,α-diol, 3β-acetoxystictane-2α,22α-diol (±), stictane-2α,3β,22α,-triol (±).
Thallus ± orbicular to spreading, 8-15(-20) cm diam., ± closely attached. Lobes broad (2-4 cm) at centre, narrow (0.5-1.5 cm) at margins, dichotomously to complexly branched, margins entire, ± thickened, notched, incised or ± minutely lobulate, often with conspicuous, white, punctiform to irregular pseudocyphellae, sometimes ragged uneven and ± subascendent. Upper surface lettuce-green when wet, olive-brown at margins or sometimes ± generally blackened, smooth or very shallowly faveolate-uneven, glossy at margins, smooth, matt centrally. Medulla white. Photobiont green. Lower surface sometimes with a narrow, glabrous, wrinkled marginal zone at lobe apices, ± densely and regularly thick, pale tomentose, whitish buff at margins, darkening to almost black centrally, tomentum thick, felted, pale, white, silky. Pseudocyphellae white, scattered, verruciform, frequent at margins, sparse centrally, 0.1-1.0 mm wide, round to irregular, flat, with a slightly raised margin. Apothecia mainly marginal, occasionally laminal, subpedicellate, disc red-brown, densely white-pruinose, margins pale or whitish, crenate to ± lobulate-roughened, completely covering disc when young, thalline exciple white, granular-verrucose. Ascospores brown-black, ellipsoid-fusiform, polaribilocular, 25-30 × 8-9 µm. Chemistry: Methyl virensate, physciosporin, hopane-6α, 7β,22-triol, two dull grey-green pigments, stictic, norstictic and constictic acids.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, 5-10(-25) cm diam., loosely to closely attached. Lobes linear-elongate, ± subdichotomously branching, discrete, or ± imbricate, to broad and rounded, ± continuous centrally, margins entire, sinuous, subascendent, thickened below, conspicuously white-pubescent or tomentose, rather tough, coriaceous in texture. Upper surface bright lettuce-green when wet, pale greyish-green or fawnish when dry, becoming brown, buff or yellowish on storage, smooth, matt, sometimes ± scabrid-areolate in patches, and with a thin, scattered pubescence especially at margins, without soredia, isidia, phyllidia or pseudocyphellae. Internal cephalodia often visible as small, hemispherical swellings on upper and lower surface. Medulla white. Photobiont green. Lower surface pale buff to dark chocolate-brown, densely tomentose, tomentum white, silky, rather soft. Pseudocyphellae white, conspicuous, large, numerous, often with a raised margin at centre, immarginate towards lobe apices and margins. Apothecia sparse to frequent, laminal and marginal, sessile to subpedicellate, 1-4 mm diam., disc red-brown, matt, smooth, epruinose, concave to plane, margins entire or crenulate, massive at first and obscuring disc, excluded with age, ± white-pubescent or tomentose, thalline exciple areolate-scabrid, often white-pubescent. Ascospores brown, 1-3-septate, fusiform, 23-33 × 7-11 µm. Chemistry: 7β-acetoxyhopan-22-ol, hopane-15α,22-diol and hopane-7β,22-diol (tr.).
Thallus ± orbicular, attached centrally, margins ± free, 5-12(-30) cm diam. Lobes large, rounded, 1.5-5.0 cm wide, margins minutely indented-incised, not sorediate or isidiate. Upper surface bright lettuce-green or glaucous-green or pale yellowish-green when wet, pale greyish-green when dry, cinnamon-brown or suffused purplish on storage, matt to rather waxy, glossy and often tinged brown marginally, uneven, ± deeply faveolate-reticulate, especially towards margins. Medulla yellow. Photobiont green. Lower surface complexly wrinkledverrucose, not or sparingly tomentose, pale yellowish or buff, blackish centrally. Pseudocyphellae yellow to reddish-yellow, to 0.6 mm diam., round to irregular, crowded, papillate, ± bursting at apices.Apothecia small 1-2 mm diam., abundant, contiguous or scattered, often crowded, disc matt, red-brown to blackish, convex to plane, concave when young, margins thin, crenate or denticulate-coronate, irregular, not isidiate, thalline exciple smooth, glossy. Ascospores fusiform, 1-3-septate, colourless, 25-36 × 7-11 µm. Chemistry: Pulvinic dilactone, pulvinic acid, calycin, polyporic acid, and unidentified pigment (red in acetone) 2α,3β,22α-triacetoxystictane, 22α,hydroxystictane-3-one (±), 2α3β-diacetoxystictane-22α-ol, stictane-3β,22α-diol (±), 2αacetoxystictane-3β,22αdiol, 3β-acetoxystictane-2α,22α-diol (±) and stictane-2α,3β,22α-triol (±).
Thallus spreading, ± loosely attached, margins ± free and subascendent, to 20 cm diam. Lobes linear-elongate, 5-10 mm wide and 3-5 cm long, ± laciniate, subdichotomously to irregularly branching, margins entire or slightly incised, slightly thickened, ± incurled, brown-pubescent, apices crenulate, sinuous or truncate. Upper surface reddish when wet, pale greyish-fawn or tinged yellowish when dry, shallowly reticulate-faveolate, uneven or smooth, shining, without soredia, isidia, maculae or pseudocyphellae. Medulla white. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface densely and thickly tomentose to the margins, or with a narrow, glabrous, marginal zone, tomentum dense, brown to blackish. Pseudocyphellae yellow, scattered, round to irregular, frequent, verruciform, 0.1-1.0 mm diam., sunk in tomentum or protruding from it, margins conspicuous, pale to dark brown or black. Apothecia marginal or submarginal, 0.5-3.0 mm diam., sessile to subpedicellate, disc concave at first and entirely obscured by margins, plane at maturity, matt, brown-black, margins thick, persistent pale buff or flesh-coloured, coarsely scabrid-crenulate appearing ± denticulate or coronate, thalline exciple corrugate-scabrid, pale flesh-coloured. Ascospores greenish-brown, fusiform-ellipsoid, 1-3-septate, 23-30 × (3-)7-10 µm. Chemistry: Pulvinic acid, pulvinic dilactone, calycin, tenuiorin, methyl gyrophorate, hopane-6α,7β,22-triol, stictic, constictic and norstictic acids.
Thallus 5-7(-10) cm diam., rigid, lobate, attached centrally, margins mainly free. Lobes ± broadly rounded to deeply laciniate, margins partly imbricate, apices rounded or incised, crenulate to sinuous, often subascendent, not isidiate or phyllidiate. Upper surface pale brownish-yellow with greenish tint, to red-brown or dark chocolate brown, ± densely reticulate-faveolate, ridges strongly defined, lacunae deep or shallow, shining, ridges with ± numerous low warts bursting into yellow soredia, often confluent and spreading, usually smaller or lacking at margins. Medulla white. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface densely tomentose to margins, pale ochraceous-buff at margins, dark brown to blackish centrally, sometimes margins ± reticulate with yellowish-buff ridges and bullae visible. Pseudocyphellae yellow, scattered, sparse to ± frequent, 0.2-0.4 mm diam., ± sunk in tomentum, punctiform near margins. Apothecia rare, 1-2 mm wide, sessile on ridges, disc deep red-brown or blackish, occasionally faintly pruinose, concave to plane, margins thin, pale reddish-brown, ± smooth to wrinkled. Ascospores 1-septate, (18-)22-30 × 5-9(-12) µm. Chemistry: Pulvinic lactone, pulvinic acid, calycin, methyl virensate, 5-chloromethyl-virensate, hopane-6α, 7β-triol, norstictic, constictic and stictic acids. In c. one fifth of specimens examined stictic acid is replaced by salazinic acid (cf. ).
Thallus orbicular to irregularly spreading, 5-20(-30) cm diam., loosely attached. Lobes numerous, rounded to elongate-laciniate, very variable, 1-1.5(-2.5) cm wide and 2-3(-5) cm long, margins entire, ± sinuous or slightly notched, not phyllidiate, often subascendent, with punctate, yellow pseudocyphellae, sometimes ± canaliculate, rarely plane. Upper surface bright lettuce green, glaucous-green or pale yellowish-green when wet, pale yellowish-grey when dry becoming ochre-brown on storage, undulate or shallowly reticulate-faveolate, interconnecting ridges low, rounded, smooth, matt or shining, sometimes ± areolate-scabrid at or near lobe apices, minutely maculate (×10 lens). Medulla yellow. Photobiont green. Lower surface irregularly wrinkled, pale yellowish to ochre-brown at margins, dark red-brown to blackened centrally, often glabrous to sparsely or patchily tomentose to margins, tomentum silky, pale grey or whitish to medium brown, often ± tufted or ragged. Pseudocyphellae scattered, inconspicuous, sparse to numerous, punctiform, 0.5-1.5 mm diam., low-conical, decorticate area yellow. Apothecia sparse, often absent from well-developed thalli, sessile to subpedicellate, laminal, rarely marginal, 3-5(-10) mm diam., disc not fully exposed until late in development, partly obscured at first by inflexed, scabrid-verrucose exciple, disc red-brown, finely rugose, shining, subconcave to plane, thalline exciple conspicuous, persistent, pale whitish to buff, translucent when wet, very coarsely verrucose-areolate-scabrid. Epithecium granular, pale yellowish-brown, 13-22 µm tall. Hymenium colourless, 80-110 µm tall. Hypothecium c. 100 µm thick, pale yellowish-brown. Paraphyses conglutinate, simple, filiform, 1.5 µm thick, apices swollen to 5 µm thick, yellow-brown. Asci clavate 70-90 × 10-22 µm. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid-fusiform, apices pointed, straight or slightly curved, colourless, 1-3septate, 3-septate at maturity, (20-)25-34(-39) × 6.8-8.3 µm. Chemistry: Pulvinic dilactone, pulvinic acid, calycin, stictane-3β,22αdiol (±), 22α-hydroxy3,4,secostict-4(23)-ene-oic acid, 22α,hydroxy-3,4-secostict-4(23)-en-3-ol (±), 3acetoxy-3,4-secostict-4(23)-en-22α-ol (±). See Goh et. al., (loc. cit.).
Thallus linear-laciniate, suborbicular to spreading, 5-10(-20) cm wide, loosely to closely attached. Lobes linear-elongate to shallowly rounded to ± dichotomously branching, thin and rather brittle, imbricate centrally, apices discrete, margins entire at apices or ± bifurcate, highly dissected in older parts, isidiate, often ± subcanaliculate, margins ± thickened. Upper surface dark leaden grey to bluish-black when wet, pale lilac-brown to grey-brown when dry, smooth, shining, not tomentose, without soredia, maculae or pseudocyphellae. Isidia mainly marginal, occasionally laminal, flattened, or terete, not tomentose, concolorous with thallus. Medulla white. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface pale buff or white at margins, darker brown to ochre centrally, glabrous, slightly wrinkled at margins, tomentose centrally, glabrous in a narrow marginal zone, elsewhere tomentose, tomentum to margins in older lobes, short, regular, whitish, silky. Pseudocyphellae white, minute, fleck-like, 0.1-0.6 mm wide, rarely to 1 mm wide, rather sparse, flat, sunk in tomentum. Apothecia submarginal to scattered, 1.5-3.0 mm diam., disc red-brown, margins pale whitish, irregularly dentate-lacerate or crenulate, thalline exciple pale, corrugate-verrucose. Ascospores brown, oblong-fusiform, 1-3-septate, 24-42 × 8-11 µm. Chemistry: 7β-acetoxy-hopan-22-ol, hopane-15α,22-diol, ± gyrophoric acid.
Thallus foliose-lobate, rather loosely attached centrally, margins ± free, to 15 mm wide. Lobes linear-elongate to ± rounded, 1 cm wide and 5 cm long, branching ± dichotomous, margins entire, slightly thickened, crenate at apices, sinuses between lobes rounded. Upper surface bright lettuce-green when wet, olivaceous-glaucous when dry, deeply and regularly reticulate-faveolate, connecting ridges prominent, lacunae deep, smooth, glabrous, without soredia, isidia, maculae or pseudocyphellae. Medulla white. Photobiont green. Lower surface pale yellowish-buff or ± whitish, conspicuously bullate, glabrous at margins, with short, soft, pale tomentum centrally. Pseudocyphellae white, punctate, small, scattered, rather indistinct. Apothecia sparse to occasional or frequent, scattered or contiguous, sessile or subpedicellate, marginal, disc 1-4 mm diam., black, smooth, matt, epruinose, margins thick, entire or subcrenulate, concolorous with thallus or distinctly yellowish or pale, thalline exciple smooth, shining, or slightly whitish or brownish, pubescent, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores biseriate, brown, polaribilocular (18.7-)22.1-25.5 × 6.8-8.3 µm, septum 1.5-2 µm thick. Chemistry: Cortex C+ red, methyl gyrophorate, tenuiorin, gyrophoric acid (±), methyl lecanorate (tr.), two unidentified depsidones, hopane-6α, 7β,22-triol, norstictic (tr.), stictic and constictic acids.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, loosely to closely attached, rather ragged, 8-12(-20) cm diam. Lobes ± linear-elongate, or sometimes rounded, margins deeply indented, ragged, isidiate-lobulate, often ascending, rather fragile. Upper surface bright lettuce-green when wet, pale greyish-green to pale fawn when dry, smooth, undulate to ± wrinkled, matt or shining, with numerous, white, minute, punctiform pseudocyphellae, isidiate, without soredia or maculae. Isidia delicate, flattened, coralloid-branched, rarely ± terete, finger-like, marginal at first then laminal. Medulla white. Photobiont green. Lower surface pale buff to whitish and glabrous at apices, ± uniformly brown-tomentose in older parts. Pseudocyphellae white, scattered, sparse to numerous, sunk in tomentum, to 1 mm diam. Apothecia rare, scattered, subpedicellate, disc dark redbrown, matt, epruinose, concave to plane, to 2 mm diam., margins pale, corrugate-scabrid at first, crenate-coronate with age, exciple massive, pale flesh-coloured, corrugate-scabrid. Ascospores colourless to pale yellowish, oblong-fusiform, 1-3-septate, 30 × 7 µm. Chemistry: Two chemodemes present. (i): 7β-acetoxyhopan-22-ol, hopane-15α, 22-diol, and two unidentified compounds. (ii): 15α-acetoxy-22-hydroxyhopan-24-oic acid, 15α-22-dihydroxy-24-hopanoic acid. (Dr A.L. Wilkins pers. comm.).
Thallus ± orbicular to spreading, often forming extensive, entangled clones, loosely attached, to 25 cm diam., or larger. Lobes very variable ± rounded, irregular or linear-laciniate and ± subdichotomously branched, margins entire, often with raised, verruciform, white pseudocyphellae, apices blunt, notched or furcate, often complex-imbricate centrally, ± discrete at margins. Upper surface bright lettuce-green, olive-green to greenish- or yellowish-brown, sometimes superficially blackened, distinctly and regularly reticulate-faveolate, smooth, waxy, without soredia, isidia, phyllidia or pseudocyphellae. Photobiont green. Medulla white. Lower surface bullate, ridged, with a narrow, glabrous marginal zone at apices, ± densely and uniformly tomentose to margins in older lobes, tomentum felted, brown or black, rarely pale buff or whitish. Pseudocyphellae verruciform, raised above tomentum, with a conspicuous, inflated, smooth, fawn or buff, waxy margin, decorticate area flat, small, white or occasionally yellowish. Apothecia marginal and laminal, most commonly developed towards lobe apices, 2-5 mm diam., disc matt, black or dark reddish-brown, concave to convex, often white-pruinose when young, margins pale, whitish or greyish, prominent, inflexed at first, becoming denticulate and excluded with age, thalline exciple pale to red-brown, minutely verrucose-areolate, to white- or brown-tomentose. Ascospores brown, polaribilocular, fusiform-ellipsoid, (20-) 24-33 × 10-14 µm. Chemistry: Hopane-6α,7β,22-triol, methyl virensate, physciosporin, norstictic, constictic and stictic acids (Wilkins and James loc. cit., Code B).
Thallus rather loosely attached, orbicular to spreading, to 25 cm diam. Lobes dissected, irregularly elongate-laciniate, branching subdichotomous to irregular or subimbricate, margins irregular, lacerate-denticulate, white-pubescent, subascendent, ± copiously phyllidiate. Upper surface bright lettuce-green when wet, yellowish-grey or olivaceous or brownish or reddish when dry, smooth, coriaceous to somewhat scabrid-areolate, even or weakly undulate, without soredia, maculae or pseudocyphellae. Phyllidia mainly marginal occasionally laminal, ± palmately divided, flattened, dorsiventral, upper surface as in main lobes, ± finely white-pubescent, especially at apices. Medulla white, 350 µm thick, rather loose. Photobiont green, 10-13.5 µm diam., in a rather irregular layer, 100-150 µm thick. Apothecia rather sparse, sessile, marginal or submarginal, often associated with phyllidia, to 6 mm diam., disc red-brown to dark brown, smooth, matt, epruinose, with a thick, persistent, raised, crenulate-scabrid margin, thalline exciple massive, verucose-areolate, red-brown. Ascospores 1-septate, brown, fusiform-ellipsoid, 20-25 × 8-11 µm. Chemistry: 7β-acetoxyhopan-22-ol, hopane-15α,22-diol, hopane-7β,22-diol (tr.).
Thallus closely attached, irregularly spreading 5-10(-15) cm diam. Lobes very variable, broadly elongate (1 × 5 cm) ± contiguous or discrete to short, rounded, 2-8 mm diam., and ± imbricate, margins slightly thickened, sinuous, notched or incised, to ± densely denticulate-phyllidiate. Phyllidia marginal, lobulate, simple to coralloid, delicately white-pubescent. Upper surface undulate, dark slate-grey-blue when wet, pale greyish-fawn when dry, smooth, shining or matt, coriaceous, not reticulate-faveolate or areolate-scabrid, without maculae, soredia, isidia or pseudocyphellae. Medulla white. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface whitish to pale buff and ± glabrous at margins, darkening to ± blackened centrally, tomentose centrally. Tomentum thick, white or buff. Pseudocyphellae white, prominent, fleck-like at margins, ± convex centrally, 0.05-0.2 mm diam., scattered, rather sparse to moderately common. Apothecia sessile to subpedicellate, rare, laminal or submarginal, sparse to moderately abundant in some collections, concave to plane, disc red-brown to dark brown, shining, epruinose, 0.2-1.5 mm diam., margins pale flesh-coloured, entire to subcrenate, verrucose-scabrid, persistent, often obscuring disc in young fruits. Ascospores uniseriate or biseriate, colourless to pale yellowish-brown, 1-3-septate, ellipsoid, with pointed ends, 20.4-27.2 × 6.8-8.3 µm. Chemistry: 7β-acetoxyhopan-22-ol, hopane-15α,22-diol, hopane-7β,22-diol (tr.).
Thallus orbicular to spreading, rather irregular, 5-10(-20) cm diam., ± closely attached to loosely straggling. Lobes broad, rounded, to rather ragged, imbricate centrally, contiguous to subimbricate at apices, margins crisped, variously notched or incised, isidiate. Upper surface bright green to yellow green when wet, pale yellowish-grey when dry, undulate, uneven, slightly and shallowly faveolate, shining, smooth, ± isidiate. Isidia flattened, coralloid-branched, marginal at first, then laminal, often dense. Medulla yellow. Photobiont green. Lower surface pale yellowish or creamish at margins, glabrous or minutely pubescent, darker yellow to brownish centrally. Pseudocyphellae yellow. Apothecia sparse to absent, subpedicellate, disc brown-black, matt, smooth, to 5 mm diam., concave to plane, margins pale or whitish, translucent when wet, crenulate-dentate, thalline exciple massive, white, corrugate-verrucose, obscuring disc when young, often ± short white-tomentose. Ascospores colourless, fusiform, 1-3-septate, 24-30 × 5-7 µm. Chemistry: Pulvinic acid, pulvinic dilactone, calycin, 3β,22α,-diacetoxystictane (±), 2α,3β,22α, triacetoxystictane, 2α,3β-diacetoxystictane-22-one (±), 2α,3β-diacetoxys-tictan-22-ol (±), 3β-acetoxystictane-22-ol (±), stictane-3 β,22α,-diol (±),2α -acetoxystictane-3β,22α,-diol, 3β-acetoxystictane-2α,22α,-diol, stictane-2β,3β,22α-triol (±) [Chin et al., J. chem. Soc. Perkin 1: 1437-1446 (1973)].
Thallus laciniate-lobate, spreading, ± loosely attached, 10-15(-25) cm diam. Lobes deeply incised, ± linear-elongate, margins very irregular, often lacerate- ragged and ± ascending, or flat, ± densely granular-sorediate. Upper surface glaucous green or fawn to olivaceous when wet, greyish-fawn when dry, thick, coriaceous, smooth to ± reticulate-faveolate, ridges low, ± sorediate. Soredia coarse, granular, whitish at first becoming superficially blackened. Medulla white. Photobiont green. Lower surface tomentose to margins, tomentum thick, regular, even, dark brown to blackish. Pseudocyphellae white, conspicuous. Apothecia marginal or submarginal, sessile or subpedicellate, disc 1-2 mm diam., smooth, dark brown or blackish, matt, margins concolorous with thallus, ± sorediate, thalline exciple smooth. Ascospores brown to blackish, polaribilocular, 27-30 × 9-12 µm. Chemistry: Hopane-6α,7β,22-triol, methyl virensate, physciosporin, norstictic, constictic and stictic acids (Wilkins and James loc. cit., Code B).
Thallus ± orbicular or in irregular rosettes, 5-10(-18) cm wide, ± loosely attached. Lobes numerous, 0.5-1.5 cm wide, 1-2 cm long, ± convex, thin and rather delicate in texture, overlapping or at least marginally contiguous except for apices, margins crenate-incised, isidiate, uneven, often sinuous or subascendent. Upper surface bright lettuce-green when wet, pale grey-green, buff to yellowish-olive or pinkish when dry, often becoming dark red-brown on storage, apices slightly darkened, brownish ± uniformly to irregularly tomentose, tomentum, white, silky rather delicate and often thin and abraded in older parts, cortex below tomentum smooth to scabrid and ± reticulate-cracked, undulate, wrinkled, never faveolate, isidiate, without soredia, maculae or pseudocyphellae. Isidia small, delicate, granular, flattened, coralloid, marginal, occasionally and rarely laminal in older parts. Medulla white. Photobiont green. Lower surface pale, whitish to pale pinkish-tan centrally, uniformly white- tomentose to margins, tomentum, soft, silky rather short. Pseudocyphellae white, scattered to numerous, tubercular, minute, inapparent, 0.4-0.8 mm diam., central decorticate area very small. Cephalodia internal, often visible as distinct, ± hemispherical swellings on both upper and lower surfaces. Apothecia very rare, sessile to subpedicellate 0.5-2.0 mm diam., disc concave to plane, dark red-brown, shining, epruinose, margins entire, pale flesh-coloured, tomentose. Ascospores biseriate, 1-3-septate, brown, ellipsoid with pointed ends, 25.5-29 × 10.2-13.6 µm. Chemistry: TLC nil.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, often in dense swards, 10-20(-40) cm diam., loosely attached. Lobes broad, 1-3 cm wide, linear-elongate, dior trichotomously branching, to 12 cm long, apices discrete, contiguous to imbricate centrally, margins entire, sinuous, apices rounded or shallowly notched, without isidia, soredia, sinuses semicircular. Upper surface coriaceous, greenish or olivaceous when wet, yellowish-green to pale yellowish-grey when dry, smooth, shallowly wrinkled, undulate, matt or shining, without isidia, soredia, maculae or pseudocyphellae. Medulla white. Photobiont green. Lower surface pale buff or whitish at margins, dark brown, or black centrally, ± evenly tomentose, glabrous-wrinkled at lobe apices, tomentum short, dense, brown. Pseudocyphellae white, conspicuous, numerous, scattered, often crowded, to 1 mm diam. Apothecia emergent, submarginal or marginal, sparse to moderately common, 4-6 mm diam., subpedicellate, disc red-brown, epruinose, concave to plane, margins crenulate, pale whitish, thalline exciple corrugate-scabrid. Ascospores colourless to pale brownish, fusiform, 1-3-septate, 24-32 × 5-9 µm. Chemistry: 7β-acetoxyhopane-22-ol, hopane-15α,22-diol, hopane-7β,22-diol, norstictic, constictic and stictic acids.
Thallus ± orbicular, 5-10(-15) cm diam., ± loosely attached, margins ± free. Lobes broadly laciniate or ± rounded, 10-20 diam., margins entire or variously notched or incised. Upper surface slate-blue to brownish-black, conspicuously white-maculate (×10 lens) when wet, conspicuously and often densely reticulate-faveolate, ridges pale (free of algae), smooth or sharp, faveolations deep, matt or glossy, smooth or wrinkled, often suffused brownish centrally, without isidia, soredia or pseudocyphellae. Medulla white. Photobiont blue- green. Lower surface pale buff or whitish with a ± uniform, short, stiff, brownish tomentum, tomentum in short, discrete bundles, wrinkled-bullate, glabrous at margins. Pseudocyphellae white, frequent, raised, verruciform, with a naked, white, waxy margin, 0.05-0.2 mm wide, exposed hyphae in small, punctiform depression. Apothecia ± frequent, sessile to subpedicellate, 1-8 mm diam., concave to plane at first becoming irregularly convex with age, disc black, matt, epruinose, minutely granular, ± shining, margins pale, thin, inflexed, crenulate, thalline exciple concolorous with thallus, smooth or minutely verrucose. Ascospores oblong-ellipsoid, polaribilocular, brown, (20-)23-25(-30) × 8-11 µm. Chemistry: Cortex C+ red. Hopane-6α,7β,22-triol, tenuiorin, methyl evernate, methyl lecanorate, methyl gyrophorate, gyrophoric, stictic, norstictic and constictic acids.
Thallus orbicular to irregularly spreading, loosely attached, corticolous or saxicolous, to 20 cm diam. Lobes very variable, broad, sparsely incised, to narrow, linear-laciniate, margins entire to deeply incised, often sorediate. Upper surface shining, dark brown to pale yellowish-buff, often with a bluish-lilac tinge, or reddish-brown, smooth to ± reticulate-faveolate, sorediate, without isidia, maculae or pseudocyphellae. Soredia farinose to coarsely granular, whitish to grey-blue or mauve, in ± linear marginal lines or in rounded, laminal, pustular soralia. Medulla white. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface tomentose to margins, tomentum thick, felted, pale to dark chocolate-brown, pale brown and ± glabrous in a narrow zone at lobe apices. Pseudocyphellae white, scattered, rather sparse, sunk in tomentum. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: 7β-acetoxyhopan-22-ol, hopane-7 β,22-diol (tr.), hopane-15α,22-diol, tenuiorin, methyl gyrophorate.
Thallus rather loosely attached, ± orbicular to spreading, 5-10(-15) cm diam. Lobes linear-elongate, 0.5-1.2 cm diam., and 3-6 cm long, margins entire, sinuous, without phyllidia, isidia or soredia. Upper surface dark grey-blue or blackish when wet, pale greyish-fawn when dry and margins suffused red- brown, white, reticulate maculae (×10 lens) and larger algal-free areas conspicuous at margins, shallowly undulate, without soredia or isidia, not reticulate-faveolate, matt or shining, pseudocyphellate. Pseudocyphellae white, minute, punctiform, scattered. Medulla white. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface tomentose to margins, pale whitish or buff at margins, darkening towards centre. Tomentum rather thin, pale to dark brown, silky. Pseudocyphellae white, scattered, prominent, round to irregular, 0.1-1.0 mm diam., with a prominent, slightly raised pale buff, glossy margin, decorticate area excavate, coarsely granular. Apothecia rare (only one seen), marginal, sub-pedicellate 0.8 mm diam., disc concave, red-brown, shining, epruinose, thalline exciple well-developed, pale flesh-coloured, coarsely areolate-scabrid, inflexed, obscuring disc. Ascospores not seen. Chemistry: 7β-acetoxy-hopan-22-ol, and hopane-15α,22-diol (Wilkins and James loc. cit., Code A).
Thallus ± orbicular, forming clumps, 5-10(-15) cm diam., ± loosely attached, terricolous or saxicolous. Lobes laciniate-elongate, 1-3(-5) cm long, 0.5-1.0 cm wide, narrower and ± canaliculate, ascending at apices, margins entire, with punctate, yellow pseudocyphellae, apices ± furcate or blunt or variously incised. Upper surface pale greyish-blue, reddish-brown at apices when wet and distinctly white-maculate (×10 lens), suffused reddish-brown, cinnamon-brown centrally, distinctly reticulate-faveolate, ridges sharp and well-defined, faveolae deeply lacunose, matt, slightly glossy at apices. Medulla white. Photobiont blue- green. Lower surface ± bullate, pale buff to dark red-brown, uniformly tomentose to margins, tomentum silky, pale buff to brown. Pseudocyphellae yellow, minute, punctiform, scattered, without a distinct margin, sunk in tomentum. Apothecia not seen in New Zealand material. Chemistry: Pulvinic acid, pulvinic dilactone, calycin, stictic, constictic, norstictic and salazinic (±) acids, tenuiorin and three unidentified triterpenes.
Thallus thick, coriaceous, orbicular to spreading, ± loosely attached, 5-10(-15) cm diam. Lobes rounded at apices, ± elongate-flabellate, contiguous to subimbricate, sinuses circular, margins entire, slightly thickened, shallowly notched or incised, sometimes subascendent. Upper surface bright lettuce-green to glaucous-green when wet, suffused brownish-red at apices, pale greyish- green or brownish when dry, undulate or ± plane, smooth, matt or shining, with small, white, punctate to raised white pseudocyphellae. Medulla white. Photobiont green. Lower surface tomentose to margins, pale buff or ochraceous-brown at margins, brown-black centrally. Pseudocyphellae numerous, round to irregular, white with a ± prominent margin. Apothecia sparse to moderate, submarginal, to 6 mm diam., disc concave to plane, red-brown, matt, epruinose, margins thin, pale, crenulate. Ascospores brown, 1-3-septate, 27-37 × 5-7(-10) µm. Chemistry: Two chemodemes. (i): 7β-acetoxyhopane-22- ol and hopane-15α,22-diol (in type). (ii): 15α-acetoxy-22-hydroxyhopan-24-oic acid (±) 15α-22-dihydroxy-24-hopanoic acid. (Dr A.L. Wilkins pers. comm.).
Thallus irregularly spreading, (2-)5-15 cm diam., loosely attached, corticolous. Lobes ± linear-elongate, subcanaliculate to plane, subdichotomously to irregularly or complexly branched, 1-10 mm wide and 0.5-5 cm long, margins entire, slightly thickened, occasionally ± ascending, rarely subdenticulate with raised, yellow pseudocyphellae. Upper surface shallowly to deeply faveolate, interconnecting ridges smoothly rounded or sharp, dark grey-blue when wet and conspicuously white-maculate in well-defined patterns (×10 lens), pale greyish or greenish-grey to greyish-buff when dry, sometimes suffused reddish- brown in parts, matt or slightly shining, often irregularly cracked, minutely scabrid-areolate in parts. Medulla white. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface pale whitish-buff, distinctly wrinkled-bullate, ± evenly tomentose to margins, tomentum thin, silky, short, white or buff, thicker and darker (becoming brown) centrally. Pseudocyphellae minute, bright yellow, round, 0.05-0.3 mm diam., scattered, slightly raised above tomentum, decorticate area plane, margins not prominent. Apothecia marginal or submarginal, subpedicellate, 0.5-3.5 mm diam., plane to shallowly convex-undulate, disc in young stages obscured by margins, at maturity dark red-brown to black, matt, epruinose, margins denticulate, pale buff or flesh-coloured, often obscured by disc, exciple corrugate-scabrid, buff or pale flesh-coloured. Ascospores biseriate, brown, mainly polaribilocular, occasionally 3-septate, 20-30.6 × 8.3-10.2 µm. Pycnidia occasional to frequent, scattered, black, punctiform, minute. Chemistry: Calycin, pulvinic dilactone, pulvinic acid, tenuiorin, methyl lecanorate, gyrophoric acid (tr.), hopane-6α,22- diol, salazinic and consalazinic acids and an unidentified terpene.
Thallus orbicular, rosette-forming to spreading, 6-10(-16) cm wide, loosely attached, lobes short, rounded, 0.3-0.8 mm broad, imbricate or contiguous, margins entire, sinuous, shallowly incised, often subascendent, densely white- tomentose. Upper surface dark, livid, leaden-grey when wet, pale brownish- grey or pinkish-fawn when dry, ± uniformly thickly tomentose, tomentum long, white, silky, cortex below tomentum, smooth, undulate, uneven, shining, never scabrid. Medulla white. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface pale brownish or whitish at margins, dark brown centrally, irregularly ridged or wrinkled-faveolate towards margins, ± uniformly tomentose, tomentum thick, whitish, silky, uneven, often developing in long, tufted fascicles towards margins. Pseudocyphellae yellow, tiny, 0.1-0.3 mm diam., scattered or frequent, sunk in tomentum. Apothecia not seen. Pycnidia not seen. Chemistry: Tenuiorin, methyl gyrophorate (±), methyl lecanorate, pulvinic dilactone, pulvinic acid, calycin, norstictic and stictic acid and constictic acids, hopane-15α-22-diol, hopane-6α,7β,22-triol.
Thallus ± orbicular, closely attached in rosettes or spreading, to 12 cm diam. Lobes rounded, ± radiating, imbricate, margins entire or delicately notched or incised, sinuous or ragged-phyllidiate. Upper surface glaucous-green to olivaceous when wet, pale greyish-green when dry, undulate or shallowly faveolate, lacunose, ridges smooth, matt or shining, without soredia, maculae or pseudocyphellae, often phyllidiate. Phyllidia dentate-subcoralloid, flattened, undulate, squamiform, marginal and laminal. Photobiont green. Medulla white. Lower surface pale yellowish-buff to whitish, slightly darker centrally, ± glabrous or with a sparse, thin, pale tomentum, wrinkled-bullate in parts, or ± papillate. Pseudocyphellae inconspicuous, very sparse, scattered, minute, erupting on ridges and papillae, decorticate area yellowish, or white. Apothecia laminal or marginal, sparse to moderately frequent, sessile to subpedicellate, 2-5 mm diam., disc matt, smooth, black, epruinose, margins thin, entire to crenate-striate to phyllidiate, pale. Pycnidia frequent, scattered, black, punctiform, minute. Ascospores brown, polaribilocular, fusiform-ellipsoid, 24-31 × (5-)7-10 µm. Chemistry: Hopane-6α,7β,22-triol, methyl evernate, methyl lecanorate, methyl gyrophorate, tenuiorin, gyrophoric, stictic, constictic and norstictic acids.
Thallus lobate-foliose, spreading, in entangled clones, 5-15(-30) cm diam., loosely attached, corticolous. Lobes linear-elongate, rather narrow, 3-12 mm wide, expanding towards apices, ± subdichotomously branching, complex, imbricate centrally, discrete, ± subascendent at apices, margins entire, slightly thickened below, occasionally with rounded to elongate white pseudocyphellae, truncate or furcate, at apices. Upper surface smooth, glabrous, even or undulate, rarely very shallowly faveolate, ridges smooth not distinct, without isidia, pseudocyphellae or soredia, conspicuously and irregularly white-maculate (×10 lens), dark slate-grey or bluish-grey when wet, pale greenish-grey suffused brownish when dry. Medulla white. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface pale brownish-pink, wrinkled-striate centrally, ± evenly tomentose to margins, tomentum pale, whitish, short, even, lobe apices sometimes glabrous, whitish, wrinkled-bullate, shining. Pseudocyphellae round to irregular, common, plane, intense white, 0.1-1.2 mm diam., conspicuous. Apothecia very rare, marginal, subpedicellate, 0.5-2.0 mm diam., disc glossy, coriaceous, dark chesnut-brown to black, epruinose, margins pale pinkish-brown, corrugate-striate to verrucose, ± inflexed and obscuring disc at first, becoming ± coronate or denticulate to excluded at maturity, thalline exciple coarsely verrucose-scabrid, minutely tomentose, whitish to dark brownish-pink or red-brown. Epithecium 13-22 µm thick, yellow-brown, of thickened, conglutinate tips of paraphyses. Hymenium colourless, 40-65 µm tall. Hypothecium pale yellowish-brown, 17-30 µm thick. Asci and ascopores not seen. Chemistry: 7β-acetoxyhopane-22-ol and hopane 15α,22-diol.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, 5-8(-12) cm diam., rather loosely attached. Lobes rather rigid, 1-2.5 cm wide, separated by shallow incisions or the still broader main lobes, 3-4 cm long, margins ± ascending especially towards apices, ragged, densely and irregularly crenulate, phyllidiate. Upper surface brownish-yellow to greenish-brown or dark red-brown, matt, ± faveolate, with dense, low interconnecting ridges lacking soredia, ± phyllidiate. Phyllidia marginal, flattened, often eroded at apices and appearing spuriously yellow-sorediate. Medulla white or pale yellow-white. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface tomentose to margins, ± pale ochraceous-yellow at margins, dark brown to black centrally. Pseudocyphellae yellow, frequent, 0.3-0.5 mm diam., verruciform or flattened. Apothecia sparse to ± frequent, laminal, rarely marginal, disc 1-2 mm diam., concave or ± plane, smooth, dark brown or blackish, matt, margins pale, smooth or subdenticulate, thalline exciple ± tomentose. Ascospores polaribilocular, brown, 25-30 × 8-10 µm. Chemistry: Pulvinic dilactone, pulvinic acid, calycin, methyl virensate, physciosporin (5-chloromethylvirensate), hopane-6α,7β,22-triol, hopane-7β-22-diol (±), 6α-acetoxyhopane-7β,22-diol (±), 7β-acetoxyhopane-6α,22-diol (±), stictic (in c. one fifth of cases this is replaced by salazinic acid), constictic and norstictic acids.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, often free at margins, 5-10(-12) cm diam. Lobes laciniate-elongate, imbricate, margins wavy, crisped, minutely notched or incised, ± isidiate. Upper surface bright lettuce-green, tinged brownish at apices when wet, pale greenish-grey when dry, undulate, smooth, matt, minutely white-pubescent towards lobe apices, often faintly scabrid in patches. Medulla yellow. Photobiont green. Lower surface whitish to pale yellowish, suffused pinkish in parts, very finely tomentose to margins, tomentum sparse, short, white, soft. Pseudocyphellae scattered, yellow, effigurate to rounded, to 1.5 mm wide, flat. Apothecia 2-8mm diam., marginal or submarginal, distinctly pedicellate, disc dark red-brown, deeply concave, margins coarsely golden-sorediate, ± enclosed by verrucose-areolate, white tomentose, concolorous thalline exciple. Ascopores brown, fusiform, 1-3-septate, 18-21 × 6-7 µm. Chemistry: Pulvinic acid, pulvinic lactone, calycin, and unidentified triterpenes or sterols.
Thallus ± linear-elongate, spreading, loosely attached, to 20 cm diam. Lobes linear-elongate to 6 mm wide, ± discrete, to contiguous, margins rather fragile, copiously incised, isidiate, ± ascending, becoming concave and ± canaliculate. Upper surface bright lettuce-green when wet, pale greenish-grey or fawn when dry, undulate, ± canaliculate, wrinkled to shallowly faveolate, matt or shining, marginally and then laminally isidiate. Isidia terete to somewhat flattened, simple, becoming coralloid-branched, fragile and easily abraded, leaving small, white pock-like depressions not to be confused with pseudocyphellae. Medulla white. Photobiont green. Lower surface pale pinkish-buff, whitish at margins, obscurely wrinkled-scrobiculate, bullate, glabrous, rarely very thinly and patchily tomentose centrally, tomentum white, silky, often lacking. Pseudocyphellae white, minute, inapparent, punctiform, fleck-like, numerous. Apothecia sparse, submarginal, 1.0-1.8 mm diam., subpedicellate, disc red-brown, matt or shining, concave to plane, margins denticulate-isidiate, thin, concolorous with thallus, thalline exciple wrinkled. Ascospores brown, fusiform, 1-3-septate, (23-)28-34(-42) × 7-11 µm. Chemistry: 7β-acetoxyhopan-22-ol, hopane-15α,22-diol, methylgyrophorate (tr.) and gyrophoric acid (C+ red).
Thallus rather loosely attached, 5-15(-25) cm diam., ± orbicular, rosetteforming to spreading. Lobes rather thick, elongate-laciniate, to 10 mm wide, subdichotomously branching, margins entire or variously notched or incised, ± sinuous, distinctly thickened, conspicuously white-pubescent, without soredia, isidia or phyllidia. Upper surface bright lettuce-green when wet, pale yellowish-brown or buff when dry, smooth, coriaceous, ± distinctly reticulate-faveolate, ridges low, smooth, slightly scabrid centrally, ± pubescent or short, white-tomentose marginally and often also laminally, tomentum often abraded in patches, without soredia, isidia or pseudocyphellae. Medulla white. Photobiont green. Lower surface densely tomentose to margins, pale buff marginally, dark brown centrally. Pseudocyphellae yellow, conspicuous, large. Apothecia marginal or submarginal, subpedicellate, to 8 mm diam., disc shallowly concave, matt, black, with a fine, grey-white pruina in young fruits, margins pale flesh-coloured, entire at first, becoming distinctly incised-coronate, thalline exciple coarsely verrucose-areolate. Ascospores brown, 1-septate, 20-35 × 5-8(-10) µm. Chemistry: Hopane-15α,22-diol, hopane-6α,7β,22-triol, pulvinic acid, pulvinic lactone, calycin, tenuiorin, methyl gyrophorate, methyl evernate, methyl lecanorate, stictic, constictic and norstictic acids.
Thallus orbicular, ± rosette-shaped to spreading or straggling, 5-8(-12) cm diam., ± centrally attached, margins often free. Lobes linear, somewhat elongate, margins irregularly incised, ± ragged, granular-sorediate, not phyllidiate or isidiate. Upper surface bright lettuce-green when wet, greyish-green to buff-pink when dry becoming suffused reddish on storage, ± scabrid at margins, smooth, undulate to ± faveolate-impressed centrally, ± silky white-tomentose, ± sorediate. Soredia marginal in linear to sublinear soralia, or laminal in scattered, punctiform to confluent soralia, granular, yellow. Medulla yellow. Photobiont green. Lower surface pale yellow, ± evenly white, silky tomentose to margins. Pseudocyphellae yellow, prominent, numerous, flat, to 1.5 mm diam.Apothecia rather rare, pedicellate, disc dark brown or red-brown, concave to plane, somewhat undulate, matt, epruinose, margins eroded, granular-sorediate, exciple corrugate-scabrid, concolorous with thallus, ridges often yellow-sorediate. Ascospores brown, oblong-ellipsoid to obtusely fusiform, 3-septate, 28-30 × 10-13 µm. Chemistry: Pulvinic acid, pulvinic dilactone, calycin, and a complex mixture (c. 12) of lupane triterpenoids (Dr A.L. Wilkins pers. comm.).
Thallus spreading, often entangled, in very large clones, loosely attached, 7-10(-30) cm diam. Lobes linear-elongate, 5-8(-15) mm wide, 5-10(-15) cm long, ± dichotomously branching, contiguous or discrete, rarely imbricate, margins entire, smoothly rounded, without pseudocyphellae, slightly thickened below, apices rounded to truncate or shallowly furcate, rather variable, thinner and elongate to wider and ± imbricate. Upper surface bright lettuce-green when wet, pale greyish-green when dry, smooth, matt, shallowly faveolate, dividing ridges smoothly rounded, undulate, without isidia, phyllidia, soredia or pseudocyphellae. Medulla white. Photobiont green. Lower surface white to pale pinkish-white at margins, darker centrally, wrinkled-bullate especially at margins, glabrous at and towards apices, short, white, delicate, silky-tomentose in older parts, tomentum often sparse or absent. Pseudocyphellae white, punctiform, immarginate, fleck-like at margins, to 0.5 mm diam., centrally, and there with a fine margin, scattered, ± flat or only very slightly verruciform, often clustered. Apothecia marginal, 1-5 mm diam., sessile or subpedicellate, disc pale brownish-pink to red-brown, concave at first, becoming ± plane or undulate, glossy, epruinose, smooth, margins pale buff or pinkish, thin, crenulate, thalline exciple pinkish, corrugate-scabrid. Ascospores mainly 1-, rarely to 3-septate, colourless, fusiform-ellipsoid, (20-)24-27(-32) × (7-)8-9(-11) µm. Chemistry: 7β-acetoxyhopane-22-ol, hopane-15α,22-diol, hopane-7β,22-diol (±). (Wilkins and James loc. cit., Code A).
Thallus orbicular, rosette-forming to irregularly spreading, ± closely attached centrally, margins free, 5-8(-10) cm diam. Lobes short, 3-6 mm wide, rounded, ± cochleate, imbricate, concave to plane or subconvex, irregularly undulate, margins entire to minutely crenulate, distinctly thickened, with conspicuous, punctiform, yellow pseudocyphellae. Upper surface dark leaden-grey, blackish or dark olive-reddish in parts when wet, pale grey-brown or buff when dry, margins brown or red-brown, maculate (×10 lens), maculae best seen when wet towards apices, margins yellow, sometimes suffused reddish-brown, free of algae, undulate or minutely wrinkled, not reticulate-faveolate, distinctly tomentose especially towards centre of lobes, not sorediate, isidiate or pseudocyphellate. Tomentum pale fawnish or whitish, downy, short, mainly laminal, rarely marginal. Medulla white, in places very pale yellow. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface wrinkled uneven, pale buff or whitish at margins, darkening slightly towards centre, tomentose. Tomentum rather thin, whitish or pale buff, to margins. Pseudocyphellae yellow, conical-verruciform, projecting above tomentum, minute, 0.05-0.1 mm diam., sparse to moderately frequent. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Hopane-6α,7β,22-triol, hopane-7β,22-diol, 6α-acetoxyhopane-7β,22-diol, 7β,-acetoxyhopane-6α,22-diol, pulvinic acid, pulvinic lactone, calycin, tenuiorin, methylgyrophorate, stictic, constictic and norstictic acids. The species has a distinctly fishy smell when moistened, (?methylamine).
Thallus small, delicate, entangled-complicate, spreading, 5(-10) cm diam. Lobes complexly branched, entangled-imbricate, narrow, 1-3 mm wide and 4-10 mm long, di- or trichotomously branching at centre, becoming narrower and ± lobulate-phyllidiate at margins, sinuses semicircular. Upper surface bright lettuce-green when wet, pale yellowish-green or fawn when dry, shining, smooth, very slightly faveolate or wrinkled, uneven, without soredia, isidia, maculae or pseudocyphellae. Medulla white. Photobiont green. Lower surface glabrous, white, shining at margins, yellowish-brown, ± costate centrally, thinly tomentose centrally, tomentum pale buff, thin, rather ragged. Pseudocyphellae minute, fleck-like, white, punctiform, conspicuous at or near lobe margins, flat, immarginate. Apothecia submarginal or laminal, sparse to frequent, sessile to subpedicellate, disc pale yellowish-red or brownish, 2-4 mm diam., smooth, matt, plane or subconcave, margins pale flesh-coloured, inflexed at first, becoming crenulate-dentate, thalline exciple pale, verrucose-areolate. Ascospores colourless to pale brown, oblong-fusiform, 1-3-septate, 22-30 × 7-9 µm. Chemistry: 7β-Acetoxyhopan-22-ol, hopane-15α,22-diol, and hopane-7β-22- diol (tr.).
Thallus heteromerous, foliose, dorsiventral, lobate, often very large, orbicular, rosette-forming or irregularly laciniate or ± dichotomously branched or polyphyllous, rarely ± monophyllous, loosely to closely attached. Lobes very variable, narrow, strap-shaped, ± dichotomously branching with distinctly bifurcating apices which may be pointed, blunt, or rounded, complex, imbricate, margins entire or variously incised orfolded often with conspicuous, elongate or verruciform pseudocyphellae, often free and ascending, tough, thick and coriaceous to thin and fragile. Upper surface smooth or wrinkled, or ± scabrid or hairy, often deeply or shallowly faveolate, with faint or marked reticulum of interconnecting ridges, shining, matt or dull, often conspicuously maculate, with or without pseudocyphellae, isidia, phyllidia or soredia. Medulla white or yellow. Photobiont green ( or -like) or blue-green (). Internal cephalodia containing present in species with a green photobiont. Lower surface glabrous in some species but usually ± tomentose, tomentum pale to dark, thick and felted to indistinctly pubescent. Pseudocyphellae always present, white or yellow, sparse to frequent, ± immersed in tomentum to raised-conical, round to irregular, margins distinct or indistinct. Apothecia hemiangiocarpic, emergent, sessile to pedicellate, laminal or marginal, rounded, margins entire or crenate-striate, phyllidiate, isidiate or sorediate in some species, disc matt or shining, sometimes white-pruinose, thalline exciple well-developed, smooth to verrucose or areolate-scabrid, hairy, sorediate or maculate. Ascospores 8 per ascus at maturity, colourless or brown, simple at first, becoming polaribilocular to 3-septate.
Thallus closely attached, 5-8 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes irregularly branched, short and rounded, 2-8 mm wide, margins crenate, dark brown. Upper surface yellowish-buff to olive green, smooth, shining, moderately to densely isidiate. Isidia laminal, irregularly inflated, simple, constricted at base, somewhat gnarled, eroding apically into pustular masses. Medulla white. Lower surface black with a naked, brown, marginal zone. Rhizines rather sparse, simple, pale near margins, black centrally. Apothecia very rare, 1-3 mm diam., thalline exciple coarsely isidiate. Ascospores 12-19 × 5-7 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. Divaricatic acid and atranorin.
Thallus closely attached, to 10 cm diam., corticolous or lignicolous. Lobes rounded, subirregular to 8 mm wide. Upper surface plane to wrinkled, faveolate, shining or rather waxy, greyish-fawn to greenish or buff, sorediate. Soralia laminal, rarely marginal, white or yellowish becoming grey-brown with age, originating from coarse, pustular ridges, becoming irregular-diffuse. Lower surface black, with a narrow, brown, naked marginal zone. Rhizines numerous, simple, black. Apothecia sessile, disc brown, thalline margin entire, sorediate. Ascospores 5-7 × 10-12 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C+ red, KC+ red, Pd-. Lecanoric acid and atranorin.
Thallus foliose, dorsiventral, heteromerous, lobate, orbicular, 3-15 cm diam., uniformly closely attached to substrate even at margins, corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes variable, sublinear, apically obtuse to subirregular, apically rounded, margins smooth, black-rimmed, without cilia or other ornamentation. Upper cortex of palisade plectenchyma with a thin, pored epicortex. Upper surface smooth or wrinkled, isidia, pustules and soralia present or absent, pseudocyphellae and maculae absent. Medulla white. Photobiont green. Lower surface black or pale brown, broad-lobed species often with a narrow, brown, naked marginal zone. Rhizines moderately abundant, uniformly simple, often pale at apices. Apothecia uniform, sessile to subpedicellate, 1-3 mm diam., disc imperforate, red-brown, shining or matt, thalline exciple concolorous with thallus, smooth, isidiate, sorediate or pustulate. Ascospores 8 per ascus, simple, colourless, mostly within range 7-13 × 6-10 µm.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, closely to loosely attached, 5-20 cm diam., corticolous and saxicolous. Lobes large (5-15 mm wide) subirregular, apically rounded with shallowly incised margins. Upper surface plane to undulate, yellowish or green-yellow (usnic aid in upper cortex), smooth, matt, at margins becoming coarsely wrinkled centrally, coarsely pustulate. Pustules large, yellowish-white, globose, laminal, diffuse or coalescing, rarely at margins. Medulla white, often with an orange pigment below pustules. Lower surface wrinkled, black with a narrow, wrinkled, naked brown, marginal zone. Rhizines sparse, simple, black or brown. Apothecia rare, 2-5 mm diam., margins coarsely pustular-sorediate, disc matt or shining dark red-brown. Ascospores 17-24 × 8-13 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC+ rose, Pd+ red. Caperatic, protocetraric and usnic acids and atranorin. Skyrin present when pigmented.
Thallus closely attached, rather thin, 4-12 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes sublinear, congested, apices rounded, 1-2 mm wide. Upper surface plane, shining, whitish to dark grey-brown, densely isidiate. Isidia simple, terete, tips blackened. Lower surface dark brown to black. Rhizines black, sparse to moderate. Apothecia rare, subpedicellate, disc brown, to 6 mm diam., thalline exciple isidiate. Ascospores 7-8 × 5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic acid and atranorin.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, closely attached, 5-12 cm diam., corticolous or lignicolous. Lobes small (to 5 mm wide) confluent, subirregular, rounded, margins shallowly incised. Upper surface plane, shining, wrinkled centrally, yellowish-green (usnic acid in cortex), sorediate. Soralia large, rounded, pustular, densely crowded centrally, soredia very fine, dense, farinose, yellow. Lower surface black, shining, with a shining black or brown naked marginal zone. Rhizines simple, numerous, black or pale. Apothecia (not seen in New Zealand material) rare, sessile, 1-4 mm diam., thalline exciple pustular. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic acid and atranorin.
Thallus small, orbicular, rosette-forming or spreading, 3-5 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes narrow, 2-5 mm wide, margins shallowly crenate, black, shining. Upper surface smooth, matt, wrinkled and shallowly faveolate centrally, pale green-grey or olive, without isidia or soredia. Lower surface shining, black, with longitudinal wrinkles and ridges, no naked marginal zone. Rhizines few, black, simple, marginal. Apothecia frequent, pedicellate, disc red-brown, 1-5 mm diam., margins crenulate or deeply lacerate, thalline exciple concolorous with thallus, smooth or wrinkled. Ascospores 12-24 × 6-7 µm. Pycnidia common, scattered, black, punctiform. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. Caperatic acid and atranorin.
Thallus closely attached, 6-12 cm diam., corticolous and saxicolous. Lobes sublinear to subirregular, apices rounded 3-5 mm wide. Upper surface ashy white, plane to wrinkled, usually deep rimose, sorediate. Soralia laminal, punctiform to capitate, partially pustulate, soredia, whitish or grey-white, coarse, granular. Lower surface black with a narrow, brown, naked, marginal zone. Rhizines sparse to moderate, black, simple. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K ± yellow; medulla K-, KC-, C-, Pd-. Divaricatic acid and atranorin.
Thallus squamulose, spreading, terricolous. Squamules 3-6 mm diam., peltate, clustered to ± scattered, upper surface salmon-pink to chestnut-brown, often copiously white-pruinose, margins entire, subcrenate, white. Apothecia marginal, black, 1-1.5 mm diam., convex, immarginate. Hypothecium pale brown. Asci clavate, 60-70 × 12-15 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, 12-17 × 5.5-7.5 µm. Chemistry: Medulla K+ yellow, C-, KC-, Pd+ yellow. Norstictic acid.
Thallus squamulose or minutely lobate, squamules 1.5-5 mm diam., foliose, heteromerous, dorsiventral, loosely or closely attached, corticate on both upper and lower surfaces, saxicolous or terricolous. Upper cortex pseudoparenchymatous, cells swollen, with or without isidia, with or without soredia or pruina. Photobiont green, . Lower surface corticate, with short rhizines. Apothecia biatorine, 1-2 mm diam., brownish or black. Excipulum swollen. Hymenium 80-100 µm tall. Paraphyses 3 µm thick, apices thickened (5 µm) coherent, conglutinate, not branched or anastomosing. Asci clavate, 8-spored, thin-walled with clearly developed apical tholus, tholus with amyloid ring structure. Ascospores colourless, simple, thin-walled, not halonate, globose to ellipsoid.
Thallus rosette-forming, lobate, without a prothallus, closely attached, to 12 cm diam. Lobes laciniate-incised, ± discrete at margins, 2-5 mm wide, becoming crowded, imbricate, ± confluent at centre, margins entire, waxy, slightly notched or incised, thickened, conspicuously inrolled, often also ± subascendent, ± isidiate centrally. Upper surface distinctly fibrous and sometimes areolate-scabrid in patches, matt, smooth or shining, when wet, pale greenish-grey or yellowish-buff when dry, not pruinose or tomentose. Isidia gnarled-glomerulate or lobulate, mainly marginal, not developed at lobe apices, often dense centrally, 1-3 mm tall, concolorous with thallus, or often paler and with black spots or patches at apices, ± uniformly corticate. Cephalodia rather rare, on lower surface, globose-glomerulate, often clustered, placodioid, pale grey, smooth, wrinkled, 1-3 mm diam., at lobe margins and towards centre. Lower surface pale buff, darker centrally, with a fine to thick buff tomentum to lobe margins, pale buff or whitish, simple rhizines moderately thickly developed centrally, to 2 mm long. Apothecia numerous centrally, often densely crowded and contorted through mutual pressure, 1-5 mm diam., margins thick, corrugate or granular below, concolorous with thallus, often inflexed, not isidiate, striate-contorted, disc pale red-brown to rarely dark brown or pale yellow- brown, plane and smooth at first, becoming contorted-convolute with age, occasionally centrally fissured or etched, rarely with small thalline lobules, matt, epruinose. Ascospores ellipsoid 15-22 × 11-12 µm.
Thallus large, rosette-forming to spreading, loosely to closely attached, lobate-foliose, free at margins, without a prothallus, 5-12(-20) cm diam. Lobes broad, 5-20 mm wide, coriaceous, margins rounded, sinuous often crisped, ascending, overlapping, conspicuously thickened. Upper surface uneven, matt centrally, coarsely scabrid near margins and regularly marginally tomentose, tomentum white, arachnoid, pubescent, plant bright green when wet, pale greenish-grey or pale greenish-fawn when dry. Medulla white. Lower surface whitish, naked or very finely tomentose, striate, with occasional tufts of pale buff, squarrose rhizines centrally. Cephalodia frequent to moderate, small, globose, ± granular to subplacodioid, 1.3 mm diam., pale whitish-grey, laminal, densely wrinkled-plicate. Apothecia sessile, laminal, often crowded centrally 1-5 mm diam., margins concolorous with thallus, thick, crenulate-striate, disc plane or subconcave, chestnut-brown to dark red-brown, smooth, matt, epruinose, not gyrose-contorted, without fissures or thalline lobules, thalline exciple wrinkled-verrucose. Ascospores ellipsoid, 12-16 × 8-9 µm.
Thallus small, squamulose, epiphytic on mosses in scattered colonies, to 3 cm diam., or on bark to 5 cm diam., squamules ascendent from an occasionally present, fine, black prothallus. Squamules small, delicate 0.3-0.8 mm wide, rounded, incised, minutely lobulate, rather loosely developed, not forming a tight crust, ascendent, pale greenish-grey to bright lettuce-green when wet, pale whitish-grey on storage, surface smooth, matt, not pruinose at margins, dispersed to crowded-imbricate. Cephalodia ± frequent, pale grey-blue, laminal and marginal, flattened, placodioid or minutely lobed, squamulose. Lower surface white, ± corticate, rhizines few or absent. Apothecia sessile, ± frequent, round, disc pale yellow-orange to pale red-brown, conspicuous, 0.5-1.5 mm diam., plane to subconvex, matt, continuous, eperforate, not gyrose-etched or pruinose, margins crenulate to minutely subsquamulose, overlying a thin, entire, pale proper margin. Ascospores ellipsoid-fusiform, 12-25 × 8-10 µm.
Thallus squamulose, in neat rosettes, to 5 cm diam., or spreading irregularly, 10-15 cm diam., very closely attached to substrate, small foliose-lobate at margins. Lobes short to medium, 5-12 mm long and 1-4 mm wide, incised, margins becoming phyllidiate, on a visible prothallus, densely squamulose-phyllidiate centrally, often forming a diffract-areolate crust. Phyllidia very small, finely raised, fragile, ascending, dorsiventral or lobulate-subcoralloid, naked or white- tomentose on lower surface, densely imbricate. Upper surface smooth, matt, sometimes shining, without tomentum, lettuce-green when wet, pale green or grey-green when dry becoming uniformly yellow-brown on storage. Cephalodia laminal or marginal, sparse, pale blue-grey, flattened or globose-granular to placodioid or rosette-shaped. Lower surface dark brown to black centrally, buff or brown at margins, ± densely rhizinate with a narrow, naked, marginal zone. Rhizines black or pale greyish, squarrose, to 3 mm long, rarely to 5 mm long, often projecting beyond lobe margins as a byssoid prothallus. Apothecia 1-3 mm diam., round to irregular, ± central, disc pale yellow-brown to red- brown or brown-black, undulate, matt, epruinose, thalline margin, squamulose, squamules often spreading onto disc, disc not gyrose-etched or contorted, margins crenate-striate or ± entire. Ascospores mainly subglobose, 13-15-12-14 µm or ellipsoid and halonate 12-20 × 10-14 µm.
Thallus lobulate-squamulose, very closely attached to substrate, concrescent, spreading in irregular humped patches, to 8 cm diam., without a prothallus. Squamules tumid or ascending, crowded, 1-3(-4) mm diam., coalescing, densely imbricate, rounded, humped or lobulate, surface smooth, coriaceous or waxy, ± glossy, occasionally paler and minutely pubescent at margins, sometimes striate-cracked, pale greenish-buff in shaded situations (among tussock), yellow-brown, cinnamon to dark red-brown or chestnut-brown or grey-black in exposed sites on soils or scree. Cephalodia rather rare, grey-brown or grey-black, wrinkled, convolute to congested-squamulose, at base of squamules, rather smaller than squamules. Lower surface greenish-white to pale buff or brownish, with a faint pale pubescence. Apothecia 1-10 mm diam., sessile, ± immersed in squamule crust to ± subpedicellate, round to irregular, scattered to densely packed, congested, disc matt, red-brown, shallowly to deeply convex to subundulate, not pruinose, gyrose-etched or fissured, margins thick, conspicuous, crenate-striate, thalline exciple verrucose-areolate, ± pale and often minutely pubescent. Ascospores variable, ± spherical to ellipsoid, 15 µm diam., to 15-22 × 10-15 µm.
Thallus squamulose, very closely attached to substrate, in ± rounded or closely spreading patches, 2-10 cm diam., on a fine, black, minutely fibrous, closely attached prothallus which may extend 2-4 mm beyond margins of squamules. Squamules very closely appressed, flattened, smooth, lobate-crenate, rounded and scattered at margins, becoming rosette-shaped 1-2 mm wide, coalescing into a closely attached, ± imbricate mosaic centrally, apices and margins of squamules slightly thickened, ± whitish pubescent, pubescence very short, minute, appearing "frosted", pale greenish, yellow-green to brownish or pale glaucous, matt or ± shining, paler at margins, glossy, smooth. Cephalodia large, lobate-crenate, to 3 mm diam., flattened, placodioid, smooth to ridged-striate, pale blue-grey or blackened to bluish-brown, ± frequent at margins, laminal or marginal on squamules or growing directly on hyphae of prothallus, often concolorous with thallus when dry, with a faint blue-black cast. Apothecia sessile, closely attached to squamules or projecting above, ± central, sparse to numerous, round to irregular, 0.2-1.0 mm diam., margins thick, inrolled, striate-crenate, concolorous with thallus, disc matt, plane, dark brown or black, occasionally with small thalline lobules centrally or disc ± obliterated by concentric rings of thalline tissue, epruinose. Ascospores large, (12-)17-24 × (9-)12-14 µm.
Thallus squamulose, very closely attached, spreading, 4-6(-10) cm diam., prothallus only rarely present, black, thin, somewhat eroded, scattered. Squamules small, 1-3 mm diam., flattened, lobate-crenate, distinctly placodioid at margins, pressed together, separated by fine black cracks like a jigsaw puzzle, rarely imbricate at margins, becoming minutely lobulate and subimbricate centrally in a close mosaic, surface smooth, waxy, shining, margins not pubescent- frosted, dark green to pale green or whitish or yellowish-grey not darkening on storage. Cephalodia rare, simple, globose to ± glomerulate, not flattened- placodioid, pale brown-grey, surface smooth, not wrinkled or striate-cracked, developed below squamules, protruding from margins of squamules, to 0.8 mm diam. Apothecia sessile to subpedicellate, scattered to crowded, projecting above squamules, round to subirregular, to 2 mm diam., margins concolorous with thallus, waxy, crenate-striate, obscuring disc in young fruits, disc red- brown, matt, often darkening centrally, rarely with a single to a few thalline lobules centrally, plane or subconcave, not etched-contorted, fissured or pruinose. Ascospores ellipsoid to fusiform 18-24 × 12-17 µm.
Thallus foliose-laciniate, lobate, closely attached, 3-8(-15) cm diam. Lobes undulate, uneven or ± flat, 2-3 mm wide, short and rounded to elongate, 8-15 mm long, incised at margins, contiguous, imbricate centrally, margins entire or variously incised or notched, slightly thickened below, wavy, subascendent at apices, often ± lobulate. Upper surface bright lettuce-green when wet, pale green or grey-green on storage, thin (not as thick as in ), uneven, smooth, shining in parts, roughened, wrinkled, minutely papillate- uneven in others, epruinose, without tomentum. Cephalodia on lower surface, sparse, small, globose, becoming glomerulate, dark brownish or pale buff. Lower surface pale whitish or buff, moderately to densely tomentose, tomentum pale buff, with simple to squarrose, whitish rhizines when growing on bark, or with thick brown-black rhizines when growing on moss. Apothecia frequent, central, often crowded-contorted, 1-5 mm diam., round to irregular, disc very uneven, ± plane to convex, pale red-brown, white-pruinose, conspicuously gyrose-etched or contorted, with conspicuous concentric ridges, often centrally fissured, rarely with thalline lobules, margins shining, crenulate-striate, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores globose 14-18 µm diam.
Thallus squamulose, dispersed on a thin, black prothallus. Squamules flattened, small-foliose at margins, simple, flattened globose to ± stellate, coralloid to 1 mm wide, congested, ascending, laciniate-coralloid centrally, apices lobulate and deflexed, tightly packed in a coralloid crust, ± terete or laterally flattened, yellowish or greenish-buff, not pale green or whitish as in , matt to rather granular, faintly whitish-pubescent at apices. Cephalodia pale blue or brownish-grey, crowded, squamulose, between thalline squamules. Lower surface white at margins, yellow-brown centrally, without thick tomentum, arachnoid, noticeably striate as in , attached to substrate by medullary hyphae, rhizines absent. Apothecia sessile, plane, round at first, becoming convoluted-irregular with age, 0.5-2.5 mm diam., margins crenate- eroded, rather thick, disc chestnut-brown or red-brown, matt, smooth, plane to undulate, not pruinose, fissured or gyrose-etched, thalline exciple wrinkled-corrugate, areolate-scabrid. Ascospores 15-21 × 8-10 µm.
Thallus foliose-lobate, rosette-forming to irregularly spreading, 2-3(-5) cm diam., closely attached, with a blue-black, byssoid prothallus extending beyond lobe margins. Lobes irregularly divided, larger and radiating at margins, 2.0-3.5 mm wide, smaller and ± imbricate centrally, usually contiguous for most of their length but sometimes remaining discrete and widely separated on prothallus. Upper surface plane or concave, shining, smooth or rarely slightly roughened, bright lettuce-green when wet, yellowish or golden-brown when dry. Cephalodia frequent, laminal, originating at margins, to 1 mm diam., at first ± suborbicular, flattened, often becoming unequally lobed with indented margins, pale brown, yellowish-flesh-coloured or concolorous with thallus, at first with numerous blue-grey, granular soredia on underside and at margins, finally spreading to upper surface, conspicuously dark grey-blue when wet. Lower surface pale ochraceous, ± densely rhizinate. Rhizines blue-black to black, simple, in a ± uniform felt to the margins. Apothecia rare, when present abundant, crowded, ± central, variously contorted-angular through mutual pressure, 0.5-1.5 mm diam., globose, sessile, ± cupuliform, constricted at base, disc pale pink to red-brown, ± white-pruinose, often with faint, pale concentric lines, often fissured, thalline margin well-developed, involute or radially crenate, often ± fissured. Ascospores oval or rounded 12-15 × 10-13 µm, epispore roughened or irregularly ridged 2.0-2.5 µm thick. Chemistry: Medulla K+ yellow, C-, KC+ yellow, Pd+ red. Pannarin, zeorin and two unidentified pigments.
Thallus foliose-lobate, margins free and subascendent, 2-5 cm diam., without a prothallus. Lobes 2-3 mm wide, concave, margins crisp, ascending, entire, thickened, minutely notched or incised, or sometimes small-lobulate. Upper surface minutely granular appearing matt, smooth or slightly undulate, occasionally with short, white, or grey entangled silky tomentum, bright lettuce- green when wet, pale glaucous-green when dry. Cephalodia on upper and lower surfaces and on rhizines, 0.5-2.0 mm diam., pale grey-blue or brownish, simple, globose to convolute-placodioid, cerebriform, smooth, matt, sometimes wrinkled-plicate. Lower surface white, naked or with a short white pubescence, or with ± dense white to greyish, simple to squarrose rhizines. Apothecia to 2 mm diam., laminal and marginal, pedicellate, round, margin concolorous with thallus, thin, crenulate, disc plane or subconcave, pale orange-brown to red- brown, often white-pruinose, smooth, continuous, not etched, gyrose or fissured or with thalline lobules, thalline exciple smooth, tomentose at base. Ascospores 16-18 × 10-12 µm.
Thallus ± squamulose or small-laciniate, without prothallus or attaching rhizines, in ± dense swards or cushions to 8 cm diam., though usually 2-5 cm diam. Squamules laciniate, erect, congested, closely compacted, ± spathulate at apices, laterally compressed, with a ± distinctly roughened upper surface and a pale ventral surface, rarely terete, 2-6 mm tall, branches 0.1-1.0 mm wide to 3 mm long and c. 0.5 mm thick, thicker at apices, normally erect but occasionally flattened, spreading. Upper surface matt, uneven, scabrid, areolate-cracked at centre, smooth, ± waxy at apices, brownish-green to tawny yellow or red-brown or marginally blackened. Lower surface ± uniformly downy-pubescent, pale buff or whitish. Cephalodia marginal, at base of laciniae, laterally compressed, spathulate, yellow-brown to blackish at centre, grey- blue at apices and often also white-pubescent, ± wrinkled-plicate in parts. Apothecia initially on upper surface of laciniae, often large and expanded above laciniae 3-11 mm diam., disc plane to undulate, concave to deeply cupuliform, becoming convex, matt, epruinose, red-brown to brown-black, yellow-brown in sheltered habitats, margins subentire to verrucose or ± crenate-striate, thalline exciple verrucose-areolate, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores 18-23 × 6-10 µm, epispore hyaline, to 3 µm thick.
Thallus minute, granular or hairy, greyish, amorphous, often disappearing, without any prothallus, squamules small, 0.5-1.0 mm diam., flattened-lobulate, glaucous grey, covered in long white, silky hairs, not often seen. Cephalodia not seen. Apothecia prominent, 1-2 mm diam., round, scattered, ± deeply cupuliform, disc red-brown, matt, smooth, continuous, not pruinose, without etching, fissures, or thalline lobules, margins crenate, thick, pale buff or greyish, densely covered with long, silky, white hairs. Ascospores 16-21 × 9-14 µm.
Thallus squamulose, the squamules 0.2-0.5 mm diam., sometimes almost granular, spreading irregularly over substrate, ochre-brown more rarely grey, greenish when wet, resting on a thin, indistinct, pale prothallus. Cephalodia often present, usually similar to squamules but darker, scattered among squamules or on outer surface of apothecia. Apothecia frequent, large, 1-3(-5) mm diam., disc brown or red-brown, concave to plane or undulate, smooth, matt, epruinose, margins ± squamulose or entire, the lower part ± densely covered by short, irregular, simple hairs. Ascospores ellipsoid, 19-28 × 8-10 µm, epispore warted 2-3 µm thick.
Thallus squamulose ± closely attached, 4-8(-10) cm diam., on a fine, black prothallus, projecting to 5 mm beyond squamules, distinctly coarsely fibrous at margins. Squamules discrete, scattered, rounded at margins, becoming irregularly lobate-incised and often slightly laciniate-elongate (1 × 3 mm), at length confluent in a closely attached ± imbricate mosaic at centre, ± distinctly convex and minutely lobulate at margins which are also minutely white- pubescent or "frosted", bright lettuce-green when wet, pale greenish-grey when dry, becoming yellow-brown to dark red-brown on storage. Cephalodia larger than squamules, lobate-crenate to placodioid, between squamules, 0.5-2.0 mm diam., pale grey-blue, concolorous with thallus on storage, occasionally overgrowing squamules, sometimes striate-cracked, wrinkled-plicate, not flattened. Apothecia forming conglomerate groups with disc, obscured by placodioid or ± convolute, thalline lobules and ridges, disc pale to dark red-brown, concentrically striate beneath thalline tissue, 2-6(-10) mm diam., margins thick, inrolled, crenulate-striate, rather waxy, thalline exciple smooth. Ascospores oval-ellipsoid, apices rounded or pointed 13-17 × 8.3-10.2 µm, wall 1.7-3.0 µm thick.
Thallus ± closely attached, ± free at margins, rosette-forming or irregularly spreading, 3-7(-10) cm diam. Lobes laciniate, 3-7(-10) mm wide, 10-25(-40) mm long, ± raised at margins, concave, margins entire, thickened below, slightly incised or notched, sinuous, ± ascending towards centre, sometimes lobulate. Upper surface sorediate, rather fibrous, scabrid-areolate in parts, ± tomentose at apices, smooth, shining in parts, undulate to very shallowly faveolate, bright green to pale yellow-glaucous when wet, pale yellow-brown to dark chestnut- brown or red-brown when dry, soredia whitish or greenish-white, granular not erose-farinose, mainly in long, sinuous, marginal, labriform soralia, often developed on lower surface of lobe margins and spreading to upper surface, rarely completely invading entire upper surface. Cephalodia on upper and lower surface, simple, small, globose, pale purplish-grey or purplish-black, often clustered in groups on upper surface or at margins, smooth or scabrid, to 1.5 mm diam., ± convolute. Lower surface white, ± tomentose at margins becoming buff or dark brown centrally, with long, simple, buff rhizines from centre to margins, margins glabrous, often granular-sorediate. Apothecia sessile or subpedicellate, 1-3 mm diam., scattered, rarely crowded, round to irregular, disc plane to subconvex, pale orange-red to dark brown or black, smooth, matt, occasionally centrally perforate or with central, sterile thalline tissue, sometimes gyrose-etched, margins thick, crenate-striate, rarely granular-sorediate, thalline exciple sometimes sorediate. Ascospores subglobose to oval-ellipsoid, occasionally apiculate at one end, 12-18 × 9-12 mm.
Thallus squamulose, closely attached, in compact rosettes, often confluent in mosaics, 1-3 cm diam., bordered by a short, black, byssoid prothallus, 1-2 mm wide. Squamules minute, 0.2-1.0 mm diam., round to irregular, concave to plane to subconvex, margins entire, slightly thickened, often secondarily lobulate and dispersed at margins, coalescing, imbricate centrally, forming a diffract-areolate crust, prothallus visible between areolae, yellowish to pale whitish at margins, whole thallus superficially blackened, smooth to coriaceous, shining, waxy, epruinose. Cephalodia frequent, scattered, marginal on squamules, occasionally laminal or on hyphae of prothallus, ± rosette-shaped, dark purplish-grey, rising above squamules, wrinkled-plicate, smooth to slightly granular. Apothecia sessile, frequent centrally, rarely marginal, round to irregular, 0.5-1.5 mm diam., disc brown-black, plane to subconcave, matt, epruinose, margins thin, pale or concolorous with thallus, crenulate. Ascospores ellipsoid to subglobose, 12 µm diam., or smaller, 4-6 × 3 µm.
Thallus foliose, lobate to squamulose, dorsiventral, heteromerous, orbicular to spreading, loosely to closely attached, with or without a conspicuous, black prothallus visible beyond margins of lobes or squamules. Lobes adjacent, flabellate to cuneate, often imbricate or ± crowded or areolate-squamulose, margins entire to variously incised, notched, phyllidiate or lobulate, sometimes ± ascending, sometimes ± hirsute, tomentose or scabrid. Upper surface convex to plane, smooth to wrinkled-plicate or ± bullate, with or without soredia, isidia or phyllidia, shining or matt, scabrid or tomentose. Medulla white. Photobiont green, ?. Cephalodia () on upper or lower surface, or on hyphae of prothallus, superficial or immersed, sometimes sorediate, simple, ± globose to spreading, placodioid-plicate. Lower surface corticate, ± pale, rhizinate. Rhizines simple or branched, pale to black, often dense, entangled, byssoid, extending beyond lobe margins as a black prothallus. Apothecia laminal or marginal, lecanorine, with a prominent, persistent, crenulate thalline margin, concolorous with thallus, sometimes hirsute, disc red-brown to pale yellow- brown or orange-brown, concave at first then mostly plane to subconvex, smooth, continuous or gyrose-contorted or etched or with plugs or concentric rings of sterile, thalline tissue, sometimes white-pruinose. Asci clavate to sub-cylindrical, 8-spored, often with a well-developed manubrium. Ascospores simple, colourless, oval-ellipsoid, often with a thickened or decorated epispore.
As for but with marginal and laminal phyllidia. Phyllidia simple, lobulate at first, ± terete, globose, uniformly corticate, becoming flattened, ± dorsiventral with age, with a white, ecorticate lower surface, ± squamiform at maturity.
Thallus foliose-lobate, closely attached centrally, free at margins, without a prothallus, 6-10(-20) cm diam. Lobes laciniate, radiating, discrete not imbricate, subdichotomously to irregularly branched, 2-5 mm wide, 6-25 mm long, margins minutely notched, irregular, knobbly in parts or in parts entire and sinuous, conspicuously downrolled and thickened. Upper surface distinctly roughened-irregular, uneven, cortex fibrous, subplicate in parts, lumpy, pruinose in places or minutely white-tomentose, hairs silky, short, bright green when wet, pale greenish-grey or yellowish-green-glaucous when dry. Lower surface white at margins, uniformly thick, buff, tomentose centrally, tomentum striate, of hyphae arranged parallel to the length of the lobes, ± thickly rhizinate centrally. Rhizines short, to 2 mm, simple to squarrose, brown or buff. Cephalodia absent from upper surface or rarely developed marginally in older parts of thallus, ± common on lower surface among rhizines and on tomentum, simple, globose, buff or brown, becoming glomerulate-wrinkled. Apothecia numerous, clustered, central, rarely marginal, sessile to subpedicellate, 0.5-4.0 mm diam., disc red-brown, smooth, never gyroseetched or fissured, densely bluish-white-pruinose at first, glabrous at maturity, plane or concave, margins concolorous with thallus, waxy, ± shining, or dull, crenulate-sulcate, ± obscuring disc at first, thalline exciple verrucose-areolate. Ascospores globose, 11-15 µm diam., epispore 2 µm thick.
Thallus foliose-lobate, rosette-forming to spreading, ± closely attached, 5-10(-16) cm diam., without a prothallus. Lobes irregularly imbricate and wrinkled-plicate, apices incised or notched, much folded, margins thickened, tomentose, entire. Upper surface bright lettuce-green when wet, pale greenish-yellow to buff on storage, with a slight, white, marginal pubescence, smooth, matt, ± waxy, very slightly uneven at apices. Cephalodia mainly on lower surface, simple, globose becoming glomerulate, occasionally marginal and spreading to upper surface, placodioid-wrinkled-plicate, to 2 mm diam., blue-grey. Lower surface conspicuously striate with lower medullary hyphae arranged parallel to length of lobes, pale whitish at margins, becoming brown centrally. Apothecia sessile to subpedicellate, often numerous, to 2 mm diam., disc plane or subconcave, smooth, matt, brown or red-brown, epruinose, very rarely with a central thalline lobule, rarely gyrose-etched or fissured, margins thick, crenate- striate, obscuring disc in young fruits, thalline exciple very gnarled. Ascospores subglobose, 14-16 × 12-14 µm, epispore 2.5 µm thick verrucose, sometimes apiculate.
Thallus squamulose, closely attached, irregularly spreading 4-8(-10) cm diam. Squamules minute, scattered at margins, 0.5-1.0 mm diam., round to irregular, coalescing centrally into a ± dense, flat, appressed mosaic, often microphylline or sublobulate, often diffract-areolate centrally, ± continuous, convex, plane or concave, jigsaw-like. Prothallus black, byssoid, thick and fibrous or thin, to 5 mm beyond marginal squamules. Upper surface pale greenish or yellow- green, margins not or rarely white-frosted, glossy, waxy, smooth, ± shining, without pruina or tomentum or crystals. Cephalodia infrequent, occasionally larger than squamules, flattened, to 1 mm diam., placodioid, very shallowly wrinkled-plicate, smooth, shining, pale bluish-grey when wet, or in small, flattened globules 0.1 mm wide, occasionally laminal, normally marginal or between squamules, sometimes striate, purplish to brown. Apothecia sessile, round to irregular, 0.5-2.5 mm diam., disc red-brown, matt, not pruinose, convex to plane, sometimes contorted, etched, or confluent-convolute with thalline lobules, margins relatively thick, inflexed, crenulate-striate, wavy, thalline exciple areolate. Ascospores 13-22 × 9-11 µm.
Thallus rosette-forming to ± irregularly spreading 2-4(-8)cm diam., closely attached. Lobes thick, variable, 2-5 mm wide and to 8-10 mm long, margins plicate-radiating or minutely lobulate, slightly thickened below. Upper surface ± convex to plane, minutely wrinkled-verrucose or plicate-uneven, olive brownish or dark olive-greenish or blackened, suffused ochre-reddish at margins, becoming ± uniform yellow-red on storage, smooth, coriaceous to ± scabrid, lumpy. Lower surface corticate, pale whitish-buff in a narrow, marginal zone, dark red-brown or blackened centrally, attached to substrate by frequent, short, black or brown-black rhizines or tomentum. Cephalodia brown or bluish- brown smooth, flattened, oblong-irregular, at margins and between lobes, 1-2 mm diam. Apothecia scattered to crowded, round to irregular through mutual pressure, 0.5-4.5 mm diam., sessile, constricted at base, disc subconcave to plane, often undulate-irregular, dark red-brown to brown-black, matt, minutely roughened, epruinose, margins persistent, thick, concolorous with thallus, entire, crenulate-striate, exciple smooth or minutely warted and ± tomentose. Epithecium olive-brown, 17-20 µm thick. Hymenium pale brownish-straw, 100-180 µm tall. Hypothecium straw-yellow, 100 µm thick. Paraphyses 2 µm thick, capitate at apices, to 5-8 µm thick. Asci cylindrical. Ascospores mainly uniseriate, oval-ellipsoid, slightly apiculate at one or both ends, 20-26(-31) × 12-15(-17) µm, wall warted-uneven, 2-5 µm thick.
Thallus small, squamulose, often widely scattered, on a prominent black, thin, continuous, fibrous or byssoid prothallus, 3-5(-10) cm diam. Squamules small, ± discrete, 0.1-1.0 mm diam., round to irregular, plane to subconvex, rarely forming a continuous crust, ± consistently sorediate, especially at centre, esorediate near margins, sometimes forming a diffract-areolate, sorediate crust centrally, some squamules ascending, white tomentose below. Upper surface pale greenish or yellowish-white, smooth, waxy or matt, commonly with fine, silky, bristling crystals (×10 lens). Soredia white, or yellowish, granular, surrounded by a halo of white, silky crystals. Cephalodia common, scattered, between squamules on prothallus, never developing on squamules, simple, globose to glomerulate, smooth, purplish-brown. Apothecia not common, scattered, sessile or subpedicellate, 0.1-1.2 mm diam., round to irregular, disc dark red- brown to blackish, matt, epruinose, not gyrose-etched, sometimes ± sorediate, margins crenulate-striate, waxy, occasionally granular-sorediate, thalline exciple wrinkled-striate, ± sorediate. Ascospores 15-17 × 11 µm.
Thallus foliose-lobate, closely attached, ± rosette-forming, to 20 cm diam., with a black, fibrous prothallus visible at margins. Lobes rather narrow, to 2 mm wide and 6-10 mm long, discrete or imbricate centrally, margins entire, ± narrowly tapering or ± bifurcate at apices, flat or slightly undulating, thickened below. Upper surface bright lettuce-green, becoming cinnamon-brown on storage, smooth, matt, margins slightly darker, shining, epruinose, not scabrid or tomentose, sometimes ± cracked, ± coriaceous. Lower surface pale buff-brown, with dense, buff or brown tomentum and rhizines almost to margins. Cephalodia flattened, placodioid, to 2 mm diam., marginal and laminal, simple, globose at first, becoming wrinkled-plicate. Apothecia frequent, often crowded, sessile or subpedicellate, round to irregular, to 5 mm diam., disc red- brown or orange, often gyrose-etched, darker centrally, often with concentric rings or ridges, epruinose, margins thick, crenulate-striate. Ascospores ellipsoid- fusiform, 11-20 × 8-11 µm.
Thallus lobate-foliose, of elongated laciniae, stellate-radiating, 3-7(-12) cm diam., margins ± free, attached by a thick, black prothallus of entangled, black, simple to squarrose rhizines. Lobes ± flat, 2-4 mm wide, ± dichotomously branched at apices, margins slightly thickened, entire to ± lobulate, white-pubescent to blackened, with rhizines often projecting beyond margins. Upper surface greenish, mustard-yellow, pale whitish at margins, occasionally blue-black in places, smooth, glossy, waxy, finely white-pubescent at margins. Cephalodia infrequent, placodioid-lobed, bright blue when wet, yellowish to bluish when dry, often white-pruinose at margins, smooth, wrinkled-plicate, 1-3 mm wide, rather large, developed at margins and spreading over lamina. Apothecia common, laminal and marginal, subpedicellate, round to irregular, often clustered in conglomerate, contorted groups, 1-3 mm wide, disc ± consistently centrally perforate, often also with secondary, partial or complete concentric ridges or lobules of thalline tissue, disc pale red-brown to dark brown or blackened, with well-developed, uneven concentric ridges, ± faint pruinose, margins thick, crenate-striate, concolorous with thallus or blackened. Ascospores subglobose 11-16 µm diam.
Thallus small-squamulose, to 10 cm diam. Squamules small, rounded, 0.5-2.0 mm diam., crowded, imbricate to ± suberect, margins shallowly to deeply crenate, bright lettuce-green to pale greenish-grey, turning brownish-buff on storage, matt, with paler margins, forming an areolate crust on a thick, black, byssoid prothallus, discrete and scattered near margins. Cephalodia rosette- shaped, placodioid, flattened, pale blue-grey, 1-3 mm diam., at margins of squamules or on prothallus. Apothecia numerous, sessile, often aggregated and ± confluent, 0.4-1.0 mm diam., dark red-brown, matt, with a thin, pale margin, at first, soon becoming convex and immarginate. Asci clavate to ellipsoid, 70-75 µm long. Paraphyses slender, apices not thickened, simple, sometimes dichotomously branching above asci. Ascospores ellipsoid or elongate-ellipsoid to broadly fusiform, rounded or bluntly apiculate at ends, 10-13.5(-15) × 4-6 µm, wall slightly scabrid, c. 1 µm thick.
Thallus squamulose or small-foliose, orbicular to spreading, with a ± prominent, marginal black prothallus of felted, black hyphae. Photobiont green, . Cephalodia small, grey-blue, squamulose to subplacodioid, containing a blue-green alga (?). Apothecia biatorine, with a pale proper margin, soon disappearing. Ascospores 8 per ascus, biseriate, simple, colourless, ellipsoid or elongate-ellipsoid, walls smooth or warted.
Thallus minutely squamulose, in irregular patches 1-2 cm diam. Squamules flattened, irregular, convex, 0.1-0.3 mm diam., ± confluent-imbricate centrally, scattered on a fine, thin, black prothallus marginally, pale yellow-green or olivaceous, paler at margins, matt or ± shining. Cephalodia 0.5-2.0 mm diam., plicate-radiate, pale greyish or bluish-yellow, ± conical centrally, overgrowing squamules centrally or scattered on prothallus at margins. Apothecia scattered, solitary to 2-3-confluent, mainly central, 0.1-2.5 mm diam., sessile, disc pale to dark red-brown, concave to plane or ± undulate-convex, matt, margins prominent, pale flesh-coloured to yellowish, consistently paler than disc, entire or crenulate, persistent, occasionally with a fringe of fine, white, silky hairs below. Paraphyses simple, coarsely submoniliform at apices. Ascospores ellipsoid with slightly pointed ends, 11-15.3 × 7-8.5 µm, wall smooth, 2 µm thick.
Thallus orbicular, closely attached, to 10 cm diam., corticolous rarely saxicolous. Lobes broad (4-10 mm wide), rounded, somewhat dissected, often crowded, margins entire, sinuous. Upper surface greenish-grey to pale mineral grey, margins tinged brownish or sometimes white-pruinose, shining, smooth, wrinkled centrally, pseudocyphellae small, punctiform, most obvious at margins, becoming sorediate centrally. Soralia derived from pseudocyphellae, clustered at centre, sometimes marginal, punctiform to confluent, soredia fine, dusty, white to grey-white. Lower surface black, rhizinate. Rhizines simple, black or pale brown, numerous, to margins. Apothecia rare, subpedicellate, to 8 mm diam., disc brown, matt, plane, imperforate, margins entire, pseudocyphellate and becoming sorediate, thalline exciple pseudocyphellate. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid, 15-18 × 12-15 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C+ rose pink, KC+ rose pink, Pd-. Gyrophoric acid and atranorin.
Thallus foliose, lobate, heteromerous. Lobes rounded 0.3-1.5 cm broad, rarely sublinear, canaliculate, 0.2-0.3 cm broad, margins entire, often sinuous and ± ascending, without cilia. Upper surface uniformly grey, grey-green or ± olivaceous-grey, with or without isidia, with or without soralia, pseudocyphellate, pseudocyphellae, suborbicular, without a perforate, polysaccharide covering, scattered, not arranged in lines or in a ridged reticulum. Photobiont green, . Medulla white. Lower surface pale tan or whitish, brown or black, rhizinate. Rhizines simple, often not reaching lobe margins. Apothecia laminal or submarginal, disc entire, rarely perforate. Ascospores ellipsoid, colourless, simple, 8 per ascus, 10-27 × (5-)8-18 µm. Pycnidia laminal or rarely marginal. Conidia unciform, or filiform, or bifusiform.
Thallus spreading, closely attached 4-8(-20) cm diam., corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes rounded, crenate or regularly incised, dissected, somewhat crowded, margins sinuous, black, shining, isidiate. Upper surface smooth, shining, glossy, wrinkled, becoming ± faveolate at or near margins, wrinkled- ridged centrally, pale greenish-white or greenish-greyor pale bluish-grey, often brownish at margins, pseudocyphellae small, punctiform, mainly marginal, not becoming sorediate. Isidia flattened, lobate-squamiform, rarely terete and simple, becoming strongly dorsiventral, marginal in young lobes, spreading densely over surface of older lobes. Lower surface uniform pale buff or tan with a smooth, pale, naked marginal zone. Rhizines central, simple, pale, long, often densely developed. Apothecia occasional, pedicellate, to 10 mm diam., disc dark red-brown, matt, smooth, imperforate, plane to deeply concave, thalline exciple concolorous with thallus, pseudocyphellate and isidiate. Spores subglobose to broadly ellipsoid, 15-20 × 10-12 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C+ red, KC+ red, Pd-. Lecanoric acid and atranorin.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, loosely attached, 5-10(-15) cm diam., corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes rounded, dissected, crowded, margins sinuous, entire, darkening, becoming sorediate. Upper surface greenish-grey to greenish-blue, matt, shining at margins which are often suffused brownish, conspicuously wrinkled, with scattered, punctiform pseudocyphellae towards centre, becoming copiously sorediate. Soredia irregular, coarse, granular, greenish-brown to blackish, derived from pseudocyphellae. Lower surface pale yellowish-buff or buff-brown or whitish, smooth or wrinkled, shining, sparsely rhizinate. Rhizines simple, pale, often to the margins. Apothecia maculae and pycnidia not seen in New Zealand material. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C+ red, KC+ red, Pd-. Lecanoric acid and atranorin.
Thallus brownish-black, or greyish-black, minutely coralloid-filamentous, ± closely attached at base, ± fruticose above, spreading in irregular patches, 1-5 cm diam., corticolous. Perithecia occasional, minute, 200-225 µm tall and 160-175 µm thick, pyriform, with a short, thick neck and minute indistinct ostiole. Ascospores brown or brown-black, oblong or broadly fusiform, muriform, 5-7-locular with some cells once-divided, 17-20(-24) × 6-9(-11) µm.
Thallus filamentous, brownish-black, effuse, spreading over the substrate, gelatinous spongy when wet, brittle when dry. Filaments c. 1 mm long and 0.1-0.2 mm thick, of entangled fungal hyphae (2.5-4.5 µm thick) surrounding cells of photobiont. Photobiont blue-green, . Perithecia minute, pyriform, ostiole minute, indistinct. Asci clavate, 8-spored, bitunicate. Ascospores muriform, ellipsoid, brown or brown-black.
Thallus crustose, epi- or endophloeodal, whitish, greyish, pale greenish-olive, yellow-olive to ochraceous, sometimes spotted with pigmentation, shining or matt, some species with scattered, minute, maculae (×10 lens), ± effigurate, often delimited by a thin black, irregular prothallus. Photobiont green, . Ascocarps scattered or crowded, solitary or 2-3-confluent, immersed to ± emergent, globose, subglobose or ± flattened, ascocarp wall composed of an outer, generally carbonised involucrellum and an inner brownish exciple, some species columellate. Ostiole apical, vertical, to marginal and ± horizontal, depressed to papillate. Interthecial hyphae persistent, not or rarely branched, not anastomosing, 1-2 µm thick, septate. Asci cylindrical-clavate to clavate, bitunicate. Ascospores becoming ± brown, 3-septate (rarely to 7-septate), thick walled, oblong-ellipsoid, biseriate, rarely uniseriate, 8 per ascus.
Thallus corticate, continuous, olive-green to yellowish-green or buff, matt or shining, dimpled, minutely plicate in parts, rarely irregularly cracked. Perithecia immersed, scattered, solitary, visible as hemispherical dimples entirely covered by cortex. Ostiole pale, apical, punctiform. Perithecial cavity 0.2-1.0 mm wide, involucrellum 20-60 µm thick, carbonised. Ascospores ovoid to broadly ellipsoid with pointed ends, ± lemon-shaped, 4-locular, the central two locules largest, rounded, (20-)22.1-26 × 10.2-12(-14) µm. Chemistry: Yellow pigment UV+ quench.
Thallus epiphloeodal, ochraceous, smooth, waxy, continuous, occasionally irregularly cracked, not areolate-rimose, in bands or patches 1-2(-4) cm wide, not delimited at margins. Perithecia emergent, scattered, rounded to somewhat irregular, discrete or 2-4-confluent, 0.1-1.0 mm diam., hemispherical to ± conical, black, shining or with whitish arachnoid covering of cortex or periderm. Ostiole central, gaping, to ± papillate. Ascospores uniseriate, ovoid to broadly ellipsoid, 4-locular (15.5-)17-20.4 × 6.8-8.0 µm. Chemistry: UV+ orange before charring, UV+ pale blue after charring.
Thallus epi- or endophloeodal, greyish-white, pale greenish-white to yellowish-white, or ± lacking of effuse, matt or slightly roughened, often ± waxy, continuous or irregularly to coarsely areolate-cracked, in irregular patches, 1-5(-8) cm diam., delimited at margins by a narrow, irregular, black line. Perithecia frequent and conspicuous, emergent, 0.5-1.8 mm diam., discrete, rarely 2-3- confluent, rounded, flattish to distinctly convex, subglobose and even slightly constricted at base in specimens where cortex is eroded or lacking, pale whitish at first, obscured by a thin covering of cortical cells, then black, matt or shining, sometimes eroding and leaving small pits. Ostiole central, depressed, gaping or papillate. Pycnidia minute, black, punctiform, scattered. Ascospores uniseriate, oblong-ovoid, lemon-shaped, (15.3-)17-22(-25) × (8.3-)10.2-11.9 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow-dirty brown. TLC-.
Thallus epiphloeodal, in broad bands, or patches, 2-8(-10) cm diam., continuous, smooth or slightly roughened, glossy to ± dull, minutely and irregularly cracked or ± minutely areolate-cracked, often with minute white dots (×10 lens), yellow-brown or pale olivaceous-yellowish sometimes ± eroded in parts, delimited at margins by an irregular, black line. Perithecia scattered, emergent, solitary to 3-5-confluent, 0.5-1.5 mm diam., flattened, applanate to subglobose, rounded, black, shining, often covered with a layer of cortical cells at first, eroding with age leaving shallow to deep pits. Ostiole central, punctate or gaping, 0.05 mm diam., whitish-grey to brownish. Pycnidia few to many, minute, black, punctate. Ascospores ovoid-oblong with pointed or rounded ends, 4-locular 17-20(-24) × 7-10 µm. Chemistry: UV+ faint blue (2 spots).
Thallus epiphloeodal, in irregular patches, 1-5 cm diam., greyish-white to pale olive-cinerascent, continuous, irregularly minutely cracked, somewhat coriaceous, minutely maculate (×10 lens), not delimited at margins. Perithecia semi- emergent to emergent, scattered, solitary, rarely 2-confluent, 0.8-1.5 mm diam., applanate to hemispherical, black, shining. Ostiole large, 0.1 mm diam., with a distinct black rim, apical to ± marginal, pycnidia common, minute, black, punctiform. Ascospores lemon-shaped, 4-locular, middle two locules larger, often ± angular, 27-32(-36) × 12-15.3 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ dingy brown. UV+ pink after charring.
Thallus epiphloeodal, dark olivaceous, brown or olive-green, smooth, matt, or slightly shining, irregularly cracked, in darkish bands or patches, 2-8 cm diam., not delimited at margins. Perithecia numerous, prominent, scattered, emergent, flat, scarcely raised above surface, discrete to 4-6-confluent, ± flattened-applanate, subconical centrally, rarely or never subglobose, round to irregular, 0.5-2.5 mm diam., black, matt. Ostioles gaping, 0.1-1.0 mm diam., often with radiating cracks. Ascospores broadly ovoid with rounded ends, 4- locular, (18.7-)22.1-23.8(-25.5) × (8.3-)10.2-11.9 µm. Chemistry: TLC-.
Thallus epiphloeodal, in irregular patches, 1-2(-5) cm diam., continuous or minutely and unevenly cracked, smooth to ± uneven, coriaceous, yellow-brown to dark olivaceous-brown, shining, with scattered, minute, white dots (×10 lens), delimited at margins by a narrow, wavy black line. Perithecia semi-emergent, scattered, discrete, minute, 0.05-0.1(-0.4) mm diam., black, shining, flattened to slightly raised. Ostiole apical, punctiform, minute, grey-white. Ascospores uniseriate, 4-locular, ovoid-oblong to lemon-shaped, central locules larger, often angular, 20.4-35.7 × 6.8-13.6 µm.
Thallus endophloeodal, effuse, not easily differentiated from bark. Perithecia scattered, emergent or semi-emergent, in raised, black, shining verrucae, 0.1-1.0 mm diam. Ostiole apical, punctiform. Ascospores colourless at first, then dark brown at maturity, fusiform with pointed ends, straight, 8-locular, central 6 locules round to polygonal, often hexagonal, 53-70 × 10-12 µm.
Thallus epiphloeodal in broad patches, 4-6 cm diam., continuous to ± deeply and irregularly areolate-cracked, cortex pale yellowish-white to olivaceous, subverrucose, rather roughened, often eroded. Peritheciarather few, scattered, 1 per areole, immersed, often inconspicuous, to submergent or eroded leaving small pits, 0.1-0.4 mm diam., concave, flat to rarely subconvex, black, shining or ± obscured by a thin covering of cortical or bark cells. Ostiole prominent, gaping, with a distinct margin. Ascospores 4-locular, oblong-ovoid, (13.6-)17-20(-23) × (5.1-)6.8-8.3 µm. Chemistry: UV+ orange, UV+ bright blue-grey after charring, UV+ quench substance, UV+ grey after charring.
Thallus endophloeodal, olivaceous, often eroded and appearing whitish or greyish, in scattered, irregular patches or bands, 0.5-2.5 cm diam. Perithecia emergent, discrete rarely 2-3-confluent, minute 0.05-0.4 mm diam., rounded, hemispherical to ± flattened centrally, black, matt. Ostiole central, gaping. Ascospores uniseriate, ovoid to broadly ellipsoid or rarely lemon-shaped, 15.3-17.0 × (6.8-)8.3-10.2 µm. Chemistry: UV+ orange substance, UV+ green substance (UV+ blue after charring), UV+ violet substance after charring.
Thallus heteromerous, foliose, dorsiventral, rosette-forming to irregularly spreading, closely attached. Upper surface paraplectenchymatous, of anticlinal hyphae, white, greyish-green, grey to brownish-grey, pruina, pseudocyphellae, soredia and isidia present or absent. Medulla white, pale straw-coloured to deep ochraceous-orange (pigments K+; purple). Photobiont green ?. Lower surface corticate, of longitudinally arranged hyphae forming a prosoplectenchymatous tissue, dark brown or black, rhizinate. Rhizines black, simple, often with an anchoring, squarrose tuft at tip. Apothecia lecanorine, appearing lecideine, thalline exciple often not well-developed. Epithecium and tips of paraphyses K+ purple. Hypothecium brown. Asci of -type, 8-spored. Ascospores 1-septate, brown, thick-walled of - or -type.
Thallus closely attached, corticolous. Lobes pale greenish-grey to pale grey, plane, with marginal pseudocyphellae here and there pruinose subapically or more generally in pulverulent, glistening patches over upper surface. Soralia marginal, spreading onto upper surface, orbicular to irregularly ellipsoid excavate to ± convex, soredia fine, granular, white to pale yellowish. Medulla pale straw-coloured to ochraceous-yellow. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex UV+ yellow; medulla K-, Pd-, UV-. TLC: Lichexanthone.
Thallus crustose, foliicolous, subcuticular ecorticate, effigurate or ± effuse. Photobiont green, species of Trentepohliaceae, probably . Perithecia conical or convex, base immersed in the thallus. Paraphyses branched and anastomosing. Asci ± cylindrical, ± thin-walled at maturity. Spores 8 per ascus, 1- or 3-septate, ± fusiform, colourless. Pycnidia of two types, one with bacillar, 1-septate conidia, the other with simple, fusiform conidia.
Thallus subcuticular, algiferous, in round patches, to 1.5 mm diam., margins effigurate and crenulate, with one or a few and often a number of pycnidia, sometimes confluent, usually dispersed over a 5 mm broadzone at the margin of the under surface of the leaf, wrinkled or with small depressions, pale greenish-grey with a slight bluish tinge or sordid grey (dead specimens white), prothallus absent. Perithecia 0.2-0.35 mm diam., convex, black, shining, naked, base immersed. Paraphyses branched and anastomosing c. 1 µm thick. Asci ± cylindrical 45-70 × 7-10 µm, when mature rather thin-walled. Ascospores uniseriate or biseriate, 1- or 3-septate, ± fusiform, 12-17 × 4-5 µm. Pycnidia often numerous, two different types being found, one to 0.15 mm diam., convex, black, shining with bacillar macroconidia, 1-septate, 12-13 × 3.5-4 µm, the other to 0.03 mm diam., convex, black, shining, microconidia fusiform, simple, 4 × 1.5 µm.
Primary thallus squamulose, squamules scattered to ± imbricate-crowded, terricolous. Squamules 0.2-2 mm wide and to 3.5 mm long, plane to subconvex, spathulate or cuneate, margins entire or minutelycrenulate or occasionally ± bifurcate, ± ascending, not noticeably thickened. Upper surface pale yellow-green to olivaceous or brownish, smooth, matt, minutely maculate (×10 lens). Lower surface white, arachnoid. Pseudopodetia 2-8(-10) mm tall, concolorous with squamules or paler, ± minutely maculate, arising from margins of squamules, 0.1-0.5 mm diam. at base and there ± terete, expanding above to 1-2 mm diam., fissured-clathrate towards apices, exposing white medullary hyphae. Apothecia terminal, clustered-peltate, 0.05-0.3(-0.8) mm diam., disc round to irregular, plane to subconvex, brown-pink, sometimes ± white-pruinose, margins entire to crenulate, paler than disc, persistent. Ascospores simple, 6-9 × 3-4 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC+, yellow; medulla K-, C-, Pd-. Usnic acid.
Thallus dimorphic. Primary thallus squamulose to ± foliose, lobate, squamules 1-5 mm diam., scattered or ± imbricate, ± ascending at margins or adnate. Upper surface corticate, smooth, ± convex to plane, matt, olivaceous, glaucescent, yellowish or brownish. Photobiont green, . Medulla white. Lower surface white or pale brownish, ecorticate, slightly tomentose-arachnoid, anchored to substrate by medullary hyphae. Pseudopodetia ± erect or decumbent, to 15 mm tall, developing from margins of squamules, ± terete near base, becoming ± laterally compressed above, cortex continuous, ridged-striate, occasionally fissured or ± clathrate near apices exposing medullary hyphae, ± solid at base, ± fistulose towards apices. Apothecia terminal or subterminal, rarely lateral on pseudopodetia, clustered-peltate, disc plane to convex, marginate. Epithecium granular, yellowish-brown. Hymenium colourless, 2-45 µm tall. Asci clavate, 8-spored. Ascospores simple, colourless, ellipsoid. Pycnidia marginal on squamules, black, bottle-shaped, minute.
Thallus fruticose, erect or pendulous, heteromerous, tissues radially arranged, branching subdichotomous to irregular, attached to substrate by a holdfast, branches usually flattened, rarely terete or angular-terete, corticate, cortex variable in structure, mechanical tissue usually below cortex either in a continuous zone or net or broken up into strands of longitudinal thick-walled hyphae. Photobiont green, . Medulla white, loosely woven, usually filling the interior, in some species the medulla is reduced to a layer below the algae and a ± hollow cavity results. Apothecia short stipitate, terminal or lateral, peltate or cup-shaped, lecanorine, disc matt, yellowish, ochraceous or pale flesh-coloured and often white- or pink-pruinose. Ascospores colourless, long, ellipsoid, straight or curved, 1-septate. Pycnidia with black or hyaline walls, minute, laminal or subterminal. Conidia uniform, cylindrical-elongate 3-5 × 1-2 µm.
Thallus ± pendulous or straggling, 3-8(-12) cm long, corticolous. Branches rigid, angular-terete, 0.1-0.6(-1.0) mm wide, dichotomously branching, with occasional, twisted, deformed, lateral branchlets, apices fine, acute or twisted- deformed, hair-like, complex, entangled, surface matt, yellow-green to greyish or grey-fawn, occasionally narrowly white-striate or longitudinally grooved near base. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Norstictic and salazinic (tr.) acids.
Thallus erect, rigid, (1-)5-10(-12) cm tall, sparingly to moderately branched from an open broad base, holdfast prominent. Branches flattened, ± lanceolate, plane or canaliculate, width variable, 1-20 mm wide, commonly 3-10 mm wide, smooth or uneven, undulate, plicate or ridged, pale greenish- grey to pale stramineous or fawn-grey, young branches thin, ± smooth and even, older branches longitudinally ribbed-striate or reticulately ridged from subcorticular strands of cartilaginous strengthening tissue, often lacerate-cracked or fenestrate, pseudocy-phellae common and often prominent, white, shortly linear to irregular, cortex sometimes eroding to reveal ± clathrate arrangement of subcortical cartilaginous strands, margins sinuous, entire, slightly thickened, apices narrow, entire to broad and ± ragged, in well-developed thalli small lobules or adventitious thalli growing from lamina, soralia absent. Apothecia numerous, marginal in young thalli, then laminal in older thalli, pedicellate, 0.2-0.5 mm diam., deeply cupuliform when young with a thin margin, becoming plane when convex and ± immarginate with age, disc flat or convex, sometimes papillate, white- or pinkish-pruinose, thalline exciple smooth at first, becoming coarsely wrinkled scabrid, glossy. Ascospores straight, apices rounded or acute, 10-16 × 4-7 µm. Chemistry: No medullary substances.
Thallus loosely tufted, to 3 cm tall, of dichotomously branched laciniae to 1.5 mm broad at base, narrowing to 0.3 mm wide at tips, slightly flattened or rarely subterete, smooth or in places obscurely faveolate but not canaliculate, ± fistulose, here and there with rounded holes, to 0.5 mm diam., exposing hollow cavity of interior, surface pale greenish-yellow or glaucous, shining, without soredia or pseudocyphellae. Apothecia numerous, subterminal or marginal, with a well-defined spur (geniculate), 1-3 mm diam., rounded, sub-pedicellate, thalline exciple smooth, disc plane or convex, pale yellow-pink with a thick glaucous-yellow pruina, margins concolorous with thallus, occluded in old fruits. Ascospores 6-8 per ascus, biseriate, straight or curved (10-)12-14 × 5-6 µm. Chemistry: Sekikaic and salazinic (tr.) acids.
Thallus erect to somewhat straggling, normally ± pulvinate, 1-3(-6) cm tall, holdfast somewhat indeterminate, comprised of fused bases of several branches, corticolous. Branches linear-laciniate, 1-3 mm wide, often appearing ± inflated- subterete when young, flat to subcanaliculate, pale yellowish or greenish or grey-yellow, glossy, smooth or minutely striate-corrugate or ribbed, or wrinkled-plicate, often longitudinally cracked or fissured near base, without laminal pseudocyphellae or soredia. Apothecia subpedicellate, marginal (1-)2-3(-4) mm diam., ± clustered towards apices of branches, geniculate, disc concave to plane, glaucous-yellowish or pinkish-yellow or glaucous-whitish, thinly white- pruinose, margin elevated, entire or subcrenulate, thalline exciple smooth or coarsely wrinkled-corrugate. Ascospores oblong, curved 11-17 × 4-6 µm. Chemistry: Sekikaic, homosekikaic (tr.) ± lecanoric acids.
Thallus to 5 cm tall, sparsely dichotomously branching, branches to 3 mm broad, subterete, inflated, fistulose, rarely compressed, tips obtuse, surface shining, pale greenish-yellow, cartilaginous strands obvious, discontinuous, with large perforations or many small punctures, soredia and pseudocyphellae absent. Apothecia rather rare, terminal, 3-6 mm diam., subpedicellate, disc pale yellowish-glaucous, plane or convex, rarely concave. Ascospores 10-11 × 5-6 µm. Chemistry: Divaricatic acid.
Thallus erect to pendulous, to 12 cm rarely to 20 cm long, corticolous. Branches rigid, yellowish-green to greyish, angular-terete to slightly flattened, longitudinally striate-nervose, exposing white medulla, or cracked,shortly branched, narrow, 1.5 mm wide at base tapering to 0.5 mm wide at apices, lateral branches narrower, numerous, irregularly divided, subterete, apices finely flexed or bent, without pseudocyphellae or soredia, longitudinally ridged or grooved near base. Apothecia rare, lateral, sessile, plane, 0.9 mm diam., disc pale yellowish-pink, epruinose, margins thin, entire, concolorous with thallus, thalline exciple smooth. Ascospores oblong, 12-15 × 4-6 µm. Chemistry: No medullary substances.
Thallus tufted or subpendulous, rather polymorphic, 2-6(-10) cm tall. Erect or straggling, holdfast delimited and rounded, corticolous, occasionally saxicolous. Branches 2-5 mm wide at base, tapering apically, pale yellow-green to greenish-grey, shortly tufted and much divided, ± terete apically, elsewhere ± flattened, surface undulate or shallowly faveolate, smooth, waxy or dull without pseudocyphellae, occasionally minutely striate (×10 lens), sorediate. Soralia mainly marginal also occasionally laminal, rounded to irregular, in concave depressions with flaring undulate margins, to convex, discrete, or becoming confluent, 0.5-4 mm diam., soredia green-white, farinose. Apothecia (not seen in New Zealand material) rare, sublateral rarely apical, disc markedly convex at maturity. Ascospores straight, 8-15 × 5-7 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+ brown, C-, KC+ brown-purple, Pd+ orange. Protocetraric acid.
Thallus erect, shrubby, 2-4(-8) cm tall, densely and intricately branched, corticolous. Branches greenish-grey, solid, flattened, becoming terete or subterete towards apices, 0.1-0.9(-1.5) mm wide, weakly striate or ridged or subfenestrate in basal parts, sorediate. Soralia mainly marginal, rarely laminal, often ± knobbly-protuberant, eroded, punctiform, 0.05-0.6(-1.2) mm wide, often giving rise to minute branchlets which are deformed or granular, soredia farinose, white or greenish. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Homosekikaic, sekikaic and ramalinolic acids.
Thallus erect, caespitose-pulvinate to shrubby, 2-3(-6) cm tall, saxicolous and corticolous. Branches pale greenish-yellow or whitish-green, often numerous, flattened or in part terete especially near apices, much branched and dissected, with numerous small lateral nodular proliferations, or more flattened, palmate, undulate with deeply notched or incised margins, surface smooth, glossy, cartilaginous, subfaveolate in wider branches, sorediate. Soralia mainly laminal, subterminal or terminal, irregularly spreading, often appearing sublabriform at apices, soredia granular, yellow-white or greenish rather coarse. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: ?Divaricatic acid.
Thallus crustose, epiphloeodal or in part hypophloeodal, homoiomerous, ecorticate, not gelatinous when wet, corticolous or muscicolous. Photobiont green . Apothecia at first immersed, becoming emergent, adnate, globose or depressed-globose, thalline margin thin or thick, wrinkled, not much raised, lacerate, disappearing or closed over disc, or forming a narrow punctiform opening dehiscing from disc and becoming orbicular-dilated, margins of aperture fringed or crenulate or fissured, in radiating, recurved layers. Disc gyalectiform, ± immersed, concave, naked. Excipulum thin, paler or red- brownish, of felted, leptodermatous hyphae. Hymenium colourless, subhymenium thin. Paraphyses numerous, conglutinate, straight, simple, colourless, apices gradually thickened, septate (septa visible in I solution). Asci cylindrical-clavate to cylindrical, (1-)8-spored to many (20-40-80) spored. Ascospores ellipsoid or ovoid or fusiform-elongate, simple or transversely 1-10-septate, colourless, halonate. Pycnidia not seen.
Thallus thick, white, areolate-cracked, margins zonate, determinate, cracking radially, prothallus narrow to wide, black. Areolae to 1 mm diam., sometimes sorediate. Soralia to 0.5 mm diam., leaving white pits. Apothecia innate, disc black 0.1-0.2 mm diam. Hymenium 160 µm tall. Paraphyses slender, flexuous, branched and anastomosing, repeatedly branching above asci, apices moniliform, dark brown. Asci cylindrical 125-130 × 35 µm, 8-spored. Ascospores uniseriate, broad, ellipsoid 25-50 × 15-18 µm colourless at first becoming brownish with age, muriform.
Thallus crustose, spreading, closely attached, tartareous, greyish-white, continuous to areolate-cracked, prothallus indistinct or lacking. Areolae to 1 mm diam., separated by very narrow cracks, plane, smooth, matt. Apothecia numerous, innate, scattered between areolae, disc black, plane to subconvex, epruinose. Hymenium colourless 100-120 µm tall. Paraphyses capillary, straight, not much branched, not swollen at apices. Asci ellipsoid-clavate, rounded at apices, 8-spored. Ascospores colourless becoming brownish, ellipsoid to oval, muriform, cells minute, angular, 27-29 × 9-11 µm, halonate.
Thallus crustose, orbicular to irregularly spreading or in coalescing patches, to 20 cm diam., prothallus black, often conspicuous at margins and between areolae. Areolae contiguous to dispersed, to 2 mm diam., rarely rounded, ± angular, flat to convex, bright yellow to greenish-yellow, smooth, dull or glossy. Apothecia to 1.5 mm diam., between areolae, rounded to angular, flat, matt, rarely subconvex, margins thin, distinct or disappearing. Hypothecium dense, brown-black 100-300 µm tall. Hymenium 100-180 µm tall colourless or faint brownish. Asci 100-150 × 20-30 µm containing 8 spores. Ascospores muriform with few to many septa 20-40 × 10-22 µm. Chemistry: Medulla K-, C- or ± red, Pd+ yellow. Rhizocarpic acid (UV++ yellow), psoromic and often gyrophoric acids, rarely barbatic acid.
Thallus crustose, areolate, spreading or ± orbicular to 5 cm diam., with a prominent black marginal prothallus. Areolae 0.6-0.9(-1.6) mm diam., ± dispersed, convex, often constricted, the areolae then glebulose, smooth, ashy brown, sometimes greyish-whitish or tinged violet, without pruina or soredia. Apothecia black 0.5-0.8(-14) mm diam., between areolae, angular to rounded, disc flat, black, dull sometimes becoming convex, margins thin, entire or disappearing. Ascospores 8 per ascus, muriform, many-celled, dark brown, halonate, 24-46 × 11-16 µm. Chemistry: Medulla K- or ± yellow, C+ red, Pd-. Gyrophoric and ± stictic acid.
Thallus rather small, greyish to brownish-grey to blackish, areolate, prothallus black, thin, spreading. Areolae minute, 0.1-0.2 mm diam., rounded or angular, somewhat congested, dispersed on prothallus, flat to subconvex, separated by wide to narrow cracks. Apothecia sessile, black, epruinose, rounded, constricted at base, scattered, minute, between areolae, to 0.3 mm diam., concave or plane, margins thin, entire, persistent. Hymenium blackish, K+ purple to colourless, 150-170 µm tall.Paraphyses filiform, branched, apices rounded. Asci ellipsoid-clavate, apices rounded, walls thick, subpedicellate, 8-spored. Hypothecium thick, brown-black. Ascospores biseriate, colourless at first, becoming brownish, oval to oval-oblong, apices rounded, ± curved, semilunar, 3-7-septate, becoming muriform, 26-30 × 9-12 µm.
Thallus crustose, orbicular to spreading, areolate, verrucose or continuous, white, yellowish, greenish, ashy-grey or brownish, corticate, cortex of compacted, gelatinised cells, medulla of loose hyphae, lacking a lower cortex, the lower side grading into a black, continuous or radiating prothallus. Photobiont . Apothecia lecideine, black, small, 0.2-0.5(-2) mm diam., circular or angular, disc ± plane, concave or convex in some species, ± between areolae usually on prothallus, disc smooth to minutely roughened or "sooty", black proper margin distinct in young fruits, often excluded with age. Hymenium colourless, greenish to red-brown near epithecium. Epithecium inspersed with black granules. Hypothecium dark brown, 30-55 µm tall. Paraphyses septate, strongly conglutinate, richly branched anastomosing, 1.5-2.5 µm thick, apices globose to clavate, 3-6 µm diam. Asci narrowly clavate to cylindrical 8-spored, rarely (1-)2-6-spored. Ascospores uniseriate or biseriate, 1-septate to ± muriform, colourless, pale brown to brown-black often with a greenish tinge, sometimes halonate with a gelatinous epispore 3-10 µm thick.
Thallus crustose, spreading, 2-10 cm diam., prothallus conspicuous. Areolae close together, widely dispersed, usually separated by black strips of prothallus, some specimens with a distinct border formed of young areolae of characteristic shape, 0.3-2.5 mm diam., angular, concave to plane to convex, or rounded- angular to rounded and convex, yellowish-white to yellow to greenish-yellow, surface smooth, matt or glossy or scabrid. Apothecia 0.6-2 mm diam., round to angular, usually higher than surrounding areolae, plane to subconvex, with a distinct persistent margin, surface matt, minutely papillate, "sooty". Hymenium 70-100 µm tall, colourless to brownish, dark reddish or greenish in upper parts. Asci clavate, 60-80 × 15 µm. Hypothecium brown, 60-150 mm tall. Ascospores 8 per ascus, 1-septate, small, 11-18 × 6-8 µm. Chemistry: Medulla K+ red, Pd+ yellow, or K+ yellow and Pd+ brick red (rarely K-, Pd-). Rhizocarpic, stictic or norstictic acids, rarely psoromic acid.
Thallus crustose, orbicular to spreading, to 8 cm diam., areolate, prothallus indistinct or absent. Areolae small, 0.2-0.3 mm diam., greyish-white, plane to convex, often almost nodular-papillate, separated by narrow black, cracks. Apothecia crowded, scattered, sessile, rounded, black, shining, epruinose, 0.5-1 mm diam., plane to convex, margins prominent, entire. Hymenium brownish, 120 µm tall. Paraphyses filiform, not much branched. Hypothecium thick, brown-black. Asci 8-spored, oval-clavate, apices rounded. Ascospores triseriate, colourless to brownish, ellipsoid, apices rounded, muriform, 18-23 × 7.5-9 mm, surface corrugate.
Thallus small 0.5-2(-8) cm diam., areolate, prothallus indistinct. Areolae 0.3-1.2 mm diam., roundish to angular, strongly convex to plane, greyish-green or pure green, surface smooth, matt. Apothecia 0.4-1 mm diam., round to irregularly angular, strongly convex, or elevated and subconvex, immarginate when old. Hymenium 85-140 µm tall, colourless, upper parts dark reddish. Hypothecium dark brown, 200-300 µm thick. Asci clavate, 80-110 × 30 µm, 8-spored. Ascospores muriform, with few septa, 12-27 × 7-17 µm. Chemistry: Rhizocarpic acid, rarely stictic or gyrophoric acids.
Thallus crustose, thick, thin or evanescent, pale to dark grey, ochraceous, or brown or yellowish, continuous, cracked or areolate, plane, granular or warted, rarely isidiate, determinate or not, with or without a limiting, entire, dark, prothallus, corticolous, muscicolous, terricolous or saxicolous. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lecanorine or lecideine, innate or sessile, usually frequent, contiguous or not, disc brown or black, rarely pruinose, plane or convex at maturity, margins concolorous with thallus or disc, entire or crenulate, persistent or excluded at maturity. Hymenium colourless. Paraphyses expanded at apices, fuscocapitate forming a brown or red-brown, rarely a dark brown or blue-green epihymenium. Hypothecium colourless, rarely brownish to dark brown. Asci of -type [Honegger Lichenologist 10: 47-67 (1978)]. Ascospores 1- or 3-septate at maturity with up to 15 different wall types recognised [Mayrhofer J. Hattori bot. Lab. 52: 313-321 (1982)], with unthickened walls to thick-walled placodiomorph, polarilocular or mischoblastiomorph types, torus well-developed or not, brown, ellipsoid, mostly 8 per ascus. Pycnidia rarely present. Conidia bacilliform.
Thallus evanescent, pale grey, of discrete, scurfy granules, or rarely thin, rimose, grey to grey-brown, saxicolous. Apothecia lecanorine, sessile, sometimes contiguous, to 1 mm diam., disc black, plane becoming convex, margins concolorous with thallus or disc, entire, becoming excluded at maturity. Hymenium 100-130 µm tall, inspersed with oil drops. Epihymenium brownish. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores of Bischoffii-type, 15-21 × 9-13 µm. Chemistry: -.
Thallus thin or evanescent, pale grey, continuous, plane or cracked, without perceptible prothallus, terricolous, muscicolous or lignicolous. Apothecia lecanorine, sessile, often contiguous, to 0.8 mm diam., disc dark brown, soon becoming black, plane, sometimes becoming convex.Hymenium brown or more usually red-brown. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores 3-septate, 18-32 × 8.5-15 µm. Chemistry: -.
Thallus very thin, whitish or glaucous, areolate or dispersed, I+ pale blue, corticolous. Apothecia lecanorine, scattered, sessile, to 0.4 mm diam., disc plane, dark brown becoming black. Hymenium 75-90 µm tall. Epihymenium red- brown. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores of -type, 18-24 × 9-11 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin, chloratranorin, zeorin.
Thallus thin or rarely evanescent, closely attached, pale or dark grey, continuous or cracked, smooth or rarely granular, without a perceptible prothallus, corticolous or lignicolous. Apothecia lecanorine, crowded or dispersed, sessile or ± innate, disc concave or plane, black, thalline margin concolorous with thallus, persistent. Hymenium 70-110 µm tall. Epihymenium brown or dark brown. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores of -type, 12-20 × 6-9 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K- or + sordid yellowish. Atranorin.
Thallus pale grey to greyish-brown, warted or rimose-areolate, prothallus blackish, saxicolous. Apothecia lecanorine, sessile or adnate, contiguous, to 0.8 mm diam., disc plane, becoming subconvex, blackish, thalline margin concolorous with thallus, persistent. Hymenium 80-100 µm tall. Epihymenium brownish. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores of -type, 19-27 × 10-15 µm, finely warted. Chemistry: -.
Thallus thin, pale to dark grey or ochraceous, continuous or more usually rimose, without perceptible prothallus, saxicolous. Apothecia lecanorine, sessile, rarely subinnate, frequent and often contiguous, to 0.8 mm diam., disc dark brown, plane becoming excluded. Hymenium 60-90 µm tall. Epihymenium dark brown. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores of -type, 11-17 × 6-9 µm. Chemistry: -.
Thallus endolithic or evanescent, whitish or pale grey, saxicolous. Apothecia biatorine to lecideine, immersed in substrate, dispersed, to 1 mm diam., disc brown becoming black, plane becoming convex. Hymenium 90-110 µm tall. Epihymenium dark brown. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores of - type, 15-20 × 9-13 µm. Chemistry: -
Thallus pale grey to grey-brown, granular or rimose to rimose-areolate, without perceptible prothallus, saxicolous. Apothecia lecanorine, becoming ± lecideine, adnate to sessile, contiguous, to 0.7 mm diam., disc concave to plane and subconvex, blackish-brown, margin usually becoming excluded. Parathecium pale brownish. Hymenium 90-110 µm tall. Epihymenium dark brown. Hypothecium colourless to pale brownish. Ascospores of -type, torus well-developed, 19-25 × 9-11.5 µm. Chemistry: -.
Thallus sordid grey-brown, membranous, rimose or rimose-areolate, prothallus blackish, saxicolous. Apothecia lecideine, sessile, dispersed, to 0.8 mm diam., disc blackish, plane becoming convex. Hymenium 80-100 µm tall. Epihymenium dark brown. Hypothecium brownish. Ascospores of -type, 12-16 × 6-8.5 µm, wall warted. Chemistry: -.
Thallus whitish to pale grey, dispersed, warty or rimose-areolate, prothallus blackish or evanescent, saxicolous. Apothecia lecanorine, adnate to sessile, to 0.8 mm diam., disc black, slightly white-pruinose, plane, becoming convex, margins entire, persistent, ± crenate. Hymenium 90-110 µm tall. Epihymenium pale brown with a granular epipsamma (Pd+ forming orange to red crystals). Hypothecium colourless. Paraphyses small, compact, branched. Ascospores of -type with changeovers to -type, torus well-developed, 16-22 × 10-13 µm, wall finely warted. Chemistry: K+ yellow, Pd+ red. Atranorin and pannarin.
Thallus dark grey-brown to blackish-brown, granular to warted or rimose- areolate, sometimes growing above other crusts, cortex K+ purple-violet, without perceptible prothallus, saxicolous. Apothecia lecanorine, adnate to sessile, dispersed or sometimes contiguous, to 0.6 mm diam., disc plane, blackish. Hymenium 80-100 µm tall. Epihymenium blue-green, K+ purple-violet. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores of -type, 15-19 × 8-11 µm, wall finely warted. Chemistry: -.
Thallus thin, whitish-grey to brownish-grey, membranous or rimose, rarely rimose-areolate, prothallus blackish or evanescent, saxicolous. Apothecia zeorine to lecideine, innate to adnate, frequent, sometimes contiguous, to 0.5 mm diam., disc concave to plane, blackish. Excipulum blackish-brown. Hymenium 80-100 µm tall. Epihymenium dark brown. Ascospores of -type, 12-16 × 8-10 µm, wall finely warted. Chemistry: TLC-.
Thallus thin, sordid whitish or pale grey, membranous or rimose to rimose- areolate, prothallus evanescent or blackish, cortex with granular inclusions, saxicolous. Apothecia cryptolecanorine to lecanorine, innate or adnate, frequent, to 1 mm diam., disc blackish, plane, becoming convex. Hymenium 90-130 µm tall. Epihymenium red-brown. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores of - type, torus small, not well-developed, 17-25 × 10-14 µm, wall finely warted. Chemistry: Zeorin and four unidentified triterpenoids.
Thallus whitish or grey-white, very thin, uneven, indeterminate, corticolous. Apothecia lecanorine, sessile, to 0.3 mm diam., disc brown, margins entire, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores 11-18 × 7-10 µm.
Thallus evanescent, granular-cracked, greyish, without perceptible prothallus, saxicolous. Apothecia lecideine, sessile, to 0.7 mm diam., disc plane to subconvex, blackish, round to irregular, solitary or frequent. Excipulum; inner part red-brown. Hymenium 100-120 µm tall. Epihymenium dark brown. Hypothecium yellowish. Ascospores of -type, 18-23 × 9-11.5 µm. Chemistry: -.
Thallus thick or thin, dark grey, ochraceous to brown, rimose, plane or usually granular, often areolate, without perceptible prothallus, saxicolous. Apothecia lecanorine, subinnate, adnate to sessile, frequent, often contiguous, to 1 mm diam., disc blackish-brown, plane becoming subconvex, margin entire, concolorous with thallus. Hymenium 90-130 µm tall. Epihymenium red-brown. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores of -type (with changeovers to -type), 20-32 × 11-19 µm. Chemistry:.
Thallus sulphur-yellow to green-yellow, granular, continuous, rimose-areolate, prothallus blackish, saxicolous. Apothecia cryptolecanorine to lecanorine, innate to adnate or sessile, scattered or frequent and contiguous, to 0.5 mm diam., disc brown-black or black, concave to plane, margins entire, concolorous with thallus. Hymenium 120-150 µm tall, upper parts inspersed. Epihymenium red-brown, with a fine, granular epipsamma. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores of -type, asci often only with with 4-6 spores, torus very thinly developed, 20-34 × 11-17 µm. Chemistry: Zeorin, O-methyl- dichlornorlichexanthone.
Thallus sordid whitish or pale grey, membranous or rimose-areolate, without perceptible prothallus, saxicolous. Apothecia lecanorine, subinnate to adnate, contiguous, to 0.5 mm diam., disc blackish, concave to plane, margins entire, concolorous with thallus. Hymenium 80-90 µm tall. Epihymenium dark brown. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores of -type, torus well-developed, 16-22 × 8-10 µm. Chemistry: Zeorin (tr.)
Thallus thin or evanescent, whitish to pale grey, areolate, saxicolous. Apothecia lecideine, sessile, solitary or frequent and contiguous, to 0.8 mm diam., disc plane to subconvex, black, with a grey-white pruina. Excipulum blackish. Hymenium 90-100 µm tall. Epihymenium dark brown. Hypothecium dark brown. Ascospores of -type, 19-24 × 12-15 µm, wall warted. Chemistry: K+ reddish.
Thallus subfruticose, homoiomerous, spongy, inflated, soft, of thick-walled hyphae, much branched and irregularly anastomosing, felted or woolly, or forming an irregular reticulum. Photobiont green, cells minute, . Apothecia lateral, sessile, lecideine. Exciple prosoplecten-chymatous. Hypothecium dark. Paraphyses simple, conglutinate. Asci 8-spored. Ascospores colourless, ellipsoid or oval, simple. Pycnidia unknown.
Thallus greenish-white when fresh, becoming yellowish on storage, byssoid- spongiose or cottony, the surface interspersed with granules. Lobes terete, or in part flattened, branched, densely aggregated, attached to substrate by single hyphae or with only a short side branch at point of contact. Branched lobes to 5 mm long and 0.2-0.4(-0.8) mm wide, of thick-walled, regularly branched hyphae forming a cylindrical, netlike structure. Apothecia and pycnidia formed in outer hyphal layer of lobes, predominantly at lobe tips and side branches. Apothecia globose, 0.3-0.4 mm diam., stipitate, pale or discoloured reddish, lecideine without proper margin, stalks simple or branched, to 1 mm tall, fruiting parts often compound, centre of apothecium and stalk becoming hollow and interspersed with pigment crystals. Stipe already developed in young primordia. Excipulum of branched, radiating hyphae with strongly gelatinising walls, not sharply delimited from branched paraphyses of hymenium and intergrading into palisade-like outer layer of apothecial stalk. Hymenium 25-40 µm tall. Hypothecium colourless, 15-20 µm thick. Paraphyses c. 1.5 µm thick. Asci cylindrical, with amyloid cap or ring structure in thickened apex. Ascospores colourless, bacilliform simple. Chemistry: Protocetraric and squamatic acids.
Thallus bright yellowish or lemon-yellow, whitish marginally, felted or woolly, spongy, to 5 mm thick and to 5 cm diam., spreading irregularly or ± orbicular, without soredia or isidia. Apothecia numerous or lacking, superficial or apical, subpedicellate, to 1 mm diam., densely white-pruinose, disc black below pruina. Ascospores fusiform, straight or curved, 6-septate, 25-30 × 5-6 µm. Chemistry: Schizopeltic and lepraric acids and two unidentified compounds.
Thallus white to greyish-blue-white, soft, felted, in fine strands, 0.2-0.4 mm thick and 4-8 mm tall, and to 10(-15) cm diam., orbicular or irregularly spreading, without soredia or isidia, corticolous, or muscicolous. Apothecia emergent, lateral and terminal on strands, frequent to absent, subpedicellate, subglobose, disc concave to plane or subconvex, black or brown-black, distinctly white-tomentose, 0.5-1(-2) mm diam. Ascospores fusiform with pointed ends, 5-septate, locules rounded, slightly curved 22-30(-34) × 3-8 µm. Chemistry: Lepraric acid.
Thallus felted, fluffy or rather woolly, rather loosely organised, to 10 cm diam., whitish, greyish or yellowish-white, corticolous or muscicolous. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lecanorine frequent to absent, laminal, to 2 mm diam., subpedicellate, disc usually white-pruinose, margins concolorous with disc. Ascospores 8 per ascus, biseriate, colourless, fusiform, 5-7-septate.
Thallus crustose, epi- or endophloeodal, thin, effuse, or lacking. Photobiont green (appearing yellow-orange when cortex of fresh material is scratched). Apothecia in raised or ± sessile pseudostromata, radiate-crowded or flexuose. Ascospores brown, transversely-septate, oblong-ellipsoid, 8 per ascus.
Thallus pale greenish-grey or whitish, matt to ± furfuraceous, granular-isidiate in parts (white), smooth to verrucose-uneven or cracked, 3-5(-10) cm diam. Apothecia in whitish, thalline pseudostromata, 2-8 mm diam., innate, black with a grey-white pruina, rounded or irregular, stellate-convolute or radiate-cracked, margins granular, white-pulverulent. Paraphyses thick, conglutinate, 3 µm thick. Asci clavate 56 × 21 µm. Ascospores 4-6-locular, oblong, one end rounded, the other pointed, 17-22 × 6.8-8.3 µm.
Thallus olivaceous, pale greenish or yellowish, thin or thick, ± continuous, uneven, wrinkled or smooth, matt, or shining and ± varnish-like in parts, in patches or bands, 2-5(-8) cm diam., corticolous. Apotheciascattered in raised, round to irregular, grey-white pseudostromata, 2-8 mm diam., surface of pseudostromata cracked, cracks elongate, subreticulate, radiating or anastomosing, black, margins whitish, slightly pulverulent. Ascospores 4-6-locular, linear-oblong to elongate-ellipsoid, 14-21 × 68 µm.
Thallus white or pale greyish-white, thin, effuse, continuous or slightly cracked, in small patches, 1-2 cm diam., corticolous. Apothecia innate to flat or subconcave, rounded to irregular, to 0.25 mm diam., black, epruinose, thalline margin split transversely. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores fusiform 3-septate, 16-18 × 3.5-4 µm. Chemistry: Nil.
Thallus crustose, homoiomerous, ecorticate. Photobiont green, (thallus shows orange-yellow when scratched, colour fades on storage, best seen in fresh material) with or without soredia. Apothecia sessile, round to irregular, ± stellate, furcate or lirellate, innate to emergent and with a distinct thalline margin, disc black or brownish, epruinose. Hypothecium colourless to redbrown or blackish. Paraphyses slender, sparingly branched, brownish at apices. Asci clavate cylindrical with a tapering foot, apex with a dimple. Ascospores 8 per ascus, 3-septate, colourless, acicular-fusiform, sometimes curved.
Thallus greyish or whitish-grey to sordid greyish-brown, very thin, often blotchy, roughened-uneven, minutely areolate-cracked, in irregular patches, 1-8 cm diam., limited by a thin, black prothallus, corticolous. Apothecia delicate, small ± innate, erupting through cortex, irregularly sulcate, sigmoid or stellate to ± rounded 0.5-1.5 mm long and 0.05 mm wide, thalline margin, slightly raised, thin, whitish, disc black carbonaceous, epruinose, roughened. Hypothecium brown. Epithecium granular, olive-black. Ascospores acicular, 3-septate, 32-40 × 1.5-2.5 µm. Chemistry: Nil.
Thallus continuous, thin, greenish-olive to pale greyish-yellow or brownish, occasionally minutely areolate-cracked, in irregular patches, 1-3 cm diam., delimited by a thin black prothallus, corticolous. Apothecia lirelline, black, raised, straight or curved, or furcate-sigmoid, 0.1-0.8 mm long and 0.5 mm wide, often slightly covered with cortex, scattered rather widely. Asci clavate with a pronounced tapering foot and apical dimple. Ascospores narrow acicular, curved, to shallow sigmoid, 25-30(-40) × 1.8-2.5 µm. Chemistry: Thamnolic acid.
Thallus lobes elongate, narrow, strap-like, 2-3 mm wide, 15-30 mm tall and c. 0.2 mm thick, simple, rarely branched, margins entire. Surface smooth, greenish-brown to fawn, rarely fenestrate, ± uneven roughened to subrugulose in parts. Chemistry: Medulla K+ yellow, C+ green, Pd-. Porphyrilic acid and strepsilin.
Thallus rather small, glebose, basal parts inrolled forming a ± tubular stalk with a well-developed rooting system. Lobes expanded above stalk, flattened to ± terete, divided, often twisted or thick, short, (3-)6-15(-30) mm tall, margins entire, rounded, often swollen, distinctly unilaterally thickened, ± sinuous. Surface white or greyish-blue at apices, smooth or coriaceous or slightly striate-corrugate, apices ± glossy. Chemistry: Medulla K-, C-, Pd-. Barbatic acid (UV+ bluish).
Thallus lobes variable, narrow, 2-6 mm wide, 0.3-3(-4) cm tall, ± terete or flattened, rarely simple, strap-like, margins entire or variouslynotched and incised, apices rounded, furcate or irregularly pectinate, ± unilaterally thickened, crowded, congested. Surface ± smooth, coriaceous to roughened, scabrid-areolate or furrowed, in humid, low-light sites often ± fenestrate with ragged, lacerate margins, chalky white in subalpine exposed sites, becoming greenish in sheltered, humid or shaded sites, 0.3 mm thick, smoother and more coriaceous in exposed subalpine habitats, 0.05-0.1 mm thick in shade forms. Chemistry: Medulla K+ yellow or -, Pd+ yellow. Two chemodemes appear to be present, a thamnolic acid chemodeme (K+) and a chemodeme with baeomycesic acid (K-).
Thallus lobes coarse, 3-8 mm wide and 5-20 mm tall, distinctly unilaterally thickened at apices, apices rounded, undulate, margins entire or slightly incised, ± wavy. Surface coarsely scabrid, areolate or corrugate, white, in low-light or sites of high humidity lobes thinner and often ± fenestrate with lacerate, ragged margins. Chemistry: Medulla K+ violet-purple, Pd-. Hypothamnolic acid (UV+ vivid blue-white).
Thallus lobes broad, rounded, rather fragile, thin, undulate, margins entire, rounded, very slightly thickened. Surface pale buff-green or yellowish- or creamish-fawn, never suffused reddish, roughened, minutely but distinctly verrucose-areolate (×10 lens) on one side and ± smooth on the other, often crowded together in dense clumps. Chemistry: Medulla K-, C-, Pd-. TLC nil.
Thallus lobate, white, creamish, pinkish or greenish, laterally compressed to ± terete, often crowded, thick or thin, often fragile, on soil or amongst moss, anchored with a ± well-developed rooting system. Roots terete, dendroid, 0.5-1.5 cm long, simple to complexly branching. Lobes laterally compressed, margins entire or lacerate, often sinuous and with or without slight lateral thickening at apices. Medulla white. Photobiont green, . Apothecia unknown.
Thallus lobes thin and fragile, undulate, 3-8 mm wide and to 20 mm tall, margins entire, rounded or truncate. Surface uniformly smooth, suffused reddish-pink, margins darker fawnish-pink to reddish, very rarely fenestrate, occasionally with tufts of pale, simple rhizines growing from lower surface in decumbent plants on exposed soil. Chemistry: Medulla K-, C-, Pd-. TLC nil.
Thallus squamulose, becoming minutely subfruticose, in patches, to 10 cm diam., forming a dense, caespitose mat. Squamules crowded, nodular-papillate, flattened or subterete 0.2-2 mm tall, 0.1-0.4 mm wide, greyish-black above, yellowish-brown below, blackened at apices, often distinctly white-pruinose, occasionally squamules may enlarge to forma lobate, dorsiventral, foliose rosette with laciniate margins to 5 mm diam., anchored to the substrate with short, black rhizines. Apothecia sessile, small, to 0.5 mm diam., often numerous and projecting above squamules, disc plane, dark brownish to black, shining, without pruina, proper margin thin, concolorous with thallus, often excluded in older fruits. Ascospores irregularly biseriate, rarely uniseriate, ellipsoid with rounded apices 11-14 × 5-7 µm.
Thallus caespitose, squamulose to compressed-lobate, in ± dense compact mats, closely appressed to substrate. Lobes small-foliose, squamulose or terete, subdichotomously branching, compressed, dark greyish-brown to blackish above, paler brown to tan below, often pruinose at lobe tips. Photobiont blue-green ?. Medulla white, Apothecia lecideine, terminal with a thin, concolorous proper margin, disc black or brown. Ascospores 8 per ascus, colourless, ellipsoid, simple.
Thallus densely caespitose in small, flattened mats, to 8 cm diam., minutely foliose-squamulose, terricolous. Squamules at first 1-3 mm diam., soon becoming nodular-papillate, 2-10 mm tall, terete, subdichotomously branched, corticate, tips of finger-like laciniae expanded and blackened, very closely crowded, yellowish-brown margins crenate, and ± densely pruinose. Apothecia to 5 mm diam., often confluent, sessile or often immersed in surrounding crust-like mat of laciniae, disc brownish-black, shining, plane at first with a pale, thin proper margin, soon becoming convex and immarginate. Ascospores ellipsoid to ovoid, 12-14 × 7-9 µm.
Thallus foliose, lobate, dorsiventral, heteromerous, terricolous. Lobes rounded, margins slightly raised. Upper surface smooth to scabrid, matt or slightly shining. Photobiont green, , in a continuous layer below upper cortex. Cephalodia internal, , in a zone above the lower cortex. Lower surface tomentose and obscurely veined. Apothecia lecideine, innate or appressed, laminal. Ascospores brown, ellipsoid to fusiform, 1-septate, sometimes warted, 2-8 per ascus.
Thallus foliose, distinctly dorsiventral, 1 - 10 cm broad. Lobes rounded, margins entire, often slightly raised. Upper surface greenish-brown when wet, red- brown when dry, rather scabrid. Photobiont rather discontinuous below upper cortex. Cephalodia internal in ± ovoid colonies above lower surface. Medulla orange (solorinic acid, K+ purple). Lower surface bright orange (solorinic acid), tomentose with a reticulum of brown veins often present. Apothecia oblong to round, plane, not depressed into thallus, disc dark brown, to 1 cm diam. Asci 6-8-spored. Ascospores 1-septate, oblong-ellipsoid, hyaline, becoming brown, 25-45 × 10-12 µm. Chemistry: Thallus and medulla K+ purple. Solorinic acid.
Thallus poorly developed, or of scattered to ± densely packed, imbricate, coralloid or squamiform external cephalodia, 1-3 mm tall, grey-blue to ± fulvescent or rarely brown-black, spreading in patches, 2-10 cm diam., terricolous. Apothecia common, 1-5 mm diam., rounded, shallowly concave to ± urceolate, margins 0.1-1.0 mm wide, flattened, pale green or olivaceous, often white-pruinose and appearing frosted, exciple coarsely scabrid, pale green, whitish or tinged red-brown, often with coralloid cephalodia, disc matt, pale to dark red-brown. Asci 4-spored.Ascospores broadly ellipsoid with rounded apices, 30-55 × 16-26 µm, epispore furrowed.
Thallus corticolous, with numerous, small, crowded, sterile branches and occasional longer fertile branches occurring together. Branches irregularly flattened to subterete, erect, to 1.5 cm long and 1-2.2 mm wide. Upper surface smooth, brownish to greyish-brownish-yellow with parasitic algae often covering the region around apothecia, lower surface pale grey to white, upper cortex 80-120 µm thick, lower cortex 60-80 µm thick. Algal layer 20-30 µm thick, continuous between upper cortex and medulla, in subterete branches almost encircling central medulla. Apothecia common, subterminal, 1.5-4 mm diam., mazaedium subterminal to ventral, becoming exposed at an early stage of development by irregular rupture of surrounding receptacle, prominent, black, globose at maturity. Asci cylindrical 35-55 × 5-7 µm. Ascospores spherical, brownish-grey to brown, 6.5-9.5 µm diam., surrounded by black, carbonaceous material at maturity. Chemistry: K-, Pd+ red. Sphaerophorin and protocetraric acid.
Thallus corticolous, subimbricate, usually of several, horizontal, somewhat overlapping branches. Fertile branches flattened, with a distinct upper and lower surface, to 5 cm long and 2.6 mm wide, with numerous, short, flattened, sterile branchlets crowded at base, short secondary branchlets produced irregularly along margins. Upper surface dark green, smooth, convex, transversely annulate-cracked, with small isidia-like structures produced along cracks, especially over apothecium, lower surface pale or whitish, upper cortex 90-130 µm thick, lower cortex 50-90 µm thick. Algal layer 25-45 µm thick, continuous beneath upper cortex, rarely occurring on lower side. Apothecia 2-8 mm diam., subterminal, typically wider than supporting branch, with numerous small outgrowths or branchlets forming along lower margin, mazaedium ventral, covered, finally exposed through small opening in enclosing receptacle which is always persistent and ± partially covers mazaedium. Asci cylindrical, 50-65 × 5-7 µm. Ascospores spherical, brown (10-)12-16(-18) µm diam., commonly surrounded by dark carbonaceous material. Chemistry: K-, Pd+ red. Sphaerophorin and protocetraric acid.
Thallus corticolous, erect, well-developed, producing numerous, crowded branches. Primary branches rather narrow at base, becoming broadly flattened, 3-6(-11) mm wide, irregularly subflabellate, several narrowly compressed branches produced along the upper margin. Fertile branches narrow, to 2 mm wide, extending beyond sterile branches, to 6 mm long, producing broadly flared apothecia when mature. Upper surface dull grey-green, smooth, transversely annulate-cracked in larger, more mature branches, becoming wrinkled on upper surface of apothecium, lower surface pale, smooth or irregularly wrinkled, upper cortex of mature branches 80-100 µm thick, lower cortex 40-80 µm thick. Algal layer 10-20 µm thick, continuous below upper cortex, rarely occurring on lower side. Apothecia ventral, with broad flared margins, 4-6.5 mm diam., mazaedium soon well exposed, black, loose, globose. Asci cylindrical 40-60 × 5-7 µm. Ascospores spherical, brown-grey, 8-12 µm, surrounded by black carbonaceous material. Chemistry: Sphaerophorin, sometimes with stictic and constictic acids.
Thallus corticolous, with several, small, generally erect and fertile branches, and numerous short, crowded, sterile branches at base. Fertile branches to 2.5 cm long and 0.8-1.6 mm wide, subterete to flattened. Upper surface smooth, green-grey to green-grey-yellow, commonly with a few, short, dentate or flattened isidia-like branchlets occurring towards apex, lower surface pale, smooth, or sparsely, irregularly wrinkled, upper cortex 45-70 µm thick, lower cortex 40-60 µm thick. Algal layer 15-30 µm thick, continuous below upper cortex, but occurring rarely or not at all above lower cortex. Apothecia common, subterminal, 1-2 mm diam., mazaedium subterminal, becoming exposed at an early stage of development by irregular apical rupture of enclosing receptacle, prominent, black, globose at maturity. Asci 40-50 × 4.5-6 µm. Ascospores spherical, grey, 5.4-6.8 µm, commonly surrounded by black, carbonaceous material. Chemistry: K-, Pd+ red. Sphaerophorin and protocetraric acid.
Thallus corticolous, elongate, producing numerous, crowded, weakly decumbent or horizontally spreading subimbricate to imbricate branches. Branches flattened with a distinct upper and lower surface, to 5 cm long and 1-2.5 mm wide, margins typically irregular, producing small branchlets or outgrowths, less often margins entire, branching irregular or anisotomic dichotomous. Upper surface green-grey, convex, smooth, basally producing outgrowths over the mazaedium, occasionally transversely cracked, lower surface pale, irregularly wrinkled to lacunose,upper cortex 40-70 µm, lower cortex 20-40 µm. Algal layer 15-25 µm continuous below upper cortex, occurring rarely as isolated groups above lower cortex. Apothecia common, irregular in outline, with minute outgrowths along lower side, 0.4-2 mm wide, subterminal, mazaedium ventral, exposed at an early stage of development, prominent, black, globose at maturity. Asci 45-65 × 5-7 µm. Ascospores spherical, brown, 9-14 µm surrounded with carbonaceous material. Chemistry: K-, Pd+ red. Sphaerophorin and protocetraric acid.
Thallus corticolous, firmly attached to substrate. Primary branches conspicuous, sparingly branched in upper parts, terete to compressed, 1 mm wide, lateral branches terete or slightly compressed, at right angles to primary branches, repeatedly dividing into small isidioid branchlets, ± terete and c. 0.2 mm wide. Cortex smooth, faintly cracked in places, green on dorsal surface, white on ventral surface. Apothecia terminal or subterminal, wider than supporting fertile branch, margins without isidioid branchlets, 1-2(-3) mm diam., ± globose, mazaedium exposed at an early stage through rupture of surrounding receptacle, black, globose at maturity. Ascospores brown, 14-16 µm diam. Chemistry: K+ yellow, KC-, C-, Pd-. Isousnic acid.
Thallus corticolous, subimbricate, horizontal or decumbent, fertile branches distinctly flattened, irregularly branched, to 5 cm long and 2-5(-8) mm wide, sterile basal branches shorter, flattened, sparsely branching. Upper surface grey- green, smooth, becoming wrinkled and transversely annulate-cracked, in older, larger branches convex, margins thickened, rolled under, plane near apothecia, lower surface concave to ± plane, pale, smooth to irregularly wrinkled, becoming lacunose near apothecia, upper cortex 60-100 µm thick, lower cortex 20-40 µm thick. Algal layer 20-40 µm thick, continuous beneath upper cortex, rarely onlower side. Apothecia common, subterminal 1.5-4(-7) mm diam., mazaedium ventral, exposed at an early stage, at maturity partially enclosed by receptacle, black or covered with a fine greyish dust. Asci 50-65 × 5-8 µm. Ascospores spherical (10-)12-15(-16) µm. Chemistry: Sphaerophorin.
Thallus fruticose or palmate-foliose, heteromerous, of very variable morphology, branches terete to distinctly flattened, corticate, commonly dimorphic, fertile branches larger than shorter, and often ± richly branched, sterile branches. Cortex continuous and of equal thickness in terete species, or forming a markedly thicker upper layer and a thinner lower layer in flattened, dorsiventral species, of thick-walled, laterally fused, unorientated hyphae. Photobiont green, , confined to a distinct layer between cortex and medulla, cells single, spherical, (5-)6-12 µm diam. Medulla of longitudinally orientated, colourless, thick-walled hyphae. Apothecia terminal or subterminal, apical, subapical to ventral, often with sterile margins, producing a characteristic mazaedium composed of sterile elements and spores freed from asci which form a loose, dry, black or brownish-black powdery mass which may be partly covered by an enclosing receptacle. Asci 8-spored, clavate to cylindrical, wall disintegrating at an early stage of development liberating partially mature spores into hymenium. Ascospores simple, spherical to broadly ellipsoid, colourless, grey or brown or purplish-brown, often with a dense deposit of carbonaceous material on the outer surface.
Thallus caespitose, variable in shape, forming small to large cushions on rocks or tree trunks. Fertile branches erect, 2-4 cm long, 0.8-2 mm wide, irregularly divided, ± terete, with numerous coralloid or phyllocladioid ramuli along branches and at base. Surface smooth, yellowish-green to grey-green occasionally tinged reddish, occasionally transversely cracked in larger branches, cortex 80-110 µm thick, covered with a thin (2-4 µm) epicortex. Algal layer 60-90 µm thick, continuous beneath cortex. Apothecia occasional, 1-3 mm diam., subterminal, opening at an early stage of development by irregular apical rupture of enclosing receptacle, occasionally with small, phyllocladioid branchlets along margin, mazaedium apical to subterminal. Asci 45-60 × 4-7 µm. Ascospores greyish to hyaline 7.5-8.9(-10) µm diam., often covered by dark carbonaceous material. Chemistry: K+ yellow or -, Pd+ orange or -. Sphaerophorin, isousnic, norstictic, (tr.) stictic and constictic acids. Four chemodemes are known, three being additive, producing constictic, or stictic and constictic acids in addition to isousnic and sphaerophorin, or producing only constant constituents isousnic acid and sphaerophorin.
Thallus corticolous, rarely muscicolous over rocks, of one to several primary branches, at first broadly flattened, then dividing palmately intoseveral smaller, usually fertile branches. Primary branches horizontal, to 3 cm long and 4-11 mm wide, commonly with small, irregular, marginal secondary branches. Upper surface green-grey, smooth to wrinkled, becoming ± scrobiculate towards apices especially over apothecia, lower surface white, irregularly wrinkled, particularly round base of apothecia, upper cortex 65-100 µm thick, lower cortex 40-70 µm thick. Algal layer 20-40 µm thick, continuous beneath upper cortex only. Apothecia common, 2-9 mm diam., subterminal, with broadly flaring margins, mazaedium ventral, exposed at an early stage of development, receptacle corticate, with small isidia-like structures along margins. Asci 45-55 × 5-11 µm. Ascospores spherical, grey-brown, 9-12(-13.5) µm, walls with external deposit of black, carbonaceous material. Chemistry: K+ reddish or -, Pd-. Three unidentified compounds. Sphaerophorin absent.
Thallus corticolous or terricolous rarely, on mossy rocks, occurring as small to large cushions, occasionally forming extensive patches on soil, to 1 m wide, morphology very variable, of elongate, fertile erect extended primary branches with shorter, thinner, sterile ± richly branched almost corymbose secondary branches. Primary branches terete, elongate, sparsely to frequently branched, to 7 cm tall, 0.6-1.2 mm wide, surface shining, pale white or greenish-white to fawn or yellowish-brown, cortex papery, thin, 30-45 µm covered by a thin (2-3 µm) epicortex. Algal layer 15-25 µm thick, continuous beneath cortex. Medulla of thick-walled hyphae 6-9 µm diam., partially fused and forming a dense central strand. Apothecia terminal 0.5-1.5 mm diam., subglobose to globose, mazaedium apical, exposed by irregular apical rupture of enclosing receptacle, at maturity partially surrounded by receptacle or free and prominent. Asci 40-65 × 5-8 µm. Ascospores spherical hyaline to greyish, 6.5-10 µm. Chemistry: K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. Sphaerophorin.
Parasitic, parasymbiontic or possibly developing an autonomous thallus. Apothecia sessile to short-stalked, epruinose. Capitulum spherical to obovoid. Excipulum constricted at edge. Mazaedium present. Asci cylindrical, well-stalked, disintegrating at a rather late stage, ascospores in most species simple, spherical to ellipsoid, in one species 1-septate and ellipsoid-fusiform, dark brown, provided with a ± distinct gelatinous coat, most easily seen in semi-mature spores, mature spores smooth or with a ± distinct ornamentation that in some species is very distinctive.
Apothecia 0.15-0.36 mm high, stalk short or absent, often slightly immersed in host tissue. Capitulum 0.14-0.36 mm diam., ± spherical but often somewhat extended vertically and slightly irregular, shining, black or dark brown. Excipulum dark brown in section, weakly or not sclerotized, K-. Asci 56-75 × 6.8-9.2 µm. Ascospores 10-15.5 × 6.6-8.8 µm, ellipsoid with pointed ends, simple. Ornamentation distinct consisting of longitudinally-arranged ridges with less distinct interconnections. Gelatinous spore coat thin and indistinct in watermount. Chemistry: No secondary substances are known in .
Thallus dwarf-fruticose, coralline to powdery, densely branched, with anchoring rhizines. Photobiont blue-green, or . Branches terete, ± completely interwoven or overlapping. Apothecia terminal, small, lecideine, convex at first, without defined margin, black or brown. Ascospores 8 per ascus, colourless, oval, narrow, thin-walled, 1-2-celled.
Thallus delicate fruticose, in small straggling tufts on bark. Branches dichotomously dividing, thin, delicate, translucent, shining, bluish-green, terete, 1.5 mm long, 0.5 mm thick. Apothecia not seen.
Thallus dark green-brown to grey, thin, ± smooth, areolate-cracked, spreading as dark stains on rock. Perithecia subcompound, immersed inslight, convex elevations in thallus, ostiole dark brown. Hymenial algae globose or cubic. Ascospores 2 per ascus, dark brown, ovate to ellipsoid, 35-50 × 15-25 µm.
Thallus spreading, peltate, squamulose or appressed-foliose 1-3 cm diam., dirty brownish, or olivaceous to dark red-brown, matt, subgelatinous when wet, subgranular, continuous to ± areolate, terricolous. Perithecia semi-immersed or ± papillate, black, convex, shining 0.3-0.5 mm diam., apical pore narrow. Hymenial algae green, minute, globose 1-2 µm diam., crowded. Ascospores 2 per ascus, greyish-brown, ellipsoid, apices rounded contents granular, straight, muriform (5-12 transverse septa and 1-4 vertical septa), 36-44 × 16-23 µm.
Thallus crustose or squamulose. Photobiont green . Perithecia simple or compound, immersed or superficial. Algal cells ( or ) present in the hymenium. Periphyses conglutinate. Ascospores colourless or brown, muriform 2, 4 or 8 per ascus.
Thallus ± placodioid, spreading, to 5 cm diam., rather loosely attached, ± polymorphic, margins lobate, terricolous or saxicolous. Marginal lobes radiating, ± distinct to 2 mm wide, contiguous, rarely imbricate, apices rounded sometimes notched, flabellate. Upper surface pale cream to bluish-grey, often coarsely scabrid, centrally strongly radially fissured, ± crustose, with numerous anastomosing coarse ridges and cracks, or ± irregularly areolate, areolae separated by coarse, gaping cracks. Apothecia to 0.9 mm diam., at maturity, at first urceolate, deeply immersed in thallus, gradually emergent, thalline margin at first inflexed, later hardly apparent or slightly raised above disc, discrete to 2-4-confluent, the combined disc sometimes dissected by fine to rather coarse cracks, disc dark red-brown, matt or shining, to slightly roughened. Ascospores elongate-fusiform with one or both ends ± tapering, (55-)65-75 × (4.5-)5-5.5(-6.5) µm, (5-)7-septate, locules equal in length. Pycnidia numerous, small, irregular dark spots on upper surface not easily distinguished from young apothecia without microscopic examination. In section large, ± rounded or vertically elongate, c. 800 × 600 µm, conidiophores repeatedly branching forming a network, conidia formed laterally, ellipsoid to ± rod-shaped, 4-5 × 1.5 µm.
Thallus placodioid, to 4 cm diam., rosette-shaped, very closely attached, not detachable from substrate without damage, saxicolous. Marginal lobes laterally contiguous for their entire length, frequently separated by deep, radiating fissures, lobe ends slightly enlarged, 0.25-0.5 mm broad, 3-4 mm long, centrally areolate-cracked with frequent, transverse fissures, areolae 0.5-0.9 mm diam., irregular, margins angular. Upper surface plane to ± uneven, matt, occasionally subscabrid at margins, pale blue-grey to pale grey. Apothecia frequent; ± central, 0.5-0.9 mm diam., innate at first, hemiangiocarpic, slowly emergent at maturity, at length sessile, rounded to ± ovate, discrete, rarely confluent, disc dull to bright red-brown, convex or plane, surface slightly roughened, margins to 0.1 mm wide, at first inflexed and elevated above disc, ± excluded at maturity, concolorous with thallus or rarely red-brown and pale grey. Ascospores simple with a very thin and ± median plasma bridge but without any true septum developed, shortly ellipsoid to subglobose (7.5-)8-10.5 × (5.5-)6.5-7.5 µm. Pycnidia frequent, 200 × 150 µm, rather irregular, inner surface convoluted, containing small, short-celled coniodiophores from which conidia are produced mainly terminally, conidia rod-shaped, 5 × 2 µm.
Similar to in habit but differing in the narrower, ellipsoid-clavate asci (55-60 × 8-12 µm) and ellipsoid spores (9.5-)12-14(-15) × 4-5(-6) µm. Paraphyses are less branched at apices and apical cells more noticeably swollen.
Thallus mainly placodioid, spreading, to 6 cm diam., rather loosely attached, margins conspicuously lobate, muscicolous, terricolous or saxicolous, apices and margins often slightly raised, contiguous except at apices, ± flabellate, 1.5-2.5 mm wide, often imbricate, radially fissured, irregularly radiate and corrugate, sometimes with transverse, anastomosing cracks. Upper surface pale greyish-mauve, grey or pale stramineous, markedly scabrid-roughened, especially towards lobe apices, centrally subcrustose, ± continuous with deep, partially interconnecting cracks, sorediate. Soralia numerous, originating from breakdown of ridges, rounded, oval or elongate, becoming irregular and ± confluent and covering thallus, soredia pale blue-grey or lilac, coarsely granular, rarely with finger-like to coralloid isidia which become sorediate. Apothecia rare, scattered, 0.4-7 mm diam., at first innate, becoming emergent, with a slightly elevated thalline margin at maturity, disc bright red-brown to brown, smooth or roughened, concave or plane, margins rather thin, 0.5 mm wide, smooth or ± entirely granular-sorediate. Ascospores acicular-fusiform, with one or both ends tapering,(37-)45-57(-75) × (5-)5.5-7(-8) µm, 5-7-septate. Pycnidia not seen.
Thallus placodioid, orbicular and effigurate, closely to ± loosely attached, margins ± lobate. Upper surface matt to ± scabrid, often markedly rimose- fissured centrally. Medulla white, hyphae mainly in a fan-like arrangement. Photobiont blue-green, and ?, concentrated in the upper part of thallus. Lower surface dark, decorticate, ± rhizinate. Apothecia innate or emergent and then ± sessile, rounded, disc plane or subconcave, red-brown or brownish, thalline exciple rudimentary or rarely well-developed. Asci with amyloid cap or ring-structure, 8-spored. Paraphyses distinctly septate, branched to anastomosing. Ascospores simple to multiseptate, colourless. Pycnidia large, of two types, either locular or with a central hollow, and cerebriform. Conidiophores short-celled producing in both types rod-shaped conidia both terminally and laterally.
Thallus large, robust, 4-7(-10) cm tall, branching ± dichotomous at base becoming sympodial towards apices. Pseudopodetia very firmly attached by a well-developed holdfast, basal or primary branches stout, 1.5-3(-5) mm wide, often decorticate, smooth, to strongly vertically furrowed and cracked, upper parts of branches mostly corticate although the cortex may extend to the base of pseudopodetia. Phyllocladia sparse, corticate, with smooth, white, shining tips, simple, terete, gnarled, finger-like at first and often ± restricted to the base of pseudopodetia, becoming flattened, coralloid-branched at maturity (to 7 mm long) and often ridged and cracked, at the apices of pseudopodetia phyllocladia are smaller and nodular, rounded or flattened. Cephalodia developed on large pseudopodetia, small, globose (1.5-)2-5 mm diam., sessile or very shortly stalked, greyish-white, surface smooth, matt, never areolate or maculate. Apothecia terminal, large (to 5 mm diam.), disc brownish-purple to black, plane in immature fruits and then with a conspicuous pale margin, becoming convex and immarginate at maturity. Hypothecium 75 µm tall, colourless to pale brownish. Asci clavate, 6-8-spored. Ascospores colourless to pale yellowish, 3-7 -septate, 30-50 × 4-6 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin and perlatolic acid.
Thallus dwarf, to 8 mm tall. Pseudopodetia simple, erect, finger-like, occasionally bifurcating at apices, nodular-papillate at first, becoming terete, corticate, cortex continuous, sometimes horizontally cracked, smooth or wrinkled, often shining, greyish-white below, becoming purplish-brown above and mottled, with small, black pycnidia at apices. Phyllocladia absent. Cephalodia basal, cerebriform and slightly convoluted, greenish-black, surface rather scabrid. Apothecia terminal, disc black 1-5 mm wide, deeply concave at first becoming persistently plane at maturity with a prominent, raised, pale, red-brown margin, thalline exciple smooth or wrinkled, red-brown. Hypothecium 60-75 µm thick, red-brown. Ascospores broadly fusiform, 6-8-septate, 30-50 × 4-7 µm Chemistry: Atranorin, protocetraric and fumarprotocetraric acids.
Thallus large, robust, to 8 cm tall, firmly attached at base by a well-developed holdfast and there often conspicuously grooved and longitudinally furrowed with little lateral cracking, branching variable, complex or simple. Pseudopodetia stout, often vertically furrowed, corticate or decorticate, cortex cracked and somewhat marbled, smooth, wrinkled or verrucose-areolate, investing pseudopodetia ± completely to the base, or often restricted to near apices of pseudopodetia in vicinity of the fruit. Phyllocladia corticate, shining, smooth, slightly cracked, terete, finger-like at first becoming branched in older parts, numbers very variable, numerous or sparse. Cephalodia very distinctly stalked, ficoid, often numerous, single or clustered, frequently associated with phyllocladia, large, greyish-blue, surface distinctly convoluted and maculate or areolate-scabrid. Apothecia common, lateral and terminal, disc black or dark brownish- black, to 5 mm wide, immature fruits plane or concave with a conspicuous pale margin, mature fruits consistently convex and immarginate. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores elongate-fusiform (5-)6-9(-13)-septate, 75-100 × 4-6 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin and colensoinic acid, ± divaricatic acid, ± perlatolic acid.
Thallus rather small, to 2-3 cm tall, robust specimens to 6 cm tall, spreading, without a defined holdfast and often forming dense compact colonies amongst mosses or on small boulders and stones in damp places. Pseudopodetia smooth, rarely slightly furrowed, mostly ± terete or slightly flattened, becoming branched in upper parts, ± extensively corticate, cortex continuous or in flaky patches. Phyllocladia sparse and often poorly developed, ± indistinguishable from finer corticate pseudopodetial branches, or granular-papillate, spherical, rather variable in shape, sorediate. Soredia granular, white, present on most parts of the thallus, in part derived from the breakdown of phyllocladia. Cephalodia attached to main stems, sessile or shortly stalked, pale brownish- grey, rounded-globose at first, becoming scrobiculate-impressed, cortex smooth or slightly maculate. Apothecia rare, terminal, occasionally also lateral, to 1.5 mm diam., disc convex, brown or blackish-brown, immarginate. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores acicular-fusiform, 3-septate, 35-50 × 2-3 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin, rangiformic and norrangiformic acids. Some specimens contain also perlatolic, glomelliferic and glomellic acids in place of rangiformic and norrangiformic acids.
Thallus small, spreading, to 3.5 cm tall. Pseudopodetia ± erect, branched, terete or more commonly flattened, appearing dorsiventral, corticate, cortex commonly nodular or cracked. Phyllocladia conspicuously and characteristically flattened, branched, leaflike, pinnatifidly arranged, paler on the lower side, developed towards the tips of primary and secondary branches and appearing as proliferations of these. Cephalodia yellowish-brown, to 3 mm diam., spherical to subglobose, slightly wrinkled when young, becoming areolate and cracked with age, solid-cored. Apothecia terminal, small, 1-2 mm wide, disc black with a concolorous margin when young, excluded at maturity, thalline exciple brown, smooth. Hypothecium brown. Ascospores 6-8 per ascus, cylindrical-fusiform, 5-10-septate, 40-78 × 3.5-4 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin and fumarprotocetraric acid.
Thallus to 15 mm tall, fertile pseudopodetia conspicuously taller than sterile pseudopodetia. Pseudopodetia simple, occasionally bifurcating at apices, terete, finger-like, corticate, cortex continuous, smooth to cracked, verrucose-wrinkled, whitish-cream never purplish-brown, exposed forms greyish, the result of a crazing of fine black lines across the cortex. Phyllocladia absent. Cephalodia basal, pale yellowish-brown or greenish, never black, distinctly cerebriform, convoluted. Apothecia terminal, often 2-3 per pseudopodetium, disc black, 1-4 mm wide, plane at first with a thin, pale margin, becoming convex and immarginate at maturity, thalline exciple smooth, pale yellowish-brown. Hypothecium colourless or pale yellowish-brown, 100-120 µm tall. Ascospores fusiform, acicular, 6-8(-10)-septate, 48-68 × 5-6 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin and protocetraric acid, ± fumarprotocetraric acid, ± perlatolic acid, ± colensoinic acid, ± anziaic acid.
Thallus dimorphic. Primary thallus crustose, granular, verrucose or squamulose, soon disappearing, very seldom persistent. Pseudopodetia erect, usually branched, often complex, springing from a ± well-developed holdfast in some species, corticate or ± completely decorticate, covered with verrucae, or simple or branched phyllocladia which are usually terete and corticate. Medulla loosely woven, containing colonies of a green Protococcoid alga, chondroid axis of thick-walled longitudinal hyphae. Cephalodia abundant to rare, a characteristic feature of the genus, containing a blue-green alga (, or ). Apothecia lecideine terminal, disc frequently convex, occasionally plane and marginate, brown or red-brown to black. Hypothecium usually colourless, brown in some species. Paraphyses simple. Asci clavate to cylindrical, 8-spored. Ascospores colourless thin-walled, elongate-ellipsoid to cylindrical-fusiform or vermiform, transversely 1-13-septate. Pycnidia terminal or lateral, immersed, ovoid to spherical, darkened about the ostiole. Conidia filiform to cylindrical, straight or curved.
Thallus to 3 cm tall, primary thallus ± persistent, of branching, ± dorsiventral, ascending lobes. Pseudopodetia simple, erect, often 1-2-branched at apices, ± continuously corticate, cortex distinctly verrucose-areolate. Phyllocladia absent. Cephalodia sessile, basal or occasionally inserted above the base of the pseudopodetia, pale yellowish or olive green, rounded, corrugate-scrobiculate or even botryose, alga . Apothecia terminal, often 2-3-clustered at apices of fertile pseudopodetia, disc black, to 3 mm diam., plane or concave at first with a thin margin but consistently convex and immarginate at maturity. Ascospores 6-8 per ascus, elongate-fusiform, 5-9-septate, 40-70 × 4-6 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin, fumarprotocetraric and salazinic (tr.) acids.
Thallus variable in size though mainly very large and well-developed, to 25 cm tall, with a very prominent holdfast, yellowish-brown and devoidof cortex and phyllocladia. Pseudopodetia ± complexly branching, of stout primary branches and smaller more richly branched, secondary branches towards apices, primary branches white, ± decorticate with prominent exposed fungal hyphae visible, appearing tomentose, ± fibrillose (×10 lens), with occasional shallow, vertical grooves, often lightly invested with a thin layer of algae, secondary branches ± covered with a distinctly greenish algal layer. Phyllocladia terete, corticate, conspicuously green when wet, simple, nodular and finger-like at first (often densely clothing young pseudopodetia) soon becoming complex, coralloid-branched, conspicuous towards apices of pseudopodetia. Cephalodia numerous, sessile or occasionally shortly stalked, prominent, bluish-grey when wet, folded, indented or wrinkled, surface smooth, never areolate or immaculate or scabrid. Apothecia usually terminal but also subterminal and lateral, small, usually not wider than supporting branch, disc always convex, pale red-brown to dark brown never black, thalline exciple smooth, pale yellowish brown. Ascospores 3-5(-7)-septate, 28-40(-90) × 3-4 µm Chemistry: Atranorin and perlatolic acid, ± anziaic acid.
Thallus large, coarse, to 9 cm tall, sparingly branched, holdfast well-developed. Pseudopodetia stout 1-3(-5) mm wide, terete, covered with a ± continuous, coarsely scabrid, verrucose-areolate cortex, apices of pseudopodetia often eroded-sorediate. Phyllocladia rather sparse, variable, often most distinct at the apices of small, clustered secondary branchlets, terete, finger-like at first, becoming coralloid-branched. Cephalodia conspicuous, stalked, large, to 3 mm diam., wrinkled, scrobiculate, surface minutely areolate, distinctly grey-blue. Soredia white or greyish, granular, rather sparse, developed on the ends of pseudopodetia, possibly the result of insect damage. Apothecia rare, terminal 1-3 mm wide, disc black, plane at first and thinly marginate, convex and immarginate at maturity. Ascospores 2-5 per ascus, clavate-fusiform, 1-3-septate, 25-35 × 5-7 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin, fumarprotocetraric and protocetraric acids; perlatolic and anziaic acids in apothecia only.
Thallus to 3.5 cm tall. Pseudopodetia simple or sparingly branched, tapering from base to apex, decorticate and rather pruinose. Phyllocladia on short, thick stems, rounded peltate, becoming warted-convolute with a prominent dark greenish-grey centre and pale margins, small and crowded at apices of pseudopodetia, larger and more dispersed towards base of pseudopodetia. Cephalodia ± sessile, infrequent, dark green, black or brown, rather amorphous, gelatinous, shining, clustered at base of phyllocladia towards base of pseudopodetia. Apothecia rare in New Zealand material, mainly at apices of pseudopodetia, to 1 mm diam., disc pale brown with a concolorous prominent margin when young, occluded at maturity. Ascospores 3-5(-6)-septate, (25-)30-50(-55) × 2.5-3.5 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin and stictic acid; ± norstictic acid.
Thallus foliose, heteromerous, dorsiventral, lobate, spreading or sometimes stalked with a fruticose, erect, monophyllous to polyphyllous, frond sometimes arising from a ± woody, spreading holdfast, ± loosely attached, 2-30 cm diam., or larger, corticolous, rarely saxicolous. Lobes ± dichotomously branching to broad, rounded, irregular, complex,overlapping to variously incised, often lacerate-notched, with or without isidia or phyllidia, tough, coriaceous to fragile, thin or thick. Upper surface smooth, wrinkled or ridged, rarely faveolate-impressed, shining or dull, often maculate, scabrid or hairy, isidiate or sorediate, without pseudocyphellae. Medulla white. Photobiont green or , or blue-green (). Internal or erumpent cephalodia () usually present in species with green photobiont. Lower surface pale or dark, glabrous, or tomentose, cyphellae always present. Apothecia hemiangiocarpic, laminal, rarely marginal, sessile or pedicellate, margins entire or crenate, disc matt or shining, rarely pruinose, thalline exciple well-developed, smooth or verrucose-areolate or hairy. Ascospores 8 per ascus, colourless or brown, 1-3- septate (rarely 4-7-septate). Pycnidia often frequent, immersed, punctate to subglobose.
Thallus 5-10(-15) cm diam., ± loosely attached, thick, coriaceous, rather brittle when dry. Lobes 2-4(-5) mm wide, to 15 mm long, ± discrete at periphery, overlapping and becoming complicate-convolute centrally, margins raised, crenate-incised, pectinate, sinuous, phyllidiate. Upper surface matt, smooth, lettuce-green to olive-greenish when wet, tinged red-brown to dark brown at margins, pale greenish-buff whendry, ± papillate in places (internal cephalodia). Phyllidia mainly marginal and there often dense, less often laminal, simple to coralloid-branched, 0.1-0.3 mm wide, 0.2-1.2 mm tall, terete to flattened, often minutely pubescent below, tinged brownish at apices. Lower surface mainly smooth, minutely wrinkled or pitted near margins, ± uniformly tomentose to margins, tomentum thin at margins, thick centrally, brownish to brown- black centrally, buff or pale brown at margins. Cyphellae sparse to numerous, 0.1-1.5 mm diam., sunk in tomentum, round to irregular, membrane of pit roughened, ochre-brown, orange, yellowish or dull brownish-pink, never white. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: A range of yellow and orange (UV+ yellow or orange after charring) pigments.
Thallus 2-10(-15) cm tall, ± erect to decumbent-straggling, fragile, easily shattered when dry, stalked, attached to substrate by a root-like holdfast, stalk flattened to ± terete in lower part, ± canaliculate above, 1-3 mm diam and 3-20 mm tall, expanded above into a dissected, frond-like lobe. Lobes narrow, ± laciniate 2-4 mm wide, to expanded, 10-15 mm wide, margins crenate- incised or ragged or irregular, ± thickened, ± densely isidiate. Isidia minute, dark brown or greyish-blue, shining, style-forming, ± terete, delicate at first, densely clustered, becoming coralloid-lobulate and eventually ± phyllidiate, dorsiventral with age, primarily marginal, also developing on lamina and thallus fissures and rents, eventually becoming confluent in a diffract crust. Upper surface dark greyish-blue to black or dark red-brown when wet, dull brownish- grey when dry, often white-maculate (×10 lens) in parts, smooth, undulate to ± shallowly faveolate in parts, often cracked, torn or ± fenestrate, stalk dark brown-black. Lower surface dark brown, occasionally pale buff near margins, tomentose, tomentum uniform, thick, brown. Cyphellae white, round to irregular, rather sparse, sunk in tomentum, 0.1-1.8 mm diam. Apothecia not seen.
Thallus orbicular to spreading, loosely to closely attached, 5-10(-15) cm diam., corticolous. Lobes broad, rounded, 0.5-2.5 mm wide, imbricate, folded, margins entire, sinuous or slightly notched or incised, often ± ascending at periphery. Upper surface bluish-grey to olive-greenish, often suffused-brownish especially towards apices, smooth, coriaceous or minutely wrinkled, rather papery. Lower surface pale buff to brown, ± densely tomentose from margins to centre, tomentum long, silky, white. Cyphellae white, scattered, 0.2-2.0 mm diam., with a conspicuous, raised margin. Apothecia frequent, clustered towards margins of lobes, sessile or subpedicellate, 0.2-3.0 mm diam., disc red or reddish-brown, matt, rarely glossy, plane to convex, margins pale, thin, often excluded at maturity, yellowish-buff or flesh-coloured, subcrenulate or denticulate. Ascospores 5-7-septate, elongate-ellipsoid, apices pointed, 36-58 × 5-7 µm.
Thallus foliose, ± erect or pendulous or spreading, to 5-12(-15) cm tall, firmly attached by a ± root-like holdfast, supporting a short (1-2 cm), thickened, terete or ± canaliculate stalk. Lobes palmate, oftenimbricate, complex, with a distinctly grooved midrib, rather fragile, often ± fenestrate, brittle when dry, margins dissected, sinuses circular, irregularly lobed or notched, appearing phyllidiate. Upper surface bright green to greenish-yellow or olive, smooth or slightly wrinkled, matt, grooved-canaliculate in mid-line of lobes, often dark brown to black at base of lobes and on basal stalk, internal cephalodia visible as raised, hemispherical lumps. Lower surface pale greenish-white, glabrous, shining at margins, yellowish to dark brown or blackening towards centre, midrib conspicuously raised, dark red-brown and often short-tomentose, tomentum rather variable, thick, a ± uniform dark brown or pale white felt, to a short, sparse, pale pubescence on central ribs. Cyphellae ± numerous, small, scattered, pock-like with a poorly defined margin, hardly raised, membrane of pit yellowish-brown. Apothecia sessile, scattered, often crowded towards margins, rarely at centre, 0.5-4 mm diam., disc red-brown, smooth, matt, concave at first, becoming plane to subconvex with age, margins thick, striate-crenulate, inflexed at first, pale brown or pinkish, occluded with age. Ascospores fusiform, colourless, 1-3-septate, 30-38(-45) × 9-11 µm.
Thallus monophyllous, often deeply indented and appearing polyphyllous, attached by a single rather deformed umbilicus, 2-8(-12) cm diam., corticolous, occasionally saxicolous. Lobes undulate, folded or ± free, margins entire. Upper surface ± shallowly faveolate-wrinkled or pitted, dark brown-grey or bluish- brown when wet, sometimes ± blackened, pale bluish-grey when dry, often also with white maculae (×10 lens), isidiate. Isidia scattered, terete, simple or coralloid, often ± delicately stalked, very delicate and friable, sometimes in clusters. Lower surface ± uniformly tomentose, pale brown at margins, darker centrally. Cyphellae large, white, round to irregular, 1-2 mm diam. Apothecia not seen.
Thallus 1-2(-3) cm tall, thin, fragile, easily fragmented when dry, erect or decumbent, spreading, lobate, stalked, attached by small, often proliferating root-like holdfasts, often forming extensive swards on bark or rocks. Lobes narrow, laciniate, ± strap-like 0.3-2 mm wide, highly dissected, margins entire, often minutely lobulate or phyllidiate, dichotomously to irregularly branched. Upper surface bright to pale green, olive to suffused-brownish, stalk darker, ribbed, flattened or ± terete, yellow-brown below, becoming distinctly orange- yellow on storage. Lower surface pale greenish to yellow-brown centrally and basally, white at margins, glossy, glabrous, minutely wrinkled, with a ± raised midrib to lobes. Cyphellae minute, pock-like, scattered, without a raised margin. Apothecia rather rare, sessile, solitary, towards lobe apices, 0.4-1.8 mmdiam., disc plane to subconvex, matt, smooth, pale red-brown with a pale, waxy margin, thalline exciple massive, smooth to slightly verrucose-areolate. Ascospores fusiform, brown, 1-septate, 35-40(-95) × 7-10 µm.
Thallus distinctly stalked, lobate-expanded, frond-like above, attached to substrate by a well-developed, root-like holdfast, to 25 cm tall. Stalk ± terete, brown or blackened. Lobes rather variable, thin or thick, tough, leathery when wet, often rather brittle when dry, flabellate, palmate, margins entire, sinuous, slightly notched, occasionally lacerate or ragged, often secondarily lobulate with non-stalked individuals at centre. Upper surface ± smooth, coriaceous, uneven or minutely roughened, slightly faveolate towards base, colour variable, bright-green, olive-green or brownish to ± blackened. Medulla white. Lower surface pale brown or buff, rarely whitish, to dark brownish-black, ± entirely glabrous to uniformly tomentose, tomentum rather short, pale buff to dark brown. Cyphellae numerous, scattered, urceolate with a raised margin, pit flat, pale buff or whitish, 0.2-5.0 mm diam. Apothecia scattered, mainly towards margins, small at periphery, larger, to 5 mm diam., towards centre, disc orange-yellow to red-brown, shining, plane or subconvex, margins entire, crenulate, sometimes excluded, pale whitish, thalline exciple minutely scabrid. Ascospores fusiform, straight or slightly curved, colourless, simple or 1- to 3- septate, rarely 4-5-septate, (20-)22-37 × 5-10(-12) µm.
Thallus ± loosely attached or occasionally ± erect, anchored at one point, 0.5-2(-4) cm broad, corticolous. Lobes rounded to irregular, often distinctly monophyllous and ± cochleate, margins entire, eroded-sorediate. Soredia in marginal, linear soralia, also in scattered, laminal patches, blue-grey, granular. Upper surface grey to dull brown-grey or olive-brown, smooth or wrinkled, matt or glossy, somewhat coriaceous. Lower surface ± uniformly densely tomentose, pale yellow-brown at margins, darker centrally. Cyphellae small, scattered, flat, pale, whitish. Apothecia not seen.
Thallus 5-10(-15) cm diam., spreading, loosely attached, thin, fragile, papery, sometimes in densely compacted, ± caespitose hummocks. Lobes 2-4(-10) mm wide, broad towards periphery, narrow, convolute-complicate centrally, margins rarely entire, sinuous, crisped, ± ascending, ± densely lacerate-incised, becoming phyllidiate, sometimes pubescent. Upper surface matt, minutely pitted or wrinkled, to minutely white-papillate (×10 lens), bright lettuce-green, suffused brownish or dark olive in parts when wet, paler when dry, margins sometimes white-pruinose, phyllidiate. Phyllidia marginal, never laminal, 0.1-0.5 mm wide and tall, irregular, pectinate, ± ascending, often merging into smaller marginal lobes, sinuous, often white-pruinose, or pubescent, often dense centrally. Lower surface pale buff, to mid brown or dark brown centrally, tomentose, tomentum white, rarely dark brown, short, uniform, thin at or near margins, or with a narrow, wrinkled, glabrous marginal zone. Cyphellae round to irregular, 0.05-1.0 mm diam., white, scattered. Apothecia sessile to subpedicellate, sparse to numerous, solitary, to 2-3-confluent, round to contorted through mutual pressure, 0.1-4.0 mm diam., concave at first, soon becoming plane and then convex-undulate, pale red-brown to dark brown or brown- black, margins pale flesh-coloured or whitish (translucent when wet), inflexed at first, thin at maturity and then crenate-striate, often ± denticulate, exciple pale buff or whitish, to corrugate-scabrid or pubescent. Epithecium red-brown, granular, 8-12 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, 50-70 µm tall. Asci clavate. Ascospores biseriate, colourless, elongate-ellipsoid with pointed ends, 1-3-septate, 20-30 × 5-8.3 µm.
Thallus foliose, lobate, spreading, broadly attached, 5-10(-22) cm diam., thin and fragile, papery, to thick and coriaceous. Lobes 3-8(-12) mm wide, loosely subdichotomously branching near periphery, more complex-imbricate centrally, margins ± subascendent, rarely entire, crisped, somewhat thickened, often tinged brownish, ± densely isidiate. Upper surface smooth, matt, ± coriaceous, ± wrinkled-plicate in parts, bright lettuce-green when wet, superficially browned at margins or sometimes over whole thallus, pale greenish- buff when dry, isidiate. Isidia short, 0.1-0.3(-1.2) mm tall, c. 0.1 mm wide, squamiform-imbricate, ± flattened to erect, marginal at first in well-defined lines, often dense, spreading to lamina and sometimes forming a dense, diffract, fragile crust centrally. Lower surface pale buff or whitish or pinkish to pale or dark brown centrally, tomentose, tomentum regular, to margins, or only ± central with patches of shining, irregularly, pitted or wrinkled lower cortex at margins. Cyphellae 0.1-1.2 mm diam., rounded to subirregular, white. Apothecia rare, 1-3.5 mm diam., scattered, sessile to subpedicellate, disc bright orange or orange-yellow, waxy, concave at first and then often obscured by inrolled margins, plane to subconvex-undulate at maturity, margins persistent, thick, crenate, pale buff or whitish, exciple pale buff or red-brown, corrugate- scabrid, ± translucent when wet. Epithecium pale brownish-yellow, 8-13 µm thick. Hymenium 130-155 µm tall, colourless. Paraphyses moniliform, apices capitate. Ascospores biseriate, elongate-ellipsoid with pointed apices, 3-septate at maturity, 27-37 × 6.8-8.3 µm.
Thallus lobate, spreading, loosely to closely attached, 5-10-(12) cm diam., rarely to 20 cm and ± orbicular in well-developed specimens, corticolous. Lobes broad, 1-2 cm wide, undulate, subimbricate centrally, margins entire, sinuous, slightly incised. Upper surface bright green or olive-green, brownish or reddish-brown, coriaceous, smooth, matt, rather uneven in parts, without soredia or isidia, sometimes faintly white-maculate (×10 lens), margins suffused-brownish. Internal cephalodia visible as hemispherical swellings. Lower surface pale creamish or buff, margins white, glabrous, shining in a narrow zone, then ± uniformly short, pale, tomentose from margins to centre, tomentum variable, pale whitish, to buff or brown. Cyphellae conspicuous, large, 0.2-2 mm diam., ± circular, white, margins raised ± prominent, evenly scattered from centre to margins. Apothecia sessile or subpedicellate, scattered or crowded towards margins, rarely central, 0.8-4 mm diam., disc matt or glossy, smooth, bright yellow-orange, concave, obscured by margin at first then becoming plane to subconvex with age, margins thick, pale whitish or cream, crenulate, thalline exciple pale cream, areolate-verrucose. Ascospores fusiform, ellipsoid, 1-3-septate, (26-)32-46(-50) × 8-11 µm.
Thallus loosely attached, ± orbicular to irregular, 2-8 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes rounded, 3-10 mm wide, undulate, ± imbricate centrally, margins free, thickened, crisped, ± ascending, entire or with eroding, linear soralia on lower surface. Upper surface dark grey-blue or blackish, minutely white-maculate (×10 lens) or with irregular white or brownish, algal-free patches, greyish brown when dry, matt, shining, rather coriaceous. Soredia bluish-grey, coarse, granular, in linear soralia often eroding back from margins of lower surface. Medulla white. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface pale brown at margins, dark brown or black towards centre, ± uniformly thick-tomentose to margins. Cyphellae conspicuous but rather few, scattered, round to irregular, sunk in tomentum, 0.1-2.0 mm diam., white, with a conspicuous, pale, raised rim. Apothecia not seen.
Thallus subcuticular, effigurate, rounded to sometimes irregular, 2-5(-10) mm diam., margins with short, rounded lobes, 0.1-0.3 mm broad, or ± entire without distinct lobes, or lobes rather long with rounded ends, 0.2-0.4 mm broad, confluent in central parts, convex to plane, smooth, shining, bright green to greyish-green, sometimes with white, soft hairs at periphery, prothallus absent. Perithecia 0.25-0.4 mm diam., almost totally immersed in the thallus, or ± convex, their uppermost part exposed, black, shining, ostiole punctiform, grey or white. Asci ± obclavate 40-70(-90) × 8-12(-14) µm. Ascospores biseriate, 1-septate, fusiform 14-24 × 4.5-5 µm. Pycnidia common and sometimes numerous, punctiform, black, ± globose, immersed. Macroconidia 1-septate, bacillar (12-)14-18(-21) × 3-4 µm. Microconidia simple, ellipsoid to fusiform 4-5 × 2 µm.
Thallus crustose, foliicolous, subcuticular, usually epiphyllous, ecorticate, effigurate, lobes distinct or entirely confluent. Photobiont green, . Perithecia convex to conical, totally exposed, partly immersed in the thallus, or totally covered by thallus tissue, perithecial wall K-, dimidiate or entire, usually differentiated into an outer wall (involucrellum) which is black or brown, and an inner wall which is black, brown or colourless. Paraphyses simple. Asci cylindrical or obclavate, thin-walled. Ascospores 8 per ascus, with 1-3 thin, transverse septa. Pycnidia convex. Conidiophores simple, forming conidia apically. Macroconidia simple or 1-7(-9)-septate, bacillar to filiform. Microconidia simple, ellipsoid to fusiform.
Thallus subcuticular, ± indistinctly effigurate, rounded to irregular 3-7(-10) mm diam., continuous, without distinct lobes, margins ± entire, often with scattered black points or irregularly wavy lines, between these points or lines, bright green to greyish-green, shining, without a prothallus. Perithecia 0.35-0.65 mm diam., almost conical on top and sides, round, totally exposed, black, shining. Asci cylindrical or almost thread-like, very numerous and dense 30-80 × 3.5-5 µm. Ascospores uniseriate, 1-septate, ± ellipsoid, with obtuse ends 8-12 × 2-3 µm. Pycnidia rather few, 0.1-0.15 mm diam., convex, exposed, black, shining. Macroconidia simple, bacillar 4-5 × 2 µm. Microconidia simple, fusiform 4 × 1.5 µm.
Thallus subcuticular, effigurate, circular, (1-)2-4 mm diam., rarely to 6 mm diam., marginal lobes very short, rounded, 0.1-0.3 mm broad, distinctly convex, ± uneven to rugose, pale bluish-green to almost white (pure white when moribund) usually with numerous, shining, black points (pores of pycnidia), without a prothallus. Perithecia 1-10 per thallus rosette, 0.25-0.4 mm diam., convex, immersed in thallus at base, exposed part convex, black, shining, ostiole visible as a grey or white point. Asci narrowly obclavate, 45-70 × 10-14 µm. Ascospores 1-septate, biseriate, broadly fusiform but with one cell larger than the other, ends acute, strongly constricted at septum, 17-25 × 4-7 µm. Pycnidia 0.05-0.1 mm diam., ± globose, ± immersed in thallus, upper wall exposed, black, shining. Macroconidia 1-septate, bacillar, 15-18 × 3-4 µm.
Thallus crustose, effuse, ± dispersed, ± shining, no cortex, but in the uppermost part a somewhat denser hyphal tissue, prothallus indistinct or only slightly developed between the patches of thallus. Photobiontgreen, ?. Apothecia sessile, rounded, lecideine, black, sometimes with a white pruina, thalline exciple well-developed, smooth, uneven or sometimes with short, irregular hairs. Paraphyses richly branched and anastomosing, usually covering the asci like nets. Hypothecium dark purplish-brown. Asci thick-walled, 1-8-spored. Ascospores transversely septate, submuriform or muriform, colourless.
Thallus 5-10(-20) mm diam., continuous or at periphery dispersed into rounded patches of varying size connected by a thin prothallus, greyish-white to grey, sometimes with a greenish tinge, smooth, matt or subnitid, foliicolous. Apothecia strongly constricted at base, 0.3-0.8 mm diam., round or somewhat irregular at margins, scattered, disc black, epruinose, plane at first with a thin, black margin, becoming convex and immarginate. Hypothecium dark purplish- brown, 20-90 µm thick. Ascospores 2-4, rarely 6 or 8 per ascus, muriform with 15-30 transverse and 1-3 longitudinal septa, narrowly ellipsoid to almost cylindrical, 50-105 × 9-17 µm. Pycnidia scanty, often absent, sessile or with immersed bases, globose, 60-70 µm diam., bluish-black, scattered. Conidia simple, dumb-bell to flask-shaped, 5-6 × 1-1.5 µm.
Thallus foliose to fruticose, in small clumps, to 4 cm diam., and 0.5-2 cm tall, usually formed from single plants, corticolous. Lobes at first stellate-radiate, 0.5 mm wide, becoming erect, branched, rigid, dorsiventral, to 2.5 mm wide with spinous marginal fibrils, golden or orange-yellow above, especially at ends of lobes, matt or slightly shining, smooth or weakly longitudinally ridged, white or in part yellow below, longitudinally veined and wrinkled. Apothecia pedicellate, marginal or at ends of small laciniae, 1-6 mm wide, nearly plane, becoming convex with age, disc orange-yellow, margins thin, slightly elevated, with up to 150 concolorous fibrils, 0.5-2 mm long. Ascospores ellipsoid, 10-15 × 5-8 µm.
Thallus fruticose, forming pulvinate clumps, 1-4 cm diam., and to 1 cm tall, saxicolous or muscicolous. Lobes erect, interlaced, narrow, 3-10 mm long and 0.15-0.5 mm wide, yellow-orange to orange-red, sparingly branched, smooth and whitish beneath except in upper portions, flat or canaliculate above, sparingly fibrillose on margins, fibrils concolorous with thallus, 0.5-1 mm long, surface matt, ± striate or minutely scabrid, reddish-pruinose, margins knobbly or glomerulate, granular-sorediate. Soredia concolorous with thallus in minute elliptical soralia or sometimes with a few farinose yellow-soredia present also. Apothecia not seen.
Thallus fruticose, richly branched, forming loose, entangled clumps 4-10 cm diam., corticolous. Branches terete or slightly angled, matt or minutely tomentose, pale yellow to orange-red, ± dichotomously branching, nodes 1-5 mm apart, with scattered 1 mm long, black-tipped fibrils and a few pale sorediate patches. Apothecia not seen.
Thallus fruticose or subfruticose, flattened and dorsiventral to terete and ± richly branching, often with marginal fibrils or cilia. Upper surface yellow- orange (containing parietin, K+ purple), often sorediate, without isidia, maculae or pseudocyphellae. Photobiont green, . Apothecia sessile or stalked, lecamorine, disc yellow or orange. Ascospores colourless, oblong-ellipsoid, polaribilocular, 8 per ascus. Pycnidia in small warts.
Thallus lobate, subfruticose, forming small rosettes or pulvinate clumps, 1-3 cm diam., to 5 mm tall, corticolous. Lobes stellate-radiate, rather flattened, 1-5 mm long and 0.3-0.8 mm wide, and 0.1-0.15 mm thick, sparingly branched, pale orange-yellow, flat to canaliculate above, loosely attached, ascending or erect, with scattered, concolorous marginal and occasionally laminal fibrils, 1-1.5 mm long, a few whitish rhizines on lower surface, without soredia. Apothecia sessile at first, at length pedicellate, laminal, (0.5-)1.2-5 mm diam., plane or subconvex and ± undulate, disc concave to plane or subconvex, without cilia, matt, darker thanthallus, margins thin, entire, inflexed at first, becoming thinner, ± crenulate with age. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid, 13-15 × 6-7 µm.
Thallus ascending, erect, subfruticose, 3-10 mm tall, often in pulvinate clumps, to 3 cm diam., corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes stellate-radiate at first, ± linear, ascending at apices, flat 0.2-0.8 mm wide, di- or trichotomously divided, white and smooth beneath with yellow marginal fibrils 0.5-1.5 mm long, mature lobes orange-red, erect, weakly bullate, hollow, sail-like, 2-5(-8) mm long with ends expanded to 2-3 mm wide, hooded and open-ended, exposing algal layer as greenish soredia with few or no basal fibrils. Apothecia 1-3 mm diam., at first broadly sessile on upper surface with prominent, inflexed thalline margin, finally appearing terminal, on 1-2 mm tall striate pedicels and then convex with excluded margin, disc orange-red, matt. Ascospores ellipsoid, 10-16 × 6-8 µm.
Thallus foliose, fruticose, pulvinate, forming small clumps to 3 cm diam., and to 1 cm tall, corticolous. Lobes without marginal cilia or fibrils but with scattered white rhizines on lower surface towards margins, small, 0.5-1 mm long and 1 mm wide, often obscured by crowded central apothecia, ascending, branched, smooth, greenish-grey to whitish-yellow. Apothecia shortly pedicellate, 1-3 mm diam., disc plane, yellow, matt, margins entire to subcrenate, without fibrils or cilia, thalline exciple warted. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid, 13-15 × 8-10 µm.
Thallus hollow, white, straggling, unattached, on the ground or among decumbent vegetation or grass, subalpine to alpine. Photobiont green . Apothecia unknown.
Thallus of prostrate, terete, hollow, worm-like stems, simple or forked, 1-4 cm long. Surface smooth, matt, white or greyish-white, becoming pinkish on storage. Chemistry: Medulla K+ yellow, C-, KC-, Pd+ orange. Thamnolic acid (UV-).
As for but differing in the following respects: the thallus is chalk-white and never turns pinkish on storage, the medulla contains baeomycesic and squamatic acids and fluoresces golden yellow in UV.
Thallus crustose, ecorticate, poorly developed. Photobiont green, . Ascocarps in the form of perithecia, simple or compound, immersed or superficial, horny, carbonaceous. Paraphyses becoming gelatinised. Ascospores colourless to brown, ellipsoid to oblong-ovoid, 1- to 3-septate, sometimes with 1-2 spurious longitudinal septa often with a large oil droplet, 8 per ascus.
Thallus dark olivaceous to blackish-brown, thin, irregularly spreading, effuse or wanting, often rather abraded, saxicolous. Perithecia black, minute, to 0.25 mm diam., sessile, convex, ostiole simple, minute, excipulum black. Ascospores 1-septate, colourless 14-18 × 7-9 µm.
Thallus black, thin, continuous. Perithecia minute, 0.1 mm diam., convex, prominent. Ascospores oblong, 3-septate, 12-14 × 5-6 µm.
Thallus closely attached to substrate, epi- and endolithic, to 1 mm thick, rough, ochraceous-glaucous to pale ochraceous or dingy greyish-green or whitish, dull, continuous, ± minutely areolate. Perithecia solitary to 1-3-confluent, black, dull, ± innate, 0.6-0.9 mm diam., convex, rounded near base, surrounded by a narrow ring of thalline tissue, or free on thallus, apical pore punctate-depressed to ± papillate, whitish. Ascospores colourless, 3-septate, oval-ellipsoid, straight or curved, locules equal, 30-44.5 × 14-15 µm.
Thallus crustose, epiphloeodal or hypophloeodal, cortex when present loosely organised to dense, smooth to roughened or cracked, rarely splitting and exfoliating, without a prothallus, medulla usually evenly distributed in a layer 2-4 cells thick (10-30 µm). Apothecia somewhat immersed, to raised or strongly emergent, the thalline wall incurved to erect to recurved. Exciple free (detached) or rarely fused (attached), the inner face covered with short periphysoids. Pore often broad and gaping. Ascospores colourless or brown, transversely septate or muriform, I+ blue or I-, 1, 2 or 8 per ascus.
Thallus pale buff-yellowish or olivaceous, thin, continuous or cracked, not areolate, somewhat ridged, minutely wrinkled-papillate or minutely maculate (faint, white marbling, see × 10 lens), delimited at margins by a thin, wavy black line, forming mosaics with neighbouring thalli. Apothecia in shallow, ± conical, smooth dimples, 0.02-0.9 mm diam., pore central, slightly depressed, 0.01-0.1 mm diam., margins smooth, swollen, concolorous with thallus. Hymenium colourless, 90-100 µm thick. Ascospores 8 per ascus, transversely- septate (12-15-locular) colourless, locules oval, straight, apices rounded or one end attenuate-acute, 34-56 × 6.8-12 µm. Chemistry: Salazinic acid (K+ yellow → red).
Thallus pale grey-white, very thin, dull, or shining and ± varnish-like in places, arachnoid or lacking in parts, elsewhere rather granular or subverrucose or irregularly cracked, in irregular patches to 4 cm diam. Apothecia ± sessile or semi-immersed, 0.5-1.5 mm diam., margins thick, cracked, coarse, pulverulent exfoliating, -like, often obscuring disc, concolorous with thallus, pore 0.2-0.6 mm diam., disc pale pinkish-buff or whitish, granular. Hymenium colourless 102-120 µm thick. Ascospores 8 per ascus, colourless, muriform, broadly fusiform-ellipsoid, apices rounded or slightly pointed, (35-)50-60 × 12-15(-20) µm. Chemistry: TLC - four unidentified compounds.
Thallus 3-5 cm diam., whitish to pale olivaceous, thick, encrusting, shining ± varnish-like, continuous, to irregularly cracked, dimpled to irregular-verrucose. Apothecia numerous, crowded, 0.05-1.0 mm diam., blister-like, to globose and ± subpedicellate, distinctly white-frosted ± verruculose with age, apex flattened, pore very small, often obscured, at length opening to form a ± plane, expanded disc, surface of disc ± arachnoid-tomentose or farinose. Ascospores 1 per ascus, 10-12-septate, broadly ellipsoid, colourless to pale brownish at maturity, 90-140 × 17-30 µm. Chemistry: Nil.
Thallus pale fawn, buff-yellowish or whitish or olive-greenish, in irregular patches 0.5-5.0(-10) cm diam., minutely granular-verrucose or wrinkled-plicate, matt or ± effuse-roughened, or ± continuous, with occasional cracks, very faintly and minutely white-maculate when wet (×10 lens). Apothecia frequent, prominent, hemispherical, 0.2-2.0 mm diam., sessile to ± constricted at base, or in ± dimpled warts, concolorous with thallus, margins thick, flattened or puckered, ± striate or wrinkled, pore gaping, prominent, 0.1-1.2 mm diam., exciple pale buff or whitish, lacerate-ragged, often obscuring disc, detached, producing a double-walled structure around disc, disc pale brown or pinkish to blackish or greyish. Ascospores colourless, long-ellipsoid or with tapering ends, 8-12 transverse septa, 2-5 longitudinal septa, (1-)2-4(-8) per ascus, 35-130 × 10-25 µm, straight or slightly curved. Chemistry: Cortex K+ reddish. TLC nil.
Thallus whitish, pale greyish-green or olivaceous-grey, continuous, minutely roughened or arachnoid, effuse or lacking, 2-5 cm diam. Apothecia common, in thalline warts, often 2-3 together, 0.5-1.2 mm diam., pore large, rounded, gaping 0.2-0.9 mm diam., margins entire, slightly raised, crateriform, disc visible, pale white, exciple visible. Ascospores 2 per ascus, brown, muriform, broadly ellipsoid, 93-130(-160) × (30-)34-60 µm. Chemistry: Nil, or a trace of stictic acid.
Thallus whitish at first, becoming pale buff or olivaceous, 2-4 cm diam., smooth, shining or matt, undulate, minutely wrinkled or irregularly roughened, rarely cracked, thin, rather effuse and in part endophloeodal. Apothecia in very shallow, convex, thalline warts, 0.3-1.0 mm diam., pore very small, pin-prick- like, apex slightly flattened, disc not visible, apex of apothecium buff-brownish. Ascospores brownish, muriform (113-)120-190 × (20-)30-40 µm, visible when dissected contents of apothecium examined with ×10 lens. Chemistry: Nil.
Thallus olive greenish, thin, continuous or occasionally minutely cracked, shining, varnish-like, undulate, minutely wrinkled, 1-3 cm diam., in irregular patches. Apothecia sessile, constricted at base at maturity, globose, 0.1-1.5 mm diam., buff brown, thalline margin concolorous with thallus, or brownish, obscuring disc, leaving only a minute central pore, or ± lacerate-stellate, exfoliating, -like disc obscured by thalline margin, pale buff, pruinose. Exciple free. Hymenium 130-140 µm thick. Ascospores 1-2 per ascus, colourless, muriform, broadly ellipsoid with rounded apices, (60-)80-104 × 15-21(-30) µm. Chemistry: Stictic acid.
Thallus pale yellowish-buff or pale olivaceous, matt, or minutely granular or lumpy-warted, continuous to ± areolate-cracked, c. 100-150 µm thick. Apothecia frequent, sessile, 0.2-1.0 mm diam., in conspicuous thalline warts, hemispherical, constricted at base, pore 0.1-0.5 mm diam., margins swollen, entire, not fissured, concolorous with thallus, disc white. Exciple detached, colourless or pale brownish, c. 30-35 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, 100-120 µm thick. Ascospores 8 per ascus, 15-20-locular, oblong-fusiform with pointed ends, or one end obtuse the other attenuate-acute, (36-)60-80 × (8.3-)9-14 µm, spiral in ascus. Chemistry: Nil.
Thallus thin, dingy grey-green or grey-white, fawnish or pale olivaceous, granular-warted, irregularly or shallowly areolate, effuse or lacking, in irregular patches 1-2(-4) cm diam. Apothecia sessile, hemispherical, flattened apically, 0.3-1.2 mm diam., margins entire, swollen, concolorous with thallus, pore neatly rounded, 0.04-0.2 mm diam., exciple indistinct, disc indistinct. Ascospores 1 per ascus, colourless at first, brown at maturity, muriform, broadly ellipsoid, straight or slightly curved, apices rounded or slightly pointed at one end, (110-)120-170(-190) × 25-42 µm. Chemistry: Nil.
Thallus pale whitish-buff to pale olivaceous, surface unevenly and irregularly wrinkled-plicate or minutely verrucose, irregularly cracked, matt. Apothecia in thalline warts 0.2-1.2 mm diam., concolorous with thallus, not constricted at base, pore conspicuous, rounded, 0.02-0.2 mm diam., exciple detached, forming an interior ring. Ascospores 2-8 per ascus, colourless, oval, ellipsoid, straight or curved, thick-walled, muriform, I+ blue, 60-90 × (10-)20-24 µm. Chemistry: Norstictic acid.
Thallus forming a pale greyish-green or greenish-brown or greenish-yellow film on soil, smooth or subfurfuraceous, effuse. Perithecia wholly immersed in substrate except at ostiole. Involucrellum absent. Exciple brown, 250-400 µm diam. Paraphyses mainly unbranched, persistent. Ascospores 8 per ascus, simple, colourless, 18-30 × 5-12 µm.
Thallus crustose, uniform, membranaceous, mucilaginous, in a thin film, sometimes developed within substrate, effuse or lacking. Photobiont green, . Ascocarps perithecia, simple, immersed or superficial, exciple carbonaceous or horny, dark or pale, opening to exterior by a poriform ostiole. Paraphyses persistent, slender, unbranched. Asci 4-8-spored. Ascospores ellipsoid, simple, colourless.
Thallus fruticose, 7-15(-20) cm tall, attached to the substrate by a thick holdfast of brown branching rhizoids. Main branches terete, 2-6 mm thick, with terminal branchlets 1-1.5 mm in diam., branching irregular to subdichotomous, with numerous short, coralloid phyllocladial branchlets occurring in fasciculate groups. Surface of branches smooth, greenish-grey to whitish, transversely annulate-cracked. Cephalodia grey-blue, sparse to frequent, occurring with phyllocladial branchlets, small, cylindrical, to 5 mm long and 1.5-4 mm wide. Algal layer ± continuous, 40-60 µm thick, surrounding central medulla, photobiont , spherical, 10-12 µm diam. Apothecia terminal, subglobose to globose 1.5-44 mm diam., mazaedium apical, exposed at an early stage of development by rupture of the enclosing receptacle, when mature black, partially surrounded by receptacle. Asci cylindrical. Ascospores spherical to broadly ellipsoid, dark blue to dark brownish, 8-12 µm diam. Chemistry: K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. Sphaerophorin.
Thallus fruticose, 7-15(-20) cm tall, attached to the substrate by a strong, rootlike holdfast. Branches terete, erect, usually fertile, branching irregular or subdichotomous, with numerous short, coralloid, phyllocladioid branchlets arranged in fasciculate groups. Surface of branches smooth, pale grey-green or whitish, often irregularly cracked. Cephalodia occurring with phyllocladial branchlets, small, cylindrical, containing a blue-green alga (). Apothecia terminal, common, subglobose to globose, mazaedium apical, globose, black. Asci cylindrical containing 8 spores in a row. Ascospores spherical to broadly ellipsoid, dark blue to dark brown.
Primary thallus squamulose, squamules decidedly convex, in hummocks, 0.5-2.0 mm diam., scattered, singly or 2-3-confluent, closely attached, to ± subascending, margins entire, crenate or slightly incised to ± ascending, often noticeably thickened, coriaceous, yellow-green to yellow-brown or red-brown, matt or shining, sometimes faintly maculate (×10 lens), whitish below, terricolous. Pseudopodetia arising from extension of whole primary squamule, squamules rarely ascending base of pseudopodetia, 1.5-4 mm wide at base, flaring to 3-9 mm wide at apices, ± terete at base, flaring and flattening, becoming leaf-like, paddle-shaped or fan-shaped or pectinate towards apices, often lacerate, incised or fissured, 0.5-10(-15) mm tall. Cortex ± continuous, yellowish-green to ± olive, matt, scabrid at margins of dorsal surface below apothecia, conspicuously ribbed-striate, nerve-like ridges glossy, elsewhere matt, occasionally longitudinally white-striate or minutely fissured, but without exposing corticate granules from medulla. Apothecia terminal, concave and marginate at first, becoming immarginate at maturity, flaring, undulate and often deeply lacerate, spathulate or pectinate, at maturity disc dark red-brown or purplish-brown, matt sometimes finely white-pruinose in parts, smooth or ± areolate-bullate or plicate-uneven, margins at maturity distinctly turned under forming a thin ridge on dorsal surface. Ascospores ellipsoid or subclavate, straight or slightly curved, 7-8 × 3 µm. Pycnidia marginal on squamules, minute, black, cylindrical to bottle-shaped with a terminal, gaping ostiole 0.05 mm diam. Conidia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex and medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. Barbatic, 4-O-demethylbarbatic and usnic acids.
Thallus dimorphic consisting of a squamulose, areolate or nodular-papillate primary thallus and erect or ± decumbent pseudopodetia. Pseudopodetia radiate and ± terete at first near base, becoming flattened, expanded and ± leaf-like above. Cortex horny, of strong, cartilaginous, nerve-like strands forming a ± netlike cylinder enclosing a rather loosely developed, medulla. Photobiont green, . Apothecia terminal, disc plane to convex, often developed only on one side (ventral) of the supporting pseudopodetium, marginate or immarginate and ± thickened below. Ascospores often difficult to find, 8 per ascus, simple, colourless, ellipsoid, clavate, straight or curved 7-10 × 2-3 µm. Pycnidia marginal on squamules of primary thallus, black, bottle-shaped or cylindrical, with a gaping apical ostiole.
Primary thallus squamulose, or ± nodular-papiliate, squamules ± dorsiventral, scattered to ± densely packed, imbricate, forming a spreading, diffract- areolate crust, minute, 0.05-0.5(-1.0) mm diam., margins crenate, becoming lobulate, convex and ± closely attached to substrate, to ascending, ± imbricate, whitish or pale greenish to greenish-yellow above, tinged brownish at apices, white below, often clothing base of pseudopodetia to 5 mm, on charred or decorticated wood. Pseudopodetia arising from margins or apices of primary squamules, at first simple, terete and uniformly corticate, at maturity fissured, grooved, ± canaliculate or partly hollow, formed of horny, cartilaginous nerve- like strands between which corticate granules and medullary hyphae are exposed, 1-2 mm wide at base, flaring to 2-6 mm wide at apices, 0.1-10(-15) mm tall. Cortex yellowish-green to brownish, distinctly grooved-striate, discontinuous, cartilaginous strands corticate, glossy, spaces between filled with corticate granules and medullary hyphae. Apothecia terminal often also subterminal on secondary branches, disc ± plane, rotund at first, becoming irregular- undulate, fan-shaped or deeply crenulate-lacerate, margins entire at first, becoming sinuous, crenate, persistent, distinctly raised, concolorous with thallus or paler, surface of disc smooth or very minutely scabrid, pale yellowish- green to pinkish-brown, not or rarely minutely white-pruinose. Ascospores ellipsoid, straight or slightly curved, 5-8 × 3 µm. Pycnidia marginal on primary thallus, black, cylindrical to bottle-shaped, with an apical gaping ostiole 0.05-0.08 mm wide. Conidia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex and medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. Divaricatic and usnic acids.
Thallus warty to globose-blistered or subsquamulose, rarely with an effigurate margin. Photobiont green, or . Lower surface plane, with ± branched rhizines. Apothecia lecideine, black, with a proper margin concolorous with disc. Hypothecium colourless to red-brown. Ascospores 8 per ascus, 1-multi-septate.
Thallus squamulose, somewhat indeterminate, irregularly spreading, often in clumps or hummocks to 3 cm diam., saxicolous. Squamules thickish, pale to dark grey or blackish, congested, verrucose, nodular-papillate to ± discrete, plane or scattered, epruinose. Apothecia to 3 mm diam., rounded or contorted- angular, sessile, plane and marginate at first becoming convex and immarginate, black, epruinose. Ascospores 3-septate, oblong-cylindrical, 13-25 × 4-6 µm.
Thallus squamulose at first, becoming lobulate-lobate-fruticose, to 20 mm tall, to 10 cm diam., terricolous or muscicolous. Lobes inflated, erect, solid or hollow, finger-like to variously branched, often closely entangled in substrate, to 2 cm tall and 4 mm wide, terete to slightly flattened. Surface smooth, or undulate-depressed, in parts indented, shining or matt, reddish-brown or blackish- brown above, pale yellowish-brown or greenish-brown below. Medulla white, arachnoid. Apothecia terminal, disc black, concave to plane with a persistent, entire to crenulate, concolorous margin, to 4 mm diam., matt or shining, epruinose. Ascospores cylindrical-fusiform, 7-septate, 50 × 5 µm. Pycnidia common, scattered on apices of lobes, immersed, black punctiform, often eroding.
Thallus determinate, squamulose. Squamules convex, pale brown, glaucous- or bluish-black, densely white-pruinose or bluish-grey pruinose, imbricate, sometimes scattered, round-lobed at margins. Apothecia sessile, frequent, convex, to 5 mm diam., black, with a grey pruina, marginate at first becoming immarginate with age. Ascospores 1-septate, subfusiform or subacicular, 11-30 × 2-4 µm.
Thallus subdeterminate, thickish, warty or areolate-squamulose, crowded or dispersed, saxicolous or terricolous. Areolae sublobate, plicate, turgid, wrinkled or cracked, whitish to yellowish-brown, often white-pruinose. Apothecia sessile on margins of areolae, disc plane and thinly marginate, becoming convex and immarginate, often confluent, black, epruinose. Hypothecium red-brown. Spores 1-septate, oblong, 12 × 6 µm.
Thallus rather smooth, green-white, grey or brown often tinged pinkish, continuous, cracked-areolate or with areolae dispersed and ± squamulose at margins. Apothecia 0.2-2 mm diam., round, scattered, disc red-brown to brown- black, ± roughened, sometimes with a pseudothalline margin caused by its eruption through the thallus, part of which may remain adhering. Ascospores ellipsoid, 14-17 × 7-10 µm. Chemistry: Cortex C+ red. Gyrophoric acid.
Thallus crustose or squamulose, lacking cephalodia, distinctly effigurate to ± spreading. Photobiont green, . Apothecia adnate, lecanorine, constricted at base. Asci cylindrical or subcylindrical, 8-spored. Paraphyses slender, lax, intricately branched. Ascospores simple, colourless, ellipsoid, or subfusiform, without an epispore. Thallus cortex and thalline exciple C+ red (gyrophoric acid).
Thallus squamulose to small-foliose, squamules 1.5-2 mm diam., convex, orbicular to spreading, imbricate, ascending lobate, in patches to 8 cm diam., corticolous, lignicolous or terricolous. Upper surface glaucous-green to pale or whitish, smooth, matt, pruinose, occasionally sorediate, soralia marginal, labriform, soredia pale greenish, farinose. Lower cortex orange-brown or yellowish. Apothecia glaucous-brown to purplish-black, confluent, convex, immarginate. Ascospores ellipsoid, 11-14 × 5-7 µm. Chemistry: Cortex C+ pinkish-red. Gyrophoric acid and 4 unidentified pigments.
Thallus squamulose to small-foliose, spreading, squamules 1-3 mm diam., pale glaucous-green to greyish, upper cortex plectenchymatous, lower cortex pale whitish to yellow-brown, lacking rhizines. Medulla white. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lecideine, brown to brown-black, marginate. Hymenium 80 µm tall. Paraphyses thin, 1.5-2 µm, reticulate-branched, apices not thickened. Asci clavate, 8-spored, with a thick, tholus. Ascospores ellipsoid, simple, colourless, not halonate.
Thallus 3-40 mm diam., forming a crust, 0.2 mm thick, ochraceous to rust- red to dark grey or blackened, cracked and irregularly areolate, surrounded by a marginal black prothallus. Apothecia numerous, 0.1-0.4(-0.7) mm diam., discrete or crowded in compact clusters, semi-immersed or sessile, disc black with a well-developed swollen margin, concave to plane. Excipulum massive, coal-black. Asci clavate, 55 × 15 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid 10-13(-17) × 6-7.5(-10) µm.
Thallus crustose, epilithic or endolithic, never effigurate, never with cephalodia. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lecideine, small to medium-sized, coal-black, occasionally blue-grey, disc nearly always with a distinct raised margin. Hypothecium colourless to brown-black, clearly distinct from excipulum. Excipulum massive, uniformly coal-black, paraphyses slender, numerous, loosely anastomosing, slightly thickened at apices. Asci thin, clavate, with a well- developed tholus, 8-spored. Ascospores medium to large, thick-walled, halonate.
Thallus crustose, heteromerous, amorphous. Photobiont green, . Apothecia crowded, forming pseudostromata, each ascocarp with its well- developed hypothecium. Paraphyses branched. Ascospores very large, muriform, colourless or brown, 1-8 per ascus.
Thallus greyish-white or greyish, areolate-cracked. Apothecia immersed or depressed, urceolate, brown, plane or subconcave, oblong or variously elongate or radiate, nearly always hidden, with a thick, prominent thalline margin giving the thallus a somewhat cerebriform or convoluted aspect. Paraphyses indistinct, conglutinate, brownish at apices. Ascospores single, brown, ellipsoid, muriform, 60-80 × 32 µm.
Thallus whitish, thick. Apothecia brown, rounded, oblong or in tortuous linear series, aggregated, thalline verrucae raised. Paraphyses discrete, thin, branched. Ascospores solitary, brown, muriform, very large, almost entirely obscuring hymenium, 180-240 × 80-100 µm.
Thallus to 12 mm diam., ± dispersed (with round algiferous patches) or in central parts continuous, smooth, green, greenish-grey to pale grey, matt or slightly shining, prothallus absent. Perithecia sessile 0.1-0.2 mm diam., black, usually constricted at base, apical setae with white tips or totally white, rarely totally black, 4-8 usually not confluent, sometimes scattered on the globose perithecia, sometimes absent. Paraphyses simple, 1 µm thick. Asci 75-85 × 8-10 µm. Ascospores 3-7-septate, bacillar to fusiform, 20-38 × 2-4.5 µm.
Thallus crustose, ecorticate, effuse, foliicolous. Photobiont green, species of and . Perithecia sessile, near the ostiole furnished with a crown of stiff (black, brown or white) setae formed by agglutinate, simple hyphae, perithecial wall partly black. Paraphyses simple. Asci clavate, thin-walled. Ascospores 8 per ascus, transversely septate to submuriform, colourless, cells cylindrical. Pycnidia unknown.
Thallus thin, waxy, yellow-brown, ± tuberculate or undulate, tubercles brownish-ochraceous, in irregular patches, 2-10 cm diam., corticolous. Perithecia immersed, aggregated, embedded in a pseudostroma, 1-5 mm diam., round to irregular in ± irregularly parallel lines, raised or globose-deformed, ostioles appearing as black dots, 0.1-0.15 mm diam., slightly raised, shining, clustered in groups (8-30). Interthecial hyphae loose, clathrate-branched. Ascospores 8 per ascus, oblong, 3-septate, 20 × 7.5 µm.
Thallus crustose. Photobiont green, . Ascocarps in the form of perithecia, embedded in a pseudostroma. Interthecial hyphae branched and anastomosing forming a loose and rather irregular reticulum. Asci cylindrical to clavate. Ascospores colourless, large, transversely septate, lumina oval, angular or cross-shaped in optical section, elongate.
Thallus foliose, rather thin, crisped at margins, varying from umbilicate to ± short-stalked, 1-2 cm diam., stalk 0-2 mm diam., and of variable height, from which radiate flat folioles, pale to dark olive-greenish, translucent. Photobiont , a single layer of cells in tetrads with the long axis of the cell perpendicular to the surface of the gel at the margins, inside which the elongate cells form two pairs of tetrads, the cells disappearing and becoming increasingly irregularly arranged towards the stalk where tetrads are rarely seen. Lower surface with rhizines near stalk, smooth elsewhere. Ascocarps immersed near stalk, spherical, to 3 mm diam. Ascospores elongate-ellipsoid to cylindrical or rarely fusiform with rounded ends, (8.5-)11-17.5(-18.5) × 3-5 µm. Pycnidia 160-250 µm diam., similar to ascocarps, subglobose to lentiform, immersed, irregularly chambered, ostiolate, epapillate, coriaceous, top and base brown, sides hyaline, solitary or gregarious. Conidia 2 × 1 µm, subglobose or ellipsoid, simple, hyaline.
Mycelium growing between layers or groups of algal cells. Ascocarps solitary or gregarious, subglobose, immersed or erumpent, ostiolate, epapillate, coriaceous, top and base dark brown, sides hyaline or dark, ostiolar canal periphysate and with a turgid pulvillus. Paraphyses absent, centrum with or without a gelatinous matrix enclosing the asci. Asci 8-spored, clavate, pedunculate, unitunicate, at first thick-walled, finally deliquescing, developing along the inner wall of the ascocarp up to the ostiolar canal. Ascospores ellipsoid to ovoid, simple, colourless. Pycnidia solitary, subglobose, to lentiform, immersed, irregularly chambered, ostiolate, coriaceous, top and base brown, sides hyaline. Coniodiophores conical or cylindrical, simple. Conidia filiform or subglobose, simple, hyaline. Hosts: Marine algae (Chlorophyta).
Thallus 2-10 cm diam., polyphyllous rarely monophyllous, usually raised and somewhat curled, occasionally several thalli develop in rosettes, orbicular to irregular. Upper surface smooth or with a fine reticulum of black lines on a grey, pruinose background, or becoming obscurely wrinkled or areolate-pruinose, margins crenate to torn or incised, rigid to thin, ± perforate with occasional rhizines growing upright from upper surface, dull to subnitid, greyish- brown or pinkish-grey, to dark brown-grey, lower surface smooth or finely granular, creased or bullate, pale pinkish-brown, darker towards umbilicus, margins grey-pruinose. Rhizines sparse to frequent, peripheral and marginal, pale to dark brown, long, cylindrical or flat and branched, umbilicus small, compact. Apothecia marginal or scattered, 2-4 mm diam., pedicellate, stipe and exciple pale-coloured, disc black, plane at first, becoming convex, round to irregular, gyrose, gyrae thin to moderately coarse, often horse-shoe patterned. Hymenium 90-95 µm tall. Paraphyses simple, occasionally branched, colourless, septate, 1.7 µm tall. Paraphyses simple, occasionally branched, colourless, septate, 1.7 µm thick. Hypothecium 160 µm thick, brown, irregular. Ascospores colourless, 8.5-15.3 × 3.4-8.5 µm.
Thallus 1-8 cm diam., monophyllous, rarely polyphyllous, coriaceous, rigid, orbicular, umbo peaked to elevated, coarsely granular, pruinose, wrinkled, wrinkles elevated, reticulate, decreasing in size towards margins, becoming covered with cracked granules and appearing areolate, occasionally perforate, margins entire, rounded or variously incised. Upper surface dull, pale buff to dark olive-brown or black. Lower surface sooty black with a grey to pale brown, narrow peripheral zone or occasionally blotchy, smooth, rarely obscurely vermiform, commonly bullate, umbilicus medium, compact to flat, rhizines absent. Apothecia rare, 1-3 mm diam., black, adnate, with sterile button and/or fissures, often appearing worn-gyrose, disc flat, rounded, becoming convex and distorted with age, scattered. Hymenium to 70 µm tall. Hypothecium 50 µm tall, irregular, brown. Paraphyses simple to branched, septate, 2-3 µm thick. Ascospores simple, ellipsoid colourless 6-13 × 3-6 µm.
Thallus, dorsiventral, heteromerous, foliose-lobate, mono- or polyphyllous, attached to substrate by central umbilicus, soft, pliable and somewhat leathery when wet, brittle when dry. Upper surface partially or weakly ribbed or folded or reticulate-ridged, to smooth, continuous, areolate-cracked to ± perforate or lacerate, margins sinuous, entire to ragged or incised, rhizinate or not. Lower surface black or pale brownish or pinkish, smooth, or bullate or wrinkled- uneven, rhizinate or not. Medulla white. Photobiont green, . Apothecia sessile to pedicellate, lecideine, discrete, plane to convex, disc black, plane, smooth or with conspicuous ridges (gyrae) or bands of sterile tissue. Ascospores 8 per ascus, simple, ellipsoid, colourless, becoming brown and muriform in some species.
Thallus 2-5(-10) cm diam., monophyllous, but occurring with secondary lobules over the umbo and appearing polyphyllous, rigid to thin and pliable, umbo moderate to elevated, smooth to wrinkled or subgranular. Upper surface undulate or uneven, covered with a pattern of narrow, vermiform ridges extending to margins, in between ridges thallus appears darker, margins entire to unequal, rounded or lacerate, sometimes squamulose, surface dull to subnitid, greenish- grey, dark brown, greyish- brown or olive-brown. Lower surface bullate to lacunose, rarely plane, smooth to granular, grey-brown to brown-black, rhizines absent. Apothecia common, 1-2 mm diam., sessile, scattered almost to umbo, usually developed between ridges, free, circular to irregular, disc black, convex, regularly gyrose. Hymenium to 85 µm tall. Paraphyses simple, septate, rarely branched colourless. Hypothecium 140-160 µm thick, brown, irregular. Ascospores colourless 6.6-19.8 × 3.3-8 µm.
Thallus 2-8 cm diam., mono- or polyphyllous, orbicular with irregular, fragile margins, usually deeply incised and with few, scattered pin holes. Upper surface uneven to plicate, elevated over umbo, moderately wrinkled-ribbed becoming slightly rimose-areolate at margins, areolae slightly raised, surface dull, buff to dark brownish-black with a faint, pale pruina centrally. Lower surface somewhat folded and indented, smooth to subpapillate, sooty, scurfy, paler or greyish at margins, areolate, rhizines absent. Apothecia 1.5-2 mm diam., scattered, marginal, free, stipitate, black, plane, without gyrae or sterile fissures. Hymenium to 50 µm tall. Paraphyses simple, septate, 2.4 µm thick becoming brown, apices globose, 4.2 µm thick. Hypothecium 100 µm thick, irregular, black. Ascospores simple, colourless 12-14 × 5 µm.
Thallus 1-2.5 cm diam., mono- or polyphyllous, thin, crisp, fragile, brittle when dry, very irregular to ± rosette-forming, margins ragged-incised, inrolled or ascending. Upper surface dull, smooth or plicate-rugose to ± shallowly or coarsely papillate, greyish-brown or buff to dark brown or blackened. Lower surface flat, smooth, black, ± uniformly sooty, with minute thallospores, rhizines absent. Apothecia not seen.
Thallus 2-6 cm diam., mono- or polyphyllous, membranaceous, thin, crisp, fragile, very irregular in outline, rosette-forming to orbicular to deeply and complexly incised, umbo not prominent. Lobes rounded or imbricate, margins occasionally lacerate, fenestrate, curled under or reflexed. Upper surface smooth, glossy, rough or cracked peripherally, or weakly wrinkled or squamulose, dull to shining, buff brown to dark brown or blackish. Lower surface smooth to areolate, bullate, uniformly charcoal black, umbilicus small, rarely divided, rhizines absent. Apothecia rare, scattered, mostly peripheral, sessile, irregular, disc black, convex, with few, thin gyrae. Ascospores colourless, ellipsoid to irregular, 12-18 × 3.5-7 µm.
Thallus 1.5-4(-6) cm diam., mono- or polyphyllous, ± rosette-forming to rather irregular, undulating to convolute, or ± plicate-subfaveolate in parts, margins incised-ragged, ± copiously rhizinate, rhizines coralloid. Upper surface dull, pale grey-white, dark grey, brownish-grey or buff, ± white-pruinose to scabrid-areolate or granular-verrucose, rhizinate, rhizines black or grey-black, coralloid, with numerous, dark thallospores. Lower surface dull to minutely scabrid-areolate, lacunose, bullate to uneven-undulate, pale buff to brown-grey, sparsely to densely rhizinate. Rhizines coralloid, best developed towards margins. Apothecia scattered, few to ± numerous, pedicellate, 0.2-2.0 mm diam., convex, convolute, distinctly gyrose, black, epruinose.
Thallus 1-8 cm diam., monophyllous occasionally appearing polyphyllous, ± orbicular, attached by central umbilicus, margins free, subascendent, entire or fissured, upper surface undulate, ± finely wrinkled, becoming coarsely reticulate, areolate-cracked at umbo, surface smooth or granular-pruinose in part, dark slate-grey to pale greyish-pink or pale brownish-yellow. Lower surface dark grey to black, wrinkled or plane, rather scabrid, rhizinate. Rhizines in a ± dense nap over lower surface and often at margins, and occasionally projecting through fissures onto upper surface, ± richly branched, pale greyish-brown, thick, often flattened. Apothecia sessile to immersed, 1-3 mm diam., often surrounded by radiating cracks, disc black, plane or subconvex, margins black, prominent, entire, becoming crenulate-convolute with age, central sterile tissue visible as small papillae or fissures. Ascospores colourless, ellipsoid, simple, 11-15 × 6-9 µm.
Thallus (2-)4-6(-8) cm diam., mono- to polyphyllous, ± rounded to irregular, margins incised-ragged or with a few, scattered pinholes, often inrolled or ascending when dry. Upper surface dull, smooth or minutely roughened, dark grey or brown-grey, rarely blackened towards margins, ± pale grey-white centrally, ± white-pruinose centrally and there minutely but consistently radially cracked, often ± areolate above umbo, cracks scarcely noticeable at margins. Lower surface uniformly black, blotchy, greyish at margins and umbo, without rhizines, smooth, ± coriaceous, dull. Apothecia not seen.
Thallus 6-15 cm diam., monophyllous, rigid to membranaceous, orbicular, umbo moderately elevated or absent. Upper surface undulate, ± folded, smooth to scabrid, areolate-papillate, often cracked or black-scarred, perforate to torn, with rhizines from lower surface appearing as dark clumps, margins entire to ± deeply incised, crenate, surface dull, creamish-buff to pale pinkish-grey or blackish with occasional, peripheral, reddish stains. Lower surface black, occasionally brownish at margins, coarsely papillate-rhizinate. Rhizines developed in a ± dense felt over whole lower surface, short, thick, black. Apothecia rare, 1-3 mm diam., peripheral or scattered near umbo, sessile, circular, disc black with well-developed gyrae, convex. Ascospores simple, colourless, 8-13 × 7-10 µm.
Thallus 2-4 cm diam., or smaller, mono- or polyphyllous, with incised margins forming irregular lobes. Upper surface undulate, the cortex smooth or with obscure, rare, wrinkles, umbo not elevated but clearly delineated by a few circumpheral, rounded to raised rugi, areolate-cracked, surface dull, pale brownish to blackish-brown, with a delicate white pruina over umbo. Lower surface uneven, umbilicus small, compact, dark centrally, pale brown at margins. Rhizines rather short, simple or branched, black or brown, mostly ventral or marginal. Apothecia common, 1-1.5 mm diam., sessile, scattered, smooth, not gyrose, without bands of sterile tissue, plane to orbicular, discrete. Hymenium 100-115 µm tall. Paraphyses simple or furcate, septate, 1.6-2 µm thick. Hypothecium 90-110 µm thick. Ascospores simple, colourless, 13-16 × 7-10 µm.
Thallus fruticose to subpendulous, spreading from base, 5-10 cm tall, green to yellowish-green, often brownish-red in parts, soft and flaccid when wet, irregularly subdichotomously branching, corticolous. Branches 0.5-2.5 mm thick, inflated, secondary branches numerous, often articulate-cracked at branch points, cortex glossy especially towards base, papillate, rarely with small, white, scattered, punctate pseudocyphellae, possibly formed through abrasion of papillae, sorediate, with many lateral fibrils, pseudoisidia and spinules, giving the plant a bristling appearance. Soredia discrete or crowded, often becoming pseudoisidiate, spinulose. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Salazinic, norstictic and usnic acids.
Thallus pendulous 5-25(-40) cm long, soft, uniform pale yellowish-green or whitish, dull or shining, base somewhat indistinct, dichotomously to sympodially branched, axils straight, branches intricate, plicate, corticolous. Branches 0.7 mm thick, thinner at apices, jointed in parts, sometimes fractured, without secondary branchlets, spinules, isidia or soredia. Apothecia rare, on thicker branches, geniculate, sessile, minute, to 2 mm diam., disc plane, greenish, marginal ray-like branchlets few, exciple cupuliform, smooth. Ascospores 12 × 8 µm. Chemistry: Fumarprotocetraric and usnic acids.
Thallus decumbent, straggling, rarely fruticose or subpendulous, 10-15 cm long, soft, flaccid when moist, yellowish-green or yellowish-white, smooth and shining, matt, repeatedly dichotomously branching, terricolous. Branches divergent, irregularly curved, 1 mm wide, abruptly attenuate at apices, irregularly jointed, primary branches ± inflated or articulate at branch points, terete, slightly faveolate-impressed in basal parts, smooth, glabrous, occasionally indistinctly papillate, secondary branches rather few, without tubercles, isidia, soredia or spinules. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Fumarprotocetraric, protocetraric and usnic acids.
Thallus fruticose, erect to pendulous or decumbent, radial, ± filamentous, simple to complexly branched, branches often attached to substrate by a holdfast, primary branches stout, tapering towards apices of secondary branches, ± terete or angled or partly flattened, smooth, or faveolate, waxy or shining, with or without spinules, pseudoisidia, papillae, fibrils, or soredia, yellowish, straw-coloured to pale greenish-blackened near holdfast in some species with or without red pigmentation. Medulla variable in thickness with a central chondroid axis of longitudinal hyphae, usually solid, tough, cartilaginous. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lecanorine, lateral or subterminal, disc rounded, plane or subconcave, surrounded by a thalline margin and furnished with ray-like branchlets, smooth, or minutely warted, often pruinose, exciple smooth and waxy to wrinkled-verrucose or papillate. Ascospores 8 per ascus, simple, colourless, ellipsoid.
Thallus fruticose, erect to subpendulous, 4-5 cm tall, somewhat caespitose, green or yellowish-green, sometimes with black bands or ± completely superficially blackened, soft and flaccid when wet, rather glossy, smooth, branching rather irregular, corticolous. Branches 1-1.5 mm wide at base, tapering towards apices, terete or irregularly subterete, to angular-compressed, slightly faveolate- impressed in parts, with long fibrils or secondary branchlets ± parallel with primary branches, very few lateral branchlets, spinules or fibrils, pseudocyphellae sparse to frequent, flat, becoming subconvex and sorediate, eroded- pulverulent, without papillae, rarely with spinules or pseudoisidia. Soredia farinose, pale yellowish-green or blackened, often with pseudoisidia, rarely completely investing branches in spreading, convex soralia. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Psoromic, conpsoromic and usnic acids.
Thallus erect, to 6 cm tall, conspicuously blackened at base, saxicolous. Branches stiff, tapering towards apices, terete, stout at base, 0.8-1.4 mm diam., attached by a thick (1.4-2.2 mm wide) blackened holdfast, looselysubdichotomously branching, not or slightly narrowed at joints, rarely articulate-cracked, lateral fibrils or spinules very few or absent, papillae absent, soredia absent, pseudocyphellae punctiform, white or pale, numerous, becoming maculate- eroded and ± effigurate and somewhat blackened (×10 lens). Cortex glossy to roughened, glaucous green to olivaceous with red pigment deposited in patches or bands in cortex. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Protocetraric and usnic acids.
Thallus fruticose, erect or pendent, 5-8(-10) cm tall, pale yellow or greenish-yellow, not richly branched, main stems conspicuous, secondary branches few or lacking, corticolous. Branches terete, 1-1.5(-2) mm diam., conspicuously inflated, cortex thin, densely papillate, with copious lateral fibrils at right angles to main branches, surface ± faveolate in parts, articulate-cracked at joints, rarely with annular cracking between joints, without isidia or soredia. Apothecia common, terminal or subterminal to 1 cm diam., disc concave at first then plane to subconvex-undulate, distinctly marginate, pale yellowish-green with a fine, white or yellowish or greenish pruina, margins with radiating, long, straight or flexuous ray-like branchlets, exciple shallowly faveolate. Ascospores 9 × 6 µm. Chemistry: Salazinic and usnic acids.
Thallus fruticose, pendulous or subpendulous, 8-10 cm long, glaucous-olivaceous, suffused reddish, becoming reddish-brown on storage, rather sparsely branched, corticolous. Primary branches distinctly articulate-constricted, soon becoming inflated, to 2 mm diam., thinner at apices, rarely transversely cracked, terete, ± faveolate, glabrous, smooth or occasionally wrinkled, with few to many scattered, white, plane (rarely excavate) pseudocyphellae, rarely papillate towards base, sorediate.Secondary branches rather few. Soralia efflorescent, convex, often confluent and completely investing branches, most marked at apices, soredia yellowish-white, farinose. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Salazinic and usnic acids.
Thallus rather delicate, shrubby, ± fruticose or decumbent-straggling, 1-2.5 (rarely to 4) cm long, blackened at base, pale greenish-yellow, sparsely branched, 1-3-branched at base. Branches 1 mm thick at base tapering towards apices, terete, distinctly papillate, articulate-cracked, fibrils or secondary branches at right angles to main, inflated primary branches sparse to moderate, occasionally dense, matt or shining, waxy, lacking isidia, pseudocyphellae, soredia or spinules. Apothecia moderate to frequent, subterminal, geniculate, disc concave to plane, 1.5-2 mm wide, disc white-pruinose, margins with ray-like branchlets, exciple smooth, matt or slightly faveolate-wrinkled. Ascospores 9 × 5-6 µm. Chemistry: Usnic acid.
Thallus fruticose to subpendulous, 5-10(-30) cm tall, glaucous-greenish to reddish, pale at base. Branches tapering towards apices, terete, rather stout towards base, 1-2.5 mm diam., spinules and fibrils often giving a bristling appearance to branch, papillae sparse or absent, tubercles sparse to numerous, pseudocyphellae on tubercles, punctiform on plane cortex, isidia produced on cortex and from pseudocyphellae, soralia absent, or sparsely and rarely from pseudocyphellae. Cortex glossy, glaucous-greenish to olivaceous with red pigment deposited in cortex. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Salazinic, norstictic and usnic acids. Type material contains stictic, constictic, norstictic (tr.) and usnic acids.
Thallus pendulous, to 40 cm long, rigid, uniformly pale yellowish-green, smooth, slightly shining, branching sympodial, secondary branches flaccid, pendulous. Branches 1-5 mm wide at base, attenuate towards apices, irregularly articulate-cracked, terete, slightly wrinkled, subfaveolate, smooth, sorediate, without papillae. Soredia becoming isidiate, spinulose, arising from small, fleck-like pseudocyphellae. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Salazinic and usnic acids.
Thallus fruticose, erect to somewhat straggling, 2-3(-5) cm long, rather fine and delicate, entangled, yellow to yellow-white or greenish, matt, distinctly faveolate or indented in basal parts, branching sympodial. Branches 1-1.5 mm wide at base, tapering towards apices, terete, inflated, articulate-cracked at joints, without isidia, soredia, papillae, tubercles or spinules. Apothecia crowded, terminal or subterminal, 2-3 mm diam., disc concave, densely white-pruinose, without ray-like branchlets at margins, or ray-like branchlets sparsely present, short, exciple deeply cupuliform, smooth or wrinkled. Ascospores 10 × 6-7 µm. Chemistry: Norstictic and usnic acids.
Thallus pendulous, 30-60(-200) cm long, pale greenish or olivaceous, sometimes tinged reddish, ± dichotomously branching, entangled. Branches uniform near base, 0.5-1 mm thick, thinner at apices, slender, terete or angular, stiff, longitudinally ridged or winged along most of length of branch, often longitudinally furrowed, sometimes papillate, secondary branchlets at right angles to main branches, crowded, straight or curved, 0.5-1.5 mm long, articulate-cracked at base, terete, smooth or papillate, without soredia, pseudocyphellae, spinules or isidia. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Norstictic, salazinic and usnic acids.
Thallus fruticose, erect or partly decumbent, branches short, stiff, to 5 cm tall, pale greenish-yellow or pale yellow or yellowish-white blackened at base, crowded and convergent at base. Branches uniform, mostly simple, straight or rarely curved, 1-1.5 mm thick, thinner at apices, cortex glossy, waxy, annulate- cracked or fissured in parts, occasionally slightly faveolate, with small, round to irregular, punctate to spreading pseudocyphellae which become granular- sorediate. Soredia granular in convex masses, yellowish or blackened. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Three distinct chemodemes are found in this species; (i): Psoromic, conpsoromic, ± squamatic and usnic acids. (ii): Squamatic and usnic acids (type has this chemistry). (iii): Barbatic 4-O-demethylbarbatic, squamatic (UV+ white) and usnic acids (type of has this chemistry).
Thallus fruticose, erect or pendulous, 4-6(-10) cm long, pale yellow, yellowish-white or greenish-yellow, non-pigmented, not blackened at base, corticolous. Branches terete, 1-2.5 mm diam., tapering towards apices, branching sympodial, rather open, lateral fibrils at right angles to main branches, rather sparse, primary and secondary branches papillate, ± articulate-cracked both at branch points and between branches, without isidia, pseudocyphellae or soredia. Apothecia common, subterminal, to 5 mm diam., disc concave at first then plane, distinctly marginate, pinkish or yellowish with a fine, white pruina, margins with radiating, long, straight or flexuous, robust, ray-like branchlets, exciple smooth. Ascospores 10 × 6 µm. Chemistry: Fumarprotocetraric and usnic acids.
Thallus fruticose, often caespitose, pale greenish-yellow to pale yellow, cortex waxy, glabrous, shining, branches firmly attached at base, 1-1.5 mm thick, sympodially branched, straight, gradually attenuate at apices, not inflated, rarely papillate, sorediate. Soredia numerous, discrete, isidiate, in small warts or raised on rounded, knobbly soralia, occasionally spinulose-isidiate. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Fumarprotocetraric, protocetraric (tr.), hypoprotocetraric (tr.) and usnic acids.
Thallus closely attached, rounded, dispersed, 0.2-1.3 mm diam., in blotches, subundulate at margins, smooth, very thin, dark red-brown or brownish-black, translucent and slightly gelatinous when wet. Perithecia very small, sessile, to 0.25 mm diam., scattered, convex, black, shining. Ascospores biseriate, subcylindrical-oblong, apices rounded, straight, 9-11.5 × 3 µm.
Thallus closely attached, thin (0.35 mm thick), roughened, greyish-brown or olive-greenish, dull, smooth, coriaceous, areolate-cracked, areolae subangular, smooth, plane or subconvex, with 1-9 perithecia, saxicolous. Perithecia immersed, convex, dull or shining, 0.1-0.15 mm diam., punctiform, black. Ascospores biseriate, simple, ellipsoid or oval, straight, contents oily, 10-11 × 6 µm.
Thallus chalky white, thin, continuous, sometimes margined by a thin black line. Perithecia common, scattered, minute, 0.2-0.4 mm diam., immersed, to ± superficial, leaving small pits on decay of perithecia, convex, ± carbonaceous- black, fissured, fissures cruciform, resembling a hot-cross bun (×10 lens). Ascospores ellipsoid, 15-21 × 8-10 µm.
Thallus thick, ± foliose-lobate, coriaceous, in conspicuous patches 1-3(-12) cm diam., margins placodioid-effigurate, of radiating lobes separated by black- edged, often anastomosing cracks of varying width, 0.05-0.1 mm. Lobes 2-5 mm long, 0.5-1.2 mm wide and 0.2 mm thick, pale sordid buff-brown to blackish, matt, central parts flat, smooth or subundulate, tesselate-areolate, areolae angular 0.5-1.5 mm diam., on a thick, carbonaceous hypothallus visible between areolae but not at margins, saxicolous. Perithecia common, minute, immersed, 1-3(-10) per areole, apices black, convex, matt or shining, 0.15-0.3 mm wide. Asci 50 × 20 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid, (12-)13-15(-16) × (7-)8-9(-10) µm.
Thallus black, rather thin, gelatinous, distinguished by regular network of fine black cracks (×10 lens). Perithecia immersed in low elevations with only ostioles visible, more prominent when dry. Ascospores ellipsoid, 12-17 × 7-8 µm.
Thallus green-brown to greenish-black, gelatinous, smooth or with a few cracks, rather thicker than , sometimes developing a white prothallus which may be ± conspicuous at margins, in patches, saxicolous, Perithecia immersed, more in evidence when dry. Ascospores ellipsoid 9-13 × 4-6 µm.
Thallus in irregular patches 2-6(-8) cm diam., (0.2-0.3 mm thick) rather rough, brown-black or reddish-brown, surface verrucose-uneven, dull, at first depressed- verrucose then minutely areolate, areolae 0.4-2.0 mm diam., separated by wide cracks, plane then verrucose-cracked uneven, saxicolous. Perithecia immersed, solitary to 1-4 together, subconvex, black, minute, 0.1-0.4 mm diam. Ascospores biseriate, oblong-ellipsoid or suboval-oblong, straight, apices rounded, contents oily, 16-18 × 8-9 µm.
Thallus crustose, heteromerous. Photobiont green, , , , and possibly other genera. Ascocarps in the form of perithecia, simple or compound. Paraphyses becoming gelatinised. Ascospores colourless, ellipsoid, rarely globose or ovoid, simple, 8 per ascus.
Thallus jet black, matt, with cracks, spreading in irregular patches to 30 cm diam., saxicolous, submerged. Perithecia numerous, evenly scattered, slightly raised, 0.2-0.4 mm diam., ostiole depressed, minute. Ascospores biseriate, broadly ellipsoid, 15-17.5 × 8-9.5 µm.
Thallus brown or black, translucent, rather thin, continuous or dispersed, with irregularly grouped small black ridges 1-3 mm long and 0.12 mm tall occurring on the surface of the thallus. Perithecia carbonaceous, small, 0.2-0.3 mm diam., nearly sessile on and between ridges, ostiole minute, depressed. Ascospores fusiform, (9-)10-12 × (4-)5.5-6.5 µm.
Thallus olive-brownish or blackish, continuous to distinctly areolate-cracked, very thin, areolae angular, minute, thin (0.1 mm thick), roughened, dull, continuous or cracked, smooth to uneven, prothallus ± distinct, saxicolous. Perithecia scattered, coal-black, shining or dull, ± swollen, sessile, convex, 0.2-0.3 mm diam., ostioles minute. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid, contents minutely granular, occasionally appearing spuriously 1-septate, 16-24 × 9-11 µm.
Thallus heteromerous, foliose, lobate, closely to loosely attached, saxicolous or terricolous. Lobes very variable, broad and rounded to narrow-elongate, laciniate. Upper surface smooth, occasionally wrinkled, matt, shining or maculate, sorediate or not, isidiate or not, yellowish or yellowish-green (usnic acid in upper cortex). Medulla white. Lower surface pale tan or brown or black, smooth or wrinkled, matt or shining, ± rhizinate. Rhizines rather sparse, simple, concolorous with lower surface, or black. Apothecia present or not, sessile to subpedicellate, disc red-brown, imperforate with a ± prominent margin, entire or crenulate, concolorous with thallus. Spores colourless, simple, ellipsoid, 5-12 × 3-6 µm, ± uniseriate, 8 per ascus. Pycnidia frequent in some fertile species, rare or absent in sterile species, punctiform, immersed, black or red- brown, minute.
Thallus loosely attached, 1-3 cm diam., rosette-forming, lobes convex, 0.5-2 mm wide, subterete towards apices, sublinear-elongate, subdichotomously to irregularly branched, often imbricate, ± separated near margins of thallus, margins entire, apices brown-tipped. Upper surface greenish-yellow, smooth, ± maculate especially at lobe apices, simple or sparingly branched black rhizines, 1-2 mm long, sometimes present, apices of lobes sometimes pseudosorediate, isidia absent. Lower surface brownish to pale yellowish-brown, smooth, often shining, weakly faveolate or subcanaliculate, sparsely to moderately rhizinate. Rhizines black, simple or sparingly branched, 1-3 mm long. Apothecia and pycnidia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K+ red-brown, C-, KC-, Pd+, red. Fumarprotocetraric, succinoprotocetraric and usnic acids. For discussion of chemical variation in related species see Elix [J. Hattori bot. Lab. 52: 411 (1982)].
Thallus foliose, lobate, loosely attached, 5-12 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes variable, broad, rounded, to 5 mm diam., to narrow (1-2 mm diam.) and ± strap-like, often densely imbricate, margins entire, subcrenate, suffused brownish, apices rounded or slightly incised. Upper surface yellowish-green, smooth, shining at margins, wrinkled-cracked centrally, moderately to densely isidiate, maculae, pycnidia and soredia absent. Isidia laminal, often forming a dense ± areolate crust, slender, terete, simple, becoming coralloid-branched, to 1-5 mm tall. Lower surface black, with a narrow, brown, naked marginal zone, smooth and shining at margins, matt and wrinkled centrally. Rhizines sparse, simple, black or brown. Apothecia infrequent, sessile, 2-6 mm diam., deeply cupuliform at first, then shallowly convex with age, disc smooth, red-brown, imperforate, margins conspicuously isidiate, thalline exciple wrinkled, shining, becoming isidiate with age. Spores 8-10 × 4-5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic and usnic acids.
Thallus foliose, closely appressed, rosette-forming, to 8 cm diam., saxicolous, rarely on glass. Lobes broad (to 6 mm wide), rounded, margins very shallowly incised. Upper surface yellowish-green, wrinkled, shining, isidiate centrally, maculate and soredia absent. Isidia simple, terete, becoming coralloid-branched, laminal, often dense, forming a ± areolate crust, sparse at margins. Lower surface black, wrinkled, with a naked, brown, marginal zone. Rhizines black, simple, central. Apothecia and pycnidia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K+ yellow, C-, KC-, Pd+ orange. Stictic and usnic acids.
Thallus foliose, loosely attached to adnate, to 10 cm diam. Lobes ± rounded at margins, 2-6 mm wide, linear-laciniate centrally, margins entire, subcrenate to ± incised, shining, brown or black. Upper surface smooth, shining, yellow to pale greenish-yellow, maculae, isidia and soredia absent. Lower surface pale brown with a narrow marginal zone which is darker, rhizinate. Rhizines simple, pale or brown, thick, numerous. Apothecia rare, subpedicellate, to 6 mm diam., disc brown, shining, imperforate, concave to plane, margins thick, entire or crenulate, concolorous with thallus, thalline exciple smooth, shining. Pycnidia occasional to common on fertile plants only, black, crateriform. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K-, C-, KC+ pink, Pd-. Norlobaridone, loxodin and usnic acid.
Thallus foliose, lobate, loosely attached, to 8 cm diam. Lobes narrow, elongate, ± strap-like, 0.5-2 mm wide and to 6 mm long, ± dichotomously branched, to somewhat irregular, margins entire, black, shining, apices ± ascending and appearing subfruticose. Upper surface smooth, shining, yellowish-green, isidia, maculae and soredia absent. Lower surface pale brown to black, shining, darkening at tips, smooth to slightly roughened, sparsely rhizinate. Rhizines pale brown, simple, towards lobe tips. Apothecia occasional, subpedicellate, laminal, rarely submarginal, to 4 mm diam., disc pale red-brown, imperforate, margins entire or crenulate, thalline exciple smooth, shining. Pycnidia occasional to frequent, punctiform, black or red-brown. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K-, C-, KC+ pink, Pd-. Norlobaridone, loxodin and usnic acid.
Thallus foliose, loosely attached to 8 cm diam. Lobes variable, rather narrow (1-5 mm wide), weakly subdichotomously branching, branches discrete not imbricate, margins entire, sinuous, shining, black, slightly thickened, apices rounded or shallowly notched. Upper surface yellowish-green, shining, smooth at margins, wrinkled centrally, strongly isidiate, maculae and soredia absent. Isidia laminal not marginal, often dense and forming a ± areolate crust, delicate, rather friable, fine-granular at first, becoming coralloid-branched. Lower surface pale tan centrally, slightly darker brown at margins, shining, wrinkled- papillate. Rhizines rather short, sparse, simple, pale tan. Apothecia sessile, 2-8 mm diam., disc pale yellow to red-brown, shining, imperforate, margins entire, rather thin, often disappearing in mature fruits, thalline exciple smooth, shining, very occasionally sparsely isidiate. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic and usnic acids.
Thallus foliose to ± subfruticose, to 5 cm diam., rosette-forming, loosely attached, terricolous. Lobes convex, narrow at apices (1-3 mm wide), broader (6 mm) at base, subdichotomously branching, subcanaliculate, becoming subterete, ascending at apices. Upper surface yellowish-green, smooth, often shining, isidia, maculae and soredia absent. Lower surface yellowish-brown to dark red-brown, shining, wrinkled, often shallowly faveolate. Rhizines rather sparse, short, brown, simple, rarely with a squarrose tuft at the tips. Apothecia and pycnidia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K+ yellow-orange, C-, KC-, Pd± orange. Constictic, norstictic, stictic and usnic acids.
Thallus small-foliose, 1-3(-8) cm diam., stellate-radiating or straggling, scattered and ± areolate centrally to ± contiguous, closely attached. Lobes narrow, 1-1.5 mm wide, to 15 mm long, apices markedly incised, sinuses between lobes rounded, margins entire, slightly thickened, shining, dark brown or black. Upper surface yellow, blackened in older parts, shining at apices, matt and reticulate-cracked centrally or rather scurfy, isidiate, maculae and soredia absent. Isidia small, 0.1-0.2 mm tall, simple, brown-tipped, mainly central. Lower surface black or dark brown, paler at margins, smooth, shining. Rhizines sparse to numerous, simple, black. Apothecia rare, sessile, small, to 1 mm diam., disc concave to plane, dark brown, imperforate, margins prominent, entire, concolorous with thallus. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K+ yellow, C-, KC-, Pd+ orange. Stictic and usnic acids.
Thallus foliose, spreading, 3-5(-9) cm diam., loosely attached. Lobes convex, sublinear-elongate, rather narrow, 0.5-1.5 mm wide, di- or trichotomously branching, often imbricate, apices ± ascending, margins entire, brown or black, shining. Upper surface greenish-yellow, conspicuously maculate, smooth, shining, isidia and soredia absent. Lower surface black, matt, wrinkled, dark brown at apices. Rhizines sparse, black, simple. Apothecia and pycnidia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K-, medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. 4-O-Methylhypoprotocetraric, notatic and usnic acids.
Thallus foliose, closely attached, rosette-forming or spreading and ± loosely attached, to 8 cm diam. Lobes very variable, sublinear-elongate, subdichotomously branched to densely imbricate, complex, margins entire or variously incised, black, shining. Upper surface yellowish-green, smooth, shining, moderately to densely isidiate, maculae and soredia absent. Isidia small, simple to coralloid-branched, terete to ± pustularscurfy at maturity. Lower surface pale brown, pinkish or creamish-white, smooth to subcorrugate. Rhizines sparse, simple, pale brown. Apothecia very rare, pedicellate, disc to 5 mm diam., matt, red-brown, concave to ± undulate, margins concolorous with thallus, entire to crenate, ± ragged-incised, isidiate. Pycnidia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K-, C-, KC+ pink, Pd-. Norlobaridone, norlobariol, loxodin, loxodinol and usnic acid.
Thallus foliose, lobate, loosely attached, 2-6 cm diam., spreading or in ± caespitose cushions. Lobes narrow, 0.5-2 mm wide, dichotomously or trichotomously branched, ± imbricate, entangled centrally, apices free, ascending, margins entire, black, shining. Upper surface yellowish-green, smooth, shining, isidia, maculae and soredia absent. Lower surface black, matt, wrinkled-papillate, naked at margins, sparsely rhizinate centrally. Rhizines black or dark brown, simple. Apothecia rare, sessile, 2-4 mm diam., subconcave to plane, matt, smooth, margins entire or subcrenate, concolorous with thallus, thalline exciple smooth. Pycnidia common in fertile plants, minute, black, punctiform. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Norstictic, salazinic and usnic acids.
Thallus foliose, lobate, loosely or ± evenly attached, to 10 cm diam. Lobes variable, linear-elongate, 3-8 mm wide, variously incised and divided, often imbricate, margins entire or slightly notched or incised, black, shining, occasionally eroded by amphipods, not ascending at apices. Upper surface yellowish-green, smooth, shining at margins, wrinkled, cracked centrally, isidia, maculae and soredia absent. Lower surface brown or tan, or whitish, darker centrally, wrinkled, papillate, often shining, ± densely rhizinate. Rhizines brown to brown-black or reddish-brown, simple, with ± squarrose, anchoring tufts at apices. Apothecia occasional to frequent, subpedicellate, to 12 mm diam., disc red-brown, concave to plane, imperforate, margins entire or crenulate, concolorous with thallus, thalline exciple smooth. Pycnidia common in fertile plants, often dense centrally, clustered, black, pustular. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Norstictic, salazinic and usnic acids.
Thallus foliose, lobate, loosely attached, ± orbicular to spreading, to 15 cm diam. Lobes very variable, rather narrow (to 3 mm wide), sinuous, often imbricate complex, apices smoothly rounded, often shallowly incised, occasionally forming clustered marginal lobules or laciniae, margins entire, sinuous, shining, black, slightly thickened. Upper surface yellowish-green to dull yellow-grey or black, smooth, shining, isidia, maculae and soredia absent. Lower surface black or brown-black, shining, smooth or papillate. Rhizines variable, sparse to moderate, black or brown, simple or dichotomously branched. Apothecia frequent, subpedicellate, to 5 mm diam., disc red-brown, imperforate, shining, convex to plane, margins entire or crenulate, concolorous with thallus, thalline exciple smooth, shining. Pycnidia common, minute, black, punctiform. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic and usnic acids.
Thallus foliose, lobate, 2-10 cm diam., orbicular to spreading, very closely attached. Lobes narrow, 2-4 mm wide, linear-elongate, subimbricate, margins incised, black, slightly thickened. Upper surface yellow, often blackened centrally, smooth, coriaceous, conspicuously wrinkled and cracked centrally, ± isidiate, maculae and soredia absent. Isidia slender, simple, becoming coralloid- branched, brownish, laminal, rarely at lobe margins. Lower surface black, shining, wrinkled-papillate. Rhizines black, simple. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K-, C-, KC+ pink, Pd-. Norlobaridone, loxodin and usnic acid.
Thallus foliose, lobate, closely attached, rosette-forming to spreading, to 6 cm diam. Lobes rather narrow, 1-2(-4) mm wide, to 4 mm long, sinuous, margins entire, black, shining. Upper surface yellowish-green becoming suffused brownish at apices, smooth, shining, moderately isidiate, maculae and soredia absent. Isidia small, simple, brown-tipped, expanded at tips, ± globose, laminal. Lower surface black, shining, smooth, with a broad, brown, naked marginal zone. Rhizines sparse, black, short, simple. Apothecia and pycnidia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic and usnic acids.
Thallus foliose, lobate, dorsiventral, heteromerous, orbicular, ± rosette-forming to spreading, loosely to closely attached. Upper surface corticate, bright yellowish-orange or orange-red (K+ purple - parietin), smooth or wrinkled, matt or shining. Photobiont green, . Medulla white. Lower surface corticate, white to pale brownish, sparingly rhizinate. Rhizines simple, pale. Apothecia lecanorine, sessile to subpedicellate, disc plane or concave, yellow, orange or orange-red, epruinose. Ascospores 8 per ascus, colourless, polarilocular. Pycnidia laminal, immersed in ± prominent warts.
Thallus rosette-forming to irregularly spreading, often eroded or lacking in parts, to 6 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes radiate, contiguous or partly imbricate and loosely attached, convex or subconvex, sparingly branched, c. 1 mm wide, margins crenate to subsinuous. Upper surface orange-red or red, smooth, matt, wrinkled or minutely faveolate or pitted centrally, without isidia, maculae, pseudocyphellae or soredia. Apothecia central, occasional, to 1.2 mm diam., disc red, margins persistent, rather thin, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores 10-13 × 6-8 µm.
Thallus foliose, spreading, closely attached, rosette-forming to ± irregular, 1-3(-5) cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes subdichotomously to irregularly branched, mainly convex, 0.1-1.2(-1.6) mm wide, 3-5(-8) mm long, 100-300(-450) µm thick, ± discrete at margins, often widely separated, to ± contiguous, imbricate centrally, margins entire, noticeably downturned, apices rounded or shallowly incised, somewhat thickened, often with small, sparse to numerous, subapical, adventitious globose lobules or branchlets. Upper surface matt, smooth or minutely roughened or ± scabrid in parts, coarsely undulate-plicate, coriaceous, not pitted or faveolate, deep yellow to orange, rarely orange- red. Lower surface white at margins, pale pinkish-buff or brownish centrally, glossy or dull, wrinkled-puckered, sparsely rhizinate. Rhizines rare, short, pale brownish-pink or blackened, less than 0.1 mm long, fasciculate. Apothecia sparse to numerous, mainly central, solitary or clustered, rounded or irregularly deformed through mutual pressure, 0.1-2.0 mm diam., innate at first, slowly emergent with a thick, rounded rim, becoming sessile, disc concave at first, often hidden by inflexed margins, normally plane to subconvex-undulate at maturity, deep orange to orange-red, darker than margins or thallus, minutely roughened, margins persistent, entire to subcrenulate, inflexed at first, thinner at maturity, concolorous with thallus. Hymenium colourless, 50-65 µm tall. Apices of paraphyses clavate, to 6-7 µm diam. Ascospores (10-)12-15 × 6.5-9 µm.
Thallus foliose, orbicular, loosely attached, 1-5 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes short, 1-3 mm long and to 1 mm wide, margins crenulate, imbricate. Upper surface yellow or yellowish-green or greyish-green, matt, epruinose. Lower surface white, rhizinate. Rhizines short, white, sub-marginal, of horizontal, white fibrils, projecting beyond margins. Apothecia numerous, covering most of thallus, 1-3 mm diam., pedicellate, disc plane to subconvex, yellow-orange, margins thin, entire, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores 11-13 × 6-8 µm. Pycnidia globose, 200 µm diam., singly in prominent orange warts on upper surface. Conidia cylindrical, 3 × 0.8 µm.
Thallus rosette-forming to irregularly spreading, to 10 cm diam., loosely attached, corticolous. Lobes 3-6 mm long and 2-5 mm wide, thin, smooth to irregularly wrinkled or weakly plicate or pitted, often distinctly faveolate, with raised, entire, often sinuous margins. Upper surface yellow-orange or greenish-yellow to pale greenish-grey in shaded situations, matt or shining, smooth to ± faveolate-plicate. Lower surface pale yellowish or whitish, rhizinate. Rhizines sparse, short, simple, white. Apothecia sessile, ± central, lecanorine, to 5 mm diam., margins thin, persistent, concolorous with thallus, often inflexed, disc plane or subconcave, yellow-orange, matt. Ascospores ellipsoid, 11-26 × 6-9 µm.
Thallus crustose or immersed. Photobiont green, genus unknown. Apothecia oval to elongate, lecideine, lirelliform when mature, arranged in parallel lines. Ascospores colourless, simple ellipsoid, 8 per ascus. , with c. 8 species described, is placed in a family of its own, the Agyriaceae. Two species are recorded from New Zealand, both corticolous, but the genus is poorly known and collected here.
Thallus olive-green to greyish, thin, smooth, matt or subnitid, areolate-cracked. Apothecia innate, brownish-black to black, small, round to oblong or ± irregular, rarely ± stellate. Ascospores 8-10 per ascus, uniseriate, minute, spherical, 2 µm diam.
Thallus pale greyish, very thin, continuous. Apothecia dirty brown-red (K+ purple), sessile, convex, wrinkled, small, to 0.3 mm diam. Ascospores 8 per ascus, ellipsoid to oval, 11-15 × 6-7 µm.
Thallus filamentous, in rosettes or aggregates, 2-20 mm diam., olive, blackish or greyish (through impregnation of dust), rosettes decaying centrally, leaving arcs or rings, aggregate tufts separating into areolae, to 1 mm tall. Filaments recurved, 1-2 mm long, paired branches with separating tips, tips 10-20(-30) µm, double branches 30-55 µm, basal parts 65-110 µm thick. Basal strand well-developed, hyphae with predominant rectangular branching, cells elongate, angular or rounded. Apothecia lateral, to 0.4 mm diam., disc brown, thalline margin uneven. Hymenium 100-130 µm tall. Hypothecium 10-50 µm thick. Excipulum lacking, supporting tissue developed below hymenium and extending into adjacent thallus. Asci broadly cylindrical or clavate, 70-82(-90) X (10-)14-20 µm, 24- or rarely 16-spored. Ascospores simple, colourless, ellipsoid or almost globose, thick-walled at maturity, 7-11 X 5-8 µm. Paraphyses branched paraphysoids, or distinctly septate true paraphyses, end cells enlarged to 2.5-4 µm. Pycnidia c. 0.2 mm broad. Conidia rod-shaped, 3-4.5 X 1 µm, terminal on long-celled conidiophores.
Thallus filamentous, tufted, in small pulvinate rosettes, or irregularly straggling, by small holdfasts. Branches of filaments paired, apices discrete, hyphae in a rectangular arrangement of forming an irregular network, both types arising from a basal strand. Basal strand of hyphae distinct in younger parts of thallus, persistent in some species. Photobiont blue-green, . Apothecia lateral, disc brown or dark green, with a thalline margin, concolorous with thallus. Paraphyses either richly branched and anastomosing paraphysoids (primary paraphyses) or distinctly septate, true paraphyses (secondary paraphyses). Asci prototunicate, cylindrical, clavate or obclavate, 8-24 or more-spored. Ascospores simple, often with a plasma bridge, colourless. Pycnidia lateral, the ostiole brown or dark green. Conidia small, rod-shaped, developing from the tips of unbranched elongated conidiophores.
Cited scientific names
- Acarospora A.Massal.
- Acarospora gallica H.Magn.
- Acarospora gyrodes H.Magn.
- Acarospora otagensis H.Magn.
- Acarospora schleicheri (Ach.) A.Massal.
- Acrocordia A.Massal.
- Acrocordia biformis (Borrer) Arnold
- Acrocordia gemmata (Ach.) A.Massal.
- Agonimia Zahlbr.
- Alectoria Ach.
- Alectoria nigricans (Ach.) Nyl.
- Anisomeridium (Müll.Arg.) M.Choisy
- Anisomeridium magnosporum (C.Knight) D.Hawksw.
- Anthracothecium cellulosum (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Anthracothecium Hampe ex A.Massal.
- Anzia jamesii D.J.Galloway
- Anzia Stizenb.
- Argopsis megalospora Th.Fr.
- Argopsis Th.Fr.
- Arthonia Ach.
- Arthonia conspicua Nyl.
- Arthonia diaphora Stirt.
- Arthonia dispersa (Schrad.) Nyl.
- Arthonia epiodes Nyl.
- Arthonia indistincta C.Knight & Mitt.
- Arthonia knightii Zahlbr.
- Arthonia nigrocincta C.Knight & Mitt.
- Arthonia peraffinis Nyl.
- Arthonia phymatodes C.Knight
- Arthonia platygraphella Nyl.
- Arthonia subramulosa Müll.Arg.
- Arthonia suffusa C.Knight
- Arthonia tumidula (Ach.) Ach.
- Arthopyrenia A.Massal.
- Arthopyrenia gemellipara (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Arthopyrenia leptiza (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
- Arthopyrenia minutella (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Arthopyrenia peltigerella Zahlbr.
- Arthopyrenia punctiformis (Pers.) A.Massal.
- Arthopyrenia subbiformis (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Arthopyrenia sublitoralis (Leight.) Arnold
- Arthopyrenia suffusa (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Arthothelium A.Massal.
- Arthothelium ampliatum (C.Knight & Mitt.) Müll.Arg.
- Arthothelium fusconigrum (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
- Arthothelium obtusulum (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
- Arthothelium pellucidum (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Arthothelium spadiceum (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Arthothelium stirtianum Müll.Arg.
- Arthothelium suffusum (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Arthrorhaphis citrinella (Ach.) Poelt
- Arthrorhaphis Th.Fr.
- Aspicilia A.Massal.
- Aspicilia alpina (Sommerf.) Arnold
- Aspicilia cinerea (L.) Körb.
- Aspicilia subsorediza (Lynge) R.Sant.
- Aulaxina Fée
- Aulaxina quadrangula (Stirt.) R.Sant.
- Austroblastenia pauciseptata (Shirley) Sipman
- Austroblastenia pupa Sipman
- Austroblastenia Sipman
- Bacidia albicerata (Kremp.) Zahlbr.
- Bacidia albidoplumbea (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hellb.
- Bacidia albidoprasina C.Knight
- Bacidia allotropa (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
- Bacidia apiahica (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
- Bacidia buchananii (Stirt.) Hellb.
- Bacidia De Not.
- Bacidia glomerulosa C.Knight
- Bacidia laurocerasi (Delise ex Duby) Vain.
- Bacidia leucocarpa C.Knight
- Bacidia leucothalamia (Nyl.) Hellb.
- Bacidia macrospora (C.Knight) Zahlbr.
- Bacidia minutissima C.Knight
- Bacidia plesia (C.Knight) Zahlbr.
- Bacidia sabuletorum (Schreb.) Lettau
- Bacidia subcerina Zahlbr.
- Bacidia subundulata (Stirt.) R.Sant.
- Bacidia superula (Nyl.) Hellb.
- Bacidia tholera Zahlbr.
- Bacidia wellingtonii (Stirt.) D.J.Galloway
- Baeomyces absolutus Tuck.
- Baeomyces fungoides (Sw.) Ach.
- Baeomyces haemotropus Leight.
- Baeomyces Pers.
- Biatorella De Not.
- Biatorella desmaspora (C.Knight) Hellb.
- Biatorella epiphysa (Stirt.) Hellb.
- Blastenia A.Massal.
- Blastenia colensoi Müll.Arg.
- Brigantiaea chrysosticta (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hafellner & Bellem.
- Brigantiaea fuscolutea (Dicks.) R.Sant.
- Brigantiaea lobulata F.J.Walker & Hafellner
- Brigantiaea tabacodes (Zahlbr.) Hafellner
- Brigantiaea Trevis.
- Bryoria austromontana P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway
- Bryoria Brodo & D.Hawksw.
- Bryoria indonesica (P.M.Jørg.) Brodo & D.Hawksw.
- Buellia alutacea Zahlbr.
- Buellia citrina H.Magn.
- Buellia cranwelliae Zahlbr.
- Buellia De Not.
- Buellia dunedina Zahlbr.
- Buellia ferax Müll.Arg.
- Buellia fuscoatratula Zahlbr.
- Buellia griseovirens (Turner & Borrer ex Sm.) Almb.
- Buellia hypolepidna (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
- Buellia litoralis Zahlbr.
- Buellia macularis Zahlbr.
- Buellia nitrophila Zahlbr.
- Buellia otagensis Zahlbr.
- Buellia porulosa Müll.Arg.
- Buellia punctata (Hoffm.) A.Massal.
- Buellia rorida Hellb.
- Buellia spuria (Schaer.) Anzi
- Buellia stellulata (Taylor) Mudd
- Buellia subbadioatra (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Byssoloma rotuliforme (Müll.Arg.) R.Sant.
- Byssoloma Trevis.
- Calicium abietinum Pers.
- Calicium adspersum Pers.
- Calicium cryptocroceum Tibell
- Calicium glaucellum Ach.
- Calicium hyperelloides Nyl.
- Calicium Pers.
- Calicium piperatum F.Wilson
- Calicium robustellum Nyl.
- Calicium salicinum Pers.
- Calicium subquercinum Asahina
- Calicium trabinellum (Ach.) Ach.
- Caloplaca acheila Zahlbr.
- Caloplaca allanii Zahlbr.
- Caloplaca amylacea H.Magn.
- Caloplaca blastenioides Zahlbr.
- Caloplaca cinnabarina (Ach.) Zahlbr.
- Caloplaca cinnamomea (Th.Fr.) H.Olivier
- Caloplaca circumlutosa Zahlbr.
- Caloplaca citrina (Hoffm.) Th.Fr.
- Caloplaca cribrosa (Hue) Zahlbr.
- Caloplaca decipiens (Arnold) Blomb. & Forssell
- Caloplaca ferruginea (Huds.) Th.Fr.
- Caloplaca holocarpa (Hoffm.) A.E.Wade
- Caloplaca homologa (Nyl.) Hellb.
- Caloplaca inclinans (Stirt.) Hellb.
- Caloplaca litoralis Zahlbr.
- Caloplaca mooreae D.J.Galloway
- Caloplaca perileuca Zahlbr.
- Caloplaca saxicola (Hoffm.) Nordin
- Caloplaca scarlatina Zahlbr.
- Caloplaca sublobulata (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
- Caloplaca Th.Fr.
- Caloplaca thomsonii Zahlbr.
- Calycidium cuneatum Stirt.
- Calycidium Stirt.
- Candelaria A.Massal.
- Candelaria concolor (Dicks.) Arnold
- Candelariella aurella (Hoffm.) Zahlbr.
- Candelariella Müll.Arg.
- Candelariella vitellina (Hoffm.) Müll.Arg.
- Candelariella xanthostigma (Pers. ex Ach.) Lettau
- Catillaria A.Massal.
- Catillaria bouteillei (Desm.) Zahlbr.
- Catillaria corroborans (Stirt.) Zahlbr.
- Catillaria kelica (Stirt.) Zahlbr.
- Catillaria maculosa (Stirt.) Zahlbr.
- Catillaria melanotropa (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
- Catillaria pulverea (Borrer) Lettau
- Catillaria semipallida (C.Knight) Zahlbr.
- Catillaria spodophana (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
- Catillaria subcarnea (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
- Catillaria sublivens (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
- Catillaria variegata (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
- Catinaria grossa (Pers. ex Nyl.) Vain.
- Catinaria Vain.
- Cetraria Ach.
- Cetraria islandica subsp. antarctica Kärnefelt
- Cetrariastrum Sipman
- Cetrariastrum sorocheilum (Vain.) W.L.Culb. & C.F.Culb.
- Cetrelia braunsiana (Müll.Arg.) W.L.Culb. & C.F.Culb.
- Cetrelia W.L.Culb. & C.F.Culb.
- Chaenotheca (Th.Fr.) Th.Fr.
- Chaenotheca brunneola (Ach.) Müll.Arg.
- Chaenotheca chrysocephala (Turner ex Ach.) Th.Fr.
- Chaenotheca degelii Tibell
- Chaenotheca ferruginea (Turner ex Sm.) Mig.
- Chaenotheca hispidula (Ach.) Zahlbr.
- Chaenotheca stemonea (Ach.) Müll.Arg.
- Chaenotheca trichialis (Ach.) Th.Fr.
- Chaenotheca xyloxena Nádv.
- Chiodecton Ach.
- Chiodecton colensoi (A.Massal.) Müll.Arg.
- Chondropsis Nyl. ex Cromb.
- Chondropsis semiviridis (F.Muell. ex Nyl.) Cromb.
- Chrysothrix candelaris (L.) J.R.Laundon
- Chrysothrix Mont.
- Cladia aggregata (Sw.) Nyl.
- Cladia fuliginosa Filson
- Cladia inflata (F.Wilson) D.J.Galloway
- Cladia Nyl.
- Cladia retipora (Labill.) Nyl.
- Cladia schizopora (Nyl.) Nyl.
- Cladia sullivanii (Müll.Arg.) W.Martin
- Cladina (Nyl.) Nyl.
- Cladina leptoclada (Abbayes) D.J.Galloway
- Cladina mitis (Sandst.) Hustich
- Cladonia anomaea (Ach.) Ahti & P.James
- Cladonia anomaea sensu Galloway
- Cladonia aueri Räsänen
- Cladonia bacillaris Genth.
- Cladonia bellidiflora (Ach.) Schaer.
- Cladonia calycantha sensu GAlloway
- Cladonia campbelliana (Vain.) Gyeln.
- Cladonia capitellata (Hook.f. & Taylor) C.Bab.
- Cladonia carassensis sensu Galloway, D.J.
- Cladonia carassensis Vain.
- Cladonia cervicornis (Ach.) Flot.
- Cladonia cervicornis subsp. verticillata (Hoffm.) Ahti
- Cladonia chlorophaea (Flörke ex Sommerf.) Spreng.
- Cladonia coccifera (L.) Willd.
- Cladonia cornuta sensu Galloway
- Cladonia cornutoradiata sensu auct. N.Z.
- Cladonia crispata (Ach.) Flot.
- Cladonia deformis (L.) Hoffm.
- Cladonia didyma (Fée) Vain.
- Cladonia enantia Nyl.
- Cladonia fimbriata (L.) Fr.
- Cladonia floerkeana (Fr.) Flörke
- Cladonia furcata (Huds.) Schrad.
- Cladonia gracilis subsp. tenerrima Ahti
- Cladonia grayi G.Merr. ex Sandst.
- Cladonia krempelhuberi (Vain.) Zahlbr.
- Cladonia macilenta Hoffm.
- Cladonia merochlorophaea Asahina
- Cladonia murrayi W.Martin
- Cladonia neozelandica Vain.
- Cladonia ochrochlora Flörke
- Cladonia P.Browne
- Cladonia pleurota (Flörke) Schaer.
- Cladonia pocillum (Ach.) O.J.Rich.
- Cladonia pyxidata (L.) Hoffm.
- Cladonia rei Schaer.
- Cladonia rigida (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hampe
- Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nyl.
- Cladonia southlandica W.Martin
- Cladonia squamosa (Scop.) Hoffm.
- Cladonia squamosula Müll.Arg.
- Cladonia subdigitata Nyl.
- Cladonia subulata (L.) F.H.Wigg.
- Cladonia sulphurina (Michx.) Fr.
- Cladonia vulcanica Zoll. & Moritzi
- Clathroporina exocha (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
- Clathroporina Müll.Arg.
- Cliostomum Fr.
- Cliostomum griffithii (Sm.) Coppins
- Coccocarpia erythroxyli (Spreng.) Swinscow & Krog
- Coccocarpia palmicola (Spreng.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway
- Coccocarpia pellita (Ach.) Müll.Arg.
- Coccocarpia Pers.
- Coccotrema cucurbitula (Mont.) Müll.Arg.
- Coccotrema Müll.Arg.
- Coccotrema porinopsis (Nyl.) Imshaug ex Yoshim.
- Coenogonium Ehrenb.
- Coenogonium implexum Nyl.
- Collema crispum (Huds.) Weber ex F.H.Wigg.
- Collema durietzii Degel.
- Collema F.H.Wigg.
- Collema fasciculare (L.) Weber ex F.H.Wigg.
- Collema fasciculare var. colensoi C.Bab.
- Collema fasciculare var. microcarpum (Müll.Arg.) Degel.
- Collema fragrans (Sm.) Ach.
- Collema fragrans var. contiguum (C.Knight & Mitt.) Degel.
- Collema glaucophthalmum Nyl.
- Collema japonicum (Müll.Arg.) Hue
- Collema kauaiense H.Magn.
- Collema laeve Hook.f. & Taylor
- Collema leptaleum Tuck.
- Collema leucocarpum Hook.f. & Taylor
- Collema novozelandicum Degel.
- Collema quadriloculare F.Wilson
- Collema quadriloculare var. tasmaniae F.Wilson
- Collema subconveniens Nyl.
- Collema subflaccidum Degel.
- Collema subfragrans Degel.
- Coniocybe Ach.
- Coniocybe amabilis Tibell
- Coniocybe gracillima Vain.
- Coniocybe sanguinea Tibell
- Cryptolechia A.Massal.
- Cryptolechia myriadella (Nyl.) D.Hawksw. & Dibben
- Cyphelium Ach.
- Cyphelium inquinans (Sm.) Trevis.
- Cystocoleus niger sensu auct.
- Cystocoleus Thwaites
- Degelia Arv. & D.J.Galloway
- Degelia duplomarginata (P.James & Henssen) Arv. & D.J.Galloway
- Degelia durietzii Arv. & D.J.Galloway
- Degelia gayana (Mont.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway
- Dendriscocaulon dendriothamnodes Dughi ex D.J.Galloway
- Dendriscocaulon dendroides (Nyl.) R.Sant. ex H.Magn.
- Dendriscocaulon Nyl.
- Dermatocarpon cinereum (Pers.) Th.Fr.
- Dermatocarpon Eschw.
- Dermatocarpon insigne Zahlbr.
- Dermatocarpon weberi (Ach.) W.Mann
- Dermatocarpon weberi sensu Galloway
- Dictyographa cinerea (C.Knight & Mitt.) Müll.Arg.
- Dictyographa Müll.Arg.
- Dictyonema C.Agardh ex Kunth
- Dictyonema sericeum (Sw.) Berk.
- Dimerella lutea (Dicks.) Trevis.
- Dimerella Trevis.
- Diploicia A.Massal.
- Diploicia canescens (Dicks.) A.Massal.
- Diploschistes cervinus Zahlbr.
- Diploschistes muscorum (Scop.) R.Sant.
- Diploschistes Norman
- Diploschistes scruposus (Schreb.) Norman
- Diplotomma alboatrum (Hoffm.) Flot.
- Diplotomma Flot.
- Dirinaria (Tuck.) Clem.
- Dirinaria applanata (Fée) D.D.Awasthi
- Dirinaria picta (Sw.) Clem. & Shear
- Encephalographa A.Massal.
- Encephalographa otagensis (Linds.) Müll.Arg.
- Enterographa bella R.Sant.
- Enterographa crassa (DC.) Fée
- Enterographa Fée
- Enterographa gelatinosa (Stirt.) Redinger
- Enterographa neozelandica Redinger
- Enterographa subgelatinosa (Stirt.) Redinger
- Ephebe Fr.
- Ephebe fruticosa Henssen
- Ephebe ocellata Henssen
- Erioderma Fée
- Erioderma glaucescens sensu D.J.Galloway
- Erioderma sorediatum D.J.Galloway & P.M.Jørg.
- Fulgensia A.Massal. & De Not.
- Fulgensia fulgens (Sw.) Elenkin
- Fuscidea V.Wirth & Vězda
- Glyphis Ach.
- Glyphis cicatricosa Ach.
- Graphina monospora (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Graphina Müll.Arg.
- Graphina novae-zelandiae (C.Knight) G.C.Hayw.
- Graphina subvelata (Stirt.) Zahlbr.
- Graphis Adans.
- Graphis anfractuosa (Eschw.) Eschw.
- Graphis elegans (Sm.) Ach.
- Graphis inquinata (C.Knight & Mitt.) Hook.f.
- Graphis insidiosa (C.Knight & Mitt.) Hook.f.
- Graphis librata C.Knight
- Graphis tenella Ach.
- Graphis triticea Nyl.
- Gyalidea hyalinescens (Nyl.) Vězda
- Gyalidea lecanorina (C.Knight) P.James
- Gyalidea Lettau ex Vězda
- Gyalideopsis anastomosans P.James & Vězda
- Gyalideopsis Vězda
- Gymnoderma melacarpum (F.Wilson) Yoshim.
- Gymnoderma Nyl.
- Haematomma A.Massal.
- Haematomma babingtonii A.Massal.
- Haematomma hilare Zahlbr.
- Haematomma subpuniceum (Müll.Arg.) B.de Lesd.
- Heterodea Nyl.
- Heterodermia appendiculata (Kurok.) Swinscow & Krog
- Heterodermia japonica (M.Sâto) Swinscow & Krog
- Heterodermia microphylla (Kurok.) Swinscow & Krog
- Heterodermia obscurata (Nyl.) Trevis.
- Heterodermia podocarpa (Bél.) D.D.Awasthi
- Heterodermia speciosa (Wulfen) Trevis.
- Heterodermia Trevis.
- Huilia albocaerulescens (Wulfen) Hertel
- Huilia crustulata (Ach.) Hertel
- Huilia Zahlbr.
- Hyperphyscia adglutinata (Flörke) H.Mayrhofer & Poelt
- Hyperphyscia Müll.Arg.
- Hyperphyscia plinthiza (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
- Hypocenomyce M.Choisy
- Hypocenomyce scalaris (Ach. ex Lilj.) M.Choisy
- Hypogymnia (Nyl.) Nyl.
- Hypogymnia billardierei (Mont.) Filson
- Hypogymnia kosciuskoensis Elix
- Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog
- Hypogymnia lugubris var. compactior (Zahlbr.) Elix
- Hypogymnia lugubris var. sublugubris (Müll.Arg.) Elix
- Hypogymnia mundata (Nyl.) Oxner ex Rass.
- Hypogymnia pulchrilobata (Bitter) Elix
- Hypogymnia pulverata (Nyl. ex Cromb.) Elix
- Hypogymnia subphysodes (Kremp.) Filson
- Hypogymnia subphysodes var. austerodioides Elix
- Hypogymnia turgidula (Bitter) Elix
- Hypotrachyna (Vain.) Hale
- Hypotrachyna costaricensis (Nyl.) Hale
- Hypotrachyna dactylifera (Vain.) Hale
- Hypotrachyna ensifolia (Kurok.) Hale
- Hypotrachyna formosana (Zahlbr.) Hale
- Hypotrachyna laevigata (Sm.) Hale
- Hypotrachyna pseudosinuosa (Asahina) Hale
- Hypotrachyna revoluta (Flörke) Hale
- Hypotrachyna rockii (Zahlbr.) Hale
- Hypotrachyna sinuosa (Sm.) Hale
- Hypotrachyna thysanota (Kurok.) Hale
- Icmadophila ericetorum (L.) Zahlbr.
- Icmadophila Trevis.
- Knightiella Müll.Arg.
- Knightiella splachnirima (Hook.f. & Taylor) Gyeln.
- Lasallia Mérat
- Laurera cumingii (Mont.) Zahlbr.
- Laurera elatior (Stirt.) D.J.Galloway
- Laurera Rchb.
- Lecanactis Körb.
- Lecanactis mecistospora (C.Knight) D.J.Galloway
- Lecanactis pallens Zahlbr.
- Lecanactis redingeri Zahlbr.
- Lecanactis subfarinosa (C.Knight) Hellb.
- Lecanactis totarae Zahlbr.
- Lecania A.Massal.
- Lecania cyrtella (Ach.) Th.Fr.
- Lecania vallata (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
- Lecanora Ach.
- Lecanora allanii Zahlbr.
- Lecanora atra (Huds.) Ach.
- Lecanora blanda Nyl.
- Lecanora broccha Nyl.
- Lecanora campestris (Schaer.) Hue
- Lecanora cyamidia Stirt.
- Lecanora dispersa (Pers.) Sommerf.
- Lecanora fertilissima Zahlbr.
- Lecanora flavopallida Stirt.
- Lecanora polytropa (Ehrh.) Rabenh.
- Lecanora pulvinaris Zahlbr.
- Lecanora rupicola (L.) Zahlbr.
- Lecanora subglaucodea (Kremp.) Zahlbr.
- Lecanora symmicta (Ach.) Ach.
- Lecidea Ach.
- Lecidea allanii Zahlbr.
- Lecidea aucklandica Zahlbr.
- Lecidea blastenoides Zahlbr.
- Lecidea canorufescens Kremp.
- Lecidea cerinocarpa C.Knight
- Lecidea ceroplasta (C.Bab.) Hook.f.
- Lecidea chalybeiza Nyl.
- Lecidea charadrodes Zahlbr.
- Lecidea circumdiluens Nyl.
- Lecidea coccodes C.Knight
- Lecidea confoederata Zahlbr.
- Lecidea conisalea C.Knight
- Lecidea coromandelica Zahlbr.
- Lecidea dacrydii Müll.Arg.
- Lecidea demersa Kremp.
- Lecidea dracophylli Zahlbr.
- Lecidea dunedina Zahlbr.
- Lecidea durietzii H.Magn.
- Lecidea fuscoatrula Nyl.
- Lecidea fuscocincta Stirt.
- Lecidea gallinarum Zahlbr.
- Lecidea hybrida Zahlbr.
- Lecidea imitatrix Zahlbr.
- Lecidea irrubens Zahlbr.
- Lecidea laeta Stirt.
- Lecidea leptocarpa Nyl. ex C.Bab. & Mitt.
- Lecidea miscescens Nyl.
- Lecidea nigratula Müll.Arg.
- Lecidea pahiensis Zahlbr.
- Lecidea psephota Tuck.
- Lecidea schistiseda Zahlbr.
- Lecidea spermogoniata Zahlbr.
- Lecidea sterilis Zahlbr.
- Lecidea subcoarctata C.Knight
- Lecidea subglobulata C.Knight
- Lecidea sublapicida C.Knight
- Lecidea subsericea Zahlbr.
- Lecidea subtenebrosa Nyl.
- Lecidea suprasedens Zahlbr.
- Lecidea tararuensis Zahlbr.
- Lecidea thomsonii Zahlbr.
- Lecidea uliginosa (Schrad.) Ach.
- Lecidea vexillaris Zahlbr.
- Lecidella carpathica Körb.
- Lecidella elaeochroma (Ach.) Hazsl.
- Lecidella Körb.
- Lecidoma demissum (Rutstr.) Gotth.Schneid. & Hertel
- Lecidoma Gotth.Schneid. & Hertel
- Leioderma Nyl.
- Leioderma pycnophorum Nyl.
- Lempholemma Körb.
- Lempholemma pannarinum (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
- Lepraria Ach.
- Lepraria incana (L.) Ach.
- Lepraria neglecta (Nyl.) Lettau
- Leprocaulon arbuscula (Nyl.) Nyl.
- Leprocaulon Nyl.
- Leproplaca (Nyl.) Hue
- Leproplaca chrysodeta (Vain. ex Räsänen) J.R.Laundon
- Leproplaca lutea J.R.Laundon
- Leptogium (Ach.) Gray
- Leptogium azureum sensu Galloway
- Leptogium brebissonii Mont.
- Leptogium burgessii (L.) Mont.
- Leptogium crispatellum Nyl.
- Leptogium cyanescens (Rabenh.) Körb.
- Leptogium laceroides B.de Lesd.
- Leptogium limbatum F.Wilson
- Leptogium menziesii (Ach.) Mont.
- Leptogium plicatile (Ach.) Leight.
- Leptorhaphis beloniza (Stirt.) Hellb.
- Leptorhaphis Körb.
- Lichina C.Agardh
- Lichina confinis (O.F.Müll.) C.Agardh
- Lobaria (Schreb.) Hoffm.
- Lobaria adscripta (Nyl.) Hue
- Lobaria asperula (Stirt.) Yoshim.
- Lobaria dictyophora (Müll.Arg.) D.J.Galloway
- Lobaria retigera (Bory) Trevis.
- Lobaria scrobiculata (Scop.) DC.
- Lopadium Körb.
- Lopadium monosporum (C.Knight) Hellb.
- Lopadium puiggarii (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
- Lopadium subcoerulescens Zahlbr.
- Loxospora cyamidia (Stirt.) Kantvilas
- Maronea A.Massal.
- Maronea constans (Nyl.) Hepp
- Massalongia carnosa (Dicks.) Körb.
- Massalongia Körb.
- Megaloblastenia flavidoatra (Nyl.) Sipman
- Megaloblastenia marginiflexa (Hook.f. & Taylor) Sipman
- Megaloblastenia Sipman
- Megalospora atrorubicans subsp. australis Sipman
- Megalospora bartlettii Sipman
- Megalospora campylospora (Stirt.) Sipman
- Megalospora gompholoma (Müll.Arg.) C.W.Dodge
- Megalospora gompholoma subsp. fuscolineata Sipman
- Megalospora knightii Sipman
- Megalospora Meyen
- Megalospora subtuberculosa (C.Knight) Sipman
- Melampilidium metabolum (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
- Melampilidium Stirt.
- Melanelia calva (Essl.) Essl.
- Melanelia Essl.
- Melanelia glabratuloides (Essl.) Essl.
- Melanelia subglabra (Räsänen) Essl.
- Melanelia zopheroa (Essl.) Essl.
- Melanotheca connivens (Stirt.) Zahlbr.
- Melanotheca Fée
- Melanotheca irregularis Zahlbr.
- Melanotheca ornata Müll.Arg.
- Melanotheca stirtoniana Müll.Arg.
- Melaspilea Nyl.
- Melaspilea subeffigurans (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
- Menegazzia A.Massal.
- Menegazzia aeneofusca (Müll.Arg.) R.Sant.
- Menegazzia aucklandica (Zahlbr.) P.James & D.J.Galloway
- Menegazzia caliginosa P.James & D.J.Galloway
- Menegazzia castanea P.James & D.J.Galloway
- Menegazzia circumsorediata R.Sant.
- Menegazzia dielsii (Hillmann) R.Sant.
- Menegazzia eperforata P.James & D.J.Galloway
- Menegazzia foraminulosa (Kremp.) Bitter
- Menegazzia globulifera R.Sant.
- Menegazzia inflata (Hillmann) P.James & D.J.Galloway
- Menegazzia lucens P.James & D.J.Galloway
- Menegazzia nothofagi (Zahlbr.) P.James & D.J.Galloway
- Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.
- Menegazzia pulchra P.James & D.J.Galloway
- Menegazzia subpertusa P.James & D.J.Galloway
- Menegazzia testacea P.James & D.J.Galloway
- Menegazzia ultralucens P.James & D.J.Galloway
- Micarea Fr.
- Micarea peliocarpa (Anzi) Coppins & R.Sant.
- Microcalicium arenarium (Hampe ex A.Massal.) Tibell
- Microcalicium conversum Tibell
- Microcalicium Vain.
- Microthelia Körb.
- Multiclavula corynoides (Peck) R.H.Petersen
- Multiclavula mucida (Pers.:Fr.) R.H.Petersen
- Multiclavula R.H.Petersen
- Mycoblastus campbellianus (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
- Mycoblastus hypomelinus (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
- Mycoblastus Norman
- Mycomicrothelia Keissl.
- Mycomicrothelia minutissima (C.Knight) D.Hawksw.
- Neofuscelia adpicta (Zahlbr.) Essl.
- Neofuscelia brattii (Essl.) Essl.
- Neofuscelia epheboides (Zahlbr.) Essl.
- Neofuscelia Essl.
- Neofuscelia glabrans (Nyl.) Essl.
- Neofuscelia imitatrix (Taylor) Essl.
- Neofuscelia loxodella (Essl.) Essl.
- Neofuscelia martinii (Essl.) Essl.
- Neofuscelia melanobarbatica (Essl.) Essl.
- Neofuscelia minuta (Essl.) Essl.
- Neofuscelia peloloba (Essl.) Essl.
- Neofuscelia petriseda (Zahlbr.) Essl.
- Neofuscelia pictada (Essl.) Essl.
- Neofuscelia plana (Essl.) Essl.
- Neofuscelia pulla (Ach.) Essl.
- Neofuscelia squamans (Stizenb.) Essl.
- Neofuscelia stygiodes (Nyl.) Essl.
- Neofuscelia subhosseana (Essl.) Essl.
- Neofuscelia verisidiosa (Essl.) Essl.
- Neofuscelia verrucella (Essl.) Essl.
- Neofuscelia waiporiensis (Hillmann) Essl.
- Nephroma Ach.
- Nephroma australe A.Rich.
- Nephroma cellulosum (Ach.) Ach.
- Nephroma helveticum Ach.
- Nephroma lepidophyllum Räsänen ex Gyeln.
- Nephroma lyallii C.Bab.
- Nephroma rufum (C.Bab.) P.James
- Neuropogon acromelanus (Stirt.) I.M.Lamb
- Neuropogon antarcticus (Du Rietz) I.M.Lamb
- Neuropogon ciliatus (Nyl.) Kremp.
- Neuropogon Nees & Flot.
- Neuropogon subcapillaris (D.J.Galloway) D.J.Galloway
- Normandina Nyl.
- Normandina pulchella (Borrer) Nyl.
- Ocellularia G.Mey.
- Ocellularia hians (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
- Ocellularia monosporoides (Nyl.) Hale
- Ochrolechia A.Massal.
- Ochrolechia frigida (Sw.) Lynge
- Ochrolechia pallescens (L.) A.Massal.
- Ochrolechia parella (L.) A.Massal.
- Ochrolechia thelotremoides (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
- Omphalina ericetorum (Pers.:Fr.) M.Lange
- Omphalina luteovitellina (Pilát & Nannf.) M.Lange
- Omphalina Quél.
- Opegrapha Ach.
- Opegrapha agelaeoides Nyl.
- Opegrapha devia (C.Knight & Mitt.) Nyl.
- Opegrapha diaphoriza Nyl.
- Opegrapha intertexta C.Knight
- Opegrapha spodopolia Nyl.
- Opegrapha stellata C.Knight
- Pachyospora A.Massal.
- Pachyospora verrucosa (Ach.) A.Massal.
- Pachyphiale cornea sensu Galloway
- Pachyphiale Lönnr.
- Pannaria crenulata P.M.Jørg.
- Pannaria crustata Stirt.
- Pannaria Delise ex Bory
- Pannaria elatior sensu D.J.Galloway
- Pannaria flexuosa C.Knight
- Pannaria fulvescens (Mont.) Nyl.
- Pannaria gemmascens sensu D.J.Galloway
- Pannaria hookeri (Borrer ex Sm.) Nyl.
- Pannaria immixta Nyl.
- Pannaria periptera C.Knight
- Pannaria subimmixta C.Knight
- Pannoparmelia (Müll.Arg.) Darb.
- Pannoparmelia angustata (Pers.) Zahlbr.
- Pannoparmelia wilsonii (Räsänen) D.J.Galloway
- Parmelia Ach.
- Parmelia cunninghamii Cromb.
- Parmelia erumpens Kurok.
- Parmelia pseudotenuirima Gyeln.
- Parmelia saxatilis (L.) Ach.
- Parmelia signifera Nyl.
- Parmelia sulcata Taylor
- Parmelia tenuirima Hook.f. & Taylor
- Parmelia testacea Stirt.
- Parmeliella amphibola (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Parmeliella apiculata (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Parmeliella duplicata Müll.Arg.
- Parmeliella gymnocheila (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
- Parmeliella mucorina Zahlbr.
- Parmeliella Müll.Arg.
- Parmeliella neozelandica (C.W.Dodge) D.J.Galloway & P.James
- Parmeliella nigrocincta (Mont.) Müll.Arg.
- Parmeliella thysanota (Stirt.) Zahlbr.
- Parmeliella variegata (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
- Parmelina Hale
- Parmelina horrescens (Taylor) Hale
- Parmelina jamesii (Hale) Hale
- Parmelina pruinata (Müll.Arg.) Hale
- Parmelina spumosa (Asahina) Hale
- Parmelina subalbicans (Stirt.) D.J.Galloway
- Parmentaria Fée
- Parmentaria prostrata (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
- Parmentaria pyrenastroides (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Parmotrema A.Massal.
- Parmotrema arnoldii (Du Rietz) Hale
- Parmotrema cetratum (Ach.) Hale
- Parmotrema crinitum (Ach.) M.Choisy
- Parmotrema cristiferum (Taylor) Hale
- Parmotrema dilatatum (Vain.) Hale
- Parmotrema grayanum (Hue) Hale
- Parmotrema lophogenum (Abbayes) Hale
- Parmotrema mellissii (C.W.Dodge) Hale
- Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy
- Parmotrema reticulatum (Taylor) M.Choisy
- Parmotrema subtinctorium (Zahlbr.) Hale
- Parmotrema tinctorum (Despr. ex Nyl.) Hale
- Peltigera dolichorhiza (Nyl.) Nyl.
- Peltigera lepidophora (Vain.) Bitter
- Peltigera membranacea (Ach.) Nyl.
- Peltigera nana Vain.
- Peltigera spuria (Ach.) DC.
- Peltigera subhorizontalis Gyeln.
- Peltigera ulcerata Müll.Arg.
- Peltigera Willd.
- Peltula euploca (Ach.) Ozenda & Clauzade
- Peltula Nyl.
- Peltularia crassa P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway
- Peltularia R.Sant.
- Pertusaria allanii Zahlbr.
- Pertusaria amaurospora Hellb.
- Pertusaria circumcincta Stirt.
- Pertusaria cretacea Müll.Arg.
- Pertusaria dactylina (Ach.) Nyl.
- Pertusaria DC.
- Pertusaria erumpescens Nyl.
- Pertusaria graphica C.Knight
- Pertusaria laevis C.Knight
- Pertusaria lavata Müll.Arg.
- Pertusaria leucodeoides Müll.Arg.
- Pertusaria leucodes C.Knight
- Pertusaria melaleucoides Müll.Arg.
- Pertusaria nothofagi Zahlbr.
- Pertusaria novaezelandiae Szatala
- Pertusaria obvelata Nyl.
- Pertusaria otagoana D.J.Galloway
- Pertusaria perfida Nyl.
- Pertusaria perrimosa Nyl.
- Pertusaria sorodes Stirt.
- Pertusaria subverrucosa Nyl.
- Pertusaria superba Zahlbr.
- Pertusaria theochroa Kremp.
- Pertusaria truncata Kremp.
- Phaeographina arechavaletae Müll.Arg.
- Phaeographina Müll.Arg.
- Phaeographis australiensis Müll.Arg.
- Phaeographis exaltata (Mont. & Bosch) Müll.Arg.
- Phaeographis inusta (Ach.) Müll.Arg.
- Phaeographis Müll.Arg.
- Phaeophyscia endococcinodes (Poelt) Essl.
- Phaeophyscia hispidula (Ach.) Essl.
- Phaeophyscia Moberg
- Phaeophyscia orbicularis (Neck.) Moberg
- Phlyctella Kremp.
- Phlyctella longifera (Nyl.) D.J.Galloway
- Phlyctella megalospora P.James
- Phlyctella oleosa (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
- Phlyctella sordida (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Phlyctella subuncinata (Stirt.) D.J.Galloway
- Phlyctella uncinata (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
- Phyllopsora congregans (Zahlbr.) D.J.Galloway
- Phyllopsora microdactyla (C.Knight) D.J.Galloway
- Phyllopsora Müll.Arg.
- Physcia (Schreb.) Michx.
- Physcia adscendens (Fr.) H.Olivier
- Physcia aipolia (Ehrh. ex Humb.) Fürnr.
- Physcia caesia (Hoffm.) Fürnr.
- Physcia callosa sensu D.J.Galloway
- Physcia stellaris (L.) Nyl.
- Physcia stellaris sensu Galloway
- Physcia tenuisecta Zahlbr.
- Physcia tribacioides Nyl.
- Physconia enteroxantha (Nyl.) Poelt
- Physconia grisea (Lam.) Poelt
- Physconia Poelt
- Physma A.Massal.
- Physma byrsaeum (Ach.) Tuck.
- Physma chilense Hue
- Pilophorus conglomeratus F.Wilson
- Pilophorus Th.Fr.
- Placopsis (Nyl.) Linds.
- Placopsis brevilobata (Zahlbr.) I.M.Lamb
- Placopsis cribellans (Nyl.) Räsänen
- Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds.
- Placopsis gelidioides Du Rietz
- Placopsis illita (C.Knight) I.M.Lamb
- Placopsis lateritioides I.M.Lamb
- Placopsis parellina (Nyl.) I.M.Lamb
- Placopsis parellina f. ampliata I.M.Lamb
- Placopsis parellina f. argillacea (C.Knight) I.M.Lamb
- Placopsis parellina f. microphylla I.M.Lamb
- Placopsis perrugosa (Nyl.) Nyl.
- Placopsis rhodophthalma (Müll.Arg.) Räsänen
- Placopsis salazina I.M.Lamb
- Placopsis subgelida (Nyl.) Nyl.
- Placopsis subparellina Nyl.
- Placopsis trachyderma (Kremp.) P.James
- Placopsis trachyderma var. clavifera (I.M.Lamb) P.James
- Placynthium (Ach.) Gray
- Placynthium nigrum (Huds.) Gray
- Polyblastia A.Massal.
- Polyblastia trachyspora (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Polychidium (Ach.) Gray
- Polychidium contortum Henssen
- Polysporina simplex (Davies) Vězda
- Polysporina Vězda
- Porina Ach.
- Porina albicascens (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
- Porina atrocoerulea Müll.Arg.
- Porina cerina (Zahlbr.) R.Sant.
- Porina chrysophora (Stirt.) R.Sant.
- Porina emiscens (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
- Porina indutula (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
- Porina lamprocarpa (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
- Porina leptaleina (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
- Porina leptosperma Müll.Arg.
- Porina leptostegia (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Porina saxicola (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Porina spilophaena Kremp.
- Porina subsimplicans (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
- Porina tetramera (Malme) R.Sant.
- Porina triblasta Müll.Arg.
- Protoblastenia (Zahlbr.) J.Steiner
- Protoblastenia rupestris (Scop.) J.Steiner
- Pseudephebe M.Choisy
- Pseudephebe minuscula (Nyl. ex Arnold) Brodo & D.Hawksw.
- Pseudephebe pubescens (L.) M.Choisy
- Pseudocyphellaria allanii D.J.Galloway
- Pseudocyphellaria ardesiaca D.J.Galloway
- Pseudocyphellaria aurata (Ach.) Vain.
- Pseudocyphellaria billardierei (Delise) Räsänen
- Pseudocyphellaria carpoloma (Delise) Vain.
- Pseudocyphellaria cinnamomea (A.Rich.) Vain.
- Pseudocyphellaria coerulescens (Mont.) H.Magn.
- Pseudocyphellaria colensoi (C.Bab.) Vain.
- Pseudocyphellaria condensata (Zahlbr.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
- Pseudocyphellaria coriacea (Hook.f. & Taylor) D.J.Galloway & P.James
- Pseudocyphellaria coronata (Müll.Arg.) Malme
- Pseudocyphellaria crassa D.J.Galloway
- Pseudocyphellaria crocata (L.) Vain.
- Pseudocyphellaria degelii D.J.Galloway & P.James
- Pseudocyphellaria delisea sensu Galloway
- Pseudocyphellaria dissimilis (Nyl.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
- Pseudocyphellaria durietzii D.J.Galloway
- Pseudocyphellaria episticta (Nyl.) Vain.
- Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
- Pseudocyphellaria fimbriata D.J.Galloway & P.James
- Pseudocyphellaria fimbriatoides D.J.Galloway & P.James
- Pseudocyphellaria flavicans sensu Galloway
- Pseudocyphellaria fossulata (Dufour) Malme
- Pseudocyphellaria granulata (C.Bab.) Malme
- Pseudocyphellaria gretae D.J.Galloway
- Pseudocyphellaria homoeophylla (Nyl.) C.W.Dodge
- Pseudocyphellaria hookeri (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
- Pseudocyphellaria intricata (Delise) Vain.
- Pseudocyphellaria knightii D.J.Galloway
- Pseudocyphellaria lechleri (Müll.Arg.) Du Rietz
- Pseudocyphellaria lividofusca (Kremp.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
- Pseudocyphellaria maculata D.J.Galloway
- Pseudocyphellaria margaretiae D.J.Galloway
- Pseudocyphellaria montagnei (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
- Pseudocyphellaria murrayi D.J.Galloway
- Pseudocyphellaria neglecta (Müll.Arg.) H.Magn.
- Pseudocyphellaria poculifera (Müll.Arg.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
- Pseudocyphellaria psilophylla (Müll.Arg.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
- Pseudocyphellaria pubescens (Müll.Arg.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
- Pseudocyphellaria rubella (Hook.f. & Taylor) D.J.Galloway & P.James
- Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway
- Pseudocyphellaria sericeofulva D.J.Galloway
- Pseudocyphellaria subvariabilis (Nyl.) Vain.
- Pseudocyphellaria Vain.
- Pseudoparmelia eruptens (Kurok.) Hale
- Pseudoparmelia labrosa (Zahlbr.) Hale
- Pseudoparmelia Lynge
- Pseudoparmelia pseudosorediosa sensu D.J.Galloway
- Pseudoparmelia scotophylla (Kurok.) Hale
- Pseudoparmelia soredians (Nyl.) Hale
- Pseudoparmelia subtiliacea (Nyl.) Hale
- Pseudoparmelia texana (Tuck.) Hale
- Psora decipiens (Hedw.) Hoffm.
- Psora Hoffm.
- Psoroma allorhizum (Nyl.) Hue
- Psoroma araneosum (C.Bab.) Nyl.
- Psoroma asperellum Nyl.
- Psoroma athroophyllum Stirt.
- Psoroma buchananii (C.Knight) Nyl.
- Psoroma caliginosum Stirt.
- Psoroma contextum Stirt.
- Psoroma contortum Müll.Arg.
- Psoroma coralloideum Nyl.
- Psoroma durietzii P.James & Henssen
- Psoroma euphyllum Nyl.
- Psoroma fruticulosum P.James & Henssen
- Psoroma hirsutulum Nyl. ex Cromb.
- Psoroma hypnorum (Vahl) Gray
- Psoroma implexum Stirt.
- Psoroma leprolomum (Nyl.) Räsänen
- Psoroma melanizum Zahlbr.
- Psoroma Michx.
- Psoroma microphyllizans (Nyl.) D.J.Galloway
- Psoroma pallidum Nyl.
- Psoroma patagonicum Malme
- Psoroma pholidotoides (Nyl.) Trevis.
- Psoroma rubromarginatum P.James & Js.Murray
- Psoroma soccatum R.Br. ex Cromb.
- Psoroma sphinctrinum (Mont.) Nyl.
- Psoroma xanthomelanum Nyl.
- Psoromidium aleuroides (Stirt.) D.J.Galloway
- Psoromidium Stirt.
- Psoromidium versicolor (Hook.f. & Taylor) D.J.Galloway
- Punctelia borreri (Sm.) Krog
- Punctelia Krog
- Punctelia rudecta auct. non (Ach.) Krog
- Punctelia subrudecta (Nyl.) Krog
- Pyrenothrix nigra Riddle
- Pyrenothrix Riddle
- Pyrenula Ach.
- Pyrenula crassescens (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
- Pyrenula cyrtospora (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
- Pyrenula dealbata (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Pyrenula deliquescens (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Pyrenula deprimens (C.Knight) D.J.Galloway
- Pyrenula homalisma (C.Knight) D.J.Galloway
- Pyrenula knightiana Müll.Arg.
- Pyrenula moniliformis (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Pyrenula occulta (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Pyrenula pseudonitidella (C.Knight) D.J.Galloway
- Pyxine Fr.
- Pyxine subcinerea Stirt.
- Raciborskiella Höhn.
- Raciborskiella prasina (Müll.Arg.) R.Sant.
- Ramalea cochleata Müll.Arg.
- Ramalea Nyl.
- Ramalina Ach.
- Ramalina arabum auct. non (Dill ex Ach.) Meyen & Flot.
- Ramalina celastri (Spreng.) Krog & Swinscow
- Ramalina geniculata Hook.f. & Taylor
- Ramalina glaucescens Kremp.
- Ramalina inflata (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hook.f. & Taylor
- Ramalina myrioclada Müll.Arg.
- Ramalina pacifica Asahina
- Ramalina peruviana Ach.
- Ramalina pollinaria (Westr.) Ach.
- Ramonia Stizenb.
- Rhizocarpon candidum C.W.Dodge
- Rhizocarpon convexulum Zahlbr.
- Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC.
- Rhizocarpon grande (Flörke) Arnold
- Rhizocarpon lunulatum Zahlbr.
- Rhizocarpon Ramond ex DC.
- Rhizocarpon superficiale (Schaer.) Malme
- Rhizocarpon thomsonii Zahlbr.
- Rhizocarpon viridiatrum (Wulfen) Körb.
- Rinodina (Ach.) Gray
- Rinodina bischoffii (Hepp) A.Massal.
- Rinodina conradii Körb.
- Rinodina corticola (Arnold) Arnold
- Rinodina exigua (Ach.) Gray
- Rinodina gallowayi H.Mayrhofer
- Rinodina gennarii sensu N.Z. auct.
- Rinodina immersa (Körb.) Arnold
- Rinodina jamesii H.Mayrhofer
- Rinodina lecideina H.Mayrhofer & Poelt
- Rinodina murrayi H.Mayrhofer
- Rinodina nigricans H.Mayrhofer
- Rinodina otagensis (Zahlbr.) H.Mayrhofer
- Rinodina peloleuca (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
- Rinodina proprior (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
- Rinodina subtubulata (C.Knight) Zahlbr.
- Rinodina teichophila (Nyl.) Arnold
- Rinodina thiomela (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
- Rinodina tibellii H.Mayrhofer
- Rinodina tubulata (C.Knight) Zahlbr.
- Roccellinastrum Follmann
- Roccellinastrum neglectum Henssen & Vobis
- Sagenidium citrinum Follmann
- Sagenidium molle Stirt.
- Sagenidium Stirt.
- Sarcographa Fée
- Sarcographa intricans (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
- Sarcographa labyrinthica (Ach.) Müll.Arg.
- Schismatomma atratum (Stirt.) Zahlbr.
- Schismatomma Flot. & Körb. ex A.Massal.
- Schismatomma occultum (C.Knight & Mitt.) Zahlbr.
- Schismatomma tumidulum (C.Knight & Mitt.) Zahlbr.
- Siphula complanata (Hook.f. & Taylor) R.Sant.
- Siphula coriacea Nyl.
- Siphula decumbens Nyl.
- Siphula dissoluta Nyl.
- Siphula foliacea D.J.Galloway
- Siphula Fr.
- Siphula fragilis (Hook.f. & Taylor) J.S.Murray
- Siphulastrum mamillatum (Hook.f. & Taylor) D.J.Galloway
- Siphulastrum Müll.Arg.
- Siphulastrum triste Müll.Arg.
- Solorina Ach.
- Solorina crocea (L.) Ach.
- Solorina spongiosa (Sm.) Anzi
- Sphaerophorus imshaugii Ohlsson
- Sphaerophorus insignis Laurer
- Sphaerophorus macrocarpus Ohlsson
- Sphaerophorus microsporus Ohlsson
- Sphaerophorus murrayi Ohlsson
- Sphaerophorus notatus Tibell
- Sphaerophorus patagonicus (C.W.Dodge) Ohlsson
- Sphaerophorus Pers.
- Sphaerophorus ramulifer I.M.Lamb
- Sphaerophorus scrobiculatus (C.Bab.) M.Satô
- Sphaerophorus tener Laurer
- Sphinctrina Fr.
- Sphinctrina tubaeformis A.Massal.
- Spilonema Bornet
- Spilonema dendroides Henssen
- Staurothele fissa (Taylor) Zwackh
- Staurothele humistrata Zahlbr.
- Staurothele Norman
- Steinera polymorpha P.James & Henssen
- Steinera radiata P.James & Henssen
- Steinera radiata subsp. aucklandica P.James & Henssen
- Steinera sorediata P.James & Henssen
- Steinera Zahlbr.
- Stereocaulon argus Hook.f. & Taylor
- Stereocaulon caespitosum Redinger
- Stereocaulon colensoi C.Bab.
- Stereocaulon corticatulum Nyl.
- Stereocaulon fronduliferum I.M.Lamb
- Stereocaulon gregarium Redinger
- Stereocaulon Hoffm.
- Stereocaulon loricatum I.M.Lamb
- Stereocaulon ramulosum Raeusch.
- Stereocaulon trachyphloeum I.M.Lamb
- Stereocaulon vesuvianum Pers.
- Sticta (Schreb.) Ach.
- Sticta babingtonii D.J.Galloway
- Sticta caliginosa D.J.Galloway
- Sticta cinereoglauca Hook.f. & Taylor
- Sticta filix (Sw.) Nyl.
- Sticta fuliginosa (Hoffm.) Ach.
- Sticta lacera (Hook.f. & Taylor) Müll.Arg.
- Sticta latifrons A.Rich.
- Sticta limbata (Sm.) Ach.
- Sticta martinii D.J.Galloway
- Sticta squamata D.J.Galloway
- Sticta subcaperata (Nyl.) Nyl.
- Sticta sublimbata (J.Steiner) Swinscow & Krog
- Strigula elegans (Fée) Müll.Arg.
- Strigula Fr.
- Strigula nitidula Mont.
- Strigula subelegans Vain.
- Tapellaria Müll.Arg.
- Tapellaria phyllophila (Stirt.) R.Sant.
- Teloschistes chrysophthalmus (L.) Th.Fr.
- Teloschistes fasciculatus Hillmann
- Teloschistes flavicans (Sw.) Norman
- Teloschistes Norman
- Teloschistes sieberianus (Laurer) Hillmann
- Teloschistes velifer F.Wilson
- Teloschistes xanthorioides Js.Murray
- Thamnolia Ach. ex Schaer.
- Thamnolia vermicularis (Sw.) Ach. ex Schaer.
- Thamnolia vermicularis var. subuliformis (Ehrh.) Schaer.
- Thelidium A.Massal.
- Thelidium calcareum (C.Knight) Hellb.
- Thelidium maurospilum (Nyl.) Hellb.
- Thelidium neozelandicum Zahlbr.
- Thelotrema Ach.
- Thelotrema circumscriptum C.Knight
- Thelotrema decorticans Müll.Arg.
- Thelotrema farinaceum C.Knight
- Thelotrema lepadinum (Ach.) Ach.
- Thelotrema lepadodes Tuck.
- Thelotrema monosporum Nyl.
- Thelotrema novae-zelandiae Szatala
- Thelotrema obovatum Stirt.
- Thelotrema saxatile C.Knight
- Thelotrema weberi Hale
- Thrombium epigaeum (Pers.) Wallr.
- Thrombium Wallr.
- Thysanophoron stereocauloides (Nyl.) M.Satô
- Thysanophoron Stirt.
- Thysanothecium hookeri Mont. & Berk.
- Thysanothecium Mont. & Berk.
- Thysanothecium scutellatum (Fr.) D.J.Galloway
- Toninia A.Massal.
- Toninia aromatica (Sm.) A.Massal.
- Toninia bullata (Meyen & Flot.) Zahlbr.
- Toninia caeruleonigricans sensu auct. non (Lightf.) Th.Fr.
- Toninia tumidula (Sm.) Zahlbr.
- Trapelia coarctata (Turner ex Sm.) M.Choisy
- Trapelia M.Choisy
- Trapeliopsis colensoi (C.Bab.) Gotth.Schneid.
- Trapeliopsis Hertel & Gotth.Schneid.
- Tremolecia atrata (Ach.) Hertel
- Tremolecia M.Choisy
- Tremotylium Nyl.
- Tremotylium occultum Stirt.
- Tremotylium suboccultum Stirt.
- Trichothelium alboatrum Vain.
- Trichothelium Müll.Arg.
- Trypethelium connivens Stirt.
- Trypethelium phlyctaena Fée
- Trypethelium Spreng.
- Turgidosculum complicatulum (Nyl.) Kohlm. & E.Kohlm.
- Turgidosculum Kohlm. & E.Kohlm.
- Tylothallia pahiensis (Zahlbr.) Hertel and H.Kilias
- Umbilicaria cylindrica (L.) Delise
- Umbilicaria decussata (Vill.) Zahlbr.
- Umbilicaria Hoffm.
- Umbilicaria hyperborea (Ach.) Hoffm.
- Umbilicaria leiocarpa DC.
- Umbilicaria nylanderiana (Zahlbr.) H.Magn.
- Umbilicaria polyphylla (L.) Baumg.
- Umbilicaria propagulifera (Vain.) Llano
- Umbilicaria subaprina Frey
- Umbilicaria subglabra (Nyl.) Harm.
- Umbilicaria vellea (L.) Ach.
- Umbilicaria zahlbruckneri Frey
- Usnea arida Motyka
- Usnea capillacea Motyka
- Usnea contexta Motyka
- Usnea Dill. ex Adans.
- Usnea inermis Motyka
- Usnea maculata Stirt.
- Usnea molliuscula Stirt.
- Usnea oncodes Stirt.
- Usnea pusilla (Räsänen) Räsänen
- Usnea rubicunda Stirt.
- Usnea societatis Vain.
- Usnea tenerior Nyl.
- Usnea torquescens Stirt.
- Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
- Usnea xanthophana sensu Stirt.
- Usnea xanthopoga Nyl.
- Verrucaria adguttata Zahlbr.
- Verrucaria aucklandica Zahlbr.
- Verrucaria baldensis A.Massal.
- Verrucaria durietzii I.M.Lamb
- Verrucaria maura Wahlenb.
- Verrucaria mucosa Wahlenb.
- Verrucaria otagensis Zahlbr.
- Verrucaria Schrad.
- Verrucaria serpuloides I.M.Lamb
- Verrucaria striatula subsp. australis R.Sant.
- Verrucaria submargacea C.Knight
- Xanthoparmelia (Vain.) Hale
- Xanthoparmelia amphixantha (Müll.Arg.) Hale
- Xanthoparmelia australasica D.J.Galloway
- Xanthoparmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.) Hale
- Xanthoparmelia flavescentireagens (Gyeln.) D.J.Galloway
- Xanthoparmelia furcata (Müll.Arg.) Hale
- Xanthoparmelia mexicana (Gyeln.) Hale
- Xanthoparmelia molliuscula (Ach.) Hale
- Xanthoparmelia mougeotina (Nyl.) D.J.Galloway
- Xanthoparmelia notata (Kurok.) Hale
- Xanthoparmelia scabrosa (Taylor) Hale
- Xanthoparmelia subnuda (Kurok.) Hale
- Xanthoparmelia substrigosa (Hale) Hale
- Xanthoparmelia tasmanica (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hale
- Xanthoparmelia thamnoides (Kurok.) Hale
- Xanthoparmelia tinctina (Maheu & A.Gillet) Hale
- Xanthoria (Fr.) Th.Fr.
- Xanthoria elegans (Link) Th.Fr.
- Xanthoria ligulata (Körb.) P.James
- Xanthoria novozelandica Hillmann
- Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th.Fr.
- Xylographa (Fr.) Fr.
- Xylographa perangusta (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
- Xylographa perparvula (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
- Zahlbrucknerella calcarea (Herre) Herre
- Zahlbrucknerella Herre
24 April 2006