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Hypogymnia turgidula (Bitter) Elix

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Hypogymnia turgidula (Bitter) Elix, Brunonia 2: 238 (1980)
Hypogymnia turgidula (Bitter) Elix

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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(Bitter) Elix
Hypogymnia turgidula

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Hypogymnia turgidula (Bitter) Elix

Thallus orbicular or spreading over twigs to 8 cm diam., but generally smaller, lying flat on substrate or with suberect marginal lobes, corticolous or lignicolous. Lobes inflated, hollow, narrow 1-2(-3.5) mm wide, lobes somewhat broader within thallus 2-3(-4.5) mm, repeatedly dichotomously branched, crowded and contiguous, placodioid, rarely developing extended di- or trichotomously branched marginal lobes, divergent at axils and may lack lateral contacts, extended lobes may be digitate and flattened, or subterete and flattened at apices. Upper surface pale grey, shining, smooth, occasionally appearing black-margined through exposure of the lower surface. Medulla relatively thick, white. Lower surface black to brown-black, dull, strongly wrinkled, fading to pale brown or whitish at apices, occasionally with perforations at lobe apices. Apothecia common, small to medium, 1.5-6.5(-10) mm diam., short pedicellate, exciple weakly wrinkled, disc pale to reddish-brown and shining, concave, at maturity becoming darker brown, dull and ± flat, margin entire, narrow. Ascospores ellipsoid, 7-8.5 × 4-5.5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla KC+ red, Pd-. Atranorin, chloroatranorin, physodic, 3-hydroxyphysodic, 2'-O-methylphysodic and alectoronic acids.

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Hypogymnia turgidula (Bitter) Elix
Hypogymnia turgidula (Bitter) Elix
Hypogymnia turgidula (Bitter) Elix
Hypogymnia turgidula (Bitter) Elix
Hypogymnia turgidula (Bitter) Elix
Parmelia turgidula Bitter
Hypogymnia turgidula (Bitter) Elix

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Hypogymnia turgidula (Bitter) Elix
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Hypogymnia turgidula (Bitter) Elix
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Hypogymnia turgidula (Bitter) Elix
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Hypogymnia turgidula (Bitter) Elix
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Hypogymnia turgidula (Bitter) Elix
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Hypogymnia turgidula (Bitter) Elix
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Hypogymnia turgidula (Bitter) Elix
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
25 August 2009
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