Pseudocyphellaria lividofusca (Kremp.) D.J.Galloway & P.James

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Pseudocyphellaria lividofusca (Kremp.) D.J.Galloway & P.James, Lichenologist 12: 300 (1980)
Pseudocyphellaria lividofusca (Kremp.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
D.J.Galloway & P.James
(Kremp.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
Pseudocyphellaria lividofusca
Thallus rather loosely attached, ± orbicular to spreading, 5-10(-15) cm diam. Lobes linear-elongate, 0.5-1.2 cm diam., and 3-6 cm long, margins entire, sinuous, without phyllidia, isidia or soredia. Upper surface dark grey-blue or blackish when wet, pale greyish-fawn when dry and margins suffused red- brown, white, reticulate maculae (×10 lens) and larger algal-free areas conspicuous at margins, shallowly undulate, without soredia or isidia, not reticulate-faveolate, matt or shining, pseudocyphellate. Pseudocyphellae white, minute, punctiform, scattered. Medulla white. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface tomentose to margins, pale whitish or buff at margins, darkening towards centre. Tomentum rather thin, pale to dark brown, silky. Pseudocyphellae white, scattered, prominent, round to irregular, 0.1-1.0 mm diam., with a prominent, slightly raised pale buff, glossy margin, decorticate area excavate, coarsely granular. Apothecia rare (only one seen), marginal, sub-pedicellate 0.8 mm diam., disc concave, red-brown, shining, epruinose, thalline exciple well-developed, pale flesh-coloured, coarsely areolate-scabrid, inflexed, obscuring disc. Ascospores not seen. Chemistry: 7β-acetoxy-hopan-22-ol, and hopane-15α,22-diol (Wilkins and James loc. cit., Code A).
Pseudocyphellaria lividofusca (Kremp.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
Thallus thick, coriaceous, orbicular to spreading, ± loosely attached, 5-10(-15) cm diam. Lobes rounded at apices, ± elongate-flabellate, contiguous to subimbricate, sinuses circular, margins entire, slightly thickened, shallowly notched or incised, sometimes subascendent. Upper surface bright lettuce-green to glaucous-green when wet, suffused brownish-red at apices, pale greyish- green or brownish when dry, undulate or ± plane, smooth, matt or shining, with small, white, punctate to raised white pseudocyphellae. Medulla white. Photobiont green. Lower surface tomentose to margins, pale buff or ochraceous-brown at margins, brown-black centrally. Pseudocyphellae numerous, round to irregular, white with a ± prominent margin. Apothecia sparse to moderate, submarginal, to 6 mm diam., disc concave to plane, red-brown, matt, epruinose, margins thin, pale, crenulate. Ascospores brown, 1-3-septate, 27-37 × 5-7(-10) µm. Chemistry: Two chemodemes. (i): 7β-acetoxyhopane-22- ol and hopane-15α,22-diol (in type). (ii): 15α-acetoxy-22-hydroxyhopan-24-oic acid (±) 15α-22-dihydroxy-24-hopanoic acid. (Dr A.L. Wilkins pers. comm.).
Taxonomic concepts
Pseudocyphellaria knightii D.J.Galloway
Pseudocyphellaria knightii D.J.Galloway
Pseudocyphellaria lividofusca (Kremp.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
Pseudocyphellaria lividofusca (Kremp.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
Pseudocyphellaria lividofusca (Kremp.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
Pseudocyphellaria lividofusca (Kremp.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
Pseudocyphellaria lividofusca (Kremp.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
Pseudocyphellaria lividofusca (Kremp.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
Sticta amphisticta C.Knight
Pseudocyphellaria lividofusca (Kremp.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
Sticta lividofusca Kremp.
Pseudocyphellaria lividofusca (Kremp.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
Pseudocyphellaria lividofusca (Kremp.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Pseudocyphellaria lividofusca (Kremp.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Pseudocyphellaria lividofusca (Kremp.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Pseudocyphellaria lividofusca (Kremp.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Pseudocyphellaria lividofusca (Kremp.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
scientific name
1 January 2000
11 June 2010