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Phlyctella oleosa (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.

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(Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
Phlyctella oleosa

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Phlyctella oleosa (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.

Thallus orbicular to spreading, in patches, 5-10(-15) cm diam. Upper surface smooth or minutely warted or wrinkled, waxy, shining, corticate, ± coriaceous, continuous to markedly areolate-cracked, areolae concave, 0.5-1.5 diam., angular, margins slightly raised, white or dingy cream to whitish-fawn or pale pinkish. Apothecia sparse to frequent, clustered, rarely solitary, semi-immersed in pseudostromata, 1-3 mm diam., rounded to irregular-deformed, disc plane, pale brownish to reddish, densely white-pruinose, rarely blackened and epruinose, margins raised, inflexed, entire to irregularly dentate or crenate, thick, concolorous with thallus or eroded and then red-brown, translucent. Ascospores cylindrical or oblong-ellipsoid, 7-septate, (55-)60-78(-74) × 13-16(-18) µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow → red. Norstictic, ± connorstictic acids.

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Phlyctella oleosa (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
Phlyctella oleosa (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
Phlyctella oleosa (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
Phlyctella oleosa (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
13 May 2010
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