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Dendriscocaulon dendroides (Nyl.) R.Sant. ex H.Magn.

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(Nyl.) R.Sant. ex H.Magn.
invalidly published
Dendriscocaulon dendroides

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Dendriscocaulon dendroides (Nyl.) R.Sant. ex H.Magn.

Thallus erect, to 10 cm or more tall, terete, attached by a strong, root-like holdfast, expanded, coralloid above. Primary branches terete below, basal stalk simple, robust 1-1.5 mm thick and to 4 cm tall, dichotomously or irregularly branching above with small coralloid phyllidia developed at apices. Surface pale fawnish, mottled blue-fawn or leaden grey to grey-black at apices, pale fawnish to dark brown or blackened below, ± glabrous, glossy or matt, wrinkled, grooved or cracked or plane, sometimes with a short, soft, buff pubescene in patches.

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Dendriscocaulon dendroides (Nyl.) R.Sant. ex H.Magn.
Dendriscocaulon dendroides (Nyl.) R.Sant. ex H.Magn.
Dendriscocaulon dendroides (Nyl.) R.Sant. ex H.Magn.
Dendriscocaulon dendroides (Nyl.) R.Sant. ex H.Magn.
Dendriscocaulon dendroides (Nyl.) R.Sant. ex H.Magn.
Dendriscocaulon dendroides (Nyl.) R.Sant. ex H.Magn.
Dendriscocaulon dendroides (Nyl.) R.Sant. ex H.Magn.

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Dendriscocaulon dendroides (Nyl.) R.Sant. ex H.Magn.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Dendriscocaulon dendroides (Nyl.) R.Sant. ex H.Magn.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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The type of "Dendriscocaulon" is now widely accepted as being the cyanobacterial state of the lichen Lobaria amplissima (Scop.) Forss. This has exposed taxonomic problems in the treatment of Southern Hemisphere free-living cyanobacterial states of fungi in the Lobariaceae currently assigned to "Dendriscocaulon" (see Armaleo & Clerc 1991; Jørgensen 1991, 1996b, 1997b, 1998a; Laundon 1995a, 1996; Heiðmarsson et al. 1997; Galloway 2001e; Thomas et al. 2002; Goffinet et al. 2003), where green-algal and cyanobacterial symbioses of the same fungus may show dramatically different morphologies, the green-algal state often being a species of Sticta. Since free-living cyanobacterial states appear to be physiological adaptations of certain lichen-forming fungi (Lobaria, Nephroma, Peltigera, Pseudocyphellaria, Sticta) to low-light, high-humidity habitats, it is not permitted (under the rules of the ICBN) to give separate names to the cyanobacterial states when they are known to form photosymbiodemes with a named green-algal lichen.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
3 April 2018
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