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Usnea tenerior Nyl.

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Usnea tenerior Nyl.
Usnea tenerior Nyl.

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New Zealand
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Usnea tenerior Nyl.
Usnea tenerior

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Usnea tenerior Nyl.

Thallus fruticose, erect to somewhat straggling, 2-3(-5) cm long, rather fine and delicate, entangled, yellow to yellow-white or greenish, matt, distinctly faveolate or indented in basal parts, branching sympodial. Branches 1-1.5 mm wide at base, tapering towards apices, terete, inflated, articulate-cracked at joints, without isidia, soredia, papillae, tubercles or spinules. Apothecia crowded, terminal or subterminal, 2-3 mm diam., disc concave, densely white-pruinose, without ray-like branchlets at margins, or ray-like branchlets sparsely present, short, exciple deeply cupuliform, smooth or wrinkled. Ascospores 10 × 6-7 µm. Chemistry: Norstictic and usnic acids.

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Usnea tenerior Nyl.
Usnea tenerior Nyl.

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Usnea tenerior Nyl.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Usnea tenerior Nyl.
New Zealand
Southland Land District

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Galloway (2007) interpreted Nylander's (1888) "*U. tenerior", that was printed in italics under a bold "Usnea articulata" heading and definitely appears to be part of his entry on his lichen No. 58 entry, as being published at a subspecific rank. Galloway regarded Usnea tenerior as a species name to be published as Usnea tenerior (Nyl.) Hue, Nouv. Archs Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, sér. 3, 2: 272 (1890). Others interpret Nylander's 1888 publication as a species of Usnea. After consideration, I have decided to follow the latter view, although with some misgivings. S. Gibb 11 Sept. 2019.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
11 September 2019
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