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Pseudephebe pubescens (L.) M.Choisy

Scientific name record
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Pseudephebe pubescens (L.) M.Choisy (1930)
Pseudephebe pubescens (L.) M.Choisy

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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(L.) M.Choisy
Pseudephebe pubescens

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Pseudephebe pubescens (L.) M.Choisy

Thallus prostrate, straggling, forming matts, closely attached to substrate, often dying from centre and forming rosettes, to 12 cm broad, rarely exceeding 1 cm in height, branching frequent from base, isotomic-dichotomous, occasionally isotomic-trichotomous, branches often inter-woven, terete to slightly dorsiventrally compressed, to 0.2 mm diam., usually concolorous but sometimes paler at base, cervine brown, dark brown to black, shining or occasionally matt, the whole thallus with a very wiry texture. Apothecia occasional, lateral, thalline exciple concolorous with thallus, smooth, dentate to ciliate marginally, disc matt, greyish-black or brown, plane but becoming convex with age, to 5.5 mm diam. Ascospores 7-12 × 6-8 µm. Pycnidia occasional, on tubercules, particularly frequent near axils, black, to 0.4 mm diam. Conidia 5-7 × 1 µm.

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Alectoria pubescens (L.) R.Howe
Pseudephebe pubescens (L.) M.Choisy
Lichen pubescens L.
Pseudephebe pubescens (L.) M.Choisy
Pseudephebe pubescens (L.) M.Choisy
Pseudephebe pubescens (L.) M.Choisy
Pseudephebe pubescens (L.) M.Choisy
Pseudephebe pubescens (L.) M.Choisy
Pseudephebe pubescens (L.) M.Choisy

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New Zealand
Otago Land District
Pseudephebe pubescens (L.) M.Choisy
Pseudephebe pubescens (L.) M.Choisy
Pseudephebe pubescens (L.) M.Choisy
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Pseudephebe pubescens (L.) M.Choisy
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Pseudephebe pubescens (L.) M.Choisy
New Zealand
Otago Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
3 June 2010
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