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Pseudocyphellaria coerulescens (Mont.) H.Magn.

Scientific name record
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Is NZ relevant
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Pseudocyphellaria coerulescens (Mont.) H.Magn. (1940)
Pseudocyphellaria coerulescens (Mont.) H.Magn.

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New Zealand
Political Region
What was described, with reservations, under this name in Galloway 1985, is now Psuedocyphellaria jamesii.

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(Mont.) H.Magn.
Pseudocyphellaria coerulescens

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Pseudocyphellaria coerulescens (Mont.) H.Magn.

Thallus orbicular to spreading, often rosette-forming, 5-10(-12) cm diam., ± closely attached or often with margins ± free. Lobes rounded, contiguous to imbricate or shallowly laciniate, undulate, margins entire or ± phyllidiate, ± crisped-sinuous, subascendent, variously notched or incised, occasionally with pock-like to ± linear, yellow pseudocyphellae. Phyllidia occasional, small, 0.1-0.6 mm tall, fragile, denticulate to subcoralloid, concolorous with thallus or brownish above, yellow-gold, corticate or decorticate below, marginal, often dense in older parts, rarely laminal. Upper surface dark bluish-purple when wet, pale blue or greyish-fawn when dry, conspicuously maculate (×10 lens) especially at apices and margins of lobes, shining, smooth or shallowly faveolate, without soredia, isidia or pseudocyphellae. Medulla yellow. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface pale yellowish-buff, at margins darkening towards centre, uniformly short-tomentose-pubescent, tomentum pale buff, fine, silky. Pseudocyphellae sparse, yellow, convex, projecting above tomentum, 0.1-0.3(-0.5) mm diam., round to subirregular. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Pulvinic dilactone, pulvinic acid, calycin, and a mixture of stictanes.

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Pseudocyphellaria coerulescens (Mont.) H.Magn.
Pseudocyphellaria coerulescens (Mont.) H.Magn.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region
"Although there are certain differences between New Zealand and South American populations, the name is used here until more coolections allow the true nature of New Zealand populations to be accurately assessed." Galloway 1985

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scientific name
19 April 2006
2 July 2013
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