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Xanthoparmelia amphixantha (Müll.Arg.) Hale

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Xanthoparmelia amphixantha (Müll.Arg.) Hale, Phytologia 28: 486 (1974)
Xanthoparmelia amphixantha (Müll.Arg.) Hale

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New Zealand
Political Region
This name was accepted for New Zealndby Galloway 1985, who stated that the material is better accommodated in Parmelia reptans Kurok, and that the comtination in Xanthoparmelia needs to be made. The combination in Xanthoparmelia is now accepted for New Zealand.

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(Müll.Arg.) Hale
Xanthoparmelia amphixantha

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Xanthoparmelia amphixantha (Müll.Arg.) Hale

Thallus loosely attached, 1-3 cm diam., rosette-forming, lobes convex, 0.5-2 mm wide, subterete towards apices, sublinear-elongate, subdichotomously to irregularly branched, often imbricate, ± separated near margins of thallus, margins entire, apices brown-tipped. Upper surface greenish-yellow, smooth, ± maculate especially at lobe apices, simple or sparingly branched black rhizines, 1-2 mm long, sometimes present, apices of lobes sometimes pseudosorediate, isidia absent. Lower surface brownish to pale yellowish-brown, smooth, often shining, weakly faveolate or subcanaliculate, sparsely to moderately rhizinate. Rhizines black, simple or sparingly branched, 1-3 mm long. Apothecia and pycnidia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K+ red-brown, C-, KC-, Pd+, red. Fumarprotocetraric, succinoprotocetraric and usnic acids. For discussion of chemical variation in related species see Elix [J. Hattori bot. Lab. 52: 411 (1982)].

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Xanthoparmelia amphixantha (Müll.Arg.) Hale
Xanthoparmelia amphixantha (Müll.Arg.) Hale

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Xanthoparmelia amphixantha (Müll.Arg.) Hale
Xanthoparmelia amphixantha (Müll.Arg.) Hale
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District

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scientific name
21 April 2006
13 June 2019
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