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Rinodina thiomela (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.

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Rinodina thiomela (Nyl.) Müll.Arg., Flora 64: 515 (1881)
Rinodina thiomela (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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(Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
Rinodina thiomela

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Thallus bright citrine yellow, areolate-cracked, areolae 0.4-0.8 mm wide and 0.35-0.5 mm thick, rounded to irregular, subconvex, separated by very thin cracks, and closely contiguous to ± dispersed. Apothecia rather sparse, solitary, immersed, 0.3-0.6 mm diam., brown-black, immarginate. Epithecium yellow-brown to 35 µm thick. Hypothecium pale, 50-75 µm thick. Paraphyses strongly conglutinate, apices clavate to 3.5 µm diam. Hymenium colourless 90-100 µm tall. Asci clavate, 75-85 × 20-25 µm. Ascospores 17-21 × 11-14 µm.

Rinodina thiomela (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.

Thallus sulphur-yellow to green-yellow, granular, continuous, rimose-areolate, prothallus blackish, saxicolous. Apothecia cryptolecanorine to lecanorine, innate to adnate or sessile, scattered or frequent and contiguous, to 0.5 mm diam., disc brown-black or black, concave to plane, margins entire, concolorous with thallus. Hymenium 120-150 µm tall, upper parts inspersed. Epihymenium red-brown, with a fine, granular epipsamma. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores of -type, asci often only with with 4-6 spores, torus very thinly developed, 20-34 × 11-17 µm. Chemistry: Zeorin, O-methyl- dichlornorlichexanthone.

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Buellia citrina H.Magn.
Rinodina thiomela (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
Lecanora thiomela Nyl.
Rinodina thiomela (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
Rinodina thiomela (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
Rinodina thiomela (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
Rinodina thiomela (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
Rinodina thiomela (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
Rinodina thiomela (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.

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Rinodina thiomela (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Rinodina thiomela (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Rinodina thiomela (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Rinodina thiomela (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
16 August 2010
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