Cladonia rigida (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hampe

Cladonia rigida (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hampe, Linnaea 28: 216 (1856)
Cladonia rigida (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hampe
Hook.f. & Taylor
(Hook.f. & Taylor) Hampe
Cladonia rigida
Cladonia rigida (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hampe
Primary squamules persistent, large, 1-5 mm diam., thick, coriaceous, olivaceous, tinged brown or yellow-brown above, smooth, glossy, wrinkled, white or buff below, margins knobbly or pectinate or with small, clustered, globose isidia. Podetia arising from upper surface of primary squamules, short, 5-15 mm tall, 0.5-1.5 mm diam., simple, tapering to subulate apices, cups absent, ± conical and tapering, grey-green or ashy, tinged brownish at apices, crowded, corticate olivaceous at base (1-5 mm) grey-brown or pale greenish-white tinged brownish above, densely isidiate, or with whitish, pellucid or cartilaginous patches devoid of isidia. Isidia minute, globose to ± palmate and coralloid. Squamules occasional. Apothecia minute, terminal, dark brown, globose, solitary or ± peltate in clusters of 2-4. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow, Pd+ yellow. Thamnolic and decarboxythamnolic acids.
Primary squamules small, persistent or disappearing, 3-5 mm diam., subpalmately lobed, imbricate, crowded, margins crenate-incised, olivaceous-greyish above, white below, sometimes ± sorediate. Podetia growing from upper surface of primary squamules, 10-20 mm tall, to 1.5 mm diam., terete, simple or bifurcating, tapering towards apices, cupless. Cortex abundantly, finely to coarsely granular and squamulose, squamules isidioid, corticate below, tips often decorticate, free of granules and squamules, greenish-grey to dark greyish. Apothecia small, peltate, terminal, pale brownish. Chemistry: Cortex K+ deep yellow, C-, KC, Pd+, Yellow. Thamnolic acid.
Taxonomic concepts
Cenomyce pyxidata var. rigida (Hook.f. & Taylor) Taylor & Hook.f.
Cladonia rigida (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hampe
Cenomyce rigida Hook.f. & Taylor
Cladonia rigida (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hampe
Cladonia rigida (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hampe
Cladonia rigida (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hampe
Cladonia rigida (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hampe
Cladonia rigida (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hampe
Cladonia rigida (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hampe
Cladonia squamosula Müll.Arg.
Cladonia rigida (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hampe
scientific name
1 January 2000
10 December 2021