Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme

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Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme (1899)
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
- Crocodia cellulifera (Hook.f. & Taylor) Trevis.
- Diphanosticta cellulifera (Hook.f. & Taylor) Clem.
- Lobaria billardierei var. cellulifera (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hellb.
- Pseudocyphellaria cellulifera (Hook.f. & Taylor) Gyeln.
- Pseudocyphellaria condensata (Zahlbr.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
- Pseudocyphellaria fossulata (Dufour) Malme
- Sticta billardierei var. cellulifera (Hook.f. & Taylor) Müll.Arg.
- Sticta cellulifera Hook.f. & Taylor
- Sticta condensata Zahlbr.
- Sticta elatior Stirt.
- Sticta faveolata Delise
- Sticta fossulata var. cellulifera (Hook.f. & Taylor) Nyl.
- Sticta foveolata var. cellulifera (Hook.f. & Taylor) C.Bab.
- Sticta lorifera Stirt.
Thallus ± orbicular to spreading, 8-15(-20) cm diam., ± closely attached. Lobes broad (2-4 cm) at centre, narrow (0.5-1.5 cm) at margins, dichotomously to complexly branched, margins entire, ± thickened, notched, incised or ± minutely lobulate, often with conspicuous, white, punctiform to irregular pseudocyphellae, sometimes ragged uneven and ± subascendent. Upper surface lettuce-green when wet, olive-brown at margins or sometimes ± generally blackened, smooth or very shallowly faveolate-uneven, glossy at margins, smooth, matt centrally. Medulla white. Photobiont green. Lower surface sometimes with a narrow, glabrous, wrinkled marginal zone at lobe apices, ± densely and regularly thick, pale tomentose, whitish buff at margins, darkening to almost black centrally, tomentum thick, felted, pale, white, silky. Pseudocyphellae white, scattered, verruciform, frequent at margins, sparse centrally, 0.1-1.0 mm wide, round to irregular, flat, with a slightly raised margin. Apothecia mainly marginal, occasionally laminal, subpedicellate, disc red-brown, densely white-pruinose, margins pale or whitish, crenate to ± lobulate-roughened, completely covering disc when young, thalline exciple white, granular-verrucose. Ascospores brown-black, ellipsoid-fusiform, polaribilocular, 25-30 × 8-9 µm. Chemistry: Methyl virensate, physciosporin, hopane-6α, 7β,22-triol, two dull grey-green pigments, stictic, norstictic and constictic acids.
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
Thallus ± orbicular to spreading, often forming extensive, entangled clones, loosely attached, to 25 cm diam., or larger. Lobes very variable ± rounded, irregular or linear-laciniate and ± subdichotomously branched, margins entire, often with raised, verruciform, white pseudocyphellae, apices blunt, notched or furcate, often complex-imbricate centrally, ± discrete at margins. Upper surface bright lettuce-green, olive-green to greenish- or yellowish-brown, sometimes superficially blackened, distinctly and regularly reticulate-faveolate, smooth, waxy, without soredia, isidia, phyllidia or pseudocyphellae. Photobiont green. Medulla white. Lower surface bullate, ridged, with a narrow, glabrous marginal zone at apices, ± densely and uniformly tomentose to margins in older lobes, tomentum felted, brown or black, rarely pale buff or whitish. Pseudocyphellae verruciform, raised above tomentum, with a conspicuous, inflated, smooth, fawn or buff, waxy margin, decorticate area flat, small, white or occasionally yellowish. Apothecia marginal and laminal, most commonly developed towards lobe apices, 2-5 mm diam., disc matt, black or dark reddish-brown, concave to convex, often white-pruinose when young, margins pale, whitish or greyish, prominent, inflexed at first, becoming denticulate and excluded with age, thalline exciple pale to red-brown, minutely verrucose-areolate, to white- or brown-tomentose. Ascospores brown, polaribilocular, fusiform-ellipsoid, (20-) 24-33 × 10-14 µm. Chemistry: Hopane-6α,7β,22-triol, methyl virensate, physciosporin, norstictic, constictic and stictic acids (Wilkins and James loc. cit., Code B).
Taxonomic concepts
Crocodia cellulifera (Hook.f. & Taylor) Trevis.
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
Diphanosticta cellulifera (Hook.f. & Taylor) Clem.
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
Lobaria billardierei var. cellulifera (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hellb.
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
Pseudocyphellaria cellulifera (Hook.f. & Taylor) Gyeln.
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
Pseudocyphellaria condensata (Zahlbr.) D.J.Galloway & P.D.James
Pseudocyphellaria condensata (Zahlbr.) D.J.Galloway & P.D.James
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
Pseudocyphellaria fossulata (Dufour) Malme
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
Sticta billardierei var. cellulifera (Hook.f. & Taylor) Müll.Arg.
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
Sticta cellulifera Hook.f. & Taylor
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
Sticta condensata Zahlbr.
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
Sticta elatior Stirt.
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
Sticta faveolata Delise
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
Sticta fossulata var. cellulifera (Hook.f. & Taylor) Nyl.
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
Sticta foveolata var. cellulifera (Hook.f. & Taylor) C.Bab.
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
Sticta lorifera Stirt.
Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Delise) Malme
scientific name
1 January 2000
10 June 2010