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Cladia retipora (Labill.) Nyl.

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(Labill.) Nyl.
Cladia retipora

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Cladia retipora (Labill.) Nyl.

Thallus large, robust, coralloid, in cushions 10-100 cm diam., terricolous or muscicolous. Primary thallus nodular, white, evanescent. Pseudopodetia dying at base, robust or slender, 1.5-5 mm diam., 2-5(-8) cm tall, white, pale greyish or faintly yellowish, often tinged pinkish and/or superficially blackened, pliant and spongy when wet, brittle when dry, cortex continuous, walls uniformly clathrate from base to apex, in 3-8 series forming an even network, perforations 5-11 per cm in each series. Medulla thin, white, arachnoid, loosely filling central canal, at apices of pseudopodetia visible as thin strands (×10 lens). Apothecia minute, black, peltate, crowded on apical branchlets. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow, KC+ yellow, Pd-. Atranorin, rangiformic and usnic acids.

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Cladia retipora (Labill.) Nyl.
Cladia retipora (Labill.) Nyl.
Cladia retipora (Labill.) Nyl.
Cladia retipora (Labill.) Nyl.
Cladia retipora (Labill.) Nyl.

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Cladia retipora (Labill.) Nyl.
[Not available]

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scientific name
1 January 2000
21 May 2019
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