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Psoroma caliginosum Stirt.

Scientific name record
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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Psoroma caliginosum Stirt.
Psoroma caliginosum

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Psoroma caliginosum Stirt.

Thallus squamulose, very closely attached to substrate, in ± rounded or closely spreading patches, 2-10 cm diam., on a fine, black, minutely fibrous, closely attached prothallus which may extend 2-4 mm beyond margins of squamules. Squamules very closely appressed, flattened, smooth, lobate-crenate, rounded and scattered at margins, becoming rosette-shaped 1-2 mm wide, coalescing into a closely attached, ± imbricate mosaic centrally, apices and margins of squamules slightly thickened, ± whitish pubescent, pubescence very short, minute, appearing "frosted", pale greenish, yellow-green to brownish or pale glaucous, matt or ± shining, paler at margins, glossy, smooth. Cephalodia large, lobate-crenate, to 3 mm diam., flattened, placodioid, smooth to ridged-striate, pale blue-grey or blackened to bluish-brown, ± frequent at margins, laminal or marginal on squamules or growing directly on hyphae of prothallus, often concolorous with thallus when dry, with a faint blue-black cast. Apothecia sessile, closely attached to squamules or projecting above, ± central, sparse to numerous, round to irregular, 0.2-1.0 mm diam., margins thick, inrolled, striate-crenate, concolorous with thallus, disc matt, plane, dark brown or black, occasionally with small thalline lobules centrally or disc ± obliterated by concentric rings of thalline tissue, epruinose. Ascospores large, (12-)17-24 × (9-)12-14 µm.

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Psoroma caliginosum Stirt.
Psoroma caliginosum Stirt.
Psoroma caliginosum Stirt.
Psoroma caliginosum Stirt.
Psoroma caliginosum Stirt.

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Psoroma caliginosum Stirt.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Psoroma caliginosum Stirt.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Psoroma caliginosum Stirt.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Psoroma caliginosum Stirt.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Psoroma caliginosum Stirt.
New Zealand
Southland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
15 June 2010
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