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Psoroma sphinctrinum (Mont.) Nyl.

Scientific name record
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(Mont.) Nyl.
Psoroma sphinctrinum

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Psoroma sphinctrinum (Mont.) Nyl.

Thallus foliose-lobate, closely attached, ± rosette-forming, to 20 cm diam., with a black, fibrous prothallus visible at margins. Lobes rather narrow, to 2 mm wide and 6-10 mm long, discrete or imbricate centrally, margins entire, ± narrowly tapering or ± bifurcate at apices, flat or slightly undulating, thickened below. Upper surface bright lettuce-green, becoming cinnamon-brown on storage, smooth, matt, margins slightly darker, shining, epruinose, not scabrid or tomentose, sometimes ± cracked, ± coriaceous. Lower surface pale buff-brown, with dense, buff or brown tomentum and rhizines almost to margins. Cephalodia flattened, placodioid, to 2 mm diam., marginal and laminal, simple, globose at first, becoming wrinkled-plicate. Apothecia frequent, often crowded, sessile or subpedicellate, round to irregular, to 5 mm diam., disc red- brown or orange, often gyrose-etched, darker centrally, often with concentric rings or ridges, epruinose, margins thick, crenulate-striate. Ascospores ellipsoid- fusiform, 11-20 × 8-11 µm.

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Psoroma sphinctrinum (Mont.) Nyl.
Psoroma sphinctrinum (Mont.) Nyl.
Psoroma sphinctrinum (Mont.) Nyl.
Psoroma sphinctrinum (Mont.) Nyl.

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Psoroma sphinctrinum (Mont.) Nyl.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Psoroma sphinctrinum (Mont.) Nyl.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Psoroma sphinctrinum (Mont.) Nyl.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Psoroma sphinctrinum (Mont.) Nyl.
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
24 June 2008
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